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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 3

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


MARINES FORM LIVING EMBLEM tenre at that time is et st fine ami ninety days in jail. The case Is iiuw pending on DR. ANNA REUM IS Tlhie FopMcmr ('nr. Uesit Ar. ami Sun Anlonio SI.

I'rlmtr Hritiu-h ir i in rniiuirTrn'um American Fliers AllAIN LUMILIlII; in France Anxiously Wait or I ransfer toU.b. Duty Uy Associated Press. With tiie American Army fn France, Tcb. Found Guilty of of Practicing Medicine Without Licene by County Court at Law. S.

one Hundred American aviators experienced Trend, eseadriilea other Grand Clean-up Sale Of Juvenile Footwear than lite 1 afayeu are impatiently awaiting their format tranaTer to the American forces in actorUanro with the agreement between the two grovernments. Twelve or these nun, who have seen at least two It. Anna neurn, wi.rnaii practitioner, wlio was tiled lii-lore Juilgo V. 1'. liraily In tho county com I la yestt'May on a r'lii-tri' cr iiipitn ine without a iH'irise, waa founii unity by a jury anil lier jninislnnciit fix Pit at Moo fine ami rit-tcpn nays In Jail.

Her attorneys moed lor new In January Dr. neum was trlr-il on a Similar rtiaiKii and ronvlcW'il. Her sen- IXT NO. 2, MISSKS' SUt'KS 1 1 'a tn 2. Patent leather nnd pun mntal; hua or button Mtyle.s; white ur gray clott, nr kid tops.

In thifl lot you will find many dressy ityle.s. Howell hh months' service nt the front, were released by the French early In January on supposition that they would soon bo cumin issiuti in the America!) a laliuu service. Aithcii(rH all passed thoir examinations ami were recommended as Hi si and M'o- nd lieu tenant-, they hae not ut re Htyles f(r KenerMl umo. Priot'd at a pair. $2.95 put LOT N.

3. OULnUKN'S SI Ii KS 8' to 11. I'ue and button Htles; turn cr welt soles; patent vumjoj, ftith tan or Kray eloth tops; gray WK bine over mir entirr. stock nf juvenile, tnotwenr, tiiken out nil slinrt iinoM. anil Kinupeil tiieni ititu foiir Idl' lots anil market! them at prices Unit they could not tie IuhikIU nt wiinlcsalo today, t'otisnionti't tiie prosent hiKli pilce nf slwrs.

l-'nmi lmilll-ors nhmilil t.iko nil antiiKo of this sale nnd l.riiii; the i hllilren ilnwn mni hnv tliotu fitted, ti5 there will be tlo excliaiiKi'H 111 Mines Inniiilii (luring this Mile. tSocoml Floor) IT NO. 1. OKnW.V H1IOKS Sizes to ti. This lot Is coniponeil nf lnce limits; well nr turn miles; putcnt vhiiiim iitni wliito kid tops; patent vamps with itrny kill tops; gray kid Miinps nn.l cloth lops to mutch; pearl elk SKINNERS THE BES1 kttl vitmps with tfray tdoth tuns motch, and stmn nil tdaik Mhoen.

rfK I'tired at a pair, 'JjfJ 2.45 ceived lle-ir and have been rumjiHIi'd to wail in Pail. Aviation headquarters here are unable to Ktve ih'Tinde niltirmaiiun rPKardtui: the lime of their transfer bfrause the commissions must ruin from Vahlnjrlon. Vexed at the delay and delrouft to enter nclive service, tiiree of these, limn have ro-mlNtPd the French army. Two have hern Jit lied In ihe French service alter painsr the American officers' examination. Thirty-three La layette fliers have been coniinl-ioiu'd In the lilted Mates army and are how riyuur on the French front in American uniform.

MfARONI LOT NO. 4. lNI'WXTH Silt Sizes 5H to S. tins lot the Mylea nre tno nuiiier-iiiR to irien-tioti. Peine and see fur yourself.

Hfre you will i in shoes ii every description, will table for outiiii: snot's, nun many oilier styles not men tioned here. I'licril at a pair, every uveuslon. Priced at i pair, $1.95 $3.95 ltKI I HI IN hi' KKSItiYUlOV. By Associated Zurich, Feb. 8.

Kmpernr Charles has refused to accept the resignation of the cabinet of Pr. un according to advices received here. I There are 2,000 United States marines in this photograph. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they form the great living emblem of the marines, whose slogan is "First to Fight. The photograph was taken on parade grounds of the marines at Paris Island, S.

