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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 3

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 OW 4 II, A THE BOSTO DAILY GLOBE-310NDA. 1- JUNE Y3 11390. IN 410 1 viliqii fitiN 11 "pH tosisoinreowyountom IVOM A believe of a phantom city staff 1 the of bis poon a "'mak I 1 7. courtesy mat boda habit. bat it is 'noel it thaerflittis; abler! Krettli foroid I.

Dui not Christ say that Ile thies belotni soirit and faith tiod. I i I of reporters of an imarinarv 1410fir to -write an VIII I 4.4 I TO HOLDERS Or. 1 ti 11. A PIT A I. 'I is: II bell new no Dower to sti, the blood.

to italntre yOUnit men to heroism and Lir rifle-A? od forOid I. Did not Christ agy that He might hare lite. TIlE fotivktions. firm purposes. fixed adhesion I to the rbrht.

kindly feeling's. ready 1 thleit belottil spirit and faith in tiod. Character Bosroy DAILY A BOLD, BAD WOMAN. JUNE 1 the dulness of his position br a I believe" of a phantom citv ststt of rePorters of an imarinary paper to 'write 23. 1590.

li a id lin habit. it lt 11 ban tavti ci Lisa: ti tut al I TO HOLDERS OF rams in order that men and might have it more abundantly? If our boat pi tossed with storm and 41riftinic hither and thither. we kpow not wheris He I. waikinir on the water. Let us beckon to Him to come into the ship, and we are sale' 1 aareinworthy of lespect.

Ea" I Dr. hurley's Salutatory. At the Charles Street African M. E. lass zught.

before an overflowing he hou D. se. Rev. obert F. urley'.

the PlOgress is DUB tO i newly appointed pastor, Ms diet sermon. Rev. Robert E. Harley. a was born of free parentage in Prince William II IC 1 county.

Virginia. Sept. 16. 1646. hen the war broke Out.

he en- lotted in 1st District of Columbia Infantry. Dunn the war be served in the Annyot the Potomac and was before I eterNburg ad Richmond. In tritm be entered toe ministry and served four years in (quo. In 1 liiii he wars given the nogree of D. D.

br West End a Godsend yeaaul Guinn Collore. During' the past two rs he has presided over Bethel churcii. builivan New lork. Blues of All Ages. Rev.

T. Corwin Watkins. pastor of the Walnut Street Methodist church, Chelsea, preached on "Ill uesCause and Cure." yesterday morning, taking for Ms text. I. Kings, xix, lie gave instances of moroseness and despondency from King David to Raphael, and recommended his hearers to sees relief and prevention in good food.

pure air aud vigorous habit of body. Trallscolitillolitol COMDallY 6 PER CENT. First -Mortgage Trust Bonds. Notice is hereby given that-th Crete Is Transcontinental Company intends to redeem all of its outstanding first mortow gage trust bonds on November 1st, 1890, at 103 per cent. and accrued interest, ix accordance with the terms of the trust deed securing same.

The 0. T. Corns pany, having for saki purpose sold to a syndicate, represented by Messrs. Drexel, Morgan the Northern Pacific B. B.

Co. consolidated mortgage 5 per cent. gold bonds set apart to take up the O. T. bonds.

as above. has provided that the O. T. bondholders should have an opportunity to exchange their bonds for the Northern Pacific per cent. bonds.

In accordance therewith the syndicate will make such exchange. paying per cent. for the O. T. bonds.

against 921 per cent. for the Northern Paella 6s crediting and charging accrued interest to the date of exchange, provided holders of O. T. bonds avail themselves of said, privilege by presenting their bonds for that purpose, at the office of Drexel, Morgan 23 Wall street. New York, on or before July 15.

1890. after which date the right to make such exchange will cease. By order of the Board of Directors. TEE OREGON TRANSCONTINENTAEI Co. By COLGATE noyz Vice-President.

New York, June 11. 1890. I 1 I 23 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. June 11. 1890.

Referring to the foregoing 99110111109a LI ment, we beg to call the attention of holders of the Oregon Transcontinental Company mortgage trust bonds to the following official statement of the operations of the Northern Pacific L. R. Co. Ten months ending April 30: 1889. 1800.

Gross earnings $10.27.905.22 118.713.3213.1g Operating expenses 9.745.988.4d 1o.889.906.89 I earnings 16.831,046.78 18.035.421...2e Interett4 rentals and rases 8,818.068.05 8.973.882.01 Surplus 012,978.71 11,101,858.35 Miscellaneous tn come, net 441.097.40 410,422.13 Profit over flied charges The underlying bonds of Northern Pacific branch lines. now held by the Trustee of the Oregon transcontinen. tal bonds. when released by this operation, 'will be deposited with the Trustee of the Northern Pacific R. R.

Company consolidated mortgage. thus giving to the latter the benefit of all the security no held for the O. T. bonds. We are prepared to deliver at once Northern Pacifio R.

R. Company Consolidated Mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds at our office in exchange for O. T. Co. First Mortgage Trust bonds on the basis set forth in the announcement of that company.

upon surrender to us of the G. T. bonds. jDREXEL. MORGAN CO.

The undersigned will also deliver Northern PECifia B. R. Consolidated Mortgage 5 per cent. gold bonds at their offices in exchange for Oregon Trans continental Company First Mortgage Trust Bonds, on the basis set forth in the announcement of that company on aur4 render to them of the O. T.

Bonds. Rollos Morse Brother, Brewster, Cobb Estabrook, Tower, Giddings and Leo Higginson 84 Co, ktf PIII To HOLDERS OF THE Preferred and Common Stocks1 OF Mom St Louis and San Rnciscg RAILWAY COMPANY: 3r1 Dwight Preaches to Yale, Work is Watchword at Bowdoin. Wellesley Molds Must Know Their Own Voluo keynote of Conservatory Graduates. Baccalaureate Sermcns All Over New England. New nAVIKV.

Jane 22.Rev. Pr. Tintothy Dwight preached his baccalaureate sermon today to the graduating class at Yale. His text was 1. Corinthians.

she 8,12: ''Love never falleth, but whether there be prophecies they sball be done away. whether there be tongues Ow shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall be done away. For we know. in part. and we prophesy.

in part, tut when that la which is perfect is come that which is ia part shall be done away. 'When I was a child I sDake as a child, I felt a child. I thought as a child, now that-I am become a Man I have put away Childish, things. For flow we see in a mirror. darkly.

but then face to lace. now I know. in part. but then I shall know. even as also.

I was fully known." Dr. Dwight said: -The two chief words of these verses on which the greatest emphasis is placed are love und knowledge. i be one designating the central force of the sours life. the other helicating that which the mind takes to itself aud makes its most. valuable posses-EOM The first thing which will impress the careful student of these words is the dile thicluese and earnestness with which the partial character of knowledge is presented with force of expression and with the energy of repeated statement the writer declares that the knowledge in which the readers had been priding theniselyea was only imperlect and halt developed, haviDg no Wipes and uuelotnied life in Itself.

