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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UTN5. frit 05 iti SUNDAT 6tobtmAncn 18. 2 THRILLING RESCUES; GUESTS HAD TO RUN RELEASED ON BAIL. IVOBIJRN LOSES TTA1II nyt r9in-r mat ITS AUDITORIUM Daniels Held on Charge HOW TO HAVE 11 BIGGER AND BUSIER BOS TON SERGI COOMBS SUSPENDED Fitchburg Policeman to be Tried. We Must Advertise Our Attractions, and in a Systematic and Thorough Way, Says H.

B. Humphrey. Baton and New woulti be rantlamPat trona 1110 rirot Pare. The tire was immellately below the stage. and ittet a IlerdY got Into the chorus of he song.

ymoke beeame vteible from the auLittoriony, tip on the stage The people rose almost In a body. but )fr Mopping singing. said tn them: -Plense Inke your Seats; the Ilre Is only a littfo one snot WM he out In a Minute." He motIoned In the orehestrt. which set up a lively medley of national airs. Hut the stud'.

erre PAW the eVer-thickening smoke. and couldn't be held. I believe that the Interests of better served by promoting our own unequalled advantav.s as a thoroughfare for the fast freight mail and passenger tralto of the whole northern country and the distribution of imports, and as the winter port and outport of the great Laurentian system of continental water transportation. than by quarreling with our siqter, cities to the south about the lowest and cheapest classes of freight for which they compete with us so N. Foss.

,61,, .1 i o' 4.." -w. i i4 .10 4- i 14 l' 'A 1 ql 1. 4 I 4 742' 1 1 NI 1 I p. 041 al. 4 i AP'''.

I li $, la, 401111011...0 .44 ,,4 1 li 14k 1 7 94 0 AO 4 3-; uu C)CCi 7. 7. I 1 I NI 3 a i''' 't i 1 )1 IS, i i 1 i it 1 it' 1 1 s. 1 il 0, kt 1-''' 4., 5' i 3 i' 4 vet 0, i 4,,,,, 4tt re i. At- 40111 Was Hamad as Coraspondant Striti DIV3IC8 Stilts MayorOrderedActionWhen Name Was Learned.

FITCIII3UP.G. March 17SeTzt F. Coombs. one of tho me miLera (1 the police departme nt in bervice. was today ordered from the force hy J.

ii. Marion pending' an invest.gaton col! chargill eonduct unbec rtnt.ig an 1 1 while on duty. and hetautae of tLe meat made 1,:.. an ettorn-i-y in ti.e Jr le vor court a few days ago that he name one of the p11-e rrgeants as 1 corespondent in the. brought by Charles li.

Streeter against his wife. Emma F. Strteter tor a I tutory offence. Sergi Coomhs wa of h.a s.saa penrion this ty icy. On Thursdrly of wcek Chtrle.

lig Streeter fI a I hi( sup, tow I at erter the grousids of a stilt ry L. 1. Lo.airn. t'i' the cuurt that W. at il A in a Myr tt burg loi e.

a t'i 7.0 wwht hi- i.5 a Mrs Streeter. 'ant. I.t.i a i.nei VI a divnrce seleral erks 1.1" thargIi.g. 1.1:. t'n war in re.rly it it-el I ried.

but wiell L. -7' 'A el I Le nt-w to ..1 21r ne When L.May,-,r A t-eit a poih-e a. 1 a i 141 I in ad a le -1-C IQ iriatter. lie g.t.- 1 vand that he 7''r- Lull conduct as i t61 hII6I tthOU't St'roci that 1i 4. be suspended at on, tt Chief aiicin CrA.t othPr charges wtre ii.en,l,ng ae I ic a 1 to S.

rgt the state- rnents connect.r.g Lirn wa L.e Sret1- art. a it is it (art- of mall on the part of Str, PJ g--t money from Ile says that it .9 troo that Le taken nis at estnt-ant kept by Mrs Stirteter for several yeats. r.rd tis teourd dances her. lie rn.ti that he attend a thinhe it few years ago whea vc9 not Ler. tut says tat rue was ac.ompanied by her daughter.

Sergt Coombs I-'lys that tie used 1.4 influcnce to get Mr Streeter d.syrargel from the Worcerter insane hospital, where he ll ale CreTaittka several montni ago. and always took great interest irt niM lie -that ht vvall ever in the company of Mrs Streeter. alor.e. Sergt has been wil- boqnre the. rue' tne department.

On occarion ne fli.e,1 to take or.lers from a otl.cer and was surp4 ri.led by Nlavr Anderson. and later :.6. was st.o,tt-711,-,1 and fthel for a rl es, ape when hp clInrge. Chief Tinsley ray. that ne Ena Sergt for.

recet.y I i ti rature of ti.e IF not 1 Serg7 nil of he t.eqt 0. JT4Z 17 V' ari-o povr p- p' dreP Vr4e7-ZEZ SOME or THE PARTICIPANTS TN THE MINSTREL SHOW WHICH WAS INTERRUPTED BY FIRE AT WOBURN. I Mayor Linscott. who at In a front swat with hut wife. also tried to reassure the people.

and the -singing and danc- ing a pociaitr team of which Mr liar-1150. dy's oong watt a part began their liven- est step dance to hohl the attention of the people. All this time the menthers of the company behind the scones struggling with the standpit es anti hose connections of the fire protection ap- Ninth's. But they dill not understand the mochnnistit and were oltortly My- en front their efforts by the increasing otr.oke. et step dance to hold the attention of the people.

All this time the members of the company behind the scenes struggling with the standpit es Rilti hose connections of the fire protection ap- rarattia. But they dill not understand the mechanism and were shortly en front their efforts by the increasing smoke. 1 shop. The times. nremen The Chief 3 to bine were and i times.

itremen The Chief 3 to hilt. were and the money order erne. and there disable writer-preferubly ono with news-tr'''vered snowing that paper and advert itting experiences-should had blieen taken by porno one. rid be retained. ly Daniela.

