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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wee I 0 el THE BOSTON GLOB E--'1VEDN ESDA Y. SEPTEMBER 10. 1902. Li HIS RIVA 21 111 the tteer make daily calls at his garden. eomlog from the wrawis that furrcuosi the house.

ant eat hit corn awl AVIcutver he lit eas them he drives ttem out ot tut gahlon. hut they have toot pea IllaTIO that they roily Illesontwr a short Olstanee to re-turn lk Zle to he Inf141 ttfq haek. Itarbel srlre tenets I or 5 feet high trove to harrier to these tilmblo Slit male. ant they vault over the ohstrowt ion easliy. Nrnn O'CLACK: EA! a UNDER THE ROSE.

David B. Henderson May Mee Congressional District. a I IF BOIES IS 0, I Beiff Growing.That Speaker Defeat in the 3c1 Iowa oeL 1 1 A 4,7 3 3 7 P'S 4 "lite 4 4 'rt I k'7, tt'A v- 11 AO ft 44-, 11 1 i-, A I i :5 i' 4. A 41f I 'I- -----r--4 A 4, ie l'w IPI 4 1. 4e I de --4'' (4, I 0.00, 4,,..

itil t.11 i i -0, LA s' ,....,....1,......1 ip-iii- --S-, 1.11'' 414" il ,,4., 1-: 4 ft 3, 1 tr t' -i 4, i 1 --z--------J- A I''''' rdifrill.ntal. ic 'k'N "7--------'77 "011.7''.",.:'1.'-'7:r:'..-----'.-.':Z E.7.. 0. e.1---- TA, I 't v. i 7 I 41,110 Ir 1, i I '--A---- -1---- -Z, r' --elk i'' oi.r 1 i .1 I "2A.

1 so.mre UP2Z A- -z 7 A II, 1. loes.w.,7, 4, 4.1...........414. 41 Ics r. :::1. V.

I A BONO or LAM nos deep of the ponde sine. As4 Wit bey for love. for I 110 yon on: 0. dist troo aloe. Isith yorJr ton amine, And bry tor lore.

for lora eloa so! The sea nes violet. deep anti wide. Sty bean beats btsb erith tbe rosblog tido; EAT a sv It (mom betorod. be overtill Sing torol tor 10t tor I lore hiso so," O. little boot on tbe towdog ware.

food tot bore. for I toe bits so: 0. tall pine lose ta tb billows kal for lave. for I love Nm Americans andBritish. The little sate Men tit giratalng sad I ten et In tho tom on tb Nod; at There is now pending in the parita- trent of Italy a measure called ite Ger In an Illialleuverst Jourralitt'a contract hkn hats ben introduced for the purpose of pro- teeting the rights of newspaper me.

It proettirs that after two months of factory service an editor. reporter. cot- respcnZrot or other employe of a sere-ee1 sPer in a literary capacity shall be vntitled to et for not thar two years. and that the employer lor or the employed may have Generals Establish Most the right to detriani a contract to that effect ir writing. If tltere' is no the equities are the to rr Th mere act of retainieg 3.

man after z. tri.d of to months. or of his Friendly Retalionsi reentening at his poet for that term. is to be considered equivalent to. st two Yeait ccntract.

In the event that a newspaper shall change its politi7s and. Any of the editors shall decline to sup. tort its new policy with Lis pen. ne may released from Ilia obligations. hot shall he entitled to indemnity to one- 1 half of the salary ha would draw if he Lord Roberts and Gens French, until the end of his two 'ears.

If a newspaper becomes bankrupt the upon Hamilton and Kelly-Kenny Have th, forte hall the first lien torerty for their salaries. Precedence Over Army Offi J. The Ital'an parliament is careful to cultivate the correspondott who ride at Rotne. They have free cers by Reason of Higher Nonn-! transportation over the, government tail cers by Reason of Higher Nomi 1 19IAtl tier tytre on Ilovore At. Master I-; nk I tottnell is visiting Master boo of Cie An MO h011fwilold- for Mrs bury rndorwood.

wte i alio died at the gonoral I imsoital a brief iiimess. i wTe held at hor home on Fhorrnan et, r'onton. at Via this afternoon. atilt a attendance of and relativesrinity Hey lleorgo rector it of Evistotai parsh. i officiad.

1 At to corn insion of the ci eorse at to the otse Mrs I' miwoo erti's holly as ti.11'1 i "ro 1 vrema te.i. I Miss Lynch and Stearns of Has- ton aro littleNtle fit tho home of Milotes and Itialt-lia a of Nor- 1 folk st. Junction. Julitt J. tourham 14 tiloyinir Liu vacation.

and with 1114 wife and thildrori I left yestrrday for Quincy. whore they 1 wilt top the guestit of Mrs liurhaM'a parents. owl Mra IlArria. Th. Y.

P. C. IL. tityciliary to tht. first Universalist parish.

held an important iniginesA meeting In the memorial house parlor, It evening. at a filch for fin active campaign for the approaching winter months wore formulated. A gjf.ft. ilw p.m of social -Intercourse marked the dose of the watherinor. POWERS' POSITION I WillU1111 I owe elote I Bay State Congressman Discusses In Open Letter the Tariff and the I Price of Meats.