'their knowing was like the child's knowing. soon tu be lost In soinething greater. "We know more at tit) than at 20. but it is only more. I he reality is posseseed at 20 if we have bees in the right line of knowing and have been faithful.

The youth eoes torth from the place Of study and prepare. tam with a precious life force in his mind, quickened into the hying energy by what be has learned. livin.c energy accomplishes all the results for him as lie passes on through the yeare because it has been uutekened at the beginning. We See as in a mirror. Indeed.

but yet he says we see. 1.15 know only In Fart. but we know. The child thinks as a child, yet he truly thinks. and the man in putting away childish things puts aside only the forms or the methods and never the thinking.

-But how inconsistent it is with this thought which lies at the toundation of the blessimr of knowledge whea the man at the early stage of his deveiopment thinks that be has attained all, and believes in nothing rwrontl. tine of the chief dangers in the in. lellectual sphere to which the educated roung man juet passing from his preDaratory years into the work of manhood is exposed is found in the pride of his present tnowledge. 'Ile linft nut away childish things. He has the greater gifts.

Ile is a man now not to be taught. but to teach. tie must bring i every subject to the test of his knowledge. and by his power of knowing he must deter- mine the truth respecting lc And he becomes a doubting questioner when he does Slot $ee. or distrusts what he once aceepted because it requires faith in the invisible, or begins to think of himself more highly than be ought to think.

or loses the docility which belonge to the scholar as truly as to the believer. Ilits man of learning. as truly as the man of wealth who simply gathers into and tor himself, and stifterm no blessing to go forth from him to the world. is a man who loses his life while he seeks to find it. "With the deepest interest in your well.

being in ail the coming years, and in the far-reading future beyond them, I would point to you, therefore, at this farewell hour to the same tireat Teacher, even the I ord desim and I would bid yott learn of Han and imitate Him. VICTORY OF THE WORD. Action the embodiment of ExoressionComing of Perfect Man. Elarerronn, June 22.The commencement exercises at Trinity College begen today. Rev.

David It. Greer, D. of New York, preached the baccalaureate sermon. Ills subject was "The Victory of the Word of God." Ile said that a word may be defined as that which expresses a thoueht. Action.

therefore. Is a word. Conduct is a word. Everything that man has made or done is a word. Decease it expresses a thought.

and expresses it soineticnes much more effectively than any spoken or written language tan. In all the rich and beautiful things which have been brought to light by literature and art, in all the groat oiseoveries made he Philosophic research. in ati the great movements of social reform and progress throuehout all human history. from first to last. the word of tioe appears.

mingled with error more or less. and yet the word of tied. But human eaters in also the word of Ceti. and in the wan Christ Jesus we see the perfect worn. whose victories are seen sot toile in Ealestine Isoo veers alto.

out throughout all civilization. 'let that word of God men have beeu teught that they are the sons of God. Eindinet their fatherhood in God. they heve found their brotherhood in one another, and with the consciousness of that brotherhood they have been trying to live sud perterm their duties to one another. Ina will continue to live until at last thee ell come unto the perfect wan.

unto the measure ot the etsture of the fulness of Jesus Christ. ILOWN BY ALL WINDS. President Enekham on the Aimless Drift of Modern Thought. Brst.txerox, June baccalaureate sermon before the graduating class of the Eui varsity of Vermont was preached in the College se church. at 3 P.

m. todar by Eresident II. Beckham, from Acts xxvii: 14, -After tie long time there arose against it wind called Euroclvdtin, and when the ship wan eanzht and could not face the wind. we gave way to it and were driven." Said the preacher: "The -intellectual world today is In the Nettleton in which navtgetion was in the 1 in century. torsalting the sea for the 'railing attention be way of illustration to two or three movements of our times which we my proterly call Gritting, anti eestiuning with the outward mations of mem we rind that in we at lite there is a irift toward tueividuallstntowsrd what a treat rench writer has happily phrased tudevetionete reilgion it has produced muluplicite )1 in domestie lit.

-the of Weems. dtvorreA and increase of Ntibsce. Its motto is, Am i my brother's keeper." Its spirit too often is that of the cruet teunt of the oriests to the repentant 'ratter. hat is that to us? See thou to thet!" "It must be suflielentle obvious that in thetight the age is (kitting toward a disb- aof to tee supernatural. It is the fashion of am dee, the letest fad of the literary and lettnecientihc and quasi religious leatleN, lest tist Imitators to say 'miracles no Riot Litman, I' he church seems eatisfied with a eorrect.

tomeeteas conventionalism. without ebontotieite or spiritual imagination or great snit power. Shan we ad admit tat Ceristese- 111 ttAit exhausted its enthusiasm? Inat it 1 promT-ts to action, perennial activity. It brings tranquillity in the labors. it nommanits respect and honor.

it toYeste I Power. IL ensuresi surrey's. genuine SneetIM These several pomp were Illustrated at large, in many forms and example. UNDER THE GOLDEN RULE, President Seely. on the Hope of organizing Society.

A smite rm. June 22.Pres1dent 'Julius U. Seely preached the baccataureate sermon before the gra4nating class at Amherst College this morning. from the text. Thy kingdom come." which he considered as a braver for a renovated society on earth.

Tbe question of human life is not so much a question of rights as of duties. Reihts always individualize. They would dislocate society, whose every member nee to be Joined with every other in a living Interdependence. The kingdom of the heavenly Father takes the principle of giving more than is received. 1 his can bo tioni 112113 in human life through the endowment of freedom.

ova worketit no ill to Ids neighbor. therefore. love is the fulfilling of the law. Owe no man anything but to love one another. Surely this would be the comPletenese of human life upon the earth and this would be only the full coming of the Heavenly .1 lather's kingdom.

Dr. Michael Buinbain. D. of Springfield delivered the annual address before the Hitchcock Society of Inquiry in the College Hall iast evening. His theme was.

"The Christian Student: his of training: his authority: his work in life." tiurnlitim said that beyond the home and academy the Christian student is the product of the college. Amherst bad filled a place in Christian culture that could not and Harvard would not NO SENSE LIKE COMMON. Yet Men Should Strive to Improves Says Prof. W. H.

Ryder. Aignovka. June 22.The baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of Phillips Academy was given this afternoon by Prof. W. IL Ryder of the Theological Seminary, In the chapel.

His text was found in ProY. 11, 7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore. get Wisdom. end, with all thy getting, get unoerstanding." The general subject was. The inspired Author," he said.

'ex horts us to secure wisdom at any price: He is pleading with men to cultivate and exercise good sense, to recognize what their opportunities and resoonsioll ities are and to make the most possible of lila I ask you to consider. today. the importance and the duty and method of gaining and usinsr this form of wisdom. "It is said and never disputed that there is no sense like common sense. and the fact is often illustrated that no gilts of genius and no attainments of learning and no profundity in can compensate for this lack Of grace.

