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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A a-. n-' -r' -i VOL. 43. ODr ADVERTISERS. Coal Twempaea fteyal rhesus-Irish Araaerer 'CteutacVI-WPnttftC sa MoaoaT.

rab. 1 I Pauls Chores TniMln, Bepported ta leading nla tar MIS ADBLB PA If sad lbs moat eneotlve auekaeorlsa BTSVOIUBS. Jmonday r. HICHIXPEU. TUESDAY i OTHZXLO.

WEDKB8PAY Mtlli frfwert. PiVitorMMi. Bans nil NU el Kara- i aaa Maaagaa, aa ski wara m. oitaiofK. I a mOWtMO, Two Nights Only and Two MOKDST aad TUESDAY, rab.

1 aad first appaaranosiauuieuyoi la tadr rary Laaeaaala Coated, aatltlad IRISH ARISTOCRACY Maaleal. Laacaable and riajy Mstlsaaa. dar aftaraseaaad Taaadarat tJa. ear PoaaWr PrtcM ty.aadaa.i ROYAL ROLLER SKATING RINK jreooHAMM FOB THIS -OnadBMtlaaaeaarf aftaraooa thl. wsaataatl laoal attrastleea aaa a Z-WuJi Wbrht flalart RU tlaadl alao axoluac sine rare saia aa blere'e.

aad Braaal oa akatav bJ laakt llraft 1 ti I I rum fnra tTTt irff rnd-7 Nighirifihim-woy riot nti T- A 1 lL. la.ilaa- aboSaiUaohal aaaarsaa Hraaaln. Baraaaa. Oat raadjr for Iba Oraad raaor urate uarsll siwi wvetiw -vat. wjvmvm aaUrllllll IONS BROS, Photograpliers, ka Bttwci.

foot Utmn lb ttw eobeta-c peri-h. RUPTURED Hczr andfonned arWWVOS -Alt. ))U CHAS. OltTJTHZ. WMat.

aaatloaT aadTaiaa.tV aacad Bws aa thla Oaallaaat for rallarios and ear-ac Kawtmse sad ntmrmtXr tlaa a( ararr samnpuoa wul bale roar sdvaalass Is I aa aaa wa -have tali sspalr at tksaa eaiwrsisa noaamaa. txmmA rtltt adeL TTi.Wit. Yl iersT worsT Apply at Tma dooMAt. TMSTBUOTIONt II mKHCB, IB esBSi tor laaarasM uaswar. st a aaas Idl aw DPPCRS OB 8ALB-A Taa "Btoe.

S9 STATUTES OP CANADA. maw araraaaa "at" Oasst I goeaaa IMiPTi UAoe, a ASM elece 117a. int. lirlW ken nrles llets win d.l;&'s WHITE ASH COALr I Delivered dry tad slcaa baa andsr mr, QRANDOPEBA iMcBAE 4 MrluJttrM. M.B-ItsllstoasisrtaiB.

SELUKC OFF! ROYAL THEATRE NATI0NAL M'PG CO. IM ftvark' Xrwct. SPECIAL UN SATURDAY We will quote Special Price on Cbawibars' Hsrolooodla.Ulaat dltweja dots ariauaoovB. Oaana KUst a Wares I Tela, New Taa Doaa niaairatad Bosks. ThsskarsTa Wstka, New Sir Walter osus Naaala.

Ckaxlaa Dickaaa' Warka. Balwer Lrtua't Works, -ii kaskla'a Works with stt ta niarratl.a. Mseaslar, Baaw, Oibksa aad athar tea. -Com 1st avneSe. P.

CASH PElCEa OTTAWA CARPET: HOUSE, 148 Sparks Is the Beat, wast Reliable sad Cheapest flats te say year. 4 Carpets and 'Furniture. SH001BRED CO. dull aialad thla Siaaiear iatt srrtved a HalUal. a raU Use at ISO oalabralad Tea, Dinner aniBedroom Set The Cbtiiiil atost gat Wrigkt's Bnfety Oft rakisgcai.

-j XOGZMB OH. EDWIN sm 114 KisiaH Mroer, avtday Mat it, 1 JjmRY IiMPS. aaadSaMsBis fhv restored maatialad Beak ea Baatan aad Bsaws IrasM bp -OAS. CMfTMS. ftegkal Maeblekd, 111 Khu Street Weat.

ToaoaTO, OUT. BRASS LIBRARY LAMPS FROM UPWARDS. HANGING-LAMP I to rnoH am, UPWAKPe. LAMP CHO-WBTS, gOX FOR MCts. lAlIEiaiC3AN OIL tela at -the I Mexico aa the alee aaparata ae east tossy Ottawa.

Jam. tt taM. ri aV; Madiaa hiU I hem AlvWAie on stesiu. -fSSsesanuBKtii'-u tin mttirgiin TBE xPtBPLfc'S AUU I IUXttK. isi.Wi h.

itiirwis, BseM 4 Etota sMreeji. I Tbe bsm kstwsae tne issarBauossi Mama Tkjkl fr Pismpt Rataraa. tt Rig tBj BIS KBT, Kiosao arsasT. Ireeeivlnt by Miaa Clerelanri, sua. iinawe elm atra.

Tiiaa I itaTaaalaeaeataeaardef I are will meat a Belleriue lor tbe parpoeo ol as- L-: I quiring tatotto claims of the roluateera wno 1 received weuade or eostrssted deeaa darlsa thatr term ol eerrwe wa nn- I Ufa, "V' tL. W.a aaea. the leeaoa the Mstteta jtroopa smd ea Cap. Crawford ladajonm. "pitr KOTlYRAssSiftS OTTAWA.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1836 FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION. auialleJrasesada Aiarhas Tbey claim It eta be proved that Oroota'eooots hen Slla. awaaav.iawl il I S1I.SI.1bTIbi ia Metico alSthea Llha blame oa the rereadea. Thie ijlLa had it hard UVIUg k- toay oome Tbs trouble gsaw sat ef sa snort ot ooan nmm enenrrrthe aaaae raaee. Tbe abtep laardaat The Bxu.

