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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I -k Spring Fun Ij r-klpplmg Bap for To. 10c, ISo. ALL TRY- IWK STUDIO PEIZE CONTEST Kqaal tkua lor all. Reed the rait, r-Hr aakawnrd. 117 tparta Bt.

Telephone 861 -Any is, Bars 9a. Stinom. 1 Ball. 1 VOL, VL-NO. 101.

OTTAWA, FRIDAY, APRIL 10. AST PRICE TWO CENTO 4 nriHr tt vf. nxm 7 ri tee Int at. Lie MclNTYRE CODE, Bouanow rem Babb Mcbttssal. Omw-Ow KmliHtf Beak, Ottawa.

A. F. Malimu. B. Q.

Oodi. MONEY TO LEND. fONET TO LEND, el Biz per Improved Uiif eed nm rroperiy. ojaocLi. hat.

CUatafoa Chambui Sfabx Ottawa WANT3. rrrANTW BHnirf.D HB ADVERTI8EL IT la Twa JociatAL. All amaU Mrtttlae. mea foe Wen. Fat Sal or To Let, Low ad Found, PenoaAta.

oaly foi two iBeeraioae, aad 10 adM tor each lobar uuoel Iceerwoa. nr ANTED 3 rood Udr eoal nulni, IT Apply to W.J. JuntMOO, 811 Wellies tioa Mmt. A Ink elate aarriar II worker) alio aa appreaMai lot hni-emit ebon, Apply 00. Kemp, It area r.

oai. INTin tr. an a anad band bietel rood maiu order. Addrm witb priee J9 JoruAi office. XT ANTED nehaage 10) aoree of ld IT eAwrtMtowifotatyotnbraoptoperiy.

Apply 10 II. Rosea, Elgta erwt, 6 WANTkD A wnl aerreet, alM i atm rr anted on in Iiot a Maoad bABd irimeia la rood roaalaa order, will tar a)debwp. Apply KB QloaonAmr TJBSB filRL WANTK D-Uadat 14 Jn A olif. ANTKI O. or Morr Ma 7 or 8 MaH boBM.

BO bAAffOIMII kaHiry Bod Hill, real aooal $la, Addrrrt O.J MUBAl craor. tXANTID IirttXDIATKLT A iW IT traMtri rarraBkApply to tW WaUim- klTANTSD A btad to J. oda wttar of TI kaalMa. Apply Jobbba WANTED Araaalotaka anal acr.i aad sow rad baaba bIbu iramlly erral. Good Mart kar bn ttiiABMi.

Apply to A. MartiB. 41 PraMoa.itrMt. 4 IjOAAtD WANTBD-Ia a print kmi by abdyAadBilrBAawiibBiBiAlllAB)lly. Apply by IaHat Jpehal ottiaa.

0 IF ANTED Two ri aoIa, abbhiWai IT jAaibjaiiai DaadABd8Mr al lo tha fotpj it tti a "Iboavca' pambi rartin'rila lot ab Wl Hbwb) datHaa At ABy platA BAAI AUway mn kaKata. N. bat i A) BMB WOU IAIW1I Hi aauy lliranpi I Apply. TnatAtlybtrd Irani, Oalalrwa Oat i ITTAMTKD Iad rVwlD. Hifh I art Bvaaka ptiaa paid.

Writa- L. 400BBAL TO LET. PAH1CBK TO BENT. A pieae of Uad.oDBiiatioc ol acres, lyiDt a IBott olBlaaea irooi BawBlBBiaarutii. bim tba OaaAdiaa Paaaa railway Itaok Aad tba Ottawa near.

Apply to O.B. WRIGHT A SONS, HaU. rPO LET Hoom wiih 7 taoasa, aaodara Im 1 provaBMOIa. Ap Jy At 68 O'Ooaaot aa. rl ET Two Ivraiabad baaroooia aad Jacibat toaaa.

Modara aaaeeaiea Aboat lr mlBolea walk froaa patUaaieat aaildiaia, aw oraet MaaaaUe aad Qloooaatet Apply Uloaoratat a. TVASTliRE TO Parti katinr bt.r.ea ot dry aowa to pot oat lot eeaaoa woald had a paatora aiiiee oat ot ay, oy aaltiaa at aoraor Baak Aad OUbmwi aa. Tanna boraa $10, tow aaeb. rLET-'Briek koaae. 066 MoLana ooaaialoa 10 roona, large ftoaaaAa.

Af-pry D. Riar, 139 Middl aa. rLKT Fwaiabad rooaaa, wall haatad bT iwb, ia ood IWily Breakfart if de. trad. Apply at 189 Qloooaatet etta-e.

DAIRY FARM-Ta let witeia half a mile of tba eli, oa tba Moolraal toad, Uloa- HOUSE TO LET 1J7 Glooeeatet at lb eoraet of Ot3ooaor. Apply oa the prrmiaei betweea aad 6 p. a. 6 rLKT roan lat Me aeit, a Irrt aJm lolid bnok reatdenea No. 63 Theodora Saiabed throaaboat with leleat Bodera iav proeeaBealA.

Apply to Worn, ot B.T. Oowas, Ooartaoaaa. LET Hoaaa No. 169 MaKay atreet, Rideaa ward. N.

X. (ptaaaaaUy ailoaled, look law lata Btuoada fActaa Ridaaa Hall) brlak eeaaared booee, two aad a ball ttoriea kib, auaAalaa dialaw rooaa, parlor aad Ira badfootaa aad ntrarjoa kitobaa I teat low. Apply to Joea Ooibart A Boa, 46 Elcts atreet, aait Fre Fraea offlea. a 1 MaKay aaraal N.K. tai LET Froaa lat Best, hoaeee IM Aad Wubrod aa.

Apply to Bradley A Wyld. LET Tare Oattiet aoraat of Giloaoat oda booaa, ia terraoa, oa hwereet ibi oaraat ot Kant, and two deaeaobad bonaea oa Meaoelfe aotaer of Warerler, all wilb aiodera aDataaiaBoea. Apply to R. TbAoktAy. Spark, aa.

6 TO LET How No. SJ0 1 andara aoa 1 faraaaa. Aooiy immt no wa u. Maaeoe, 11 16 Freak Ureal. STORE TO LET Oot.

Ridaaa aad Nieboiaf aa. Haa awl beaa rtpalted After Uto Art aad will ba Sated to aait taoaat. Apply to P. Kooboa oa tba praaiiMa, poaiaaiioa laaaiadiA-taiy. aow oeanpird aa drynooda aad alutbiof.

LOST. LOST Oa Wadaed.y, oa Rideaa, Spark', WelliDiitoa or O'Ooaaot aanaas a Udj' nld brooab (HoraaAboa.) Fiader wtU ba mif ably rawArdad oa ratarauM to JoOMAI. oSoa, FLORIST. CUT FLOWER! All kiada of Cat Floweta, Bo cq or as u.kta of hVaae aod Foaaral ti. PARKS, Flun.i, S3 Bparka at.

(KomaII Block). TeiepbuaattU MUSICAL. LETT b-a tetaraad troag B.aoa la Bow prepared to aaa papila lor tba Maodulia." aarwa afply to UOteaeAbVjB. L' Estrange OT LOBTDOM, fOntLAMO, Haa raramad bar kwaoaa la a.t aad taasa Iaattaa.

Fot tarma apply ta aHaarl.Orgia Boa, Saarka atreet. PIANOTORTKlJSSaONS AND THEORY -Mia M. Drew I teal wiab boowexpopi) of PrLJ Hiwra, Mae. Osoa, Tnaity OoUeae, Loadoo, aad Mr. Ridley Preaewe.

