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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 8

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BOSTON GLOBE-THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1915 learn new easy NEW HAVEN ASKS UNIFORM LAWS Desires to Fund Debt of $53,000,000. VCTROIM SOTK OUR Third I loor TERMS steps with music $1.00 Down dSm. ctrola. Will Appeal to Legislatures for Enabling Statutes. Victrola IV, $15 Oak Chairman Elliott Explains the Situation.

iff VlfTROI IV15.0(l brings a l.V Vlrtrnla to your home ntth 19 In Vlrtnr reonrda of our own m-lertlnn Totnl prtre Ji4. SI. no a rrk pava, the na lance. The Fox Trot, Castle Polka, and all the other new dances all played loud and clear and in perfect time. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $200 at all Victor dealers.

Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. MAIL ORDERS ni.M!D, Send first payment and two references. Today ALL THE NEW Victor Records For February Including a Fine List of New Dance Records Thut bills will he Introduced thli week in the kegliilatures of Rhode Inland and Connecticut and, following the report of the Public Hcrslrc Commission, In that of Massachusetts, seeking legislation to Viable the New York, New Haven A Hartford Itallroad to fund Its large floating debt, la announced In a statement by 'halrman Howard Klllott.

Mr Elliott polnta out that In unite of the closest economies the gross earnings barely meet expenses and fixed charges, and certainly leave no surplus to pay off the floating "debt. This amounts to about ra.rtWWO, of whuh m.OOO.OOO matures In ih next six months, and to renew the tiotcR Is a difficult and expensive process. Any Issue of common stock to take up the notes, however, Is at present un-tbjinkabh-, and issuance of preferred Mock Is of doubtful legality. There remains only a long-time mortgage bond, whleh would very satUfactory expedient, but this requires amendment of the r-onfllrt Ing IhWs In the three Ktatcs. Mr Kill.

ft also suggests the desirability of the New Haven acquiring its leased lines. Tin- statement follows: VICTBOI A IX $50.00 $4 DOWN A 50 Vie trola and 0 In record (yonr selection). Total prlrc 1 a week At All Steinert Order by Mail or Telephone or Call and Hear Them Played Records Delivered Anywhere in New England Victrola XI $100 rt Drum A HIM Vlrtrnla and fin In reeord (your elertlnn). Total price in. month.

Ml ORIIKRa FILLED end nYt payment and two reference. Matter of Public Concern. "To put the finances of the New York, Nfw Haven A Hartford Railroad Com-IMiny on a sound and permanent basis is i rlmarilv the business of the owners managers, but the relation of that railroad to the commercial and financial life of New Kngland Is so close that a proper solution of the problem la a matter of public concern. "During the year ending June 30, 1914. Ihe New Haven curtailed expenses closely and yet was able to show a balance above expenses, taxes and fixed M.

STEINERT SONS CO. Wholesale and Retail Victor Distributors Arch Street Largest Exclusive Victor Store in New England KOSton stores, Steincpt HaU 162 fioylston Street. Other Steinert Store in Bangor, Portland, Manchester, Lowell, New Bedford, Fall River, Brockton, Fitchburg, Worcester, Springfield, Providence, Pawtucket, New Haven, Bridgeport and Other Cities. Victrola XVI, $200 Mahogany or Oak I tit Of pipe do (' Ufa I)'-' on tin 1 Tfl or gti mt in inf am I pei kri nt. fl dpi vis th (j Ch li i not mlti W.

A. BACON CO. Over 100 In llooton. Washington Essex Sts. charges, and without the payment of' nny dividend, of only com-! pared with a balance the previous year! of t.K2;X.7!: this, too.

after including, all returns from subsidiary companies. "During the first live months of the I present fiscal year the curtailment of expenses lias hem carried still further. There has been a large redaction of I notipavlng trains, botli passenger and I groom, was best man, and Miss Anna I mort- fri'il'ltl 1 i It -itnri, 1lnH I U-wlo bv Si SHEPARD-CLARK. Corcoran, a sister of the bride, wu ness men may regard the future with assurance. Whether she boldly attempt the conquest of new lines of foreign trade, or adopt the more conservative i proi i meiit work has been stopped.

gage because of limitations and conuic is "In spile of drastic economies the de- i ihe of the States of Massacnu- of his prodigal son-in-law, and A erdelet, the sympathetic friend and counselor to all concerned l'homme raisonnable wno appears in every well-regulated French comedy. Claude Benedict's Toiner hwMiph lanrtitpr time and again; as orioesmain. The bride wore a gown of white crejn de chine covered with shadow lace and crenne in cross earnings nas neen mo Verdelet Renavent was irresistible in sne carried a shower bouquet of lilies ol the valley. The bridesmaid nrore i mm of blue crepe do chine Odvered within, tique lace "ORDER IT NOW" THE NEW SLOGAN Unemployment Committee Sees Relief in It. Wedding Ceremony at the Old South Church.

