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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 4

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1886 EIGHT PAGES. hhrhhr lnerative. nractice. She OSes roots. a second drink" wicked mi tmUn l-w In nlnA add Rn'l herbs and barks, which she prepares after the fashion of the redskins, and worships the tt IWJUiSOU semi reformed drunkard, as the fright "Great Spirit." the adored of her ancestry.

PRINCESS ZEMEELEMA. An Indian Lays Claim to Half of Lakeville. Ittlf AY, APRIL 9, 18S. AT THE BENCH SHOW. EIGHT PAGES.

Thousands Tako tho Chance to So tS to find that a majority of the delegates have bean pot where they'll do the most good for Mr. Auks. It may be an ungracious thing to say. but it is doubtless true, that the almost unanl-moue vote given by the New York Senate for the bill repealing the Broadway railway steal was due largely to the terror sent into the hearts of corrupt legislators everywhere by the capture of the New York aldermen. The most confirmed jobbers and the Empire Slate Senate doubtless contains its share of them hesitate on hearing the creaking of eager prison doors.

the Doge-Moth Mongrel. PuppV Whelp and Hound, and Curs of Low Degree." Jordan, Marsh SATURDAY We hall offer the following ralues in GOSSAMER Waterproofs FOB She and Her Aged ffetber Lineal Descendants if Chief Massasoit. ful examples in tne show. Had it not been for the untimely demise of Zaidella's" hero of the "soft corn" he would have been a great addition, as he wonld have been a card in a tableau as the "peripatetic wine cask." Welrust he wiH be successful, and as he has'lfaul Wright." "Re" and I as aids, be will have a good send-off. Should tho regeneration bnsmess prove a failure, however, he must expect as to reiterate, his words.

"'Ide your ead. 'Enery, 'ide your 'ead." wV Sooon Drill. To the Editor of The Globe: Apropos to correct deportment at table, we have heard that in using a spoon some substances should be applied to tho lips by the side of the spoon, and others by its point. Can you inform us what substances are admissible to the month with a spoon hold sidevrise. and which endwise? We are anxious not to be deficient in deportment at the table, and have mastered eating blueberry or currant pie with a two-tined fork, aud are making fair progress Crowds viewed the dogs at tbe bench show yesterday.

As the Judging bad all been finished, the enclosure in the middle of the hall was available for exercising the dogs, and their antics while stretching their legs were a source of much amusement- The animals are by this time accustomed to so much society and are much less TNE MASTER OF THE HOUSE. The Wrongs Alleged to Have Been Heaped Upon Them. SUBSCRIPTION RATES THE DAILY GLOBE. One copy, per month, 60 oeati per year, SftOft Petta prepaid, ToOlnbst FIt er nore copies to oae redress tot 9 BaWtfci, by 0, tl 16 per oepy. Delivred la Boston, at depot or axjnat afiee, fl 36 fm ksndrec, To atmimlm, Vy mfl.

tl 60 par stadred THE ETJUUT GLOBE, mail, IS par year, portage prepaid, THE GLOBE HEWBP1TSK 00, 888 Washntoa noisy than they were on the first day. Some of the smaller one? are still nervous. and yelp with frequency and vigor. The dignified St. Bernards pass most of the time in sleep, unmindful of the ejaculations of admiration that POLO GAMES they bring from the spectators.

The Ladies and Children: majestic mastiffs scarcely deign to move, but are content with eyeing sus-p ciously every passer-by. The affectionate Attract the most enunstestte maUnem ot ot tbe athletic, and in popuiarttT second to base baa Laxevtlli. April the Indian princess of Lakeville, has laid claim to about half of the land in this town. She, with her aged mother and sister, are tho lineal descendants of old Chief Massasoit and his ton. King Philip, who commanded all the Indian tribes in the old Plymouth colony when the Pilgrims landed, and she claims that the old Indian reservation in Lakeville rightfully belongs to his descendants.

For many years the members of this family of Indians, whose Yankee name is Mitchell, have annually attended all the agricultural fairs, camp-meetings, centennial celebrations and tbe like that have occurred throughout the Old Plymouth. Bristol and Barnstable counties, offer- John Dennis in Spectator. 1 Fl cannot walk, he cannot speak, NothinK he knows of books or men. Be is the weakest of the weak. And has not strength to hold a pen; Be has no pocket, an-1 no purse, Nor ever yet has owned a penny, But na more riches than his nurse.

Because he wants not any. Be rules his parents by a cry. And holds them captive by a smile A despot, strong through infancy, A king, from lacK of guile. He lies upon his hack and crows, Or looks with grave eyes upon his mother hat can he mean? But I suppose They understand each other. In doors or out, early or late.

There la no limit to his stay, For wrapt In baby-robes of stats. He governs night and day. Kisses he takes as rightful due. Aud, Turk-like, has his slave to dress him. Bis subjects bend before him, too, I'm one of them.

Godblcsshiml MISSES. collies are ready to mako friends with everybody. The pugs look wisely at the spectators, and act as if used to praise and Our list of silk, worstedaiideottonkintrflot, 250 Dark Gray Gossamer Waterproofs FOB petting that it is fairly a bore. The silkv Bseampeto. besttag, symnastmn.

foot bail. a poodles are objects of much wonderment. 2,955,730 a Month. The following a comparison cf the actual, bona fide circulation of the Boston Daily Globs and the Bostow Svvbay QLommor the month of March, 188 G. with Lb tame month ltst year: Their flossy hair has been constantly WwusfrMm 60 and 62 only, regular goods, tobe-cloted out far 50Ce eating mush and milk out of a jug with a string.

If we can only once obtain the spoon tactics, we are bound to be as tony" as anybody, if we don't have but one meal a day. People need not be vulgar if they are poor. Hits. Majolica Fitzfoobue. The Pole Star.

