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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 9

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE OCEAN PAHK HOTEL It Ktmutlf popular 1Ui Tmu fuesu. lu iiet ttxatiua at iba broaden f-focda svary advinuf of tit miini, Tha most oocuforta-tla bMh fecl near Lm Anaelaa- t1a to all attractlw nJ ajntuvnaiu. European p. an ratw frtun 11 per daj and tipexial hp aix3 niia.iJiljr Mm. Family tradt aoiirfted.

Spiwidid dining ora Mi-tica. Far folder, riv, rawrrailom, wrltt Clws. J. 1 Jiaruifr. II itmF.

h- i hk lira 1 that the bid vT the Advocate be accepted. "I his vus serondetl by liunimitoner Pendell. umutilsi'nr Lyons and Herrnift i "toil airrinij-t imp arc. ptanee. It Has men a Hf ami when JuJtrp E.

B. was tallefl on tu vote he Tauir ir arccptiiiff the bid. It was iritmiaterl a prnposition tn call an election to issua worth nf tu rpbuiki the mad from here to would 1m eiitrtimiecl. The road plarps if in bad onHiitiun. There ate COURT DISTRICTS MAY BE CHANGED Read the Announcements of California's Famous Hotels El HEALTH, BEACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND SOLVE "THAT OUTING PROBLEM." Literature and Full Information by Writins Direct, or at Redisricting Would Give Po Two Instead of One Representative.

FREE INFORMATION BUREAU AT TIMES BRANCH NINE, 105 TEXAS ST. numeruu mhs an it was siatf-i ir tMe liiad was nt taKn rare of Minn It would fro puM-ps. However, it wi5 thoiiKlit the pf titinn, if thero if be any, huii id emarifitft from the outside. Some tlifi doubtea bethel' a bond. isne would carry.

Juil i-mid (rvfi itrawn. It dpveiupt-a the cumHy -ourt hnne and Jail fund wan overdrawn when the matter of allowm a bdi for Miii.Tft or the Paulv at! rompany, or Hallas, fpxa, was oroti(fht up. The Mil, It uas -tated, had been by the rouniy in printmir warrants and Tor lffcal ail-vice at the tiliiH llm oounty issued srrtp to complete the court hmise. Later this Hcrlp waii rtn but Ilia company had already been to the e.pense ut having the wariimts printed. The cominlssioners voted to pay the bill out of the roiut hoiire and jail fund.

Convenient to al! Places of Interest ii "lull haven any inuney in that runn. said County Aintiior J. A. Lacajeda. Vuu 'Go Id an Stat? Limited at tMt kflM-nMn and tnjey tfia ml.

In- Veu en fv Put Iht llflorftllng brtuM It are now KMo over." Well." saul Coimnhionpr Tendell. 822 Waat 0th Btriit Moflers. "THE HOUSE OF LOS ANGELES "frive the jail company a slow note. To COM FORT" LONG BEACH TOMOKROW AtTKRVOON AT 3:30 EL PASO HEADQUARTERS 1'afca fli An show tllem we are all rifrht, let's allow the bill anyway." It was so ordered. Wont Hlver Improved.

The fai't tne rtver imnlit overflow Its liank at a point bHnw Fabens and AllSOLUTFXaT riREI'ROOI-SSS ROM8 all 1th adM T'ranfer Hits fr-'to flonr. If present plans frm redistrli'llne the ciiunty are r.iiTiid oul. ttu1 citv will lie npresented in tlm futility commissioners' court hy two jn(ea or one, which lias heen the order ever since Mlie count win 01 minimi. Inrter the in'opo-eii plan the city would he equally represented Willi the lower valley in the emi: r. The pl'in discussed at the meetinir ol the fimniissioners Tuesday proposed dlvirllnir the city Into two commissioners' pre'-lurts, these foeimr mim-heie I 1 and i.

Kansas street "would he the riivtfllnsr line. Precinct 4, from the middle line of rnnnlnir mini the river to the mesa, would take in all of the upper valley. The boundaries of precinct from K.insas street, would extend tn the f've-nule hrldiie. The present or precinct 'o. YsletH, nruilcl he left as they are, while precinct 'n.

3, F-ocorrn, woiild acquire small strip which was lert off when Hudspeth futility was created. New County Causes neillslrlrlinfi. The rerlisti ictliife of the county was made hv the creation of Hudspeth county. When that county Is or-mnued Sierra lilanra, which Is now in precinct 4. wilt he the pnuuly scat of tlie new county.

Commissioner J. M. who is the present cutniinssioner from that precinct, Is slated for county JiKlKn of Hudspeth county. The election for the new county oflicera Is expected to lie called about Aintust 15. No definite action was taken yesterday iletrny rrop-i, was airain brought to the ptivata batli.

