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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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More Help Wanted? ADVERTISE in the Globe. Tht Raal Estate For Sale? OVERUSE In tha Globa. Globe ads bring tha bast results laito (Hote. medium in New tnaland vol LXXII SO 109. BOSTON, THURSDAY MORNING.


TUB OLORK NBWSI'APKH CO. ISSION TURNING OF THE LEAF BEFORE CO IN BARTLETT-WHITNEY CONVENTION CONTEST (EOR0C pRFO WILLIAMS t10'' 'Thomas wv proctor.) NOMl NAT IMC OF VviTM TXF DPOPD'NQ Or 10 PUNISH CRIME, NOT TOPERSECUTE Dennison Declares Policy in Letter of Acceptance. His Utterances of Sort to Promise a Vigorous Campaign. NO PROTEST, qUICK BOLT This the Bartlett Story ot The Whitney Revolt. Mr Feeney Says Flatly That He Called for "Nays" on Kiley.

X' 0 5y fH "BfN TO EVtRY OtMOCftATtC "Proceedings based tm legal evidence eeTOlting in Judicial verdicts will taJca the of Indictments originating in and rased upon a craze for personal po-lllicai support. "Real abuses town, city and state administrations, occurring within this criminal district, will be investigated and tne evidence submitted to the grand Jury for Its action, but there shall be no violation of the secrecy with which the courts Invest the proceeding of the grand Jury. "There will be no publicity bureau annex to the district attorney's office, and I shall see to It that the reputation of cltlsens against whom the grand Jn formally accepting the democratic nomination for sWiftgt attorney of Suffolk county. Joseph A. Dennison outlines tersely policy in the conduct of the office, ii he should he elected, that without much doubt will become a not unimportant element In the campaign which Is to come.

The letter ot notification, tinder date of Oct 15 find signed by Joseph H. O'Nell, chairman, and Martin F. Qulg-Ity and John .1. Kyan, secretaries of the convention, reads: "Dear yir-We have the honor to Inform you th.i: a convention of delegates to the democratic district attorney convenlon held In Faneull hall on Tuesday evening, Oct 8. you were nominated for district attorney for fettol's Affidavits of Intent Ruled Out by The Commissioners.

Jury finds- no reason to proceed shall county, to be ti Tuesday, Nov riot be smirched by premature press re ports I'juT. "The office of district attnrnev Tn tha leeniltv of thA con vention which nominated Charles W. be conducted with an eye single to the administration of Justice. 'To the end that ours shall he a government of lows and not of My administration shall be the administration of Justice I I not the exloltatton of a personality. 'Even-handed Justice as between the commonwealth and the defendant will tMk the place of the present system wherein intimidation and Immunity al- ternate In response to the dictates of personal ambition.

Official favors will no longer be granted or withheld on the basis of political trades. "The acandnlous practice whereby a' district attorney encourages relatives I and former law partners to conduct criminal cases In ids court will be ended I by my election. "I shall Ka a GRACE STEVENSON SAID TO HAVE BEEN LOCATED only upon the surrender of credentials and to Bartlett and Whitney man regardless of their preferences. That Mr Feeney did put the negative side of the question before; he declared Daniel J. Kiley temporary ohalrraan.

That William 8. McNary did not doubt the vote and did not call for a verification of it. That Mr Feeney gave every opportunity for any one to question the accuracy of his announcement that a majority had voted for Mr Kiley. That Immediately upon Mr Kiley taking the chair Mr McNary called upon the Whitney men to meet in the rear of the theatre. That there never were more ihan delegates participating In the Whitney convention.

That It was the purpose of the Whitney managers the night before the convention to organize a bolt thu next day. LABOR AGAIN SCORES DRAPER Calls for His Defeat in Coming Election, TWO WOMEN BADLY HURT Miss Laura Maguire of Fall River May Die. I 3Wir- i aBBaaBHHLlL Bartlett for governor and to discredit the body of delegates which named Henry M. Whitney as the democratic candidate, counsel for the Bartlett tick -t yesterday presented the evidence of pledged and unpledged delegates and Springfield policemen to the ballot law commission. Jonn P.

