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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I. 4 Watch the soarklinc as you pour it from the pot into' the cup'. Its precious liquor seems to thrill. with strength and the dainty fra-j grance which it spreads about the table is just a forecast of the ripe Monsoon relish which you imbibe with: racu reiresning sip. i MONSOON TEA Bainsforth's BY WILL CHAPTER VI otacs1 AirnTfLo' stout ooxoLroro.

1 A I steed there facing the. men who bad ennasd fae all ths wretchedness I had ever and who bad bow rttarnad aa one tree tbo dead to oeoiplaUr too destruction ef wtj life's bappinaaa, I think it would have been aa act of mercy nf bo bad killed mo then aad there. Ho greeted mj astonished, despairing look with a bitur, sneering laagh that Waat like a knife to my very soul. i "Too aro aot glad to mo job daar has band rotors from a watery grave ho amid fat a aaroaatie teat, seeming to revel ia my goo. "I did aat perish at sea, a wai to ported, bat was picked ap by a passing vassal sad Ukoa to Now Zeelsad, bat I have managed to got back.

I kaow it waa vary, aaobligiag ia 'me aot to bar goao to tbo bottom of tho aaa, bat I bev sever been aotod for my obliging ways. I traced yea to this place asvaral mootha ago, bat whoa I cam horo I nd year father aad ho received mo ia ia Tory bad meaner aad tried to fore see to laare to honaaJl 1 (track him, aad bo foil dewa dead apoa tho floor, bat it wa Bet tho blow that killed kirn." A cry of agoey escaped my llpe, end I Intobod a chair for support. Bat bo oaly smiled at my agitation. "I tboa wot away, eootiaoed my per-aoeator, "for I did not kaow bat I might bo aeeoeod of baring committed murder. But I bare returned, yoa too, aad ju in time to proTost yoa from etmmittiag big.

amy by marrjiag another, I kaow yoa will taank mfr tbia, bat lot mo com to tbo obict of my visit, I don't Sopnesa that after tb little troable wo. 'bad. wo eeeld eve live ia harmony togethar, bat I most have meaey, aad yoa moat get it far mo. Thia wild geese chase yea save led bm has abeat exaaasted my supply sf the aeedfal. Coma, bow, 1 matt have fl.OM at least.

That will do for the present, aad if yea giro it to rU aot bother yea with jay press oa, bat niue, aad I'll ttaiai yea a my wife Ha paaMd abruptly aad "stood locking at dm, a smile, of aril triamph apoa bia IWuIr raemlsUa aad indieaataoa awall. ad ia tare ia my bosom. With. mighty effort I feaad my oioa 't my areesaoa at oaoe aad for-tt I eried. Yoa sewn forget that yoa are aa eatlaw aa well aa a heartiest villaia I Leave thia "booM thia Tory atomoat, or I will ring tho bU for my aarTaata aad bar yoa headed over to tbo lewf.

The smile faded from bia (aoe, giria'g yjlaootealeokotiarioaaraga, -Ah, that tayoar game, ia it The biased. I Ta dero to make tho slightest attempt aammea the terraau, I'll strike yoa dead '( atmyteetr He came toward mo at he spoke, his faoa wkiU with ngo. I drew back with ahodder and attempted to fly from tbo room, bat he oaaht mo with a grasp of I irea. I tried to ery eat, bat he pressed bia I head over my mouth. I straggled riolont-! ly for a few moments, and thea I knew bo Whoa I reooTorod ooaeeloiiin.

I waa lyiag ia bod with tbo Mrvaau aad doctor bending ever ma. There waa a smell of i chloroform in the room. I kaew thea that Doa Eogeaio bad chleroformed ma, aad, heaveas the finger ea which I bad worn my diamond hag the gift of my aaothor had booa oat from my head fiend for if erer tnera was a nsad in ha-. BMBtbeae it was Doa Eogenio had tahen early 1,000 from a bureaa, where I had plaeed it ea thattery day, aad Bed. He bad doabtlsM booa unable to remove tbo ling from my finger aad bad removed tbo anmbr with it "It was the work of a I said, ad that was all I told.

My wooaded 1 hand was dressed, aad tbo following day I took two of my asrvaata aad fled from Kom. ooold never dare to awet bim ajgnia bow, aad ia my misery aad dmpalr I waatea to eecape lorever irom tbo partrt ik mi t-- r- me I Vim toworkandtowin-tokeopasaaa cnind in sound body to Uugh at worry. YlQOK to ward off disease to con-: eraer obstacles to transmit health and atrength to your posterity. 4 Vitality to resist tbo fearful straia and tension of modem Ufa to make up for the constant drama of overwork. Dr.

Ward's Blsod and Nerve Mils confer 11 these essential qualities oa the userv THIS SVIDENCB IS AUTLB W100? Befordiasinr Dr. Ward's Bloodand Nerve rills I felt weak, nervous and run down. I bad lost weight steadily for timet m7 circulation was poor I bands, foot aad limbs were cold. I always felt weak and my muscletreblad. Now, after the use of one box of Dr.

