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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 3

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. Lea's llsstatements Concerninglorning Times and Villa Corrected SWORN STATEMENT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS REFUTES CHARGES OF PAYMENT OF SUBSIDY TO DISTORT NEWS OF MEXICAN AFFAIRS nose. An examination or tne boons and have never approved of the Villa, or any person for him, any sum of money or thing of value of whatever accounts of the El Paso Times company yan vn uiri-c whs Mil 11 a iuill(f', nor came parties to it, nor have they profited will disclose the Tact that not one dollar was received from Villa or from anyone uv ii kj me ciipiu oi one penny. description ror anv service to be renuerea to Villa or ror Villa by the El Paso Times, Bnd he answered unequivocally, no, that he had received nothing and had no contact to receive anything. And we again There was a change in the management for him for anv such purpose, and we hercbv tender you the opportunity to examine those books for the purpose of enabling vou to verify or contradict this of the El Paso Tunes on the ItUh or Sep- inie inai wie paper ma noi.

in taci, receive anv sum of money or thing ot. alue whatsoever. General Villa then, as above stated, neither dlrectlv nor Indirectly did this paper receive anv sum whatsoever from turn, and we here and now again make the unequivocal statement that neither the sum or 810.000 nor any other sum, within the knowledge or any of us. was received from General Villa or anyone for him for any purpose whatsoever. In your speech at the Alta Visia school Thursday night, July the 15th, you made this statement: "When they" (meaning those controlling the El I'aso Tiniest "thought this thing of which I am going to speak was about to come out, one of their men came to me and 'asked me to Intercede and see that It did not become leniDer, I a Mr.

v. Greer ceasing to nave anv connection with j.iu' Times company on that date. Shortly thereafter we, as a board or directors of the El Paso Times eoninanv. learned that there was In existence a contract bv the terms of which, Paso, Tens, July 1916. Honorable Tom Lea, Vyor of 1 Paso, El Paso, Tern.

Dear Sir: in vour speech at the Mta Vista school on Thursday ntrht. July the 13th, you used, if you were correctly quoted in the Herald of Frldav afternoon, the following' lan- CUt! 'From this same man (Villas wno is responsible for Rood Americans being In their graves at Columbus this same jr man for whom American soldiers are in Mexico todav the Morning Times accented and received a sum of money to be subsidized by him (Villa). When the owners or the Morning Times demanded it. thev approved of the pact and became parties to It. This was received bv the Times as a subsidy to magnify little fights Into great battles and to make a national hero out of this man At a later date some of the undersigned were told by reputable citizens or El Paso that tliev had seen a receipt given by the former manager of the Times ror the sum of ten.

thousand ($10,000) dollars, said receipt having either been Klven to Fran one. Louts Maxima, agreed that, in consideration of 2,000 copies of the nor any member of It, and the new mana-1 aer was directed to seize the first opportunity of a bleach of the contract on the part the other side to terminate the contract. Very soon after the discovery or the existence of this contract, to-wlt. en September 1915, there was at least a technical breach of the contract on the part of Gaxiola and he was mum -diatelv notiried In waiting that the contract would not be compiled with any tur-ther. and it never was.

A cony of this contract was found In the riles of the Tunes company and Is open to your Inspection at anv time. It calls for mailing, as above, stated, except the delivery of entiles of Hie Spanish edition or the paper every day. Bui It was not such a contract as this 'board or directors would have authorized or permitted, and it was voided at the earliest possible moment after the discovery of Us existence. To recapitulate, the sum of two hundred and iii'tv (fJjO) dollars a week was paid for the 2.000 copies daily of the Spanish edition between Hie i.ith or February and ttie later part of September, 1015. The books or the Times company statement, as the facts may Justify, and we promise you all the assistance that ran be a-iven vou to enable you to make this examination thorough and complete.

We here and now state a regular monthlv audit of the books or the El Paso Times Is had by disinterested auditors (Thurston 4t Company) and they will verify the statement that no such entry was ever made in the books or the said company and no such sum of money ever reached the said company, nor any other sum, from such a source. Furthermore, we, being all of the dliectors of the said company now living El Paso, here and now offer to answer, under oath, any question that vou mav see lit to ask as to the receipt cisco Villa or to someone for him; and at nubile." We challenge that statement. No. person representing tills board of directors benefit of a full statement or the facts, We place our hooks and ourselves at your service to, enable vou to satisfy yourself as to the correctness of the statements we have made. There Is nothing held ba nothing concealed on our part.

