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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 14

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

14 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Friday, February 25, 1916 STARTLING RUMOR LARGER ARMY AND NAVY IS NEEDED the label is hidden What do you know about wine? SENDS WAT DOWN "Thrifty Alexander" REPORT THAT AN AMBASSADOR WAS TO BE GIVEN PASSPOIUS SMASHES (KHKAL PHKES. JUDGE R. E. THOMPSON GIVES VIEWS ON NATIONAL I'HEPAKKDXKSH; -MOKE WAGES SHIM LD BE PAID. 90 of the people who drink champagne order with the knowledge of name only.

That it is "imported" is the only excuse Does Not Believe In Compulsory Military Rule Hut Thlnkit Summer Civilian Camps Should He Maintained. By Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. si. Rumors that Ambassador Hernstorff was about to be handed his pssstiorts smashed down the nrlce of wheal today VAC bushel.

In the collanse. which was from an early advance, the May option; A large standing army, an adequate navy, and a hilt reserve citizen lone, trained in military fundamental this Is the outturn' or Judge it, E. Thompson's advocacy for preparedness In the I nlted StUea. The Judge, a candlrtate lor tlie stule legislature, does 'Dot believe In rumnulsory iru fi.z io me close was cx- I cited, 5c to fc under yesterday's finish, with May at t.i7Mt and July at Jl.lis,. oth-1 er leading staples, too.

all showed a derid 1 ed setback corn to le, oats 2c military training outside of school years. ann provisions c. Goes a Courting No. 26 of a Series Now Jiave you thought that Fortune's smiles Are all Unit Alexander courts? To win lier Million he'd walk five miles; He's "popped" to her, from all reports. Toung man considering matrimony, don't you think it woulfi contribute to greater to save "for" her than "with" her? Don't you think it would be wise to have a good habit like that well-grounded before you auk her that momentous question? Don't you think it would be likely to influence her reply? We'll tell you how simple and easy It is we'll help you if you will call here and let us sta'rt you.

'i The First National Bank Conditions that border on name "dve riir.en learning camps for a high price. Paul Garrett. SPECIAL DRY CHAMPAGNE produced by the Garrett method of blending and aging, is unsurpassed in flavor -d ouquet by any champagne in the world. a i-i i-i i-. mm Pioneer tVlnt Cmem I in ihR wheat n.n,i over me i-oiinii uroaocasi (lining session.

Hurled holders were tumbling tl.e vacation months with right kind or Inducements to Invite the patriotic, youth and men into It for Ills own and hi court- over each other In rush to stop huge losses, whtrh, with unusual suddenness. n.y: Judge Thompson 'iX reports that drastic action was Imminent on real wages would get real ne-ii in real numbers. Should Pay More to Soldiers. the part or President Wilson In regard to German plans for attacks by submarines. The break in prices had not begun to assume sensational proportions until the final fair hour or trading, but atter that, and especially tn the last nrteen minutes, the umiii OL PENN YAN N.

Y. "You can't gel people to work for the government if you do not offer them as much as they ran, earn In oilier walks or life," said the Judge. "Pay more and get StlaHuM 1635 worioiB. Vai. 8t.

Loulft, M. downward plunge or the market was almost more mat me way 10 uu 11, on me in For informal refreshment ttrve in a vertical line. There was no concen crease in the army end or the stick. trated buying on the extraordinary descent "lit the first place, this nation needs a VIRGINIA DARE A Light Wlne-The Right Wim for navy of size enough to Insure the protec EL PASO, TEXAS tlon or every port on the Atlontlc and I'aciric, seaboards. The preparedness ol the.

navy is the big, vital factor which will make or break us In the event or international armed dispute. Favors Larger Army. "And a standing army of Hie size we pos I 1 al a i i ji a. i ill oi 7r men, nowever. Wlln scarcely breathing time lert before the last gong, support developed that was surflclent to cause a rally.

Coarse grains were depressed by the severe break in wheat. The developments ror corn were otherwise bullish. i lats had no Independent action. Provisions finished weak, In sympathy with wheat. closing quotations were as folloxvs: Wheat- May, 1.17Vi; July, 11.14.

Corn-May, 70'rr; July, 75ttc. oats-May, July, 42c. Pork May, July, I20.BO. Lard May,; July, Ribs-May, tll.35; July, $11.47, sess at this time is practically a nonentity ''(lMftaaaMaBaaHaaaaiaaMaMaaHBMtfBaaaaaaaM siana.vsiEiJ in contrnst to ine lorccs an enemy might land on our shores. We must have an army big enough to do tun work required or a United Slates military force In these modern times, when preparedness means bMjm AGtNT, L.

