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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BOSTON GLOBE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1902. evils as drinking: with the provision of DriH-iirrni innuences the ortnk evil wrtu overcome. MANCHURIA AND THE FAR EAST. I he indent want companionship ff AS TOOMSHFDL. But Mayor Hurley Says or neigr.noriy hristian rerarU.

We begin at the wrong end when we attack the drink question ana About Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets WITH STEIN IDE! Rev Mr Knight Indorses Tech Kommers. i provision ror tne social require' menu" China and Japan, Their Neighbors, and the "Vantage Points In Conclusion. Mr avntirht Intltnatoil Where the Nations Meet." that he may yet be heard from as a sort local Christian crusader by and by. for. he declared, he intends to invade He is Recovering.

asi'mnx or any other evil places where SOIla of men wrmn maw -rl 5 He believed, with the Savior. In going frfavfri In mn nM. II 1 11 i They Cure Stomach Troubles and In. iviii( isiiwv ure wit lives ana tftem out or 1C FUTILlfToFWORRY. Tells Lynn Med How to Play digestion, Anyway.

Whether You Have Faith in Them or Not. ftasH Pres McM's Wert for StEienft as Ctetlik "It is Sheer Habit and Breaks Men lie-Political Game. Down," Says Dr Perin, Who Also All nhvsiclans agree that the cle Tells a Little Story. Th doss relation btwn hftt poor dlRMtlon 1 becauM lth "hl ment of faith has a great deal to do in the cure of disease. "Don't worry This was the advice of Rev Dr George L.

Perin In bis sermon at very-Day church on Shawmut Don't Take Advice Nor be Firm belief and confidence a Makes Announcement as to loraillng Saloons. av last evening. Dr Perin said he could family physician or the same confidence and faith In a patent medi defend grumblers upon occasions but Owned by Anybody. he tad n't a word to say In defence of cine have produced remarkable cures the Sympailietlc and ri)euiiKiart In snotber way also tlie beart that form of poor dlseatlon and fermentation from balMi gH? there la a feelinit ot, In the ebct cauaed prwur. tended atomach on the heart and iZ fertnit with their beOC, tlon and abort breath.

"i'v" wood. the man who In all ages. Thia la onnAc.lfl.11vt.rtiA In nervous "It doesn't add to one's business power." said he. "It won't make a lean man fat. nor a poor man rich.

It won't "Get Newspaper NOtOriety troubles, and no field offers so prolific Rev L. B. Thomas Begins His Work in Dorchester. i a narvesi lor iu iiuaun uuu cuaiwum and Then Sail In." as tne diseases arising from a weak make a man any less homely nor a woman any more beautiful, but works quite, to the contrary. It might, I sup wnicn irritate or run-uown uervuuu en a the heart.

ru. pose, mane a tat man lean, but I wouldn't even recommend It for this I Nevertheless, the most common or The most enni treatmeot for I all diseases, Indigestion, and stomach to impror th autention and purpose. "There Is a story told of merchant ftalAm'fi FYPAliflvft TiSV liniVIl trmihlAR which In turn cause nervous prompt aaaimllatton of food. Tlirce Kepnbl ics Prophesied by Ker Peter jlacQueen. diseases, heart trouoies, consumption, l-u rgniu and loss of flesh, require something hZ Some Novel Rules.

wno was waked by his clerk in the dead of night and was told excitedly his store and every thing had Just burned to the ground. "Is it all inquired the merchant. 'Yes. everything Besides iaitn to cure. t.i;h ixiwi.

Torino at nw. 1 storea, tnd whlcb ontala valaabu digestive elemrnt. i for you, will not give you an appetite. (tunc. tne cierit nervously.

'Then in that case I think we had better both go back to bed, for there iBn't time LYNN, Feb 16 Mayor Hurley of Sa will not increase your flesh and I form. lem, was the guest of the Fr.Mathew so- to rebuild before replied the cletv in this city this afternoon. He It la safe to aay that th r-galr ri Tallica at XT" mat Js the kind of philosophy that wins, and' it Is the kind of philosophy, that permits a man to be addressed a large meeting of the mem strengthen your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do these things, because they are composed of the elements of digestion; -their friends, taking for his will cur. any 0f troul.i, cancer of the aiomacb. nappy anu iorget his cares.

text his political experiences. orry is sneer nabit. Men worry Ftill-alKed parktRe 0f tb. Tahleta aoM druinrlBts at 50 eenta. "ld The mayor advised the young men to wiit-fi i ne nmes are gooa ror rear they will be bad.

and then when the bad they contain the Juices, acids, and peptones necessary to the digestion Dentones necessary to the digestion go into pontics, put-to-taKe noouuj Little hook they worry be times come, of course, cause they-are advice and rely, solely on their own eft nd assimilation of all wholesome Addrea. r. a. 8tart M. Uh- Ct- 1 'cn.

forts. He told how he came to be elect J.UUU. Pre3 Pritchctt's 1 of student social Catherine at Technology made Interesting by ins of foaming beer, after the Herman tixtom. was indorsed last even-Ins by the pastor of Berkeley temple. Rev William A.

