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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 39

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

3 I hul tf THIS is ihe COPPER. AGE. "KING OF NAUGATUCK VALLEY. A Big Scheme Backed by American Millionaires. tt Big George" Lachance Raises Chickens at His Waterville, Conn, Home Surrounded by His Family, His is "the Simple Life" Residents Point With Pride to Their Celebrated Citizen, Whose Record is Phenomenal.

nn irir ngnis una and many of the factories are run by electricity. Borne of the interior cities are so lighted. We hay electric now running from Lima to Caltao, our chief port, a distance of eight nnd a half miles, and we have ulso a tramway from Lima to Chortllas. on the toast. Both of these companies vrobnbly do well." American Trade with Peru.

"How about our trade with Peru. Mr Dudley T' I asked. "It la steadily Increasing, nlthougn the people of the United States do not make much effort to push It. When 1 first went to Peru the Germans exceeded In their exports to that country. We are now far In advance of them and second only to a real Britain.

Our trade tcday la almost three times what It was when I first came to the country, and It seems to me that the prospects for a continued Increase are good." "What do we sell to Peru?" I asked. "Wheat, breadstuff nnd all aorts of hardware and machinery. Much of the wheat comes from our Pacific coast es. The machinery Is largely from the east. This trade will be benefited Ccrro de Pasco, the Famous An-aon Silver Mine.

Now Worked for Already Spent in Railways, Etc Orer the Andes to the Amazon by Train The Pacific Company's flew Concessions Automobiles to the Capital of the Incas Hidden Treasures Lima's New Ekctric Road Being a Talk With Out Minister to Peru. by the Panama canal Uncle 6am and Peruvian Cotton. "What do you buy of Peru. Mr Dod- WASHINGTON. C.

i. 1 leyr "We buy a great variety of thing. to be one of the uiof mining enter- Jk jkj of our hemis- among others medicines and chemical products, foodstuffs nnd wool, and espe cially cotton. The Peruvian cotton commands far higher price In the mar started by Americans In the heart of the Andes." kets of the world than our own cotton. It has a long fiber which ts so much.

more like wool than cotton that It could be passed off for wool. It ts uaed In i WT Thus spoke Irving 4j5 Pudley. our mln- I it-r to Peru, as we lr I hi I tod tnwthcr In 1 A making hats, hosiery and underwear. The factories mix It with wool, and the articles Into which It goes have a finer Washington prior to his leaving for his post, last week. luster and finish than those mad" pure wool.

This cotton la of different colors, some white, some brown snd some almost red. So far the area, of cotton territory has been limited, but companies have been recently formed to ITH a phenomenal fielding rec Irrigate the lands ot northern Peru. ord at first base of and ITkJ Mi. IB0V I hKI, which will bring much more cotton soil of playing three years with into cultivation. The most of the desert.

out losing a game. George Lachance you know, will blossom like the rose If of the Boston champions lost no time at the close of the baseball season to make It can only have water." I spent some time with Mr Dudley in fVru. when I visited that country, and. him. went to the top of the Andes the railroad built by Henry Meiggs.

the Catifornun. at an enormous cost boot 30 years ago. That road ts the highest mountain railway of the world. takes you in one day from the Pa-fjfr ocesn clear to the top of the Andes, tad lands you on the other side more than three miles above the sea. The road goes through some of the richest mineral territory of South America, and It was originally intended to reach the Cerro de Pasco silver mines.

Meiggs' money gave out before he got here and. although the road had been rontinued after his death, it was from 9 to 70 miles away from Cerro de Pasco when I rode over it. tracks for his home In Waterville. Conn. Peru's New President.

and. after receiving hto usual annual re "What are the political conditions In ception from the good sport of Water- Peru at present. Mr Dudley? Do you bury, settle down to "the simnle life" have many revolutions?" with his wife and two fine boys In the There have been no political troubles only the best of the ore could be taken to the smelter. There must be a great deal of silver still in the dumps about those mines. This ore is now being carried to the smelter by the new railroad, built by the American syndicate.

I understand, however, that the rates of transportation by llamas have been so reduced that they are carrying ore at about the same freight ratea as the railroad, the animals walking along beside the tracks." suburbs, three miles from the thriving center of Waterbury. during my stay In Pern, and there are no Indications that there will be any In One day last week I reached Water the rcaynli is only about 150 mile. When It is built one can go In barges and boats down that river to the A mason. That road would open up the Peruvian territory adjoining the Acre territory which Bolivia baa Just sold to Brazil. There are valuable rubber forests In that region, and it is probable that similar forests are also found on Peruvian soil.

