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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 8

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


At the drug store Miks lertr of 25 Henry st was belnjr treated hy Dr Osborne and K. Bender. Two women fell into the net at almost the same moment Tfesj strands par'ed and the two were added to the death list A girl threw her pocketbook. then her hat. then her furs from a tenth PLUNGING BODIES I Saved by Fall on Heap of Bodies.

rontlnned From the Klrnt Pace. THRILLING TALE OF SAVING 20 Reach Next Roof With Two Children. T. an Interpreter Mm Qerts said that she had tried to get down the fire escape In the alrsliaft, but had fallen several stories and landed on a i heap of other girls. Katz said to me: "I was working with I my sister Gussie on the eighth floor.

If the fire had started five minutes noor window A moment later her body came whirling after them to d-ath. At a ninth-floor window a man and a woman appeared. The man embraced the woman and kissed her. Then he buried her to the street and jumped. Both were killed.

Five girls smashed a pane of glass, dropped In a struggling tangle and were crushed into a shapeless sfl A girl on the eighth floor leaped for a fireman's ladder whb reached only to the sixth floor. She missed, struck tae edge of a life net and wa-picked up with her back broken From one window a girl of about 13 years, a woman, a man and two women with their aims about one another threw themselves to the ground in rapid succession. The little girl was taken to the New York hospital in an automobile. She streamed as the driver and a policeman lifted her into the hallway. A surgeon came out.

took one look at her face and touched afternoon in the worst disaster New York has known since the steamship Gen Slocum was burned to the water's edge off North Brothers island' in 1904. when 1020 persons, mostly women and children perished. One hundred and forty-one bodies had been re-mqved from the ruins at midnight' and seven of the TELL OF HORROR Eye-Witnesses Describe Awful Ram of Unfortunates. of Harris and Blanck Owners Shirtwaist Company, hit- hand to her wrist. "Sh is dead.

of later we would all been out of the building. The Klrls were beginning to getv on their hats ami coats when someone shouted 1 looked up and saw a little Are starting close by the CJreene-st stairway, d'-wu which all the employes go. "Before you could scarcely think the fire was running all around the mom. There was a lot of light muslin In the room and heaps of packing paper, ran first toward the washington-pl entrance, but there was a crowd there and the girls cried that they could not get the door open. Some of us ran back to the Greene-8t entrance, but the fire was all over the store, so I took my sister by hand and ran for the fire escapes.

"Lots of us got down that way. but at the bottom we found ourselves all shut in. I cut my hands breaking a basement window and we crawled through to the basement. It was pitch dar't. hut some of us groped our way through to the Washlngton-pl side, where there is a freight elevator running to the sidewalk.

I climbed up the wire rope of this and managed to muke Tell Dramatic Story Their Escape. fatally injured had died in hospitals. This it is believed, completes the list of dead, most of whom are unidentified. Grief-crazed relatives besieged the morgue as the bodies were laid out. Nearly all, if not all, of the victims were employed by the Triangle waist company on the eighth, ninth and tenth floors of a ten-story building at 23 Washington pi, on the western fringe of the down-town wholesale clothing, fur and millinery district.

The partners of the firm, Isaac Harris and Max Van With Club Drives Girls From Elevator. One girl jumped into a horse banket held by firemen and policemen The blanket ripped like cheesecloth and her body was mangled almost beyond recognition Another dropped Into a tarpaulin held by three men Her weight tore it from their grasp and she struck the street, breaking almost every bone in her body. Almost at the game moment a man somersaulted down upon the shoulder of a policeman holding the tarpaulin. He glanced off. struck the sidewalk and was picked up dead.

mar TORK. March 25 A dramatic tory of the big Are dlaoater wu told tonight by the two proprietors of the Triangle shirtwaist company, occupying the eighth, ninth and tenth floors of the bum-d building. They are Iaaae Firemen and Police Powerless to Aid, But Hundreds Escape. Harris of S3 West Wist st anl Max Within the building a man on the eighth floor stationed himself at the Blanck of 30 an r-arkway. Brook- seen at the home of myseir hearil by some men on the sble-walk.