Knight, fr-rnu-rly of Kali River. If I re to choose." Mil p.K-ial gatherings amil good with the addition nf and B.htinir under prohibitory conditions that asaall ilrive men ultimately to evil Ufy -ialitns. I would thoos-e the first nd trust to th god environment to v. niu-iKy lead the student away from anil and tastes." Moreover. adde-I.

a man who tries 1 1 do the work of meeting the social of tul-nts. as Pn-s Pritchett has trir'd. is a Chrlstliko man. and is doing more I'hristlike work than men who rtinj aloof and criticise him. ed, and how he had played sharp tactics ii isni woric mat breaks down a man.

It is worry, and so I advise you all to take things as easy as you can Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets will dl- I Atn vnit on the opposition. gest food if placed in a Jar or bottle in 1UU 1 niiX The large hall of the society was water heated to 98 degrees, and they crowded with 500 people when the mayor will do it much more effectively when uca more enrecuveiy wnen was introduced. He spoke for an hour. an hour. Da VOM TAn tA ra His remarks were frequently Interrupt- taaeu into me Biomacn alter meais, 'icsnyf ed by applause and laughter, and at tne I wuemer yuu nave iaiin inai mey win Jk' i ndo ir close he was given a rising vote of or not.

A' FEW SIMPI PTTTCc I Thev Invleoratn tha stomach mnlrn I uiiu a true pniiosopner. THREE MORE REPUBLICS. i Rev Peter MacQueen Says the Day of Freedom of Ireland, South Af. rica and Philippines is in Sight. Rev Peter MacQueen spoke yesterday In his pulpit at the First Parish church.

Charlcstown, on "Th Flags of Nations." Of our giving independence to the FHi- n-' V. Vl tvhPn I TMITQ hlAnil A In V. a luo jiiajiur ucaii oojib yutw wiwuu u-uu s7t-avua, uci tco inn i the war broke out he was going to only way that nature can do It. and Flesh ana Not Fat is X7n snV.nt on1 vn 17 traara nlrl VOt ln I tViOt- la 1 1 I fc listed and was four years at the front.

I food, well disrested. It In not nhat I INecaefl, I didn't show th white feather at any eat Dut what we dleest that dos us muc, ami i I KOOd. I Who htn I. v. I pinos he said, pointing to the American Refusing many chances to run for HfQr.0 rDmei tv.i- t- 7 PM office he finally consented to accept 7 a buiu 1 proportion election as a member of the water by druggists at 50 centB for Ull-slzed erer riala of flag which decorated the pulpit: "This, our dear flag, means free board.

"I did so well they legislated 1 package. I uetlu 10 not noceqri. I speech, free schools and a free career mc out of office and at that time I T.lttla lni. a I to he mt. l' at la nnuoalrable; it dnn tm told them 'I'll come back some day and om the citv to the child of the humblest born in the land.

It means that we must not, dare not. hold another race In bondage. I held back Cuba in the days of Bolivar because the south was slave- "Is the action of every stomach, troubles mailed free by ad- with tne healthy action of th. bZ 2 dressing F. A.

Stuart Marshall, lungs, and when en-eaaiv predupw, t() ,,7 Mich. degeneration of rital organa. to aar He told the voung men present they should go into politics, and said they should not take the advice or anyooay. the dlacoiufort, mora or ltwa, resulting fna but run camoa sns to please tnemseives "Tne moment you lane aavice irom DANGER IN SODA.

Common aon would anggpat that If aoa anvbodv vou are a goner." he said. 'Get a lot or newspaper notoriety ana wlaliea to become nYahy and jilnmp, tha thlai moat needed would be flrnh-formlnt fouw then sail in. "When I was elected I said to K.nigm, Serious Results Sometimes Follow Its I ln otber wodl' Now. Ed, I have got to do something for and I made him marshal. He Excessive Use.

is the best in the state, and you watch him. AH the ladies know Knight. He roirimg. out ror years Cuba was an unsolved Interrogation, and God forced us to free her. "A few interested politicians may buy up a few newspapers and churn up news from the Philippines to suit themselves, but the tin bedizened truth is that the Filipinos are to a man 7.O0O.O00 strong against being made a colony or a subject race In any way.

