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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 9

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-4. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. imiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiimiiiiHiiiiHiiiiiiimiiimimiiiiuiiiiim LIVES 12 HOURS Dsuartnezit Stoa Paso's Nswest HARDY IS FOUND NOT GUILTY OF TWO LIVES LOST IN MEXICAN RAID ON NEVILLE RANCH THIS WOMAN HAD SUFFERED SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD WITH DULLET HOLE I "fpUl SPECIALS in the 7 I could. I held onto bun trying to pel that gun away from him. Ha kepi punrn-inir me with fits fist.

Finally 1 went down." Ljughltn said that his eye swelled 1-adly. "When It was over." said the witness, "1 went and bathed my fire." He said that nr. llardy left the ornre. "Put you make any motion to strike the defendant?" asked County Attorney W. II.

nyer. "None whatever," replied the witness, anted Woman Rrmnved. 3. C. Brooke or Brooke Crew representing Pr.

Hardy, cross examined Mr. 1. aughlin. Mr. I.aughlln, on cross-eiamlnatlon, re ffstcd that be had called Pr.

Hardy and ASSAULT CHARGE Cor. Overland xx San Jacinto Sis. ItlKUUIltl olulLLi siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiMimiimiiimniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii Police CapUin Simpaon Says Victim of Tuberculosis Found in ew Undermyslins Mr. O'Neill Gaim Eightcer Pounds on Tanlac and Troubles Are Overcome. Hotel With Pistol in Son of Ranchman and Mexi Jury Out Only Short Time Before Bringing in Their Verdict.

can Woman Slain. Right Hand. GINGHAMS Nurses I striped ginghams, wide 5 variety of patterns to choose from, an extra good quality, 1 a told him the measles pailent should be i John M. Wyatt and Dr. Crouse removed.

it H.J I have Just Mushed my third bottle of Tanlac and have actually pained eiffhteen pounds," was the remarkable statement nude by Mrs. Mamie of 2ftii Wei-ton 3t i eet. Penver, Color ailo, recently. "hver since I was a fluid," Mrs. continued, '-even a far back as I ran re A Jury of the county court at law yesterday exonerated Dr.

John A. Hardy, police seurgcon, of a charge of assaulting W. M. I.aiiRhhn, proprietor of the Motel auirlillii. lolloxxinsc an encounter xxith at os.

i. ii iajcujr 111 uuiut.i District South of Van Horn. For Easter New arrivals in Undermuslins give you a wide range of choice at attractive prices in everything you need in the way of new garments for Easter. 1 i After llvtnir more than eleven hours with a bullet hola throuirti hu brain, aiZ man, supposed to bo John Pruczek, 30 jS years old, died at a local hospital veu tcrday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The man, accordlnir to Coroner J.

M. Peavcr. wiio conducted the Inquest, shot himself 5 through the bead at 5.50 o'clock yester day inornlnr. iS member. I haxe bad trouble with my 3 3 Bi lnglnj- farts ahout the shooting- of "What you wanted was that woman out or the hotel;" 'Yes, sir." Mr.

1 aiiirhlln stated that he made several attempts to fret Pr. Iiardy over the trie-I h-ne hefore lie was successful. "What did you say to the (rlrl who rnswerril the phone?" tsked X.r. Brooke. yard 1 MIDDY BLOUSES Plain white styles, also stomach, I would eat mured I nr.

iiardy, sir. launlilin rued a coiiiwaint on my stomach' causing axxlul pain and at in the county court at law chaijtiiiir the times I would almost smother from the Glenn Nevlll and a Mexican woman on the old rvevill ranch, owned by John M. Wyatt, of this city, ahout 13 miles south of nnmr witn co orca coi- Van Horn Sunday nijtht by Mexican rus lound by Maid. "I helieve I said there was a case of measles I would like to have removed," Mr. I.ausrlilin said that he had reported.

98c I lars and ties, special at tlers. Captain or Detectives W'i Simpson until i The tragedy xvas not discovered The A't'it1 Gou'ns doctor with aggravated as-anlt, unlawfully carrying a pistol and rudely display -ii the weapon. Judge Will P. Brady siibnulted to the Jury the charge of simple assault and rudely displaying a pln-Wl. The Jury was out only a short time when it brought in a verdict or not guilty.

