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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 14

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


MlMATl'KK ALMANAC OCT 7 nation of interests, la one of the conspicuous wrongs of the situation from a public standpoint. "A cheap suppiy of coal Is he very foundation of industrial and manufacturing enterprise, and Ihls Wholly unnecessary and Indefensible duly upon it la but an Illustration of the objKUon-able partnership which now exists under the tariff between our government and the combinations which have frown to such slant slae. and have come to eaerclse powers far-reaching In their possibilities of Injury to the public ir unwisely used." ARE IN IT Standard T.rr.e. Hon John A. Sullivan Takes the Stump.

-wsj I I I We have limited our ores Miss McDonald Sues Mr tion UUU Wide-Aws Merchants, in all business, in Greater Boate Sun Kife 5 High 2 am Sun Sets. 6J7 I 3:10 pm Langta of Day. 11:30 Moon 9:12 pm Moon's Chances. First Quarter. Oct Oh 21m.

eve, Kull Mon. Oct 17. lh 1m. morn. Last Quarter.

Oct 21 Sh aRm. eve. New Moon, Oct 31. 3h 14m. morn.

"COMPARATIVE VALUE. want quality, not quantity. Asserts Opponent is Running on a Stolen Platform, DESERVED PROMOTION. Driver Philip A-Oranf Advancement to Lieutenant Approved by Those Who Know Him. Driver PhlUp A.

Grant of combination wagon 7. Charlestown. who Is one of the three hosemen selected for promotion to the rank of lieutenant, has been a mero-ber of the department since Met. when be was assigned to Udder company 15. Boy la ton at.

Grant remained a member of the ladder company until July. llK. when he was tranaferred to engine company 4. Bulflnch ft. Col W.

A. Gaston Addresses The Cigarmakers' Union. To Reduce the Tariff on Trust-Made Goods, His Plan. Kseran of Fall River. Breach of Promise Case, in Which Much Interest is Taken.

wia uiBpiay our AToflt-Sha- Stamp Cards and give WASHBURN PMFIT-SHHH STAMPS To thftir natrnn. -rr- Claims Priority of Use for "Free Raw Materials." "Secured Nom'nation by Great Expenditure of Money." i witch fh store windnwa also the newspapers fweSSj "ug stores. We shall have a ri A-Wsnt to sell that :02. Jack? Ja I'll take for him; and he's wortli It: Why, that dog knows as much Milt! Dick Tou don't say so? Well, 1 11 give you a cent for him. THE MAN WHOSE WATCHWORD'S "WAIT." Democrat Says He's Had Longest Legislative Experience.

List of Mr-mhoat. Plaintiff Testifies That Courtship of Over 15 Years Was Terminated by Her Fiance's Attentions to Her Intimate Friend, a Widow. wssHiig vu mmt the place of any whom we 0 drop because of any failure l'Vf snimrnlr nr. "The Present Situation in the Anthracite Coal Industry Powerfully Illustrates the Folly of Protecting Great Combinations of Capital." v- "'J meir '(TTTajl uicuia. We mean to make our ProJ Sharing Stamp System sograJ tuvi-nsi mat merchants s-j be anxious for admi-sioa.

sj Hon John A. Sullivan, democratic candidate for congress In the Uth district, was the principal speaker last evening at the opening rally of the William A. Oaston club of Koxbury. hed in Grand Army ball. There was an attendance of about 500 when Pre James F.

Wise called the gathering to order. A short business meeting of the club was held previous to the rally, and Isrgc number signed tbe roll as members. Pics Wise then Introduced Mr Sullivan, who was warmly greeted. It Was Mr Sullivan's first speech In his FALL. RIVER.

Oct 6-The superior suggested that he marry her daughter. h. mMiu lane said be would not be forced into court room was not by any means large thl Mlsg suggested ways as ior Washburn's Prcfcj Sharing St am -no only have pat.ence. though 1 doubt If It will even serve ihU purpose' I may add that even If the proposal were at all pr icllraMc I should Im oiwosed lo It as auu save a enough today to acommoaate an me cau)1 hstrUy De cai)ed forcing after IS years. More was said about COnt.

on all you buy. anectators who tried to sque-exe in to aaji Col William A. Gaaton addressed the cigarmakers' union In Paine memorial ball last evening; on the subject ot trusts, the address being given at tbe Invitation of the cigarmakers. There were about SJO members of the union present, and In opening the meeting the chairman made a brief statement. In which he said that it had been rumored that Col Gaston was to be Interrupted with questions, and he said that If any Interruptions were attempted the chairman would endeavor to see wnat tne matter was, ana airs meran spoke about his health.

He complained about his heart and Miss McDonald remarked that It bad been rather badly battered. Miss McDonald had not kept any let involving dangerous centralization of power at Washington. Publicity. "Tbe further suggestion of i vtslatl which wouM bring more publicity Into the management of the trusts Ray Farrell Grease, la Success.) Gnat deads. cald Catle Hiram.

