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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KKIHT COUIIIKU HEWS With Defiant Gesture These Men Looked Into the Eyes of Death THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1931 Returns Ahev-14 Years to Find Two Half Brothers and a Sister. EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the second cf two exclusive stories mi the amazing carrrr of Arnold Godbcy Mho cullbtrJ In llir rinrs in 1011, won llie I). S. 0.

at Chalfau-Thlrrrj 1 rc-rnlistci), drsortrd In 1919, Joined (he French Foreign Tx-flon hi Afrira. WAS seriously wounded in a b-illlr with desert tribesmen anil reported Killed, spent months In an Algiers hospital, was legally drclur- td dead by a eourl In St. JoFrpli. and who now rrlurunl home (o srcct Jils mother, her present husband and Ills JOHNS half-hrcthers anil whom he had never seen. BY J.

P. WRIGHT IWrlllen fcr NEA Srrvirel (Copyriijhi. 1931, NBA Service. Inc) ST. JOSEPH.

tr prove that lie is still alive am 1 wasn't killed lighting deser' tribesmen with (he French Forchti! Legion In North Africa, as War ds- partmcnt recoids at say, may be a long one, but Amok' Godbey is contMcnt he can show that h'e Isn't deed. He has returned to his mother Mrs. Grace Godbey Mulkev after having nbscnl since 1911 and "officially" dead for one year. His background experiences it the World War and later In tlir French Sudan have glvon Islm cupi'ili excitement. Now lie wnn( settle down, establish his Identity and go to work.

After being discharged from thr legion because Injuries made hlir imtit for service, ccltlng back tr America wns a problem. Naturally Godbey hadn't saved any. incut" from ills pay of five sous day So he worked his way lo Greece or a freighter, obtained a job on another freighter going lo Spain and finally succeeded In reaching York by the sumo method. Fired of Desertion Chirje by Marine Corps In Brooklyn he surrendered lo U. S.

Marine Corps officials to answer to the charge of desertion They relented because o( his record at Cbalemi-Thlerry and discharged him without punishment. However, Ks discharge was marked "undesirable" temporarily, but If he can prove lie is goad citizen hr will be given an honorable tils- charge' In six months. In Washington he applied for compensation money and 1 ferine first lime that a court In Joseph' hart declared him legal ly dead during his long Absence. I this way he found the address of his' mother, who had re-umrbc during his absence. There wns happy re-union between mother son and then Godbty mot hij liilf- brothers and half-sister, bom he was awav.

After his mother married Prank Mulkey the fnmliv moved to St. Louis for time an; 1 this, 'conplcd wilh the change ir name, explains how -he lost trace her. "I'll Just wort at anything I car get until I'm lezally alive," sav: Godbey. "Then, after I'm brought back from the beyond. IT enter some felnd of business." Returns to Mother Who Thought Him IK-ad Mrs.

Mulkcy couldn't bbllevo (ha he. WPS sltve when he walked We her home one afternoon recently She had waited years before having htm pronounced legally deiul hoping that he would return to In April. 1930. sha presented the facts to Probate Judge A. B.

Duncan. He gave the ruling which resulted In Informing the War Do partment that Bodbey was dend Mrs. Mulkcy was then able to ob tain $368 as her son's share of the Missouri bcnus for World War vet erans. "But when the court declared hin dead and I got the money. I mad up my mind then never to soend it," she says now.

"I put it in bank and there It is yet. He mean so much to-inc. I couldn't I II." "And she needed it mighty at times," says her proud son. The mother does not deny Hni For months she worked in a shir u-aist factory to help supnort family that required more incom than her husbnnd could earn hard limes. Ilivr Court Detlire Him "Alire" The fact that she has obtained the money is handleann'nz Godbey In proving he Is actually alive.

Tri? second week in June he MIKSI appear before the.probate court and ask that the ruling aside. If at that lime any on believing Godbey is appears and protests, the ludge's derision must be withheld until complele Investigation is made. With Godbey on the ground it is hardly expected that any pjrson will insist that he Is dead, but the I law demands certainties and not probabilities. Until he is declared "alive," Hie veteran cannot own prowrtv. can- nol vote and cannot engage in bus- Incss in which his signature to any kinds of agreements would cx- peeled to be Meanwhile, he Is preparing to press a 'claim for S1787 which hs he has coming from the gov crnment for during It tf liillc 1 wcr? leveled.

