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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 1

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WtATHKR rOHECUST. Wfl Texas Turtay nd tomorrow fair; collier Id mirth porticn tomorrow. Melco Toflay and tomorrow partly clomly; colder east portiuu today. Arlrnns Tivlay ant1 tomorrow r-artly rluudy; nut mui li i haujre temperature. Si THE METAL MARKET New York Silver 86Sc Copper (pries fiied by U.

23 i-Sc Leal t7.K37.9S LARGEST ENGLISH SECTION TWELVE PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS EL PASO, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 19 1 8. 38TH YEAR mm mm or mation sweeps ovanntss east r- 1 I DDCCIflCHT Brotherhoods Charge THE OFFENSIVE ITALIAN U. S. TROOPS IILUIUUll IU n7 j.

nuuLuuy BLIZZARDS PARALYZE Is Responsible for Congestion of Traffic Leaders Tell Federal Commission That Breaking Down of Transportation Is Due to Desire of Managers to Discredit Adamson Eight-Hour Law. DELIVER AUTHOR ZED TO CREATE RAILROAD RATES if BE PUT OH BATTLE FRONT IN BELGIUM OF COAL Overtime Doubled and Trebled to Show Large Wage Increase and Every Effort Made to Create Dissatisfaction With Government Control, Say Witnesses. Report Reaching Fuel Ad mini1 tration Tell of Cities From Mississippi to Atlantic With but Few Hours' Supply on Hand; Poor Threatened. Interstate Commerce Committee Transportation Hopeless in Many of House Votes to Place Final Authority in Hands of Chief Executive During Period of War and Government Con Sections and Industries Over Three States Tied Up; Heat-less Monday Program to Continue Until Situation Improves, trol. May Initiate Rates Subject to Review and Alteration by Commission on Complaint of Shippers or Carriers; Passage of Bill Expected.

KjJb you DiiSy rfEYS I General Bliw Conferring With British Authoritiet on Advisability of Starting Fighting Force Through English Training System to Flanders. Inefficient Shipping Facilities and Congestion at French Ports Lies Back of Suggestion; Plan Would Expedite Building Up of Pershing's Army. Bv Press. 'Washington. Fell.

5. -In view or trie difficulty in findius: ships to put Amerirar, figimhir power In France, lienersl Bliss, representing- the LnlU-d Males at the su-pivme council, is conMilcnnK with British ornclais the lvial)ility or startiiin a flow of American Inttaliuiu UiroiiKli Hie British tralnlnif system to fiout-line trendies In Vlandors. It was learned to-duv that a proposal has been made that KM tjaiullor.3 Pe assumed lor such train- "'Voiild Tut Men In Franfe QHlrler. at the American dibaikation ports in France lies In hack of the w-Jrnntion Hy cllvertlnir umls to HiiIikU ports and finally trail slerrinir them to General Perslung'3 army it has been tinted that many men could be put on the nrlngr. line who otherwise could not be sent Tor-ward for months.

Prorrers or British and French ships to 4..... hnvfi flfcomoanled by Associated Press. ashuigton, Feb. 5. With tlifl hlt racing; tho most acute coal shortago of tho winter ami tn thn grip of the coldest weather In a K'noratltin, tho government decided today that tho lieatlos Monday progi am canbot nt thn tinio be almn.

tloned. "Hie decision (unllnun Uio clim-Iiir was reached at a conference Indween Fuel Administrator tinrrioM ami lUmrtor ticin it McAdofi, ntti-ruinl by a doen state Fuel admlnisti novn, 'I hero was no olfblnl aniioum-cineut, Imt a Joint statement probably will bo given out tomor-ruvv, ShorUoe Serious. Thero had been every indication ti)i to lust night that tho Monday holidnys wero over, hul reports, brouirhi In WaRtilngttm Hy Associated rres. W.iMtiiiirton, Feb. S.

Ineffic'ent operation of ihe railroads, resultimr in trarfic fonKi-tiou with it- ntae attendant evils, rhtiiKed hy union labor leaders al it Jiciirluir hnhiy beforo the railroad wajto fuiiimisii'ii to a (h'siro on the part or Ihe man-nKenients or the sMeins In disci edit Ibe hour btw and to make a failure of government ronlrul, W. fl. Fee, hciil ir the trainmen, A. 11. (iarretsoii.