F. WOODY, i P. O. BOX, 591 FT. WORTH, TEXAS We do not solicit nor ship orders from dry territories In violation of Texas laws.

OFFICIAL REPORT Kansas City Grain. By Associated Press. I exhibits of the leading financial Institutions ot the allies. Bonds as a whole reflected the heavy tone or the International Issues. Total sales par value were I'nlled States registered 4s advanced per cent and Hie coupon Is y4 per cent on call.

(dosing stock quotations were as follows: Alaska (ioid 1 Allis-chalmers 28 American Beet Sugar W'v American can 114 American Locomotive (V7T4 American Smelting and Refining Wm American Sugar Heflnli-g HIK, American Tel. and Tel liBVi Kansas City, Feb. 24. Wheat No. hard, May, Sl.tsitf 2 reel, ll.ljiai.18; IU.18-; July.

LI7Hifil.17. UNITED VERDE EXT. Issued to stockholders Feb. S(l. Copies will lii! furnlsbeii free to our customers on request.

Curliss-Mannintr Co. The, Exchange ot tho Phones and COMMITTEE NA1D ilti will be able to attend the March 2 celebration. As this is the first time that El Paso has taken up the general custom of Texas Independence day reunion the local alumni are eager to make a creditable showing. 2 mixed, 9a70r; No, 2 white, 7Wlr; -No. 2 yellow, 72'S73c; May, li'Ac; July, 72c.

oats-No. i while, 4r(49c; No. 2 mixed, 4.ri&4i)C. everything. I he only way to get men to serve lu the army in times of peace, even though tin cuts of danger may be evident, Is to pay enough money to make enlistment worth while.

"Another thing, now that we are on the army question: What good Is an at my post In Foil Smith, Arkansas, or In Oklahoma, or tn any other interior point when there are intcnuiiloiial situations arising all the time 011 the border here where we can use more troops? The pork barrel may be desirable for certain localities, but are we to stand by and see trained military forces idly spending money of the government where they are absolutely of no use? Especially when we have need of them on the united States-Mexico boundary line, over 2.nim miles long, every argument favors using our troops where they are needed. "El Paso should have a brigade post, and ought to be the key to the distribution and control ol' the border forces. Th border forces slould have their headquarters right here. Need nf Reserve Force. "But that Is digressing.

The big thing we are talking about is preparedness TO PLAN BANQUET El I'aso, Texas. PRODUCE MARKET American Tobacco Ml Anaconda Atchison 1i Baldwin Locomotive ln" Baltimore and Ohio Bethlehem Steel is in accord with a decision arrived at during a meeting or members or the local association which was held in Mr. liolllday's office about two weeks ago. Mr. Holliday returned to the city rrom a trip to San Antonio and Austin and Inime'-dlately wrote to the members or the different committees, notifying them or their appointment and urging immediate action.

These committees, with the members of each, are: Decorations committee: W. P. Brady, chairman. Allen B. (lambllng and Have Mulcahy; banquet committee: Iir.

David H. Lawrence, chairman, O. H. Palm and Hr. M.

B. Wesson; entertainment committee: Maury Kemp, chairman, Frank Feullle, Ballard Coldweil nnd Sam Kelly; finance J. E. yiiald, chairman, Eugene L. Harris and L'.

S. (men. All ex-students of the I'nlverslty of Texas who are at present In El Paso are being urged to notify Mr. Cuald, the chairman or the finance committee, whether or not they Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IMI'll'BBHiaaWaUWIMaU-gSaBaWa EX-STUlEXTS' ASSOCIATION' OF I'MVEfl- Jtronklyn llipld Transit Wy SITV OF TKXAS TO MEET IX EL PASO; MAXY EXPECTED TO ATTEND. caiiroruia I'ciroioum Canadian Pacific BNGRESS (Ometad br Wt Tom guil CompMw.J rpcm wboiMK dttltrt an partus for Vallif mm Four committees have been named by R.

