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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 5

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HHLwaBBHHHs THE BOSTON -GLOBB-TWEBPAT; MARCH 14. 1005. WITH 18 MEN. SORE GRAHAM TO TAKE A REST GOODWIN LOSES Harvard Track Coach Is to Be Succeeded ToungKenney Gets the Collins Begins Practice Decision in 15 Rounds. by His Predecessor.

at Macon, Ga. Boston Americans Out In Forenoon and Afternoon. Lawrence Boy Proves to 1)8 a Great Surprise. FEET SORE HANDS Selbach Asked to Report as Soon as Possible. Gonley Easily Defeats Jimmy Gardner.

To Every Home SALEM. March 13-Cheater Goodwin, the clever Chelsea lad. lost his hard- earned laurels. Young Kenney of Ijiw-rence getting the decision, after a 15-round contest, before the Apollo A. C.

in this city tonight. Hardly known in the Spindle city. One Night Treatment with MACON. Ga. March 13 Although a dnnng ratn fell moat of the day.

Capt Collins had his players out. both morning and afternoon, for light preliminary work. This forenoon at 10, IS men In uniform started for the college ball grounds, about a mile away, and found the sandy ball Held In a fairly good condition Members of Boston's famous stone wail Infield went Into their accustomed places like well-trained horses Into familiar stalls, and were soon eating up grounders sent skimming across the diamond from Tom Doran's bat. t'nglnub shifted about from second to without a reputation and very arreen. the young lad from Lawrence entered the ring with hardly a prospect of lasting the limit.

Goodwin was over-confident, the results In the opening rounda doubtless Increasing his confidence. For the first two rounds It was Oood- win all the way. After that Kenney was on the spot, and while he was pounded about the face, he gave many good ones in return. Goodwin worked hts famous uppercut tn close fighting, but It lacked force. I Renil' nmri.iul kl.

I third, practicing the science of picking the hall up on the run. Hobo Ferns lcoked nearly as good as he does In midseason. while his partner. Fred Par- ent. was as speedy as he ever was and JAMBS 6.

vti Who to Return as Owrb of the 1 1 1 rrard Track Team. JOHN GRAHAM. Tr utter Harrsrd Track Tesm. Who Will Tax a Rest to Rrgala DU Health. J2l 'orl1- right swing.

I loiiowed by an ut pei cut with tils led. inonimnii Ihroustnout th affair Just as Capt William A. Schick Jr them for the dual games with Tale Goodwin as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.

Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste: therefore it is not a secret remedy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.

Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial uffered froM blows alut the of the Harvard track team Is contem- i well battered, plating getting his track and field can- Allege the" fight in' 'V'wn, TVXV didatcs out-of-doors the Illness of John nthlefcs and also has had charge of tin 'did ul leadin. ami hnrrt-S I Graham, who has trained the Harvard schoolboys at Southboro. Maes. Ills pun, Ihe dee," I track teams since ,90, has made it nee- SSTsnorl KrinW essary for Harvard to sex ur- another and he will gin work at Cam- j. sheehan at nL I trainer for the balance of the season, bridge probably about April I.

I refSreL injured his at least. I Mr lJUhrop will be assisted by "ml i i rf Tomorrow nftht advisory coach Wll- I Clark, who was prominent lllin.ire (jiekeil interevl .1 HdUit. In 9 Harvard i .2 tt first null alter i he a a a Garcelon of the Ham F. UMJt won i i.rnnmi m. a i hani.

that is pretty last. Capt Collins tuok things easy, and st that wrenched his hip by stepping on a wet spot. Grimshaw and Schaeffer went out in left held and tossed the ball around with Tannchill. Suhl and Gibson. McGovern did the catching of the balls thrown to the plate, and danced the down to second now and then to make It known that the pride of the peninsular district was there with a fine salary wing.

Duke Farrell did all the catching for the three new pitchers. J. O'Brien and Sessions. O'Brien, the first named, started to use speed, and was soon warned to go easy ty Farrell. who has seen many a good youngster go bad by foolishly letting out before OS got In proper shape.

The three new box men are built exactly alike, all being six footers. AH have natural itwtuga, and from off-hund observation. 1 should say that the ampions have picked up some fine timber for box men. Duke Farrell can certainly school this trio as no other man in the business tan. and will earn hts salary as a teacher, should he never catch again.

The Duke, however, I. In nrline tram will recommend to the Harvard pinnahip. Gnrcelon is to assist, an well i bout lhe "cona Soak the feet or hands on retiring in a strong-, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and Anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great Skin Cure and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen.

For itching, burning, and scaling eczema, rashes, in-fkmmaticn, and chafing, for red-cess, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle shapeless nails, this treatment is simply wonderful, frequently curing In one night. OEQMf Humor dm, for.p, at CI I K' SS-. ia form of CSOC Ki V' VV I. po to London, CMrHrtotM So, fv i. 5 Ru 1 la i also as several youag graduate coaches athletie committee that James G.

