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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Coats I NOTED EFORM' ET THE BOSTON GLOBESATITIIDAY, APRIL 2, 1904. Ad.ieur:atnertrgtiresrdtlit:ni ixaptne dr ao nf rzv; A Amn Scott'. Campanari. Journet, Blass and day performance. offering, Gounoci's Death of -Mrs Abby Morton DRAMH, mnu ihuulth be heard dbring th.e -1 0 4 :rotNuavt.h-tann mike khot De erratdub.utirlyb, (1.

gi nice, cekr 2.1 Gle tt 1,1 111 11. pe ranee here as conductor of Hall and Mr David Itispharn. Tile con- Diaz at Belmont. 1 I Vr 441:.1 0 di. AMP 1 71 s.

Nance O'Neil's Farewell "Mother Goose" will have two per- er that of "DieWalkuere" and formances at the Colonial theatre -tiiis .0 ts 0 4.k. and edians afternoon and the evening. The clever comautiful women and the Hinrichs that of The Barber at the Tremont. "Cavalleria Rusticana." army of gracetul dancers make a 1 triumph for "-Mother Goose" with all again wst siosrirnog 9 I A Dff Plays ppears in our 1 eren Amusement Notes. linuecatitorongaoegral.nR7anndd one The Bowery burlesquers will give their any of the interest aroused by It.

Women Easter Appasel. Exquisite Easter Bats. -performances today at the Ly- -IIO Current Att closing pMrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" Was i as Devoted to te 111 ceum theatre. i radians. passes another milestone at the Park An excellent bill has been provided for theatre tonight.

This capital comedy of of Ail Classes the Easter concert to be given tomorrow Kentucky life appeals to all classes, Cloth night at Music ball. young and old. and the antics of the Covert Clo $1 0.00About 200 high- Beautiful Imported Models $20.00 and $25.00 The series of matinee which Miss rTATONT Anril 1--Mrq rt-Aci Covert Coats in reefer. box and sinzle- Johnnie Quigley, the "newsboy tenor," geographically named children, the woes Vn CVNAil eivinw with such who has been singinz in New York, will of Miss Hazy and Mr Stubbins tyste Women's Easter Appasel. P.

grade Covert Coats in reefer, box and single- 1.11, WI all Will MASAIrv.orm I Nance O'Neil has been giving with such who has bjen-singing In New York, will of Miss Hazy and Mr tunnins ana ti le ELMONT. April 1-Mrs Abby Mor Covert Cloth Coats, 200 high-grade Covert Coats in reefer, box and THE Exquisite Easter Hats. Beautiful Imported Models $20.00 and $25.00 BOSTON APRIT: DRAMA 'AND MUSIC. Nance O'Neil's Farewell at the Tremont. Appears in Four Different Plays Current Attractions.

The series of matinees which Miss Nance O'Neil has been giving with such 2, 1904. Scott'. Campanari. Journet, Blass and Muhlmann, will be heard during the openilig week. Mr Felix Mottl will make biz first appearance here as conductor of "Lohengrin." Mr Nathan Frank() will conduct the performance of "Tosca," Mr Alfred Hertz that of "Die Walkuere" and "Tristan and Isolde." and Mr Gustav Hinrichs that of "The Barber" and "Cavalleria Rusticana." Amusement Notes.

The Bowery burlesquers will give their closing performances today at the Lyceum theatre. An excellent bill has been provided for the Easter concert to be given tomorrow night at Music hall. Johnnie Quigley, the "newsboy tenor," who has been singing in New York, will day performance. offering, Gourmet's "Gallia. and Parker's "Lora Novissima." The soloists will be Mrs IleskiDradbury.

Miss Janet Spencer, Mr Glerm Hall and Mr David Bispham. The concert will begin at 7:30 o'clock. tot "Mother at Goose c1. afternoon and evening. The clever comedians.

the beautiful women and the 1 01 in I have vtheatre -this army of gracetul dancers make a triumph for "'Mother Goose" with all theatregoers. and one can see this production again nd again without losing any of the interest aroused by it. "Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" passes another milestone at the Park theatre tonight. Thin capital comedy of Kentucky life appeals to all classes, young and old. and the antics of the geographically named children, the woes of Miss Hazy and Mr Stubbins and the NOTED REFORMER.

ER, orton 4 I Wort 11 Death of Mrs Abby Morton Diaz at Belmont, Her Life Was Devoted to the Iliet of Helping All Classes. BELMONT. April 1Mrs Abby Morton Regular for this ter-Sale breasted, day a full 4' 4. Easter e.r. anteed A full Re ar i 1 4 2 fOrgUitlite ateeee Women's I 1 jacket 1, N.

,4 and le I et. taffeta skirts cut 1 4 of these be $20.00 ter Sale a full Easter anteed A full Women's jacket and taffeta skirts cut of these be $20.00 had never been equaled inside this theatre. There were tiny chickens with ribbons, two stuffed ducks with more ribbons. and. what was the Piece de resistance, a real live goose.

whieh perched up In brave style and was about as funny as anything in the theatre. This member of the party behaved in a most decorous manner until the time in the play when the gigantic goose put In his appearance upon the stage. and then he hid his diminished head. ducked down and disappeared. not to be seen by the audience again.

Bten philosophy of Mrs Views are perfectly i fly front style, will be offered Satur- sail for Europe in a few days. Saturday we open more of those beautiful imported models designed brilliant success at the Tremont theatre expressed by Mrs Madge Carr Cook and Diaz, who died at her home here this third under regular value as special during the last three months was her associate artist s. One of the finest prog-rams of the sea- morning after a brief Illness. was widely especially for Easter, and the choicest hats that can possibly be evolved. but to an end yesterday afternoon son has.

been arranged for tomorrow '11 bargains. They are all lined with guar. See them without fail OO 20.00 and 23.00 with a really remarkable performance. night's concert at the majestic. The Sousa concerts at Symphony ball known -during her lifetime lee an Indus- an author.

4 i satin and neatly strapped and stitched. le which the young tragedienne ap- Today's matinee and evening per- next Thursday afternoon and evening trial reformer an II make the only appearances of 1 formances are the last of the engage- wi ri assortment of sizes in each style peered in from no less than four ment of "The Medal and the Maid" at Sousa and his great organization in 0,1 the Boston theatre. Poston this season. The soloists are $15 00 coats. tit gra) a Tdr i edd bkye Ot 1 uern i ni Ab tt 1 sptrsi ce InsPiTdthbyathe et lovaerlys Paarsisalaan diffaenresnidteprlanyas.t Estelle Liebling- soprano.

Jessie Straus 1 It t' 1 Easter Sale origialal witill uls. a I I I yeeterday was Good at li riday. a day 'alien many people re- Tomorrow night's Easter concert pro- gram at the Boeton theatre will be violinist Herbert Clarke cornetist ee 1 111 othersi -Varsifant," exc'erpte-rvie-illamait'e auPfeature e- weeks that she had been In Boston. fraln from all secular entertainment. headed by Lottle Gilson and Billy Hart 91T2d Jgh.

