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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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'BARGAINING FOR YAMS. Mrs. Hawthorno Marketing 1 9 x. Every at nine in the morning horses hitehed to a covered buggy are brought to our el r. It i baskets nre (1 i behind nnd a small bag containing a handful of small (very siaallj change hangs at my belt.

A sun and a wrap atv put in. and we go. followed "by slioitU from tho children hanging over tin- rail to remember the the eamiy. the slate pencils or the they have beer, wanting -i. 1 las'.

I i mill- more the road on a level rtninil the pro- tions, some of which ive Imow by experience to be not Ijclf bud. Sow emerge from the cool the ardent sunshine ol tiie as h. plaee as mortal ever stepped ia'-o. of women in bright print drosses. the effect of which at a little distaucu in the sunlight, many children.

and men. thronff the spaoe till inovc- inent becomes A asmilins 1 black face whitu jacket, stands about wherever lie can find room. JJc-ru and there donkey is through the press by its owner, two heavily loaded panniers on its stout little back. Everybody is chattering in a high laughing. pushing 1 gesticulating: many of the women bear on tlieL- heads huge wooden trays heaped with produce for sale or just purchased.

Out of sight until yot) stumble over them are the vendors squatting on the ground amidst heaps of yams, sweet potatoes, plantains, cocos, cocoanuts, chochos, cabbages and sueh fruits as are in season, maniocs, genips, chori- moyas. oranges, pomegranates, swoet- sops. bananas. The yams are great dark brown roots eight inches in diara-" eter and two or three feet long; the hairy arc also dark brown roots, but more like sweet potatoes. These arc usually sold by men.

Tho ehoeho is a pretty vegetable of light green or cream white hue, as big as two lists. it is time to go home. norses are vratered. the horse-boy fed. our marketing woman gets pence, purchases are loaded into tli-.

1 bnggy aad set oiT up the long hill iu the brilliant sunshine. Cut. this Coupon Out. IPs Worth We DESERVED Pollilcal DEFEAT. jecting of the hills.

l''ew linnyos ajipear; high upfn the hillsides r.tands an c.ibiki an almost perper.dici:l::i- pnth, rod amidst the dense mounting up to it. licside each, by of lightning-rod, toivors a tall cocoa palm, iilaritcd for this purpose only, for tlie nuts do not mature at height, over two thousand feet. Ten after starting are Till-: Iir.OU'XSTONK MAJSKET HOUSK. pear-shaped, but, ribbed like a raus.k- melon, and luiiry. They arc of the squash find encumber family, and taste like vegetable marrow.

Plantains larger than the average banana, and of slightly diliercnt tinge of yellow; but so much like them in appearance yon know the two apart rather by instinct, than spccilication. Plantains cannot be eaten raw like bananas, but whirling through the little village of shops, acouplo'O'f cabins, a school house and aeluipel. The children arc at school, and we hear the roar of voices chanting recitations and liave a glimpse, of rows of benches with brown faces. At one placc a large, cattle pen occupies some thousands acres fur below, and j-et at our feet; the tall grass of tho pastures looks like the finest popped lawn: cattle like mushrooms; tho great house stands on an island knoll, commanding on one side the sea, and monarch of all it surveys Ori tho other. Jamaica; cvou casiotial to nv.iU obviate them.

our road, Cattle, ranches pay in the deaths duo to oc- lit cost less than it ponds to road joins the main smooth and hard. And bot'nre this brings us to Krown- stone, lying in its little valley, the 'houses ol from iiin'ulst a mass 'of silk cottons and trees ot' tin- sort. We draw up r-arlce'. house steps, in a narrow are firmer and better than, the latter when cooked. They cost five times what bananas do, and are rather scarce hero; we usually buy out the whole snpplj'in the market; and all the eggs go into our basket also.

