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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 1 i St v'J'r T. W. MoGAKKT. K. C- M.

P. P. Cnaaul fog Mr. JalU Baohanaa la ahanld fulfill prom las of marrlag to her. Tha Judge awarded damages ta tha a tent of IL000.

but It waa claimed that while th suit waa pending Mor ay ua anrawoiy oisposig ot ms lira property and It waa found lm possible to onforc th writ against Had PorcoUcn Wrong. gkortty aftsrwards be left th. rll-laga and returned only two years ago. Sine thai has been living quietly at Furrsstsrs Fella and ths old troubl had asemlagly died out- Mrs. Buchanan had apparently forgotten the alleged wrong perpetrated against her, and her family were all apparently happy and prosperous.

Only recently her, eldeet son added fifty acre to their already large and well cultivated farm. Ths news that the man whom ebe sought ta compel to fulfill a marflag promise to her years aao had bee Ulsiaid st-er own- ban tmt aa eoogai rvng nas unw vm TlUaaers aa aothlng baa stirred them for many years asst. Sympathy la ex proceed- for both th man aad woman from every-aid. Both com ot highly respectable famlllss. SERIOUS FIRE AT PEMBROKE Pink Shop Totally Destroy- Thi YUam WOl Kxosod gTb.aoa usee -Many i Ukely oat of Work to Bc- batM tebortly.

"a 1 CurraiuiiilaiiU -'Pembroke. Nor. Tha saeahme shops aad fewadry of Mr. Thoa. Pink were compUMIy destroyed by a Br which Tlsltsd th town at aa sarty boar thts ramg.

Th. tednstry waa ons af tha largest aad. most prosperous ta Pembroke aad the leas wtlt a ssverely felt, for-tbe arsssat liins'at least Mr. Plafa loss la sstlmaisd at ITt.euO. and a aum- 1 of men will be thrown out of em ployment.

luckily th buildings wsrs fairly wait covered by insurance. How th bias original not pre cisely known. Ths Intimation of Br was whan the ptaoe was noticed to he barauui nsrosly by a aeaserby. An alarm wss Immediately sent and ths are department respoadsd quickly. gallant effort was made te save ths place, but the headway gamed waa too great.

I th dry wooden buildings proven quick prey to the flames. ms moustry so uw sipn w. its kind la ths province and Mr. Pink supped tils auaafscturss te aa parts ef the worm. It taeugni uaeiy waa ne wiU be-bultd.

BILLBOARDS ORDER IS HELD Tbcagh the onisr hat ion forth from the bead7 officials of the Department of Public Uiat th billboards on sappers' brMg mast be taken down and kew the pubnw to have an untatsrruptsd view of the Laurentlsa hills th viste ws th river, the board MIR stand Intaet and kow their many -colored' rase -at yora. A few daga ago representatives at th blll-soeting oompaay had aa interview with Htm. P. Monk. Minister of Public Works, and Is understood that th earning eat of tits ortfer would se with held until ths minister looked into ths matter.

Aa he ha been away ever the holidays aad ta Bow la Halifax with Mr. Bordeav the dseliton of Mr. Monk will not be known until hs returns. NO ONE HAS YET CLAIMED BODY Ths Inquest opened tHa morning by Coroner Baptts to enquire' Into tha death- of th unknown man whose body -waa found floating In the canal a couple of day wa adjourned anil! Thursday next. It Is likely that bis remains will burisd o.muturav- Mo one baa elalm sd tka body, Tha Rosa Co, 1TOTICM That tomorrow.

Friday, -they will place on sale, both on tbe ground floor and In the Millinery Depart, men, a large number of stylish felt hats tor women and misses In tbe Heading larg and smalt shape. Prtaee II. to at aao. -each. They will be on Bale from sight o'clock In th morning.

Ore yoar friewds a good laugh at the: Family Theatre dCe Amateur 'j NO BAIL FOR BsUCuMB ALLOWED Mora gurlnaa Cbjarg bt Wll Wksm Dr. J. Alssaader Oatmst an potte sourt aeat Wedaesasy It fa ta asfsaee will adraaos tas ta eperatleaa wore test magi it a th epeelea af is. a were siiimry. aa Ike asea sufssred with serious tumors other smnaialala.

demsaslng Purtaar, the dafaas mna uan tmd hv tsa laadnut aaalara ia this and other si ties aad are eonai dared act ly Taere to a rehaah af the story last th ms of bus. Balsomb mtsnd ta asks astlea against ta aous for th method used la sgsstlag hsr exreel. Ne further anslieelloa Mr as ror ue toe tar has see mad by W. J. Cods, eetmg for the defease.

i As Mrs. Bsleemb la setng net sa ms Bsmtasl eharg 1 Tagraasy. efforts were a bava bar si lows out oa sen. but th soil oe Intimated that If this waa ah would be at oaee srreeles oa a more series shsrge than ta asw en tered easiest her, eaquatly It was Ided to allow hsr te rsaiala in jsu astll shs appear polle sourt with tns sartor next wsea. DUKE MAY OPEN OIATEAULAURIER Arraageaaeat far Opoalag ia Spring ara pctns; vonsinweo, It Is llkelr that tha Dnka at Con naught will ha aaksd tn ansa thl Chateaa Laurler when It Is completed arty in the spring.

