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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Eyening Journal. am xrnnsraauan watxb. PUBLISHED BY 4. S. WOODBURN, ONBTaAB.

tk; SIX MONTHS, TIIRKK MONTHS, M6 -7 1 Tb. JoCMIAl, WHkUBt. OTTAWA. lVMmDAX, JANPABy IM THKVICTOBT Ef TOBOSTO. The new bat come, and U.wlll be wet oome In every put of the country, that fl.

Howland ha been elected mayor ot Toronto by a aweeplng majority. ThU ia a victory in many respect Jo? honesty, good goTemment, aad popular Institu tions. In the Ant place, Mr. Howland is one of the hading temperance mea the Dominion, He came oat fair and square in favoi rf a strict enloroemeot ol the -zisting liquor tawv-He waaoppoeed by Jhe united force of the liquor interest The big brewers and the keepers of the naneenaed Mires'' alike opposed the popular candidate. -There waa plea of keeping up the "respectability of the liquor truffle All the grog-makers and sellers in the, city got la the boat, and that boat haa been swamped In the tide of popular condemnation, i -Mri Howland, had be had the support of any portion of the liquor interest, might, in future, T- with snowing favor to that section as the cut's execu- tire head, But he haa nothing to thank them for and 'no favors.

to expect of them. The people may, therefore, look for squealing among the dive-keepers, -HsnffTIiUTrTast general law-breakers that they support, aa well aa among those highly "respect-' able -liquor sellers, who make a practice ot keeping their aide doors open on Sunday to the demoralisation Of large claas of young men. Fortunately for Mr. Howland and for Toronto and for the Province that looks to Toronto for aa example the complications in the liquor traffic have been done away w.lth -by the recent decisions of the Privy Council declaring the Dominion License Act void. The.Grooks'act is the law, and the only law.

It is on the whole a good will cover his name with glory. -Again, Mr. Howland Is as clear aa a maa can be from tbe influence of rinffs. He is Independent in poUticartTthere is one in Canada. All nis seaocuuons nave oeen as far as possible from the rlngster who have ruled the Toronto council so long.

He probably does not know even by name, half a-doaen of the ward "pashers" who have felt for years past that they carried the cmo offioes in their pockets. He haa never served a year in the ooun-: ciLand haa not taken a very pronounced -part in efiy previous contest. There 1s every roanon to look' forward to fectly pure government under his rule. Mr. Howland was the nominee of that large claas of -business men who senerally think themselves, too busy t6 Jobbery and want ef capacity manifested avernment baveat last awakened the people to the lacOhai Toronto ia wofully behind the timea in '-everything except mere growth of popo- Utkm.

The probability la they will remain awake to watch Mr. Howland's actions and to hold -up his hands in the good work upon which he has entered. T. t- 1 -11 1 1. Howland owes, his huge majority, If no turn cwuuuu, hb twm -v afianchiaed female dtiaens, JJo better support could be given to thecon- tentlon of the advocates of woman Mf- trage that the female voters would purify politira than theelectlnn of Ir.

Iloirland by such a large majority. )fr. Howland, it is feme, ia rather young and good-look. in, bat ha iaaiao a philanthropist and an ardent i worker in support of -aome of the moat important religions movementa in the city. He ia a man of -the rary-alglwat charatnrr--ytTao-thorooghly a man.that the charge, of hypocrisy which the contest might have expected to call forth, has hardly been even made, muoh less The women toted for him almost aa a unit, and they showed their Jtahlio- spirit and good sense by so doing.

Mr. Howland' election ia a victory for popular institutions against the assumed privQegea of llquor-sellera to violate- the law, against the assumed right of ring- ater to dominate the pubUo, and. being such, Toronto and the Province are to be congratulated. -THK FISHERIES -The moat seripua problem which the Oovemment haa to solve to-day ia the Fisheries question. For sixty year.

It baa been a prolific apuroe of and its solution seem to be as far oB as ever. It seems almost impossible to draw up an understaJidnig that will be satisfactory to the American fish ermen want the earth fenced in for them, and they will grumble, and cause trouble as long aa their wishes are not granted. Tersely speaking, tbe grievance of the Uluuceeter fisherman is that he cannot enter Canadian waters at hia own sweet where he then have a monopoly of the American mar- aec ate mrnas a nign uujuiainf imraiu be on Opiad keen them out This ia perhaps the most jng-landled proposition that any body of men; suppoaud to fee in their senses, ever made'to another body. To ask b-to throw open our fishing grounds to them and to, at the same time, allow them to shut oat oaf fuheamea from the A mri-an market, ia Unrivalled as a specimen of solid Yankee cheek. The Fisheries are ours.