Pres Schurman and Hon John D. Long, practically speaking for the cabinet, have declared that the Filipinos must be free. We aay spenl more or more to subline them, but the American conscience, which is greater than the American love of money, will release them. "lie sure America stands for love and freedom and Justice. We who have com- to live In this blessed land left oeei, oarmeai, etc.

me 111(11 or luoa Uat make fleab are tbe food that form tb irtitcr part of our dally bill of fare. Now, tbe only reason ao mtiny people wmali thin ta because their atomacba do not pmpntr and completely digest and aimliiillute tb Ink- is the man who was never kissed. Mar NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS AND ENEMIES TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT. shal Hart was a barnacle and held the Common soda Is all right In ita Dlace. and office for 25 years." SDeaklntr on how to r.un campaigns Indispensable In tbe kitchen and for cooking and washing purposes, but It was never Intended for a medicine, and people who use It a auch will some day regret it.

and be a successful mayor he said: "I don't have a secretary. I don't have The Anglo-Japanese treaty, by the nothing. I run the whole shooting we refer to the common use of soda to relieve making of which England departs from her policy of "splendid Isolation" t.nd if match. I have an jdea of my own and carry it out. I don't take advice.

There heartburn or sour stomach, a habit which thou. sands of people practice almost daily, and one is not a man, in Salem who advises me. Cities 'want a positive man for mayor, forming beefsteak and egg' we eat every iij. There are thousands of euch peiipla, ml they are really dyspeptic, although they mi; not itiffer any particular pal a or lticonrenWtx from their atomacba. If auch pciaoDt take with tbelr tnnnla, aoine preparatinB llti Ht Mart's Pyepepsla Tflbltta, the food woull ha quickly dtgeated, and the proer di-gret a plumpneaa very soon sectireu, hrcaute thMa tubleta are prepared exactly for that piirpat.

They will digeat every variety of flb-foriiil food, which la the sole reason why tbrr There are regions in China, outside of 1he ports named, where foreign nations claim to have what are termed "spheres of influence," viz: England in the valley of the Yangtsekiang, where important trade interests lie; Germany in the province ot Shantung, around and about the town and harbor which she holds; France in that part of China which borders on Tongking. Russia's main "sphere of influence" is. of course, in Manchu wnicn is rraught with danger; moreover, the th-r countries because we were tired and not a wobDier or a negative man; soda only gives temporary relief and ln the end ot tne nearness distinctions of caste all the latter does is to draw his salary. thu stomach trouble gets worse and worse. Nobody owns me.

Siberian railroad In the east changed. Mark its course now on the map, striking across Manchuria direct for Vladivostok, and branching off to Port Arthur on the Chinese coast. Connection is also made with Talienwan. Russia, during the recent years of her railroad construction, has kept an armed force in Manchuria. Some of the powers have wondered when she would withdraw the troops.

Russia has solemnly declared that she would remove her soldiery as soon as lasting order was established in the province and necessary measures had been taken to guard her railway property, provided the action of other nations did not prevent. Port Arthur has been stronelv forti tne uay is sitrht when we shall see ti republic of Ireland, the republic of South Africa and the republic of the The sods, acts as a mechanical Irritant to tbe When I was elected persons were walls of the stomach and bowels, and cases are jcins hands not only with en oriental race but with a non-Christian people, is a direct product of the International situation In the far east. The accompanying map has been prepared with the purpose of showing objectively the positions which are occupied by the powers of the world In and close to China. Britons, Germans, Russians, Frenchmen, Americans and the little yellow fellows of the island empire holding side shows in the vestry of churches trying to beat me. I did not j-nuippines lt rr WnXTAM A- KNIGHT.

I't of Temple. ria; and it is accentuated at present in the province by the presence of troops. Japan, a party to the alliance with on record where it accumulated in the intestines, causing death by Inflammation or peritonitis. have a man who would stand up and go aroung with me speaking. That was the first year, but last year I elected HEARD THEIR NEW PASTOR.

Knkht't topic was: "What Would quickly build up and atrrugtht-n thlu, tjt peptic men and women. Stunrt'a IiyspcpKla Tablets cure dvappu and every form of Indigestion on this commi England which has so recently been Dr. Ilarlanson recommends as the safest and seven aldermen. announced, is an island kingdom. Corea.

a lare-e neninsula of the main "I put the opposition In a box, put the surest cure for aonr stomach (acid dyspepsia) an excellent preparation aold by druggists un Rev B. Thomas Made a Pleasing Impression with Members of the land is not far away and nominnlly independent i- Many Japanese already are resident business men of cover on and buried it. I don eat while registration is going on, but' am always at the city hall seeing that Stoughton-St Baptist Church. der the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tablets are large, twenty-grain lozenges, very pleasant to taste, and contain tbe natural acids, peptones and digestive elements essen voters get then- names on the list.

Corea, which is an outlet for the rapid "My four men, Cashman. Turner. The members of the Stoughton-st Baptist church of Dorchester yesterday morning and evening had their first op Daly and Hathaway, who are aldermen. ly growing population or the mikado realm, and Japan would regret the passage of this territory Into the hands of Bonse plan, that they digeat the food giving streiigtb to every nerve and orjaa at tbe body, while at tbe snme time the ttnmtri baa a chance to rest and recover Its oaiuraJ vigor. Nothing further la required to enn any atomacb trouble, or to, make this, dyi-peptic people strong, plump and well.

