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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 29

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


SALAZAR VALIDITY OF NEW AUTOMOBILE LAW WILL BE TESTED FOR RAIN, FEARING Senator Mason, Pioneer in Pure Food and Drugs Legislation, Father of Rural Free Delivery System Business, Telephone and Professional Di RECTORY LOSS BY DROUTH: Rebel Leader, Several Villa Chiefs and 70 Followers Willing to Surrender. Says Nuxated Iron Ilaut This I in Sour Home or Office for Quick Rrierrne It W1U Sae loo Time. If loo Waal Vow natural Uated Hera Call 6050 ind Aaa for the AdTertlatns Department. 4jJJUi I Many Growers Shipping: Stock Increased His PoiCer and Endurance sc Austin Garage Man Fined for Failure to Keep Record of Repairs Appeals Case. to North for Grass; Others Paying Big Feed Bills.

Junk Deaiera Accountant Cei tifitd Much, That He Feels It Ought to Ml.XIO) IHU.N A.MJ METAL CO. buys T. is rm hsiu.N hhiukh. i uy iNai. Harm Hid.

iron, orass, copper, icaa. sine, raiis Josft Ynojt aUzar appeared tn Pearson. nuth uf (iiatiiW's. aint ofieitil to suritMidcr to Hi (rnvt'ru-rmnt coinrnantler tlifr. Salazsr rot-rntlv nt a If tier lt Aiulres Oama, liwpeit'T jnntral of rouMiltitf's.

askitiK fur anmerity for luinsrlf, Hotirljro yutvido. the Aranrta brnihrrs and other fnrnter Villa cluers. tofrt-ltHT with UipIp 7t f.d-loviers. Salazar nnuounivd lit. Hits letter hp wished lt onit.

I'pjidn hi ranilly and t'uli'ss INT. rain within ti rtet few Made Knou'n to Every Xercous, Run down, Anaemic Man, Woman am ho'tles. bones. iw Hitlnh St. 1'hone nrji tl.

paso ihh.n and mkial cu liusT-iiE Account: Fo ix'Moir i crCMliiTBTdif. pt. tm. Antonio. Dealer in scrap Iron, rubber copper, brass, bones, etc.

Phone Special to the Mornlnr Times. Austin, June S3. The validity of the act p'ssed by the regular session of the iLlrly-nTth legislature, winch became errectne on June Vo, which requires every automobile reair snop to keep a record of all repair made on rars, Klvmir the number the motor, Is assailed In a case tried here today in the Travis county court. The case Is on behalf of the state Htlt.MA.N HUICH 710-70 s. Oregon Adding Machine 5iTrTuiii(ir(71iriii liiH'Aiw-ii SilftjJldjt; at.

Phone Mrj. old metals, rubber, raits, bones horns wool, tildes, hair, etc. return 10 his ranch in Mexico. The ie-qiiwt was forw anted to Prenleni rp-ranza itti the recoiiimendjitlnn tlmt It tt Kianled. was VilU'4 rhief of Assayed FAslfcHi Hlllt AM) MKI'AL prices paid for all kino's of Junk.

lo against towier and Atkins, owners of Ajameda Phone 1151. local repair shop and (rarajte here. The ILLINOIS HOTTI.K A.N It JUNK IUC5 Child. Opinions of Dr. Howard Jame.

Lite of (he Mnn hattan State 1 lospitnl of New York, ntul formerly Assistant Physician Brooklyn State Hospital; Dr. Schuyler C. Jaqties, Visiting Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's 1 lospitnl, New York; and Former Health Commissioner Win, R. Kerr, of the City of Chicno.

complaint was filed by county Attorney John Whornsby, and iipon trial the de r. tiverinrin pnone, insi ASSYtlls, CHtMISTS, iiijISIS. cntiiiei it Ferirusoa, reiresentttives for ore shippers to Kl l'ao Smelter. Umpire and contiul work a specially. Analysis or cnal.

ttter. etc. Kl 1' iso. Teaa. Bui lii-a iiXrt 'assay' Fr.MnsCo Phone 70.

H. starr at the last hnttlo of C.iihtiahua. but later broke with him. After villa defeated at Orlfz Ma tlon last Sundnv. fmvernnieiit force- aK'H'ti defeated his cnmifind west or ornz and forced The reeross the radrad and flee up the Cunelios river, arcnrdmsr tn a jroverninent arinv officer, who arrived here fium the south Jale Saturday.

fendants were fined and costs for fail tira to comply with the terms of the Moving Mnviror1 Moving' ''All atones Transfer Co act. tinrs lo Criminal Xnpeuls: Court, n. M. Hunipluev, attorney for the de New and Second-Hand Goods Attorneys At Lw fendants, rae notice of appeal to the week i itttU'ineii I car licavy It se (li tocK. i if- tn lexis nnd ov M'in are in ariv ire Siul cannot l.tst nnii'li lof ft-T.

Vtntiy ratlhnicn are sliipphiK to thf r.tttliern elites fi.r k'ra-s, tint north rtllmtr up And it snon ttill le ihrriiult tu fret aii! The emmtry l-itwccn Koit Worth anl Kl Piio i-i si di Hint cattf fineii 8if fictMiu now 'Hun thev cl til ilunntr the inter. tupite hk Tt-r the part, arc Vw t. rk iinfs tunl to irr.i. lipj, ills ffin 4ii'tis iT tlic touiitiv all ei'OipPnii uf Hie ttruutht. s'uitik.

uf Kl Psn. iv tht' snr roiiiiitiriK country Is dry and ttn win ni. Hepurts frniii San AnkcIo s.v tl.n art: dry tut wcaihrr clear ami ii'd. A J. SpnilH.

of r.arulo, sijs thit tin-country Ktircdo is dry. the iatiire '-ind tht wentlicr hot MilUy, H't and dry. int.n We lot and and the rantre drv. J. Hurhv stiipp'! cars of niiVf.1 oidtlo tn the I'lil Worth market.