They belong to us by nature, and they" were seoured to us by the treaty of UltL JlVrlggto at they may, the keenest American lawyers cannot get around the explicit statement in that treaty, that "the United States renounces forever any liberty heretofore enjoyed to take, dry or cure flab on or within three miles of any of the coasts, bsysj.creeks or harbors of Hi Britannic Majosty claim niade by some of the Americans that this treaty Could not supersede the treaty of 178y which gave the Americana the 'right to Ash In the Gulf of St lawreooe, and oa eartaia-coastaand waters within the British Jurisdiction, with liberty to. land for purposes incidental to the business, ia scarcely worthy of Since the lapsing of the ttshery articles of the Washington Treaty the Olouoester fiahemea haveThad everything their own way. They have Kramedaboutoor Bsh-lag and our fishermen hare been met at the boundary of the United States with a demand for duty. At a (empor- ary measure it was a wise and sensibU oourse to let things run on, until the American had an opportunity of legislating on the subject, But as a permanent arianiementit hat no attraex tiona for Canada. If the Amerioaa Congress, now in session, ref uaas to deal with the question, the only course Canada can pursue, with her dignity, la to protect her own fisheries.

J1 Fortunately however, the good sense and 1 fair-mindedness of the American people, promise so inumpu over jne grasping selfishness of the Gloucester fishermen, and the appointment of a Joint High Commission ia Very probable. What the result of the deliberations of such a eomt mission will be the future "must show, but one thing is that is, if tbe Canadian Commissioners do duty, the-Gicwcester gTaMma wiU CTntlnneto hare as sore heads in the future as they have had in the past. Thi Frm iVt had a "special" yesterday' announcing that a man named Thibeault hadommitted suicide at Waa-wicky near Arthabaakaiville. Thi gave the same Information to iti readers last Wednesday There are evidently speciala and speclala Those which! are obtained by the scissors are generally, about are day behind time. caaea of crime bring a lesson home to those who read of them more directly than the recent anamination in Toronto.

Two barbers in tbe same shop quarrelled about the Important whether the door should be open or shut They began scuffing and one stabbed tbe other fatally with the scissors he held in his hand. The assassin Is charged with murder in the first degree is now in gaoL He has a wife and three children, whom he leave fer the prescut without means -of support. The misery caused lncalcul- Tbi Ottawa city council for ISM la the exceptiona. Ex-ald. Lsverdure ran Aid.

Binguam out of Ottawa Ward, and Mr. Dalgltsh captured the vacancy ia Victoria "YT- Cunningham. Bt. George's, By, and Wellington Ward havethe same repre although in the. latter ward Mr.

Chrysler made a plucky, fight, and narrowly missed victory. The council will, as a consequence of its re-eleotloo, be able to carry out th improvements, which were begun ia 1883, and complete them before the-close of th current year. Other questions are calling for settlement also, and the councl'. haa plenty of work ahead ot. O.

-l Adelaide Davis, betrayed and deserted, took, fatal dose jof. poison. She was fonnd before her death and taken to the nearest doctor's office. The doctor, ac cording tj the evidence given at the inquest, ordered her companion to "take her out of and when told that the woman waa dying, he repeated his brutal orders The woman died a few mlnotea later. The jury brought in a verdict strongly condemning the doctor'! conduct his name, by the weyV Keeves and asking the coroner to bring it to the notice ot the Ontario College of Phy-sicisns and Surgeons.

If the facta are proven, the doctors of the Province may be depended upon to rid their rank of one who would be disgrace to any pro fession, especially to that of the noble on of medicine. 1 r.r, iaw-fefHf- tan xditom raorHMStta.zT' pTrsssTka Albaar JoaraaL) ftr--It is not slwavs safe to predict what will happen in a new year, but we venture tne role or a propnet on uus occasion only: 1884 will be abed year for the man who lets his interest run up and his busi ness run down; also for the youth who-f puts a 7 bat on a 70-cent head; also for the man who stubs hi nose off sticking it' into other people's business; also for the man who nurse a platouio lova until it gets bigger than a stack of rye straw, and somebody fills him up with birdsbot, and he pays an Italian tl a day to pick them out with a jack-knife, ifuring 1886 aa epidemic will break out among young-men who linger Sunday nights until o'clock in the morning, young men who lire off tbe old folks, and young mea who learn all the catch words, and say, "Ah, there, you there." It will sesame tbe form of an aguty and be known 'aa the "oold shake." The Hon, Mr. Costlgan, who returned tolhr cltyWtordaybring back with him a valuable memento of his visit to New Brunswick in the shape 1 a handsome eolid gold hunter watch and chain valued at about 3M, "together vith aa illuminated adlres of Welcome, upon heavy parchment paper, beautifully bound in. Atoroceo. iThe adilresa which waa fronvhia Cathohc friend in St John, X.