I-1 and 10 other all-star acts. In the pr ns sex honest grams of these 1 se 10.00 00 12., 15.00, 18.00 me aaupdpi el applause was as ri was turrepmesal negolayg 1 a reg A I Chi en- natown will cloe the tient at the Columbia with th Feli nd i gby Bell In monolog Barry in ue and songs: eeeefee eeseeeeteeNtl Suits at $12.50 in Eton, blouse and George x. -di Curtis ora Pellet a Ba an effects, made of fine all wool cheviots tion will be "A Hidden Crime." thuslastic, and there were numberless performances today. Next week's attrac- acrobatic recalls after each scene. 'ATten the hChilren theatre stock compan.

dan and acing a sloging sketch the Holloway trio. wire perford mers; mixtures. Coats -are lined with satin or curtain fell on the scene from "Magda" Our $5.00 Trimmed. HatsNo hats on the market today can equal In all- Te d', ler. monologue comeiene; 4- and Adams, German dialect ------teaPs -ere-- 111' 1 round desirability these hats at $5.00.

They are very handsomely 0 demonstrative and under the direction of Catherine the plaudits were Dougherty will appear today In The 1 1 and neatly trimmed or plain tailored; trimmed with flowers and ribbons, and are the very acme of style and se long conti nued that Miss O'Neil was rog airy at the Dudley st op eta troupe comedians; the Romani trio, novelty --e- "..4 Instrumentalists, and Parker's hi. zee, e. either dress or walking length. th. Many modishness lied to make a brief speech.

giving house. 11 0 -t ,04 OO 5 00 'Pe Watson ueated canines are of the at- i I suits are samples, Which cannot expression to her gratitude for the Ne. atson's American burlesquers trae will be the attraction at the Palace tions nettling to Keithte next week. i favor bestowed on her during the many Maxine Elliott more eau Maxi tif I than )1111a'tt't duplicated less than theatre next week. The Crackerjack ever, find firmly established as one of 41 11 com an will close Its engagement this each.

Oar Eas- ill The record that Miss O'Neil has made evening. the most popular stars on the American 1 Aq WY stage at the present time, will come to i .1 price 13 44.. 1 Easter Suits and Garment litter- at the Tremont theatre Is unique in, "Babes In Toyland, the ti Hein th I i s-s ea re On ay even ng In extrava anza is the final beoking as I the annals of the local stage, and has ti heroine of Clyde Flich's comedy ero -e-ere------e----'-e---- frA likke g-iven her a position of prominence tin- of the season at the Boston theatre, the of New York society life, entitled "Her Ift '-'7' engagement beginning Monday he as vening, own ay." the support of a 1 1 A Zt For Misses and Girls. ex ac celled by any other American tress. Aeril le.

strong company including Willia Le't .44 i "Women's Suits at Walking Sults of the celebrated Lymans- Coming here practically unknown to Virginia Earl closes a successful two Courtleigh, Charles Cherry, It. C. Herz. 1 eee, ee the attenton and corn- the perfomnces this afternoon sand Vincent and little Donald Our Saturday's special display of the latest fashions in spring the average theatregoer ehe Immediate- weeks' stay at the Globe theatre with Georgia Lawrence, Nellie Thorne, live ll: ei, vine cheviots, in black and blue, new 22-inch collarless reefer model I ly attracted ira Also Eton suits of handsome all wool mixtures, in light colors. outerwear should pros in who military comic opera valuable to all in search of Easter apparel those evening in her manded the admiration of There was a box party at the Colonial Lii It V.

to I 7 These suits are regular $25.00 values, marked for this tiappreciate the highest endeavors In Sergeant Kitty. theatre last evening which attracted for a-k-o-ta i 0 0 Savings here are a full third. dramac art. "The Tillage bee pleased the a time fully as much attention as the C---t 1v li I Easter Sale at. so.

I Savn She has been freely accorded recog- patrons of eluele hall this week. and people upon the stage. It was made up (s11' (Q-K' nition as the most forceful. most ap- the attend has been large. The en- of society people from Dorchester, who pealing and most convincing trage- gagement will be followed af- were out for a Jolly time and brought it 1 dienne known to the English-speaking ternoon by -Why 'Women Sin." with them some novel decorations which ly 'Women's Sults at Walking Suits of the celebrated Lymansi vine cheviots, in black and blue, new 22-inch collarless reefer model.

Also Eton suits of handsome all-wool mixtures, in light colors. 1 These suits are regular $25.00 values, marked for this Easter Sale ol I I single-breasted, fly-front style, will be offered Saturday third under regular value as special bargains. They are all lined with guar. satin and neatly strapped and stitched. assortment of sizes in each style $15.00 coats.

Easter Sale wroolpo 0 Suits at $12.50 in Eton, blouse and effects, made of fine all-wool cheviots mixtures. Coats -are lined with satin or and neatly trimmed or plain tailored; either dress or walking length. Many suits are samples, which cannot duplicated less than an each. Our Eas- 4a gl .50 Saturday we open more of those beautiful imported models designed especially for Easter, and the choicest hats that can possibly be evolved. See them without fail OO 20.00 and 215.00 Hats Trimmed by Our Own ArtistsInspired by the lovely Parisian models and like them in all but price.

All the latest Paris fads and others original with us. 10.00. 12.00 15.00 18.00 Our $5.00 Trimmed HatsNo hats on the market today can equal In all-round desirability these hats at Ss.00. They are very handsomely trimmed with flowers and ribbons, and are the very acme of style and modishness Easter Suits For Misses and Girls. Our Saturday's special display of the latest fashions in spring outerwear should prove invaluable to all in search of Easter apparel.

Savings here are a full 5.00 and Garments brilliant success at the Tremont theatre during the last three months was brought to an end yesterday afternoon I with a really remarkable performance. in which the young tragedienne appeared in scenes from no less than four different plays. Considering that yesterday was Good Friday. a day when many people refrain from all secular entertainment. the audience was surprisingly large.

The applause was tremendously enthusiastic. and there were numberless recalls after each scene. When the curtain on the scene from "Magda" the plaudits were so demonstrative and so long continued that Miss O'Neil was Compelled to make a brief speech. giving expression to her gratitude 'for the favor bestowed on her during the many weeks that she had been in Boston. The record that Miss O'Neil has made at the Tremont theatre is unique in, the annals of the local stage, and has given her a position of prominence unexcelled by any other American actress.

Coming here practically unknown to the average theatregoer he immediately attracted the attention and commanded the admiration of those who appreciate the highest endeavors in dramatic art. She has been freely accorded recognition as the most forceful. most appealing and most convincing tragedienne known to English-speaking sail for Europe in a few days. One of the finest programs of the season has. been arranged for tomorrow night's concert at the Majestic.