This excellent prop" rut Ion ta nutnufictoN by 1'. A. Stnnrt Marshall, nl aold hy druggists every wbero at f0 crnn yti packbge. tial to good digestion, and when taken after I pulled Turner was a candi meals they digest the food ncrfectlv and portunity of hearing their new pastor. Itev IS.

Thomas. In the pulpit. promptly before It baa had time to ferment, sout and poison the blood and nervous system. date for the school committee, and so also was a friend of mine named Shee-han. A minister was also running and I said to Turner, 'Jim, pull out or the roretgners.

The map shows how close to Japan has come Russia with ner railroad, Muscovites sitting down in and fortify- j-su -a- or I ne urrent lioston The did not m't mz to thtt Ju ir-irie-it I kommers bot he thai the Sat lor would sym-lalaii with th- st'iJRt d-lr for rot nrty association and would nelp to cuffivate It. Th- thnt manv rrtrls of It Prstrh-tt. some tMf: ii't-rs. r' it -ms to meeting the of gral student bo.iy In anl uS-out will pass on the other 'it w-itl -ritlci mehols a h- fcom-ttlv att mptJ the ros of tt S. xiuin i m.

Joli- whi' lr I'ritchett fnau-cvirate-L ilr Kntcht rontei.ded, had tor ot Jt the eventual or. at Ion of a kind lal Ufe at IVch hich should hml in drinking or In anything tt. is H. "It ts the unsatlsfle.1 social need." sai th speaker, "that leads to such The spacious edifice was filled to its ur. vvuertn etatea that be Invariably usea very doors at both services, and the Im minister will get in ana you and Shee- jiik ron Annur not many miles away.

Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all cases of pression made by the young preacher me sea open to tnelr ships of com of Japan almost tr quite touch elbows. Naturally enough they jostle each other a bit In the competition for trade and vantage points. Confessedly, the alliance looks to the holding open forever of the door to the markets of China. Incidentally there are considerations not so publicly announced through the press and in legislative halls. Glance at the map! Russia has recently completed sufficiently for temporary traffic the Trans-Siberian railroad.

5542 miles in length, and costing nearly $400,000,000. The Russians originally intended to build this steel highway entirely on their own soil. Note the line of rails running directly north from Vladivostok, which today-ends nowhere in particular. But after the war the czar, through an agreement with the Chinese han will go down and Jim said 'It's a and I pulled him into the merce ana war every month in the yea stomach derangements, and finds them a certain cure, not only for sour stomach, but, by promptly digesting the food, they create a was excellent if one were to Judge by the many pleasant remarks heard. FREEvT0 MILLIONS.

aiaermanic cnamDer. bhould the czar advance into Corea. "I would have been a candidate be and that is not far to go, he would Thomas' previous pastorate was In Worcester, and he received the call from fied. Kngland has loKg enjoyed the profits of an extensive trade in China. Hongkong, with one of the finest harbors in the world, has for many years been in her possession, the chief center of foreign mercantile transactions.

Four years ago 37 square miles of territory in the vicinity of that city Were ceded to Great Britain. When Russia secured Port Arthur, the British set their eyes upon the port of Weihaiwei on the peninsula opposite, and. by agreement with China in 1893, Kngland is to hold the latter so long aa the Russians occupy the former. Germany, having previously seized Kiaochau, not far southwest of Weihaiwei on the coast, in 1898 obtained from the Chinese government a 99 years' lease; of the town, harbor and district. To compensate for these advantages given to the Russians, British and the Germans, the Chinese government granted to the French in 1S98 a 99 years' lease of the bay of Kwang-Chau-Wang, on the coast of Lienchau peninsula, down below Hongkong, and later added two islands commanding the entrance to the bay.

ltaiy asked for a port and didn't get fore but for bashfulness. But I am healthy appetite, increase flesh snd strengthen araw even closer. thU kirge and Influential Dorchester bcuou i me nenn ana liver. Xbey are not I A t-t- f. Off In the ocean, a few hundred miles from Hongkong, Uncle Sam has planted the stars and stripes i-pon the islands getting over it.

At present there is not a policy shop, gambling place or 'speak easy' in Salem. I haven't told all I a cathartic, but intended nnl av.uatuic X-line uuun. alllti For the know, as there is a lot more eases and weakness, and, will be found reliable in stomach trouble except cancer of tbe of the Philippine archipelago, a spot parish to fill the vacancy caused by the resittn-ttion of Dr t'pham. who recently assumed charge of the largest Baptist church in Fall River. Mr Thomas at the morning service se xauiu miiun ne can see wnat is hap- In conclusion the mayor said that at the last election he received the votes stomach.

All druggists aell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ftrmiis aim jot aown tne various moves for position in the far east. He, representative Of One Of the most or every a. p. irishman. Oranee- lected the subject of his sermon from John.