B. and Vicinity, aays among Oiner uung I iisrtii uw euBjr jnan or roar hwWatti esroMV bota ia oar Loosl tasislateM aad the kW iih.w ef th iMiiii foiliiim, aav nn i wiy pioinrs year manly sad oniio tsnt wftowing swdit aad kuaor apos yoanoK, aad tbo country sad proTiaoo of which yoa ar th hoaond rsurc sntsuva.1"' The watch bear the following iaacrip. tloa engraved upon the inside of the back case. Presented to Hon. John Costlgan by his Irish Romaa Catholio Friend in St- John, K.

B-, Xma 188." rata uoMsimra nwa. Uailsa.a ass risrt-taa uasaral aoasi, wss rsbOM by Mrgiars st easy aaa vaiaaMas wewa san maws rssosd that bewas ahlorsfonnad. TWa Aasliou BUtotia of ths -arwhslssMoal Frevlaes Caasda ar appsalUl aa behalf ef A bo asawd JaaMs 8UrlIo was at Nsw HamtNug yssterday. The ric is rUagaad tbs oarrsat btiag swift loo body sseaot bow rsooVorad. -rtnr Mraloois Bvylm, ef Brlbvilta, as tUaap-psarad.

Baa wss lost Jward ef at iflioa, wasBOS she Issdsssrlsd fraai friaad boas aj walk bass --f Thsre ls a MUasf ot bV Iba aambtr of arnats by tbs atootnal polka forsala Use of ever a tbnassa il, as tsipsrsd with, the pre- Thoamlt of Has7a7Ldbuaaa, agalBSt the Toronto Maii far UbL wUI essse ap for a AsMs-freai the awltfiox, the ortallry as sloatrsal la 1889 waa Wl awe tbaa ia tbs Joba Oillaspia, of Thsawvni, was kicked mtbsfaosbyabons. He wilt probably loos tbs sltbt of aa bssktas balag disfigarsd. Tbs Diism river rWaf at luadoa, aad a ineiutio of tbe laals eflaal I fasrsd. IswM sosoaf tbs littW bor aois- eaodat'HaauHsa, tbe oorooor i lory rati avardiot to. tbs sffect that tb ohUd had froBvaaeVsrdoss of Pevara aewdar, cItmi by Hark Moody, eanrit, la atstfaae ter a ay-esd M.

Iawi ware aesrly drswaad by taa gtrlog war of tea tos. Om reanc siaa boat Pertasei waa mrHuA two niiss dowm the rirtr aa a snail oaks of ios bf or briag rssoaid. traatto lalawrsa shows aawil-pox eaatiaase So pmrall tbsra. The Caatnd Beard will likely ssad eae of the aietUosl smsi te iavsstigste. Th sua Drolst who was se oro tally bsaua by a Qoabes polissaiaa a abort toassfe has takea aotioa agaiast his ssssilaat, Aa saxwUUoa of oea haadrsd saesorlbsrs tsths KW toad has bMslormod laaloetnal, aasb eo HodiBg bhasslf ta'pay t9 by mgaUr tastslsMats' to osvsr a parted of foarysara.

Th nUBaar waa oarrsnt la MeatmlnMsr Lday that Boa. air. C. 8. Badier would be smvssm so saa oaaass.

Tbe lloatnal aad Sonl railway pi th aaadvof tbe Q. T. ft. ysakwday. A farsbaak a said be doiaga BearishiBg a as If eatnaL Hallfi rax7 Is to hare a win tor ssralvsl ant oMath.

Tb Oraad Traak Bailway parpoar ssbibia. bg a awai8oaBt losoaaocJt at lb laatraa ttoaoi fcislbitioa. Tb kiooiaiialts is bow bsiagbaih. r- Tba aaawet Mr. L.

O. bavld I mmutiooti Ss aprohsbls oaadidot la atoatraal Kast fer tb Looal LarUatar agauMt the Hoe. L. O. TalUoa.

n. tftp. 1 Mr L. B. CbarUboia.

If P. aa baias: aksdtospaokatBiol saaatlasv rsfaaad te have aaytbiag to a with tb Oliver Dowd Bvres. ef "Aorool tb CooU- aest" fuu, bse base ooaiotd st CuMiaaati of vioUUns the Taw Srshibitiag tBSstrkal porfnraMiSDot aa tsadsy. AdaawiMjtablekeas waa Uowa ap with dyaaadte at Fiadkty. Ohio, aa Batarday.