NEW PLAY BILLS. Marie Tempest in "The Marriage of Kitty." "Le Gendre de Poirier" Acted by the French Players. Following the marriage a rrceptiotil the 1 .1... 1. bl ncn wi iiie noiiie i ine innr parents at II Went Cottage whlrlj was attended by only members of tin immediate families.

ur. the da ran inc. About 500 Guests in Attendance-Reception Follows. The couple left for a trip to Atlantil City and on their return will reside It South Ml I I Itltu policy of seeking her share of the of manufactured goods that we have beep purchasing annually from Europe, New Britain may face the future with security. The who persists In worrying, over the European conflict should have "his attention called to the things that have been done to little Belgium without causing her to think of quitting.

"Just remind him that no matter what happens in Europe, the TTnited States, on May 4, will, according to the statisticians, hold a population of 100.000,000; that we turn out a manufactured product amounting to $25,000,000,000 every year; that we take $10,000,000,000 of wealth out of the erourd each 12 months; that our National -wealth is $130,000,000,000, and that in the past 25 years the industries of New Britain have done their share toward increasing our exports of manufactures of iron and steel from $30,000,000 to $300,000,000. "Tell him that tenfold increase may be duplicated in the next generation if every one would stop moaning and get down to braeB tacks." The bride a graduate of the lliiiri that the balance for these Ave months is practically the name as for the correspond i period of the previous year This balance Is for the New Haven Railroad alone, hut ns the business of the subsidiary companies has also falli'i off. the receipts by the New Haven from these companies during? the lUrrenl now promise to be less than last i r. "On the other hand, advances In rates, some of which have 'ready been permitted, recent improvement In the volume of business, together with further economies and Increased efficiency, warrant the Xpaeta.ttOfl on June 30 next, the close of the Ucaj year, of a balance above all operating expenses, taxes rentals, Interest and discounts of all hinds. Floating Debt of $53,000,000.

"The New Haven nt present has a flouting debt of about about MO.fiOO.OOO of which will mature by May 1, and about IMW0M more by An 1. setts. Rhode Tsland ana 1 "Massachusetts permits the issue oi a mortgage to twice the amount of capital slock and premium actually while Connecticut limits the amount: of mortg-ag-e to one-half the amount actually expended on the railroad -Under this limitation no mortgage could which could take care of the OU Is landing- obligations necessary to be Included, to sav nothing of the floating 0btand additional necessities of the ra'k-oad. As the general laws of Rhode Tsland do not specifically authorize railroad mortgages there is some doubt of the. New Haven's right to mortgage property in that.

State. "Tender existing Massachusetts law anv mortgage made by the Nejv Haven Company must secure the bonds or other railroad companies now a part of the New Haven, System, which are already amply secured by first mortgages 'on the property of those roads ana manifestly should not have the additional security of any mortgage on the now unmortgaged main line of the New Haven. "Doubt exists as to the actual amount nninnriinir canital stock recognized tjarten nciiooi and later studied at th Practical Arts High Bchool. sin. isiiM, almost every line.

Gaston was exceedingly well played by Faure. The impecunious and unscrupulous scion of the nobility not in the least overdrawn and in the climax of the last act was entirely satisfying, convincing in a role which required very good acting to be made convincing. Mme Meurville's part also was somewhat difficult. The young woman who i.s rudely acquainted with the true character of the man whom she loved as "just an old-fashioned husband" first declares that his unfaithfulness has made her "a widow for all time," and later shows that her love is great enough to make her forgive completely. The part was surprisingly well acted.

De Montmyron, the Duke and true friend of Gaston, was very well played by Louys. The minor parts were uniformly good. "Le Gendre de Poirier" will be given this afternoon and evening. Friday evening and Saturday matinee and evening will see performances of Labiche's best comedy, "Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon." Mr Fallon is a life-long resident Roxvmry, where he was born -jk vi-irtl ago. lie attended the public Plan Is to Induce People to Do Their Easter Shopping Early.

