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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 6

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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THE EVENING JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, tyAX, 29. 1901. New homespun twed aultlog, in new Heavy tweed suiting, In neat fawn and price SUc New Bhepbard'a plaid, 42 In. wide. In yncv toe.

All wool Bhenherd'a nlnld. 42 In. wlJe. Silk and wool covert auitlng In green Worth 80c. aala arte Mr.

i I i. Pacts aiidPBieEs Tha big aales In oucDry Goods Department do riot detract from enthusiasm In our clothing department, Men's and Boys'clothing embodying the most approved styles, made of the latest materials und selling at popular prices are powerful magnets In drawing the people from aU parts to this great store-Christy's Famou, HaU at tl 00 A creat sale of high class Dress Goods prices that have no precedent for lowness in Come early in the mornings. Black cashmere, 42 in wide, worth 35c, sale price. 15c Black cashmere, 44 in wide, worth 45c, sale price 35b Black cashmere worth 65c, sale price 45c Black cashmere worth 90c, sale price 50c Black cashmere, silk finish, -worth 65c, sale price 40c Black cashmere, silk finish, worth 75c, sal price 45c Bbck henrietta, very special, worth $1 sale price 50c Extra all wool henrietta. worth $1.25, sale price 75c Black benualine (Priestley's) worth 90c, sale price 50c Black Bedford cord, 44 worth 85c, sale price 5c Black soleil cloth all wool, worth 40c for 25c Black soleil cloth, extra 44 in, worth 75c, sale price 50c Priestley's crepe cloth.

44 in, 60c 1 Priestley's crepe cloth, 44 in, 75c Black lustre 40 and 44 in wide, worth 40c sale price 25c Black brilliantine 42 in wide, worth 6oc le price 4cc Black brilliantine 46 in wide. worth 75c sale price joc Black brilliantine 46 in wide, worth 85c sale price 65c Black brilliantine 44 in wide, worth $1 sale price 75c Black brilliantine 44 in wide, worth $1.25 sale price 80c Fine black serge, all wool, in wide, worth 30c. sale price 20c Ladies' cloth, all wool, black, sale price 50c High Brnradd solall cloth. Ml wool, a full rang of new ahades, worth Me, sal pric Be. 7 Brcei in emooth and rough finish, all wool, all ahadea, light and dark 49 In.

wide, worth ttc aale prfe tba. t-Wi belle serge In-navy hlue. 42 In. wide. tSe.

'V Heabelle serge In navy blue, 44 In. wide. 40r. abrlto eerga In navy blue. 4 In.

wttie, frkr. Fine serge auitlng. In. wide, worth 9mc. aula pric tne.

New moM cloth, allk'l..-in a complete rang of faahlonahl 44 In. wde, worth 7nA aala price, fiOu. BimtIhI quality ot wool bengallne, Jany ahada, 42 and 44 In. wide, worth He, aala i price We. Orfjr wool cheviot auitlng 44 In.

wide worth 7V, aale price We, (Jrfjr Fenian cord auttlna. 43 In. V. sale mice 10c: French Telours, henrietta finlah. 4 in; toe Fawn and grey mohair, 44 in.

wide, 60c, Colored satins, 21 In. wide, worth Wc, Ml, pries S5a VonsM illlu, aU ahadra and blark. Vc. 8pcUl valua In colored aatJnv S4 lr for Me. '-( rrencb fallla alU, tn mmlnc Uiadea, s.

lit wide, worth ti.Oa, aal, prica Be. Tura ellk taff.ta.' In. wld. blark and colnred. wortll-Mc.

aale prlca 75c. Ulark frau de Sole, worth 91.. anlo prtr. 9Gr. Itlack Pnu de Bole, worth aaie price, 11.3&.