Tt-rwOrtgCottPA-g rf Can- ZZZTS. "ada. hereby v.ttlc. ftut Uey wffl JxbeiljjtoMtoj- Institute proceedings at taw bow i Xney then burned all ths other Buuaisga ft- i aha I bur to ths cowboys sad bald ant rsroaaoato BUT ana au porouu. i ki.

i i daee. aortas athar tale. 1 lhae drove their abesB sway sad then left. wauaoe xe-tpoow--. -v.

Muioas wm killed duH the dmotias-. pbotves, however drielestod, mat uunuge on tba paten to originally granted to Bell, Mlaoo, BenawrandotbereVwUA said patents are owned by the still In force and sjtT A mine i rremtaeToroats Werkt. We rear! In a Gnelnbr DSOST that Mr. Wavataaa live VlVvlal tann WSS rwOSBtlF "vleiteiil. huttad hv a rmlL" Here is SO opening for the agricultural editor of the I London A-eet to deatooraoe tlto dairy I THE CRISIS El BRITAIN.

toacsstk with amegma s-aataarM Mlmi la toaa Utterm eeBslltoree I I stsd between the ex-Premier AV lJ I Hartington, and had ordered I ton not to anrremder their sea. ated between the ex-Premier Hartington, and had ordered not to surrender their seats CHEAP-t ill Kind3 D17 ud Well Screenei CeU at Office for Prices "HARVARD" Grand Qrjera Honse. I RrtHftT Skates 1 aVki.a intiif 1 Im little 'Datd 1j VlM Ottawa aad Vlctollr. Thcss ar lbs best Better -U aid at ths Fundi of the AH i tsetse mses'ectsred. aad the prices ate very Oa MttUAY lni 1 sandersis.

waumripv atei. idea I i u. in arr.t murimu run's The deadlock between Mr. Oladstone and Lord Hartington continues, the latter' I Holding tftat tne repressing oisoruers in Ireland Is primarily necessary, ai pgtfryw at5S that altboogh Loi Hartiwrtoa has sot indicated his into tinna. it la eartainlr nremature to assume that be would decline, fat the event of his asked, to assist Mr.

Oladstone. UaDULiND A SiTinXAUST. Burnt Hon. Hush P. bean elected for Edinbunrh.

baring re ceived 4,029 votes as against 1,730 cast for Polworth, Conservative, r. r- Blake, nauonaiist, nas been eiectea Vadar iha epeolal Mlrosass at fctbs Meruole sain Ssowsno a. waka ws enr vnnow uj ouiamaaiuff. at Lseeaowas. u.u.

(m esew ee- o-wruiwiaw k- SC Laaadowaa. O.O. Lounit, Janoarr W. The Queen hae accepted the realgnatiMMot Lord 8all-bury and his Cabinet Lord Saliabary ratarned to London thla evening bom Oiborne. Ho was closely guarded by detective.

''The Queen hat- summoned Mr. Gladstone for consultation. Preyi-oat to Mr. Gladstone being summoned' it area remorted that that the Queen hesit and Lord the Ministers of office until Monday. The StntUenth Century contains an article by Arnold rotter trying to I that Irishmen everrwhere are CO a tors and urging firmness in dealing Ireland in this crisis.

The Fortnightly fUview has an article believed to express the views of Joseph Chamberlain, urging the Whigs to re eonskler their txwition on the land quee- Uoa ana teeKing to prove uuw usero acv divisions among the NationalisU which would make at lessen large section of them favourable to the acceptance of a settlement of the land question as all that fat nunteury in the way of concession to Ireland. The article advocates recast of all the other schemes of Horns Kule yet proposed, and says if England ever yields to the Irish demand for a native parliament she will have no guarantee aeainet aa eventual ae Deration of tracted nit charge that tne Kauonaiw I leaders tnenovt I debeocbery. I Ha nreee krrsll I the time to declare for unity of 7-7-5-1-- AMOSMMMXTS k. tka aahlkilioaa of hia aiarvVlloas Thara are aha etaarattrarlioaa whieh draw it.L LmS aigbt tbera sas a polo ciatoh Wtwasa ths Matropatitaaa sad Capitals, sad aabhttkara will ba a aaa mUa tweap-staks for lad taa. whiek wlU aadaabtadly has pretty lass, for than are sight tetrlee, ssd a-taraa Sukr akallonra laoe batwaea Braaal aad Uarbaaa.

Matt weak, there will alao ha aa attractions. us laaaoav aajaa 1 Waikaa Keaa aad iVad Midatad wlU S1a as af rwwlse aa the BiaiiblBS whloh Coartaoy.tka Ualea oprtaga oaraiaaa 1. tnraatad. Tba will raaaia la Utlaara for totes esjar The Gllowor toasUaallna win a the Bayst-Thaatn algbt IVwlbal nljkv tor lha aaaains will be Caapbaus "My derlof rtwa alahia-ta wblebrls sas alitadt baaa I saatsd. baa draws large booaaa.