Otbor oimiUr boasa hav booa waresd. QfttW H. DbA wbo stardorad his Wifs Jsnoy City, ass bssa esavtotsd ef msrdor bt the first dsgrsa -At Iadloa Klnr, Ky-. yesterday, Casrloa HeAJliatar fataUy sta-bod a mm iMwWagJothjtWatttadlag pryr sMtJ i .7. -Baa Balvadar has areata of aU dlploowtia WBinoBS wita AMaragBa.

A dospatob troai NW Terk ay that the opnba alght of tbs AaMrioaa spore at the Aeadomf of Maoie, Now-York, last slsbt wss a gnat sscum. Th. large aadltnilaa waa srowOMt, aa saa porsv--xmsuag saa tbs loadorsalp of Thsodora thomas, was nqoaaMy applaadsd." Mmm, AllaBMad, sa AaMrioaa lady whs assssiid tb rek Katbrrioa, was tnqaaatly osllod bafors the earula. Tb flsblBg snl is 'i LW waa lost off Portlaad, Ongoa, ysstsrday osptoia, 'mmm aad ChiBsae oook wore i A oboolhoas at Sswaoa, wta blows ever by a eyoioo ysstsrday. A boy MowooniB waa kUMd -aa sblldraa it and.

Than Is mow blooksds fal Kbnoka, bat the waathar ia ssiid, while ks Alabama tbe weather ssllder sad thaw are aarhiea Inada Tb ttMUBor Barasja has srrivod at Now Terk with tbe aaptsia aad twelve iswa of the bark Fraaaasos was wrsokad as Baa oa usonsest iota. DarldBrowBo, whe wss ehargsd with ass pliotty la tbe Hboshaa ardors, has bssa a. qaltud tb Btaaatar Ooa. Feadargaat, th Britiah fornro.sdor la Baraiah, has asst wttb a aordial raooptioa froai the Barasw aad Cblnsss am uhiabh tbtte a' doflelt la the Iiidka Roobobl ysar of about 3,000,000, arklBc eat ef the prapsratioa for war wbaa was Ml Ban dsTreolatioa la aOvor. ssnnisM stive pabtk works, asesssl- sad.

offisiak ef att 8PKC3AL Carllag Taags, at BOa. Ms. per pair. Ipirlt Lasaps for. hsstlag aarUag teaaa, 90.

Wsaaaaa Co.a Caaaod Boaps, all klada, at Halbwui s. A soatleauB drm tuiiuaful-looMag bona into tha sttv lotolv. aad stoDiiiiia ia ia Boat (oCtbo MMt-ofnos, ae renuomd omall boy to hold haa Hold a tb boy. "Jostkoa ItenpBaiosttholamp-poBtfaatll hold tm i Massard Pick ios, by tb plat, qaart, of (slloa, at Bauwrji Baos. TI Steal Saow Sberakealv ftOo.

each. Bast albx. woaaaua a usbH Fuxrteoslity aow tabk nhrins, Batn Now Terk Clb SksUsi ifow pairs at 10 aad 101 laotr, aU olaaip, at 11.00 par pair, at Albx. WaaxMjst A Co. a.

i afakt (to Vrkh Biilkaisnlt Muaossys aba's imllmalm nootdoal oV water ia tbs Bild ktrly, and tha tf Patl "An' out ys woaoWst it, ny daarr flatall buuno to th oows shk thnr-nty wsother, poor eratonr Fk old English Ulaos Moat at Bawwrn Baea. i )- Pibrafor alattraasav only So. per poaad. ALBX. WOUHAX A Co.

a. I "Doet yoa aoo, ssid kind father, "that it harts at won to whip roe thaa tt doa yoar I wooJd Koch ratowr noaf'O th jmsioh. awnt, but I whip roa as aa oramplo for tho other 'Tbaa 1st bm oivo it to th bay Bf4wd, tfand wall npbua to lb otbor obilhitorwaid.i'1Brn -Woriastsr Soooa, by the plat, qaart ar gal-Isa, at bUtowu Baas. i (. Bow genra ats TlBM duo lor tha okl roar toathk Aad laid air doad baaido i( akalaloa tim aotTOW It had otalkad Uuaosh my aoala osatls, I Sorted SWST i as haualod as aiaaraaay.

Mr Eaart a Bloat auoay siaoa AaoTI oaat too WKaUaa' taroos ioas awl ahmdowet i eunnr alaoa r--T' xi I oaat too bUaaUa odaa. lalboRaTOwaanUBoloaaos. Afl aakC -Than on (alas mum Mttao tbaa la Uis sas week 1 AMdowaaathsMstavs eanU i sua vala rosTOt a tlraa aad a ptaa raraaavwaoaaaaawasssti Jaataataa loaab was oinala, IKunaiaaaaUUklboushk is tbs aarfc sad atouldsr, Ami series as ousht. AaiiwMktlMoonswencrastag biaea aaod aaduroUi forovor, i now anaauiat ooiaiaa, a oaio, Lot Uio daad ja And thaa. liaa a I vaar burr ita a nail uuko radiant aasal OnthnMl iMlhMaklMahOTa.