HUrk- Frau ol. worth CSS, aala prlr. 11 ti rllark mtln Mrrvelllrux. worth Sl.Ei. price Black Oroa Grain, worth ttn, aaurvrtee Summer-Blouses lOc koep up the.

excitement we will sell a number blouse at 39c each. This Is a distinct loss to us, as the material alone could not be bought for anything this price, So hurry along as. this Is one of the biggest bar- gains ever offered In Canada New Bengallne auitlng. In mottled ahadea of blue, brown, green, and purple 44 In. wide, worth etc; aala price eOc.

New mimed colored, silk and wool fabrics, all new dealgna, 44 In. wide, worth jac, mi pnr hit. Navy and white striped mohair dreaa Orey and black mixed materials, silk worth -ac. aala price 60c, SILKS Black brocaded Ducheaa Satin, wortn Black Satin, in. wide, worth lac.

Black Batln tf m. wide, worth tl.X Black Satin. worth H.T3, Pure Silk mirah, apeclal. worth TSc, sal price Pure Silk Surah, apeclal. worth 95c, aala prico.

Brocaded allka tn pink, nlle, cream and whit, worth Wc. Sale urloe ZBo Fancy blouae allka. tn atripea and checks, all ahadea. worth 65o, for ttc, Fancy blouae allk, dark ahadea, floral dealgna and apota, worth 76c aale price Src Vash Dress Goods, Linetis. Flannelettes, etc.

Plaid wrapperata, worth JOc, for ISe, Aaaorted colored felt, aala prlca, 16a Plaid flannelrf. worth Wc. for ac -Hlack and red Xancy fUnnlct. aaie price tc aotvted colored wrappercta, 'Worth 1-lc, for ac Diith cloth linen, c. Crash linen for roltera.

tc. Chck glaaa linen, a good- Una at tc. Ptne roller linen at 10c, Butrhera linw, lie, Oraea linen, 10c. 8talr linen, 12 1-Sr, Linen towrhv aeclal values, at I and 10 cant a. hile flannelet, extra value, at and Crram ftannrlet at He.

Pink flannelet, aneclul at I an-1 cenra. Plain rd flnnnelet. apeclal at to. Aaaorted color atrtpe Aannelct. for un darwaar.

apeclal at ac Stiaps Irt Merfs and Men Fine Dongnla Bala, relies to wortn, saw pnee Bfen'a fine Ruff Bala, alacs to 0. worth, sal price 90c. Men. spntworklng "hoota, peg soles, worth, eal? price 90c Men's' grain heVveat boots, hand nrg-ged. worth tl-tt.

aala price IAc. Men's grain leather working boots, large eyelrta, aH hand made, alse I to 42 worth il.vTaalo' pric Men' Klondike Bonta, extra good value, douhle aole, 4 rows of pegs, regular price t2 0. aal price tl.M. Men' Ptne Dongola Ijice egtra wide, plain te, alaea to It, worth fcLtf. ssale price W.J6.

Men' Fin Box Calf 1 sat, In all alaea, worth aale price Men's Box Calf Bala, hand arwn. tha T.fntnn mika In wi1e or medium from staa to 11, worth H0o, aala prlca For Ladies and Maidens to Enthuse Over 4 Black Dress Goods Class Colored Dress wide, any ahade, worth 10c, aala price FANCY English flannelet. apeclal at 10e. agllflh flannelet, with allk stripe, juat the thing for outing ahlrta, apeclal at 10 and auc. a- Wrnnpereta, aaaorted colore, special at tc and luc.

Rxtra hea-y dark flannelet, for men's ahlrta, 10c Bath towela. W. 90. SO centa earh. jored qollta, 10-4, ae; Sac, $1.18, White 'quilts, 75e.

