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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 9

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EL PASO MORNING TIMES. El Paso 's Horse ShowfW DR Warmer Weather Predicted Following Brief Blizzard ESS J3y yTrxr PittanhDUse, ana loumamem to oe Abandoned This Year By JULIA LEE BROWN Telephone 6924 Here la gtxed news rrom the weather man: (op)rl(hl 1) trie M(lurc sxuUhalr, uti Hest 3-d Street, -New lork tity. Al! socle-ty Items must bo In the tiands of the editor hy 8:30 o'clock tlie even-Intr hetore they shall appear, except where arrangements are previously made Willi Uee editor for later reports. Soldiers of El Paso Military District Too Busy Training for Service Abroad to Participate, Says Major General George W. Read.

Today's Calendar pastern trains were still lagging In snow drifts. Not Record Cold 8nar. El Paso laughed In her great heart at the- cold weather Friday when it was pointed out that it been much colder here at different times in the I'lly's history. Hevoiels at the weather bureau, established in tsi, show that tbo coldest day in Hie history or the bureau was January it, tftKl, when the mercury in the government thermometer dropped to iwo degrees above jero. The city's milk, tee and coal supply was temporarily delayed Friday morning, lwl at no tune has there been danger of a shortage such as eastern cities ace experiencing as a result or unusual blizzards.

The city Is well provisioned ami supplied with coal, authorities pointed out. Tavirah service became more nearly normal Friday, and street cars ran on better time than they did (ale Thursday night when the streets and tracks were coaled Willi lee. Schools Slightly ai'fecled. Prlinnl attendance was slightly affected, but not seriously. Al Ihe htgli school Hie jhf strtilfllif, (iillorocf coat Is no vv made to serio utlh slim skirt or pitihl or rhPekeit as well as ft skirt of Us 11 color, York, Jan.

it Hie t.iitors sfcm to tiave decided that ffinrirul coals tlo not fit into tho fashion of ilin hour. The plain, tailored coals, sikIi hs uur men tnilors rasUtonrrt for us in tho day wrrn wo he-pan to lakp on mannish appeuranrc, itiun lHiiTnni lo pupuhillty. I'lie- rt'qiiin' a pe rtet'tion of fit, and vviih a (TimhI iIimU nf tho mu pnwer nf this country token away fru iiitlutrlHl piir-iints. it iitav b( tn; tfus pcifiM Utui Will nut lt( ar'niltti'd to tile I'OilU tiuit iti lurnrd nut. A hiknTiiI nidt eav ti lunkt1.

Toy (ho hnnmiiiu- imihniN Hull Tlie forecast for Saturday Is clear and warmer ami Tor Sunday fair and warmer. In oilier words, El Paso will boast with a smile Saturday II at it as not much or a storm and cold wave niter all that has held the city in its grip for two days. Friday morning rllizens were Just a little hit stow In gelling around to then-work, transportation irs were not so prompt or so rapid fi their service and schedules, were Just a i 'tie out of kilter, nlhcrwiso the town lira. along as of yore, citizens contenting tlx o. selves with the knowledge thai LI Pao had passed throuDli one of the coldest spells ti has experienced recently.

The thermometer reading al the local weaiher bureau was only 14 atmvB zero al the coldest point Friday mm-ning and with the coming or the sun the tee ami snow on the slreets began to melt. jstiow lo Disappear. Saturday morning the greater 'part of Week-end hop takes place at the EI Paso Country club Saturday evening. The College Women's club will hold its regular monthly meeting afternoon at the University club rooms In the Martm building. 64th Infantry Officers Hosts at Brilliant Regimental Ball Given Friday Evening at the Toltec Club; Colonel and Mrs.

Page Receive may he applied it P.v mepert iiiht e.ixilv hidden lw a oirr, Tlw three -quarter prinep-AIhert, whlrfi raiue Kilo hem tiuring' the monta of Oe-toper a part uf a ciuin -tin, lost its preside a lew wpek-4 after tt was latim hi'il, and tli extra material in it hn heen cut ul adding to the wastage uf Wool. However, no one need cry out at this S3 a piece or stupidity on the part of Ma for the samo ihtnf has happened eminent rireles. TliB woolen ovei't-oiits if our men were made entirely too hmjf fop thfl H'enca Datlle-tirhis, and they, have been cut ao luixti shuiti'i- that tlie wataa'tt of jrood wool, coiiiiU'd hy the thousdniH, is appaliintf. I'lu- alorrtt Spparatn oat. The inaunlsh coat having oune Into falimn, has taken to Itself tlie privllpiie of sulhlidimr colors fur hiack and dark hWue ami iidptiri)r as its running mute a durt tfi.U nothiiiif romnion with It.

evepi pvd it inips to rover th, rijeuie. I fie -kt't' Ii shous one (f irte newest uf thee rii.11, in dark rei! chevtot, spere-ty Piiletifd. with that umir line runmiiir from stiuulder lo hem that is very becuin-imr tn ihe a'iaHre fiirure. I here are immense packets at the hip line, anil enough al the Pack and oleics tn jrive the Jacket a triaceful suliijr. here are reveres with a small collar, and the Kirt uaisi is while.

i lie ki ri i-i a red and htaek cheeked wor-teil material, erv shin ami Its iib-ikei htiard dcsifrn is an eeho of Ihe kind of kirt that Hip rmioi stsfers intruiimeil for poiti last Fehruary. (MM' inn-t admit Ihal it Is the kind of ih--i Inch Peeanie entirely rommott-li', pihiip.di the eoniiiieicial rhiumols as far hack it-, last June, tint there- i- a dd-li iet-i iiii'ihod of nianak'tiifr thes checks iiiiit they present a certain aspect t'f n. nelly. eastern solTleis, who have seen no leal xe-tern ruling. lieneral Head had been asked to select the be'st riders rreun among the orrocrs and tneui or his eliv.siou and they were to compete In different classes for prices to be oriered by the war seruro boaid and local mer-rh tints.

e.eorge T. Lanhorne, commander of the Pig lleud district, xvas also to atiem Willi a number or bis he-t riders and was eu'ir a polo team fti play the Fort bliss n-aiu as a p.nt or the prour.nn. The war service hoard expected to enteita.ii t.i.iHsi soldiers, Idle he appreciated the efforts of the board to provide amusement and new In the of enter-CiiiuueMit for bis men. eit'neral bead said the soldiers stationed here are so hard al work the'y could not be taken away from camp' hi sneit large 1111111 tiers. lor Unit reason tho board brought to an end their plans for the torn iiament.