The government would like to have a railroad there; so that It could quickly transport troops to that point in case of trouble. The Brazilians are. you know, to build a railroad In that region to facilitate travel to and from the Amazon." the future. The country Is quiet and the bury quite early In the morning. It was cold, and heavy fall of snow waa people seem contented and happy.

The death of Pre Candamo was followed on the ground by the selection of Jose Pardo to take Kvery one seemed to know the big his place, and the wheels of government first baseman, for the hackman an have moved smoothly on. Pre Pardo swered my query. "You bet I know La- although hi political career has been I chance, and will take you right tht re a short one and his experience In gov- I It took nearly one hour from the vll- emment small, makes an excellent pres- I lage green In Waterbury to reach Wa- ident. He Is a young man. not over 40.

I tenrtlle Center, and the home of "Big Peru's Mineral Wealth. "la Peru still rich in gold and silver. Mr Dud ley "Yes: but it is hard to tell Just how rich it Is Much of the country has not been thoroughly prospected, and the mines may be better further down. In these Cerro de Pasco mines the upper deposits consisted of a great body of low-grade silver ore. more than a mile and a half long hy three-quarters of a The Backwoods of Peru.

"It mut be difficult f.r Pern to control her territory on the eastern slopes of the Andes? They are practically In who has been engaged In business for I eorge. A ring at the door bell brought the greater part of his life, and who I Mrs Lachance, who Insisted that I until a year ago has had but little to do I come In. as she heard that George was American Capital in Peru. The enterprise I refer to. continued Minister Dudley, "is connected somewhat with the railroad by which we traveled to the tops of the Andes.

It is the purchase of the Cerro de Pasco mines by a corps of American million-tires, headed by J. B. Haggin. D. O.

Mills. Henry C. Frick and others, among whom are said to be the Hearst heirs and the Vanderbilts. The company Is largely composed of men who have been connected more or less with the great copper mines at Anaconda, Mont, which are supposed to be the richest copper mines on the globe, but which may be with politics or the government. He was I expecting me.

I didn't have long to chosen by Pre Cnn.lamo as hi chief I wait, for the big fellow hurried from accessible, are they not?" "As far as eaay travel la concerned. ministerial adviser, and upon Candamo's I th back yard, where he had been ouay yea." said the minister to Peru. "Take Iquitos. which Is in Peru, on the Mara- death he natural!) became president. He I clipping the hada oft a pair if brillir.

miie wiae. mis was worked down to a denth nf nHrtut 1M I Is a very patriotic man nnd Is anxlo is I and wltl. a hearty he rat th h.H I on. a great river that forms a I art of to do well for Peru. He say he will de- I down to find out my mission to his uoict vote his energies to improving the road- dram h7min tw i I the Amazon.

It used to be that officials drain rh. mine. Thay hav. bscyssafc-1 from Uma to Iquto, After learning that I was making the ways and other communications of the country and to bettering the pJMfJN rounds of the members of the Boston team "big George" drew hia face to along educational lines." and the, rZLZZZ went around the stru of Magellan and Ihoe oT ArlL nent to the mouth of the Amazon, and It voum ta then up the Amazon to Iquitos. At thr mlaT tht way Is to go to the tath- gether for the smile peculiarly hla own for he never makes any demonstration equaled by Cerro de Pasco.

They have already spent $8,000,000 In purchasing the property and In extending the railroad to Cerro de Pasco, and I understand that they will spend S2.000.000 more before next fall. They have bought up the mines from individual owners, not asking concessions of the Peruvian government, and their work is all done Caa( when pleased beyond closing his eyes hx.r.X a "na- 1 mus of Panama and then up the Ama-have said, it is the copper and not the X. and wrinkling his honest face ii aw vs -r i irau. Big George excused himself for a mo nnd thence down by trail to the Ucayall ment ana vanisnea. to rerurn with a (CoprrigLt.