The following letter is explanatory: r. liesseltine. Esquire. 10 Tremont Keeton: "Dear Sir--I am In receipt of your open letter of Aug La bleb you request me to antiwer theffollowing questions: "FirstDo you think the tariff on meats has helped the beef trust to main. tail the high prices of meats at bome? 'Secon4-110 you not think that the tariff on Meats has raised the price of meats? yo't in favor of reducing or abolishing the duties on meats? "'FourthCannot the above questions be answered by yes or nor "Your letter assumes the existence of a beef trust la this country suniciently powerful trt fix anti maintain the prices ormeat products to the consumer.

and your questions would seem to Imply that the prfnent tariff duty upon 't he importation of meats operates as an aid to the trust in controlling the priee. and that its removal would result In a lowering of the priee to the COTISIIMPr if I were satisfied of the correctness of your position on this question. I Phould certainly favor the abolition of the present duties ou meat produets. "(tut would the removal of the duty tend to remo-ly the evil? Suppose sissump. ter the purpose of argument.

that the great packing concerns. some four or live In number. doing business in this cfnintry. have entered into a eembhiation which amounts to a trust for the of fiXing Mild maintaining the price of meat to a consumer with a lea of obtaining large profits. and that the present high price of meats is wholly due to this unlawful combination.

tho trust Is able to fix and maintain a high prlee to the consumer. then is because it centrols the supply of the th-eduet. and If it is able to control the sueoly of the products hi this.coun. try which Is by far the greatest meat prtocing country in the world, would it not also control any limited supply hich woould find its way to our markets from (foreign countries as a result of the removal of the duty? I 41,1 ws, has beoti tronuotitlY 'rloarnd that 1 res AEI 11 EST rts ER 'RC. 0.

1 Iv, -tvp-ks al 6 1 6 Li; 1.661 TO! I 2 Sap- 1 I 1111 ay ft tvt Ro I'V'ttp4 tol ickt TO! lo EX. GOV HORACE BOI ES, Possible Rival of Speaker Henderson in 3d lowa Congressional District In 3d lowa Congressional District. nal Rank Accorded Them---Count Von Waidersee Admired. nays. free use of the government tvie: graph riot telephone lines.

and a room is set part for their USP at th generAt There is a most irtetesting situation 1 building. with free statiororY. In district. the 4,1 ressenrers to do their errands. abt.

Iowa congressional. The speaker tall the prIncipal papers and books of taken the people of his 41striet 1 :4 fertnee for their The rreSi thin throat and told Clent they mu-it aeeent 1 ef Lome if; furnished sumptuous quar- his of the national ttuation nolens 1 Itcr4 in cne of the 01,1 ratace, rt.s.:e ct, velem. No candidate ever nuole a deela. 1 clial gc. and receives a liktit)Pitiy of to.issi ration more or the wishes of I i tire the public treasury to who lifted him to pelitleal power.

i 1 in tile paymt vf its expenses. Whether or not the people tit Hensler- i on district will continuo to pernnt I him to thus openly Insult their wishes i I have often wondered how conductors and belittle their titterances is it eines- heavy trains keep their tion which only the etection will answer. temper and attend to the responsible It Is certainly the sentiment in 1 business they have in hand. Some raw- western of the state. among surger' are so inconsiderate that it people outsile Ilerviersons district.

that I takes atmout all the Patienee a condnetor the citizens Of his dlatrict. who a re tin- has to treai them politely and at the Pressed with the necessity for radical same time enforce the roles of Ms corn tariff charges. not them. One if the kind Of men who can selvts to be humiliated by a man i gl throafeh a heavy train sith celerity. possessing nothing but a most take tickets quickly and answer guppies "serYletleY to the corporate interests I ei shi el irgnt nt Ice is" passengers promptly Is conductor the botteles of the Lt.

tion i Goss of the Eastern dicision Of the which is pli.aSing for a retention ton it Maine. Ile IS In charge of some tariffs to reecmmeni him to (elo-f A ny i-1 the of the most Important trains on th hzer til tanuce ster branch. where there is an its I enormous summer travel. and does his silver Wstion ha removed of oy ccork In a mrinner equally satisfactory tereitiett linen the part man re- peti: are not iy I i to his company and the traveling publio. who hid bowl i rstioctates and party tenets as 1.

1 i 1 the fecling that their 1 business have In hand. Some ra surger' are so Inconsiderate that it takes ahout all the patience a conductor has to treai them politely and at the same time enforce the rules of Ms corn piny. One the kind of men who can throa4h a heavy train with celerity. take tickets quickly and answer quo I passengers promptly IA conductor Goss of the Eastern diision Of the Was, ton Ar. Maine.

IIS IS in charge of some of the most important trains on trio tanucester branch. where there is an unormous rummer travel. and does his ilsork In a Winner equally satisfactory to his cconrany and the traveling rublk. 1 it GREASED RAILS. Boys' Pranks Will Land Them in Court, Eight Norwood Young Men indicted by Norfolk Grand Jury.

Mischief Said to Have Caused Serious Acciltnt NORVVOOD. Sept leActing Chief of Police Creed will today place under arrest several boys who have been Indieted by the grand jury of Norfolk county for greasing the car tracks on the Old Colony street railway on the evening of July 3 last. The action of the boys which seems to have been intended as a mere piece of fun suited to the night before the Fourth. caused an accident which almost resulted In the loss of human life. The armlet; now being maete are the result of clever and peculiar detective work on the part of Mr Creed and a railroad Inepector of the Old Colony road.

