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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 PAGES DEPUTATION DRILL HALL ERECTION Large Number or Interview Minister of Militia. Messrs. Fripp and Chabot will Introduce- Party Which Will Request Immediate Construction of Modern Military Quarters Other Ministers Interested. At Isst a real drill ball for Ot-. taws tsln stgnt.

preparations srs under way for a lariia deputation of influential eltlsena and military offloara to watt upon Col. the on. banV Hughes. Minister ol Mllltla. Immediately upon hla return from, hla pre-aant TIKI to tha Wait, to aak for tha construction of a naw drill hall fur Ottawa.

Ll.ut.-Col. 8. M. Heri Is In chsrge of tha grrangements. We shall endeavor to aaa the Minister of- Mllltla In company alao.

If possible, with- the Iflnanra and. tna ot Public so that wo ma place our repretrnlatlone befora 'as many members' of the cabinet aa poa-elble." It la confidently expected that assurance will be reoelved-br thia deputation that work on the demolition the pre-sent atructura and the erection of a new modem hall will be commenced ahortly. The -lacal deputation will be-tntroduced by Mesjrs. Krlpp and Chabot. member ox I'axuament lor Ottawa, who are know: GREY IS FIRM ABOUT Will not Promise Without Catechised lillotwe of Comjndna Regarding the Hnatr Begot Treaty and Vkn.his on tile Ureat- Ijikea.

The foreign Mecreiary stands by Ottawa. Canadian Associated Press. ondon. Eng. Nov.

In tha House ef Commons Sir fid ward Orey, renlled In the negative to Mr. Hunt'a queation wnctner tna government were aware that the United Statce were making naval station on Lake Michigan, this was- a broach of tha Ruah-Bagot treaty, whether any communication bad been received from tha canacuan government concerning thia, to tha effect that tha United State waa still continuing to break tha Sir Edward Orey added: "I cannot Iraki airy promise about thia matter without having an opportunity rf cam inunlcetlng with tha Canadian govern ment, aa their lnteraata areajpainly affected by any queation connVcted wlrfe the Ku'sh-Bagot treaty. I would d-pracata being preaacd for'anawers In thia houaa which I would have to (tvaj without consultation wHh tha Cans-djan government, with whom I am keeping In closest touch." Hunt "Will tha Rt-Hon. gen- Alemanjnqulra jrlL-fha-Canadian- government whether tha statement la a fantr" Sir Kdward -Grey: "The Canadian guvemment will keep ua fully Informed of their wishes." Mr, Hunt: "WUI or will not the gentleman call tha attention of the Canadian government to mutter, and ssk whether they are will, ing that the treaty ahould be broken Sir Edward "No air. I propose to leave tha Canadian government the InUlaitlvs to matters whlchconcero directly their own interests, and to show our regard for -our desire to-' act In harmony, sympathy, and co-operation with them by not -making statements 'about what they or may not DECLARES DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL "Accidental dUi" waft tb mrdlct return! by th Jury at th coronra la rfut cancarnihs th death of th late.

KapolaoB Hampane, which Waa concluded last nljht. EVENTS TONIGHT Iluasell Theatre Thamara de Bwlrs- lNnlnlb Theatre Vaodevllle, i- Monument National Chajnplaln A. o. v. w.

Victoria Hall Court Ptoneer, A. lluckeUs Hall-etewartoo A. O. U. V.

tit. Patrick Hall gl Joseph's CalK O. lit Bartholomew's Hall Riverside A. O. V.

7 Oddfellows' Hall Ottawa I. O. O. F. fnlon BU Joseph Hall-McOee, I.

a F. Orange Hall Cherry Lodge, O. L. Roberts Allan Hall Earnsrltrfe I. O.

O. F. Ottawa Dairy milk bottles are five times washed and then sterilised with live steam before being ItUed. Unscrupulous dealers, however, sometimes use' Ottawa Dairy bottles, so this statement does not apply unless yours are dellvared by the Ottawa Jalry' drivers. IF TOC XKETr A STOVE Invsatlga-le the merits of the Well knows) "Jewel" -line befora you buy.