Tea 0b- eerreil, 'tween aw aa' yea fer e-rery man that dors 'cm there are tea agnta to do; Tkare'a tola mro caa ait aroaa aa eatertala a crowd With how they're sola' I plant a field they've likely mr plowed: Bill Jon-a was auch a aa' I used bear tell Of a acheoie he bad fer klllia' weeda that oamteil ovsfal-r wpII; rr cnuld do ibt wort a man aeed arer awea? Bat I find that William hasn't set the world aa-v jtt. "When ytrapton'a hoy from rollcce came, the fim'ly proplwsted. Within a rear or two the world woald -Hew aim open-eyed. And aur-rrl at the wonders of Improrement b'! advance la -H-ieaiiac methoda If be bad bat half a He ataid an and the town awhile aa' worked qnltc bard. 1 At poacdla' Ultle rubber balla o'er what be called 'the hear the evidence in the J60.000 breach of promise suit of Mary McDonald vs Patrick Kleran.

Miss McDonald, the plaintiff. Is years old. and the dsughter of Edward McDonald, a retired merchant. She is a Trading Stamp 0Y campaign for congress, and be paid his ters from Mr Kleran before 1. She r.Kbeci to oDDonent.

Mr had a letter from him rhen. in whn-h may be a good one as far aa It goes. Pdss and his platform. Clearing House) said he had mads a will and left her a lot of money. She kept that Mr but It cerlalnlv does not co verv far.

He said there was inspiration for riilLIP A. OKA.NT. "The enforcement of greitcr publicity tering Into the contest this year, Knowlton read a number of letters which Miss McDonald had received from uu i i rcauirenn nt i tne i rn. .11 that they were stopped immediately When chemical engine company 11 was about every 10 years Massachusetts de niltlii-a I irk a-. aMaAneila mbm ntti aa aa Isak Mr Kleran while she was In Boston art fiom its usual course and elects He added that the union had liivitea to a certain amount of stock Jobbing In FOR NEW ENCLAN0, 465 WA HiNGTON STREET, March 15.

IHU. he wrote her that she in "nun i -nn vii st. Dec 20 ISM he was shifted there. He a democratic governor. "It is about 10 Col Gaston to address its members, that trust stork.

which now talrs place, and the invitation had been extended In good Introduce a larger sense graduate of the high school and recently completed a course st Radcllffe college. Mr Kleran is superintendent of the water wcrks system here and Is a prominent member of the New England association of water works offlclals- Wben the case was called today before Judge Frederick Law ton of Lowell, there was lined up as counsel for the plaintiff Ex-Atty Gen Hosea M. Knowl-ton. while the Interests of Mr Kleran were looked sfter by Ex-Dlat Atty An served alth the ehemlal company up to nad better do something for her health. It was bad enough to have one in bad vears rince William E.

Kussell was of resimiisii.iiitv lata ilul Mifiii.t. AmIL 18W. when he was detnliea to Opposite Jordan's. faith and accepted, he doubted not. In nn ii, i Ikm mv st i remain elected, and Mr (Jaston would make Health.

He began the letter "Dear Mary" and ended "Goodby and God bless you." a hv i in nan ii yi out li gs Bit wUUlU 1 -w like spirit. have but a very limited and suptrftcial ng a member of It until It passed out of worthy successor." commission, when he was transferred to The chairman also said that Lieut uov na is noriniess as a remedy. The speake-r then went Into an ex July 15 he wrote and told her that he WOUNDED IN DUEL combination wagon 7. where he has since i'n iiuih iiirunuvr remeaies tor Bates. Henry D.

Lloyd and other promi oiun see why she should feet blue evi.s connected with the arowth of nttfl-- prbl-ma still that make pro- haustlvc review of the coal strike and the poIIUcal situation In Pennsylvania. remained. Grant is cons'dered a first- las nre We've Irat eatsora I He cot' Id see no reason for It. If her nent speakers had been Invited to ad trrsts und the abuse of their powers to Gen Percin. French Cabinet If the laws Of the state of companions were all sone there was still one who would take care of her.

He Bat I note yosag Sim flchter. and is spoken of highly by all otBcers under whom he has served. Of fcasn't set the worM tiopo.ii wr.ien is certainly sum. tentiy rcdical and comprehensive, consid- Worsted in Encounter with vania. he raid, were enforced the coal Inte vears he has been driving the com saia ne was going to Boston and they ernoie number or persons favor the na.

trust would be dissolved. blnatlon. Skilful dtivlns on his part ouuiu go 10 loungs together. This let uunauxation oi many or all of our Pollonais, a Writer. PARIS.

Oct 6-The death of The interstate commerce law has saved a woman from death or serious ier wltn IJot oodby love, and God dress the union at Ister dates, and that the cigarmakers would treat them all alike, with respect and attention. Col Gaston was greeted wttb applause when he was Introduced. He began his a dress by saying: "Mr President snd Members of the Cigarmakers Union I accepted with Inlurv a short time airo. while the com bless you. been on the statute books for 1- years nanv was resnondlnK to an alarm.