I.ath-rop. who trained all of Harvard's teams from 1SH7 to 1900. be recalled to Cambridge for this period. John Graham has made many friends at Harvard during his four-years re- including K. t.

Kernan and Charles J. Paine for the high Jumpers, Ware and Bird for the hurdlers and Tllden for the broad Jumpers. Garcelon will look after the starting. Yesterday a meeting of the Harvard track, men was held at which the season's work was outlined. Because of the change In trainers.

Harvard will send only a small team to Ihe games to SULLIVAN COUNTED OUT. Kid Herman Defeats His Opponent In the Ninth Round of Their Bout in Hot Springs. HOT SPRINGS. Ark, March 13-Aml1 glme. and he has the deepest sympathy I of all.

This winter lie has not been feel- ing well, and realizing that ha nseds a tumultuous scene Dave Sullivan was rest, he has asked for a short relief I be held I In Ns hy Columbia ree "Kid" McCov in from his work tor the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. Ho will go Into the Pl Bchlck has decided not I counted out by refe to run at heso games. Harvard will lhn rinfri rate, so that he may wnd a team to the spring outdoor If rlmn round of his bout with Kid coimtrv to remunerate "a resume his work later. i asmes of tho I'nlveralt I Herman tonight.

a James G. Iathrop. who will look after I vanta at Philadelphia, but has come to The round opened with Sullivan much BT i-'iff j- iff. Drug a the Harvard athletes aiirmg luring the re- no decision reganllng entering relay i to the bad from previous punishment and condlUon I teams It. thecollege, hamplonshlp events.

AftPr a nds of 11- Ssd fcr How tn Cure Efrry Hamar." malnder of ihe season uppercut to Sullivan's GUESTS OF KANEKO. GATGOMB IS FIRST. for some of the hard work ahead. Fres John I. Taylor is enjoying the trip, as he is quite a clever amateur I player and can appreciate the move-j nunts or rising talent.

He feels con- fid- nt he has picked up a few trumps. 1 A hoii two blocks from the hotel Is a I skating rink, and the players will vary CORY'S SCORE WAS 149. and added a considerable sum to Its fund to be used in meeting the expense of the Journey to Indianapolis next June. The event for which the money 1s being raised is the meet of the turn bund of this country, which Is held quadrennially. The commute In charge of last night's event included Rudolph lleese.

Rudolph Meier. Bddle Sterr. A. Sterr, Otto Lemke. E.

A. Heers and F. L. Lelbleln. McE'wee Led Qualifiers at Palm juw.

ine latter staggered hack and Gien deliberately laid down for the count of nine. on arising Herman got him In close quarters, and sent rignt and left lightly to Jaw. Sullivan agiu-i went to the floor and took the full 'Uot' fought like a novice, while Herman put up a masterful and confident battle. BETTER SERVICE Desired From the Railroads of Boston. date of the Yale-Harvard "Wimnilng dual n.eet has Jti-t been changed to March at Brookllne.

Mass. IN A RACE OF 30-F00TERS. Sailing Regatta May be Held at New London After the Yale-HarvarJ Boat Racea. i monotony by a shy at the rollers raut after supper each evening. apt dims sent a telegram to AI.

Brilliant Dinner Given at the Somerset. li.acn. who Is at Hot Springs, asking in to report at Macon as sovn as pon- Beach. However, with Waterman Had 151. PALM BEACH.

Fin. Mar. MrKtwee of the Orm-T 'i i cik the fjualrttc! pUiv the r-R i club. Chi- Snaps Up the Challenge of John Dorey. Will Race Audubon Boy Against the "Unknown" for Any Amount.

NEW HAVF.N. Conn. March lS-N'wa iius will give the team a regular up of Burkett. Staid and Sf l' ach. the inter in riht Meld i will take no chances with a haif-back-d team when he has the ra a to call on.

and four games will h-p! iv.vl with the loeal minor leaciie luh has de- that the Harvard yacht One of the Largest Lenten Functions in Boston Society. to a regatta at cided to challenge Yal New London, after 'annual ale- Associated Board of Trade Will Make an Investigation. was received here Harvard Iniat ra liter Man 30. are Is pla-rs now here, enough teams, and t'ant folllns wlil Paul i F. L'harles B.

Waterman. PROF PAINE'S "AZARA." Opera Sung Before a Company of Society Men and Women at ths Home of E. Cutter Jr. "Azsra." a three-act opera, the libretto and music of which was written by Prof Knowles Paine of Harvard, wns umf before a company ol more than society men and women of Boston last evening at the of K. Cutter Jr.

