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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 8

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuesday, November 18. 1919 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. 8 THIS BABE PEACEFUL SOMETIMES PASO FACES STABBING RESULT OF QUARREL OVER 4JSn WHITE HOUSE IMm "All Cars Stop At The White House" SHE WAS BORN ON ARMISTICE DAY HONS SWALLOW UP PRIEST WHO TOLO OE HORRORS SAY DEALERS PA80'8 armistice day baby, Hose Virginia Fall, la one year ami te week eld today. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

A. fall, 12 N. S'taJhton atreet, and was born at 6 o'clock In the morning, when the peace celebration had gotten well under way. "Shea eful sometime, and sometimes she Isn't," Mr said, but she 'd hostilities long enough to have the accompanying picture made. With 17 Woundt on Body, Victim Refutes to Make "Dying Declaration." Consul Dow Finds That El Paso Man's Brother Was Deported to Germany.

Retailer Selling Small Amount to Regular Patron; Impossible to Get Supplies. Corduroy Robes And for chilly morning nothing answer quite so well as one of these warm, serviceable garments. A big variety for choosing in robe and coat styles, some plain, others embroidered many self trimmed. Narrow and wide wale corduroys, also novelty broad wale robing. In rose, cherry, wistaria, copen, etc.

Early advantageous purchases are responsible for many unusual values at ,95 QK AND 'uu UP TO Second Floor. Luis Portir.o, year old. tabbed an'l seriously wounded erly Monday morning ntar Marrieda avenue anil Martinet street. Aa a remit of th nabbing police are earth I ns for Clauilio Rodrlgues. year old, fcald by Portillo to have been hi assailant.

flortillo declared the two men quarreled over a woman. At the police atatlon It was found that Portillo i' as suffering from 17 stab wound-. In the fac of advhe that to punish his assailant it would lie necea-rary to have "dying declaration" from him. I'ortlllo refund to make one. He was taken to the county hospital.

Police combed the vicinity of Alameda avenue anl Martinet atreet until a late hour Monday morning but were unable tc find trail- of IMriguex. The wounded man was found by Private Leo a military policeman, a he aim making bin rounds He hailed a passing automobile rt which ware O. Newhrough and Nebham, aerv-Ice ear driver, and them to rail police headquarters. Portllld said he Ihed at Rstrelta and l'era alree. An Investigation begun by American Consul A Dow of Juarez has partially cleared up the mystery aurround.

Ing the disappearance of Jamea a Franciscan priest, one of the hundreds swallowed up by the great war In Europe. The Investigation wsa mad at the request of his brother, Jo Sullivan of this city, who fins been engaged for the last few months In th contracting business In Breckenrldge. Texas Hoth were born In Ireland, coming to New York City when they were boy. James was educated for th priesthood. The opining of the war In 114 found lilin In I.ouvalii.

Belgium, where he Is supposed to have been attending the great educational Institutions, Nothing was hoard of him afterward Some month ago Joe asked Mr. Dow to make an Investigation through the American consular service. Mr. Itow took up th matter with the American consul general In Iliueset. The latter asked the burgomaster of Lnuvaln to look Into the matter.

The burgomaster reported that Sullivan had been a rested by the Germans for having told of Hun atrocltlea and bad been deported, presumably to Germany. Nothing has sine been beard from him This Information Mr. Dow has Just forwarded to Mr. Sullivan. Special for Tuesday Only Regular $7.95 and $8.95 Corduroy Rob EJ Paso whojsalers and retailers have not more than a 10 days' aupply of sugar on hand, according to estimates made by local eugar dealers Monday evening.

Continued I effort to obtain sugar shipments from New Orleans and the Pacific coast the past few weelu have met with failure, notwithstanding repeated requests from local wholesalers and Jobbers that shipments ordered long ago be moved If possible. Rome Wholesaler Oat, A few loca' wholesaleri etill have a supply on hand and are selling to the trade In small amounts In order that tney may supply as extensive range of retailer aa possible. Other wholesalers reported Monday evening that they ere entirely out of sugar, either beet or cane. Itetall grocers are selling small amounts to customer; In order to supply regular patrons. One grocery com-riny maintaining a system of retail Mores waa selling eugar in two-pound lots.