Coaductod oo both dm EnracMtA utd -icfrlrtii plaja. Hotel Clark to altuaM tlta hrt of rttj, near nrauUfiU C)tral Park. Can to Haelif. Ucuntiln. from Hill Htrrrt Slatloo rilrfvUT apxJta hotel.

F.uropsaii I'lan Tariff frnrn 1.S0 par (lay. in aa 1'a DIK FA It K. io iitH'injr di-'Ol'-t. rhnrtlirt and fl)attn. Sit nn I'ailftfl KlKtrl.

llneA SubwrMn fc'wm and berhfn UMm- 0tahl bath. Ijo and t.atn. 51 and up. SPFCIAL WEFKLV RATES w. claim, rn-p.

Tnxaa patrouaco aolMLI. lUtutraierl rolj- contlinuil miinil of Bltrartiono mill dlvfi'sloiw nnull you. Xowhrrc In nil Anirrlcii Jtisi like K. Tlic CiinK'r of All Sponlnc nml Not-lul Always fool, luvlKorHlliiK mmi Ipi-ith. TIici fliut liolt'l, cotlJiKO anil Hinirtinrm I'ih IIIiIcw.

ur Kolilers, rltr hanihrr of Coimnf I'i nnn llrarh ar upcf) rKiuML f. SL OIfMICK, Uat "VISIT Till: GRILL" FREE AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT LtltlEnSIIIM BROADWAY at SEVENTH Ttia nf aiinppma, fuirHneaa and IliwiiU-al ilistrtrt. Ctnirr iilsnt lo all car line. nnUltlt tuonn wil-h ptivata bnUi, Ruropau pi an. inm I 00 and tip Olulng rucvn aorvlr rtflnnl and i-tdllait Free litta.

J. n. r.AVOHRMniM. Owner. WILUAJt It FLOOD.

Manager. CAsnMfEL attention or the niinnu-isinner. wno were a-kcd what they were frolnjr to do about it. Some time apfo the roiiiiuissloners visited tluit section for the purpose of seeing what could be clone in the way of iHilldirirf a proteeiiMR levy. Commissi oner l'endeil thought It linfrht be possible for the county, the reclamation service and the railroads to get together on the prupositfon.

W. J. stahiunm, a lar(re property owner, st.ned the rec-laiiiatloii service niiylit make survey, imt were not rolnfr to do anythinjf in the ner fuuire. The matter of slranrhh'nirof out orthe rtver brtiik whlrii had been sufrmU'd, he HiourTht was very remote. Mottd in llunnfr.

"A smalt levy answer the purpose." OSANGEUS FREE AUTO BUS FROM DEPOT TO POPULAR fir i rr fe and Restaurant ir i cjrstiTt: mil awn lie said. "Your county road at that point in dantrer or beinff washed awH.v. You will finil it will rust the county three tliiis as much to repair county roads damaged by flood waters than ft will take to build the levy. Ktght years iifio the river overflowed when the river Garacin connection Take Taxi at Station at our expense LftHoiLAMY Prtl. GedAColuns 57.

RIGHT DOWN TOWN HOTEL YORKSniRG 710 South IlrtMiiliviiy Tj A (i 1 1 Kiiriiwnn pln. f'nlnr no. niiunsmniHit Mnr. MuniJl l.t. imt, Uflturnril liaili, $1.00 up; prhaM tuU).

up! ralw, H.UQ up. H. C. fARON.W. C.

EAG0N, rm.rl.tiKi. BrMdway 4043. Horn. bOIII. m1 LOS ANGELES FIFTH SftorMAJN on the re-irietiiifr proposition, the proposed boundaries beintc Ktven to A.

S. Alhro. county surveyor, to work out. V. crooin was Instructed to attend to prcparlnir the formal order necessary to making the rediMrn-tins- losral.

(Iris County I'rlntlnil. The Labor Advocate was awarded the contract for printing the delinquent counlv tax rolls at sr. cents per tract. This was the only hid submitted. It was admitted that the two daily papers had not been notified that bids would be called fur on this prmtinir.

Poin commissi, It. K. I.vons and HerririK llerrintr, stated that they thought bids should be called for. "I believe the matter should be reconsidered." snki Commissioner Herring-. "The other papers should have a chance at this.

Most of this delinquent land Is in the valley, and I do not think hardly anyone sees the Advorato." "We will send you one," said Commissioner tieonre Pendell. As a matter or fact." said commissioner Wallliur. "I expect more, real prop, erty owners read the. Advocato thtin lo the. Mn'nilngr Times or Herald." MrCllntmk lleildesi Tie.