An appeal to the public to "do their Easter shopping early" and a request to the Federal Government to begin at once the work of building the new Immigration station and the Appraisers' Sffjres were the fruit of yesterday's and the Koxbury High School and (n tered the employ of the Boston fJtfi in i aim. i-rom luo until his appoint ment as probation olflcer in the Ron Mai ari Col 14 I iy, IlUl. Mai MAJESTIC THEATRE "The Dumb and the Blind." play In one act by Harold Chapin. First time in Boston. The cast: Joe Henderson.

Graham Browne Liz, his wife Miss Nellie Moore Knimy Miss Lilian ravanagu Bill Peiper Jl" Alexander "The Marriage of Kitty," comedy in three acts by Fred de Gresac and 1 ran-cois de Croisset. English adaptation by Cosmo Gordon Lennox. The cast: Sir Reginald Belaizc Graham Browne John Travers Herbert Ross Norlmry John Alexander Hampton Guy Newall Mine rle Semlano Miss Kate Serjeant son Rosalie Miss Lilian Oevaangb Kitty Miss Mnrie Tempest An interesting double bill, consisting- of "The Diimh nnfl the Blind." a one- bury Court lie covered the Ibixhiir district for the Globe. Mis parental Mr and Mrs Daniel Fallon, live ail labors of Gov Walsh's special commit- 10 North av, Koxbury. Miss Caroline Rothwel! Clark, daughter of Mrs Mosher, the wife of Dr Harris Peyton Mosher of 828 Beacon st, was married last evening by Rev Dr George A.

Gordon at the Old South Church, Copley sq, to Krederick John-ebn Shepard Jr. The bride was given away by her stepfather and attended by her sister, Miss Lucy Clark, as maid of honor. There were no bridesmaids. Alan Bartlett Shepard, brother of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Henry B. Shepard, another brother; W.

Lloyd Allen, H. KeiinethKranz-heim and Harold E. Kebbon, all of Boston; Fred H. Daniels Jr of Worcester, and James Stuart Snedden of New-York. About 500 guests were present at the cliureh.

A reception at the Hotel Westminster immediately followed After April 1 Mr and Mrs Shepard will be at home at 134 Linwood av, New- Bradshaw Leathe. by the State of Massachusetts, owing to the fact that when the New Haven securities were validated by the report Of the Validation Commission in 1911, a stock Issue was authorized and sub- ni'nnns, jan i Miss Maude MANY MESSAGES FROM AFAR. Thirtieth Annual Ball of Telegraphers' Mutual Aid Association a Big Success. All the "big" men in telegraph and telegraph circles, city officials, news I ho, daughter of Mrs Amanda tin-1 son Leathe. was married at her moth er'ft home, 3 Frances st, this evening tee on unemployment.

The committee finds tTiat one of the worst phases of the tfepression is in the clothing business. If families with steady incomes, it holds, Instead of deferring their purchases of Easter raiment and other Spring- clothing- for two or three months, would do the buying- now, it would help materially to decrease unemployment and relieve acute suffering. "The majority of the workers in this industry, reads the committee's statement, "are people of very limited means, manv of them with no such command of the English language as would make it Thomas William Hradshaw of Com. "Julius Caesar" at Opera House. The Henry Jewett Players' revival of "Julius Caesar" has proven so popular at the Boston Opera House that it will he continued another week.

The-jires-cntation of "The Merchant of Venice" has. therefore, been postponed until Feb 8. A special matinee of "Julius Caesar" will be given tomorrow afternoon for the school children of Boston. net drama of vivid realism, and "The monwealth av, Boston. Rev Henry papermen and, in fact, men in all kinds Marriage of Kitty," an old comedy of Parker of Wol.urn 1'nltarian Chlirr1 presented by or business life were represented at the pleasant memory, was 30th annual ball of the Telesrranhers' i Marie Tempest and her officiating.

The best man Percy English com Linscutt. and the hr de was atlendf pany at the Majestic Theatre last eve Mutual Aid Association last evening. by her sister. Miss Oora Johnson Leathe, and Miss Louise Wvmun. ning.

The little drama is a graphic picture 1... frAnt rtf From New York. San Francisco, New Orleans, Memphis, Tenn. and even as A reception was held, 3 guests gt i i i i 1 1 i 1 1 i iiji. vii uitt; vm.