Wli a tao sld Now 'V par la hk hBssss, laawtBoaplrttotloTO, Whatover waa cood in tho olo rear laUwaoalof tbo now year baa, Asyoaoiaaden too stbto of arror, Laokap, tor taaatanaJra troal let so mi tmm Uuaea dopartad Haaoh oat tot tho taiasa that are bow ITaaahr rKtforaytaCaiaawo Irftaaa A bny saarad Baresy htoClosksy was streek by sa Iroa bar la a lino fastary ia Barriofiaid aad killod. A nra ia tb Oreeaar Baaaai Koar XoaAoa, did ,000 worth; dsaiage 'yossareay awn inc. Who was TMsassrart ataa Sahad a taaeh ar of a bright hoy. Moor, air," was tha aar war. Vary wau, my boy sad aow, wha waa tbs sthsat woman Plaaaa, su, thass aowr was any anahaat woman 1" 1 rTtnAn ff Witan jJ -MtTl sti kaatii PIANOS.

action 7 most "degajltrh'lliiisli i Th mostirMckdffiign. vr, -WjBaaaaa--aaaaBBai a 7i, OF THESE 6a5UBT BBATED PIAXO IHOW- IJf ACTVAIi; USB. i thi Moat dcrablx riaKo la iaa kaskbt, 1IKT MODBBan IK ratOaV EMERSON PIANOS. I ksaws ts tha brlaaa rabtto tatoaaassaa la taf that saw at FiaarOuaa a mry. jLioiimiOiUiiivos I eikiiitriMT4Ur-rirui.

OUR HOLIDAY STOCK CtltbraUtl Isstrmsnts l'S'Ur EXTEHWE. snrctiLiKDOcxanrr rvu- CBaSKB ODRlXa THIS MOjm. Ommm So "llaVllMa! ANNUAL DiscoitSale KEWAKD HAKDSOME 94ft --I tt- Daring the ssooth ef Dessmber I bare oMdadao ooavBiy Urge aad wall aa-ortad Btook of Faraltare at 10 -par seat, dkaaaat (or oaah. i My stook sow sa xadingly larg and ariad oao and avoapriaaa all tha latest aeaei- tk la Parioar, DiaiasTOora, Badrooav Ball aad otbarParvitara, Megtsakt' appsrhsalty has mt beta rAtsd to tM Ottawa pabtte far raplsahbaa absla kaasshnlds st a ossfc Tho gaoda an ef tbo Oaoot qaalrty aad bast werkjaaaahip, tbs ohoio aaUasltsd aad the priest aaarooadaatly low. uis Wi, Palaod Furniture Store, zz I 24 Rldoftu Street, JACOB ERRATT.

I I wish to call the attention of tbe public to tha uper)or duality of mf They are a good ataa and alwayi paHoCtlr frabiraa-v'I. receive thesa erery '--Tt; Chades) Ante Cider. OYSTERS 03 SALL 1- 6X0 aadaraiaaaii Barbara farthar ass for a Iaa aatutba rkiod aostaaj baas le eOarS i aayoaa lor a soaav stent bs a coed soa thossk. J. DEVLIN.

PA-Tbs ambrcna oartsMat aat tnslaaeaV kabmenar. "i LAEG-EST AXDKSSTCCPLEnWCK "J1 1 1 't sriL 4J. a-w--r44 K' Artists Colors ud Ibterials in tot Daminion, it WJV1. HOWE'iS, 64 Rldeau Street, Ml tl JdJ DUNHAIVI PIANOi. 1 Dnrinlltl Unequalled.

Dnexcellei TsailawMklafiueiThesdeteThiw, Maaager Uaa. notrasa ana inoassads el others, -AIM TBI Williams Piano ol Toronto, Palabratad foe Waaaty at toaa, sowar aad fanoa. Cw. MARTIN RIDKAU STREET. fewlM, aeklarM mmm ergaaa.

1886. -1. New-YeSale. MILLINERYL Chsspsr thaa ovar. Bslaaes at (took Btaat aoM aad ao raaanaahla oOar rafoaad TU1S DAT sad BATCltDAT, lOODGOGra 39 SrAKKS ST- W.