head of the conductors, and other i messes, told thn committee why they Ihouffhl tho tninportaihin svtciu or mum try sueh roads of rernrd as the I'ennsw 'ivan I suddenly col lapsed. Iho brotherhood leaders ued muIi vikoroiiK "as ml ten rail -road i ur'' to convex' their opinion of Iho Way tf.e busine- has been ear rb-d on since the government hmk rhai'Ke and thoy orferod to pnntneo scores of Instance delayed crews, chamves iei'sonno ond misuse of rolluiK stock to prove their statements. Hem ino Ibirfted from The ordinarily quiet onnse of such a heai'liiK was rui'iled ironi the outset. Foe and tiairidsoh, nppearimf to represent ihe chums id' their brotherhoods for ware met e.ises. humd -ev-era railroad i cpresi-ntaln es present and entered an immediate protest, declaring- I hey did noL propose tu wllh two sets of employers, 'Iho commission explained thai the latl-mad men Weir Un-ro by special Invitation to supplement, not to antagonize, the mlui million presented by Hie employes, This, question hardly had been smoothed over boforo discussion or the eight hour law and the cflect of the government supervision or tho roads precipitated, rlnirg-os by l.o that tho managements wore doing; their ulrnost to discredit them.

Ho said overlluie had Jieen doubted and tripled to make Ihe effect or the Adamson law nmro expensive and to represent that the woikeis were obtaining" largo wage increases. Furthermore, bo declared that every effort was being- used lo handicap transportation to create dtssatisf action with iho Kovenutuul's pan In tho business. would go hack to about four hanks New Vnk ir I wnuieit tu hud uut the real cause for this," ho said, ord rnsse liuu I. Inc. Asked how he llioughl Ihe alleced results bad been acrniiipli-brij, ho said he IhoiiKht the "wool had been passed down the Hue" Unit overbrim was to be Increased greatly.

Ho did not think there had been 'a conspiracy "Horn tho presidents down to tho dispatchers" to dehiv (nuns under government supervision, but Insisted surtlrtenl persons were luieresled to that end hi obtain what thev desired. He referred lo Ham dispatcher as tram deb ers. l.une, chairman of tt-e commission, asked numerous questions eoneeriniiK the union leaders' alletrjlions ami wanted to know if he meant that Die railroads actually had run up Iheir operating- costs In order to discredit the Ad.misnn law. Mr. I.ep replied that was Hie ease, addltiK I hut il was "peiTelly natural.

Mr. fi.irretsnii supplemented his roileaguf's statements. hf nperat-inv ernplo.cs are ihomnghly aware of the manner of clearing' congestion which was in oriect before (ho goveruuient loi-k over itio roiitls," he said. ''lhey also are tiwaio of the kind 'of transportation now being given, but 1 want to say there Is one class or employes not engaged in giving fi th'rt stratum or what fttlluro government operation ts." Cioioiiisshm Work Clonk. P.

V. Heft, grind chief nf tho brotherhood or liailwav Mgu-d Men, a-si'i'teil mat the wruk or the wage commission being; "iimm! as a clofttC by some of the roads to dls-eontlnuo ueg. unit ions wit Ij employes which were begun fieforo the commission was appomled. He mh Hui signal men on tho New York, Haven Hartlord wero on tho verge or quilting; tlnur Jobs because or Inability lo obtain satisfaction on demands made December. Heqnest ror Increased wages worn made toy lee, (ianetsou and Holt on behalf of their oi ifiinlatious by F.

II. Morton, represenittig; the Order nf Hallway Wide. Am'ulp and the hroth-erhood or Hallw ay Tow ermen mid SHrnal Men, and by P. J. Co.vte, representing' the Itrotherliood of llnil-roiid Stalion 1'Hiployes, Al! of thorn told nf increased jiving- coals.

'Mm unions beside ihe iiamiuon and conductors, which obtained tin eight hour day under the Adamson law, requested a Immc eight hour and a time and a hair for overtime. Increases Asked liv Trainmen. Inn asked bv tfio irainmeii and nonduclors varied rt'oni iii.fl for conductors lo per cent for yard helpers, in general Iho lowest paid employes lo leei-ivo the largest M. crease. Conductors who now get 'Continued on Pago Two.) Iiy tho state fuel admimstratord that Hy -snr filled Press.

I' ih. tntpt'stntp ronmifrro eonunHlert of fhe hnusti voted lodny to place final million ty in fixniK raihoad rate- din nin- the pei ioa of pov-einnteitt control the hands uf Iho president. An Amendment tn llio administration ritilrond hill, offered bv (Wiairman Sims, and adoph'd by a vole of to $, provides Hint Ihe president may Imitate rates and Hint upon enniptaiut-i the interstitle mm-meree rimmision hall hold ht'iirtiiKH anjj submit Hs rmtlimrs lo rno president (or such action "as ho may deem required Uio public Interest." Not Ilesirons for Authority. A.s amended py Hie seuaio cuinmlttee. and inirodueod In the senate, me bill provides that the presnihiil may Inltioh; rates fiiibjerl In review and Alteration by Urn InterstHto eommeree cumiinsHkm upon fomplaint eilher of 'MlrpptM's br Hih earners.