A was tne indirect cause 01 a c-j industries, in- ding transporta-tlor. and welcome the trust movement because In their opinion It prepares the way for state socialism. Tnte doctrine has at least the merit of aulck maneuver of the reins and there is no doubt the operators have trust aa secure as can be made Liked to Give Her Diamonds. day between Gen Pcrdn, chief of wi.i.g the horses to the sidewalk al cabinet 01 tne minister 01 war. ass Miss McDonald testified that Mr Kler the terrifled woman to escape.

for the purpose of retraining trade, Muipiieii)-. ana it is sincerely supported by gone voters in this country. Includ- an had given a great many pres gr. at deal of pleasure the Invitation and jet the trusts exist today In de Grant la well knr.wn In the Bunker BUI district, and his promotion Is considered writer, who was responsible for a Ore et: Aa so." said t'nele Hiram, "future action doea not rooat Toward betterla' of our present atate to aay great amount: A mill too 'gcia'-t'-do-lts wouldn't balance ooe 'aaa-dooe. Aa' a punad of rtbt-thia-minute' 'a worth tomorrow 'a" half a toa.

I've noticed la my lifetime scores of fellers. aad to atate. Woo have prospered If they hadn't for Utett watchword taken -Walt: Fellers aore to do great woadera ere the next day' sun had sat Bat I've at tired aoa of them has set the world afire yet!" ents. He gave her almost everything fiance of tbe law. whi-h was sent me by your officers, si- 1 am Informed, by a portion of the though, a has been suggested.

I was ascanlx rs of this organisation. It is not statement that Gn Percin met selMnerited. Hp whs not selected with Par sne expressed a wish for and a great Labor unions have come to stay. Mr --it Zola's late residence and shook advised by some people not to come here. my purpose to deal tonight with the ttut 1 in-isml that the Invitation was general arctim.

nta in fw- ren and Greene, but the papers bearing with him. the civil service examiners many that sbe did not. He gave her diamond rings, diamond chains and other diamond ornaments because, she sent me in the same good faith In which clalism; utll. It to say that In snlte of Tbe general. In bis letter repjjiot have returned, and he Is at present Sullivan declared, and will not be brushed by the special agent of the almighty Mr Baer.

and the speaker thought It was i.bout time to urk Mr Itaer for his credentials. If thj situation existed 1j Massachusetts and Mr ret e.e'. iiiiimuvii aw. mm i tri.b.iviHn OI mime Oi the Question of Count Boni at drew J. Jennings.

Thia was tne nrsi time that these legal luminaries have been opposed to each other In a case of any else since they were on opposite sides In the famous Lixsle Borden murder case, 10 yesrs ago. Miss McDonald was the first witness called after the opening had been outlined by Mr Knowlton. She was on the stand all day and when court adjourned this atternon her cross-examination had not been completed. Proposed on Porch. Miss McDonald testified that Kleran first began to talk love seriously Just after her sister died In UK.

It was July 10, ISM, that be made his first formal proposal. It happened on the porch at the- plaintiff's house. He asked her to sit on his knee. She refused. He asked way not.

She said she had no business there. Then he told her he had been Interested In her since she was a child. He told her to wait awhile before she gave her answer. Subsequently tbe engagement was made between them. There was talk of marriage, but Miss McDonald at that time said perhaps It would not be in good taste lust then, as win.

ne iiKe-a to see tnem. i an (('I iiimi in imuuu. wivuio uu not oeitevc that the know that 1 am a candidate for sal Is at all ri.hi He had given her a deal of money. She I lane on aas subject, described II awaiting assignment. LIUKUNDEAD.

nais as "a renegade Oaston was aovemor. the atrtKe- would claimed that he loaned it to her but she believed that point had never been settled between them. It was some then challenged Gen Percin. and public office, snd you are part of my we have reached a stage of political de-constituents, and I am ready st nv where It would be possible for time to discuss with you or with any the government of the I'nlted States to other of my constituents, when I am undertake the ownership and admlnls- be settled. Cor.tinu.r.g.

Mr Sullivan said: foueht with swords near St Cloud Famous Viceroy of Nanking, China where aDout J2UU0 that he had given her. He had given her plenty of flowers. She afternoon. The general aaked in good taitn. any topic ot tne iratton or the great Industries of th day that Is attracting universal atten- country.

Passed Away Yeaterday at Shang wounded in the hand. naa oeen 10 nis country place at Ports "In tne fllh district we have r. man whe lived In the west for a number of yeurs nnd became acquainted with the urnzy methods of the west, and coming here, and sfter 12 years failing to The duel tooK place on e-u: Hon. and so. genllsmen.

i receive ana mouth. on many occasions. She hai. rnl Picauarfs brother-in-law. Through the Tariff.

SHANGHAI. Oct 8-Mu-Kun-Tl. the "Mined teat sh? never toid Mr Kieran that she never cared for him. He had That's What Mr Lawson Thinks. "What rare I for gold or silver?" said the proud beauty.

"Tour sentiments are eminently prac-tlcal." answered Miss Cayenne. "Get sorsa steel or copper stock and the gold and sliver will take care of themselves." Washington Star. accept with a great deal of cordiality the kind Invltntion you have given me to address you upon tbe subject of It lasted for 25 minutes and both vieorousi Pollonais understand lhat anv man can uruiae- "There Is one policy, however, in rela famous viceroy of Nanking, died today never asKid to be released from his en 1 1 -a a i I V. dt nto a uartv. b.iiltis up his own machine I'l it nvu a kiv mm sssew tion to the trust question which Is sim gagement.

Ier and by the great expenditure of money-has secured a nomination. That is Mr Jennings went over In cross-er- pie. practicable snd measurably effec Gen in swrrd broke rs IM ROBERT iJLEE DEAD. what onnonet.t has done. tive; it does not pretend to deal com' PrehcnslVelV With the hil muallnn trust.