Today's matinee and evening performances are the last of the engagement of "The Medal and the Maid" at the Boston theatre. Tomorrow night's Easter concert program at the Boston theatre will be headed by Lott le Gilson and Billy Hart and 10 other all-star acts. "A Night in Chinatown" will close the engagement at the Columbia with tha performances today. Next week's attraction will be "A Hidden Crime." The Children's theatre stock company, under the direction of Catherine E. Dougherty, will appear today in "The Frog Fairy" at the Dudley-st opeta house.

W. B. Watson's American burlesquers will be the attraction at the Palace theatre next week. The Crackerjack company will close its engagement this evening. "Bates in Toyland," the big, glittering extravaganza, is the final booking of the season at the Boston theatre, the engagement beginning Monday evening, April 18.

Virginia Earl closes a successful two weeks' stay at the Globe theatre with the performances this afternoon and evening in her military comic opera. "Sergeant Kitty." file Tillage parson" has pleased the patrons of alusic hall this week, and the attendance has been large. The en- gagement will be followed -Monday afternoon by "Why Women Sin." philosophy of Mrs Wiggs are perfectly expressed by Mrs Madge Carr Cook and her associate artists. The Sousa concerts at Symphony ball next Thursday afternoon and evening will make the only appearances of Sousa and his great organization in Poston this season. The soloists are Estelle Liebling- soprano.

Jessie Straus violinist, Herbert L. Clarke cornetist, and John 11. D. Moeremans saxophonist. "Parsifal" excerpts will make a feature In the programs of these concerts; Digby Bell.

in monologue and songs: George Felix and Lydia Barry, in an acrobatic. dancing and siaging sketch; the Holloway trio. wire performers; Dora Pelletier. monologue comediene; Curtis and Adams. German dialect comedians; the Romani trio, novelty Instrumentalists, and Parker's troupe of educated canines are seme of the attractions riming to Keith' next week.

Maxine Elliott, more beautiful than ever, and firmly established as one of the most popular stars on the American stage at the present time, will come to the Hollis-st theatre Monday evening as the heroine of Clyde Fitch's comedy of New York society life. entitled "Her Own Way." She has the support of a strong company, including William Courtleigh. Charles Cherry, R. C. Herz.

Georgie Lawrence, Nellie Thorne, Eva Vincent and little Donald Gallaher, 'There was a box party at the Colonial theatre last evening which attracted for a time fully as much attention as the people upon the stage. It was made up of society people from Dorchester, who were out for a jolly time and brought with them some novel decorations which I ere I widely i Indus. i'4 Diaz. who died at her home here this morning after a brief illness was widely known during her lifetime as an industrial reformer and an author. stage since the days of Charlotte Cushman.

She has been extraordinarily euccessful in each of the numerous characterizations that she has presented here. and. for an actress who is by temperment. Inclination and training. distinctly a tragedienne, she has revealed remarkable versatility.

To attempt to portray during one afternoon four as widely contrasted characters as are those of Camille. Leah. Magda and Judith Is a task that the greatest of actresses might hesitate to undertake, and one that very few could accomplish with results satisfactory either to themselves or to their audience. Miss O'Neirs success yesterday was complete. She gave to each of the characters thorough distinction.

individualizing them as clearly and maintaining the atmosphere of each as correctly as would have been possible bad pnly one play been presented in Its entirety. The capacity of mental concentration needed to enable an actress to thus quickly and completely change from one character to another can scarcely be overestimated. It was really an extraordinary feat that Miss O'Neil accomplished with apparent ease. Miss O'Neirs Impersonation of the four characters portrayed yesterday probably the most popular roles that she has presented hereare so familiar that comment upon their manifold excellencies is unnecessary. Iler con- of the third act of 'Camille," the curse scene-in the third act of "Leah, the Forsaken." the fourth act of "Magda" and the fourth at of "Judith." Commendable support was given by the players associated with her.

the majority of whom have frequently appeared here In the roles portrayed yes Women's Rain Coats for new models to select from, made of shower-proof coverts in all the popular shades. We nn can surely please you both in style and fabrics. Garments thlUU worth 15.00 each, marked for this Easter Sale at. Women's Skirts at skirts of fine quality vellings and granite cloths, trimmed with silk bands, in several different styles 5 7n and finished without lining. An ideal spring skirt to wear with separate waist.

Value S8.75, marked for this Easter Sale 1 I 1J Misses' Suits of broadcloth, voile. cheviot, covert cloth and mannish mixtures. Made the very latest, blouse breasted half fitted effects, collarless, and trimmed with stitched taffeta. Sizes z4 to zS yrs, 32 to 36 bust: Worth. For.

Broadcloth Suits 5o.00 40.00 Voile Suits 42.00 35.00 Cheviot Suits 32.0o 25.00 Mixture Suits 27.00 18.50 IMIIMm Misses' Dress Skirts of fine voile, granite and panama cloth, also walking skirts of cheviots and medium color mixtures. Lengths 37 to 40 inches. Walking lengths 33 to 33 inches. Worth. Voile Skirts.

Granite Panama Skirts 8.5o Walking 7.50 For. 12.50 8.05 5.95 4.05 Silk Lined Skirts, of fine quality veiling in black and blue, trimmed with silk folds in neat design, and finished over nn drop of good taffeta. Regular $16.50 skirts, marked for this Easter Sale 9 I Women's Easter Neckwear. Six or More Special Bargain Tables. Is there anything needed at the last moment for neck adornment for Easter wear? Here's a reminder that our Easter Anniversary prices will save you in lots of instances half what you'd pay elsewhere.

Misses' and Childien's -Shoes. Nicely made in the different leathers, lace constructed children's last to insure growth of the feet. Per pair. "Leah. the Forsaken." is drawleg crowded houses at the BOWdOill-Sil this week.

The last performances will given today. N. S. Wood. in "Jack Sheppard." will come next week.

John Drew's week at the Hollis in "The Second In Command' has proved especially interesting, and it will be with regret that local playgoers will say farewell today to Major Kit Binghalh. The advance sale for the return engagement of Lulu Glaser in the comic opera, "Dolly Varden." which comes to the Globe next Monday night, has been the largest the house has had in some time. At the Majestic theatre today Nat M. Wills appears for the last times in "A Son of Rest." Next week's attraction will be tho favorite comedian. George Monroe.

in a revival of "My Aunt Bridget." "The Great Train Robbery" at the Grand opera house is a play full of incident of the romantic frontier history. The last opportunities for seeing this melodrama will be given this afternoon and evening. Two Boston favorites lead the company presenting "King Dodo." Richard Golden in the title role and Miss Maud Williams as the prima donna. They will appear at the Tremont theatre next Monday week. Mies Nanee O'Neil will appear next week at Springfield.

Monday; New Haven. Tuesday; Hartford, Wednesday an- Thursday, and at Worcester Friday and Saturday. The following week she will be in Providence. "Bob" Fitzsimmons makes his last zip The Castle-so theatre stock company will appear in 'The Marble Heart' for the last times this afternoon and even- Ing. The attraction for next week will the dramatic' version of Ou Ida's "Under Two Flags," made by Edward Eisner.

