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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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COURltiR NEWS THE BLYTHEV1LLE COURIER NEWS THE COURIER NEWS PUBLISHERS 0. B. nABCOCK, Editor H. Adverting Manager National AivertUJng Representatives: Tbomu Co. New York, Philadelphia, AUaiila, Dallu, San Antonio, San "Francisco, Chicago, St.

Louis. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered as wcona cliss matter at the post office at Blythevllle, Arkansas, under act of Congress October 9. 1917. Semd by the United Press SUBSCRIPTION BATES By carrier In the city ot Blyllicvllle, 15c per week or $6.53 per in advance.

By mail within a radius of 60 miles, 13.00 per $1.50 lor months, 880 lor three months; mall In postal zones two to six, inclusive, S6.50 per year, In zones rcvcn and eight, $10.01) year, payable In advance. The Highway tfudit The refusal of tlic slate audit commission, headed by Chancel" lor J. M. Futrell, Lo spend tlic allotted it by the legislature is haps unique in the annals of slate and bureaus. Never before, i-o Jfcr as know, lias any public official commission been unable or unwilling iind sumetliiiitf to do with the ptib- llic's money.

Tbat this particular commission has only declined to take advantage of an opportunity to spend 100,000, but -in refusing has in cfl'ccl dclicd a maii- of the state lends added credibility to' the commission's as-l sertion that the act creating it and pio- yiding the money. is inadequate to a thoroughgoing' accomplishment of its purpose. Now it is simply a mutter of common sense that any organization, public or private, entrusted with the spending 'of as muctrmoney as. the highway department has handled'in recent years, ought; jd it's affairs thoroughly. The audit commission 'is for it's refusal' to waste pub- liq money oii an inconclusive audit, but it will be remiss if it fails to bring in a report for the consideration of the next legislative session stating in detail tlie changes in the law necessary to a complete investigation of the highway department's honesty and efficiency in expending the millions which tho tax- payers of Arkansas have furnished it.

Chairman Blackwoori has frequently expressed his desire for a real audit of his department. In justice to him, as a prospective candidate for the governorship, and to the public such an audit should be made at the, earliest possible date, and with that in view action by the special legislative session which will be held in the late summer is desirable. invested capital and the livelihood of many families placed in a precarious position, but the state highway department, We venture to say, suffering an actual loss in revenue by virtue of the "inability of gasoline dealers here to meet nearby competition. It is expected that a special of the state legislature -will be called within a few months to deal with the school problem. Governor Farnell will earn the gratitude of this and other communities near the Missouri border if he will include in his call for that session a request for adjustment of a situation that is driving great volume of Arkansas business out of Arkansas.

SIDE GLANCES By George Clark The Law Should Be Changed If the slate law does not permit of relief in such a as has developed here us a result of the four- cent differential between Arkansas and Missouri gasoline taxes the law should be changed. Not only is a business in- volving many thousands of dollars in OXJT OUR WAY Anti-Religious Outbreaks Hcccnl in Spain, of which attacks upon religious institutions have been a conspicuous feature, may be attributable, as the republican government insists, to communist and monarchist efforts to discredit a regime that suitii neither political extreme. The disturbances have attained rmch proportions, however, as to indicate that agitators have found fertile soil for their seeds of unrest. It is a fair observation that wherever churches have become the object of popular hatred and ilislru-l Ihcy have themselves to thank. When religious permit themselves to become identified in the public mind with government they inevitably share the resentment, which the misdeeds of government produce.

Anti-religious outbursts in Spain, as in Mexico and Kui-siii, may be coached and directed by communists or others to religion as but they find their mass support in men and who have suffered exploitation and oppression at the hands of pietis- tic used subservient or power and wciith seeking religious organizations as their instruments. A church that seeks to make itself, or permits itself lo be made an arm of the government can expect no more love or respect than the government with which iU is allied. Then there's the censor who complained or tho scant altirc at the baby show. The King of Slam is said lo be fond of golf. Now you know why he is anxious to have his eyes fixed up.

"I'm willing to live and let live." says Al But he doesn't say for how much. Butterflies, says a naturalist, cat practically nothing. Imltalc (hem. and you may also acquire wings. That hotel where Alfonso Is paying $30 an hour tor rooms probably considers the jack more important than, ihe king and queen.

'A University of Golf ir, being proposed for southern England. Courses there, naturally, will cover lots of ground. ral etaliway winds up from tlic cenlcr of the hall on the first floor to (lie glass enclosed cupola atop the strange structure, On the ground iloor arc a bcd- room, study, reception room, din- Ing room and kitchen, and on the second floor, two bedrooms, a living room and batli. Until 40 years ago, when (lie present St. Mary's Church was erected, an octangular-shaped irlck barn stood at Hie rear of 'The Roundhouse" and was used as a place of worship, THURSDAY.

