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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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BRITISH PATROLS' KERP UP ATTACKS NEAR MESSINES Enemy Have Not Recovered From Staggering Blow They Suffered at Thit Point Wtlttam Philip Sinus. I'nlted Prim StaC CormiMMHlrfll. WITH THB BRITISH ARMIKS iv Tuc iti vt if. In the fc oC vry hvy rlllltryln, but With comparatively llttl mianiry oppaalllon th British today crowing by petrol well to th sst af position In th recently won bat-' tl of Uwlnu Ridge. Sine that battle th Oermsns hav atttmpud only on counter stuck.

Evidence hand, auch as observation of seroplsnea and tMtlmonr of newly-teken prla-nniri, would seem to indlcat th k.u. nni arirantied aftr th elaggsrlng blow General Plumer a oona army nf livered aitalnat them laat Thuraday. Th field turn reported by FlUd Marshal Half a tasan imr-day wer captured by patrol. Th Herman gunner took fright at th drat ln of th British. mh.

anit fled "T'f 1 fearing anothsr British massed at-uck. Brltlih position wer under vlg-orou Oerman shell fir today, but the projectile wer for the moat part from long range gun. Issued a Special Order. Flsld Marshal Halg today Issued a apeclal order of the day, congratulating General Plumer and the army under him for lt eucceea. which he aald waa "an earneat and an event-ual victory -for th all(d csuee." "Th full ffct of th victory cannot yet be estimated.

th British eonimsndor-in-cl'Jef declared. "Hut that It will be great I certain. The lout from a battle of auch magnitude waa cratlfylngly light. "Nothing san ssv th nmy from complete defeat. Brav and tenaclou a th German troops are.

It 1 only a question of how much longer they can endure a repetition of auch blows." Announcement wa mad today that th total number of prltonera taken In the record raid of Inet week by th Canadian wa II. including four officer. CANADIAN OFFICERS HONORED IN NEW YORK By Canadian Press. NEW "YORK, June 11. On hundred Canadians of this city.

Including th officers and many member of th Canadian Society, and, th Caned'- riub, go.v a luncheon yesterday at the Bankers' Club hr to Major Gerald Blrk and Captain W. A. Cameron, who are engaged in th Young Men's Christian Aaao-ciatloa work with th Canadian arm v. In Franc. They are on their rsy back to Franco after a vtett to Canada.

Destorlmag tha aeluuib charge ot Canadian troops -In the taking of Vlmy Ridge. Major Blrk aald that when tha aolfllers took th ridg th Y.M.C.A. had a tent arectd on th creat. and was serving hot drinks to th boys befor the poal-tlon we.r conaolldated. Captain Cameron who la th pastor, of on of th leading rhurcne In Toronto, aald th Y.

M. C. A. wa th moat powerful Influence In developing the light-hearted cheery spirit, which the men call the "Tipper ry spirit." which takes dangers and hardship cheerfully. LIBERAL LEADERS PLEAD FOR HARMONY Th Liberals sr at 111 laboring to aav.

their party from disruption. They ar truggllng to aecur iom-" mon rouna opon-rniclrth-dtvr-gent dements tan come together. Another three hour caucus was held this morning, and at Ita elos It wa announced that a committee bad been atfbolnted to endeavor to formula)o-4-roluUoo-uponwbleh "ther rofildall agree. A third Tn--u will called within a few days when th resolution will bo praenl. ed to thA natty.

Until, than no deft nil poeltlon will be. taken by th. Oppoaition. i 1 Hlr Wilfrid Laurler and hla z- mlnlatere pleaded 'tar' harmony and urged that by all -means th. Liberal parly muat safguarded.

'NEW REGULATIONS DO NOT APPLT-TflrCANADA HaWed 'Prea 'laaatew. WASHINOTONV Th. Oovsrnment' new requirement for passports for all traveller from th. United States, do not apply to Canada, Secretary ot Commerced Radfleld announced today. Tha question wa raised by a Canadian steamship company, which aald many persons had believed they ceuld not travel to Canada, under tha broad language of Rcdneld' paaaport ordera, without pcttlc Oovrnmnt pormlaalon.

FIREMEN CET CHEQUE FROM SIR GEORGE BURN Fir. Chief Graham this morning received ehaou for a substantial sum of depoalted to th erdK of th Klremen a Benevolent Fund, from Sir Ueorgo Burn, whoe rldno on Metcalt at. waa allglu-Jy damagsd by fire a few week ago. Xh eheuu wa aneloaed In a lef er In which th donor xprad hi apprvclstlon of th excellent work of the firemen la xtlngulahlng th bias at hi house. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION IN SESSION wy CasMMlan Pnaa.