Soldiers or the LI Pso military ebs-irh't are so I usy training for duty abroad they will have 110 time to take part In the annual horse show and inilitiiiy tournament planned for this month by Hie I Paso Ibirse Show association, to Mac lien, ejeorge W. Head.l. vision and district eoroinaneler. As a result, the tournament plans have been abandoned. As originally planned, the ho-t r.ders In the overs, as' e-avalry elivtstou.

now being formed here, were lo piiiiiclp-ile lu horse show, which was to haeo been (liven 111 the huph school sluduun. To this sl'ow all or the soldiers or the el, vision and the distre wen: to have been admilti'd IT eo or charge as a pai eif tho recre'ieliou woik of the war service boaed eiii the border heie. Westei'ti rieling. roping and bioiw.i "busting" conle'sts were also to ho been tenet) as a part or the euitertam meiit program for tho bene-ltl eif the armlft or a piece nf fur. However, it i aid in lite trmle tliat ine snow and lie, ir not an, win prop cadets forgot there as such a Hung a alily melt, stated II.

M. shaver, loi weather observer. Farlv Friday the cilv discipline and washed the laces or their i. ,.1 In commissioned otTieers In snow put men te xxoik rlcariny Hie streets ef the business elistrlcl eif tlie coating or ice that covered the pavements. Walks were still a bit slippery in Hie night, owing to the drop in temperature that come with the sotting or the sun.

hallroads: Friday night xxere gradually riglding llirmselvej alter their battle with snow and ice. In the local yaeds order had been restoreel, hut trains rrom ebs-tant pomls like Chicago and New xvere several hours" late eiwing lo heavy snow in west Texas, Kansas, Missouri and Illinois. Trains Arrive I. ale. nock Inland Ham No.

3. due In Fl Paso at p. 111., from Chicago, will not arrive 1111III o'clock Saturday morning. Train No. I on the same road, which also e'onies rrom ehle-ago.

was elue In Fl I'aso at f' Friday morning, but will neet airbe 1111I1I 4 to o'clock Saturday morning. These delay resulted reoeu heavy snow In northern slates, it was said. Tevas tt Pacific train No. t. from Fori Worth, elue here at II a.

did not Mrs. Turner, Captain and Mrs. Etrouble, Captain and Mrs. constant. Lieutenant and Mrs.

battle, Lieutenant and Mrs. McCull, Lieutenant and Mrs. Towns. Inrectors and members of the Toltec club. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Pfarr, Mr. and Mrs. F. V.

Unrney, Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Prazer, Mr. and Mrs. Ldgar kayser, Mr.

and Mrs. Lackland, Mr. and Mrs. It. R.

Foster, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lawsuit. Mr.

and Mrs. J. S. Uethlng, Mrs. V.

L. Bean. ss Margaret Head. Miss Arta Williams, Miss Alice Myles. Katherinc Pfarr, Miss Harali Itndgers, Miss Klizabeth Me-vens.

Miss Lucile Harland, Kathleen Mewhouse. Miss Marion A.n.-a, Miss Ann Murher. Miss Ldilh Malkinpy, Miss Perkins. Miss I albert. Miss Adelaide Poore, Miss ilecira l.ightbourne.

Miss Hess Murtle, Miss Hull, Helen Miss Margaret Miss Frances Smith, Miss liorothy Smith, Miss l.awlon. Miss Frances Karl, Miss lie Witt, Miss Margaret nothing, Miss Virginia hean. Miss Dishart, Miss Davenport, Miss McMullen, Misses Lew. Mrs. Sidney Craves.

McMullen. Mrs SPECIAL ELECTION FOR LEGISLATURE The cith Infantry officers were hosts at Lnlliaitt rexirueuial dance Inelay v-'eninfr at the Tollec club, which was at-lended, despite tlie very cold weather, by a large nuniher of army people and a representative crowd of ill Pasoans. the nuest were Colunel and Mrs. John 11. Page.

Mrs. Pafre was charming In a lovely evening toilette or pale yellow satin combined with cliliTon, rashlotied decollete, owing to the Illness of Mrs. Itenjaiinne Poore, she and Hrigartier General oore were not present to receive with the Panes. The ballroom of the Toltec. club was artistically decorated ill regimental flags and national colors for tlw Music was rurnished by a regimental band during the

Those Invited to enjoy this afrair were Major (ieneral and Mrs. cieorge Windle )iead and lieneral Head's stair, Brigadier lenerai and Penjamine A. Poore and (leneral poore's starr, brigadier lieneral and Kranris Marshall and Heneral Marshall's stafr, Colonel A. Lewis, commanding off.cer of the cith infantry, and starr; commanding officer and staff or the ailh inantry, commanding officer and starf of the St It cavalry, commanding officer and staff of tlie 7th cavalry, commanding orrioer and starr or the jsth field artillery, commanding officer and staff of the 821 field artillery. tlaptain and pence, Captain and The Associated received several appeals Tor aid Friday ami a waieon was kept busy delivering fuel, gloves, food and blankets.

"We fonnel that stoves were needed metre than anything else," said J. It. eiwin. see-retary ef Hie assocljiliem. "The majority of the poor were snpplii'd with rood.

Two ramllles were found- in bed. They had been driven beneath the covers bv 'the fact that they had no stoee or ruel. "We, bought some stoves and one was given to the assoi'ialioti. We also bought a larue number or blanket which were distributed to those Willi scant supply or bedutng." ItMrefooleel Itetvs Foeinel. Two chiloien were lound 111 the business se-tiun Friday arteruoon in their bare reel.

When qucstioueel they explained they bad no money with, winch lo buy shoes and slockimis. Taken lo the of Hie A'seiriale-il charities, they were lilted Willi foedwear. Iirtven lo she-lte'r by Ihe cethl, seven men sought relier at tho chanties lodging house. Steirm lias rieasaiet Slele. But Hie storm bad the pleasant side.

Children played In the while areas and held mimic battles with snow halls. Householders lortun.ite enough to haee grab's lit fires. imiois Friday night TO PUSH PLAN FOR SET FOR FEB, 15 HIGH LINE CANAL mi: not si imi o. ilihol Itv iine r.lltenluMisc. ithotit I liccihte.

It nt only a Tact put surne, type of skin ilii not thrive when treated with any nmiment or cream contaliimtf clvi-frnue, Imi it is al-o true that at present (fiycerina is huh in price. Mere jup souirt gind lo-tnuts coiihnumK no klycenne, tor i hapfed Ii.lll Is: l.iiiMTd meal and hitler almond otl rnav ho moi a mhtuie wrrn which to relieve chapped hnnilv dimply make thick pate nf the two imrredit'itts and I 'lh ll nil fi'1 -kill every lUi-'lll. Hlll 111 Miniuii'jiilv. hut, iH'l rui'iu'hlv. ami then Hobby Announces One Vacancy Names Dr.