J. 1., lialeivoo.i, or t'olorado. sluppcil two ihis rf mixed title hi WirliiKi, Kan. The ciuintry arutu.d t.JiNhad trt dry ami the w.MlliiT hot. A.

I'. tloekr. of Ivfihle. ehlpf'd eais of ml wil rattle tn Hie K-'Misat nty market tie rauire ilry and the weather and hot, fioini pnp are Kciiut? mor In d' 1 uiathl every day with less Inquiry for tin po.irip rhis ttf hrpp. Krldav VM4 sheep pinaed tliroilfrh Hi1 W.

i.awyer. 523 Tru-t fXciiA.Not' your old furniture Tor new We. pay more for your (nods than any ether rirm In the clly. tts 0 s. Stanton Western Furniture Co Phone 1S.

What Senator Mason Says Auto Accessories STAII AUTu'WHECKINU COT. 1014 Overland. We liiiy and sell and eJChantte cars or nil ncikej, farts or every description. We Imv metals and rubber. P.

pnHakoff. Plumbera court of criminal appeals and he will make an effort to in a decision before the court adjourns for the summer. Mr. Humphrey contends that the law la Invalid because it Is not intellprlble In certain or us provisions. He points out that tin-law provides a penalty airainst "the trarase or repair shop" and not atraitist the owners or manager of the shop; that the, shop or guraa-a can not be fined or a penalty imposed against it and collected and no penalty is attai ned airainst the ownor or manager.

A decision in this case will he eairerlv awaited, especially, as It afreets automobile people, owners and dealers throughout the stute. Metier eis IX TRY THK CITY FLU.MHINO plumbmir ror less, "hone Sim Campbell Si Wll I ft Sim. 3 nchoa. I'h. r5.

Barbecued Meats Kl. I'V-iT HA IIP-F 1'V UlS ST wins si. ptL iyi. PRIUVI'M t'l LMHKHS Pnnne r. i-timnii-nil do, tor's plan-, al oaropate.n of niv 1 it I ii that horrible I us lilh isrd tn 1 have often nuiil I would run cine or any kind.

I believe tint However, after ho hurib st pnliio life, wit bout a. chance for a stnrtliiK to court every murium: tired frpiln one cannot di-sriil'o try Nuxated Iron. Ah a dl-lltf leKlslHtioll, I Wfl.1 at first i Speaker Without Authority to Call House in Session Special to the Morning; Times. Austin, June 23 Hint the lnoise could not called In si'eial sos-nui by the speaker to take action on any measure Is the opinion evpressc.i here today by HepresiMiiatlve Sam Lowe, ol Brcn'haiu'. Mr.

Lowe said that tin' only way a special session of the lotrtsijitnro may be called to deal with the linin i itv situatioii or for any other purpo i by a proclamailon issued by the irov-crnor. He ho pointed out tliat even should the bouse meet, nothing could be done unless the senato was also in session. Crops Suffer From Drouth. Mr. l.owo 6anl that rain was badly ne 'ued In bis section of Hie si.ite.

nnd that corn and other (rraln crops were in bad shape at present for lack or ram. KHVICK Jiuinbers Pianos in the foml Building Material -iT Ni'iVli jTfiTr T'il. J-n. Chiropodist. "i'h y' KWT VTliiropSiijiTiVa E.

San phone 3nM. I'Otli to try on Oli LI. PASO CO. Oldest house In tl Paso. Stcmuay Weber pianola planus.

215 (Everybody's Bllr.) SUFFRAGISTS HELD FOR ENDEAVORING Scales Cleaners and Pressors I I rieiii stock.vanw on inn why of iitlio, Me.Mci. fruih Cohist.o-k. The nhcep were for UErRolr AUTOMAIIC SCAl.tS Charte K. jtpnnirer. wa Kansas Phone Mia ver! Iced remedy, but after aihiini; wilti'iny toedi- cal friends, 1 Rave It.

test, Tin- to-ailts have 1 mi benefli'lal In my own case. 1 inn-lo up my micil to lit my friendn know iihoul Ii, and you are ut liberty to publish this wtntcno-ut if ua so I ii now fi3 yent'rt uf hh ami 1 1 a reinedv wbich will t.uillil tip the and imnaMi' tlm power of endurance of one at my ace, should ho known to tha world. "Yours i i truly. hreeillnn- 'Ihcy fllltMl eh tars, Alici-, Weather lim HtuJ elear Rinl HIIONKS 4M-I10I. II SnTMII.I Cl tAMNO WORKS.

'I tie best cleaners. What more can you ak imv llnulevard. UMu-ril vr' AM)" TAILOllINU cleaned blocked. i'17 s. Stanton.

I'h. Secr.nd-Hand Furniture file ijiure d. of shep lias tn K-un tins week HI0H price paid lor second-hand furniture H. Kuller, S. Paso Pn i15H TO DISPLAY BANNER nt Snnurhiko, Mass of Chinese People If The sheep ranche firound f'onclio and Carpenters Silver Cnek are busy shear in r.