Professional Matinee at Casino tending. scrlben tor. nut oni.v in" only the amount then paid in was validated, legislation to validate the total amount paid In Is obviously necessary. To Acquire Leased Lines. "The plan suggested for financing would be materially improved if in Massachusetts the New Haven were given the right to acquire Its leased lines upon terms satisfactory to the Commonwealth and to the respctive stockholders of lessor and lessee lines.

"There are some minor conditions and Inconsistencies, Buch as a requirement in Massachusetts for the Issue of fractional shares and a prohibition of the same in Connecticut. "The Public Service Commissions of New Kngland. recognizing the importance of a sound plan for the issue of roll mod eeein-ities. have been giving the "JZ T1 or leiegrapners i London. A bargeman comes home to his who had been In communication with hardworkimr wife with the news that Manager Jack McNamara, a Charles- easy for them to nnn any oiner mna oi work.

It is only too likely that some of them, who have been out of work for C. H. GREATON PRESIDENT. Boston during the last year sent con-1 he ha hoH hia nav- rnlueri and riven a gratulations or words of cheer to the oo-,,hlaif. Sif6? JT vSLi Wa boy and director of Barney Ger- "At present the only available means of financing that debt Is by a further Issue of short-term notes, but there Is Always difficulty In obtaining; money that way.

and when obtained hiRh rates of Interest must be paid, which makes It sflll harder for the railroad to provide adequate service, and to make the improvements and betterments which are constantly needed to keep the property In proper condition to serve the public. "Although the present earnings of the company are Improving no large sums can be expec ted from net earnings, either for paying off the floating debt or making Improvements, and other plans must be adopted. "One very desirable method of raising the money needed would be for the stockholders to buy new Issues of Common or preferred stock, and with the proceeds of such issues pay off the floating debt, tli us supporting their own property. 'The showing made by the property and the complications surrounding It during the past two years are such that any Inciense of common stock at this time Is out of the question. "The issue of preferred stock Is a desirable method when practicable, but It Is nut clear that the right exists under present laws.

Connecticut gives the right, but there Is doubt whether Massachusetts gives it to railroad corporations This doubt has been removed hv recent Massachusetts Legislatures as to street railway, gas and electric light companies There Is also somo uncertainty in this respect under the statutes of Rhode Island. weeks. are almost at the point or ex-aerators of Boston. irmttaA nn ard's "Fnllie-s of the Dav." has united lunviiie. Mrs Shepard is a daughter of the late George L.

Clark. When her mother, bv iS(ionfl marriage, became the wife of Dr Mosher, in the latter part of March two years ago, the wedding took place in Christ Church, Salem st the 'ld North of history. Dr Mosher Is a descendant of Paul Revere. New Enqland Nurserymen Have I-'. I anTrn interpreting their good for-j Manager Charles Waldron in ex- Iroi Annual Convention in Providence.

tending an invitation to all the theatrical folks in town to attend a professional matinee at Waldron's Casino --r tune as some sort or a aivine aispensa- The committee, too, in cooperation fielder and at present Pres Lannin's tlon falls en her knees and nravs ex- with the Chamber of Commerce com- adviser, came from rhiladelphia to at- nres'sion 'of her eratltude The husband mittee on the Immigration Station, tend the festivities. From City Hall I wnt ti CEi PR. iVIDENCE. Jan 27 C. H.

lircanm full has Wee of this city was elected president-nf th England Nurserymen's As.toclatloi about, and she does not quite know herself, but both become conscious of a came "Eddie Sullivan, paymaster; "Jim" Johnson from the Associated Press, and from the Postal Telegraph The HARRINGTON GATELY. plans to work through the Massachusetts delegation in Congress to persuade the Government to start at once the construction of that station and of the at its annual convention today Tht LIBRARIAN AT HARVARD. Its company ir. K. Travis and Dan Carter following other officers were ehOMBI the sll AMrlew' Stores.

If they are success- The Western Union was represented by G. C. Thurlow, West Newbury, MaggJ i.ei iel of renresei.tatives of the fl mean a i lo relieve John Molloy. Harry Flynn and Man- vice resident l. A.

laik, 1-iskewlie i ihn the Mlhwil and the Dublic and have asked It secretary; V. A. Vanlcek. Newpoijt It t'easurer; C. R.

Flsk of WorcegtfM happiness that had not before entered into their rough life a life of dumbness and blindness. Mr Browne's characterization of the rough-natured, beer-loving bargeman was vividly true to life, admirably artistic in appearance, manner and soeech. Miss Moore as the wife and Mr Alexander as the bargeman's uncomprehending friend were scarcely less excellent in the fidelity of their characterizations. Miss Tempest's reappearance in "The A. P.

