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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 4

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
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to hinge upon the suspicion that tbe people might bave been called upon to pay pretty dear for the fiddler in that department. AN IDEAL SYSTEM. stone, to change hands. It is the right hand or none, and many public men have doubtless regretted that they never learned the blacksmiths trade as being no tritiing prerequisite to political fame. 1 11C Kiignm opring oea means-peaceful sleephealth ambition-wealth.

registered 'trade-mark on every Genuine Pilgrim Ta Brass The Pilgrim Spring Bed is sold by reliable deal everywhere. Exhibited at 2 Hamilton Place, Boston 64. jages illustrated want itt Corporation Boston. Mas, I same elevation as at the start. There is no continuous decline, but a series of abrupt declivities.

The doctor, while he does not expect that his contrivance will be available for passenger service on account of tbe swinging and nndnlations, claims that it would be suitable for the transportation of mail or merchandise. He feels confident that his invention is practicable, because be has had expert opinions favorable to it and has just secured a patent upon it after the office baa spent some seven months examining and considering it His idea is to build a line around one of the Worlds fair buildings and bave running all the time during the exposition. Dr. Libbey is an old Boston citizen, and he has won some distinction as an inventor through building tne no horse-to-feed, a machine that had all the elements of the modern bicycle, which he rode over 20 The defeat of the anti-option bill will not bring grief to most people In these latitudes. Tbe class of legislation which attempts to interfere with established enstoms of trade is always open to the suspicion that somebody has a privata axe to grind.

Tbe presence of the niece of the ex-queen of Hawaii in Boston is not likely to excite the distinguished expressions of reverence for royalty that were bestowed upon her aunty. But the young lady deserves, nevertheless, tbe tenderest courtesies of Boston society. The Galveston News of Monday last has four columns and a half of news from Texas universities and colleges. And yet there are people right here in cultivated Boston whose sole idea of Texas is a great big sandy plain.covered with herds Of cattle, tended by rough-looking fellows with revolvers and slouch bats. People who are talking about Dan Lamontb advancement from private secretary to cabinet minister anparently forget that he was a newspaper editor eight years ago.

He held then the most influential position of his life. Mayor Alexander of Augusta, has vetoed tbe ordinance increasing the wages of the city laborers to $1.60 a day. Mayor Alexander evidently doesnt mean to run for re-election on the labor ticket another year. Two of the Maryland political clubs will each be accompanied in the inaugnral parade by a battalion of ladies mounted. The ladies of Maryland can ride, even though they arent allowed to vote.

The Republican papers are greatly exercised because Mr. Cleveland bas been making so many enemies as they aver of lata They are afraid he wont be elected president again, if he keeps on as he is doing now. Mr. Benjamin Folsom, the United States consul at Sheffield, reports that one Idea the English people have is that Chicago business men expect to make tlielr fortune in 1893 and then rntira We strongly suspect that a good many Chicago business men have the same idea themselves. Ten days hence the fundamental patent on the telephone tuna out, and the general public think that the official word at the phone ought to be "Hurrah Instead of "Hello for a whila The general opinion about Mr.

Olnkt expressed throughout tbe country, even by those who didnt iow bim. has been that as long as he came from Boston he most be all right. Will the man-who-blows-ont-the-gas become extinct before the twentieth century? Probably not, unless the electrio light monopolizes the illuminating field. Treaties can be abrogated as well as ratified. They must be, if they menace the right of sanctuary in America to refugees from despotism.

But doesnt the esteemed Journal wish that ex-Gov. Long had never declared himself in favor of "another council, differently organized? British Tories are looking about for a new leader. Why dont they try Ulsters Saunderson. The 950 prize offered to a Boston thread firm for the best sample of tatted lace to be exhibited at tbe Worlds fair has been won by Miss E. 8.