A similar amenumcnt uas lust In the limine rommlttee today on a tlo vote, nlno lo nine. While the penal enmrnltlee as eoristderhi(f this memherH who hud eonl'erred with he president aid he did imt desiro final Hullsoilly tn rale lixintr. I'assntif of IIMI Mprcferi. The nidy oiher imporbmt rhaiiKe In the meat(iie today by tho hoiiso committee win to elnninate he -iretlon referilnH to throughout most ir tho east three Is on band but one day supply of coal, cou pled with tho weallier ntuntion, vera chfirarioned ns ronvlrirlng proof that tha dtsabllity rompensatlon Tor rnirrnad im-ployfs. The rommilteo e.vpects to com-nl.

I- the bill tomorrow, and chairman Sims will introduce, it In the hoiir-e as soon therealter as possible. enn- is no liroo bi lift the clostiifr order, yen Mr. Mi Adoo, who up to thU time is niulerntood to liavo oppinsed Ilia closing; plan, uns said tonight to Imva agreed that uiilll Iho weallier ttoriults nn Improvement in railroad transportation the order should be continued hi force, fuel Traduction tut. The hlfZHi'd has cut coal production and moveuienl lo sueh nn evlenl thai ofTieials pohded uu I tout gin Hun even had the closings been aharuhinoft industry Would he lorced to rloso to a considerable extent hcrause or a hick or fuel supplies, heports to the luel aduutiistia-tlort tonight showed that in many Main plants already aro cluMiijf In Jargo iiuin hei s. It was emphasized that tho fuel administration Is deb-romicd lual what rtial is unloaded and distributed shall fro to householders first.

Stale fuel art mini-trabus liavo he(n Mlven almost ntitiiidleil aulhoitiy to divert rcal rrom nthor consumers lo keep the people, warm lu their homes. Nlltuillnn ('(iitsblerrd Serhmsi. Fnr ffio first It mo since coal brfran tn PACKERS' VAULT IS RAIDED AND SCORES I siderallon nf tho ineasuro pmnaldy wdl iifpin next week, chairman Smith of the Isetinte, couimlltee plans to file his report Thursday and rati up the measure In the eiia( jirier the soldiers' and sailors' etvil relief bill ts dHpr.sed of. senate leaders believe tlm bill cjUi be parsed i vuthln tun or ihrnn wpvks idlhonirh -slmrp deliiilo is expectecl. Movement Inaugurated to Avert Factional Fight in July Primary Election Hudspeth for Congress; Dudley for State Senate; Thoma-son and Pool for Legislature; Present County Officers, Without Exception, to Be Given Another Term.

noMi mm rorvniv IIJ.I(.M tl ON IMtMS OF RECORDS SEIZED run short fuel administration offlciHls admit that the situation ts ahunnnir. Itepiot carry Americuu JurKcnt representations In behalf of the early movement of as many men as pos-Mt There are IntimiUons that Krea British transports already have been used to caii American troops. Supply Line 111(1 Uiiesllon. The question apparently is one of ni n-talninic continuous supply lines, tatliei than or findiiiir ships to carry the rrien Secretary Baker relused today to discuss any or the questions invohed in the shipping situation. ami moihuw of MIII'I'INO BIIXIIII IIINMULHS SIIIITIMi PKOHLEJI.

By Assoc. ated Press. WashHiKton. Feb. Wilson took up personally the shipping problem tonlchl and at a ronrereme with Hurley, chairman or the shipping board, went into the great problem of procuring tonnage lor the movement or American troops and supplies overseas.

lver pliae of the question was discussed', liirluditur the progress or the government building program, plans Mr obtaining allied slops lor transporting soldiers and negotiations with the F.uropean neutrals for tonnage to release American vessels' for trans-Atlantic, service. The president was particularly interested In the proposal to obtain additional ships by reducing Imports probably one-half It was Indicated today that one or the rliler topics ul the recent session of the supreme war council at Versailles was that of rinding ships Tor that purpose. A big Mnenran armv Is substantially ready to go. but before it Is sent tile war department wants to be assured it can be supplied, ships are available to transport the men; Ihe problem Is keeping them furnished with materials with which to right. What Shlpplnit Is Hrqiiirrtl.

A million men on the fighting; line will require, according to best estimates available, Ironi 4,000.1100 to T.w.Mi tons or shipping in continuous service across the soon miles of water between America and Furope. The L'niied states ran lay Its bands on about tons now and expects to build during the year anywhere from S.oooion to s.ixki.oOO tons more. While chairman Hurley was preparing a complete report on Hie shipping situation Civil Kngmeer Frederick B. Harris of the naval bureau of yards and docks, who Tor three weeks was general manager of the emergency rleet corporation, was giving a senate investigating committee an optimistic view of shlpbuldlng progress. It Is possible, Mr.