But not only in it important that men should have this practical sense. but it is necessary that men skonld devote attention to Its cultivation. We must be faithful and must strive to he wise in discharge of the common duties of life." "SING WITH THE SPIRIT." Rev. PhiliD Moxom to the Conservatory Graduates. Rev.

Philip Moxom of the First Baptist church, corner of Clarendon at. and Corn. monwealth preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of the New England Conservatory of Music, at the church Jast evening. His discourse consisted of a review of the life of Jesus. and he exhorted his hearers to copy the characteristics of their divine leader.

The true Christian worker." said Dr. Moxom. 'flits the spiritual spirit into his undertakings. It is not so much what we do as what we put into our work. "The keynote of all success in this life is the true inwardness of the character of Jesus.

-It makes little difference what our ISOCiat standing in this world is as long as we incorporate the proper spirit Auto our undertaKings." PROFIT AND LOSS HEREAFTER. Rev. Dr. Gregg Delivers the Annual SermonDegrees in Heaven. WASHINGTON.

'June 22. Rev. David Gregg. D. pastor of the old Park Street Congregational.

church of Boston. delivered the annual sermon before the Young Men's Christian Association of his Alma Mater. Washington Jefferson College, this evening. His theme was. "Difference among the redeemed, ot gain and loss of the saved." His object was to prove that there are different degrees of happiness and usefulness among the redeemed; that those who do the most good in this life and best serve God will be rewarded most abundantly in the life to come.

Illness Stays the Festival. AIME, June baccalaureate sermon to the senior class of Goddard Seminary was delivered this afternoon in the Universalist church Ly Bev. C. H. Eaton.

D. of New York, assisted by Rev. J. Harry Holden of Amherst, Both preachers are members of the Goddard alumni. The commencement has ail been cancelled excepting the graduating exercises on account of the serious illness of, Miss I).

A. Thompson, who has been in. structor in Emrlish branches at the seminary for 20 years. NORTH SHORE PLEASURES. Many People at Beachmont Crescent Beach and Ocean Spray.

Yesterday many hundred people visited the North shore resorts. At Oak-Island-by-the-Sea the grove was open and the grounds were covered with groups of people. Warren's military band occupied the band stand. At Crescent Ileach the hotels did a lively business, and the roomy and Pleasant accommodations at the Strathmore were all occupied. Many men and children were to be seen in the surf all along the beach.

At Beachmont the cars of the Lynn Boston line left a large number, while many others visited the great Ocean tiler. Alany persons visited Winthrop and Ocean Spray. Many yachts were to be seen skimming about the bay. MALDEMS LARGEST. Seventy-first Anniversary of the First Baptist Sunday School BlAtritn June First Baptist Sunday school held its 71st anniversary this evening.

The exercises were conducted by Supt. A. R. Turner. and opened with responsive readings, followed Dy prayer by the pastor.

Rev. J. Matson Lewis, and response by the school orchestra. Choruses and recitations were given by the primary department An address was de. livered by klev.

W. iNi. Evans. et Boiton. The reports showed the total membership to be SUL 8011TEC- BOSTON.

Sergt. Enwright and Patrolman O'Ronthe of division 6 yesterday morning searched the premises of Owen Malloy. 140 West 4th where six gallons of beer and one gal-Ian ot whiskey were found. At Mary A. Sullivan's.

47 A nine gallons of beer were secured. A testimonial benefit will be tendered Edward Quinn a- the rooms of the Wickett Associate. Vetstilugton Hall. this evening. Men-of-Warsmen Deserting.

Sax FR ANCTSCO, June 22.The sailors are deserting the United States man-of-war Iroquois like the proverbial rat. She started for Samoa a week ago. Just outside she earned away her port rigging. aud was compelied to return to Mare isiand for repairs. The rirst, night of her return five men deserted.

the nest night 10. La all 40 have escaped. Rolled in the Dirt. LYNN. June Tonnery.

recent's arrived from Ireland, alleges to the police that he was knocked down and robbed by Thomas Duggan this evening, tonnery had known Duggan in the old country and wos unable to take him to his boarding hotoe when requested to do so. Tonnery had been rolled in tne dirt. Local Lines. The following telegram was received from Guaranty Loan and Crust Company dated San Francisco June 20: 56,513. 10.000; 45.47$.

$1000. P. P. O'Ned. T.

Norris, Mrs. M. E. Merrifield. mire E.

Pinney arid Howard Balcoin addressed a large gathering of people On the Common yesterday. state socialism was the topic. The steamer Stamford carried a fne Party to l'Iymouth )esterday. especially large considering the thzeatening Is dither. le it cruel to broil lobsters alive? abs.

1 Ige.17:11v ttd at ownsend's Romance Of a Great Man. Ern! Ceys olds and tier Frozress with Alexander Mr. Drysdale' Story of the West IndiesNew Literature. George Alfred Townsend Is not timid In the selection of hie epic themes for fictitious romance. In -The Entailed Hat." be wrote the worst of the period of slavery and the rise of the Whig party.

In -Katy of Catoctin" he connected the raid of dolin Brown with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In the present story. "Mrs. Leynolds." he has taken no the administration of Gem Washington and the central figure in the cabinet. Alexander Hamilton.

Hamilton Lan almost unrealizable man in our times. like Washington. The pure. intellectual ti bre of the one. and the divine dignity of the other.

somewhat removing them irom our human understanding. In this book, however. we are made to see Hamilton as facile. natural. occasionally wayward yonrig fellow.

scotch, French. and West Indian in type. who at a particular time when his family have gone away during the prove-. lent. of the yellow fever.

tinds the bright eyes of Mrs. Reynolds and her seductive Invitation too much for his discretion. The surroundings of Hamilton are very clearly delineated his wife. gouty father- In-law, his sick child. his political tempt Ilona from liaron Burr, who wants to make a coalition with him.

and at the same time disturbs his domestic peace. At the time of the tale Hamilton is about years old. lie has driven Jefferson out of the cabinet. or rather Jefferson has retired from leal- OnSY ot Hamilton. and the secretary of the treasury is having his own way.

and has just influenced Washington to send out an army and suppress the whiskey insurrec- tionists. It is during the progress of this army through Pennsylvania that many of the scenes in the romance are laid. Dr. Priestley. the distoverer of oxygen.

Pt made the thread upon which the story lies; the various members of his family become in one ay or another affected by Mrs. Reynolds. This family having with- drawn to Northumberland on the SUSC11113 banns, river. which was the most poin of the whiskey insurrection, and Hamilton with Vashington going from Philadelphia in the route of the army to Harrisburg, it is an easy matter to min the broken threads of the story. During the march.

at the old town of Carlisle, Mrs. Reynolds precipitates herself. upon a rainy night, into Hamilton's lonely lodgings, and has nearly again shaken his rectitude: the proprieties are restored by Gen. Washington coming to Hamilton's lodgings in the night with the order of the march and the arrangement of the military' command. Thus foiled.