A K-VkL, GalldbAU Bobool of Moew. London, Krj Uad. Fot terra, eta, apply to 10 Aibart Barret, Maawa, Oraaa, Bpataa Sales by A.B.Macdonald ACCTI IN BALE of boaaahold foraitara aad Bitot, oa WadaeMlBy. laib at W. B.

Odell'64 dialer atreet. At 10:30 a. m. la if A. A.

B.MaadoBaM, Aacaoaaat. 4 1 AUUTitirt OAAABt iDWwwM rnrnirvv (ad OA Taeadar, Uil of April, .1 A Niabolaa aa at 10J0 a. re. A. doaald, aoatiiBiet.

a UCT10N BALE-Two dAya'aale. A Ua laraiinra aad ArMe aoaiplelt at A a. Haawt'. iraidaBoa, 117 Uoopat Wad. A.

B. Maadoaald, aoc FOR 8ALE. TXa BALE feat froa, ft derp, froatiag oa Bank ootoer aod BUM a. Apply oa th premiam, 128 Bask at. nOtTSK AND LOT FOR BALI A alee 11 booa with 4 tuom sad fall rot with liable and toed Mut be eold partiet are leering city.

$900 oath, i A bargata. WboH ba 6r.ll Aaqnlre ear. Giiroour aad ttreew. POR SALE bona prooeny la Uw Ihrilty nllatA of bUIjaKa. Oat.

Good fcralldlAtra yArd ABd ttAblti a rood tArdta tU la Ant oiaw oraar ana a rood ootiaaaa win rail ebaap. Apply K. Ooaw, proptittat, Mai oaua, (Box 07.) BALE CHEAP 1 iroa AxJa oloek ABd 1 Bj An e.ft Amir ifaatoa KoobaatrrrillA. 0 rR BALE A banrAia at to mt, Man, oraat of floraaot And Lyoa tw. Apply oa pramitee.

TOR BALE A BWdhim Aiad Ooldi A MeOailosh Ufa la IM aUaa Aoadlaoa. Bflaraaa A. B. JOCUALomot. POSL 8 ALE CHEAP 1 Iron axla block aarl aad aaw bob (Art.

Apply Praatoa HnchaaHMllla. TOR BALK Throa iMn Iota oa Wit A ttrael, 675 aaoh, Alao oae my Una brick bonaa and ooa arn awl htaurfli loaiL AdbIv a. H. Wood ban, 37 Uparka itrta. It PR BALE Thirty raraa of Hood iam bad oa aba MariTala read.

Abaat israa aalka IrorA tba oity, with aaod briak dwalliaa; aad mouuoiBBA Baa aoort tosm arabarn. rot Mraa. addJt to W. blaaak. Oirr View.

or J. H. DawAf. 104 Bpatka at. IS POR BALE OR TO LET 100 aone rl laad a abort diaaaaoa froa th EtpariBMatal rot parUaalAia Apply to H.

Hadaoa. OabaI rararA. HOB BALE A Ooldi MsOalloeh No. S4 la. bitb.

wobaa wide aad 16 iaebaa deep. Haaoaly twaa la aa two year mm la aa (rord aa saw. Will ba aold ApdIt to Waa. Maaoa addrraa box SS4, Otaawa. vUtat! ou Bawrpapera ttr wrapplB( lot aa ana tfosiau oaua.

InORCAXI -Two deainbia raaHaani. Noa. rrv4A aad MM Aibart MrMt, aoatalaiBC aiodatClaAfmaaMBta, altuaaed oa tba aoraat of Or bhiiIqb aad Aibart attaeta. AlAOhalld-atSola oa Da.y aad Bamtat all aula aad a raloAbl lot oa Albm aaarly oppoalta aba Opata Hoaa. Taraa ol payaAaBI aud rui table to pBtabaiar.

Applyi to Mallia A aloBB, Meteaii aa. HR BALE-Oa ty tenae, or la naaaat tot ewer pnpmy. tbAt deniAbla obaleatial wb bit unaaud brick teeid ally anaated, oa aoraat ol Preetca aoa Riobmoad MaAOoeaalaa all awdera rata, two hAibraoaia. bnadrr e. beatad.

laoari'i licbtad. witb ntvaar ial OBIboildian. Aooly as A. W. rlaak At No.

Bpatka Bt, FOB HAL. Lot Na 1 tooth ade WeHirKtoa rt.kMrtM aad lot No. 1. aorth aide of Spark, at. (66iM) ion pud ny toe uanetoa none aa a jtauaaal oa Welllar tua ta, WH ou.

or; warm unaoat aa, bwbmh a- Tba dry ivoda ataad aod Koek at 461 BaW BflB. 4SS Bank at. STORAGE' HOUSEHOLD efT-eta. metehaadlaa of all 11 kiada, ael aay sab ot gooda or osMreie aaa oe Horea at reaeoaabia ratae ia large aolid bnok war. boo, foot of Llatle Baa tea treet.Oaaal baaiBt aafe, dry.aaaal eoaiara-oioAUoa, eeaitAlly illaated, aaa oaly axdaalre Irraaa boiidiof ia able oi'T, foraiarry kaoaa" aa Eatoa'e wareboaaa.

FV ti ibii arply ro Morru, ofio of tbe 8, Roger Oil O. no ice. NOTICE la aereby glraa that the bbwbaI geaetal maaiiBAT of Iba abAteboldera of tba Ottawa Gaa oompaay alll bt bald At tbeir otSaa. S3 Boarka etnwt. ia tbie aw oa Moa day, tbe tweatietb day ol April iaelaal, at Iba boot of o-eioec boob lot aaa alrclloa ol director aad othat baaiaa.

ALEX. BPrrTAL, Ottawa, April 6, 1891. dHiDK TBEES. Arerjorl otBy deolh harlot appeared is tbe paper I bra irfo'ai my Irlrada aad oatruae of IN year, aiaadlat Ibat aoah tepoti amat ban beea made fot tba prttpon ot ia jnriag my bawineae. All pererna wanting St ale treea, Fraitnaui or OrOAt Hedaea, iboold Biake early applia Moa aa eoolca Ireee are BO.

aiwaya to oa aaa. A lettet or poaidaiif addreaaad to torn aa ader will raoeira proa.t aAtaataoa. Albert La Compte ailllnwa' Bridge. Oat. all at 163 SPARKS ST And rxnmine my eiock of 8rtio 8ci0i.

OTCrcaatlBK) aad TratucrlatB ALEX. THOMSON Late of DonaldnoQ at Thornton. LADIES! Tba Cbaapeat Plaea ta gat fear Wallpaper, Painis, Etc aw And alao to gat yoot Pann haairlng done at STEWART'S i Bd8 Sparks Elrcwi. Ottaia 00LLEGIV1 IN bill IE Ttsitrt far ttt trtcUon idiitiei to tin OtUw. Co-ltgift IniiitnU SEALED TENDERS addreaiad to Hoa.

F. Cleou. eb.iiaiaa ot Iba Board of Traaleee, will ba KOeirei by leglatered ter oaly, delirered brlora Boon oa Monday, tb Wib April, lor tbe aereral tradaa, or by one lur the wb ie work nqnipd ia Iba ereotiua ad ooaaol tu a of ao aodmoa to aha ixaaerl U. rata Ioailtaie bnildiAg. MpMibaaiuaa and aaaaianea or atrraeBeai aaa be eaen oa aad af art tbe 10 April at the ffiot ot Jaaiea alalber, atabjatat, Mo.

11U WeUlagtoa tarret. Tba bo rd of traaleee rearrra the right of lattiaa is one ot am aoatraeta ta ana pat aad will sol bind tbeaMelraa to aoo 'pi the foweal or any apader. Kch lrod.r Bioal be eeacBipaaiad by an awavrl tuk ehaaoa made Datable to the order ol lb. cbaitmaa ol the hoard of tneteee for Ira per oett ia the taloa of all tba work tecdrted tor, which aaooat wm Da i jrnetra the par draliaea to eoart a ooo tract wbee aalled op ea to da If Ibe tender ba not rxvpted Iba ehrqiia will ba re.nroed. I nm rawnoca.