Central Leather MM, Chesapeake and Ohio IVi Chicago (ireat Western 12'k L. Holliday, president or the El Paso branch of the Ex-students- Association of Read Times Classified Ads. II iao If 00 the of Texas-, to complete ar WORRIES MARKET rangements for the baiiuuet or the organi zation to be held on March 2. This action IT AlfiVa finer, whnlauls, par ton Alflf, finar, null, nr tou Alfalfa No. 1, nholaaaf.

pat tal Alfalfa, No. 1. rataU, pat too Corn, wlioieaala, par cwt. Orn. ratal), par rL Nortiiini Whiu Oata, wbolaaala Nortbara WMta Oata, null Inu rod cIIupkI mu, wliolasala Tataa nd cllppal oata, ratail Chopa.

wiialMla. pat awt. Chops, Iwail, par owt. graa, Maala, par 101 til i ri 1st I no FEVERISH MMIKET OVKP.MI UlOWFII BY FEAR OF lit I' UK III: I I BRANCHES. Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

I'aul mt Chicago and I'M M. i. anil I'. Hy Wii Chlno Copper 57 Colorado Fuel and lrnu 43 Crucible steel 77 Penver and lllo Orande pfd 15 Distillers' Securities Erie 3f lieneral Electric 170 Cleat pfd l20'i Ureal Northern lire ctl's 43 ciiggenheiin Exploration 21 'i Illinois Central Interhoroiigh consul. lftT4, Inspiration Copper IM International Harvester ot N.

Kansas city Suulliern 2.r Lehigh Valley 7W. ru. ihil par swt. SS 11 Chlokaa (tl Chlakaa faad. raUU, tm ewt iron Kit.

Wholala Prlrao. VvralalMd br Aideta'a lurkat 1 Turku U. 17-Uo: eklcliana. lao; duoka. If and lSo; diaaaad turkan.

ito; oblokau. ita; ducks. lteT Btium, bast ansnarg asa against a war crisis. Preparedness means i a reserve force which can be called Into action by the federal government at almost .111 Instant's notice, and know at once Just how to obey orders and do business. "When a boy is In school at the public expense, and In those years wtucn arc the most valuable to him when It comes to learning tilings with rapidity and ease, he should have military training made a part of his regular course, Included in Ills hours of study and exercise.

Such a system or school military training, with chlzeu training camps available throughout the country, would be a big step In the right direction. Then practically every school boy grown up would be available for a soldier If war broke out at any minute. He would know his place in a company, and could be relied upon to take orders and play the game Intelligently. "Or course. Included In my Idea, Is the building or an adequate number or ships ror the navy, training and luring enough men to mnn them; getting enough or the modern necessities of war such as aeroplanes, field guns, big coast defense, long range rirics and mortars, aorumulatlng Plenty of the high explosives needed tn by Associated press.

New Yoik, Feb. one absorbing mil overshadowing feature of today's feverishly weak market was the fear of a rupture between the executive anil legislative branches of the ledcritl government, resulting from Ci miauy's proposed extension of her submarine pulley; All other considerations and dcvciincnts, some of Ihem wt ts.ssiaia Louisville ami 121', Mexican I'i'Iroleiiiii To Learn More About Cooking-You Would Get One of Mrs. Chase's Cook Books METAL MARKETS. At New York. By Associated Press.

New York, Feb. 24. Conner firm. Electro 36 14 123 highly favorable, were Ignored In the with mi arising I com this tense aiii'ehi'ti sore lytic: Nearby, 28Vnc; June and later, 27 Situation. 8fi 16' Miami Copper Missouri, Kansas ami Texas l'a iflc National biscuit rxiitlniud Lend Copper New York Central N.

II. and Norrolk ami Western Northern Pacific Pacific Mall 1(14 1IC 1I2'4 17 4 I'arlllr Tel. and modern warfare, and acquiring ammunition to keep us going till the cows come home. Real preparedness that's my motto." Commission After Arizona Railroad. By Times Special Correspondent.

Phoenix, Feb. 24. Application for an Injunction to restrain the Arizona Eastern and Southern Pacific railroad companies from refusing lu comply with an order of the corporation commission has been riled In the superior court or Marlcnna Iron steady and unchanged. Tin strong; spot, 13 bid. Lead, .35.

Spelter not quoted. At London. By Associated Press. London, Feb. 24.

CopperSpot, fl03 5s futures, 102; electrolytic, 13(1. Tin Spot. 182; futures, 1182 15s. Lead, 32 5s. Spelter, lu.

El I'aso Smeller Quotations. Bar silver (Handy Harmon quotation), 57r. London lead, 32 5s. Pig lead, .30. Copper wire bars, 27c.