Mrs. Reynolds. who has hitherto shown the amiable side of her character only, suddenly becomes the bold. had woman all that fall are liable to be. 6he sets hefself up at Wright's Ferry.

now called Columbia. to entrap the young 6111- cer's of Washington's army who are going to and returning from Pittsburg. Here she sets up a plot to break up the family of young Joseph Priestley. the chemist's son. Hamilton returns from Pittsburg in time to take a hand in this episode, and he notifies the woman and her paramours that if it becomes necessary he will expose himself and them.

The time and manner of writing this contession constitutes the latter portion of the book, which ends with Hamilton re. stored to complete domestic confidence and bidding adieu to public life. Among the characters touched up in this book and sketched with freedom are Albert Gallatin, Alexander Dallas. the household of Washington, including Tobias Lear, Gov. Mitlin, Adams and wife and Jefferson and his daughter.

York: E. J. Bonaventura The leading feature of the July Harrier Is the second instalment of Daudet's story of the close of the career of the immortal Tar. tarin of Tarticon in "Port Tarascon." It gives. with tbe flavor of the delicious humor of the first volume of the Tartarin series.

an account of the voyage to Port Tarascon. the adventures of Bezuquet among the cannibals. and other droll experiences. It is richly illustrated with 24 drawings by the French artists Montegut, Rossi. de Mvrbach end Montennerd, each of which is a notable character Andy.

-Port Tarascon." by the enterprise of Harner's Magazine, is drawing the attention in this country to Daudet. that loag ago should have been given to him as the creator ol the roost humorously satirical digures of this century's literature. But the number has Its usual variety of entertaining papers. and holds to its excelsior standard. Leading illustrated papers are "A Famous Chapbook Villain." by Howard Pyle as author and artist.

and telling of Jonathan Wild: "Lexan tyPes and Contrast." Lee C. 14 illustrations: Life in Oxford." Ethel AL Arnold. eight illustrations. with portraits; -Hattie Russia," Henry Lassdell, D. a narrative of a journey to the Baltic provieses, with nine illustrations.

The 1rontisp4tee illustrates T. B. Aldrich'a poem, "Thalia." and is drawn by W. T. Smedley.

It is strong in conception and treatment. A valuable histOrical paper on the renascence of Paganism in Italian literature. is by Frank Sewall. and entitled ''Griosue Carducci and the Hellenie Reaction In Italy." In -Architecture and Democracy." the influence of the latter upon the former is shown by R. S.

Peabody. There are important views of their times in "Some Colonial and Revolu tionary Letters," edited by F. Daniel. They were written between 1761 and 1799 by a New York delegate to the Continental Congress. "Irrasury Notes and Notes on the L.

E. Chitteliden tons of certain frauds. There are short stories by Brander Sturges. Mary E. Wilkins.

McLean Greene and blatt Grim. There are poems by William Sharp. Matthew R. Rnight and George E. Mont.

gomery. George William Curtis writes of "Sydney Smith's Famous Taunt at America." "Critics and Their Canons." "Our Treasures of Art." "The Glorious Fourth." W. D. Hovvells discusses "A Field Day with Corresuondents." "Humble Pie for the Study." "Humbler "Not Quite so Humble, but still Humble Enough." Reward of Virtue." "Mr. Lowell on Idealism." -Dr.

Holmes on Realism." The first number of "American Etcher." which seeks to cultivate taste for one of the most truthful and refining kinds of art work. by original etchings and criticar essays on etching. is just out. It reproduces in full George Keepers notes on etching, "originally written for young people who love pictures. but who as yet have everything to learn about them." It describes in detail the making and printiag.

what etchings are printed upon, what first proofs are. what "states" of an etching are. etc. It gives information needed to secure right appreciation. and is the best.

introduction to the purpose of the new monthly that could be made. It adds as a supplement a lull-paze and mounted etching of a walk in winter. showing in the foreground a yonag woman in furs approaching a snow-covered country house. She is accompanied by a shepherd dog and is in the attitude of speaking to it. The drawing is accurate sad delicate.

and secures the natural and pleasing expression. It is to be followed every month by an etching on some select subject. There are geseral art notes, and a sketch of art in Chicago. The magazine sikould early receive the support ol cultivated readers. New York: at Union George Ir.

Reilly Co. This grammar is the work of a competent scholar and presents a clear idea of the language which refutes the theory than no 13nguage can be imposed kipon a people. but must be born and grow with the birth and growth of the people. This language already numbers over 2.000.000 adherents and is being widely used in commercial circles. where one clerk knowing.

Volapuk can correspond with other Volapukians in a dozen different countries instead of it being recessary to have clerks who have a dozen ditferent languages. Mr. Posts grammar presents the features of Volapuk in a singulerly clear and useful form. The book finishes with an ingenious original story in olaPuk. written by Bernard k'.

Supple, which keens the interest of the student aroused and helps to make the study of this language a pleasure. Volaptik priee E0 Publietied by Allred l'oot. 1sUapn, Man. The quaint preface to "The Princess of Montserrat" closes with this fervent injunction to the book. as a "child" of tbe author: "Above all things.

my child. do not loiter about the news stands. but move quickly." There is no reason why it should not more quickly, for Mr. Drysdale's story of the West India islands is one of bright adventure shod of buman interest. with some decidedly orlginal -situations.

or. rather. clever moderniring of ancient and always interesting incidents. It deals with the adventures of a New York reporter. who is decoyed to London by a forged letter.

is stranded. and accepts the offer of a commercial company to examine report and live with one boy for companyion a lonely islanel tor thre4enonthatitstrst Imola on the Island Is Monetized by the appeeranee or a hurricane. and Le amuses litanitlf and relieves Townsend's Romance Of a Great Man. no" the hurricane. This ill-wind.

however. bows goott by siendinK ashore the heroine. the -Pnncess of ber lather and the crew of a vexfel wrecked on the island. and there is a lo days courtship and declaration of love before that Party is rescued. The course of true love runs comparstivelf smooth.

and is apparentiy bound to come to As Prover 'termination. when an unexfleeted complication occurs. The hero is kidnaPPed Pleasantly to he sure-on another island. but what be bnds there and how be escapes is too interesting to summararze and IDOil. The author.

illiam JJtsiIae, whose-, sketches are Dia millar in New I orit papers. dodicates.h work to a fei low journalist. a former editor of the New York Times. an incident In whose career furnished me opeuing chapters of the book. Albany.

