The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2
- Publication:
- The Boston Globei
- Location:
- Boston, Massachusetts
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- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE BOSTON GLOBK-THURSPAYV MARCH 7, 1912. SCOTT VICTOR IN SOUTH POLAR 2-IHDI- in which expedition lived MitlitHI i 111 Conti nurd irnu the rtnt rn. i II. I II! I' GL ort 'e a i at I i i QiteJttir iiinr HI ii Fie J'nrti)- to thu iote too motor wo be found practicable. He believed.
that could them to rebel the pome and men in the long haul to the foot of the jcltcW, nt tf they rmilj -rend the glacier I the captalA hoped to utilize them In tne 'ttial tlie jontne, to the pole. In anv event he reaehoned that the motor dedre w.iuld be of treat aervice in fioihtatirg the march back from th pole to te base of supplies. sL 1 hi; 1 trtv- 1y a o-i x1 iilSili THE DOMINANT SIX The greatest- piece of machinery that, ever upon the highways and the most luxurious carriage 1 li 'i i ')i Took Moving Picture Equipment. If Capt tk-ntt met with no diappoir.t-ment. from the point of view of the acientist.
he is likely to bring back some educat.onal mateial in the shape of view of the plidtr? ant mountain. In addition to a lomplete photosrar he outfit. the car tain had an expert with in who ha1 an for making moving picture. It m. i intended convy the two tnov'osr ric- tore ma-hlneg on special sledge the fult distance to the pole, Before departing on his vost Cap, i Scott said that he had computed the distance to be traveled over the lee from his base at MrMunio Sound to the South Pole to be jO miles.
This would make the Joiirrey to the pole and return t-VO miles The captain seated tha he would have aoprosunatdy 1 days in which to make the joumev. and estimated that he mul average 19 mile a day in order to make the jour-nev to the pole and return w'thin the period whn traveling is po-ihlo. Fapt S-ott was born in 1 and he rrt'r'ii the Nav in He I wa a torpedo Ieioenant In waa made a rcmiTund-r In fon and a cap-tam in id. lie as command of the British exped.iion to the Antarctic hen he had the ship tiscoverer. The Ihscoveret -ntied the south as in leoerrb r.
and continud its voyage until Mar. h. I 2. when the vessel wa taught and held in the ice. Previously Attained 82:30 South.
In hir. expediren under the direction of the Itovai icai Society. S-ott a of degree. 30 min- i PORTABLE HOUSE TAKEN ON THE TERRA NOVA. Thi the Expedition Passed thw First Winter After Being Landed, on the Antarctic Continent.
Picture is from the London Sphere, 1910. MOTOR. SLEIGH USED TO DRAW SLEDGES. i i i'll! J'i 1 iiiuiii.j lli.iji Il'li i 1 1 1 iitl 1 II i.i II hi 5. ft a' Ow JE4u ij Best hill-climber At all speeds and regardless of road Easiest large car to drive The Packard Six Touring Car, with a'wheelbase of 133 inches, will turn around in Tremont Street in front of R.
H. Stearns Company, or in any street 44 feet wide. Safest 'investment Packard cars have the highest second--hand value. The smoothest running motor and the easiest riding car, even at speeds from 60 to 70 miles an hour These things have been rtsde possible ia the Packard Six by the cumulative experience of an unrivaled organization which for more than a decade has devoted its entire efforts to the building of motorcars exclusively of the highest type. Packard "Six cars, including bodies, are built entirely in the Packard shops, comprise 37 acres of floor apfCe.
THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE THOUSAND 1912 PACKARD SIX CARS ON THE ROAD 1 Ask the- man- who owns one if 'll 1 CAPT SCOTTS MOTOR SLEIGH. It is of the Continuous Roadway Type; That is, the Axles Do Not Drive Directly on the. Ground, but Rotate a Continuous Band Which Forms a Roadway on Which the Wheels Proceed. This Enables the Sleigh to Go Over Rough Ground, Where WheWs Would Be Hopelely Impeded, In an Astonishing Way. The picture is from the London Sphere of 1910.
tha, fnne Shut kietnn notable Sna. k.enn in reached decrees jz rnmu'es. or about I1) ra.Ies j-cn tie jtcuth Pole. Th's remained th apt be oil the rout bv wav Australia and New Zealand. He sailed aiuc iro-th mlo Ni, a TfUh of Waer rear Ui'g toward I it biith Ple.