Oa Monday aav. slgbt the GUbert ssd Kyaa eotnpae traraiuns onMlsanoa. am pi wmm w-w 1 j-J-T al baa bam aaooaaafa) darlag tba praeeat wash la Mea-tresL Tbey will be ben for twe aigbu only. Mr. OUaaaer, with kla aalmud eoaipsay.

te Moatraal, whan be will apse-bis new ism Theatre with "Yeeth" oa Moaday, it mat r' a.L e.k .1 turn I aaa earn UUKULI ljAMriv I a husoes araeaacalai araraa am praaaeted at tae Oraad opera oe noaosy aaa Teatdsy -r. -'J Aa AesaataaV Dr. Valade, the attending phytli ka aaaaraLathollB hosoital has a case under treataiient at present, A gen-tiaman named Aua-ust St. ex perienced bush ranger of the -Upper, Ottawa, was brought to the city a few day ago, in an nnconscions auue. it Boom i ae reoeiveu a mw a vu tha haari while in' the woods, and bas since niaXaiartons.

Ir. Wright and Dr. Provo, with toe attenaing pnysicisn for the month of January, are very busy with the patients. Cewa. Taylor alleges that be was formed eats ef Mr.

Waller a eat era ay st zsinaa Thia ia what arnde the lbs -ka-latlae tram Tor. l-U. Mlaalna faeat at lfstBtWS. Hie William vaWBsesaa rrot. veaem a MaUiU Collets an staring at the JmI U.

7lan aha aall Hall poUtUss, died Moatraal yesterday, 1 ta L. UaMllltare fkbam laiitairl At Bvaaavilla, Veetardey ii tt theriv dsrsmnkttt of the fm bswiw of lu rivw-lj Jca.abo 17th. kaowa, Temmeai 1 -Bl. ttBgse. waawaew 7 a assist to a military school.

In erdar to sma- IfOMn AID PAW MM. Stl'l The track at leans Lake it sow to ex. saUtst esadittea Jet she iwuni race thai sftorana. Taste are saw aloe estriae for the "annul tares gooa eass ior tw "baa kr stt." Tta.i Tsaipy a Bttde aaraKadNalgkba(7rs. tae rsfc rimwal.

Tea soars ie the Bale tearaaaMit for ths sweaehia wadsltsad sUrar cap bow ta faUawat CaPtfW wof two, lost bobs ksrias waa see, kwiaaas I MatrapoUtsat, woe aaa, kat rwa Borsls-waa aaae, lost two, Two rasMS to be pUyad i Papttsh vs. VMoriaa. aad VMsrias Boyala, Both wul ba pUrad aut TV. HmU la New York waa srewded ta lu atnost aa parity bat eight oe the eesaatoa at tae leerta aMauagaasonaa- L. VIm.h la ta laaaTBaUaaal lalllara taaisn.

KokaWar, 1X37. A-rataawa Vipaaas. 87, JaM'lMM Vlaaaas ta alav-anotbar A ua I had alas baaa a Ta a psrssa waa aavar triad It, tayi The Miaaaaaolia rrisaat, haatlaa1fcia ranaat pto-tare the baaatiaea4 a eMoaUa4 bMrele noa. I and paanrliil, ynnr as xea epead akg la aad tarn faaop oar- alf toathn terxurh spaas. Ho taacisaUnK did aaok rtdas baaoata aaioeg Misaaspolia rid art laaVeSiaaaw that mm twaaty ta lofty adlaa Wara oftaa rs as a llDle oaaaf taaas aaaaiaas, aad aaaetrere allcwad ta asoapa.

Tka anaataniaHoa at- Toani neopls tsklsc aad late bany Mev oe diaooaaiiBS a I Use at wbeauaaa soberly rMiag bcbli KBUHl waa trill IS woaM asas oeaa ai la auay setae had they kaowa that bad baaa lowu ua lor a ball Mr. W. BparUaa, who raeaatly ntaraad fraai Na York, aaya that ka atnppad over in Uaobaatar fareday at aa and foasd a full-fe4ad obosa slab is aiUUnoa is that eity uwpati esttraly el Caaadiana, who bav. MS forfottee the Ptttlaiat of their aative laad, altaaaph taaiy ka ra raaiovad into ttbar eaaetry. isesoaipsayai aaswa as thirty.

mo It Tbey have ewbonaeslids an Waat lad thaahtb has a "oarrraU" ly twelve feet laeg, which Is ospsbls at amai alaht aeneas, a noencawr ua alas, la as iatarrlaw.taid thai tha Caoadiana a- ing. Mtaafttafttla davatMa Ireland from Great Britain. I tha asjrt ef tobsrssaiag thaa thoae who The Duke of Westminister ha re- had. aotlirad la Caaarta, bat the fever la I rapidly apraadiag sad wul aooa sxtsaa to all AS lands 01 toe league in 1 elmit Wksasvai liayua nnea tie says he cant prove it. Reebeatsr be gals sa- aatbaaiaatie iwptloe i.

au 1 Tha- teak Mr. Hnar- tK I lh ia kw. latrodaoad hhato tba alida. and af larwarda aaualaa aim aae atauow. mT IkaMo a.

i. Tharadsv asst. To eay rrat. aisaa n. a- Caris- wul eaaiDlaie bm asaioaai-a wm 1 pUnts.

snrsotsd raet atteatioe bar, ssd tha rink I The ssaasl Otfov Cabrtattoat Tk. rk( atalklae nstoh Soared si the aloss lea sisal waa aLaary S.IM Waatos list. P. LorUlard baa daafcW retire from the tarf, sad will sell hie racing at able st a actios se Febreary 1HS -new. teas otsea aanrcon Ball AiaaniHae Awe espeiiott College for vlslstlDg saaaa af the rales, --The Ottawa 8aew Shot Clab will tramp te Avhaor this sitarsooa ttartlsa from ths O.