The postmester at Onf'41 notified Chief -lie shout, ail the time be entleeting Inepector Lawrenee Letiolorinan Of Statistics and other information woeful titan. ankd Inspe'dor Perkins W111 detailed for puhlifity purpoees. and should pre- ttioiliYalnet 11.ilitenicilssdPitett pare it in attractive form for general counts and in the. dot-reeding. He keep the maga- covers, of an alleged ahnrtage of Els).

toanst rotnt sines and periodicals supplied with gen- nerou oi)o7tnh a tinot7 ral articles, such as they would be the deficiency and asked to expelainw.Cing to publish as contributione. After a little hesitancy, be said he lied which. white not directly advertising taken the money, but denied that he reeton. would incidentally keep llonton hail been in the practiee of doing tee and that in fact he had never toucliel before the public. the (Lanni wrongfully until on Starch 5.

"tie should an prepare special aril- The excuse given for this was that a getuninreed cies. more directly canine attention to friend. he refused to name. had an.hell.c.h re- and a In isto and its advantages and attrac- tntbneininiiiinneinitilaetenitt W)nn for the publieation of which (free to aecommodate the other. borer chnrge, if possible.

otherwise under rowed the from the drawer for a covotrzet,) arrangements would be made single day. with the intention of re-with tun newspepere and the newspaper odrauyer office syndicates Being questioned as to how it hap-Arrangements rittould be made with penisi that hie cash was all right when examined liy Mr Cook the next mottling. the nevelt agenciee also to reeure the Darien; said that he had borrowed it publicetion as nests of any items of in- frcm father. barber. with whom telligence likely to advance the inter- boarded at 19 Emerton at.

eats of Boston. Occasionally. els alai- The reason why the money was sigain des advertising Boston and its interests taken out. thus deneieneYi ehould run as paid advertisementn In IT 8 Corn-the adverting seCtions of the leadong rnoner Fiske in the federal magazines. Boston.

where he was arraigned. plead-To els end the most ehould be made not was beld In Vain. His bonds- of Won.4 ass4.1"ti11s- It4 Men were alayor Joeeph N. l'eterson of adaanteges as a center of art and Saicrn Anil the defendant's father. Wit-cation rhoull be exploited to their full- Lam F.

Daniels. The cam, was sent to et extent. He milt-gee. libraries. its the present seaelon of the circuit bottrt.

Dement having waived a hearing institute of Teehnonigy. its schoots. Its in Commissioner Hayes court. Acienittle organizations. its musical in- rInnit.IA vrAm hem in high regard and stitutiorm Its art maseum -all these and hie arrest shoeket everyone that knew other lindred institutions for the pro- hit! "I' a RI 41 1Rewa re nwrteh In- metion of knowledge and culture should clinatione of ettZravagant lielng.

be more widely brought to the atten- lie lives with hie wile and two chit-Len of the public than they are at dren at 17 Emerton rt. the home being re cotrfortable but not pretentious. Ile hi ient a of several organizaticins. In, "It, attractiveness as a place of recre- chRuzg: frdizo of terp, colon should be made better known-Ps Columbia associates and the Now and and resorts. its Then itsoaiciation lie held a responsible did park eystene with a olf links.

ili- ire i "ti ygePa-rri the post- tette and playgrounds. Rs ccuntry elute; ettici- on this city has been under rigid and tine roadsi leading to them and eurveillance by the postoMee departthrotteheut the neighboring country so tient Colintdaint after complaint has been male tiy.fitircrin of lottees of monee suitable for driving aril autornobilleg. and letters I Mee employes of the beauties of its suburbs and sur- partment daring the past 15 3'eare have rout Cing country for reshienees and been apprehended. Ons served a lien- reeorts ehould also be given great tine'. in tail for larceny of letters anti money.

ar.other was committed to a re- publicity. forniatory while the case of another the allegation of guilt had been eetatilialied vies placed on nip in the Promote Bostons Commerce. cholas-Int court. -The fact that Boston Is the SErnN11 touring all this time no tvi pi elan lir PORT IN TIIE UNITED STATES ever zeressea that Driniele wits among the ntiallao. whose integrity wee weak.

phorild titrongly and pereietently Daniels is a brothrr-in-la ie Of the aftimnressed upon the leople of this coon- peettneeter end had the intimate Tr'. The pulitia shoula tie enlightened confidence of tlie latter, as the extent awl the variety of the itare, ti hand'es, atei ae to. the H. H. ROGERS REAPPOINTED.

var.tageA IA) of having their cc.ts rqtt ea 1,1 pro' t. TI Iti Standard Oil Magnate Given Honor. tet of Beaton's ary Job as Superintendent of inwortance. "The pabitc should be ntaile better Streets at Fairhaven Again. aware of Itostonat importance as a FAIIIIIAVEN.

March 1-At a meetmanotacturieg center. Its industries Ing of the boaritof ee'ectmen this' after' should tio cnumirated and written up noon If. II. Rogers was reappointed as well as the facilities It offers for Oluperintendent of Pt reets for the lith the h. men of neW industries.

year. roth i UP. general press and -in the trade Journals Effort4 thcse direc- BOSTON MEN SPEAKERS. 111 attract tapitai Io invest in nee- nterpris. s.

i it 11i benefit Matthew Cummings and Joseph F. tbei-ause increased popoilation 1I fol- O'Connell at Banquet of Friendly whiot wid increase the valee of its real 'state. Sons of St Patrick. Providence. -The eut.licio.

toore.ta of BC.StOn rit4.0 Vi PENCE- 3latch 11--The sixth shimi.1 be on the lookout fur all onward 11.t millet of the Frionilly Sons of portant conventions. and estklea or to Ist was held at the Wellington secure the meetin g. of them in Boston. tirht and every Jaei4t was inceill'IPti in This tie done by supplying rpe- daiieg hall. There were more cial literature to the organizations haid- th.n well-known citizens present ing the conventions.

alao, ny entering from all parte of the state and it was BOSTON MEN SPEAKERS. Matthew Cummings and Joseph F. O'Connell at Banquet of Friendly Sons of St Patrick. Providence. Ilarch 11The sixth stnntint b.tnquet of the rfionolly Sons of St was held at the WeInnston 7ilt and evetli seitt was occupied irt Vie hall.

There we-re more eliun well-known citizens present from an parla of the state area it was of $250 Shortage. Morel Order Clark in Salem for Walter t. Daniels, chief clerk of the MOney order division In the Falem poet. taro. end Ono of the tost-known Mid most popular young men of that city.