C. It required an hour and a half to perfect the formation. In the lower right hand corner may be seen tents of some of the marines. $2.00 $2.50 American Lady Front Lace Corsets, $1.59 ANOTHER wonderful corset value. This radical reduction is due to the fact that we are discontinuing these "lace front" numbers.

They're made of batiste; low or medium bust; four or six hose supporters; white only. Complete range of sizes to 30. A not-to-be-equaled 2LU ZCl value, at PIOV (Fourth Fluor SMELTERS FEELING European War Summary PERRY DESCRIBES EFFECT OF STRIFE COMPARE 01 QUALITY COMPARE OUR PRICES Isn't this wonderful weather we nre having? Aren't theso wornler-ful prices wo mo Trade, here and savo money, i'ott know that truilins with the oldest and most reliable store of its kind in the youtliwcst you will not only save money, but will receive quality, service and courtesy. These jrioes are for our CASH Cl'S'i'uMKKS ONLY. A penny saved ia a penny made.

SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY STAMM RECALLS Scarcity of Ore Predicted Inside Next Month; Surplus Dur Motor Car Distributor Claims America Will Win Because of Modern Equipment. ing Past Year. i i I. It. I I III I ISO Ullll IK lv A-soeialed 1': e.

a-buurtoii, I rb. 1 he hvpubllcan 1 ill op '1 1 1 1 rotnmiltee P-nijcht adopti'il a rule providing for the appointment of women on eonrrsslnimt diirn 10 Males where women oh and iipprnved a reeomnniida-tnm for the 'h'i-tiiiii or a new xith rnm-miltres on anil nr-upe oT oiifaina-lion ''lie ciitunitlee oied to reduce ine im'iober-bi ot its eeeutle ronuiilltee from M'venleeii lu -euii. III, Hili STUNTS iiv (if till' Ij.hc lllliN I'l imv. 111. ilinl 1 101I po ltnu.

JO KXTI5A SPECIALS 5 ii In mot ltnlunir Pow der, 15c seller 12 Schilling's Knl-ini; J'mvilcr, 4c seller can l-'Mra Asparagus for 1 do cmi l.ii;ln lion-- lcuncr for fll.OII (Dillon can Tomato Catsup, new stock, for Liberty Hi'iuul Coffee, lilc seller, for 2 cans Sardines, in Tomato Sauce, OIhe Oil or Musuird. Sauci l.rniit, frcsii slock, it for York liuckwlicat I'lour, 2-lh. package for 7 Itolls Toilet Paper for fly Times Spneial CorrT.piiHont. MnUKias, Ili. I altinjr off In prodiicHftit of diippiiij; ores by Muall pru-diicpis over the M.ite Is new Iifnutr Ml lv the smeltiM's id A nhei aily.

with I reii i iriihralums to a or ore willtm next nmiitli or two in Ilr of ihe MH'Hu- wim-it until at ujiwi tie eiM uf tiie year. AD of the smelters are now locking hn Famous Racing Driver Won Big Honors While Piloting National Cttr. .37: 2Ku i for. Tniiiiilnci, re. sell IIOV TO ItKVIII Vh.

IL TV. Ily -snciated Press. New York. eb. It bKk jury only twenty minute today to deride Hint Paul Cliapin.iu, a b- year-old youth, should pay the dealh penally br having pnrtlripated in (he lobbety oT 8 Krooktyii store laH iii-tnber, duiuiff which Harry IteKinslturK, the TMprietnr, and In brother wen shot lo death and his wde badly Injured.

Uiapmaii, a rormer eholr boy. mx Teet tall nml looking older than be reuciveil the juiy's verdict stoically. e-da lo I rn lu the mti-ivd of the I iher-tv loan lampaimi. He Ins roiilributed hi! prie tuiuiey for the purchase of enm-rnils for our and "(if llu' many farmnii nu'e drUeri who lmn won lame at the wlieots ol A annual there never was one a lenrb'M 11s Pihkw." ahl lu eimiuieniiim tin tie vmuK iiitllionain -poitnuin lecent a hn- emeiit lu the eb mds. Although slight build and with a video as suit ii woman be wti- a danuit as they iMiue in the or eninpehtum oil road 1 iteiOK emit ami a II ih eutn-pusine was womlerrid.

He peeineil to lie without tiervev it was eany In hM ra'dnir r.treer, lout before he eaptun-d inh'r nation I honors by wininiiH' the liiand I'lle al Milwaukee in mat HniKK wan Identiiled 'uilh the laeintr Ilo vhi Hie Imd oi Win. (.. I'oeiiner. the distributor at New tih, who won raicb over to an Auierie.ui car. UrairK wa partial to roieurii nioiioK, but the -peed and p.wer id (he fuiii 1 Imder lu ilnrrr him lo ue 11 In eastern lull rlimb-.