Advence 'subsertptions for the concert in aid of the Symphony orchestra pension fund will be received one more Orders with cheeks should be to manager C. A. Ellis, Symphony hall. The program will include Beethoven's Sth symphony. A rattling good show' Is that of the Scots at Austin Stone's.

with its assemblage of Highland dancers. singers, athletes. pibroca players, army bandsmen and pipers. Tonight closes the engagement. Joe Hood.

pool expert, will a feature next week. Next week Maxwell H. Meyers will present master Joseph Santlev in a new melodrama, "From Rags to Riches." at Grand opera house. Master Santley'a matinees are especially popular. as holds a stage reception at the close each.

at which his young friends may meet him personally. Tomorrow evening the Handel and Haydn society will give an Easter Sun UCEST now get good wagettif yon had turned me down because I was poor and unlucky when I first went to you, where would I be now? I spent my money with the other fellows. and I not 'teen your ad tutying poverty was no to health, I guess today I would be dead a maniac. Well. it is getting late and the nice will soon close.

so I will go borne to my wife and our new baby." YOUN MAN WILL fIT YOU These otymiittmia make happy married life tin- FOR MARRIAut rosaltde: Lost Manhood, Neryona Debility. Aight Losses, linpotencl, Sterility, ocieoceic and Erick of Ambition, Stricture. private diseases. discharges. Poi0111ed bl 0111 1008 of bair, eyebrows.

mncon patches, enlarged glands, mouth and throaty ulcers. ate. Consultation Free atnd Invited. botb at offies by correspondence. Terms are always made to suit the convenience of any one op.

plying for treatment. and very reasonable charges. Do not treat elsewhere until yoU bave investleatcd my methods and terms. If you pnnot visit me personally, write the symptoms that trouble you moat and you will receive an honest and scientific opinion of your ease. together with my latest medical book, freo of cost.

A vast majority of eases can be cured by my system of home treatment. whIcn ja the most successful system ever devised. I make no charge for private counsel, anti give to each pationt a legal contract in writ. ing, backed by abundant capital. to bold for promise.

All dealing's with patients are Strictly Private flours 11 a to 9 in, Sundays Remember the number, 313 Columbus aye. 1 DR. LOUCEST COLUMBUS AVENUE BOSTON, MASS. IWCZUWNalitl Lawn Turnover Collars, imported, with two arid three tabs. Worth each, marked for this Easter Sale Boys' and Youths' Shoes.

terday. rearanCes at the Howard at 2:30 and While yesterday's performanee was th.J today. Among next week's tea-last that Miss O'Neil le to give at the tures will be Young Corbett. Nora Tremont theatre this eettson. it Is gran- ayes.

Armstrong and Holly and the fying to know that Boston is soon to Orpheus comedy four. have further opportunities of enjoyire At tht Tremont theatre today there the acting of this gifted artist. She will will be a matinee performance of "Peg-appear nt the Hollis-st theatre two SY from Paris." the George Ade musleol weeks hence. and during her engege- play. whieh is renewing Its popularity ment there she will be seen In notable and drawing large audiences.

Next productions of "Elizabeth" and "Mac- week will be the last of the engagement. A oko Ah rrAbo aft ILf Teshy, Tremont theatre this season. it Is gratifying to know that Boston is soon to have further opportunities of enjoying the acting of this gifted artist. She will appear nt the Ho lits-st theatre two weeks hence. and during her engagement there she will be seen In noteble productions of "Elizabeth" and "Macbeth under the of Mr John Mousseline Tab Collars, in white, blue and pink, Persian and Bulgarian colors, embroidered.

Worth 25c. each, marked for this Easter Sale Ape- 6 --12ic. Made in the most 2ubstantial manner and with that genteel, manly effect so popular with the boys and young men, 2.00, 2.513, 3.00 Turnover Collars of Butcher linen, embroidered, in white, blue, pink, black and cardinal. Worth 25c. each, marked for this Easter Sale at only.

15c. Wornen's Shoes and Oxfords. Bishop Stocks, embroidered on Persian crash, all colors, Worth 50c. each MRS ABBY MORTON DIAZ, Noted Author aud Reformer. 'She was born in Plymouth in NA, a descendant of George Morton, one ot the pilgrims.

Her father, Ichabod ton, was a prominent antislavery worker. Her earliest recollections were associated with antislavery meetingg and her first public work was as secretary of a juvenile antislavery society. Mrs Diaz was early left a widow with two young sons to care for. In order to earn money for their support. she taught a Juvenile singing school, pr1va4 and public schools, and was at one tiros a distributor of work for a large clothing house.

In 1861 she sent a story to the Atlantio Monthly under an assumed name, whielt was accepted and paid for by the publishers. Her stories for children. originally published in Young Folks and other magazines, are well known. She helped organize the woman 's educational and industrial union of Boston. She was unanimously reelected presi dent of the union every year since ltd organization Mrs Diaz was a profound believer in Christian Science.

having written several pamphlets on the subject. She has also written on nationalism, Christian ethics. and a series of papers on arbitration. cvlE WitEN CURE There Is but one test forgeniiine medical treatment. and that la the result it No man need, run any riskplace your case II the bands of a specialist who bits confidence enough in his own ability, to accept no pay for his professional services unless a cure is perfected, to stay cured forever.

I accept every case on this condition and I give written, binding. legal guarantee to cure to stay cured the worst and most deep-seated albe ments of men from whatever cause arising by New and Marvellous Method 0. Graduate of the ZI" Royal College of Physicians and Sur. ge Eng r. ld an; also riltt Kings and Queens College of Physicians and 4, .4., geons, Ireland: I '111 sunderivon vlenerndent Reit Zeal.

uyre. how coolyhag phynctaa i 811rgical and Medical a. Stlifite. Ill; graduate Bar. s'i rard Medscel Untrersily; Co 2i years a sperialtst in tee diseases peculiar to men, COME TO ME If you feel weak, tired and run down.

if you are nervous and melancholy. If your memory is poor. dart circles under eyes. If you have mental anxiety. If you are losing dealt.

If you have kidney troubles. If you see spots testing before your eyes. If you have akin or Blood Disease, Poisoned Blood, producing pains is the bones, red spots, painful swellings. 'tele, skin, rheumatism. Kidney complaints, stricture, gravel, varicocele, pros.

tatills. or any disease resulting from say causeit matters not of how long standing. I have made thousands of permanent cures of all ailments of men from wHatever cause arisivg. MEN, STOP AND THINK! Do any other doctors give their record printed In exact detail as I do? Does any other specialist dare over to Secept your cases and receive pay for his professional services whys be cures you? Do you want the exclusive at- tention of a trained. responsible specialist to whom you ean talk in secret? lire you looking for a quick, certain and lasting cure? If so, come to IMP.

I give every time my personal attention. There is no ease so hopeless or so far gone that I ennnot cure. No detention from business, no sorgery, no pain, and no noire drugs. I know I can cure you Call today and bring this advertisement with you. Office hours 9 to 9.

Sundays 10 to 4. R. COLLINS' 11 Berwick Park. Near Hotel Mass. Off Columbus Boston.