"They found some way of low-ring the elevator and we all came through that hole." ho was door of one of the elevators and ith a club kept back the girls who had Tney weT stampeded to the wire cage. Thirty were admitted to the carat a time. the were the foil -wine si on of their I Frantic Women Break Police Line. smoke came then a girl The greatest pressure on the police i ney were rushed down as fast as possible trantc experiences: The call for ambulances mm followed by successive appeals for police. VoorToMne until nearly tiOu blueeoats had reached the scene.

Five hundred patrol- ington pi for about II rears. The lth men drew a lln inn s-. floor has been used aa a stock room. By JAMES COOPER. per floors, but puffs of Knv viik Marr-h As the first from the windows and burst right through a window on the i lines, which described a circle a mile i ta iu uai it un rv uuu i uill i lit ijiii utug uui iuiij i niacins offlc- and sample room.

About and coped with a crowd numbering tens of thousands a mixture- of the Blanck, escaped unscathed from the office on the tenth floor, carrying with them over an adjoining roof Blanck's two young daughters and a governess. There was not an outside fire escape on the build ing. How the fire started will perhaps never be known. A corner on the eighth floor was its point of origin and the three upper floors only were swept. On the ninth floor 50 bodies were found; 63 or more were crushed to death by jumping and more than 30 clogged the elevator shafts.

The loss to property will not exceed $100,000. to persons were working there at the time of the fire. "Ob the ninth floor were our machine, on which about 360 operators were employed. The cutting department occupied almost ail of the floor, and about 13 employes were wo'fc-Ing there this afternoon. "We employed altogether a few more morbidly curious and of half-crazed relatives and friends ot the victims A hundred mounted policemen found it necessary to charge the crowd repeatedly to keep them back.

Ied by Fire Chief Oroker. a squad of firemen stormed the stairways and gained access to the building at 7 o'clock. Beams of two searchlights from buildings opposite played on the building lighting the way of the I than TOO persons just how many more fire fighters as they ascended to the top floors. 1 cannot definitely say at this moment Certainly not more than 725 or 730. topmost floor and sprang out to death.

jn circumference about the Triangle 'irMU-hni 3Ll Kd fr factory, came at Washington sq. lo a time while the little lights began playing by the score about the upper the of iat te" window casing" I thousands of spctators gathered, and 1 heard many men volunteeer to carry to, that quarter the relatives and t. burned, crushes bodies of tiie girN friends of the operatives turned with from the sidewalk where they fell, but one mind quantities of falling glass and bits of1 trom Jhe discovery of the Are these cornice made the place beneatli the deeply Interested ones pleaded, de-burnmg factor- so dangerous that the I manded and stormed to be let through, police waved back the volunteers with As time uad more definite the word: knowledge of the horror proportions "We would all go if it would do anv I spread, tne pressure on the police grew good, but a wall mav fall and you greater. The lines were reinforced, but must all stand back" the frantic beating upon them out- I weighed every precaution of the au- Ladder Reaches Only Fifth Floor. "AtsiSTs crowd of 500 women massed The gladdest sound that had ever at tne corner of the square and ington pi.

All of them had some grlev- come to the ears. of the spectators was JJ per3onal reason for wanting to get the clanging of tne bell announcing the through the lines, and finally the lines first of the fire apparatus was coming gave way. The ropes went down and from Broad wav. the sprinting women swept over the The hook arid ladder men raised a Policemen like a wave. The movement ladder as far as the fifth story, but was SP? iad could do no better.

Scarcelv had the the radaJ' on HK.f2? ladder been raised when the firemen re- Uut 11 was forC; that the SSt ceived their first idea of the work in en rf More one instance the police were compelled 'Another bundle of to usc tbeir ciubs before the women lifl of smoke came from tne win-loi of the factory building at the Mortnwest corner of Washington pi and Gtt-cnc thia afternoon. I was passing that corner. Kor fully a minute the spectators in doubt as to the smoke meant a fire in the building or simply from a machine used for manufacturing purposes. Then a little tongue of dame appeared just over the top of an eight-story window on the west side of the side of the building. "That's a sure fire! I'm going to Bnd in an liarm," said one man.