WA, arrested yesterday morning by tr 8 Deputy A. tioneroft upon complaint ot Postortice Inspector Charlie M. Perkins. charging him with misappropriation of the funds of tho montey order dsion to the bount of Daniels tvw Leen mployed In the Salem postoMce more then 16 )ears. Suspicion was not aroused until last Wetineaday, when Postmaster Vhelp ley hnipened to yo to the cash drawer in ohe of the nitwit brilliant oMelel colebratiocs of thf day ever known here.

The of huntIng and flowers were A reecttien the Mavor Iitzgerald of Pawns' ket r.ts to Tho speakers and thou SN ore The church." 'Rev A -ector of the cathedral: state of Rhode Island." tko tIro. P. Fit. "The day we t. Ilon m.kethew Itostott.

presttient of Mamslrhoserts A. O. la the revolutionary war. Josept F. Connell of the tonsts were selections hY an orehestt a led Itoen It.

Church, It r.1 prropriate to the orcestm I II, Halton. Frank F. turily. Elw. F.

Hunt and Daniel Linn. SHAMROCKS IN ROME. Abundant Decorations of Them in Three Irish Churches ThereCar. dinal Logue Celebrates Mass. 'ROME.

March There ere abundant ghamrovk decorations today in the tt'ree 1rli ratholle churches here. In honor of St Pa trit Ws day. Cardinal Logue, a r.1,10!shop of Armagh and prlmote of all Ireland, eel a pontifical ntaAs. delivered a short addrers atol sent hitt greetings not only to the to Ireland. but to thigis across the seus.

The very calling of attention to the stage to show there was no danger trade the people only more anxious to escape. AP they saw the smoke thiel.en. Still nolmtly shouted tire' an4 unholy screamed. though there artre many women in the audience. They got out as quickly i osttible.

hitt with no un-1 due rushIng or pushing. 1ndee1, avhen the last one was out It was still possible for a persmt to have remained safely I for nve or six minutes. The nre was about It I st, as not under control untli midnight. I when the walls tell, pushing. 411m i duo rushing cor the last one was out It was still possible for a pormota to have remained I for five or six minutes.

i The nre was discovered about 10t); it 1 wait not under emitrol untl midnight. I when the walls tell, I i 4 NEW YORK, Relatives Seek Bliss Minnie Cowles. New Haven Girl Sends Some Strange, Sounding Letters, Mailed in Big City, as if Written in Hartford. NEW HAVEN; Mareh 17-111se llinrde Estelle Cowles. who since Feb I has been the manager of the telephone oClce at New Milford.

and who was formerly of this city. la missing. ant her friends and family are in New York trying to end some trace of her. Mimi Cowles is a young 'woman of good appearance and has borne an excellent reputation. She went to the horn.

of her mother. Mrs Ellen Cowles. In Forestville. March 4. $he said he did not feel well and wouM spend a short vacation at her home.

She remained until the morning of March 7. when eh announced to her mother that Ph was going to return to' her work In New Milford, She took a train for Hartford and this wag the lett seen of her. Nlias Cowles. who is 28 years old. was engaged to John W.

Tyrol. a bookkeeper in the employ of a large inaurance Company in Hartford. Ile visited the young woman at her home In Forestville during her recent stay there. says she did not call at his oMce when she passed through Hartford on nor returntrip. lie received a letter.

however from the young woman mailed at the central postonice. The letter saiit she was in the St John's hospital. in Itrooklyn. with typhoid fever and that she might have to remain several months. Iler mother also received a letter postmarked New York.

in which the young woman told her she consulted a physician in Hartford. who had advised her to go to a hospital at once. as she was suffering with typt'old fever. She paid that Nitss Edith Itonor of New Milford. a friend of her-.

had boon suecessruity treated for tythott In the St John's hospital and she hail decided to go there. The letter purported to he written from that host ital. Miss Honor has also received a similar letter. and the manager of tlietelepho.te company has received a letter. In which Miss Cowles resigned her position.

All were postmarked in New lurk city Answers were sent to the letters by Mrs Cowles and by Tyrol. and when they did not receive any reply. the sister of the young woman. Mrs F. 11 Stowe of Plainville.

went with her lilts-band to York. They have leen searching. with the assstance of the New York police. in hospitals and simtariums in that city. but in vain.

Mr Tyrol wont to New York to in the peareb. Mr Cowles. the mother. is lin aged woman and in a serious condition as a result of worry over her daughter. EX-POL10EMAN OF BOSTON.

Dennis Donovan Selected for City Marshal by the Democrats. of Augusta. Me. AtGrSTA. Me.

March IIThe letorious democrats. after a protocazei caucus. sirofl this afternoon in the nomination of Dennis Donovan. years on the police fon'e of PENNIA, DONOVAN. Itswtnn.

I Ms4p City Marshal at Mo. Poston. who since It has been carrying on the ancestral (arm want S. for the position of city marshal of Augusta. There were 11) or 12 candidates for the place.

but Donovan up to this a ttertulfm had not entered into the calculations TRIED TO SWIM HOME. Paterson Bricklayer, Full of New York Celebration Fluid, Jumped off a Ferryboat. NEW YORK. March 17 Jeremiah Mooney. a bricklayer of Paterson.

started home by the fort Lee ferry lifter a ditys celebration tonight. The was delayed in lefiVing Its slip. aid Jeremiah. after trulny growls. Junifed overboard und started to 'Mini to the Jersey shore.

The cold water sobered his rgolution and he called for help. Some 4ieektoin is put in a rowboat and him opposite sot. where the tide had carried him. Ile was iscnt to the J. Itood Vright hospital to dried out.

MISS ANTHONY'S WILL. She Leaves Her Entire Estate, Amounting to to the Wornan'S Suffrage Cause. ROCHESTER. Y. IT The of Miss Stan rt.

Anthony was offered for probate this afternoon. The estate amounts to about UO.09. nil of which Is left to the WnillaWat suffrage enuse. Ilev Dr Anna Shaw of Philadelphia and Lucy E. Anthony of Philadelphia and Mary S.

Anthony of this city are the trustees. The will WWI dr.iwn Jan 19, 114. The Anthony homestead is in Mary Anthony By the terms of the will Mary Anthony will not receive any-thin. front her sister's estate. The object in offering the will for probate today in to settle the estate before Miss Mary Anthony' starts for Oregon nest Saturday.