Feeney, chairman of the democratic state committee, declared his desire for an orderly and harmonious convention, insisted that his effort was to give both contestants fair treatment and denied any knowledge that there was a considerable number of delegates ojtside when he called tho convention to order. Mr Foeney told the commission that he had no information concerning the issue of tne pink and blue tickets, except that he was aware a system of admission and voting cards was to be employed. George Fred Williams gave the commissioners an Interesting recital of his observations during the convention and assisted In supporting the contention that the ticket system differed little from the method In use for years. But the Bartlett men offered a host of witnesses to sustain the claim that the tickets were issued from the box office early enough for every delegate to have been provided with tickets had he applied at a reasonably early hour. They also brought up many delegates who testified that there was no discrimination against Whitney men in the line, nnd fori her that Bartlett men had to in mi tiffKinei ine ae- 1 liberate thief whether he steal tne pub- 2ZZ.rx&m Moiher Seriously Injured Mother Gets Word That She is Playing in a New York Theatre.

A. F. of L. Condemns Men Who Investigated Hopedale. in Automobile Accident, "vv.vij i i luin 11 i mralrst the corrupters of the franchise 1 al polls.

In caucus, invention or i legislative bodies, against the corpora-Hons which debauch the public service I and the public servant who sells him- 1 I self for a bribe. "For the first-offender and the week Whitney Affidavits Limited. Much of the testimony to sustain contentions came fVoisubstanTrat appearing witnesses who did not change their stories on cross-examination. Herbert Parker's greatest success cross-examination was with George Fred Williams. After Mr Williams had said positively that ho approved the plan of E.

Gerry Brown Talks of His Own Candidacy. Machine Struck by Street Car at Bamngton, ft I. Disappearance 10 Years Ago From Brookline Caused Sensation. victim of social environment there shall he due recommendation of mercy to the court. Condoned the Third Pace.

THE WEATHER BARKINiiTON. Oct 16 Three persons were injured, two seriously, in a collision between nn automobile and trolley car of ine Rhode Island suburban company here tonight. MtM Laura Mauulre, daughter of a Fall River business man, sustained a compound fracture of the skull and ASHTNGTOX. 0. 1 16 Forecast for New Kngland: Partly cloudy and get in line to receive cards of admission.

lightly warmer; may neither. Mrs Thomas C. T1 ursdiy. Friday, MaKUire. was Injured Internally, but it The hopes of the mother of the missing Grace Stevenson.

the wealthy Hrookllne girl whoae sensational disappearance from her home, in 1897 is well remembered, were raised yesterday in the belief that her daughter alive and has been found. At the Stevenson home, 1478 Beacon st. last evening it was admitted that Mrs Stevenson had received a message during the duy to the effect that her leave at once for New York In search of the long-lost Grace. Though admitting that his mother had received a message concerning the missing girl, the young man stated positively ttiat ha did not know from whom it came. Asked, on what the family based Its claim that the missing girl and the actress in New York were one and tho same, he said lie did not know, but that his mother understood all about partly etoadjr, fresh sotithwefl w-lnds.

Local forecast for ptsMsW and vicinl- fair; thought nae will survive. The third ictim of the accident "Ml John T. Cumpi ell of Fall Hlver. a TVlative of the Maguires. Airs Campbell escaped with a bruised shoulder.

All three women were members of an automobile party and were on their way from Providence to Fall River. MILFORD, Mass, Oct 16-The state branch of the American Federation of Iabor at today's session adopted resolutions condemning the candidacy of Lieut Gov Eben S. Draper of Hopedale for reelection on the ground that he is an enemy of organized labor. The convention in acting on the evidence which was presented in the Draper case recommended that Pres Samuel Gompers revoke the commission of F. R.

Gordon, special national organizer of the Federation of Labor, and passed a vote of censure upon C. H. Wlnslow, formerly first vice president of the state branch. It Is charged that these men had not mad; satisfactory reports of their investigations of labor conditions at Hopedale to the I.umi t-convention last year. The following resolution regarding Lieut Gov Draper was adopted: "That we condemn Lieut Gov Kben S.