"AllhooKh Hr.itrk' diowt a Nalioii.d at a time when the bhn cum from liidiHnnno-11 were supreme on fpcedway and road, the raeiiiK unu'liine of bin dav would be forced to bow bidore th' National of lots, so imnh Miprrlor ts tie twejie chniler modid id toitav oer I aee-w inmuir four of six or none -aim. "Ihe new xpeeitter. tor 4 amde, will hit m-v nd 1 utiles an bonr un a country loud, lid only a trifle under lhr nvernne nf 7h inllet pet boor at whhh Joe Imiwoii raptured Hie IndniUJipobs liileniatioiial swei 'pslnke run on specially rnntrm'lrd eniirte, paved with brlrH ami banked at Uirns." i nriiiin'', sweel anil (nicy, dozen 5Se f.iMtM1 frail, nice anil solid lie do. Ilioniniis, larjie, ilo IWe ilo. I.i'ioiuis.

do 2se fi'llui-i', 2 hunches for lie His. CillihiljM' for iic Miellril rrenns and Ualmih, ier III IS I. fin Shrllcil AlllHilliis. per 111 iMillin llts. I'olutoes fur Corn, it(.

r.r seller, 't i iii-milliiii Milk, rr(. Vv. seller I for miiiiII, 8 for SI. Charles Milk, i Tor I'el tl ilk. Tor Mi-Iihi lii'iins.

for Illll IMHIes, for Sour IMrltll's, 2ie for Hulk (Hill's, lllll, for Thr-re's Sfiinrililiitr m. i Hi. in a (rrain nf sciiliini nl in tin' )i. an antl phra-ci uncut "koi'intiK tlii In fuvs liiiriiiiiK." I In- rn I'uiitii l'i I1111111' 11111-I Inve pvcryllimir llwy nroil tn I lie 1 1 n- uf rmhl nilf iiiiirliiiit-iy ttii'l sniiplti tli'1 fiiml nrpiinwul Willi Hi" pmvi'H ut arm W. Ilnlii'iiziillrrn.

'i'lial'n III'' irnlrnl Hll'pnC nr life In Mihtiiu Just 111IU nml hey. mil Hint, these Im.vh iiiiii lime a linine iine I.Hrk tn iilfr ha saiil: "We're renclv In htw Hie fmliter.s 111 rvciv ate are the men wll.i fimil lor an lileal. Ihe lileiih-1 rniihl lint lie an Idealist Wlthnul imllie lie', 'heme In i no firei that limn an. I l.lne." Willi untie r.lry an.l ileimiclary Ktali-illlilt in a tilimie ilrnth stiiiKKle Ih" Willi i IMHntliin mi Irhll liclnre ti llllninal nf tiie lentiines, itn all spell liiiiilers ill the limit sl.miliinr an.l hII the pnllli. urns spniilmir.

It Is a lillle the tn answer ihe eier rei'illlinlr (ne.tiuii: nil what line uf I'iIhiii shniihl I. ill iliilv In a ami tn einhatinn. ei.liieiitriue I neinn-s that I enlnlii.tlid? Meinif lli.ll I am In Rn In llame jnst et, Imw vhall I live, what "lull 1 ili Iiiliinl'inw, Ihe ilay arter, ihe Hint anU the net" allir nf Inilllslry. I. ft ll do a little leasiilnim nf the ltn-plel suit: W'lial is II Hull has tnilcln the repnhlie nf Nnrtli Aiiiein a Ihe "lefene" In llns "filial arnilneiil nl Lint's-'" Is It wheat, or meal, nr Surely these are all prerlnns linll live ml as The Irttpst Hipircs Htaflnhle the lns lite In the torpnlnlnii or the troop ship TitM-aiiia indicates that l(ti are mhMnfi, if nliom 1 7 Amerl- I'JHl The estimate was furnMirri by the ItrllKh admlrally lu the Associated Press 1 rhlny nlfiht, with Ihe luruniiii-tlon Unit persons had been saved.