MONEY MARKETS. Today Tomorrow Is Your Last Chance I'nsettlement. was mani rested nl the very otitscl mid became more pronounced Willi the prom-ess of the session. l.iiiildalloii, laigelv from oul-ol'-town was a primary factor, I'hd the short Interest ahetlcd" the decllnimr movement by extending It coinmllinenls in lliose specialties have proved most susceptible, to the pressure In the past. All classes of slocks were aflectert III greater or less degree, but the shrinkage in iii' severe in the munitions and oil group-, allhuuiih high-class issues recorded decline- nl I Hi -i Is.

Some IlKhl till- P'oveiiieut xa shown In the final hour, hen more eueour.igMig advices Iroin Washington caused the shorts to cover their conn acts in part. Further cause fur iinseitlenient was furnished by the very heavy ollcrhigs of Anxlo- French at yhmids. Factors laxorable Import Inclndeil I tiion niclfic's net increase of for Jnnuarv. indications or an amicable seltle-inetii or existing ihrieivnces between the coal miners and operators and the Unproved county by Attomel Oeneral Wiley Jones. cast uecemner ine commission orueren IRen the Big Cook Book Offer Will Close both roads lo file with it copies of all contracts and agreements under which the Al (I.

Humes circus was transported over their lines. Neither road compiled with the order. Since the federal court has held the penal provisions of the corporation commission code unconstitutional, and null and void, the attorney general claims that the only course left open to the rommlsslon Is to get an liininrllon preventing the defend ants from disobeying Its orders. Pennsylvania ti( Pullman Palace Car 1fi2 Bay Consolidated Copper 24 Beading 77(4 southern I'aciric Wi'-s soulhern Hallway SKity, Stiidebalier Ci 144Mj Tennessee Copper 57'i Texas Company 203'-j 1 tiion Pacini' IM'-j ho prererred H2'4 I'nlled States steel Ho pieferred 1l(iVii ITiih Copper Western I'nion W'esliiigholise ITectrlc 115 14 Molilalia Lower 7t lieneral Motors 479 Wabash prererred 2f International Marine pfd Rid. Total sales for the day, DW.oon shares.

LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Al By Associated press. Chicago, Feb. 24. HogsReceipts, Ift.OOO.

Market steady at yesterday's average. Hulk, IS.3ii4iS.55; light, 7.5(ii;8.5ri; heavy, H.tlif( X.iVi; pigs. Sft.MMrt.flO. caitie- Meceipts. 4.iKm.

Market strong. Native beer steers. siixvtiit.M); western steers, cows and heifers, 3.258.25; calves s.20(il 11.25. Sheep Ilecelpls, Market firm. Wethers, 7.l4iN.)(i; lambs, W.AMb 11.35.

Al Kansas City. By Associated Press. Kansas city, Feb. Hroelpts, R.imi. Market steady.

Bulk, beavv. light, 7.ttllfa8.25; pigs, ft.754( Personul I'M'" Excursion lo El Paso. By Times Special Correspondent. meson. ren.

vs. in case ine rail 1 Al New York. By Associated Press. New York, Feb. 24.

Mercantile paper, 3 per cent. Sterllng-Slxty-day blUs, 4.7l.i; demand, 14.76 5-18. Bar silver, 57c. Mexican dollars, 43Hc. Government bonds Railroad bonds heavy.

Time loans steady; sixty days, Si per rent; ninety days, i per cent. Call money steady; ruling rate, 1 per rent. Mexican Money. (Furnished by Edgar M. k'ayser, Cashier or First National Bank.) Narlonal of Londres bills I5.00 States H.IKllU I4.U0 Carra ua 3.

doty 8.75 Pesos ruertes 42.501143.5(1 Tostuties 35.00:035.50 roads and express companies deride not to ship booze Into Arizona for personal use hundreds of residents of Tucson will Join In a personal use excursion to El Paso and brings back a month's supply in suitcases. THE big cook-book offer made by this paper closes Saturday, February 26. We have delivered thousands of the books to housewives of El Paso, but we know that there are many of YOU who must send your orders before Saturday or be disappointed. This is a remarkable offer. It is more than a offer.