Will vou give, us the name or the man who yon sav represented us in an effort tc suppress the truth as to this matter? Mr. H. J. Simmons is a member of the board of directors of the El Paso Times company, but lie is not In El Paso at this time and has not been since the 31st day or August. 1015, and has no knowledge or anv of tiie matters covered by this statement, except that Mr.

Greer stated to the board of directors that he had no contract or anv kind with Villa and was getting nothing rrom him. If you have any ouestlon about this matter, we will be glad to furnish you his affidavit verifying that statement. FRANK POWERS, J. P. O'CONNOR.


WILLIAMS, W.M. H. BLRGE3. The State Texas, County; of El Paso. On this day personally appeared before me.

Frank Powers, J. P. O'Connor, U. S-Stewart. J.

F. Williams and William H. Bul ges, and being-bv me duly sworn, each ror himself, and not for any other, says that he has read the foregoing stitement and knows the contents thereof and that aooui me same ume me Mexican consul, Andreas Garcia, stated to the present manager of the Times that he had such a re ceipt signed bv W. Greer, and asked if me nines would rerund the money, sir. Garcia was immediately told by the man-aser of this paper that the Times had never nor anv member of It.

sent any person to vou to ask you not to make public that, or anv other, matter affecting the Tunes; we challenge you to name the man who vou say. representing the Times or any officer or stockholder of that paper, came to vou with a request that you suppress this or any matter arrecling the Times. We have made herewith a full and complete statement of the truth as to these received any such sum of money and This statement is not We assume of tlus or anv other sum of money from that von do not wish to -misstate any fact tnererora could not return it. None or us has ever been able to see that receipt. villa, and to giaoiy give you any and an Information that we have on the subiect.

about the Times or anyone else. Similar if it is In existence. We do each and all and anv employe of this company will statements from others have recently come to our knowled-re. and we are eolng- to take edition or tne ki Paso Times to he delivered to him daily, he would pay to the Times the sum of tJoO.ou a week and furnish an editorial stair for the Spanish edition of the El Paso Morning Times. This' contract hart hern made about the 2Mh day of February, lots, and apparently had been operated under up to the time of the discovery by us of its existence.

No member of this board of directors had ever heard of this contract. It had not been prepared by the attorneys of this company. There was nothing in the said contract calling for any service to' be rendered bv the Times except the delivery of 2000 copies a day of Hie Spanish edition, "(hue was nothing in the contract or the records of tin company to show where, that money came from. The copy of the contract found bv the new manager staled that it was to be executed by the general manager of tins company, to-wit, W. Greer, but the copy luul never, in fact, been executed by either party to It, though, as above stated, It had apparently been acted The existence of any such arrangement was without authority or this board of directors and net approved by It show that this money was received, but this occasion after such a statement has give vou anv information tnat ne nas concerning the subject.

The truth Is that about a year ago we know, however, that no such sum of rnonfj'. nor any part of it, ever reached the Times nor anyone for it, and we have Mr. Greer's unenulvocal statement, made In an open meeting of the directors of this been dlanlfled bv having been made by tne of tills cltv to contradict the state I matters, and we call on you now to let I us know who purported to come rrom the Tunes or Its owners or officers to you. asking lor a suppression or tlus or any oilier matter affecting it. Vou ftirther- were informed that the storv was in cir ment, and to fully and specifically state culation here that the Times had accepted comoanv.

that no such sum or any other sum. had been received from Villa, and more make the statement that "In an Kl Paso the facts so that In the ruture' mere may be no occasion for any person, honestly, making anv such statement. The Times did not receive from Fran we now again oner to answer any dues do not show xvno rrom. we personally have no knowledge of where it came ri'om. That it was 'lor anything except the copies daily xve have no moor, but it was a contract we were unwilling lo have exist and therefore terminated it upon the discovery that It existed, or as soon thereafter as was legally possible.