A 1 litem were otriecrs ami of Ihe meiitnii foresters, emiineers, supply train 1 rn, military police nnd aero units, tdttl id Is the ship's enuipiiiiy had include 2,177, only nineteen mfsslmi rmialu ttt be appurtlom-d aiuoini the -IS ineiu-hers or the UrUKh crew ami st pus-sciniers. Accordlnit to the iidinirnHv 's tllliiees, (he tidal number ul persons un the Jiiscaulu was 111 erica officers auiomi Ihe lesltlii'd to I be emii'iiue their men while lhe (be unite enicr-IH ncy of the ship sieldnu in the noiht with no Hssorance tlial the t.cno:tii subintirfoe 00 hi it id send mod her lorpeiht lo hasten her disappearance bencidh Ihe iiu'n, II It is 11 I hials praise the dlstiplhie and sieiidlaslncss of the A 111 eid cans and (be London press bnisli with encomiums of (heir sloieisiu. Aniericau lutrpsltno(ers on the see-fur liel Ii tin- I tilled Stale forces liorlhu e-t of I not on the elcru I rent hav malcheil their iinirUniioi-ship mill wits ajiiiinst (lo skill i.nd epcrieiite id the i firm in and thus- tar had Ihe odi nnliote. Kuemy snipers Ua been routed frorri Iheir hltliiin (duces ntoono bushes lu the hilly, -toiled ferritin or in shell lodes by the fire of the AmericHiis, II ltd where the rifle proved iiuaiailiii I here as tirmtuht lido fn-llnn machine pons or llib( nrllllerv, which ilesirov eil (he (rrntatt shellers nml caused casualties imiiuj their occii pan Is. Itr.

nn Sevdler, the Austrian premier, bus tendered the rcdiiuufnii of Ids cidilnet lo l.mpcror harles, ae-riinNnn lo Meiinn advices reai-hhift Amslcrdam. I'arllHiuen elrcles In Ihe Austrian capilal undersiund Ihe respiHHtlun due lo the opposition or the Polish deputies in die tie-lodes uiid labor troubles, llerr von Ve.wller January 'in fnlonnfd bdmr dcl-ifiatrN thai twis the wish of ihe emperor to end the wnr Ht (lie ctrlh-st possible niomenl by 1111 bouoridtle peace, nnd Ibis ilpcbitaf hm of (he pre mler b--! rrftl In rndinij tiie Willi t.letil. hldiP Hickenbacticr stiiutinir a sehun of nt my buduieri lit I nypt ami Caleb HriiKtr the pnmd prm-ses'-or of the CurlUs niai ine flying trophy fur maKtns the rerord hydmaero-plane tllKht of the ymir, tho predietton that Amerb-nn autuinuhile drivers would be Imporhuil liirlors lu the (leieloptnent or Cmlo "nil's riKhtirifr nirerail, made prior to eiilraiu into the world'haH been perilled, iieeordinff to 1 1 a -iiiond 1C Mamru. I i 0 ditributor or lit. mil Mes and fuehiM.

ItraKtr. ho wan awarded the Pui tHs liuidiy and fUKw In ca-h dmlnft Ibo week or the tidM York automobile fhov. enptiirerl the hytlroaei npbtiio huuors or Pid7 In (irtnher when be TIpw riniu Mm- kSe nirin-rM'uiii! urn cuniracts in wtiiitHver Jots ran Le utilHiiifd from trie pi o-dint-1-i, lew ot" win tin lime K'dteu their prtippMics in MitMl shape a- to In: atle a ke advioil.itte. Itipti-KiMile is iikhp lli.ili ever at ine iin'ltt'r- up the dilTt rcme in rctluced ronifiit or rm'Ul as uell An n-iltird quantity til ore output vvhirli piodurers nre he in if foivcil to more nnd nmre a thty tin-luitlier Riaile ore reserves upon whirti tlicy have 1 1 a 1 1 Pi lall Uaek in ot dee lt upende wtlhuut Ivs-a on tiie prest'iit metal markets, Iii-tam-es or those able to ronif jti now Willi liiRti-Ki a'hr eohlrarU are ntd, imiiier-oii-, and stil, not entirely l.nkiriK-. A ein-tiat or the sort Is reported uitli the mine, vvhn lereiitly i-fpurteil the tiiidmif of s.jiue very Midi ore, vnd with tli' neiare run of ihe none ti imw able to make a lopd-triade shiipinK imM-ore.

Tlte Vuleatt of the miiih inici rts In the San Navicr ditriiH or Pima county, It Is said, will also bo enabled to K'1 l)ippinrr, ami is to be rhMivd ti alii. He-ilile copper eouient there uie allrartne Miielunpr ipiaiitiea in these urea hirh maKe. tnein pai titutiirly doualjle. A hint is mm dned to shlppei 4 llial tney run consider Ui advantage in pvihg vwi- ps-1 sittle avadiibilily vT their oie. -tinier ihim; nun Iiv Press.