WINNIPEQ, Jun U. Th forty-sixth annual general meeting of th Canadian -Mmafamtnrrr Aaaociation opened her tbl morning and will contlira In raalon on Wednesday Thursday. i 'Thls morning th. official reporU. mA fpirfnt, Col.

-Tho. ni cantler o' Nw Olaagow. N.S.. waa to deliver hi aoore-a. provinces branch of th Association held It annual meeting last night.

TRAFFIC OFFENDERS WERE ALL FINED Bicycle Rider Who Pass Standing Cart, Are Receiving Much Needed Attention. The campaign agalmt reckleaa and carele drlvr already ap-near to blaring fruit, although It has ken In, operation for -inly a few day. or the eevsa pron arraigned beror Magistral ah-with thla morning, charged with Infringing on th. traffic by-laws." only on wa for speeding and on for being drunk In- charg ot a cab. Th othr flv wer for passing street car on Sparks at.

on bicycles wall they wer stationary for th purpose of letting off or taking on pAiMenger. rh latter I wry common uffenc. Cyclists apparently do not consider that the by-taw, which ststee thsl sll vehicles must atop six fet to th rer of a street car taking on or letting off passenger, applies to them a well a. to bora and motor traffic Th. v.

who were arraigned thla taornlng for thla Ball. Dudu- Hurray Harold Jon. Billing Bridge, and Herbert Plunkett. Wlllard who Pleaded ulltyaiMl paid fines of and snd Antoln Ayott.

4SS Booth who paid a fin. of Emit. Paquett. waa found SUlUf and wa nteneed to pay or 13 and It or akrv on wk in For pemg or --hla cab. John Davey wa fined r.

Th nniv aneeder In the dock. Tho. J. Nasi, who was caught trsvslllng over IS mil an hour on Bank paid a nn of tit and l. coats, t.

PREDICT EHTEKTE WILL BE FAVORABLY IMPRESSED raited Pa Cakl. STOCKHOLM, June II. Pro lUrtloa that tho Uerenan peace etatrmcnt to 1 laaucd by the) majority Soctallsta will -favorably Impms tho Entente" by reason ot lu liberality, waa asserted today by member of the Bwtcb-Hcamllnavlan com. mlttee who haa been conferring with the Teutons. In view of this hint, the nutch-Krandlnavlan ctammltte Immediately telegrnphed to Pet-rograd urging that the Ruaalaa Workmen'a and Soldiers' Coun- ell send ddegale at once.

1 WANTS TEN DOLLAR HEAD TAX PLACED ON DOGS Halted Pre Peapatcfc. WASH rNGTON. Jun li. A tit had tax on dogs was proposed as a war measure In th interest of sleep. In a-letter received by Oov-ernment official to-day from O.

Harrison, ot York. who doe not bellev In "letting a 10 cant dog rob people of ,1100 worth or (laep a ntgnt won i eara-Ing at a cat." Mean la one of th best asaet wa have." Harrison said. "A man might as wsll break into a neighbor's houss and rob him of IS or tl a night than to allow tnat won than worthl dog rob him ot sleep. This should be a na-tioaaK mattery, state, Uvt fnoi strong; enough." i REGISTRATION IN U.S. WILL TOTAL 9,250,000 TJatted Pre Deenatrb.

WASHINGTON. Jun J5. Total rglatcatlon for selective servic will approxlmstely .150.00, according to revised figure given out today by Provost Marshal General Crowder. Thla number 1 men than below th original census estimate. Revision ot th figures was made when th Provost Marshal General's office released that In ung census figures, officials did not take Into account th fact that about 400,000 men of llglbl.

already have volunteered for service In the resu-lsr army, national guard, navy and marin corps. CIVIL SERVANTS WILL GO TO MINISTER WITH KICK Indignation at the treatment meted out In the Civil- Service Amendment Act to Civil Servants In the Ird Division who entered th ervlce previous- to J0 was sx -pressed br trvr'-lt Irt tb's who mst at th Y.M.C.A. to dlicus th They protested that It waenot fair to exclude promotion. without examination those who were appointed without examination prevloua to th coming into force of tha Act In 1S0I. A etrongly wordad rmlut'on of protest wss draftsd and a committee appointed to wait on Sir Thomas Wh'K In th ntar future.

ANTI-CONSCRIPTIONLSTS 'v WOWCQUimYINHPLL Antl-conscrlptlonlsU In Hull ar quietly waiting for the outcome of th. eonsrlptlon meaaur. now befor. the Commons. It was anticipated that a demonatratlon would be held ehortly, but from what could be learned In Hull today, nothing will don until th reiult of th rot in th Common 1.

known. 8vral antl-conacrlptlonlats In th city declared thst they were making greater headway by working quietly and thai would hereafter be their motto. Conscription wa th main topic on th street corner today and re-eruttlng offletr were quit active, although they received very little encouragement. No figures could obtained on th number of eligible In th city that would be called for military mrvlc. CHANGED.