Iv. CS: "Other men have labored at 60 cents per package. man, Jew and negro in the city, and and ye have entered Into their labor." A little book describing all forms of atomach MUWYON'S nations of the earth, having rights in that he was certain of winning from the China under treaiies, desiring an ODen first. He said In part that the text suggests a government, secured possession of Port Arthur and Talienwan on lease for a weakness and their cure mailed free tor ad. twofold tribute.

irst. to the men and door to Chinese markets, hut m- term of 25 years, with privilege of ex dressing F. Stuart Marshall, Mlcb. wemen. pastors ani laymen, who in mnieu to no entangling alliances, is ready to meet all comers in a frUni AMONG THE GRANGERS.

tension. The czar was also granted the right of way through the Chinese prov Laiesf Offer ince of Manchuria. rivalry for the sale of cotton cloth and trolley cars to the dwellers in that part i years last have given of time, thought, money and prayer, yea. have given themselves to the work of Christ: and secondly, to IJncoln. whose memory upon us this past week as a swet ONLY ONE WAY Immediately the route of the Trans- Papers Read and Subjects Discussed v.

lal cat Li's at Farmers' Meetings Entertain merits at Many Granges Notes. cannot comprehend all things In the TO PfHIFV THE BLOOD, INCREASE fragrance. FOR RESTLESS YOUTH. whose advice he sought and whose PUTS SAMPSON world and all the things that are of God ua Miu grange or Attieooro had a I1.ES1I AXD STRENGTH AND TO CHIK INDIGESTION. opinions he values.

any more than it is possible to put the universe into the four sides of a mathe social Tuesday. Members of matical problem. Church Influence Needed More Than grange of Rehoboth and Norton grange There are things which the mind can Conferred with National Leaders were present. The entertainment pro SEORE'r- PATENT MEDICINES WILL not comprehend and which are unex- Libraries and Colleges Rev Rob AHEAD OF THE LIST. Continued from tlie First Pnse.

gram included selections by the Bristol esteraays conference at the NOT DO IT. ert MacDonald's Sermon. platnable to the reason. But the curiosity, the impulsiveness and the restlessness of youth were primary re White House was of such nn county band, sketch artists Flinn and dinarv chnraow oh Finn, clarinet solo by Ed Manning, club quisite's in life. They needed spiritual Medical books are not always lntrrntlni reading, esieclally to people enjluf ti health, but as a matter of fact, nrcclf dm person in ten Is perfectly healthy, mi ti with auch, sooner or later, sickness muat oon.

It Is also a wcll-cstabllsheii truth tint all diseases originate with brik-lng-down of the dig.fiU"U. A weak toraa-i weakena and Impoverishes the system, anting It easy for disease to gnln a fonfliold. Nobody need fear consumption, kldnfl disease, liver, trouble or a weak uoart nervous system as long aa the rflgeiii" good and tbe stomach able to swliollsu ploif of wholesome food. Stouiai-h weakness shows Itself la a scotv of waya, ami this little Ixwk dcicrlbes symptoms and causes and points the war i cure ao simple that anyone can uwlnrstand fnt apply. Thousands have eome form of atom trouble snd do not know it.

Thi-y ascribe tbs headache, the languor, nervomness, InsomuU. palpitation, conciliation and similar symi touts to some other cauee than the truaj on. Get your digestion on the right trark, aa4 the heart trouble, lung trouble, liver dlneait or nervous debility will rapidly dlsnresr. This little book treats entirely on the snd removal of ludlgestlou ud Its sen' puuylng annoyances. It describes the symptoms of Add Dyspepsia, Plow I)yiepsl.

Awtoj ceoue Dyspepsia, Catarrh of tbe tttomaoh tt all afflictions of the digestive organs ln pW language, easily understood, and tn tin moved. It gives valuable suggestions as to dK There Is it Simpler una Better Way. Rev Robert MacDonald of Brooklyn preached to two great congregations at Tremont temple yesterday forenoon and V'' ei" swinging by Miss Jennie Browning of guidance. An enlargement of the church of the llvinu God was needed more than li ue iteep me wnoie mat- Pawtucket, songs by Edith L. Staples, ter secret, that curiosity as to the sub- reading by Miss Grace F.

Hackett. evening. The meetings reminded one of There is only one war to nurlfv th kii those of Dr Lorimer, and after the even braries or colleges, to meet this curiosity and restlesinesa of life. only one way to Increase flesh, and that through tbe stomach and dizestivo nrmn. ject matter under consideration was sol by Frank Brown, trombone Rtirred nn tn i a.

a. and cornet, Charles Knight and Al stirred up to an unusual extent. Hucksford. The chairman of the com- ing sermon fully half the congregation stayed for an "experience" meeting or For the purpose of proving that my Witch Hazel Soap is superior Wby Because tbe stomach and digestive or. DR BOYNTON HERE.

about 1j minutes. ieariy every newspaper that has mittee on entertainment was Samuel gans make 'blood and flesh, bone, nerves and sinew. Did you ever see a. nenmn Dr MacDonald addressed his evening come to Washington contains a Inn? Cashi; to any to-Jet soap mace, that it is more soothing than any Cold Cream. Former Pastor of Union Congrega fought by any one man.