Hams said, ror the! government to complete this year Its orig- I Senator Wadsworth Says War Department System Onlg Conglomeration of "Handicapping "A gencies Declares Business-Like Teamwork possible and That No Individual in Particular Is Responsible for Present Regrettable Conditions in Army Preparedness. Insists That War Cabinet Necessary and That Legislation Is Not Designed to Interfere With Authority of President; Controversy Grows in Interest. Search Warrant and Stay Order Bring Matter Before Judge Land is for Hearing. to Its support so thai Fl Paso county for tiiiee its history can experience ltie peace and Joy (if havlnif been spared the bitterness and waste of a (actional political fight. With but few exceptions Hie candidates menliuhed are thoo who have enjoyed hot oho term.

According to liemoenitic Custom. In Texas at least, they ale en-Uip-ci to another term. in eiidor.sinic the candidates ror congress, the stale senate and for rcpre. -elildllves. the local canqiilates epre-s the opinion, whleli seems Pj be shared by ciiicus generally, tiiat the men named woupi afloid IT Paso and mis seciion the best possible, reju esentatlon.

Hudspeth Veteran 111 Public Service. Senator Hudspeth, who has devoted sixteen of hi lire to serving this section and has been largely i esponslble lur the legislation lias redounileii to the benefit of LI Paso and this Is now a candidate for romrress. Petitions asking him lo tie a congressional candidate have been circulated here and in oilier sections of the congressional a-luinrtou. I eh. Womni throuifh-out the country aro evpre-inif (heir wib lo work oil farms, arconlliiK to a siateruent Issued today bv the division or woman's war work of the cominiliee on public information.

The slalenient nhs fliriires from a late agricultural report sbuwiiitr thai there file at proroijl women In the, Trdled Slates sue essfullv emraed In fc-rtnjlinrH. of this vhi ar under tfu years of hvt and are ne-Kioes, a' lary pen entaxu of whom are in southern cotton states, i he rust Imp. of work In which women will be likely tn inrreasR their farmlnsr activities, say.1 the report, If tn veifetable iraidenlUK. poiiilry ral-lnif, butter mak-mif. hojr raiinfr anil ihe cultivation of crops or rrtiifs and vegetables and hat vi-st-Irifr and1 dckimv'.

'l' he flepirtnterit rerom-mcri'M that uoinen pe trained In mauaife horses so they can drive reapers, hinders and rultivatof a. Women who understand the opeiaiJoii of hnlouudilh'h, thn drpa't-merit ulth a little additional ttuln-liiff, can oper.ite faiiu tractoM. THVIVfi TO AMtlvH A I' I VIUIH-VIAMHM, HH.WffllM. IMMKIMViF UK AVIHIM A Mt fltOht i IH Wnshtufrton. I eh.

Mtorl ctTf-i an understaudiiuf revardintr an Inier-fhsmre of ami American r'rodurts were resumed at (he taip department to day bv Ambassador Fletcher and I'rei f'ent Car i ana's representatives. A rfrn-mission of business men rrom Monterev n.torrned Mr. Fletcher that unless rood-stuff routd be procured there noon the output of the sb-ei plant, and other plants Unit in sold largely in the nited Mals would be materially abort- I after report came during the day tolling or cities all tho way the Mississippi to the Atlantic with but a lew hours' supply of niei on band ami prospect poor tor obtaining anything like I lie (pi. milium lieedPfJ. In I ngland transportation wai declared hopeless Tram wero crippled ami an Allatdh: torm had halto-t coat mov( hmmh bv water, in Pennsylvania mines were Idle, citms weie without coal, att'l irauti! were uriablo tu move.

All Industries In Indiana, ti was tuifil, was about to shut down, ami thn situation In (dipt was so critical ijovernor Fox planned to come to a-diiioxlon tu inako a personal appeal for aid, Itiillrnnd Ir.irrie II ml I lilt. Tho railroads wer declared It) hi? In tie worst shape they have been at any tune. temperatures made It in sunie m-irtnces foe iralrinin to work and general fi eight movement was (aid lo be only about 't'i per cent normal. There are some Indication that If belter veather not come to hnprnvn tho futualioii titrtcials will lake up for consider allon an amendment to tho rlo-mg order prescrlhuiK" two hmr-day uliut-dowris, one rover ir ig; tho per hid of Lincoln's birthday anniversary and Uie other ashmgi'in's 'birthday. Hailrnad admin t-tt atlon reports today au1 fuel movcinetits had been tm rease.i.