W. Blrachaa. Bole selling agent. Queen surest West. Corv Bridge.

"faA38FER? FnOXK MPt. Robt. Fields Coea ail klr.da of-trana-fer work promptly. Oflloe at It Ulvla. on Bt.

RVRR BI'RJf WOOD? For your grata try out Hard ilaple, 1 Cut any length desired. Telephone ifj Argue and Mrt'oll. St Hank Street, p. 8. Wa deliver carefully and Li x''--' BFEciAUflrr In Crown and Bridge work.

Dr. Ualrd, psntlst. Corner Bank and 'Hparki atresia, Open evenings. TO URGE Military Officers to to be keen on tha drill hall queation themselves. Il ia considered not unlikely that the new imawa anil nail, will be.

erected a model of lta kind for the Doraln containing all the modern devices' for the practical training of aoldlera The Veterana' Association are anubua to nai quertsrs In the new-halland other departmenu proponed fccjude an Indoor shooting senary, gyoiaealura and bowline alley. The local onV-era wjro are moving In connection, with jfrlll ball deputation taken the' tip from the Minuter of Militia's recent statement In he Journal that he was not aware jm-clally of tha need for a drill hall In Ot tawa, and eould not be until ha asked for one by a deputation or In some auch Tha coming dVputatlcu, which will be Rogers tha aenlor equipment officer In the district, will in- a wv a- J. W. Lieut. -Col.

D. Cameron, and a number of othsrs. BIG OFFER FOR O.A.A.G. Real Esute Firm Would pay $85,000 for Building. BOARD WILL.

CONSIDER OFFER Present Quarters are fcikely to be Sold. not No Action is likely Until Spring at Least. Negotiations ars now nroceedina for Mhe sale of the O. A. A.

C. club house 'on Elgin street to a nrominent real estate Arm of this city. The offer of estate Arm baa been befora the board of management of the club for eeveral days, and It will give Anal anawer at an early data. The amount offered Is Hated to be In the neighborhood of Wt.OOO, but even at this large figure It is snlikely that the club house wilt be Tha property has gone up steadily la pries for the last three years, and tha management of Ibe club Intends to bold on to ths premises for at least this winter. CHING TO HELP REFORM CHINA A leading factor In ths reformation ot China.

He Is ths president of ths privy council In ths national asaetnbly. He -Is a progressive Chinese- and was tlte secret friend of the foreigners during the famous siege of the legations at Peking. MESSENGERS WANT HIGHER SALARIES The MMinnal meuenjrert of the city, ot whom there are over a hundred, re n-oinst to 'pntpar mrmorial to end to the Borden pablneL Thny arn till premitnir that thetr maximum aul ary be made $1,100 Initead of 100, and for other changes. They Intend to hold a meeting- aome time next week to dlscuae matters and may thert draw up the memorlaL 1 PRISONERS' OFF TO KINGSTON rmvlnclal Bailiff Ryan, removed seven prisoners to the Central Prison in -Percy Call) whogxwas sentenced to one year for forgery, was among Oeo. 1 neney, serving a term ror forgrty; Wita not taken account of having tuhenuloals.

COSTV.1.LO A CROWE. Electrical repair shop. Kldeau 8L Repairs to elevators, motors, vacuum cleaners, fans. Irons. Phone LADIK8 WBAPPERH.

TS dosen. alt worth IMS to 12.00. Special sals price Ic A. Wellington street. FRixcircHna 96GIumns VOL.

XXVI. No. 278. PRICE-ONE CENTr- TURNING ON PEKI Rebel Forces Directing Fia ai. unsiaug NEW FEARS ATTACK L.

MaiichUsBelieve Him Cause of Trouble. leral Massacre Threaten- ed at Pekin. Special to The Journal. rJhangbal, Nor. I Yuan.