Kcports rr -in nenv of tin rattle emm- alleiallons. l'houe 11 II l'lil: i-i Wet.ui Two Women Arrested Before iiTiniic f'ir carpenler and jolihuor. tries suv the- water question is getim he si rlntis. M. Mo-4er.

mT Hot Sprliutfi, TV. Is In Fl pisu hts week Up lias jtiM rlnvd it hi ir In'tp deal. After sheer In jr the vhep he received iipiere for ewes ami $: apiece ror the hmUis. Mr. Musep aliout "io annind fur Ihe wntil.

They Get Streamer Unfurled at White House Gate. Dentists fiirVk. Bit' Cau'lts BldK me to (five him a pieionni ii examination fur life In'-utaio t'. 1 a-tnidhed Pt rind lain wain the iii.x..) of a if twenty, and a- tuh vu'ur. inn I vitality ts a to t.

a yoiinj." he leiillV u.i-, .1 th-hm-1 imr llU HsfiV The 'ecri t. he "lid, tikltnr ortffttiic lion "uaP M'ei ttllf I ''on I III renew ed die. I hi I he hi" in l.n."lVM)i:in i I' wis; J'honejiS7. Second-Hand Clothing LEVY pays hiKiiesMTpfTres for Isdies' and men's second-band cluthlntr, abues and hats. Phone rts4fi WE pay- liTgii (uTces-foTTei'ondTiind" clothes and shoes.

Phone price's" paid for" old clothes and shoes, phono 17fu. WE par hlKii" "prices for second-haiid clothes ami shoes. Phono 4501. Wn buy and sell second hand clothes, shoes an dj ooLs. 38 K.

Second St. Ph. 8470. ifU'iflFST prices "paid for old-cloifiies" and shoes. Phone 17C9.

LEVY payj biirliest prices for ladles' snd men's secondhand clothiriK. Phone45. clotblha- Dournt "snd sold- San Jaclnti-. By Press. Wflsliinifbiu.

June S3. The police quickly blocked another attempt today by Indifferent to Form of Government in Peking San Francisco. June ureat mass of the Chinese ople seem inditlor-uit as to whether tbey are ruled by kimr or a duly elected president of the republic, In this opinion or Prul'. W. V.

WiHoOprhby, or Johns Hopkins university i Baltimore, who was In San 1'raiuisco tu-day on the ay to Peking, Where lie has been for the last year assisting tlio Chinese In preparation of their new constitution in an advisory capacity. Their dense Ignorance of political matters Is the reason Tor this apatliy, he dielared. The republic, has been very slow' In drartintr tile proposed constilulion. owiiiff lo the tact Unit work Is dune onlv on alternate days, aecordinir In professor Wllloujrhby. Prof.

WIHoughby said the deposed boy Dressmaking "prcoiiiisTJccurduon plealiiiR. Miss Comm. 35 Buckler had at lo-dv surfrasists to display a banner In front or the While House Rates. from the c.en.-re--jiiiiil In rectory, puhlKhed hv I mil il Slates oov-eiiuueiit in. 1 ii ilnr iron, vas i feelvd the r.tdll (NiiiL'p oi Pi7, to tin i 1 Ml l.vl thd.

ah-U or the i.onrtess Kle. p-d Oatot' to the oimrel ii P.m.,." -emihu- Mn-on Ik now ciian from the Mate of Illinois senaP Ma -on impe ii--h'p of Pure I'mihI mid Piiik-i idaiioii, l.u rijfhi rot Inn rural ftett o-diu'iv vti'in. aiel tun stn-ti' a i. at i all hih iv. ii intr lat-'i an flu rivrhts oT ihe an loraint trulls and comPme, nnki' Pun a national ftirurn at -i i Jin 1 en-tleareif him the of wj inir iiipii anil Ihe at in of Mrs.

l.awrenr Lewis, of Philadelphia, and Miss o'ladys (Ireiner, of Baltimore. Detective Agencies cm. iii.n u'ii oTinir iic'ici'liva AKencv who carried the banner, were arrested lie MtlS f.aie- Now at rdte, rt a mo a- le or uiiinw with the ah-oiuhdy hh.nd lo eh Ule 1 lie Itllout t. w'at yon eat. throntti Von don't ind a enn-e wuiii imd neiiiv fill in.

after lakmir Nuxal I i- it'ililv and. tun fa hunviincy uf youth. 1 1 mM'i'sSrtiV to cnahie V'ur-vonr into In mf.r iiiaihT how miii hue! merely pa-- wtthniit doimr vmi i tri the siremMh nt of before they had It entirely unfurled, by H'btiKatlon ri.ade or civil and criminal matron and taken to headquar n-W 1t uwir. P. Senator Mann's statement hi r-'t-ac'i to Nuvated Iron was ahnwn Id iy.

a it-tans wlm ere reijufHted to their oiuntonH thereon. lr Howard James, late of Ihe Manhattan State IIopilal nf i and tt inner ly Aii stunt 1'hysuian lunkl State Hospital, Mild: Senator to con tiiicin ted on liaudiiiiT hid. this d.ilenient ut) lti'd Iron fnl lit'll-' pi ml. '1 here are thmi-aud of inen and who need a strenntli and Id 1- irr hue do not know what take. Hn-ie Is tinthmir like orirrinic iron 1 1 -HP.