It will relieve many anxious fathers of boys not implicated to read the names of the indicted boys now publisbel for the first time in any paper. They are as fellows: William Fulton, 1Vashingten Daniel Brennan. Pleasant- at; Paul Stuntczner. Cedar et; Albert Meyers. Chapel st: Richard Leary, Plepsant st; Fred Buttrick.

Dean et: Charles M. McDonald. Dean at; John McDonald. Dean t. These eight boys and young men range in ages from 15 to 20.

cme of good N'orwood families and It le only justice to the unfortunate young men to say that. according' to the author'. tire there is no reason to It uppo s4? that there was any actual malice on the part of the boys. It is believed that they had no idea whatever of the serious aecident which was to follow their mischievous pranks. The true story of the affair.

Recording to the authorities. as developed against the iteNIPP 1 boys. is as follows: The night before July 4 eight boys in a 'Orli of mieehlef daubed with the traeks of the Old Celony street railway in Norsocel. on a in ma 11 but eteep hill. which leads from a siding the railway in front of the Norwood l'rees through the so-called -Subway." wl-ere the street cars pass the New York, New Haven Ilaitford steam railroad bridge.

The plan the boye waft to have the sport of watching the ear from East Walpole try to climb the Foaped track. But the soap did not wtyrk. as the nest car passed up the hill safely and without difficulty. The boys then seane ear grease from freight cars fel the New Haven tracks and proceeded to grease I the rails of the treet ear line. ThIA he rails of the vtreet car line Thi24 stood the test of over half a century, with increasing sales every year.

For the weak and debilitated, and in dyspepsia. i NEW ynnK. Sept 14--Moet cordial re- le telephone statien. The georals were bitters hav been established between of the In every part lot' the. terrain and moved their forces the Ilritish and generals about in a manner often quite meanirgten ling the rnur 50.0)11.) German the observers.

-who. with the ald troope near Frankfort-on-Oder. cab ett ef strongest glasees. could Only the London eorrespondent of the Til-ISeo distance of ebout tw-o Int14.5. the being roiiing aril partly woteled.

tnre. YoltIng and French natUrally i rt each other as cavalry leaders. artiliecy duel with occasional an I Lord Roberts anl Gen Corbin are between cavalry. The infantry did not get into action. The German Ltood cornraelons.

although not well in stature. Gi.n of deferxe cantured one gun from the but this was immediately ing an outspOken and easy talker. also retaken by the invadera. 1.1, F. the Anterhante Gens Wood anli A cavalry detachment of the blues fell Kelly-Kenny are pratical men of tine 'into the hands of the Invaders'.

who. abilit a organizers. at end of the day, had gained the It liVt re reaty to Eiritisn generals. tieing a field marshal and generals. out- Emner.o- William.

ne umpire of the rank the two major generals rnaneuvere. visit.el both Wiese T. and Lrig Gen Wood. and have prece- eezn eneets were ettached to th e. reds.

or the Ressians. and when Em- tierce in and court tune- larer M.11.1am was on that tlie wag fl1Ia urroended hy a stroup of tor, Gott Corbin ankl the other vigil in rich uniforms The American viettore. Gens Corbin. Young are earticulartY impressed with the and Wood and thstr aids. wore ity of Count on Waldersee.

The rew fatigue uniform of the renvers probably will confirm the im- The emperor looked the Ameri'- presslons Gens Corbin and Young Lan over (lvely and to Gen forme" al the preliminary parades. Corbin he th zglit rieir uniforms were eamelv. that the superiority Of the Ger- ht a shtie. Int is mt aje.stty. man caalry is due to the systematic si le the lines of tLe arrangements for breeding liorsee for Wiz the Atne0tns in every ay military purpopes.

and that the German "rro.911":': cote eommander-in-el-ice method artt llery. organiza- the' wore tt. hIu field ti.n is ad tcrots to con- uniform, but French and erate the ef guns with over-: Mr itreeirick. the ilritish war see-retary. were clad i.

siak whelming ettect. Emperor William lodged lit night at the castit. vi here the empress is also I 'HARLOViET--7- WOODVARD THE ORICINATOR -or Cut-Price Drug Stores FOUNDER or flortfrultural Print and ot WOODWARD's Blue Stare 01:11 Rainbow lugNk And no lontor connneted it r-tm WILL OPEN HIS NEW AND ONLY DRLIC STORE, 12 BROMFIELD SI Ne-er WaftbingtAs Ft TOMORROW, THURSDAY, A BO -Or-- H. D. FOSS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES FREE TO, EVERY CUSTOMER on 1 oprbirg 1it Tilt 111111.1.


I I. 131, 41 t. 1, ro at baitrime traelfee terhys aiR preloqui1 1. earmis liFA i itts is hen (runt NO Al AT 11121t Ali it VI' Fitt011 A A 1101-111-3' 1..11 eau 0.2r I. bt iirC It it 1: ti 1.1 St.

I 1 fms ail tkilut arti-tos, ettnellt. et.ehr.... 1.fik. Vitt.70ts ail 1St01 314 ther 1041rt: al HARLOW E. OD WARD -1-t: I 12Bromfield Near Wastfragton St.