MAY 14, 1931 THIS CURIOUS WORLD "I sui'ss I'll take a siriom ussy agam, since he's fjonc back lo work." NEW YORK, May of the Empire State building, islng one-quarter of a mile from he street, has become the big own's newest toy. Crowds of unlives and tourists oml in line, as at the box-oflicc of a theatrical hit, waiting their chnnce to take a 102-story-trip. Ifp.zy weather has been exper- enced on most of Hie clays sine-: mccl the streets, and their move- the building was officially opened, nieiit was reminiscent of covered 11 ill the highest, iwnk lo be built caravans of the otci days on on the new Radio City, which will be the capital of the entertainment world wten. completed. While every building over an area of many blocks had been condemned, 'hundreds of olrt- tlmcrs did not move until the last minute.

More than 300 businesses and families left In a single afternoon. Trucks and vans jam- by man Is being Many have titled "the fog discovered that once they reach this amazing they frequently arc unable see anything. The round-trip fare, Including privileges nt the 8Gth uoor, is one.dollar. Which reminds me. that already they're beglning to talk about the 110-story Metropolitan building.

4 For many years, experts have been tntinirins into liic quest Inn of Ihe western plains, or comparable to (Ire (light of survivors from a stricken city. In designing the super-ccntor lho architects hit one serious A certain merchant, who possessed a long lease, refused to give ii up. Under the law, lie had a perfect right, to remain where he wag Bui the presence of his build ing gave (lie designers a brain leaser. They have solved th A French girt Is reported to have laughed three hours without stopping. Probably overheard an American tourist givlnij directions to a cab driver.

By Williams YV NO FAP 1 just how much these huge build- problem by deciding to put sway. Serious attention building right over this man's been eivon tlic problem of whether place of business. The construe or not, the sky is the limit. lion will be such that when th There Is. statistics show, very lease expires the old build definite saying, but no danger is i ing can be torn down and prope attached.

made in the new struc One of the games played by the' lure. who make their way lo the Empire Slate's sky-nest is that of trying to detect the building in pvccess of swaying. This is done oy using a strong pair of binocni- ol a telescope. The idea is to astcn cue's on some window nearby building. Shutting one the degree of movement can detected.

nobcdy ever asks opinion in the matter, I frequent ly am inclined to wilh ilzcr prize awards. So while iMr.rgaret Ayers Barne ivrote an excellent novel, my ow decision would have gone to Elizn bcth Mndox for "The Circp Meadow," and I think I shonl have given Ihe biography prize I And talking about Man- Gencvicvc Taggard for her exec irittan's bigger and belter projects, lent biography of Emily Dickin he wreckers arc now at work up- son. American Foundation Now Self-Supporting PARIS, CUP) The American Foundation of the Cite Unlversl- alre Is now on a self-supporting according to Mr. J. R.

Hacher. director; of th? Council of Administration. The American buildlnjj opened year, on April 28, just before school year, and so ran a deri- citfor the first few montlis. It began to pay expenses thereafter and is now entirely on its own. The operating expenses are all care of by the Income from he newly founded institution.

The American students living in thc- 'oundatlon building at the present imc came from 123 different Am- colleges and universities and ifenrly every slate in he Union. Wt7HAU.HISStf.IU, HAS RESIGN 7HF CANVAS HAS REPififfEO THE BIRCH-BARK GOVERNS, SURVNEO WERE OF. Train's Take Ulg Reindeer Toll STOCKHOLM. lhan ,021 reindeer were killed in Lap- and during 1030 by iron ore trains the electrified railway. TODAY IS flEVy 73 ARMY INCREASE On May 11, Pri'sident approved tiic completed plans the immediate expansion of he regular army to full war stren- Uh, 293,003 men, through the for- nution as rapidly as possible of ill th(( units authorized by the Na- ional Defense Act of June 3, 1916.

The ordcis issued by the president called for the formation of 27 cgiments of inlanlry. 12 of artil- ery and six of cavalry. When hese have been obtained the; army would have 61 regiments of in- 'antry, 21 of artillery and 25 of tola! of 110 regiments. The new regiments were an addi- ion to the Uuard and lo draft army of 503.000. Raised :0 war strength the guard would contain 329.951 men.

Secretary of iVar N'ewlon n. Baker announced )lans on this day for tho. raisin of he 45 new regiments. ARE AS WATCfV- OO3S IN THE RcfML PALACE IN CHURCH EXCUSES Uy iV, It looks (o me like a person call an official chnpcron and three could arrange their own allahs' cr four busses and let this woman without other people meddling. Now get in the driver and go it srcms that everyone in my Iroin house to and pick up.

neighborhood keeps right up with the children and when services my business. I've had at IcabE a were over it would not take them half dozen of my neighbors ask icn; lo take them back home: II if I had found scrncune to-they would adopt like lake my children to Sunday School and Church, as if it was their concern. I'm sure the interest they this it sure wouid take a lot of worry oil of the Mothers' hands. To be sure the children were well displayed wss not really interest i cared for Ihey could a nurse tut, curiosity. As long as I've lived I or hdpor along and if the chil- here among them it to me tiren were not ready when the bus they would know that I have my called for them it would take such children's interest, at heart.