Thomas of Schoharie, N. Y. Boston girls never did spend very much time on fancy work. All good people ought to believe in good roads. They are not only a great conven-iency.

but they save money to any town treasury in the long run. The Gothenberg (or Bkllamt) system of dealing with the liquor traffic was up yesterday. Its a phenomenal day when some project or other concerning rum isnt presented to public consideration. Lake City, truckers began shipping garden peas this week. Let us have peas.

A PHILOSOPHER IN LOVE. (Frank L. Stanton la Atlanta Constitution. WelU let a aian, while dylnz. aay He loved, aad love wee-yesterday.

That yeeterday, however fleet. It tall a dream ao sweet, ao sweet. Whatever la, or yet may be. It glortdee eternity Teal let a man, while dylnz, gay "hovs waa the crown of yesterday. Be hath lived well, and by Godt grace, riadeth great favor in Godt face.

For lot this dying earthly love bath hold upon (he werlde above It worlds there be of neater bliss Than that which knows a love like this! Wherefore, dear heart and greatly dear Because but one heart lives to share My love, let men above me aay "Sweet was his lovs of vesterdav. WHAT PEOPLE TALK ABOUT. Irish Language. To the Editor of the Peoples Column Will yon Inform a constant reader of Tbe Ulobe how or where to And a book that would Instruct him In reading the Irish lai guage? I am trying to learn It by myself, but I cannot And bow or where to obtain a book to do so. 1 hope you will let me know through your valuable paper.

kq. Write to P. J. ODaly, Phllo-Celtic Society, Boston. Sons of New Hampshire.

To the Editor of the People's Column Will some Globe reader tell me If there la a society tu Boa ton made np of native eons of New Hampshire, and If ao where 1 can communicate with Us officers? L. p. o. Length of City Point Pier. To the Editor of the People's Column Will some Globe reader please Inform me of the length of City Point pier from the ptank walk on at.

to the extreme end? j. Massachusetts Representatives. To the Editor of the Peoples Column I would like to know, if you please, how many represent-a lives there are la Massachusetts, g. Two hundred and forty In the Legislature end IS In Congress, Big Guns Afloat. To the Editor of the Peoples Column Will yon kindly Inform a few of your readers on the follow-lug: 1.

Are there any 100-ton guns on board a British man-of-war? 2. If not, what nation hat any? S. D. Gum weighing as high as 110 tons have been constructed by tbe English government for use on big warship, but they have been condemned by naval experts, because it is claimed the 67-ton gnnt can pierce the heaviest armor yet made, and because the great guns on the Vtotorla and tienbow proved unmanageable. The Royal Sovereign, launched In 1891, is tbe largest man-of-war ever built In England, and la armed with 67-ton gunt.

8. Italy bas in service seven battleships, carrying Armstrong breech-loading guui that weigh flora 100 to lOo tong. That Speech of Collector Beard. To the Editor of the Peoples Column Can yon of any of tbe readers of The Globs inform the subscriber the name of the club aud the date of publication by the press when Collector Beard is reputed to have made hie famous speeuh, beginning, if 1 ever should so far forget uiyaeU? eto. a.

s. At tbe dinner to James A. Clarkson three years ago. Christmas Day in the Workhouse. To the Editor of the Peoples Column Please tell M.

and 8." to call or send to any of tbe leading news companies of Bosion and ask for Wehmau's Collection of Songs, No. 29. It contains tbe piece, Christmas Day lu the Workhouse. e. x.

p. No Harm if the Bride Made no Mistake. (Kendall Dally Sun. Twin brothers reside at Warsaw. They resemble each other closely.

One was married a few days ago. a reception was given, an numerous younsr fnends were present. Many young ladies in offering congratulations addressed the wrontc brother and showered him with kisses. FKIDAY, MARCH 3. Manuscripts sent to The Globe will not be considered unless return postage is enclosed.

they inow it in the East and They know it in the IVest: Largest circulation in New England, I And our advertisers know that Cur want ads. are the best! Largest circulation in New England, The average circulation of The Daily Clobe for February was 9 And the average circula tlon of The Boston Sunday Clobe for the same month was Both of these averages show a substantial gain over last year. Notwithstanding the In clement weather of Feb ruary the advertising In The Clobe for the month of February was larger than that of last year. -The Clobe leads both In circulation and advertising. subscription rates.