Masa. 11 CURE TIETI Of Nervo-Debritti Confusion of Id eal, i 611'1 Aversion to Soeleif my treat- wi, Al: ment bright ens el: 4 :71411141.1 4 0. 47.: 1 adpbt eter lanri tr et by si ethdp emleit ie. ipot: eani: '2. naerwoured.L ite bends 14 "1 0: I 0 antht at ir eiseyusp tit: sttamietne se s.

Ili Cured to Stay Oared STRICTURES VARICOC.ELE and BLOOD POISON. RUFFURE. No cure. no pay. Send for book and TIM tom blank.

25 years' eapertenceautOuv cured. Call or address DR. JOSEPH CRADY 238 Tremont 'Boston. Free consultation every day in the year from 10 to 12. 2 to 5.

7 to 10 toll 11MilliEMMIIIMEIGEMINIEMEMDMEalalgiONO PLAIN WORDS FOR give a written guarantee to posittvety earl Stricture, Varicocele. Contagious Blood Pie' ease. Nerve-Debility and all kidney and der troubles. No cuttingno palsno interfeet nce with work. I have never (tiled to tively cure the very worst cities coming undef tny notice.

I know exactly what to do and hot to do it, without guesswork or mistake. I ewe more men and cure them quicker than all other doctor in Boston. I wlii do more for log tor $2.00 than any other specialist will do fel $1000. Do not take treatment until you Wive It talk with me. lkly advice will cost you Oth.

log. and what I tell you can be relied on as ths benest truth. If unable to call. I can treat lotl by mall with the same guarantee of succests Treatment by mail Or at otlIce--12-01 Graduate Harvard Medical Hours 9 to 9. Not open itundops, DR.

A. M. WELLS St Court Ecollay Square, BMW Craword dio :1 A 'i'l V- 1 "tc '1'4 MINA 4'4 Amoy 11. 6 5 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Saturday's bargains will prove of more than ordinary interest to women with Easter needs. We have made special arrangements for a splendid showing of dressy shoes that we can sell at guaranteed bargain prices, patent leather in lace and button, vici kid, velour calf, tan, russet, and all in the late styles of the season, marked for th'is Easter Sale at Venice Lace Collars in white and for this Easter Sale at Black Spangled Stock Collars, a 50c each, all marked at the 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 Lovely Butcher Linen Stock Collars, embroidered in white, blue, Persian and Bulgarian colors.

Good values at 50c. each, marked for this Easter Sale at. 41,11 0, '3 Real Long! florum, the finest and best that can be grown. A perfect forest of them and a wide range of choke. Our price per bud or blossom, The New Automobile Stock, made of fine Butcher linen and taffeta silk, very Frenchy, all colors.

Worth at least $1.00 each, our Easter Sale Girls' Box Reefers of cheviot and covert cloth, lined throughout, notch collar or collarless, latest style sleeve. Colors olive, tan and blue. Sizes 6 to t4 yrs. Worth 10.00. Saturday.

50 Girls' Dresses of fine mohair, cheviot and pretty checks, also fine storm serges, made the very latest effects, such as the Coat Dress, Russian and box plaited dress, with fancy blouse front, trimmed with silk and braid. Sizes 6 to 14 years, Worth. Mohair Dresses 2. so Cheviot Dresses moo Storm Serge Dresses 875 Cashmere 6.00 Cashmere Dresses. 5.00 Cashmere 3.00 Wash Dresses, 400 8.05 7.05 4.95 3.95 1.95 2.50 and button.

Made over specially the proper training and normal 1 qn to to 100 Easter Lilies. Bushes, in bloom, in pots 75Ca 1E25 and L5E1 1.25 and ta59 DUTIES OF Amount of an Alleged Smuggling Scheme. Arrest of Boston Persons Looked For in a Few Days. Another Boston firm of importers seems to have come under the ban of the 8 authorities. It is alleged to have defrauded the government out of duties amounting to some C1.000.

The name of the firm is withheld by the authorities, who. however, admit that warrants have been issued for the arrest of the persons concerned in the alleged fraud. The goods on which it is alleged the firm concerned failed to pay the required duty consisted of laces and embroideries. The method of procedure to have been to undervalue the gocds in the invoices. agent Ralph W.

Clayton of New yolsk, who has boon the head and fr'Irt the recent investigation of the smuggling cases in this city. arrived here yesterday morning. During the foreitoon he held a conference with the officials in the district attorneys office, with the result that arrests Is' NI, it Tt wo. AL4t ft. 1.44N-1.

Poltk 1 I 4 kZ 'It vt. tali pa The 040,,,, 25 c. Arabe shade. Regular 50c values, 4,411 25c. splendid lot, that range in value trp to one uniform price for this Easter 25c.

.4 IIPO -29c. 0.0 0. ---59c. with stole ends. Worth $3.50 each.

WATER FRONT ITEMS. Four Steamships Arrive From Old World. Severe Easterly Storm Held Several Vessels in Port. After a stormy passage of 16 days from Manchester. Eng.

the Leyland line steamship Bostonian, Capt Parry arrived yesterday morning and was berthed at pier 2. New Haven docks, South Boston. Ac6rd1ng to the vessel's log, she encountered severe westerly gales from the time of leaving the river Mersey until last Wednesday. She was three days late In reaching port. owing to the severity of the weather, but the vessel escaped damage.

Another arrival from abroad was the Cunard freighter Sylvia Capt Dunning. from Liverpool. Strange to say, the passage of this vessel was moderate throughout, and she made her usual time in crossing. She brought in 2200 tons of cargo and had as passengers 12 returning cattlemen. The Bostonian brought In 1100 tons of cargo and had 14 returning cattlemen.

Late in the afternoon the Allan line steamship Samartian, Capt Pitts, arrived 0.11.01. 60.11 00 LIMilin- 04.8 Russian and Venice Lace Collars 1) t. .1 7 .1 i .1 :4 J1 't 1 1 41 1 i I 1 i 1 1 i 4 1 i 1 4 .4 1. 1 I 1' 1 1 I I i 1 A I l' 1 1 I I I I. I' 4 i 1 I I 1 1 1 .1: 4..

t' ii l'. f' 'F 1 3 1 1, i'. I i l'. 1 1' i I I II V. 1 1 1 1 i 1 .1 i I 1 pink and blue, full size.

Worth I An Imo 0 1 Pt CONVEYANCE IN TRUST. Land and Buildings at Chestnut Hill Under the Ford Will. Malcolm McLoud and Charles D. tyford. trustees of the Hayward trust.

under a declaration of trust, have conveyed to William A. Munroe. Seth Mendell and Henry Hinckley. trustees under the third and fourth clauses of the will of Daniel Sharp Ford. 600.466 square feet of land and the buildings thereon on and near Beacon et.