67 Ml Vecjion st. The solo parts were sung by Ralph y. tin urg. sC man The match-making fever is contagious, and while yesterday forenoon was young, John Dorey's offer to match an unknown pa.

cr ngainst anything that Rea. 151; er. PI r. Pi todav. M-mh.

rs of tlje yacht ciun this evening ttiat an Informal cha- nge was sent bv Harvard to Yale three week ago, and that at hut time1 Yale derided to icc. pt it if enough b-witS could be enrolled here A it Is not yet unite settled whether a large enough fleet ra'i be secured, it not sure that Yale can meet Harvard, nl-t hough Indications now are that a re Jones. 152; II it V. Arm-rronir 1S; Dan. el Kar-A Sid Carpenti lialph York, lot; A One of the largest Lenten functions tm Bostoii society which is more than ua-ually active this yfar-waa the dinner party given at the hotel Somerset last evening by Baron Kentaro Kaneko of Japa n.

Tables were laid In the palm room of the ballroom suite. Brightly blazing 1. 1 Ina. W. Ii-ll ula, I'Af.

Hyde. wears harness was taken up, all the average turf patron needs is one guess Matters of varying Importance came before the Boston associated board ot trade at Its meeting last evening In Young's In tel. Pres Kdward B. Wilson presided and about To members were present. The stbjcct which demanded moot attention wan the report of the committee on quasi-public corporation- At Brown bass.

J. Garfield Stone tenor. Mi-sh Grace Bradhurv soprano. ML-s Re St ivid s. .11:1.

Apawamls. l-'l. I Downey. A. Avery.

Detroit. lake, Iikewood, IT1; gatta will be arranged for 30-tooterS. THREE FAVORITES WIN. becca Cutter soprano, George Tyler wood fires added to the fn a I TV B.i I. I iieer.

and the waving palms in the background were i nt Miv JLJi it i uirvy iu i luur, 9 Wrrw in A 1 11 nn 77, nrn n.t wl to nanie ine iiuiii ninvu nc acceptance The Globe containing the challenge had not been in Concord. II. half an hour before James Gatcomb was talking with the Globe office over the telephone, saying that Audubon Boy, 1SI; 1 i John i Jr. Arawarnis W. 1T; A.

Wats Bla Jay Flick, Wi duett, Troy. Kl': ITS; A. F. Suth. rla: Frank H.

Lf-kw-o Si n. Maddoe. Rainland. Montpeller and -V" "'Tk Miss Josephine Fletcher contralto. ir Pleasing contrast to the crimson and was a chorus of 16.

Mr Cutter was dl- white carnations that decorated the rector -1 long table in profusion. The dainty interest has been felt in Prof I would race against the "unknown" for DIDN'T LAST TWO ROUNDS. Billy Gardner Quickly Disposed of by Larry Conley of South Boston at Middlesex A. A. Billy Gardner lasted Just a round and a half with Lurry Conley of South Boston at the Initial meeting of the Middlesex A.

A. In CambrldRe last night. The Lowell lightweight was greatly handicapped i bight, weight and reac. onley tow-eilng above him and pushing liim away with ease every time they came together. Beside his natural advantages, the more youthful Ponley was faster, surer and hit much harder, and before half of the first round had been compt.

ted it was evident to the spectators trat the veteran was no match for his younger opponent. Both were wary at the opening of the Conley Jumping away from CSnrdner's leads ami retaliating with light left to the face and body. After a good deal of feinting Gardner managed to swing hi right to the Jaw and rocked Larry, hut the latter came back with a stiff left jab to the mouth and shot a hard right across to the Jaw. which floored Gardner.

The bell saved the latter and he was dazed when he went to his corner. Gardner had not completely recovered when the second round began and t'on-ley had little difficulty in scoring with Ills left. A couple of snappy right Jolts to the jaw sent Gardner down for the count of nine, and when he arose he was Immediately floored again with a right In Contey's corner. He was apparently "all In" and his brother Jimmv threw a towel Into the ring In acknowledgement of defeat. Jimmy Hanlon of the West End and Frank Adams of Newton Indulged In a brotherly act for six rounds in the semifinal which the referee called a draw.

Danny Shea of Cambridge bent Young Hennessey In six rounds, and the Madison brothers gave a four-round exhibition. work, and in cons, uuence the were Japanese pruaucn New Englew ent IT4. 1: any amount Air uorey wisnea 10 name and most artistic i representation of well-known music- Revell. Ch I.of.S- mi lovers very large. That thev were penally at John M.