5c, tl.M. 11.26, ti.U tl.60, U.W, $1.1. tJ.Ott, 12.60, Carpet Warp Whltee, ft-IK bunches, II. Colors, Hb.

bunchea, Jl 2t, 1-1-lb. apoola, aU colors, jae. A frw hiinrhea, altirhtly discolored on one end of bunch, at fcOu. and the much wanted Wash Dress Goods at the history of this pophlar bargain centre. Extra heavy serge, smooth or rough finish, all wool, 42 in, wide, worth 35c sale prire 25c Seabelle serge in black 40 in wide, sale price 33c Seabelle serge in black 42 in wide, sale price 40c Seabelle serge in black 4 2 in wide; sale price 50c' Black brocaded satin cloth 40 in wide, worth 40c for 25c All wool black brocaded cloth 40 in wide, worth 50c for 35c New black figured mohair dress goods 4a in wiJe, worth 40c, sale price 25c New black brocaded mohair dress goods, raised patterns, 44.

in wide, worth 75c sale price 50c Black broche dress materials.raised patterns, worth for 75c Silk and wool black broche materials, very rich $1.35 for 95c Serge suiting, tine twill, 54 inches, worth 75c for 50c Silk and wool black figured dress goods, corded ground, raised patterns, 44 in wide, worth $1,75 for $1 25 yard best in effects, for $1.95 yard. Regular $2.50 and $3 goods Priestley's pure silk fancy grenadines 44 in wide, worth $2.50 for $1.95 Several designs, Priestley's silk and wool heavy crepe dress goods, 44 in wide, Si. 75 for $1. 25 14 In. mohair auitlng.

In grey and drabchecka, worth tXiS, aala price ate. BOOTS arid SH0ES Mn'a Fine Chocolate Dnntrola nnln T.lnton make. In all alaea, regular price 13 50. sal price H-U- Men's Tan Blcvcla Roots, 'wnrth ts nr. aale price $1-50.

Mcn'a Tan Bale, an nnto-date bott. worth sale price tS Men a Tine Dongola. Oxford Bhoea.fHtr stitched, aliea to 10, worth tl-Ta, anle prle'e ll.lR. Men's Dongola Oxiord Shoe, plain whin toe, a nice comfortable shoe for gentleman, worth RW. aal tl-X.

Rals, extra heavy anlt. nailed and awn soles, all eUd leath-r. tl blttr' Prln Price V(e antra Men Fine Dongola jkrr Boots, reaidar prlca li.SO, aala prlc Sue In all alses. imira Men' Fine Dnnvnla r-rt. lo 9 worlh 160' nalra 4fen's Fine Buff Bala, solid ealrprtee Wc? lx 10 worth w- Weaving Cotton Single Srhlt SSe bunch iJounie wnile.

ac lb. Double bluchrd. sue lb. Double, eolured, 1 Jc la. Lace Curtains 1- yards, regular 5c.

fnr 35c 2 1-X yards, regular fnr .2 1-1 yardn, 7w. for ta. S' yards, regular Tic, for Vk: yards, regular 11.10, for 1-J yarria, Tic. yarda regular $1.8. tnttoe.

1 1-1 yarda. regnlMr I1.S0, for Kr. 1-t yards, regulnr tl for tl m. 1-1 vards. ramiar li st for 113 1 1-1 yarda.

for tl.M, M. tt U5A, HALF PRTCR Cl'RTAlNS IN CRKAH. j-s yanio; regular for 1-t yarda, regular aVOO, for tltt. Men's Pure Gum Rubber Beota, worth $3.75, aal prlc (3 00. Men' Fine Dongola Rals' allk Veatlng top.

worth $3 O). sale price t2.X Men'a Chocolate Donarola-Bala. allk veatlng top, worth la. 00, sal price 42404 Roy' Buff Bala, -all Solid aolea. a fleet clans school boot, stse 1 tO ft, worth aala pric 11.

U0. Boys' Buff Balsr extra heavy sales, I rowa of no seam Inside worth 1. aal price, Boy' Fine Dongnla Bals, a nice stylish boot, alae 1 io worth aale price tL Boys' Fin Box Calf Bala, all leather iineo.maoe wttn tne KngiiMn nat-a strap, with an upper that will stand reaolrin. Just the boot for the hove that ara hard en them, alaea 1 to worth $2.00, sal4 pnes Boys Chocolate Dongolo Bala, else 1 to a.