military (Irlng squad evecitl'd llijlr leas bwii'l Ingclhrr, waving Incki'ruund. is ft crowd which wlim-ml Ilk' nutillc execution. rcw leiiM-ly death was only few seconds nwny. And In this rt'innrknklc Courier Sc-rvlce picture, taken just before three nmnlercrs ut Guatemala Cily, Guatemala, you see how the condemned men met their tale. Note two of Ihc victims.

hat luiulkm-lili'f in defiance of death. The arms of the oilier were thrown cut to greet Uic Impending hail of bullets. In Ihc My Folks" Says Returned Vet Here is Arnold Godljey with his mother, bis step-rather and his young hnlf-bruthers unrt who wcro born during his nl SPIICC. Left lo right are: Ilarhivl Mulkcy. Robert Mulkcy Mildred Mulfey.

Arnold Godbey, Mrs. Grace Ciodbey Mulkcy mill Frank Mifkcy. her present hiubancl always a good, safe and s.ine prae tice lo start tlie car In low, cvui the- busiest liafflc. 'I here is a knack in slarllivi i cnr and changing Quickly from lov to liiuh in Iruffic, without losing ar inch cf distance to any other diivci Low your mcrelv a push merely the car out of Hi -late cf ineilia, before it can Ix into second. isn'i necessary either to push Ihe cnr up to -40 miles an hour ir.

second, bcforo uclnx into high. In lad more harm than good comes ol I his. All thai is needed from sec- cud gear to attain a spew! of 16 cr 20 miles an hour, wlien high Bear should be used immediately. The, icsult is no undue strain or, the engine. tciEier driving and as nuick slurt this way as any ether, less efficient, method.

'Read Courier News want ads. ing the spark when the car going up a long, steep hill and tho en- and labors. Many BV ISItAKI, KI.EIN Si'lmcc NEA Service One of Hie important things to ine slows dowi icmcmucr while driving is to avoid cars today have automatic spark overloading, or overworking the control and tins attention is 1111- eiiRine. necessary in. such c.ises.

But those Hero Is a mechanism that oper- cars that are not equipped with ales at tremendous speed? in a way automatic spark control must be opposed lo Hie actual movement walched closely for proper timinj (he car itself. It performs the dif- oi Ihe engine" ncnlt task nf converting what on-1 If tne me 5 0 and Blnecrs call reciprocal motion into bo agalnst a tattd ik( a hn roiary motion. climb, and thd spark is; not rolard- I'hh means thai the straight up lo tllc Igll iail Hid down movement of the pistons ne timlng of hc ln(; a comicl lo become a rofary or circular croble lcnci lne djmb 1: molion before It can be of any use In driving llie whrels. This is done by means of Ihe crankshaft and it Is llils piece of apparatus tlial has itself is added to the motor. Every time a piston rues in cylinder on thj compression stroke, it encounters the full force of a A a 0 rthcstmin i volvc 1 spark, due to the advanced et that sum, It will help him to' and efficient nurse" who cared for, amp lltC I lllm ln a A1? lms llos nfl fn; lv so scvereiy Give Divorc i Ighlhig Hie Rills.

in this process. With an engine operating at between 3000 and 4000 revolutions minute, the main brarlngs. which take the sever thrusts of the pistcns against the crankshaft, mus', stand the greatest strain. Oil is nettled to them well lubricated and a good deal of care must te exercised by the driver to see that no more strain than is neces- "I don'l. know what became of lipr," he snys, "I lost other tilings, too.

Adds 111 the fertilizer cm-go of one of llic boals on which lie worked his wiv back ruined his and his 's as well, he says. Despite Ihe mouths during which lie Ir.y in bed near dealli. Godbey Is in fairly Rood health now. lie ieves quiet life and go.Td food and a good phce lo sleep will restore-It completely. Anil, of course, he'll happior when he is legally "alive." (THE END) While Ciodbuy Is walling for Ills resurrection," lie enjoys getting cqunlntcd with his family.

He had on the way home" icvcr seen life step-father. Frank' i os (. 0 t)' lulkcy, until lie cnmc back, nor did ie know that lie had two hnlf- rotlicrs mid hatf-slster. "Tlicy'rc my folks," he' snys roudly. "And I'm Just Betting so know tliein." He calls Mildred Mulkcy.

11. "his little sweetheart." And the lillle, uuiirn-haircd girl smiles happily. lie other children are llarlnnil nd Robert. llielr half-brother Is the object of tliclr admira- lon. He and his step-fallier ecome great friends.

Godbey also has two full brothers, Villlnin in (he navy and now tationcd at San Pedro, and Ben. of Santa Burbara, Culif. There's only one dispute in the amiiy now. It is between him and ils mother. She declares he should lave the $303 bonus money and he determined that she should keep t.