Heaps of mangoes, brilliant yellow, red and green, are here; small, but excellent, pineapples, g-enips small branches tipped with a round green fruit with a skin that cracks when you bite it and comes off, revealing soft, orange-colored pulp clinging to a large stone, and tasting something like grapes. Otaheite apples, pear-shaped, bright yellow and red, with a clear, white pulp, crisp, sweet and ackees, used as a vegetable, also bivvlii rod and yellow, opening On the tr.v to show thu big, black seed within, is poisonous. Salt lish r.nd ackees arc a favorite dish with the peasantry. examine critically the piles of yam, select the best and say to dealer: "Three shillings' them up." The phrase means that he is to malic them up in shilling piles, four or five pieces, according to in BU1-1NO YAMS. in the tower tells a hcrl P- alley; the big clock we are on time.

Baskets are taken out nnd handed to a robust colored We alight nnd the buggy is token to a shady spot hard by to await our return. Tho market house proper is a largo roof on pillars, rising from, a high stoac foundation: in rauks upon its cement floor arc the booths or stalls where xacoi, bread, ginger r.le and the like are ca sale. This covered place is seldom crowded, but adjoining it O'u the right is a. wnlled hieiosure for the accommodation of tho name given to yams, potatoes, fruits and all green stuff. are the only white folks who conic to market; the others send servants, but we like the drive and the humors of tho scene.

The "quality" in Jamaica will do nothing for themselves that they can get done for them. deeding nothing ia the wo pass through, with a glance at the jrin- jrcrbvend, the pretty, white bread loaves, and the various prepara- This having been done, wC regard the heaps out an inferior piece that he has slipped in, and replace it by a better, shake our head and look discontented; he adds another piece, perhaps, and finally, after much hesitation, we take or reject the bargain as tho case may'be. i.s bought iu this way. though yams arc only sold by the shilling's worth, A quatty (a penny) is the usual price of a pile of mangoes, genips or chochos; the price is the quantity varies. Another measure of price is the farthings, and you to make your own additions.

"That's a quatty nnd a gill, missy," and, there being BO such coins, you pay. two pence fnrthiug. Si.x j'-'uec and is. of course, seven pence penny. A "bit" is another imaginary coin, and represents four pence ha' penny; while a "tup" means not two pence but two gills.

No coin larger than a shilling is ever seen in market, is hard to find. Trick to Covtir a To speai; of the U'ilsoa resolution which was defeated in the house as io any sense a bond bill has been a fraud. If passed, it would have authorized onlv a limited issue of bonds to a particular firm or syndicate, and to no other buyers, and it was never intended that it should be passed. It was in no respect a decent or honorable attempt to meet a grave national diiS- culty. The ten days' option criveu the bond syndicate, everyone knew, would expire February IS, and the resolution i could not possibly apply to anything except the transaction with that particular syndicate, nor to that transaction except during 1 the time stipulated.

Both parties to that contract knew absolutely, when it was made and down to the final vote in the house, that the resolution could not have any effect whatever, because it could not be even considered in the senate within the time named. Had it passed the house when the vote was reached, every member of both houses knew that it could not have reached a vote in the senate, It was little short of an insuli; to representatives of tho people. Palpably offered only as a political trick, to cover a transaction which neither party in either house would have approved, it met the condemnation of a larger majority than has been cast against other, and in some respects more objectionable, measures offered by the administration. "Arc we not all patriot? to-day, and compelled to uphold the credit of our government?" Why, of course. If any inquirer has honest doubt about that, let him look back over the record of thirty-four years, nnd observe how the republican party has upheld the credit and 1,1 io currency of the nation in every emergency.

Men forgotten the lessons they learned in infant school, or should have they do nut km.nv that republicans will do as much ami go ns far as anybody else to insure a sound currency and Ihu honor of the country. "If that is so," men ask, "why do republicans refuse to vote for the various bond bills the president has proposed?" Jlen and brethren, it will pay you to be a little honest in this matter. President Cleveland never yet proposed a. simple bond bill without some sort, of attempt to-buy the favor of wildcat-bank men, or greenback- haters, or silver fanatics, in the very sumo. bilj.

Into every "bill that he has offered he has persisted in putting ruinous or dishonorable conditions. Doing this persistently to satisfy the worst elements of his own party, he. all the time complains that republicans will not swallow his nauseous and dangerous doses. Had he tried just once a naked bill authorizing the issue of gold bonds, solely to protect public credit, he knows well that republicans would have voted for it, but scarcely any democrats. It is time that this contemptible attempt' to make capital for the party out of the necessities of the country should cease.