To the Editor of The Globe: Tf your correspondent "Dan" means by "North Star," Polaris, or the pole star, which is of secondary magnitude, and situated in the extremity of the tall of Ursa Minor. I would say to him that it is the nearest to the true pole of the heavens visible to the naked eye. Hence its appellation of pole star. It is situated 1 3W from the true pole. a.

b. Answer to Kuseno. To the Editor of Tho Globe: In answer to "Eugene's" problem I would say that each son received 2685.725. Middieton, Mass. iva- J.

leae. IMS. 226 Children's Plaid Black Oatnur Waterproofs, IV ALL SIZES, reduced from 42.00 meats' Sl.OO. LADIES. THE WONDERFUL GROWTH OF THE GLOBE.

Eleotzio Gosaamer Waterproofs, in all sires, reg all athletic sports. Is very foil for the spruu a summer of 188s. SILK GOODS. TTnlveraities. equestrians' knee ttchts, fa tights and trunks, at prices raryaac tarn $kM to (10X0 each.

WORSTED GOODS. Bowing sleeveless shins, plain or striaed. Saratoga quarter sleeve Leotaru. lace frect or plain, aoavy sweaters, tights. trmnkSySMel laga.

from 6CenU to SA.00 each. COTTON GOODS In similar variety. To Utato add SPECIALTIES. Jockey straps, slippers, Rcgby mXa, pot balls, polo sticks, leg guards, tennis racsnes lacrosse Jackets, boxing gloves. Impart CEngUsh; tennis shoes, etc.

Steamer cbairs In maple-or black waians. wH ular $3.00 goods, to be closed oat at Hi It 75 Check Backed English Waterproof CirooJars, Marc 1 Sunday 7 OS) 0.VM it oi i OS.IOO 90, 67.HM) atS.70 1...... SM.ovo Sunday Sunday 0 0... 11 OMM it is msjtoo 14 Bandar JM 16 Sunday 1 ,70 100,45 16 U70 17 IB IB 20 31...... ot.sSO Sunday lOO.SOO 1 Sunday IMM 041.99 S3 se.oae) 24 on.r.oo 516 lO 2d .,7.0 27 Sunday lOl.lSO 0 Sunday on, Ks 30 tU.10 31 U.TS IM1.44 Total regular $5.00 goods, being SLIGHTLY damaged, will be sold far PRISONED IN T.TJXTJRY.

Truly Amannf. Arlington Advocate. The increase in the circulation of The Boston Globe is something phenomenal, and, as that paper well puts it, "amazing." The averago circulation of the daily for March exceeded and the average of The Boston StrxoAY Olobk reached 09,005. Last year In the fame month the daily average was 00,073, and the Sunday average was 62,500. Just and Honorable.

Woonsocket Reporter. i The success of The Boston Globe is phenomenal, that enterprising newspaper having attained nearly a round hundred thousand as Its daily edition. Much of its deserved prosperity is due to the energy 3nd tact of Colonel Charles H. Taylor, one of the most progressive Journalists of these exacting days, and his able lieutenant. Managing Editor A.

A. Fowle, who have surrounded themselves with a corps of the brightest writers in the profession. The Globe is always readable, and, though partisan, usually just and honorable. 21 Cs COMPA5T. JOKDA.V, GIRLS' CLOTHING DEPT.

What He Infers from "CtUMrt." To the Editor of The Globe I think "Frederic's" statement is pretty nearly correct, and that it might be well for "Mr. Toodles'' to know that a penurious man is not necessarily a penniless man. I cannot see that "Frederic's" letter is more insulting to the prohibitionists than "Toodles' is to the anti-prohibitionists. DrinK-ing does not necessarily make a drunkard, as would imply when he says: "'Frederic's' method of refonn is to make drunkards of the whole world." I suppose we are to infer from "Gilbert's" letter of April 3 that he considers it hotter to getflrnnk than to drink moderately. I am sorry that "Bert" has such weak acquaintances.

F. I Cives the Answer. To the Editor of the Globe: Aa "Eugene" asks me to solve the problem about dividing the $10,000 between four sons, I would say that each one gets $2722 5C. The rule for working this or similar problems would come under the head of "partial payments." which "Eugene" and other readers of the column will find in anv arithmetic. In this case would be the amount withdrawn each time.

B. s. Boston street, Somerville. -1IX-WOOL- brushed and combed until they have become canine Beau Brummeis. Some of these toy clogs luxuriate in ornamented kennels, with blankets to keep the draughts from their delicate legs and with the lists of their honors posted conspicuously above.

Their owners look carefully after their comfort, as anxious when they begin to bark as is a mother when her dog begins to cry. In the morning the dogs with long hair are carefully combed and brushed, having a toilet that lasts as long as a woman's. During the day, if the little dears get rumpled, out come the brush and comb and they arc set to rights again. Everybody stops to gaze curiously at Me Too. the Chihuahua dog described in yesterday's Globe.

Tbe King Charles spaniels are much admired, and nobody can help smiling at the absurd hair of the Yorkshire terriers. Instlnltl lettered on back, delivered on boas steamer. TaUy Arprace. Sunday Average Emmkts' day down to this, is yielding its harvest at last And a glorious harvest it is! Gladstone has redeemed the errors of a lifetime, aud written his name in imperishable characters among those of the liberators of mankind. And what shall be said of Parjjbll? Ho has succeeded.

Give praise to Gladstone, but give greater praise to Paknell. for if GLAMTdw ts bringing the British Parliament to hear reason and do justice, it is only because Parnkll first taught Gladstone himself the lesson. 1V Parnkll belongs the first honors of this triumph. He Will stand in the history of Ireland, as Washington does in ours, as the Fatbor of his country. MAINE DEMOCEATS.

