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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

l-tl ine at BLYTH'S oa.oa, titttu Most Opportune is this LACE CURTAIN 1 Opportunity Just cvs it's creeping unto Housecleaning Time CLEARED them out at BIG SACRIFICE, i to the manufacturer. You save just 53-5 p.C. "on-every fait you lEmyTttePe 'the regular value -t- the sale prices R.Kular $3.00 for $2.00 Regular $3.75 for $2.50 Regular $4.50 for $3.00 54 in. to 60 In. wide Full 3 1-2 yds.

long From the daintiest patterns up to the targe scrolj effects, maHe up in the popular and hi jh-cUss Nottingham Lace There vre )ust 450 ptvlrs. I I 1 At the above prices they will soon be adding: grace and charm to your windows. See them on 2nd floor Still They Come Another Big Consignment of Boys and Youths Clothing Aiyed on. Saturday Better' 'values- never orTeredT oefore in Ottawa! "V-r up-to-date styles never shown before. r-rr vmjt uu uiiu.icii viu iiwimny-: turers accounts for-the prevailing low prices.

RIGHT STYLE OUAI-ITY PRICE Visit Our BIGHT Big Clothing Store On 3rd Floor For the Newest tvnd Best In Bpiys 2 cxni 5-ptecuf(sT oys Stvilor Suits, Brownie Suits Boys Double-breasted Suits. Boys Spring Reefers, Boys Sprintf Boys Novelty Suits. Boys' Wash Suits, stc. GEO. B.

BLYTH SONS 194, Stand 19 a 195 Qusert St HEttbllihed 1853 PUftne 1208. THE OTTAWA- EVENING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRM 33 1901. McCTAlRTNEY At Billing BrMir.v ounday, April lth, IMI, tho wife of MARRIED ST si- Ob We-I nesdsy, April lOtti, by lh Rev. J. Bnowdon.

J. R. Stanley tor Bsrah Je Sunatrum. lloto of Ottawa. I WHYTB-Oslettl Wh'yt.

youngest I son af Mr. ana a. Vihyt, of I this city, at his rsaldsnce, at tUI- tU. Tburadsy, ApiU 11th, egad I year. Funeral on Saturday.

April lllh, at I one p.m. 8. ROGERS A SON pO, Uadajruktri gd Sabalahm, imin iTivtr SEASONABLE HA HO Kg. personal attention. Opa Bignt, aao o.

Tlphon 94. a. MATNARD RtXIERB. Masoger. GEO.

H. ROGERS, fuiral Director ami SaWUMr, Ctr. lank asi Mater S's-. MODERATE PRICKS. Forsoaal st-tsntlon.

Opsa day aad stghu BfeOIW MM. FlalALS H1X WANTKB WANTED "A OIRL uare nhltdi'en la Apply alt Combe-land Su -i' TO TAKE afternoon. IVAMTWO MAID rOR UOHT general housework; muat be good cook, -with best at rafsrenoes. Apply mornings or evenings, Mrs. Dougiae A.

Caanarao. Prlsnroea WANTED A OBNERAL SKR-' vaat for small (aiuilyj no waea-tag. Apply it Canosssloa tk. n'ANTKn YOUNO OIRL TO mind a -why dorms le I ply I Maria sc. HOUSEHOLD WORKER' Association A BMetlnc of mmbr held In Vletorta kail.

Arberl 'ANTED A UBNKHAL 8Klt- vont. Apply 1 Metcnlf 8t. A OOTID OBNXRAL, BUR ANT. 'a Apply at one to 121 Daly A. or lit Uparfca au W'AKTWO AN EXPJiWIKNCEO houaemald.

Appiy Berwick 1111, nt Maria St. Iwl York at. WANTED KNERAL SERVANT wb. eaa cook, (or ant of May; fcl-bet wa paid. Apply Tkeodara St.

ADIBS WANTINO oall at 11 Bank promptly Sited. VVAntsu aooo at auca. Apply Rrraci requtreu. elfalaVANTS. au -Ordata LAUNDRESS too Bldeau SU WANTED OBNERAL SERVANT; referea' reuuh-ed.