Tn Sint Gcobc On. copy per month, 60 eents; per year, ye. Postage prepaid. Tan Sonar Utoa a By mail, 5 per Jr. Postage prepaid.

Thu Globs XltrSTAFllI Co, 649 Washington at. Boston. Entered at the Pott Office, Boston, Hast, as eeonil-elu matter. PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT-ELECT. A train fairly embowered in fragrant bloom conveyed to the nations capital, yesterday.

the 'Democratic President-elect of the United States. Cletflasd weather characterized the day. The next chief magistrate was greeted enthusiastically at Washington, and has already been paid many an honor due alike to himself and the exalted station which he is so soon to occupy, President IIareisox has been prompt to extend every courtesy to the leader whom the people have chosen In his stead. It will be remembered to bis lasting credit that, before gi ving op the executive mansion to his successor, Mr. Haerisom did all that lay witbia his power to assure a great transfer of national responsibility and authority without tne slightest friction or mis understanding; HONORING A MANLY MAN.

It was emphatically like our young and gallant Democratic Governor that, at the lunch which he gave yesterday at Washington, he should have honored, by special toast, the name of Gov. McKinley. The Ohio leader has Indeed proved a manly man in misfortune. AS Gov. Russell well expressed it, stronger than politics is friendship, and stronger than political principles is human sympathy.

The tribute from the chief magistrate of Massachusetts to the executive of Ohio was spontaneous and well deserved. It will Command the sympathy and approval of the people, irrespective of ail party affiliations. KAIULANTS APPEAL. The appeal of Princess Kaiulani to the American people is as pretty and touching a piece of English composition In this line as was ever seen in print. One can hardly escape the regret that this charming gir.

of IS did not write this appeal with her own hand, as an unaided expression of her own feelings. As it is, however, it stands as a charming contribu-Con to high school oatory for girl elocu tionists. It reminds one of the traditional Indian eloquence once so famous In school declamations. But diplomacy Is a prosy and unsenti mental affair. The "great powers, in ways mere or less polite, bave in the course of history appropriated to the uses of the best civilization extant the territory and direction of the affairs of the weaker.

The eloquent appeal of the Indian still survives In school oratory, but civilization has never halted. In the case of Hawaii, the American people are evidently inclined to be just and to bear all sides. It is well that the annexation matter has gone over to the coming administration. It would perhaps have been a leather in Mr. Harrisons hat bad an annexation treaty been hurried through, but he might bave lived to regret if verdict of injustice had finally been pronounced upon the project by the deliberate judgment of fair-minded meu.

There is ample time for deliberate action tn this affair. Mr. Cleveland's administration is not likely to act precipitately or before the whole truth as to Hawaii Is known to the American people. GREAT HAND-SHAKING FEATS. The human hand is destined to "get shook most awfully in Washington this week.

Tame, indeed, are the greatest ordeals of athletes at the suspended bar compared with the hand-shaking feat that is before Mr. Cleveland, and if Adlais "right duke has been carefully treated with olive oil and his arm toned ud for some time past, it may be honed that he will come off without muscular paralysis. The old Whigs nearly disabled the arm of Mr. Harrisons grandfather. Gen.

Grant bad a narrow escape, but, fortu natelv, Mr. Cleveland has succeeded in pulling through thus far. There ought to be some way devised for shaking hands by proxy. An automatic hand-shaker has been a long-felt want, but no invention bas ever yet covered it. It is not permissible in this case, unfortu-v Bfetei v- as in the business of turning a grind- Profits of Liquor Selling Eliminated.

Advocates of Gotalrari Plan Hold a Has Proven nighly Success ful in Sweden. Bill Embodying It Now Before the Legislature. Gov. Brackett Thinks It Better Than Prohibition. "Liqnor selling: under the Gothenburg system was discussed at a public meeting beld in Huntington Hall, yesterday afternoon.