Commissioner Vallin(t made a motion RATES LA CAFE ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 1 HOTEL LEIGHTON, Los Angeles PER DAY LOS ANGELES Euror and aiiiprlrnn Plan. Riwrtai Bummw raff Irr wi nr mfiUi rmw in afrcrt. IjN-anvl in ilia nxtvlrtire t-wditi llh ailrnurlT nitwinaiit MirlrraiinMila. lMrSiy (iiittrmlla (Mvt1l at the dam was dry." "We are short of money," said! Commissioner Pendell. "It will just take to make your road saTe." said Mr.

Mahhnnn. County Knifineer L. A. White, stated he estimated the lovy would cost "IT we would put that levy in," said Commlmiier ilnrrinur, "we, would be flooded with petitions asking that levies be put In at other points." "The answer to those petitions," said Cyrus Jones, "would he that you are protecting your county road-. Another tlmuf is that at no other point along the river Is the county road so endang-erod as It is at this point." Tommis-doncr Pendell said lie would have a talk to railroad officials.

"I think they nuttht to come lu and help on the proportion, said omimissinncr I'en-de. "IT they rlff i would bo willing to give Mr. stahlman stated he rrnt think ful Vtlai( I'aik, front da bjhI roufmldn of hiiatneaa, yet ivItJill Oft nilnilUM r1te 'f ttio liuatmvui rcnlfr. All ouutMa lipoma wltli ntam lnfU and water tuid U-lriiji, Ullllanl SHADY VMM COURTS. LAHftlC VKIIWPAS, TM0P1CAL KLOWLI1 GAIIPtNS lii(irulutiii Strfcl Mucin, Harbr- irnilatlfif UMaJT iwiu-r pntriifi.

Urie rruuudi nu) aliads Una, awing uai, cnuurMi ptay giauna, ciocx fnir, SJta two nna tannl t-oiirtA. th nd Mjln MO II All till) II. 111.. ritifriPy lnr.lM Ko all um tlmpiuiig dijtrlrt mil 1 (l no pr rliiy up. mi.milv iinl iitMv ritH rnt'tf.

Tk. RJiy Tr.juitur tltu iilrcct lu llirful at Gtv Inn. otel UnAratiam A. It. JAQlimi, Tlr Priltlrmt and (toiifral Manager, J127 Wmf.

UHln Btnt, I Anfaina. SKLKCT FAMILY HOME ref1n1, iwlfiii; cool, quiet comfort; 10 inlnuifi' walk to litulnna Cfnirr tirar all lna Ii rar Him; plan. Hptx-lal aumiiiiir rat. 1015 lnrrnliaju St, AMUSEMENTS A MTI NT) THE CAMBRIDGE APARTMENTS 626 Bonnia Bra Los Angeles Tan fill your rlMlrn tlie anlnalnrt a rrftnrtl Ji una urllirr with Uift lut atloti, funilNhiim and aertlra fieftaliiliiK UieT-lo when in thin dl) Phonea: Horn 537151; Wllihlra 4240. LO.

ANGELES. Special Summer Rates HOTEL STEWART mfmncisco AT THE AUDITORIUM HOTEL Fimi AND OIJVK I.OS ANCKCKS the levy would cost any more than that i and would be glad to take the contract of erer'tlnsr it at that price. I CiiiuTw first Session Adjourns I The county court at law adjourns fts i first session Saturday. The conunis- siouers (franted Judre Will P. Brady, of the min a leave nf absence.

Jude I Hrady wants to spend a part of his va-j caliuii at A contract fur furnhhinar tlw courtly with tuiw of rnal was awarded to the i Hine iirnher Cual company at a prhe i of SS.TO, delivered, (ither bid- submitted were: oshorii Fuel company, H.13 por Vm i tor inn tons and for tons as needed; Held Brothers, delivered, and f. o. b. Ill Paso; Santa Fe Fuel company, per Ut de'lve ed. i nder mi order parsed bv the commis M.imillllY-rHKIIt IIMIt.

Iii'vole. or Ihe Iclnvi Thivla Burn tliroliki'fl Hie Alhiunhril Tui'siliiy, to rice her In Heart and Soul." Miss inna was even inni'u iidurahle Ihiui wu sunt she wiiiild tin. 'I Ids piclurn will lie shown Wednesday and Thiiisniiy. In tins cttiru Mlsa H.ica has a wnnilcr Till opportunity to ili-diiy her horscman-dnp, wiilch she dues adiiiiralily. Ihe spiry Is or Iwo iievoted sisters, who make their luunn Willi their imcli! lu the.

armr their inoiher'a death, Jess i.TTieda Harai promised lur ily inr mother In nun for her lillle si.ler at nil costs. While hut a child herself, Jss umlliers her sisler. from $1.0 a 3ay WRITE FOR SPECIAL RATES FOR PARTIES New Staot and Concrala Structura3S0 flooma Colinecling Balhrooms Most Famous Mcala I a few stepa from Union S. i ik. I TakeMuniL-ipalC totlienoor.