Th officials ot the Orand Trunk Railway Intimate that aa the building la one ot tbe most handsom structures In the world aad a credit to any city It la worthy of navtng tne highest man la the country to It th public, BRITISH CONSTITUTION AS MODEL' FOR CHINA General Assembly "-Iimited'MonarchyrRebelrrWant- 4 r- a Repubjiciig: The New aem'wiU Confer eral Li Prince Ching the Ex-Premier Memorialu-es the Throne Asking That Opposed to Constitutional Methods Amnuied. Peking, Hot. gorernmant' ataas fwr.bln(isTa amis' moved forward rapidly today, wltb th throes and the naUonal assiinrsly Working ta-rether. The tbrons erdsrsd Tuan-ghl-KaJ. tbe new premier, ta return, Immediately to Pekln.

and atmultaneoua-ty ths National Aaasmbly, la lu 6m-ohU capacity, telegraphed OsawralXd Tusn-Heng. rquetlng him to suspend hostilities pending- the result ot tbe endeavor te settle tha differs aces af all Conferred Wltb Rebel Lewder. Prom a seml-omcial aworea It waa learned that a subordinate at Tnaa- Bhl-Kai- baa already, conferred wltb Oenarsl la-TuenHong. The latter ax. presesd pleasurs at the rsoeat develop ments In Pekln aad agreed to meet PuaavBht-Kal for-a discussion of th sttoatloa.

a 4. Prtaee Cramp gaton, Prlnoe. China, I he old prsmlsr. who la tha only Maacha afBdal left la tha capital, baa agreed to memorisliss ths thron with th following' nwtioaa: PlrstThat all laws opposed to constitutional methods bo annulled ba-medlately. Beoond That the election of members of parluunent undertaken without delay.

Third That the provincial susmb-lle throughout th smpirs be grante ad co-ordinate authority wltb th pre-vlnoUl wdoMnistratWe eaVlaus Pourth That In order to evert aa open rupture with the Manchn roy alty, a plan ba drawn up to prorido for tho support ot the Manetra banner-men and parislonera and that the banners, th sight division of tho Imperial Manrhu military, ba disbanded. Pitta That ths. Maacha Ban-narraen adopt Chin sumsmes. 81a That a formal proclamation be Issued ennonndn that military foroe will-not nw- d-aslnt--i-reoln- Uenanos. Tb drafting of a 'constitution la fiKry to prov a mativr oi oimcuiiy becauss of tha difference at opinion regarding the form at govsr unisnt to be adopted.

-l 1 The NaUonal Aaasmbly la practically agreed upon a oonatttutloB based upon" that: of Orear Britain, but ths southsrn prfWtnoss, which must be oonctliated. ara atlll firm -In their de sire tor a mora republican form of union. Thla controversy Is tho main difficulty, which Premier Toan-Shl- Kal ta expected to overcome. Yuaa-Bhl-Kal arrtred yesterday at Nleko, a town only a tew miles from Hankow. Hsnatlcanwta bull Busy.

Shanghai, Nor, 1. A wireless me- sage from Hankow today ears that PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSIDER Tb Public School Board of the el'y' Aa aa educational propaganda the hag bam asked to tab up th matter said to be unequalled, end or nmeidln rn ttu ai. iVe oetlarod to have met wltb great -f pmr.dln, fro. mcturea during tb dti BuhjectsT in- winter, aad the queeUon Is now r- clndtng geography, literature, hlstur'. reiving th eonaldsratlot, the board phj'w srt, etc, ar dealt with, and trusts.

la this wy many persons are famll- Th echem "la to throw open tb. mrtxed wlih matters which they schools la tne evnatng for free lectures, would remain In Ignorance th speakers ta be asenrod through aubocripttoa or otbsrwis. "Tklreadv It I thought altogether likely that several noted platform apeakara have I the pten wlil given a trial and tlgnlfted ta brad their aerrlce gratal I ahouifj. It work-out successfully, WIU toosly, i "AlVKlNGDOM FOR A IIORSE" Police Court Heart After truth of Horn Flr. J.