8hl Kal, premier elect, has atopped trjlng to maks terms between the Emperor and the. rebels. He Is on hla way today to Pekln. reports from Hankow aay. Ac companying him la bis own picked goara, without which barafuaaa anywhere.

The precaution la aeneraiiv t-unuuenq as a WlaejOne SS-Uie Jhlajli-L cnua undoubtedly deem him primarily reaponarble for the rebellion and wlU kill him at ths first opportunity. Will Broome Dictator. It la suspected that Yuan will proclaim himself dictator, following bis arrival ir me eapltuL lie la under atood to believe that by bo other means can. order be restored in China. The rebels regard him as a grave danger to their cause, and he is In dsn.

ger from them as' well aa from the alanchus. -Before leaving for Pekln Titan sent a message to the court saying peace wis an 'Impossibility until the reforms promised in the recent Imperial edict wsrs actually affected. Massacre Threatened. It Is confirmed that a Manchu slot baa been discovered -In- Pekln-foe a general massacre when the overthrow of the- throne becomes an absolute cer tainty. Tha Manchua are not only in furiated with ths Chinese, but with those of -then tn high posts in the government, considering that the latter should never have yielded to popular demanded The Chinese are preparing to resist It, snd Instead of being a mere slaughter ths first sign of a Manchu outbreak will start a desperate battle.

Revolutionists ars converging upon ths capital' from svery direction r.nd Its fall Is considered a question only for days and perhaps hours. Reports are current here that the Imperial Palace la on Are and that ths Emper or has already fled. Canadian Preaa Leased -Shanghai, Nor. at Nau-Xlnc commenced at nine o'clock this morning. The afancbaei are strongly entrenched on Purple Hill, which commands the city, aad unless they grow disheartened and voluntarily aurren-der, their position la believed to be Impregnable.

0UIMET CASE IS POSTPONED Physician is Again. Remand-U ed UntU Friday, Chief Witness of Proaecnnlon Is SUM Too 111 to Appear Mrs, Baluomb was also Krmandrd. Once again the crowds which attended police court In the expectation of hearlnr the trial against Dn J. Oulmet proceeded with were doomed to disappointment. The doctor was brought from the Nicholas street jail and appeared In court only to be remanded at once.

"Wrs. Ferguson, one of the Crown's chief witnesses." began Crown Attorney Ritchie, "Is still unable to leave the hospital. Now we want to get on with the case as quickly as poasiMs. so I do not think I need ssk for a week's remand. Would Friday suit jour Worship?" After consulting with W.

J. Code, counsel for Dr. Oulmet. Magistrate O'Keefe adjourned the case until Friday afternon at three Dr. Oulmet' seemed to be In the best of spirits, and waa as punctilious in his-personal appearance as ever.

Relying on the Case which the defence has worked up. Dr. Quimet has evidently quit worrying, and awaits ths issue of the trial wtth calm conlldence. Mrs. Annie Bslcomb; ths woman arrested at Chapel street as an ac- pUce-of Dr.

Oulmet, waa strailarly. deajt-wktlh While her charge la only one of vagrancy, her lawyer. Dr. -Henderson, did not press for her release on bail, as she was legally entitled to receive, inasmuch as the police threatened to re-sxrest her at once on. a mors eerlous charge.

If the granted her bslL W. J. Code did not renew hla claim for Dr. Oulmet's release on bail, as waa understood to be a hopeless request. This major ease' disposed of, and a couple minor cases, the court was declared all over In lcust'thun ten rain-ules.

a IiADIKS" UWJI It dosen. all regular 1.5 and tl.SO.- Hperlal sale 1a each. A. A. Fournler.