Journalists and public men have engaged in it whose eminent fitness for more decent things makes it merely disreputable for them. Tho president knows right well, as his friends know, that lie has all the time taken pains to incorporate in his financial measures various provisions which republicans could not approve. More than a month was wasted by the president and his secretary of the treasury in trying to water the democratic scheme for wildcat banks into and growth. Had lie proposed, in place of that measure, any sueh bill as he and his friends profess to want passed, it would have passed long ngo. either do republicans believe in retiring the greenbacks, for no better purpose than to enable bankers to control a greater share of the currency.

Yet the president wasted weeks more in. a zealous endeavor to force a measure of that sort through tho house. Even less excusable was the attempt to force small silver notes into the hands the working people, in of the notes redeemable iu gold. Had the proposal for a gold bond come alone, and at any time vi'hen there was a ghost of a chance that it could pass, it would have deserved and received serious attention. It did not suit the president's plans to offer it in that way or at any sueh.

time, and he has his reward. After he had been driven out of every other financial proposal he had made, there came this shabby trick, a proposal to ratify the contract made with foreign bankers, and yet at a time when it was certain that three per cent, bonds could not be legalized. Thus by majorities of both parties in congress it was beaten, and with it every plan of a financial character which this administration has yet Y. Tribune. LIVING FOR SOMETHING.

DR- PENETRATING OIL. yot UbeumntlMn, Neuralgia, Hwuiacnp, Sj Stiff Joints. Lnme Buck. Eurachp, Son' Throat or any 'ere Pains. We 'guarantee Us 1 AC r'i OI1NM.

JOHNSTON'S Dratf Olilo yor la tan- si Strains, i Sevi ijjj action. A "OLD Tho Constitution Almost a Century Olil. Tiie famous frigate "Constitution," often known as "Old Ironsides," was launched September 20, L707. and therefore lacks only two years of being a century old. She is, says St.

Nicholas, the. most famous ship in the history of the United States, and in her renown rivals the celebrated linc-of-battle ship "Victory," Lord Nelson's Hug-ship at the battle of Trafalgar. She has been, indeed, whal is called a. lucky She never lost a Jbattle, she never i'eL! into the hands of tlie enemy, and she never was disabled by storm. Many narrow escapes she has had in her lung and pro.vvrous career, out TUK CO.VS'l'ITL'TIO^.

SivM.N 1 TO-DAV IN XAVV of all her Like the constitution of the United States, after which sill; was named, she lia.s withstood" every danger that, threatened, and is a fitting type of the ship of stute. Of course, during her seventy-live years of active service the "Constitution'' oiten needed to be repaired. Hut although the material in her has been often replaced, she always continued the snme ship, just a.s the human body is the same, body of the same person, though Ms substance, is constantly changing. Iu it was decided that the good frigate "Cousl.itr.iJen" would hardly warrant tho cost of repairs, especially when the nature of modern naval warfare was considered. She was condemned, about to be broken up wben Oliver Wendell Holmes' famous odo appoarod, beginning: "Ay.

tear her tailored ensign The poet shamed congress, and it was decided to repair once more the old warship. She several cruises after that, and ouce carried a load of wheat to the starving poor of Ireland. On that voyage she went ashore, and being "Ul. there was every reason why she shield have lot'l hor bones on the coast: but. with m-ual good luck, the "Constitution" oi" without serious damage nnd returned to hor native land.

i l.Jut a day came nt hist when no for senti- i Every One Shouhl Have £orae Object in lllle. Xothinir within the realm of the. possible can the man or woman who is intelligently and determinedly beet on success. A great action is- always preceded by great purpose. Liistory and daily life are full of examples to show us i hut the measure oJ human has always been Proportioned to the amount of human daring and doing.

1: not always, yet at least often. attempt is all the wedge that splits its kaof.v way "betwixt the impossible and possible." Vi'hat can be done and is worth doing should be done with dispatch, leavin the worthless things TO those who idle and loiter along the walks of life. Every man and every woman has an assignment in the duties and responsibilities of daily life. To live for something involves tlie necessity of nn intelligent and definiio plan of action. "Life was Jcnt for noble duties, not for selfishness: not to be wilod away for aimless dreams, but to improve ourselves and serve mankind," More than splendid dreaming, or even magniliccut is necessary to success in the objects and ambitions of life.