If our Republican opponents have taken courage from any supposed dissensions in the ranks of the Democracy of the Pino Tree State, the harmonious gathering of the State committee at Augusta will cause a disagreeable awakening from their pleasant dream. The Democracy of Maine is united, wideawake and vigorous. It does not propose to sacrifice its organization upon the altar of disaffection concerning minor details when there are great principles at stake. Realizing that the triumph of Democracy is for the interest of the country they have no idoa of surrendering the citadel. Because the conduct of their national leader does not in all respects meet their views tbey will not desert him.

In essentials he is with them, and they sustain him against the common enemy. Their resolution endorsing the President is right. A splendid earnest of the intention of the Maine Democracy to back up their words by deeds was shown in the decision to call their convention for the nomination of State officers at a day earlier than that set by the Republicans. They will go ahead and choose their candidates, adopt their platform, and appeal to the people on merits of Democracy, and not on the mistakes of the Republican party or the Republican platform. They will take a manly, determined stand on all the great questions of the day.

and will enter the fight to win. All honor to the Democracy of the Fine Tree State. THE MILK IN THE COCOAJrOT. The Worcester School Committee has just reached the position attained some three or four years ago by the School Committee of Boston. It wants no evening high schools.

We presume the reasons are much tho same as those which animated the Boston committee at that time. Protest as much as they now may to the contrary, the then members of the Boston committee dreaded the evening high school because it would not have sufficient tone. Mechanics, and other persons who worked for a living would attend, and, as a consequence, their clothing would not always be the their hands free from the marks of toil Many will remember the bitterness ness with which certain of the school authorities protested against holding the sessions of the evening high school in the regular high school building, almost openly declaring that the building was too good for such uses. The persons attending would track in mud and otherwise defile the floors and furniture. But all that is past now.

The evening hierti school is deemed even by many of those who then opposed it as one ot the most useful of our educational institutions. Tho young men and women who attend have given the lie to the assertion ttiattheir manners were such that they could not bo trusted to enjoy the privileges of an expensive building. They have proved that more orderly, well-behaved seekers after knowledge never crossed the threshold of a school house. As wo have said, the committee of Worcester has just reached the point where the Boston committee stood then. Tho members of the Worcester committee may not admit it, even to themselves, but a large part of their opposition to a compulsory evening high school is due to the fact that they do not wish their red-tape interfered with or their fine school buildintrs used by those whose struggles for a livelihood prevent participation in the benefits of the day schools.

EDITORIAL POINTS. Evidently our friend George Flannagan Williams made a favorable impression on President Cleveland while fixing the Dedham Pogt Office deal. When a Massachusetts Independent shook hands with the head of the nation the other day the chief magistrate remarked that the mugwumps were pretty good people. Hesecured that notion from previous interviews with the Dedham patriot Flannel Suits FOR GIRLS, Net Uein for the Tear en Dally G. W.

SIMMONS 32 to 44 North Street. Boston I lor the Tear an Sunday ttlobe. TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS. Under no eirevmsianem u4U retorted Sizes to 12 years, colors Brows, Bos sad Gray, will be offered tomorrow (Saturday) in AST be returned. PKnfCESS ZEMEELEMA.

SIZE, at The Globe Found Room at the Tod." Lowell Citizen. Kothing succeeds like success, and no success in tho country has been more rapid and so phenomenal as that of our Democratic, contemporary. The Boston Globe. When The Glodu began its life the field was supposed to be covered, and a newcomer was thought to have but a small chance for existence. But as General Butler pithily remarks, "there is always room on top." The Idea is to get on top, and The Globe seems to have got there.

Its enormous increase in circulation is astonishing, and anybody who will the figures wo give iu another part or the piper will appreciate the strides made by both the Daily aud Sunday Globe within the past year, and will begin to wonder whj' it has outstripped its older contemporaries. Good management aud a knowledee of what the public wants is the secret of its success; and the lack of these will always nad a newspaper lagging behind the times. $3.00. IF YOU ARE SUFFERINC WITH CONSUMPTION, Jordan, Marsh LIVER COMPLAINT Washington, Summer Avon Sts. or DYSPEPSIA, WHAT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT.

OOKSTLT THEIR BICCEST EVENT. Kmlchta Hnar tm SCeet Wdi DR. J. H. SCHENCK Statistic, of the Graad Lod(e.

Next Wednesday, at 10 a. nu tbe Grand Lodge of Massachusetts will convene in Knights of Honor Ball. 730 Washington street, in its eleventh annual session. The grand dictator commends highly tbe work MA KINO HIS TOILKT. of the degree staffs tor the interest their (Of PlifladerphiaJ.

at Tm QTTTJsrcrzr sioxjse, Brattle BOSTON. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, April 14 and 15. Office Boors from 9 a. m. to 3 p.

n. members have taken in the work of ex emplification, and suggests that if tbe If yon cannot consult Dr. Schenck write to Dr. J. H.

Scbenck A Soa. r-tia for the New Book on Diseases of tr.e Langs! Any one who remembers the prevailing dogs of a dozen years ago cannot fail to be interested by the change since then. Those not skilled in dog lore probably think the black and tan dog to be the great American dog. Yet of all the hundreds of dogs here entered not a dozen are of the common black and tan breed. The recent increase in the number of blooded dogs has teen wonderful.

Even more surprising is the change in the breeds themselves. Styles are changing constantly. The jaw of the bulldog, the curve of his fore legs, the width of his skull, the head of the mastiff, the snake-like cranium of the greyhound, the length of ears of the King Charles spaniel, the nose of the pug, the coloring, markings of the hair all meg Stomach, which wia be seni I- KL. dSirTt apT A Magnanimous Correspondent. To the Editor of The Globe: comments on my letter show that be was both hit and hurt, by that portion of it which "Gilbert" corroborated.