His chief competitor in this dash Koald Amundsen, I no was by tne King of Norway and the Norwegian Govern-( r.cnt Amundsen bse the route, by way of. h. utn lrf'. a aeabist, toit and; thiee Others, who Went bv --g-ri. Aminds.ii left Buenos i ie su hrm.
I toward the iio-c of He pa-d igr. she Si-ait of Varllan aiei -n r.t-ered Itosa Sea. the same. tee t-r f.t y-'tt had caio.d O'. a New Zealand and Aus- trallau I ijill 1 1,,.
I il- fv-J TT'. f'rf 'Ml at 4 r- .7. i V-'V VT -b. A V. 4 4 All Packard cars are sold at the published prices A square deal 2nd Packard Service for every' patron Any kind of a demonstration on any kind of a road 32 PACE CATALOG UPON REQUEST- Jt 'i 4 a fly IVit, the eldest son of the late John KJward of Outlands.
He married in U-. Kathleen, daughter of the lall anon I.loyt Bruce, and has one son. He we educated at Stubbington Ilviio, Kareham. and -entered the Brit-lh Navy in He served in the Rover. lkkT-kk, jps lieutenant: In the Amphlon.
Ivh; was torpedo lieutenant of the Majestic, flagship of the Channel and first lieuten- lit With the rank of commander, la to lfed. he commanded 'Hie Biltlsh National Antarctic expedition, attaining the rank of captain in 1VH. He received honorary degrees of doctor sdence fmm Cambridge and Manchester. inl5; Is 'a gold medalist of th Roval ideographical Society. of the Roval Scottish Geographical Society, and of tne American.
Swedish. Danish, Hhlladelphian and Antwerp Geographical Societies. He published in The Voyage of the Discovery." in two volumes. He belongs to the Naval and Military and Marlborough-Club of Ixmdon, and his home is on Buckingham Palace road. London.
HIS PREARRANGED PLAN. Where Capt Scott Expected to Be at Different Timea on His Trip to the Pole. The following, from, the London Sphere of June DIO. shows how Capt Scott had mapped out, as far as was then posibh. the future time table Took Shack'etons Land Trail.
I'aft 51 i follow the sam md trail that Shackbtcu iiad taken. Thi i aloi.g a mountain range. thought be an extens.on of the Andes range. mnnirg southward tnrough Amer.cji Probably at! tlie irth fii '1 Ilos s. a Cait Sot debarked in partv from his sli'p.
tl.e Terra Nova At that r-oitit gtarkis the g-eat Sit Krttius, from hi- a great colum.i of -team If had leen g.y th- rarne Terror Pay. for I. ere was ruf in the rd I tne Acarctc. Back of thi- bay the -t.
a.u-w -apj -d volcano ALVAN T. 'FULLER 1089 Commonwealth Averfue 'w- iXd5 ill! 'ii: lii1'1 I i I It JM stands ou" It e-COV rci south a arti. riaue f.rrt Winter ruirter on the of me rriouniasii ii 1 1 unto November, 1.. it wa th that his struggle n-gan plan wa to (car tne re- mmt of food, he had placed reliance iu.1 en.j Le-cem- on a score of ponies, with J9 dogs and 1 er, anu th. immediately mast the I one motor Fledge.
This sledge wa to lum again sid cquij be used la making raoid progress over Hii I I i iS-xA I I the comparatH ely letsd stretches of the foothills. Hue allowance was 'made for the death of po.nes and dogs, the stead, i depletion of store and the ks of w- the party making up the ti- The Trip to California Under Special Care a As bcoitiori. f) k-rTT'ry You feel like sorting out and ty-in together th memories of this trip anl keeping them separate from all other trips." A woman recently i I I' Other Competitors In the Race. apt Amundsen had no ponies and no motor tdedze. as experience led him to place ail nis reliance on Siberian aid this after a pU-Rsant eiperience ue erekra inU no( on Burlington Route i to djaw tn bm Hfrj Cc nductM excursion party to Cali- vaiIaM foo-i.