Home, i eb. --hdiselfrtnir ttanlel M. ih'tman, of PoPmpie. has been elected iie.nt id Un- iliui e-e nf hoi-e. Idaho.

I'ojie I'cncdl' ha divided thr nrrthdlurrso if New inhan and ha rreated a tw ilineiue of I nlavetle, I a. Hldiop John William Minw. or San Antonio, tins heeii appointed to bead the dioree of ev 1 leans and will can for tin- apnstoliri admini-drapon nf the dloce-r of I.Hrnyelie iinitl tt ii-K bition has been iiotmnaled. Tradt; Willi Vs nnd Save WATCH )l It WINDOW DISPLAY. MANY SPIXIALS.

Vie Curry ull Line of l-'rcsli YeKeialileH THE LION GROCERY CO. MAIL OKDDKS 109-1 S. STANTON The Largest House of Its Ivinil ill Ihe Soiilhwest. GET IT AT McMICKLE'S. Phones 2 11' 1-2 105 Years In ISu-iness Courti-sy as Well as KcrWoe Prompt I'ree Delitery Oldest House In Soulhwest Courtesy its Well as Service Pttle a- e.i.-lliii iiere-iiy of Kelting the liwes( nf II In!" Hie rest ni hut H-rse rth.uo ale nut tha will enalile Ainelinl In save.

tiling nf llin-l Inealelll- this elr, thiltts Whir you are looking for the best at the right price, be sure and visit 11V I h.ll lull. Ithle value lli'ilnent IB t.i the ui til at this (Tiieiiil Ariiern an tinaniily pindii' llnii ami iiii! 'I tin thllllf which our store early so you can visit all departments and see what won nf Hi. ih. rs (piaiililv pindnellnn pn-slhle derful bargains you can find. No Delivery, no Telephone Clerks Special This Week or Credit Business MEANS REASONABLE PRICES! II." Kieit aiihiimilnle iniliislry and me tlillllr whh ll has mane Ihe umaiitle nnltl-try pussilile Is Ihe tllliilte Inve nl ihiinjs mi In the hi-ails i.r an rteeeillinilv hlk'll r.r Anieiiiaii iih-ii and w.iiiii ami chil-(li en.

I "nr the tn vars the lender and the ennpnii rlippeis have set their lares a'alnst the aiilniiinliile hiillder and m.iinie en 1 inquires at ine hineiit'ia ine mtler ate alert to vwry itt-in or ad-vantage that the bini-per -1 biiiix 11 ut-teutton, and mad la pay fur It. However, i 111 of stiumious eli'nits ul both Jiniie and smelters, the. steady decline in ore prodiirtii.n by final! operators is likely to feitow material induction tins iiioidn in the total ul An a eopjier otitpui, witii inure to come 111 the sm i eeitm inoidiis a leseive nres in Ledtnng pidiita ai'i: tui ther depleted. Rumors Tell of Change in Argentine Government By Hui'ie's Ane, 1 eb. Hufiioi apparently wtll lumid'-d, a rtj mrniit in e.iiiie-iit irrks tiirit iit ImK'-h( on the adjouriiinent ot v.

ill' re-j iieve Monorio l'uy netPai, tun; 11171 nim i l-ter and mnn-te. uri iiulture, ol tno poitfollo of agriculture and Ke J'u ric- Rockers A word about our Sanitary Bakery Everything under glass in moit sanitary glass cases. We make nothing but the best at popular prices. Be sure and visit that department. 10c Coffee Bread, nice and fresh, (that has that rich flavor of coffee; try a loaf), loaf seller.

"')ii i.enple Inln limit liamnif their hnines in l.ny ann. un. lliev erieii iii a as tley saw the lintiniii Inlllnir out nf Iliaiiv nlher lilies (ir I. lisness Hie II nl-tlllc nnwaill aw'ep nf Hie antnmiihili' Inilnsliy. NnW let IIS sutipnsi.

that the llllti illl'ililln f.npnlaiiiiii and the auti.iiii.lnli fi.lllllHH id Ihe I mted slap weie mi a par Willi Hm-e nf Im-sia. Where, Where, wnlll'l le' Ihe iliiKlalll nf (inwillty pmipli nf l.llierlv in l'ir l.llierl.V l.lheitv finis whhh the elviiued iiiitimia nt Ihe wnrld aie iiillliiK mi 1 1 antli-allv. II is I liiimlmis llvlmr that m.llies II. 'llloll It Is spll II IS iii.iii nf the kind that ilev.

in- 1 1 1 111 lemia. 'the Turkish rrfljn mlnKler. sfrny Hey, speaklno In the MHomiin eltainber at deputies Ihursdnv, hs-scrled that Turkey was in tulf arrnnl nllli the altilude nnd usirla as outlined in Ihe recent sieerirs of the l.erman 1 h.uiceHr, mini ion ller(lliii, nnd the usrioi rorelim mlnlsler. omit ernln. In rcitard lo the hardHiiclles, Nesslniy snhi the slndt would reuirtln in the future tn Inlermilioind triUHc as lu the past mid mi lie sumo eondl-limis.