Gatcomb said he thoroughly delighted was shown' by could see bv the wording that such was their enthusiastic applause and by the Karon Kaneko. with Mr Jan Suzuki and Mr Sakai of his suite, received Ul the library, -ae baron took Mrs Judge Pr' vtder A Pi keep working afternoons a playing the college and lo. ai minor icaguo teams. F.r tiers there are Farrell. Doran.

pitchers. Glb-mn. Sesstotui. Jusselyn. Winter an-i O'Brien; ii Ichance.

Ortmshaw. Schaef-ter. I'rilaub. Ferris. Parent.

Collins; omrtei.lers. Hurkett and Stahl. tdmstend. the t'olumbus pitcher, was il.n meet the at Washington, hut has not materialized un to date. The Hot Springs four.

Crlger, Young. Dlneen and Freeman, have not designated the time or place when they in-t nd to -ati up with the procession, ut a goo.l guess would be New Orleans. Fr. -miin ami are very fond of playing the ponies for small sums, and Hot Springs usually proves the proper a'trartlon until the depe goes wrong, when the boys are ready to Join the big show. No Huston toll team was civer known to carry 21 bail plajers befon and the; hatices are that th' old champions will l.e chosen to carry the loud on mre.

mager George Shillings of IJ'i'-falo club was at the hotel this morning as the boys were leaving for the ground. As Grimshaw natsed out. the Buffalo manager remarked "Tile; goes a boy that will make good all right, for he certainly stings the ball. 1 don't think he would strlk out a dose a times a year, if he played In every game, and there is no love tapping when Gran goes against the marble." Stalling is a good Judge of a ballplayer, and hi. offhand comment was a go.

ei tip on the oung g.ant trying for a i lace with the world's champions. The players had not warmed up In pr ictice this morning before a small army of camera artists were buy. Lot it I im convraiuiauons wnicn i ney I 1 t. 1 1 in to lllmii.r V. i r- s9 I 1.

I.l I Ul'HI I mi I auu Ml un- u. I rwri he could not but feel he would wThom took the opportunity to express fo- 24. Mrs Lowell was strikingly his great horse an injustice If he did. thei appreciation ol th work of the in i-ari-ian cow-i of h'aa not get in on the ground floor under which they; declared to be ot a 1 He' ment Outclassed Their Reapective Fields at New Orleans. NFW 3RL.EANS.

Mnrch 13 The new Ixul-tana jockey rial's spring meeting opened today with a well-balanced card of seven races. Rain-land. Montpeller and Presentiment, which outclassed their respective fields, were the winning favorites. Fits Brtl-lar. favorite In the first race, was cut off at the start and could not make up the lost ground Track lumpy, with many soft p.i- The summary: FIRST RACK SI i fnrlengs.

Charlie Flabrr. bHS to 2. 1 iKi-elvi. "5 to 1 ....3 Ml Aubr-r. la 12 to 1 a Time I 1ft 4-5.

most the "first come tlrs served" clause. nee, William J. Pattoa. lent of men's in mot r.ii i re were 10 le-t leing Howard few- York. Kills Hoffman of T- of t.

a. i-'rank Jos. ph Jefferson, and New York In the semt-iow morning Hrokaw will and ffman will play the ie 1-ve match, Jeffer- Trrat. Among those were warren w.i:st to 01 codwcd lace, snm wore i ne concora man (relieves ine llf.te Mr II. A.

lieecn, it. a cr.apiet 01 leaves ner r.jlr ana goOM splendid diamonds. K. Pea body. Prof pacer has as much speed as any norse jitney, rrai ets Je.

Fr play vce. Spauldlng. Arthur Fool -and ITes Daniels of the Handel Haydn society. BAZAR DES PROVINCES." KEENE'S COMMANDO DEAD. Mrs Nathan Matthews Jr was stately In black velvet, anil wore some handsome old point lace and diamonds.

Mrs Frederick Aver, who wore a severely plain white satin gown en trainc. carried bride roseb Miss Keith and Miss Richards, who were the onlv buds present, respectively, white lace and pearls, and yellow satin, decollete, with a Venetian point bertha-Mrs Davis was in white lace, with touches of mauve velvet, and diamonds. Mrs Fenollosa, in pale blue satin and diamonds, and Ms A. Bige- "Voted, that the committee on quasi-public service corporations be authorised and requested to oppose legislation or ot.her measures which would permit of stock wuterlng of public service corporations, and to support legislative or ether measures whl will prevent the issue of stock in excess of Intrinsic value, in accordance with the past policy of thl board." Last this committee requested a definition of Ihe word "Intrinsic" as used in the resolution. After eomc discussion it was voted that the conimll-construe the word to mean a fair value of ihe assets exclusive of the value placed on franchises.