HANKING BY MAIL 4qL Compound 70 Interest A rrquesl lur our new tree DiMitlet, Hanking hv Mail," carries with It no nlilliinllon to open an account, anil all we ask Is an oppnrliinty to eiplaln. Write todaj, and ask lor our New uonklrL EL PASO BANK AND TRUST CO. A Guaranty Hind Bank Kl 1'aso. Teiaa. and an'mur for tlie ilnurn or Kl I'aso al Hie meetiiifr.

Tin Amihi iIIm llimvell-l Paui "hurt Hue will lii-riiiiio a hint ir thii trull at Aniiiitllo, Riiil mil lirlnif Ih-io ImirNt Iraltio from St. I. mils anil nklniiopim into Kl 'I'hiHisini'ls of Biitiniinliili' tnur-lH, it IS cxpi'i'leil, will lie iMollirht In Kl I'ano aft a legiill oi tlm Uiivls ini-riiuir. uvonooklns heautiful Central I'ark. Kvury mo.lern accommodation; furnished for ahsolute comfort; large lobbies anil private parlors.

Special summer rotea. B. F. OUEHN, Managpr. lumncK ai.uu I atuUr uua incLtaauiiie principal trains.

WTeni they tcaih womanhood. Jess ad mils her hive to the man she loves, on the same day, the yuuiijo'r sister confiilns Krefeld, Rhenish Prussia SEMINOLE APARTMENT HOTEL 620 8a. fwr bL Anfiaa California. Ple mtmitea walk from roe way. The inefct funiUhad and bwt lociUid Wih-claaa aparUnwit liolel fn Lsm Aiifslea.

200 maeiilHcwit ouUlds rooma, lobtiy 100 1 OH) tern, opemiiit Into a trupirai palm rourt: well-iipinntAi lilillard and pool nna: ifleci ao- MORNING TIMES Hotel and Resort Information Bureau for Literature and other information. 105 Texas St. Phone 5050 sioners, the new county court at law will! be loc'it' In the room wnlch has been used the Sixty-fifth district court, and! the new courtroom Intended for the new court will he occupied by the xty-fifth. This done because the Jutl elevator as roust ructcd to open Into tire room Uf-ed by the. Sixty-fifth court.

As lite county cnii.t et law will have jorisduton In lu that she Invivs liim, too. or her sister's happiness, Jess tells John Hint she could never love hiui. Then pillows a i revolution, III which Jess saves John's life nml her Uster's tumor. The rllmax is IhiTlluijr. Ha sure, and see this plclnrr at llm Alharuhrit Wednesdnv.

Prlcea lor, lie and ir.c. 'IJh'. Alliamhra Is iliHdhl POWERS APARTMENTS OVERLOOKING ST. JAMES PAHK Lm Angtiat. ClUftrnla, Kurt Urge nfmi, Oi'-ludlnf ilrmilng anil biti: lfll MiKnar, lu Ute cilr; flti.

fErOen. court, 21005 I4 Will 23d St. Wut IS79. ll.v Times St.eclul Wnihiriirtoii, July ill.

Kri leld, the cllv or I'lusftiM fmiii which com -v Hie ic-wi of Hie I ti or l.ieiili'iiaril loii-ri-r, one WALL PAPER Mnny new dosisns for your ttrtoctioii. Tuttle Paint Glass Co. or fliir analnis. who had peen creiliu it with the ilcili in lion of alt planea bfloiiKUiK io the alii -a, tin- ji-rl or a iinili'lin Ia.ui iI hy llic iNalininil oeoirrapliir Koiii'iy, wluiii n)i: "KielIrl, the iri'l''il and 'Ivi man ui aurrnuiioiiin. daiiriitf.

music and rarr partlw trwry noilng. Our apartrnfriU ir very larje, apotjwaiy cImii and cumpim-iy rumUhM tor hnusehwpiiif. Tahle llnm, tll-er ard clilna. Um tfiry beat. (Rcrfkt unjurpaaaed.) Night aj.d ur p1kjo flMrlce, Single rwinu.

with bath. SI. 00 prr dar. Blrnlei aparimwiia lirjia llrlnf mmw argn bain and kitchen ctmipirW for bow Xnvuig. In 150, Ooiltie arrtmei)ti, rerf larg, ipadout and a-fli furnlahl, Jf.ii to fldf).