Draper and his attitude toward organized labor at Hopedale, where he discriminated against union labor, and from which town he drove out tho union machinists and union iron mold- issuing tickets the morning of the con- ventlon, Mr Parker read a denunciation i of the system made by Mr Williams in 1890, quoting the Hedhaiu man as as. Bertlng that such a method was "fraud-i ulent anil done with intent to pack the convention." Mr Williams insisted that I he still approved the Springfield method, I though he admitted that by the Issue of pink tickets men might take part In viva voco votes who had no right to participate. Early in tho day the ballot law commission limited the value of the alll-davlts of Whitney delegates by ruling that the sworn statements would be accepted not as declarations of tha intent of the delegites to vote for Mr Wldtney, but only as evidence that the signers had been excluded from tha theatre. The ballot law commission sat fore-I noon, afternoon and until in the evening, because chairman Cunningham announced that the secretary of stats) had Informed the board that If a decision was not had by Friday morning it would embarrass him In having tho ballots printed and distributed. Tho board decided that the case must he all In tonight, and to accomplish this the session opening at 9:30 tills morn- daughter Grace had been located In JOsr.l'H A.

DKMXISOM, Democratic Cnudlilnte for District Attorney si Suffolk. "We know you will bftfegl Is tha high office a sound knowledge of the law, a bigness of (Meant, nn independence of action, a freedom from control ot any entangling alliance, and a determination to serve the whole people with the turest disinterestedness. We know, too. that thin nomination has eomc to you tit sought, and that tlie only obligations you are under will be to serve the pfBplsj honestly, falthtullj and impartially." To this notification Mr Dennison replies. "Hon Joseph II O'Nell, chairman, Martin Qulgley and Joiin K.

Ryan, Secretaries of Suffolk democratic diJ-trlct attorn convention: "Gentlemen I ucccpt the nomination. I accept it in the spirit In which it is tendered. 'I have a char and f'aed perception of the duties of the position for which yen have selected me. The Ideals will you recite as vours, I pledge myself. If Sleeted, to fulfil, so far as in me lies.

"Suffolk county needs a district attorney who will enforce the laws, who will prosecute real crlmlr.als. not Imaginary 'ie, who will refuse to protect crime nal polls) CSAIWi who will refuse to Innocent men. The public been surfeited with tofesslons of reform. It demands the sincerity of performance. "As district attorney I shall prose-ute CTitn).

not rely preload to prosecute it. I shall prosecute crime, hign or low, of'ii i tl to non-oflicial, without fear ot favor. and somewhat warmer; Friday partly cloudy to cloudy, fair weath- New York and was playing the title It and had gone to confer with a friend role In a prominent production at a In resard to tho mattei. leading themre Following the receipt of Later in the night a second visit was the message, which members of the made to the Stevenson home. This In avoiding a cyclist who was riding Outline of Bartlett Case.

Patrick J. Mitchell, the Sprlngneld member of the state committee whom Whitney witnesses accused of distributing pink tickets among nondolegatcs, declared that he had get Into line in order to get a ticket for himself. He admitted that he had received 30 pink tickets from James A. Watson but, he said, some 0fj them were given to the editor of a Springfield newspaper and others were handed to men whom lie believed were to be admitted to tho balconies. By the testimony offered yesterday the Bartlett men undertook to prove these propositions: That Jchi.

P. Feer.ey called the convention to order when the theatre was reasonably fllied with men. That the ticket system followed precedents of the state commltteo for many years. That there was no unreasonable delay rr. southwest winds.

family shrouded in deepest mystery, time a slight young womun received the reporter. When questioned about Mrs The temperature ir, the same direction chauffeur Jamer. t'reeden turned into the street railway tracks, not observing that a car was running In the same direction at a rapid tate. The car struck the automobile a terrific blow between the two wheels nearest the tracks and partly demolished It. Tne occupants of the automobile, of whom there were six, were thrown Stevenson, she said she was probably on her way to NVw York.

The young woman said she was not a relative of the family, but was authorized to represent It. She stated that she was in I last night in the following places. 54, Nantucket 50. New York Wnsldngton 54 Atlanta 2, Savannah Jacksonville fls. New Orleans St l.ouis I'hlcaao -14.

St Paul fi2. BIs- mack Of. Omaha Iienver 68. I Mrs Stevenson took a car for Boston and visited the person who furnished I the information. Who sent Mrs Stevenson this informa- I tion no member of tha family would say last evening.

