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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Me Order the Daily Globe i larlj from ih or To set the bst result see that your want and classified advertisement appear In the Dally and Sunday Globe liULVLTL -IsM Edition price 2 cents 7:30 LATEST-CLOSING MARKETS vol. XOV-XO. 15 BOSTON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 15. 1919 14 PAGES COPTRIOHT.

191. BT THE GIX5BE? NEWSPAPER CC J-n iJBwiWjL HkuBr SOUTH BOSTON WO CHARGED WITH MU olasses Tank Blows Up, Causing Widespread Damage to Property i RUINS OF MOLASSES TANK AND OTHER BUILDINGS COLEMAN LEE WAS FOUND DEAD OF GAS Fifteen people were killed outright, scores of others were seriously injured and a tremendous property damage was caused when a huge tank of molasses located at the plant of the Purity Distilling Company, 529 DEAD, INJURED AND MISSING Police Discover a Hole Was Punctured in Pipe i Commercial st. North End, exploded about 12 o'clock today. The tank, capable of holding be-I tween 3,000.000 and 4.000,000 gallons of molasses, is believed to have been i Ifff Nun I fit), of 60 Baxter st Houili HoHtun. was arraigned in the touili Honlon f'lstrlrt Court thia morn IDENTIFIED DEAD OWEN GORMAN, city employe, 55 Freeman at, about halt' filled with molasse.s, and I after the explosion the thorough- fares for blocks arotind worn two inf nemtr illiam J.

Pay, on a rrnt i-iinrging her with the murder ii.d throp tn 1 ilunn in tilt hMvv 41 1 nf hir titiNhaiid, Coleman, aged m. w. I vital lC5LUWn Dt ihf mne address I wax found dead at 6:30 fluid, which -n liberated by the ex- JAMES city employe, 87 Brooke mw. Dor-plo3ion- cheater. Tl 1 1 i I a nv nine i rtrt 'j a rt cr.i;i morning In a gHS-fllled room In hie tnn.

and at the time It wan be- mrs Bridget clougherty, CoPP'. Hiii WfMd that he had committed suicide Ht Mk found by his wife and she Pi I iPOrled lite death to the police Owlne. lo Htories of neighbors and UNIDENTIFIED DEAD the explosion had taken place, but those who were in the vicinity at the time said that there was not the usual great detonation accompanying titlim-H Hi, made an inventlgati hli'li resulted in the arrest of Mrs In court a plea of not utility was en Four men at North Grove-st Morgue, so completely covered tfreil and the case was routinueil until such but rather a low, rum- wW noi. that description is impoible Tuesdu k- morniiiK in order to al bung sound more like a quake than jn i he i 1 1 to iiiukk a tuiuur mves Girl in front of Bay State freight office. tlH inn.

otherwise. Iri'Kt Hugh Itourke of Division 6 ill. luina'il in court. He arrested Win laic vesterday afternoon as a IMPIClOua person connected with the Buildings Crumpled Up INJURED Coul In rn I he Hrronil I'mtvc Fragments of the great tank were thrown into the air. building.

in the neighborhood began to crumple up as RELIEF HOSPITAL CASES PT7PATRIPIf vskll Me is I tm riii.rAiniui though the underpinnings had been THE WEATHER ck ip United ttatsi eath- "lb er I i fAHMitM' Ul pulled away from them, and scores fraTturiev. DIED TODAY of people in the various building ppTFK liKIM' J3H 1 Iliwi" and n- vicinity and cold- HR A cr tonight: Thursday TtT'X fair. moderate west JOH SEVKKLH I' (SietM-rlk-h I) JOH NOOXE. I II IM.l WHITM.t. wi wind.

For Kngl.iiid and Kastern New S'ork Fair Ionian and TtlUrS-ilay, colder ton it, hi, fresh northwest to itrit wind were buried in the ruins, some dean and others badly injured. The explosion came without th slightest warning. The workmen were at their noontime meals, some eating in the building or just out side, and many of the men In the 12 SkT Temperatures at 8 a It it rl i ii on and Mtkfl Id 't. ltoston, lis: New York. Continued the reoud PBgr.

UILLIAH KEOl'lill. mm addrr-s grhrca. ItAKTHOLOMKW if'M ALI.KV. orn- merrial at. J.

H. MaeMULLEX. i 117 Sara- toaa st. East Boston. (IWKN t.OKMAN, ii Freeman harlet4wn.

P. MLLIVAV 64, ii Wordsworth st, Eat Kostnu. THOMAS J. HErKKKN VN. 257 Mala st, Charlfstowa.

ISAAC YE ATOM, 3 Uintbrop nt. ft Washington. 38, Chicago, 28. S-ulipcrs' forecast: l'roteet MMMnta north for temperatures of 8 to IS degrees: west. to 'JO; south.