He eet out on a run for Broadway and as he did so a little ripple of Are ran around the tops of other windows on the eighth floor. Within another minute the entire eighth floor -as ppouting. little jets of liame from the windows. The increasing of the flames attracted a large crowd within three Fifty roasted bodies were found on the ninth floor. They lay in every posture, some so charred that recognition was impossible, some with the death agony still on their features.

A half dozen were nude, with their flesh hanging in shreds to their bones. Women with their hair burned away, with here and there a limb burned entirely off and the charred stump visible, were lifted tenderly from the debris, wrapped in oilcloth and lowered by pulleys to the street. Grabs His Children. "The front of tl.e building la equipped with two elevators holding TO persons each. There are Steo two rear elevators used both for freight snd passengers Into either of which 30 could easily crowd.

"My wife and four -f ray six children." continued Mr Blanck. "are Ir Klorlds- My other two children. Henrietta. 12 years old. and Mildred.

5. are wltn me in charge of a French go -erness. Her name is Mile Ehrtaman. Falling Bodies Break Through Iron Roofs. Pedestrians going home through Washington pi to Washington sq at 4:50 were scattered by the whiz of something rushing through the air before them; there was a horrible "plop" on the pavement and a body flattened on the flags.

Wayfarers on the opposite side of the street shaded their eves against the settino sun anrl saw the winrlnws Hundred Coffins Ranged In Street for Victims. Across the street there rested on the sidewalk 100 pine coffins, in burning dresses. burnine dresses. which were placed the bodies. As fast as this was done the coffins were inclosing a girl, came twistinc and i ave wa' Delore -onf.

OI, iSe 'AccomDan'ed by their women whs injiweu as a rmun oi me drastic measures employed. minutes. No sin of life In the building had beei observed by the specta-tcr on the street front, wh-n suddenly turning through the air from a ninth-story window. The poor girl struck upon the upper rounds of the useless liH.I.i- tint 1 w. -1 V.

1 carried away in patrol wagone, automobiles anv kind of vehicle, that they came to the factory and were with me in a little office enclosure on the couid be pressed into service to the morgue at Bellevue hospital and to 10th floor, when a chorus of screami? tho fk. ni i m. l. 1 sounded from the street below. v.

i i fc. uuauir AO tU5- looKeo iikc a sale or tarn her hold and after win: seemed a ie. upeueu lor tne nrst time since tne siocum -Running at top speed into the little dark dress was hurled from an office where I had left mv two children. WAILING CROWD AT MORGUE. of the Jhreeupper floors of bujding black with girls Hundreds of Relatives Seek to crowding to the sills.

There were no fire escapes. Identify Bodies, but Are Forced to wait Till aii Are Recovered. Don jump, don jump yelled the crowd. But -ry window. "Somebody is in there, all claimed a spectator.

"He's trybi real sirusgie un ner jiarl to cling to the ladder she fell the remaining distance to the street. As she lav upon the sidewalk iter hair was burning and a fireman rati yp and beat put the flames with his hands. He knelt over the girl for a minute and then returned I found than perched on window sill looking down to the street. As I caught them up and turned to again attempt a descent of the oack stairs, a man staggered up from ninth floor, crying ah loud as choking lungs would permit: 'Fire; set to the roof. It's our one chance.

"It is strange that some of the panic- uorror. as each cofnn was borne away, a policeman shouted to the hushed crowd of thousands a description of the victim and of the trinkets found in the clothing. Long after the fire was out and every window sill of the three fatal floors dripped rivulets of water, the gruesome work of recovery went on. I Two blinding oeams from searchlight engines below threw it all in pitiless relief. Ropes swung from the roof would tauten and something black would nkw fork.