Iron-do Klv mrieaHtl sh ip, vltvr( find sla iiiK pnwr. It en -ru toe hlonil, brihH I'osi a Tn tto of women an md.iiluik niiirn of" ri'iiew ed ilahty. eniiuraoei and power ror mn who hum up po i apidlv their ner mm (tuerw In I lie. sit eiiiioim irnitn of the (fie it holiness rompetdion of the day." I iimt Nenllh Contmisshiiier Win. It.

Kerr, of the UlV d' Uiicumi. I have taken Nutated Iron my di and expencin rd Ms h. inn and sfnnwth huihliiiK- efre, nnd in the tercet or piilihc elt are 1 feel ll duty to make known the m-miIM of it-, lite I am well pa-t mv tlnee-roie and want to mv that 1 heiie" inv own meat phvsu al aetmiv Is hirrtdy Will You Loan Your Car So Soldiers Alaij Have Utile Joy Ride The soldier- at the Imse linspnal ut Kurt Miss lid1 to have a Juy rule some nucht this ve' ride ahout Ihe rltv nu into the rmmiry In aidoniohlles, fin vei cars, riiinhout--, touiiiiif curs, umiurs of all makes and awes. II, Ik (amp will funildi a -'ffhl-si-ciiur far for the ride, and nntoHMdtile owners who viii he? the party Iv toanltnr their ears irr the evcnhiK, aiv adod tu lehphnne to Mrs. Uniih lit ters In a waitnifr police automobile.

The banner carried a quotation fcom one of President Wilson's books. Drug Store Sign Service The two women were released at po pile ant (liietlre oU heeome kl lonkmr, pii lilt" a pi tiylnic to lice headquarters on their own recoirtil-zance. iNo date, for the trial was set. 130 N. Florence.

L. ft M. SICN SEItVH.K Phone 7M3. people thhiUKl I the I mte I M-di uator MaMiti his the ARMY ORDERS emperor, last of the Manehu dynasty, la still held a prisoner In Pekuor American Imports in Storing. .1.

A. WL'Allbll Co. 1U K. overland. J'honfl 3S8.

niijjfj CO. VIM reins. Cor ttanturiione 7U1-7'. owl" liliuo tViHK-A. L.

"hyan, Prop. open an ntunt. IP liones 5Sl. WAHMsH cui-teiepione 731-jSe. I'rciinpt (lelivei ies.

IlilfiifstoHE. Peoples Drui store. Atrents ror rilbon aler and Hcxall reinerlles. 3-27 E. San Antonio.

Phone. ir.1 or If helm one of the re.uiv I if ne-n the nation flu vtr-ittf end'-: 'tif of 1 1 on I'om'aii'f a luP llu'ent fhink'nir 1 1 uh mu-t a piepii.ipi of -w Special to the Mornsia- Times. KUHMrtJHE stored, packed and H. L. tianlel.

Furniture and Mattress Factory. Phone 1i5 or 1U70. Washington, June. captain WILLIAM if rnw In ft s'di deflcieut in Iron pr, Sftnivh-e f. Ii" 'i-d-mr of St i Ho-pdal.

New Vn'k I'llv, -flMl- have n. vim- tu'Iore Kiven nut mo- medical Informal! or iidviee h.r a- I diti.ii ilv do nt I'-lwve in It hut in ihe (a of Nuuih Iron I fe. 1 I woold be ini-s In mv duly not lo nt ri It I h-ne t.ken It mv-eir and mvn it to mv pa-IintJ wilh mo-i vnrpi -mnf tmd -ati-taclory result AipI Pim-- no i-h uatiklv lo Increit-a' the -iieni'th. power Mrs. KliiKel will only nk ymi to make your ear, its mul if ymi will loan May Total $281,000,000, K.

WALLACE, Aviation section, sornal of- merit one hi a the ctres' reserve corps, report chief of Starr. feeU hi.und to of rent Major JOHN F. CL11BY. Military it for Up rvehihK' no Kniiii! ronviilesced soldier may enjoy nil evenim 'j rnh'. Wind nr a car have p-pl il I i to tie his name I aviator, slg-nal corps, relieved Hawaiian islands.

Stove Repairing STWEftEr'AIHlNtiNew'pIrts made and carried ror all makes of stoves. L. J. Peeler, with D. ft II.

Iron Works, corner E. l-'irtii and S. Florence Sts. Phone fjui. It niter pau; I I First Lieutenants JOHN H.

STPTESMAN duft lodav to my iieioiial u-e of "tl oUtf adVocttey (lliie-i Furniture Packing and Repairing fctlfli 'rTTTTu h-fTas's "riiinliurerciit gla With IH' I elldtli aie will fli'd II lliot 'tlr and CIIAIU.ES N. S.aWYEH, Siitnal coriis. Southern department to Eastern depart Hied iron, i my own eperieui w-aidei nhy and Nuxated Inil I feet It su-'ll ft alu.ddn ment. remedy Taxidermists Captain THOMAS L. SIIEFinrnNE, Slfmal NO'I'F- Nion'M Inn.

corps, southern department to Fort Oxlo- Mcl.El.l.A.N Bid irt I'bone 3.K prisco. tor Mv thorpe. ill fly Asr.cinli'd Prcsi. Washington, June American Imports In May a( rrarhed ilie hivhe-l total nr anv month in tlii hi'-tury ut American conmirice. iixpnits of du showed a gain of over AprlJ.

lotlt Imports and exports for the rnmitiia emlmK with May set new yearly records, iiuport lieinjf alued at and expuila at per cent of the mnrchari-dire enlerintr In May came free ut duty. Kor tJid l'si-immtli x'Mod the was tf.d evports Mav valued nt were i.non.tNHi yreai'T (nan gold Imports lor the 12 w-n-va'ued at 1 II" leiiierly that It nuKht he ue( in cwi h'f-pdal mid pie-onb-d hy every (diy-sicun Uieicoinitry." Hr. K. Saner, a m.sPui plivslepui who has studied ahrnad in vrenl I in ope an llirdleal Ui'-tdlllloli', Maon I inhi. As I have said a bundled tunes over, Inm is lh fjieale-t of all dri'iudh Innhh-i-.