Nathan Boyd Hon Sullivan, Mrs. Alhro. uriicers and ladies or the 31th Infantry. Captain Collins. Lieutenant Hoherts ami orary Member to Head Com in Senate and Eight in House arrive until p.

in. Friday night. em the southern Pacific No. from the east, due here al II a. elld not avrne until midniieht.

No. lot, duo here at 10 p. diil nut gel 111 until ten minutes alter imelnlght. iiduni-r reigned at the down town ticket offices eif Hie roads, ami cheery otiiers. mittee on Power Project.

by Resignations. In charge of arrangements for the dance were e.iiptan Hrannon and Lieuienant were row. Moro's were loui. ana 111 John J. Howard.

messages eir everyuiuiic an ikki Or. Nathan Moyd of l.n n-nec. N. Known as tho "lather of tho Lh-phant 1, a nomine rm si'in-iiii le soon" came ides and doughnuts and pois eir lea ami ul.e hanU a pint nf hot water tn from them all, in spile or Ihe fact lhal I colfeo wine coeisuioed by the opi-n iieaeih. Liberty Club Dance Being Looked Forward to With Keen Interest by High School Set POLL TAX DEMAND Au-tm, levas, Jan.

II ehnernor Hobby today Issued piMrlanulmns calling stiecial I'lectious, to bo peld on February Hi, to fill eight varanrii's In the house and one In tho senate, all cause bv resignations. There are 11 ei'her vaeaio'ie'S tn the house unorriclallv ri polled, but their resignations have not been filed with the gover-llor. Th" vacioicy to be filled In Ihe sen-ale Is in the I wenly Tirst district, mused which in hien added hii eighth of a riii of iuKPue id heoiiiu -or a amount, if nii m-Ii lo he so lihoral Willi tlie luy caieliilly. f'nre nine oil airrees with som Skins. I In-, of i'ihiim', is very loi ic-v, ami It is lictler lo use' it only at niht, win ihe hands may rovrrotl WHD luas lemcmher in u-mir rIovps nt By Irene llroun.

FALLS TO NORMAL FOR MEETING Featuring as one of the largo social events for the younger set falling on nikht that Pte hiikI he Ihm cot ton jilnvcs sni ral too ar hel. 1 hey Mmuid he wa-lied every week, at January 50 will be the Liberty rlub dance, to be given at the ballroom of the Uni any late; pc-lni- nth ner. tioji A I colu cream may he ruhhed Into versity club In the Mae tin building. This Big Treat Promised Those Who utre host- ctiarN and plans fur tho a-o hiK-hline caiifil were pnnteil -OHIO tt'erk iliin in litt! 1 I Piio iiinefi, was an hotiumry mpmher ni thu Kiwim.s l.ih. and a eunnnitli't' id with hovil i ihairinan, nulh.ti-ied lo nialte a horMinli mveMlK-nMun if Ihe ihm ami to report (o tin -lHh Its recoriiniendatloiis ul the chili's ti'fiiilat hinctuvin t-iiiini noon in ine Mod ton rah'.

The resolution as presented hy I Waile. who nred its adoption on the H-roundi that the hiwan ehih had imtien lii'hind the nxneinrni im-r one month nn- and choutd not pemnt the nioeiuent lu dte. ntliers iiriff-d that 1 in rhamher id ennimene should taku tho iniiialivo In the. plan, ullowlnir is the resolution adopted: Head Paper to luh. "Whereas, some six wcehs airo, Tip.

Nrtluni liuyd of I ns lii ures, N. pre. senleil al a im'etmif of the klwiim chih, paper dealing with the pt-opused of ii hliitillne ninal for tlie pin-pose or rreatiMtr water power and ein -trlcity lor um! at I. us Cruces and 11 I'osn; uid "Whp Vr. oyd, arrrf Innately litiown in the Tntlier of the ppMihntit the hitiiiN in Ihe s.une when glove Is being looked forward to with keen ex run he worn (or the nigld.

nf course, if Since Monday's Rush Collector Is Given Respite; Office Open Noons. Attend Sunday Afternoon Sing and Service. pertation by the members of the high school set. Fiider the able management John Mulcahy, Frle Monroe and Mah-nhn Webb: I'hairiuan or tho program coinmit-tee, Miss Jean Gilchrist, Floise knotls Friederl -ho Kipp. Harland Irvm, Imth I'e mie'ssi-v and James IWtwen.

At the en-t meeting these names will be voted upon. Noniliinlinti Coinmiltcc at III Class Vlcctleiie. At this 411 cla-s meeting hehl rriclay morning during the record period, a noiu-Inaling ccininiitlee le.r the e.rricers to be elected for the next term was appointed: Those selected were: Helen Ileaeliiiir. Miss Margaret powers, Harry Pearson niiel Leslie Womelelorrr. Pennant lo Re I'nri linseil by Members of 1A Class.

The IV class, "Labor Omnia Vlneit." decieled to buy a class pennant, at their class meeting held Friday leiornoix. The class colors e.r red and white will be the yon urint a ruhl ream witinuit gicenno can hny om. Vu can al-o make one, ami here I- a formula- Mix at a ery low tempeuinre ounces uf spermn rll and nn inmee id while wax. They jdtotild tie mivi'il in a fh-uhle hoiler. at a verv hoy 1 by the of Jiimi's Hailevv.

who resitfiii'd to accent ihe' iippolutmeiil of aeljulant general, "he district Is roin-pos-el ed i.o.ales, I'ahlnell. lioadabuie, llavs and I'lnnco e-ounlies. Ihe eight vacancies In the house, winch the governor has called special elecllons to rill, me as roilowi: Forty -first, county, to fill vacancies caused by the resimiation or Woodvllle lingers; and nreirg cnunlie-s, Myron ei. Plalock, resigned; 'Inylor. Throe'k-moilon and llriskel lounins, briice W.

liryant, resigned; Fighty elghlh, Hays and liomal counlles, I.ouis ei. schllf, resigned, Klghly-rirsl, kefens mid HeWlll count es, Hartuiiiu. re'slgneel; sicveiity-tifth, Arkansas, Meluglo, M.n Palrlclo, Pee. Five oak counties, J. llussell, resigni'd: Tenlv-tlrt, Montgomery and lirunes of the general arrangements committee, composed or Dan While, lien Howell, Hesper McMillan, Jane and hachacl boynton, this dance promises to be One of tbo largest social events given during me mid-winter season.