Pro-peets for material Iniprovenu'ut In the next lew das with gloomv. fly Pre-iS. with a scarrh ft arrant lusiicd hy Ke(1nil Jikikp ThihH. rrnriris J. Ilewy, attorney fur Hie O.fcrai InnJf ciiiijiiKMnn, tudHv rnuit'fi Mia vault nr Ht-nry Vwrter, couiu.fl lor ti Omipitiy, and seizfil htm.iri'us of it'tifjH, rpf'irils arwl fl'iruliifnu for in tli redecal Inv stiearrfiii or tin pa k-Inir lii'lti-iiry.

'I lis f.iarrij of ihe vault until tva halicii by a stav dMpt bv Jwlfff? l.anMIs at Hip rcjiM of Minniey Ji.lm lioaly, coun-'fl ror Mr. 'ipr. Jwlve I srtfUs will hiar affruiiiHits lf-rnorruw niniiiliifr Writ's icil-iHin t't May uri'lr-r the waiT-iut. Swift CorfiUJ(iv' roun'l ina-ir an atU'inpt t'i prevent Hi' removal or a SUlRaSM filled Willi fetter from Altoruf-v Veertpr" vault. Miouiey 'pp(lT insislPfl Hint the ilnnirh''iil he l'-r in tliR vault until an oiiioriunity ttatJ bei'h lm to a lrnr jti'itte I.

audi. fdJfetioti al( was rnadp in Uu: rri of tiie rft''f-lt (riven J.v the firleul ofh. rials fnr lltft jiaper taken. Ihe letters werp taken to rnit'd Male l'itrirt At I'BOI'OSEU TICKET. Senator Claude Hudspeth, Tor congress.

II. M. Dudley, for Hie stale senate, district. H. Thnmason, for the legislature, Hath district.

Judxa Adrian Pool, for the legislature, lislh district. Judge James h. Harper, for chief Jus-lice of the court of appeals. Judge W. Howe, for the Uilh district com t.

I. elgh Clark, for district attorney. C. M. MrKmney, for district clerk.

K. B. Mci.linlock, ror county Judge. W. u.

Urett, for county clerk. Will P. Brady, or Judge of the county court at law. Pel liichey, for county tax collector. seth orndoiir, for sheriff.

John T. Cain, for county tat assessor. V. H. Fryer, for county attorney.

Miss Myra Winkler, lor county school superintendent. I. iV 1 1 a i for constable. J. M.

Iieaver, for Justice of the peace, prcclnet iNo. 1, place t. A. J. Hall, for Justice of the peace, precinct 1, place No.

Will Hord, for hide and animal Inspector. J. F. Williams, for commissioner of precinct No. 1.

ft. L. Lyons, for commissioner of precinct So. 2. George Pendell, for commissioner rrorn Ysletn.

Henry Herring, for commissioner from Socorro, A. K. Webb, for couniy treasurer. By Associated Preyt. Washington, M-b.

fi. Developments to-ray promised Indefinite eteiiston the. (ontroversy In the senate over American war wrfieifiicy and the military commit-fee' bill for a war cabinet and muniions director Senator WadvAni th, a fiepublicau commutes member, delivered a prepared d'cerl! tn behalf ol the proposed cgi-(a Hon, crlticumg what he desrnhed as utter lack of Avstein nud comprehensive planning In the government' ar activities. There were no replies today by a lunnis-tralloii spokesmen, but several expert in speak tomorrow, tu spiln of efforts to oi iili-ii the ngi alion -if) manv j-euaiooi liavo Indb-aied their intention hi prcpaie addre-scs fin one side the other that tho discussion probably will M.ptuiup. into the government ami preclude business like teamwoik on the part of Iho buieaus and var ious official oi gaulatlons consiihitirtK a "coiiklouter atlon" of ambitious and scat-lereii agencies.

He in-nied ttiat a war cabinet, or similar body under some other name, is esentiitl, because it Is physically impnurbh lor Ihe pieident to cn ordinate (he government's f.mctlons. senator adswnrlh denle 1 that the legnhnion was designed to or would result in interference wilu Iho president's aultioi Ity. UH MM(. 1(IISHIV PH Illtlh AS OM.I OMFIl Win OF AMIIM IOI iv uMwtiirni Hy Piess. Wa-hluglon, fob.

fi. America's war rnakiiiir ui'ichlnery was Ueiured a a "coiiKlomeratlon or nmhllious and M-at-tered agtch'i," lncaablo or team work in an Hfldiosi, In iho, senate today by senator WAdsworin, a HepubUcan mem-her of tho military affairs committee. 1 district, and. have been freely signed. it is preiiictAfi that Congressman lluds-; pctb.