By this It will be seen that the board's attitude is unchanged sin-e its I set meeting. The i will be reported on in April. The committee on postal service, which had had under consldi ration the proposed consolidation of third and fourth class matter, recommended an Indorse-rie-it the postmaster general's report on the and also expressed approval ot ihe plan that third and fourth class mall be sent at a uniform rate of 1 rent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. The report Wus adopted. The committee on nation, to which had been referred a consideration of the new "uniform bill of lad.

rig." reported no further action necessary at this time in view of a proKsed conference hetween representatives of national Interests. At the meeting of the hoard In January a solution was presented hy tin lire underwriters to the effect that It was the sense of the Associated Itonr I Prrrho. IHkltn F.d Merrill, Rekr. rift od Anttlrotl ll Brlllsr. St Blue.

K.perauc Wellealey Girla Transform "The Barn" Into Parisian Street. WELLKSLET, March lT-This afternoon "the barn" was transformed Into a Parisian street, wiiere the college Lockjaw Kills Horse $100,000 Would Not Have Bought. T.F.XrXOTON. Ky. March 13-J.

R. Kpnf' t'ommando, hh. seven years old bv p. mlno out of 1'mma by imp SECOND RACE Five and hlf furlong. Ille Andrew.

fr iT Meadel. 10 to 1 hving, an opinion shared by some of the- best Judges. His g.imcness Is and the only uoubt as to his entering the two-minute list is his iMlng siven the oppotturlty. There Is an Impression that Audubon Boy broke down In lwr. His retirement tn mid-season th st year was not lorctd, however; in ta 1.

it was the gtnerai opinion of men who had seen him In his work that Gatcomb was over-cautious in letting up on him. Kd Geers said he believed the horse woultl nice to the end of the campaign sound but thought Gatcomb used good Judgment In having the grandson of Alcyone llred and given a year letup as long as lie was not to be raced that season. Audui-on Boy Is sound today, and with average good fortune will hear the bell ring, nnd it will lake sensational time to head him when he is turned for the money. His owner is not a match maker. He says.

"The track managers are the folks to make races, but when nnv one is aching for a match they can girls held their "Bazar des Provinces." among the rest the Olnb-'s special low. In white satin. Mrs Benedict wore tad today workman Jay trlc hunting tno blue bro-ade decollete and Mrs Linslev di-d at i ton tt Ixkiiw. It is said that $1 this lire. ')iie local pho-waa busy focusing George when a ball thrown wild bv would tograph.

a. HP.r.C. Parent went bang against the machine. not have been taken for him. He sp a stone while exercising 10 and the shuttered cae was nothing compared to the feelings of the local picture producer.

The team is very comfortably at hotel Lanier, leaving no chance for a protest by the mas. ot. Rattling Nelson T. Murnane. GUNTHER DOES BETTER.

He Goes 12 Fast Rounds in His Second Meeting With Langford Latter Gets Deciaion. PORTLAND. Me. March 13-Sam Iangford won a decision at the Auditorium this evening at the end of 12 hard rounds with Geo. F.

Gunther. There was. with a single exception, the largest crowd of the season present. Marty rows of booths where charmins French 1 white brocade. maidens with debonair bows and bod- The other guests Included Judge Low-ices flaunted 1 heir wares.

The Parisian I U. Hon Nathan Matthews Jr. Mr Rnb-slie show, which bore the Inviting pos- ert Treat Paine, Mr W. R. Richards, ter, "Le grand spectncle de Pans, pre- Hon George H.

Lyman. Mr Davis. Mr sen ted bv Mme Colin, la fameuse art- Blgelow. Mr Lindsley. Mr Benedict.

Mr iste." proved to be an up-tocate Parts- I D. Manning. Mr Frederick Ayer and Ian Jorlev wax works exhibit in which Baron Kaneko's suite. Marie Antoinette and other historical Many toasts were drunk to the friend-Igures appeared. ship of America and Japan, and the The stage at the rear of "the barn" baron expressed his extreme was converted into a delightful out-of- a the cordial relations existing between door "cafe chrntant." where vhsitors tne two countries, atid nis appreciation were served with ices by trim wait- the courtesies extended him.

He wilt receive many of his friends tomorrow and McClintock Top Liat. -1 in the st-nes of partners-by. naments was held last evening American nhut club, and the were a. C. Hilt and J.

N. scores; Jt Ilnrocfc 3 do business with me." Alter talking vvitn uatcomo. tne Globe communicated with John Dorey arrang. meiits tor a meeting I 1 a iii.iipi iui a. iiier-Lina ami 111.11' I him and Audubon Boy owner The bazar continued through the aft ai ine uomerset.

wno will can to pay their respects and make their adieus. fulllvun was referee and the main bout was one of the best ever seen here. I-angford forced the fighting and his work wns very fine. Gunther did a good for Wednesday momtng. Dorey rather ernoon.