Chestnut Hill. The conveyance is in trust. and the purchase price named in the deed is $33.001 Nallock naloclictztl 'rust 55 Years a Specialist in Diseases of Men. BLOOD POISONING in its primary, second- ary and tertiary stages, which causes rashes or blotches. every form of skin diseases, pains in bones, joints, sore throat.

ulcers radically cured by our advanced system of treatment. 15 to 40 days. NERVOUS DEBILITY 'mlatia7da memory m. of will powers tont vitality, Impediments to marriage, permanently cured by our advanced system of treatment, in 15 to 40 days. VARICOCELE permanently cured by our aye; tern ot treatment or money refunded.

WASTING WEAKNESS Vet tarsorg thyoeu vaeir3yd biter leads to the complete Ioss of all powers stopped at once'and full vigor restored. KIDNEY AND BLADDER system em la inor treat- ment cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys and cures private diseases In to 15 days. STRICTURE of tilabte tliymgodi any organ of the human frame. It is cured by our advanced system of treatment In 8 to 12 days. If you want a quick, lasting cure.

consult Boston's oldest and most successful specialist. Write for book and question list for home treatment. Sent sealed free. Office hours, daily. 9 to 9.

Sundays 10 to 1. HALLOW( MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 110 MUT BOSTON, flakes Lien Vigorous For the return of that youthful feeling of manhood a prominent Detroit physician and savant is in possession of a receipt which he has himself used in his own extensive prirate practice with the most startling success. Though the years have passed its equal never been4ound. and with. it thousands of weak men bare brolight abont the cures they so much longed for.

The doctor willingly sends the for. mule entirely free to any man who writes him for it. and they will find it a gift of lasting value. It is good for sexual weakness. lost manhood.

nervousnees, weak back. emissions, varteocele. lack of force, prostatic trouble, night sweats, inability and the many other embarrassing conditions the befell the sexually imperfect man. It creates an immediate social feeling, warmth end good nature, forces active blood to the muscular tissue. tones the permits system mud amuses bodily centldence.

It makes the man of 65 as good atr at 35', and the young man again eager for society and fit for marriage and parenthood. Satisfactory results are produced in a day's use. and a perfect cure in a few eeks, regardless of age, or the cabs of your condition. If you need such a remedy send your name and address today to the Dr. Knapp Med.

11S2 Mill betrott, and in an unmarked envelope the doctor will at once send yon the receipt. as promised. explaining in de. tail what Ingredients-to use and how to compound them so that any weak man can cure himself in his own home without being under obligations to anyone. It costa you nothing, and the sooner you write the sooner you will be cured.

DR. HERRICK EXPERT AUTHOEITY OS MALE PELVIC TROUBLES I CURE VARICOCELE without Amino the tortnres of surgrr.r. STRICTURE without ca knife. instrument Or painful procedure. BLOOD POISON without mineral mixture -44 or harmful drugs.

NERVE DECLINE without stimulative remedies. A full explanation of rtly original pelvic methods I will cheer- E. B. Herrick. M.

D. fully make to any man sincerely Interested. I have no substitutes. but personally see each patient myself. Write for my new BOOK if unable to call.

Private counsel gratis. Responsible parties may set. tle when cured. or in weekly or monthly pay. ments.

Hours; Daily. 0 a. in. to 5 p. evenings.

7 t9 Sunday. 10 to 1 only. E. B. Herrick, M.D.

301.sfor mi TS mb29 i Tribune buildleg. management B. SchOeffel. Grand Opera Season. The season of grand opera.

at the Teton theatre. whieh will begin next Mo.nday evening will introduce) the famous singers who for several months past have been charming patrone or the Metropolitan opera house in New York city. The forthcom4ng musical festival. as in years past, lis for two weeks only. of 16 performanees.

nights and four afternoons. Starting with "Lohengrin" Monday evening. the ropPrtory for the first week. which includes three schools. the German.

French and Italian. eomprises -Carmen." "The Magic Flute." "Tose')." "Die Walktiere." "The Berber of Seville" and "Cavalleria Ruaticana" (Friday evening). "Romeo and Juliet" and "Tristan and Isolde." The farnaug prima donnas. including Mmes Calve, Sembrich. Cadski, Ternina Olive Frernqtati Alno Ackte.

Camille Sergard, Homer. Bauermeister. Edyth Walker and Marion Weed. together with the celebrated male singers. Kraus.

Burgstaller, Naval, Dippel. Pol Plan-eon. Antgn Van Rooy. Otto Goritz. Cures More Weak and Diseased Men Than Any Other Livinz Specialist.

His Experience and Skill Hare Restored Thousands to Perfect Health and Manhood. Meng Read This Man's Story: "Dr. Lougest Saved Me From a Disease No One Else Could Cure" "Now. Dr. Lougest.

all I have told you about the exact nature of my disease you need not publish. But I want Sou to know I am happy and healthy and my family is the same. "Nothing I could Pay or write could tell von how grateful I feel toward you, first tor my cure, and seeond for the liberality of your tering to me. Here is a 2 bill which le the Ise of the email account you had against me. I am square with you ao far as money goes.

but I never can pay you tho debt of heartfelt gratitude I owe you. As you know, III WAS A PHYSICAL WRECK and three doctors who said they were Ppeetal lets and could cure me, had to giro me up. They told me I would soon die, for I was fast going into galloping consumption and would be lucky it I died outside a madhouse, as they thought my brain wan already ffected. "WHEN IVAS A BOY I was foolish and weak. Then when I went to work I worked hard.

and I couldn't stand the pace. I broke down and the little money I had saved aeon went to pay my bills for doctors and medicine. I V.OT MAIIIL1111 young. thinking my troubles would get well of themselves. I cannot tell you the misery I puttered when I found myself growing worse and worse.

will not take any more of your time. I haven't a sign of the varicocelet my nerves are In good shape. and I am strong and full weight. 0 he be the he of I had bar or sore and my for.O.W.W.WWW.WWW.M.W4rOas..t... 1 SUGAR CROP POOR.

Vermont Maple Sap Not Running NVelL What Syrup Has Been Made Is Extra Good in Quality, HOWOYM IA, April 1--The maple sugar erop does not look so promising as it did a week ago. The first good sap days were 10 days ago, and since then, with the exception of tour or five days, the run has been small, as a chilly wind bee prevailed nearly every day. Those Who have set a large number of buckets are rather disappointed regarding the output What syrup has been made is extra good requiring only about two-thirds the usual amount of sap to produce a gallon of syrup. The season is somewhat advanced and the amount made is not what it should have been. Two inches of snow fall during the night, and if it freezes for two or three nights no doubt a good run of sap will be had.

The price of syrup is now from t1.25 up per gallon. according to quality. ATTRACTIVE SILK Er 11,0111 11.016. Liberty Silk Squares In white, cream, $150 each, Special Easter price Magna Charta Rose Palms, in pots will make four distinct lines of fruit steamers plying here from the West Indies operated by the United fruit company. Steamers will come from Port Limon, Port Antonio, Puerto Plata and Saetia.