Those who have made money, acquired learning, won fame or wielded power in the world have always, in every age and among all people, done so by embodying a weil-dctined in earnest, living action. The that thousands fail in their work in life is tho want of a specific plan in laying out their energies: they work for nothing because there arc no orderly or harmonious results possible to their mode of action, tlu-n; are of a certainty, but tlie means are not adjusted to the end. honee the opposite of success ensues: the proclaims the nature aud the seed sown. "Ye not grow tigs on thistles." It the law. Living for somotiiinc 1 (k 1 finite and taking hoid of with a method and a wiii, eoiupeK them to vieKi treasures.

thus become the ministers of unr own and that of others. The great high road of human welfare, iie- alonir the path of steadfast und systematic well doing. They who nre most persistent iu energy and eil'ort in the right direction, and work in the truest spirit, will inv.iruiblv bo more sneccssful. This, too. is the law, in which "there is no variableness nor shadow of Hoston liudget.

MISTAKtN Di-tuctivos lili'lit. lit Mn'l; Detectives when they attend social functions in a professional capacity, dress for the occasion. At an afternoon reception they wear frock coats, and evening clothes at one at night. The men who do this sort of work arc generally for their unpolieemnniiki; appearance. The result is that they are mirtnken for guests even, more often than tho.

waiters are. for they are not, obliged to have shaven faces to prevent such blunders. A iilory is told a brido who found time to notice that a well-appearing man nt her reception seemed to know no one. In her happiness she pitied "nis lon.liness. and gotny up to him proposed to iutrOiiuco him to some adjacent pretty girls.

The man became embarrassed, and something which she did nd. understand. She was about taking arm to lead him up Io one of Uie pretty her husband said: "Li.r.isa. what are you That's tho defective!" When hiughod mistake, the bride of the Never Fading Beauty I be yours if yoa your complexion proper care, brings no wrin" to the woman who 'uses Empress Josephine FACE BLEACH This prepaiaSoa docs not give a appearance as the name "Bleach" would imply, but keeps the skin as soft velvet and as pure ns cream. There's no experiment in a trial of Empress Josephine.

For thousands of ladies £ave been retaining beauty by its Wrinkles Yellow Sallowor Innamed Skins Freckles Pimples Tan Sunburn Eczema.etc You're cured or you get yoor money back. HOLD EVERYWHERE. MIITIVE REMEDY FOI THEM SOYAL hOK GUtSTS. roilripiniMi i'i old wiJl recover by JllCVI It ous- HPSK, Loi-t Jiu Olu-y. JiiuissionK.

Slciiiory. VastiiiK Ulseiuiefi.ind I'fffcts of or Indiscretion, which unfits or or inarriaco. It not only rnivM Mu 1 cm disease, but ly 3 loiiK-- liuiUifr. brini- b.v-k ilio piiitc pi.nv to olcs 1 storing thd flro jc on 1 ami Consimi)itiiiii. liavini! It can bo in By St.

00 cr lv Tor :S6.00, with pocl- Lix-o or refund the money. iiOYAL 00.. CHICAGO, ILL. H. F.

KceslliiK, DruRRlst, further repairs would avail urnment. which pays 1 mi-nt. would spend to keep up afterward for her in jnstificaiioil rtoctivo ood deal more tlinn mostol' the men V. Sun. a to the priory of our brave and much "0, it was just was heard saying as the motor's hum subsided.

''Didshe make such alovcly corpbc?" asked the other jjirl, and all the women in the car pulled their cloaks away -from their ears. "0, no; it wasn't that," said the first ffirl with a little dry sob. "Even tboug-h tve oughtn't to say anything but good of those gone before. I can't stand to sa3 that she ever did look lovely. But the waj' it was arranged was the touching thing.