Ward Pills, I feci like my 0)4 self. I have gained five pounds in weight aad too pet coat. In cheerfulness I now walk firmly, my muscular system is strong and my blood circulates vigorously. I have more comfort than I have experienced ia years. Dr.

Ward's Pills have done owe for me than any medicine I ever took. Piter Cakmtchasx, 13 Bright Toronto, Oat. AH (rood druggists can supply yoa. If they won't, wo will by mail. Pncetocper box, or 5 boxes Tkx DOCTOR evAXLU tAe hiimise, socwanes wwaj Direct from the Growers to Consumer life of MooomL pmi eoir.

never jn buik. Atrrocera-2Sc Mc. Me. Etc and He. Case LISENBEE.

Ml Went to If lea, thea to Geneva, Irom there to Paris, aad from there to Switserlaad, where I spent two years ia aa obeearo Alpine Tillage, i Tboa 1 1 earn to New York aaa direst to Per wood Halla country seat my father had purchassd tome years before end her I thought to make my homo. i ''I Bat -oa the Tory next day after my arrival the evil geaiat of my life. Dob Ba- nude his appearance at the hall, wu aboal dark, aad I wu la the greundo ootting tome flowers I from tbo thrab-bory wbea bo soddenly oam aad stood before nM. i -i "We aMot again after a loag ha said. "Have yoa no' weleetne for year loag abMnt boaband!" i He advaaoed towards me.

The sight of hi awarthyvil (sot filled nut with aversion and desperation. He should never lay his hands pea ma again I waa determined oa that mtvb an tov atiAn, art unu wtlbcat," point I weald take his Ufa first. I raised tbo stiletto with which I bad been catting the flowers aa ha advaassd. was murder in my seal, aad for a moment I tbiak I waa vary near iaeeaiay. Ha mast have divined what was ia my sol, for ho drew beck with a lew, bitter lengk.

vea anln, my Uttlewildcat," be saiajsad alaak away taroagh toe sbrabaery. Jaat than dirtiness came aver sm, and it staggered lata tho be, aad threw mytotf apoa a looagai It all seems" like a dream now. Bat the next thing I remember was that IQerald Raiaforth steed before me, end then I told him tbo eeoret that I ah en Id nave told blm yeartbefora. Ha did aottpeak, and I fled front the room. I threw myMlf bpoa my bed and tried to aiet my throbbing brain.

God, why could I net die aad aad my misery 1 Then a sadden wild sad insane thought cam to nao-f woold kill Don Eageaie Yen, I wool. kill bim heaven would forgive ms the ct aad then I aro aad groped about' tho dark room till found the dagger which'bad fallaa from my head. Thea threw- myself apoa a oooob aad tried to thiak oohereatly. Wat I bocomiag iaeaaol Yes, I should soon bo mad now I The thought brought a kind of triumph to my soul. How mr brain throbbed I Btraag lightsWmed dancing before my viaiea, aad thea-twas it a stupor that overcome me Tnera was a abort tpeoe of oblivion tag.

How long I remained in that state I do not kaow. la a dream I thought I had tabbed Doa Eugoaio, sad lay dead at my feat 1 Wat it a dream I woke with ery of urror. I wu staadiag ia the dark aarn oatoide the gate, ths dagger olasped in my head. Had 1 already oommitted mar. dert I stood for a moment stupefied with horror.

Then I threw the knife from me and fled lata my boos. I The next morning the Incident of tb night all appeared like aume troubled dreaav Then sama the horrifying news that a man had been faad mardred-r stabbed to death eeer Darkwaod Hell TTaJ I eommitted the deed Was it Don Eogenio who had been murdered I mutt i kaow the truth at oaoe. I disguid myi self in a suit ef too coeeeman oleum aaa wont to the piece where they bad taken the murdered men. One gUaee told ms that it was Dan Eageaio. Than I was hit morderoM 1 How I managed to get away from tho piece aad retara heme I neves for the next tew days" I remember little that transpired.

When at last beard that another bad booa errmted, sua sooted ef Jiaviag aemmitted the erim I hatteaed to the eeurt to make a eoale. This i my story. Am i cnilty of mart lert God oalv knows But I oaaaai irT uod oaly I safer mack laager. It is store than can Here ended the lines she had written, As I laid the maaoseript aside Gerald east aa eager glaaoo at aiy face. "Yoa do aot thiak Iter guilt be ask d.