Apply St Cllrt Ara. WANTED at no: OOOD PLAIN COOK aeod was. ABM Helet, eoraor Nkbola. and Daly St. VANTEQ A GENERAL, SKR.

vaat; Pood wasea. K. itld A Htntonburc. WANTBD AT ONCB A OEN-ral r. for.

small famllv. with Ave. reference. Apply WANTED AT ONCB AN JCX-nHatoifl fml rfi.k... room airla.

chamber Biald and laan- dreee. Apply between of IS and I p.m. and 7 ana, at Albert St. WANTED A nl- iiAMM' Rank- af Montreal. ANTED A COOK AND HOUSE- ild.

Apply SH Btewart SU KAXX HXLP WANTSD 'ANTED. MAN WHO CAN (urnlah roller, to roll a Mvwa. Apply 441 UUmour Sfc- i ANTED- A- MAIN WHO L-N- dentaBda cart af horaea: atoaJy employment. A. B.

Journal Ut IU. -VoJ. llAINTBRB WANTSCD APPLY A w. Bone. Richmond Koad, Ulnton- burg.

ANTBD IIUKINllIK BOYD. WA Ottawa Aaeacy A Menaenaer Cu- I upera at. ANTBD-i- MILK OK1VKK; round BUB nrofarred. Apply at C. Neleoa'a, C'ummlnc' Brl.

smrAiiokTs tacajtt. VY'ANTKD SMART. OIRL. tea cream parlor. Apply at sparka at.

WA FOll 1 'ANTED MAN AND MIS WIFE. man without family preferred, to work on firm mllea from Mawthorna, O. Major, Hawthorne. ANTED DRCSSMAKBR AT WA Apply Alexander Mao- Laran, WakeSeld. Qu YY ANTED BUTB AND U1KLB I JfTT boro at IT Metoalf.

SU and (t blotUnf paper and V1TANTBD OOOD CANVASSERS for monthly miln; "liberal commlMloa or taiary to axparteaaed persona; achool teacher, would Ibl. Tory prontabM employment during lelrure time, Addraaa P. O. Box 1UM Otuw. XKPtOTKKJTT W.

bJUVO. 'ANTED POWTION; AS houeematd 'or general servant in II family. M. journal. ANTED FAMILY WASHINO-TO Apply SB awwart'BU amiATioBa wastxio BITUATION WANTED AB MIL- year an com.

at one. or first of May. is, Journal. VlAHT7'0 POSITION OP TRITSTl by men In mln. man- armaat.

also Inirmer, bookkeeplns or onic wont or nnr Bind. AOoi box ii, inmn wrnoa. RATES Notice of Birth, Marrlaana" aa4 Deaths (Including' funeral BoUeo) If rfielre.l, ara laaartad at aaala Bar insertion. Lodge funeral notices and notice a meeting 1 ee per 1 neon ton. CLASSIFIED ADVTa One cent Pir losstUon All fondeaaod clsa-stttd aTrtiaBteato wilt be taaana "at aaa co per ward.

Bar Insertion. Koohars-s for any adrt of ka than leaned Bat par faucrtloa. CAJirCiBCOUMT. BlATC TwentT-flv. per out.

will be iw aadaoted from -Iko abore charge. If cosh aoooaapeniee Ue advl. AOUTT WAlTiXS. itriMTtD tOOOO AOBNT t( awy for tb rlaht aaea. For parUcuUre apply: MJ au XXBSOVAX Uf lliTUITH I a u.v a ltoe hen au k.nHiir mmaioaleata 1U1 Ml.

wa.p 1 with Robert J. Arthur. Mlonel. LOST LOST ON WBIAJNOTON, or Frank a Brown lenther puree, eontalnlnc a nwoy. Kinder pieaeo return to tkla ogloe.

KOOIM TO rpo LBT FRONT BKDHUOH A autlaa-rooal. Apply Al bert BU 'PO LrT IJf FRIVATB HOUSB ON A Cooper at. One or two arlcht. comfortably ruraienea re erne; 'w- enoeo required. Addreu Oy Jour nnl Office.