March is-a weeping the girls had no choice. The pressure of the maddened ailing mob of men. WD.nen and chil- I vailing mob of men. w.i.nen iv me wagun. hundreds behind them and the urging of their own lf, toucinng her he'dien. more than 50u. to a group of us; -she's battered u- LT pieces. i 1 1 1 if -1 t. gui oi ujiu Suddenly the streets began to 1111 with i 'he East river as early aa i o'clock, I IC3TS tOO Strong pave the best clotn." Another seeming bundle of cloth came lmiling througn tbe same window, but this time a tossed open the cloth end from the- crowd thert canve a cry horror. The breeze had disclosed lie form Klrl Staootins down to instant death the stoie pavement beneath.

stricken crowd below did not mount the stairs, one tn z. I gi'is. some supioriing otr.ers when thf aiincun ea had been msufl sway uncertainly from a window, shooting downward in groping plunges, -tirs There were two thpn Hirnn.i, w. z. I front and or.em be res 1 i T-r ir, both of steel doors on each vn fn.A Witn I thai the bodies would be brought there i ruur aiarms were rung witnin id minutes, oeiore -Rii uuumrw inipauuus couiu oe maue opt a woman iorm.

i anli guarded by Iron iiwmi inmoe tne uue iiunarea ana six oodles Had been taken from the building and 20 landing. injured had been whirled 'All around me there was panic "W' tta engines could respond, before the nets could be for a doctor, and for Tht these three died soon after admittance Srls. frantic with fear, were shrjekirMt nn. i in me iruwu spectators learned that rrantio mothers, heartbroken lathers, crt 1 1 A 1 1 r. L.

rf lhe J00 uttu brothers and sisters, who didi stretchecl or the ladders raised, five girls had fallen from or the ractoiy had succeeded in reach- what it nil menni hut en, 1 i i i left lltrnfr" a11 55 JSttU sSSU iJ5S Sdmfiifn the eighth and ninth floors so heavily that they broke nmoke pouring up from the lower floors medc the sir so thick that we could hardlv distinguish each other's faces Suddenly I heard the voice of my partner. Harris, crrine this way. Iet's make for the root. all were so dazed that thsTesSd rJJ.JJln. Others were not expected to live the night.

Three of five women taken to Bellevue hospitsl died soon after admittance there. Dozens of the dad and dying were aflame when they struck the sidewalks. To extinguish these fires, a volunteer bucket brigade was formed. whose members worked amid falling bodies in imminent peril of their own lives. A store of blazes were extinguished i This: mnnnpr through iron roofs of the sub-cellars and crashed through s-arcelv sot-ak wm bvums i ijiii.

imc- the Jatli nroci nets called to handl- ii- or np terr.o me i Jumps With Hair and Clothes Afire. Before the crowd could realize the full meaning of the horror another girl prang a window It seemed that she had broken open the window with her fists. Her hair streaming "Oown her back was all amaze and her iclothing was afire. She stood pclsed for a moment with her aims extended ami thn down she came.

street front came just as the rtrst tow Lieut H. Sullivan, wltn detectives Wilson. Cahill anu Ieinbreclit of tin- pclice headquarters information bureau i Reach Roof of Building. "Once on the roof." went In an hour the fire Was OUt; in half an hour it had Ambulance surgeons worked heroically with the maimed and dving and ii in whrrver wa a show of life in the surviving forms, they were liftfil on er- came dashing into the street, at sitrht of which the crowd veiled with delight. While the tower was scarcelv one square distant, three girls leaped at practically the same moment from the 10th windows.

arrived at the charities department uock Mr si. Blanck. "our predicament before clock md mapiel out plans uuut ua wutsi, jjiuuduiy uic ucrfiu list wdb tun ill BBSS amnuiances ana burned 2va moot as desperate as It minutes. watching multitude uttered a lour for securing the proper identification of the dead. Sufi Kavne of the morgue sent all the available coffins to the dock.