"Gilbert" quoted my language correctly, and thereby rendered it needless for me to state that whole argument was written by resorting to the clumsy trick of changing "penuriousness" to "penurv." Therefore, "Gilbert" annihilated "Toodles" by unconsciously exposing the latter's attempt to make me appear to have said something absurd. I am grateful to the Chelsea literatus. I am magnanimous. I will forego commenting on his very queer statement that a temperate use of intoxicants is "more despicable than drnnkenness and savors of hypocrisy." The writer himself must have been astonished when be saw that statement in print. I will content myself with merely complimenting ''Gilbert's" erudition by propounding to him somo interesting and original linguistic inquiries: 1.

What are the oidy two countries in continental Kurope whose names are spelled by the inhabitants the same as in English 2. What name of a common flower is pronounced and spelled the same in English and French? 3. What name of an annoying insect is pronounced and spelled the same in Eng-lish and Spanish? 4. hat particle of negation is pronounced and spelled the same in English and Italian 5. What name of a delightful beverage is pronounced, but not spelled, the same in English and German? Fkbdkkic.

Cambridge. She Has the Earache. To the Editor of The Globe: Can any of your many readers inform me of a cure for the earache? I am troubled with it more or less every vear, especially in the spring. Nbxlik F. Fat.

Lawrence. Hangine the Horseshoe. To the Editor of The Globe: Where did the custom originate of nailing a horseshoe over a door, and what is its significance? Also what is the proper way to hang it? Kay Kick. Believes in a Protective Tariff. To the Editor of The Globe: I have been greatly interested in the "People's Column." especially in the discussions on temperance, for I believe that to be one of the greatest questions of the near future.

The labor question is not of much less importance, and the reason why I send this to The Glokk is to get some of the different ideas on the tariff question. I iirmly believe the tariff should be on everything that can be manufactured in this country, both eatables and wearables, sufficient to keep out all or nearly all foreign products. Of course there are many things that should be admitted free, but we should have the full benefit of the profits in this country if we do lose some trade with other nations on account of it I have never heard any arguments in favor of free trade that to me seem worth considering, and I should like to learn the opinions of some other readers of Tun Giobb on this subject, r. u. i.

Hyde Park. Want3 Plans for Houses. To the Editor of The Globe: Some time ago I read in the "People's Column" a very interesting item on architecture. Being somewhat interested in that ing for sale Indian baskets and native fancy work of their own manufacture, until their presence and their booths at these places have come to be as much expected and as much a part of the occasion as the horse trots or the meetings. In this way they have come to be widely known throughout this part of the State.

The most prominent member of the family is Zemeelema. She is a good-looking, full-blooded Wampanoag Indian, and is constantly to be seen actively and industriously wonting to relieve the poverty of her family. Though 40 years of age she appears scarcely 25. It is largely through her efforts that public sympathy is being waked np to an understanding of the wrongs the "pale faces" have heaped upon herself and her mother in these latter days in much the same maimer that her ancestors were persecuted way back in colonial days. On Betty's Neck, on the Shore of Lake Assawampsett, in a little cabin that stands alone in the woods, live tho Mitchells.

Tne mother, Zervia Gould Mitchell, is 79 yearR old, and is beyond a question of doubt a genuine, thorough tired Indian. She is remarkably intelligent. Once, in her younger days, she was a school teacher, and her daughters, Oewelema and Wootonekanuskee, are well-educated, bright women. with plenty oi understanding and a set purpose to reclaim their lanre landed estate. This estate includes about 400 acres, stretchins back from Betty's Neck and tiie shores oi the Assawampsett into the town, and includes about forty or tii'ty farms, and a large tract of valuable woodland, estimated to bo worth in round figures $100,000 at the least.

The present incumbents of these farms hold quit-claim deeds, and the old Indian woman and her daughters say that their unfeeling, self-asserting neighbors have from time to timo encroached upon their land, and literally "frozen" them out of their own territory, until at last they have been driven down to the shores of the lake, and they are now trying to either force them on into the merciless waves of the majestic sheet of water, or move away altogether from the home of their youth and old age. "These are the old Squim lots," says the mother, "which Unpaquin, the second husband of Annie, tho only daughter of old King Massasoit, having fought for in one of the Indian wars, received in compensation for his good service, and he recorded them for his grandchildren. I am his grandchild in the sixth generation, the only one living, and why can I not have my rightful There seems to be no law for the Indian. I do not desire to awaken any zeal that is not to knowledgo, but all the facts in my possession relating to my ancestry and myself are undeniably true. When the pale faces first came to these shores in 1C20.

powerless and helpless outcasts, in the cold December, Massasoit was king and ruler over a large part of Massach usetts with Rhode Island and part of Connecticut When their scanty provisions were gone, and they were left in a state of starvation, had they not received timely aid from the noble red man they woulu have perished then and there, but what has been tho reward to Massasoit and his descendants from the time of the landing of the Puritans down to the present hour? Nothing but deception and neglect. I have teen seeking redress for the wrongs done me and mine for tho past twenty-live years, by petitioning the Legislature to remove the State guardianship of my lands, and to pay for the wood cut from them by Benjamin T. Winslow of Fall River. Governor Gardner appointed a committee to hear my case. Mr.

Winslow made a report that $1500 worth of wood had been cut in one winter from the Squim lots, and when asked why he did not put that money in the hank for the benefit of the heirs, replied that he did not know there were any heirs. It seemed as though when it was thought by him that all the Indians were dead, one was dug right up out of the grave, I have never been paid for the wood that that agent acknowledged to have cut. I speak of TREMENDOUS DOWNFALL PAPER HANGINGS 20.000 rolls English. 9 yards long, 23 inches wide, 5c roll-Gold. 15c.