We have no knowledge as to whether this money came rrom General Villa ov was paid ror him. IF It was. the circumstances under which II was received have been Hilly stated above. If It did not come from monev rrom vma to advocate nis cause. We called before us at that lime the then manaa-er of the El Paso Times and asked i safe is the proof of the ract and Hint they (meaning the Times) cannot get around It.

Hons vou mav see fit In nsk an to this. and we will have any employe of this him the specific miestlon aa to whether cisco Villa or anyone for him, directly or comnanv answer sucn questions as you mav st-c fit to ask him on this subject. earn and ail oi ine suiemeius iiwrem curtained are within his knowledge true. Witness mv hand at El Paso, Texas, this the nth dav or July, totfi. (Seal, R.

B. REP-IC, Notary Public l.I Paso County, Texas. We challenge that statement ami defy any per sou whomsoever to produce any fact I In any wav contradictory of the facts as herein specifically staled. I Now, Mr. l.ea, we have given you the lndlrectlv.

anv sum or money as' a sud-sidv or otherwise, "to magnify little fights Into great battles and to make a national there was any truth In that rumor, and he replied to us that there was not. We asked him the gpeciric question as to whether he had received from Francisco Yen will thus see that the owners of the Morning Times not only never de hero out of Villa." nor ror any omer pur fered to sell them some of tho altar orna-1 ments. CANDIDATES FOR Many of the Mlchiganders are purchasing Cards Circulated Calling Attention to "Pro" Amendment genuine Navajo blankets and horsehair lariats. The rormer sell ror $1 a pound. Many little chihuahua hairless dogs.

MILITIAMEN AUTO COMPANIES WITHDRAW PAY TO GUARD EMPLOYES which can be quartered in a cigar box, are being purchased in the regiment. that the agreement had been abrogated. As a result many families in Detroit will be distressed unless the men are granted releases, One olffecr yesterday called attention to the fact that all of the companies are profiting by military maneuvers by selling trucks and ilght roadsters. He expressed Indignation that companies would mislead their men in the manner which the letters indicate. The ever-present bugbear or army lifetime food question has bobbed up In the El Paso military district.

Some correspondents, evidently In distress for news, have been The lure of a soldier's uniform Is as strong in Texas as elsewhere. Many of the officers and men are in receipt of letters rrom some or tne pest ram lies in ti l'aso asking them to call. Judge Blanton and Mr. Grisham Entertain Throng at San Jacinto Plaza. PASO'S foremost department store solicits your patronage om a "quality, service, satisfaction and price basis." sending out reports tnat ptomaine poisonms Is prevalent as the result of eating embalmed beef and canned goods.

Michigan Soldiers Indignant Because Original Agreement With Workmen Is Abrogated. Cards, about the sue or post cards, calling the attention of voters to the Prohibition amendment, which will be voted-on next Saturday, have made their appearance and arc being widely Circulated. The submission question, being In two divisions, will appear at the head or the ballot. The first provision provides for the submission of an amendment to the constitution providing for statewide proluhltlon. The second Is against that submission.

The voter scratches the proposition he Is against, leaving clear the one he favors. The cards being handed out have cross marks through the provision In ravor of submission, indications here are to the effect that the provision against submission will receive the majority number of votes, On the same "submission" cards the voters are asked to support James K. Ferguson for governor; Nelson Phillips for chief lustice of the state su A Poisoning In Camp. In the Thirty-first Michigan Infantry there Several hundred people listened to a heated Joint desraie for umi hours and twenty minutes between Judpe. flohert N.

Urishani ot Sweetwater. Texas, and Histrict JwIrb has not been single case of this kind of Thomas L. Blanton of the Aliilene district, sickness. There has been a shortage of ice one or two days, and on these occasions at San Jacinto pla.a. The cmiiliatanis In tho rrem beer wnicD nad become tainted nas Report That Impure Food Is Causing Illness Is Known to Be Without Foundation.

been burned. As a matter or ract the Mich The following are a few of the many articles you need and use daily and which we are prepared to give you the widest variety from which to select and immediate delivery. Iganders are rast becoming vegetarians, the desire for meat rapidly disappearing under the tropical Texas sun. in place, rrult, Pueblo Indian Takes Mans Handkerchief; Lilies Jail; Fined $5 Enrique Grannlllo. a Pueblo Indian, was fined in corporation court yesterday afternoon on a charge of picking a handkerchief from another man's pocket.