This dcclHrulhni rei-irdcd as lurkcv's reply lo Ihe prnismM fn I'resiitcit iivm's niMminn or America's wr noes, wlib rcipdreil Ilnd the'-lh ould he i.peneii li'-riitiiriently us ,1 tr assu i' the ships of Hit nations. Home Made Doughnuts, 2 dozen 15c Leather Over-Stuffed Rockers $24.00 Leather Seat Rockers $8.50 to $20.00 Extra good for lobbies. dijii sole thaiKe ttr the Coreigrj reutmiiH ir the republic. It l.s icpurtni Hut the president will lepifuu the imiiidTA LIBERTY BREAD Men LnrKe1 Ibilied Daily In Our Sanitary Shop, I Aorytliiue; Mee find lean. 'I ry ne l.oau'M, Itye.

hfini nml Wliite, 2 16-0z. Loaves for 15c Pie bte I Ifl Paslry, the Het, each CIllllHIIIIIII Hllll Not IPilN( doen I.hiI.v Hnijits, I' mil Mil 1 imd Oat Mcul (onklrv, doen Itaivln llrend. Nice nnd I revh. I.nnf tdfee (like 11ml Pore I roll Jelh Hull, rut rench l'to-lr and hlbrii nnd Jelly Juris, for liRiiniui iHrls, rinli I.hi fie It id Mil I'lei, em Ml It inds nf Tore Mnmr Mode I riitl Pies, i-acli op Iced nod Plain. (Inen frnH nke 'I hut I f.nod.

I rv I'loind Ilel(lan Pom I roit Cuke Poltnrs, for fni'P i mIo', Holler lliide, rat I.aer takes (lurfie) (lliitler Mmlf (be best, rath Innev I'rnnnl Candy nod ihioiiiuI Itrtllle, pound Oioeobde Not nnd Pinln Caraimds. pnontl nmv hiM-olMte lnnd, had hioiii1 bin (leund hot Jev llf.ue and Mixed I nod Hieelnl hide, pound I am Nut Okh nltile, Ail hinds, pinnid of war ami nianiie witli ijfiicei cd ai my and navy. Ihe beted j- lu nrririal rir-eb-s that Ihe lunniiif out to I'tiev rr-doii of the loreiKii miiiK-lry unl eod id- al-I iJi'-n-ion hi'twfi-n -sidi-nl Invo-y-n and l'ue 1 red-m winch aHl have ei-l-d in i onnTtioii witii At Hf'Tinna inii-i national poll ten as raj rled out by the latb-i, efr'eially reKanlnof the rbiuiin of the ii'i'iihtii; Mraint ticnnany. (oerjtuient en ei HiiiM ipate ith I'U''yindoii in full '-ontmi of the foiein oilier sterner attiluuu touaid i.eitnaiii will he tei milmmil ki u-p int'-i natii.nal nnh-I. ins.

mill sal tnleram nr -mallei- and weaker nail. Ideals thai mini. I Kent tn helpless wnlliell and liahl. In 1" dlnwn all eii'-mv male, iiiiiniiial iin-elfi-hti.

ss, liie.i.lin ami depth nf -mil. the aiilniiinliile Is the trreal ln- Superintendent Tighe Denies Rumor as False $1.60 a week enables any housewife to own one of our Gas Ranges or Kitchen Cabinets -trilliieiit i.r' ail-- It slamls 1 liuinnri that Ihe s. imnl Imard nr the iiiiin'i sal 1i niivei edni atinti. lii' liiln is nr the s. hind I nnivei -at and 1.

1 iKhteninif nr will pnlilisli ihe names nr rhlldien in the. the evei v-tl-'iv hml'. II nf -ei day Inl eilv s' li'inU wtm dn pun lni-e war IniiHily all aii.nir Ihe pne. -ner Inn-, i II IHMIIltMi; miiilrs stamps weie la-l milit l.v vfclei ar" atil" Im ti.nle dd i an f'r ih- GROCERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Mipermti nip nl H. .1...

that the repmis are ah-nlnt. dv fiii.e. "I d.i Klmw wh'-io Iho rt.irt If A-s'ii lan I'l e-s. I is, 1 1 Ii. a.