PEATT Co. v(y T1- iWl aBtVl.SA VHI i i V' "lr. 129-131 Sparks St, BOOTS AND SHOES i rill Ml ix tMu Lrt WJioleatle and IIbUIL t- -Tf! A IrHiJlBUl ft -V" KlttaV i tr MoeetMlai, 5 randVaOlaaMt, BEST BABQaINS GT TBI CTfT. CHRISTMAS. Wm wooi-jd llaiiUMtw Stock Fojijiii Chairs, Wkiok win skar dartac BoUdar AiAigiit haW-prjpe, 0 ftmnor Si, near PA fast lUostvst, BwkBaby MONEY 40 LOAN, v- A ON BAST TERMS, kppjf McTEITT ft.

OrlUfc Hi I SEASON, Gnluun's Port Cockbnnia Port Vila's Sherries. 1 Bass' JUt. GumneW'Stout Bernards Ginger Wine. 'A Lemon and Sasaparilla Syrups, Ale in 5 gallon kegs. riTea0Twe7 JOHN CASEY, 294 and 296 Dalhoasie Street 1 -TOE RIMTNTOS-BTANDABJ) It )h BIST Writing Bhirrt msd.

rr yaiars 1 cwnat OARTAUa saa anuu larrrana, rvacnuuJ tio sioas, nounaa, amv raACnoors. I at tws wivrt.wrT Mscaota uabu, aa wau, a TaajrarrjiMiJratjs "Taa ftasuaarsai Trra-Wruraaa Ana osaa ra ill th Deptrtmtnti of thi TJ. 8. Oovenunant AH GrrtTmgsnt Dtptrtmtnti it Ottawa. ill Offlea af th Commireitl igsaeut.

HOLLAND OTTAWA. I.W tun XcLBAM, Barristers, Atsarasys, Bolioilora, VarilasBaatary lAaoats. an eraaer. kapoalls BaassU HoaaaJ-- OTTAWA. W.

H. Wixaax. D. L. IfoLau.

gBO.OOO, rands- ef naidaatt of thia etty-toasst for haa a' abort rjarintla. aa ala with BrTriUara of parias off at nny urns, alas aiorl aa real aad Uabastoras pawhaaiiil, Apply to BRADLEY SNOW, Barriatcra, Ac Booat 7, SooUUk Ontario Cham bars. oar. frasrks and Kls-ta Wnata. li-ly ROOKHS, Orrssa, Wauiaaroa ar.

Otmws. gTtWABT CHRTaLttV. Barrlttcr, BaUcttara, atav; v'! IfOKkT TO LCKO. Union Caaaibara, MatrsMs Otiaat, Ottawa. afcLaoe arswAnr.

H. Cbkvsub is-ly BAKBXV. Sallclter. Katerr Paa. lie, Ceaverasreer, ate.

Oraoa, K8parsa Straat, Cenl Rlook. opaoafla MOHETTOLKND. M' oTKITT fe CODk, Barriaten, BaUdtors, Osart aaA Popsitaisalal AfSBla, OTTAWA. Tamoa awvarrr. w.J.eoDa, rAJUS R.

BOWksj, i Arltel. at, suouisa JJOWEB DAYIuaOH BwUtts, rArtJaotal Taath wiU IVaai. fatneUon noMod. Qsewaiat ayatasa. Almost piklass PRESSED HAY iWw J-i'laaaal sAlW .1 WHOLESALE AND EKTalL.

500,000 SHINGLES Fine and Oedar. BARGAINS Furniture Retail at wbolsaala Prioaa. tb CURRIER, kmber Yard, Canal Baai Tr Wrtw owxv Bars TO rjuajt oraasTB jrrjRK, fuoujuuiu vas iiMii Cbnctry Property ta -Towntlu'n si GlosMtUr. fa tlicUigi CbaH mf yaarfca-Caaaari'S ZMrWark. JOHNMTON Va.

CLARK Puraaaat to the Jadsmont and Baal order for bar bv PLUUU-ALUTIIlS. Sr with tha approbation ot William Habshall mathbbub. im me jBaawra iaa ou- prerae Court ol iudicatan for Ontario, at Otiawa, at taaOoon llouae la a. tha ttu of Ottawa, at tha hour of 111 CUUCK, NOON, us WatJrIKrStlAY, Vila Uth bat or JANUARY. AIL lataVlhs toUoaanr lands sad sroniaaar All aad Binaular, thaaa aartaia par- I oela or tracts of landand prembMja aituata.

Kins sad betas ia Um tawaahlpof Uloneeatorbt the VouatXJa! OarlaMa bt the rrOTinoo of Ontario and in tho Llonilniua of -Canada, bairay oannnwad aaeveral paroels ol lands, bela pans of Lot A. tawa and Itideaa Junction Bore, ot th aforo- sald Towtuhip or Ulovoaater.whiobaaaeral par-oala. with the roads aad rights ef way aajoialii. iraTanuut ana opnnaouiui tnarewiia, aro anown upon a plaaof aakllot A. annexed tasdeed dated the Kthdar of Aucuat, UI7 saado between oa Tbeuiae c.