i'pt Amundbena fornia. She traveled alone but met also on use ot 1 ti Nvirvegian being cai'ubic of rapid many areeane people qq tfp far. travel over tnow and n-e by ti3 Ut-whiih was in fharre of a sp'ria! vie. inductor. This gixal naurel ofScial 1 other in the race are i.
wall. informed onrteo-i man Li ut il i.a ni Silchnt. of the i fifral was a weii-iniornieu, man tdff of th Army; Lieut N. who went ail th" way thropph with stiir.iFP of Japane. Navy and Dr i-artv, looinp after ever-.
one's Doug! Jhincon. icpr. Aus-tra-" and att-nding to ail the lit- Lmt followed iaigeiy i (h- pl-tiiH of I Nansen. ani sail.d on ie deca.Ia of the trip 1 hti a woman C-t or i hild in one of torse parties can i.i-t lie was one me travel with s.tiety and free-' -I I to LhaF-H in TiIm. and dotn irr.m care know more aN.ut the Burlingtons G-Wgraphiel Society of Berlin.
The Japanese exploier followed SISTER LIKELY TO TAKE BODY SON TESTIFIES. Tells "of (Tun Threats Father in 1910. of I omtortable anl inelunpive person-' Shacaleton mute into Roe 8A. but re. allv ori excursions, please turned to sjdm y.
Autialia, in I11- to i r.palr damage done in Terror Bay. Ilia Feeond start was not made until Nc- write me a postal and Ill send you after meeting Mrs Phinner. Savag turned out to be quite a dresser. Dinimoek. a ciaugnter of Mrs S-avage.
brok" aown often her testimony. She said that she had seen her father and Mrs Phinny at the firemen's ball and another dance. She first met Mrs Phinney In 156 at Ijexineton Park, when sne was wi 1 her father, who met Mrs Phinney there and introduced her. Mrs Phinney, she said, had sent her an umbrella as a gift at one time, and on another oeca-sion had sent her a box of handkerchiefs. I begged him often to leave Mrs Phinney and come horn, the wt-ness-said.
in a burst of tears, and Mrs Savage, sitting cloe by, wept also. map, booklets, pictures, by return mail. Stocks. New- England I Acert i 'i. i.
M- T'i via-i Of One Victim of the Quincy Firer" Daughter Also on Stand in Savage $10,000 Alienation Suit. last, so tnat he is rather behind in the race. In- Mawson. the AustraJ'an. 1 shackleton on hr.
previous 1 nip to the At 'arctic. IU took his route fiom the harbor of Hobait. Tasmania aboard the little ship Aurora, and took the land route to the Last Coast of Ros Sea 'i hese rive men have now been out of i of the world for many past, until the f.rt ruinor came ''day. with the ronflrmatory repov. that Amunden had returned and has brought word of his hading opponent reaching the coveted goal.
Avoid the rush and help us out by ordering your want advertisements for Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays Globe today. iricture from the London Sphere L1ECT EVANS, Second in Command. With the Western Party, Capt Scott a. Edward's Land reached, if possible, earlv in February, 1911. Establishment of second hut and traveling equipment for iparty of alx men on King Edward'a Land, February-.
Dll. Cahea of provisions to Jeft on edge of Great lee Barrier to form link between Eastern and Western parties. February. Dll. Terra Nova to turn northwards about Feb 1911.
Investigation of the pack In the region of the r.allenv Islands, and to proceed to the westw'ard through, or to the south of, those islands. March, 1911. Depots laid well to the south on the Great Ice Barrier. April. 1911.
Start for the South Pole to he made MLirlng the month of October. 1911. Barrier to be traversed and the Beard-more Glacier axeended during October and November. 1911. Vpper plateau to be reached eaily l.i December, 1911, South PoleTo be reached.
If possible, ore, Dec T1911. VERY-GLAD TO HEAR IT. Rear Admiral Peary Pleased to Hear of Success of Antarctic Explorer. 1 Washington. March 7 Rear Admiral Robert E.