He told the Judge that he liked the Jail and would like lo make his home there. "Have you ever been In jail before In Kl Paso?" he was asked. He told Judge Pollock that lie had been In Jail twice and liked the place. "Then you can stay five more days with us," said the judge. "How do you like that?" The Indian smiled and nodded hia head with approval.

He was asked If he was accustomed to picking people's pockets. He said that any, one could pick his handkerchief out of his pocket and use It, that he did not care. "Everybody is my friend," said Granillo as be left the witness stand. dchate are Iwo of the three cnulestinR ror the nomination for in the sixteenth congressional dlsirn-i at the coinlnir Democratic primary election. Blanton opened lie ileimte and talked for one rour.

Judire cilsliam then took the plalform for an lu iir. and the debate was closed by Judire Hlauton. Judge Blanton challenged Judge Grisham in the Joint debate, In opening: his aririiment Judire 'Blanton vegetables and milk are utilized. Inaulry at the t'nited States commissary elicited the tnrormatlon that, all meats ra tioned out are absolutely fresh General indignation exists in the Michigan camp against three automobile com rentes. Many of the enlisted men are from ore of these companies, and claim thev wire induced to enlist by means of patriotic posters and the promise that the companies would retain them on their pay rolls for the difference between their army pay and that they received rrom the companies.

The boys were nerrectlv satisfied until they It xvas learned yesterday that all auxiliary Michigan troops will be stationed near Fori Bliss, several miles from the rest of the regiment, These will include ambulance said that he had made -jm speeches to iMi.ow voters and people since the cam company No. ambulance company No paign began. He scored Conirressinan V. n. Smith.

"Why dldu't lie speak here when field hospital company of Grand Rapids, batteries A and cavalry, Lansing; troop he came to kl Paso to spal( with your rnur received letters from the companies stating preme court; W. fi. Morrow for Judge or the court or criminal appeals; John W. Woods ror attorney general; H. B.

Terrell for state comptroller. Four Regiments of National Guard Jnfantry Expected The ThHy-second Michigan Infantry, slightly overdue at the border, Is expected to arrive at Camp Cotton this morning. The regiment wil he located near the Thirl f'rst Michigan Infantry at Camp Cotton. When the third regiment arrives from Michigan they will be brigaded together under thu cominaiKl of Brigadier tieneral Julm Kirk rrom that slide. A of Grand Haven, troop or lieirou, sig politicians here? I believe you roiKs in nal corps of Ypsllantl and the engineers of El Paso will vote the way you please and will not be controlled by any political ma Hougnton chine.

1 am glad 1 trot to meet one or my opponents lomgni. Examinations for cleanliness and disease will be made twice weekly throughout the Thirty-first. Ferguson Meeting Called Off. To the Voters of El Paso county: The Ferguson Democratic club has ar- "I got a telegram from a cowman In ACUTE AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM Concho county telling me to hurry there neguiar arm worn sunea yesieraay. ine new hour for turning out in the morning is ranged ror a mass meeting or the ciiuens 1 that Congressman Smith was going to Alarm Clocks Stationery Post Card and Photo Albums Toilet Articles Soaps Shaving Requisites Drug Sundries Rubber Goods Surgeon's Gauze Alcohol Stoves First Aid Kits Clothes Brushes Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes Shaving Sets and Mirrors Sheets Blankets Comfort3 Pillows Pillow Cases Paper and Linen Napkins Towels Unbleached Muslin (For Dish Cloths) Cotton Flannel (For Cleaning Guns) Handkerchiefs Hosiery Underwear Notions Playing Cards Sanitary Drinking Cups speak.

I walked up to the meeting where 5 o'clock, in order that mesa ana tne anus oi ti raso lor mesuay evening at ueve land souare In the interest of Governor may be over before the heat of the day. The exact (-anna of rhenmntlim nn. known, though it la generally beriftred to is ous ro an excess oi uric acta in tne Diooa. may be also said with eaual truth that no remedy hai been found which la aanecifla The Thlrly-econd regiment Is said to have, more than l.Wi men and officers and is well equipped, l-'or several weeks the, men of the regiment have been undergoing a course or training at their state mobilization camp. Regular army officers, whose duly It is to I escort the nation guard regiments' to tlie'rl camp grounds and look arU'r them until they are settled in camp, are expecting the i arrival of the Souih Carolina troops.