Transfers and -Storage I'iltll til ill' ti r. II i.tji'nt nitfc I hirH xrnrl Kill I.I ttlllfc-l-M a ii" riN-t 1 mi In I t- -I XtecO A rmnflif (it iiiMrlK ill Trims if P. to Irr it rilll i 111 -n 'I'm- fff'iirTi hat i nil nimt lit Vimalr-i Inn that iifl.T i I 'I v.i 'ti' in ra- lu-aihiiir ii tf tan a tn.i pnv ir .111.1 it tinaw ii li.ihi It ii, I In. ii-ao lliHr o-f .1 in ll.i'V IfiW 1" r- 'iiU- '1 hi in irffiT Ut or lint at i.iAnt a-mlaa torn Htrc-niJi t- -lion' oitiM 14 iM lit Uiiw I'lty liy A. B.

ll)Jt BUI ill Recruiting of British Sub feels Is Under Way necruillnn- uf Itrltldi subjects hi the fulled Mate is wa, aeenniunr to the followlmf letter, rinMvnd hy hi: W. H. Jafiilesi.n I rum J. n-toii, UrilMi consul at Halve ton "Tint itntili ur 1-ra nnd New Mevnu dilr'S to inhijiit alt Mnlidi nh Jertrt In the-i si de- il a lecliHl-hur nitssioti has hei r-1 idli ImmI Hi tvk city and it-eruiis ran now lie accepp-d for the amdum r-'reen, llrtt-j ih Mihieels I ohm 1 to yiMt LYON'S A.NU STOBAUE-FiooT wia.i, K.ll- h-r In-itti-l, i Ik" space ror rr.ercnanus. Careful moving Mso move fmilrtlriirs Ph, 3oTi." El Paso TransCo.

MovYnFbiulinjr ir.iii ct'iIkfO, if wUIr lir-r Inlum Hi lfi-Mi. mal'. nit on iuo a man cauie 10 ne- us neatly half a renluiy old nnd ak-d afum.h, tt li newt T.nt and i lnna I repairmfr, reriiililnni? and uiihiilsUMliig. Oct our prices, see our work. 0.

LLIIULSTEFIIMJ ilea K. Plrsl yil'DJll0; BiTATiiiS'ii I'ai liliiK, ttotliiK and aliipplns cut Kiass, china and luiiisetiold rurniture. l-urnuure repaired, rerinlsheo, upholstered, (live us a trial. You '11 bo pleased. B.

Pniiiel I-urn. Mail. Lac'y. Pn. loss, "lli'iialile rurniture repairinif rinlshini; and upl'ohtei lux.

We know the business, (live us a trial. I. Hel.lman Cabinet lierinlsliltof sol L. Second, '''one IW77. Hideii and Wool Pl.NNf.'iAN It It- 'ML Hides, wool, pelts, tallow, Kl I'aso, Albuquerque, liDiiutas.

PhnetiU, Tucson. Clubuabua, Menco; Parul, Mexico. Tire Repairing villi -anixinir. Work euarant'ed. Scon ulcamzliiK Texas.

Ph. 19Vi. Major JACOB E. BLOOM detailed reneral rcrruitinir scnlce, Mewark, N. J.

officers (Juartennaster orn-cers' resi'rve corps: Captains BCltTON J. LEMON, FBKIlEHICK 6. HAINES. NFll IIOBTO.N, 1 I.YSSESS F. BOhTlll, HOBFIlT A.


PHILLIPS. First Lieuteitant ALBERT HEED Sla-nal orflccrs' reserve coits, report Southern department. Major iiEOBOE W. HELMS, Nineteenth Inlartry delayed slg-nal corps, Fort Sam Houston. Captain CHARLES W.

HAVEBKAMPF, medical corps In (led States, military academy to Fort furlethorpe. Lieutenant Colonel THOMAS i. KIHkV medical corps, relieved Fort inchiMve, Inclmlinsr Hmc wlio h.ive I ah i. splits, and slv roiitti ri-si i ni I avenue, li'iiiNirtli hi. to i ail MHb'r, ibiee roMiii b-in-o" in pink.

en out their first piper-, m- papi-is of Typewriters Really Firm Reports $350,000 in Sales for Wccli Ending Saturday irieiilioii, arf i innhie if tm-v ruirni tne JIIK IKST ni 1IHK. Pay what you will, tirnn tn -s all things, only the hesi survive. Uhamherlain'fi and InarrlHH'a uemedy had heen In use for more than forty years. Many millions of bottles have hewn inid and tiv durmtr 1 JilH tune. It has flood the le-d fif lune because it can always be depended in.

on. Yl'h WH1TEH 4 OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All makes typewriters sold, rented, renal rd CUSIOM ASSAY Url-ICL (tin lii i-kip. i hii.N AfViaym, Mepillurtrlst lU'prosMnliitl'ei. for tire Milpproi.