Mrs Stevenson's son. Kben said his mother had gone to town to confer with the arty wno sent the message and that she wou.d Ignorance of tho text of the message recelvd earlier by Mrs Stevenson, and. like the son. had no knowledge of the I ers. and we call on organized lab i Continued the Sixth I'age.

Continued on the Third I'ngr. adlong. and Mrs Msguire and her The rature yester. a at Thomp. unronrlou si a 44.

a 44, a al. .12 Campbell was stunned, but soon te, IpmM, epmei pm 4. 12 mid A nnd tiM othor9 e(1 yesterday 62. Average one JJJ Mr( Maguire WM removed to a aKo lta-p nearby, where she still remains. Continued on the Second Page.

i at the box offlee and tickets were Issued TODAY'S GLOBE CONTENTS. 1 TODAY'S GLOBE CONTENTS. TODAY'S GLOBE CONTENTS. but Miss was taaen to the otM hospital at Fall River. Pnice I.

Opening witnesses for Gen Bartlett The Globe's forecast: Fair Friday, probably followed by rain Friday night or Saturday; south lo southwest Mail, teatifv as to regularity oi panTcumm nnttniied on the Sixth Page. Pa are 5. Williams wins team match In New Kngland intercollegiate golf association tournament; golf elsewhere. Troop easily wins M. V.

M. cavalry shoot at Wakefield. Exceptionally strong field of golfers i will start in Country club's annual autumn handicap today. Ill-jflr Vlaimmnn. t.

Rudolph Ganz the great Swiss pianist, characterized by such an eminent authority as Felix Weingartner as "unequaled among the younger piano virtuosos," writes as follows of the st 9 Gas Radiators and Gas Logs That Chilly Room Comfort Page lO. Boston commandery. K. presents past commander's Jewel to Eminent Commander Damrell after reelecting 1 nn as its head Annual encampment of union veterans' union. Richard Curri.

life prisoner, pardoned. I'agr II. Republicans and G. G. A.

still without candidate for mayor: nomination to be onTered to Douls D. Brandels, it is said. Page 12. Household departmont and boys and girls column. Page l.t.

Commercial news. News of the water front. Dally lesson in history Pa.e HI. Two fatal elevator accidents Arthur L. Dakln of aomervllle killed while on duty as wireless operator at South WellfUet.

Two New York affinities" declared insane. Three men overcome by gas at 150 Dorohaater st. New York man surprises hospital physicians by announcing that he Is made of gold. Policeman saves mother and baby from drowning in Frunklin park pond. Washlngten and other seismographs record earthquake disturbance, prob ably under oocan, of Inteislty equal to that of Ban Franclsoo shock.

Council of the Congregational church at Cleveland adopts amalgamation report. ie an whip. Miss Ethel Roosevelt Out In a Stunning Trap Yeaterday. WASHINGTON, Oct 1ft-Miss Ethel Boesrvelt drove out in a naw trap this afternoon, accompanied by Miss Cornelia Dandon of New York, who is a gueat at tha White Houea. The new trap is a high two-wheeler and one of the smartest eeen in Washington thla season.

Mlns Ethel is an experienced whip. During her attendance at the National cathedral school for girls she usually drove out in a nent little phaeton. Mra took advantage of the bracing weather today to walk In th Rock Creek pnrk. aooompanled by her secretary. Miss I SA belle llagner, and Capt Roecoe Bulmer.

formerly an aide to the President, but now commanding the Sylph. PIANOS of convention In which he was nominated, to the fairness of Mr Feeney and Mr Kiley and to the rapidity with which the Whitney bolt was organised after Mr Kiley's selection as temporary (hair man. Joseph A. Dennison. in accepting nomination for district attorney, lays foundation for a warm campaign.

Word sent to Mrs Stevenson of Brook-line that her daughter Grace, who disappeared 10 years ago. Is In New York playing at a leading theatre. State branch of federation of labor condemns Draper and urges his defeat; disapproval of men who Hopedale. Two women out of three In auto seriously hurt In collision with street car at Barrlngton, I Miss Laura Maguir of Fall River has fractured skull and will probably die. Page 2.

Vice Pres T. E. Byrnes tells Boston boot and shoe lub that New England railroads and ideas both need to be four-tracked. Mrs May E. Young robbed of pocket book containing $56 at South Medford.