Jteefer el the Srat pert, Jetate Clark of tbe aeoooA parW and Anhie Keef or Iwife of tho said Tbomaa D. Keefort of the Ihrrri part, BMaT mtiatared in tha iti-Ar ofMoe Jba askt, Cmalr of Carletoa. upua wbicS the raid aarcela an colored red. and aiao deeignatrrl by auaibera. SAMtJaniosaswiMkroata are morapanicuiariy aee-eribod in the tiurtaasa froul Tnomas atoLaod Clark sad Jessie Clark 4o the plalelia AaaM Johnstoa.

whU will pruduond au4 rea4aAbba' VARCELONSV-BoiaKtlnmrjoaedat Brock No. fully deaea load la said atorlsaao, onatalnlns about V-aad oae-baU sens he the aama man or lees. Aiao ftuooa inc. a fuuy aeecrtoea msald Hotrta-asa, crmlainlns; It sad a half acres more or laaaTAlao Mock Mo. fullr daeoribed in aaid MortBMra.

onalslaitel Usad Ihreastisitats Bans PAKCKL TWO Brinf oompoaed st one aa-IVidod third part or ahen, in all and slag-alar, that certain parcel or tract of Jaadaad orautiees attaata. bio and beta hi the Townaaip of Ulouoeeter alorraslrt botes eaaapoaed of that part of lot letter A. in the Otiawa ead KMaaa-v Jnni-UoB Uon in tha Vowaahip ot tilremuMer aioreaald. deacribed as ttoliowa-lhat to earl CooiuieVMaoK at a poatpjanled when two ruads Intaraeot at the ai viator, line between the said lot leUar A end tot aurnber Oaa ia tha Ottawa and Kidoau Junotiua Uon of. the aaid Townablp of -Uloiiceater.

and at a dleUaoo ol about 1 ehalu more or leea. raeeaured oa the said dlviaien lino (rum th waters edge of tho Klror Ottawa, theaca la an aaaterlr dinolion alorax tha aakt dlrlalon line bet wrea lota A and One rjoreeald, a diata-woot Mohalna sad 70 links to poet pie alert thenoe Ia a- northerly direction at rightlaagie-t- with the said dlTialoo line between lots (A and -One aioreaald. a durtance of .17 chalas more or leaa to tha start of tha lUrer Ottawa at tha old ateam mill wharf, tlataoa folaiing tbe waters of the Kiver OUawa Sp euree-a a diataaoe of 17 ehaias SMt-oorleaa, to poiat where tha seam line of the aouthenaoet one ot tbo two roads aioreaald produced inanortharlTdinctioawoukt Intaraeot the watan of the aaid Klver Ottawa, thence south-eaaterly la atralltbt Una end 7 thnwch Um oefitxft ot Ui vmA 11 ehaln mora or tat, to th plrnem. at bastjuinc oodm1x- lum by adsMetuuranMiil It mad ofM-kaUi erM mor Of itsaie. IniTlTnttrg rn-aitt trhtols art ttTafih Ml feet WMie, wiuoit aauu Muroi or no.

01 wum uw om oikdt rided ihird lyttor ehre ia bereby iiwrtjFejjed deea of xmd.ridtui third pert or etuare (ram tho Mitt Thotntu IX Kecfer to Um Mid Joom Vimtk. baw.iv tut Um ttnd davy of ebruur. A. a 177. tuad ntjtitrtorod Ua Uw tofiietxy OOloo ol Uw aaid County of Corleton, and aiao doaariboi above ia pUintitt aaid aTarsnmros VAHVKL TtiitkiC 2ieiB oofupoeed oetw aa-divided third part or abara, la aU aad insular, -thai oortala pavrool or tract of land and pnmlaea liuaia, lylnc aad belna La Uw Townablp of uiouoeecer aioieeaiu, oe aid lot Jk, Ottawa aad 1 Ulouoeeter afar aid, belnf txenpoeed of part of toe aaid Townablp of, Uwooeeter, deenibed oa utiawa aaa itiaeaa aaoiKw uora ot follow i--Minnwaolnatoa.