Brew horsss grsW a every ausk yee-tsrasy, to judgs rrsm ta evldenoe sub milled t-day la regard Is a bore deal aetwsea Alpkeas Thsrtsa sad Arthur Caarssuassu. both ef HvJL After aa hour wts aoasumsd in hearing various Tsrslaa ef ths trss. iiepety Msguuat Askwilh found CAarsoansau guilty sf stsaiiag a horea Ths natsaos Imposed was Ms sad easts or one assnth. aad tbe prlaeasr was forced to labs ua isttar aitsraatlvs. la attempt las' ta snllrhtea ths court to the la aad oula of th transections.

Theriaa sely ssesssdsd la muddleag aad amusing all wltaia kserlsg "I sought a srowa horse. stated Taerlen, "at tbe hers fair yesterday aa By ward market. sweated Detecties jeuat. "aad what eld you do with traded It tor a browa rpUsd witness, "Aad what did yea do-with this on coached th. detective examiner.

"Traded that for still soother browa OB. I 'Ami tea bona su "Oh, ae that waa another brswa korae I got at sxonsng lor tn otnsr ssm Th msglstrat ksspsd, while sthars leughsd sotrlght. Osmlag to the point St fcwu Therlsa elalmsd that tela aae new aoqulaltion bt the way ot horse flesh was worth 11. but hs bad bus beaten down to IT by Brea this ws not said. aad Cherbonneau led the arts sqstne eg as as has sarMniyought It.

-wen, eaerse ana a eoov oa bars I aae." claimed the prisoner. "It wasn't worth iia." "War these real Bring horsss they were selttng for aad or Just saw Bursa laughed soms oae la the court. After another half hour of mtnglsd humor aad raorlrslnsllna. Cbarboaaeau waa found guilty. l-'r, Would; Establish a WTjAltsHI.KAI New Pram Iia of Cblna' who As nipnsg so asm peace Wltai tho rTOlutfoBibu dynamited tha ar senal at Han-Tang to prevent Ha eatsure by the linpertallsts.

Thar is some evidence of renewed activity oa the part of the Insurgents on ths Low Tanx-Tse-Klanr. Well- informed persons assart that the Im perial edict granting a eonstltntlonal govornmsnt. and other oonesssloo have not reached tbe mass of rebel, being purposely withheld, until their leaders are absolutely assured ot the sincerity at the Mtuiehn promise. Th vmeroy of Klang-Bu, at Nanking, shows determination to support tbe government. The new troops hare been disarmed and statloaed outalds the walls whsre their encampment la oovered with thw gun of ttnrord Man.

ehn troop. Plvo hundred old troop have been aent to reinforce aha. aol dier occupying th torts at Chlng-Klang. The officials at Wo-Hu and Anfctng bare also asked that ralntoreeraeau ei soioisrg os aent to those oltlrw. WATERWAY SURVEY IS NOW COMPLETE at ta mated at th Demu-tmant af Publle Work that tbe aurrey of ths n-opoaea six root waterway from Kd monton to Wlnnloer I m-aotleallv cam- plot.

Th survey parties bare Been working on ft Prlno Albert n4 ot the survey ara bow leaving the Held and will be back In Ottawa snortly. In the course of the next two months they will make detailed re port with aa estimate of tbe probable eot ot Uw proposed canal. BOARD TO FREE LECTURES rJl.stuUud permanently. -rr-ri a-- wtar XXVI No. 278.

OTTAWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. PRICE ONE CENT, DID JULIA" BUCHANAN SEEK REVENGE Poisoning of David Mordy Reveals Tragic Story of Complicated Double Love Affair; Wanted not the $1,000 Awarded by Court. Mordy May Recover. McGarry r. Bp staff Raaraeaatatir.

Pembroke. November 1 Net even ihe celebrated Rkhteeo Murder cam In Boston twwdi la lawttaely dramatic, and strong hamaa heart Interest th story of the circumstances nd ctuMf Hading up a poisoning, and, attempted meads ed David Moldy, a prusnsluus young farmer. In the Unit Tillage ot Westmeath oo naday evening hurt. Indeed, with the arrest yesterday, a told la Tha Journal last evening. a( Mr.