You know those four young men she was engaged ttb last summer? Well, by Iier special request uiey all acted as pall-bearers. 0, it was too lovely for anything, though I wouldn't do such a tiling to save my' life." "I don't see how you could," said tb.e other girl, and' the car rolled on, wliiie a small boy trying to steal a ride rolled Journal. navy awr.ith: the govorniivrit her It should not be broken her old timbers v.v she should be allowed to but not her trim masts spars. if still a living oi' our naval pride. Xo; they would not her up.

but, they send her into obscure exiie, where few could see her and where she would soon be forgotten and gradually wear away. Sometimes I thiuk it would have been nobler to take the old frigate out to sea. and. piej'cmg her s5des with a volley of guns, let her sink into the bosom of the element which had borne her proud form to so rnnay victories. your boys life in GUKAl RCKCCY nn; AUOVC tOHhrnnlrcn 111 l.J-Jii- vjcor und iv uuLHUrcly in tilx lor by riUicr, rciinh Hole for of INI) worUinir I've got three feiiors t' work it.

but poor iJits v.v are they from?" men 't siurved out in tbe 1'Iain Heiiler. and sheep fatten better in company than when kept alone. Churchill's Incrodaetlon to Shalccspcnre. Among the anecdotes of Lord Randolph Churchill there is one which belongs to an early period of his education. In 1S77 Lord Randolph was in Dublin, and one evening he to see Mr.

Irving in "Hamlet." The play was quite new to him, and he became so much excited as it proceeded that after each act he rushed behind the scenes to ask Mr. Irving what would happen next. At the end of the performance he said to the tragedian, quite simply." "Do know, I have neverread'alincof Shakespeare? Have you a couy of his works' that you can lend Mr. Irving 1 happened to hare iu his dressing-room tbe Globe edition in pne volume, and Lord Randolph, carried this off in triumph. A few days later he returned it with a note, in which lie said: "I have read from cover to cover.

Shakespeare is perfectly jjlorious." S. tbe anniversary of the defeat of the British army under Gen. Packenhani before the City of New Orleans, is a legal holiday in Louisiana. was the land oi the Abassins or "mixed races." 1C. BEST.

TOR A KING. CORDOVAN; AMCtLED CAtF, BRO Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value (or the money. They equal custom nhocs in style nnd fit.

rtisir wearing qualities arc unsurpassed. The prices ore on sole. From Si to 53 saved over other mekcs. If your dealer oinsot sapply you cin. Scld by J.B.

WINTERS' KAST liOl'Mi. York Express. 2.4) a in Ft Waj'n- 1 Cltj- Toll-do except a Ailuntlc Express, dally 4.5T Accouuiiodiitloi) lor Kast 1-15 wfcST nocxi). Pa.illeExprww. 30.27am for West 1ZOO Kansas City Y.t., except Sunday 3.48p Lafayette i-zcept Sunday u.05 LOUIS dallr 10.32 Eel River Logansport.

West Side- Between Logansport and Chill- F.JAT BOO'D- Accommodatlon, leave eictpt Sunday 9.55 125pm WEST BOCSD. Accommodation, arrive except 9.00 4.00 C. ti. Pennsylvania Station. LANDAU A LINE.

Trains Logansport, Ind FOB THE No. 25 For St Joseph Xo. WKorSt. Joseph S.40j>m FOB THE SOUTH. No.

51 ForTerreBaate So. 53 For Terre Haute except Snnday. For comulete time card, gtvlna all trains and illations, and foe loll Information rales through can, address, J.C. rsLns Hun AS 12-ilr, rr Central Time LFATK ABRITB Bradford and Columbus. a a Phllad'ipblaamJ XeWj 40 a "2.45am Richmond and Cincinnati i.OOam Indianapolis aud am a Efln'rsndPeoa-i 255am M225am Crown Pnint and Chicwo 3JS a '12 30 a Hlcflmotidand fli-OOpm Point ano fc.W a jn 7.25 EJIner Local 8 3U a Pnultord and 17.50 a 5.20 Momlcello and Kflnur 1 7.15 a and "MO R'cbmon'1 and 1.55pm Bradford and 1.50 f-niladtjiDhJa and New 1.50 MontlcelloandEUner t2.20pm fr.45am Colcago Cliieagoana I.i5pm Kokomo Richmond 3.00 ro 00 a Wmamac Accommodation.

4 00 ta'tt Marten Accommodation 5.50pm Ticket Agent Loganjport..

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