April 9.h, 1881. Beof. 0.0 ORDER YOUR SPRINGrSUITS MOM NGLANiCo Biai otAW TAitou. 143 SPARrtS STRUT. 4 POPULAR S.A TijEjS To-morrow Saturday.

'AT 1 C. EOSS CO. The Hntire LACEICDRTAIN Department tit AU IriAkt BimaKblm Brwteaae Httt Aad Lao Curtains of eytrj Housekeeper or Proa pec tire ooca ahould not tail to be on band to-morrow a there ia bat on tale in thia departmeot throueh- obb in I). aa TnUU OAIB. iHaura J0U tOOSm, 153 BA2TS.

ttTMt voix una or anuira wbab row LADIES mammirmunita rai MISSES' WSAB. AUorPB INFANTS' ATAMOAlladaAaitaBAAtaiAlerAtTOB at SCOTT'S HARDWARE. PAINTS OILS, OAKTJ1C COPFEBXBS, PITCH, WASTE. Robber aod Aebeatoe paoklng. Win Nallt All ataaa.

Aaaat lot Iba Sara uno HI TaoUaBloAk. W.STRACHAN Cor. tjaaaai aad Bridga Sta TaJaaaona) ess. UECHAN1CS' TOOLS JtaraorlTadalAiialotaf jam mn. tLAtaMXtM, IftAIX T00L6, njaaTJOiar tmweu, lICK TJWWXLa, VA60I1 TB0WELI aAVlBdOArTaatartTooUofaUUaaa.

LEE IIS Hnmrka rHrwwt. Ha IltTVTNGr, HARDWARE HOTJSK PIIBIOSITISGS. ICzad Fainti, OltA Oil, Brnshss. tc Baby Curiftgii, Slid Cagt Cor.Bank and Albert Sts (Olbmt Mook.) I.OOO ROLLS Wall Paper 6CT3. PER ROLL THIS WEEK ONLY 1SS SPARKS bTREBT umA Qnwca Streak West.

ROSS CO nmptiTcoJBH Removal Sale HaTing decided to clow our Bparki treet branch on lat Mj. Wenow offer tbe Wboli bTocK of Fiiti FUENITUEE at lea than Auotjoo prioaa. No reaerre. jsrery ng man go. T.

W.Currier 116 SPARKS STREET. 3PITSTE! Leather Goods lalae Baca aad Ptxskwt Baxha aaal Paraea ROBERTSON BROS 69 Rideau Street. DOMINION UFE ANAJTJRAHUF, CO. Jai TROW, Tboa. HTT.IJAHI).

Direotor: HtMaal OSM Waterl, Oa We call anecial attention of the ladiaa to oar Womat1! Sbotox, therein ladie Application will bt taken at the aam rat aa gentleman, instead of charging at most companie do, an additional tea of $6 per thousand, per annam. Oar policy ii a etraight promiat to ptj, like a tank draft, nnccnditiooal to ladie. no restriction on (ratal, is noo.forieitabl alter two or three yean, area lor tai lore to pay nnewaj remain in roll force till the rata ia exhausted, rate com Dare fav orably with ant in the world, choice of all Bound plans of ineorance ottered. BitiR BONA19 General Ajreati for Eaatera Ontario. OfSeev ElslB atraei, Ottawa GREAT $3 SHOE DAY "wm awwUM To Vorbow 91.4 ihtM dy Wrruiis wvmtva.

bdoaui town aptTtr. qwefai yajiorftwO oar grvM omoi VIOB. Wm wilt mftke the ttesvocioD. tjQ inm wM task mm mlt ol to 9cll ia tlve Uitw. oa Tc-dk-tto will b6 a pecLftl day ia all dapart- kwibwI lootwair.

rTjah lata aa wa are alrlBB. ftnh bajaUfol tkarlaa aa wa tua ahTwing taka bat ilula Uma ioil. DaIIf ih akseisoD t))--omaa mora Seevatlfnl evoal 1 1 -ris toe fure rraianioaDiatno1 Ti og ratat burton dy of the week Ii to morrow. osy oerotc tne at tali aeaavBtlOTca to apoear wltk a flat anon. To-morrow i ue aty to.eieot.

TO-MORK JW It will bo wire to sel-ct. Ihe a Uoner A3 Mioewl 1 here iuiaFaaai uraj in on naj nan it uriKUia.U' a. Thri dotiar ahoa dtr to inorriiw aiwl reaerai awacpHn aaia all thornaada cm flaeabo Make ti eeAala yea will taa trrMt 'iacs oa. uuawaa juonidi afiapiay ir rjot- WTaV. G.DONEY We hate in large and tmall bottle, the BEST AMEBIC AN Sewing Machine Oil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I And we nil It at a lower priee than Inferior ou naoaiiy eoia.

MARTIN 8l GO. Wel Mag-tan Car. Areata Dob-rry, Datlt, White; aad Waater Uashlaea. McKinley Nortliwuod PLDIBSRS, CIS AND STalKTiTTiaS Satdwirg and Hailt" Kttkiar Ptcklnftr BnbbrrEott, AibAftotTFtekist, Engbutri SottJIm. CRT AT.

and PBABr.T.nw.iira Thu. Mlt.aa ran otnwatnaaranuu7 lap, aaa eaaar a npir nirarawaw. aaTTSUPKOMB 47. J. THOMAS' Steam Dye Works Now a tba Uma to barn vmr fi Ouaitbd.

Dm akd RATAJTBaD. Cnrtalnt Hearted A wl atraVthed. Beat workmaaahlp Prioe modermtr. TermaeAab. 998 SPARKS MT.

C. Boa c. Batordat Sale of tm Cnrtaina an.www. Nearly one thootaad paira will be oa Bale. FaahiooaUo.

a Dort ahoe for Baton) ay. M. Stanlrr la haek in New Tnrk. Aad Maj Pond, hit Agent tare that lh reoaicai for HO h-etorea ia Amerloa are S3 6 600. or 63 780 per lecture.

Sttaley got 61.000 ret tre.are aaa rxpeatet, ana tnai oete liu uuu. Staoneble. Domxt Nobby Stylre. Saturday Sale BW REDUCTIO-IS. earOood lor EetBtaay only ttm la to it th at by of ara 0TA 8., at aod oe or tor ton FUND.

A ATlatABODT IBB AUtaxD MnAatWrXIATIOlf, Tba Moo weal Oastte ta pebiiabiag to day toeaABadeaoalohrtgardlBg tba alleged rnlea aoproptiAtiuo of the Bpriagbill taliaf fnad a Tau JOCAXaj, did yeetetday, adda.a note that there a probably aome miaoadereaaadiag, as oa Iba 3rd of April, a week Ago, tbe Iowa Kmaeil of SpnogbiU paeied a neoln-lion Affirming Bari.fao ioa with tbe diepiaal of tDe-roaa. xne uiim Mbyt mmt of tbe road ii deDOtlted In Ihe Back ol Maauaal. with Bit Donald Smith, Baa'r DranaioBd, aad Maarn G.E. a. C.ooatoo aod Robert Oowaaa aa tmaase.

Nc atone' haa yet bun forwarded rem Ottawa ouiaoer. i. a rroBg teeirag araoBg raoaariDeea to tbe fnad tbal a meetiag of tbe exemtite ahoold be oalled aad tbal atepa Hd be takes to witbbold tbe money till aMnraaoaa are raoaired that it will be diatrlbalrd directly toe ouwutaea. OTI IN OH ABOUT TOWN. AppolotmentA tbla T.