1904, by frank G. Carpenter.) FIRST BAND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE pitcher of sweet cider, which he had silver that Is valuable now. There are probably good copper mines in other parts of Peru; and Bolivia, you know, has very valuable deposits of almost pure copper. There are gold mines in kept In the cellar. "This is the only said to have in the neighborhood of MM) mines and almost evervthinw of I strong thing we Indulge In In this house." aald George, and he found his visitors at home with the Juice of the value that immediate virinitv Th different parts of the country, and also AT HILLSBORO.

xpet to extend the miiwav i i mines of nc and quicksilver. Al- and thence by boat on to Iquitos. but that takes several weeks, and in coming back it would take more, as the boats go much more slowly up stream. You can go from New York to Iquitos In less time. I venture, than it would require to get there from Lima by way of the Utty all.

There are steamers from New York to Manaos. which la a thousand miles up the Amazon, and there are smaller steamers from Manaos to Iquitos." apple. Time slipped along aa If greased inines about 12 miles farther on. so that i toeether- there are more than 50C differ- Hillaboro. in New Hampshire, prob until, after an hour had passed, the em Peruvian mining claims on record, one-third of which, perhaps, are they can have their own fuel for the emelters." ably has larger percentage of musicians and musical organisations In pro elder Lachance joined the party to hear some pleasant things about his celebrat portion to Its population than any -c ed son.

other town In the state. At the present The Lachance home was tastefully time it support a good band and two quiet time this winter, but is ready at a moment's notice to get in line again, for you see I never take on flesh as some of the boys do in winter. I keep In shape with long walk and working decorated with a great number of "I thought the Cerro de Pasc er silver mines. Mr Dudley?" "So they were, but copper has been apod orchestras. ball picture, hung In place.

As far back as 18K a special art of the legislature was passed to Incorpor lor it was evident that the Lachance heusehold appreciated fully what the iken out Is a mixture of silver end ate the Hillsboro Instrumental band. game hud done for the head of the for the weakest member of the three, for he was cut out for the heavy work. "Its pleasant here for my family." said George, "aa my father's home is next house and we own all the land to the corner" fully an acre, situated on the brow of a bill overlooking tbe village, a pleasant and healthy place. "We have lived In this place since I was a boy. My father was born In Canada and went west, wher? he served three years In the war as a member of Co F.

15th Illinois. He returned to settle In Putnam, Conn, wher I was born. i i house: rxd the best of It was that big James D. Bickford. now aged 94.

who Joined April 1838. to the only one of the early members now living. George was taking advantage of hia op- porton "es to put himself on the sunny to make: in fact. It has been a pleasu fi to play for the crowds in Boston, and 1 guess I will be on the bag for another year all right. Lachance owns the house be Uvea In and considerable property besides.

Ha has a nice bundle of securities locked In a small safe, and has reason to feel that, he ha done well with the chances offered since taking baseball. An hour spent in Waterbury with Lachance brought back to memory many good times of the past, for tbe writer was born but three miles away, and mutual friends were plenty-After the lug fire that two years ago swept a way the best portion of the dty. to see like magic a new one arise, the name of George Lachance is upiei most in the minds of the good people of Ws- ie Cerro de Pasco company will be rx- Kphralm ('adman was the original side of iirs. lender and there has never been a time married life of some 10 years had mm tons a month, or oO.OOO tons when some descendant of the family has brought two splendid 1h-s to the home annum. This will represent a value not belonged to some musical organiza of "Big George," George Jr.

8 years old almost five times the whole 11111 VOUOK 1. I I Pacific Company's New Concession. hen I was In Peru. Mr Dudley, some New Vork parties, known as the Pacific company, had concession ft.r coal mines in the Andes, and about to build a railroad to them What is that company doing?" "The Pacific company has recently secured new concessions, and valuable ones. It has a strip of land running from Paca-mayo to Chlmbote.

and extending from thCre back up the Andes to one of the navigable branchea of the Amazon. There are coal mines In the territory, and with the concession goes the right to build a railroad to get this coal to the One of the great trouble about the west coast of South America Is the lack of good coal. Ther-zre mines In southern Chile about the ay of Conception, but the coal there Is not of the bc.u quality. The deposit -t extend for some distance along the coat, rnrf far out under the water. Hundreds of miners are employed, and the men work In tunnels away down below the bed of the ocean.

As a re- tion. George B. Codman. a grandson. and Charles.