Huh' Trouble Arose. According to the evidence adduced at the trial the difficulty between Dr. Hardy and Mr. I.auglilin appeared to have arisen over a patient wnh the measles in Mr. I auphliii's hot.

I. Mr. l.amrhhn demanded which would rise up around my beut. Mv trouble became worse as 1 trrc-xv older and rnially 1 to where I dreaded to cat anything on account or the dreadful suffering it caused me. "I tried every kind of medicine, I thin, that is made ror stomach trouble, imih in tablet and liquid form, but nothing ever did mc any trnod.

1 fell nil' xxeiirlit, "as very weak ami when iiIkIU came I was so tired I could hardly move. My brother In Pueblo told me or the fine resulls Jie bad from Tanlac. and advised to try it. The result is, I'm Just ljepmnng: enjoy the blessihL-s of (food health. I can't rememte-r when I was hi as good physical ronddion as now and it's the fir-t (Jiitnl tjnality naliiH'M'l I'tvil iir lain i 1 1 -i ilictl Kariiti'iiM an t'-'amii'iillv fm II o'clock.

A maid of the lairmouiit ho- lei, on fast San Anlonlo street, where ig the tnau was reg-lslered, went lo his room. The man. mortally wounded, xvas lying-j across Iho bed. lie was clad In his pa -jj Jamas. Wood was pourmir rrtini a wound jS III the riKht side of his head.

The pillow Ig and bed clothes were saturated sally I'i'h at ltt Uf ll.l!li-i alm-s at the rase In Mr. Mayhew ahout thirty minutes hefore he called IT. Hardy. "Von Hid not know at that time whether It was a Uft man or a little man you wore callinp. did Mr.

Brooke. The witness said that he did not know Pr. Manly Mr. I aiiirhlln was asked to ro Into detail ith reference to his telephone conversation with It. llardy.

Felt Imposed Iron. "You were mad when you called him up. weren't you?" $1.95 MIS KlVt-H $1.65 III laaluv DRESSER SCARFS Also some center pieces in ihr lot. Good quality line-tie, scalloped edge iind embroidered rornersi, special it L0. TALCUM POWDER P-at lir.

Hardy remove the patient and lir. Hardy replied, he stated, that this could nut be done as the laws prohibited It. When Mr. I.auglilin took the stand he ei r.i A l. niter automatic, pistol was1 lianiMMiK, returned to El raso late last nlsrln.

arter having- made a mile automobile ride with Mr. Wyalt along the border to the scene of tlio raid. Captain Simpson left police headquarters ahout WO o'clock yesterday mornlnir witli Mr. Wyalt and party, all armed and prepared lo lake part In the flKht, which was reported to Mr. Wyatt as contlnulnsr.

Ihe party armed at the ranch about 0 a in. The llrlnir at that time had ceased and tlie Mexicans had withdrawn. Tlie liody ot yountr Kevin, son of the ranchman of that name who has charge or Mr. Wyatt's ranch, and the body of the Mexican woman were removed lo an Horn. Mr.

Wyalt remained to attend the funeral or young- Mevill today. Polio'' headquarters xvas thrown Into a bloo.l. Hehlly $2.25 clasped In the man's rtuht hand. a i testified that he was the advertising man airer cjf the. Herald and bad lived in KI Full size ran of Vio tune since 1 was a child that 1 could eat without sufrernifr afterwards.

My appetite is splendid and 1 ran eat just aiivlnuijr 1 want and enjoy it, and I know ir my food did not acrrce with me 1 could never have Kalned sn much in weight. I sleep well every nitrht now and Tanlac lias built up my sireiiirth until 1 can do my work without fretting the least bit Itred. I now recommend Tanlac to everybody, because of what it has done for me and I'm buxinif The New Petlicoah Ilo xvas still breithlnfr. but unconscious. The police slnliun was notified and t'or-oner Heaver called.