Then Col Gaston began his sddress, which wss listened to attentively snd without Interruption to the end. Col W. A. Gaaton. Col Gaston sail In part: in 9ni in n- sevenin I 11 imm "He corma into the republican party- Known aa "Barbarian Brown" and A vein and a tendon were severea.

ami adopts democratic livery. We all am-natJun a large part of the story aa told by MUs McDonald at the morning session, but did not change her story to any material effect. He drew from her many facts that were not disclosed In direct examination. At one point he and it does not preclude the adoption of dootors then stopred the dtel un.inr uiini a democratic ulaiiorm IS his mother bad just died. Later Thomas One of the Unique Characters of Will It Really Come to Thia? "Why did they hold the wedding In the church?" "They had no way to warm the house." Cleveland Plain Dealer.

in Massachusetts. We all know the Bue.i i miner measurts aa aiscussion or experience may show to be wise. federal government may not be able to abolish tbe trusts, or even to stand of the- p-irty in 1884. and since the West. Ml 1 HKIIW 111 wt-ii in Kleran.

brother of fames, proposea marriage to her and she was obliged to tell him that she was engaged to his ner wnat ner oDject and purpose mat time the democrats of Bl'TTK Mont. Oct Advices from sett have heen committed to free raw onnging mis suit, and she that It was for the purpose of brother. Thomas got unpleasant. Patrick told her what a row Thomas made Phowlx, Ariz. of the death of Rob

New i.zigiand industries. John B. Thayer of Boston Wis ruuy control them, but It can certainly break up Its own partnership with them, snd this is obviously the first thing it Realization Comes Too Late. "Now. when a man infringes upon the ert Lee one of juai.iij.nK uerseu oeiore tne puoiic, That was her reason.

oiiti how they were up all night on ac Best Man at RobertSOn-Hlll patent of another, the other has rignt Mr Hanson take In the mos unique characters of the west "Let us Urat try to define what we mean by a trust. The term Is not a very accurate or descriptive one. but It kss come to be so generally accepted In popular usage that its meaning is well enough understood. "Tbe distinguishing feature of the is not the fact that It necessarlly involves monopoly, either partial or entire, or the fact that It la a corporate organisation: modern enterprise has to Visitor Does boarders? She said she had been given the im- uuum uu. the government taxes an arti to salt, and 1 am DeKinuina sun count of It.

Thomas accused his brother Patrick of "underhand" work, and Intimated that Miss McDonald wanted riage at Evanston, III. Duritt; the JwUHson raid In South sssbsbbi trat Kieran had said that thev Nelahbor He takes them In all riant. against Mr I out. and wnii- we- may noe culled money damages we will make him Africa he acted aa mediator batween were never engaged. She spoke to him but they don't ttnd It out till the bills to marry Patrick because ne naa more cle produced by a trust in such manner that a portion of the tax goes Into the public treasury, while another and larg.r portion goes into the treasury of Kruge- and the raiders.

btuve hia iirioritv of use. row of Boston wall perform the are paid. Chelsea aLSTtWr t- Thu auar-elbc "ut on 5n' occasion, and aid to tweeny t'fcethersdeTsrhrmaT: 55 35? 2 During the panic of 18SB he went to We can snow arioniy or use. sno tne democrats of the 11th district are not Harvey -nt wwr He replied that he "Did not to be deceived by a man who can give carried on to very great estent which Is essentially lhat of partnership IhSffga th" publication "Coin through corp rations, and It souldj no "Nearly all of tbe great trusts are to- publication loin. "fr Chlcaeo and with "Coin" in 11 1 1 a.nfthiA.

Af Mr no guarantee mat he will not aban gagemom tT r'arenV, MraSL make her until late In November. 180. Mr Kleran mJT -r 1 11 1 1 Dlte r- oe possioie to euminaie mem Jay charging our people considerably don those ideas as soon as he wants .1119 111 iiwiu USED A RAZOR. modern Industry tnan i It would be to re- more for the ir products than the prlcei to. On the other hand the democratic told her to tell her parents.

She sug- Evanston. wnere the wedding will SI a nar nut vf assuiiv-v candidate cannot abandon them or he seated that he do so. but he said she fir prevamnr tor tne same articles In lor- place. tnat sne Drought this suit. It was to ill rnarkctJ- and moreover they have will be driven out of his party.

could do It better. She did leave a note George E. Hutching. White. Slashed the electric light with the tallow candle Kaaa Hester HUL tbe brides runish him for the things he bad done "I bear on all sides: 'Sullivan.

I hope for her parents announcing the engage of our for- fathers. toil II win. but the other Icllow ha-. wen aeiiing tneir products in tnese very foreign markeu at materially lower prices than those exacted from our own ment. laaac C.

Underwood. Colored, on "The distinguishing feature of the 1 aa er 01 oosion me 1 man. lot of and they shake their modem trust is found In the element of Lenox St Last Evening. heads dubiously. And I say because of Father's Toast 10 ner.

"In what way?" r.sked Mr Jennings. "By stating my side, and giving him an opportunity to stste to the public what he would r.ot state to me," was the reply. people at none. "The I 8 government ia aolelv and Chieaco. Miss Elizabeth Rust asS combination.