20c. 25c Common Borders, loc Toil-Gold lc yard. We have a very large stock of til grades geeds at about half tbe nana! price. tnese by skilful breeding may be modified to suit tbe caprice of the moment Consequently the merit of dogs has come to bo almost purely a matter of breeding, and the competition between breeders is to a great extent a matter of skill and study, not nearly so much of luck as probably most people suppose. It is claimed that American breeders are now having as good results as the English with some breeds, but still imported dogs carry off many of the best prizes.

77e Editor of THE GLOBE neither priittt nor a usurers communications that do not Itear the true signatures of the writers. Jailers shoxt'd be written with as few words possible, and should never contain more Lkan 2oo wards. All letters should be ad-dresccd, "Editor People's Column." ts Court Street Cut in Two? To the Editor of the Globe: Suppose all the inhabitants of the globe could be placed together without crowding1, what proportion of the United States would they occupy Hero is a labyrinth of streets which I would like to see explained. Court street extends from Bowdoin square to Washington street Tremont row extends from the junction of Court and Sudbury streets to Femberton square. From Scollay square.

Court si rent ajrniii takes up its line of march to Washington. Is the opposite side of Treinont row. or any of the intervening space, known as Court street or is Court street cut into two separate Gideon Stsvkxs. Bridgine Charles River. To the Editor of The Globe Some yen is ago I was told that abridge had been constructed across Charles river in a single night.

The statement at that time I put but little confidence in, but recent investigation has proved to me that such had been done, and that it actually remained there some time. Can any reader inform me who built it? Gilbert. Chelsea. Society of Bachelors. To the Editor of Th Globe: I would like to ask you or some one of your many readers if there is a society of bachelors which is intended to promote matrimony anywhere in boston? I hope you will kindly answer this, and oblige One of Til km.

Cause of Dark Tuesday. To the Editor of The Globe: Can you inform us over what area the singular phenomenon of "dark" or "yellow Tuesday" of September 1881, extended Also what do scientists hold was the cause 8. A. K. Welcome to Toodios.

Jr." To the Editor of The Globe: "Obadiah Toodles, welcome, thrice welcome! to our total abstinence army. Your letters, as well as those of many others whom I have before mentioned, have inspired me with new life, ana I iirmly believe that this world would be infinitely better and happier than it now is if everybody advocated and practised tho sentiments which you so earnestly express. c. r. f.

Studies Character. To the Editor of The Globe: In reply to the query of "Nan," as to whether we "are iuterested only iu tho temperance question," we answer unqualifiedly in the negative. Many are unaware that F. D. OSGOOD SONS, 888 Washington Street.

dSuTt apS Grand Lodge would provide tbe necessary expenses for more req uen exemplifications it would be money well spent. The Charles-town and Lowell degree staffs receive particular mention for their faithful work. Dr. William II. Rnddick, the State medical examiner, for his efficiency, is warmly complimented.

From the report of the grand reporter the following is gleaned: Number of lodges March 15, 1885, 189; instituted during the year, two One lodge (Arlington) has since become defunct, and one (Egg Bock of Lynn) has been suspended, which offset tbe two added, thus making the present number of working lodges 139, the same as a year ago. Receipts during tbe year. $7010 90: amount of expenditures in excess of receipts during tne year, 1 699 68 total membership in Massachusetts on January 1. 1886. 10.577.

against 10.757 Jan-ary 1, 1885; number initiated during the vear, 39-1; admitted by card. 8U: reinstated. 128; total, 602; 102 withdrew by withdrawal card by final card. 71 suspended. 538; expelled, died.

98; total, 810; cash on band January 1886, in tbe various subordinate lodges. $10,417: total resources of lodges, $80,24 7. an average of $577 32 to each lodge. Of tbe 14,079 members admitted in Massachusetts since tbe order was instituted, 3530, or one in every four of the number, have ceased membership from all causes. Amount paid to beneficiaries of deceased members in Massachusetts during 1885.

$190,000, and during tbe existence of the order. A Very Pleasant Affair was tbe testimonial banquet at the Parker House last evening to Mr. and Mrs. Abrahams (of the firm of Meyer Loewenstein), prior to their departure to New York. About forty ladies and gentlemen were present.

The toast-master. Mr. J. Heil bom, was in his most brilliant mood, and a novel feature was the singing of tne sentiments to the music of 'Mikado." "Black Hussar." and lolanthe." Success and prosperity were tbe wishes to the departing couple. "It May Have Been Providence that cured that dull weary acho in the small of my bck.

but Igave the credit lo Benson's Blasters. J. Thomas. Memphis, Tenn. Benson's Plasters are a constant providence to all who suffer external aches and pains.

Don't fee Deceive. Cheap John druggists may try to sell yon some cheap imitation of Benson's peine Plasters. Stkahtkr Chaxrs. Have your steamer Cbairs (with initials painted on backs delivered on board ship. This you can do by sending toG.

W. Simmons 32 to 44 North street, who keep them in the department devoted to sporting goods (polo, base ball, foot ball, tennis, lacrosse, yachting and boating). The spiing athletic season opened April 8. Send for circular and price lists. Spratt's Patent Dog Biscuits aroused for feeding the dogs at the show now held in this city.

These are the original dog bis-cuits; their sale exceeds 2QQ tuns weekly ME. GLADSTONE'S FBOOBAMMK. Mr. Uladstonk has spoken, and in every corner of the civilized world today hid acbeme for the settlement of the Irish question will be tho first theme of discussion. It was more than a speech, it was action.