Mullet Busses 1 liruiiftli Mead. Sc i let Talcum Powder, special at felt. 1 was Imposed on," said Mr. I.atifflilin. Mr.

l.niisiilln then told ahout Pr. llardy c-onilnir In and domardhnr an apolopry. Il sahl Hiey had words "hack ami furtli." lie admitted removing his coat. "Yon say he hit you with that pistol. I'm 1 1 1 1 i l'aso sixteen years.

He said lie met fir. Hardy for the first time last Thursday, the date or the eneouider. Calls lir. Hardy. Mr.

I aughlin stated It was last Tuesday, a week ago, that a woman moved Into olll pi t-s ilil- I ruffle. An examination disc losed lliat the bill i a home now for a friend of mine for 1 1 nciievo it is ju-i wnai sue needs." Tanlac Is sold In r. Paso pv Kelly I'ollard io. and People's pruir Co. How do jou know?" 1 "I saw It c.irne out of his rlfrht hare! shoxx lit Anolbic lllbt t'ltb I ore priced lit let had entered the nsht side of the bead and made lis exit near tue back on thoijSj left side.

W'bllo no hopes were enter. tamed lor the man's recovery, be xvas sent 'S to a hospital where, after Hoirei'ius- l-l most twelve boors, ho died. I ho bodylS 111 $2.50 Mitf'li'. $1.25 3 3 limb the personal direction of a special Tanlac representative. Adv.

thit. he hit von c.r evrllement yesterday morninfr. lnil (irclcrs rillcil I kriniif Hy 1'xpcrb'iii rcl Mioppci -s. when Mr. Wyalt phoned and asked thai at his rifles' and ammunition be placed EMBROIDERY I LOSS Richardson's mercerized embroidered floss, full rane of colors, is an extra special, per ONE CENT Every Day Is Bargain Day in the Globe'i Un-derpriced Basement.

xvas taken by Meliean, Stiniuons Hart ford and Is bclnir held In the hopes tliat.S to the ranch disposal as he wished to Crepe de Chine Teddy Bears surviving- relalives xvii; be located. I.enies; Nole. al once His last report was to the filer that a small ballle was still In progress. When lie arrived at the station He requested tlct Op'-iin Simpson olu his These nro bcniiliiul Knrnii-nts T'ln- omo In Ill health Is bellexcM io baxe been re ACOI KH I.OSKS TO TOIIOVrO. Toronto, March The Toronlos, champions or inn Hockey league, won lie third yame of the series for the Stanley cup, emblematic or the xxordl's professional title, from Vancouver, Pacific coast champions, here tonight, 6 to 3.

The series Is for the best three out or five (fames, and the local team has won two of the three Mines played. In blootiit ot Sil.oO. dily IIi.uh I. (in 1 Icsli iiinl xx hiio mid nro price A spi-tnil lot of loiieeloil, sht'xx ot Ihe hotel. Wednesday, be said, he was Informed that nurses were in attendance and he was told that Pr.

Hardy bad been called. "I called lum up," said Mr. I.aughlln, "and him what was going on. He said, 'measles. I said it was the xxrimg-place to put measles; might Injure, m.v property.

He said to keep quiet. 1 said 'that is not ojuile lie said he would take all the responsibility. I thought merit that night. Thursday morning 1 called nip the health deparunent and reported the case to Mr. Mayhew.

lie ri-icnc-d me to Hr. While. 1 called nr. White and reported the rase to bun. He said that case should haie been reported at once." 1 he witness slid be tried tunes lo get Mr.

Hardy over 1 1 if phone and when he was successful stated lie demanded that the patient be rcinoicd. "He said." Mi. I.aughlln staled, "'Yon tiotisiiiio for tlio man's ail. Ibis was party. later Serseai.t John Wool nt'd $1.25 1 MotniTvrle STtremt Charles Wciod bit for borne out by a note, vrilleu Id lead pen i ll.

whit was funnel on a dresser in biS tl at 'I saw "You ran see stars IT a man tills you with Ins rist. can't you?" -I never was hit," "Why cliii you say he had on an that was a mistake. At Home Two la. "Plil you tro to bed wilh your Injuries?" "I was at home I rhlay and Saturday. I old not appear at the Herald until Sun-tiav." "You ilid not sufrer any serious bodily "1 hurt a Mark eye." Mr.