Horn of Manchester. H. a n. Barns of Yalesville. Conn, exec George Parker Winship to Have Charge of the Harry Elkins Wid-ener Collection in New Library.

The appointment of George Parker Winship, librarian of the John Carter Brown Library in Providence, as librarian of the Harry Elkins Widener col- five committee their views. It is expected that the Legislatures of the various States will have the benefit of their recommendations, and as a result of these conferences, the Legislatures will be asked to pass the laws needed to bring about harmony and to remove unnecessary restrictions. Iha neeocanrv bills will be situation. ager Barth; from the brokerage houses "Recent disclosures. they say in I came "Jack" Schumacher, Jack Lynch, their argument, "as to the condition of Freddie Dickson and Hiram J.

Finn, the Immigration Station on Long vvnarr an(j prjcjpaiiv from the "branches" have shown that it is disgraceful, In- came Robert Tobin. fested by vermin to such an extent as Charlie Smith of international fame, to render it almost uninhabitable. wUn A Connor (Chucks, Boston's premier operator, seemed to be foremost UNKNOWN DONOR OF 1 I "Chicago tyrant," William Sullivan WI1- Marriage of Kitty" was welcomed with This is one of the lection which is to be Placed in the new introduced at Providence and Hartford. genuine pleasure which the actress won Widener Library at Harvard, was an- first plays in In the near future, wnen trie massaniu- It is now important, therefore, to have the laws made clear so that steam railroad companies can Issue preferred stock as a means of raising- money If market conditions justify. Money Given to Mayor for Benefit ham J.

Mahoney, Dr F. F. McVey success after leaving the operatic stage. nounced yesterday. Harry H.

Tate. Harry B. Fuller. Dr L. and the role of the young woman who Resi Newton Young Man Takes Eride in Medford, Rev William J.

Casey Performing Ceremony. MEDFORD, Jan L'7 -Miss Agnes C. Gately. daughter of Mr and Mrs Timothy Gately of 197 Ceneral av, were married this afternoon at her home to Edwin K. Harriman of Newton, son of the late Dr George A.

Harriman of Dorchester. The ceremony was performed by Rev William J. Casey of the Immaculate Conception Church, Maiden. Charles J. Gately, brother of the bride, was best man, and Miss Louise J.

Gately. her sister, was maid of honor. The' bride wore ivory white satin, with lace overdress and a tulle veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Her sister wore white crepe de chine over pink satin and carried pink roses. The wedding was followed by a reception.

After a trip to Bermuda, Mr and Mrs Harrington will live at Newton. Mr Harriman is a graduate of Boston English High School and a member of the Fusiliers and the Barnacle Club. of Unemployed Parker Hill to Become a Park. A gift of $5000 from a donor whose osinoi J. Malone and the Molloy brothers, did their utmost to make the evening pleasant for the dancers.

"Bonus," "bulls," "wrong checks," etc, were forgotten in the haze of the mo consents, for ample financial consideration, to pose as legal but nominal wife for a specified period, affords abundant comic opportunity to a comedienne of her Joyous nature and vivacious man ment and the "new telegrapher" vied ner. Her performance last evening was setts Commission manes us repoi i io the General Court, tlie necessary bills will be introduced at Boston. "By the passage of these bills the credit of the New Haven Company will be strengthened and the owners and managers put in a much better position to adopt the best plan for raising the money needed by the company so that it may flo its work as a public service corporation." Start your classified advertising now. Remember, Globe advts bring the most satisfactory results. Long-Time Mortgage.

"Another plan would be to convert the floating debt Into a long-time mortgage bond, carrying a much lower rate of interest. "Althourh there are no mortgage bonds outstanding on the main line of the railroad from New York to Providence, and from New Haven to Springfield, except $750,000 between New London and Providence, nevertheless the company cannot pay its obligations by makes sick i with the old timer in how many dashes I as sparkling in animation and as de-It takes to make a period. lightful in tantalizing coquetry as ever The feature of the concert was George in, the past, and the audience enjoved it Lee solo on the cornet, which was fol- immensely. It was also a pleasure to lowed by an extra. Rockett orchestra again hear her melodious voice in song, furnished the music for dancing and tie- Mr Browne played the husband's role 8Jnd 9 save a concert- just as the "nice, dear, silly thing" The officers were as follows: Frank M.

should be played. Miss Serjeantson Kelliher. floor director Peter elch, C. I was, perhaps, sometimes extravagantly Mooney, assistants; A. V.