In the fart that the trust that I urn going to win. In tbe South End last evening a rator r-nrrie ivnnwlton tf ti On the Monday following this Mr brings under one ownership and control a considerable number of corporations hen a man comes before the elec dlrtctly responsible for that portion of every exorbitant price which a trust Is VI 1 a llrnitA llllrhi-lat AlnAiia I was wielded by a white man with tell torate of the 11 th district and says. Kleran came to see Miss McDonald. of whom were classmates of Mi ing effect upon a colored man. About 6 or oi enterprises wsteiy separateo" in location and sometimes dealing with a Sbe met him In the bsll and said it am going to congress, but I sm ready and willing to nay the when he now cnarging our people upon the great necessaries of life and the great materials of Industry which renreaer.t the at Ogontx.

The ushers will be Arthur large variety subjects. o'clock George E. Hutchlns. a years old. white, and living at 4fe Day st.

Ja comes before a Massachusetts electorate was all right. She had told her parents. Miss McDonald then escorted Mr Kleran "Today m.tnv of tbe moat Important F.rnest Hoskinc. Charles Bensoa excess of the trust price above the price and ray that he learns that a fool anu Samuel E. Gloss of Evanston.

necesstties or i'te and many of tne treat maica Plain, had some trouble with a Odd Itema From Everywhere. Mackerel are notable as migrants They appear on the middle Atlantic coast in th spring in poor condition, but they work their way north with the sun. feeding and Improving as they move. Land crabs are a pest in Jamaica. They are black or brown and look like a woolly spider, about the alze of sn ordinary crab.

They penetrate everywhere, frequently waking sleeping persons by mov'ng about tbe rooms of dwei-llrgs. Once a year they migrate to the seashore for breeding. At these times they covtr the land like a plague. They are not venomous. The first postoftVe was opened In Paris In IfcC In England in 15U.

snd In America in the year 1710i Granite Is the only oommon rock which shows no traces ot I or vegetable life. Light passes from the moon to the earth In seconds. A full mail" carried by a big At Untie liner averages letters snd sacks of newspapers. If tbe earth were equally divided among its present Inhabitants each of us. man.

woman snd child, would p-t 3Jlj acres. The limit of this earth's capacity Is fi.3M.wmi human beings. The world In where her parents were, and sard. Mi money are soon parted, that is not oi a similar article oi foreign proOUC- a -i est products or li-dustrv arc controUed 'Here comes your son-in-law-elect." by the great combinations known as colored man on Lenox st. and then they separated.

uuil uriniiru ai our cusiomnouse. "The mat thing, therefore, to rin In the man Massachusetts win send to con cress. Mr Kleran remarket! that he was atout trusts: th's ha made the trust question national In scope and interest, however dealing with the trust problem Is to de as old ns the father. Mr aicimnald "I've had just years more training A short time later Isaac Under raid he wa old enough to know his onlnions mav differ as to the wood. ye are old.

of 96 Newcomb st NEW ASSORTMENT own mind. There was some talk about ior congress tnan Mr ross. as student, lawyer and legislator, and I have devoted a large part of my time to the Ity or eftv-t tv. of national legisla prive tne trust or tne governmental favor and protection which It now enjoys: if. after have done this, oppressive monopoly is Bti found to ex Mr Kleran's means.

There some hatpened to pass through the street snd wns topped by Hutchlns. who started tion to T-mtrci sucn combinations. "That It would be oosslble. or drslr study of ibllc questions. Now I don't wine opened and plaintiff's father offered this toast: able even If possible, to br-ak up the quarrel in wmcn nr drew a rasor and slashed Underwood on the face.

Tne- ist we snail nave to devise some additional remedy. "I.nir so and soon so may these who tnins Massachusetts win select a man who hss not qualified according to Mi.ssacht.setts standards, and if he can furnish these Qualifications he may be cut was about five Inches long, extend great tiusta snd to compel tnem oy national legislation to dissolve again Into the parts which have are married be long so and those not married be soon so." Mr Jennings' Reply. "What else did you claim damages for" was one of the questions Mr Jennings asked. "For 15 years of my life wasted," was the reply. "You consider these 15 vcars of your life wasted?" asked Mr Jennlgs.

"Wouldn't your' asked Miss McDonald. "When I sue for breach of promise I'll let you know," retorted Mr Jennings. Miss McDonald said she had told practically all her friends that there was an engagement between her and Mr Kler-nan. She did not do this directly but had discussed it in some form or another. "Tell us who you told." said Mr Jennings.