Ilroeke had a copy or the Herald with an account of the encounter In II. niiiitMitinMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiMiiniHHiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiin poibably before be is again in-l ipiesllo! 1 11 III III bv low for a pi, in o-e en- ami -i-lanl IHstri- lev hie he s.i.,1. hen Ipliei's (o re. am not ne hm lllll' I Xllol'liev Jo, lil lit xev the runrli In another machine. They oav no! returned as yet.

"We couldn't t-et any details or a raid." said Captain Simpson. 'IverythlnK was herosia.v. I heard that the basins, about fti) in nunilier. rode up to Ihe ranch house and licitiin shootiiur. The boy and ihe woman were shot.

I heard. "After slmoilnir up the place tlio Mexicans lorded the houses and carried eery-lhtiip- of value away." s-uoii afler reeehiiifr a message relative to the raid shortly afler mldnipht. Mr. Hyatt. Hr.

Iluuli i rouse and liev. Mr. pOM A- C.H one. room. The nolo read: '1 am subleei of tuberculosis.

I haw no relatives and no money, so 1 am Koinir to end It all. I he on my person and in l'o-ial Sin-inns will pay expenses, ami if there 1 any lelt, send It Willi my belointiiurs in Charles I'llmim. calllornia slicel. San I'l anelsco, tioodbye, t-rx body." 'Iho inde xx as not snrncd. A line bad been xxrilien at Iho bcdloni, but this had later been erased and It was impossible to occipher it.

Hud Iti'iilslralluil aril. A leiter from Ihe exemption board ai l-laeeiville, cab, addressed to 'John Obituary I'llTMH IIIJI IIKKLATS CIIIS. Pittsbnrfrli, March M. The 1'Itts-liurpli Athletic Huh hockey team (rained possession or the fellows' International hockey trophy tonight by dcreatins- the Iloclielafra club team of Montreal, claimants or the Canadian championship, In the final contest or the three-pame scries. he score was 7 to 3.

The score tor the series, has'd on total point5, was It to 7. Dr. Karl Muck, Arrested as Enemy Allen, Placed in Cell of Boston Jail by As-o, luted Press. Hosloii.

-Hr. Kail Mm k. on-I du. oT Hie llmtitn hyuiphonv in, be- tra, xxlio was taken Into cu-lodv l.i-l ninht as an iu-iov alien, was placed oi.b-i in it Pr, xiii, but an exception u.n In III- cannot move mat case and I am nut going to as It was against the The witness declared lr. llardy told lie handed this to Mr.

I aiiirhlin. vm was asked to read It. The story c-otitainel statement allrdiuted lo Mr. I anirlillii cm-cernhiir Hie encounter. The statement was cone Inlo In tail by Mr.

Iirookc. Mo. I of him over the phone: "You arc one of llie-e c.1s.i ol i buries A. A. I His.

ma, i.i and Mi. Mink. Ml 'laioied --wis iili'ii-lnp alllee billli. He del not leiephone fighters. I said.

not neces. I was just demanding my rights." The Pittsburgh club, which won the I nncrlihn said Hie torn ahout the over-j Williams ami Captain Simpson left In an championship of the National Intercity civt should have been a statement automobile for Van Hockey league, won the first frame of expected lo return loniKhf. his rijrlil hand coat pocket." I.I CHIC. I Ml I IN. Mis.

i.eoiu,, xi.iiim, years old, II i. -ol. nt of I I I p. i- a short lime, died .11 I Mobile stlt'et xe-lenlllV cxellliur. Her was removed to ihe peak un-ihiiakihif from where It xx HI be shipped lo si.

joe, fur liib-l incut. iii i i'm tn, hv. Ihe bl ip or ii Clear warren, yean, old, xii, dud Moini.tx- moriiinir at the the series, 3 to 2. The second game was a 3 lo 3 tic. iilplil in a il In tint jail at a-t briilifc afler ho had been rpicsiloiied by aKC-nls cd Hie ilepiirlmenl of jiislleo.