DATE. Th regular semi-monthly meeting of th Allied Trade and Labor Council will be held next Thursday evening (netted of on Friday. Th Council haa granted th ua of th hall on Friday evening to th On-tarlo Vnlon of Carpenter. wh- ar mtmgihr Thnradar and Friday. SLACKER ARRE8TKD.

Jf VaHew Prssa, D.sKk. NKW- YORK. Jan 1. Three allured alaoker. arrsated wbsn tedsraf agent, swooped down en an antl-eoneerlptioa meeting, war held In ISO ball await th action of th errand Jury By fj.

S. Commissioner Hltcheock her today. .1 Tbey ar Peter Lavin. Herman Wotoow and Wm. Herrguth.

Tblrty-on men were taken In th rlrt, but only, twelve vre held. The other nln will be arraigned lattr. THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1917. BELL IRVING FAMILY. HNE AIR FIGHTERS eut Bell Irving Add to Won By Brother in Canadian Asaocteted Press Cable.

LONDON, June 1 1. Another member of the famoua Ball Irving family of Vancouvar has distinguished hlmsalf. Following; la th admiralty report Issusd yesterday "Vloe-Admlral Dover reports thai about I a.m. today on of Hla ila-Jty drifter, Lieut H. B.

Uoll Irving In command, on patrol duty, encountered a group of five enemy saaplana. 1 He engaged them with on machine and destroyed on. Th pilot was reacued by another enemy machine. This machln wa In turn attacked by th drifter and both pilots taken prisoner, th machine being so badly damaged that It sank while being towed to harbor. Tha remaining three enemy seaplanes made good their Other members ot th.

family who Save earned distinction are Lieut. A. Bell Irving, Flying Corps, who brought to earth two German aeroplanes and one balloon; Captain Malcolm Bell Irving, D. 8, Flying Corps, whose brother waa killed while flying at Norwich. ---r HAD ROSEWOOD PIANO IN DUG-OUT NEAR YPRES Canadian Associated Press Cable.

LONDON, June 13. A Canadian engineer officer, whose company has- formed part of the engineer forces working around Messlnss, says they had been nineteen months In quarters near th Ypre canal, whgr their residential tunnels wr hettor than anything th Hun had ever built. 'W even had a roaewood piano and last winter rigged up electric stoves, getting the current from our own plant." BILLY SUNDAY AND JOHN D. PLAY GOLF Varied Press Desatrk. I NEW YORK, June 18.

Billy Sunday can beat th Devil at any game he playa, but ha can't beat John D. Rockefeller, playing goir. Th year old evanxallat and ths 71 year old Standard Oil Billionaire, crossed club on th link at Pocantloo Hill with th rrault that John D. beat Billy two up In a nino hoi match. Billy wa (pending hla day of reat with nockafellcr.

Ho aid had cen a lot of conntrv estates, but that Porantico HWu "had 'em all stopped." MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF FORMER SOCIAL LEADER Vatted Pree CHICAGO. June 12. The death or Miss Gall Walton, once prominent socially provided th polic with a mystsry today. Clad In allk nyjamaa, Mia Walton wa found ded In bed at her apartment on the North Bid last night. On a tabouret nearbv war several empty vials.

Th bed clothing was saturated with blood from hemorrhages or tha. ears, nose aad mouth So far. It Ha not 'been -UrteWrtltred whether Miss Walton took her own Ufa or wa murdered. She was last seen alive laat Friday. Miss Walton was divorced "last winter from John R.

Miller, head of th printing concern of that name. PARTS OF JERUSALEM EVACUATED BY TURKS Canadian Press. WASHINGTON. Jun 15. A tele-gram retching th Btit Department undated and aimnoaed to a month old say th Turk have partlnllv evacuated Jerusalem for military reasons but that th often threatened massacr was not feared Th "lea-ram- ram through th Swedish Minister at Constanlpopls.

r- jfob HAMILTON, Ont June nlng factories In the dla'rlrt are clamorlne for help and It la feared that unlesa th reoon Is will be a big e'setng. of food. One fM.or her. vbVH hs TourtMn wtrs of berries nn th tracks has been advertising for. SR.

women and airle but onlv a few bav answered th oil. The factorle claim thy ar. confronted with th. worst shortage or girl help they nave ver experienced. ROMANIAN OIt rTELDS.

flv Cseadlssa. Press AMSTERDAM, via London, June li. Tha Wolff Bureau. th, official German nw bureau, haa snt out a telegram from Bucharest saying that th Rumanian oil Induatry "despite th rotbles de structlon tast fall." 1s apldly r-coverlng. Th telegram ay that th production 1 Increasing weekly and fully mtli( th need of th RENEWING THE BLOOD Every drop of blood In th human body passes through th vain many time vry dsy, carrying off the Impurities of the body and getting cleansed of them In the kidneys.