A committee for the high teuiM-nihire -as low iis yuu can melt them i over. When Ihey -i re rnootlily ereuineil lieyui lu heat wiih I'nrk. and niiidually. drno hy drop, add ti.ill a i 1 1 of uliunnd oil. peat iiiihE hoed has been composed of Miss Venett i.niueaur, ansa 1.111 artorius anu i.ucy i.sennvpi.

Chaperoning the elance will be Mr. and sirs, iwii 1. wiiiie and wudgo and sirs, W. p. Brady, For the occasion, the banjo- Piindiiy arternooii men's nice Hugs at tho V.

M. C. A. arc. proving popular and are) slinpinif themselves Into a series of exceedingly belprul and Interesting- programs for the rest of tho season.

The meeting this Holiday Is eNpcetcd lo draw forth tho largest galliorlng of men thnl lyiS assembled hi tho local lobby, livery renturo of the. program promises to bo a sperial ullrartion, from the nrst niunbor or tho musical e'oncert, which begins at 3 o'clock, until tho last stuig by the men. Tliej cone-et Sunday afternoon rrom 3 1 r. to 3:811 uVllirk will be id arllstlc naliiie. Miss Ailfcu Iloolh-Majo, violinist, whose! family Una recently moved to tnltitilnul ion rnsliono with dark ml iliev-inl eiuil, sci i t'r I) tul loreil, anil slun ui rrd ami iihu-U ehet krd nnrsled.

Ihe coal has il''rt pockets fur saxophone orchestra has been procured, Unite 1 fi in. Klen a. prrent deal of Hmo 1 and sliiily lo tlie iiropuiitifiii and "Hdierra, said proposal eem.s to hnvf jrre-it merit nml should hn thormiKhlV In-I Snu'e lust Monday the number of poll tiiv receipts Issued elaily has been slead-Hy decreasing. Monday Ihe rush was made on County Tax liolb.i'tor Pel Hlchey's ol'lii'e suii-e 11 oitened lor lite payment eil pidl when receipts were given out. II is thought tlto hn'iil opltnn elecllon might have had soniellilng to elo with this since on Monday nniionnee-inent was made thee 1 ouinilsMnners wonli be aked lo e-all Ihe eleitlou preebably to oce'iir In l-'chrnnry.

poll tax reo'elpts would then have been iieros-ary and a rush was made for liieiii. When II111 dull) of Hie. elnetlnn wn fixe-d for this month, pfiynienl of poll Ihxcs began to drop nlf. There, were only 1:111 issued I'rlday. January III will be: P10 lii-t tiny thai a poll lax can he edilaiued.

'Ihe e-olle'ctor's oltice Is imw staying eipeu duiing the noon hour anil begbiuiug Jiinmny t'l will be eipeei al night reoiii 7 to 9 o'e-hnk. em to eln-1 ilav the office will reiuain Open 1111III I'ountli'S, W. K. rvclly, resigned; Kllllll Shelby louiily. On.

l'ebby. resigni'd. Business Postponed by First Congregational; nvldn may he med tn mlvfliitapn on tioftm hands that chap readily. Tins posM'es the adatitaje uf drying into the ckln rniher wet), ma, of course, it hai a stiomrlv mcdo uta! nh m- and may, llieie-fore. Kue nlfens.

if used onisnie ones own ru'. in. p'lwuer may aisn lie dieted -over haifis that chap readdy nihil protects iheiii from tho actiuii or Ihe cold nf (Mu'-e, hejiUhv skin oiifht not tn chap IT Is iilwavs caretully washed and tlmropuhly lined and if It not uiinecessjiriU epn-oMl to the air. Hut sonicli.iii'S the khi of Hie hand of colors or tins pennant. Plain for Crailiinlluii by Class rhlay.

Plans were made for graduation bv the nieiuhers of the Cx class al their meeting held Frlilay inorning. I', xvas eleclele'il that the baccalaureate lerrnoei will be given by Hev. Fuller Swift at the church eif SI. Clement's. In ac-gard to, the costumes eif Cohiris Address Later vesil irnted ut this with view lo riirrylmr II on I it pnihle, par lirutarly tn view of Itn necessity of coiiservnof uah lower during the war, itnd hi vjcw or the passage hv roimrevs tf the.

wiler jiower hill advoniled hy thfi luesiilenl "Now, 'llieretore, Hn fl Itesoherl; thai Ur. Nathan Uuvd of as unices lie nnd he Is herehy imole an honorary rnemher of ihis cpih as a rinok of disuii''tioii fur Ins work mum-. mm utlh tho Klephant Itutt" riant, and tho president 'r this eluh Is herehy p( appoint a committee ff five nieiiihers. with Ur. itovd as At the annual meeting of the 1 Irsl older r.itlors who linve tossed inn flue nr the draft and the vnluiMeer sysh will come luick Hi In their own special bram-li nf work ihmufdi tins revival of Hie plain jacket.

o. the women should he Khot (hat work hn hen lonml tor Hum to tlo. I lie, Maiinl-h t'nid. Thn dralwhi, rutaway ket a rllffl-cult one to fit, hut it has come iiin inhi first fashion, llu? I ton Jaeket. whh li demands Mini hips.

Is a lemhmr fa-hloii. and Ihe lnrl. slraU'ht ack, which must have a peitei under arm line and Mum hler auain In the circle of fashion-'. 1110 graduates, a eleclslon was reached to the etrect that the" rap and gowns wllfjlU I'aso Hum lullas, will lavor the mini Playing the lollovv with a bio-r ruin-en, perfectly healthy women who rare for lioiilnlght. not be tiseil this year and that tha girls will he a turret hi while with the bov wearing tho eonvenlloiial blacg.

The programs for the e-ofuniencement liniiK, chap, ri'dw ithMandiinr tlie verdict of the heanty specialists nlM.Mt what ft uuitlit tn do. 'lhen we mn--t i --ii Ihe h- hdi'ins and and the clean cotton rJmrs at mtrht. exercises will be printed by Ihe hoys of chairman, with power and authority in; ine printing del ariment or the hlgli school. JUNE OPERATORS MAY ASK REFUNDS there will he i danco numbers on the program v.ilie no extras. Punch will to served during the evening.

lass Mrelhifis Uriel eblay Merninej at Heceiril Prrbiel, business seemed to be the most Ih.oortant or all rtlirli school activities at the class mcetlni Friday ineirninir. All or Hie edit business was cleared away and new business ror the new term was discussed anil attended to The old problem i e.r buying Liberty bonds Is gradually being elisneised of, as nearly all ejf the bonds subscribed have been pild lor. oriieers for Next Tereei Nominated at Ml Class Meelinfr. President John Mulcahy or the rlns5 aunounecd at the meeting Friday morning thai, as tie 1 exaiuinatieuis are so near and so much extra work at hanel. it would be better to elect the eilfo-ers Tor e-otning year neiw than to wait until h.ter.