N. Albany Look Company. "Globe-trotting" seems to be the "lad" at present. The latest contributor to the series is that of Sullivan Holman McCollester, who. in a neat volume ot 350 "Round the Globe." well illustrated, tells the experiennes of a nine months journey.

going west from Boston to San Francisco to Japan, and returning to Boston via Liverpool. The sketches show rare faculties of eyesight and observation in the various countries. In the few pages devoted to London and Ireland it i4 gratifying to note that the political problems which have vexed and are vexing the statesmen of Great Britain. are solved in a summary and satisfactory by the author. hocial problem disappear promptly before his searchinx analysis.

and it is gratifying to learn that with the adoo ion of thee principles the feudal own. ership of land be done away, and that then "it will be safe for I noon to grow and English subjects to multiply, for every man will have the opportunity of becoming more ot a man. The lower classes will no longer be kept in the ditch and the hovel from necessity." AR of which is very pleasant to bear, and it is gratifying to learn that Marlboro, N. supplies the Philosopher who thoroughly understands the situation and has no false modesty in suggesting the remedy, even while the maMritv of the British people think otberwiss. In the meantime London grows and English subjects multiply.

tioston: Unirersalist Publishing Rouse. A new department in 'The Business l'iro man's Journal." in the interest of women journalists. edited by Mrs. Estelle M. H.

Merrill (Jean Kincaid" of THE- BOSTON GLons). is opened by a spicy article from her pen on Women in Journalism, in which she gives some of the editors of our daily papers a severe shaking up in regard to the matter which they require women journalists to furnish to the women's columns of their papers. Mrs. M. F.

Debart, contributes a well written article entitled "What Shall We Do with the Children?" which is full of valuable ad vice to mothers in regard to preserving the health of their children. An iiiteresting on College Settlement Associations appears in the "Department o( Philanthropy Reform." edited by Miss Frances Willard. Mrs. Prescott tells young housekeepers "How to Go to Market." and Mrs. Hood gives advice about making a will.

In the typewriting department is given a correct typewritten form of a will. which conforms strictly to all the legal renuirements. -Ilaywood Boys and Girls." the serial story for children. gives a chapter full of instruction. which is also exceedingly entertaining.

The sub- of insurance for women is treated by Dirs. Emily Taylor in a both forcible and witty article entitled. "Is Discrimination Against Women Wise?" York: The Mary F. Seymour Publiahlny Company. Col.

John Hay has written to George Alfred Townsend. about the latter's new novel: "I have greatly enjoyed Your 'Mrs. You have a ttyle so peculiarly individual. that in reading you I seem to be listening to the very voice of my old friend. This hook has the same merits of the others, the poetic conception.

the trained observation. the singular gilt of metaphor and characterization. the faculty constantly present of rendering an event or a discussion into a phrase. The appearances of Washington ou the scene are remarkably It was a bold thing to do. and Its success IS all the more valuable." FRANCIS A.

Literary Notes. Charles Scribnees Song will Publish shortly Marion klarlano's new story. entitled 'With the Best Intentions." The scene of the story is laid at a summer watering place in the region of the great lakes. Lee 'Shepard have in preparation another story by Ingersoll Lockwood. whose "Little Baron Trump" was so successful last year.

It will be entitlea "Wonderful Deeds and Doing of Little Giant Boat) and His Talking Raven Tabib." Frank F. Lovell was married to Miss Julia Colt at Lockport. N. June JO. Mr.

Lovell is a member of the firm of J. W. Lovell aud the bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Colt well-known society people of Lockport.

Considerable curiosity has been manifested -concerning the origin of the title "Day and Night stories." elected by T. it Sullivan for his collection of tales recently, issued by the It was suggested to the author by Horatio's exclamations in Hamlet. "0 day and night. but this is wondrous strange!" and it accords well with tne weird. lantaatic and ghostly character ot these fascinating stories.

A. L. Burt. se Beckman New York. has nearly ready la his excellent series of Burt's Library "The Origin of species." bl Charles Darwin; Kingsley's "Hyped "Past and Present." by Thomas Carlyle.

with an introductory note by Robert Thorne. and "'the History of Civilization in Europe." by F. P. G. Guizot.

translated by Hazlitt. with a biograpnical sketch of the author. Each volume will contain a portrait. These volumes are excellently gotten up, and till every requirement of a low-priced book for the people. The first number of the Annals of the American Academy of Social and Political Sciencea new review of politics and economicswill shortly appear in Philadelphia.

It will contain. among other interesting articles, one on "Politics in Canada and the United States." by Dr. Bourinot; another on "Decay of Local Government in America." by Prof. Patten: and a third on Cheaper Railroad Fares. by J.

Wetherell. The Annals is the organ of the American Academy of Political anti Social Science. and will appear quarterly. The opening and closing' scenes of Mr. Besant's new of Lyonease." are laid among the Scilly Islands.

Tradition relates that these islands, now many miles from the main were once united to Cornwall by a region of extreme fertility. This was the ancient country of Lyonesse. It was inhabited by a people remarkable for their industry and piety. No less than 140 churches stood over that region which is now a waste of waters; and the rocks called the Seven Stones are said to mark the place of a large city. According to an old English.

chronicle. Lyonesse was overwhelmed by an inundation of the sea on the 1Ith of November. low). Donahoe's Monthly Magazine. for July.

is as interesting as usual. We give a few of the principal articles: "The Schoolmaster's Club of Boston:" tit Anne de Beaupre, the Auray of Canada:" "Did Bismarck Go to Canossa?" "The Andover Peview and the New School Policy "Newfoundiand and Its Irish Settlers, "Irish Lace The Leper Settlement:" "Irish History snit Literature in Our Catholic School Books:" Cathohe Press Association:" "Herr Windthorst "Archbishop Arnold on the Color Line:" Cardinal Gibbons' Address on Behalf of Immigrant Girls." "Judge Fallon and the books-tsed in the Public Schools." together with a great variety of other articles. including tee department and notes of the month. SOMERVILLE. The high school exhibition takes place in the First Methodist church tomorrow morning.

and in the evening the graduating class will have a sore in Eberle Hall. lhursday eventh g. the graduating exercises of the grammar school will be given in the same church. Tile nitarian Sunday school observed its anniversary in the church on Highland yesterday afternoon. 'I here were recitations and solos by Ethel Morse.

Maud Richards. May Staniford and Harry Morse There was also singing DY the scnool. There was a tine floral display. The Broadway Methodist church observed its fl th anniversary of organizauon and the eighth of the dedication of its present edifice. yesterday morning and evening.

The morning senice was devoted to a description of the Methodist church of this countre with reference to its various departments of work. Last emendate the Sunday school gave its anniversay concert. J. Prentiss bailey. secretary of the Voliurn Y.

M. C.A.. delivered an address. Girl in White Dress Shivered-About the time that the Germania Sand commenced its concert yesterday on the Common. at 4 o'clock.

the east wind commenced to iret in its work. and the atmosphere was exceedingly chilly. but there were thousands out to listen to the pre-gramme under the direetion of Conduetor Emil Mollenhauer. The music was excellent and tie Drograinme contained selections enough of a popular nature to please the l'he girl In the white drevishivered a little when the wind blew. but she listened with tier iest fellow until the last number of the rrognimme is as unb-hed.