Unless the blood Is abundant, and rich and rsd It oannot fre Itself ot ths Impurities which gather on Its way through th body, and than you get some sort of blood poisoning. -The effect of this shows Itself In maay way. You fac grow sallow and often th Impurities In the blood force themselves through th kln. forming pimple aad blotch. Othr Indication of poor blood ar pal lips, frequent headaches, attacks of dlsslnessv poor constantly tired feeling, shortness of breath at th least ejrsrtlon.

coupled with more or lea violent palpitation of the heart. There la much waste product to be got lid of by the blood every day that all person hav a certain amount of Impurity In the blood, and need from Urn to tlm to enrloh It and purify it by aom special mesa For the purpose of purifying and nrlchlng th blood nothing can qua! Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Evary do help ts make new. rleh, red blood -which drive out Impurities, strengthen every organ, every moeel and every nerve la the body, and make, weak, ailing people bright, active and strong.

It la not possible to make a better investment on behalf of your health than to tart a ahort treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to mak your blood batter and richer at once. You can get these pills through any: mcdlcln dealer or by mall at fit cent a box or atx box for IS.ftt from Thai Dr. Williams' Madiera Oat. EFFORT HADE TO UNITE FACTIONS ON CHURCH UNION Assembly Had Two Amendment! Before it Regarding the' Qatejtion V.

i i By Canadian Pre. MONTREAL. Jun 11. An effort to us th. factions In th Presbyterian Church on th aubject of organic union with th Methodist and Congregational churches was mad at thla morning1 meeting of th Prebyterlan general assembly In Ersklna churoh.

The assembly had befor It a motion and two amendments regarding union, which rep'r. antcd th opinion of various conflicting lmnt In th church. Th motion sought to hav aotlon put off till th end ot the war, when union could be ratified with th consent of the assembly, This was the recommendation of th union committee and waa sponaored by Sir Robert Falconer, Toronto, and Rev. Dr. Herrldge, Ottawa.

Asked for i 'The first amndmnt. fathered by Rev. Dr. Clay, Victoria, and Judge Farrall, Moosomln, asked for a referendum to the whole church befor union wa Introduced and alao th disbanding of th union committee and antt-unton propagandas associations. The aecond amendment, for which Rv.

Dr. Dickie, Montreal, and Professor Jordan, Kingston, were responsible, demanded that nothing should be don until lili. On a motion by Rav. Dr. Kraeer, Owen Sound, th assembly unanimously Instructsd th movers and seconder of the motion and amendment to meet as a commutes and attempt to bring In a joint resolution, ths Idea being It these partle can gr upon a policy It will be acceptable to the whole church, Framing a Report, The vol on Dr.

Frsssr' motion wss tsksn at thla point and th member of th committee immediately met to try and frame a unanimous report. i Co-operation among th Presbyterians, Methodists and Congrega-tlonallsts as a subatltuts for organic union waa advanced by Rev. Dr. Grant, Toronto, when th church union debet waa reaunied thla morning. Dr.

Grant, who had only recently rlaen from a alck bed, was nthuslsstlcally received. He drew attention to the growing minority In th church against th majority on union and warned th assembled agalnat ths dangera of discord. Offered A Solution. Hs said a solution might found In co-operation and thl coulif submitted to th Methodist and Congregational Churches as something th assembly could agre on. That would mean on mission snd on educational board appointed by the three churches.

Where union ohurche existed he idvlaed that they be left alone. Rev. Dr. G. Bryc.

Winnipeg, gave a list- of united churches In Northern as irlo. They did not want an organ a propaganda going from, coast to stirring up trouble. After the War Knd. Rev. Jaa.

Ballantyne, Toronto, showed that some readjustment would be required after th war. H.ouoted thef fceampl of th. union of th PrWbyteriah In the) United tatea after th civil war. Opinion" changed, aald, and alluded to th ahlft In attitude of men ot affair in England on conscription nd woman suffrage He felt that when th matter came up after th war, a great part of thoae against union would accept the solution presented by th union committee then. Principal Fraser.

Montreal, president of th Prnbyterlen Church Association, which 1 against union, said he-could tell the-court it could ntt be sufely Ignoied by the assembly. He f.ivorcd uklng a referendum on the subject. He could ay that nnloss the union commit-to was disband. tl it would be difficult io get rli of tho It felt the Winnipeg osaembly had no mamlut to deal with union. Tho association -rculo iunirr that tho union committee disband befor 1r went out or existence.