Wellington msyet AKTKR tllK MKXTS In Htlit refreshments' afi is no other plaeo quits so nice as "The Orape Arbor." Von can get a nice Pot of Tea, Cot-fee or Coooa or Hot Fountain Beverages of various kinds with Hafoda. Kandwiches jr, Jce Cream Well eerved end at a cost. You can also be similarly5 served at -the fountaH oyr tiw store on the corner 01 rparas ana nana streets, Allen Cochrane's five Red Cross Drug LADlKN' HOl'SH DRESHKrV Bpeoial sale on" now. They -are all worth from to M. 00.

Sale pries to. A. FOurnler, lAdU, Welling-ton Street. Gei a 1 a KM 'I flt if 11 -ft Fif iT rkmnr- taw ifi afari X-i ST. HON, A.

'J. BALT0US Former British. Prim Minister, who, after mnjr years leader, resiern bi post at the head ot the Conservative party. ANOTHER SCENE" CLOSES IN-BUCHANAN Woman in Pembroke Jail irCal mlyj Await-; ing Trial by Jury Witnesses at Trial Yesterday Retold' Old Story Mori day's the Evidence Brought Against the Prisoner Many Missing Links in Chain of Ev-- idence. Special to The Journal.

--Pembroke. Nov. Th 1,1.1. dropped on another pathetic little scene the tragic drama ot Lhtvlcl Mordey and Julia Buchanan. There Will be one.

uha K. i In the mean time the great suuinncs reserves juaginent. The roan returns to his farm In the little -Westmealh village, while tlfo woman goea bac-k' to prison, where shs will await tha. alow kinder. oua working ot our machinery of Jus- For the While, at least, sha la vHm4 from tho public gase by the grim Jail walla.

Pntlietto Dignity. -There -nr aomethlBfoTalTienc-digTrculed to aacertula If the prisoner pur nity In her bearing aa ancomulalntng. ly she resigns herself to bow before the Inevitable and await the fWtrtnn or a fair trial bv lurv. That she la confident of acquittal her every -word -and action plainly bespeaks. Kven tho siory told by David "hor-' dey himselr yesterday Is not calculated to add any greut strength to ths case of tlte There wss nothing new brought out.

It was only repetition of the story which the man told when it waa thought that lila life was in danger. However, tt waa sufficiently, strong and. convincing tm lh. Vseuaed woman for trliL and no one can Just tell what the events of the next, few days, 'or the workof me proaecuiion, in tne securing ot now evidence may bring forth. URGE WHITNEY ON TAX REFORM Urockvllh- CtmnervatUeM Adopt Htrong Keaolulloa In-Favor of Lstnd tax .1 In Ontario.

Special Ther Journat 1 -Bcockvllle. Nov. the Conservative nominating convention held' here, resolution of confidence In Sir James Whitney eugimsted. "that 4heenvej-iL. ment consider seriously the important j'ment In any scheme, that' may be pro-problem of tax reform with a slew ef 'or the Improvement of high-relieving In.

some' measure the weight i way" DUKE AND DUCHESS PLANT TREES AT EXPERIMENTAL FARM RIDEAU: Like' every good clllsen of Ottawa. H. H. the Duke ot Connaugh, has lscery evidenced a desire to Improve bis home- In latest move waa to visit the tfxjierlmental Farm! Inapect the and f-omrult the' omclala of the botanical and tural department with a view to having tha grounds at Illdeau Hall Im proved. i 1 The royar governor-general also had Prof.

W. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist and Prof. H. T. Qussowi Dominion visit Kldeau Hall to look ovr the grounds with him.

While at the Rvncrtmental Farm AMATEVR MIGHT Ai Casino Theatre, Sussex Street. Come In snd enjoy a hearty laugh tonight. lecture postponed. NOTICE! NOTICKI NOTICEI Mr. Holland K.