Ex-Governor J- Q. A Brackett occupied the chair. He said: "This meeting bas been called for tbe purpose of considering a new system of dealing with tbe liquor traffic, with a view of remedying tbe intolerable evils which were now threatening the welfare of the pablio by the enormoas sale of intoxicating drinks. Any system which holds out even a promise of remedying these evil3 was worthy of the deepest consideration. Those interested largely in the temperance movement should admit that the remedies hitherto tried, such as prohibition, license and moral suasion, had to a greater or lesser extent failed.

They bad now presented to them the Gothenburg system, which bad been tried, and had proved largely instrumental in reducing the sales and the consumption of intoxicating liquors in Norway and Sweden. Moreover, a bill was now before the Legislature to establish the Gothennurg system and to make it a part of the legal machinery of this country. 'And why should we not try It here? It will, of course, be opposed by many persons and from different standpoints. It will be opposed by those who think that there should be no legislation on the subject. It will be opposed by the men engaged in the liqnor trade, because it would interfere very largely with the enormous profits of their business.

It will be opposed by gentlemen of conservative opinions who are skeptical as to the employment of any new ideas in social or political life. But history teaches us that every new proposition tor the BeneOt of Mankind has been at the start opposed by soma The Gothenburg system eliminates the element of profit from tbe trade. It places the business in tbe hands of a corporation properly and legally organized for the purpose, and it limits tbe profit to be paid on tbe capital invested to 5 per all surplus profits to be paid over for municipal or charitable purposes. "Now. if the element of profit can be eliminated from tbe business, the motive which now impels tbe liquor dealer to stimulate trade and increase bis business will be destroyed.

"If you can reduce the financial interest of tbe traffic you will diminish the power o( the traffic and the evils connected therewith. "Hie bill is not compulsory. It simply authorizes anv city or town to vote to try the system, such vote being based upon the local option idea, and it does seem to be an experiment worthy a fair trial. If towns and cities can be trusted to vote on tbe greater question of whether liquor shall be sold or not. eurelv they can be ealwly trusted to say wbat system they wiil adopt lor tbe selling of liquor in tneir midst.

Rev. E. A. Dunning said: I dare Ray most of us would preier to abolish the liqucr traffic altogether, but we are under a popular government aud we cant have oar own wav absolutely, Ihe nextquetinu for us to consider is bow we can practically diminish the evils that accompany the liquor traffic. The three chief evils as I see them, evils which stare us in tbe face are.

first, ti novertv, disease and impoverishment arising from the excessive use of intoxicating liquors; second, the fostering of crime and Municipal Corruption, and third, the enormous temptations held out for tho sale of liquors. The Gothenburg system has proved successful in diminishing these evils. Under tbe Swedish, which began in 1865, tbe liquor interests of Gothenburg, a town of 75.000 inhabitants, were bought out by a corporation, and by the terms of purchase this corporation agreed that all the profits, after paying a dividend of 5 per coat, should oe handed over to the treasury of the ty. Tbeu the speaker cited the case of Bergen, a of 60,000 inhabitants, where the system had been put into operation, by the organization ot a corporation to control the sale of liquor. The corporation began with 69 stockholders, eight of whom were women.

The City Council controlled the number of licenses, located the sues for the saloons, and chose the persons who were to sell, paying them fixed salaries. No liquor was allowed to be sold on Nun-days or holidays, no chairs were provided for lounging, and the persons who were engaged in selling were not permitted to be stockholce.s An accountant employed by the corporation visited the saloons daily and counted the cah. and every week there was a complete stocktaking. Fourteen saloons were licenced and notices were posted conspicuously that only pure liquors coaid be sold and that no purchases could be made by minors. Forty directors managed the affairs of the corporation and the books were always open for inspection.