'I he rhaiiitiT nr tl-i i. ti I'ldav Kav a vide nf i in ii. ir.iw rnmeiit tnllnwiriK mi inP-i latinn Ihe uiiah-t di'initte-, lienaniiol and Mniial'-tt. ri vaidtiiir the ru (janizat im nt ii.ililaiv Ihe viin was tn I 113. lilj Ihleipellatlnli w.H 1 f'l liy lienvei li the war l.tfiee an.l the mihiaiy i.r Tails In, I I Extra Special Terms on furnishing your home complete.

YOURS F0UTZ-M00RE FURN. CO. fro- vm wie aie ublA t-i boy in-w 'an ootrifid, able t' nuke le.j- ofifUdf- paviii-r-ni-s on new nH e.irs bxliy. ihj may Kiew ib-ep down in I Mi'' i cfns loudness I hat It I proper and kM, not only be. aue it Ih what you loed f'r your own advaie-e-ment and that of your huHiie-i and your family, led (hat in huvioK a car oi ai lodpM'if al iiiy the Indu-tc tied 1 in it 7 a In in riUi a to-adbaur pluiisre In-k into tli'- limtjo of th'j 1U1 IH l.lM-d Ihe Mipeilnp lit.

Put llnre is un tin Ui in inein. similar reports whli Ii have fji sinead hi the pa-t have lie' ii i ailed Pi ait. nil. hi, slid the only snliitHm I i an offer t.i the nf their Is mat snme i Willi aio lli Ihe pi.s-iluliiy 'd irratitmir me 113 N. STANTON PHONE 1106 an Minfr in i.e i 1.

1 ..,11. 4 fir I lo Sir 2 Illc nr lie Ciilli-i', klr's l.irnln Jny, III. udrr, l.llii-rlv Ill M1-111I11W f.iilil lliilli-r, iHitiriil II1I1-1I Aprii-iiK, fiiiiiiiil I llislrr IIiiIhIus, lltlllllll Ilrli-il Apples, iiiininl I'mnrs, sniiill, 11011111I C1-41 liri. Ilrsl, ii.iiihI Mi-rli ililr Simp, 7 li-ir" I.rrrn lillr, i nil 'I'nlnilil I'imiti-r, rrinilnr 2-'r mini.

llnnf hiui, nnly ei loir in ai tin I Ii. pe that tins Tim-do T.iiiacr fun I'rlnrr AliiiTl liilmi-i-ii, run tUi'iiliiuriiiirlni, Hi I mrki-r-, 11 1" I'lllrl 'irr. Spl'ilul It'illl Iiillrt I I'M- IIiiIIh Hulk Im, III Hulk Ol lill. Ill anir l'nilN(r l.olil llnst rmly flul Mini. In-l, pHikiifin Inn.

hi mill nlilllH I lm. liollli-tlllli, nil, lull Ml' ire pi. -i rniii i inariiai ai ran ur iar ciiri.lati I he si. i.tli-ls i lams Ut s-e -d l.i'fnrc It ll'IS d' tale tuav lie Ihe ll. siie 1 end.

the tm ideiit a ili- nn I nr l-ieil. inlient l' I'lfhieni I' til" l-r th I UiH VA Ii (': nf the ia-eJ of no undt-i Spain Protests to Kther gainst Sinkjng Ciralda TODAYS CAPJOONET SMI iiv I re--. Kv I' e- Mad' Id, no. I al lieriiri enl ti tli deman dv vfTiintr rode nl 1 in -tii'' am mat n- is ft nro'-nt I lmr the -p ml -h MEAT DEPARTMENT BARGAINS Oysters, pint 25c; quart 50c Lard, home made, lb i.lliai.i. leli.

fil'iiin nr.W Is lavin i.v. t. piams aiel ali'l uilllln irti- ate. Ii i Is heinif soi ion -ly iiilerleiinl witii. Had- road llafrir Is III (tainrer.