"I told Mrs Leary for one." was the reply. "More than once" asked Mr Jennings. "Yes sir." was the reply. Miss MoDonald said Kieran was at her house pretty much all the time within the past year. He was there part of every day except Sunday anywhere from 9am until 11 for from one hour to five hours at a time.

ing from below the right eye down to Furniture Goods Controlled by Trusts. elected." A rlnir was srlven Mirs Mr- tne edge or tne moutn. Underwood hastened to the City hos "There Is not a legitimate argument Mr Sullivan clrscd by referring to his Donald by Mr Kleran. He was always ma le Rem up. I for one do not Combination.

affectionate. There were two anniver tor tne protective policy which has any legislative record, and said it it was pital, a snort distance away, and was treated by the physicians, after whicn he reported tbe case to the police, wltn round he had redeemed his e-dce saries, which they always celebrated. relaUon to the conditions now existing In msnv great lines of Industry, where "The economic basis of the trust Is of he claimed be was entitled to all the March 18. the date of the rnKaxcment. democratic votes In the district.

and July 10. the date of the proposal. course found In the fact that unrest riot tne that patrolman Matthews, after a search of more than an hour, ran giant irvsis oi enormous resources and ed competition often Involves an enor Mr Kleran built houses and Miss McDonald drew plans for some of them. ctmiii leect no more. At the present of Increase this limit will be reached across Hutchlns and locked htm up on the charge of assault with dangerour WILL MAKE NO SPEECHES.

oy ai zix mous and unn.cessary waste both ot capital and of labor: If the trusts did not COMPETITION. CHALLENGED She went with him to a house on Middle st. and he said that was to be her weapon. It takes a weight of pounds to house and they would live there. He nave this strong economic basis tncy Ex-President Cleveland 8aya He Has power, with the best facilities In the world for economical production, are plet-dlng the 'infant Industries' and demand ng continued aid from tbe government.

Tbe treasury uo longer needs for revenue ihe proceeds of duties upon products by trusts, and every public Interest would be promoted by thedr removal. "Here let me add that the claim of the rrusa a euoic men or oest ones. The I trv-eat ha lea give as much as always told her that everything he had could not ueveiooed to sucb an cs ROGERS BARNES. tent as to bring the trust question to tbe a is KOir.g to oe ners. i of oil.

in 1898 witness went to Madeline. She forefront ot "Where there is a sound basis for a No Intention of Stumping for New York Democrats. PRINCETON. J. Oct a-Ex-Prcsl- Pretty Wedding in St Mary's Church, had talked the matter over with Mr combination It ought to result In larger Kleran She said sh- was going to get "were Here position somekrhere.

He objected to To Help Edit Harvard Crimson. Walter R. Bowie and Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the Junior class were last imocrau party, ns I understand It. Is dent Cleveland, who lately returned to proms for apltal and higher wages ani lit for labor. Wltn.

Dorchester. One of the prettiest weddings of the tsson in Dorchester was solemnised that. Then she sHKosted stoine to Rad. that the tru-t can be and should be nut Imposing an additional burden of r.guiat.M oy me abolition of the duty cliffe. and he wanted to know if It was a place sbe could leave at any time, bis RUDYARD KULXNO S- bis home here, was asked today whether be would make any speeches In tbe New Tork campaign.

He replied: cost upon the consumer and resulting in an actual saving to the consumer. mm iApuiiuavuuj(ivi on m-ucie e-miroiK i oy it. xne abolition of the duty on article manufactured bu- not controlled by tbe trust night elected assistant managing ell-tors of the Harvard Crimson. Roosevelt Is a grand nezrtiew of President Roosevelt. last evening at St Episcopal church, when Miss Susie Hardy Barnes, daughter of Rev and airs Charles E.

This is the Ideal trust: some of the Idea being tnat ne mtgm want to get married. She told him she could leave st any time, snd would be resdy In presses our case exactly, we're actual fall far short of that Ideal either because their managers are un. "I have no iutenUon ot doing so." FATALLY SCALDED. win oi rcurse nave little effect. "It I objected that the policy of abol Bsmes of 44 Virginia st.

snd Alfred Rogers Jr. were married. The cere Unit t.n furniKh them better aad wUling to give to their employes tbeir wees time, ne visuea ner in Boston. Another talk was had about marriage last year. Miss McDonald said they might as well wait until after she had ishing duties upon products controlled by trusts cannot be fullv enVaclaua in less cost to our patrons I lis 11 1 kef "Most for Your tneir exactions because it mony was by the bride's father In tbe presence of a large and fashionable gathering.

John K. Mac I vers Killed by Blowing aken her nnal examination in Febru Merchant Tailoring To pay big money is no longer necessary to command the best tailoring skill. Our prices are but little mure than for the same grade of ready-made suits, and you can choose from all the picked styles of the season. Drosresa. aa-uaxe dealing aad fair share of tbe greater earnings, or bt they abuse their partial or entire monopoly of a given product by making the public pay more for It.

thus giving the consumer none of the lit of the economies effected through com bint Hon snd even exacting a monopoly price wouki ieai to tne formation of international trusts. The first conspicuous de-velopmen; In thl. direction has Intelv ary, on Uonday, March 3. of this year. Mr Kieran came to see her at 10 The bridal party entered the chur-h nave any tnnuence on yoar Out of Vslve on the Tugboat Mercury.