The a. mi-elation was born In a spirit ot of Is ushtor greeted hls X)r. Vmacr-aald; "It us born In spirit of conclllntlon and hope to dia i'l sam pit-it. But it doesn't want to be lonely at its burial." MURDER Sl'HPKtrr urt'taMlaa -Presifc- FLEM1NGTON. N.J., June lJ.

Caro Mayworen, a farm hand, suspected of having murdered Mr. and Mrs. Wllllsm Queen and their dough-lr-anrthn-settle -fir "to' thalr bom at Mount Phsaaant -last Thur. dsy night, wss brought to the Jail esrly today from near Mlllford, where he waa captured lata last night. Whsn notified of the capture, a poaa of.

cltlsena, who had been searching for him alnce Friday, at tempted to tak him from soldier and aherin aepuuea ana Mayworen struck on man with an ax, and wa himself shot In th back by a member of th posse. HI wound I not Mrioua. Mayworen wa employed by Queen a a farm hand. He disappeared after th murders and Are. I about St years old.

BONDS VKRY ARTISTIC. WASHINGTON. Jun IS. Bearing th title "Liberty Loan of 117." and printed on the best bond paper obtainable the liberty loan bond soon to be Issued ar described by trsasury officlala aa the most artistic and attractive ever lasusd by th United Stat Government. RECORD COTTON PRICES.

NEW YORK. June 12. Cotton prloes having soared above-oven th prices of civil war days owing to gambling In futures her. th New York Cotton Exchange may to-day follow the lead ot Chicago's Grain Exchange and put a iuletus on futures speculation for th duration of th war. SUPPLIED I5.0OO FARM LABORERS.

TORONTO, Jun Between th and fifteen tbonaand farm work-re hav been supplied to data to th farmers of Ontario through th Organisation ot Resources Commute. It I estimated by the, Depart ment ot Kduaatlon that at lean flv thousand boys, and two thousand girls have gone out from the school of th Provlnc to work on th v. BELFAST J4EMBER DEAD. LONDON, Jun II. Jams Cham, bars, P.

far Belfast South, whs recently waa appointed Solicitor-General, for died Belfast yesterday. was a Unionist. CRIME DECREASES I00 PER CENT. IN HULL District Court Hasn't Opened Doors Since the End of May. Crim In Hull ha decreased greatly sine th ntl.

treating ys-tem cam Into effect In th' hotl bare and th absenc of vice ha been very noticeable, in the city. The DUtrlct had no occasion to open Its doors vnu or aiuy, and although th Recorder' Court h.u. .1. Ion vry morning very tew charg uvea stronger than drunken- Jailer Couture etatedto Th Jour- mat crime had de- ,0, lnc n- Pro hibition election, oolnlln. th.r th lull reoort showed only a dally average of II Inmatea, while he.

fore May 1, the average wa SO 10-ciate. Th majority ot the Inhabitant of the jail are drunks, now coming 1 "0' or two a day. "I'efore prohibition was passed, a many aa IS drunks wars admitted to th Jil dally," declared Mr. Couture. "Six were admitted hi.

morning, largest number tor om time, vrime in the cltv la now going at the same rate before prohibition oame Into effect in Ontario." -T- START SEWER WORK Representatives Jbf Blair ft of London. hav arrived in th' city to commence work on the contract for tha continuance ot th Ottawa Bputh aewer. manufacture of pipe for th aewer Will be commenced about th end of week. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF THE LATE I. H.

RICE Th funeral of th lat I. H. Rice, whose death occurred recently, wa held from hla 1st residence, ii Sec-ond ave. Fidelity Lodge, 'No. SSI, A.F.

and A.M.. of were In charge ot th funeral arrangement. A. Masonic service wa conducted, both kt th houa and at the grave. Interment waa mad In Bcechwbod The lat Mr.

Rice wa born at Millbanks, (9 years ago, but wa a resident of Ottawa and die-tiict for the pa at eighteen year. He waa employed by the W. C. Kdwarua Company, aa wood (uperlntendent on th Nation and Gatlneau river. Befor coming to Ottawa, he lived for a whil at Wakofleld.

Que. Bo-aldca hi widow, be I aurvlvcd by ix aona, Gordon and Itoy. overacua; Cnr and Walter, it) 8a. katoon and Kenneth at home; four daughters. Mrs.

Clarke, of Ottawa and th Misses Hasel. Muriel and Marian at also four brothers, Messrs. Rice. James Rloe, Alderman D. H.