Nearlv In all cases. In fact the literature of rheumatism shows that there ace but few drugs which have not been given a trial. In ttie hands of one obaerver we find that a oertata drug baa been uaod with the atmoat (afteraction; others have found the tame remedy to be a great disappointment. All physicians however agree that everv method of Seyere Sandstorm In Camp. The most severe sandstorm of the season occurred Sunday evening.

It was tollowed by a thunder storm, which laid the dust and had a cooling effect on the atmosphere. Captain Mccormick, who was detailed In hcarge if a new auto truck depot, with a nunibrr of civilian drivers, has selected as his guard a number of expert drivers from Detroit. This was In case of Rouble with civilians be will be supplied with drivers. The adoption or the automobile ror all lines of work in camp is fast eradicating the army mule from his tlme-bonored position. Several of the officers and men who have seen -service In tropical countries attended service In an old Mexican church Sunday.

They affalrm that so anxious was the priest to secure some American gold that he of- uiuijxHOM iiitiiooHi giiHcasmen irom mai state are on their wnv lo Kl Paso. They wilt pitch their tents at Hart's near the end of the viaduct. treatment is aided by the administration of come remedy to relieve the pain and quiet Ferguson's campaign. Men. prominent in the support of both the city and County Democratic club and the citizens' Democratic ticket, had consented to speak to you In the Interest or Governor Ferguson and to show you that he has kept his pledges to the people and that he has been a steairast friend of Kl Paso, thereby meriting your support.

But we find that other parties have asked for and desire the use of Cleveland square for a public meeting, and as we understand and feel that practically every voter oT this county, Irrespective of local differences. Is going to cast his vote for Governor Ferguson, we desire to cancel the mass meeting called for Tuesday evening, not desiring to conflict with any other public meeting of our citizens. Be sure and rast yotr vote next Saturday for Governor Ferguson, the friend of Texas and El Paso. Respectfully, 1 C. E.

KEM.Y, Att-t: President. WILL P. BRADY. Secretary. (Political Advertisement.) me nervoua system ana vt.

w. B.Bchultie rxprosses the opinion of thousands of orao tltloners when be say a that antl-kamnls tanieta should ne erven preference over all other remedies for the relief of the naln In I'll form' of rheumatism. These tablets can I iiirrh-)i(i in any quantity. They are i'v -i in hrarliiphes, neuralgia! Smith was speaking, when he thought 1 was twenty miles away. He said the border highway 1 had proposed was foolish.

He said the people should not waste the S15, 000,000 In building a military highway." At this lime a man In the crowd asked Judge Blanton who lie, was. "MV name, sir, Is Thomas Blanton of Abilene," said Hie Judge, and then continued with his speech. "If you people want Tom Lea to vote you, I don't want your voles, Vou notice he did not say anything- against firlshiiui. He Is Just a sort of decoy or Lea's. "our congressmen went to sleep, and they would not do a thing tor protection on the border until the, newspapers of El Paso got after them to give us protection down here and go after Villa.

They let him go." At this a few men nearly broke up the meeting when they Interrupted the speech, shouting While the provost giihrds were debating as lo whether they should take the men who had Interrupted the meeting lo Jail Judge Blanton pleaded with them to let the men alone, that they would be his friends before he ggot through speaking. One or the men shouted, "Turn around let us see your yellow streak:" Judge Blanton replied. "I've, got a pug don up here that will dchate with you, sir. Iio you know that it Is agaht the law to Interrupt a public I'rnmlse lo Ham nivern. Blanton said that If the people sent him to congress that he would darn up some of the rivers tu western Texas anu give the people here some water.

Judge iirlsham told the people that Judge Blanton hail seen lit to refer In a disrespectful manner lo him. He said that he was going to hold his dignity ir he lost the race. "A man who Is for the president when he New Mexico Now Has Full Regiment of 12 Companies Special to the Morning Tunes, Santa l-e, N. July 17. That New Mexico now has a Hill regiment of twelve companies mustered into the federal service was stated Unlay by Adjutant lieneral Harry T.