I i "Thaak God he exclaimed fervently, clasping my bead warmly ill bia own. "It mast have beaa hear after the mar; dor was eommitted before she left the hoBM," I replied. "Here wu simply a seat, ambalisti stats brought ea by ovarexoitor meat, aad it is impossible' that aha toald have oommitted the ia that Itate, Then she may be laboring Seder mm pecot liar haUamaatian, which will mm away whea her health is 1 rMtoradl Bat what fa this yea tell an about the real criminal eeing oaugnar voy ea reaiiy oeueve anaasiwa) ta ease, aaa wnat aia.taeaeteetivos cay regarding the pietore!" f- "Of coarae tbey smiled at mo when I told lbs a ef the picture aad explained hew it had beeapredueed.aad it was alala that they I eoaaidered bm ioMe ea that aubiaet, bat wwb a vmwtwm rawara lor tmm miw, of the man eerrmpnadiag- with the Bletore) they agreed to cemmeaoe the search. Yea; I thiak they have caught the murderaa, Thea heaven, this mystery may yet be clear sdnnt- After aa boar's osaveraatiea with the -priaeaer I uitted the JaiL That eveatag detective Rewsoa returned with tho ttngige men had taken. Bat while ea to way te hi avbarg the priaeoac bad atMaatted to eeoapo by Lepmg front the BMviatf train aad had been badly iatuis the ateviaa train aad had been badly iaiur-i ed.

Ha waa breeght to the RedB.ld tea ia dyiay eeaditiea. so wa a man of about 60, wUhasasOi akabar beard, aad hers a aoe. Strange OTTAWA JOURNAL. -WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER' 16.

1393 THE feet ramblance! to thb picture drew by Gereld Rainsforth. At first be was oUeat and would aay nothing, bat at Uet, knowing ke oonld nut Uvebat a abort time, be made a oonf arnica. Hi ooofoMion was taken before a no tary and three witaesMS aad was as fol lWs 9 -i "My name is (fork Leon. Most of my Ufa has bean passed in NewOrlsana. I I am a stone cutter and am a poor nun.

Ten years ago my wife died, wsviag me aa only child daughter II years old. I had managed to gitfe her a good ed aoatiea in spite of the fact that I had aethlag save what I earned by working at my trad. At the ag ef ah went to lire with a family ef -the name ef where she had eeeepted a situation ss governess. While there ah made the acquaintance ef Dea Eogenio Benches, a rather dinipeted yeoag man, bat wealthy. He icaeoeeded In winning ber affections and induced ber to elope with him.

A bogus marriage' ceremony was performed, sad tbey left for New York, where they lived for six month nndr aa assumed name. He treated her email, aad Anally tall, tag her of the duplicity had practiced be Jkft her ead weat to Cube. My daughter returned home brokoa hearted, aad ia three waeka she died. I thea swore to, kill Doa Euteuio khould I ever lay eyM npea bim. I cold all the property I had aad weat to Havana la search ef the villaia, bat learned that be had jast been married to a lady of the aame of Grace Daagerfield aad sailed for Europe to be gone for years.

I returned to New Orleans aad from there came to New York city, where I was employed by the Excelsior Building Company at (tone catting, ii' About two mouths ago I was sent by thsoempaay to the Bedford quarries, two miles from this place. I On the evening of tho 10th of September I was oomiag to May burgee foot. I had stepped to rest in the shade ef a I tree aeer the road wbaa I at a man peat by carrying a valise. I reoognised bim aa Don Eugenie Beaches, aad I fallowed him determined to be revenged apoa bim. Hs did net sm me, aad about sobmi ha sama to Dark wood Hall aad entered the groaada.

I hid' in the shrubbery cleee to the road aad waited for bim. i had -no WMpoa bat a large pecketkalfe, but taking thia in my band I waited far him te return. Presently be eama oat of tho gate, and after follswiag him a short distance I stols usee him ea struck him with the knife He ssak down in the read. I left him aad hid myself ia the buiSM for a short then eseiag ae one near I walked ea to May burg, avoiding the read. As I wa leaving the tewa and juat a pa end the Redfield iaa I heard voices behind me, aad fearing that It waa seme eae coming to ar rest me I stepped into the abadewa ef the boose.

The aaea eatored the inn, aad thea remembering that I still had the bloody kaifa ia my pouts ion I threw it iato the weeds oIom by and hurried away. "let first thought ef quittiag the pleoe, bat Msiag that snoh aa aetioa might create suspicion I returned to the qnarrfee. A few days later the oemaaay for which I worked seat for me to retara to the city. I went Immediately and remained there till I was arrested. lam aot sorry that I committed the deed.

It was, ia my opinion, only aa act ef fastioa." 8ach was the ooafaeWoa ef Mark Leon. The eex Burning at Se'oleok bodied. So the great May burg murder myetory waa solved at last. Gerald and Greoe have been married mv-erel years aa I writ thoM pages, aad ths Joys that aow glorify thai Urea are more than a compos tien for the suffering they both endured ia the dark daye of the storv is done. It ia a ctraace lorV bat whooaa peeetrato the veil ef myswtif that sarrooads onr very exlsUnos! We are such stag As ii are aaea of.

aMfcar enisueoea i Iwithesuep. THE Hllltarr OlMlpllae. Daring tbe early oonqaMts of the Freacli is Algeria, the quick-tempered Gen. thmkiag that oae of his adjutants had dkplayed want ef skill ia carrying out his orders, so far forget himself as to striks him with hit riding whip. Tbe officer seised his pistol, took aim at tbe general, and waa aboal te fire, bat the pistol would net go off.