After the 5 per cent, was paid all the surplus profits were used for Benevolent Parpoiei. and in this latter point lay1 the difference between tbe Norwegian and the Gothenburg system." Many public improvements were made with the money. A publlo highway was built from the income derived from selling liquor, and It was named Dram road. Some ot the money was invested in building ariesan'a dwellings, in giving ponular lectures, musical entertainments and in developing the higher tastes of the peopla Since 1876 there had been a steady decrease in the sales ot Intoxicating liquor, although tne population had largely increased. and the general result bad been a higher moral tone.

The system is simply permissive. Under the system now in operation at Bereeu there is no temptation lor the liquor dealer to push his business; iu fact, sometimes it is an unpleasant, Hung to ask for liquor there, because the man behind the counter is not an nous to sell. And under this system the saloons offer no ooDortunity to foster crime, nor can there be any political organization of liqnor dealers for the purpose of corrupting politics. Rev. W.

R. Lord, while leelinz that prohibition had accomplished nothing lasting, said that lie was inclined to take a hand in in the matter of law, as projected in the Gothenburg system. Local option was thought Dy many to he tbe ideal thing, and in the town3 and cities of Massachusetts the no-license sentiment was growing. He could not however, see, how it could prevail in a city like Boston. If in the recent electicai Boston Would Have Been a Calamity, There would have been a reaction and temperance reform would have been brought Into contempt.

The difficulty, too. witli high license was that there was a tendency to use it for political ends. it would astonish the good people of Boston to know how strong was the power of the men in whose hands was placod the rehtto sell, liquor under, a high license. Now somet ting had to he done. Instead of ridiculiug theories they must learn to welcome the theorist, because the very best practical tilings were once theories.

There was room i or the Gothenburg syRteni even were it only a theorv, but it bad keen tried and proved to be a success. It was their bouncien duty to move iu the direction of improving the body politic. Their social and donmstio state was bad enough, but the body nolitio was rotten, and It was a lamentable thing that men TOMORROW'S GREAT EVENT. It is expected that there will be a quarter of a million of visitors in Washington tomorrow. Figuring from the basis of what a man of moderate means will be obliged to expend, up to what millionnaires as tbiok as grasshoppers will be induced to lay out, everybody can estimate for himself the big pile of money that will be left at the national capital.

That the people of Washington should seek to make hay while the son shines. In view of this bonanza, and that extortion should be rife, is not on the whole remarkable. Those who cannot spare the time and means to visit the arrest inaugural show will at least enjoy the consolation of being free from the annoyances of grasping greed and the awful squeeze on the streets should it be "Cleveland weather and a pleasant day. That newspaper enterprise will do itself proud on this occasion need hardly be said, especially as the inauguration occurs on the day preceding the issue of the great Sunday papers of the land. So far as words and pictures oan bring the imposing inauguration proceedings to the great army of stay-at-homes one can enjoy the occasion at his own home next Sunday at the expense of the price of a Sunday newspaper.

There will probably be as fine display of newspaper enterprise as was ever seen in the conn try. It is needless to say that The Globe will, as usual, head tne procession, audit will be well to secure the peoples favorite Sunday paper from the newsdealers in advance. THEATRE REFORM. Half the enjoyment that might be obtained from the opening act of a good performance is lost because so many people have contracted a chronic habit of coming late to the piay. But the blame for this diiatoriness cannot be laid wholly at the door of the occuoants of orchestra stalls.

Our managers have a share of responsibility In this matter. They fail to comply with the time promise held out tn the poster and the programme, and the public think that almost any tima for putting in an appearance will "da When it is announced in so many words that the curtain is to rise at 7.45 oclock, for Instance, why should that interesting preliminary to the drama be deferred 20 minutes or so? Yet it is the exception, rather than the role, when theatrical entertainments begin on time. It they aid, there would sorely be a notable falling off in the number of tardy patrons, who now cause such discomfort to those who are in their seats betimes. Why should not theatre natrons and theatre managers alike learn to appreciate the virtue and the value of punctuality? UNCLE JERRYS ROSEATE VISION. It is Prophet Jeremiah Rusk now.