HERMIT' NOR SYBARITE. Brave and Generous Service the Ideal Life of Man. Becattwww. June Ilyde of Sowdoin College preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating 1 class today. President Hyde took the text found at Mark.

SS; For whosoever would save Ida life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose hio life for My sake and the gosPel's shall ave it." Neither the ftelf-conaciout virtue of the stoic nor the self-indulgent pleasure-seeking. of the epicurean can AAVe the life of man." Aid Mr. Hyde. -The one is too haul and cold; the other is ton soft and effeminate. -Seeking the fame anti emoluments Of (ace as ends in politics hrnka the statesman and patriot into the polincian and yin-mite secting to get ons'a self into bea, en as an ultimate end in religion obrivois the professing Christian into the hollow hypocrite.

s' Sat the reaistance of the air is to the bird. what trietion is to the locomotive.that self-devotion to the good of our fellows is to the soul of man. It is at once tn occasion of all his di-Icultiee and efforts. and the condition without winch growth and Progress are impossible. -Enter bravely and generously into every form ot social service.

advocate every just cause. identify yourselves with every genuine reform. promote every step ot real Pro-green. expose eaery falsehood, denounce every inniatice, tight every wrong. and welcome the hardship and the pain such a course brings with it.

This is the only way by which you can escabe that death and destruf-tion to which every form of selfishness i6 doomed. anti enter into that full. free. everlasting lite which is the gift of God to all who follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ." STRICNOTII OF STOUT HEART. Dr.

Cummings and Ilia Life Reviewod in the College Memorial. MIDDLETOWN. June 22.A mmorial servics for the late ex.President Joseph Cummings was held at 3 o'clock. The Principal address was by the Rev. William 'V.

Kelley. II 130.. pastor of St, Jonn's Methodist church of Brooklyn. N. Y.

He spoke as follows: The edifice of Joseph Cummings' life is a massive structure. builtof granite, of Doric simplicity. though not of Doric smoothness; a temple dedicated to God: a strong. noble consecrated life. Fifty years ago.

when he was equipped. winning powers bad to be in the man. AVith all our tine facilities and modern Methods, the problem that crowds us most is how to match the manhood of the fathers a job of large dimensions. As President Dr. Cummings made himself a man of all-work.

toiling day and night. most of the buildings of Wesleyan Univer sit1 were erected in the 18 years of is presidencv. lie was an educational captain rather than a technical scholar. He is the most conspicuous example of a chief educator permitted by Providence and the Methodist church to devote a lifetime almost solidly to educational super. intendence.

At the Northwestern trniversity the number of his students doubled from b00 to 1800 in nine years. He never retired from active service: died young at the age of 73; stood on the heights of his life venerable and victorious. in sight of a height that is higher, to which he has now mounted. Prot. V.

A. Rice of Wesleyan CniversitY followed. speaking, as a representative of the faculty of Dr. Cummings career in the presidency and ot the traits which he manifested, especially his wonderful force of will. President Raymond of the 1Vesleyan University preached his first baccalaureate ear mou since his installation as president of the college before the graduating.

class iti the Methodist church tam morning from Colossians, It. 10. TO THE WISE VIRGINS. Prof. Tucker of Andover on the Value of Self-Dellnition.

The baccalaureate sermon at Wellesley College was delivered yesterday at 4 p. m. in college chapel by Rev. William Jewett Tucker. D.

of the Theological Seminary at Andover. Dr. Tucker's text sva-s John 22, 23: 3 hen Bald they unto him. "Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? He said: "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

Make straight the way of the Lord, as sold the Prophet Esau's." The thought drawn from this by Professor Tueker was stinstantially: We cannot longer ailect unconsciousness. We are not the children of nature in the play of the universe. nor the soul of God in the perfect freedom of holiness. but men and women in God's world. unuer His disci-pima and doing His work under the alternating experience of failure and achievement.

What we want to do is to try to think oar way through any morbid or vain self-consciousness into the repose and joy and freedom of conscious power. Self-detinition gives us the knowledge of our limitations and enables us to put away all pretence and assamption. On its positive sole it is another name for self-valuation. lt gives us the revaluation of ourselves after we have incorporated into our lives the facts and ideas and truths hien belong to us as educated men and women. And It helps us to find our Waco in the Plan of God.

shows us our admtstnient and relations. and teaches us the infinite wisdom of the act of self-surrender. At 7.3o yesterday evening a charming vesper service. consisting of evening prayers with special music. was held in the college chapel.

Miss blanche Marot of the school of music. Frank Morse. the well-known teacher. and Mrs Mary Sleeper huggles of Vorcester. a former student.

were the soloists. and several delightful numbers were given by the orgatuist. Mrs. Sto all. SLAVERY AND RUM.

Bates College Urged to Protect the Foundations of Right. LEWTSTON, June 22.President Cheney preached the baccalaureate sermon today to the seniors of Bates College. from Psalms IL 3: "If the foundations be destroyed. what can the righteous do?" The speaker said that the church was a social compact and there was work for the members of it to do in protecting the foundations of Christian living from attack. Ile further said: "the slave power is not dead.

Why are the colored people quiet today? 117 do ttiey take meekly the wrongs done them? It is not because they have uo It Is not because they do not know what their rights are. It is not beeause they are destitute of courage. It is because their best friends tell them to return good for evil. Because the churches, schools and colleges of the Non advise them to bear their wrongs Patiently'. leaving it or tied to solve thereat probMtn now before the country.

as tie surely will. "There are other evils than this wrong to the colored race. The saloon power is an evil and is mighty and is now rejoicing because of the late decision of our supreme Court on the original package Question. Wickecness makes more noise than righteOUSiteSS. "Our tsupreme Court is the highest tribunal in the worid.

It is entitled to great respect. Its judges are but men. nknown to themselves they may be in. t. uenced by early training.

or political views. On the original package question they were divided." MORT AND Rev. Bernard ealne's Sermon at Wheaton Seminary. Nowrov, June Bernard Paine of Old Saybrook. preached the bacca, laureate strmon to the pupils of Wheaton Female Seminary.

in the Trinitarian church tins morning. -Light and love." be said. "go together. Minds of genius often lad to a-ie the 1ight because they have not received it into their hearts They have often seen the which was in them. out they have not themselves to the light which was t-iod hat purpose in life more worthy to be cherished than to be the medium between tiod an man? As you take your station in aud tRe very begt that in You he.

may the world he better for your living." CHARACTER HAS Is Also Bea Power and Prompts Action. Says President IltxoTun. N. IL. June Partiett's baccalaureate.

preached today was, founded eu John. 47. 'Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is po guile." Ills theme wab -me Value of Character." including in character those Qualities that constitute a high and true manhood. Character founded on principie. Christma Principle.