RALLIES IN CAMoRIDGE. Manifested by the Sap-porters of Aylward and Sennett. hrste htld the second. rp7rpFentativf- dittrict. crnprst.r.: or wed; formerly 411., war4 TT- tirPre very enthusiastic.

every. point by tile different meetings sire brilliant array of spertkers. Ex-Alderman William C. A. Mullen.

formerly trivate to Mayor insinh Quincy; O'Neil of the Son-pi-61'1p Joseph J. GI rtally of the two randitlates. Ntessrli Aylward and Winsor ward 3, was packed 1.1e doors. Kr E. Kennedy was chairman.

Bowen presided at thee-1-u anti at Iteit Jack-t hall, Kenny was chairman. Will Work for Edit-Jr of the Giolfer-1 opt-e-kirs in the this morning that 17 ay: Llsr-rb Shine- Irer1i from the Conryitien 1 0.1 Tio'y tne tail thi4 afternoon of Congresmari JO.I.Ppl rerorts the corirtr-ry A. Corir! pt 1. -4 2 LOW RATES TO POINTS IN IAiO, UTAH, WASHINGTON, OREGOii, BRITISH -Of Privileges. full partitulars to 11 ill NI.

LI P- WasLingtcs Xio 11(7 1 i an's Ibis utsal tbiovi.ltse;ed I Pootrt 0.11,4, trt-n. It evatatre I er4.411- la I II 11115e and yet taLtr 4' Lit 11..,. N.1.1.4 i-. atadies sod I bo e'lir astered VARII 1ITRICTI'RF. k.

1 At.1E Ft 00D NIKVGAITAL tofrAtItill atol rill ill.oaos ard yk-attvees, No ilJk bo II ittxut II. A 4 au bit, ft LI Inc Ittrir to It tIttor. tho 1 kr, 0 edged Atiotr.rso Authority a Vs-f (qv 'I to DOCTOR II El I Ik M. Irr now sirrot. 14116 Cs" or write trods.n toestiosios as pore I A Al WELLS CO-, 91 t'itirt (Oita? Equare.

Ar-Lit CRAN1 rOltD Vol II 1 r. let -ate t4'1, Uft I 05. MN. 2., el 4 ja11141 A Irr 7 i 1.ticoo.;.' l' A4 i tioer Lit it frnite them if thy te Lot (7otisition ticket. IA hen to tlis is a Med Ito prorosed itominatiln by 1 atz today lioits tino-tter uncertlinty remove I.

for no one ran sottitest ittit.nt certain iIt Ett-GoV III rut ti.11 to the Eliver Hea if tle(t91 td) Vonglitlas. nt- minatical of I lora 1 In a to ttinq sense. cut tin ehhores ef lionltrsorfit from tittel to Gnv do A Us even. and ittioer exosting conditions It IS eVen that senvAlling like one and ene-nalf to et. the ot way might be comell red 1 a "rens( nabic propositicn.

Speaker Ilentiersons chances of re- I electi.n. have sadly In the past few days. and with the nomihation of :tole.4 the most active cant- paigner of the democratic party of Iowa Est-t-IV 5 Ilcnderstes ettancts Will rontintie to diminish. and from present indications the deteriorating process will continue until the republi-an majority la his district shall have been wiped Only somethinc not nos ecnceivable can cause a cessation of the slump I which is now evident in liendersons district. and which may yet reach a i magnitude sufficient to retire him to 1 private life.

HENDERSON. i -5-: i 4' s' 4 -4 i. Pr''''' o42 4 a 4 4 tt 'of I 46' 't 'I'or i '-on, 0,, 4 ,,,...4 4 4:,,, I 'Z- 'VI 1 164-1, $, 4 IC, 1. t. A7.1 4 4 jet 74.

'I 1..." 4 S' 'At'S'e ,4 c'k. i 'k --'7, lc tr i' 't'e4 i -4'. 4 iiti 1 St' ,.74::.:.,: 1...,. 4 .,,,,..6 4,, it, 1, 0 ''F i it-, i 1 147- ,1 .,,...4:,,,,04 e'- 141g 7 i 434 '1 tIkt 00,. opf 4 4 11., kt f.

1 thebeef trust not only controls the i ccmplisheal the purpose. The next car i 12 price to the consumer. but also the i was unable to climb the hill. A request fo- assistance VHS sent ahead to the car i k. 4 prita to the seller.

and that the ranch- man an 1 i 1 farmer are forced to he bell from Forest Hills. whieh aas waitina I a theta live atock at a prase fixed by tes the siding at the top cif the bill. in trust-In other wonis. that the trust abstautely controls the market both as front al the Norwood Press. The ma! to the producer and the consumer.

lumen Matted his car down the hill 1 1 levity. It gained mornentum so fast "If that be true. thennelther the con- ee tin twhaaeud1datbye. bTehne- that the motorman realized that aorne- 1 RAL remaval of the duty vrotild necessarily thing was wrong. Ile made desperate I result in competition between the farmers itt Canada anti those in the United but vain efforts to Mop his car.

bravely I Enthusl reason i mit king to his post in the face of an in- I porter States. but who would gain by of etch co io mpetitn? evi table cell ialen. 1 Three ell. is aelt-eviaent that the tenet would The. car aliot ratally down the steep i be bentalted, inasmuch ait it would be hill.

and the crash came. The movine 1 ht in ilve enabled han to it buy Its product at sinc a it i car da Into the car at the foot of price now does; and 4 rind 5 able ta tlx and Tnniatain the price to the the 1.111. Niotorman Flanigan and a pas- audience! aenta consumer. It would reap even larger Patrick J. Burke of East Wel- by apipa prolita than it now does.