Than the general immediately called OUtS 'I "Eight days arrest for not keeping your weapons la order." L'Amico dei GiovanStti. Taacbt Mlm His Krree. His Mother Jehaay, always remera-ber what I teed yen. When you see any little boy showing anger, take him aside aad make him feel that he is wrong. Did yea do so yesterday with caughty Tommy TubhcT i Jehaay Yea, indeed, I did.

1 1 poached bim geed; too. Chicago Beoord. Four-button I Made with fun-rolling collar," coa cealing corpulency, and giving appear- nce of greater jwoniinence of chesL I wBiiaaaeait Carried in every reform" and in nitable cloths and patterns. i Prices 'are $20.00, i8.oo, $15.00, and $10.00 persuit Sanrples erf dc4h, at arryraiec these 'A' rjrices, mailed on request The Fit-Reiform Wardrobe Spafrks Street Ottawa. R.

Masson, Distrlcti Ddies McN 'j WESTMEATH, i A Bleating, Curling and Hocstey Club Organised la tbe Village. Not. 14. Mrs. Edward Thompson, who we mentioned had gone) to ThsmesrUle, to spend the winter wiut her son.

Doctor Fraeer, died there 'on Sunday last. Her two sons. Mr. G. A.

Fraser, droggiat, and Dr. K. N. Fra-ser, accompanied ber remains to her old home in the Tillage. The funeral took place here on Tuesday.

Service waa conducted by Re. R. Q. Peever, of the Methodist church, of which she was a member. The opening of the new Methodist church has been definitely arranged to take place next Sunday, the 20th Inst.

The pulpit will be occupied by. Be. Mr. Webster, of Renfrew. Re.

Dr. Bain, of Pembroke, and Re. Mr. Edwards, of Pembroke. A platform meeting will be held on Monday evening and cake and coffee, served in the basement.

The congregation of the English church held a concert and tea in the public hall here on the evening of Saturday, the 6th Inst. Although the weather was very unfavorable the at? tendance was good. The sum of over 130 was made for tbe building fund. The chair was occupied by Mr. G.

A. Tucker by unanimous request. understand the Sunday school are to have a Chrlatmas tree this year. 1 The funeral of the late Mr. Augustus Qratton.

an old resident Of this township, took place Thursday to ths R. C. cemetery at Gore Point. Mr. John B.

Fraser, of Ottawa, passed here last week on his way down from their lumber camps on the Crow river. A meeting: wyns held Wednesday evening in the village te organize a club to be known as the Westmeath Skating, Curling and Hockey Club. The shares were placed at to. the proposal being to start with a capital of 1300. The whole amount was subscribed that evening, seme taking shares each and none less than two.

Mr. W. H. A. Fraser was elected honorary president of the club, aad a building and managing committee and a secretary and treasurer "were appointed to commence building operations at once.

Mr. H. Jamleson, of Pembroke, lifted hia lambs through this township last week, paying S3-4 cents per lb. for them. He was assisted by his two sons and Mr.

A. McLean, He drove them to Cbbden and snipped -em there. i VENOSTA. The Last Car Loads of Cedar Have Been 'Sent Down. Not.

14. Freezing has net In and there has been quite a heavy snowfall. It still continues snowing. Deer hunting is rage around here. F.

McAlmdon shot two deer; last 5 Mr. D. Hevron, of Venosta, was down In Ottawa last week purchasing goods for his store. Mr. Demeragh leaded quite a aura-4 ber of cars with cedar last week.

Mr. D. Hevron sent down a number of car loads, watch will bertha last for thia aeaaon. Mr. John Keaty's mtB at Venosta Is doing good work.

Mr. John Keaty's sister from Ottawa has been visiting friends at Ve-' noata. There was a large given at Mrs. John McAffrey's last week. Mr.

and Mrs. McAftrey opened the ball by having the first dance. Notwithstanding the- weather it proved a success. Mr. Willie Kealy, of Venosta, apeak of going to the States next week.

The stumping machlns owned by Mr. Bradley has been for some time past working in this neighborhood giving full satisfaction to all. It is at present at Mr. M. Kenedy's at Venosta.

On account of there being no cheese factory open at Venosta this summer there was quite a lot of butter en hand. Mr. A. Fritohard. of Kasaba- Sack Suit.

sor portly simi, shape of Fit- large variety of Sole Controller. -r-r sua, bought quite a lot of butter la this locality. DANFORD LAKE. grain is turning out spkndldlyt PoUixx ate ajn excellent crop. Game Is very scarce.