Julia Buchanan, a comparatively young widow, charged with tha criminal offence, tha eurtnla aaama to bar. topped aa a laat tragic aeaaa la a ml Hf. drama, that amaeka of tha novelist la hi wlldaat 1 Bight of fancy. It la, It report ar true, tha old. eld story at lev and hate, which' baa com.

dowa through tha ailata of years, and which will aa told aad retold Just aa lone aa woman lor. and an target i An Vahappf otlaaaa. David Mordy, a atardy young farmer of mlddl aga, lymg at la. door of death through poisoning, and Julia Buchanan, a young and eemaly -widow, awaiting trial la a oell here for hia attempted murder furnish a drama Ua climax la aad a tragic and unhappy to a alary which had Its beginning mora than Bva yi ra aga, that time, la a court of Justice, Airs. Buchanan Bought te' make urJy 'Tls-e vo ws toji or, The oourU pnM aa.

was urisutwearfnt, btrottg hops ara now held aut tar Montr recovery, ralntty gad in a weak and almost tnaudlbl roio. ha yeeterdiy told at haw oa toaday niag had ben glvaa' a. plso. of ala aad a banana by tha aoouaed woman at Bar noma. A taw minutes later aad ha was stricken with ua. i. Arraigned before Maglstrata' Stswert, Mrs. tbaugh saw and trembling, malstalnad a rigid allenc and. requested that aha ba remand-' ad to Jail for a week.

Her trial will open ba Tuday aexL WaaUrer tha outeoma and whether Mordy saoeumha or recovers, a great lagal flght la lookad for. T. W. McOarry. M.

p. and noted criminal lawyer of Baa. tln tha prlaoixar-a. dafanna, A Ifaaa of Mysaary. Notwithstanding that th.

poltc. au-tnorltlea are working untiringly upoa th. cas. and that th. proseculioa feels confident that th.

evidence against th. prisoner witt ba overwhelming, others familiar with tha (acts beUeve that owing to on. or two peculiar fea-turos In th. tragedy the defence wilt b. enabled to put up a strong fight.

For, while It seems to be established beyoad doubt that Mordy waa given a larg. doae of strychnin, which direct! rssultad In hla mmiiii m.J. Hon. there does not seem to fea any direct or ooncluuve othr man ais own statesnents that th. poison was admlnlsursd him by Mrs.

nr -alrhonslt thw nhvsl. -clan whov-attndd wr. enabled eoura th oonteats of th poisoned man'a atomach shortly sfter ha was stricken 111, and. It la said, will produce aa evtdeno that atryohalaa was contained In goodly quaa title, among th. pi which he had eaten, and which be allege was givsn him by th prUoner, It la Mill felt that It will ba a difficult proposition for th prosecution to prov that th.

pi. Itself was given Mordy by" Mrs. Bu- Ho One saw the Act. According to tho most authntks In-formation, no 'on' has yet com for. want' prepared to stat.

that alertly jwas seen by ehetn at or near tha Bu-cbann woman' nom at th particular tim stated by th maa himself. and which was tromsdlatsly pracedlng Hi Ming selseo with sua den llinesa whll. on his ratura homo. Th polie ara making every effort to ascertain (f posslbls whether. If la th.

last fsw weeks, strycklnlna was purchased by Mrs. Buchanan. Thus far they have been unsuooeasfut- Neither has any bwsa found In tier which has been and will again b. thoroughly searched. It would net have been nosslbl to purchase 1 poison In th Immediate of 'Westmeath end the natural plaea for her to secure it would have hasa Pom.

brosa. a Who fUiught tha Poasow. 'As far aa can ba ascertained. It was not Durchaaed here. But while th.

f- dlsi overy -of wotsew-rmHar -thert-; given to Moray ta ta. nom. oi in. prisoner night go a long way towards etrsngtnaning in oas lor in. t-rown.

It could not possibly weaken to any 4 mnslilarabl dear th cas of the defence, aa strychnin la used, It la In lar.r quantltlss by th. farm- era throughout th. country poia onlns foVea. and a Mrs. Buchanan has a grown up son.

who la given to hunttns It would only bft oulte i rare tursl that a supply ef tha poison should ba kept In th house. Owing to the many peculiar fssruras la connection with th story. It la i (ear id that gnat difficulty will ba xprriencel In the securing of wit Poesoaed. Man's according, to the atory toldby EVENTS TONIGHT rvvmlnlon Theati-e Vaodevllle. Grand Opera Haass East Ottawa Can-aervatlv Convention.

rourth Ave. Baptist Church W- 0-T. soctsl gathering. Klgta glraet gohsol Pestle Mhoel Hoard. Oddfellows' Hsll Csrletoa Ledg, 10.

C. P. HuekeU'a HsU Imsarlsl Lodge, Can. O. P.

Victoria Hall Camp O. B. Oraag Hall-Cameron Lodge. J.O.O-T. Bt.

Patrick Hall PIT. No. I. A.O.H. Royal Albert Hsll Bytown, Can.

O.O. Ottawa Bouth Chuixh Thanksgiving upper. UnsrmpuouB dealers and atora. keepers sometime, usa Ottawa bottles; a dealer who uses the property of another knowingly la dis-tloneet, and should not be patronrsed. A germsnt Holder Is mighty ttandy -tMng to-have In Uia office.