It is an offer to every woman in charge of a home within this woman's reach to receive a perfect encyclopedia on household methods, and cooking. It is a complete course in the preparation of food which will make each woman who reads it a good cook and a better cook than she has been. Promoters of the enterprise, state that they have already secured more than 'enough for a special train or ten cars, and it Is possible that the excursion may be run In two or three sections. Ef foils will be made to obtain a special excursion rate for the thirs ty ones, nui ine ranroan companies nave not as yel signified their approval of the scheme. Promoters of the excursion claim it Is a purely personal matter and not up to the railroad companies.

PrescolL Wants Military School. By Times Special Correspondent. Prescnlt, Feb. 24. The Prescott chamber or commerce Is preparing to wage KANSAS CITY PHOIHCE.

By Associated Press, Kansas city, Feb. 24. Butter, eggs poultry unchanged. and active campaign ror ine conversion or Market steady. dressed beer western steers, 17(551); Callle Receipts, Prime red steers steers, 7.25'iS Till; cahes, II.

Tartrty Tin Buried. By Times Special Correspondent. Phoenix, Feb. 24. Tho body or Tadiiy Tin, the killing or whom almost started a ixavajo uprising, was burled eighteen days after Ills death In the same hogan In which he was living at the time of the shooting.

The burial was made I Fori Whipple lo a federal military school provided the cummins bill now before ron-grcjis is adopted. The bill which provides for the conversion of six army posts Into military schools was Introduced Into the senate on January 14. While the selection of the posts to be converted Is lert lo the Hweretary of war residents of Prescott believe that this city would have a rulr chance or landing one of the schools. Thieves Slrul Courts From Ppvlno Co. Moie than Jiki worth of goods was liken by thieves mutt the Paving coiiipanv's commissary, 14i7 Cotton avenue, early yesterday morning.

The stolen property comprised dress goods. 3fi pairs or men's shoes, eight hats, 24 shirts, a bolt or black satin, three dozen silk handkerchiefs ami 12 silk shawls. For But 69c and the Coupon Act at once. Begin now to enjoy the improved dishes; to save yourself work and money; to become a better cook than you are. Send in your coupon today.

If you mail it in, add 15c to cover wrapping and mailing. But get it in before you have a chance to forget or put it off and in that way deprive yourself of the wonderful book. EL PASO MORNING TIMES BRANCH OFFICE, 105 TEXAS STREET lumen sattes Attorney Tom FTyhii alia Frank Thackeray of the I'lma rescrvsll in, who made their way to the scene of the killing. 5o tulles northeast of Tuba City. The place where Taddy Tin was killed east or Lee's Ferry and close In the Hah line.

Flynn and Thackeray talked lo the Navaloes through tit Interpreter, and n-mired them that the arralr would be thoroughly investigated. Indians with whom they talked received them cordially, said they respited Hie killing, and wanl-d lo see the men who did it punished, but denied all Intentions to make trouble tor Hie whites. Taddy Tin's brother admitted that his "heart was bad" against the mini vl killed his brother and said he bad followed the three men who value to arrest him. nnrllllfl Mllvnll SI p- lieceipits. Market steady.

Lambs, l'i. le'u tii.tMi; yearlings, ft.i!5$'lu; wethers, At Foil Worlh. Special 10 the Morning Times. Fort Worth, Texas, Feb. 24.

Hogs Receipts. 8. Mm. Maiket closed ftitflnc lower. Top, m.Ui; bulk, 7.7u4i yuallty not very good.

Callle-Receipts, l.MKI, Including 50 calves. Beer cattle active; stockei's steady. Top on beer steers, bulk, Sil.R,Vd7.65; Mexicans, 5.fiii1i(1.3(i; cows, 4.5hr(I50; heifers, bulls, 4.2Mil.VMi; calves, Stock-ers: Steers, i.4iii.75; cows, I4.5b'u6.40; heifers, l5.5(t'yv1.(K,; calves. 4'fl7. Sheep- Ilecelpls, none.

COPPER STOCK 01 OTATIONH. (Furnlsheil paily by Ciirtlss-Mannliig Company, Mock and Bonds. First National Bank Building, El I'aso, Teias.l tine to the unsettled conditions of tho foreign situation, poppers and other initial Issues were weak, with material declines. Chlno, calumet and Aruona and Urcene-( auaura were all weak. Butte ami superior jnnj, Calumet and Arizona tiu.

RELIABLE NO tlt.lf PRICES. DENTISTRY NO DELAY By Times Special Correspondent. Phoenix, ArU Feb. claims of Navajo county residents who lost properly 111 lllA fllHMltt Ihut f-Atfllltnri fp.tti, V.te. HlllN'T III HT A DIT.