Sugar llewl Hanlahed. Leading hotel have banished sugar bowls from the Ubles and have adopted a system similar to that employed under the food administration, giving each patron not to exceed one or two lumps pcr cup of tea or coffee. Candy manufacturing establishments were reported to be fairly well supplied with sugar, sufficient to run a short time. They are facing the same situation, however, as confronts the sugar dealers of the city. No Sugar Hoarding.

When asked tart evening whether he had any complaints as lo unreasonable hoarding of sugar In th city, W. H. Fryer, assistant United States attorney, Mated that he had received none. Local wholesaler have received Inclination that steamers left San Francisco last week for the Hawaiian Islands to transport the annual sugar crop from the Islands to the United states. It will be the first of the coming year, however, before they return, it was said.

Trial of Allen Set for Dec. 1 in 34th 'District Court Portion of 62nd to Leave for Chihuahua; Juarez to Get 57th tal These have long roll collars, In rose, copen, cherry, wistaria, self belts and pockets. Robes make ideal Xmas gifts and thrifty women should select from this grouping; today at $1.00 to $2.00 savings. Second Floor. HERE'S REAL ERIEND OF JAPS! Sergeant James Allen of the Fifth Cavalry was arraigned Monday before Judge D.

Howe In the Thirty-fourth, district court on the charge of murder. pleaded not gulliy, and hi trial vim set fur December 1. Allen said he did not have counsel nor means ol employing an attorney to defend him, and Judge Howe appointed a lawyer to act a counsel. Allen is charged with th murder of Ins wife, (Jrace Candeiarla Allen, at i ir home in Orchard Park Bept ember IS, His wife was shot through the bead and was dead when officers arrived nt the recno of the killing. Allen was In a dangerous condition from wounds received at the same1 time.

Allen was tak. it to me base hospital at Port Hllsa. Upon his discharge from t.ic hospital shout two weeks ago he via formally chained with murder and lil.H iii lbs county Jail Visit Toyland Economy Basement Now Open -Economy Basement WANTS IN" EL PASO VALLEY Colonel Ftaticltico del Arco, commander of the BiXty-second battalion of Infantry at Jon res, will leave Tuesday with part of Ills coirunand for Chihuahua, where be will be stationed. Thc remainder of he battalion win follow later. M.anwhlle the Flfly-scven battalion of Infantry Is being transferred here from Chihuahua, little by little, so ns not to overtax transportation facilities.

Last Sunday HO of the men arrived. One hundred more are expected Tuesday. Whether Ueuttntnl Colonel Genarn Viltareal or Colonel Augitsttn Mom win criniii and the Kitty seventh battalion Is not known positively ns yet. Colonel Mora well known Here, having been In command at Juares prior lo the arrival of lieneral J. 0, Escobar.

callV'em golden egg geeseiNEW SUBSTATIONS, ANNUAL DANCE HEALTH EXHIBIT OF ASSOCIATED CHARITIES OVER NAVY RECRUITING, TO OPEN UP SOON chants would go broke, and our valley would have the appearance of tbu valleys In California, and our own land would sell for what It Is worth, and not for what, we can get for It. Hits at Birth Kate. "It Is nn appalling fact that the birth rale among Americana la not what it should he, and 1 am glad to note that the Japanese a a race are not afraid of their birthrate. If we cannot compete with the Japs 1 for one am willing to throw up the sponge and leave It with Juarez Defenders of Villista Attach Given Decorations I Western Union I I 1 I Telegram i I E. W.

Makes Fine Showing in '19 Ry Accident Drive The El Paso A Southwestern finished the recent railroad accident prevention drive with a total of nine ao cldents to. the 4,447 employes. Th final figures for the drive In tho central western region as received Monday by H. Trimble, safety director of the E. P.

A S. show a re. duction of 64 per cent under the similar drive In 1018. Of the 67 roads, it showed a clean record. During tha 1313 drive there were fatalities and 248 Injuries compared to 12 fatalities and 749 injuries in 1918.

H. A. Adams, regional safety director, expressed himself to Mr. Trimble aa very well satisfied with the result, In that the region has 55,000 mile Of tracks and 1142,557 employe. A protest against any agitation lo keep lajMnnu farmer out of tiie ki Paso valley ba In-n lodged wltb tbe agricultural department of the El faso Clinni-htf of Commerce by M.