Herring, on his return rrom Columbus. A dozen more musicians are needed Tur the band, which has not been mustered In. General Herring- announced the promotion of Captain Norman L. King to be major of the Third battalion; Miguel A. Otero, to Second Lieutenant of company M.

tre'Bord and i. II. Mi-Hughe tu first lieutenants; L. It. Eorney to be regimental Order anything you want by phone or letter, stating approximately what you wish to pay for articles selected and our expert shopper will do the buying for you.

Deliveries Free to Any Camp Any merchandise bought in our store will be delivered FREE to any camp in the entire southwest. We invite you to use this service to the limit. $103.65 vma RIDE THE SUNSHINE SPECIAL THE TIME SAVER TO ALL POINTS EAST VIA 1JU YORK rodndX REALTY TRANSFERS EVERYB ODY'I my This -is the the metropolis it a won i Texas J. L. Carter, et ux to S.

B. Kennedy, section block school land; consideration, ,000. J. R. Sessunis to J.

i. Biggs, sections 1, 8. 37. 3 and block 07, T. P.

land; sec Pacific DEPARTMENT STORE 7 Corner Texas and Stanton Sts. El Paso, Texas derful "Exposition City" in all its splendor. Large, comfortable steamers tion nior-K U'l, school land; considera $39.90 Hot Spring! and Return $56.25 St Louis and Return $48.10 Memphis and Return. $47.50 Kansas City and Return Birmingham and Return "San Jacinto" "Concho" "Comal SAILING EVERY SATURDAY Galveston to New Yor'; Fare includes all meals and ileepiug accom modations aboard ship. Return by steimer or rail, fare is tKe ume.

Full information at any railroad ticket office or write 711 SS 60 .72 71 .03 19 8 7ft Santa Ke, cloudy Seattle, doudv Washington, cloudy. Wichita, clear Yuma, clear tion, 10,0110. J. L. Mavrieid, et ux to Hickman and Baleman.

section 1. block S7, land; consideration. II. nun. Jackson, et in lo Mrs.

Annie McCoy, lots 15 and 11. block if, Bassett addition; consideration, 8. Evereit to Kluaheth peaker, lots I and 8, block 50, tirandWew; consideration. Iio and other. Bulldlnii PrrntrU.

O. B. Hnrker. to erect a building on Pie-dras street; cost, Joiiv and Morris, to build a residence, Oolden Hill teiracp; cost. 7.0oo.

J. E. Hevnett. build a bungalow on Oold street; cost, li.tioo. s.

to build an adobe nn Alamo-gorrlo street; cost, MKi. Jose Patugal, fo build an adobe, Flndlay and Haiumeit; cost. few. 13 HW II New Orleans, cloudy. SV HS 7a New York, SK at as .01 fhnaha, clear na 7 Phoenix, clear loi 7 Bapld City, clear mo Bogwell, cloudy 71 S8 St.

Louis, cloudy SW SO (W 7M Salt Lake, cloudy la SI i iw San Antonio, pr, cldy. 8 San Francisco, II 72 at Is right Is all right. I won't say that I am with the president when he Is wrong. 1 am ailvncallng an eight-hour law." He then condemned Judge Hlanlon for holding his position or district Judge and la the same lime rarrylng on his campaign. f.rMiam for I corral Market.

He snld thai he believed In the creation of a federal market system which would take the stocks ami bonds nut of the hands of the ramblers. "I would advocate an amendment to the rural credit bill, which the president aigned'loday. I have advocated a strong preparedness for this bnrdnr. If we had a stronger advocate of preparedness there would not have been a drop of Tex-ans' blood split on our soil by these bandits. "Blanton criticises tne because do not make so many speeches.

Most of my people are able to read, smith and Olantun are running against one aonlher. He spent inosl or his tune talking about Smith, I don't care ir they lick each other, I am ALLORY LINE CALVrSTON TFY AH Note, Wind velocity of less than in miles an hour and amounts of preclplwt.lii or less than or an inch are not published In this tablet The Only Fire Proof Storage In El Paso WESTERN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Local Off ice, 734 lit Nat'l Bank El Paao Dirrd Humeri eiirymt rradu only, tvny York Phone 9 220 8. Sunton Gunter Motel i il It II 1 ifBiiVgmu. imrv.vll EUROPEAN ATlfffllffffllffft FIREPIIOOP SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.

running ror this omrc." Then Judge Hlauton closed llw argument. I He told about following Hi Isham to Sweet-j water, and replied thai he xpokn to Kio people, while tirlsham did not speak, be-cause there were only fourteen in his own I home town to listen lo liuii. The crowd In- A Hotel Built for the Climate PERCY TYRRELL. Manngcr. Official Headquarter T.