If I didn't I would not t)D so particu- a little time for them to run In and get them ready. They could Inr about who takes them. Of it a rule for those, living I Suva several neighbors the closest to th: church to get that I wonkl trust llicm with but ready early. I hope someone who most of them belong to my crowd deeply interested in church work and do not get np early enough en Sunday morning to go to Church. It seems to me that if the church will give this thought.

One of my neighbors said she thought this a splendid idea but as she has no children ideas may not be folks wouid have what you'might; so gcod'. HEIRLOOMS OF 1931 A Young member ol! some far-oi'f generation will take down a piece of stemmed glassware from a cupboard. "Look, they used this glass on their daily He will lift a length of glowing drapery from a chest "They used this curtain at their window" ocoa Made With Milk Less Harmful Than Coliee riV UK. MOliKIS FISHKKIX lyr. JnuriKil of the Amrrii Jlr lifal Association, and r.f Ihe Health It hr.r, teen a well defined im- in tlic past lhal and chinks are bad fur children.

ho other hand, has Ui-un belief that cocoa is and other food, substances of much greater importance. Cocoa contains theobror.iine, a chemical substance closely related to caffcin. It Is believed that it differs frcm calfcin cnly in having greater effect on the kidneys and a less effect on the ronlral nervous system. 11 would, ihcie- forc. be exacted liiat would have Ihe same effect on Ihc LyiiU child as t'a and coilcc, it might have less tendency to On this subject.

Dr. points out that feu. any. experiments have been p-r-1 produce sleeplessness. Cocoa made Irrmecl dircclly en chilihvii ur with water nnd sugar has Just these imprcssicns about (he strength nf a cup ot lineally.

Most of the cvidtnce coffee. Cocoa made with milk Arrived from studies on i equivalent to milk flavored with 11 Is. of cc-urse. known Ilia: ih'jtwo ol coffee brew, apllve principles of tea and As a concision to the.w cnn- caffcin and sidcrations. Doctor Itoberls feels r.rc dings which in tint cccon made wilh milk I likely to be less harmful lo thn than tea or coffee, but (hat cocoa made with water is tint different lhan lea or amnunts prcdnre definite ril 1:1 the body, the effect the amount given, the uay given, the condition on to whom it is factors.

OUeir. Mlmulalc energy up the breaming and activity nf Hie It Is knov. 11 lire of lea r.nd cofi'ro i clucc iolcrancc, so. that drink mere witbnut brills The physiologic tho body ct Ihe ohiid 1Vl tliail in cnoisy nerds Ihr- tlian llicsc of aii'i it is net r.dus.iK:- i ford Hint it substances without lond value. Ui'inks energy nreds Even ir.tic.

(.,. the diet tends to RoadhousE Dwelling Landmark at Attlcboro NORTH A1TLKI1ORO, Roundhouse," local landmark, is one ol Ihe most extraordinary dwellings in Ai'icriri. Unlit seme 75 years aso by Al- Tifft, a. silversmith. It now sorvcs as a hituc for thr Hcv.

rirk K. p.islor ot St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, and two curates. I The parish house, as its namoj Implies, is round. It Is shaped like a thvcc-laycr wcddinj: cake.

AM ol' its eight rooms shaprd l)ke vvedges of pie. A steel-encased spt- Heirlooms such as these will indicate to them our 1931 civilization. But there will be another record -the pages of our newspapers and magazines. Here in advertisements they will read of everything worthy that is possessablc today. They will sense the countless shops that carry these offerings the endless labor in factories, improving, perfecting things.

Likely enough they will marvel a little that you can buy goods so fresh mayonnaise might have just been made in your so carefully prepared took us three years to perfect this so dependable' (This cigarette has always the same satisfying so recent (Only the other day this diamond bracelet came to this Perhaps those for-off readers will want to make some of these purchases themslvcs and won't be able to, because of time and distance intervening. But you can! You Neither time nor distance deters you. Here it anything you wish to buy. Homespun tweeds from Scotland breakfast Hakes from sunny wheatlands in, the West. There is romance back of every advertised good thing.

Romance of change, of the effort at perfection. Advertisements are true mirrors of the best to be had today. They give you an easy, happy scrvey of all that is buyable. They help keep you chic in yourself, your surroundings, every inch of your purchasing Read them and remember their news:.

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