pole-, were very seriously injured. $ev- 4 "It is well known that the largearack- peakers. eral passengers were bady though les at ing cotwerns of this country are engaged The dill in the purchase of cattle. sheep and i aeriously hurt. Brave motorman Flan- i ur a brill ta-taa.

which they slaughter. dress. ells- lean. it is reported. still feel! to some' Inc 1.1:x.

tribute anti PCii to the retailer. The extent the effects of the accident. prof-luta they buy is really tbe raw ma- 1 Nir Thorr An investigation made the street! t. terial. and that whieh they sell is, in ecretary one "tense.

the finished produet. A railway company anti it employes I A I it in "As long as these packing coneerns elitist-gal Clot the track on the hill had 1 Iteta let a combinittior rti al been ea vily greasel. the car market Just long ui lle hee. li that cootiota down could not by any known 1 Nir tet a. ntd by the retnoval of all duties on the raw mattrial which they purchase.

To lala 11 of gravity be controlled. ditiates. 1- i At my mind. the removal of the duty would That night and the follong mr1117 the wi and toile reetzit in henetlt to the trust and of tha Fourth intenae excitem er -re I i tt II no benefit hatever to the consumer. hich it be true that -these packing con- 'called in Norwoad.

Thrre is an element 1 Thomas cerna hare entered Into a combination cf old timers in the town who have' Fran nd a to fix a maietain the priee of the althea-to held that almost any of whieh they sell to the public. ward 4. t) evilment wait permlavible on the night hen the have entered into an unlawful Copt Joh catnitination whioh amounts to a con- before the Fourth. On one previceis spiracy.

for which they are amenable to ante-Foarth celebration an old lady. Th, the federal law. anti the government has 1ho was more than 100 years of age. already inatieuted proceedings which. if th been practitn Tr To all fri htene to the fact alleged are true.

should result trie not only in diatolving anti enjoining death. This year the people who want-1 such combination. but al so in the pun- eil i verything cononed and the boye PaPerS I ishmt nt of the offenders. Malawi. I of the fact.

freely forgiven ran against an aroused' ape must nut lose sight Wilmout however. that tap of meat public opinion and a set of street rail-1 J. sh proaacts are today Mali throughout the war. men who were thoroughly an-1 I desist fr world. an it is chinned by those who riglIteously mad.

They also ran againat I qu aanatal have made a etudy of the cpiestion. that a vazliant police. stirred int to extra 1 callous tti the resent prevailing hlgh prices are hituel due to a falling or in the tiro- rv ll actty by the hical presa. Intense in. intereat duct ten of beef.

particularly in the dignation prevailed in Norwood an i a re ti Fur- man ling. United States. reuittling towns. coupled with an in-1 his. if true.

is doubt oubt largely due crenaine. continuo as demand that the to the abti anonment ef rattle raising on affair ahould be investigate-I and the many of thee large ranchea in the west aral anuthwest. At the urea. nt time the parties brought to justtiae. I farm( ra of Na and tile middle The police have been halal at work on states are onee metro turning their atten- the 3 Se ever since the incident rap- lion to the inlustry of raising cattle pened.

and the result of their atone is for the market. which was largely ttbateloned some years ago on the ad- the arrest thia week of the partlein at-'I nt of the ranch industry in the west. eiqe1 I .0. "Nevertheless. the United States is The eolving of the mystery la a great Mill a great country and a lara exporter to foreign markets.

relief to the people of Norwood in more A It the prefteat With price is due to a wave than one. A certain stigma attach. searcity of production the situation will ing to the town from a belief that ...,1 roon remedv itself. "If It in doe to the exietene o. of the juvenile rascality la never punished here ht ef trust or eomallie the rerrody must is removed.

Some Norwood parents who be fount hi ever present (aleral statutes. have not felt sure that their own chit- were rot implicated will now feel and if they do not furnish sin ample remedy ha must la. enacted that will. "It certainly would be a meet remarks More at peaceable and lamentabie elnidition of affairs The arrest of the boys alit.) disposes It a trust were permitted to exist on of a persistent rumor beard ever since our own soil with power and authority the Fourth that there were girls en- to maintain and extort trices for the itecessaties ot out of ttue relation to gaged In the affair. This rumor has the cost of production.

been proven groundlees. "If the best remedy against the extra- Alreve all. whatever the courts may Pnee of pitch an evil is in the removal of mete out to the boya. It Is a relief to know that there is no malicious motive moti II le the enactment of further legirlation shown in the affair. and that in spite then I Manta ready to vote for a twill leg- of Its sad results it was in intent a mere friation.

piece Of boyieh misehlef. "If congretts las not the authoritY the conetitution. an It now stands. te enact siteh leaislation as may be nee ul) If cheaer wAsfil I. Fe an evil.

then I vor amentiment of the constitu- tionsate will confer noon emigre-tie ample articles were aethority to deal-with the sitesition. 1)1 -1 twee not answered all your quas- 6 6 9 II tionts by yes tit. no. you suggeet In JUS as good yaur last interrogatorv. but I trust I (S 0 I lieve attester-eat them folly.

and that I JOHAIN HOFF'S have mole my estaition clear to you. IMEMMENIN IMEIMENEMEMEMENIMEI "Fillee Yeti Publiaheti your letter to me re te Some of the lloattm nowapapers. you EXTFACT tv. ate at to Ilitdiett ills letter. tf aaamantaae "TM desire to do so.