Ws Jiav two designs, born good, at and quarter Cut Osk. OTPTCB SPHCIAIVnC MPO. COu UMITKO. 141 Bparka Street. 'Phon ttl.

SAL4C OP WINOB. Osnuln Bala ot Wing all at Halt Marked Price. A. A. Pournler, WaUlngtoa at.

OF JUSTICE FAILED? in Defence. Mordy, aa a result at which tha Ba. ohaaaa woman waa placed oada ar-'aat. he was re.ue.ted sy her to go to her horn, last aunday evening to talk ver a bust nee matter in connection with her farm, hs Mordy belne; on of th ecu tors of bar lata hunband wllL' Ha did sot enter 'the boa as. and wha tha business matter referred to had been discussed Uw woman asked him If h.

would care ta have some slight refreshments. This as daella. ad, but upon being' aiasssl hs took ad ale a plena of pie, whkk aha ogered him. hortl aftar- waroa wniie anvma en ais a hooea, he fell suddenly ill. He waa taka ta a nearby -farmar hoaaa.

and doctor auntoaad. with I tn result that tn atscovary of hi poisoning was mans, Tha rollosrlna- Mordr'a statsmant to the physicians who attended him, a war-rant was sword out by B. Powder of Westnwatb tor th arrest at Mra. Buchanan, aad yesterday morning she waa lodged la the Pembroke tail. When arrested she protested vigor ously, dlsclalmlag sny knowledge of the Brought aerer.aiagistrai Stewart, shs waa mora calm, but daatbly pale.

At her owa request, a delay at a fsw days was ran ted ear. and the case will" coma up aa Movember T. Dr. uraham, who la attsnomg Mordy, said this mornlngthat be now looked for hla recovery. The do wsa a leTriflc larg one, aad a llttl loee might have proven twloa aa deadly.

Crown Prosecutor Burrstt will In all likelihood conduct th cas for th Crews- although la th event of Mordy7 death it Is thought that O. T. Blaekstock, K. of Toronto, will called upon. T.

W. MoOarry, BV will sot aa counsel for th accused woman, and a battle af legal giants is lookad far. Tka Bern at b) Tragwdy. Wsstmeath bt a pretty Uttle Tillage nestled amidst th hlU. IS mils south af Pembroke.

It la the home af both arlaclnala la th case. The atory th relations, existing between the accused woman and the young farmer whom she Is slleged ta bare poisoned, as told to Journal maa Mat night, form aa Intensely draauttlo story, clothed la pathoa aad romano. Mrs. Buchanan' mulden same waa Major, a daughter jot one ot tho moot rc peoted farolllM la th aslghbornood. When, at tha ag of 11 charming aad daahlng, married th husband whoa nam she now bears, there was considerable surpris felt throughout th llttl village.

He was aa old. maa, many year her nbw, a prosperous farmer and hie mad ad. Joined that of the Mordr'a. which later gassed tw-tha- "nrhln ot maa In the present case. David Mordy.

Young Mordy waa naturally thrown much Inta th company ot the Buchanans, and waa often a visits, at thsar borne, Aged Haabaad About years ago the aged husband was take in, and Mordy--wr--e with the family aa a boarder. A Tear later Mr. Buchanan died, and Mordy waa mad on of th cu- tm hie erill. Ha MAllaUrf tO iv at the houss, aad, according to the story, a Uttle over a year after her husband's death a child waa, bora to Mra. Uucha nan.

Breach ot hie waa followed bv the setaglng a breach ef promise suit and Tbe cs'b was takes to the court and w. M'ftorrr. stranaely- enouga, acted at that time In Mra, Buchanan behalf. It wss clearly brought out at th tim that II was not so much the money which th supposedly wronged women demanded aa that Mordy OK AH If THVHK EXCITRSIOW TO MOICIRKAIa BATUBDAY MOT. 4.

tTHAMPIONSHlP POOTBAIAi MATCH. r'ARje Tor the Otmwa-MrmtiTwl PooabaB ssalrm at MosHrcat, tho Oread Trwak Bysaraa will aril tlokat potag aw all trulm fmtarday. Nov. dtb, retaralag anatl Monday, Hot. win, AM for thw toamd trip.

TrUMMES lUTS. Now Is your cbaaew. Will sell for the aext three day all aur l.l hat for A A. fsurnier, Ltd, Wwllingtoa SURRENDER Demanded Forrnally by the Turkith Leader.