210 -Sin rrHirtm-o Sc t'l tnm. lex im pi leal rnquirenieiils a- tetpitred hv exaiiiiuatioii. lull tlftils cam he ohtniiPd liv npiduaii'iii pi "on or hv letter to His c.n-tii in lialvi-s ton, Trxa. supplies, rubber stamps. Arts.

Coro na ft Boyffl tyrrew Titers. St Mills St. Po xvt Adv. Ill fllll.M I MIS Mill Mil II IIV he I'li-ss. v'l The senntu bill t-.

iualiiili' ei.M'li'ino.itiou ol liiod ror noliliiv iinp'i es v.i. ii by lie- lion--. II e.piclnllt pnoi.o. lur of hinds for alisolutely "rebuflt" by factory mechanics. SUDPliea lor all makes null f.

h.vcr. 1 ii poi il the i-i I he really ruin of lin-i-hor which broauhl llliool Hie Ml 101 art- nod 1 1 ii-it Ho 1 Ii 1 1 11 tr sali-s nt'io-eviilinK I of machines. typewriter 408 Ice and Fuel TnuTuiXS hi hXA.Mri- iTel ojT Pure lMttiierl Water. Pure I il sillied Water lee. phone Mesa.

Phone 8747. Judgment for $8,000 Against Sanla Fe Road Employe in Arizona Must Be Paid When lie Quits eodlllK MlturilUV, as follows: W. i.ooh to c. H--' 11 1 1 11-I blllldlior ill Mnlibm and -111 Anlnuio UKielhoriie. First Lieutenant OTIS I.

INTER, ordinance ofrh et-s reserve corps, report southern d'-pai Intent. Transfers Jewelry Repairing pomebo'y's'el paso rfiAMSFER aoa Sid S. Oreiinn. Str.rflire. hirm.A inH captain mh.abi c.

uu hr. enir neer kn me lunuc. nu miinr. His Job or Is Discharged IZa tienl-; SiKl.msl to W. liol.

fi-'-t nil tnitert states Military Academy to fort-ed Saturday in favor of the cslate of L. Ti'XilS lo-tweell Mesll and'.o i't I.eavenwotth, emrineer iminint- rami rrenrhi jrnsfer Phone V444. ph. 3673. ti Paso Trans.

Movinit-haullnir LM'Lhls on all liirli-nrade Swiss and lailioid vvali lics. All our work Barnclfn. K. San Anionlo. Money to Loan A.

Moore, decea-ed, aifaintt the Atchison Topeka ti Santa fe railway eoinpany. 'I lie raue was filed In the 'Hilrty-fotirth ill-Irict rotjtt. peeendent was In the employ! of the d- rAn.linl am a It 1 si 1 aidaiiu HiA.i;i.- C. IIAHIIIM.T.N and KAMI, NuHTH, rnrinecra. I nlted Slates military academy, to eng-lneer training-camp, Wuhinirton, 11.

Firm Lieutenant Alinl.l'Hirs A. McPAN- Speelnl to tbe Moninur Tmi. 1 1 1 "'r Phoenix, June vi 1 be mkoiiii t-lait, jl.ibile wlil. li presrrilii-s an einploie- lio--boroiih l.y.vr lo II or a r.jM. ration be t-ml Hi" lull Wet Franklin I'ao-ii airiwint if wajres iNi.

lain Ht bueiinoau Upholstery. DELICIOUS ICE CRtAMS SHERBETS and CANDIED Phones 347 and 318 We deliver "KIClllT NOW" II wanted or f'HOM tfLY at any given time between 7 a. in, and II p. la llt.Mri BE repalft-d and re-finished. II.

L. Oanlel. Kiirnliure and ILL, medical reserve coros, reoort south fllll'I'iV 'o I 1 ii 11 ll.l 10 r. i'. 1-1, nili.k MAl.l.

Loans to einploes nn personal note; conriden-ml. brake. Vol Hoheits-Hanncr HldK- It-K-ed he Injuries which 1 or uultlii. tt. the HANKING IJY MAIL A request lur our new trrfi Duokli't, "Hunldntt hy Mnll," rarrlea with It no ohliyiithin lo open an ncnmnl, and nil we iv I an impot Imd in eirdaln.

Write today, and ask fur our Sew Hdiiklr-L EL PASO BANK AND TRUST CO. A (iuarantv I' rt Hank Kl to. I pi a. ern department. Mattress Factory, phone 10-ii and 107u.

captain ihumax w. hammuml iraii- eompaiiv was upheld t. i.v on wesi 1 raoKiin -11. i-no-'ii supreme roirrt In a in 1 "da le and liui-banBii stie-l i. tile case if the Male v.

1 i. 1 oiii.i I W. II. (iihbons lo W. I -I eral staff, relieved as major, wnllppine 5C01HS.

I. 1 ne was i-m l.unralaw li nip renp-r -mus eoriiriapy. In bis death wa 11 tbe sudden htoppaiit-tif a train threw him betwtvn the cars. The aerideni happened bear Muroial, N. la-t April.

Sorvlvluif blm are a wlf" ai two minor children. ks 4 'iwen the plaiotirr. Lantaln WILLI H. HAIUilS. medical of pro-ieruti'd (n (he court Phone Us Your Orders reserve corps, I'm Hlley, to Mek'lnney, SstV tl AUSTRIAN POWDER RUSSIAN SOLDIERS FACTORY BLOWS UP FORMING STORMING Tw I The Elite Confectionery Co Terms of New County Court at Law Will Be Yavapa rminty for pav a limn nsuied at i 'ice op.ifi his piv HIT nollre lhal he WIS the miM I-any's employ and wa io.ufM fined I'd, i he roinpany ih-t lo the stip; eni rourt on Pie jri-Mio-, licit He-I tvv wis iinroiKtilnhahal.