The friends of Mrs. 8. Mulligan will be pleased to hear of her recovery from measles. Mr. H.

Mooney ta visiting his sister. Mrs. Bodglna. The threshing mitt has been at work on the farm of Mr. James Eartey.

The Snider rifles are the talk of the Mr. John Moorhead has the framework of his. new bouse almost completed. Mr. Jas.

Ellard, of Pickanock, has opened his new mine on tbe farm of Mr. John Gibson, of this place, Mr. Geo. Star and family are suffering from measles. Miss Alice Lane-ford visited Miss Earley last Monday.

The friends of Mr. Malcolm Barley will regret to hear of his illness. COBDSN. Nov. 14.

Mrs. Thea. Eckford (NelHe Bolden). who hss been spending a tew weeks with her parents here, left on Tuesday for "her home in Blrtchwood. Mrs.

R. Anton, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. 8. aad T. Dixon.

Quite a few of the young people of the village accepted the Invitation of Mrs. Frank Edwards and attended a party given In her home on Wednesday evening. Mr. Geo. Burns, son of Mr.

John Bums, and Charlie Dixon, son of Mrs. Thos. Dixon, who have been for some time in the vicinity of Ottawa have returned to their homes here. Miss Ethel Barber, of Pemhroke achool, paid a flying visit to Cobden this week. The first social event of the season was a party given by Miss M.

McAllister 1 to a large number of her friends on Thursday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent. BLACK RAPIDS. Not. 14.

The ploughing In this vicinity Is about finished. Mr. James McFaraaae has started a new dairy, and is sending milk to the city. Tbe many friends of Mr. Thomas Boyce and of Mr.

George Mulligan are pleased to hear of their recovery from the fever. Mr. Westley Cummlngs and Miss Cumorlnga, of Manotlck, while passing throuxh here on their way to Merlrale met with accident which might have been- fatal. Tbe horse took frlgte, but. by good management 'the drlvr succeeded in preventing a run-awar.

No damage was done. Mas Maggie Clothier has been visiting Mies Jennie Falls. J. W. Cummlngs, of Manotlck, male a flying visit to this place.

RICHMOND. Nv. lSvRev. Mr. XJdatono is suf-femg from a sprained ankle, the re sut-ef an accident.

lias Mcintosh, model student, spent aturday and Sunday at her home in Masons are at work on the foundation of Mr. A. Bremner'a house on -IcBean street. Mr. Gosling, traveller for the Win chester Acetylene Gas Company, was in the village last week.

Mr. J. H. MeDeugalL traveller for the New Tork Mutual Life, was in ths village last week In the Interests of his company. Some of our local sports spent last week- deer hunting.

The merry jingle ef sleigh bells was heard last week, aa the citizens took advantage of the recent snowstorm. VARS. Nov. 15. Our W.

C. T. U. delegates have returned from the city and report the convention as having been exceedingly Interesting and helpful. Mr.

and Mrs. Fraser paid a short visit to Moreweod recently. Mrs. G. Dunning la visttlng friends In Cumberland.

Tbe hunters returned from the Parry Sound last evening, bringing with them a very fine deer. Mr. W. G. Otto was squally successful In oar own woods.

Messrs. Cochrane and Wilson, of Russell, were guests at Lalonde's Hotel on Wednesday last. The snowstorm of Thursday gave us such a surprise that it was a whole day before we made up our minds to enjoy It. Now, however, we are making up for lost time and enjoying to the fullest extent each merry sleigh drive. The Misses Mooney and Shaw, of Navan, paid our village a flying visit recently.

Rev. Mr. Shaw exchanged pulpits with Mr. Sadler, of Russell, on Nov. 13th.

Sportsmen will need to practise for the shooting match at Vara on Nov. 16. LANARK. The Lanark County W. T.

TJ. Has Won Banner for Increase in I Membership, Ml.ttsll -Halted nr. our school last week and reports sat isfactory piuaiee nil aravuin. The Brook's Laks hunUng party re- eSMMa smr niiAiari on Sftttir day. They had a very successful sea son.

-Mr. T. Costello, of Kingston, was In town for a day or two last week. Snider rifles, with twenty rounds of 1 .1 h1n. noma of ammuniuvu, the stores In the village for one dollar and seventy-nve c-n eatu.

The Fire Company intend a soiree en the evening of December rd. -A The progress et tne w. u. 1. v.

Lanark county has been phenomenal during the psat year. The Provincial Association offered as a prize a banner to the county showing the largest increase of membership. This county worTth. Prize, and Mrs. W.

tUe Conntv Union. well. Dmiwu. rlvSd the banner at the convention of the Provincial umu week before Isst. Via mt ths best things to do la ad-verting to make the ad just aa Ifilarae possible.