6 years old. The oldest boy here, where the old gentl man has worked oduction of Chile. It will be more being the present representative. was at church when I called, but ar as night nat' lim. ui til a alio ulm -ago iubh Bjjain ana rorragZU, inc This was the lirst band, and for a about the place." The Tuacbance family are very devout Roman Catholics, and George pointed out the school house and chapel where hto boys were being taught good citizenship and Christianity.

It was one more evidence of the character of the great fraternity of baseball players who pass from the lime light into their natural places. Laughingly I remarked, "Well. George. I see they have a couple of first basemen engaged to give you a run for the place next season with the champions." "So I hear." was the answer, with a smile. "I'm willing to take my ehances.

I might feel lonesome they were not looking for someone to take my place. I guess I'm too good. Then Big George "I think I will play better than ever next season, as I like the boy and the people of Boston. At first they started to roast me, but of late I have no complaint it copper countries of Europe, pro Being over TO he thought it about time rived later to take part In a little sled game, with the old man as the motive power. to take it easy the rest of his days." A Idrr sslng the younger member of ons or silver.

The elder Lachance has a family of four sons and three girls, all but one living at Waterville. One of the eons is now terbury r. wn that way they have I the family. I asked: "So you arc going logued Big George the "flint ever." to be a ball player like your father?" will stand for no other: and hto "No. sir," was the prompt reply; "I'm season with derful fielding record this rell me something about the silver rro de Pasco?" rhc.e mines have been producing er the 17th century." said our lister to Peru.

"They were dis-erj by an Indian shepherd who rervlng as a marine on the battleship Massachusetts. The elder Lachance said he had never seen but one game of ball and that three years ago. when the Boston the champions gives them strong ma- going to be a prize lighter." and 1st wagged his head, as much as to say. ten al to back up their position. Me for the game with th big money." visit to the home of This seemed to tickle the dad.

The boys Americans played an exhibition game at EcampeJ out one night where the town very enjoyable. T. H. Mi were bright, nnd seemed to make up a Waterbury with George on first base- triun.vitate, with th- grca: ball piajer Mrs Lachance is quite well posted on the game and spends some time each season in Boston with her husband Slu MOST DIMINUTIVE EYES ON AMERICAN HEIRESS. thinks George to good for a number of Automobiles for Inca Capitsl.

"How abnnt the railroad that takes one from the Pacific to lake Tltacaca? Ha it been extended?" "That road has sn extension to Sicuani. and from there a wide carriage road has been built to Cuzco. the old capital of the Incas. There are freight automobiles now used to connect Cuzco with the trains, and this road to open up the ruins of that famous city to visitors. There are good trains from the Pacific to lake Tlticaca.

and it will now take but a short time to reach Cuzco from there. Cuzco Is a town of about 30.ftj0 or so. It Is the center of a rich province and a busy place, though it has nothing of its political Importance of the past At the time that the Spaniards came it was perhaps the richest of all the Indian cities south of the isthmus. Ptsarro got much of his booty from there, and the tradltton Is that he took from one native temple 40.000 pounds of gold and 80. nw pounds of silver.

8nme of this enme from the temple of the Sun. at Cuzco." "How about the hidden treasures or the Incas. Mr Dudley? It as said they burled their gold in the Andes when the Spaniard began to rob then?" "You will hear such traditions in nil parts of the Andes, but I doubt whether there Is much truth in them. Th Spaniards carried away about all the gold and silver that the Incas had mined, and. so far as I know, but few hidden treaaures have come to light.

You zee. the Incas were the ruling class, an.l tne rest of the people practically worked for them. Aa a result, ntojt of the rilver and gold came into tneir hands, and they turned it over to the Sinn-lards. 8uch mining a did was after th- rudest methods, and the product could not have been verv grrat. Nevertheless It is said that the Spaniards, for a time, shod their horses with silver, and Pmrro.

when he captured Atahualpa. Inca king, by treachery, agreed to release him If he would fill a room 17 feet wide and JO feet long with gold. This was done, and history tells how Ptsarro then went back on his word end put the king to death. It is aald that some of the trcaauree of the Incas were burled, shortly after this, In l.iK Tlttescs and otherwheres, but. if so.

they are yet to be foend." years yet. aa he takes good care of him self and loves the game. REAL HUNTER IN STATE OF MAINE. "This raising hens to a nuisance, and I am now killing off the stock of bird on hand." said George as be picked up Northport claims the most diminutive the broilers. "I took a lot of pains to If not the youngest real hunter In Maine.