Hi. turdy. litll lnl-, at eununer; boaid I Working hhi Intending lo join a' Journal Office. boat a In riled. A.

crinry. WANTItU IMUBDIATIiLT AN rprin.di boueraiaid: rfr- encea required. Apyly, IS Cooper at. WANTBD A OOOD, 8TRONO Irl. Aooly Mra.

Ounderdal. WAJfTEO A tADT''WHO furultur for laic aouaa do- alrea to takooo In lovallly aaree- abl to to or three aeuuonien: ir pref erred, would remove to aaburba Ta- TO I.ET FURNISHER BEI- a rooma, all modern convenienor. Apply r. A. Journal OlUca.

rnO LET THREE WELL. FIRN lehd hhu: nllA onlv. Ap ply wepeaa at. BOrSKS TO UT "EV, MODERN BRICK HOUajC, xl oppoelt. Judc MacTavlah'a, Prank fifteen rooiu, for sal.

or to let Apply -T. J. mauLaucnun, xpri-meat Pablt. Works. fPO LCT BRICK.

VKNKbatKU asua in new vainiB iouirHi llsbt. all coaveniaacei, 1 near. Apply. Joan 1 McKay rH. rpo LBT A NICK, IMITACHBD A coital.

James modern Improvement. Apply 41 Somerset treeL XTOU8E TO LET ON KLM AVE, "tot mlnutss' walk from swlns brldga. Bank SU Apply E. rlr-balrn, 1U Bank St rpO RENT THE RESIDENCE OP i A th late Res. i.

c. Campbell, cn th Meiival. road, with modern conveniences, 1-4 acres of land, good out. building, house contains' about" tea room, rent I14.4 per moaih If taken by tho year. Apply to J.

T. rpo LET COMFORTABLE dwstlln. tt Cobourw Bt- between nidoan and Clarence, hall, parlor, din. liTg-nsom, kitchen, sum mar kltehan, bedrooms, bath. closet lights, rant tlA Apply 4.1 Clarenc SL rpo LET NO.

4 CLIFF ST, LA ROB a house, decrlrabl. locality, awdarat. rent. C. A.

Dou-iso A O. HOTXSSS WASTTX-O WANTBD FURNISHED HOUSE. all modern aa. enrj-aiit- locatsd.

Address Vsi Journal Offlu. MOUSES FOB. a ALE SW BRICK HOUflfc 1 ROOMS. 4ot 41 iml modaru lnaara-.

OS Jameo St "W.EAT, BW COTTAO NOW -JN A coarse erecfioa, tot KM.W ash. oalsnc suit purchsaer; posse lat May. Apply ui Hieaoy at. TkBTACHED HOUSE ON A chmor, half Int. fm; hargaln, O.

Hfwiu aparka SU TIOUBE AND AAaala Modem sals Modern MUT- H. and tt.m PER MONTH BOFB H. O. Hewrt St Sparks. (SOLID JWUUK trTJBMl-(DerrA( HKI house, la good rspolr, la Central Ward.

144 monthly rsntaL If sold poforo May. Ksi. Osmer laavlag city. Adorrsr ventr, oournai. TfTOUSB ANDLOT FOR -AA aheap far wo inul- 71 aTenxie.

Third TTOUrtBi FOR SALJS IN OTTAWA Aa Baat roams, sumraar kitchen, bathroons. hot and asld water, light, furnaca, mluntsa'- from slsotrto ears, as mwch- lanA as pur- chaser'reaulres. price low, terms easy. Apply is William Bt, uttsw Kast. or 7S lUdcsu St, city.1 W.

A. o. Loos. LOT FOll Improvement. No.

Mt Oladston. Ave. Apply on the prom to Mr MCUUI, BOTjaSt FOR a AXE OR TO LET AKT1CI.K TO Al a. imbed in nuT Maae la pfffeel order. cuTiric WUllame.

1 rt -eMI'l) mad aee a. wa "filfTwtt. vaiuea ever onj lif nana pOR SAW A GOOD bono for aolly Apply O'Connor au, UrSAD 8QCARB FIAWA Oi- order, for tr.M. at Kara. STODDART SqUARX PIANO ONLY lie, aaa p.