M. O. A. Botb" Use ti air. Drill Ha.

F. O. Parade. Drill HaHe: eering of 43rd BAttallon. St.

Datid'a Fair. Wellington Hell Obaadlere Dititton, 8.O.T. Hall, New Edlnborgb Oonrt Rideaa. I O. F.

Oddfellowa' HUI Progroat Loiga, A.0 U.W. Maaoaie Lodga, A. F. A A. M.

Wotkaan' HaU-OaaD Aanu. Bona af Taanreaaee HaU No Bsrrandrr Lodge, o. u. T. MoLeod Sweet Methodhn Charoh Retital Berricaa.

Pininiirrr Takna Futli to hia-k aaa. try wiBdaimoatly eloady with aome rain, more mpaoialiy In aootbera portion. Uppar oi. amwranna Avaateriy wiaat law weainer uttie signet umperatore Mb. fJ!" Mm (i.

T- K. lor Albuqarqae, New by ktex loo. Ma. Xdwabd Horxixa of Okoaaaaar ui tba owaat of a aow leal gate bulb to three eelta. wedaaaday.

Tta CbeUea road 1 being maeadamited ia Bull, uotaide to. oltt the road ia aolaadid ooaaitioa. Dctt waa oUatitol oa the etteea nd apnoaMr. taw. aoa wooae origaae will, it nadetatood, be at work la a few day.

It wee a eowoart bv aha Wnaaan'. OnlM rj ot. uoaaa, not taa r. r. Unild, that (itea a rsporatd la yialaiday'a Jotsjial.

Tax yard of the O. P. R. adloieJaa. ak.

fremhl abeda la In a tambla ataaa of aand. Ia at aaraiy aare to tata a ligbt expran la it. Taa Bell St. Metbodiatoborob will eAlaraeaaa ita miataoaarv naaltaeMra BMvfeftntttM Mr. AimoaKwul be the praaeber xaa rromaa a avaeoouuoa of Uhriat ohuroh wiu gite a pteataal enter! i tbi aobool room.

of the eboreh next Taaadsy area- w. i Hu roadway are la a oartoo eondltion at aaeat. Urn expaniee of mod whb amall oaaea ol road erery- Ml. Wb. PJ WaUXB will dallrer hi.

laetur, "ropaiAt roiloeopby or tbe Mind of aba Miaa'f ia th ant lauare hall of the Domialoa ohareh on Monday araning, th i oak A MxTie of the examtlre of the, Ottaw Valley eiety of MoOill Oraduatee ia Bailed lot next MoadAy etaeiag, April 14, at 6 p. m. ia the RombII to eooaider Mtaal poiaa of lateral to McO men. Th errditor of R. Nting.

inaalteBt plumoet of Baak mat la Mr. Larmoalh'a otlae thia alt-roooa, Th liAbtllriaa at ti 213, and aaaata 6740.96. Three date ware gitaa Mr. Noting to propote a aeulrioeol. Txi annual dinner of the Ottawa lwal ..4 wiwkt amro win aa oia at ana aaoega rboraday erening, the Ifl inaa.

Tbe dim projaiaaa ao oe oae ot ue moat aneaaarfai ettr gitaa aaaar aaa anapieea ol aoa aooiely. Txs wtathet during Ibe pi two data haa beea aaoh warmer thaa it was up to Wed- I aatrlltlaat. Taaneiaa eaaa I aad laat araning, thongh harp. waa aot ea old by far aa an pretaXM eteaiag thia tea-aoa. the aaa was warmer, bat th m.

axHoer, DB. at J-l 1 Lower towa da to tba met pi of both rat ead aaa. Th. all. aolieiaot'a opiaioa a lo tba gaa eom pant liability ia th mattor of the eaeape of il.

inauaauag gat a anxioualy awaited Taa Qatdrawta' and Florl' alnb mat aoing Mellon', hall. Tbe eommitaa. appointed toretisa laat yeata Oeearel Oaaada axnioiBioa pna iut praAaetad tbeir report, wbiah wet reoeired. Tbe aoila beat adapaad lot aba growth of pjtAtoM formed the tub et Tw. lu I A eaplinfgalhaijd ia large number, leal eteaiag dueaaa the propoaitioa to build a Maaomo temple in the city.

Tb me. ling, Kk. moat MUauaie ooolareooea, wa held la earner, hot la aedetetood that a eub-eommiltea waa appotntaa to report on tn asbeme. TH anartarl aaina aaaaaa -1 uonaama Ameatot oraette of aha ration. anxeoA in tne aty wa held laat araning ia OjearraiatioBAl ehnreh.

Ma. f.l oeoapied th ehair. There waa a Terr lata rvT "mmoara bbo otaert, ckteral toe toraasr epoae oa the auaoaea of ram ant ABd nraad niliaaa an u- I- goad work. I UB Wedratada A. nnmhaa at Ik- I anr.a.arniate uaaTBOB.

lata Hull eitv inanaaan. otpriaad that geatlemaB al his rendeaos on oridg alrrel, by praam line: him with a 5t" "af aiuiaa aou a wbu nuaa pane. Tbe reelDient reolaad in a law wall aaa nuraa taanxiag anam tor tbeir ktndaeea esd appretuBOB oi au paa aarrloee to aba eity. (The Police) Ataulon LIchtiBf. With referaaaa ta aba b.

the polito omoa atation get bill ia fwttarday'a Jobuiax, Aid: J. K. Stewart wiahaa to make VTfr a' 'he aayofa ngurea, tis. 6363 fot th year's gaa, w-re errooeoua, tbe amount being 6376.60. aa abowa the eompany'a book.

Th. aeanaa gitaa oy aid. HeBdanon. KtlJU, explAioed by tbe fast that It. jaanar war paia IB tne year, namely, roar quarter m3io ou, ana one quarter 61 6.70.

avio. Diewen lurtoer aaya that lbs mayor aa polio ejmmlmlooet ia naDoaaibla lot the aatunatm forniahed i Aod the soaaeU is aot to oaama ia tne matter. PeraonaJ. Mr. U.

Wilaoa. M. P. Nanamaa. ia at Ik.

lUaaceu, Wm. ThoborB. of Alaoote. arrired ia tba eity tJ-OAy. Mr; Geo.

ABtawAil of llarof NlmuJ n. ii 1 Mr A. Matthawa. Tnronln. Ma n.

namiitoB, ana Mr. Hagb M. Williams cf ornpnor, are at tne ttinwor. Mr. J.

Daemon of Pin Arthnr. tf. Manball. Ladon-Kne Mr. Biirlav rwni.i- Winnipeg, and Dr.

Ham mood, Toronto, Bt tae.RuaMU. nit sm'ijz' it- Oa 0 Hotobiaoe, 0 Aaa, Ooohraa. rJngbtoa. Sameoof. jl aa AaV'tJUa A7IXE1BH rf-aratrxa. Bnaatie.E Good a ill. Barry. Montreal! a rama.Bowm.anii.. Hyde. Gleagna: Ueo Oorbitt.

nod AIM MoDonsld, Pembroke, an th trraau uaua R. J. DaTLIS's 68 hat, beat talas hi tba market. DoBBTe Lithl Kiektr "ohool Bool Fori A Habb Bail Try I J. H.

BteXeU. Froe te ItvIles. Every lady reader oi ibis rmur rodiar maea bar address on a noatal card wul receive a trae eopjr ot III Laiiixs (rictoral) AgwtrArkB, oaniaiBinj i4n particalart el their oid-issBionea eogiub Pna oomratiUoB. Out UMiM in nrinat will be 21 tea away between now Job 1st, witb tswoial daily prist of I tain for each locality, isb lapiu Mvs-patcb is one ot the iargwM aad most pro fnaelt illrtatrated publications in Canada. and the Compeuuon oflered by them it to ooouucteu in a stncuy tau aou noBor- able wanner without partiality to persons locality.