FIGHTING RESUMED: ITALIANS IN DANGER Royal Duchesa Sails to aid Turkish Leader is Sanguine Over Situation. Constantino pis, A Tripoli's surrwndsr waa formally demaaded yea- taroay of tha Itallaa cemmaadsr by the leads, ef tha Turkish aad Arab force which surrounds the towa. Tb demand wag refused aad fighting was resumed hut night, Ta7t)MTmrls. 'V Caaadlan Prces Incased Wrr. Constsntlnople.

Nov. Th cham ber loudly cheered tha reading of a Uiegrsm from th deputy from Tripoli, Bulslman el Barunl, commanding tha Arab volunteers. Tha telegram wag aaiea uetonsr ntB and aald: "I reach, ed the coast, accompanied by the vo lunteers, October Mth. aad delivered a formidable assault upon lbs enemy, who were driven out from their en trenched position. Today I am marching In Tripoli.

Thanks to Divine assistance I shall snter th Aotetral OBers Sblpa. Canadian I Wire. Rome, Nov, I. Hear-Admiral An bfey. who baa resumed the command twt-the-Ttetlan- -flf ofrtb- Atrlcaa coast after hla visit to th capital, to day notified tb government.

In wireless messaged that the military autborttle asowA having ufnclnt troops to face the enemy without the aaslstaac of the wsrshipa, ba ready te undertake any operations against Turkey Involving the navy. Tha commander considers that the forces at hla disposal are autBolent to occupy acvoral Island of tb Ore- elan Archipellgs or blockade the Dar danelles mak a naval dttmonvtratlon. IMFor. Salonlkl anl ginyrnia. or bom bard tbe fortification at thess places or at any other point considered ad-Tlaabf.

Aggresatva action by tha Italian fleet along tbe lines suggested will, it la expected, end tha war; i'i'Ttm Dwcbess as Nana. 'v-' ftpeeeal CaMa to Tho soarnal. Milan. Tie Prontlar. Thursdav.

sour teen bugs trunk accompanied H.R.H. tb DucbM CAosta oa her departure from Naples Tuesday, to Bursa wounded Italian soldiers in Trt pou, ssoerdlng to th story bar to-daw by witnesses ot Her tiracs'g em- parkatto! awidba Udrsea Mew' ft. which' sailed nearly levery I reserved tor tha oaa either of th Ouches, th. Marchioness One head of-the Tolunteer, nurses, or members of that saltan. Tbe Duchsss ajaounced bsfara leaf.

tng that aba will not be known by bar title In Tripoli, but simply aa "Nora Number Thres." Hsr mission waa taken seriously by the aristocrats who swarmed oa the pier to sse hsr off, but ths populace tsgsrded It aa a Job. POWER STATION IS BURNED OUT -Ths O.TjB. sub power atatloa aa Brldgg street wag' destroyed by Bra ly thla morning, a wall sa au tn' mscnlnery In -the, place. Th loss total ssvsrsS hundred dollar. Tb Or department did excellent work.

"DRUMMERS, AND V. i CHATEAU LAUKliSK It baa been going th rounds that commercial travsllers will sot ba ac commodated at tb Chateaa laurler when It Is opesed. Thla la ebeolutely untrue, says Mr. P. W.

Bergman, tha manager of tb Chateau. Hs say ih.i botsl tn the- world" will after ltjttracpomiiiode on th aixth floor' there ara rooms fag rammercUl trarsllsra larg aaongh to show tbe eon tents af two or three trunks, and the rake tor those room I from tif to fAIA' according to slxs aad location. Trestl tables will ba provided with the necessary covering without additional coat. "In the Chateau laurler." says Mr. Bergman, "commercial represntlvas and tourists will alwaya And a cordial rscentlon.

and during convention per Ijod a portion of the hotel win ba re- lervea tot tne mnur kf Mn ebarsw Wtll bs mad fOT natoc Uuj batba oa each floor, go that tha lowest priced room will. Incrada the os af tb bath room. iatD TRrmK KXCrrjRBIOW TO 1 MONTRKAIj. BATUROAr NOV. THAMP10NBHIf rwrfMl Wnr the Otaawa-Mosttraal Pootball xeatch at MootrcsJ, lis Orand Trunk Mvwu-m will aril tkmata going oat au trata salnnlay.

Now. dtb, rrvamlng paUl Moexkay, Nor. Btb, at sA for tn round trip. "-j. OPPICE BABD WANTED.

A yosnat wsaa, with, or wltromt ex-persrmor. who good, raped pea). man. careful, aad iwngille Mast know thw dty Apply la per aoa at Tbe oaraaa OfBee. 1 t.

-TbrrtgM 1a -Artiste or Tilghf the Family Theatre. Another outfit of funv BU.CK BfCATER HATS. All our tio.g and 111. Beaver HsU Special Bale A. A.