The new clipper fishing echooner Duema, Capt lierbert Nickerson, arrived at wharf yesterday from Gloucester, and after a trial spin Sunday will make her maiden trip to the fishing grounds. She is owned by Capt Dexter Malone. Cant Mosquito, of the schooner Mary P. Mosquito, which arrived at wharf yesterday with pounds of haddock and cod, stated that a week ago while the vessel was on Georges, one of the crew, Manuel Paecaco. wan nearly carried overboard by a big 2a5-pound halibut.

Other arrivals yesterday were the schooners Mildred V. Nunan, with 11500 pounds of fish; Mertls IL Perry, pounds; Carrie F. Roberts. 1000 pounds; Magnolia, 4000 pounds; Dauntless, 4.1.0ii pounds Annie and Jennie. 500e pounds; Frank Munroe, :14140 pounds: Philomina Manta, pounds; Vella, M.

Brigham. pounds: Emily Cooney. 13.000 pounds: Seaeonnet, 4100 pounds: Bismarck, 2500 pounds; Agawan, 2000 pounde; Melleta Enos, 1500 pounds: Ellen F. Gleason, 50,000 pounds; Flora S. Nickerson.

48,000 pounds; Colonial, 80,200 pounds. Haddock sore' to tee dealers at $2 to per hundredweight. large cod $3.50, small cod $3. hake $1 to $3. cusk $2.

In the latest issue of the London Fair-play to reLch this country appears nu article stating that the United steamship company of Copenhagen intended withdrawing about 20 of its steamers from ite American service. As this company has been operating a line netween this pert and Copenhagen with endings every three weeks ince It will interest steamship people here to know thet the company make a positive A A you Li W. 1011t1 urutitsnt 04 tiVe Genial or WO statement. anti mat. are expected within a few days.

0 0 on the contrary, they aro arranging to Special Agent Johnson. in charge of 4 second class and steerage passengers to I his port. extend its present services. the treasury agent office In tine 4 0 RA 0 .40 is interested a EVERYWOMAN shout( British steam Steamer Glouceter Cart left er St George, Capt Pugh. city.

was out of town yesterday. Po nothing could be learned at his office know about the wendettli from 'el i ev ea the Plailippines, with a full cargo here last night for Norfolk and Baal- concerning the firm now sumpected of rf 4 of henna. was another late arirval yes- more wrth an excur th sion party of 100 being concerned in latest fraud of r. kr 44 The new Female Syringe, i t- MARVEL Whirling Sera i terday. teachers from Worcester and Lawrence.

the wovernment in tie city. 2 It cl Steamer Oxonian, Capt Colpit ng which It is said that much of the smuggli l'is eanse lost-tinny ti Is overdue from Antwerp, had not been A seve which re easterly storm prevailed whh has heretofore existed in New Sighted Up to dark. She is 17 days out along the coast yesterday. Vesselm ttr- York and Philadelphia has been corn- Askyourtiruggist forte AIL CURES IVIEN 4.1 On a passage that should have been riving late in the day reported a heavy pieteiy suppressed. and as a consequence It' he cannot supply the t) completed in 13 days.

sea running outside the light. beveral certain patties having a knowledge of MARVEL, accept no 44 I 13 1 veseels ontward bound were -held here affairs in thoee cities have put the gov- -s -C Stake No Charge for 'friendly talk. I have hee; other.but sen41 stamp for II- eselusively trettting special diseases of men for 30 years. lustrated book----seeled. It gives t', 1 1 Hon Frank P.

Sargent, commissionr- by the st N4 eorm. The tu Confience, die- general of immigration, made an official patch boat Dolphin and the eonverted ernment officers upon the trail tiL people onSaged In the -contraband" business 'ye, 1. 'I Nothing science eau devise or money buy is lacking in my full particulars and directions In- office equipment. I will use you houestly. treat you shill- valuable tp it '1 tt visit of inspection to the new immigra- gunboat Hi yesterday.

sought shelter in Province- lion detention station at bong wharf town harbor. Cruiser Des -Moines re- yesterday. He expressed himself fl turned to the harbor yesterday and did at this port. Artilleryman Killed by Cannon. in, 41 unadendrtnekeetenIsfeyopuraccatnienuolt.

fully an restore you to health in the shortest time. with Room In call write ter my home cure. Consultation Free. et( ES COTT BROS, 159 Summer Boston greatly pleased, and complimented Col not proceed across the oc(n to join George B. Billings.

commissioner of Im- a the European squadron as expected. LEAVENWORTH, Kan, April 1 Sr 4 I A I 1.5IENTS of men cured la 3 to 10 days without use Nit' for nia untiring efforts in BIG a 1 :9, 0 nning and arranging the details of -1 ARRIVED APRIL I. Sergt James Carroll, Itith battery, II artillery, of Albany, was run over i of poisonous druhei, 4. A VARICOCELL cured without cutting la front I to 10 Big is a non-poisonous remedy if the new quarters. Mr bar ent said tha S.

Tiostoulan Ore Par 51 te- r. i .1 days. rY, "le i 'nfri and killed by a heavy cannon at parade a I. 1 i -lia the station is -second to none in the via Liverpool; eylvania film leinnhee Liver. IV II I CT II cured In 15 days.

without cutting, vain. for all 'wasting weakness, and an) i lir 1 country in equipment. MG. Pitts, Glasgow via Ilan- today. the horses becoming unman- drugs or detention from business.

A 't inflammation, irritation or ulceratiot pa, nix, 21; George irIirfr. isaili. Manila and ageable 1) STATIT1S permanently cured, no matter bow long I Steamship Brighton Celm I elle Girt. Dude. Banes.

Cuba; of mucous membranes. I Nr, danding tho ilisense in from 5 to 2 data Pg.e,,,' POISON Every vestige of poison removed from SOLD BY DRUGGISTS 1, A Orleans yesterday for Saetia, Cuba, ailed from Ne to load a car of ba nanaa for this port. tan, Smith. Philadelphia: Nantucket, 51arch; Baltimore via Norfolk James Whitney. Once Is enotigh to talk about Adam- at it aid of mercury or potash.

New York i ER VO-DEBILITV. Cures qu ck and radical in 20 to or sent In plain wrapper by express quest. M'f'd by the Evans Chemica ili rl I 117- Orleans. She will hereafter run between tlevhe'aialdeno itoiers.rrhi SAILED. son, towing bar on it.

Rheumatism more painful In this climate TRADE! MARK 3 00.. Cincinnati, O. The Fon Botanic Cough Balsam to any one it person, After that he buys it, relks famous 1 "i the II company, built abroad lade 4 4.1.1,VP, VA 10 days by toy fam private prescription. prepaid on receipt of $1.00, or 3 bet vi, 10 some n2onthsage, and being placed ri Carleton; i and Is cured by it A. happy ex- ire, ataw sae Hanson towing barges penance is worth reams of writing 4" In commission she has been plying be- toga and Itebaney.

all Philap delhia 4,, .1 4t Dr. L. R. Willi ties for $2.75. Circular mailed on re ams II Saetla and this) port.

The Brighton's Be. Cataione (Br), Isoutsburg 0 IP, rewster then any other alTliction, cured by re REGISTERED se kirDICAL flourat WINTER a. m. to tt p. re.