worth RUi aala pric V-0a Lindsay 373-379 WELLINGTON Goods ahadea, 42 In. wide, worth Tec, aala price grey check, 64 la. w4de, fOc, aala 4 different aliea of check, worth 25c, aala worth TV. mI nrire KAe. brown and blue mixture, 44 In.

wide, goods. 43 In. 7Sc, aala pric. and wool, figured and atrlped, 44 In, wti. tlOO, aala Jrlc tl.tS, sal price 75c.

aala price li on. sal price 1 1.3 1-t yardn. regular fr dt.m. I 1-t yanlx. rnrular ta.ffi, tr 1 1-t yards, rt-guiar $1.00, tat U.W.

assortment. 1'rlcaa ranglDg.from $s) to aw. Linen Table Covers UntMi Tuble Covers. In till color. Prlc-ea rangina from Tio to IC.OtI, Via, Toe, SSV l.K.

Sl.M, and 'W. Damask Cpvts in all colors, worth 12. for I1.2S; large Flannels PlannM. in gr4y and blue, at from t-lc (o' 3Sc. A nice line ofOpera Flannel In all colors, at v.

46c and WV Armv Klannel, for ahlrtlng, at 50c, and Site. l-t.) lb. I.lntnn m.t. In 2 to 114 worllr 60. sule prW Hns Tiin lce to S.

worth price II a. uo IMltnor liootx, plnl also. 1 worth 1.00l mi le pflr. iMitbor Bootx, toe. 40 rtW k.

in '-a In tao nn4 10 Boy. Dnnirola- Iw hire for boy. tain athketr -nrst. communion, stse. worth M-M, prlcf Bnv' Kin.

Bulf Bala. II lo 13 worth as. price Mr. PW. Bo Calf

all Iralh-r llniM. a Rood solid boot, buy th.m onre wh tn.k. a cuntomer of you. worth tl 7S. sale prive tl.a, alses 11.

13. Box calf Bala. th. l.lnton mnk. "Is 11 t.

i i-j, worth ule prli-e Boy. Pin. Dontrola Lsce BoAts. slses to IS. worth, sale price luc GO.

WATER MAIN TO BEECHWOOD WATERWORKS COMMITTEE WILL UUILl) O.NE Bay th. Cemetery Company Xiut Py WaUr te ad Fir jr Cent, on, the Outlay. Th, waterworks commute, decided laat evening: to extend a water main to Beech wood cemetery on condition that tha cemetery company agraea to pay fiva per cant, on tha money. Invested and tha regular water ratea, Thoie who attended tha meeting were Aid. iiaatey.

Grant. II. J. IMvldaon, Ma. aon, McDouaal.

bearing and Uavor. Beachwood Extension. In connection with, tha ext.n.lon ot a Ave inch water main to Beech wood cemetery City Engineer Ker reported that to put an extension front tne present terminus of tha main at to ueacirwooa cemetery aala via lteeehwood road and Oakntu road ba utlmawd tba cost wouia oa KM. The second or alternative rout, rrom tha preaent tarmlnua on Tar aca over tha brow of the bill, al though longer, would not ba qinta no expensive. It would coat tn tha vicinity of 13.47a.

Mr. Ker recommended that tha aacond route, via Kldtau Ter race over tha brow at tha be tba on adopted. Tbla matter waa settled with little discussion. Aid. Dearlng and McDougal moving that tba Beech wood cemetery be granted a water service on condition that they pay fiva per cent, per annum oa tha coat ot laying tba plpa and that they pay th.

usual water ratea. Want 'Water. Aid. R. J.

Davidson and McDoural moved that tha engineer ba in.tructed to report as to tha feaslMlltr and coat vf laying- a main to aupply water ta the southern section of Dalhousle ward In the vicinity of tha main drain near Dyson street. This carrieo. A Request. Mr. It.

HUttery. butcher, appeared before the committee and asked that water service be extenaea to his slaughter house In Ottawa East. He explained that tha board of health re Quired that his premises should thorouKhly flushed. He couia not do this aatisfactorlly without a water service. He thought tn view of the fact that they had been aent ouslde of the city with their slaughter house the city should be willing to grant a water service.