By real hunter Is meant one build a place for the hens, but And it doesn't and shall buy my eggs at who has shot a deer, moose or bear. the store hereafter. Walter It Ncalley to not much bigger "I have no use for game rooster, and than the proverbial "pint o' cider." He to 12 years old. weighs all of 61 pound and towers four feet five In his boots. never did enjoy any sport outside baseball.

I go to the theatres for a littl-pleosure and take tbe madam, as we have some pretty good show here in HI father. John B. Ncalley. I a CAP WORN BY TH F. Ui 11ANU nK IIILL-i registered guide and quite a famous BORO.

II. Waterbury. hunter and trapper. "When I first begun playing bail I Kver sum- Walter big enough he long tlmtt the only one In the state, and ha roamed the woods first with a bow worked winters In the brass shop, but have given that up; In fact, one has and arrow, then with an air-gun. then probably the only one ever chartered by a special act of the legislature, there very little time between seasons i iw.

a shotgun. Last fall hto pa gave him fore It was associated with much of fine X'-40 rifle One is hardly home for the winter before tiu-y commence to talk of the nex. the early history of New Hampshire. Walter lias ued the rltle. He dill I lift l- 'I 11 season, and the boys who go into soaao iYtlZ houW meet shot many rabblta and partrldgea.

talt at lesat once each month, and the early ln bunnies on the run lr. tru ing the bunnies on the run lr. true other business generally make a tall which are now in existence ure of It. When I get through playing sportsman atyle uud the partridges ball will be time enough to think of miow now tne laws Were on the wing something else." Mr Lachance to a Becently the lad was out nlone. aa he obeyed.

8ome of the origlnul instru ments remain. One of the band early engagement git at reader of the daily newspapers. Although it was bitter cold. "Big wa to take part In the celebration when George" ws out in hi hencxp In his slippers snd clsd very lightly, but he Lafayette visited Concord It did dutv for nearly all of the military gather wtemed as warm as toast ings In Us section Lachance learned to play ball on the meadows ulong the Connecticut river. When Benjamin Pierce was governor he had many distinguished callers at hto home In Hillsboro and the band was und with Fred Klobedans made a oat-tery that finally became famous about 1891 when they api eared against the ulwnys brought out for a serenade.

When President Ja kson visited Con Boston club at Naugatuck. Conn. Kroiu cord In 1833. the musician did escort duty. Benjamin Pieree wa then ex f.

i governor and runkltn Pierce chief marshal. As the iTcsldent was to ar Bolivia's New Railroads. "I understand. Mr Dudley, that a new railroad has been built from lake Tlticaca to La Pas?" "Yes. a mad has been built, but It does not go down Into the city of I-i Paz You may remember that there to a great plateau away up there, almost three milea above the sea.

In which Tlticaca and I. Paz He, at a distance of or 60 miles apart. Tlticaca lies In one basin. La Paa In another. The road begins at nuuquai.

Ihe port In Bolivia wtich you reach by sailing across lake Tlticaca from Puno In Peru. The new railway croases the plateau to the Alto, or rim of the basin containing Ia Paa. ttfmcritctn JnrftajZels neiJMimjtj rive by coach, the band went to Concord that time ltchance gradually climbed to the highest position possible In baseball, aa the record first baseman with the Boston champions of the world. Waterbury is one of the warmest ball towns In the hind, and It to strange that they have no club In that city at the present time. Thirty-five years ago Waterbury supported three crack clubs tWO or three daya In advance and icni Its time, night especially.

In serenading folks. Gov Demunoor among the rest After escorting the Preddent Into Concord, and playing a few pieces, among In Ihe Monitors. Waterbury. and Kz-celsior. and lias turned out such play er as Roger Connor.

Bed Donahue. Joe Connor. Jack Fields. Bentiey Uagley. and other good ones, but now all eyes) nnd there stops.

As you get out at the depot you can walk a short distance and look down at the chief city of Bolivia. are turned to "Big George." for he Cerro de Pasco now stands. That i more than 11.000 feet above the i and it i usually bitter cold after The Indian built a Ore before ag to sleep and awoke next morning find that th stones under his fire melted and a lump of silver slag their place. 8ince then thousands tco" of pure silver have been taken Cerro de Pasco. Twenty-seven uaand tons had been mined as far makes hi home among hi old friends i hem "Jackson's kx tio.