I n' apmii' pidy iii)dieid the nriiMi 'd the of (citivletioii lu company. irxas, DOJid ior eipimnaiion or applicants for appointment to medical receive corps. Capt. HAIinis with r.apt. EDfiAR W.

Loi'Mltf. medical reser-ve corjoi, u. following places In Ti-vas for purpose of condiictinir exanilu.itlon of applicants for aiipointniPut to medo al reserve corps. Marshall. Houston.

i.orus an Antonio, Austin. Waco, Wichita Falls. Atna-rlllo, Lubboik, Abilene, Fort worth. WANT 1 PHONF I 71 Fixed Next Tuesday Ai 1 ,000 MISSINGjBRIGADES ON FRONT WWW urmrdT-rmrrA MEXICANS RELEASE The of iihe rountv rourt at law-will be fixed py thr rooolv commi-oii-er When they UH-t ToeftiliiV, Ihe M-ifljlr irieetit)! dev. The rirt friu of the pew eoiirl will be held tn Jnlv, peirmnmr on Former Governor Hunt's 1 Appeal Will Be Filed in tht? fir-t Monday of that month and last-j Minister of Defense Makes An-nouncemenr in Parliament; Due to Lack of Caution.

AT 1 li 1 Jonie up) p. nrany Creating New Units of Men Who Favor Policy of Active Fighting. SEIZED HERE voun ivexi ec? j'i tiw nw rourt i-aumr b'eu r.ntnti.d rai- Cf.viTtmr oi utitnii hii The roijidy rourt it la will have Jurt v- 1 Full Particulars on Page 9, This Morning's Times Francisco Solis, Kidnaped Near c.i. 1 wu Special to the Morntnir Tlrneg, I'hoenix. June The ftppesl nf former (mvernor Hunt tn the Kovwrnor-hin rontet will Ui filed with th su-premf court next week, fjsslblv on Tne day.

The word on appeal n-aflv for fihnir Tunsday, cordltnr to Miller, rp-rk uf ttn superior rourt of Maricopa rounty. d'ction over criminal civil rae whh-ri ronoerly beforiifed to the county court. Aerordltur to Julif f. fi. MeCllntork It ied probable, to i will complete ther pes)onn ,1 a board of bv A will not be held thi is tfe- retjnilar nu-etiiifr dav of th eoii'dv comriii K-ion Gen.

Bell Inquires, Py "'ii iatf-(J 1'tess. June J3. More than l.fjnri per-otis mm killed or Injured or are iiii-snitr in noisi'ipa-ure of an exilosion la tiamltioriti r.n Uii li at flloswcir. accord-ler to an wmiiiinretjieiit matio In tin- low. (i- linii-e or tbe Auliian parliament by the tnliiUti-r or defense, as forwarded in a iii-l'itcli from Vienna.

Tie casualties were given by tbe inlu-l-br as I-I. tnlssliiif, 170; wounded, m. 'I wouruled, W0 receiveil only slltrht If said Hie explosion prob-abi "a- duo Ink of nation on the I nt ti.i-ii trnp.i.jvil In a treat mortar By Associal 'd Press. retroRrad, June S3 fine of tbe most rnvor.ible features of tbe jinminn on front Is the fjrmalion of "stornunif battalions," which are newir rrested army units, compised of auldleri who favor a jiollcy or active riirhuntr.

Soldien who wish to (ifcbi are transferred to batiallons roinpo.ed eniirely tt men hold-inif this view. Tbe men receive red and 1lii-k ami bands to distinguish tbern rrorn shlikerj. Their function la to lead in attacks. The movement started In the eitreme south wirnr of the aimy, but now tiurc ers, Jndjrrf- imlork tuoujrht tno rounly i iH-ard of appeals niiKtt be adjourned alter i the hearing Wednewbiy. 1 "We ti (five every property own British Soldiers Find Mammoth Tooth While State National Bank I'-au si ll.e a I fee I I i lim, I Ihe ini'Mi'a was er plenty 'd tune to appear bfor! the bird.

I Jijo-fe ft k. Digging on Battlefield" Established April 1881 El Paso Conductor Gives Safety Patent Rv A-soeiated Press. With he Hriiish Armies In France, June Ii -Knravatinr ner trie bjlt-ir-'l remnants of the Hind' rihur ir Irne, Isr Iti-h sol-diers strrj'k a sliane object who-h After lieinir kidinied on i side or tli irit-rriail'iiial L- i sanla Fe lirbiy I aft' Veilrnn rwibl.ers, i on-1 raacisci. rsnlis w. oti.

i laiht-oy aotiionttes ir J-iat ariernoon and letuineii i i side. Tim mi-ldeiit or the it. ported tn 11' II. I rlday an I i i rii'-diiit' ly niM'le i tisi'i- -i Veto nil at I i I return to tuc i naea -i foils is no. lei I-, i employ or a I -aa 111' lie was eriiMK'- 1 I Metliari I (,.

orriilals lint l.n line ai i it imd atninptr i t-, csn siibllors wlio tt'-ie oil i I'lK'- I I I i lauil tbe soldiers V. i I s'l ord' i'i boa I i nre Littah'-n eviry where Pr Laurene Hold, of Si utile, woo hai to Government Free Capital, Surplus and $200,000.00 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts C. It. MOHKIIRAIl. I' real ant JOSKiH MAOOFMN.