It was given under the aus- cte.l Gntcoml. would l.iK- up lus the Alliance Fran, alse Th. DILLON AGAIN IN TROUBLE. challenge, tail was disappointed that various booths and those in charge of were as follows: Mme Jarle deal or enncmng and kept out of Latug-ford's way as well us he could. A Mj McGRAWS MEN GET AWAY.

Pull Out from Savannah for Birmingham, Alf. SAVANNAH. Ga. March 13 McC raw's entire aggregation of ball-players, ambitious youngsters and camp-followers pulled up stakes and evacuated Savannah nlght. They left for Birmingham at o'clock, and will arrive In the Alabama metropolis early tomorrow.

They will play their first practice gam in Birmingham Thursday. Friday afternoon the Giants have waited in vain for a cessation of H. Ivlie. vi not the first one to conie up "to the captain's office and settle." li ng ford had to take a good deal of lrrrUe OT. ill 'tiiUU.

io lo Pa. beta. 02 (Balidi. 3" to 1 3 Time 1:11. Juora.

Florence May. Barker. Wafsoa. Old Hal sdiI -ti aim ran. THIRD RACE One mile.

Ralnlaml. li4 HI Itllllp'. 4 to 5 1 Matailor. ton Aiburlm. 1.........

Ih.l. st iKteel. 9 to 3 Time 1:45 1-3. Katlr Power also ran. KOt KTII RACE six fiirlonm.

Glen Gallant. 110 iT Dla. 20 to 1 1 Itnwhl.le 11 i.l Martin-. 4 to 3 2 Torlo.

i. 2o to I 3 Time I I 4-3. Nevermore. Fl.irc rhareoal. fnyi.

Plpteroat. I.a.b Felix. IV.unilful. I'rcatoulao. Bafferiy and at, ran.

FIFTH RACE One mile Ar-ntrr UT iSI aer'. to 1 ...1 Max H.e III to 1 2 Sareguanl. 123 tRelnhetojeri, 2 to 1..... 3 1 rjlendon. Jim Hale, iten Maedtinl.

Crlss Cresa Ertdnate aiel lr. j- ran. SIXTH RACE Mile and an eight b- ntpelier. leO i Sharer i. to 3 1 IMxIe La.l.

I2H i' R-bhloai. 6 to 1 2 Kind. Rice). 11 to 2 3 Titae 2:01. Mu-r.

Tbr Kye. Barketnmre. Blue Bla'o. IU OJ.i.wa. Blaii.

and alaa ran SKVKNTI1 RACE 1'iie firl- r. Pr.ei,tlment. l'W, ij Martini. II to 20 'Mpple 1" 12 a 1.. 2 riS'lUe.

PCS Ill lo 1 Tim- 1:04 1 ailuna Nellie Rtiell. Ktbel Mark. Aaa.i belle bre. Banuv Bell and Uedoaa also ran. figures de lire.

Marion Conway; cafe ch. infant. Florence Bement: Mme Av-inlde. L'illustre necrotnanclenne. Gladvs Charged With Depriving Drunken Man cf His OvercoaL Frank Williams, alias James P.

DilHa. of trade that the interests r.f th- state could aid state mlliti-t allowing their employes a week's vac-lion wi.h pay that lhe might participate In the annual musters. The commerce committee returned the report last evening. Four of the members had voted iiKflnst It. four would not commit themselves, nnl the four not attended the committee meet I urf.

After si me discussion the board declined to adopt the resolution, those voting asalnst It contending that the state and not the properly Interests shoul 1 pay for the mn's vacation. Inns much as It was to hove Ihelr services. The trade, throuch Frank I. F. Iluws; I.o petit negrillon.

Barbara i Alien; confetti, etc. Irene Keiton: randy Florence flowers, Snllle Moody i who was released from state prison a nnd Kthel Sullivan; tarts. Helen Jef- ptmisiimeni in oraer to win the decision. Gunt tier sent a wicked right time after time to his-ribs, and occasionally to his head, but the Cambridge man landed on Gunther's jaw frequently. Gunther showed up well, and his rushes twice sent Ijingford to the ropes, and once al.nost to the floor.

Langford every time made a sharp rally, and whenever he got a chance to do Infighting rained blows on Gunther. Gunther' blows were hard and effee- rries; tancy tame, Bessie Champney. WEE K'S EXTRAVACATI ON. an-i rnm siciri. uui as me ia -ed grew worse, and i to take no more year ago.

after serving a long sentence for murderous assault upon a wome.i in Brighton 10 years ago. was locked up at the Court-sq station last night on the charge of depriving a drunken man of his overcoat. Dillon says the man lent him the coat on condition that he return It today. Walter R. Rogers of 7t Village st says he saw Dillon walk up to the man In a doorway on Province st and shake him.