6 BOSTON reiritraEncrsProlgV7r4 cargo will be the first ever received in tatha: Boeton Dir), Yarmouth, arription No. 28,11. by Eimer Tiblittkai simple blouse of pinktalitta, orrict. litmdays. 10 to B.

Fit 3 an. Ili ellotioester, Bat- ode Irsut watts at the top and trimmed tha tlint timers via Nor.folin c1 I New York's Master Specialist CURES PILES. Priee $1. al of Cuba- The xi ht Wednesdays and Saturdays till 10 p. tn.

Rh irtilteled banda and rings of the g---on wAtil De One Smiled front' Nantasket roads, tug Lykens, Vse it "for Good-nese sakeSara, Druggists or by mail.Sampk 4 April IL There 1111 be Weekly towing barges Franklin hod Marion. rbilodel- Tooth Powder, You, Mem, 411111111111mill, free. Battings from the new plantations. Thie skia. ol a I 17es vital A twewi ate ...,1 1 a 6 AAA lig -TeKqiiil ertitittkai Simple blouse of pink itafttla, Wade vtat plaits at the top and trfnmied With Otte led bands and rings of the sink from Glasgow.

She brought 62 second class and steerage passengers to this port. British steamer St George, Capt Pugh. from the Philippines, with a full cargo of hemp. was another late arirval yesterday. Steamer Oiconian, Capt Colpitts, which Is overdue from Antwerp, had not been sighted up to dark.

She is 17 days out on a passage that should have been completed in 13 days. Hon Frank P. Sargent, commissioner-general of immigration, made an official visit of inspection to the new immigration detention station at bong wharf yesterday. He expressed himseit fl greatly pleased, ond complimented Col George B. Billings.

commissioner of Immigration, for nis untiring efforts in planning and arranging the details of the new quarters. Mr Sargent said that the station is -second to none in the country in equipment. Steamship Brighton sailed from New Orleans yesterday for Saetia. Cuba, to load a cargo of bananas for this port. The Brighton Is one of the steamers of the United fruit company, built abroad some monthsage, and since being placed in commission she has been plying between ports in the Caribbean and New Orleans- She will hereafter run between Saetia and this port.

The Brighton's cargo will be the first ever received In Beaton from the plantations in that of Cube- The Brighton wM be due April IL There will be weekly Battings from the new plantations. This -wtuphi. I EN mond. You' driggfat 1 1114141ALA ow Lava we Ilow ylautations. denial of the statement, and that, on the contrary, they aro arranging to extend its present services.

Steamer Gloucester, Capt left here last night for Norfolk and Balti- more wIth an -excursion party of 100 teachers from Worcester and Lawrence. A severe, easterly storm prevailed along the coast yesterday. Vessels arriving late in tho day reported a heavy sea running outside the light. tievoral vessels ontward bound were heild hero by the storm. The tug Confidence, dispatch boat Dolphin and the converted gunboat Dist sought shelter in Province-town harbor.

Cruiser Des Moines returned to the harbor yesterday and did not proceed across the ocean to join the European squadron as expected. ARRIVED APRIL Ss, Bostonian (Br). Parry, Manchester, Eng, via Liverpool; Sylvania fBri. Don ng. tan (Br).

Pit ts, Glasgow via Hall-fa Georgo (Iir). Pugh. Manila and Cebu; Lillie (Br). Dude. Banes.

(2ulia: tpartan, Smith. Philadelphia: Nantucket, Baltimore via Norfolk; James Whitney, Grove. New York. Fell Maiden Rogers. Philadelphia.

Tugs. Prudence, Derrickson, towing barge Carleton; Uatawissa. Hanson. towing barges Logan and Ida.banoy, all Philadelphia. SAILED.

H. Cataione Mr), Louisburg. 0 BLBrewster (Gar), Bones. Cu (Br), Boston 1.1 rii fit Croix. St John, Glouoester, Bed, timers via Norfolk.

Sailed from' Nantmket rogds tug Lrkena, towing bargee Franklin and Marton. are expected within a few days. Special Agent Johnson, in charge of the treasury agent's office in this city. was out of town yesterday. so nothing could be learned at his office concerning the firm now suspected of being concerned in the latest fraud of the government in this city.

It is said that much of the smuggling which has heretofore existed in New York and Philadelphia has been complete, suppressed. and as IL consequence certain p3ities having a knowledge of affairs in those cities have put the government officers upon the trail oL people engaged In the -contraband" business at this port. Artilleryman Killed by Cannon. LEAVENWORTH, Kan, April 1-1 Sergt James Carroll, Nth battery, 11 artillery, of Albany, was run over and killed by a heavy cannon at parade today. the horses becoming unmanageable.

Once Is enough to talk about Adam-Foil Botanic' Cough Balsam to any one person, After that he buys it, relks on it, and is cured by it. A happy experience 1 worth reams of writing, 4" Mau matism mere painful In this climate thou any other agliction, cured by pre scription No. 2811. by Eimer Amend," Pse it "for Good-nese Tooth Powder, Your dontitit rattails, monde It You Dr. TRADE MARK REGISTERED INew York's Master Specialist 1 0 I Stake No Charge for 'relendly talk.

I have beet; eselusively treating special diseases of men for 30 years. Nothing CIPIICe cau devise or money buy is lacking In my office equipment. I will use you honestly. treat you skillfully and restore you to health in the shortest time. with the least medicine, discomfort and extense practical.

I guarantee to cure any case I undertake. If you cannot call write for my home cure. Consultation Free. A I 5IENTS of men cured in to 10 days without use of poisonous drugs. ARICOCELE cured without cutting in frotn I to 10 days.

STRICTURE cured in 15 days. without cutting, pain. drugs or detention from business. I' it 0 STATITIS permanently cured, no matter bow long danding the disease, in from 5 to 20 days. POISON BLOOD.

Every vestige of poison removed from without aid of mercury or potash. VO-DEBILITV. Cures quick and radical in 20 to '10 days by toy own famous private prescription. L. R.

Williams PArDICAL Hours I 6 WINTER m. to a1 p. m. orrice. Sundays.

10 to 8. BOSTON Wednesdays and Saturdays till 10 p. rn. EVERY WOMAN Is Interested and should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vernal Syringe. It cleanses instantly.

Ask yourdruggist forit. If be cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no otber, but send stamp for 14 lustrated booksettled. It gives full particulars anti directions in- tralnuble toladies. MA RVEL 111 Boom 444, Times New York. For 0-ilia by PRESCOTT BROM, 159 Summer Boston.

on. BIG a Big is a non-poisonous remedy for all wasting weakness, and any Inflammation, irritation or ulceration of mucous membranes. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, or sent in plain wrapper by express, prepaid on receipt of $1.00, or 3 bottles for $2.75. Circular mailed on request. M'f'd by the Evans Chemical Cincinnati, O.

PILES creAlNielif It; Ks and 94P I 60 ST; II Druggists or by roall.Ss mole tS druggist Ilene It, mo, foss tt labia 4.

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