Van Every, a farmer of lite lower valley. Is I or Americana. "I want to say that 1 am an American and believe in America for Americana, or those who wish to become Americans." he write, "and hellevo In the uplifting of my own race. Hut when this race ih neneratos ho that ft fears that another race will crowd them to the wall aa farmers, I say move to town and start nn oil company and ell stock to the little yellow fellow while he tills the soil." Mr. Van Every deeares that there Is a great deal of loom for Improvement In the farming methods In the lower valley.

He pmbies th work done by the Jap ncxe In California, saying: l.lkr in California. "Take the out of California and you have killed the goose that lays the El Paso District to Include Silver City, La Veas, Making Total Eight. Rotarians to Hear Benefits of El Paso Federal Employes' Union Promise Best Ball Ever Held. I Show and of Work of Day Man Indicted on Conspiracy Charge Released on Bond 1919 Nov 17 2 P. M.

Soldiers who took part In th battle of Juiiri-B lust June but are statlon'sl now at Villa Ahumuda, 5il miles south of the border, wero last week decorate 1 for th part they took In the combat, II was learned In Juarez Monday. In honor of tho occasion a hulltlght was held and the military baud from Juares, Alfredo Paeheco, director, was Kent to Villa Ahuiiinda, In oonnaetlon with the celebration, tho first pavement in a new public plaza In the town waa laid. The plaza wi donated to the clly council ly CM to, Tex 31 CP 17 I R. L. Boeardu, Trii Bldg.

Arcade, El Paso. Tex. Dividend check 1 0 pet t-nt being prepared. New 1 i Mexico well spudded Arthur P. Eltsgerald.

who has been indicted by the grand Jury on tws 1 cliarres, theft over $50 and conspiracy In commit a felony, was released from the county jail Monday on bond. His I bond on the first charge was fixed at Jl, nan mid on the second at I50n on his i personal recognizance. Kltxgerald Is charged with conspiracy In Bonjunctlon I wllh Harold A. Bartelson and John Sin hwinskl in the theft of a motor car about six weeks ago. The car was tented for a few hours.

The men were at rested In New Mexico the next day. The Associated Charities health exhibit st 225 South Stanton street, closed Monday. It was opened on November 1, and has been visited by hundreds of Interested Mexican families, who have gained many helpful hints In hygiene and clean homes. The principal posters will now be placed on exhibition at the Rotary rooms at the Sheldon hotel At the Thursday luncheon of the club, J. B.

Gwln and Mrs. A. S. Peatrosa will describe the exhibit and tell of its value to the Mexican colony of El Paso. The benefits attained through the children's day nursery, which Is a feature of the Associated Charities work, will also be emphasized.

Mr. Gwln had in the exhibit a picture of one of the day nursery vounasters us nn mi, jaaflMnona welt two thousand, II tio. ritwtl, BOOM. Tourist travel to Juarez Is con-1 ant ly Increasing. This has been noticed by a number of persons and Is eulcilaiill-ated by American Consul I low.

Mon-day 8U tourist penults were verified at the American consulate, as compared In goT' It is about as well lo go if we cgn'1 compete with another race. Perhaps if we whiles, who depend on Mexican labor and our country merchant for a living, were to leave and give a class EASE THE PAINFUL RHEUMATIC TWINGE Sloan's Liniment will bring comforting relief quickly. NEVER breaks faith, Sloan's Liniment doesn't. Just penetrate Without i-llllhiriD- ond Ho G. M.

SI II 1 On account of the great Interest being shown In the navy and In naval aviation, two mora sub-stations are to be added to the El Paso recruiting district, according to announcement Monday by Lieutenant Commander Emll l.ichtensteln, in charge of the district. They will he at Silver City and Eas Vega, N. M. Lieutenant Llchtensloln said that the rnvy department Is to send six more men lo aid In the district recruiting. The first of these arrived Monday In the person of William B.

Owen, rhief water lender. Owen comes from duty on U. 8, New Mexico. When the two new sub-station are opened the total of sub-stations In the district will be raised to eight. The present ones are at Clovis.

Tucumcarl and Roawell. at lli-hee and Clifton. Ariz. Three enlistments wen) reportedvat the local station at 204 Paso street Monday. They were Carl Graham.

We. tumka, blacksmith, second class: Ollle TBomaBon. HIE Myrtle avenue, El Paso, apprentice seaman for electrician ceiieral, and Roy p. Holcombe. Memphis, Tenn apprentice seanian for aviation.