Following I. Is suggestion, the following students were noeulnaied for of-loes: president, Ted Coolev. James Proven. William Mayrirld. (ilacivs Itooth and leavh's Kearney; vice president, Arthur Wheitlev anil Harland levin: secretary.

Joe Wright, Harrison l.edford anil l.awson V'-Kmnoy; treasurer. Sam Mldelleton, pout-las Cray and Iadore Crossblatt; reporter. Alice Van F.atoii, John Mulcahy ami F.thel Amstader; sergeant at arms, Jake ixale Filwards, L. Mi'Kiuney, make a thorough imesttfraUnu of said; dan nod proposal, to appear hefore the elmmher or ommei i Hie notary, i Ihe Adcloh nod the other orwaulaliofi-t Dick (iy to I. he Knlerhiliineent Semn fop Homely Walters.

The Confessions of Roxane of the coy Willi a irw to enhsiirof ihelr allium) rhnrrh. piblay iiiieht. only a part of tin' ehurcli busini'ss was laken up. An aihlnss.hv II. whn-h was lo be' the feature or was postjjoned' liiileuieeit v.cnToer was a'sigueel as ihe reason ror porlpniie-uieitt.

dev. Iiwlvht J. slieled that every member or the church was working em Ihe e'tirieiit expenses rutiel, for which Is lo be rinsed. This Is beloir e-ar-lied e.u Sliccesslully lu a systematic campniirn. Ihe iiuiiii business win come up lit the iioslpoiied eneeimg.

Resignations of Slate Highway Commissioners Are Accepted by Hoddy special lo the Morning 'I ime-s. Austin, leias, Jim. II e.ovee-nor Hobby An affair that will be somewhat dif "si-t4ine lu H.e in-iM and to lake sm i tef ma he tieeeti-in to eulisii ru ny nu.vas wai.ikil ferent I'e-oni tho general run of I111M1 school enleriiunments will lie the one being planned by lue-k I'oy lo be given uiide-r Ihe ausph eif the lionie-ly ain-rs' e-btlc. inate nld pl.ri. i ep.u ma- to Ihe eluh.

Mom time to time, us acts and dotiiK in tho log Maiiirka, Mlyarski, tiscbe-r; Ana, Tenaglia, a wou-Uerliil Spanish dance by behllehl. At a tin; Pig Mug will 1nh place. There will jo novel simeing In this pait or Ihe; iiiogniiii and many of the old familiar and ravoillo gospel songs Will be on tlie: program. liillowing the; leig sing the meeting will he adilrosed by I enimon, now religiuiis eliifi-ior of tho 11 1 1 Y. M.

1:. A. work at amp Hoely. Mr. l.eiumoil I-loestor eir tlo: I li st i.hilslian i l'iu ch oi He-lings.

Noiirakie. Is a mail's man and is known tin ghoul the btotheihooa as one or Iho slrougi-st speakers to men. Ills topic Sundav or-terniion will bo "Tlie Soldier' lieiimon." I'roin Mr. I.oinmotis luge eoe'i ii-iho in i hie be- ill probably bi nig lo all men, civilian and soldiers, 11 incs-age Whirl! Will liot be fiil-guttm. The big llie-e'ting Is ojie-li to all men.

sti augeis. re I'-nils ami nieinbe-i-. Imors will be opeoi all Jlieriioon. will he by token hnh have bei-u Issued er can be- vnrrd at any or hurchi'S. t'lio lh-kel Is good Tor three men.

jrUiiL I HIT. It M-tiura hUKteiKo. rhe eiitertalniiient as yet In Its ruetia- Nomlnnllons IP fmrled. Tlev. P.

It. hup k'-i hut k-i p. Putnam. City Council Provides for Reimbursements if Runs Are Unprofitable. IMHOSPI I HON.

pi i.e at flrt, loui I had MiHiiiui Vihrht menu wit ei t.unly true that Mr. failed tn win -pent iiitich. Mr 'or- nti it anil M. IM.rvev were nniiunated for nf the rluh, as reported the ine'utary tace, as net definite plain have been formulated. However, it iiroeotsi's to be a eleeidedlv pleasurable: eee'itt.

as Mr. I'oy Is a talented coioeehaii. He is the son of the famous 1 Kddie t'ov. Mai lam's plain unnU egardln manv admit aide, mtoiy Pie, 1 ut Itie of htm faded I'ndpr atfreeinenl reath'-d rrirlay Tim Foys are here bnipeirarlly for Mrs. hetwee-n former June operalor.s and Ihe epie-d the resignations of the iieann.

dun's luUidmn m.iiry me evintnaliy HFoiisi-d three lu my hieat and I could hi, i hut lei i niik'iy wiih my frl'nd for havnur hruught forward mli a puhje. nt Hint lime. l.iMdvimr ha over Pi -lie inc. i would If ted to meet lum Jtiraui. I would av old rniiimr under tha si-ell pei sumihly.

as it tli'-n Pi me wai verv sweet, and I 1 1 1 1 1 led inn- -k hai'illtes hv attoHier f.nmiiiatiinr euiminiiee. Mr. Putnam and Mr. Harvey a that their immei he withdrawn. Put were ruled out of order, 'dher nomPnitions were ice pce-ulent, two lu hn elected.

Hev. Mr. kuo r-hoi ker, Mr. Putnam. Mr.

Ilarvev. M. A. ai hit, Will Me Math. it.

i Coh- dlrei lors, lo he ep--p d. Mr, Kirkpal-rhk, Ih'imau fofpeas, w. peak. II, V. lue-k leiy receutlv made an honor ity ruuiini, nun uitl hrreaftor lift I tendered yi'sterelay I In' governor has ary meiiibe'r of the Homely Waiters' club.

nut yl aniiuiih ed their tu romtt anl'ltlahd of 'lavlur is hicnlioned a a appu'iitfiv had Joinnev into the iind which had proved my career I was uile sure, that I had i heiiulV. I ai nn lu lie inluuKd Iflven a rerund on their Ihensps If at the end of euty tlayi tt in found that Uiev i anii'd make a profit on their rum. I iin eoinphnid Htitunff the jiioe ttien uas that new roufM a arrantrpd hy Itie rerenliv adt.pte.t ordmaiite uouhl make it lfnpolh1e fur thern tu operate their RED CROSS NOTES. WEDDINGS HIm. A Muilh.