Rice, and Joseph Rice, and two sisters, Mrs. George Spango. Three Rivers. Que, and Mrs. Jame Burnett, of Vancouver.

The cortege which followed th remains to the cemetery wss a lengthy on and floral offering wer numerous. They consisted of wreaths from Edwards D. R. Thomas, M-, and Mrs. H.

McLan. Buffalo; Fidelity Lodge, No. Ill, W. H. Rice, George Rice, and X.

Hope nd niece and nephew Herbert and Donald KKllard, Lemuel and Harold Rice, and May Hasty and also from the teachers and class mate of Muriel and Marian. Spray were received from Mr. Harvey Cameron. Jesal and Hela Burnet Aaa and Hudson. Rice, Mr.

and Mrs. L. E. Stanley. Mr.

and Mrs. D. McLartey and the Kennedy family. Gate Ajar, was received from the brothers and sisters of ths deceaaed. COMING TO Randal Hugh O'Neill, th Marquis del Norte, a commissioner of.

the College of Arm ot Canada; and secretary of the Society for the Restoration of the Ducal Province; of Normandy, and Orsnd Master of th Most Noble and Illustrious Irish Order or Knight of the Golden Chair, arrives In Ottawa today. He cornea to assist In taking tha census of the Nobleaee of Canada and th families entitled by descent to register their coats ot- arm and He hi chief of the old- Irlah nobil ity, being descended from the gallant Irlah General Arthur O'Neill, of the Spanish army, who had re eelved from the King ot Spain the rank of Marqouudel Norte. SOCIETY IS FOR. -QUEBEC. June 12.

At a largely attended special meeting-' of the Quebeo -Society held yeaterday. th following resolution wss unanimously hdopted: "Thet this society pieces ftself on record ss being wholly In favor of eon-scrlptlon by selective draft and general natlonsl service, as being th' only messur offering to democratic Institutions." A similar resolution was recently passed th Montreal 8L George's Society. AMERICA 8HIP IS PISTRERS. MOBILE, June. IS.

The American steamer Albert Soper. Penaacola to Neuvltas. Cuba, with a -lumbar cargo. Iras reported here this morning in distress Oft Key Wsst. Coastguard cutter hav been, notified.

KORWEGIAPT BARQUE nVKKl CHR1STIANIA. via June II. The Norwegian' barque, Dev-eron. l.SSS tons, has -been' Four men wer lost Including en Canadian sand twelve men have been landed at Lerwick. The Aifd another, man wer wound- d.V i a no iwwai re porta tnat -Arctisj cuttar Bvrr II haa boon Th crew waa saved.

FIFTY At'TO THUCsIS BURNED. PHILADELPHIA, June 11. Fir early today destroyed the garage. table and warehouss of Glmbel Brothers, at Slat and Market st causing loss estlmsted at S10.0. Fifty' lutomobll truck were eon-umed in th blase.

Property of the company oocupy-tn the remainder of th block where the Are occurred today waa dtroyd by fir laat ''February, causing a los ot three-quarters of a million dollar, DRAFTS FOR SIONAIA.ER, 'tAllheugh recruiting tor prao-tleally all Ah branch of th mil-Ilia with th sxeeptlon Infsntry has been auapended, Signal Training Depot ar still receiving recruit at th Bas Office ea Sparks at. and will eontlnu to do do for a fw days The rank ot this splendid enlt further' welled yesterday by tit arrival of drafu frssn dTorS WIIIMm fax. DOCTORS IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE HERE About Thirty Members in At-tendance--pri R. W. Powell Registrar For laminations.

At the opening ealon ot th annual masting of th Medical Council of Canada In th royal waiting room In th Central Station this morning It waa decided to hold, the annual examinationa of th Counoil In Toronto on Jun IS. Dr. Ii. W. l'owell of Ottawa will act a registrar.

About thirty members attending th conference, which will conclude tomorrow afternoon. Th various report were presented (hi morning, followed discussions op eh. Th "Selegst ar: Sir Thorn Roddick, Montreal: Drs. Thornton, Winnipeg; Bralthwalts, Edmonton; Blackadsr. Edmonton: Brett.

Edmonton i Clsrks, Toronto: Connsll. Kingston: Conroy, -Charlottetown, P.K.I.: Crenr. Edmonton; Dagneau, Quebec; -Eagleaham. Weyburn, GrlfTln. Hamilton; Hnrrla, Halifax: Jsrvla, London; Laeh-pelle, Montreal; MaoNslU, Summer-side, P.EJ.: McCsllum.

London; McKechnl. Vancouver; Millar. Bat-tleford. Saak.i Morgan. Westmount; Normand, Three Rivera, Pop-ham.