TlMa pftr-fB tnrintla fas. Ilht, phone fro, heat, latin. iry act apar'mmta tlcanr.1 wJU, MRS. PAUL STRAIN. Want(fr.

Hama 60222. Mai. mi. tirurtiirt.c cent-r nl UlteoiAh Pin. Ma, Inun tully cool.

OS' THIll." II l.ltKUW. Today is positively the la-t day In see Hie hue cornhinaimn lull nl tlm rireclan. I lie proirrarn i nusists or the wonderful reel dtnmt of Jove and iiiy.lciy. i Trial" and aulheiillc pliturcs ur me Iittsslaii revoiuiuui. II Is a bill well worth seelnr mid Is perhaps one or Hi'' llo si prop-rams in IT Paso al Hie price or admission cltaiiod, tweniy-five cenis for adults and Timea Free Information Bureau, Branch No.

9 winch Arijrnraii ami KiiviriiHl uiiiiuiilly re- reived in.j worlh ol lli'-sc Lihrli "On Trial" Drawing Big Crowds al ihe Grecian This slHRft play, whifh iirrw 11 In-ipiuitou from iiioiion pi tiirct, mtli ihHr 'Tlash bfirR'' in, plover lo fx-rpllriit malprial for a motion vue. licrure llie war. In on- or toe most pro (rrfouvr. of iiinil'-in oerrnaii inniin ipili AMERICA GREATEST over rrimmal cases, the sheriff's Department explained it would be more convenient the new point was trlven tin room, both courts are located on the fourth lioor. Pr.

Mr amarit (lets Leave. Dr. T. J- Mc.camant, county physician, who is a major in the Texas field hospital corps No. was panted a leave or absence to last duriny me war oi- until the pr esent rm or the rnrnmNsionpr'C court epire.

Pr. V. P. wbs appointed to a as rfuinty phvsicp.n during ir. Mc-Carnant's abenep.

He stated ti would be glad lo relinquish the ofhee to Ir. Me-Camaid npnn his return. Conrh Hobert was appointed hide and animal lnpeetor to (111 the vacancy caused bv the rtealh of h. v. Love, who died of injuries ustained when he was thrown bv a hor-e.

The commissioners adjourned lo meet Wednesday morninir. iiim. lm ixipiihlion al the oiilln aK or the war wan, Initio lm rea-i'd rn'ir fold during- the laid hall of the nmeleeiilii nru-eii cenis ror children. HOME ADTO SERVICE B. TOM SMITH, "nr.

Phone 1500 til New ars 11.5(1 to J2.0TI per hour, earn Old Maud. 322 Mesa Ate. "im TriaP' Is truly a (rreiit pV-ture. It SEASIDE SUMMER RESORT OFFERS EVERYTHING for nHnur i at emillooil- jtus.t oul ard tuttrtitrvs Streetcars direttto ferry pau door. lose to thcatrti.gfiopi, etc.

Meaia rnrl room with balb.ftmii $4 DfrrJay, Room and halfi wuUui mraia. ii-m pet day. A vult to I.uron, arrhbNhnp or Jthelms, who lias iitver ror ft moment tllOIIKlll of tleaertlmr liln pint tieur the lallii'ilral. found htm lit very confident fplriK, full heller the allied victory a lie rcreneil, in coiji kc of ronveoalion, to the Kreat iii-lft had received rotti America and from the other allien, lie said: The entry of America Into the war mirely will hasten the defeat of the Is unlike anylhlnif that lias ever lnen ruo- dliced. The Seven CCoWiled reels ll.

ill 1 the interest fo rnst Ihat tlu-y seem In fly by like one. peurir a "lory id a Rient love and haviriir a wonderrully well developed element or mystery, this picture lias a sironif apfieal to all liners of hiKh rlas pfiotojday cnterlnmnieni. a a noaa, Mtnaata jHrni'H Voimjf hn (IH'-'iPtl (, In jw-vn r.i'lM, ttllh a ttrll rhnjtf.n rnl ff'rd, fioft plifilnifjripliy and fld'Mjiiatn ttuuv. TUp "Uiiy mid th" nn aiiivrjinit form on-or (h" n'iot l.ihTi'-.tinjr and ciilfrtiiiiHiiir plrtiiif pJil limiKlMHliU'. I a MllO'dlilV (old arm uniind.