A man of character in this high sense is a man of settled to Boston. Rev. Mr. Crawford Says It Coffin Mt to the Church. Bribe-Takers Compared to Judas.

Roy. G. H. Young's Instances a Ideal Public Purity. At the Bromfield Street M.

E. church, yesterday morning. Rev. George A. Crawford preached a practical sermon upon Labor and Capital: le There Auy Necessary Antagonism Between Then?" He took as his text Proverbs, IL 2: "The rich and poor meet together; the Lord the maker of them all." He said in substance: There Is ranch of brutality In the attitude of capital toward labor.

There is an intel- lectual as well as a physical Men have fought against the results of inventive genius in the shate of machines that do the work that formerly took a thousand bands to accomplish, but today we have come to believe that we could not possibly do without them. Yet all those things would not have been possible if it were not for the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few men who can afford to wait for their returns. How foolish for a man to think he can perinanentiy help himself by crushing and destroying the capital upon which he depends. Within the past few weeks there has been a great ado made about the West End railway. I am not here to defend the West En a railway.

but if there were not corrupt men, ready to sell their favor for a few dolhrs. there would be no opportunity for corruption; and I believe the West End road is a blessing to the poor. stived-up people of Boston today, next in importance to the church of God itself. No man hal any right to expect to get more tnan he gives to the world. When a man gets more than he earns be steals it.

and when he takes advantage of this power to get up a corner on wheat or rice. he steals from me just st4 much and as brutally as the man who robs me of thy The value of a man's work is not to be determined by the time and amount of energy it consumes. Its value is determined by the amount of good it does for the world. A man needs th spur of the thought that he is entitled to the result of his own energies. What we need most today is more of a spirit of a common brotherhood.

and I solemnly believe that the matter wIll never be solved by the Present applied laws of political economy, which are as cold and merciless as the laws of mechanics, and know nothing of character. These sciences are all merely mechanical. and there is no place in them for the unfortunate and incapable. It is the principle of the survival of the fittest: the old law of "God for us all, and the devil take the hindmost." Unless in some way the Christian church can get bold of these great problems aud solve them they never will be solvea. RELIGION CAN FIX VI Rigid Standards of Public Morality Given by Rev.

G. H. Young. Rev. G.

H. Young of the New South church. Tremont. corner of Camden st, spoke yesterday morning on "Recent Legislative Object Lessons." During his discourse the pastor said: "lt is a mistaken idea of government of being able to rise any higher than the level of the people. "lt is a disgrace to Massachusetts that any such investigation as is being at present conducted by the Legislature should be possible.

-That young man in the Legislature, a immortal friend of mine. who refused even to be seen by the representative ot a great corporation who was seexing to influence legislation, was an exception to the general rule. Hite. for public such men as a Certain postmaster who. when one of his bondsmen demanded a place tor one of his frienos, indignantly refused.

and obliged his bondsman to snow him to remove his name from his bond and substitute another -The great need of the present is to level up the people in all these matters, and that means religion on its feet; the moral force of the people brought into active plai." BASENESS OF BRIBERY. Man Who Sells His Honor is Bad as a Woman Who Loses Hers. In Tremont Temple yesterday morning Rev. Emory J. Haynes.

D. preacheld be. fore a large audience upon the subject "BriberyCan anybody be ignorant that it is contemptible, villainous, treason?" Dr. Haynes read passages from the scriptures. which showed the teaching of the Bible upon the crime of bribe-taking, and declared that Judas Iscariot was a criminal bribe-taker when he betrayed Jesus Christ.

Ile said it was true that men did not really understand or appreciate what the crime was. Legislators' salaries are goner-any email. and many think it is nobody's business if they get more than their salaries. There are many corporations who feel that it is honest to bribe, altnough they do not call it by that name. The chief wrong of bribing and bribe-taking is that it is contrary to the will of God as much as theft or murder.

or any of the laws of the ten commandments. A man who lose; his honor for a oriee is as bad as a woman who loses hers. NATIONAL MARRIAGE LAWS. Rev. Mr.

Banks Advocates Them In. stead of State Laws. Rev. Louis Albert Banks. pastor of St.

John's Methodist church. Broadwav. south I3oston, delivered an Interesting sermon last evening on "Marriage and Divorce." Mr. Banks advocated national divorce and marriage laws. Instead of State laws.

He spoke of tbe great variety of divorce laws in the different States. and ernlained how people sometimes go from one State to another for the DILIMOS6 of securing divorces when decrees would not tie allowed in their own States. Mr. Banks spoke particularly of the peculiaritiel of the divorce and marriage laws of Connecticut. l'iew York and Jersey.

He did notbelieve ministers should marry di orced persons who had previously violatel their marriage obligations. New Church Opened at, Roxbury. Yesterday the new Battens, Baptist church on West Cottage ht was occupied for the first time. The worshippers were formerly members of the Dearborn it. church.

but the old edifice is inadequate for the increasing numbers of the congregation. The church is not yet finished. and will hardiy be reaay for dedication before the Lail. Yesterday morning Rev. Francis Eellamy deliverod a short sermon.

In to evening a aovotional meeting was held. Christianity mid Good Manners. Rev. William L. Lawrence Of Dorchester conducted the public religious services at the Y.

M. C. Union last evening. Preaching upon "Mutual Respect." Special musical selectices were rendered Pi Mrs. eosins RUSS4111 Sylvester.

soprano: Mrs. Atka steel. Hackett. centraito: James tenor; Waiter Loves Heath. Tarytone; George Menden Taylor.

accompanist- Rey- kr- Lawrence took as his text. -1 ft till PEOL TOMAR DEAD. Famous Passamaquoddy Indian, Hunter and Fisherman. CALAIS. June 22.Pool Tomah.

the great hunter and guide of the FassamaQuoddy Indians, is dead. He was taken ill at Brookton beside the Baskhegan. where be loved to dwell. and was conveyed to Peter Dana's l'oint, where he died. Pool was 75 years of age.

He was not only a sktlful woodsman and guide. but a man of high intelligence that made him esteemed as a man and companion. He was loittr governor of the trite. delegate to the Logistt 'attire for several termite and commanded all the honors the tribe could give. 1 he hundreds of men with whom he has been on stream or lake or instructed in the forest hold him in memory.

and he will be mourned by many who are Dot of his taco. MALDEN. The Unitarian Sunday school observed its anniversary yesterday. the exercises being conducted by SupL John M. Corbett.

Addresses were made by William IL Bald. win, president of the Young Men's Christian Union. and Williain Crosby. snperintendent of the Children's Mission. The school has-a membership of 107, with three dicers and au average attendance of 70.

The receipts were 61.54.03 and the expenditures S1z1.2s. The Methodist church of Maplewood. which has recently been remoneled. was rededicated yesterday with appropriate services. In the morning a lifin11011 was preached by Rev.