A. A. A. reotatoa Ktet street st SO. Tka nal msnailrasl last now b) what la kaiaa Baaa kt lllViHH ail tyesiv B.

IB wan israaawa H1' The 1 1 a ama are nlieved ef any Bares. aity af rspadisafag Richard K. Foil trophies Is as far as kis eoaditioaa tay the trophy allotted tar li urlui be cempeted for by prefiailooal alaks. As then are so such THB. CLOSIKQ SCENE3.

Tws twaalr CwaaaU riafokaa Ka Waawasyar aii Kaasasal Tales ta taw Ceaaalllart ateat tall Seta nrst raport of tWEdaoatioa Oooualttaa The Gaol sad Baud log Caaueltwe prseented their raoora. which raiarrad Mr. Fxvls's blalat to the whole Coesoil. She raport of tba Koaas aaa nciages vost--mlttee, reeeaustadlag that all sjacadamilad roads ooatpssias be plaoed ea fals, sad daeidhrg that aothiag eoold be does with the pnpotiUoe te esnpal the widaauu; xt ths tires of waggons sad lalaha, was adopted. losxaa ream of 01 uie ay-aaw pToawuigivr the af Wardea bv onaa vols was thaa moved, bat aa saatadmant that, it be sot read aaaooad Urns, ami ay voaa.

saonr, wascsniedbyavoteoltwelvetotas, The tcuoa will soooroisgiv as av aauoa. The Warden sad Coonojllora Heedanea, TuLlLk. I. th a i Vis-4 Cn aiinga and Chrlauaa ware appointad a t.lVUur '1 1 Ol uiairaawara auuwvaa wwa. r-- alaae alcDaaaal lhaa add ratted CoonOI.

Ue aald ha waa lad 1 I jdZMi -awneaiii---aitae oy 1 Tt. Wula aad distance frost 1,000 ysrds sp ta tea mlks for a rsstsasklt stake. Ha wosld prefer to meat My nsotiahiBa telle. 1 oa Coaa. with In Bscoasidsrtd tka marketa aboald be free.

A great maey nt'pwt at weaw poets mre city 11 ae torn aaa te ae paui. Sad aatds an la the weishbig feasTToli gslsa' were barbaroaa at aay rata. He tboeght It would ba a good thing te appoint a email deputation ta ga to Toronto, ia conjunction wick another from the city to ergs apoa ths Irgtehv tore now lltueg sue aseeaany oa ainuaoum both read sad market tnlla. He con Id asaun them If they woald appoint tack depstatios hforean Were artnointad committee to ar taBgeaad aattls aay matters la -die pete beta-am the attv aad anaatv. riaaaoailaauBi repwt showed the followiBg to be aha aoasclal poaitioa of the ooaatyt A- Dot by Ontario Gotvrnment.

8.000.00 lhaa by MunicipalitM. true by city of Ottawa lor Carres! year, Uabilitira for current year. Lewia for hit aarvicaa la oonnantlnn with ths Mssotiefc Bridii was lest. I- 4Woca adjouraiBg, Caua. Camnlnge Sad i Moms ware snpolstad a dapotatioa to sat aara.

when thee will Interview the Previa. trar at xxaiurtor i af the ralailnee that Witt be Bs II aipectad that large aad repreeente-tlve aaaembhHre wlU fill tba Supreme Coort bslldiag oa Moodsy erasing when the eavaatb annual sxhlbitloa ol the Royal Canadian art Mttara aa well as that of ths Bnaldeat. MrT.O'llika.piomlemtebevery aatermtlng. l-hsd a iiiiliaagiiigel uieptaaaiae aaa oeaa ooo.piwi Oettge, She el amateur cbamploa 1 Tb -im lev pntaatt a charmleg appear-1 efSaglaadt est with a olmlleBgsto11))(awtUjMrtt la Lba leitsd Seataa to raa him any place ia Caaadtaa art daring tbe few years. The catalogue which hat Jest bees publiebed ths aames sad priors of JI0 pi ct area, ths work ef about 78 artiata.

Mr. D. R. (VK.Ua. the Bresideat ef -the Aosdemv, COB- is eklataaoa tha trophy it not I tributes away daslisg with Cane- la areaenWtlaaa eslr valaalam bat la abaolately ahiectleaa.

Exilda La Chapelle, the female pad eat rt an, kecBiag a aalaoa to Baa Franciaoo, bus acoapted sehallasgscf MietBroau, of Eng- buhl. was iiawiea ia wsis esainee ar ar pad aa tries ia ths Ueltad States for 300 or llOOOaaada. hi let La Chapelle reoalrre tlial to Mm aaa rraaseeoe ss a ooauiuoa ol bar sesspataos ef the letter 'a frr. CiTliaaiaxs, Jasaary 89. Dr.

Black today gave evidence which west to show that aid Mr. Bates bed elewed symptom of 11.1a area enrroboratad bv Tbomaa Brows, the farsaar who dtecortrad the sinr-i Av. Taavawaaaa aaliafaeasrv avidaoce SS to the perpetrator ct the efliBSTTSw; witeveo ka aha (are aim aamia soaM-ltartllns erl dsaes will be givsa ImpUoatlng a tramp who wat aaaa pnalisg aheet tbe placs sa. tbs dsy ef the murder. Agaavawl amtih aa.

"Tim Jaassrv SS. A mile west et Chicaeo JaaotloB a BaltiaMrs ssd Ohio train isg ef the apTototstcai pitched mm frebjbl traia aad wrecked firs first sttatlcstd gaatls- ears. FeW partloalara sas bs laaroad at tae tmaou i Vseasllsr, toe nnmee tee Mr. T. D.