'Ui-'iv no drop in the inli-ri'-t and tlir- no diirirnltv In foiiowtiiR vnt-. on dortrt think RAGING VENGEANCE OF GERMAN GUNS SEEN AT RUMS Cl-lllljl i "I.lillkn loon rlllea dalimr frnin medieval liinc ilhe lusl mention or It oceiim In lln arinulx or Ihe tweiitn Kielcld wii! alwiiys an open Pwu. The rour Kreat houlcviiidi whnh em-loiii! it rriiiri a Kreai ti-clainrh- in.tead or it cle, aucli a the bnulcvaiil'v which have me loililo minus uf walled rllim. "The citv llir'-e miles from Ihe lililni' on the lull and rmiea nniliiwest or Colnioif; and miles norlh-west of fumseldoif. Ii.

wat'-r coriimi-no inws tlit'omrh Hie lame liarpor of I. inn, Willi ll It riwnn, "The proitperlly or Krefeld In allnli-illid U. laid lltiil It ottered an a.ylulu lo I'rolentants an'l Weimoiniei in lln- eu-lecnth ixeverit'-eritFl c-npir theic lieiitden. I liotn relKrlnua le-ini-' U- I lltfr CHORE Vou will iny lien It is wrvert upon your table tint WIl.SO.N'S M.UKSTIC the heft you ever ate. It speeially eerted and 'penally, cured deliriously mans, who, in Uie name of llieir Knltur, have done no rrmch harm to rlv IIIZHtion." The ronmilaln which ha not lieeii occupied since early in the war, ha not itufrered (rceally rroni the con-Atanl honihardinent, one ulcll pierced the rout and norne.

mark1 of it.4 wnile all the ulmluua have lieen rlestroverl. appeiltlnr- Adv. DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS SHERBETS and CANDIES Phones 347. and 348 deliver "RIGHT NOW" It wanted or PROMPTLY, at any given time between 7 a. tn.

and II p. m. Phone Us Your Orders The Elite Confectionery Co Big Cathedral City of Champagne District Haa Appearance of Hollow Shell. In the cathedral Itself irreal clianirn. ha tflkcii placei in recent monlhs.

i.a(riiiK Hi" AlltH NkH. To'JiiV Hi' lHt slirjwlnic (if "In Afalh, ful ArTlln." rlpv-r (inji'ijy r(niiii'' hi vtliirh iJiHitrln FBirbunkn i- wtfind. It i( a nnry of fttr'-iMi'iHB v-mink man 4 pf-fiirU to pet In Jiil, Ihat h- idii lm ni'Ki in iiHTirr's fUuiiir. it i riunn-in ir in ih fxtn'inc. ami ruh') run tunt lv Hi ri'tiv; "iMtUfr" if-n'i riilr.

It, InflHv Ih Hi- iMt lifiu'-p to It. In tli'i (ioM Moo-K-r ffdtiirc, "Whrit lu.f'"''i''l A'lclc." Tin an atirit'llvo fsttiRH floiy, with on of tfif nioul i-oculHr of ttl'i 'ufi(fr in a U'ilul in. coiitiiiK Fi the bnl 'r all vUUnvn. "ttiX" (OVII.IIY AT MMOI A tjFriri'f new "lot uitl tuvn lt- fut fthottinif at thr Hijoii todsy, f-n- of ihfl llm or Vniid-r Mow much lii! film will run. 'I lie uvfn ifds rifrn Jlkt one.

Thf plctrirc l- a trial rfnf th' nit-nfnfV HlortrM hfiii(f vi-uniii'-d. iHici ior loumr tun niHdc Ihat nun i'iotn a vry ffal phtr io all who Hi phtur" Vdl rlioiti'li of ami rp-vidy InlrodiMfd hiN i.r Immui' mid toiohs, pi iMnntfd and nilui ally, fiiik it no. Ihfl a-torn all do riiif woik. Almiworth phn Poht rt klnnl. mufti mote lnimin roh limn tli'' n-ooilly idm.

1 fiittrrly iilnfficlory. I.illlc Miiiy Alli-lcr Inn th" Impoi tiint part nf I ion tr Irk land, and It I "autiltilly. It la a pmotlohul role for tmy a player. Imrhaia lni pl'a-lri(r a-t Mia tlrlkland. Harry fMiriktif'-n And Pfltrlclc Calhoun, th for llt dliMHc and re lary, ro-p'(luIv, ari rx'-'dknt.

tn Ih1 rit ara blrrtor Voijuf Tra-k, 1 I I THE WANT I llm PHONF noien mow tn the. niof. All the ancient stained irlas ha fallen out, In million, or (rairmeiitfi, onto the. Moon U'xir and as a con.e(iienr:e of the shell ejtplimiiitu In and around the Ijuiirlinir, the KiHtuea Asoi'iaterl Presn CorretorMleiu'e. Kri'inli J'ronl.