"I can work and I don'l don't deserve it," dccl.ives. 'Mother has made a great nuny to keep intac! and I want her to have It. 1 hope to nnke up for the sullcrlng she en durcd while mourning me as Godbey isn't contemplating He recalls a "pretty a sary is applied to these points. Divorce Cause When a high rate car Is traveling of speed for a LOS ANGELES. IUP) When' sldernblc lenglh of time, inlense hcat' is generated at the main bear- her picture Notre Diimo nlayed the University of California in football' The oil Is thinned down nl- hcrc last December Mrs, Ether most.

to ncthing and any shortage Gernenux's husband told her nl1 will increase the danger of had a ticket for her. When game burning tlie bearings, time came, however, Gerncaux i The best way to avoid this Iron- failed to apiwar. Mrs. Gcrneanx ble is not only to see Iliat, enough learned he had taken someone else I of Ihc best oil Is maintained in the Last Time Today Sec Rulli Roland in 'Reno' and Nifv 10 and 25c. Friday and Saturday ASA central, and therefore has so much more forcelto combal on its wav to the lop of Ihc stroke.

This expresses itself in the form of a hard, metallic kngck. It should be warning lo the driver lo retard thrt spark. At the low of a hill climb, also, I lie oil prcfMirc is low. with tho result that thr- main bearings mav be 'hrough lack of sufficient lubrication. Dcg-Catcher to Wear Armor CLEMENTON, N.

J. og catcher of this bcrough will receive a suit of armor according 11 a bill approved by the council It was decided that official djr catcher nnght need protection friuu- irate owners of dogs. She Trcivcd KILMATCTIIOMAS (Watcrford) thnt he insinuated she was of "weaker oflcring her Ills scat in motor- ins. a woman a passen- face, and the conductar her. K1T7 THEATER Last Time Today See 'Trader Horn' ami 50c.

Friday and Saturday RICHARD ARUEN Gun Smoke ICtMk' Klnj of I Ii i- II lie ('aunts his toughness i the face of love! With Mary Itriau, Eugene William Bo.vd, l.oui-je Fazen- ila. Atl and 30c. and a5c. Stnrlln- i espo- Ihe motor is Here they tome! Rcdmen and. and Monday vvhilemen in a true blue tale 1 Novafvo in "DAV- of Ihe wild and wooly BREAK" and to the game.

Today is an entry Ilc.ld want nds. books of Los Angeles County to show IhnL Mrs. Gcnhcaux has divorced Carnie A. Gcrneanx. "He pi-mnlseri to take me to the Notre Dame game and bought a ticket," she explained to a judge.

"Then he look someone else and I didn't get lo set; the game." crankshaft, but to drive at slighlly on the lower than high speed when on a long run. Find a satisfactory cruising speed and slick to that, rather than push the motor up to Its limit, and you won't any difficulty. Another way the engine is to of overloading neglect retard- Sunday MEMPHIS AND RKTURN DKthcvillc nt A. M. or 3:52 p.

Sunday. M-mnhls a late as 11:20 P. same day. ROUND TRIP FARE From Blylhcville Ibe l-i A Wonderful Saving for Women Who Sew! FLAT The Smartest Prints for Summer Comparable quality would have cost a year ago Your wardrulic will im-liule not one, but sciison liny pi ints for the street and ami evening All for the price of remarkably Invv-piiced Silk! Printed Dresses this designs for afternoon If von select tliia C. Penney Inc, 220-222 Main St.

Ark. Low Prices MODEL SE-3 5000.00 INSTAttED new Scrvel Hermetic takes electric A refrigeration out of the "luxury class" it easy for every family locrijoy the tremendous convenience of eleulric refrigeration immediately. Tlie higltiy simplified operating unit is hermetically yon from the. hothcr and expense of kitchen repairs or replace- ment of parts. If gives you "care-free" refrigeration for fewer cents a less electric current.

Come today the Serve! display. Let us explain how Scrvel engineers have perfected household they have eliminated all the commonest sources of past trouble. newSERVEL FACTS mtMcallyieoled refrigcralir.gunit No Vitchert moving porli leu to QuTeltit e'tcTtic refrrgcraTor Handy Control ihttf Bol, top ReauliEu1 graceful cabincti Low fa rail Brood factory COME IN AND SEE THE SERVEL HERMETIC HUBBARD FURNITURE CO. Foncs liros. Hardware Dislrilmlors.

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