Pournler. Ltd-, Wellington Bt. NOTICE! BOT1CK! NOTICKf Mr, Holland B. Whits, the well known grocer of 11 Somerset street wUhes bla many friends aad custom, er to know that he haa etarted a first-class Transfer aMUvery and will guarantee a quick and reliable serv ice ta all Perls of lha city and aub-rahe. Phone and gfvs him a we, i OF CULVERT AND BRIDGE Huge Construction Work Starts at Billings Bridge for Entrance to City Bridge pver Rideau River 'at Falls Line yri Have Three Spans of 100 feet, and Two of Seventy-Ave feet in Length.

Is cosnectlon wltb the construction af th C. Ni B. line Into fbi huge culvert 4sr bow construction at Billing' Brldg be tween two' bIMf about one hundred' feet apart, Th. work ot excavating for tha foundation ot th culvert wa commenced about two weeks aso aad It was only today that th. first concrete wsa mixed end set In Discs.

-in lounontiona will be twenty feet high and an top of thl will be placed twsnty more feet of grading material, which will bring the top up to (he trscB TJveC forty feci above the bottom ar the hill between which the culvert Is being constructed. Whll. th. work on th. culvert I being rushed st a great pace, It I not thought MR.

BORDEN AT HALIFAX Premier and Cabinet Arriv- 'J ed Last Night. IGHT-HUNDRED -TO-UN APOLEON TRILDEL'S ATTEND BANQUET Interesting Incidents on the ft Way. 1 Premier at Canadian Club Luncheon. Canadian Prces Nov. Hon.

R. Bordea and aevsa of' his eousaguaa arrived lis 'Halifax; at laat avsnlng. With th prim minister were Hon. l. Doharty, Hon.

J. D. Haaen. P. D.

Monk, Hon. Nantal, Hon. P. Pells tier, Hon. Prank Cochrane and Hon.

a B. Poetsr. They ware mat at the railway station by a committee of about oaa hundred Persona, who cheered th prim minister and bla aa they alighted from the train. Auumobilsa wore In waiting, aad the minister ell went to tha Queen' hotel Setose. Mr.

Poster, wsa Dtwoseded to tb bom of Hectic Mclnnes, where he will a guest dur ing ar srsy naniax. Tb trip from Montreal, waa not without striking tool dents, At vtere du Loup a big crowd waa at tbe atatloa when tb trala puUed In aad they called for Mr. Borden, who made a abort speech In Hon. Mr. Poster also spoke briefly in Preneb.

klors extended remark In that' lan. guage. ware made by Hon. Messrs. Naatsl and Pelletler.

The banquet tonight will be by long odd tb Mggsst of tbe -kind avsr seen In Nova Scotia, to tlckcu have been sold. There will thro toast at th banquet Tbe Xing. Mr. Borden, and Members ot Portias'' At one o'clock today Mr. Borden Was tbe guest of tbe Canadian club at luncheon.

Afterword ba went for aa excursion on tb harbor and Inspec tion ar tha railway termlnala. At five o'clock be will present 50 oertlwcatea to members of the Bt, scan amowiancw corps, and at Bight will, attend banquet. the HULL WATERWORKS VASTLY IMPROVED tor Fir PrafavaJoai -Casailili rabrj liststaswd Tbrougb Rrpatra, i City Engineer TUforeet ot Hull Bounced yesterday that aa a result recent repairs te different mains, an immsnss ltnprovemeni resulted in th amount of aumnsd thnmxh ths city for fsw day. Before th breaks found and repairs made the no oumns at the power houss Ing at full apeed were rendering ly Ave millions. gaaonx- per twenty-four hours, ano aura would never go up to twenty pounds the dty Now that repairs oave the numnlnr has been lass than four million gallon and the pressure at the dl; gone up to rorty pounos.

Laforsst believe that there. other break of minor im kM-alla. -and that when tl attended -to "not' more than -threw nrlt li wailons of water will be pumped Into waterworks mains, and that with this quantity Hull will have enough water pressure tor all purposes. THK T1MK 18 And Umt Tory soon. when you will surely need furs.

getting-colder day by day. 'ow li tha time to call at McCracksn Br II Bank BV and aee their Iful stock of furs- It wtll pay gen. Amateur night at the Pamlly to night. Thwt mcdns fun for all. I1A1R STB-- Oa sale no' Jc' per doasa.

Pournler, wsiUngtoa bl TRA58pr-Rf PHOME HM. BebL Fields Coe all kind of transfer work promptly. Offlo at It Xlvi. l' KRY HO UBKHOLB Thst use coal should try ours; ft Is well screened and pniwessia great burning and healing properties, ahall ws send yoa somsT Phone Argue at atocoll. Jl nana tn.