White, the well known grocer of tut Somerset street wishes his many, friends and customers to know thst he hss started a first-class Trsnsfer Delivery snd will guarantee a-oulck-aod reliable service to all parts of the city and sub- rubs. Phone (It and give hisa A i -At' present there is no direct evt dence that would seemingly warrant her being found guilty, it ia simply aueatlnn nf tha Briaimer'a and her three suns' word ss.ilnat, that of Iterllrut Hla Jtoval Highness wore mill' aoeuaexv jet. no owe has bean brought forward by the proveeutlon to Uunlc, The wloturevwas taken by Mr. state that they ease Mordcy visit the I pu, th. local Dhotoaranh-woman'a bouae on the night of the J- bm.1Th.11 aliened uoisoninr.

Hut. of course sr. who was sent for from Bldeau Hall there la no telling what surprises it has in store, Muruey. In- his evidence yesterday, told of receiving" a letter, from the woman Inviting him to her house However, according to hla statement, he destroyed the letter. Persistent Search.

A persistent search is being prose- chased atrychnlne in the aurrounding country f6r sums time past. As yet not a. single clue of any kind has been found. -1 Doctors, will analyse' the contents of alordey's stomach -secured on the night of the alleged poisoning. The result-of their Inveatignttons IS expected to have an important bearing on 'the case, The trial may" be' resumed at'lhe next court assises, on November but It Is' thought doubtful ir the will have by that time suc ceeded.

for ging-asumdenL-Jium bar of Hnks In the chsln of evidence whtr-h they expect to weave around the prisoner. It is altogether likely that another-postponement will be naked for, and In the meantime that the woman will be admitted to ball. of taxation upon buildings and Improvements and shifting it In part to land, aa It la felt that -the burden of taxation Is at present unequally divided and exercises a retarding influence upon progress and enterprise." The convention in another resolution urged up-m the municipalities of east-em Ontario and upon the Hydro-electric commission the importance of'co- c-Deriitlng for the purpose or secartng an atiundantsutiplyof cheap electric power in this 'section of the province. The government was also urged to co-operate with the Dominion auyern HALL GROUNDS recently. T.

iClL the Duke and Duchess- each consented to plant a tree. The former planted an oak on tho grounds; while hla consort planted an etm.ln the arboretum; -A small party, including Professors Macoun and Ous-sow-witnessed the-planting ceremony. With Professor Oussow, who Is a native' Germany, -H. R. H.

the Duke conversed in perfect German, to tho astonishment of those who heard him. and to the administration of those who remembered that the Royal visitor, hsd' also- replied to an address or welcome at Quebec when he 'araived Canada, in perfect French. I CA81JCO THF.ATRK Tonight' is amateur night, a bunch of new. Loads of fun for all. (iRKKTINU CAKDN.

To Insure the best selection of t'rl- Tate Greeting Cards, call or phone mevenr stationery and Book Hank Street, near. Sparka nireei. Any nf the sample Books sent to your residence for inspection. Reversible V'lolhs. all shsdes.

Prices 10 to itt. D. M. Chambers. jvrsau stan, fe ana 7 Kldeau street.

DREDGING TELEGRAM? Something like it but Little Easier. y' 1 MISTAKE COST 7 ONE THOUSAND Omission of Letter Caused Trouble. Cheque Went to the Wrong Party. Special to The Journal. St, Catharines, Nov.

I. Here a pretty mix-up. On Auuet a cheoue for one thousand dollars waa mailed by the Dominion Oovernment to H. Krati, of this town. He declares he never received 1U Inadver tently.

the man In Ottawa who made out the cheque omitted the letter "It" in the name. and. ma cnequa went, to Jaaa-K-aiar-fw-dealef. Kats deposited the cheque In a blink to hla credit, tfiklnc tt a glfffrom the gda. Hecently he sold out and left the town, drawing all his motley.

Where he went nobody but the authorlttea suspect be is in Buffalo or Detroit. The question now Is. who loses the thousand dollars, Krats or the government, whose emulovees made the la te, ke In the name? Krats declared to-day that he would not be the loser. The post office department, whose agent dellered the letter containing the cheque to the wrong party may be asked to make good. ENGLISH TUITION IN HULL SCHOOLS Board of Trade erill Seek Teaching of Uaraire aa well aa Medical inspection.