Liillcn. says Rogers, proceeded to out Young, urged that an Investigation of i nances, preferring to up the time the service of the New York. New I tlve as a rule. He was quicker than it Langford. but the ring gener.ilshlo and Hartford be made by the com Patrolman McNally's Heroic Work Recognized by Police Board.

Patrolman Bernard J. McNally of the East D.slham-st station was yesterday commended by the police board for courage In rescuing four persons from Ta the man overcoat on himself. Rogers and another man grabbed Dillon and nre on h.ast s-prmgneld st. Feb 25. if bad weather in travel.

YALE'S SWIMMING TEA Elis Will Meet the Winner of the Columbia-Pennaylvania Match. NEW HAVEN. March 13-The Yale swimming team has selected the following na to iepresent the Blue at the meet In Philadelphia Friday evening: One hundred feet. Neal; 100 yards. Meigs; SO) yards.

Gra intU'hting of th-- latter told In his tavor. He tried constantly to force the fighting, and whenever Gunther tried to close 111 he found Langford ready. In the preliminaries Kid II. nderson. Boston, won the decision over Kid Bernstein of B.f ton.

Eddie llarrlgan of Portland refited to ne-et Kid Carter of Boston because he clalm-d ne too heavy, and th-management subst. tilted Harris of England and young Saxe of Boston They went six lively rounds, but going in off the reel to rill a vacancy by agreement no decision was gtvin. iTwi In addition to the commendation he i clung to him until they met a patrol-was given a week's additional vacation, man. The same order stated that Sergts The coatiess man was also taken to Francis J. Hird.

George McCausland the station and locked up. He was and Ibrl W. H. Curtis, recently sent to I unable to give his name, but a card In the harbor police station, had been ap- his pocket bore the name of James E. pointed assistant harbor masters.

Klllon. THE RYE TO BUY mittee on transportation, and that the road be called upon to establish a system of free lighterage delivery. The communication of the oil trade condemned at length the y. system, both freight and passenger, and asked for an investigation which would tend to Improvement In the service. Later this motion, which was referred to the committee on transportation, was to Include all terminal radr.ios Boston.

tin motion of Mr Toung. the transportation committee was asked to consider a resolution to the effect that the board request the city government to regulate the ue of Atlantic nv bv the t'nlon railroad company. It was set forth that the railroad should In- made to use the avenue between 6pm and a m. as the conditions now caused a congestion of trafllc. injurious to heavy teaming.

ON NEW ENGLAND TRACKS. Twenty Weeks of Racing Without a Break Dates of the Different Meetings. The harness horses who are to he campaigned over New England tracks this season have an extensive campaign ahead of them If they are kept at It from the first bell tap until frost closes up the game some time in November. There is little chance that anyone will try to take away from Nashua the honor of opening the hall June JO- Then, for -V wi-eks. there Is not an open date, and oftentimes there will be a clash between tracks not a hundred miles apart.

There are many tracks whicii will give an odd meeting now and then, the dates of which have not been announced. The backbone of the season's schedule is complete, however, and the dates given below are certain to be fulfilled: June 2u 23- 'NuLui. II. June nM Smuru. July 4-7-

fl J-ily 4-7- enter. July 11 14 July is-lil mil sa ieu-. Julr 2T 2s old Ai'K 1-4 Keadvllle. Aug J-lt Aug ll II Aug 15-IS tlld Saugua. Aug 21-20--KeadTllle Aug 2S Sett 2 Pruvldeuce.

Sej.t 4-a-Hanford. Sept H. Sept 12-15- tv.oeord, H. Sept 12-15 Worcester. Sept 19-22 Dorer.

H. Seit 20-2S-KK-Lester. II Sept ai S-'I'rvvldVoce. Oct 3-6 Hrorjpon. Oet 3 -Naahua.

11. (let V-14 Old Haugua. Vt 1S21 ld Saua-ua Oet 24 27-Woreeier. 24 27-Xaahu. Oet et.

I. trot Sl-Nor a 'Nsabua. II. Oct Sl-Nee a li I. "Hslf-aslle track.

ham; swimming under water. Reid. In the relay swimming races ngainst all comers i ale wul enter the followi ig SfVIOOTH A3 VELVET. FOR 1 team Neal. Jonns n.

uranam. itog. rs and Meigs. Yale will meet the winner of the "o-I lumoia-Pennsylvania match next we. In New Y'-rk city Yale and Pennsyl-i van a have Just arranged for a dual at lnhU for April 4.

The Sore Throat, aT -1 REX DISTILLING COMPANY, 145 Stamford OUTCLASSED ALL THE WAY. LeOutzns. Colds. BOSTON. Bronchitis, On Arising FOR The POLICE MAY INTERFERE.