It was essentially a captain's battle a battle in which every captain fought his own ship without directions or instructions from superior officer, and really as independent of that officer as if he had not been there. The technical commander-in-chief, Admiral Sampson, was too far away to be able to exercise command, although the Initial movement, the sermon more expressly to young men- with a vigorous atomach and to the young man who has arrived at more heal in than any ointment and tioti who had impure blood, tniiddv. tional Church Preaches There. Rev Dr Nehemiah Bovnton of retrnit. and elaborate account of the discus- "oy.Amesbury grange will en- a- tertain Salisbury grange, sion that took place between the Foxboro grange is organizing two de-President and the congressional lead- one.

of and one of that period in his lire when lie wants a more than anv cosmetic. reason for everything, when he d' complexion, or who bad weak nerves, aleepleas nights and the thousand and one pains and I have decided to make the follow former pastor of the Union Congrega ma nds intellectual precision and is not willing to accept that which he cannot understand. The young man in this ing very liberal oiler MUX YON. snsiug irom iK)or dlgestlou? No, be-catwe perfect dilation converta the food tional church on Columbus av, preached to his old congregation at yesterday morning's service. women, weanesaay tne subject, "what ers as to Cuba, the Philippines, the Benefits Have You Received from the War revenue reneal hills and ntho was discussed.

Feb 26 will be it revenue repeal Dills and other a musical evening, in charge of Mrs topics, but the one thing that formed Estella Pierce, L. W. Houges and Miss condition needed spiritual comfort Here 14 the Proposition. luio pure blood, strong needed what religion and the church nerves, and muscies, ana all tbe flesh should give him. Derson noil.

The discourse was a commentary and closing in of the squadron on the The modern world was a world of the burden of the two hours talk, the grange will confer de Schley case, was ie-norAd. As mo. I grees next Monday. mouth of the harbor, was in pursu hare for health, symmetry and beauty. Every pers-jn knows whether or not his or ber digestion is what It should be.

but application of the words of St Paul to the Phillpplans, "For I have learned therein content." young men- as distinguished from the ancient world, and tne present age Is more than ever an age of precocious de tfir nf fact nha aa a Stoughton grange, de- contalna a table olivine length of tlo ance of his standing order and the plans prepared long in advance. iuovuodcu ui i ciaeu to give tne nrst and second de velopment in which boys and girls grad tT DOt kD0W.what Ue safest and to digest varloua articles of food. mta-rtbUI tc BILLS ARE OPPOSED. Ery prwtu who comt Tremont Ttap4- (JrM tmlar or any d.r this or fit werk and Imnn this coupon and 15 will tv girru a 15-cent cake of Uanirjo Wltrh-Iiat-1 an I tbeir oX any oce of the fullowioa: A Kre Battle of Mimton't Cold Cxtr. A Krc IVttl of Mjn o'.

Kvumatltu Cm. A of Kl-lm-f "ar. A I'rrr Hnttlr of idtou'. Uys- all, Neither was' the Philippines, or toJr. Aito hest way preservs a healthy evcrwHh ZTZuo dltlon of uate from schools at a much eanier period than formerly and enter trade and business earlier than in the uiden the dilative organs.

It is not dons No price is ask-d. but seaa nv tlin nmim an. 1 I 1 1 the war revenue repeal bill, or the subscription party and dance will be Civil Service Reform League Against v. mnniHn it uvur Mn.M i i i i u.t.nn nn i- time. I "-'-I COmine visit of Prinrfi Hpnrv given soon.

8 1Blt prince enry. Th fnllowlr hiv. It Is also an age of specialists. Not so long the old-fashioned physician uv ur ma use or certain harmless digestive principles, which, taken at m.M,i. Senators Aldrich, Allison and I made of Pomona grange.

deputies: F. A. Veterans' Preference Acts. An appeal to veterans against the csrd. to P.

A. Btunrt Marslitll. reqnostlng a little book on Utomaeh Dl and it will be eent promptly by return was expecteu to pull teetn. lend tne will digest tbe food anyway, regardless of the weak condition of the stomach. eye.

the ear and other things In physiology which have become specialized. Spooner, Representatives Cannon and Mld Grosvenor and the speaker were in- fS. m-iLrfXSi: The regular price of this combina passage of the veterans preference bills now pending in congress has been issued by a committee of the national civil Dr. Hrooks recoimneuds a combination ct There was a clanger in this. Man Is tion would be 40 cents.