We are the originators of Modern Painless-Dentistry in El Paso Remember, we don't rlaim to have any patented methods ihat others do not or cannot iisii These belong to the quack who plays upon the ignorance ot their palictiis regarding dentistry. These sort of offices last a certain lenglh or time, then depart for new fields or sell out. We hav been In Fl I'aso three years ulid are building our business on sale grouM; putting our whole soul nnd endeavor into each undertaking. We want the good will and best word of our rcl-low beings, and mean to have it. The price ilsl of dental work published herewith can be absolutely relied upon, as lentil led to by the very best clleiilele In El Paso.

The prices are the lowest possible Tor fine, accurate work. Gold Crowns 22 Uiut.Sl to 15.00 llrldKo Work Io 3.0(1 Hubhi-r I'lutrs ...115 and up Gold Fillings ttiul up Mlver FillliKfs (0 and up I'ulnK'Mt Extraction 60c No dentist with less than 15 years' ex perlenre in our orrices. All work absolutely guaranteed, ady attendant. Most aantiary ol rites lu tl i'aso. call and in-apvet he in New York Painless Dentists BUCKLER BL.DQ OVEK ELITE CONFECT10NSRT.

NEW LOCATION. This system of dentistry is a product of the medical college hoi or the cheap dental schools and enables us to extract, fill and Insert teclli liiitetectable from tho natural leellk Absolutely Without Pain. reservoirs along tho Little Colorado 1 year ago will be bald as soon as these ran be audited by the relief commission, accord Copper Range ing iu mi aiiiiiMiiiei'iiiroi inane louuy. ine board of control has annroveil the lumri of 4li Keiuieeoll (141K New Cornelia HS'Sli Norlh Butte mu y. H.

ilardner, Navajo county supervisor, and already there are enough claims on li. in. u. Shannon 110,1 iri inmiiii i- a appropriation of almost ttd.noo. The money will be apportioned nro rata to the claim.

Ll I COUPON THIS COUPON, when presented at The Times Office of Branch No. 9, 105 Texas street, together with 69 cents, entitles the person presenting it to one copy of MRS. CHASE'S COOK BOOK. (If mailed in, this order must have 1 5 cents added to cover postage.) EL PASO MORNING TIMES aula. WHY SHE IS ABLE TO DO THIS FOR YOU Florence Auetln Ch isa Is able to give you all this information and help became she haa spent her entire lifetime In preparing for It in studying and working.

In the yeara before ahe started her lecture platform work she spent practically every working hour In atudy or practical work. That she la able to help you la proved by the enormous crowds who have fought to henr, her lectureH In all the large cltlea. The book offerey here Is the' result of Mrs. realising that In no other way could she put tfier marvelous message before every woman of the country- a ol lllted Verde Extension l2Vtl24 COTTON MARKETS. Al New York.

By Associated I'rcss. New York, Feb. 24. Spot rotton quiet. Middling uplands, II.Mr.

sales, 225 bales. Futures closed steady, but last prices showed 1 net decline of from Id to 24 points for the day. March, It.iuo; May, ii.4oc; July, ll.We; Orlubrr, ll.socj December, II. Me. Al Liverpool.

Py Associated Press. Hmilleaaers Discharged. By Times special orrespundent. Kingman, Feb. Muhava countv Is the rust to discharge Us prisoners held for bootlegging as a result of the recent supreme court opinion that liquor ran lie introduced Into the stale for personal use.

A score of bootlegging cases were to com before the court but when II convened Judge Ellis instructed the Jury on th points laid down by the, uecision and then discharged the prisoners and Jurors without a case being heard. Numerous rases of poisoning from bootleg whiskey still continue. Fred Pike, a minor. Is under arrest for shooting Paul Vsnde Valde it the Roadside Camp, Pike was erased With booties, whiskey at IuiTUim of Urn alioolitif $20 Sets for 97.60 Full sets of teeth, raeh I7.M up Heal bridge: work, crown fo.Mcacb Kew System Dentists Cor. El Paso and Baa Antonio Sis.

-Old First Nut. Rank Building-Hours I lo l-Suoday i I to 12. Liverpool, Fell. 24. Spot rotton steady, flood middling, g.oed; middling, 7.8ld; low 1 middling, 7.47(1.

Sales l.ouo titles. "'IIL'I 'M.

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