Atrthe nexf egular meellnf of Ih Hull Board of Trade a move will be made for the establishment of board 'oft physicians xo look after the sanitary condltiona In the different city schools. The school board will also be asked to Improve the teaching or English In the schools of the city. DUKE POSES FOR PHOTOGRAPH. The first photograph ef H. R.

H. ths Duke of Conneught. Oovernor- General, in Canadian military uniform. waa taken at Bldeau nail tn morn- tarv dreaa. Including a fur-trimmed to take It.

Mr. Pittaway waa accompanied by Mr. 8. J. Jarvla.

WOULD OPPOSE Te W. M'GARRY Home Uberals In Renfrew and the Hiding not Willing that he he He-J ir turned iy Acctassattloss. soectal to The Joamal. Renfrew. Thos.

Low, M. attended the session of ths Reform Association in Toronto last week. tt is reported that he Is not willing thst T. W. McOsrry should be returned bv acclamation, a courseewith (which many liberals In Renfrew and the Riding are willing to agree, WILD RACE FOR A' FLAG Mrs, Pankhurst Must Have Union Jack at her'Meet-' Canadian Press Leased Wire.

Minneapolis, Is Hot a Brlltah flag In Minneapolis big enoukh To do-honor to airs. Emmallne Pankhurst, Kngllah suffragette, who Is scheduled to appear here next Saturday night, asm Tnsh order- has been- sent to Winnipeg. for a I'nion Jack equal In else to the American nag, which la to be. draped across the stage from which Mrs. Pankhurst rs to speak.

LAW-SUIT-HAS- FOLLOWED FIRE In- ths Exchequer Court yesterday the cass of Dux-Ioa vs. the King, was heard ty Justice Cssseaa This case arises out of she fire at Drummond- vdle. AtrAabasssa, Aug. Bst. IMt, leged to have been caused toy apsrks from a locomotive.

on, ths lnternatioa-J al railway. The suppliants' mills and lumber. yard were deatroyed. with damage to ths extent ot 14a, Wa. Ths suppliant claims that proper ecark arresters were not used on the The Crown denies thess aJlewatlona.

snd charged that the fire was due to the supplicant's own negligence In not properly protecting his property in season -of drought, TVte Crown also entered a -counter claim against the suppliant 'for dam-sites smountlng- to 110,000, KTORMY WE.THKRCOMING. Ths cold stormy weather Is very near now. and that means you should get your furs at once. We have large well assorted 'stock snd can positively- save you money, Mccrack en -raitors ana. rurrters, 1st Bsnk Street.

Private Ureetlnc Cards. Select the card yon want and have yonr own greeting over your own name and address printed on asms. Your friena receives an exclusive re membrance from yon. Specials st t.iO that year. Sample hooks sent to your noma.

Pay when you vent them but phone Retd'a Uook- etore for sanrplas now. A. BALFOUR CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP Insurgent Unionists Ousting Distinguished Leader, News. Came' as Sensational Announcement, but not En. tirely" Unexpected Formation of the Halebury club was Practically a Declamation of the Halsbury club Austen Chamberlain' Probable Successor.

Saschu Cable to The Journal London, Kng, No. Kt, Hon. A. J. Balfour has resigned his positioa as leader of the OmiostUon.

Throoglioat lite day there had been rumor's is us lobby ot tlw. Hoae of Cosnmons tliat' Mr. lialfour liad decided to retire nam bis MMlcion aa chief of the) Usuonlat party -In. conao. qurlMT of trm dh is n.

ganllng tike efrkwy of hla h'aderalil. -Tlila aftrrnoa 111. purisiao was do. Snltely and pfOrially ennlirmni. The news, while coming as a sen-aatioaal aanouncenrnt, waa not altogether nnrxpnted.