Anyone caa secure a la-el nrixa bt a little work. Ma chaaa are- aetata will be giteo. It oost yon notbing tall ioronnaiion and a atmpl oepy. 3 send tag oevee. I Address 1 Tgs LaaUH NlWaTAIB OOaj CuhaU Xail Baiiaicr.

a9rTJ0toi Octmrw, I of 0 we eaa to are ot la tr LIEUT, GRANT'S PLUCK SUCCESS. SECOND BRILLIANT VIOTORYi I 0VER.THE ViANirUBI3.Xl The Plchtine; Trtbcamen Bay They Grant Reunforoed, ndjOher." Drltlsh Troopa Com Simia, April 10. Tbe letter teeeitad her yeeterdAjr from the leader of the Mani porta who ordered the miaeaora of Chief Oommia- iooet Jai. W. tiolntoa and hit eoUaagoaa at AUoipur, aaya The Britiah ttoopa attacked tbe palace aod maaaaarid my aoldtara aad Alao killed woaieo and ebUdraa.

In arldltkn they threw women aad ablldrea Into the bnralaaT honaea and deaeareted the temple. Tberafor we killed Chief OommliatoBet Qaiatoa'a Tbe party rafarred to wa oorapowd of Cbiet Gomauaaioaet Quia ton. Col. okrae in eommand of the taeott of Ghoorkba, Lieut. Bimpaoa, F.

aOrimwood, tbe Brlaiah pclilieal reaiaa aaaaipnt, aoa at art. Itoeama LaiTUrA, amiaaa. Lcrd liaaartnwwa. la liaaraj tw to aelaad. aan he tear It ia eraa thai the cAaan were kUlad.

bat that aba atory OuBaoaard to ahietd to MAalpor regent. eiArr azooxD lAiixuirr tiotoai. Araril 10. Adtieat hate reoaited hare of a bnlllael auooeea for tea Bntiah fonaa Beat MeBlpar. The Maaiparia maoe a aetea aooa tba Bleeder tote of Qhoorhhaa aommattdad bv Lient.

Qraal, rrhiob reoeatly eaptored Fort ThAbet, driring oat Aa otetwbelaing fore of Maai. dheTOelo their ruki If wtU fira. The Mmimw tttrok wm aiBbbora aad determinedly made aad they poanea rorwara IB. eptea ot we rrnetit Ire with whieh they teoeited. They fought gatlaetly fot en- foot of trouod, the attaak tbtto hoora, daring whlob aome euperb aghtlng was nonra, oonng wrilon aome taptrb agbtlag waa witaaaaed oa both aidea.FiaaUy Ibe Mawpnria were repalaed, the ntorplng rajab aad two promiaeat ebiefa, aU three of whom bad die area remarkable btatery ia leading th I to the attack, beina killed dnrina theoaaUagbt.

Tbe lorn of tbe tnbeaman la addiaoa to the killing of tbeir leader wa tary aaaty. BABD. Oantela Paraarata ha arrived at Fort ranoal enta Thia, eombiaad with Lieut, Otaat' Tktory, haa ao d'ahttitautd Ibe Maoipurie tbal wUliag to teooeaiaa aha of the Britiah eSaiala diraetlt the Bntiea aroupa ta auaai axanipur. Add! bod lea of itoopa are oa their wa to hi am pur, where the mama era of Obootkbaa aad tba anbaroisaat laAa of Uhiaf Qoietia and bia patty will tbaroughly id TMatgaaad. Hall's Now Ooart Homos, A epeoial maatina ot lbs Hull at aratneU waa bald teatard.

afaaraooa to aoaaldae? aha plan aod apeeifioatioa ot the new eoort hoar and Jail It waa dewded to eall fot taadera on April 60, aad toopeaabemoa May 10, aflat whiob tba watk of oorataruotioa will be eom- Realar Vretcht oa the O. Y. By. The Int tarnlar fraUha alii al an aha Eraaiaeea ValWr rail war araa made a law dan an; woea two ear loaaa ot wnaal were banled to the Peehe, tbe praaeat tarmiooa of the lute, fot Jamea Mclmrea A Oe. Tea ear of lumber front OiuaoBtAOo.

at iroaatae to tbe Biatee, patted dowa toaday. A New K. O. Preabytery. A avwtingof the leading member of Bt "ndget a ooogregatioe waa held leal eteaiag OOOBOer th.

uroooaition to baild a real. Alter a little rtiacuarion it wa decided to nruiataatataoatawoatba praparly ad)o wm onaiao. At ami eoat ia ac 64,000. Maaonlo Preeentatlon. At rarular meeting of Eddy Lodge.

A. F. a A. eld la their lodfe room.HnU, aaa nraiaj, rr. sro.

U0. a. la the chali, tbe brethren, through R. Bra. a R.

T. Qtfriooh P. M.ot Mount u.moa todge, Vaneootar 0.. presttd a. Lta mctariaoe, A.

r. with naedaome P. M. laaral. The l.w.i -1.

lac lured by 0. Addiaoa, Jewallat, Bpatka at. Bale of Property To-day. In the matte of tba Antoanaaia rearaenee or Mrtoalfe at, oot. Albetl, waa thia afiernou 'uereo ror asis oy pouie aooMoa by Mc.

P. Larmonto. aatigoee, a tod on aid, anoiaat ao a trmrlgage of 6U.00a none thoto pietuii were Brnator Cmow. Aid. OraanelLU.

8 Shaw. 0 Bay, L. Bjiet. Thoe. Workman, may, vi.

rr, mitooeii, loot. mariuraoBsa, u.a Axe iamb. Afar a brief bidding the properrr knorkait dowa to Icnraw. ttn-ut Tbe Photojfraphio Qaeetlon. Sim Eorros Ia laat ataaiaa'a Jmra.

"AL On.wa dr.wt attention to oar praetieisg pooaograpoio art aare witaont baring ueenae from th at and nnndaa ta n. a. Ilia hw am unw nm or ana ataw na ooureott I ZTZtZi rr.r'r thai. hn.Mi... .1.

I -a-. mmm wi aviiaajaa wae. aawir uuiiuinga aaaea. toey eay yea lake aheta, il aol we do not. Ia eitbet wa ara aeiabat riober aor poorer.

Ia aome eaaea ttadeamaa bate nr 1 a Haata. hate eopiaa nriaied from th aaaatin. Wa hate then gitaa them a prioe and a loeal poototrapbei oat ropplied the cunra ead reeaitet the par, amply handing aa a eom mwaioa. In tbat oaaea we bate amply sxereiaed the right of aay man to set as aa eat for aa eatabliibed atisea wbo at payiag rant aad axes. Before Ottawa tUaa man who bt attar tularin bim.

ba at tamt eauiimia tna trnta or ana m. at k. amt. ing'oa. Yoora, oato Faii Ynw Oo CnoAao.

Ottown, April 10, 1891. a. J. DsTLnra to i.k a -a-l. uj 9 C.

JBaaa dkCa. tarda. nf fa. (mhub. In.atn.ara..

ntariy ara tocoaaod pan wiU oa esle HETIBINI, NALK. An OIi akBbliaaad jwllr Haslaeaa ta tea Ulgsjaaael Ol. Mr. oba Leah, th well known la. aaarly SO yeara ia bnalneta, ia about to ittr aad to oJet ha ttoek aa hloahni hatnaa doing to will red uoa it to witkia toaaaialili purabama priam by atlliag at retail ell hi alaabaratock Jl tna gold walohm aad ohaine, diatmadt and other preoiooa ar net aatia gold, atltet and platedwate aad geoetai atock of fine raney good, aa a large redoolota oa former ptiam ror immtoiaaa eaab.