Mann, I farcical as the mercenary widow, but chief of aids; J. J. Kennedy. J. E.

Sullt- sne was always amusing and Mr Ross Van. W. A. Connor, L. J.

Malone, L. J. wns eaoital as the lnwver driven al. skins well Sullivan, E. A.

Herbert, W. J. Mahoney, i most frantic by the vagaries of his C. J. Brinkman, J.


CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Miss Laura MCorcoran Becomes the The same bill will be repeated tonight. At the other performances of the week, "Mary Goes First" will be given. No matter how long you have been Wife of Edward A. Fallon, Proba-! tortured and diBfigured by itching. loy, Dr Charles Malone, H.

B. Fuller, H. J. Flynn. J.

F. Blggane, Dr F. F. McVey, J. F.

Walker, C. E. Smith and H. H. Tate, aids.

On the reception committee were R. E. Tobin. chairman; D. Carter, J.

A. Coughlan. H. B. Coughlin, J.

J. Carney and W. H. Sullivan. tion Officer.

burning, raw or scaly skin humors, T-MwonH fw I just put a little of that soothing, antt- "LE GENDRE DE POIRIER." name Is to ne Kept secret, 10 am in solving the problem of unemployment, was announced by Mayor Curley yesterday. The Mayor stated that the money was given to him to. use in any way he saw fit, and although he personally believed the name of the man who showed such public spirit should be made public, he would respect his wishes. The Mayor said he would turn the money over to the Park and Recreation Department to be used in employing men to build an ornamental balustrade from the Headhouse to Castle Island, City Point. It was also announced that Parker Hill is to be leveled and made into a park similar to that of Mt Roval.

Montreal, and the Mayor will ask for the transfer of $10,000 from the reserve fund at the City Council meeting Saturday. His Honor believes that 300 or more men can be employed there for quite a little time, as on Mt Ida. In furtherance of the work of the State Committee on Unemployment, (Toy-Walsh vesterday sent a letter to Hon Peters, Assistant Secretary of the Trealsurv at Washington, urging h'm to do what he can to expedite the erection of an appraisers' stores building in Boston A similar letter has also been sent by the Governor to Sec McAdoo and A'sst Sec Newton. The Governor also sent a letter to all department heads urging their cooperation with the State Committee on Unemployment by finding work that may be done in the next few months. PLEA F0RT0ME MARKET.

Hamburg Opera Soprano Assisted by Her Father, Max Heinrich, In Jordan Hall Program. Miss Julia Heinrich, remembered in Boston by many as a young singer of much promise, gave a recital yesterday ufternoon at Jordan Hall. To those who have attended concerts in this city rnd elsewhere in other days, there were wavward and delinquent children in the septic Resinol Ointment on the sore m.Y WAY TO STOP THIS DIS. EASE FOHrVFK IS TO DE-STROY THE 0ERXS TH AT CAUSE IT. By a SnefiHlht.

RIBS WERE CRUSHED IN. Comedy by "Le Theatre Francais" of New York Popular With Audience at Toy Theatre Last Evening. Roxbury District Court and formerly a and the suffering stops right there, member of the Globe staff, was marriea Healing begins that very minute, anJ last night to Miss Laura M. Corcoran, in almost every case your skin geti daughter of Mr and tors William J. Cor-1 weji B0 qujckly you feel ashamed of atrst Paul's Roxbury' the money you threw away on useles.

The ceremony was performed by Rev treatments. Avoid imitations. TOY THEATRE "Le Gendre de If you have catarrh and want to mrt memories, associations and withal a a comedy in four acts by Emile Edward F. Smith of Medford, Aged 20, Victim of a Fatal Accident in Elevator. Edward F.

Smith, 20 years old, of 357 Salem st, Medford, was terribly Injured GEORGE PARKBU V1.SHU Mr Winship is the son of Dr and Mrs A. E. Winship of Somerville. He was graduated from Harvard in 1893, and atfer two 5-ears' graduate work in history at Harvard, went to Providence, where he took charge of the John Carter Brown Library, a collection of rare books on early American history. On the death of John Nicholas Brown this collection was given to Brown University and was housed in a building on the campus provided for in Mr Brown's will.