The Hire Is I ip-Kiee riieiuir a.i.l a sllKhl tofnpei.iluie will lilimi Turkeys Fish, sliced, lb 25c "i nrniMit 1 H4iNd lit' ren-nt i)n((inK '1 -ih-trie 'orahla he (.11 ai'i-i at iink bv pi man obmar he- after the new of tne I boat lad lodH th- jew ot Ihe -I' oii'd rot1 Bfe I VJ'BOAT MOTEL SAVOY Wo have ilcclrietf to offer to our JoeI im-oiIc huHine, profe-' ionnI men nnd clerks the following IndiicriiiPiit, In order to keep our Hotel full of Rood, oonct ft ml rrsKrtattle jKftpIc Room: Without Bath $12 to SIS Month Rooms With Bath $25 to $30 Month The Hole! has N-en completely rerunaled and 1m under Ihe of D. C. Si-iiman, the oiiinal owner. Every room Willi water, tteain heat ami Iih uI and lony distance telephone. 'A Hundred Rooms ot Solid Comtort' rain and a maw li.o ni l'ie M1--0111 liver is liieakiinf tip aril Hi'' wator Ij iminliisf ov-r Hie l-o In I'lallo live) inilnaliiiK a If ak Hi thai liver is I11111H unit.

nri- lirrd Stew. Hest, poiuid 12'. Href Shoulder llunsi, pound itlli Ib.Bst, K. Ilpst, poniuj Mfdh it IPmst, pound Hi ui, narrow strip, pound ra! Hlrvv, licsl, pound -1 rat MimihlfT Koant, pminij fml I bops ami l.oin, piuirut 1' nt Hfinnd. potuid Mami, whole, pound 3 'm J.iiiii.11 toe eab'li t.

-dlinif (he vi'li-w of A f.r.1 1 -i-nd a -Im. nir l'i iv fiiit tod.ojf i'-jiii -it mil lor I'M I'doin if Ai.iu.i.m Nf urn 111:11. I.J A ialed ie--. M11-H I '-l. i l.lefraiM trl 1:1 limns nmf rni-oN'.

nt iHi' j'r. VEGETABLE AND FRUIT SPECIALS Re We li'-inn lii.t rn-n on. tl- llo-it H-' 4 or i em o. at l-t iliii an ie- i ll.ent has peeil ri-ai 111- I I 111 Ine j.ra t'rrji, offrrrd fy t', r.n Pai to.11-1, tn I. iri.aina.

In 1 loriljrmod l.v Iho f.s'-iiifrr Aliir-riioiii 1 'iiim. whhh tlit i'lfniiii 'an, 'I. tan 1 oie, 1 n-nion illiw-sl-i lii-i -iraPU tin ann. Pv r.ow.1 it or nrn'-'l. ti -il -man 1 a' I I f.t ihiko i.on I rlhite, best, Ir-ad 1 ii ltel.

hum tl Me niibuio, brvt, ti pouiuU Mi'e lb't 1 0111 Mines, piomd New piduloes, pontni l-llin Applrv 2 pound Haimnas, deen uranqps, Mii' one', rtoen emons, Imfie slr. don PraiMp's, no dium ie, dn111 Allan 1 4. I b. s'iri'b'r aoi'h'-i. r.i;,o-t,ou or mn-: spu try iiKiuift Hi" Unit la jicnilv as opioid t)V Ihe lulled -l-ltM 1 Hj-i -rne roi'i d-s m-d here bn'av front ew York lu i-t'jfoe iviruf- "'llC'IMi" of 1 1 e.M 10 feiO

He-kujUi upp'-aied t-ine mr't -lod ne irom HICIIT DOWN IV TOWN' 10 lbs 25c 111 sl tl lMOH SJl lll AM) MOMMV POTATOES ine nn-no hi. j.r pen dm o.iiit' Imou. HOTEL SAVOY IK) IT NOW Make jour reservation. I'lninn 5100. VyiO-WAOsiNH McMICKLE'S U.

S. Food Administration License No. 17831. him: in iii 1. vis Miif.x.

fiV A-e I I' 11,10. os Anos, 1 en. rinfl tr.k ttas do, lare p.dny l.v Hii: men ti.e '-niral tailwav. Tli orriploy two other I a' ovp'-' lf I to l'i vv II ahno-t 1 1110 fiipiiienl or rmin. 'I ai rtliiii( lor lro a to Uiij (f' ls.

MUII.I Mt HMIM IN WH VI WW IO.on ji loe't wa mtih'-iv 1 1 8'ofj? tie Italian iifonrdN'n U'-u b'-lr-i-eri tlo- PiMda and PUve l'i U' bb- ui-ntoer l-fntfd the or tiie aililh'fv tif lorfitry, H.e war of'ic I'Hiay. aiietafl iri.ed oil an ef-ferjne on 1 1 1 re4r of in: Jiii, Uf' I ibK ton Of.

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