GAGE MAY RESIGN. Ex-Secretary of the Treasury to Leave Trust Company Because of Failing Heath. NEW YORK. March I7The Herald tomorrow will ray: It became known in AVall at yesterday that Lyman J. Gage.

ex-secrtdary of the treasury. has deeided tO se president of the United States trust ettlilluutY. to which position tie was elected after his resignation from President McKinley cabinet. a few years The cause of his resignation ts healtn. Mr Gage was president of the First national bank of rincarro prior to entering President Nictiiniey's eatiltiet as secretary of the treasury.

When he deft leVashinglon het derided to make his home in New York and accepted the presidency if the United States trust company. Fur the last Ivo years he hats been the directing head of the institution. iteeently he has on more than one occasion tospressed a Wish to Ilia fellow directors to be relleye4 et a duttuts. f-i 44,,,, -4 0 .:1 A ,,,012110,00 otmemb kr 4( gilk 'WO 11., 4, 4At i rt, A 7 't l'' "t' '''N I I 'N N.o..;a4.. I Vie fire hsd been burning only a short time when the buier lit Moore', laundry blew up with a loud report.

Flying glean cut several ilremen. and tha terve of the explosion blew Copt J. C. tarttek from the renter of ay. where sto was standing.

across the sidewalk and over the fence. lie re bad awlp womul and a cut right hand. lloeeman Frank Catlaltsn and Daniel Kerrigan were cut on the hands and faces; Amirew etineo. beside cuts. got a fractured rib.

Though the theatre was only about tight feet mbove the level of Montvale ay. It had a lower story occupied by stores. all of which with contemn are total losses. The proprietors burned (Int were Mims Karambus. grocer.

loss ::00. no truturanee; Charles T. Dearborn. wallpaper nnd paint. $IN): William IL Lurk billard and p-mt room and bieyrt atinp.

Vilf: V. W. Moore, laundry, loss about Insured for MOO; Snow. fish. -Pie Sane' Ileasie.

bootblack. VW; A. V. Haynes, harness rko. and V.

A. McCabe. produce. Tito total Joss wal be SZNO. buildings next to the theatre the street were afire several and only the prdmpt work orthe kept them from going aloft.

Winchester fire department. under SYTIMICS. sent a steamer and hoes help. and this apparatus put out fires in Woburn Highlands. which caws from the auditorium nre.

oae tire on High II L. the street were afire several and only the prdmpt work orthe kept them from going also. Winchester fire department. under SYTIMICS. sent a steamer and hose help.

nod this apparatus put out tires in Woburn Highlands. whieh (-Rust from the auditorium Ilre. (me lire on High Pt. During the excitement. a telegraph pole Just across the street from the auditorium burned through and let a heavy -transformer- box fail to the aaldstisit'elsiloolkfitetich-.

but dattgli roue to go twat. The wires tt ere cut before anybody was hurt. MET OF ERIN. Muldoon Sold Shamrocks at Dayton, a McMahon Arrested Him, and Judge Freed Prisoner. DAYTON, O.

Ma wen of thls city are denouncing cancer McMahon for arresting 1.mothy Muldoon. for be III ng shamrocks without a license. Muldoon was coining money on a Licet corner Riley and had just sold it ehamrock to a rusycheeked Irish g'11. when 'McMahon came down the sttoet and placed him under arrest. in spite of the protests of the crowd.

caso was promptly dismissed by Judge Sullivan. FOR GREAT NAVY. Sec Bonaparte Asks Friendly Sons of St Patrick to Aid in Influencing Public Opinion. 111ILADELPIIIA. Afarch17Sec Bonaparte was the guest of honor and chief sneaker tonight at the diuner of the Friendly Eons of St Patrick.

During the course of his remarks Sec lionaparte spoke of the necessity of a greater envy. In this connection he tiL -As we are situated It can he only when the navy has failed that the other branch of our service, the artny could be called upon to protect the life of the nation against serious peril. -I ask tonight that tho Sons of St PA, bring all their Influence to or on public opinion In order to render it imperative. In demanding from congress that unilor no circumstances shall parsiniony or the pressure of minor Interest or any consideration of faction or party interfere with the upbuilding of a great na New York Fire Damage $100,000 NMS 17A fire in the five-story building at Waller sit tonight caused damage estlinatett at GAL Lavy Kadano, manufacturers of hosiery and underwear. the Columbia muslin untierseAr company.

the Pionecr et Art company. the Star suspender and neckstear company. and ft. Itneennqa. manufacturer of underwear, occupied the building.

Continued trona the First -IP'sme 1 was filled with smoke. so much so that the tight Of a fireman's lantern wasoel visible more than a yard away. it was a thick; stifling smoke that rolled about in billows and drove the hardened firemen back again and again. Under these conditions men from ladders S. 14 and 17 groped their way from room to room hunting for the women.

They couldn't see the beds as they stood In the doorwayvouldift tell Whether they were bedroom or notand had to grope their way about feeling along the wall until finally both women were found. They had been overcome as they slt-pt. From the time the Matt call for ambulances sere yelled from the windows to the Pollee below it was fully 20 minutes before one ehowed up. Meanwhile the firemen seplied artMcial reepiration to the victims. The smoke was so thick that they had to move the women onto the ostapes.where they worked upon them in full view of the crowds In the street tkelow The fire started in all probability In 1 the kitchen.

which is on the second floor of No. 10. and at the rear. 1 The hotel of two buildings. with doors on every floor opening into each from the other.