Don't make it at Sf troobleeoms tor find out TiicUy what you are going to do, afferd to saenfiea anything rather than olaUnaaa. Make tJSrtaMdersUnd just sxaotly what Ejif goods you bavs, aaa how much tbey Are the Best. EDUCATION AU. Ashbufy House School U6 WELLINGTON 8TRKKT. For Resident and Day Boys Principal: loeo.

P. B. A Boys are prepared for the universities, R. M. Kingston, and business life.

i Special attention given to little boys. Beys are Instructed in bookkeeping and shorthand. Michaelmaa term commenced September Uth. Pupils can enter at any time. For terms, eta, apply to the principal.

'I i MUSIC S. ERNEST GIBSON, L.c,i. (Pupil of Sir Chas. Halle.) Pianoforte. Organ.

Tticory. etc O'CONNOR STREET. Pupils prepared for the examinations of the Royal Academy, etc- It required. Open for engagemente (or concerts, piano and organ recltala ana private entertain- CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MUSIC 150 Cooper Street I Patron I His Excellency the Governor General, i Principal: J. BOOAU BIRCH.

Organist, Knox Church. Conductor Ottawa Choral 8oclety. The following Scbolarablps are to be competed tor In July, 183 THREE PIANOFORTE SCHOLARSHIPS (Senior. Intennedlata and Junior.) ONE TOCAL SCHOLARSHIP. ONE THEORETICAL SCHOLARSHIP.

ONE TIOUN SCHOLARSHIP. The exam inat lone held by (be Dominion College of Mualc In Practical and Theoretical Mualc, will take place next December Tbe College nosarasea advantages not found in any other elmllar institution In this city. NEW CALENDAR FREE. Pianoforte Harmony Counterpoint Miss Grace Grawtord Pupil ef Herr Adolph Brodaky and Diploma (Honors) of the Royal ScneVrmy of Mualc, abandon, aad of Trinity College. Leridon.

I For term, etc apply to MISS CRAWFORD. ItS SLATER STREET, or to Mesarai Orme A Son. Miss Bene Glirisiie (Pupa of Wm. H. Sherwood of Chicago and Mrs.

X. VlrgU et New Tork. I Taacher ef THB PIANO and Y1RQIL rRAcnca clavier. Studios: 74 Clffin Street and Presbyterian Ladles' CoL NOTE: The only pupil of Mrs. VlrgU in Ottawa, and tbe only teacher under-atandina1 and capable at teaching the system thoroughly, i Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned I will be received at this office until Monday, the zlst November, 1SS8, for the; clearing and removal of snow, Ac, from the Parliamentary and Departmental Buildings and grounds, Ottawa, and for the clearing and removal of snow from the Lange-vln Block.

Museum. Printing Bureau, Ottawa, and also for the removal of snow, dbc, from buildings, outbuildings, walks, avenues or roads, dea at Kldeau HalL Forms of tender and specmcauons can be had jat this office, where all necessary Information can be obtained. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of -i Separate tenders' will be required for each work, and must be endorsed "Tender for Removal of snow. Parliament "Tender tor removal of snow Langevln Block, Ac." and Tender for removal of snow Rideau Hall," respectively. I' An accepted bank cheque, payable to the order of the Hon.

the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent of the amount of tender, must accompany each tender. This cheque will be forfeited if the party decline the contract or fall to complete the work contracted tor, and will be returned In esse of non-acceptance of tender. Tbe Department does not bind Itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, E. F.

B. ROT. Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, 14th November, 1898.

Newspapers Inserting this advertisement without I authority from the Department, will; not be paid for it. Now is the Time To Hare Yottr Furnace and Plpea in your cellar covered with Asbestos Sectional taring which win save you per cent, in fuel and make your bouse tar more comfortable. guarantee all our work. W. wlrMe 60 Sit SUSSEX STREET.

I Advertising Is not ahorse to drive single it most be matched with a good business or with some article of convincing vales. eil's iSuits Try Them. 203 Professional Cards LEGAL. PEFJONS FRASKR-Barrlatera. Solicitor.

Notaries. Etc. Sup. Court and pn i Agenta. otlice 4 Bparas at.

v. reraina. JL. H. A.

BURB1DQE. P. LL. B. Bar-rtoier.

EoUdlor, Notary Public Convey-sneer, etc Sup. and Ex. Court. Partia-jnenUry and Depart '1 Agent. Money to n- No.

a Central Chambers Elgin MacCRAKEN. HENDERSON MeQIT KRIN-Barrjtsra. Solicitors, etc. Supreme Court and Departmental Agenta. Central Chamber, Ottawa.

Ont. J- MacCraken. O. Fv Henderson. H.

B. McUiverin. OLIVER EDWARDS CGLBERT Bar-liater. Notary, etc Office Hay's Block. 1-t Sparka at.

Money at per cent. RcVETTT A JJcEOUOAL Barrister. Soi-idtora, etc. Room XI, Central Ctiambcra. Taylor McVclty.