Winnipeg: Roger. Winnipeg; Slmard, Quebec: Spankle, 'Wolfe laland; Sugden, Winnipeg; Van Watt, Fredericton; White Ypresi-dent), St. Johrt, and (Counr. Saskatoon. CENTRE OF AUSTRIAN POSITIONS IN PERIL CaaadUa Press.

ROME. Jun" IS. Vla PaVta) Th action begun by. Jh Italian on the Trantlno high plateau of th Alpln front I proceeding at an altitude of 7.000 feet amid stormy atmospheric conditions. The fighting I along th -asm front wher th Italian (topped th Auatrian Invasion a year asa.

Now ths Italian advance la threatening th centre of th Auatrian positions leading from ths Trentlno high plateau to ths Sugsna vslley which ends near Trent. Th present action In the Trentlno 1 th best proof, Italian military official point out, that th Austrian countsr-offenalvs on th Csrso front neither Inflicted, th heavy loue claimed nor affected the moral of th Italian After holding th chief position tsksn In ths Carso sdvsnc the Italian command instlgatsd a new offensive on th Trentlno front desplt their knowledge that a great concentration of Auntro-Huniarlan troops had been mads there from th Russian front. A LADY REPORTER Continued from' Page One." cleaned but and the best men of the country hav been sent over. She Sera Bine Ituln. "In the next generation we will hav no educated men.

Eves, la Franue, wher need pf min" no great, young men hav been given opportunity to finish their education befor they Joined the colors. "A Isrg number of our Boys will corns back unfit They will never nlah their What doe all thl mean to Canada? Rutnt "Thl I not a atatesman-llk bill. It I not foreslghted. "I believe Brat that should hav a conscription bf wealth before we have a eorttcrlptlon of flesh and blood, and I do not believe that. It should be left" to old men and child-lea women to decide this question, but a chsncs ahould given the boy whom It shall affect, an1 thslr mothers.

to aay. Kbsthsr Canada shall hav conscription. other hand, several war-rlOr-llVe ladle said In subslance: 'Fine, Sir Robert 1 a gnat roan. Get all th men Into uniform' at one." On lady added: rfl-wtttTb th proudett-womainn Ottawa when I. ae passing befor ip In active service regiment after regiment of our On, brav Canadian bOy." X.

THE CTTY OF CHICAGO I (ConUnacd froaa Page I) jBETElf DOLLARS PER HEAP. Valted Press' Daspatall. 'VASHINOTON'. Jun II By Fri-day noon- eveo dollars must be Inscribed to th liberty loan for vry mhn, woman, and child th United 8tste If tha, IJ.OOO.OOO.OO Issu I to be uceessful, according to figure at th Treamiry Department today. An are rage of one $108 bond fog every, one, of th nation' famllle rmial be eubscrlbed by Friday noon if Amertca'e credit and Integrity are to be preserved.

This means 4hst. ths American people must subscribe a day to the losn for the remaining three dys In which th book wUI open. Treasury officials do not doubt that th nation will arum to thl mrgncy and that tha needed mny wll flow In. It moat com -rate of 10.00.00 an hour or. IllS.ft a mlnut.

Every Second Crania, Every aecond mdst ses fl.SSS flosr Into th United mates Besides the thousand of agencies of the Federal Oovernmant, banks, unnumbered buslnese Organ- tsatlons and clubs and 40.0 boy soouts began todsy th final -drlv to" make the bont Issue a sucoese. Never befor has th eountry been ao thoroughly organised tor achieve- ment. Under th leadarssrip of Mr. William O. McAdee, wife ot Seoratary of th Treasury MeAdoo, the womea of Out nation, through their emba ar working-these laat three days as nsvsr befor Every woman bur a bead," I their fighting The line includes Tea Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates, Mayonnaise Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Com-' porta, Muffin Dishes, Creams and Sugars, etc, Our New ELECTRIC LAMPS are good Vaiucs.

C. A. OLMSTED SON, The 8tort of Moderate Prloes. sTZWEIXZBS AND OPTICIANS. "1 Established 1888.

208 8PASXS BTilET. "QUAUTYfGOODS and SERVICE Women Most of flie real' and lasting beauty that man has created haa been for her. Her instinct for the ful and truly artistic has ever been sure. In Choosing her CARPETS, RUGS, DRAPERIES and WALLPAPERS In Ottawa's most up-to-data House Furnishing Store she is sure of INDIVIDUALITY SA TISFACTION and SERVICE CLEGHORN and BEATTIE, Limited 36-40 CONNOS ST. SIX OTTAWA GIRLS WILL CO OVERSEAS ths regular monthly meeting ot the Ottawa Voluntary Aid Ds- tacbmsnt held announced that six members, from ths Ottawa district have bean accepted to go overseas for servic in tbs British Mllltsry or Naval The Vbung ladles chosen ars: Hlasea Janet Stewart, Louis Chsrle-son.