When the lire got aostart it took a queer freak. and inatead of burning etraight up through the floors of No. 10 8tched over into the next building while in the ceiling and broke up through the third floor of No. II. Then it VI lowed its course I straight up through that building.

burning out several rooms. The women. who wc-re the only victims. were on the ton floor of this bulldtrig. For sevtral minutes after the tire started and while the smoke was giauiually climbing upward and I he rooms where these women slept.

two gotal-sized parties of men. both at the ilosaorth-st shit. of the building. were wholly UnConfeloua of the tire. They were having a prettY good time.

anti were me, alosorbea in their affairs that they didn1 notice that other than cigar smoke was beginning to filter into the rooms: nor they until they heard yelling from outside. Alarms were turned In by three- taiople from three separate boxes. r-'fore the score of men In the building knew anything of the fire. When outsiders found the fire flames were Ian-sting from the windows on the Ltromfield-at side of the phi-e. The first alarm to reach the fire headquarters and the only one sent to tire houtoot wax given by Thotnia Hayes.

a meakenger boy employed by the Metropolitan mailing arel m-anger eornpiitny Or. Bronttielfi at. lie WAS sweeping down the itrtirs of that plate when he sniell the smoke and when he went out I') tho street the red itaniea were just breaking their way through the windows. He sent in an alarm from box under ditIlculties. as he had to climb up the pow to reach it.

not yet having got his growth. Frank Smith. a eahman. Sta ndina at the Tavern. was driving up Lirompieit st anti saw the name.

in the building lashed up his lior-te and drove to the corner of Tremont anti Sehool Ins rind sent in an alarm front box 3.. Stlil another alarm was rent in by an officer of the City liall-av station. Thuse coming in almost simultaneously told the man on duty at lire headquitrters that they were all for the same tire and he merely sent out the first one. Proeress made by the apparatus to the tire was not on record time. on aeeolint of the bad condition of the streets.

The men on ladder II had to 1 all oft Vk they reached I he corner of Wasadigton atal I 1rointiail tits hind push their truck alotig. lien (Myr Mullen flaw what visa borning Lis first thought waa for the tea upants of the rooms. ami on making 1oories was told by a Mali Mat everyone 14-en awakene-i were out eately. A few minutet. a int he had tearned from the mamtger th.d there were too women.

perlitpa who hatiot been seen Iklulit 1 ill 4.111.4 to the nomeela-st side of the budding and ladder 8 waN ordered to get a lad up qinek Theugh the smoke that was pouring riOln The on that side eoull he seen the forme of two or three men who toot through' the window-me onto the Tire eerat-e. Tney at tirst so bewihiereil by the smoke that they know to ramp or Lot. Policemen urea out to stay where Vita aere a As on the way. men then shouted bib into I he supposing others to he In the building. thAt was all They were on the point of taking a in eoming cletWn the ladder -tten i WO fifrenien pulled them bawl( from anti ht.ipedl them 10Vil the stair-ii a quiriker way of getting Out.,oroligli learned of the tuo women on the top floor anti laddermen Andreoll of truck 14. Gill of a and Dineen of .17 Cart Dolan of that truck were sent tin to get them. AVith them were I.1, nt McArdie of chemical 2 and Dist Chief Their lot then eras a 'lard one. St) thick was the smoke that they to back out time anti again and air. but they clung to it until they got the women and then with the smoke almost cutting their breath olT.

wol kit over them while waiting for the airtiulatice. The smoke finally drove hen) to the tire eiseapes. After a long wait the ambulances got there. two trotn the police. one from the relief station.

bringing a physician He worked over them a few minutee and then they were taken away NVItile the tlubriene woman was beirig taken out of the door a 1.1g piece of glasis fell from an upper rtory and missed cutting her head nearly In two by ahout 4 inehes Alter tytrotfly with 1114 mates at the reetcue, ladderman Andreoll working about the building and cut inc hand severely on a piece or lie was taken to the station. It took over an hour to get all the lire out. The dallittite WiAS 1-01iiit illy est imated at Sie.tea BEWILDERED AND KILLED. Crother Peter, instructor in Catholic Protectory, Near Morristowr, Penn, Run Over. PHILADELPHIA.

March 17Becoming confused by the shrill blasts of a locomotive whistle. Brother Peter (John 0Learyl of the order of Christlan Brothers. an Instructor Of the Cativc protectory for boys near Norrktown. Penn. was killed by a freight train on the Pennsylvania railroad today.

Brother Peter was walking along the rails when two trains approached from opposite directions. The whistles bewildered him" and in attempting to step aside he walked ha front of the train, and was run down. PARADE WAS ABANDONED. Much Work in Worcester in Anticipation of St Patrick's Day Went for Naught. WORCESTER.

March I7The celebration of St Patrick day In ter Was Was conlit nd for the most part to a display of green ribbons and 'haatrocks end the religious services in the Catholic chuches. The tnizzard Thursday left the IN trrets In such bad condition that the big parade arranged of work fur this aftei noon had to be given up. There were informal gatherings in Hibernian hail this afternon and tonight. and a amoketalk by the Father Mathew society ton.ght. when tio, program Include I by Nloolas J.

Mooney and Ex-Alderman Elwargi 'McMahon. and music by James Powers. tleurge IL O'Donnell. Walter O'Keefe and John J. Crean.

The celebration will be continued the Hibernian' in Mechanics hall tomorrow night. with a convert and lecture by Rev Fr John J. Ryan of Cambridge on The Dawn of a New Day. Mayor John T. Duggan will be the presiding oCleer.

Seventy Killed in Rio Janeiro. RIO JANEIRO. liareh 17A storm on Friday caused landslides and fiwIds Twenty persons were killed or injurei here and 1ands1ide4 at Petropan. capital of the state of Rio Jane 4ro. 110 persons and injured many more.

Fred Stetson Dead. SOUTH HANOVER. Waren 17Fred Stetson. well known In this part of trio county as a liveryman. died at his home today.

lie was 54 years old. was horn In Pembroke end bit4 Lived hers tuktis )eerie. Minstrel Show Participants. The minstrel show was produced under tito direction of Joint T. Watt.

with Miss at the piano. The frogrsin Included opening chorus: arranged ny Mr AU; PnI soilt.t. 10 In it i od v. r. -I under If Yott Niosst Nitt.

Sluts loling; end song. oiston Iltotinol. NIr ritsgerald; swan. Iloilo- in the OA Bay Susie. Mr Audience of 15Ct.

linr.11,-: ptirl song. tlyetl.e. Nly Et.a, There were nearly 17..4 In the Ilve-hyt-, Mr Purtell: solo. "liaddyw I Little tlirl." Miss Kenrns: end wont. house.

lust there wits two panic. no iii.m who is ein. screaming, no trampl'ng of people unde'r 1 Ntellertnott; Annie. "Children tit the U. foot.

Attendants threw open the three, S. nre eNtita ta'4i of thorn tes.E.I: Pact els two was made op of "silver Ilt." introduced liv Miss Kearns. alb on to the hlistile ehin the blighting. ii tiv Al Iftpws Matt. 4 I Don-the third on to short light of steps.

nell. Jones. Waning an. Waleh eight feet down to) Montvale sty. All of i end Kearns es Ittillan mahlo hs; Metbtrt Lynell.

fatherly. $lien were wide. and there was lio fright Si ickwin. Putted anti Itrophy In sin caused by lists' sent)). All the seats! big anil dancing sNtlaity.