H. I. lariar. lu. J.

V. 'alhefitl. It. I tcan. 1.

r. Hrnv. II. M. lilllstei, H.

1 1. MfKire an.) Hev. enoiiKh of man led To lie fine, my runrnaKe, was art iimioal one, hut it ai a riiarriage Jul the same. I hail tese.s ed a hn-liand find had been a wife. e.

Hioiurh it was in name only. And I had RAILROAD MEN ARE i I anh-v I. I.irkpatri' eh nrman nf SOCIAL PLRSONAJJ5 hi: ih mi i i Saqi)lli checks, mnulti in ime lines, (Jeep i i Nihtes oft cep-d. Ml itr rtllolis d.ii aiel moles removed. Mis.

oraco lim-kler Hhlg dv. Ihp nominatinK' committee, ted Uir. I noimnaiioiH. I ai at a profit, icev a--eMed I'm? run PUZZLED AT ORDER in Ihe iit-i ut-re p.u joor. ihe 'riilfn il agreed tu loei-t the Jitoe fnen mvi Milk it -vr.

Tin was d'ne rrotav. 'Ihe nnkle tn 1 4 men wcie tiid if they look "tit lieeiiiH me new routes and at hecil completely Milnited. Never IIK-llO Ihprn were (uu many nf tm--uuderxiaiidini'''; too manv ncca-lniis jeaJnn-y aint hear thu i uiiig many sleepliM niKhts and loiiK, dreary ilnvs. Sheoevei- )nr-rirr Is i nnip' in tn depend upon aimiher permm fur happim a -ilualiun lull of peril bound In i'vi-t, and the peril may anso from Hie shml-comings of either party to Ihe eniiiia'1. (pihin-mihanr.

Miss Ireno Malianc of l.awrencevllle. and Albert ijuinu or the tllh engineerii mrp al Feirt miss were quietly married bv liev. John M. Jackson at lbs home Thursday evening. The weehllng.

whe-4 took place hi ei'elock, was a epilet ar-falr. i both parties are stranger In Ihis city. A sister eif the brietegrooiu. Mi? dith aecompan eel Ihe bride here and was Ihe only altenelant at the wed. diner.

Mr. ami Mrs. ijuieiu will make their home hero bir the peeseut. I wit lection hv a snuphoiie quartet. or a Mer tine, le eho alio, W.

M. Mnak, Imioi Salvador praiyi. and I. lark, i nf lorded for the lunrheou. I homa -l Piene ul tie uim nhver told 'nkes.

J. I', p.potuo on the itnt.r. Justh-e A. J. Had won Pie fliP-nUance prize, dniiah hv W.

J. nieman, and ron-si-dins- of war -'ivuiis taint.s. HIV II I UU IUS At SI IV. iy tick Jack haw-on lett Friday fnr i -1 1 ti hii'iiu-ss iiinnecti'd With thu re- efit iiMiom city pond isjtiie. When lov.VM'ii ieiurn tium Austin the bonds will le Idued on the mar ket fop Hie end ft sUty day" riinnnor disroveiedj II.

ey WefH on the dehd ide. a rolnnd would he innde Ihern on Pie utin portion of tue iui j-aid. whnh year. Cannot Explain Why They Have Been Told to Begin Soliciting Again. urmif hi ah-ein-e d.

imrhirn will of- litis is the ciifp Vellti mail uage. A (fi al I In lows her-ef to he rundocled lulu lm i I. irons (rec the euimcii lo make a in tho loutniKS Tailed. Thij ntijn. ell hrie0'd fiiiikinsr Home or the routed -hor it ur niithnir (hp jtti- rnn lo liar an additional five rent n-r pas- That l'ao unn of Ihe ltvct Inwns tn the rut ire country when it t'oinos to lp(i cr work pruvfii Hhcn one licai ir Iho wnih that i fiu? lionf1 hi oltuT ir T''ns hy Iffil chapter.

Mrs. JJfMlMTl M-vciinn, who lm Just rrturiifd rnun a hi Worm and h-'illa-. aini'Miirf 1.1 Pa) tar ehr-ait or any nf ihr 'lfni title1 ah VHit'(l in Hr trnjis a' tivtliev "Whu I vtsttftJ Ihe hf.idrpniicr or flirfpient rhaplfrs ani tuld th'in of tin work that I.l Tao (hn' Mr. SlPvrnsdii, "tlif WfT-fl nnia'-! lu litv ritriiic. Mifv tfioiiRht it nultflifv-nhle wlii-n I tfhi of the recent drives (hnc hy th I.l lao rliat'ter.

"uii of thft rliattirrs I vUltM have a f'Miirortahlc (uarters for uf intr a wft hap herr. In onn tuui I had tu it an old freight eti-vahr in r'a 'i the work room. The lif ihp. rnn in ttnisp jilaif) hao nut aiwrt thf hed f.iuy their a th- ha" li'TP, "AltotrethT mv tii revcilcd manv Mi 8. Walter A.

Vl.i.n or I ml Wmth, is vimna- Jir Mia. It. Hiilpy, ijuuiftai Btieei. Mr. I'.

P. Ir art liai returned fmni uit'ii'S, wtit-ie w-iit lu hr JtniHTl, who i iilUMiihfitf at aw rchreuile. Mrji. Ilerltrt sipveri''n and children Uafi f--lurii( iroin l'rt VSmih, unci Ihcy sprnt the It'ililiyi Willi (Jul-nei vrnMit. hile away Mrs.

uat at a nuniher of ehainnntf iiiiht.irv affiii, jiuIu'Ihik li'd'1. din.iei and eai. It. and Mri. K.

It. left Krl-dav evejiitiK ff I'd tu ail Atihitnu. They uill he Kudu alK'ut t'n AM Ihe new rod on. vr per day. Write fur out-of town rnv.

lew -Adv. Highland Parl Association Considers Wafer Situalion DINNERS Mr. and Mr. 1.. M.

I aw son entertained at dinner Friday evening at their heune on Mcmi avenue In honor eif brigadier lieneral ITaeiels Marshall and Colemel and Mrs. John II. Page. Following el nner the party attended Ihe hop at the Toltec rlub. tiise tinted rhnmher matr truuiiv, behind the Mirroiindloks lu whhh she has hem -t and l.ikimr "ip a new life in a new aliii'-sphere, with nun-iind aspi rations.