5 C. B. llurlhert. hospital apprentice, first class, who has been attached to the local station for th peat year, will leave Tuesday for the naval hospital at Mare Inland, Cal. One of the most elaborate Thanksgiving dances ever held by the El Paso Federal Employes' union Is being planned for the present season, according to announcements made Monday by officials of the organization.

It will be held Thanksgiving evening at Liberty hall. Alderman W. T. Griffith, who Is general chairman of all committees, declares that he Intends to show guests the time of their lives. Already arrangementa are well under way for the big event, committee have been appointed, many pickets are being sold, and plans for refreshments out of the ordinary have been perfected bv Alderman Sweeney.

A Jazz orchestra has been engaged. The federal employes' organization has a membership of more than 500. among which are many of the pretty girl employed In government work, and they are all going to be there on this occasion. The committees announced to handle the crowds are as follows: Committee William T. Griffith, chairman; George B.

Slater, secre-tary-treaaurer Mrs. William ll. Dent, Clinton Flynn, Mrs. Nora Dawson. Joseph H.

Meyers. Press and Publicity Henry M. Walker, chairman H. Dent. Mrs.

Anna IF USED IN AN OFFICE DORSEY HAS IT Aged Man Who Shot Soldier Sentenced to Five Years in Pen samnlft of the. work heinr done hv Ihn That's th wny things nre litip- peniiig. i in HHxmd dividend fur 11m fitM Dotnpany, i wcilj going down for the Mooted company, llolh mnnageil by Hie Mime men. stm-l, SI. no Par.

Neml Your Order lo I I I I 1 v. 5 SVA hv mm Vis. .2 tmr -mm. external pain and aehe. rheumatic twinges, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, lame, sore, strained muscles, bruises, sprains.

For 38 years it lias gone ahead winning new friends, holding ol 1 ones, strengthening its rpputatlofl as the World's Liniment. Clean, effc. -tive in relieving the aches and pains of men and women, this old family standby can be relied upon to do Its work promptly and surely. Don't a bottle another day keep it handy. All Druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.

a Is, Kern i i nursery. Story of "Smiling Joe." A year ago this boy was brought Into tbe baby's clinic by his mother, and when he was examined by the doctor, the mother was told that he had tubercular The little boy waa little more than skin and bones at that time, and did not look as If he could live. His mother works during the day, so the kiddie was placed in the children's day nursery, where the Associated Charities have often aa many a 60 children a day. Ho has been kept thero a year now and his Improvement has been verv n.

Allen, found guilty of assault with Intent Mo commit murder, was sentenced Monday afternoon by Federal Judge Smith lo five yelir In the penitentiary at Ijeavenworth, Kan. The Jury found Allen guilty of ehcotlng Sergeant Charles Kuetbe of Fort Bliss. I'arliton fliorge, a soldier. Indicted with John J. Fallon on a charge of Staallnt government property from Fort llllss, was sentenced to B0 days In the county Jail.

In the trial of Fallon last vverk the Jury failed to agree. LITHOGRAPHERS OFFICE FURNITURE I R. L. Bogardus 1 Company 1 Trut Btd(, Arcade I I I. PASO, TWXM I UILOINO is s'ts.

DALLAS Irregular bowel movements lead to rhrnnlr constipation and a constipated Imhll fills the system with Impurities. HKIlMNK Is a great bowel regulator. purifies th system, vitalizes the blood and puts Hie tligeMlvc organs In fine vigorous condlllon. Sold by all druggists. THE BUSINESS MAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE Tea was ilr: la Ion cultivated In China 5700 the Christian era Moroney, Mrs.

Graydon Crawford. Beceptlon Committee Mrs. H. Dent, chairman Mrs. Florence Brown.

Mr. Jessie Mariner. Mrs. Mary Steele, Mrs. Hazel Streeter, Miss Hasel Spence, Henry M.

Walker, C. E. Fllcklnger. Ashley T. Reed, H.

L. Holder. Dorothy Bishop, Mildred Llndauer. Arrangement Committee Cllffotd A. Pcrkin.

chairman; Mrs. Francis Bus-ley, Mrs. Nora Dawson, Robert L. Blades, T. W.

Parry, E. A. Plowman. Finance. Committee Russell B.

Mathews, chairman George E. Schick, George B. Slater. Hat and Wraps Clinton Flynn. chairman J.