Kara J. UT Spark a Bura exobuacnt oroaj at Kara'a 11 avarka at. PRIOHT BUC50NO-HAND MASON It keck piano, eplenalld order, nan prion. JCarn'a, WT aparka at. A Ora AALB AT KXHltflTlK.N Orounda.

a lot of oeeoad-aand tin- war, waab tuba, etova pip, empty caaka, eto. ICnauIra Oarauker'a rnl- aenca, oa me rounoa. TOR BAIX MAaOBT-HARRI A khMl Urfvf Itttl xtmA An. ply Lisr at. SALB PIANO-BOX BUO- ay, anly ma short time, or will eachamre for iaraar aumneas ausrey.

Apply H. Oorvaa, oomr calhanaa ana Lya Bta, SAUI OF BEDROOM FURNITURE. mattrsaene, biajuota, parlor Sara-Itura, carpsts, sa ranee, ate, oa BatuTday, April SHh. at 44 Bank SU AT, ataodoitald. NB U.P.

BO ILK NSW, AND a complete -ootllt for choas. factory. Including reoulatta. par-tlcular. atTlia Aldray Dairy Co, Wlll jtOe, St i WOOD FOR THB TMOU8ANDS irry aarawsod cut 11 lacbea Pr loao; dry aab nnd elm also.

CUt 11 teoavaa. a mmr load- rr hemlock alaba. cut lacbea, S1A0 par om; pin. amount, oat incbaa, per wad; soft amplo oardwood M.71 par cord; sawn Mo oxtra. Prompt sll-.

vory. Joba Honey Sob, Sparks raoM pOR BALB FIVE FLUE BOIL srs. four foot six laches dlmtr, by twenty-! fet loo-. Law Bros, Co. PORTLAND CEMENT.

UMB. brickv Sr. krkk. Sr. clsy, drain pip tlla, plaatar.

seortar. colors, hair, bulldlos atoaa, Wrltut A Oa, Hull. Phon. 44 A City pnon 417. POR BALE AT TUB JOURNAL, OF-Bca Old aawspapsia, cleaa aad aultabl.

for wrappina. on cent, por pound. la buadlos of twaaty-Svo poand. BATHER AND SASH CHEAP for cash tor -i month whora there la not any account In. book, god no discount antra for delivering R.

Woodland, Beassrvr SU WTONB FOR SALB BUILDERS' rubble, spalls and Conor stone. Apply T. Sidney Klrby it Co, Bridg., or 111 Uux tru 11RBVIER -COLlMW RUI.ES FOR -ssls- (Sooond hand): lo aoaatlty ta ult Borehasor. Apply lo th.

Jour. Bl Business Offlc POR SALE-ONE STEAM OENKR-otnr Igaal. On metal pot ((capacity SCO pounds.) On. star. Imp-wing labia, feet Inchee by feet.

Ono Iran Impootag ubta, 4 hy Inch: sultahl. for oandy makers. Apply to oai-BMu asnrsai omco. arosio AflHS E. MARIE ELUOT PIANO.

harmony, eountorpolai and Flat-cher roeUiod. Studio, -r Absrdosa ChambOTs, ta Sparks SU AttSS ELIZABETH t. MeOUAT u. pupn ot ami. Menrwtia at, of Nw Tork; Italian sBMhoA of voles production and alaglag.

1S- Motoalf. stroeu OAJLDS, TV BUOKNECHBVR1ER PRAC- tlcal tarred fait and gravel roofer; estimates furnished; references. Victoria and Britannia HulL TUITION VBmrt school modern Mthods-14 to ill l- Bank St. Whit Phonography i a month; Pitman's 14; th. Oregg or other slow system H.

SBIoftl 1J, CORDON BTEWART ISSUER of manisg. licenses, oor-aor of Kl-glo and Queen street. After six p.m, at rssldenca, ft James 8u Tt. TIELDINO-ISSITKR OF llcanse. -l; Slstar streat, Ottawa.

UB IHWUUU. 4tt Architect, and appiaIsers7M C'eftt-rnl Chambors. Patents -Obtalmd. Pbono 130. W.