Pierce Introduced the band to the President. Jackson shook bands with each member. At one of the trainings Measr Baldwin. Beard. Bickford and Flint were selected by 13 companies, a special mark of honor, to march them on to the grounds before breakfast and were treated by each company.

The uniform was a gray cost, white trousers and a leather cap. The cap w. Iw. II verv hia-h nuil. and I still making good with the one which lien about a thousand feet below you.

Ther are now carrluges which take you down to the city, but plans M-en made fair cable or eleetrlc club that Waterbury fans are with heart and soul the Boston American. That la the reason why when big and eventually Ihsae will probably go through. WAI.TF.K NKALLR. Bolivia also experts to build new George return each fall, a big crowd, headed by a brass band, meet the ballplayer at tbe depot and steers him suit, mining is expensive, and coal from Australia -and England competes with the Chilean coal. The coal that the Pacific company's railroad will open up Is on the highlands of the Andes, and It will cost but little to get it down to the seacoast.

If they have as good deposits as they think, their concession should be a very valuable one." Railroads to the Amazon. "I suppose that rnilwav will be event ally extended by the Pacific company to the Amazon 7" "Probably so," replied Minister Dudley, "but you must remember that It Is only a concession aa yet. There Is no road built. It Is also planned to extend the Oroyo railroad to the Ucayall river, which la one of the navigable branches of the Amazon. The distance from the end of the Oroyo line, the same road wo nave been talking about in connection with ins now copper properties, to altogether more than 8 worth of silver hits been pro- aturb of silver ore was shipped r.urop." nntlnueil lfr Hudlev railroads with the 2.UUU.UU0 which It re The young marquis of Stafford, son heavy cowhide leather and had a big I usually goes hunting, and came across ceived from Brazil for the Acre territo big buck The youngster took de against a swell banquet as the baseball plume In front snd heir of the duke of motherland.

Is being brought up with the idea that he kins of the Naugatuck valley. ry, and umong the lines propnewd la one from La Pas to Oruro. on the Antofa- ben a smelter hullt I'aumlra Conducive to It ts to marry an American heiress. liberate aim and brought down the deer on the first try. with a bullet through the heart.

He bled the buck After siending pleasant hour at the the railroad about 75 miles from gssls line, thus giving Bolivia a rail I. It. in. homstcad to 'unl tbe in to The Hutherland estate is In good or "I wonder," said the passenger with the hunted look In hla eye. "if a person der and the duke Income excellent.

Pao. and fo the paat fw from Boston more than welcome. Hig road outlet to ihe Atlantic. I believe there are also propositions to connect fluential and wealthy Americans, Just as her sister, the countess of Warwick, does, who also hopes to marry her son. Lord Brooke, to a rich heiress of the "states." In fact, some have ventured to say he would like to marry Mtos Jean Reld.

daughter of Whitelaw Reld. and others declare the engagement really existing, but kept secret. The young marquis of Stafford SS shown here In the costume he were at the coronation when he was one ot th hum in the ruval train. But the beautiful duchess to very am George" decided to ride back with nie to ne ure has been carried there on of llamas. A llama will cary cen be absolutely sane and yet cum-mi.

suicide." Then he gathered all the other boys of the neighborhood and a horse sled, returning In great triumph, the happiest and most envied boy In Northport. Waiter to a very cautious hunter and k.a tmmr nf Mtkrw.tlntf Wateit.urs and niit out the places of with the Chilean and the Argeminv railway systems." It la a stubborn beast interest as we went along. "I see observed the passenger wtib bitious. Observing the splendors of. Blenheim and Floor castle, made possible by American millions, she Is eager fie her son to have the same privileges 'la Peru developing along electrical 8o you are going to see Hig BUI and the flushed face, "thai you're in the tll lie down and refuse to go if loaded.

As a result the coat of agar Buck are you?" asked George. "Well. mutol of tlie Christmas sluipping aaon, or ilmif by accident and to Etfi loo. -Chkaav Tribune. careful with hto gun than must men.

"Not vry rapidly." was tbs reply. portauon has been enormous, snd she cultivates las friendship of ail In tail them the old mau Is having nice..

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