Mr Winship has written and edited several books on printing, history and bibliography. The Harry Elkins Widener collection contains rare copies of books by Stevenson, Dickens and other 19th century writers collected by young Widener during his college career and In the short time before he met his death on the Titanic. The collection was given to the university by his mother to be kept in the Widener Library. rid of it you must kill the frerms which rrtt' sentiment in this, that Max Hein- run catarrh, siomn'h dosing-, ointmano rich, her father ajid first teacher sat Augler and Jules Sandeau. First time here.

The cast: Claude Benedict James r. jieuyn. n. ncsinuici ui nun- i Resinol Snap ton College and a cousin of the bride. "esinoi ointment an.) Miss Corcoran was given away by her away pimple, blflfkheada and in an elevator accident in the Evan Qaaton de Presleg II It Kaure Ad' father.

William rallon, a brother of the by all drngglit; peWK-rilied by i Building. 173 Tremont st. yesterday afternoon, and died a few hours later. Smith took the place'of a man who is prays, creams, doui hea, fall becauaa the piano. thay overlook thla fact.

They all help by Miss Heinrich voice shows the giving temporary relief, but they ao not strength and no little of the freshness reach the germ life that has found tod. 'outn- Shp sustains a long phrase ment In your head. now. throat and ut anJ J188 recourse ZtA nuances which she used on occasion in not destroy It If they did. effectiveness The beat known way of destrovlntr Pfhere is considerable tlexibilitv.

vet col? Verdelet Renavent Hi Montmyron Loiiys ChaTaMtjs Jeoffray Vftel GH ret Domest knie Jeoff ra Antoinette Mme Meurvllle The second play in the series of six ill He nan worked there only since last Friday. How the accident happened is not known. Smith was the only one in the dangerous germs of catarrh and conn, orature is not her happiest field, nor I CLEAN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR 25 CENT "DANDERINE.1 at the Toy Theatre being given this car at the time and was tound hangin quentiy enaing tne disease itself is to Moiart her best expression in stvle breathe Into the air passages of your nose Tnp aria. "Ah. lose" from "The Magic out it midwav between the first and unuer xne utie ue Tnea- T.TO.aung ajr of! lute, requires more finesse, more pre- (pronounced Hyoniel Hlgh-o-mei yomet cision in attack and elasticity in emis second floors, with his legs dangling was presented last night, down.

His ribs were crushed and his au'ence wnich there was a head had been driven through a Dlate representation from academic cir- Describes Japan's Inland Sea. Henry Morse of Boston spoke on "A sion. Handel air from "Atlanta" had Maj O'Keefe Tells New Britain Audience War Should Awaken Us to Educate Buying Public. la made from purest oil of Kucalyptus' com btned with other powerful healing. antU septic and germicidal tngradlenta.

You breathe It through a little hard rubber of wired glass. cles or UUMU and Cambridge, both stu- breadth or line. There was mingled archness and passion in Schumann's T-ofa th. toi- I dents and faculty, was immiatnkiihlv Cruise on the Inland Sea of Jamin" at possess an inconmarable the fortnightly meeting of the Alexander of the building. "Edwin H.

Whitten, and I Pleased with Augiers comedy of man- The Soldier Bride and an impress pcx Kt-i immier in. conies Wltn evorv i luBtre and luxuriance. complete treatment. Ewry time you inhi s've intimacy ot expression in Mr Hein- I a liamiuon ciud at me Boston City Club VFW BRITAIN. Jan z.

aiaj r-atrick yp-w BRITAIN. Jan z. aiaj ir-atrick city employe, Patrick Joyce, were "CIB auu yvl1-" acting or tne trench citv emrdove. Patrick Jovce were I ners ana wun tne acting of the French Besides beautifying the hair, ona Stop washing hair Try this Makes it glossy, soft and abundant. the weet, fragrant air of Hyomel through nchs songs.

There were other songs! rx-trf- president of the Pilgrim 'n the basement, when they heard an i company. last nignt. I he address was Illustrated j. this little device you are drawint; into in French by Bizet. Courtland Palmer- F- in Mr.

k. unusual noise from the elevator well. I The play, which critical opinion In I fW1 P'cture taken by Mr Morse. The' application ol Daiiderine dlB8onn f-: mem- i etais meu tiiS), a song which runncnj followed bv a on of pain. Joing to the Europe nas iiamea as perhaps the best "inycia were eiecrea lll not Onlv ,1 1 mala tha i r.WnmKr- ff CmiimprOA tnnih i a a it 1 i ord mlrAlv tha Totv If shi! rv ff Rnfitnr.