H. WATTS R.C.A, AROHf. trt. rv.arL.-a aAlaOaftn, TO LET AT WEaT-lChainiaeja. ounoalla Russell Hooaa.

Brick house, containing s- rooms, kitchen and woodshed, near Kleotrlr track. Apply James Msgee, Wetbortx IX)R SALB OR TO LET FURN-Ished or nnfnrnlshed, tit Sonwr-set. Apply 1-1 Bank. OFFICE', SBOPS, STORES, FLATS (iFriCH TO LET NICE, BRIGHT offlc oti around Soar, Apply tt Sparks 8U- T)T MAT 1ST LA ROB, MODERN shop, good. altntlo-t1ll Hank au Apply 447 Ollmour SL 3 ALfc-SHOP-TO LET AT -CALiC donla Spring.

Good bosineos fo bs dsoa la candles and notions. Apply to. Orand Hot! Omes, Carlatoa Cbamb.fs.otUwa. ARTICLES WAETED ANTED A MATCB-RD TEAM of horses: must be good drivms and sound: will Siva a rot-clam new upright piano exchang. Williams.

14 Bank SU 'ANTED OAS CHANDKLlKflrl tot parlor nnd dlnlner-room. Ap ply a rsaaiiar. youiuai. ESTATE tTALF LOT ON FLORENCB" ST.j -iMt Mant anl. 7 u'ooper bl fOK SALE LOT No.

BIX. NORTH A McLomI Bt. (west of Metcalfe 8t. Ottawa; Ml foot, Price 11. OM caan.

-J t. uorman, 74 sparks SU BUSINESS OH AHCXt VOn. SAUC A GOOD PAY1N3 business, profits hundred 'per easy ias per montn. clear: rrreat lehsnca to expand boatnena: muat sell at once, Aoarexa -tiood Bvar" Journal u-nca, LX)R SALB GROCERY STORE -a- dolns sood'eseh buslnoRS: tiss chsnged hand Iw-lc in 1. years; as! opposition.

Address M. Journal! Office. WANTBD ACTIVE PARTNKR to extend (stabllehed bastnesa with SIX to otsbt hundred: swsd peo-flis and cash paying; this Is a chan-o of a Hfotlms for yonng man with gnod city conneotloB. Uorrwoed-with Vaatt Business, J-Hirnal-VSM. Thert.

a PrtIatttt.nne8tIoiia Why you buyia Furace When do you buy a Furnace Where do you buy a Furnace Hov do you buy a Furnace WHT? This to Ofurily answered. To boat a or whatever It snay bo; aad at a doalor, to sat a Mlrabis aaa tor his trade, WHKNT vNvr unui you nQ oo. WHEREf Havo yon oonsldrd In Is ss seriously as you should It Is poor ocanomy to buy a fuinao out of sympathy from a dealer to help him along, Tho doalar may do you a arjt-claas job, but b-rfor buying, satisfy yourself that be will Oo alow. Do But tot th. prlco always govsrm you.

Know your rnan. Is this era of choap price, do not rly altogvlhar on the Brat esau for two Soslar. Bains th asm. furnaca. do a vr dtrat Uaa of rrv-Kyrtantoal work, aad w.

hollavo you want tha boat, bay. sota many good rur-iac thrown out and ooaaemrvau on aocouht of poor work la th. -putting vs. whoa lh fan-ana was sot at faulu HOW do you buyt think tt will pay yon to study op oa th subject, sad buy Intoiligoatly. Do not si sand off and look at a furnaca cassd up with Jaekst around lu and than ask for tho lowest prion oa that roraar-a.

s. mim aiaj. aa 11 wtmm any, It has say. points, ano us. your own that th NATIONAL win 1 a Insist oa being shows Its superior Judswwht; a you are to bo th.

asar. W. your eh otoe, rf pot to the teat. All that ws- I ask that -you keep tho NATIONAL ta mind whsa tho tour NATIONAL ta mind whsa tho tour auef-Uooa a-r-s arw so v. asaywrn-vo oy you.

a erd by you. Tie Ottawa Fnrnace Foundry Co Limited ANtTFACTtmiCRA FURNACES. RANORS. STOVES, IRON FOUNDERS, EOT, CATHERINE ST, LION TO BAT STS. rnfAJt oial.

nNIT TO LEND ON CITY OR farm property, at lowest rate, or intorosu usmmiu may, namaiaia, Carlataa Chaasbs-a, .4 Sparks SU, Ottawa. If ONE TO LOAN AT LOWEST ourront rata of- utatreot. Apply to R. W. Mkaanoo, BoUcltor.