V. IN. brodbeck, pastor of the Tremont Street church, The sermon in the evening was preached by Rev. J. H.

Mansfield. presiding elder of Lynn district. Today the Boston preachers meeting- will hold its services in this church by invitation of the trustees. YELLOW FEVER ABROAD. British Ship Algomar Comes from Rio to Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA. June 22.The British shin Alcomar arrived at the Delaware Breakwater last night. 44 days from Janeiro. of the crew ttre renorted to have had yellow fallow at tit), and she is now undergoing disinfection. Iler crow are all well.

The mate. James Brown. fell down the hold and broke his neck on June 5, dying immediat ely. Bo was buried at sea. MARINE NEWS.

Arrived Sunday. Steamers, Iowa (Br), Owens, Liverpool; Navarra (Spanish), Telleria, London; Yarmouth (Br), Stan. wood, Yarmouth, Dorchester, llowes, Bain-more; Lewiston, Ingraham, Bangor; Tremont, Donovan, Portland; City of Gloucester. Godfrey, Gloucester; Indian, Nickerson, Philadelphia. Schooners, Harry White, Bucksport, Hopkins, Ponce, via Vineyard Haven; Adeline Adams, Friendship, Palmer, Lockport, Dione, Boston, Haynes, Jacksonville; Ellen bt Golder.

McLeod, Norfolk, Va; George Arum's, Standish, Bain. more; Franconia. Young, Philadelphia; Authony. Berry, Weehawken; Lester A Lewis, Berger, Hoboken; Clara Co 'cord, Coleord. Hoboken; William Pickering, Hammond, Rondout; Davis Brothers, Collins, Rondont; Adam Bow Bowden.

Rondont; Josepn Hay, Phinney, Hoboken; Charles Heath, Hickey, Hoboken; tiosephine Knowles, Cole, Port Liberty; Phcebe and Emma Small. Stone, Amboy; Townsend, Smith, Amboy Victory. Ober, Perth Amboy; Spray. Crowley, Perth Amboy; George Perry, Flynn, South Amboy; Alaska. Clark, Bayonne, Al Merriman.

Smith, lioboken Sarah Quinn, Lynch, Albany, Challenge. Oott, Amboy; Edith 1 Gandy, Gandy, Amboy; Oregon, Candage, Rockland; Eunice Newcomb, Allen, Deer Isle; William Warren. Robinson, Deer Isle; Forester, Lamson, Ellsworth; Caressa, Young, Ellsworth; Kate McClintock, Wright, Bath; 0 Nettleton, Baker, Nantucket; James Foster, Jr, Burt, Proyincetown; Albert II Harding. Card, Newburyport; Wingaersheek, Card, Newenryport; Dexter (Br), Dexter, Liverpool, 2,4 Mary Rose (Br), Curry, Salmon river. S.

Tug William 8 Slater, Baker, New York, with barge JoseohBaker in tow; tug Joshua Lovett, Met. lin, New York; with barges Robena and Albany In tow, Brigs, Canadian (Br), Warner, Surinam; Sirius (Br), Deal, Paspebiao. P. Q. Sailed Sundae'.

Steamers. Gothenburg City. for London; Neu-more, Baltimore. Tugs. Winch with barge Elliait in tow, for Woolwich, Me; Leader, with schooner Fred Walton IN tow, for Rockport, Mass.

There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. THURSDAY, July 10,1890. NV.

H. 16.0041E, BROKER, 19 Market Square, Portland, Mo. NEW ENGLAND AGENT. N. ILAny orders sent to this agency will receive the same care and promptness as at the Some when In City or Neste.

EDISON LAMPS for Battery, ELECTRIC DELLS andsupplies CARSON PLATES and all kinds of Supplies for Eectricians, Amateurs and Experimenters. GOODNOW COWMAN, 83 Sudbury St 3 Sud6 Je22 TO WEAK MEN from the elects of youthful errors. decay. wasting wean ele, raahhood, etc, will ased a Taivaot (sealed eentaining particulars for home IF ft Mt of charm A Splendid Medical work should be rrad by ever." ruin who la neeenen and defflitated. A Prot.

F. C. WOWLkII, aztay tor on 7 t3 Co We have sold our entire bolding of the above named stocks to the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railroad Company, and have received in exchange therefor shares of the capital stock of the Atch son Company on the following basis, namely For each one thousand shares of salc1 Preferred Stock thirteen hundred anti seventy-five shares of Atchison stock, and for each one thousand shares of said Common Stock seven hundred and fifty shares of Atchison stock or, In other words, for each eight ahares of Ban, Francisco Preferred we receive eleVeZ1 shares of Atchison, and for each four shares of San Francisco Common we re-, ceive three shares of Atchison. Many of Our friends have already ap. plied and have entrusted us with their shares.

to be sold with our own and oil. like terms. We have arranged for the sale on raw actly the same basis as for our own, bull for a limited period only, of all the Sao Francisco Preferred and Common shares; held by others. Stockholders desiring to avail of thioprivilege should deliver their shares at-our office and receive receipts therefo( exchangeable into Atchison stock as soon. as ready.

Molders of the above described shmr in Boston and vicinity can deposit theta with Messrs. Kidder, Peabody Co. fon our account and receive similar receipt' therefor. We have the sole right io exchange such shares. and we reserve the right 14 withdraw this privilege at any time.

In arranging for this Bale we have bey lieved that it would be for the interest ot the stockholders of the San Francisco Company that the Atchison Company should thereby secure full control of tho an Francisco Company. WI SELIGMAN CO. Building. 21 Broad Street. isul York.

May 23, 1890. Sutt my24t already with their own and os. sale on er)4e ur own, bull all the 5a7), mon shares; rail of thir shares atts thereto( ock as soots shmr eposit theni Co. fog Ar receipt' schange all he right to time. re have be, interest ot Francisco Company Ltrol of this I CO.

Street. 'Soul Suit my24t I JALLYI ruropetux Pre, tit ewes, 100,00 JUNE with the laws killed am Every boett yekw anti Irelar: .4 ER1 TON. Twit. XI 23 1.14 1 ANNUALLY, European Pro Ill ream" rata. or 100,00 JUNE with the laws regarded as a Every hontt vaMe and, payment esi drawing, to oirrov.

New TwIL 13 21 if '1 23 DRAWINGS Without any loss, on rive of tbe best fkautu tioverntoent fionds- WO Ws' these plentild chances tor GRAND PRIZES 1,000.000, 500,000, 250,000, Kte 5 DRAWINGS IN nese bonds are sold in accordance of the United States. and ilt WA very scheme by Callbet States courts. must be redeemed with the lull norredl draw a prendmin. Send 16.00 as Ann warm bonds, I rake part La dm next E. H.

HORNER wornwawiamalit BANKEIt, 6 STATIC ollices 81 sad 88 Wall 2e1 11 11 1 4 I I.

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