Kverr sentence was a deed, and when the speaker sat down he had done himself what he once mistakenly said Jktf'krmon Davis had done "created a nation." Ireland's day of deliverance has come, an Irish parliament in tho near future is Assured, and with it will come the revival of liborty, the retnrn of order, and the biesuinifs of prosperity to the Irish people. We are aware that Mr. Gladstone has as yet only proposed the resurrection of Ireland as a Belf-ffnvci'ning nation, and that the British r'arliament has not yet ratified the proposition. Nevertheless, come what will, and whether tho proposition be adopted or rejected by this 1'arliament, Ireland's emancipation from English rule, save only for Imperial purposes, is as (rood as accomplished. It has been well said that "revolutions never move backwards," and no nun who hoeds the uniform tea-iihiiif: of hiHtory believes that a preat piece of progress onco solemnly proclaimed by the le of a treat party can.

ever be successfully recalled. Parliament may defeat this present measure, and Mr. Olabstonk may be, for the moment, overthrown, lint tho word he has spoken cannot be unspoken it will return in triumph, even if it be temporarily Bet aside if not on his lips, then on the lips of another Minister whose coming will be close at hand. No event favorable to freedom in this ae is at all comparable in importance with this, unless it be the signature of tho Emancipation Proclamation bv Abraham Lincoln. The restoration of Hungarian nationality, to which Mr.

ladsti referred in bis masterly speech, offers the closest parallel to it. When, crushed by the Prussian victory at Sadowa. Austria conceded a separate legislature to the Hungarians, and agreed to the creation of the federal empire of Aus-tro-IIungary, the dream of Drak was realized, and tho labors of Kossuth bore fruit And so what seemed but yesterday tho dream of Butt and the forlorn hope of Parxkt.l is today within clear sight of realization. O'Covnkll's agitation for the repeal of the Union, which appeared to have perished beyond hope of resuscitation, is victorious after forty years. The gallant people of Ireland who have kept alive tho spirit of patriotism from feneration to generation have reason to be hanny today.

Their kinsmen in this country and elsewhere who have sustained them with their sympathy and their substance have tho right to rejoice with them. The details of Mr. Gladstone's scheme are not yet fully disclosed. Put enough is known to justify the most sanguine anticipations. The establishment of a separate and substantially independent parliament in Dublin, to consist of two housed, with power to make laws for Ireland on ell purely Irish affairs, as distinguished from affairs that concern the empire as a whole, is.

we know, formally proposed by the first minister of the crown. This is enough. All the other provisions of Mr. Gladstone's scheme are comparatively or small account. '1 grand fact of the situation is that a Pntish prime minister, with an apparently strong majority at his bark, is before us as the author of a hill giving home rule to Ireland.

When we remember that it is less than ten years ago that the movement led Ly CkaUBI BmwAUT Pabnkll was inaugurated; that the Nationalist party is the growth of less than a decade; that until within two yean its aim was regarded as ohirnerical, and that Mr. Gladstone himself, when last in of-rico. treated home rulo as en i in-possible demand, and dealt with its leaders as criminal conspirators, the revolution recorded yesterday must be admitted to be astounding the swiftnoss with which it has moved onto its culminating success. It will stand as one of the romances of history, The scaffolds of ft rci tury are vindicated and the martyrs of A hundrd fruitless ris CUNARD UNL 8TEAMSHIP8 8AILI5G DIRECT FROM Boston to Urerpoo! Eiery THURSDAY, A md from Krv York, every tetardar. easMaan at QaeeaiUvs and Cork Harbor a tee rata Passace at Low Kales.

Favonla April! TUTRsnAY. Seythia April 15 Catalonia Ssy IT Catalonia -April 22 Cepbalonta. JcreS Cephalonta. April 29 ilallia i Gal Ma 6 Pa von la I tne 17 Pavonia. Slay'lS Scythia June: Scythla- May 20 CAKDf PASSAGE.

fat). ISO and U00. aoUMdlU to accommodation. Intermediaie Passage. Fi-Prafts on Hreat Britain atid Ireland.

Forps or freight applv at the Company's Offlca Bute Street. Boosoa. THE CUMAHD STEAMSHIP CO. Oja-Jted Qa ME XOO, THE AIRLESS IXXi About the middle of the afternoon the number in the immense hall was so great that it was hard to get about with ease. Crowds watched the trick dog in one ring while other crowds watched the procession of prize winners in the other ring.

Before tbe various kennels, especially those of pointers, stood admiring groups closely packed. In one kennel a pointer accidentally got free and instantly proceeded to carry out some grudge on his neighbor by burying his teeth in that neighbor's left ear. Tho other dogs, excited by the fight, joined in, and things were very lively for a A contemporary makes the aggravating slip of speaking of Congressman Long as a candidate for governor, meaning, of course, a candidate for senator. It is one of the cases in which the desk editors, tho compositors and the proof readers seem to conspire with Mr. llotcropheiny to embitter the existence of the poor paragrapher.

Lovers of base ball will forgive Governor Rouixson this time, but they waru him never to appoint another cloudy day for the annual inauguration of the national game. Chairman Parkman of the Boston Republican City Committee was one of seventeen to vote against the best arbitration hill before the Legislature. Chairman Park ii an invariably votes against measures intended to give the common people a chance. As he occupies a high official position in the Republican party his course is very significant Congressman BOTttXllx'S hill to relieve from the charge of desertion those appointed or enlisfd into the navy and marine corps where it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the secretary of the navy that tho person served faithfully until the expiration of las term of enlistment, or until May 1, 18 05. or was prevented from completing his term of service by good and sulficient reasons, is a measure founded in equity and moral right, and should certainly become a law.

this because many ot my friends thought 1 had been paid long ago. I am gaining new friends in my cause, and it will not be long now before myself and my children will come into our own. General MECHANICS HALL I this column is one of the best schools for the study of human nature that can be found, every phase of thought beitur brought i to the surface. Hence we endeavor to study Broken Glass Wanted By the World's Museum One barrel of brore lamp-chimneys daily; best uoality flint apply te Superintendent of World'. Mu.eum.