In Washington, wm maKe the same I excellent record he has made at Austin. 1 He Is one or the acknowledged political I leaders In the siaje. Slrnnri I.efiWnthe Trio. 1 When senator Hudspeth and Repre torney Mini left F. office Hi the federal bullfllnjr, but Jiriu J.findlft' tern fiorary order (Jireff.j that no ftiriher c-ijrnlnation Up made flie- dorunieiitu sentatives Thoma-n- -nn tonlley weie at Kaiser's Submarines Sunf lnal program oi g.iaiu.uw ions ui wish u-- Ttie president was told by Mr.

Hurley that bad weather in January cut con -unction of commandeered ships fully per cent. Imports to Be Cut. The plan to cut Imports from South America and the orient lo release ships for transporting troops and supplies has been worked out bv the shipping board. next week least. Vi-tin the opinion ii prevailed tiot'only here' mtil Hip liearifi(r In romt rs ronrltjded.

lion the mate, that! tinted maim malialA are in inrffo I ha Qui I uiii inn It lint in other no counlv In the state was as well Sena tori I'rcjiarbifi Sjieer hes. Henaior hhlelds, lieniocrat, and Senator Rlrby, a Dernocratle crunudttee memher, 1 represented as was Fl Pao and this dtrt-1 trlet. The record made bv Mr. 1 sun has placml him In line for the speak or the house, a position vv filch Ins never vet been filled bv an Fl Paso repre-eritquvo. Mr.

Imdley, elected to 'Iho speo'dr rent-wed the debate over war efficiency widen occupied the senate all day yesterday atler Sermtor lllhhco.k. a Democratic eornmilteemau, hnl delueicil tolHJfllt. Federal offlrlaln pointert out tonlsrhl that the nii.lnlinsr nr tnft uny ordT uoiild affei-t every artivlty of tliu under the eiiionae art. It a under thin art Ihil I. w-if uhlrh r'itlteel In the nrifpl of lift tneijihprft of that on-aniiiMori.

a aUo Ita-i been llivoke-t lo oMain evidenee In many rars ff pfieruv ah'ii a-ti i )y the Lulled htaien. 'fhfl hearing, on a niotion to rnak the onlf-r hthm- plan in speak tomorrow. Hie fotrner tfi attack the of the coriiuiittee ntea mi r. nnd Ihe latter lo defend the anri oeiations in a r-vlew of tne coin-m 1 1 lee's evideiiep. senaPjrs hellnr.

Democrat, ami Weeks, bepublban, boih eordnttle mcitihers. aro frnmmg ad-messes roipt'Oil of tho legislation. Further di-clnsuret iif the government's rrulitarv proirram aro expected tomorrow, wf.en soi retary baker reappear before th military comtmttey for os the hou-e In ttiie, is now a candidate for the senate Pi succeed Senator Hudspeth. As soon as It was definitely settled that he would announce, Paoan- neiran to look around ror a running mate for Mr. Thoma-on.

The unanimous choice seems as Rapidly as Built, Is Message of Mr. Miller llv Waiinriifi NtllliT, wlni rrl'i'lltlv VUlU'il the lilltlln rrciiit in Li'iiiiiii, tnlil tin- linn tmlav lliat In bi-llPvi'il rir-nriini fnihniiiriiifi lr-1 1 rl-ittiiiil nl.i'nrl ri lii-i'inariv i iii liiillil llii'iii Hi- (irni-Ml Virp -1 1 1 1 1 rn miii" Tor tin- M' niluptpit with Min-rliiiri li-tr- fit runt rrui.i-r rmiKm to Itio'iiii' niiiiirn'O ur.l ar-kiiM Aim-rli-an "hi'iliiit "Inmlil hv n.ivil ofrirci Brut nit iiy I lie slilturlriir bnrinl, Tlir rn nn Mii' i'lram in tlm rriw" nr lit! tun tidiiMnirM oil wiili-ll Iip Hip i' fUl. Mr. Milter siiid Hull (luniiif llic I'at tn tlui'P lliiii-i a- innriv siiliiiiiirtti- it similar arraignment nr tho lack of to-ordinalirin in tho government's aciivlhe. Without deiaittng armv conditions ip-vejiied by the miiipiry commitiees war liupiirv with which ho snnl lb" ountrv Is lauly farnlHar, Senator Wadsworth confined himself largely an argument for tho proposed legishttion for ceu-Haliati'tn ol war -unking agen ies.

of Fl i'ao 1 nn' Utl tiPi bfforft Judive Landi.t to be Juna-e Adrian Pool Hundreds of Younger General ion Loofy on Remains of Ring Hero Mr Assncidted l'res. Iloslon, 1 eh. I Hundreds of the yountr. er wen'-raNon lio.ion who had known John Itvn. the rjf in-numerable h-irends traed today on the body or trie famous champion of" the.

pi fze ririK, whose funeral 'o be held iiero tomorrow morninv. conspicuous aruofiir the rriotirners was James J. Cornell, the man who won the American cfjsmpfoiMhlp from at orlean in Corbeit, alt feuds at an end. papd the nitrht to Ihe l.ennon home. He wiil be one of Ihe pHllbearPM.