The matter waa referred to the engineer to report. Wants More Help. Collector Blyth wrote asking for sn extra band In bla office aa one of his clerks bad been transferred to the tax office. Aid. Hastey aald It was generally understood that when Mr.

F. M. Han-num had left the collector's office there wss not to be any new appointment. Hla Worship the Mayor said he would take a short cut to deal with the matter, and move If he could get a seconder that Mr. Blvth be dlsnensed with If ha could not get along wit the start as at preaent.

It was. decided to leave the matter In abeyance until the amalgamation committee renorta. Term, Wanted. The Jencks Machine Company of ftherbrooke. wrote that unless the words 'strikes, fires, accidents and other unavoidable delays." were In-' sertrd In their contract they would not sign It.

The contract la In connection with' alterations to the shafting in the waterworks pump house extension. City Engineer suggested that fires and accident." be la-aerted. This was agreed to, Alraonxe Almonte, May t9. Rev. H.

J. Hut-cheon and Jdra. Hutch eon are visiting -friends In Kingston. Mrs. Huicnson wilt remain for aom time vtalUag Mr.

Frank Moran. lot Toronto, left th first of the wek for the west alter a visit with relatives tn town. A apeclal emplra aervlea was held In tne Metnodist 4J hunch on Sunday even ing, the interior of the church being ana an imereatina; tyiacours Doing delivered by th pastor. Rev. iMr.

andr- aon, on Imperial Federation, fipcilal contlrmatlon aervire waa ti4d in bu Paul's Church. His Lordahlp la hop Hamilton, of Ottawa being present at the aervVce, which wus h44 in tiio Thera was a large attendance at th service, whlh was most mter- csuns.r ln-w Andrew's Mr, W. Mo Donald. M.A., preached) moat accept ably at both -the morning and evening service, in Ht. John' -Kev.

Air. Mo Leah, of Aberdeen. Scotland, occupied the pulpit at tjoth aervicea, Mrs. J. H.

X-aven. of Ixmdon, daughter of Mrs. (R. W. Uaydon ot thta town, la at present on a visit in town.

A lacrosse match ha been arranged between the local Junior team and a team from Car let on Place, to tak plate on -the exhibition grounds here on Saturday afternoon next. Aa this Is the ftmt -match of the season ther will likely a good attendance. Mlaa Iowe and Mia Orace Low, daughters of Canon Lowe, of Ottawa, returned to th capital Monday after a brief visit to friends In town. Ilia Honor Judge MacTavtah. of Ottawa, and Mr.

J. H. Burrltt, barrister, of Pembroke, the arbitrators of th Almotrte Electric Co. and th town re- I speMlvely, met here tor the purpose of a third arbitrator, but after comideranie negotiation vny iaiira jo make a sdetlon. An application win likely be mad to th County Judge to make an appointment.

Mrs. Kgleaon (nee Mlsa M. Med re-gor) Is visiting relatives In Uiw-nr i I Will Con.1 of ChW Blll-Po-tlno COmpantea or u.a. ana yenaaa. Chicago; May M.

The Chronicle tomorrow will say: For the purpose of combating adverse legislation, as well aa regulating price and putting down competition, a gigantic trust to con-slat of all th principal bill posting companies In lh United States and Canada, is progress of orgitnlsatlon. A meeting will be held In BulTnlo July 7 to 10 to perfect th oomb I nation, CHIEFS OF POLICE. Thoae Canada and U.S. in vent ion at New York, Con- New York. May the eighth an nual convention of the International Association of- Chiefs of Police of th' United Htates and Canada began In this to-day.

A. H. Leslls, Chief of th Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, force, and President- of tha A aaoc la re-aided. Inapectop Cross, of this city, delivered an address of welcome.