It xmis aiueiiiin'ed lliat ni ileel-lon as Mrs. c. II. i.urvey, connected Willi Herald, was also a witness. She sail slie, turned over to him thouirlit ahout railing for She Mill ihei c.

aid be had aslcd a xx't he saw blood on Mr. I niurnitti race. cMi.tain Yealer an eiieiin alien. I'eil. IM aiceill- Hie t' I I 1 1 1 1 1 tljd ruled Hint ito.oiie 1 1 1 1 1 kC lo lies eoiiiill uho xx ii lioiu iii (leiui.iiiv and who had Hot beeouie rlllell el 1 Oiled Hates xxas mi eheoiv 1 lie lliat Pi Muelcjs lalher moved to sxx UhiO III-- -oil W.I- e.11.

old tll.l liof. illlei I Hie slain- of "on. tllc'V sod. ll. Hie id Hie U-li l.llt XXas I d.

fe.lel.ll lltrenls said lie had been mloi in. I he Would remain in I USod 'llllb-llllllelx I. filers and other pipers seized at Hr Minks apai'liof nn ibit'iior the clay xx 1 1 1 irueek, bust Auburn, was round nmonir liin man's elTeels. Ihe envelope contained a nonce of call lo appear for physical examination on Aiiriisi 0, 1UI7. In inaklnir Ids Investlitations.

Heaver slated bo learned thai some one bad heard a lepoit, which lliev ilntimhi was a ustol shot, at 5 mi o'cloi xe-ier-clay inoriiinir. but no iilleollou was paid lo It. Coroner Heaver Believes this was the time the fatal shot was fired. "Iho man Is believed lo have coma here from 1.1 Horoilo. cm.

He had not been beio long-. It was said. Hardy to lleriild Oilier. Shortly alter this telephonic conversation, Mr. I aughlin stated that Pr.

llarily canie to his office, hi the Herald building and demanded an apology. "I said, 'what Sirld. Tor putting that mea-les caso ill my hotel?" Mr. Laiighlin said that Pr. Hardy a-ked him to step around the counter and Ik-sanl he reinowd his coat and walked atciind.

lie said that Pr. Iiardy again an apology. The witness testified that Dr. Iiardy had hi" hand In his pocket, and all of a sudden, he saw the hand come out. "I was close hi him." said Hie witness.

"Just looking at hun. I had on my glasses Ju-t lik.T I have now. I received a blow. I saw stars. My thought was he had a itoiiivsox thims katvkr.

Boston, March 2C Tommy Itobinson of Maiden won the decision over Aupie Hal-ner of New York lit the end of a hard-fonfrht U'-rouml boxlnir bout here tonight. The tenth round was a particularly PT'illinfr one, the. bell saving- Halner from beinfr knocked out. Pol I IhS -Pi- I In. all, oioparn.

by r. Mis. Han Anderson, xx HI he shipped today tu burial. II ill bo ae-e si-P-r of the deceased. to tho final disposihion or the ease rea bed and that Pr.

Mm would I x- aioined ayain wtllilu a lew cl.ixs, nlll rials continued to maintain silt-m a- lo Ihe spc-c-ifie rea-oiis for bis ib-teoiloii or six hours Hie orehesirai i iindiietor was the center cr tillered ill Ihe todi-ral I bnildiiur. "Ibis Is the hlKRCsl lU'etlieanieiit I have' she fid about seeinir a pistol and a weapon heiiiir picked up by someone. "1 hac a slronp- Irnprsslon that i saw a Bun In IT, Hardy's hand," the xvllnM said. Pr. b.

II. Hurfaker the weapon in evidenre xvas tils pistol. He did lint romeniljer It. Hardy tikmu the irun. "Ho told me when he raine back," said Pr.

lluffuker, "13 had iboppect my run and hail It." ilaln Vealer Trsllfirs. Police i.aplain s. 11. Veater said be called io Die Herald, lie hlentified lie a resident or II ars and xx-as well Al r. Xiirrc-ii lias been Pa-o bu- the pa-l cunt y.

ill ipiillllled ill lie' oily. nes ir Hr. llardy bad struck Lanc-i-lin xx i til a nun. and the witness paid le hail imt. uplaln Veater admitted Ilia chirmy bis years' experience as im be Ind occasion lo examine xxnimiis.