Many other Hif'ires of iiational prominent will attend rbe funeral lomorr'iw. Jak Kilraiu, defeated bv In J7 in bkhburir. one of the 1 tomorrow niorninwr. f-Presphtnt Wilson cannot co-ordinate those Har SerrrUry In Ho (nettjiMif-il. The nerretary's staiement to tfe lornfnlt-tee, iH-i week Hiat a hail mi II ion men would, bo in Franco early thin year and nTiftiher million in readiness to go, having The above Is the J'euioci allc ticket which will be before the voters In the July primaries.

Assurances and pledges of support have been given the In ket by leaders of all factions In local Democratic circles, who declare this Is no time lo disrupt the county by any bitter rartional right. Business men and others Interested in the welfare of the city have eipressed the same views. Predictions are now being made that. In view or the stie-s of times and Ihe policy of i onservatlon which musl Le strictly adhered Pi ir the Lulled Slates is to win the war, no politician, actuated merely by tlm (nought of personal aggrandisement, will attempt lo stir up opposition. A political fight at tlda nine, it Is pointed out, could only mean a wasp money, and with women and childien starving In Ihe tjevat.ieii war hHM? Iii-fii il(tniycf1 jm wrrn ilfstrii.veil most and hardest working Judfre f'rud never an opportunity Vj put in a iroori ord for Fl l'ao.

He has be'-cme alrriT'-t irdr mtMnally faniou a a rm road worker, and it wa due tarsreiv his tirlele eff'irtH ttiat the preient excellent stem of ffnod roads wan Marled tn this couniv, Juds-e pevd ts hitffely responsible Tor the ronertP rnd in the uppT alley and for putting H.rotKrlj the proposed inyhwav uliirfi is to connect Hi la-o arid tort Worth. Judjoa I'oed Is now In rala, repre'ennrur ihe Chamber of Commerce, bis belnc to en (o It it I I t'a-i T'-r cif pie proper on the prnpod "war ernerreni The rla's or Imports to be reduced will be left largely to the war trade boaid, whlih Is in control or imports and ejporis. The shipping boaids will advise the trade board as to the number of neutral vessels and American and French sailing ships possible to put In tlie trades, and the tt a le board will" determine what they shall carry. There has hern nn announcement as to the amount or tonnage the allies can spare for moving the American forces and supplies. Already the British Hive turned over some slops and are preparing to release others.

the Versailles war council look up (lie subject of hat shall Le the balance maintained as heltteen the shipment of troops and their supplies and the transportation of goods nee by the alMu armies ami the turopeau civilian populations. The allies ore and less on Amerna for munitions as they increase the volume of their own niaiuifaetui e. 1 his retea-es tiitmoire both tor foodsturfs and lor Airier-p ari forces. In hi Mr. Hirns said the e-toiiite of a maximum ol J.mnj.iiin tons of Ami-ricai! production tms year made last wecK bv 1.

W. Powell, vice president of the Bethlehem shi building corporation, pessimistic od that be believed the fatineateii ship program would be entirely e-slul Harris Hnuld IteMtin. sir. Harris ahed to be relieved of dotv ilurinif tlm pi tun ati't a liulf agencies, he said, and with a mug war in nioMpeii, radical fdeps to imiry tho na-llrlu'S rrforis are necessary. IlihifiS Have rteen Pone.

"That great thiiigs nave been done can-riot he denied." he declared, "I hat other great things have been left undone mii-d be Imlth'd. 'I lie cre-hi for the thing accomplished can be asbyued in ses er al liifllviijuals. The blame lor shortcomings, ought led lo be laid upon any individual. ClltlclKiii should dlje. ted against oiir II AlHIIMl It Mill IN VV1SI.