Sixty-two plain uoxes were delivered. When Lieut low. Above towered 10 feet high the roof of bis; factory building; srbl-h fronts on Green st and Waveriy p4. rote of despair as three other girls at 1 Crowds Avert Faces in Horror the same moment threw themselves i could ttM that from The building stands on a corner, with exposure on In other direction, separated by a iuu anu mners couio three streets witnessed this fall. Kro chasm ot 13 feet st least, was the rasa nrasdhst the" CppVbs- two sides, but the only fire escape was on the interior, or seen ennging to tne wmc.ow mimes, the moment of tha first deen moan Students With Ladders Save 40 Girls.

One the tenth floor of building adjoining the burning structure is the law department of the New York iiniersit. Here 20 odd students were listening to a lecture on law by Frank H. Sommer. former sheriff of Essex county. New Jersey.

Prof Sommer saw the smoke, saw the humau firebrands falling rain and saw the girls trapped on the roof. He led his class to the roof of the university quarters. There they found two ladders. The boys seized these, bore them down two flights to the roof of an intervening building, swarmed out of th qh that told of the girls' fall everyone turned face about and it is doubtful if anyone witnesses the end. In all hausted, but mat more nan ueen -r hi dered and that they would ie rush, i opening on a light and air shaft.

In all there were seven oor to the as wli as when tin- re ba. ked exits, the single Hre escape, two freight elevators atthe to the dock, on a dozen trucks, the i of the American book company, which fronts on Wooster st. "How to reach these points of safety was the question. It had to be settled quickly. We could bear the roar oC flames seemingly from right belosr our feet.

We were half blinded with thick ke The heat was scorching. Mad men could be seen cai rvint- wonien who had fainted away from crowd surged back to allow the vehicles i the crowds panic reigned among tn Jinic reuynso among me to pass. on first Dial the coffins contained bodies, there was a rush for the wagons that was re- i pelled onlv with the greatest difficulty I rear, two passenger elevators in front and two stairways. Exits From Building Practically Useless. All of them proved almost useless, and practically iiieui 10 un- mot ot tne burning down to safety.

Ptortv sir Is wpr women and rorty gins a ere Drought! the end seemed to be right st hand wae kan mi. 1 rs k. nl ll. .1 n. wi mii mw wvaw VI 1W There Were so llianv spectacular Incidents q- mow t.i- I partner om- i- bv the police reserves.

chap-! of to morgue wa; an identiricatlon bureau one at a time 1 so much jiathos and that the minds of onlookers were tunnrf ut Hyma- Moscher. a cutter, slid down the elevator csble ten atnri-a 'clerk. Harris had and was found alive at the bottom, standing In water ud to his arm nirT I rn 'he roof the big factory above our heads. There His hands were larsraiod hi. fnroh.

t. "la- ing id feet -w 1 "hi ue a uinerw tin- I-ire engines could be heard coming rrom all directions anil it appeared that the worst was known. Then the low murmur of the crowds attracted every eye again to the upper windows of the building. At the westward window of the ninth floor a girl appeared standing on the lower ledKe of the window. She was the first to be seen on that floor.

Stretching out her arms in an sppeal for help the girl seemed to study the crowd below The indow was" outlined with little tongues of flame t- lame touched her dress and it began to bum. Again stretching out her arms tr girl plunged head foremost to the street, while the crowd stood with averted faces. This was last girl to jump from The cfrAt V. w. he lay on bis Womarti, hands ex hurt arrived thiy afrero'efoik ThM who escaped either climbed to the roof and scrambled of them i thence to the roof of the building occupied by the Amer- 7: th bodies already received! i a a i i had" b.en laid out.

a taK and an en-1 ican book company adjoining, or tied in the first rush for velope was placed on eacli body so that when identification was established the safety before the crush and smoke grew too thick. rrttt u-rltd rtfivvn lhe names anil SS tended downward and up to hlti. struggling tor breath and trying to decide bttween the death within the factory room and the death on the stone pavement and sidewalk below What se 'tned a full minute passed before the n. xt girl jumped. As she took the fatal leap a wave of flame followed her from the window.