Teury. Navy, retired. the Arctic explorer(and discover er of the. North Pole, raid today he was very glad to hear that Capt Scott of the British exp-dltlan was the first man to suceed in reaching the South Pole. Admiral -Peary said he might sav more when he had heard the details of Capt fc'ccdt's successful exploratloy MRS SCOTT HAS NO WORD.
She Says: I Hope the ilews Is Tiue, but at Present I Do Not Oare to Believe It l)NtX)N, March 7 Mrs Scott, the w-Re of hr British explorer, hasno Patrick McDonald Lett Two Children iirlreland. Brother of Leary Claims His Body. Not So Dangerous as North Pole. i From a geographical and scientific viewpoint, the a.taininent of the South Pole, while a momentous event, has nit the same features of Importance and danger as rIate to the North Poie. The for the North Pole has been through great fields of open water and float, ng ice.
whereas the South Pole is 1 fcituacj on solid land. Score of navigators have peri-hed in the for the North Pole, but few that for the south Pole The problem has not been one of reaching the pole over floating ice. but of rapidly over the enow -covered foothlii of the mountain range and terrifying glaciers. SIU KKMuT SHACK LkfTuS. Au AmshUif of CMp( Sott on Hi KrliT Fxpi Ho hold tbe iTetimt TflrihFxl StHitli" Hocord.
To Speak at Ford Hail. Mrs Emily Montague of N'e York, who is to speak in Ford Hall this evening on Equal Suffrage and Good Government," is the guest of Mr Glen-dower Evans. 12 Otis pi. Mrs B.s-.op sav she lias no wrongs to redrew. but "that she is speaking in de-tense of her sister women t- --3 righting industrial wrongs and to pro-test against the injustice meted cut to many women.
You cannot afford to do without it. Vz glass before breakfast clears the head and tones up the whole system. into the crowd of weak, weary, depressed; or are you filled with vitality and energy? Health is the foundation of success Nerves, Drain, and Body should be stunch dependable. Scotts Emulsion the beat of food-tonic, is the firm footing for zu otttraatmrm n-34 EgargsaBW. The suit for broireht by Mrs Matilda Saage of Cambridge, against Mrs Helen G.
Phinney. also of Cambridge, for the alienation of the affections of John Savage, the plaintiff's husband, was resumed this morning in the Superior Civil Court before Judge Fox and a jury. Several of the witnesses broae during their testimony anil tne case moved slowly. Mrs Grace of Cambridge testified tnat she saw- Mrs Puinney the lobby of a Boston theatre about six weeks ago, and that later savage came along, received money from Mrs Fhin-ney and purchased tickets for the show. Arthur Savage.
J1 years old. 01 5s Columbia st. told of his father being at home, but seldom In llwG. and g.ving no help toward the support of liis wife and family. Referring to the episode in April of 1910, when another son claims to have discovered Mrs Phinney in Savage's rooms at the Phinney home.
Arthur said that his father remarked afterward: They broke in one me. bux they did not get anything. If 1 had a gun I would have shot all three. The witness told of his mother's condition being miserable od account of bit. actions of the humand.
He said that he Jiever had any talk with Mrs Phiiiney, nor had he written her. In l'. he said, the fattier showed a gojd watch, saying it was the gift of my girl. Jda Savage, the previous witness wife, told of the gift of the- watch, and when asked if she thought Savage was joking, replied, No. I believed he was Just bragging She saiu she had spoken to Savage about the condition of affairs and he said to with her, meaning Mrs Savage, when toid that money was needed.
She said that I.IKIT RKNXICK, Kirt C. Xlst-r. VVet-ru 1srtjt. of the British Antarctic expedition: Departure from London, June 1, lkUL Fa rxil''. June 16.
1110 Fate Town. Aug.l. Melbourne, Sept 13. 1110. New Zealand.
Oct 13, liilO. Leave New Zealand end of DIO. McMurdo Sound, end of 1610. Landing of Vintr hut and provisions of Western party' to persons in number. I k-c g.
1911. Starting off of this party about Jan 21. 1911. received 'finy direct news of her husband's reported success. She sa 3 this morning that she Is unable imagine how Thipt Amundsen can know, declir lng: "Iiiope the new Is true, but at present I do not dare to believe it.