15 cents for vegetable essences, fruit salts, tmre a.nti come io ine wnite House to shire, Hampshire, Springfield, Worcester a creature of habit and a habit of study of Witch Hael Soap ana ami uoiuen eai, preoared service reform league, in which it is said: hear the" President read his. judgment cents lor the remedy, ror the Yemeni tauiet form, snd sold along a certain line was apt to make him overlook other lines. The calling of the minister had not as yet been differentiated or specialized, but It was coming to it and rightly under a wise The effect of the new veterans pref everywhere under tbe name of Stu rtuart. v6J vs UJ fiui President's Opinion of Schley. The second in command, Rear Admiral Schley, although on the spot, did not exercise, the President points out, any commanding influence upon the battle.

He directed the movement of no ship except his own. The defeat of the Spanish fleet was due to individual action of American ships under the direction of other captains not to the strategy or skill of the commander-in-chief To sum up, the President praises Schley for. his" bearing and manner during the fight and his handling of erence act would be a lowerlnsr of the purposes of the demonstration and test we shall supplv THE SOAF AND Tilt REMEDY FOR 15 pepula Xablcta. east: m. A.

Morse ror ueichertown, Middlesex-Worcester, Worcester southwest, Worcester central, Quabaug and Borough. Mansfield Wcfiresday night had a social, with readiu by J. C. Collins, Miss Bertha Bragg and Miss ICate Rogers. North Orange grange furnished entertainment for Phillioston eransre Thnr.

These pUasant tasting tablets are to 1 .11.. discretion. 1 They do not hsve Dypcpi, because the ttomach of a def secretes six times as much pepsin The voung man had In him' all the solved in tbe mouth after each m.i CENTS. efficiency of fhe entire civil service, from the fact that something besides fitness would be considered in the making of appointments and furthermore that those who would be benefited bv the celebrated case, as was correctly reported in this morning's Globe. Mr Roosevelt, standing at the head of the cabinet table, with these six men on both sides, read the document with good elocutionary effect, and at the conclusion invited his ad dangers of curiosity.

He was full of energy and more apt to walk Into the mates of life than was a young woman and twice as much hydrochloric day. mingling ln the food ln tbe stomach, digest It perfeqily. There Is nothing wonderful shout this. Any physician or chemist knows that Stuart's Dyapepsift Tablets will do this be- ML'NYOVS DOCTORS RsLe nar In.ill- a jiTe auilre a-Uiiily frw. tkmple.

Hon J. W. Stock well, secrc -v of th. acid as the stomach ot man. who was always safeguarded with seir-respett.

The young man may not un- board of agriculture, wfl' thu South Bristol at New the bill are now at the age when officers of the army and navy are retired by law. The average business man is apt to retire, voluntarily or involuntarily, as early in life as this. The civil service is already threatened bv suDerannna- the full significance of these cause repeatedly tested and proved, and thou-sands of cured dyspeptics have found It i snares until It was too late. lie should Bedford March 8. Middlesex and N- -rtimona met at Millia Wednesday.

tfft Stevens gave be true also. be helped over the pitfalls. He should have faith, human reason visers to make such suggestions as they saw fit." A few suggestions were made, but they were not important and they did not in any way alter or tion, and the proposed law would Increase Dr. Ilarlsndson states that these tahl-l. a lecture on "1 'v." Arthur ri tne Brooklyn, except the loop, but does not overturn that part of the Incrense flesh l-cnse they digest flesh-form.

tne present emoarrassment, and dis-tirctly injure the public service. Towne spoke or. Model Poultry House." "The Preservation of Foods1' was discussed in the afternoon. The next meeting will be at Wellesley Feb 2G Service or tne country in a civil ca ing food likd eggs, meat snd ordinary every, day food; for the same reason they purify the Mood and strengthen weak nerves. In no other pacity should not be considered a "reward" for a selected class of citizens, but an opportunity of public uaefulns.

witn tno iouowing program: "Are Our Distress Aj ten Eating Public Schools Furnishing Practical Ed-I wny CBn 11 done, lecause flesh, blood and offered fairly and equally to all competent citizens according to their Indi- uvuva an uu.uim'U irom tno tooa we eat. Dr. Jcnnlsou once stated that he believed viauai capacity ana ntness. under a system where every applicant has "a fnii- a SO-cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia, Tub- au.a. wii.u pire more real oenent IDsn nfty I tunil to rur ortl naiy rf Itrttcc.

or plir la all lj. a -iMrt ainl tatml irfxtiui our rurvd Is -irvsi dit. I tai ifirr tml a fall-s -1 la id a--ratt' forvt. K1. tt taia atd i.i-jui.

atQ nr a other puiaoSr it em wiil bar aucaat ptrao- Ib 1 r-lu rrti far 1t.tih1 yuor pfj-l. r-H 1 mail or at SI Iwar In ialal I tiataair p. ni if a call 111 -I ari I cwatf ro DAfhtrs. JM A. M.