iiruMan, I. ellina and ui me UUd ror Ine v.n"'" noor, iney were juiiicu vy pupuiar in tne i kr Pachelet, and a Erouu in every particle of dandruff: invigorate the scalp, stopping; Itching an4 falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresll MM lour i iosirii ana sti.iii'. .1 h. The audience gave singer and ser-pianist its cordial applause.

in nart: Miller, a porter in tne ounoing. iceriune ui me ineatre i-rancais. de- "iuimib, vice presiueni, a. 7e ood can be aid to grow I Jpic found that tne bo-v's bodv was Pict the household of a mer- Lw'8 ott Boston, secretary: A N. "If any good can oe saia to grow out tne Bpac1 betn the walls of the chant, Poirier, who uses his hard-earned i Mansfield of Boston, treasurer.

Pres I of the fratracidal struggle now convuls- well and. the car. a space of about six I fortune to buy a husband from the no- Tewksbury presided. but will a.belutl)' and positively i deatroy every of Catarrh germ lif, tt rea.

hea. Ktker-Jax Store anc" many other trading driucsiHta In thl vlrln- tty are so sure of the blessed lastlntx relief I that Hyomel brings to catarrh sufferers 1 roir tiv a uanaerinc Hair snowers of rain and sunshine ai- Royal Arcanum Club Dinner. ine one-half or me world, it is the mcnes. Me was supporting nunseir wiin miuy iur ma uaugnier and a title ror V. ,1 Vita hnl lunt halrvarH A himAlf i oem mmaeu oua.j I iL a Funeral of Charles V.

Parker. i nis nanus, nis neau uacivwara. i uifj 1 1 -1 1 iumni owain ot Boston was the chance au.v. i few seconds later he released his hold law, Gaston Cleanse" it yw h. to immediately vegetation, itgoesrignt to ine Cleanse invigorates and strengthens them.

is nis undoing until the -tine and din. ers to educate me Duying pumic to the i and slipped down into Joyce's arms. I final scene that they sell It Invariably on a positive speaker at the monthlv mee iur.iil that mnnav naM t-, 1 1 The funeral of Charles W. Parker of i the Macullar Parker Com douoie me exhilaratinir. stimulatinfaiid lifc-prv nr mm Club of value of goods made in tne States Physicians in the building did what The contrast between the exaggerated plate at his late home.

22g Commonwealth moisten a cloth with Danderine and ducing properties the hair ISrTin mind. Znl JSA5S52SS JfW "2S 1 lL? uris: Late. akn To an the gaping 1 ceVcialisrr? MlfSJ cuuiu ill xiif; mc i lad's sufferings. Later, he was taken to th citv al ambulance hn vino- av-, euifsi uty morning. Key fc.dward orofnllv thrnntrh vnnr holr i arrow lone ulrrnif and beautiful.

ummings of South Congregational urw w--- 7 and take fnto your rtrugni.t the next time i vation." and dealt with Ji'LT i. hnfli. w.L2S! oy ine frank honesty- a a Church officiated. The Macullar Parker one small strand at a time: i 01111 sureiy nave preuy. ou pass his door sure to get the com- ML-a nuns fsuuuia ueen summoned.

hkh In, lo, I1 -P- fro embark on a vigorous campaign of edu- Inspected after the accident, the ele- of his bourgeois friend. Verdelet, and the true nobility of character shown by his daughter. nlt. Hvomei outfit tore was closed during the day and, i j. lustrous hair, and lots of it, free "inhaler." This makes It eaay in V.

Vs ation 101 me ir niiiwican goods vator was found in perieci conamon. iiouie man nu- employes as well as busi- mm uui just get a 25-cent and The two genuinely amusing character dm Rket. hes pfrio A-r, I 1 or any excessive on in a rew min- Know ton's Danderine from anv hrcuTlia Lhe Uyoraal nuy ut Into the fair 1 -V ana announcM at home ana aoruaa. 11 is about time I The control lever was in "neutral passages and ran nw eKln at once to rles, of the club will be that we got over our silly subserviencv i it looked as though the bov migh drive tins dangerous, disgusting disease 1 via at the American Hous Feb 9, Fifty I to the impoited humbug. lost his balance When found ttom your eyatem forever Advertisement.

niembers were present, 1 from whatever angle, busi-1 facing toward the car. father who thinks first of his future service, were present. Burial was at utes yu wiU be amazed- Your hair store or toilet counter and try it title, second of his daughter and lastly Framingham. will be wavy.fluffy and abundant and directed. Advertisement.


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