July i'l. Itheiiiu In ttlll-Inr. The rallienrsi mv or Hi-Cliatnrianiii' fli'lrlri lm the appearanre of a hollow Khell nhii'ti tta rfIUper in part ajiil it rapidly ub4iitig into a imn, IirouKtit Willi lO' io Ihe art or velvet, linen and jitlk wcaviiiK, Ih lust ruirned hi'liiK introduced. In, in Holland In llm eliditi-eiitli ceniiiiy. or at haul in lllft irotJprollil llllien jn-l lierntc the mlt- hnaK of Kin war, there were more loan tfi.oi't in in Ihe cilv.

pro-duilnif fahriii valued at,oi'i annually. iihor Inilu.iiial H'-liviii' or Ihe riiriiiii'inliy lucliidi-d toe iiranulai'ttiie or relllllone, -helllli Hl, lulher, ilve.1. ral pets, cravata. roiinii (roods and rnachm-cry. The rep-Id lerhnlcal hool lor Pu- linn it Fxhihitort' i ip-nlt, cnntnM lUf play.

lln' tory i.rrald Trmk nhol hit li'iin, ami lii'-i (' 1-if i la on Irifil for lni imiid'T. Mi Trt-k an I Ita-k'n teTlJiry, iluvpr, Mrirklaud fir- ihA Hind. Tia-ik hai iifil'-d ijnd a I.m k' Hiiiotntt nr inoiiny stolen. Tlio mnllVM ''ttli to 1)1 IlU'tt, hickhiiid pmltv ami rfrnx1 to makrt any )( for.hi- any Rttrirnpt "ii if pat of thi' Ijiw it' I i ola mo niVficrv. Die triwj, 'aramM Ins will, I ih littlf the stiiid.

Th titlninny of Mis. Ira-k. of hiilo P.iria Sin kiand and iioilly of Mr. ti h-klaiifl. ll.

that filially i-iearK llm inv-mcy und th fMrinrn emli uiiii a i iri-iijijef rlmiat that I' to A happy end Tirnps Want Ads are sure result bringers. if Faiiitn have crumoled, fi triuri ciatem Atiow In ilie floor; alt the woodwork Iiah ivijecurnherl tn the fianiea, and al arty moment 1 hlr xfx-II may cause, the whole atruriure to conapse. Wi helln have hit the. bitildlnr 5050 litlffl "I.ovfl and TiifT." ih fiin.iirM j) r- turf you vfr haw. "fi" conifdy pi'o- 'lurlforit an- rrirwd nl the iiiloii thrat'T fine or tliern-a i-lncti projectile did not etplnrie, end it nriw stands on ll oae tjjnde one of the ptllara of tlie nave.

for ftr-t ahouirnr lfa. Ailinlriilon 5 aii'l tit ''oin t'zc ft Ida wjf'r, John the pt'o-i'nfifnr iptrny, and Itohard iMik-r, judif. TiM-re I no (joilon al'ul tlie hltrtt of tfif pn turtr In tthalKvcr IhfatT aiiown. IIir First N- i CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE 4V rCRtilaUM AMarers. Cbemlata, MeUilorKlsia.

cpreniade lor Ore Shipper 210 San Prandano SC El i'aao. Texaa. iiia. Not only the ratheilral, hut all the puhlle tiiiliiliiin ami private ilwelinoc home huu' j-nf terr-d in Hie last half year, rroin Hie rafririir of the tiertiMii (Tinners, iiave turnert a ram or lo tlie stin ken tv Ih' ir artnien Pave ilercateri at any of lie- Tii''e have heen rrerjiietit, either on a mall nr latire xi-ale mure the. allien rifPiinvH tliu ier.

Ihat the nty haul)' has passed more than two or three, clays urulei ruing botnliai ilitieiit. The extent or the wi'lem-rverl piml-h-ment tnav tie jrathererl from the. Iiirijrea Alamogordo Will Be Represented al Clovis luily of t-lilc iinliiiliy world rarnoin mid In tune of peace rrirolla atudeiitu rimri matiy couritricn. "11'ne miles I. Ihe noiilh or the city It the i.ra.llnt'H road, a im inorial or the Utile or Kr--reid, In which tn-derPk lie-oriaia lie' mike or liiunwnk, dereated the, fri-ri'h iiurlrnj the seien Years' war.