Aa oraortoaitT ia now offered to thaaitia Ottawa to acquire aome of lb toeat good tba Dominioa at prioaa to auit For ANabbj Salt J. R. aieMeU. Boy a bat tomorrow. W.

Dxtub. DoxxT'l The Popalar Shoe Ronaa. Ladiaa ba oa waa Beturdar morain lot P. Koonon! great r. opening aal of dry eloahiog alwhtly aotlad by aaoh ead Atar.

uot. tviaaaa oaa nieaome sts. 30 Spring Bala fur 814 aa Noma'a. BIM a ael B.tvek a epecial. al atackay aod RoC euaguaa'! Faakionaba 1 ailors, 26T WsUugloo IMBgrttbe Mammrfh abo P-lnlfin llemr lr.

Wild. Grand Dra bouse. 16th April. 80 SprinibSaia lot at Nolan's, aOtemtttKlkaAw, Doxn'l, saiiaau I i ea tba aee Mr. Mr.

tuot, oaa to Ivwa. of at are POLITI0AL POINTERS. A DATS rrxiD ro th xoirocrrT ma- tint, A deapatob ttoai 8 Jallaa Paoaoafoaa waa reeeitad by tba aTreamaat yeeaarday. earn ting mat Blond at, uoa. bad oeea nied oy rraa.

Harriaoa aa tba date npon wnieh the ttade qaeaaioai eaa be diaonaeed. Ta rAaa AtronirrD, Col. Oolmet, tbe ooaroirw apeaker of aba Hoaa of Onaihioaa. haa alread aoDocoaad tbe pagiw, eta- to tbe Hooaa of Oommoee. A Malamaa wbo applied today to Bare a pro-lanappoiatai waa anld by tbe depart ear- geaat-aarma that Col.

Oolmet bad filled erary poaiwoa. I TBI tllat AT a BAOZ DAM. Oaot, Wiae. anoerateadeB of the Rideaa cibaI, eneaklBt toTaa JoCMAI. thia Butaiag on th r.

eeot break ia tbe Hog' Back dam. aid it waa Altogaibar likely tbat aa aooa aa BAtigAUoa aioata tbe roTflmmaol will baud a aaaaonry gaatd pier 100 teat loag ar. aad the embaokraeat, and d'rpea aba flat dam ot otet- amral feet. Wbea that ia done, wblah nil oe at a eoat betweea aad 116,000, th dam. It: 1 aoaaidared, will be perroaaaatly eenr i Tbe enat ot tba preaant repalri will not was, lae aaya anal ir'irJL'-jn ue eaar eo Bod a wo auhka repeira.

aaneoiailt if ah. work axiaaa. to aaatet aaad.y The break at tbat net between 630000 sad 640,000 to repair raaaaiB' arorr. Tba report of tbe 6ihei a daartaaenl Joat raaoed abowa a total expaodiloxe for the aat ties, exeaot aitil lota Iw th.

aaU mar aaoerj une av, ro, of aua.iae, ana aa-Itroprwlioas heiag aa6C0. Tnareteaaa, la-Blading the tale of tbe aoodemaed anhooan rl.M a M. OM ru ane expenditure, 60, S7I went to tba 6aarri ettiee, $39 16 to Aia bnH'tr. 664.434 to the ptoreana earlier, 6146.6M to lahmg bounty, 66,816 to miaeellaaeoBB. One bnnda aad winrro.

diwA iieeaaea wrre taken oat by United teaeeia, toe ratean dented aaaonnMaa to repwr. will mk. tba dam a.oila aal. all ni tar aatiAatioa Bbonld eaotbat break water oat Oapl. Wiae "Tail la a eonoaa edwoe eo b.

break oooaned la 1662, waa Oa Good Friday, the aama aa tola vaar a ne praaaat I by tbe paruameal of the late pivmeeet of CUaada al a rime wbea Upuer ud Lowar CWd. were loiaed nil, XX-re eaioa. 1 Tbat thia legiaiaaioa wee adopted by tba naeUAroABt of Oaaada Agaiaet tbe aad uc um H-ijnw ot tH 'omJJLmB am! rStJtlLTS n. or aarer al Tuinli an muklaa: imiiaata la ta oan of the United 8 Bate, fee oy toe WBltaa BtaAm gorara avtat preriooa to that yat Tut riuuT uraraPToaa Tb DoaiBloa aoraraavant Beearlaalaanaa.

tor. aaea irua tbi. mornlAg.Tbwt are aiMuM ia room Nx8 of the Boat of Oobuboab. the prraa room, aaa taa lanaaaniAaa im aarintl. PritataThey trill ail aboat It day.

longer. Commander Waakbaa, of Ibe gonramant ereamer. xa I lea ad mn baa baa nbairmae. One of ahaenmalerioaara aald this atoraingi While oat prooeediogt are aol open to the Praia tnara at no thin, aant ta ab. Th.

oojrat ot oar aetiaratioaaie amply lata. Ia eorae piaeaa to aiaetam at inareaaing aad la other rtooraating aad waaeed aaw rulea aod regulatloo. to euit the al tared eitenmitaeem. Agala. meat of tba i tnl rakm thaa im good 60 year ago are aot good oow aad they need to be altered, Kaeh diaariet baa digrreal Beads aad ralai that wul ami oaa anil not anil Mm otaat.

Iba eeetioo at held daily from 6 -M a at, to p. a. i The BSisBre of It nireaa id naaehhaarw haa bwbb rainrtaa to in onatoeril ocpaiamaal. Robbery at Malta wa. Th DM ltS at Mattawa wa.

hmkaaa Int. oy tntetee laat algbt. Uoadnefc Kiag wa wired aakiag if aay aatpioioua eharaetera had boarded hia traia aad ba renliad ahaA awn early In tbe I ler. alatim. I I I aram nan dose eo et Mattawa aarl' morning and were pal oaT at Maekey' Labor Note.

Mr. A. R. MsLroaald will addraaa a m. ll r.

muimwa Btraat 10- I Owmg to lack of baddine omrb to oneaJayata took oat "oarda" and weal to oAeltle Aad Taeoata, laat weak. A enmbet more will aare ebortly. Three was to net ota taai week. i. Tbe Maahaaies inalilnt haa bow over 600 totuBua ia Ibe Ubrary.

Uanng oomplied with aha rrgolaliooa they will orite tbe Ontario BureraaMBt grant oa jaay 16. xaaortcaiatera aad Btaaoae heal a largely mar ting taat aigna. Eddy' Mill. Yay Urge and important ebaaget ate being maea ia tne ran out qenariBiena of the a. s.

Kddy kuantAnanring Co. pi am lite at HoU. Too Brtaaal taah factory ia to ba Br Bailor rqed into a I aetory fot wood and paper box. Tb taah laotery will be eetabuabed ia the old box taotory aatt to tba tailLi Tba.aulL it It aald bow. will aot be ran thia year aod bo eoaarmaaoa oaa be kad of ram tbat tbe firm ate nrriac to bay log fot BBWIOg.

ait. Biddy At pretant la the Bate arranging lb Begoaiaaiooa for th paper aad wool box motory, wnmn are aot yet torn- pleted. R-niunaaaltet of tba Ira aeaa Tna ocaaai, to-aay ataat to abate taoa to be ao. out aay iota as pi aaaat say ulormaAloa Da wttaoaia. Proteataat Alllanoo Meatintre li Italy, The world a oonii itnot of laiamaaaaaiia etangaliaal Uhrialtaoa Bow alttlug la Fioraaee, Italy, a AttrAeiing wide.

Dread attoatioa. Tba tnbjeel for today ia "Boat aad foreign aaaar ta praaulMwy ot lurd IbiBard. Seouoa I. detotad to Ohriua-a aaa ataoe aaeoetAvtooa, a ondat tb prdnOT of Mr. Genre.