'I tie man ho has led her across the podal b'' omes, in many ways, the only man In tin- woihl fur h'-r. he mn-t look tn mm not only for pli.v steal tnipp'rt. hut for all those link things whh i riwhteu Hip -nadow life's puth wav. And as the romantic period nf tune pa-si-s and the moil Hfid tin' 1 I etlh: down to Itie Jmuiiev, the weary and pn--oecuided man haveh-r is apt lo rnne P-r waid, ihmkmg only nf hiureir an. I his affah or hImu lied hi I fie Pmdo or wrapped Bntl'ipdlofl of the jmilliev end.

lie forgeu Ihal the p- stinior. nmre dependent traveler hv hi fide iii'ds lo tnf a reriam point. 'Ihe rotieiiiis or "Ve du not know wliy It hapei(pd, u.inion or the roiiiif)l 1 lo he hut It happt-ii'd," Ihe only answer tlnil IT Jitne patrons Would Ihe railroad oMirinU and tialTh' men euuld faie it Was no to the pohlte aie! Rive mhiv lor in-tin lions iiTeued, the jitni men. aiviiinr lliern to rcuntie Holh ltiii(r hmi- Jitne i(peratori d-' laret tfial on th lung nes tnr Iheir rppi-ive road1. I ftm how peeifPd they will le nnahie i refuse lo roitke eornnn-nt.

hot It Is th to make any mony and will operate at to-neral heiM-r tfaltn- laws ena h-d a lux. 'he rominl refprred to the ful the whilion of railroads eonfltrt r.i that, anions rdtier Viuu, price, or 'wild oriKinal (dan- or Ihe dm-rlor oil and jr-T-ohrip tm d. No fieri- 1 or load, and that th" law of niM a. lion was lilteri the ettv efi-nj I Auvnl. Jl'', did not ahrny.iifj alt utfmi cil fn Hie i (tori of allovwmr the tanpurl ition law-.

JiUte men to chai se t'ii r-enu aflor ynuir Mr. i hiiton, or the 'Inm A Pa dir. ri -rtjln di-tanee. jaifl: "W3 hav rio new In-ti u' tion 'Ihe hew loadihr and unloading nt dKiit teunvi U' hiMtne-o Vi Ray 0 Beauty Parlors Epivorlh League al First At the regular weekly Meeting Of the lliffhland I'ar fmpiuvemf-M am uihou held I rlday toghl at the Highhmd Park fire Mat Inn. Perry Mi idiee made an m-h rpsiuur pjjk uu Hie uahu xdualton Win park.

Ho was given a rintng vuh-of Ihanks. The committee on spi-ei car (lotted that resutl-i were In-intr oh lamed aor that the -jifiiury department' of thn cilv promised tejo-i. Mrs. M. Heridink and littlfi leavu lltiM (iioMiinif I of Antuiiiu thlnvs lu hip hunt the attvjiiteitr 3 if I'ao.

and I am ronU that hav it ynu t.adtn ki, Iij is in the culpa at amp 'liavi. surti a hat ter here NOW OPEN tif.rllr of San Jar-into pla.a, it was Ntaierl, At the o. M. A A. olfhr me oflirlaN the eumrmllep un giaduig and i-avlrur tli.

u-, Jf.t Hie luilgtl places, lie icr would Le put into fir-t cla rotmriion dei-lmed Vi ny aovthinif murp, than thai Mntltrrs sked to Mnfco HrlnirN. iC'd i.ns Itinj b.i;. thr Mluw in(r: and nrirent rail are rr-iiilnsr repu led Ihat mdo-atioris are giad CHURCH NOTES leeU to lllllfer With her in tin' cool. (plO tor the Jitnn men. A Mevmilr foe were, out afler fielKht tMistheas.

'pjilrons to niit and henchea wilt At the Saida evershodv Wore a I ho in-tailed. I mil the new fllatiiKi is tm i and ihe unlv information they proved, Jitfie wiil eontlntie to nn- th could Klv wa that their olfteu had 'a-t and uiith wide rf the ptaa for load-; no'tiu' tloin lo nuriie nolieii BARGAINS If you xiient to ge-t your hharo of thej gTe-a ImrKnlH in xvlnli neiel me ei's don't elelny conn" In neiw, Itiov lire-Solnir fast. AltK tJt lT-TINK ItlSI.VKSh. ROSING'S 323 kS ANTONIO (daces to that Mie may regain her nirength and be ready pi push mi wild new and Willi Ihe Joy and gladncs ttlii'li fhoiild naturally he hei The result, ku far as the woman In run rerM-d. may how it IT In manv wavs, Al first Hhe Is acutely con' luiis that h'-r huhaml does not placo h'-r fn-l nnintiK the ihitigK of the eailh.

ometlung el-e mg and paving in Ihchhmd Park will begin ithm mneiv day-, wtreei car set vice, pip formation of similar h-aimes to idher wrpoti of the Mtv. the guiding of Alabama street, where Memins have heeti tienhug lock, and hoot gruunds ere div ossrd. A protfositiou hiibmttfed for remedying delay Higitland Pa'k --tfeet eais 'was bihf over fur the wxi mcemur. n. it at m) unload or r-a-Moifcf ur" 1 1 eitrni i to tin- lliireau uf fur knith-d helmet.

Tltm dues mean- thai th l.ped hir sweaters and uek hi iirlhMhed, Imt it d'et Krd an in-i created oiill'iil Will nece-i-arv from 'kntlh'r. tills oiil, heiiii'-ts should 1 he an important pari." I.leeri'es bojed for thP Uifferrmt rouP- It w.o lh htory at life p. has taken his idhmliou. certain kind arp as follow: Hlo f.rande, id; lontamj.Mi vv "We iwnvvn insirueimna -if. mne Sunset Heights, (to atd bp Warrpu.

"I do -rnrller. oh'-, Park, fuit iniss, Iki. I led know lliat Ihe guvernmeot ever lo "Ihe pifter Is five more. Hum wn speel (tended to close the i itv ofnees. Imi fied bv the ordmaiice.