I remain very truly 369 yeure. Sanal Powers. "Center Ilarbor. IL Aug 19." nnnla nnt hv I at'akal talt could not have Enthusiasm Three night in 4 and S. audiences ily applaoding speakers.

ThP by a Inc Nix. Thomas secretary John H. board. Nir Nir Po ter and othcrs. At the which Thomas Frank wird 4.

Copt John They To the meat tnst papers NViltnotat Ick J. drsa a esuous,et ry. ail t5t-in ling Boston. VERY MONTANA, (St For tAI. 369 't.

re INVADERS GAIN. tits, ink t.111 11 1.11.10 relativ tra es I I I --ttli-tznialieitv 14 not using his autcvm o- klo to be bile tn maneuvers. the empress bay- Mr Jennison went to the Spanish-Hold Best Position in German War lug reale mai not to do so be- Anierican a a second lieutenant. eauate of her fear arising from hP recent GarreCavalry Brushes and Ai-, large number of anteanot tie itecidents. i Miss Clessen again wynt abroad and finery Duets Features.

the general fitriePrP ilk' tpip the couple Met last year OPttsrld. I motor cars ler qi.l:k trarishr front one Mr Jerinlon upon his return hnme proFRANtiFt 1The art of the ti to another. 1 te se.) to Miss (lessen by mail. sending wael maneuvers began yestrday. A Next of thst th letter to St Petersburg.

whither she and sunit spread tf eou ntre to ii: I and the Nother4 Tirrtittri ll'hd gone. She acrepted him. but the the west of here was co ered ny parites visitors and the high German offieers letter never reached him. Recently Mr of cavalry. searching the hollows a rd vi ho have been cone.erned In the war Jet-bison and Miss tia.sen met bY the eoeds for the irony.

or game- 1 ebance at Atlantic. CRY end explanaseeking to eat, it glimpses of him from the rilges. by Vatteries gallopire into ac- CONDUCTOR ED EASTMAN DEAD! tioris cleared up the misunderstanding. tion wheat tied is let. Had Charge of Paper Train from 1 I.Ps.

and by Iyric line el' riftent. 1 The tops of the trees in the suburbs. athaneing along a front Hal- i Concord. H. here and there.

are beginning to look as loons swung hbilt in the air and 1 PLYMOUTH. H. S.1-t laConductor 1 if thcv bad been swent by lire. Al-were maily 1.gris aged 41. 4.f the Boston though the grass is green and the air is ti ity.

NI tine railroad. who for many years hal hainly. the leaves have turned a dui! Yii a rtilery. of hich the charge of the paper train from Concord brown without having hzn nipped by reds ant defer. ling l'Iu'''' to Gr ye ton Jen-Aion.

died this sharp frosts. The landst one is marred Pi Ut I'V. r'i'''s "'HI' Into .1111 morniug of heart cnseato at his home: ta the Cial admires the beautiful. Vlore re so in is of irregular in 1 tils is a warning to the ewnere of esaleng the far t'Itt'n led fr nts. Mr left tits trien a teek agl.

tastes that tho vigorous warfare against or lgid miles i-i the rear of the but was not thought tep brown-tall moth v-hteh V. witgA11 ratting lines mere ie nerals corn- to bp wf a scrious nature. He was one last winter and oaring must again tv th" two to Gen Von et the best known railroad men in the etnewed as soon as cold v.eititer has Stueir axe, of the- re is. to are con- and bad be. by th driven this devouring fraternity sidd.r.'d an i ng nvadi Rassian army.

and eihratiy fr the past ytars. lie hearty eaters into their iibetterleg lnts Von Lienitz of the itu.s,, alio ill, a wIfe and one chit I. He was a at the tads of the branches. the role of the Gentian defending army memtker c.f. Pranch A.

pruning sheen; attar-be-1 t3 tong rotes Fled telegraphs Fpread fanlike from an't A. M- chaYt1Te 61 will rather the pests quickly ant easily the headquarters of Path twtsg.r:nieerraorel ard flr will destroy them. It Is one of general to the Pxtn le-I fronts. and on the eo atif god citizenship. over- nearly every elevation was i Elie funeral arrangements are not looked by President Roosevelt in his I completed, It is expected that St fler- New sneeches.

for every man ar.litonnetniery will take charge of the 1 Burial 'will be made in Ply- to thl his premises so far as potmlble of I outh I the InAects which trouble not only hlm I mouth. I ine insects st men trourne not only Classons relatives sail the war The tops of the trees in the suburbs. here and there. are beginning to look as If they had been went by Itre. Although the grass is green and the air is hairtlY.

the leaves have turned a duil brown without having hzn nipped by sharp frsts. The- landst trle is marred to the Clat adtztires the beautiful. This is a warning to the owner. of es-tastes that the vigorous warfare against the brown-tail moth v-hich was wagtd lam winter and spring must Pgain rtnewed as soon as cold weither has: driven thls devouring fraternity of hearty eaters into their sheltering lnts at the cods of the branches. Pruning Stedn; OttatelieI tqp iOng rOIPAI will rather the of PIS quickly ant easily will destroy It Is one of the duties of good citizenship.

looked by Presilen! Roosevelt in his New Etiglanel troceehes. for every man to tlal his premises Po far as possible of the insects which trouble not only I Wr.shicaton society hits much Interest in the approaching marriage of Mips Meta Classtt. a membcr of an arlsto: tratic Virginia family. well known in this city. and Eduard IV Jennison of rtila.lelphia.