Frank J. McDougal. T. P. MORTON Barrister, Solicitor.

Sup. Court and Departmental Agent. and 40 Carleton Chamber. Sparks strcst. Money to Waa at 1-J per cent.

BELCOURT A RrTCHIK-Barrlntere. Solicitors and Notaries. and Central Chambers, N. A. Belcourt, L.L.M, Crown Atfy tor Carleton.

Advocato Pro. Que. J. A. Ritchie.

Lnrvrrs a SMELLrE Barristers and Solicitors. Parliamentary and Dept'l Agents. Solicitors tor' Onion Bank. Money to tend on improved R. at per cent.

Room 1. Ontario Chambers, it Spaiks atreat. J. Travcrn Levrla. Jamas F.

Smettie. f-RATT a PRATT Barristers. Solicitor, etc. Sup. Court and Dept'l Agents.

Hal-brook Chambers, No. IN Sparka at. Private funda to loan. -Horace Pratt. Charles B.

Pratt. BISHOP a SMITH Barrister. Sollcitora, etc. Flrat floor, Ontario Chamber, it Sparka St. Money to loan on real aetata.

John Bishop. L. A. Smith. ATLBN a DUCLOS Adrocata.

5tc tor the Province of Quebec Offices. Carleton Chambers, Sparks at, Ottawa, and Main at, Hull. Que. Henry Aytan. A.

W. Ducloa. R. V. SINCLAIR Barriater.

Solicitor, etc Office, No. Central Chambera, OtUwa. C. A. Jl.

BLANCHET Barrister, SoUeltot', etc Room It, Central Chansbara, Elgin at- Money to lend on real estate. Straight lean or, by monthly Instalment plan. COARA. WILD a OEMUELL Barrister. Solid tore.

Notarise, ato. The Mae-son's Bank Chambers. Metcalfe at. Martin tTOara, Q.CL W. Wyld.

sw GEO. a WKia IFT-Adrocate. Barrister, etc Main at. HuU. Tel.

117L Attends law courts in districts of Ottawa and Pontiac GRANT A SIMS Barrlstsrs. Solicitor. Net arte, etc Ontaria Chambera, Sparfea at. Money to loan en real estate. John Grant.

Richard J. Slma. GEORGE B. KJDD Barrister. Solicitor, etc Sup.

Court, Parliamentary Agent, etc Office. Room ft. Ontario Chamber. HODOINS a GRAHAM Barriatero, Soi-icttora. etc Ottleea, Roonas IV and IS.

Ontario Chambera, Cor. Sparks and Elgin sts. Money to loan. John Hodglna. O.

Graham. J. P. ARN 13 Barr later, SoUdtar. etc.

Parliamentary and Sua. Court Agent. Money to loan. Scottish Rite Chambers, let Sparks street. ALFRED B.

FBIPP Uarrister, Solicitor. Sup. Court and Partiamen tary Agents. Rooms and 4f Carleton Chambers. T4 Sparks at.

ttCOM to loan at lowest rates. LATCH FORD A MeDOOGALL Barris. tore. Solicitor. Sup.

Court and Parliamentary Agents, is Elgin Money to lend at is west rates.) F. R. Latchferd. J. Iiorn McDougaltJr B.

X. Dalyj A FERGUSON Barrister, Solicitor, etc Nee. IT and It Carleton Chambers, Ottawa. R. A.

BRADLET Barrister, etc Room tl Central Chambera, Elgin at. Money to loan, at lowest rates. Murtgagaa and debentures purchaaed. DR. V.

H. LTON-Dentiat. Has resumed practice at 1-1 Sparks at. over Ahearn a Sopor. Stl Cooper street.

DRS. GRAHAM a BBATTTE Surgeon Dentists. Office. 3 WetUngton sU ever H. F.

MacCarthy's Drug Store. Tel. 4(2. Gas administered. DRS.

MARTIN a HUNT Dentists. Ccr. Wellington and Kent eta. (T. Lindsay a Cc's corner.) Entrance, S4 Kant et.

DR. W. H. LIODLE Surgeon Dentist. Office and reel dene orer Robinson's drug store, ear.

Bank and Maria eta, Ottawa. Phone 7. JAMES a 8. ROBERTSON. L.

DO. IL, Dentist. Office. 1-1 Sparks St. 4th door west of Bank St.

Bevioenoe, 101 Nepean at. Office hours to CM. DR. B. S.

8TACKHOU8E Surreon Dentist, opposite Post Office. Main 1- HulL Teeth inserted an -an entirely new system, ten minutes after tbe natural teeth are extracted. No pain, gas administered. MEDICAL. DR.

R. S. MINNES Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat.

Office: lit Metcalfe eL, cor. of Maria St. Phone No. 194. DR.

CHJPMAN (late of the Co. Carleton O. P. Hospital 1 has opened an office at as Bans street, where beV may be consulted at any time L. COTTEUX PRBTOST.