A policeman came running from the Mercer-st station just In time to witness this girl death. "My Cod!" he cried, i "will the tire department never come?" He ran away to telephone and just then two more came down together, seemingly with their arms out eacli other with one accord, the titrong of spectators, now numbering in the th-u-ands. turned awav their heads. "It seems a crime to see such a thing i and be unable to they said. A shout of terror from girls who ltnsd the upper windows of a high building on tUe opposite side of the street apprised those of us on the sidewalk of a new terror.

They could see what we could not a rush of girls on tie ninth and tenth floors of the building toward the windows on the Wash- I ington-pl front. ai a ime. we paeo the Just how many trips were made by the elevator men will rxrhaps TWenty girls at least were saved in 1 a.n minru mere are varying reorts of heroism st the ele- nif way and men. taiors, out it wss imnosslbie toniehr it were ope aled The building stands tonight with shell intact and barely i UP to tne last possible moment. addresses to prevent confusion.

l.ieut Sullivan announced that the relatives of the dead wotild not be Sd- mitted to the pier until after the last scarred, and it is impossible for one who did not see it to imagine I bouv hntl been brought there piern now tne flanges so short space could have wrought such havoc. Xot 20 seconds after her wiv tV, would then be permitted on the NEW YORK REALTY TRANSFER. Pittsburg Owners Sell Holdings in the Metropolis. PITTSBI RG. March A- cash sale of New York city realty amount Ins; to H.

500. 000 was completed tn this city today, when the Pittsburg life and trust company transferred to a subsidiary of uj ouiciHis announcea tonight that the usual rigid investigation which follows such disasters will be instituted at once Due to ack of Fire Escapes Says Croker. Said Fire Chief Croker: This calamity is just what I have been predicting There were no outside lire escapes on this building. have been advocating and agitating the stones a Are squad with a circular 1 "maU group? net took Its stand over he" bodv Three unidentified women and two Two girls with sinred holr unidentified men were taken to BSUS nJ? i vue hospital in the ambulance. Two of sidewalk leading to the tawmiS.

on wVmt "ed shortly after beih the mitted to the institution. At a Seven hundred hands, 500 of them women, were employed by the shirtwaist company. They sat in rows at their whirring machines, the tables before them piled with flimsy cloth, the floors littered with lint, the air itself full of flying, inflammable dust The first rush of flame was almost an explosion. Operators law in- -napes lie ptji in ritiiinings just such hs this i is ltss large of tne city Investing; company of Xew life is due to this neglect Their hands were bleeding their faces Pre myering between black with smoke and dirt. Kro the dtV- none having been ttrt nnnl.

nf Om tilled Thr muioiiisi in tne nean oi I IK SA mat tOda I re the iw I I 1 aol nn nt lu 1- 1 nttl that moment tiiere had pea red no signs of tire on the iw.i. "U1H IU IUC UII.1UIUK u-wu in UVIIIIK I. IMP ldiug SVoi hoi Mothers and fathers Hocked to Hell. yui a kiiiam i oi tne 7- 1 i. 11 i i imin i c-in on i ii ii 1 1 oi wii leu ii ev uu i i uuuuiuii are xne is-storr wanuniton had been witnessed from the i Hitita.

nd wii- in cnairs. tneir lungs searea Dy innaiing name, uthers factory. The othets war rii ng Ufe luaruec baildlac the -outhiest corner of Broariwar and Liberty st, and i i' -it ill- 1 1 trio in jtittitinn were crowded into the elevator shafts after the cars had made "In the airshaft the girls ine." exclaimed one nf th. -i-i. for information eoncerning this or tnal their last trip.