At least, the retiring secretary of agriculture undertakes, in the North American for this month, to give a forecast as to the condition of American farming a hundred years hence. In bis minds eye. Uncle Jerry sees an immense number of small farms, a greater concentration of population even in rural districts, and miles upog miles of smooth roads, traversed by electric motors. Every farm house will have its telephone and its daily visit from the mail carrier, when 1993 comes around, and tbe country home will be universally recognized as superior to any city mansion under tbe canopy. We are glad to find the excellent Wisconsin "granger taking such an optimistic view of the future of agriculture, and trust that Uncle Jerrys influence will steadily be exerted in favor of improving the present conditions of the farmer.

East and West, in order that his roseate visions of a century hence may not be deemed wholly the flight of an amiable Imagination. EDITORIAL POINTS. The whole Democracy Is on to Washington today. Clkye and Steve have got together again, this time lor a four years' trip. President Harrison will bave jnst as many privileges as any of the rest of us tomorrow night.

Friday may be an unlucky day, perhaps, bat Saturdays all right. Inasmuch as Rev. Dr. A. Si? John Chambre of Lowell explicitly stated some time ago that he did not desire and could not accept an election as Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts, it is scarcely polite for would-be prelate-makers to drag his honored name into their editorial deliverances.

Now that Mr. Cleveland bas vetoed that plan for a promenade concert in the pension building Sunday flight. Congressman Morse must feel that virtue may exist, even In the heart of a Democratic President. Gov. Carr of North Carolina aud Gov.

Tillman of South Carolina will both be there. Mr. Wattersons star-eyed goddess of reform Is going to dance with all the other pretty girls at the inauguration ball. Her card Is full. Tbe man in the moon will see sights in Washington tonight.

The Senate that convenes tomorrow will be an object of great interest, because of the phenomenally nice balance of party forces. It looks as if the deciding vote in many cases, for a while at least, is to fall to Adlal Never were the people of New Jersey so stirred as now, over the race-track legislation. Nor is their indignation without just causa The Cuttyhunk fund already amounts to some 912,000. Keep the ball rolling. A more creditable and just tribute on the part of New England than this to the deeds of her brave life-savers never blessed helpless dependants.

It Is hard to conceive of a girl as sweet and pretty as Princess Kaiulani who is not in favor of annexation outright, rather than a protectorate. Mrs. Clevelands inaugural dress and Mr. Clevelands inaugural address are both complete. They are both going to be corkers, too.

Only four years and one day more now to the inauguration of another Democratic President No doubt President Harrison and President Cleveland Can say just as pleasant things to each other a.1 the governors of North Carolina and of South Carolina could. Will a Republican weather bnrean have tbe brazen nerve to give Washingtonians a stormy day? Another negro exodus from the South has begun on paper. No one expects a dignified man like Senator David Hill of the great State of New York to prance around and throw up bis hat and cheer. The objections nrged against using the pension building for the inauguration ball are construed by some evil-disposed people PILGRIM BOOKLETS FREE Bed Atlas Tack SCENES IN PARLIAMENT. Esmondes Reply to Sneers of a British Lord.

Defending the nationalists from tbe Attacks of the Tories. Brilliant Prospect for the Passage of the Home Bale Bill. London, Feb. 21. A noble lord, named Wolmer, son-in-law of the Marquis of Salisbury, originated an exciting scene which took place in tbe House of Commons on Thursday night.

Lord Wolmer isaLioeral Unionist. At a banquet given him on Tuesday be said, in reference to tbe Irish Nationalist members, that: They knew from tbe internal difficulties In the Irish party they could no longer be paid by IrUb money. Therefore they were being paid, and undoubtedly being paid, by tbe party organization and the party npw in iwer. Therefore tbe position Mr. Glaastone waa in waa that be waa undertaking tbit constitutional change relying on a majority of 40 paid mercenaries.