Fartia has baaa sleceed Moaeaballe, Raa. Father Preveetrauoerior of the was kntssuy kllsw. sao aantr tae aagiasi tstnw vi'T'. FKMS01TAL. -4 at tee pemerger train oci I an afths Inbibl.

ware all horribly Injured, sad ban atass data, tnoevs tnay oie. a aavahav af -sthsn twl latared. but their samman ef tbs htaiiingi ri wen killed. Bad Wealkevtree Vrell. Wirwrno-rrm.

Del. Jsnuary SO. Infor- matkui fmm various seotlonsof the peach- ovnwrlns districts of the Peninsula eives sssurance that trees have not -thus far been affected by tne) cold weauier. Tne respects for a good crop next seMon Hoa. A.

A. C. Urrvhwe, ta acting ar Tbmtol Trssears? WMrndtobsdBrtog the f-fr Z.r PnBTSitotrrB. N. H.

The -at BsTa. HI see, as USt I ItlBIDMUwemi apt ska at awe earns avwap a Whit with 6t "irla wlkdk aaawMlsaM Awf PHSbIM1 AlbSH Mr. Harold MarsstU wee ass sail us Mow company will bs sscsasdsd by Mr. Gee, Beam, lata at Lottie Chercha company. Rev.

Pen Laoombe rave a very la tereetfag kenat theOtteweCeitelaat area log ea tas msBBera sad eaatoma ot tbe Isdiase ef the Korth-Weaa. He has nStv Fred Middlstse, eta af Ma)of Oaasrsl ir Frederick Middietoa, -Hskasdaa was la Moatrssl with i el af asm to slleged vioiaticaa of ths ths part at AM' sket storm of Thursdav caused great damaim to fruit and other trees -in tUsi-Ticinity. It -is UeHr.ed eleiy- waskUied. QaLvwroit, Trx. There were but few developments yrmasvaay in mib tnjj-onranized by the KnighU of Labour net the Maliory.

Bteamthlp Co. The railroad officials say, no reports of de-laeart fraloht have vet them from The effect of the iiiveraai wul nrooaoir not po im- ueimv to aae of Her Maleaty'a Uas realsjaam. I Vruulsv. The next steamer, which is Mr. O.

a Berlead, of the Britiah North ejected to arrive this evening, will prob- aklwha nnlraaded bv colored- 'lonsshoro aaJ. wlthnnt Tbe trouble ta amarted to been- the- railroads take freight dtstinM ror tne Issakig. Thai Hit gsaerally bsbFsUBirw manu- wmt-m dsy to the exhibifioa whlck will laat twe weeks. It cuumeu anaa aa ui-vuva w. the ooatrlbBtioBS of tba aruatt ptaialy iodl-eatae the treat improvement thslJbsstokes diea aabiaets.

Ths titles at these works are September oo tha Baguenay the first tint of Autame." tha value of whloh is estiawted la Lha eetalceue st S300 1 "Ssnrlaa aa Lake HI. Jobs "Ooiatchowla Falkk Ltks BL.1 1 Jobs "PorlsgsstChaUsa Uiable, valoeu st J00 1." La Tsqae Ls Roche Peres 1 'Outlet ef Ltks "Indian colore, sad all npreaeat asms pietunsqse aeenesdr Mr. J. Forbes ia to the front wltb.Ti Bomber ef szceUsat pictarea, Hit ta-a maoulfiotut tdctarea. "Rooky Mountain Canon and Mount Htephea," which wan ethibited ia the Psriisaatatary Library but uma.

are amraut tbs samber. tosvtber noting 01 a loioreoo etoaaiau, oant of the Holy Croee, toicather with three or four other paintings. Air. VTllllam nrymaer, 01 tnm ciiy, wm have tlx pieces epos exhibitica The Dsy it Doos," Ksrly Bale St Law. nana." Bad Meaamries." Wint Berrlee." sad "Ucaiy fetch rue swat amoiuomi piston se far as tbs price sanded at aoecaratd hi a painting by Marls Brooks, satltled Down PiosdUly." wklek tt valued st taw la tha eatalnena.

R. Harris, of Montreal, baa twe aae theaaand dollar DtoUree. By the Bboret ef Oaepa" ssd a Mtetlog of Trurtett flaf fit Haxf ctdyWaa aOfT)cVsTrw 03aVOswe aval re e. waaaem av sTeTA- has sa oil painting, "The Itetara at uie is vslacd at tbe tame amount' The vast majority of the pictarea on nhl-bHior, treat of Caaadiaa enb jacta. The tiaa of the Aasapolta Valley an portrayed by Genres Harvey -Tororrto Bay" finds pale-ter In F.

M. Bed Smith "The Loven Wslk" ia kt. Paiey 1 "CutTUIfe" Is C. K. Most The Resthrosehe'' la J.

A. Praaeri "Lake A- 1 flIts aad "Qaana" to Harris. Amsag the Ottawa artiata whs ceatribste to tba eshibitton an Msaars, Moss, Urymner, Wilsoa sad Whsle, i-Jj: JOTTIlTOa AMOUBD T0 rr.Wi:rh rne eUiaT-Tsirui-alH) uumi peted st ths Poultry trurwdurtogk wk, wsrsBuey au ,1. n7 cageevotba railway depots.

TU exhibition ctosed st tea Vcleek lest sight, rx: A yoahg aiisinn Barrigaarbf Uie Iowa- ehln el MenesB. hat fast retarsed from the I L.1 I 1.. WOOOS WUen BO lo a tmwiw. wi aiawua by tbs innaesm. arise a need Mtae Bav aie.

SAVkirtTSH, January SO. Several weeks ago lha Rval 'familv of Mcintosh county wen vitited bys ttrsngesssaiB theguiee ef a farmer. Hie mieaioa was to Duiehaae repot of land. TIDAL. OaSKMrATlOX, A rsalaliaarraaalaa Basal liaHtv Aa Bar a sTrarasiasBloal tejaf attse Bait aaa) BlTavM.