Bevarsibla Cloths, all shad. Prices II to D. M. I. nam ben.

The Credit Maa, and II Rldeaa atreeu naa waAer ih past is Were hydrsu- mear- tne prss-tbof thaa ball. aeon maae reduced to per day, 1 hall has I anaineer are several portance to less will be 7 to waut 4 BOW. I ERECTION" Hogs 1 Back for 'Smith's that It will 'b completed for ever a pionth uperatioa navs also seen ooa mericod oa tb saw Rideau River brldg which crosses near Hog's Back and which-will be a part of the C. K. K.

Bmlth'a llls-Ottawa Una. It will have three spans ot lea feet and two of feet, and ta to be coast rue ted of concrete and steel throughout. This work Is also being rushed, but will Bet be computed before the spring. A shortage of labor la to seme extent hlnderina the nrogrssa of. lha.

Hi construction, but it I being rueasd sheed as qutcxry aa poseiwe, and It Is hoped that by ths Brst of tha year the stssl will be laid as tar sa ths Metcalfe -road. MISSING MAN FOUND Hunter Lost for two Days Near Wakefield. TRYING MISHAPS Wandered Miles Through Bush in Dark. Searching Party Found Him on Trail. 1JJ MroJeXrtiAalr-af raatlsw.arbTra tor who waa lost la tb wood near Wekeneld, for nearly tw days, bail been found.

Trud.1 wa lost aa Monday, aad Ueara for bla aafnty becam apparent when ba did aot ratura ta camp In the arming. v- H1 father aad a aumber of friends formsd a search party, and set aut ts vnd him. Tbsy auooieded attar aa wvsntf ul trip. Th missing maa when asea. this morning stated "Tsa.

1 wsa hast alright, but bow It same about. I eaanet tell. When I saw wry pociuo I winder roond tit ace It I could mt" a crsll ta follow, aad shouted few minutes, an that If any on was about they would hear me. I wag nr. ed after travelling all day.

and aa night cams oh I quickened my step. la order to see If I cos Id aot locate a small shanty. At about eleven clock I aawa light la tn. dlstanoe. and want straight ta It, aad found a mall but.

A maa came to the door, and I explained my attuatloo-t Ha gave me somsthlng to est and drink, for I waa Very IB tbe mom Ing. ba put me oa tha right road, aa which I met the party, which waa aearcblnaV tor lal says hs must have walk- st miles luhls wanderings THANKSGIVING RAFFIC GOOD ilways Carried Six Thous and Out of ver CtMO peopl left Ottawa for oub- polnts during tb Thaaksglvmg" and consequently tbe coffers war augmented by a good away thousands of doiuu-a, Tbe CP.R. carried 1.111 paaaengera 16 Toronto' en their trains from here between Friday and lasC night, and -XV to 'Other points on their Unas, making aa actual total of Mrs- Qeerg Duacsa. to dtp ageou says la the record for a Thanksgiving The Orsnd Trunk carried crer. LPo, issangera on their trains to Montreal.

and many mora to other points To the Oetlneau and Parry Bound banting Mr. Percy Buttler, ried. He aaya tbe O.T.R, did tbe groat. rlcd. He aay th O.T.P.

did tbe great. sat business from bore thla holiday oomnared with other years Mr. J. 8. Montgomery.

theiiN.R. agent, aaya trains oa the C.NB. runnlng out of the city carried about PJ to points between here and Quebec. DaUTHB. ROHEMTHaU Edward Aaron Rosenthal, beloved son ef Mr.

and Mra, gm Bos enthsi, axed 1 months. funeral private. LOST. WOMAN WHO PICKED IP larsa mink stole st Pstnllr Theatra last night siamy return ssm to eve i-fin Ht. and receive reward.

BUNCH KJSTB LOUT TUESDAT, RR-ward on ratura to Peerless Oarsg. Co, Queen or 'ebons im. 3,1 (XI KEWanD LOST, BITWIIH Hunt Club aad Cooper At. wa Drive. way, peaii and horseesoe tl Return to Itussell I OUT galAU, BROWN COCKP.R a spsaiel Ibllchi.

Reward at 11) Pre- OBT-OnLD BBAfKt.rrr, Bi'BDAT Li nlxht between Hank and 4If Ne- gt. netsra te Journal tHaos. He- T00 LATB 70S ClABSITV OBiTKRAf. PAsUL of lea Arsty Ssi.iialci' THK BOHhTCIlMf'ANY. MArBOPBN- In.4 in lbs fcoalerr department for two experienced baleewocn Apply per- sonaliy before 0'eteok ta the swwstsg..

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