IS to Horn mi and its vicinity. 2t) to 26. Htichluiid Light. 8 a Wind west. 15 nilie.

cloudy. Bo.ton observations, 8 am: Barome--'vi in. it 39; lowest PHai lust night, 39; highest on Tues-f humidity. 67 percent; wind west, mile, cloudy. The Temperature Today TV thi i ninuii'ter ni Tlmniiwon'i, Spa roc.irilt ST STRUCTURE COMMERCIAL OF ELEVATED SEA OF MOLASSES ON AND WRECK BRUNSWICK PROPOSES A NORTH GERMAN REPUBLIC COPBNHACJKN.

Jan 16 The Government of Brunswick has issued a proclamation proposing the formation of a Central North tlerman Federal Republic," with A prclimiriKry constitution resembling that of Switzerland. Soldiers' and Workmen's Councils in various districts are askod to pafs upon the Kovhurj. JOHN McKEZlK, Ut harvester at, uihtiiiihi ni ie a ill toijajr u.s IoIIowh: rii'iMA IIMS unii TlMioai K. Kitztrlck. or 1pm 41 44 iu 43 44 I 14 4 in ii 87 43 HUNS GET WORLD TRADE Huston.

MKS Y. H. UMELL, Ifeafcs st, lluulton. Me. PAI ELLIS, 109 harlett st, Boston.

treasurer of the Brown lurrII one of America's prooii work- onllnard mm the Talrd rat. JOE found in freight car. Outing 1918 tr.e Gtotc printed more Heat Estate advts than the second Boston paper. Heal Estate for sale, to let or vantedt Advertise in the Daily and Sunday Globe. YMLLIAX V.

RYAN, 199 Portlaad I a In i-i-'c. DANIEL Ml LLMAH, 171 West lot- st. West Roxbnr. RALPH MABTIX, 120 Train st. Dor- Chester.

Please notify Circulation Manager. Boston Globe, if yon fosse any difficulty in obtaining your copy of the paper. Owino to tha increasing demand, newsdealer are frequently all sold out on tha Daily and Hunday Globe. Americans Must Learn Languages in Order to Compete A teleprnm from New York dated Jan 14 says: A sixty-four page book, entitled "Language Logic." profusely illustrated with full page half-tone engravings, tells how Spanish can be acquired by a very wonderful method by whica you can learn to speak as well as read and write Spanish. French, Italian and Knglish simply by listening to specially nrepured phonograph records on any machine.

Its publishers the Cortina Academy, 12 East 46th St. Desk 43. New York, announce that for a limited time thle book will be given free to all who write for It. Advertisement. fi c' Warn I iinlinuril on the I'm.

ro 6 Bell an Hot water Sure Relief L. C. Cough Drops Special Notice The Tremont Trust Co. is the only known banking institution in New England allowing withdrawal of deposits in its Savings Department at any time practically without loss of interest. IT HAS PAID Take them a few times and note how quickly hoarseness disappears Advt.

RELLr AN "POR INDIGESTION CASTLE SQ. THEATRE 1 Hlene'n, Whero Ticket ro Ttu. n' Oidlvernil Immediately. Hk -story or Tirr. rosary- Burdett College Now Business and shorthand courses Mondays.

18 Boylston St. cor. Wash. -Advt. MORE THAN 4 TODAY Money Deposited in Our Savings Department Today Draws Interest From Jan.

15th IS THE RATE WE HAVE BEEN PAYING Open Saturdays 9 A. HI. to 9 P. M- CosmoDolitan Trust Company GO Devonshire Boston on savings deposits and permits patrons the free use of its vault for the safe custody of Liberty and other bonds, stocks and valuable papers. New Savings Accounts opened on or before January 20 will go on interest as if started January 1 TREMONT TRUST CO.

14 State Street 77 Warren St. Star Dedltf fa. Transfer Sta. Open Saturday Errninji BLAME IS PLACED FOR WRECK OF TROOP TRAIN the interstate Commerce Commission on I Pointing out irai mi wv Naturally in the collision were expert- WASHIXGTON, Jan 15-Blame for the train dispatcher and an engineman. zz The bin eau reports that the rc wreck of a troop tram on the St Louis by he failure of division ent San Francisco Railroad, noar Choinister to transmit a poi a port "Walter, this coffee is nothing but pd men with gooo recoros, mr re- miia.

aids' Mall re(oit. lot marked Today Draw Interest From Tda Marshyllle, Mo. last Seotember. in train order to the operator roBM ftilure' or en- 1 that class or cdnt which could 6 thus Stray Stories. at the Con- '1: iSi.

rft iUrii Ul CU" Uhlfri r.ln r- jn K.A amrt nuAS ttiav KfAiltill 1 1 Ifl. I.

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