-Muriel Walnwrlght. Lllllaa Campbell. Lola Wllaoa and S'Aouat. They are expected to leave aom tlm thl month. Tb Commandant.

HI Hasl Todd, presided at ths msstlng, and aatls--factory reports wsr presented. Th secretary announced that th claaee for practice drill for members of ths Nursing Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade had commenced. and would be. held one morning, on afternoon, and two evening every month.

alia Buturworth, th tranaporta-ttoa eonvaner. reported that vral cars had been loaned to the Convalescent Home the month, or otherwise provided, for taking ths soldiers out for rides. It-was-declded- to hold gardes party on th grounds st th Sir Sanford Fleming Convslescent Home-on Frldsy of this week, to raise funds to renovate ths billiard room for tha mea. Tb con 4 veners for ihs event are: at MONTREAL 8T0CK. EXCHANGE.

IhawUed by MeDesiaslI sv ersas, Valea Bask BM. Dom. Wsr, ISO-SUM at Horn. War Loan. at tl.

Canada at Sk Car St (S. Bank Commerce-rS stlSft, Mercnsnis hh-s ai i iv. Can. UK. Com-S7 at SI Can.

SA PfL-IS at 77. -Cement Com. at So. Clvle- at 7H; at Tttt; at viua Oomi'stsel-TS at 1: it st WT4; st at WH: SOS at sWb: at tnt; 1 at sWs. Took Bros.

at -It Cement Pfd.M at SHk Can. Cottons Pfd. 11 at mi- L. "slackay-U at SHs. Wayagamack-I at 7.

I Brompton 1 at St. 'Ogilvls-M at IO- Penman at Tltt: I at 71; SO Quebec at Con. Smsltere-7 at at Nova Scotla-e at Spanish River US at Wi Can. stssi is us at SO st MVai-l at HVs; tsu; at W4. Toronto Ry.


Ai Wanklyn, formerly of the Canadian Artillery, from squadron commander In Flying Corp la Inserted Deputy Assistant Director War Office. Lieut. L. A general list, and 8. L.

Shannon, Infantry ar gas-stted flying observers. Attached to Canadian Headquarter stall as Captain-Lieut. H. Blake, Deputy Director Med Irs I Service, Colonel T. B.

Rose, Medical: Assistant Director. Ueut-Col. F. S. L.

Ford: Jeputy Aaslstant Directors, Captain G. A. H. Uibaon, Lleuh and Col. C.

P. Templeton. i Then doert forget ysni will neei mm Zam-Buk. Nothlnc atop the) pain of eonbsrra aad draa-s oat the oreas qulckry. Zsno-Bok also and the Irrltatloa est trKManlto Wtsss aad to SKrswlly good tor heat rashes, tender blistered feet, Iff ties aad aching msiscle.

As a "first aid," Zaanbak is Invaluable. If spplied Imassal lately an Ininry Is uUlned thera of festartag. AU -atib ssta aa. si.alA aaV aTAv China Just a little shipment of dainty CHINA, suitable for Wedding Gifts at Moderate Price. Phone Q.

1430. Clear, near, and far vision on slngls lenaes. That' what you get when you buy Kryptok. They ar lnvialbl blfoesus. with surfaces so clear that oven your friend will not notice them.

Fitted with thee lenses, on pair of glasse will do th work of two. P.S.W make a pclIty ot fitting Dr. Snellln' Artificial Human Eyes as natural ss Ufa, The Ottawa Optical Parlors J. H. SUaBTKa, Exclusive OptometfUi, 119 SpHrki St.

Phone 4 234B OR. r. ar.s-ri.sra reel Spswtallst. for Coma. 0 a I a sl inarrowinar Nslls.

and. all foot all- stents. X-Kay mi- amlnatlons aeoesoary. Dales) flank mm. VALE SKA lJurati THE EMPRESS OF FASHION Appears In a wonderful drama "NEW YORK PEACOCK" la Hvo Intensely Intereetlnf at Um FAMILY MONy TTJESV WED.

Alao Three t3ood Acta Vaudeville WILSON MESSAGE aUSES SENSATION IN CERMANT Br CasBBdlaa Press. THB HAGUE, June II (via London, June It). President Wilson's not to Russia was; published to- day In Th nawspapsra mad com-msnt on It, a th foreign eirice had given Instructions that comment should be -postponsd nntll The document I reported to hav caused a sensation In Oermany. drnegiat and (tore He. box.

iT a SOOTHING AND HtALINO mm. A af. a I.

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