The fire ot-- were light. moveable set tees. and every-1 ocurred during av-. bettl got out without aecident. Part three was to have lin tinted a In two Minutes the theatre was prat-- rawe.

I Int PI I LI I wit 14'1111 empty. Itto Mu9ncianu corning latql It ttn their Instruments. awl MP mPm-,,,,la. berm of the company in their black "war TI rate in Me Low were Robert J. 1 ps'ill and costtitnes.

for there was no Itrtie. Irterloctitiir; TlioniaS F. 111ev, time save unv of the Iropeity in the 1411; II Ptirtell John LY11411. 111'in P. lit tie.

bones: Jana ft F. McDermott. dressing r001nol. il Denris I'. Ifni; la.

The people who got out of the hail: tin J. itardy. tambos: Miss Nellie A. doors found themselves in deep sn.eo 1 Ke: rits, Nliss Mae E. A-tiung.

Thom.t, drifts on it but they climbed, IL Ilsortly. Stvictijt A IIhortiSt CII tbertne Nd. Welsh, Nettie over the crest of the bill slid down to Welsh. Claire M. Wa i I.

Nora t', the $trect on the far ride. I Kearns. M. Wall, Kilt heral" By this time the lire apparatits hoot Inuriche NI. Jones.

Agnes C. arrived, the firemen were alrestlY Itiley. JelMlo E. Geode. Katherine A.

too late. The old shell Was of wood. and Donnell. I lettsie Ilrantilgan. Annie, I L.

MA-latligati Annie E. Donovan years old; once afire. nothing COW(' Nellie M. Ellen M.

Tolan. save it. sephIne M. Donovan. Annie T.

Reddy. There Was enamItIPrable breeze; and the William Hardy. V. IWO II. jet MOS floating embers 500n began to set other i Id- Nicearthy.

Andrew J. Nicilugh. buildings afire. The firemen turned'? 1 ohs'. their attentIon entirely to raving the'es tlovrn.

WM. E. buildings. and managed to put out the, inar.1 IL McDonald. Win.

E. Nash. flames almost as fast as they started. I Stephen P. Shinkii.

Chas. C. Coyle. Jatties Goo. W.

tine alarm w'ts rung in tor one of these i siihsiiiinry fires. 1,3,1. A. Nleehan. Edw.

A. liorringlon. Tile theatre Wag OWned by J. W. and: Patrick II.

Tracey. Charles P. JOInnOn. and wan built 22 yenrsi Eler. n.

Par. 'rims. If. rrosbv. Geo.

I aco tiy NVilliato E. Carter for a skating li eal1eir. Fritnk Epolito. Thos. J.

Ilor-I rink. It has beet) used for the past to man, r. T. I tar as a theatre. NIr Johnson rai Fallon NletarthY.

Patrick J. Faln Jr. Patrick last that It was worth 11.ti.tien.- and T. Grant. Henry J.

was a total loss. but wits fully Insured. I Charlet) F. Hogan. In the cenrse of the Globe's Interesting series et articles on the "Bigger, Bettor and Buoier" Boston question.

which hare appeared daily for tho four weeks, reference has frequently been made to the desirability of adopting sorne systematic plan of advertising Boston more pepocially in Its capacity as a convention city and summer resort center. One of the most praeth-al and thorughly interesting totatentenut that has yot boen made covering this particular eurgestion of Mayor Fitzgerald's Is the subjoined one from It. B. Humphrey. president of the H.

IL liumplirty advertising company of this city: A Better. Busier Boston to moot fiesirable. But slit not Ire- Bigger. Better or by talking: oontinually of its drawbacks and diltadrantaces. Boston nuty need Letter streets.

cheaper and more efficient civic govern-intent. ampler terminal facilities. greater dock accommodations. lower railroad rates, more Manulactorit.S. more COnventions.

a merchants' week. and many other thinrs. -Very well. Let her go about getting them. But to simply keep talking about these denciencies tn the press and from the rostrum is going to do Dos-ton more b.arm than god.

What Boston wants to right now. instead of harping on what she hasn't gotis to present what she has gotattractively. systematically and effectivelyto the people of the country. even to her own citizens. and she will soon get 'Bigger.

Botter and and get back POMP things she bas lost and about the loss of which she is now grumbling. 'Every now improvement she makes let her widely advertise. Talk about it. tell the outside world; then and only then will she get Ilfgger. Better and Buster; What to Do.

What BOStOrt needs more than anything else at the present time is a well-devised and steadily maintained campaign for giving publicity to her attractions as a city and her advantages a commercial center. Boston is living on its past reputation. -Western expansion has raised up new and distant centers of i.nd commerce. These ae all resorting to aggressive and up-to-date trethials to protilaim their advantages and attract resalenta, capital and nw industries "The new generation that is growing up doerent know mach snout Boston. It Iat aware that Boston is the -IIun of the Its gaze is attracte4 ta.reRe newer e6mniurtflics that are thcrnseivra and their tv94th ta1 insistently in the publi4 cye.

Boston cannot meet this keen competition by simply relying on the fait that history mentions the L'ioston Tea Party. or on the tho days of Emerson. tioimes and 1.ongfenon-4tori uas known as the -Athens of Amei-hii "lier cuiinari reputation for 'balked e1ns la not to keep her coinmerciaily And etiti portant eurioSit and attention are iik.ey to, 14, forgotten unless thy are Young Anterwa and our large and rapidly increasing population of foreign ori in. "WHAT BOSTON SHOULD DO. IS TO ABANDON IlEit SLEEPY DICINITY.

AND MEET NIODERN CONDITIONS WITII 110DERN ME-rtwos AD VERTISE How to Do It. tAt ailfirt the yke-t, of publicity. Lot Ler ownmetel.ti atid financial 4nganizations. tier intenssts, her real estate owners. manufactureriu tiotel prof rietorn and all others interested in the (it)3 progrtss and prosperity.

got together awl form a putlicitg, bureau. "Assess thomselves for funds to maintain it using their Influence to get a Sutstantial grata from the city treasury to assLst and if subventions from the governinctit and the neighbortng municipalities or Greater Boston. Then. let them pu, the practical management of this publif ity campaign intri the hands of a iirst-class and enterprising advertising agency. "Boston will soon begin to reap tee results of this policy.