He Instilled the wounds no Mc. I aiiKlilin'a I'ano did not betray any evidence of havinir been caused ny an Iron or "wenpun of ihHt kind." lie M. ci. WriKht tcsliriccl Mr. l.aiiKlilitl had not susuuned any injuries.

Ilr. Hardy leslilles. Hr. llardy that be vai called lo tint l.aiiirlihu liob-1 la-t Wedncs lay uiormicir. lie found Ihe patient siifrenns-willi an eruption and xwis loot sure ease es measles.

Ho told about Mr. 01 oraoi 30130 Times Want Ads Get Results. ocaoc i sn i gun and I should get as close to hhn as 1 USEFUL PREMIUMS l.aiiKlilm ramus" bun up and asking; him II what Hie, Iniiihlo was, and be had 11 11 0 A List of Some of the Things You Want YOU GET THEM FREE Minn, 'me-ely measles." lr. llardy Haled Hint Mr. LaiiKhllii iiskeit linn If Iho case could bo moved and Ho Fnul lie.

explained that no In Hie illy would receive an eruptive ease. Mr. aiifhlin, he paid, said someUilug about tpiiinidine and he told bun not lo say nnjilinur. Hr. llardy that be wanted to clu Mr.

I auulilm a laor; that be In. -I anted lo rompli-lo Ins dlaiinosH. -1 was clearly xxiibin my rights." said Mr. llardy, "until I had diagnosed the case." llir; next iiiornliifr, Hr. llardy said, be went t'i see patient and then reported Pie case lo Mr.

and told blm lo. plac-aiit II. "When I went lo the olfpe," said Hr. Ilarcly, -tls nrl told me that a man by. FROM THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES.

CALL AT THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, SEE MR. PURCELL AND LET HIM EXPLAIN HOW YOU GET One or More of These Splendid Articles Free for the boys in khaki the ti.ime of Laiiirhlm had been calllhir up aufrrily all ieslirlcs AImmiI I'hcine (Conxcrsatlon. Hr. b.en lctlfled to the tele-phouej coiiw-isalioit he, had Vsith Mr. haiiKlilm.

ho said, told him the pa-lient at the linlcl must bo removed. Hr llicttlv Maud lliat ho bad lold Mr. ainrb-hu Hint Hie cine could not bo removed br. Hurdv tcuiicd lliat Mr. I.auirlilin lold linn lie 1 1 1 1 'ion mc case In bis In Iced-Tea Spoons long handles, small dip American Fhtgs Strong material rein Ii" rr- tel." he t'dil Mr.

l.aoKhliu Unit he had all c-i-iy explained to him that xxben he xx an called Hie case had already broken out. Itr. Ilinlv said ho lnei to vxilli Mc. l.nnrlilln. Ilo letnned that Mr.

I.autf hlin tniiilleil htm cver Hie phone and he tctlil bull "yo'l are one of the.e peo plo that ierson over the phone Hr. M-ii'lv Mid he then went to see Mr. l.aiiKlilin at Ihe lb raid and demanded an upobtKV and Mr. l.aiiKlilin. bo (clew tilio-he, "III a colilelllpllioils, simrl- iiiir and ahnipl locnner," said Hr.

Ilnrdv Hr. salt! p- United Mr. I ainchlui ti cttinc lielniel the counter and Mr.1'i icinwd Ins oal aid ame out pu-htrtic hp his slec ves. I "I n- erl back and allowed him to cc mo smd Hr. llaruv.