By Asor'Ajed Press. San rf i Feb. )p. nahopal fi.e and oil fiel1 Biifiiiiii-tration. of which Mark hetpja Oakland, thfl bead, to day appoi'ited prof.

b. M. Fob Bor, or the rh-paf tment of miner-fdofv af iiiiivimmIv. as ro- adnnrnMt ator for the, we-n-in Mates. I'lr.

lol-om il bavp rbarjre. of the pro'lm Hon and mar-keiuin- of fuel oil ami Its bv in the iiwtrhi Invobed. fits jun-dictloti will (rxo-nd over the Mtes r.f Idaho, Montana. Ltah, Arlofia. ew Me-tico, Orenrori.

a-hiiifton midl California an ihe territory of been attacked ye tenia bv j-enator Hlhh-coek as preposterous" and ildly Ptaggej atrfj" ber-AUse of lack Of ih'ppir Mr. baker mav give, the cjuirntl tee ihe information on which bo based his abortion, lb- will be questioned about various phases or ids sbilement, and will he akid to go into detail concerrilnff )us k. i.lis tin iiy i hii. Hy I'l'r-n. Ih-ihit.

)eti. i -I ipilll-n Hit Arthur lii-raiil Ik-mk-i' it it liii hn n-rvr-il in Itio Hilti-h nirtiv Mit-'ft tli t- gaiilalion of tfio war department, the or lather tho link of cohesive nation pin- dem." manufaetui nnlnance, the giam and oilier mhjert-. imp very oiv or lmpTtn fian been Included with the exception or i-ing through net -oimnmr Ion jf est flfrhtH conducted under the London pne fifrht lule, will come In from Woburn, but I loo badly crippled bv nentuiiieit, jo frdpiw' betl's example by A' tmir a a pallbearer. WilMam Mul-doon, the veteran ttamer, will bo an acme pallbearer MiJhvan will be buried beside his fee. ond wite In calvary cemeleiy.

fterpiiem viiminir or Hip I riToitini'-htl- i-il Tnr thn Mil 1 1 iii lr vmrk during i.atnlirai nrrr-lis thi- Hrltlli, r-riirvtiiitf tu uiiril riTRH'-tj Iiy III." nioilH-r Pool realllziftir that the hHMII'OX ol4llllt tilMil fa-o, and Ju iToMUon on the rnao would metn rnueh liche. nutiiwii nc ifnlay. I.ii-iitriiniit i. mini." Is to yi-ar mil to ihi ciiv, hurrie-1 pj tiallas to attend ftuie M0W4 aid th'-tTs and otff" pohltc XUti road conrerence. i irttierlnr plaret in Hi-lx- and the.

War- mill cnliti-il Mripr trr'uitiiatlni) rifim thn In ami' ipahon or a crowd of spectator! al the hettnnif f'O romuutloe has arranred to seeufe tho large room In tho unnate office hulldin, where Mr. Uaker appeared hi i week. Sv slrni t- uiill. Senator adwoiih in ins A'ldtens today declared that Ihe aysteni nud not in Mn-af-hiiHI. nf I oi'tifinlinrv In In a lltmn tn dved-fn-tt'e-no'd td'H I' I WMI! I I' I UtH HI H' I I Indiscriminate priority orders and competition in the purchase or rvipphes, delays arcfitmt of depar mental "red lape" an I the ahse.i.i of power in Ihe council oT Vatumal defense, ni ettator 1 oti-liuned "Miml von I do not attempt to lav the blame upon auv one man or any one tni'Mii.

I Insist that this paudul sttua-(tuiilhiuvU uu I'atftt Two.) zones of fc'urope It is believed th money should be aved to provide these with food. This Is the unqualified position taken by leading citizen- and others, and it is believed tlie politiclin who has the lernerilv lo prrcp'itsie local political ilgllt Will meet Willi Iteslrr. lo avoid I'tillllral Unlit. Ill announcing' the th ket ttie supporters are calling on all loyal citueiis to rally htifti nut- will al p) a. ilt St, Pa'H'ft.

ctniri Moipurv, bv the Hill. nii In thr lloval I miiiii'ci" anil ni-cri ai-nva fiKhtinir fur 1 lor, the hev. feter ouinn. i ne cnurcii tfiPfr J'ldie pfrf(( number aio'-tnc hts bo-t i.f fsiefid ome of (he mot tnfbientit political lecn-rs Iti the Utah and it wa for tins reason It waf moid than HKhtri-n in-mlhi, Hh Ltilwr, -an hold oniy snout vouo per.ns, nut nie H. county and nty li-i'h aitnoniie-, in eoiHidi-tuotr a TiK-d nliit(; iiiit-d tt further spread of sortfinpo.

Me ft are twt-h raes in llift iiiii(, seven of wtticlj weie located touay. oci'iit K. L-Jllins of I'triiver, I liiuiiiitr members of tiie family oppoed the Idea dividuals Is responsible bir present coiidb itlohi, wlikij, bo Bald, "cruelly handicap" i engineer. of a more public funeral. (UOMinucd on fago To.) (Continued on Fage Two.).

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