Mr Jennison live yeArs ag imterEled his life and saved Miss from drownirg et Itrighton tystch. Ens. There had been no r.culaaintanoe between them. The coapie fell in love with each other. but 1 over-I I recreation ground in connection with the Boston park system.

This was an error. 'be belong to Hon Joseph H. O'Neil. Congressman Co litus did get the necessary through, but it was vetoed by President Cleveland. acting on the recommendation of the secretary of war.

air Endicott. who refused to sanction the trarsfer of the island. It also appears that the area taken from the city for the new lighthouse depot hi LS acres instead of IS acres as fIrst stated. when the letter of the acting secretary of war notifying' Mayor etigns of the intentions of the derartment was made public Mondav arternoon. Every one in a bile this proposition to restore the intent sprtng in Spring lane la revived.

IteV Dr Bale Ss the first to suggest It. sosen or eight years ago. it I am not mistaken. It le a very pretty gentimentto give modern Bostonians an opportunity to their thIrsts at the bgbblIDE Ito rum exll litter cl I 'girl 1 Itained myself to be cheerful la7ways. and to look on the bright PI'IP of life.

I Lave rover been really angry. Aleent the tics( st I ever came to get-Litt) ting angry was when I lived with my s- in Caracas. Mall cnme to rour home to collect a bill that had be(n rtdd. NVhen I insisted that the bill bad been paid ant proluced the receipt h- griw and Inv first Impulse vas to plr up sornethig and strike film. but I controlled my to mper and was glad of it alierwnril That wns over So years pro.

rum-self but his neighbors. to the end that I DEER EAT HIS GARDEN TRUCK. next summer the trees In all their love- I liness shall cast their grateful shade. I Parrisort Babcock. Lancaster.Thinks I State Ought to Pay for It.

Sir Philip 13Irr.e-Jones. the famous 1 1.EIIMINSTER. Sett English painter. who haP been visiting I farmer listing ()vet the Lenm- Newport. has ttis to issy of the New I itst, it7'f.

in Ister. (1411" .4 York society ()Men there: a 1411 of dam againt the state "Tile thtir gowns. their Jens's. ol' VassLehusetts whi-h he is going to tt to 4 oliect lb' is going to cant) hie the splendor of these housesmaybe Rome saw Petmething like it. or fishy- tains to the seleetme 4 or LA.IC46.t..t.

0 3.." if they C011 In getting but Poireir we have to go back to sircss tot dsme by state those fnbitd cisys to tin-I anything to Mr liabroek lives on what la liken all this to. known ii? it'ap old tiotirie41 Stwiccr nla 0 ----e "Their Clothes are so overpowertng. 7 on the tireenway road. and says a small herd of deer has beon livIng on ids gar- so aggressive and Insistenta crops all summer The deer Aro oo non. Their Pouls are way down POMP-.

i 13 Ills' that they 1.3nt mind his i wrapped up. hid away. them away. any or than so many cat- trohubly. but ono doesnI easily catch I tie hut return to get their fill of aarden I truck as a.s his back is turned.

sight of them. It is difficult to Set at I kits.wa 'Iva tne state protects their real selves because of their clothes these arsink.ils, ati reasons: that if the the gergeoue clotheL" tante protetts the animals. it likewise would protect the crops of the citizens or flee 1-4mi-tat-rate the grower for darn age clone. Babcock claims that three of The Globe stated this morning that when Mayor Collins was a congreasman I a ha secured the UPO of Castle island as a himself but his neighbors. to the end that FIREWATER IN BOND Which we offer in one lot at exact cost to the Weeks a Potter Co.

WHO wants to pay the DUTY and take It out? 6 fcbtes Ccgnac Brandy trcrn Maratt Co. Bo rd 82U, France. ES Volts at $17.65 per Yea $1169.33 Centesake 2-; 2925 Cannier 13.03 $1211.55 $235.25 1 Pcshell ntar Sherry from Jerez Ce Caz, Spa 1 Hogshead at 12 per tat 1. o. Carl LS 6Satts at LIS per butt.

f. a. Sella IC: I I LPEAKER D. B. sat ths chief ttraction that indneed the ruritant to select this pita silent they rut the plan will never be rtalizad simply because the board of health IP unaltt-rably oppored to It.

holding. quit. that spring water cannot tafeIv he drunk 'hen It has percolated through the toil beneath la large liable to tle contaminated by um' all ports of Impurities. Moreaver. it it a tradition that has been Itinproved.

that tha awl( nt water tourte thit runs beneath rzpring firds itt way from tho PUMMit of Beacon Bill. through many of tombs and graves of the Granary burying groutA --a tutpLinn that Is alone enough to dettroy Its uraulress as drinking skater. It is an Oft told story that the wnter of the old sprinc Ii heed now in the postotree. It used to be ao. but not for sever.d years past has It been true.

It Is now diverted Into the sewer that estenis dovin Witter st, entirely outside tLe wans of the pestorke. Porno 14 years ago Rev A. pastor or tne 0.1 ttouth chtirert. plied some of the water tO a rather oma nt ic tile. lie PecureI a bottle to( it from tho husement of the pos end baptized with it lathy that represented one of the oldest lioeton families.

the orisinal ancestor of Olt, bad often drank front the Zto 3'eare or more ago I see some Altos a-li this Why not Mr Edattid Atkinson. Col C. D. Vright. or some toter eminent statieticiat4 collect the figure tiOtt show tirw many sienspitoetx' Liot Tuestlay rot rtitng.