Still others were pushed off the inadequate inte man or woman thought to have heen nw -uctnry. incident Uy Is said to be the first in which operators struck during the wide fcr-HJ shirtwaUt strike settled aeo IJy Wmrs disaster the total of operators who hsve perished 111 1 irk and vii lnitv itlv in me uinertv rational bank bullding whtch adjoins on Broadway. Tha property was acquired by the Pittsburg life and trust company tsro years ago. when it absorbed the Waah- rior fire escape. zucji uuuif! are piieo I acjomj.

iinietl Morris Katz of Riv-lngton st and his sister. Gussie, to Seg-man's drug store in Broadway. Bctn GLOBE WANTS GLOBE DISPLAY ADVS. READ THEM TODAY. killed or injured.

Information during the early hours of the evening had to be denied. All requests were referred to the department of charities and cor- i i i a Z. 'J -mu mau ir.gto-i nr. and has since bee an asset awaiting a purchaser were severely cut arxiut the hands and in suui a uuiuuic sucaiii uiu iiic uuuicb uvcmuw irom tne gins met death under not unslmilnr circumstances in Newark windows that the fire nets, stretched by the first companies to aBaBaaBssaBsaBB-Li rections, consequently all persons made face and oth were frantic because I their way to the pier at the foot of 26th st. there to learn that several arrive, were soon gorged beyond capacity.

Twelve bodies weight AT ENDS OF REVOLVERS. a. 1 1 1 1 i ijiuvouii uciuie ed one net to the bursting point, but the bodies kept on raining i dead might be viewed 1 to the pavement, tnrougn mesnes tnat could no longer support Felix Janonis Taken, Accused of 0 WALDO RUSHES TO NEW YORK them. Extraordinary Shrinkage in the Val ues of Our Present Stock of HARNESS Or QUALITY -rut. tt r-? for quality ri, Brcwer-Macaulay Co .525 WASHINGTON T-IZ t-r sT 525 WASHINGTON STREET.

0 0 a Murder Traced to Baldwinsville and Found in Factory. BAI.DWINSVII.I.K. j6 Felix i janonis, alias Frank Nowlcki. was ar-. rested in Baldwinsville at 3:30 this In? by James McKay of Northampton and Thomas K.

HIIgh of Plttsneld of the 0 0 0 When the first breath of flame curled over the edge of a pile of shirting on the eighth floor, five minutes before quitting time, hundreds were in line before the cashier's window. In the office buildings across Washington pi scores of men detained beyond office hours worked at their desks. One of them saw a girl rush to a window and throw up the sash. Commissioner, Who Has Been in Boston Two Days, Says Fire Was I Worst in City Since 1838. Ktre Commissioner Rhinelander WaMo of the Xew York city Are department and Mrs Waldo rushed IihcK to New York city on the train leaving the South station at 1 this llZX Ready-To-Wear Hats LEGGINS 0 0 THE MONETAand THE FRANCIS 0 0 department of the Massachusetts district police, charged with the murder of Frank Tomel.

a fellow-countryman, in Baa th amp ton on the evening of Mutch 17. Tomel was stabbed and soon died. Inspectors HliK, arid McKa cum-to Baldwinsville eaterdav roughlv dri-Rsed as lumbermen They had traced the man to this town through letters Flames Pursue Girls to the Windows. Behind her danced a seething curtain of yellow flame. She climed to the sill, stood in black outline against the light, hesitat- tun ni imimic uiiu mio nave been In Hoston since Friday afterno-Jn and have been entertalmv much of the They are made of Lus 50 to 75 Reductions in Riding and Driving Goods time i hire (.

'onimissioner 1'aly. Both 1 i i i i i ter Crindle faced and Braid, velvet 0 velvet bows. WE MENTION A FEW ITEMS ONLY. were classmate at West ing, tnen, witn a iasi toucn oi iuuie tnrut, suppea ner cnatelame Point. i Kacr rver her wrist and iumoed.