William. Torre will b. aa address bV Dr. J. Murray tobeu, -m.

pw iouo--d 7 BT- lBiarB)ei UBrttBAB 00 ia iba anbieet iBtmdooed Ret. Dr. a. D. Bord.

man, (New York) whilal Tbe atatnd oi erangioal Obnttlaaa regatduat aUrary." will be dealt with by lro. Soget IGeaetal. At tbe aiteraooa tmiioa tb anbjret will xotuemaB'aasdtioaa oba, "by Rer.Prof Onuawitl Edinborgb "Saaday aabooi work" bt Ret. Biahon Wal- (United Beum), Mr. Tboauw Kdwarda At the oaaaiBB lamina Ituwa will ha ad.

dream oa Work tmtoagat tb enldier aad sailors by mtatal delegate, aad abort ad-dreaam oa etarigalitaie work by Paator Apptaa ttraruh BO etrmrs. I Ia tbe Polloe Coart. Mleheel MoOartriw aad Btant. a uruou, tin aaau oo or la Oeiamt ea week a reol Jamw MoMaanna waa laed kn mm la da- raaii tnrea monllw la awnl fur diaturbaDCa bl kit bona oa Ridaaa it. Tb.

(mm agame. 0. B. Tgen for baring awmng lower Ibaa lb. by-law wa diamiaaad.

i Mr. Taagart I expuuaaa taa awatag waa aot le dowa be was Int bothered About it by the police. atlliBg booor witboot a lawn. Oalr eaa mienaa wee oxaatutad tot aba pioaeeuBua, aad I Oxlara L. 7 Uut aaid be appearid to ane.

Wbea aaked ia amm eiamiaaaina 11 ha had aojtlung lo eat at VaUaira be aaad "Ya, they gar me aomethia. ta. aaid waa a au'. bat I think it mmt pig 'a tail," The wa adjourned till to-morrow for roithtt ttdaac. i Bernard Facto, a ynath.

was' obarted with atealiag a ooupla of bottle of aaaat froa more oa Ridaaa Meat. Oae adjoomed till lomorrjw. Canrme Dot aod Alderll Yillrnear, oa fot atmliac aakagh from Mt. laaamt, stated ol the theft ead Banianped eaea ox moath ta gaol. Bay a 62.00 hat to-nvrrow.

Dxtub. Papalar aaAarelar Baica. To-morrow the omtaidA Bala 'at CI Baa, a I I I I wtuemntanaBeaxif 01 Laos (Xumine. Btyte sad finish-That. Jaaleaoa.

Doaay't 16 taa day, Saturday. KrW Nalttaara. Haw Troaaarlan MacKay A stcClaneghAo'. BMnrday 61 abo day, Doary'a. ttatrlaa; HaU, all shales aad new styles at cava', Kid, at.

86 Bptiag 8o.a for 614 st Nokn's. 88 ah day rmtorday, TXaty's. P. Rooboa'a dry BYmd. mat eloatd fot hour, avi iu I BWBTa AN EQUAL RIGHTS MOVE IMPORTANT NOTI-R OF MOTION IN THE ONTARIO HOUSE.

Mr. Campbell of Kaat Darbi Make a Plank Moreaaant Against tho Separate Scboola of Tbe Protlnoo. Toaobto, April ia Mr. apbetUa fot Kaat Dnrbaa, Aa Eqaal RigbtM.yartardAy fete nokioa of a moat ia) pot aaal reeolntioa aad I oae whioh will aewaol trldeapread AAtealtoa tbrongboBI the eonatry. It ia ptaeiloally propoaitioa tbe abjUtloa ot Basataat BAboott ia Ontario by maaae of a memorial to the Qaaea prating In aaoh legMlatioa by the imperial parliament aa will bring aboat I tale retail The taaohrtfoa la aa follow 1.

That aegulaatoa teapeetiag tire of Upper 8. Tbat by the maaaaa ef tbe Brlaiah North America -set, 1667, the Impanal parliament poena OB WM Brotiaetal aaaialalinaa I reetrieaioa. la daiH witb edaodioa. 4. Tbat la Bawoaaan it abeae raatrieaowa BTm Baataa of Ontario aaa aoA fm la auk.

I htwa tipiael edaaatroa a. aney may from am to mbm deem anamary aad pradeat. Sk Tbal imaiBMnni are aoaanare an twmeiplee of prone aanoBaible Boterameat re I ooaiar aaoa triauoaunaoa ol tuaada aad it aad to I aotratoaaoaa powara whieh were la reapeota gtaated to ptrrttaoM legijatara. A Thai ibe Drorino of Ontario i Worbee are tbe oaly protumea of tba Doaua- 7. Tbat ia the ootBioa of aWia bonaa aba In aima of tU eoaaary rreairaaoob ebaaaee la the Btitiah North Ammiee aot of 1807.

a. will plaeo edaeaaiu aadet the Joriadietaoa i.f the Ontario eomptataly, aa the ffmauua Banieam aarawnMt an iiriiainat.i mm. diotioa under aeetioa 81 of aha aaa. (8) That aa bumble eddraa ba praaaatad by aaia nonaa to nar SAoaa UraAMma M.laAi bodyiag the lotegotax raaolntanaa aad pray lag that ab will he plsaead to hate tbam broaabi to the aowoe ot tea hoaa ot pnrlia wita a tttw to i AN OFFER TO BELL OUT. ftn snsaraau rAomos kabttoaa stkiji ros aau-tbs onaoa sat boao.

WiHina, April 10 It a elated bate that a Niartaera fail baa made ea t-ffcr to il oat taa wnaat aiaaitoba ayitam ao taa P.BL. The Hadaoa Bay rail aay bate alao off -red ta gofitamaal to nam Sbe una tor a of a ailluoa aada bet', payable oa the a it aoa ot taa nea, 11 ana may be aooepted aod the xorarnaa-al go to Iba oounlry irAfflediately after prorogiBoa. or ia Job, at FURI0UB RIOT AT A FIRE. Muoa, boosbs Ajro orrusxs all I ruaeiaa aaoa oitua. tViLXmxxmxA.

April la-A ssrioas a leoarrad at Kiaartoa miu I loeal 6ra brttade waa extuarui-hint 6m. I aaitoneu irom adwardawilk. Im.u hia way taaide lb Uaaa. Upon bat I ruaaiBg logetoa to. annum tnraed tba I i a mm.

A aumbarot JadwardarillaaBnawatahiu the to Joaped otar the rope aramea. Tb. Utwt deleadt aad aoeae twaaey-6t rata ia a band to head ead t--a roaiaaded BBoeee, oloua, aaa tttryihieg I aneaUfd. I Tba 6 lea tar Ouaoumbarad hot tka kJU. reialotsemeaa am red froa Edwardstdl ead the betel, baaaaae awmal Tka aloAg Mala afreet aaaiag the rxiat baaaea OwaBam aAaan Bmae7Ml al O0 ly-a Tkslghl waa kmg aod bloody wbea ea a ea boot toe Mtrerdeti le ant to BiABt.

mea badly mlured oa eaah aida BOA sod bmba keot Mm aoawa. nl towa boay for boor, and II la feared awe or raraa may oa noa tbeir lajinaa. Oafy was GRATEFUL IRISH FISHER FOUL LAP! BVtlABD ABD MISS BAXjroOB OB A Bl US TOOB. DoaUB, April 10 aad aflae Balioat rial tod the Ialanda of laaiafcaa, Oiara. Iaauatark aad IeBiaabufEa, Wadaatday.