661 Washington from 10 a. m. to 10 p- m. sen" positively Oe white 1as. as It Is eaten or Qlaaa-aater.

d5n4t a line at present, as I am contemplating building, or buying already built, a cosy cottage for my future home, I should be pleased to hear from sonic of your 100,000 leaders their ideas as to a suitable plan for a live or six-room structure. Nothing caught my eye quicker than the clans given by you. I should prize another instalment ii, at any future time, you should feel disposed to do so. w. w.

s. That Contrary Chimney. To the Editor of The Globe: To You could scarcely expect a definite answer to your inquiry on a mere written statement of the case. Houses are not built to accommodate chimneys, but chimneys placed according to the internal arrangement. A personal inspection would alone discover the cause of your annoyance.

An imperfect draught, an accumulation of soot, a brick which has fallen into the flue. or perhaps a defective stove, may produce the trouble. A great many chimneys are built in these economical days with but a sinerle flue to accommodate two or three storiew, and thus it is necessary to closo all due holes not in actual use. alien bricks are of common occurrence, and can bo removed by drop- SPECIAL NOTICES. character through ttie productions of the writers therein, and continually gather information.

as little escapes our observation and moreover. it is our mission to endeavor to denude those whose only solace is a surfeit of cold water of tho garments of temperance which theyhave appr opriated. Until a hue is drawn between temperance and abstinence there can be no basis of argument, aud "desire to see one eooh logical letter on the subject" will hardly he gratified, judging by our success iu endeavoring to en ighten them, as they do not enlighten worth shucks. They will persist in sailing under false colors, and our self-abnegation is of no avail; another illustration of the unsavoriness of offered services. We sho-ild be only too glad to elucidate I the history of the "spade coin" di.t it lay in our power, but our inter- Electric Belt Free.

a. ..4 s-rsntl We VftT. BROW7T8 CAMPHORATED SAPONA-CBOtrs DKXTIR1C for the TBmt 25e a bottln. BROWN-S HODSKHOLD PANACEA, the pain RKMrvas for internal and external pains. Sore relief In all cases of KHBUM atisx FAIJi tD the STOMACH.

BOWELS Or BIDS, COLIC colds. spaAJMS aud BRClsxs. 25 ceuts a bottle. EPII.EPST.-A dear friend, as well as some of my acquaintances, having been enrea In snch a wonderful manner. I will, for humanity's sake, make it known to any one calling on or aiirses "fh Mr5" D- 1h1.

AapinwAlt avenue. Brooklina. Haas. dSoSOt laaaj io next sixty davs rtve away, free of charrw" tch countv In the V. S.

a limited ncraki Kelt, price fS; a positive ana iinfaiii. ears for Nrn Debility. IJ potency, 40000 Koward paid if We manufacture does not renerate a electne current. Address at once KUU raw viTiRri Hot 17S. Brooklyn.

i30 est was early niptied in the hud, consequently wo arc unreliable. We were badly ablicted with the disease in our early days, and subsequent to our travelling nearly ail over the world had tew minutes, l.adies shrieked, men rushed for the frantic dogs, and the fun was tierce. It took some hard pulling to get tbe dogs apart Anyone who visits the show should not omit to go up to the balcony over the front door and see Mr. Pope's fine paintings. They are excellent specimens of art In tbe evening there was a large attendance.

Taking day and evening together there must have been not far from 5000 visitors, an attendance which ensures financial success. Today is the last Shawmut Club Men. The Shawmut Club celebrated its forty-third anniversary at Young's Hotel last night President Noah Mayo in the cbair. The order of exercises consisted of welcome by the president, routine business, an oration on "Placed and Misplaced People." a poem by Isaac Mills. zylophone solos bv Fred G.

Stetson, anu singing by the beckwith quartet. The officers chosen for the current year are: President, George E. At wood: vice-president, George O. Carpenter; treasurer, Samuel W. Tucker: secretary, Albert Glover; orator.

Willard S. Allen; poet Charles E. bo wen; comon songs, James H. Noble. Conner Filings for Rats.

"There," said a well-known coppersmith yesterday, after having entertained a lady visitor, "that is the first time I ever had any one ask me for copper tilings for that purpose. That woman says that she has rats in her house, and she says that distributing copper filings in such portions of tbe house as they frequent will make the rodents quit." A New Brand of Shoes. Ladies' H. W. Co." cutacoakid button boots W.

Co." straight goat button boots. H. W. Co." diagonal cloth top kid foxed button boots. JL W.

iV Co." glove kid top curacoa kid-foxed button boots, each at 3. and H. W. Co." French kid button boots, 4 In tbe suit department boys' suits are aaUmt at from to aio 60. A Creen Lawn and most satisfactory garden assured by using Brook's lawn and garden dressing.

Read Joseph Ureck Son's announcement on the first page oi today's QfcQMfc E. fierce of Freetown is working for me. Mr. Hezekiah Butterworth. the Boston gentleman who writes for the Youth's Companion, and Lr.

Paine of Hoston, wore here to see me a short time ago, and they are deeply interested in my cause. I believe we shall have our rights before I die, though I haven't got much longer to live "Persecuted? Yes, we've been persecuted almost to death. One man who was the most bitter against me was a minister's son. He tried his hardest to prevent me from keeping a cow, by driving her off what he called his land. I am a Christian woman, but is that the blessed religion Christ teaches us? No." Inquiry among the neighbors and those familiar with the -Mitchells' claim elicits the information that the general public believes their claiui ajust one, and that it is the tear of losing their farms that has led the settlers on betty's Neck and vicinity to tight so fiercely for the property they reside uin, and which they or their ancestors bought years ago in good faitli by quit claim deeds.