"Krom a m-nllmental standpoint Kre-rcld derlve-fi lis cluer importauee lo the pi-iiple of lierinanv fiom the fan that It wan here that kail VViIi.elru. ol the. national air, "lm Warht Am hhein," aa livinn at the tim that lie rave that mini' le I'mon. wiirwlmwi. horn at riroalkaldan In hut ror i'.

vi-ars lo lie was a inu.ic tea' h- Meeting on Thursday "THK Ull. Ol" SWIOV fall or a Nation. Ih1 riiKiii war -Irartia, hy 'I iKtrtm Ijuon, will ihown at til ini)'-ft tolay. All rallz tlii" 'a ofift of llm wori'l'tr of Hit ttinvw- ttorW. Ui IU.

nialtoci, a win riot ha vi- s-'Hlx for ail al DiKht. li a dim'-, all Him tune, I AI, MtTIVMt THK I II Ultll TOIMV. Thla aft-rrioon llm iiH'tal niftt i v- UK jjila'U a( the t.iaftforfl nu-r ulif-re Ui' Mnvfoonfl TaJ roin-Iiiy now playihK "lln HKrlnic, Trie Th "4az Hand" will alvi vry nio'h in rvt'li ti' lon iffd Hi Hurlin-lri Hry" will I' rt Tor the lal tiro. 'joniiicn Ion tom'd iow iiiirtit "1 li r.r and rtire-ctir at Kn-feld, uli'if rnnn-uirn-ut tint h-eri erc-led Pi Ids memory." Alamonnrdo will he represented at the KI I'ano iihorl lirie contention at Tlmrrday. Thu nrd um received hy ye H.

Clements, eee-retary of Ihe ciiamher uf fr'itn itto TlhiiiepaHjrh, secretary of the Alamnirrodo Cliamlwr or Comtrusrre, Tue. day. Tin. leave every town on the liianch or 1 hp iiailt trail except Ttilani.a repro.cnied at the m'tiiiR. Jijiltre Adrian pool will Jieail the delegation from Kl rao.

An organization lrnilr to that of the fort Worth Kl pao hiirhway a'lfjrlatl'in will tie erfected at the rriettuift, aceord- Douglas-Qisbee-Willcox: Stage Leave Willcox daily 4:45 a.m. Arrive Biabee 9:00 a.m. Arrive Douglas .9:15 a.m. Leave Dougla ..12:00 noon Leave Biabee. .12:30 p.m.

Arrive Willcox .5 JO p.m. FARE 7c Per MILJE 0K THVNhM. f-or mv-alf ki'J liiniiy 1 ilfitirn to ct State National Bank Established April 1881 Capital, Surplus and Interest Paid on Savings Accounts R. MOREH-EAD, Frealdent. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vice-Pre a N.

BAS5ETT, Vlca-Prefldent. GEORGE If. FI5RT, Cahlr. J. GII-CHRIST.

Aaat Caahler. reiat toe nimihr or eheiU or all rail-hem i oured into the awl on the ratheilral tliiriiia ainrlH fi.rininil, from June 1', t.j June jR. TP fital tX'tween tlio.e two dan waa no t'-wer than PS.15. There arc only imorn lert, out or a peai-a Hnc or aliout Ariiotur them a iroorHy pro-rirtioti of women and cntldien. Some or the.

yoiitiirer wirfin-o havM rotitiini'ii llieir tA'ifit tliroiiifhi.ijl. manv thern binr in the rharnpan-ne reparg, wtiere. rtuntiir the day, they are eotu-paratively etfe from' tlie Oe.nnan fire. h'honl atlll beitiir earned on, the rlaw beintf held Ijelow ttt mreet mr-Tai e. The iiiiinliipal (rover moeiit ato Is coipluttt'J In Hie of tDe artli.

iiri'rr( ttiarik for tti ffiifl yriiathy i-W utUii ly frl-n tltrriiivhru I fMfi rfntlilV (ilif lTia Uf trl atnt th" ti ifrpnaifd re-cut r-ravffri'-fit rmuitiiiir from tu Thl rotwv a ttm tlilirt of th -iBHiii nf my lnialiari'1, fiaer mrun. Mayfnoiif l-al vumavy wfy-n npeiiiit it mifiv hmitiriil floral olf'Tln! tutrAWwnl, ovr si monitit airo, and wa ifM'tttly May Uut hirM yon Inir to word received py tin KhamOer or 'tntnrrp from twig f'wi, i ul sr I'ool Tor your kiii'fhi'cii to rn aiMl niv TiHiily onjy played two nldhls, hecause aorne ea.tein rnad was honked In the theater, and the Teal company laid off tor a lew daja. lrt iiofwii, y. ror i flufiiiir Uit i1 i my hhut, rnoniifiij, no 85 lo on U.c arouna early-Alv, Mils. loMuhA OlKO.x..

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