F. Benrman, C. Stahell. Decorations Harry Ellis. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the federal employes' organization will be held Tuesday In th Moose lodge room over :09 1- Texas street, at which a large class of candldatea for membership will be Initiated and further reports from the various committees on the big ball will be had.

TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT Texas Petroleum go, off the market. We have told you as best we could of this sensational stock of its wonderful acreage of the small capitalization and the big, successful men back of it. Now it's up to you. To you, our friends, who had the foresight to buy ROSCOE PRIZE FACE POWDER For Six Complexion Dark and Fair A Quality So Rare IT STICKS VI OVEU slow, but the doctor thinks that he will entirely recover. He la ao cheerful that the matron of the nursery ha named him "Smiling Joe." Mr.

Gwln also tells the following story to illustrate the nursery work: Nursery Aids Mather. "A.Mexican mother applied for a post-tlon for her 15-year-old girl to remain out of school and work. The girl waa small for her age and was ry much In need of more schooling. The county Judge asked the Associated Charities to take th family under their care. At that time there were four children In the family and only the mother to care for them.

Their father had died of Influenza during tho epidemic here. The mother was in good nealth, but couldn't work because the children needed her attention. "Arrangements were made at once for the three younger children to be put In the nursery, and Maria, the 15-year-old girl, was told that alio could go back to school. Tho mother now lias a position, and each morning she brings the three children to the nurery, leaving them there about 7 and at 5:30 each day ahe calls for them. "The nursery children plsy out In the back yard among the sand piles and are given three good meal during th day.

and the smaller onea have their regular 1 9 TEXAS PE ROLEUM Mexican General Visits Presidio; Sees Account of is Death Dll. A. OHTXrjtt. Successor UNION PAINLESS DENTISTS morning hath and clean clothing." We congratulate you and we sincerely believe that you will make a lot of money on your investment. For you people who have waited until the eleventh hour we have a few shares reserved, but you will have to get busy with the wires to get it.

You can wire at our expense, but if you can't hurry, better save your time. onus to. Robert Wllon was fined $10 Monday morning by Police Judge Pollock on a charge of drunkenness and using abusive language to a customs Inspector at the Santa Fe street bridge. The inspector appeared as a witness against him. -'06', Me.

Mesa Rr-l Seniors: besl materials: ill work guaranteed, llur work I larely rnuallrri-and oner eserllrd a nn- ini ihnds. Hi JSM Cbailsa This WMIt Crg.s UM fl 11 mm tMtk II 00 ot IMI 17 in ui ady Atteadsn'. i 290. se llabl F.spaool Southwest Investment Co. General Joaquin Amaro, commander the Seventy-seventh regiment of exican cavalry, yesterday made an In-rmal visit to Presidio, Texas, accord-g to i advices received here, General muro conferred with Captain Arthur arper.

commanding officer at Pre-dio. Th Mexican general was accom-inied by General Isldro Cardona. sloncl Martin Salaa and Colonel axlmlllano Torre of the OJInag. gar-son. While In Presidio General maro was hown a recent copy of a oanlah-tanguage newspaper publhhed i (II Paso, In which he was reported lied In a recent battle with Villa reb-s at Ssnta Rosalia, Chihuahua.

E. liANK, Mgr. 3. I I nn-. Southwest Imouitont Company, 111 I -1 Oregon El Paso, Icias.

ItMwrie ahnrrs Tcia Petroleum at 11.00, llrmlllniii'c In mini Sigurd ullcvt. VtilrcM Tot MSI I IN JAIL. Four Americans were held In the Juares Jail Monday on charges of drunkenness. All four had one-day tourist permit. icensed linger I I I 1 N.

Ill-gnu SI. Member I I Pno Stock I tchangf HMN 25S8 KI I'ami, Tt'xu Carpet Cleaned Like New, Ctrepl the worn plaers. II will pay you in Intritigat our method. WILSON-MILLICAN, The Best enrr. Wail ttn.

Hernial bowels when Ihey fall to I moie properly. HtltlU.M. Is an admirihle bowel regulator. II helps th liver and stomarh and restores fine reeling of strenrth and buoyancy. Sold by all drur glstl.

Adr. 1 Arrived wen You Come HOME Hold Tour Baggage Chacka for LONGWELU Tel. No. 1,.

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