Lawnan. A darmUtioa from the Bevel fwoitty af Canada sad the British AaaooiaUon lor the I AdraBcaaneBt of 8cieeae had ss Interview thla moralag with the Hoa. Mr. Foster, MUv laur of Marina and Fiabcriee, with regard to tidal ohaarvatioas ia the-waans of the Domlsloa, sad especially fore bydtograpbisat tarvey of tba Gnll ssd Hirer 8a. Lawraaca, The depBUtioa was eompoasd ef tbe fol-loalns seotlcmea 1 Dr.

Daniel Wilaoe. Bit VV.Daaaoo, Una. M. Ckasveas. Mr.Msofsr- lase, sir.

Wkitaavas, Mr. Honmsss, Mr. LatesBals, Mr. Carpsiaal.iDr. A.

Jokaaaa sad Mr. BmriBot. Dr. Joheaoa, Mr. aad Dr.

D. Wllaoa eiplaisad the sefaatins ead practical Importaaos of harlo( tha lidaa sad enrranta folly examined. Tbey referred to ahipwrseks baring recently occurred aa ear oaaata ea aeeoeat ef ths sbteaos af aooh eb. The Misitter ea ths Question slits as its valae rattesa. to take it an, shewed by kb) rttssrl ka faUy Jssd eommeroial intereats ef Canada.

He proiiiieeii av five turn imieaa aateaiaDB. aaa sarrartasset wwroiSBBai teas ar tawtM were anable fur the pretest, for then wi that tbey would en loog laitaats ths aaetetsry toUutdltattbe. Tea eoeeou wiUi kM. Mill k. Uu OOOIU DO II II ill, fll i 111 II Mill Tbe practical stHtty of this work, which is receWloa Govsraaaant aid.

bat beta ttrated ia the past by the targe aember of iatsreatipa psnara, maoa etc reoaived is ex. change from afmtllsrevgsahattioos tkrosghoat tba world. Ths sett meeting of thai auoletv will be held la this site about the tb of May Belt. was not rapreaaatad thai awraisg. S32.10B.H Balance to credit of Debrature Ac- count A long diaeaaaioa sross st to whether the reqastt of the Astdepatstioa be grsated or sot.

A- of ooeecillore aara strongly la favor of askiag for ths appolnt-maatot ths official, while others ooold not aae the neoaaaity of taking ths dntiea eoaaeeted with the poaitioa oat of tbe heoda of the or-dicarv local eiafiatrataa. After -a good deal ef talk, sad a couple of motions ea the ash ieet bad been made, aad withdrawn, the was suewsa to orop, see. i. win rer bt. absyssoe astU the Best amshma.

f5 HVTT.hlT, Tbe trirdVs wHsmpowared tsaigs aback appew setae stream their blanket foc soaaeetloe with the lm- proramant ol tiara mas a nrwie. with iollaataa TasCouscil tbsa sdjoereed slat die Meetrtb Haaabsw. kloLra ssd WcLarea. tba dermUtaoa SDnotatad bv tha Montreal Board of Trade to act la ooelanctloa with the Royal Society, did not reach tba city sntil the sftar- noon, i hay wul useiy sipraat taeir vttws ia sa informal maimer te the Premier ead lliniater of Marina what tha ether Mas tret depattttoa saka lor toe aboil tioa et saaai toiia. ISITISO SiroW-BHOKMS.

aw Tkev Will Be i Thl TrspBevar DaUberry sad LaOasadlea thow shoe olaba of Vslleyfield, aooeapsalsd by ths St. Timothy aad Baaahsraoat data will srrlvs la the eity thb aft o'clock. Thev will be met at Athuitte- atatiaa br tbe Mtmnert Caaadieasad La gmataall clans sad Hull baad. A -prncimlna wul ba formed, sad ths enow ahoare will ba oood acted to City Hall when thev will be Dl urn tad with twe ad. drstaes of weloatss.

iiayor McOoeaal will bapresaat. bs prwimiea wul sees proceao to tbe reeani ef the Prostaaac IChb. lMlhreaiettreat. Daring their stsy the eitv the vitilers will itop st the BiehsUse Hotel, Sssttr itrse. To-morrow storalng st taa o'clock they will sttasd high rnaae st BS.

Jess Baptiate Cbarob, Primrose Hill. Masis baads. while all the PraBeb-Csasdisa olaba of ths citr will be la sttsadtaea Disaar will be eetaed at MuKey'i hotel at the eoaolaetoa of theeervtoe. Too la the afterseea will ha devoted to tbe laaesauoB ef the Pari lhmeht Buildlags. ths avowing the vWbara will sttami se.

stttsnsunasat ia aae t. eat" efad OovsrejBsat, srging th to sway I lMtitutt- Th tun, koaas Moa day morning by a epecial traia. tretarea1TeM. The decision of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture in the Hsncock inspiration, Patent esse, declsrraj the patent void in cohsequenceof failure, on the part of the riatentvee. to comply with the provisions of section SW of tbe Patent Act It was elearlv eatoUlehed bv evidence that the natentea article naa oeen lmnortea tone after the Brat year had elapsed, and its manufacture In lanaua Bsu uut ueen commenced until more' than umi.

rhnnu-tpr and much to the effect aathe indgment py Honvjdr, Pope-In the Bell Telephone Psteri' Mr. srrtsr waalr a reaaav Capt, Donnelly end F. Msletotrl have returs-ed to Kingaton after havingeearchedaportioaof tlw botlmi ef the Ottawa liver far the body of ika tale Mr. IWvaiv. who waa drowned rs- centlr.