M. (Gynaecologist to St. Luke's Jlospital) Specialty Diseases ef Woman. Office hours I to 4 p. m.

in Daly avenues. A. QUACKRNBUaiL' M. H. M.

D. M. P. and S. O.

Homosopathiat. Office: SU Albert at. Office boars, to a. nu to 4 and to p. m.

DR. CORNU Diseases of Eye. Ear. No and Threat. Office hours, 1 to 4 p.

1 ltt Metcalfe street. DR. 3. D. COURTUNAT Diseases of tbe Eye Ear.

Nose and Throat. Office: cor. Metcalfe and Liagar sta. Phone int. DR.

HORSEY Ear. Bye. Throat and None. ttt Wellington at. Office hours, to a.m.

3 to 4 and 1 to I p. m. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS M. F. CONNOfl.

B. A. So. (McOUD-An-alytlcal and Consulting Chemist. Assay and UlneraJogiati Assays of Ores, sts.

Bank Street Olsmbers. i Sparks Street: RAILWAY GUIDE Ottawa New York Railway LOCAL TIME TABLE. th effect on and after Sept. 11 isst. I imlst 61 SS a.

m. la. m. IP- m. 7.301 6.15, iLv Ottawa Ar 10.001 7.30 i Sussex St.

1 i 8.14t&00iI3.4 dwards W.8S 8.85; S. 15.20.1 9.03; 6J24 38.6! Russell mbmn (St Onge) Crysler Berwick Finch 9.1016.15 9.03 8.44 8.86 6.00 6.80 6.15 4.55 4.41 9.841 9.461 6.40 81.41 6.49 84.7 6.66 87.1! 7.1341.3! 9.56 10.26 8.80 a is 48.6 Black River 1L15I 1.4BMA A Cornwall iJ 7'45; 8.W s.m.ip.m.1 1 la. m.p. m. IrainsrondAilyexoeptSanday.

-tStop cm signal. For tickets and other lnforcnetlno. apply to city office. Sparks strsst. or at Sussex Street Depot.

--aaa. h. watsohI GenL Paaa. Agent." Ottawa RA1LW AY. Fall and Winter: Card Taking Effect Oct.

Uth. USs. No. 1 Train wtO leave Ottawa SJaV arriving Oraeatlald MJ p. aa, No, 3 Train will leave Gracefleld a.

raw arriving Ottawa fcfci a. na. i The above trains run felly, except Sua- -iM For tickets and further Information apply to B. C. Ticket Agent.

Sparks or a Central Cneunbera. P. W. RESSEMAN, General Supt. WUl aeU round trip tickets be- tween stations on its Una east of Port Arthur, at TH1IISGIYUG D1I I0YEIBER 24TH CUE WAY FIRST CUSS FARE on rtovembsr Sard aad Uth.

good to return until tfovember 3tth. Use. MONTREAL BRS. and forty minutes trains will leave Central depot, til a. m.

arrive Montreal a. in. r. Ittl pjn arrive Montreal p. m.

North Shore trains unchanged. Toronto day train will leave Union Depot. Ottawa, et 11 a. m. Instead of a.m.

Parlor ears on all Montreal trains, via nrw short line. For UcVeta and further lnformatloa ap- ly to OTTAWA TICKET OFFICES i UNION DEPOT. CENTRAL DEPOT. it SPAltKS STREET. 'V-N MARRIAOB tlCBNSBS, R0BTSTEWART ISSUES OF Cor.

of Elgin and Quean Sta. Ottawa. Residence (t Jatnes street. Ottawa. a YIELDING i ISSliER OF Mairiae Licenses Vt SLATER.

8TREBT. OTTAWA; ACCOUNT ANTS P. 8. ROSS a SONS Chartered Account-, ants. Commissioners and Trustees, list Notre Dame st Montreal.

I GEORGE BL.ATCH Chartered Accountant. Auditor and Trustee, 177 Sparks at. Phone 111. IHAVr- Villi Throat. Pimples OA ft IVU Cop per -Colo led Spot.

Ache. Old Sores. Ulcers in Month. Hair-' Kailinr i Write COOK REMEDY CO. 5 MASONIC TEMPI-E.

CH1GAGO. ILL, for proofs of cures CAPITAL 5o.eo, Worst esse cured in 1 35 nw PAGE BOOK 1 wir ON St BANK br ArAhKS STt. 1 WING MOW 4SS SUSSEX STREET. 'w No connection with any other class Chinese laundries. Washing and ironing done at.

shortest notice aad splendidly fin la bed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lowest charges. 4 WING SING US BANK STREET, All Condensed Advertisements cents For 20 Words; Prepaid S-ae XBK EVENING JOURNAL Vv i sd by THE JOURNil, i Company af Ottawa, Limited, V. Boss, Managing Dif sctar, it OtUwa -sJ.

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