Tliose who Lave contributed towards Carrying it out. will receive an return tbeir investment. and the city generally will benefit from the in rased trade ant prosperity in which this carnpslign wilt by advertising Boston's pre-4- ent advantageswhich are many. Something which may be at once is to Increase the number tourists awl visitors to the city. which val.

rnesn spending of largely increased sums annually with the city merchants. street railways. hotels. and places of amusement and entertainment. Tho number of welt-to-do residents in a city and its s.lburts may also, be greatly iriercasod.

thus adding to the value of nal cstate a a well as to the coiume of the general trade of the city. "Every civic improvement designed to increase exc-ting th. hanaing of commerce. every enlargement of an existing Industry or ti.o estatlishment of a new ones Should bo wade the text for future advert.s.t.g of liostons growth and pro Ave is Ways of Advertising. "One of the nrst things to be tinn is to prepare an attractive hand book of Boston.

BPI ting forth what Boston oftvrs fn the foregoing rtsuocts. "This should be widely I very COM rrwreial orgAnization. every rewspaper of any importance, every ilbrary. every room. every Pratt laus hotel and eery tourist agency In the It rid.

"This hand book should be followed up Ly the publication every month. or every quarter. of an attractive Milstrated bulletin containtng entertsoMilor articles and useful Information about Boston End Its progress. Which should also be similarly distributed. and Cle I ost of all which could be largely iLiefrayed by paid advertisements therein of those who would naturally receive the mot profit by increased tourist trot-he and enlarged trade for Boston "There are many concerns in a city Boston who would be beneflted by advertising In a specha medium such as this with 10 side a For the preparation of the foregoing IL1111 ettivr literature, the ssrvicsa of an 0 1 the police depart trieht.

MINSTREL SHOW AND FA Fourth Annual Event Under AusRoCices'' of Division 24, A. O. at Del. ham. Pleased Audience.

DELIIIA.M. March 17Memenal 'vas crowded thbz eveffing thusias11 gathering at the Twat rninFtrP1 of II, F. d're, 1 Josephihe H. Pfau. panst.

rewarded for thea- best shows given by tile The zurtant went on zt circle with James J. Sinn Thomas F. Landers. 31.s. ra2 Morris, an.i 3.1,s3 Magic.

GalYrn bonus. Jonn Miss Matt: I. V.irce7.t and MI" Alice V. L-We tibog. backed' hy a chorus of Nlitts Elizateth Iturrh4.

MargaretsLandars. May McNally. 4) Burke. Joseph earthy.

Lawreni-e ar.1 as. Jostph 3,1 Starr. Eliztb. M. tiLeary. 31 inninz. Grant. Benjamin J. Albert 31, Taylor. Frank 0 SLy.

Ben Miss Annie Catherine row. Josepn 1.1 ney. 1: h-, .1 Lavi-rence Hartnett. John North. Thomas Hartnett.

John 11. The tirst part telFINteti Lire. 31leelicA of Irelan 1.y chestra, chorus te fongg. leading operas arranged by end sir4r. -Ni-ver, N.

ma J. Aruistronz: Be la the I Edward ri-, hy J. V. 0Beilly bit l. t.f ite.

itome fl Alsine. by Allss Landrs, character so1; iin-1 Yo; by Misses P.untii-tt an (1,11,1 cause Site Had NVihning Ways." by Thomas Lamiers, soh; 1 town in the Th.eiri is p. Ilartnett; end song. John and the rina1e. "Ties Gni That Yon Leave V's' Mitt ie Bennett.

Part two was made up of -Echo. from I.y carchestra. song and dine "On: in Ahtomobile- by Misses May B.11-.1..n. Mary Alarming. Catherine ahl Woodrow.

and J. Al McCeole. Charies McCart hy. Ltlissicre and Edwar.1 Close. pt.1 cept He buck and wing dance hy J.

TLc si IK concluded with 11.e Irish with Th Fred (11-1t ALI At ey and Miss Elizabeth Borns crist The committee of arrangements was composed of Thomas 11:. in B. tEStillivan. Elward Lobissi re and John F. 01 vo 1." 01 712 k.

I J. t(7 4r 1 0-11, r13r.11 C. 1 rag J. Yo into with the responible offlilals thsse orsantsationa, anii by tersonal Interviews thetw. -The bureau should also sea that at everl; trovortant sexhiritbut or ssorlil's fair stctis were taken to properly Ttt, uould be done by at these concerning ottler effectual tnean4 aa the pubittaty bureau blight I Progress Will Follow Publicity.

publicity campaign Is the nr -1 and rnoFt requisite step for 110-4tott take endeavoring make herself Itigger. stetier and As a tesuit of lit 1 a caspaign. nearly tit' the improve-- I merits lt), i on now ki le to in her rogress .11 come its a matter of I course, I well-directnst pub a licity cmpaten Is the only means of lifting Roston nut I of its UteSeNt r6t To potpone tarnpaign until IlYstan has got all the improvements that are now being urged las necessary to make tier Iligger. Itett'r anti itusier: iS at4 though a morcliatit. I should refrain from advertising until he haot nrst It up a hig or as though a star actress decide, that she get aloag without th.) services of a press agent until she arteaily become famous.

There is nothing cPerimenta ttlZi iut i a campaign if it 14 ii ightly Lave up ii.e I with 'N ct pt their natiiral resoures to BY IIEW YORKERS, Observance of Ireland's Patronal Feast. Coghlan, McCall Mc Dolan and Cockran Make Addresses. 11): GERICKE'S FAREWELL. New York Music Lovers Testified Their Appreciation of the Retiring Boston Conductor. GERICKE'S FAREWELL.

New York Music Lovers Testified Their Appreciation of the Retiring Boston Conductor. NENV Ntarch (ler- upon. Itestort the foilittiation of it r.atiithn tor of the Iloston stympliony past reputation to start with. ttor Hr Lest ItSt fareweli tO Sew York a weirdiretleti putihritv music lovers tIcs afternoon at Carnegie Lill It wits the farewell matinee of not only prevent her faillng further lat- tius seasons lioston sytopliony concerts hind in the race. but will place her aud IL VaS also the Last time Ger- keep Ler permanently In the forefroat of Anierica cities in the cm Peen here et the head of petitive struggle now going on for eile Aro of the numbers there and tornmerciat supremacy.