Chief of Police Maaon of New Bedford Says Club Must Comply With the Law. NEW BEDFORD. March 1S-A 14-round boxing match between Peter Sullivan of Full River and Willie Lewis of New York is announced to take place in this city March 20. but In view of the recent decision of ths supreme court there Is some doubt If It Is held. Chief of Police Mason says: "I propose to Investigate the arrangements, and unless the membership of the club compiles with the law the meeting will not be permitted.

There la a local question Involved, that of overcrowding a hall. Burke sod Shay, the local managers. Im' used Fi-dcratloti hall st the End. and on the occasion of the last there the crowd was so great that Louis Jean and J. C.

Patnaude. officer of ths Franco-American association who control the hall, were summoned before Chief Shaw of ths district police and warned against a repetition of the overcrowding. They were also notified that they were running a risk of being charged with letting the hall for an Illegal purpose. Nevertheless, the directors of the hall ONE FOR "ENGLISH TOM." East Boston Pool Player Beats Manuel. 125 to 66.

Before a large and enthusiastic gathering, the first match in a series to determine the championship of New Kngland wa 'ontesteal at the Murray Irwin parlor, Washington st, corner of iHner. lat evening. The'stailt wire Tom'' of tlie Maverick use. East Boeton, and Harry Manuel of J'outh Bototi The f-irtner won hy a siore of to "Fngllsh Tom's" position playing was marvelous, while Manuel appeared to lack practice. The a.

ore. KngU.r. Tom." U. a. U.

13, 0. 10 II 12. W. 13-125 Manuel. 1 9.

V. 0. 1. 7. 7.

U. S. 1 5. 1Tonlght Tom Duggan. the Irish and tho 'Roxbury will cross cues and the match promises to be particularly interesting.

Princeton's Tennis Matches. PRINCETON. J. March 13-Tbe Princeton tennis management today announced that the annual match wnn Columhia will he held In New York on May 24 and the contest with Yale will take place in New Haven on March 20. The 13i Interscholssth- tennis tournament will be held here on May 13.

and Invitations will soon be aent out to atout preparatory schools. Captain of Har ard Handball Team. The Harvard handball association has elected F. Perkins -L captain of Its team, which will play its first game with the Boston M. C.

A. tomorrow nlsht. Another game will be played between the two teams a week from "Kid" Sullivan of Washington Loaes to Harry Lewis. PHILADELPHI V. March 13 -Harry Lewis of this city faced the hardest problem of his short career tonight when he met "Ki Sullivan of Washington In the windup at the Washington sporting club.

Through hts superior clc. erners. Lewli- Sullivan In every one of the six rounds. Sullivan was as aggressive as usual, hut Lewis used his left tn splendid advantage and not only kept the Washington slugger nway from him. but damaged the "Kid's" face considerably.

Sullivan's blows were much herder than those of Lewis, but the former seldom was able to land. In the fourth Weak Lungs And for painful and sensitive parts of the abdomen, A Ikocf Plasters should be applied as shown in illus drink half a glaaa of the Natural Laxative Water Hunyadi Jsnos to Id an re a free movement of the bowels and relief from P.ONSTIPATION Ask for It by tbe fall name Hunyadi Jant Economy That you can practice is to read the advertisements in today's Globe. round Sullivan nearly turned the tide by knocking Lew. down with a short on ui' on trie swins jaw. i.ewls.

however. tration. managed to keep out of danger the re- niatndrr or tm ina Boston Girls 12, Naval Reserves 6. NEWPORT. I.

March 13 The Bos- I ton Bloomer Girls, a basket-ball team, tonight defeated the Naval Reverves. 11 to a. at the state armory, in a game which, proving a great attraction, did not develop much basket ball. Three 10-minute periods were played, the Re- 1 serves not scoring until the final period. 1 Between periods the young women gave I nn exhibition of fencing.

The attend-sacs was the largest ever seen at a game In Newport Turn Verein Ball. Last evening the Boston turn verein tmlst Upon Hsving ADcock'a. will lease the hall to the New Bedford Sears Defeats re easy. The 3ft game of class amateur billiard tournament, which was played last night at Hub billiard palace, was REMEMBER-Artcock's Plasters have been ta nss over 55 years. They are the original and genuine porous plasters and have never been equalled as a pain-curer.

Guaranteed not to uontain belladonna, opium athletic ciuo. it is said mat Burke and Shay have offered to post a large forfeit to protect the association in case of nro.e, Utloll. A 15-tound bout between very ciuse anu finiimt. oeara anu Pressey were the contestants. The for- WHITE ROCK WATER Bobby Patten of this city and Battling I 1 at tl a mer was the victor by a score of Uv to i Kldrldge of Falrhaven is also planned I ot at Wa ikesba.

Wis. a concert and '-all in Turn it- Ashe meets uotne tougnu 1 tne prooiytvrs 01 tue meeting. A 1.

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