John K. Maclvers. 24 yesrs old. a fire been seen In connection with the to- marc! 10 tne strains oi a wedding after a meeting which be had to attend and staved until 11. He Parted with her a place to get your home for bacco liidt-atrv with

I nlaveil hv Mias II II PnrhM Mr A a A i-nm n1 1 fnr OUT of this organisation are conne I ly orgnnst at St James' church. New from him. affectionately nnd kissed her, agreeing When we come to the quesUon ot Wltn treasury well niled with I liedford. during the rectorship of Mr man on the tow-boat Mercury of the Boston torn-boat company's fleet, was so t4 1 UC1CI UilUCJWlwi- iu uu ruuajr He did not again. She sent him llarn.

s. The bride was attended bv her what can be done, or ought to be dun-. by public action, to meet the (ondltlon- uyw.u,i:.iivui i cousin. Miss Bertha O. Hardy of Bev proms made in America from the An rican consumer, the tobacco trust looking around for other worlds to con nted bv the sreat development of You will find our autumn erly, as mai of honor, and Miss Mabel a note In which she reminded him of the dates of their anniversaries, March 18 and July 10.

and wrote "Congratulations bcdly scalded yesterday morning that be died within SO minutes after the ac- c.dvnt. trusts, we And ourseSvescnnfrontctf with MartlCt Lewis nnd Miss ISM Athrnn merits now at their best. quer, thought that It would begin by absorbing the tobacco trade of (Jre-t I n. I liaith of Vettr Wmtit nrA mwA eK.nt areat difficulties: inrteed. it is mucn w- w.

v. mates of the bride, were bridesmaids. The Mercury, on which he wss em easier to Indulge In destructive criticism ot the various proposals for dealing with Pubertal Cor. Trernont and Court Sts. Opp.

ScoHa; Sq. Subwaj Station. THE DIFFERENCE Between the Pembertons popular SPECIAL SACRIFICE tsniaiR. "But the Englishmen engaged In the tobacco business obiected to Mnv ah. in. was attired In peau de sole When in Doubt or regrets. as sne aid not know was the matter. Iater she met him and asked him why he did not come to see her. He said he was worried. He agred to call on bcr on Saturday night and explain.

over taffeta and crescent of dia the trust Question tnan it is to lormu monds and sapphires, the at ft of her late definite and practlcsble construc ployed, hsd been sent down below Boston light during the night. A short time sfter midnight, while Maclvers was st work near a feed pipe, a valve tSUV OT Uis9UJ" mother, held her veil. At her throat she so bed. and out of the stress of American competition a great British tobacco combination was evolved, also provided tive leKislatlon. "I am not ambitious enough "to a' Take Our $25.00 Suits a gold dragon, the gift of the with an enormous cardial, and he- Him tempt to outline tonight any new pro suddenly blew off and deluged him with Called on the Widow.

1 a of a ftrenuou appeal to national utn-otlsm and prida the invaalon or th posals for legislation. I fully recognise the effort live hiram ana nititng water. Apnrlsed bV the noise- of the eacnnlne groom. She carried bride roses. The maid of honor wore white silk muslin and carried plrk carnations, nnd the bridesmaids wore white muslin and carried similar bouquets.

Saturday afternoon. March 22 ahe with which tic President has endeav the accident, the members of the crew saw Mr Kleran call on Mrs Leary. American trust was successfully resisted. Aftr many millions of ored to approach the trvst question. 1 must sag frankly that I believe that he ui)i-u nw'ui an nuiir.

ana next she siw to ma nMUMnncc. and managed to get him out on dcrk Th. all Allen Kocers. brother of the eroom Ui t. UdgUUUU Mona.i-Sarinj Home wmmX rad been wasted In tbe fight a truce was declared, and iw out of the dm.

Mrs Leary drive away with a man was best mm. The ushers Were HrrJ poFSlhl. t. relievi mnffmr. has thu- far railed to formulate any whom she thought was Kieran.

Hon has b-en evolved a great inter lng. but he died in a very few practicable p. an or action. Wrlrht of Dorchester. Paul Burns ant Prank Ruroney of Homervllle She afterward had a talk with xrrJ national trust, which, havini partitioned trade of America and Kncland to of Brooklyn.

PblUp Roaera of The tug returned to the cliv anH th. 744-756 Washinfton Leary. She saw Mr Kieran that nlir'it Constitutional Amendment. Bralniree and Albert ML Houahtnn of but he refused to walk homo with her lis saiisiaciion. is starting out to cloture the wr.ia-..

i Dorcrratcr. lie said he did not sunt to dlsruaa ni -r iii.iiK.-ts ror tb bencHt and profit of an Anglo-Ameriean combine. body was given in charge- of an East Beision uudertaKer. to await orders for The macal examiner viewed the body. Mr Maclvers was a native of Cape-Breton and has a sister living suiairic fiREDlT FES TJU.

and the ordinary end-of-the season sa es when you need shoes least, is this affairs on the street. She reminded him lhat he had promised to come and sec her that Saturday night, but that li inuiiinu 1 he Coal Strike. Mnaac With did not come. He told her that he was sick and could not come, and that he hero, and aim ster anri an V0waasw 'mm wmMWmm In the face of such a combination as just walking around the street when Mrs Barnes, mother or the bride wore b'acy triik net over pale green taffeta Mrs Sogers, mother of the groom, wore gown of mixed silk. A ree-eptlon was held at the home of the bride's parents and about 150 guest were present.