't IntiAl applause that Mr Gericke the members of the orchestra to A gent rat publicity campaign kind stitiJid. of course. he tilothimintikaitte.kot rte eh cIo Liy increased enterprise and energy In 'and apolauttel Mr t'ittricke Individual advertising on the part of otpeitred again and again. finally matktiostoics rn hsa nt nnt AfitIre re 9,.1 I ShOr kind atiodiii. of course, lie lneressed cntvrprise and energy In Individual advertising on the part of Lloston rnec, rnanufacturt ri it NEW Yt IRK isitarch EWilhelm nor 'ft Ntareti Ger- it lie.

tor of the lloston sempliony or Lestra. Lisle farewell to New York voisie lovers tics afternoon at Carnegie Lill It was the farewell matinee of symphony concerts iwaseni liostoo I. IL was also the last time Nfr lke wag ti tw seen here at the head or orchestra. Afe. rat uf the numbers there that Mr Ilericke aNk1 I ur he orchestra to in.I bow their thanks- At the close IIi.

audience remained earnestly. Mr tlericke ag.tio anti again. finally Ing A short piwecil. NEW YORK. March 17Rear Admiral Jose-ph It.

Coghlan of the navy. Con-- grt.113'rruln Mee311 or utwi is. Congressman- W. Rourke ockran ot this city. Mayor Nictiellan and Thomas A.

Daly of Philadelphia were among the speakers tonight at .1 banquet of the Friendly Sons of St Pat- rkk 111 TUrt banquet followed a day of bration ty tell of the Irish tweleties lit this vity. a parade up av this (ter- noon. in which then took part, he- Ilia a feature. At the dinner tonight Mr Coekran staenelcd to the toast. "John Varry, the tirst American commodore.

Admiral oghlana toast was "The army Lind navy." In part he said: "We are having a little trouble with ear dark-skinned brothers in the tar-orr Islandsour little brothers in blood. VVATCHED RAT CATCEIING- am sure that when we get the proper rtports we will find that the army flag been guilty of nothing we neort be President and His Sons, Archibald ashamed ot Sherman salt! war and Quentin. See 40 Caught anJ hell. and there are angels in peace and Killed. I devils in war." re estate owno rs.

financial institutlowi arid ttliers interestA In a of the flail which this cooterative piitilietty is to promote "The that the THREE RAIDS IN NORWOOD. Liquor Found In Bowling Alleys and in Two Fruit Stores. NORWtaiD. March 1Three rald ere made by the porlee this evening. At the bowling alleys of Ju Wilson et.

men were found drinking beer. and rlithluf was to In the district court in Perdfuirn on tile charge of rrudhtaining a llquaII ti.ter A)t. Police Ilhadit and hit vtitnts visited two stores eondutees1 ty Sanstne fruit At larger ture kept by Stnsone at vmNiaington lit. the connscate I half whisity. one 1.rit whisey and viz bottles tyt ger.

About the sam eltrre Stnsone- other store at etA A ash' tlAt 1i st. st, ouantity of wine was incirs1r4 ellen rrael larr tit stow sr I wilt( hail wine. 6.0,,s,t.e u1.1 by In court n(xt CALL- FOR MALDEN PASTOR. Rev Henry A. Barber Wanted at Rye, H.

MALDEN. March 17Rev Ilenry Barber. for three years amalstant pastor of the Maple Congregational cbuich in this city. today received a call to th Congregational church at Rye. IL he not announee his tieCtItzMl- I eame to thia city from Nevi 14-awn, Li.

Ind itds ng. tng rir tty I4b I of .1 at I .,1.1. eral iitheril.inig Win IL reet ,.1 Sir Sterall told I he movement on anti its flit.ri,rk 4e-4 will pre. Starch 17--A prof- reot in congress to have statues erected disp) to ply tit ratchet- took two ferrets anti to this memory of Commodore Larry attention to tie bolt blued advert ine. two terriers to the Vhite House It and John Paul Jones anti Mere was a rat hunt that ti'ents of floston firms anti undertakings.

lasted hair an hour. And libSttnM cm-omen-hi men wid be BONI IS SICK. c.o it they fall to take The basement f)t the old structure la full advantage of these favo infested with rats and has been for rable con- Hearing on Countess de Castellanes litions for espioittng their commodi- year. Three or heir times a year a intt catcher gets iLS many of them as he Application for Absolute Divorce tan. -The increaso of blunt athertholng it bight the President and his SOn Goes Over for Two Weeks.

which should result from the Arthilaid anti Quentin. watched the PARK Starch 17Judge Di(to, preelpubliity carnpa.gri sill atilt further 11,1111 I. Th" rlit (locker turned the ferrOil deat of the first triliunal of ibe-Feiriet. serve V) bring Ilmston to Le at ton t' tIthiler "LI :41 ron We the Couh and Countess of counry and Im the tpr esa oe dogs got thetn find stitailillthenigto death. Dont de Ca.etellane today for the puroose it the enterprise and tm Ty czolco ataisit 40 rata, the Presi- of a recont illation under the portance of her business men.

dent anti the two boys watching the wife's lost application for absolute dls another and most valuable factor will terriers at work with apparent enjoy- inert. be operating to increase the city's trade Then the ferret got aro far Into the The countess (formerly Anna (ould) of tho 'Bigger. Better, Duster Boston rat holes that the rats no longer came was present with Edmmid Kelly, her Boston. out and the hunt was postponed untif lawyer. The count's attorney presentel The solution, and the only iodation, rairwhol wktahn th steainC ril ctc hadher a fro former a ipi Ivkdtsor th naaybilnetoitt4 of the 'Bigger, lioetost there tonight.

lie. aZtenitletit in court. The hParthg was then la to advertiser Cannon's Ginner to the tiritlison otaii. adiourued tor it tortoise'. a of the country and Imprese people eith the entertirke and ItnPortance of her business tiother and most valualdo factor will be operating to Increase the clty's trade oft tho 'Bigger.

Better. Busier' Bostoa Boston. The solution. and the only solution, of the 'Bigger. Boston broblem le to advertiaer I 0 i.

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