the aottUwrn bottndary of aaid lot .4, oa eae. bank of Uw ravine whioh formt the outlet of Hemlock Lake at tha top of aaid aaak, ani on tbo weat aide of the road i neorreaoftNft ia wldib, at a dietanoo af about LMD reetfroan the baee Uaa aforoikl, thmca woeterir oroawtagr Uw ravine and te.towLoc aaid i aoutberly. boaadary of lot Ui feet to a poet" planted. Uwnoe north oD dogroea 83 miaatea, weet along liw edve of rarine bank W6 fmt to a poet plan tod, theaoo aortb 9i detfreee and tt aiinutaaa, weet l.OOfrteet more or leea to the watera adve of Uw Ottawa Hlver, Uveoce eooth-eeeferty alone -aaid water-et if about tUO foot, to within feet (meaanred at right augleai of Uw weet Iwuntiavrr of the landa of Alexander Knaeer, thenoe aootb A degreeo and Su mlnuteo. eaat parallel with aaid frauaera boundary 47 feet aMireorleae, toapu4nt oppoeite the aouth-weat angle of aaid Fnaaerg landand eV feat distant themtrom.

tbeac eoatk S7 degreee ad if mlautea. eaat la) feet to a poet planu-d, theooe eouln 6J dgre9e and tt mlnateaj eatti feet more or lew a v.oat planted. llaMoe -BouthW degrees avnd 06 mlnuloa. eaat 1BU foot to the place of beginning eontalaing about aerea be Uw aawe ntore or laae, also tjeeuribed ia niaia- tilTa aaid awrtKage. timid block aiubarOna la partially fetwetf, all olearad, and need aa paetuta avaiL Tbe eoil -lotuny clay.

rtatid biook anmber Two to partialix Haiij vlded lata two tiakU, eultivaled kotja. all cleared. It has a clasoU. Bald bkack anmber Three to aU Critartrf and wall feaoed, cultivated aa tana, landa, aad haa jf erajoted thereoo a aniaU fmnw dwalUn ea gtory hig b. and cow bouaa.

hich trnid three blocka will be aoM ta oa par- oeL Tha And. awmlooed undivided ooe-tkird share or part ia tolttded ta wbatt la kaowa aa taa nocaiino Qiooa--anBm xmm piaiaiiu aaniereat inere in, suhjeet to two prior tnortgagea amooaiiiig to SOOUandownluaintaweet ihereoa. will be offered sale eeparettjly aa a aeoood aaroeL tpoaaaid blork la erected Uw Ilockcllife Uooi louas, a atfeTahie, ec edlfloa two atonea a bara. kaia A1 IBBhdtsjIlSsi anal aanllsahaT hnil miair. The nrdt-n la beauiirullr laid oui.i high aUta of ouiUvaUoa.

well atAxked with fruit troeo, 1 1 Tbo aeeoadly ircnUoned trndltided baw-UxlrtT-prt ar abara Ineludea what la known aa Uw Ita vine. It to partially drarod. Thraugt. it rune Mnall atrearo of water from Hem look ltke to Uw Ottawa Hlver. Tha ravine fa need aa paatufa, nd tha plalntlffV bitenet in aame wlfl of-fared for aale aeparately, aa a third parcel.

Tbe asaid flret parcel to be offered will be put aa for sale at tha a pest nrioa of fOLUO, Tbo aaid raade will be oold ahUMtto tha taxes due thereon aubaequant to Hat IJeoeaiber, lsHfi. which the pnrnhaem will aaauroe and pay. Tlw purchaeer will prepare Uw deed at his own ex peoae, and tender the same for ereoutioa. aad aD OKpenee Incident to Uw InTeeUgalloa of UU tbmij raavid hv tha mimhaaa-iT Thr puivhaaer will, at tha time of aale, pay to pltvlntlfl solicitor tQ per oentxim of theyqr anaee money, ana wiuua one moain anau pay ino balance or parchaae woMar into Court to Uw credit of thto Ia other reamocta the eondlUoas of aala wUfa -tha iHswliaa; otrndlttoiw Uaaie of Uato Ooctrt. S.

For further particulars apply to lfeaara. PIhukt, Cuanrrio A Caaarria, Oohvvllt at f. BnacLjua, and Jhuwyaon Ottawa. Dated ttwSIU loember.lWt M. MATHK80K.

lwuatof 4 Veadore SolleltaiOA aDoOaJa. Jaa.M-ll-U AM ERRYJJH8I3TMA3, A Happy and prosperous Hew Year H- I GEORGE COX; 15 Matctxafa St." New Plate and Pack olXarfla i t- roa ease nis aenra. aaaaa.assaasj -r. HAV TOOE' UttaJa, arrMta, CI(b, Coat Araul, ar IaseripUaaa, aacravsd aa roar BOLIDAT. PRR8KNTB, CO, A Tt i.

-WOOD. -LACKAWANNA COAL, Fresh Mined. Well Screened. Sixes, (1 FIREWOOD Bar aaSofti Howe sne Uaaswa i Dell ratal r- to all parte of the CUj, GEO. A HARRIS, Alosgrove Bireet, Canal Basin.


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