Page it. Whitney and Schofield address large rally at Northampton. Registration In Boston for the state election 110.WI, a decrease of 1196 from last year's Gov Guild opens republican state cumpalgn at Medford. Gen Frederick Dent Grant personally conducts 15-mlle test horseback ride for army officers of the department of the east. Paare 4.

Harvard varsity has a bad slump: outplayed by freshmen; W. Peirce loses his temper and slugs Dunlap. Midweek games of Princeton. U. of P.

and Annapolis. Yale freshmen defeat Phillips Andc-ver at football IS to Phillips wins from Ciifhing -academy 17 to 0. Mechanic Arts defeats Roxbury high; other school football games. Running races at Belmont park. Pace n.

Great racing of 2-year-olds at Lexington. Ky; Benvolo, a New Kngland colt, wins In a contest. Flesh Sores Healed by X-Zalia. This liquid oulcklv trows healrhv flesh Is your bathroom or bedroom CHILLY these cool mornings? Is your dining room COLD when you come down to breakfast? Is there any other room in your house that you want made WARM and COSY? Don't start your furnace just to heat a few rooms to take off the morning chill, hut put in a (iAS LOO or a OAS RADIATOR, win re it is needed, and be comfortable. For OFFICES and STORES these GAS HEATERS are especially WELL SUITED.

Almost always there is SOME part of your establishment which you CANNOT seem to KEEP WARM. One of these little heaters will make the room comfortable at LITTLE EXPENSE. The Shawmut Bank building is equipped with 37 OAS LOUS for the fiivpiai They only burn a FEW FEET OF OAS while aA 'i Jerry Gaines at Gloucester; other bouts. Armstrong breaks City leasue records. Paste Vote on Illinois Central directors delayed until today.

Heinze securities object of fierce attack in New York market that brings brother's firm into financial straits. Collier Everett exceeds contract speed in builders' trial. Arguments for dismissal of Indictment against George W. Perkins discloses fact that bis attorneys are in possession of official records of the grand Jury in the case. Financial news.

I'age 7. Captain and eight of crew of steamer Athenlana, stricken by malaria at Panama, forced to leave their ship upon arriving here. Steamship Republic due here today with 968 passengers. Pace 8. Solomon Lincoln, prominent cltlsen and lawyer, dead.

Specific charges against Kowell police commissioners mailed to Mayor Farn-ham. Washington authorities order release of eight immigrants whom Boston of-flclals were to deport. Rudolph V. Stahl of Boston found unconscious In hotel room in Providence. Case of Milford girl who was awarded IfiflOO In breach of promise suit to be tried again.

Great racing at the matinee on the speedway; half miles in 1:004. Page Eight sudden and violent deaths In Boston yesterday. Annual reunion of Metropolitan hora.t railroad veterans. Real estate transactions. Police Commissioner Bingham of New York arrested on assault complaint of Kx-t'apt Reynolds.

President Roosevelt almost got a chance to fire at a bear. Pace lO. New England ideas to be incorporated In proposed uniform bill of lading to be prepared by Interstate commission. Office Heating Mason Hamlin Co. Dear Sirs: During the past few years I have watched with intense interest the marvelous progress you have been making in the manufacture of your beautiful pianofortes.

To-day I believe the Mason Hamlin matchless an artistic ideal and I congratulate you on your great achievement. (Signed) RUDOLPH GANZ. Economy Opp. Inst, of Technology MASON HAMLIN Co. 492-494 BoyUton St.

lighted, and the EXPENSE ENDS THERE no care or trouble. The latest styles are odorless, of attractive design, and inexpensive. FORTY REPRESENTATIVES await your order. Send for one, or call at 16 West St. BOSTON CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY.

Telephone 1690 Oxford. 24 West Street. Ami i t'liiymtf "lue Jfivwu, GLOBE ADS PAY BEST TRY ONE AND SEE LOOK FOR IT On the Amusement Page KrltS'a at 3.80 and Capital is Know. Including Kitty Traney. Oenaro ani Pulley.

PauUnettl aiw! Pl'ino. Waterburj Broa. nd T.uoej, Howard and Howard, and Otlu r. over sores from, pimples to ecsema..

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