The rresaina wan act diaauniud. river ia eovend with Ids. sad the divers drop ped through email holet and weat felly over hall mite at Uie oottom, wuicb meuvereu who breachee at etc, mating tne eearun rfiltleahrona. On Saturdav haw. the thennom tar wa- degrees below aero, sad tbs divert took turn snout worsrag two scum enaer waaar.

Thia ia eioellret work, Ceit Doaaally thiskt that the body hat gone aver the data, ica whieh- waa eatermed vslnslaaa. balnnging to the family to Carrot! esasryv-As it sdjotsed hit farm be mm aaiama to uas It. The Kyaia aold it to him lor now develops that there ai a gold misssa the lot, aad that it at illy A salt lor recovery a ffPtr-tonb i will daoids to grsat steeper ceo, advaaoe. 1 thnstoatd. A nesatatleek A dermttttoB from the Mnotreal Board of Trade conaiatiss; of Meaara, Hrnahaw, MoLes and McLaren, srrired in the city thia sftsraooa and waited upon Sir Jobs tad the Mutator of Marine sou urseu toe awoovauy at av total abubtton of canal telle oa tbe opaa-ing of navigation.

The aceaeaity for making as arxm aa praaibte a hydrographical aurvey of tbe enM and river ha order te ascertain the dsnser- oua eurreuta known to exiet in them wstsn wat WBttr-Ud lvTftov--l with 1110 Seaa. rLojtrSBSsnTTarySfca'Ths-d tktilf Next from Madeira atatee that the Ger man vessel wnicn amvsa nere irom ot. nmeas reports that a temue mousy took place oa board the American ahip Freak N. Thayer. Cspt, Clark.

Irom Manilla, Oct, Slat, for Row York which waa benwd at aaa. The autineeia are aaid to have murdered aerje at the ofhcari sad to have let Ore thaahip. The msrkeis were onusua'lv lante this morning. The square being full at nine o'clock. A great quan- tltv frt-fnaih meat was -'offrswd -for-asls.

and was in ones qemaim muauugn marked change in the prices waa per. eoptiable. First quality of pork brought about Se.iS and beef from 4.M to IS.S0. The stock market war very unlet, and prices Hay ranges from fourteen to eighteen according to quality. Srw Cimmniltl rnaaaoast.

The excavations for the foundation of the new commerr chambers to be erected on Wellington etraet -bT -Mr. Richard Nattie. will be comnwnced ne: month. The ballding when completed will be one of the handsomest in Ottawa and its archHecttrral feature In one or wo rwDect will resemble those of the Scottish American Chambers. The studio -torn-down in order to furnish a Dortion of the site, Mr.

Bowes ta tne arcnitect, Te Taut thai Ottawa Pole Club, which hae bees aM cemful thU eeaaun -to winning many local -mttehss, haa deaded to tend strong team to Ogdenaburg, W.Y. and Burungton. VL K.wm not vet heeu aelected. bat JkwiiAH. are ihet the Ottawa hoes will elvs si good account of thetnerrvee.

They will phVy the Ogdenaburg team oa Monday evening, the Mtb Bnu tue luiwuig ap va .1 pate In the great polo tournameatat ths UuilUm a urate oaraivai, Ut. Van V.HowsnJ, agealof Mr. Mils the fsatsus trsgsdma WM opens sen evening la ta teas. Mr. Howard tbs oompaey has beta Msg a bsss, sad looks forward with ate THE LITEST DESPTCHESL A Ballwsr ttlM.laa A twaalp.

attias-A Bav Aae to new facer iBIeeaallas Bows Iiibii. Boon Hairui, Jasaary aa-A Itsigbt traia ea the Pitta Yieogh- say BsUway raa Jate.b Jaad. aqds early this aatraisg, sad was badly wracked, Condsstor Grahant and Aramtjk JElliott wars berried the debris aad Hie thought they have Pitisatiaonv Jasaary SO Tba dalle kaa of the striken fat the CosseUtillle coke region tinUmated at $14,000 or glO.OUO sos tae aarisa, Jfkw Yuex. Jsanarv S0.EUaa Fittc- aged 20 years, of 140 Mai berry street, was aEoa ths braaat at 4 o'clock thia mornkig sad asttaatry kiUed by Fisderich Gibbetf, a oa iHseawsus itmaa, uiooau LoctrotT, N. Jaaraary SO.

The the tkntral Blnk. betaYthiwaa Motti Well Berlled ismatasa. attaad tOrkham ia the ao-ae-viw-nlraba ghoura. begaa aaJ o'clock laat nifat7AThe raccrd to-day aoaa wat Monau, as bums i uraaam, tu, Wehtat Hisk anted raaa, gusaae Ikaarnteo. Via tlimn Oeaai sad.

limiiiaWraa Utwlnian, btel aadjoo raoa, 27 hourt bona at I o'clock laat night. The record at boub waa i Kearne 7S mila and 10 lapa' Laadriiraa 71 Muel sea isps ana uwecs ss muea ana ix ups. raais, easasry wanaaaa Fresok aatbor. ia dead. Caiao, Jassarr 3U Brlllah aatborities are- tndaaynrlag to raise a aumber ef aative bat- tausas te gsmste Uuakim, aaa replace the 1 Britiah and ladian troopa tUtlooed there.