WI I.I aI oan la llmtsau Sulf fI4 Nausea between meals, belching, vom uonars- worm of ordinary doctor's fees. field and no favor, each standing on his merits as he is able to show them by practical the proposed bill becomes a law moauy tne judgment already arrived at by the President. A. Maurice Low. TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP.

One with the United States to be Signed Today by the Queen Regent "of Spain, MADRID, Feb 16-The queen regent will sign the treaty of friendship with the United States tomorrow. Gen Weyler, the minister of war, will submit to the cortes a proposal to reduce the Spanish army by four armv COrpS. aujr These tablets may be found at any diug store. iting, flatulence, fits of pervous head- GTUART'Q 6 DYSPEPSIA verdict of the court of inquiry that censured him prior to the battled The President believes that that question has been disposed of and it Is unnecessary for him to reopen it at this time. vv The President's judgment on the appeal lodged by the attorneys of Rear Admiral Schley against the verdict of the court of Inquiry is expected to be made public next Wednesday.

It probably will be read to the cabinet at its meeting next Tuesday, and if no suggestions are then made that lead to corrections or changes the judgment will be made public the ache, pain in tbe stomach, are all HEART DISEASE there would be an immediate demand to place all veterans of the Spanish war in the same priviliged class, to the additional crippling of a service which needs to be Improved In every way, and not used as a mere source nf symptoms of dyspepsia, and the longer TADLETO it is neglected the harder it is to cure it. ucation?" Dr James liver of Athol-original poem. L. W. iniels of Franklin; "The Relation of access and Failure to Advancement.

A. H. WheelocK of Millis; "The Traln og of Children." Fanny J. Clary of Williamsburg. Station -okt-n Into.

DEDHAM. Feb 16 Endlcott station on the New England branch of the New Tork. New Haven Hartford railroad was broken Into last night, a quantity of railroad tickets being taken. Coughs, colds and bronchial troubles come on unawares and whn least expected. A dose or two of' Adamson's Balsam will check a cold and prevent its development.

Sold by all druggists Vineland Grope Juice is rr Je from the finest grapes and. is unformented. Delicious beverage for card patties and evening gatherings. At leading drug and grocery stores. ward for public services which should SOME FACTS REGARDING THE RAPID INCREASE OP I hsvs cured thousands of men sua Women nf Ilvaiwiula anil TmlliinNtlon be otherwise compensated.

As a matter of fact, pressure In this direction has already begun. HEART TUOlllLES. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills AMDR0S15. SKOWHEUAN.ME, HJ. lriii3tt i- l-l-u-- tiat the -r a Uita fr Tt-rjr (IImm I as aorair ai.railnl by fttairr -arj baiLtu la ibe rotDpooml l.l,!t,i of t-t.

ouiirf 0j t-m nuanr (ratefol l-t ht because they supply what every weak I stomach lacks: llydrochlorio and s-iax, pure asei'tio tiepsiD, A I ger and Golden Heal to Increase th Do Not Re Alarmod. Bat Look Fair WILL VISIT NEW YORK. Radically and permanently cure it i the C'aaoae. secretion of gaMrlo Juices. They cuts "jf lj, hour Stomafh, 2k Mlas and lernia-utatlnn.

following day. strengthen and tone the stomach Admiral and Mr Schley to Leave Washington Todav. gton Today. As a result of yesterday's confer Count iiitlon or any form of dlgestlou. FllX SIZED PACKAGES lie AT DRVOOlSTl Oiner uigesuve ui0aua mr tuc nuiurr Brighton Man Badly Injured.

Early yesterday morning the police of division 4 found a man lying unconscious on the sidewalk in front of the Tremont theatre. He was taken to the Lagrange-st station, where Dr Williams found that he had a cut over the left eye and a fracture of the leg. He ordered him taken to the City hospital Later the man recovered consciousness' and said he was John C. Fitzgerald of 10 Waverly pi. Brighton.

His Injuries were received from a fall. B)'alt? rrailta. aa anatf all -T. ence with the leaders in congress, the performance of their functions. AHMtEM' It tTesiaent has decided to make a few WASHINGTON.

Feb IR-Admiral and Vfrs Schley will leave here tomorrow morning for a visit of a few days to friends In New York city. They will return to Washington Thursday, of remarkable cores trllrC on Heart troubles, at least among Americans, re certainly Increasing, and while this may be largely due to tbe excileuicnt and worry of Anierlian buslnens llfu. It Is more of leu tbe result of weak stomachs, of poor digestion. Keal organic heart dlaeaae la Incurable; but not one caae la a hundred of s-sart trouble is orgAlUc. unimportant changes in the-' text- vital ttrxaaa reqoest.

O- UOOD Loweu. liasa. laj F. A. STVART Mmnhmll, Mkh.

A toT tr book on stomach troubles. carrying out aurgeEtlons of men "Boro-Formal'n" (Elmer Amend) as an antiseptic, cleansing mouth and tooth wash, is unsurpassed..

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