Applications for membership were then handed In and referred to the committee Tor decision, aiier. which th mas ting atoroed. AMATKUR ACTOR 1 i Presentsd a Comedy In John' Hall Last nignu entertaining little comedy entitled 'The Two Koseo" waa given laat night In HU John's hall by the Young People's AssoctaUon. The actor, did very good work for ama and their effort, were thorough ly appreciated by tha auaieace. la-t caste waa aa totiows: Hlmon Teekey.

a country gentleman, Hr. Peacock. Egbert Melville, a young artist, Mr. K. OmndV Dennla Fiunlxan.

an Irish servant. Mr. J. Parr. Kate.

Mr. Teekey'a grand-daughter. Miss K. Thompson. fiora, a nouaemaio, msa Kj.

urano. The play waa preceded by a pro gramme of music and recitations. Mr. A. J.

Beal contributed violin and cornet soloe, Mlsa Mary Wall and Mlsa Muriel Arooiq reciteq. ana mere were eungo by. Mr. P. Watford.

Mlsa Minnie Haldane. Rev. J. K. Oorman, Mr.

B. B. O. Francis and Mlas Kthel Oration. (Special to Th Journal.) Arlmor.

Mav It. The town council held an Important meeting on Monday nigoi, me sun inai raaaing tne wvy for taxea had been poatponed fur nav oral weeka In order to arriva at an understanding with the Mull Electric Hallway aa to lighting the atreeta. Tha mayor reported that ha had aent a let tr to tha railway company asking them to meet tha council at an early data, ao aa to aeUla all matter between tha two. IV read a reply to th council atatlna that tha company ln- tenaaa to ao wnat wa right and raiy out a mealing could not be appointed until two weeka mora had elapeed. One of tha council obeerved that prob- atfy is two weeka time tba iectno railway would ba In different hand a.

Mayor Rain both remarked that If tha franchlae ahould be taken over, tha oh-Ugatlona to th tuwa would be taken also. Th town clerk waa lnatructed to aire thirty days" notlc to all who war In arrcara of tax, and If they war not paid within that time th caaea war to put Into the handa of a lawyer, Tba council will hold, an other meeting immediately after th interview with th xecutlv of th tec trio railway. FIFTY DOLLARS EACH Will Given Fir Chief and Deputia to Visit th Pan-Am. Chief FroTOat and Tputy Chief Stanford and U. timer, all of tba flr brigade, will get a trip to tha Kin-American.

Laat evening at th meet ing th fire and light committee His Worahlp tha Mayor auggeated that aa Buffalo had a very fln fir fighting yatem a trip to Buffalo might be edu cational to Ottawa cniera. lie, cordtngly auggeated that th commit tee vot a sum ot money sufficient to nar th cxnensa ox the omclal to Buffalo for a week. Ha said It would be well spent money, aa he thought many pointers could be gained. Tha committee agreed to th mayor' ug- geatlon and voted $160 to pay cxpenaea. Each chief will be allowed a week to go to Buffalo.

They will go alter nately, so aa not to interfere wiia in efficiency of th nre brigade. a Susy season. Superintendent af. Donaldaon, of tha Canada Atlantic Railway, apeaklng to a Journal reporter, aald that In all hi experience he bad never known aa brink a aeaeon aa the present, for thla time of year. Every section of th railway service Is kept busy.

OALICIANS AND DOUKHOBORS. Dr. Raid of Montreal Trill lecture to night In Bank street church ball on th Galiclana and Douknooors. Tne lec ture will be Illustrated with one hundred atereoDtlcon views. Dr.

Retd ha spent a year amongst the two peo ple. MINTO BRIDGE ALMOST FIN ISHED. Th Improvement Commission's steam roller Is now working- on the approaches to Mlnto Bridge, andthey will be finished in a few days. Ther la considerable road work to do how ever through a heavy stretch of sand on the lslahd between th two bridges. WILL SPY OUT THE LAND.

It la likely that a number of th Ottawa Veterans of 'C6-70 will tak a trip till' aummer tnroagn -ine bcviiuu of land In New Ontario which is being given out in grants. Messrs. John HuckelL W. Borthwlck and Jas. Hlckey are among those who ar talking of making tba.