It Is stated thai Ine rumor had ns all restiens Hial the jitne men on tins un are dolntr t' ficdnbera or our rurc quit lo areepi good bulips4 among Pie nnpier 'fhfl positl'jfis in other hue. At Hie p'-st m'-etinif noimnaiion and of uuman would make uii her mind in I Wmirred Wntoii Unlev, dmighler of I Mr, and Mrs. It. finley, of deooglas street, her aiieanoi st lli holston hospilsl Wednesdav, Jmiii.n i U. Hoth Mis.

and Daughter ee doing nicely, 1 election or an advisory hoard will take i mautiv that her hnshmul Miould tmt th- rc pl'e I afler he her fil -l ru-n-i hiimii, urnl Hu- Morfoot presided and eighteen i ih-niou might evodually Pi a tn m- moer attended. angular romHPnn which rfohl nniv hung na-ge tuwln fur Ihe tup to I or HIM A hrt'e venu xnnnir t-etiil met at the i'red)Vl''i ehtjleh I'M- tiav eeniiiK" t' en.i'fV IN'; partv vwn hi tneir Iwiior. i paity l'k Uwn in th-riiuri'h and fntluwin a fhurt pioifiuin a K'ir-tal yieml litne ttm hHd. cr served dnriiiK Ihe evfinnif niiOer the (Inertluii of Men. Paul HetMiiiauK, ail'-d hy a iiuinher of ounK jfirfs.

jim W. W. Wniin ehaiyp r.r an If leii-tMtif pr'Kimt. 'Ill'ie Ih'llllil lo the I h-aMirf fr Ihe Jillfnr rn J. i.t.e k.

a 'ilo; Mf-I. It. WU-un, whu a' dri(r, were, (fivii iv i Mjjiry and SU li. tnn Huhf uni ptaved a viuhn ulu. ai fifinjiinied on the piano Mt- Mihie Prkniafi of Hi Infantry-.

read nnmher or oriin-il I f-T aio eoiiider.ihh; fink-II i if hv evrrvoie pn'cnt, hrirrd lUnhe a general 'iaiMMaii tt tf-e atfiir,'-d hy tie-rulidttldlf Mn, W. II. I.un-i. p- ('('It'eli en mm tt' Mr. I M.

II' iinitati''ti-; Mil l(, l.ojriin. scandal and misery, Amnto might He-( M'Hh 'mil become Ihe joey of umrhid thought, allowing nil sootone tu he shul a 1 his Draft Board Expects to Thui fur no ore has for cense on tiie Wyommir street run. Is the le-routed imulevaM hue. i pi il nmv i mi- i-;. Dv Times ia( i.nrr"M;ofi-;rnt.

bernimr, Jan. II A sp'n lal meet-Itur of the, city ruum il was held hen. rmrht for the pur pose, of ing the adisjihiiity of ptic has.iig a new nulomu-hde foe truck. While ihe eiiv of b'm SPECIALTIES Vi Ray Body MaMc Egg and Ice Pack Face Manage ( HcmeiviT) Scalp Treatments Hair rowing Shampooing Facial Massages Manicuring deducing a Specialty Formerly With California School of Hair Dressing PHONE 3075 606 Myrtle Ave. OUt of her life, IPM' IV, lode, is Ihe Wo- Conclude Lists Quickly niHii to be found who could luridly con tider the Hi poms of a lnihand pie-' occupation.

And when pi encrupatnai be- il hoard i in, f(((w rumpi -unw out fi ieimuoaoes tn iff(iti aui and Man Held for Death of Ilachita Deputy Freed iiirs own large automohile tiro protlne filch has rendered eicellent ttervp qrid epecin to fmioi winuri the next lew dav i. n-ue i ue woman who dor-. Kill! HI KO'rtl ruiioiuoii, wm Hi'T' iO'-'i iiv ounio u. i HMO I UJ foUIHV enemp- i Ml, t1(, Lr, oiiutrs icdijli-V Yihjre I orhip Llrt ff'fl the town and Ihe proxlmdv nf Hon boat hav already coriiideted ir -jmirrin i I'd o. tias mure I eif.

Mf Oicio m.otl.-r Ihe liuu.) i ij lj ww ul innueucpd the coum iimeu ntaitlog hl. bi tu purchase aredlter ma'-hme, which ill i i-fr man toe other two and for o. t. ch.i YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (tranklln M. bflnrcn Slanlon and hansiM Open to Public Monday, January 14th, 1918 Mrlfjlil, rrir and hontf-llki.

l.nMm and flenflrmm tHed. IHnnrr from 11 lo Hipper from i In 7 YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO-, CIATION CAFETERIA fecial to H-P uiOg Time ti" a iiuplnate of ton uu hi use, he reoii ts lakmg long-, get all the wiMM Mevotion Is nn- Si J-4H. tr-John Paifc, who nut. PfpMpfli' III Will he Herurert 1 tn rptetiohnatres 1 tiring: wliw iilteiiltoii ii ver lu from th, la' toiy uu ike fbdnery. anjiwas ane-p-d auif fonfmed ttii "-livef; tj t'4tii nnii, ret' e-l n''nti Mm, S.

V. VSitlf, eidn u.nineiit. Hie object id hl.S devotion; Who hllhmdt-nrtie t-veivimiig t' the h.tppltu (if per Ine atpunevs wht will a ant In t- ei lidnv ipie-tn-fmain day an: I. M'kenie iiv lad witu the killing nf rev is atu it. b-TUtv Sheriff J.

V. elrlms her Ha I UOI I hHV (til I ui he adores, vvho m-ver fails in me cfuti. wa reiea.pd puv. Hab'-a My A-ociated I're. I lt ithui.

bis an, bi va'i, J. wlm mean mm in per i awihou, tloog pro eedir'ff wi-tf hjuffht at Ml- -hitoftoii. Jan. 11 bill to prohibit bavi. J.

Ii. obin. VV life, but a pi' tuie was -nil Jin ideal wdli me, he 1 1 lad tl rvept The member- uf fntie ft v. 'i lift i irt Mi I 'i Pot" 1 ir -'fu at mil' W' la-rv pe-h at Ine hunt of tf --ilu' In af- k. I I' epon itv in' f.r-t uf lh" week, and Judpr dealing cotloii and oiIpii futun Mlton.

Mivgfn, n. iP.wnrd nam II n. Pa mono of the m-P o-i' a ndrodm ed lodav l-y P-preMpr(tiv June if hr iimouvn mv im.ivinHimn. mv owuevpcii lilltifiif Mini It Whs 'ii' had been lar revived ln (i'fi '-a )n Ihn ra- iintil -tH', of (luoMs.

r. -abal i his Nagle, j. Oua'd, A Ih'iimond, I' dv, Parka was h'-hj itliO'Jt bill lu break hp kamblihf Hi 1 empie, it. t. lorner and M.

bmL cotl'di ai.d wo-d. Jjkei, of offjrer Will t-ike ''t. are) (hm-will be fortfiolated luf )KU Uo'k l-jipiilr efiouifh ir rue. I did nut earn to buy another lutleiy IP ket alter having.

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