Lieut Evan, the London secrctjgy of the Scott expedition, authorizes the atatenu-nt that no news whatever of Capt Soott'a suecess had rnthed the local lieadmiarters beyond the newspaper Cold Figures About His Life. rt Falcon 8 -ott. captain in the Ro a I Nan, fHlotr of tti Ho? a I Leo-irrapt ieel Sfwiiy commandftr of the Rov il Victoi iah Order. ws bom-t in Ou.Iar.d. Levonport.
Kng. Juue S. ig 1 iMSSBKK; tt rr hu. mu af j. i QLT.NCT.
March 7 Mrs Jane Hannon of Lawrence came to this city today, and said she was a. sister of Tatrick McDonald, ho lost his Ufe In the fire that killed three men at 661 Washington st. Tuesday night. Mrg Hannon said that her brother Patrick and her brother Charles, who is In the City Hospital suffering from burns, had been in and around Quincy lor the past two year. She said the dead brother had two children In Ireland.
The brothers were bom In Glasgow, and were the sons of Patrick and Elizabeth McDonald of that city. Charlea McDonald told the police this morning that his father was dead, but that his mother was sUll living in Glasgow. He was able to speak better this morning than at u)y tune since he was injured, but he wks 'unable to tell how the fire started. Mrs Hannon, after consulting with the authorities here, said she was going to the home of a cousin, Robert istewart, at East Braintree, to sae bout taking charge of the body. Mrs Hannon also went to aee her brother in the hospital.
A brother of Leary, one of the victims, came to Quincy this afternoon and claimed the body of the dead man. brother came from Charlestown and said his brother was a member Of Bunker Hill Camp. Order of the Leury served in the Philippines ax member of Co p. 21st United States InfantiW. and wxa mus-teied out df the service after his first enlistment, in 1902, at San Mateo.
At the hospital this afternoou tt was said Charles McDonald was In a critical condition and It was doubtful If he recovers. Wates Natural Laxative Hood's Sarsaparilla For All Spring Ailments. Mrs. Marion Bruce, Cumberland, Me, writes: 1 bave taken Hood a kartapJrUla for a reat many year, and I mink it tne bast blood roedlnne in th world. I take it both Spring and Fall.
Thta la.t inter and Spring I waa in very poor bealtb. I Waa weak and had lqet all my appetite and 1 waa all run down. Aa aoon aa 1 t-lta, to taka Hood Sarsapaihla my atiigth came back and my appetite returned. I am now well, do my dvwusework. and no longer have that tired Get it today in usual liquid form or in tablets known as Sarsatabs.
Quickly Relieves: Biliousness. Stomach Disorders, and CONSTIPATION 7 1 04S Lrs 4 'Kf Tke rize BresLdL of' itK Send for Ceresota Cook Book Mailed Free on' Request, MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM GLOBE ADVERTISERS "MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM GLOBE ADVERTISERS Funeral of Or Arthur Jackson. The- funeral of Dr Arthur Jackson, a well-known dentist-In Boston and Win- tlirop. where he lived, was held at noun today in the chap I of fnicn Congregational Churah, South End. There was a' large attendance of professional men.
a delegation from Wahington T-odge. -A. A. and many friends. Kev lr Theodore Frost, pan toot the Worthen-st Baptist Church, lwcll.
officiated, and a male quartet sang Lead, Kindly Light and "FW-u to have. 1 ihe body was t.iken Hope for hutlal. ft mmm 1 Colds Cause Kbadache. 1 LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wlde Cold and Orlp remedy, removes cause. v.
all tor full nano-. Look fop signature E. W. GROVE. 34c.
2, 41 tv A ys-pfep-lets Made by C. HOOD CO- are just what ou should take if you can't eat writh'-out fear of sour stomach, belciiing, heartburn or nausea. They prevent as well as frelleve after-dinner discomforts. Get a box today. or 81.
Sold by all druggists. -Remember nvc.nsn.lctl Take no the tame 1 Substitute iH 1 Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co. Chamber of Commerce, Boston. Mass. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN TODAYS GLOBE..
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