Vle-Prea C. N. liArt-SETT. Vlca-I'realclant ijEOHUli U. FLOHif.

Caibler. J. OlIXJHHiaT. AisHt Ciuhler. owned lo the tooth of a The dls'iivery caus'-d (treat enciteniei aruonr the troops who flocked lo tl puce regardless of the danrer of draw won i op central ai my mih-c tt." bem-nuiir of na.

war and i now in fetroio ml, tne nle 1.4 riueailmir Ilka wild lire. It -tire fiirtmr for this ciiv, lir. Hard fiivv twti siir-ndid nw division of ti.nnitif bnttalioim. lie al-o .11 111' I'll '-ll, Ihe I bv i.t Tor nuiitov Mi al tie -t' I it fan Texas Bankers Called Upon to Help Slate Raise Red Cross Fund i-- i Times. An lutornaiie sliji contrlvariee fop rall- rovl locorofdlves, reeentlv Ky bun, Las tin offerecj wltnout co.t to tr r-oernriient by Melbourne H.

iiijlla, Mess avenue, a ciiiuiip tor for toe I'aso A lailroad. Mi Hulls alo In- to tbe r'-v-eirirnenl Wltlei'lt ibrre, to Uistall tbe lor shell rtri- rrom trie iiermans. II skeleton of this pre rutr.rr monster no flftS been definitely arid ll iriadiial i-r it is iiroce.dinj' ur: der a seleiillfle dlr-ctitili. It Will be inei M-vi-m ti aiti niibfK on ilie iv Buick Light Six i Stolen $25 REWARD for recovery of above car. This machine win stolen at 8:4) p.

m. June 16th. Original lirrnac No. 5 I 00. El I'aso Car No.

172193. Motor No. 169083. Two tires Krllcys Non Skid Three tires Goodyear Plin. E.

H. Fletcher I'honc 7766 Montana and Stanton St a. i.l Paco, Texas. to Itie, ill wcannr the lel rib'iiik badiii- and in ei fufhtnn A -1 1 1 1 leu-, Jiiii" i't. comui! r.u.,,..

.11 ne. i'iiii ll'lvi-n III 114.OIHI ini'irir till in leiMta i- 1. i'r. iiurri 'ldii-r will toe lormiiiir batui- tins uislnrmiit of a maaiuinlli in ei riarosm tne verv forefront of th world war. cort.i.t.

of a control m'-cran-1' Tne 'i Iii, lie Aric i 1 i.i loo hue (ii.l ti i sroi Teyaru toe movement a ism, pls'ed in l'n on the Imorre'tive nal for of lins.ia libtiny i fl on'ie. vmio lots 1" a sv.iaire bittery of su volt. a'ld a conta' on toe I h. ir, is 1 bro-h atliiioed to toe er, I a tie Officer of Arizona Cop Veterinary Surgnns 1 'IPd'FH-I'H'iTjn "ucee.nirs A. H'irmns.

H.Spltal for horses and doirs. 7 leiai. I'bone inr, mrni 71- Passengers Arriving From Cananea Report 0 I'i- lio.klair i n. Aa- 1 lei-iri -ed a at, tn sin baiik. arid ci, in li n.

urifiiiij ii.ii tin boiK I. ail in their p-iwr to a--i-t in toe of tlx lu-l i'm. 1 1 "in, your pirt in 'ir i itwi iis to aal at Ibis ureni w.i ii il' i i-i: ii in tf iuiV'iii "Ni, i-'iritrili'iliiio is too a.el noli- latir. If Sim wiii'aif, bank sIhhiio i il i tnliiitiun, and It i my li.a- I'itl roi sLsh il ier, Ol.le.s tUl i-1 i.l'jnt" It um, at the i-r H. I' P.ii-.n, ihiirtinn or the bed o'' ii'iai'll.

Washi'iittuii. i'iiiiu nn.ifr a per Company Say olalc Has a "Smelter Trust' Janrd i fe noil. bru-li 1. i unreel, i lorouKh a reUv wriori i bv toe psttcr and con trolled I.v a eireint i-oritmiler on Vf fn" Lara. at Vb'-n tie siirfisl is HAS-M ftll Hay Grain Flour Seeds COAL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I-Ieid inc.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers Phones 35 and 36 Texas and Dallas SU. MAX MsslH, Wiorw IH7 Of V' Everything Quiet There: Wis to Ra i. '1 I'. -IB. 'ai-fi, art HI uiu.ll ail'l tn, fr an at 7 iin 3v i n.iir.-s ri, maoe rrom corrin rivioic by tra I i An A iniiliiat I roes lo Bulkier I III IS IMJ II.

ilh toi. in. iiai'Hin. trials have ruv Hill, tnne Mil looy, reported evrvllo'irf niilsi from W. II In, i i.t Marey pnroy en.

it is ror an entaieer bi i Tie ffnin rtie nt is unrkinf lie -Min I.V" Or-l'SOS- It lets If l. 1 IT I tf' it IllUr 1 i in An lllllie lie le jj fy Welding ITI.TIAdA.I WtllU-td WlHtS. FrioclKO bL 'bona 7147. I 1 ed. I ists S'e froen i in the which eii la nr work lo I toe Ill in wi" eriirii.e irorn nv aim is use- was f-lav i unelar si T'.

al to bit ruttoiul bihks ol Wiu ciaibUy. iui leu eiii itai ui ltei wiauier, J'ues Ly ti.o coiUt'Xi i-tijiuHbihU,.

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