"Wliat del veil rio1" a-ked Mr. Brook'. 'Mnlilii'tl Hlcn nn JnH." "I il.bc'l liiiii on Hit- Jaw Willi my lert." Mid tli due lor. lline x. a Idler In Ihe bat of the court it.t.ui.

of the jurors lolled Hr. Hai'lv cleeiarc-d that be del led tnk Vr. Ijiichllii xxlth a jiMol. rir vcr lli'iiiicfd of a (cm." he said. It to do that?" "Net til the Slllllllesl." pers; Yi doen to set; extra quality Rogers silver.

Value 1.50 Genuine French Ivory I oilet Set 10 pieces, brush, mirror, manicuring pieces, etc. Something extra fine. Value 15.00 Boy Cycle not bicycle two-wheel coaster with seal metal spokes, rubber tires; the dandiest play device ever. Value. 2.00 Manicure Set complete 12 pieces.

I he finest sort of useful things for care of the hands. Value 3.50 Navy Albums, giving list and pictures of all U. S. battleships, etc. Also new atlas with maps of war countries.

Value .50 1'ibles fine leather bound, large print and interesting illustrations. Value 1.25 Needle Sets, in cases. All sizes, in folding case. Needles, scissors, manicure nail forced; size 3x5. Just right not too big, not too small.

Value 1.50 War Maps Just wliere tlicy are fighting now the latest and best. Value. ,50 Handy Encyclopedia Almanac and Year Book. Ail kinds of information. Value .23 Dinner Pails Aluminum.

About tlie best you ever saw, with two compartments. Value 2.50 Clothes Rack I he new I Clothes Dryer. Can be conveniently fitted in a small kitchen or apartment. Ihe bars drop to the side of the wall when not in use, thus taking up no room. Just the best thing ever for delicate fabrics.

Value 1.25 ireless Cookers Real, genuine, large size. The most convenient thing you can put in your house. Every home should have 4 (Jrcis-s ciruniiied by 1'rvcr. Hr. bar- ilv siafd mat he weiirheii i'jj p.eirids and vs bed 3 Inches i Hr.

llardy as askei! vxho broke Ihe iclastc a pirlllion In the Herald offlre. fcii.eked l.mi throuRli," said Ihe Bevo is a great favorite in the Army Canteens, where none but pure, soft drinks may be sold. After drill or march, you are sure to see a long line of hot and dusty-throated soldier boys making a bee-line for Bevo. They know that there lies complete satisfaction, full refreshment and pure wholesomencss. At home or abroad at work or play between meals cr with meals, you will appreciate what we have done for you in making this triumph in soft drinks.

You will find Bevo at inns, restaurants, groceries, department and drug stores, picnic grounds, baseball parks, soda fountains, dining cars, in the navy, at canteens, at mobilization camps and other places where refreshing beverages are sold. Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink Guard against substitutes. Have the bottle opened in front oF you, first seeing that the seal is unbroken and that the crown top bears the Fox. Sold in bottles only, and bottled exclusively by ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS cleaners, etc.

Value .75 one, value 3U d'e-t'ir Hr. Mid that ti bad a ijr to mr- a I -I -I. "Mr. (ryer alced ir be ns ine I tiiri. and Itr.

Hardy said I Ihat rtplalnlnr before crn-eii co'ot hail bc-c-rt on an crner- (o-ii'-v i I'' the S'ilhr rri Hi" ilv Kiel rarric'd tlct curr pi -to-; i hiin.eif from doiys. Hr. Hardr a1' I to Jo H-e In i lv baviiiir toiit -ri. snni, mat b4l till DON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OR MORE OF THESE ARTICLES FRF WHILE THE OFFER LASTS. A CHANCE FOR ALL MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND filRLS ihout it.

lie took the weapon from Ins: to'ket nd placed II on Judire Brady's Ic-k br. Ilarcly s'Iniilted that be did not m- I JAMES A. DICK COMPANY Dimribulorj IX PASO, TEXAS See the Circulation Department of the Times ii illy carry i tun in th" diybtne. Hr. Ilar-ly said that be i afoe to Vs'eit le xas lei tVl pulmonary pihef Mr I murium, ret ailed by Mr.

Brooke. I JJ he utiKiiei ptninris and xvai feet it indies in uciiib XOXXOE oraoi 01301 OEZIOJ.

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