Tho pertinacity of Zemeelema has from tune to time enlisted the sympathy of wealthy and prominent men from all parts of the Stale, chiefly those who are engaged in literary work, and have visited the Mitchells for their historic interest, and who, learning of their position, have become their firm friends anil taken steps toward bringing about the ends so much desired by the poor Indian family. It has lately been reported that several of these gentlemen have had an understanding with eacn other. an. I that now active work is being made bv them to secure the old reservation to its aboriginal owners, or her descendants in the persons of the Mitchell family. The Indians" firm conviction of late that they will speedily win their cause adds to the general belief that at last something tangible has been discovered that will lead to a victory for them, and their recent visits to tho registry of deeds at, Plymouth, and their persistent overhauling of the ancient deeds, is no doubt the cause of their hopefulness.

Mrs. Mitchell's husband, who died in 1S5H. was a Choctaw Indian. The, Indian reservation was once called Assometough's Laud. Assometough accepted the Christian name of Betty, and hence the place came to be known as Betty's Neck.

vVootoneltamts-kee, the second daughter of Zervia. is an Indian doctress, ihe only resident physician in Lakeville, and lias an extensive, but not ANY GENTLEMAN OF ORDINARY FIGURc STEREOPTICON eatntarnmeots for ehnrches. lodges, etc. terns, siloes, lenses, etc bouht and sold vlcos made to order and colored. Boston eon Co, Tremont row.

dSxly 65 B. A. Alklnsen Can tbe attention of the housekeepers Hew Senator Cogcswki.l's vote agninst tho ten-hour bill designed for the protection of women and children in factories would seom to indicate that he has given up the idea of going to Congress from the seventh distriit. It was expected, of course, that most of the Republican senators would vote against any measure designed for tho alleviation of the working classes, and specially of women nnd children, who have no votes hut such a proceeding was nut looked for on tho part of the senator from Salem, all of whose honors have h'en estowed largely by those who work for a living. Owing to the restrictions placed upon nffrage only about 14,000 votes were thrown at the State election in Rhode Island.

Massachusetts is chary enough, in all conscience, uixiut taking hr citizens into bur confidence, but for all that sho enrolls, in proportion to population, about two voters for every one allowed to be placed on tho lists in Uhode Island. The entire vote cast in Utile lihody on Wednesday by all parties is proportionally less than that usually thrown in an oiT year by the minority tarty uloue in Massachusetts. Mil ford Journal: 1 the friends of Mr succeeded IU garnering a lare collection of coins and medals, of which we were remarkably proud. These in an unguarded moment we loaned to tne late Frolessor who was at the time an enthusiastic lecturer on the subject. To our sorrow we I found tho loan was permanent, they hav.

ing been hypothecated in liquidation of numerous debts previously contracted. Since then we have paid more attention to I national bank bills, and of course have be- I come rusty on the subject. May And a SPRING OVERCOAT to flt him without the trouble of being measured and wait tag from one to four weeks- iu tbe stock which we have manufactured In our own workshops for the present season. The latest styles of fabrics, in English Venetians. Coverts.

Worsteds and other varieties dark ana drab shades correct la cut, and in an sixes. Prion SIS to fSO. piUK wciKUi Willi unc aiiacueu irom tlie top of the chimney. A carpenter would be the best person to apply to to do such work. Chelsea.

GrxnjenT. Playing on the Common. To the Editor of The Globe; Can you tell me through the "People's Column" whether the city authorities have a right to fence in and prohibit sports of any kind upon the western end of the Common? Is there any statute bv which this is authorized Are there any good reasons for driving the young men, who have played here summer evenings, to other and less elevating places of amusement, for instance, to the street corners to insult passers-by, or to the rum shops, to become drunkards and burdens for the city to carry? It seems to me that the best way to wean our young men from such places is to establish rival and at the same time more elevating amusements for thein. Compare the young man whose summer evenings have been spent in ball playing, stone throwing, wrestling and the other kindred games, to the one who has spent bis evenings at the pool table and tbe bar. I think there is no fair-minded man in the city who would not say "let them have the Common.

c. f. Mechanics' With the avidity of a pickerel for a shiner, a trout for a llv. a perch for a worm, or a frog for a red rag. his admirers seized the bright ideas advanced by "Toodles" the younger, the great American "regenerator of mankind" in embryo and swallowed them at a gulp.

Evidently he was happy in his mm. I at his primary success. In his next venture he seems (o have got badly mixed in reference to Father Murphy and John Gough, and we were reminded that tho senior Toodles" was not particularly abstemious, and it occurred to us that it may be a fawny trait. Possibly he meant to have said Father Gough and John Murphy. Wre would suggest that when tie starts out en his starring tour he engages "Siella's" friend, who "did not care what be did after Iciar.FA&Goiaiiy, 400 Washington.

St. Ottjtpo think ihat figuring out his conven- RENOVATE your Ull 5 and cold air process. A. FOB rft market si). WHO.

exchamre parlor orpin. octayw. black walnut sideboard. Address A. Globe oBV-e.

your hands soft and cleau. bo.d by mtUM raa, as, Crt aad Heaorar ssa. 1 1 hi majority on paper over Mr. ami is ail that is necessary to lie done to accomplish ti.fifr r.Klilt Wf tliA ings are titled. Tl.e -w.

movement is Scoring ii. first important iruii. The seed in Wood and fears and scattered by tne eils ail over the world, fxooi that they'll turn out of bed some Hue mom-.

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