Room tx, Catrai Chaaiaois. Algls BtrosL VfONEY TO LOAN STRAIGHT loans ar -tayablo br ustslraaaU; raal security. U. O. Idawll, VfONEY TO LEND IN LARUB OR small sums aa real sstau ssoorlty; lowest ratss of lal'aLs stace'raaan.

HeMersoa A MsbougaL 11 Caotral Chamis, Elgin St, Ottawa. ONEY TO LEN ROE OR -u am It mount, oa larms to suit borrowsr, repayable la monthly Instal ment a or otharwiss. Kogara Lr asonih, 41 Elgin SU llfONET TO LOAN AT LOW BUT -u ourraat rates of tatarost, so country and city property aad an terms to suit borrower. Blehop A Smith, BnrrUUrs and Soaoitora, Rooms 11 sad 14.yrut BuiMlag, 41 Spark ML fONET TO LOAN ON REAL a tat. Lowest ratss of IhUiasU Msrtgag aad debsaturos purchaaad.

R. A. Bradley, Barrlslar. Room 11. Central Chambors, ClgU Sl Ottawa.

MONEY TO LOAN A OAROB aiBOaaat a arival. eataiSa ta. van upwards, i O'Connor, sparks SU R. BRADBURY: STOCK AND BOND -BWOKBRT Offers subject to previous ssle: Ottawa rHreeVRellway stock. Ottawa Elortrla Light stork.

Ottawa Car Company stock. Ottawa Dairy Convpany stock. Ottawa Pt-odoc. Cornpony stock. Mnemi: To tnudlordsr TH0T1S96 Base Balls 5,10,15, 25, 50 CENTS Wind bails to, Se, tag, r-Colored balls tc, 10c, lie.

JSC and Me. Sponge balls tc ic, to, JOo. Olrta' bats tc; boys' toe snd 13c. JARVIS BANK BTRBF.T. STATIONER.

Ottawa Toy otOT. Peck's Bod Boy wilt cure th Muss. Kilt The Nawsrfsafsf 7 Two sterenr 9i BANnt ST. I LITTLE arssEX bt. Every pHblloatlon oa sarth.

REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE If yeo have say houses becoming vacant It will to your Intereot to let a have a description of It for wo eaa get yon a good tenant In a short time. If we do Bot rent your bout- then Is charge. It yon ha any are Intmrsoes policy expiring let give Y0 a rata befor. yoa rtn-xw. Our rat.

Is low with das tost Mcurlty. ai. TAEGER tft CO -v ft QOBTffrt STREET. J. Carlinj Kelly Co Cealral Ckambsrs.

CoatpaaT Prpawtsrs. FiiAacisi Art Engltsh loans aagollafd. Btochs sad Bonds sought and sold. lot sbans ot Ottawa Dairy Co. preferred stock or havo Bias lot eonuaun.

at MS per aharo. Ms) sharaa Ottawa Produoo at Houses to Let r- Albart Mstealf. HI BlaUr Llsgsr WllbroS street. Daly avonu t-'t. Nlchaias Nelson D.

Porter lasurxnca, Raal Esut. sad House. A genu IS SPARKS STREET. FOR tsALB AT -A BAtQAIaT Frsm dtaclw4 cottag oik lot -It, situated and being house No. Ml.

north side Oladstono avenu. a few doors went of Bank straot: house con-, tains balls, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, soxomsr kitchen, 4 bedrooms with' transom -rentllntors and olstnos cmssta, electric Sxtarss, ale laws sad shado treea. verandah full front of "'SIS SOCUrlly IB largo OT, larwa-waaadahad. alono collar and mmm i par osnU Apply to Hogg tt 1-1 ONE TTO LEND ON REAL -T-stata, larg. ar small smonnu at lowaaa ralaa l.t.M-i mA- vsatsgo to borrowwr.