P. A. A A. A. A.

Watson's Groceries Are Famous For Quality Comforts for K. of Cnsrds. New Haven, July 17. From the SU-premc oil ice of the knights of Columbus here today ciinoiincemnit was made that members h.j are on Mexlacn bonier service with the national guard, are to be supplied with camp coiulorls II they need tliein through a fy.VOfKi fund appropriated by the supreme nlTicera and directors. I.

S. UAII.Y UKUIIEII MIIXEIIN. Conditions that pic-vailed at the various weather bureau stations throughout tlw United States id A p. seventy-fifth me- i termptcd Plant') and demanded a reply on THE MAIL ORDER HOUSE OF EL PASO Let us have your wants The Warner Drug Company Orndorff Hotel Block El Paso, Texas this mm (irisnam. unmani Uihl litem that WE ARE NOW RECEIVING DAILY SHIPMENTS OF there were no lights: that he was not going to pcnK to nis people in tne dam.

"When I was a boy I used tu milk enwa had to pen a big striped calf. Boh Smith has been the big calf and be has been get i I ting all the milk. I got a rope tied to him L-iiquor Specials SOUTHERN SELECT BEER 3 pint bottles ff I 1 doi. pint Oi A A 1 FRESH 3 BLACK 5 RIPE land I am goimr lo keep him away from th row so lie won I get any more milk," said Blanton, l.eller I-rem Prleot. viniT ivnip.

5 i if STATIC AND STATE HF W'tATHLH. 5 5" 3 2 Then lie wished to he ouoted that ha was for dW I bottle. Vl.VU 1 1 Dot against ttie Catholics, as spurious letters had been sent about In that efrect. Mil- SWEET AND DELICIOUS 30c PER POUND Also: A late variety of lowing is a letter which Blanton read which was received from ather l1. J.

crane of the i Sacred Heart church of San Angclo, Texas. "hear Mr. Wanton: Letter received, and I assure you I admire lis candor and sin-i reriui. I hart also rend vour spwri at MINING MACHINERY Wire in at our expense rrnardlnfl that nr Insinuation. Our guarantee la Ironclad.

The Southwestern Wrecking Co. ftiiranriri SU. ll'aso. (i wt nn 4 7. Si 71 SO in ft 73 70 ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES Pure California Table Wines Port, Angelica, Muscatel, Claret and Sherry.

Per I Perone-half EJA gallon PleUU gallon OlfC Bottled in Bond Whiskies Five years old. LION GROCERY CO. PHONES 24052428 109.11 5. STANTON Sonora. and conrritulnte you on it.

At a vestry meeting lust Sunday, out of ten men seven were for Judge Hlanlon. So you have many Catholic friends. Never. I assure you, dear Judge, will I Impede your progress. After all it a a tcmpen In a tea pot a rase of misunderstanding.

"MTH1.H CRANE," which are very good indeed. SO 71! 0 74 wo i effactlta in treaties unnatural diacMrfesj Atilli'lie, Amanllo, clear sw Atlanta, cloudy Holsn, clear Boston, pt. cldy SW CIiIcuko, clear itncinnall, cloudy iH-nver, cloudy fretrolt, clear fuiliith, clear NE F.L PAI, cloudy ilalveston, pt. Havre, rain NW Jarksoiivillc. Llltl flock, I Aimdcs, Nashville, cloudy Mi ik piinmi.non pmwnoua will not tincture.

a 7 St 7 SO ft S3 H4 78 M4 It i Helmet i 1 to 4 Otis. 5ia.T? tea la iTunr rtvr sunvra arnivvivn uitu uti rV, So SI 7i 7fl 74 HOLD BY lR(SOITM. Parcel Pott if daitred- trie II, or I sottles 12 7S. Prepared by EVANS CHEMICAL CINCINNATI, ft Ifhei Tesr Eyes Neel Csre Try Maris Eye Reaedy.

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