Ntstote It you an In be Igel year' It read what Mrs eirnp.n. uho.ha3 jurt veltbrated her Inlet eye: sttrabut toy lurg 144 horn( lite largt ly to st terr4ar ViiOta a arr.all Iduced where 1 alizaAd. 1 IP 1 quit. safe- (dated I I i cit. rs and has I ncifwl 4priiiii nit of you I.

Meyer. to Italy. stbo recently inoltracnt an qfpera-. lion and has since been convalescing ut his to tne In Hamilton. is so far rot-oreltd that he will return this week to hts dtplianatie poet ut Rome.

sailing from New York On Saturday. on board the Carnput The citizens of Itooon owe a debt of giallttnie In Ppetial olneers Burr and, Brett for the and tkIll ulth uhtch Mc). up the chairs In the rase negro Sneetle. an-1 their teacit hohling on to the ittirke girl urtit sainable information had been otetale.eI rchlth-t to a lot of propnri CANTON. 4 lag tteter N114 tlit NIirphy New York are toteptl.

at Cat- httme or McKay on Volt at. Ideosi F. Nicitt16011 ham gone to 'unlit tplati.4 I1 Littlttott. At a rhopting Or Eureka Mancht1l4.1 Pithy, in Forcatotil. hall, It ereitittg, tho Inillatnry tlegroo tat 1tt 'rho ooro- na.thi.

1t re at lq A. J. i Park. tihttrlot deputy grant ni.t.ter or I4 vollIaffeat ano an.oka talk matkoi the (ratchh.t. of lit.

tVit it-tcivirco. 7.4:aw attohra ot Mr's' rark I mol.1. 1t. re et itoti4e41 l'y Wilidtgrd (11411101 eplity gtatt.1 or (big JuT vollation he 'NJ: Vamenr )1our. ot Moe.

rat-It'll' ar4o)ing the booyitailty et Illas ILA) Curse -or DRINK (THEO BY White Ribbon Remedy -10 laore. 6) poior. for ipPen viuo Oro, or evrfee tel. ikoot polorlori alto It.lor.dy sill core or deistro 'ippon'. Int Icoludit.

stInssileute, Lokeer untseht I. a continued lueurtaio. a it, pkr. tr. tut "1.1i.lwr or Impt4- i0 an ppellte ton awn.

'lc tt toline 'Anne, lasileireed Ivy Oletuttiere ol Nit. It N. otsperitsteusle-nt ot Womoss. eb, sot g.n I 11641. oqit gra.

I timer tesied bite Ribbon Kt um-di on "'ere "4.etninte diouLerOt. awl the env Cato In "navy rue, quo Rpm, ea of's elven onstellr. end ut out osn pie In end an 1s41 toe our tilltpefMW Inuegs.te er tnitib It, Trial paring'? Ire by stilling Nte A Ni. Toss intuenti trine peseta ime" not et NA outstnmi rinstits 'I I se eon Itt rtetuttett fluotott. Int no to.ttoo Junto 410 Et organ.

et Utak. raga OTT Tt loAtalboa ad ii3aitil Ls Small. act without path Or trIvIrt purply mutidi and sellable. the Liror 111114 Itgeoteve Tho Mafia E14 its tor trot CURE of all of lb, 204,12304. Liter, htinTe, Norvous Ittorawt.

Los of Alpert le. 1111. be. prpt. hinamtnatioti ti Mow'.

Ic awl 4611 draniwowtito the 101011111 l-BrorT by satins ArS By so DYSPEPSIA $tU Foul Is a ouldct. so 1 ho fuLA that Is retro tootributrs I's trusohinc for Its sup. pst st Ibe wins' fi lb. body. Price, 2Se a Box.

Fold by Druggists or bent by Mall. Snel 63 Voa tot el A4Its IC) ml 22 10 25 Cases User's Nectar Gin 2s, 1315 12175 25 Cases tsser's Estra G.rt Es, 1310 83.G3 12 CiS3 triser's Nectar 45.00 ConsOar Fees 6.25 123000 From tam a Son, Schidam, Plain Words for give a written guarantee to posi- $100 than any other ively cure Stricture. Varicocele. Con for ten. DO not agious Blood Disease.

Nerve-Debill- until you have a confidential with me. My advice will cost yoa and all kidney and bladder trou- nothing. and what tell you can be ile No cuttingno painno inter- dieFt, relied on as the honest truth. un'erence with work. I have never able to call, I can treat you by rrl'a 'ailed to positively cure the very with the same guarantee of orst cases coming under my notice.

Treatniont Ly mail or at Olt eS: 4 hat Art njI Hours. 9 to 9. week days only. I give a written guarantee to positively cure Stricture. Varicocele, ConU gou Blood Disease.

Nervo-Debillty, and all kidneyand bladder trouble No cuttingno painno interference with work. I have never failed to positively cure the very worst cases coming under my notice. know exactly what to do and bow I VY nut" nr all Hours. 9 to 9. week days only.

1 take. I. cure more men cure them quicker than any other doctor la litoat.oa. I will do zr4re or rou tor to do it without uesswork or mis- Yours truly, RAYMOND, 35244.8 WASHINGTON STREET jail toot L'A Ilat tog irk.

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