Jotxin, December SO. Ths religious excitement ia tow eitv has baaa raiaed to faver height by a difficulty betwesa tot Sal ve taoe Army aaa us civil he Mayor, ths Chief af Polios, sad ths majority af tea CoubcuWs are Catholics. Ths mem- ben of ths Army hare baaa sightly trreated erdla lor nutnrhlng ths A cry of religions pareecutioa Jaanarv M.Tha eaniataie at tha aavy baa received infurmatinu to the eflnct that aastuar revolutme three teaea OB ths Isthmus of Panama. Rear Admiral Jouette, ccenmsadine the North Atbuitie aanm. day was diratted by tclcsiaph to remain at Aa- piswsu wits tne aeuneeeee lor toe preaent.

'ins other veaaela will alao be ordered to Admiral Joaettes tmitttBna Then it act much import- a. however, tltstihtd to tbe wutuit tSDorts- sf deligar. FROM THS WIMM. TU terms of the treaty ef peace batwers Fraaos aad Mtdagascar have baaa agreed Ths Spaatah badgat shews a deficit af am kaa amo. Lk.

Jtaosrv SO Maeor Smith to-day decided to call attention ia tioa. to the law of 1794 which mhihita tka earryinf oa of buainrm oa Sunday. v- TeerlSa Aaael Btasa. frrsmuso. ALSJaaasrv SO.

A tint laid tilde took place ea Thureday st Scraper Mseatsia, gvsmust from SMrllng. About atile ef ths Mosstaia brake laoaa sad with a traaoaodons roar rsabed te tha valley below. About sas quarter of a mill of ths slide wast t-tbsCaattaoga liter, amkliig a complets- rrss ssea a adaBtaace of aaveeal stilesi About eaves o'clock the water broke aroend the suds sad rsshad with terrible force late the regular channel below." at bs place Dare toe alias leu ths B-ounuls aids there perpendicular wall of about three headrsd feet, sad about fifty feet frees tbe top then ia a great bole twenty feat la -diameter which ttsapp nud to ba the entrance to save. Tlld Hindis' eiitiit Inialil patus, Tax, January 30. A good deal of sesyaaterdav.

ea the SBsoojaaement ct a new aaa horn uie teeory, tnuehisgthe kUliBgof Brace, Boone and other Nasvcea, oalThunday' nifht, by the Deputy Bberig. ct Fraeeloae County, sad Detective -Dasosa of thla city, who suneadered them "-aalvee to the suthoHUee. A viait to ths eeens of ths abooting ehowt that Boaae'a fin year old child waa ibut through tha forehead, and a N'rero Batsao unnerr -jnnnarai toe Bcase was artting ia bis cabin with the'ehiid, whew the efficera buret is and beeas ahontwg. tifv that than wme three white aaaa la party, one stooo outtioe ana tnot Jonneoa aa ne -lea sway, Ths belief entreating-that tha kuh log wat cora oioouea maruer, aueoreoreu population tit greatly teTitsted. Detecttn Looaely was srreated hurt evening on the charge ol asaagampuesaaa tne aaair.

Ths eHitena" of Ottawa will tears with tare that Lieut. U. Hamiltea 6m. tt l. a day, eaar Sherwood, also Cohmr-rlerreant Win- -ter( formerly eerrcaot H-bLs let Beta.

7th Regt Fusilesra) raw Gray proatoted. Toe appoint-ments are deemed stcelleaa, aad Sergeant Wm' ter will mske a popular oon-couimieeioried officer. Hia gallant conduct at Cut Ksils arainet the mvage bordea it But ea-forgottes. He wears the TcI-el-Kebir medal, and will peon a valuable officer to Capt. The reoogni- tioa et uie asmeet 01 Leeut.

tirsy, wno com-mended the eharrahootere at Cut Knife, end who maintained Canada's repqUtios at Wub-bladoa, will gin equsl ntatfactloa, Ths annual festival of tbs 8uadav achanl ehildreeol-Ht. Andrews Church waa beld laat enioyabie aucceea. utua core, There waa large attendance of the sad a very plaining programms of recitations waa fa wanted and very ot tae aouga ana ereditahlv miaatHl. aaeh child area raraaafai.d with ah eoene utkle toy-oa niled enis oandiea. "-T' tot Baiasb acta.

lVsrrnit.Jaltaarv 30. The rieve'A thena'aeee. is says thst tbe King of Greece baa become tired ZSZ of tbe politioa of the Athenians and eapecialjy of their pitouut bellicoas attrtode rociwctiug tbs T''1 I Bolgariaa qnretica, and that Hia Majesty will i aoos obrlieate sad retire to Oopeiiliasisi, All tha membera ef the' Gounty OouaciL who i tne vagooue nau weir oeeo-qusraers Nettk Lsnesatsr. just cioarjQ, were paid off urn sad left fee their raapeotive Tke treses aorketa. Oicaeu.

Jas St. 1 jt, slate. STtJnna. live nomee. i Osama tJwmw-Mlm Met tanks.

BacMaetwau A Held. Montreal; Morrla. ToronwT atr and raJ a Wait, Oaoaaooue: Alias Frssole Rea- mw: tt uew, lata, Jtonuval; Wm Ham. kis. Brook lie.

i JaeBrrna. Waoaatoek, j7k VU.wa. Dumyna v.limnaaif Vf ruroau, LSsenaM; M.lora. Mlm Urlfnth, Moritreal: Jaa Wood, Bncklaaili ft Macdsaald. 1fv.

Retwrta. for Tbs Kyaaaa Jocssat, by Ordert riromptly eaeouted for Grain and Prc UcsgiK-Jtosttal telegraph facditim for bayen I Mares, af Mey, lrk-jjj aao, 1U ao, UJtik aUroh, 11JB 2S- anon me BLii. ian. n.lf rao, 0.50-UI (OS07f April, i IxsaJoek Jas. to-Coroal0, Chioaao-Marreury above, eaowlew.

T.H Varde eat vanalnla Imim II IU)0.

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