U. A. Par. aval, aoucitor. sur, tmtario -bb.

Dera, utlBwa. "fONBY TO LEND ON smalt amount a lowost REAL laterssu McLaurla Millar, -B rUura. Solicitors, 11 Blgls SU of XI ONE TO LEND ON CITY OR country proporty. on terms to suit, borrowers. Nallls.

Monk A Mubaaoo. Rarrlstars, sto, U. Metoalf strssL TttONEY TO LEND IN LABOR OR M- smaU sums, at wwost ratss of In-tarest en country city property. Code A Burrltu Barristers and Solicitors, Car I too Cham pars, 14 Sparks StrssL MONEY TO LOAN INTEREST. I-t par obU Loans oa Srst snort, erases on ral estate, la smount from liut to 1U.SU.

aaslroA Irltsrsat will bo caarged at the rata of 4 1.1 par osat up to par esat, according to am not af loan and awcurity offered. Irarklna. Frassr A Biirbidgo, 44 Sparka Strt, sJoUettars. MONEY TO LOAN toMS PRI-rate funds to lead on real estate. Lowest rata of mtrt- Frtpp A Smith.

(1 CarWtoa Chamber, Ottawa. OTHER WAIT ADS ON AGE 9 Price If sold Tbsfora 1st Mar. tl.PM.M. For full particulars apply ta J. V.

CALDWELL TT BANK PhsBO UTi. X9 March 1901 Sales SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS xcooded thoso of uy eao monUi hs the Company hlatory. Consunt taeraass of bnstnon prool of ntrit EDWARDR.A.cNEILL Pasaa 1317 i S5 Umsw t- Agsat atflaJhiTl lT Behind the Tyled poor '-eiowarom Lodge. No, Order of- United held III awamiap la at nisht. Thar.

iweio two protpoalttons for momnoishlp. A groat deal ot t-ssrst-waa apiaiw at the death of Bro. A. -J. Edgar, Ollmour stroeu aad weolutlots of -condolence was passe a copy at which Was bent to" t-s.

Edgsr. A soiaV, mutes was apoolnted to arrange for the funeraL wluos takes place this afternoon. This committee was com' posed of Pest Master W. Hunt. Master '-Workman W.

P. Daly and Recording Becrotary A eommRtee of ontertalnnxnt com-posed of Past Master Hsrron. Inside Watchman J. H. Williams, sad organ- 1st J.

Jsckson, was asm appointed. Tha diitlte of.thH..:oTimle will he t. arrang. for a sorirrl tob--sivsa every led re masting night aftr th. regular routine business has been tmna acted.

They will hold omce or en. month, st tho sod of which time they will relieved of their duties by new committee; The revised by-laws, which embody a number of slight was read for the first time and laid on th table. fhsy wUI be tsken asp for tho second reading en th. next meeting night. nH.irii.tiisT si Mil bLbsI IB Political and epartmentA -'CYINISIIS EXPLANATION.

aaauth lh. elalm aaaat la -ehs Cornrnons tost nigttt that census rnnmrrators in- nw war leaving fbtana at huuea to so filed out-Instead of Siting oat the forms thrmaelvs. It Is pointed oi by A rensus ofnclnls that tbe-snumarater''. have inemx-tlona to personally fill out -th forms, but that census regnla- tion pxmilt af forma being left k.iaMai. atlaara with re tanect to Whom the heed of the family may have no personal probably explain, the charge, though II la barely pooslhls that som of snunvaratora la the country mmf -not carry out IimUBoxIoss obooiutsly.

a COOK SfNQTJIRY. Th Cook n-rrrratta-atlon ccen-nlHae-of the Seaat will meet en Tuesday, April iov BYMPATHY APPTt FJCIATCD r. Mot Iavolnl wish to rotnra' thanks to her friends tsr th sy-tnoathF' end MiiAweas showa her th ec uelaa of th recera death of her hit-' band. She aossree triem ibat has been gret consolation tor the family la thalr ber.vavess.ate -r.

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