The formation of the Halabury 1'luh was pnMtically a.doctaratloti of war on Mr. Kalfour as leader of the Tlte aim of the Inmargenla la avownlly make Austen 1'hamlkerhiln leader, and tariff reform Hie snpresne taaoe before the coanlry. Mr. Balfour, young and Cecil stock, was not Inclined to write incapable' after snch an lustorlo name, but the forces have been too strong to resist. Hlur the House re-assembled, Mr.

Balfour lias been silent. That silence seemed to many to he ominous. Com. para lively ohaenre have C.N.R. BEGINSTAST LINK-7" OF OTTAWA-TORONTO LINE Workmen Started to Lay gails-bn'Gonnec-: ill Jnlc syenhi" Ninety Mile Constructibn will be Completed Within a Year 1,300 Men will be Employed Station in Cen- tre of City to be Secured Shortly According to State-.

rrient of Sir Wm, Mackenzie. Ths C.N.n, yesterday iwgao" con-traction of the last link ot ths Ottawa to Toronto line, Workmen have begun the laying of ths steel rails' beyond Hordman's bridge about mile and three-quarters from, the centre of the city and not far from ths local tsmpo-ary station. -Tb -connecting link Is to be built from Shis city to Sydenham. Odr.

J. P. Mularkey, the well-known contractor, who baa the contract tor the construction, of -the, road is now In tha cats- sunerintendlng ths work from this end. The distance from hers to Sydenham Is nines, and ths rails RIDPATH IS -IMPROVING Special to The Journal Toronto, Nov. Bruce Rid path continues to Improve slowly at St.

Michael's HospltaL Hs Is reported this morning as a little better, after a favorable night. He is still only partially unconscious, but during the night recognised one of his brothers, who came to his bedside. Later despatch says: Bruce Bidpath, who was struck by a car. Is reported this morning to much better and baa every chance for recovery. He Is still seml-eonsclous, but hss been able to take some nourishment.

BIBLE SOCIETY MONTHLY MEETING "Ths'Tnonthly meeting of the -Ottawa auxiliary of 'the Bible Society in ih. of the le- posltory. Mr. James Hcsje. yesterday stternoon.

Tne presiuew, Armatronr was in tne cnsir. raw. a lan Tireaeftf HeT. 1T. MsVOtyi Bev.

Mcrtclrle. Rev. J. a Donaldson. Rev.

Walt and Messrs. James Henderson, (Mr. Shore. W. H.

Easleson, F. Jluyter, A Chlsholm. Dr. Bllejh. K.C..

Mr. Johnson, snd W. J. Oalrna Ths meeting h. Rav Mr.

McRltchle -with prayer and ScrlpSiire reading. Mr. Hope report ea iss rs. value tlM.l, and Bible received varus The subject of Coiportage tne vines of Quebec was considered, and It 1s Intended to go Into matter fully at the next" meeting. A preliminary talk ass held In regard to -the next annual meeting of the society, and th adoption of way and means to make It a stilt greater success than In the past.

A sub-committee was ap Dr. Symonds' leoturt postponed. MAXY ABE PIASKD, With our afternoon teas and luncheons. Ladles who hatrpen. to be up town shopping, find The Plasa Cafe a splendid spot for an afternoon lunch.Theaddres 1 Bparks St, y.

TIIKKK IS A 'RKASON Why a lady Iran save on her Tailored Suit at Selmanofro. Here it la By their 1m proved system, no alterations aro necessary. Bhe gets a perfect lit with one fitting. Then also their stores are not in the reotdrstrtct. Henre-tbe- customer gets the betiellt; Sclmsnorl 174 Bsnk and it atsok.

Vhone Mil. RESIGNS at Last Succeed in been put up to aak questions of gov. ernmena, hut that condition of'anaira eoohf not isat. In the mrawtlnie Use Tariff Reforms League nasi pre awing anew lis pnMMtaiMida In cowutey endonaHl by the Kt. Hon.