WOULD, WELCOME WARM WEA TrltK. Warden Bradley, who was In town yesterday, states that th cropa are tn snlendld condition and so far as could see there has been little damsge done ao far to tow lands. There had been fully enough rain however and fanners do not want any more. Warm weather what required now now- yr, as th ground la vary cold. MAY COST MORE THAN WAS EX- PtVTfcD, There will likely be a meeting of th Road and Bridge Committee of th County Council in a few days to con sider th building of a bridge near Utarov.

in Councillor Mohr's const tuency. Tha site was visited In th winter and a rock oottom was guar anteed. It la now found that on on aide of the bridge there Is practically no bottom, and as the bridge may cost aa much as $2,000 more than waa at first thought, the question of th onage win nave -to do reconaiaereo. PREPARING FOR The approaching' examinations ar absorbing all th attention of th Pub lie achools lust now. and' th pupili are all busy reviewing their work, riMrlv -ell.

bavin already been over the ground once. -The examlnattona will begin on June Zist, and all tha classes will writ on them except those helow th junior third. Th pupils of th lower olaasea are promoted on their record for. the term. The measlea epidemic has made ita appearance In the camoriage mreet srnoot, ana large number of th pupils ar ill with th disease.

FRUIT EXCHANGE Owing to heavy receipts of fruit reguiany, ine rruii cacnanae. ia ennv pel led to hold daily sales from this for ward, and. two sales 'on Mondays, Wed- needaya and Frldaya Yesterday's price ruled as follows Pine, fancy Kinrldas. 16 to 1 cents Choice, IS to 13 cents; Cuban pine. extra.

I cents; single 18 cents: No, twos. I centa; brrento oranges, two hundreds, to 11.71: three hund reds. lemons, 00'a, $1.15 and Borrentos, $1.50 to berries, 11 to IS cents; bananas, eight hands. to nrst, to si.tb. This morning double extra plnea rrom i to ia cents; extra, 12 to 13 cents; ra.

iwoa, io to io 1-3 centa Thla afternoon at two o'clock tha Ex change will sell four cars oranges and lemons togetner with a large quantity OK pinaa) mu, OUST XJU1U AYLflER. I UMBER AREA --IS UNCHANGED ALD. HOPEWELL'S UECOr ilEJEUTEU, Fin mad Lighs Oommltta wfll vA BeoomnMnd Interfaranca with Pre sent Arrangexnenta. Firemen'. OloUiing XtBdexa.t Th.

flr. and llcht committee last iabt did not adont the renort of Aid. liupewell with regard to the readjust, meat at the lumber piling area. Ala. Hopew.ll, It will be remembered, recommended several changes, whkh would exclude lumber ulllna In that portion ot the city bounded on the east by Duke street, on the north by Oregon street, and on th.

west by a line feet west of First avenue, and os the south by Somerset Wrest. This amendment to tha fire Piling: area would Mr. J. H. Boom more than any other manufacturer nd In the opinion or the oommlttee It was not fair to Jdr.

Booth to aatt him to readjust his piling ground so soon when it had been changed only aig months ago. They voted Aid. Hope wells report flown by nve to two. Petitions from residents of De.hou.le and Victoria ward, against the lumber pile, were presented. 't The contract for supplying firemen' olothlng, non-union made, waa award, ed to T.

Lindsay and Co. Those who attended th. meeting -were Aid. Masson, Poulln, K. J.

David. aon. Hopewell, Vincent, Dearlng Urant, Hastey. Clothing Contract. Notwithstanding the fact that nnlon-made clothing tender, for nre- men, clothing were thrown out aom.

time ago because ot the price being too high and the tender, too few, only two. new tenders were received ny tne nre and light committee last evening. They were from Lindsay and for MM. and tha Peerless Tailoring Co, per 1L lirouse, at 1.7. A l.l.

1L J. Davidson, when th. sample, were shown, said the goods of the lowest tenderer were not according to eatnple. Aid. Dearlng expressed th.

opinion that only one Arm could get the cloth aa per sample, but he thought that-tha lowest under should be accepted. Highest Tender Acoepted. AM Tk.vld.on and Grant mnved that the tender of T. Undaay and Co. be accented.