They aatared taaay eabraa, euntaramg with aad muaui to toe oeeapaaa and addiae mooe to to. Oaatle raliri U.t The Clare boat. mea i pwet mttao a tematKabta eemteaa, ttatttaa to tbe diraraioB by ua-orupuloua liiiiteiT? arm true A-aanoa ru tbe nil ane Of tba notartW i treuas aaa warmly abaskuig Mr. Balfonr lor au. auam waiaa BBB Wa Matt of Zetland war inaaruaaeatal la taittag Bad Uw diatrtba.

"oeij" tba mean, ol attxuag atar-I All the lalandara ta te the baaeh to tbe tutors wbea they arrired at IaauaboOa. Boalre ,,4 VWJ, tb boat to tb laad. Wbea the tiartmlaamad the plae preaaed atoaad an A Tremendom Strike Thrtmtaaed. Prrtaauas. Anril ia Tfca on.eotK,.

ol miner, aad operator, to amor, labor diletaaoaa etoaed laat eteaiag aoddMl. after a Bate and fraiilam belle, ol aw. aa. xw bbbob aamaa a II I later net a 1 1 a I loo. ralahoaa tbal bate meted ak.

I tw il for ir. taat. aa. kt, I oa aaa amy not be raenmad. Ia I neena tbat the 75 UM bus.

I la IbatB awn mraim mill i. I a May Irtt, tafaetlae 600,006 rmranaaTdbraatr. I ead BBadted of thonaaada nadma.iy, aa the I llJTjV'TZS' aork I ana ayaignig ot tatt Iatbot are bask of th yi Datld' Fancy Pair. The mdias of St. U.nd'a ah (rati eneeeas yeeterday at the faaey fair ead liZZ! llSJi? pasaar aara ia ta oa lament of the ekataa.

ain.grmeat are to ha am artt anoroee.BBd tboaa who ptwadad tta awwaroea by tba amooat a. Bell ba tmara. ot taa aaooaiag tallaty im, Watdame. Moaroa. J.

BaU, rali 9 T-f A.k. float Bad JaaiBgy bsaa bag, Mu aa Yeall i akl. ui a. man, aaa neuie tut andia. Maadaami flraart, Jtaaa aad UwldeoB ma araaa.

Mra, B. Bail i 'Sae. Maa Balli maaia wall U. a B. BeU ail Keaawdy.

Tba fair aLmm yea lag wbea ab. ptum anootiag trill ba uhewiiiwswa 07 aata, tr jteti. l-raujr Hstg aa4 Pretty Chll- elraa. Erary motbet think hat ehlld twati try amtlar Ihmk. ha hat.

th 111 aad atoatbaeomiBg. Noma, 40 Rulena aereet, haa aapt tot utua nova aad rrle and they bmprak lor tbam a tatt large aaia, in tit Ba Blaa Hat IkM HV I rlTtr "1 wr.raaoy Tarbaea, V-, waa, Hare you aeaa tbAl 63 60 hat. at J. DtTUB. Poaalar Batartlar tsaleM.

To-mormw th. aAanlaw Bala al A I Oo'a wiU emrteee aaarlj ooa tboaaand aaia I ot tap (tormina. BOWKk. DtTIbRAI WiU rttooT oa Uv 11 to 16)7 parka wwvrwj- vrain iauora( estaoiua merjU 630 Bptiag Bulla lot 614 at NtWe. Dtaey haattoa.

ayie B.torday, taj Bp Stum fot 814 at Noma's. eery aaa ahwalel kear Dr. Wild's lectora ea the 16th. Bay Doeeyt tairiit nos, Baaurdar, OP byriag BalM for H4 stNoWl. daaoalaa Uoasl asbaola ba Uooar (kaada mmm arbi Oaaada ia tba lanalatita tb worn a of peep th bead ot tbe Lda ead eeld Utart oaoKt bb-ing, tbrna.

Lady Zsalaad aaa. daanlw A. I I .11 The party roaoirad to mareb Borom aha ialaad I and th aaart waa atada with a I eompoaad of a aosaa atalwArt 'lA-aTa the tea aad baa wboln ttotmlaaina kji I thai ta A. it thai wao 8. aink it6 at lavrd srmtaing CARPETS When you are thinking of purchasing Carpets come and interview the people with the largest assortment of the bet makes.

We can give some points that will interest vou besides sell you better goods for less money than any other Souse Brysonr Graham fc 146tol54Spark9at. agxri-aa, AirotKMijtTt, rro. A pUILOERtr LODOB, Na. lyy AfT LZtl taiT' Jv 1M Sparka awaat, at Tietottak. H.

H. Oaisxa. Osa MoNstll, W. M. PKOUrVr 8IjOrUK, I A.

U. V. txoj, Abu. Frafiaa, anruag ta aa OdnMtaat ttaB, aoraer at Sparka Aad fW MBe-oVaak. Br abo.

O. B. FoTttBBiaaaAa, M.W. NOaURRKNDKR tVOOOM O. ta.

T- wawa hai, PridAy etwahag, te the Ttanparaae HaU. la O'Ooa. ta made Ohiat Tamplat 1AM AROYIiR Wra. SMS, mYJNu OF BOOIV LAND, taaats tale. Friday araaing, la iaWrtk-maa'e Ball, Albut attar.

At 6 p. m. D. MoMABjftB, Wa GxAJrt, Ubmf. Btana Yoar OroaadL Whan ton ataka an eat mind to taka Hood 'a BaraaaattUt, do aot na ladootd I boy aama otam nrtDarattoa in nil rl OWrka maw elaim that loam it ea good aa Hood'a" aad ad tbal.

bat tba peouliai man! of Hood1 laariim. eoaeot a. cqeallad, Ttmrefet hat Botblag to do with atbawiulaa aad iaaiat apaa nanna rxooo a oaraapewm. Ami New York aUrketa. Maaara.

Dramaaoad Brown, Wokera, beta aw no tba kalowlnr rtnaiaaia. no. aa- pnraaa wirt from W. G. hloOormlak A Co, Yobs.

April It waa ssnil tba suawrag thai x.K.006 gold agagad I export aaa atuanrard Tea bad tBaae of dalltag alisjioa bate btea ia peat few day Il ahoa bow wowoerrollT attoag ire ball aaaMBiaat a hat thegaaarai bat only tell -1 fnnumillj ttate aot aneatatBet ntoaaewtig aaa aoua tritoriga pooiie aop hate talma aim aaal. We bear tba taty aonapaaao Paeile ba hwaa dae ta eort of a woald ba nangaiiM to go abort of thaw. aow. ta ta ajtaraooa ibe ragera I etroag oa A teaaaal of on tin bt namahaa Baa pranotttry omi oat a. V.

matter with tit, Paul aad Rods 1 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PxWYTAlOlfS. lootaamoaa i. Ohioaeo ho4af Kibe W-maB-Ourb. WtKwa- Pub. -Calla.

Cora Pot. Aaaata MtTOTBtg, TMtONTt) BiXXk EZCHAJItlB rCUYATal W18L to Moatrwtl aa wmhasn at W. A OaHiAovmav and 1 Miaoayae Uarke tOis bewTwrk. '-a-etaarae tea gesiaihm ibihI 1 erarprtTa trtr Mew lora, imams, aiaaeal ToraaM aaw. Jffioi.

Tmtorir Chiabtn.Wtaliroo Was tyroBB. wbb PBoeira. Moah OprmHgbw Wba- May loaf' 104 1U iggl Jury lori lv4 loa, 11 Aug Mi yl Deo Ma ltOj Mtf kV May 6M 671 6M 6T Jaly 61 4f 6. Bept "iij lyl SI Hi It! rv.t"" at Miy" 11 to li'isi ii'io ii'ii (16 17.16 ii7j U66B L8M I a I.lJMay"! i'ri i'm i'h i'iii Jai I 7 17, 7 IT! 7 ta" "11 May i ih i'ih 'i'liwii July I i 4 4l I 4 BOTT'S SHOES 17 BIJiKATJ HTBEXTJ.

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