The de-orations in th drawing rooms were tribute to th nrtUtle nWMtv of the young friends of the bride bv whom they were arranged Mr and Mrs Rogers will make their home on Brook Hill road. Milton where they will be at home after Dec evn drastic national legislation mv living somewhere In or about Boston The Boston re-latives arc requested to communlcnte with Robert Davis of 3S he me: him. He told her to ao home "I must add that bis suggestion that the constitution of the I'nlted 8taus should be amended so as to vest In congress fuU power to control and regulate corporations engaged in Interstate commerce seems to me to be one of the intst Impracticable and objectionallc shlch the discussion of the trust qit-s-Uca hss brought forth. "If tbe managers of a great tr st slcksdly wished to prevent uny legislative actlcn whatever and wished to delude th- people Into the Idea that something was going to be dope, they would use- every to bring the Mo prove entirely Ineffective. Bui neh Our Fcoiwear FestivaL End-of-Season Silas.

ion r. noston. in relation to and promised to come and see her Monday night. Ha did not come Monday night. possiMllty anotd no valid argument againtt the removal of duties upon artl- -v 1 ill he dibpcsal of the body of Mr Me-vera.

and to secure the papers and 0 Tuesday. she went tr hi ie-t voiiiruneii ov iruats. all aide of the dead man. Made to your exact measure expressing your own indiv.duality style the newest of the new fit guaranteed absolute satisfaction assured. What can be broader than this? Ours is the perfection of CiOthes-building, and we give you in these twenty-hvedollar custom made suits all that any merchant tailor puts into the clothes he must get hah as much more for ill you try us 25.00 R.H.

White Co. The nresent sltcatinn In the ftlce to see him. and asked him what it cite coal InStuitry fowerfulty lllustreter 11 meant, tie saia ne aia not mean nything. She said it must mean som- Ih ROBBED ON STEAMER. BOYLE imijr oi rspiecitng cnat combtna- tteins of capital, who thins.

and then began to cry. He aiiir- not mand In the Proposes Shorter College Course. NEW YORK. Oct 6-Columfcla uni. pe sal of constttutlrnal amendment to slightest need of gov gested that they go somewhere, and iimentai favor, by tbe rorcrront oi political aiscussion ana iook her out ror a noe.

Lois Largj Sizes Complete Stock fresh Stiles Right HOW, YtHtN YOV MEED duties upon their wholly un- versity in the near future will grant the to keep it there, for every sensible man Lots Small Sizjs Broken Stock Shopworn Styles Doubtful Then, When You Shoes Least hlle out driving they diseased hla ii" i-hbi i ti 'in revenue mahniwi nf I who is at Bll fami.iar with political mi legls'atlvc conditions knows it Through a h-iract, i iatle hii ia I two Mentions to Mrs Leary. She told him that he. had no right to take Mrs Lean- Jugglery foreign anthracite coal, while year" ''Co1 course, and the mas would Dc an imposrioiiuy to se ORIGINATORS 0 NO MONEY O0 PAYASVOUC0 out for a drive while he was engaged to nomintny tne iree list i in ier tour years course cure the e.prroval by the legislatures of viblect to a duty because It doe. I If the recommendations of lres Nlcholaa three-quarters or an our states of an "umin me mrpe percentage Of Carbon I 1,1 inn urat anniai report on the Institution, are carrld ndment or tins character. v'lthout Impugning the good faith of Pre si lent in proposing this policy.

I out. LITTLE A WE rouna in ine t'ennsyivanla roal while all soft coal, me only possible 'substitute for anthracite, la subleei to a A Dorchester Woman Loaaa Jewelry on City of Rockland. ROCKLAND, Me. Oct (-Mrs Carl Mofflt of Dorchester, Mass, who arrived here Saturday on the steamer City of Rockland, waa robbed of Jewelry to the value of about S30O on the passage. Mrs Moiflt had left the window of her staterom open while she went on deck, and noon returning found that a case cot'talnlng the jewelry had been taken from her satchel, together with package of malted milk, which the thief evidently mls-took for FOmrtMiK The burglary wss not reported until today In the hope that some clew might be obtained.

This Fall's Stylisn. substantial bboes for lien and Monrn. believe that he could not more effective ly nromote the policy of the rrcat trusts ner tanas mrimnaiui. There was considerable talk. Mr Kieran still professing to love her.

She asked If he intended to keep up hla "ntr-tatiou" with Mrs Lary. and he protested lhat If he ever took the widow out atraln or any other woman she would know It. Subsequently there was an Interview between Mr Kleran and Mis MrDoimM which constitutes a nl nr. Largest J. W.

Bouton, Publisher. Dead. NEW YORK. Oct S-J. w.

Bouton. Stock. Lowest Easiest Terms- entice upon Its foreign cost. Whatever may Iw the rishts and whtrh desire to prevent any legist itlve action than by advummg this Three Prices pul Usher, bookseller and Importer, died Uon. wrongs of tbe present lamentable contest la the coal regions, from which the South End Green 9 Its introduction into tne disc slon 1 rut 1.50 2.

2.59 may Dossible serve the purpose of lull- general public is bound to suffer so eavtly. this Iniquitous dutv unon coal. today after a month's illness. He was botn in Greenwich. Conn.

Mr Bouton was i el. known to book lovers and patrons of art- irg the public into the belief that some- snd her mother. Mrs McDonald had sent for blm. Mrs McDonald atkod what I waa the trouble. Mr Kieran said nothing was the matter.

Mrs McDonald I thin iaeuve gkint aune 11 uiey will levied for the weneflt of a great combi- Quantlltes Urge -Jul! us Right i.

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