Aid. Dearlng moved, but did not get a seconder, that th. lowest K. Th. former mouon cameo jus Dearlng dissenting.

Lights Out. Runrtnt.nd.nt -Oeo: Fr- reported that on the night of May 17 lMmn. had hMn out all night. The cause he had ascertained waa due to a break In the bulk-bead at the power channel. Flr.

Area. When Aid. Hooewell brought In hi. report recommending certain change. in tne lumDer piling area.

hat It be received ana recommenu.u to council. Aid. Oranr'sald It should ot printed and sent to the.memoers 01 me cuu- Aid. Poulln tnougnt tn oeiury MmmiitM oftntrtdered the matter de finitely they should have a map before them. He aia not, agree wi a 11 that hi.

Idea tn have a nrescrlbed area la LI.L ul. lMmhF COnld b. Dlled. a in. Poulln araueo tnai ur if ahoiild be such as to th.

manufactur.r irom -turbanc. for a number of years, as man would venture to open any business It he. did not know how soon hs would have' to make a change. 1M Honewell aald Mr. noovn waa tn '(ha business for hi.

health. These email portion, of lumoer wmcu his report proposed to remove woum not affect Mr. Bootn to any en. r.t nv.r twice the amount In any on. dav.

It It was attackln Mr. Booth', large yard it would tie a dlf- tan.1 matter. am Poulln uld Mr. Bootn waa reaoy mak certain concession, in toe "matter provided h. knew that it wouia ha for a number of Tears.

Aid. Hopewell aald the lumoer waa Inlnrlna the sale of the property which aurrounda it. H. further stated that KadH ttgfWen-ToP tn. inier- f.reno.

of the Canadian Paclflo Kali. way, Mr. Booth would have moved th. lumber piled along th. Richmond road -from Broad to the round house.

Mr. Hopewell explained that tn. P. R. sad urged th.

moving of th. lumber and thla hel ltdMr. Booth to refuse to act. I Aid. Poulln argued tnat wntie had been a large petition from Dalhousle ward, asking to hav.

th. lumber removed, he would venture to asy that a much larger petition could be gotten up to allow matter, to remain as ther were. Consider AU. Concerned. mayor aald Aid.

Hopewell's Idea, were going too far. It was necessary, while dealing properly with th. rata payers, that Mr. Booth's larg. be considered at well.

It waa not fair. In view ot th. fact that alteration, bad -been made a few month, ago, to mad- 1 die with the matter again. Mr. Booth Will Leave.

Aid. Poulln aald he knew for a fast the Booth firm Intended to move away from the pity to a place where they knew they would be secure for a number ot years, without being dlsturbea. He suggested that a sub-committee be formed to eettle tha matter one. and for all. Aid.

Hopewell argued that it waa not fair to compel a man to put np ar4irlck and Improv. pronertr. while Mr. Booth waa allowed to pll- up lumber on in, opposite of tha treat. Aid.

R. J. Davidson moved, bat got no seconder, that the report of Aid. Hopewell be not accepted, but thai the committee recommend the removal of lumber piled in that portion of th. city from Preston street on th.

east. Wellington street, on the north, Som-erset street on the south, and th. weat-erly boundary of the city limit, on th west. Aid. Rearing and Vincent moved that the petition of the residents of Dal.

-homrie and Victoria ward be not granted. This carried on thla division! Teas -Xld, Inoent, Hastey, De axing, Orant Poulln. Teas Aid. Hopewell and" MAN1 AND W1FB IX DISTREaa. Tte.

Dr. lochror, of Buffalo, "My wife and I wer. both trouble! with dlKtmslng Catarrh, but we hive enjoyed freedom from this saitravattao malady el nr. th. day w.

first used Dr. Aenew's Catarrnal Powder. Its au, tlon was ln.tsnttsneous, giving the most graternl relief within tea (alaau alter first applicallon.a 1.

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