Her hod went whirling 0 miiien 10 a sisier in Fashion's most 6.50 English Riding Leggms 1 .50 I J0O.00 Gentleman's Fii ward throueh the woven wire glass of a canopy to the flaprinr I JLJ? ln the chair factory tavorite 4 Klre Commissioner Waldo has man details to care for in connection atfl ne Dnvinf rr nm Harness .1 iti 1 1 i i 1 7 fl Fnilnh Piirslrin 1 I mmmmmm 0 the tire horror yesterday at New York I below MOM. Single Victoria or Coupe dins and ChaufTrurs' fae. I Her sisters who followed flamed through the air like rockets. clt wnic!) ne cnaj acienies as the i worst New York city has had since He claimed, in an interview at the Their path could be followed but hardly heard. It was 85 feet 0 0 0 inf before i wpni I that the cause of the appalling ioSS of from the eighth floor to he ground, about 95 feet from the ninth ssk jut a rarnesa 27.50 Botty Harness 14-50 175.00 Silver Short Tug Coach 80.00 55.00 Swiss Runabout Harness 35,.

OO 00 LonK Tag Coach 150 OO 125.00 Double Harness Customers' Second-Hand" Saddles SS ln fM For Women floor, 115 feet from the cornice of the roof, and the upward rush 4 nr was uut i in, ure escapes and the rapid spread of the I tered today Bligh and McKav stepped I ijulckly to either side of Janonis each I with a revolver pointed at his head an 1 i told him not to mak- anv resistance or h- would he a dead man. In answer to Inquiries It Is alleged Jan nls tdmltt-d had hldins under the name of Nowb kl, that he had Ml lad Too.el and that he said "We fight, and either hu kill me or i kill nna I did a nice Job. and I am glad of If Saaonia was taken Northampton I wtiere-h was lodged In Jail. The selectmen of KaHtliampton Usd offored reward of J.KV' for the arr-st the man. hut lie state ofli r.

not receive tt as they are not allowed to law. 0 65.00 Surrev or Runabout Harnes. I .0 A few sets of Customers' 15. OO I'ouble Harness, from or r- of the draught and the crackle of the flames drowned their cries. Six girls fought their way over the bodies of fallen fellow workers to a window on the ninth floor and crawled out in single file to an eight inch stone ledge, running the length of the building.

More than 100 feet above the fidewalk they crept along their I perilous pathway to a swinging electric feed wire spanning Wash- 1 ington pi. $75 Women's New English Side Saddles, complete with Patent Sate' FIRE IN EAST PROVIDENCE. Two Buildings in Business Center, Including Postoffice, Burn With Loss of About $20,000. FAST PROVIDFNCE. March Two 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 klllllUW TIIK MONKT.

style fur this season. These hats are being sold today by other stores of Boston for to I three-stor wooden buildings w-r- I itrnvM in a tire hlch threat. nt The leaders paused tor their companions to catch up at the Sentence ASH i. Is Commuted. March 25 Inneld London Harness Co.

watcnamoket so. in uusineas osntar enH of the ledcc and the six grabbed the wire simultaneous! k. Ail I llHla V. I rle i i i aw. i.

rormerly postmaster at St THE KR.WCIS aiout It snapped like rotten whipcord and they crashed down to death. ths. Me. no serrig a seuteuc of 0 0 0 0 imss sis mosth. ror ualnr the nrncfut, nt UN JOHN MAM ih 176 Devonshire Street OUR PRICE hi ii him, Federal Street tnc- li'O I mm.

Sf KM SM IM. .11 ti fm Bill 1. i onday $3.95 mall sacks were saved by Thomas i I nrOWS UOWn ner flBl. I nCn fSMIS tO UCMtn. onf.

Brtan. a clerk The ftre Is LHIeved I A M.lrl hn, fnr thr hi- h.r lnr.llM .11. Sff 0 t' hav- be-ri by apontanL l-Af rli iiml2 -ill 1 1 Knll.h i rj). and nn wwwwww' I i ion tn a in a orug store in oiK ut oi a lenin noor winaow. a tongue ot name ucKea si ner nnsjers ana sne a-' pem: sh the burned buildings.

dropped into a life net held by firemen. I fraud tie government.

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