Joseph tianihs-rlalM, wlioae son Aaatesi la the netr-fSreauiniMive to mm. -irniif TN-iltf rroirt llie- fornwiv Colonial Nt.rHary vtaa real at Hub annual meeting of tlw Tariff Kefonn leurue decbuiiur that tlw country was -now ripe for tlse atrug- r. He added that llm Canadlaa elrf.tloiiM had thrown' a strong ligtu on the nacnl altualloii. The virile, fornix of the I'nloniat niirty wImi liavc preaaed 'Balfour to throw hlinaelf iulo that straggle have been ia lletl by Ida iialr-hrart- etlneiM, awl secretly arcnan the ex- Irremler of holding etxMsomkt ylews la eooflHt with luwertlon and preference. The Hi.

Hon. Arthur' Balfour waa prime anliiMer In Hie last.Coa-snrvalive government. He fat a grandson of the late Martfnla of Hallshnry. He 'entered parliament at the age ot Is now ax. He.

Is wealthy, a bachelor and devoted to golf. -will be laid from- this end first over the road wnlch. Is practically all i graded. "We shall have ths contract complete within a rear." ears Vr. Mul-larttey, and this will mean that the line from here to Toronto will be ready -for business, He says from tc Sydenham the' trains will run ever, the old Bay of Quints road.

About 11,00 men are rushing ths work, 'and when It is finished the shortest line from the Capital to the' Queen city will he In operation. Sir William iMacKensie, president ths C.NJt.., says toss -within "twelve months ths road WIN be running Into a station In ths centre of ths city. pointed to deal with the con. sistlrrg of the president. Rev.

Dr. Arm." strong, the Rer. Dr. Mavety. the Rev.

Mr. Wstt Smith, Mr. Snowdon, and the Rer. air. Parker.

OPPONENT FOR MReT. W.M'GARRY Tha Uberals of South Renfrew will hold their to choose a can- didate for the Legislators to oppose Mr. T. W. McOarry, L.

the Con-. servtatlvs nominee, on Tuesday' next at according to" Mr, Thos, A. Low, M.J for South Renfrew, who Is in ths otty to-day. Aaked aa to the probability ef his-, retirtng from partlament to provide a seat Hon. Oeo.

P. OraJram, Mr. Law sis ted (hat nothing would be decided until after -ths coming eonven- Uon. master' will probably taken up there. DUKE TO VISIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Tjj0Puke ot Conravaght will Tisnt three public achooie the ass 1a customary for ths 6h)variur-qaii-, era! to notify the 'authorities of his Intention of doing so, thsrefors no Invitation will be sent.

Tha darts ot his visit Is not known yet. but. It will be some time In LOST, LOUT WIRB-H AIRED FOX TKnKlU dog. two weeks ago. Btaok and white, short black taU.

Nuns VJsck." 'Phone JJ3I. C'BKNrH TOT POOOLC Ptlftls a. white iremale) atraysd from ntt Bank Ht. Reward. Any harboring this dog will be prosecuted.

OIIAIOITR. BRON8ON AVE, OR UI'hnll I'hwl. Kinder please retsrn 4t OUmeur m. HATrHDAT MORNINQ, A matrix tortoise brooch, meunted in gold. Kinder return to Miss 13 Daly Ave.

-poCNTAIM PKN. NOV. in UPPRR A Town. Apply Joemsl or Stl McLaren 8t. TOO LATZ TOR CLASSITT-l 0ATI09.

A KNAP INHTBLB TErfF-ment. Central locality. Tmpenve-mcnta. Yearly revenue t2a. Apply I7t Moucestur lit.

i i NKW DKTACHF.n HOl'HB. IMLORNK doors off Romeraet. Rnven rooms, Modem oonviiencea. 'Phons MU or lis IMvieloA Ht. TJ- FOt'R LARnTl BWJOHT rooms, with vault.

eoulnped for satnnle roofna and offlee purposes. The W. E. Austen Mattasws Batg, i4-aau snd Mssgisf Sta..

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