Sir Thomas Grattan Esmonde, one of the whips ot tbe Irish party, after having given the usual 24 hours notice in advance of the question to his lordship, rose in bis place on Thursday night and asked him to state the authority on which his assertion was made. Lord Wolmer. with an air of superciliousness, assumed for that special occasion, said. It was generally admitted that money is no longer forthcoming from Irish or American sources and the inference would seem, therefore, that it is derived from English sources He admitted that he went too far in stating that it undoubtedly came' from Gladstonian party funds and said that it tbe honorable member (Sir Thomas Esmonde) was in a position to say tnat that statement bad no foundation in fact be would withdraw it and express regret "Let me repeat, said Lord Wolmer in conclusion, that I intended to reflect nothing upon those who are supposed to receive the money, but simply to point out the very peculiar position now occupied by tbe government In an instant Mr. bexton, for the Nationalists, was on his feet.

His face wa unusually pale, as if laboring under powerful emotion. lbs first sentences fixed the attention of ail on tbe opening of wbat turned out to be the Most Dramatic Scene which tbe House has witnessed since the Tories, in May, 1887. charged Mr. Parnell and tbe Irish members with being tbe accomplices of assassins, on tbe strength of the Piggot forgeries in the London Times. The noble lord, said Mr.

Sexton, bas put in circulation wbat ia an absolute falsehood a total and absolute falsehood, a mere invention. Tbe House is entitled to know, in tbe first place, Iroin the noble lord, whether be invented tbe statement himself or whether be adopted it at the instance of any other person. Ana then in a voice which quivered with indignation he called upon the speaker to decide whether "the noble lord is entitled to make a subjunctive or contingent apology. and having wilfully set afloat a falsehood, whether be is entitled to call fora contradiction, or whether, being himself destitute of any grounds upon wbicn be made this statement, his apology should not be instant and absolute? Mr. Peel, tbe speaker, who i a Torv.

decided that as the words had not been made use of in the House, bis jurisdiction did not apply. He thought the matter should be allowed to rest th Lord Wolmers explanation. but he wished the word "mercenary had not been used by him. Lord olmer. rising amid Tory cheers, now beginning to look serious, seized the rope thrown him by the speaker.

Head mined that the word mercenary was wrong one to use. Put Said tnat bis intention was to reflect uron the government and not npon the Irish members, and that if any of the latter made contradiction be would withdraw it absolutely. Mr. Sexton again rose, loudly cheered tbistime by the Liberals, as well as Ins own colleagues. Looking straight at Lord MoJ-iner.

i said: The noole lord having now in the most niggardly and ungracioas manner withdrawn the statement, 1 am entitled to submit to the Hou (hat he made a false statement I might reasonably call it by a shorter name. At this point tbs House xyas la a Tumult, the Tories crying out order. while tbe Nationalists and Liberals cheered again and again. Mr. Sexton proceeded to draw the attention of the speaker and the House to the nse which the London Times had made of the calumny of that witness (pointing to Lord Wolmer), the value of whose evidence tbe House was then able to estimate Mr.

Sexton then read extracts from tbe mes editorial based on Wolmers speech at the Liberal-Unionist banquet, of which tne following is one: It is notorious that since the Parnelli'e split there ha been no American money forthcoming for the subsistence of these stipendiary patriots." When he fiuis ed this extract, with head thrown backward ana a look of unutterable contempt in his face, he pointed at the Tory members in silence fora few moments and then said in slow, monotonous tones, which cut like a whip lash That is tbe party of gentlemen. There is not a peasant in Ireland who would not be ashamed of your conduct. A whirlwind of cheers from the ministerial and lrsb benches punctuated and emphasized the stinging rebuke. Again he read from the Time article: And as they tnut live somehow they are, so Lord Wolmer declared, undoubtedly being paid kv the party organizations and by the party in power. We have no difficulty, therefore, accepting Lord Wolmers assurances that one-balf at least of the party are in receipt of a stipend drawn either from an English party fund or from some of the wealthy members of the Liberal party.

That charge, said Mr. Sexton, is as false a charge as ever was made. Neither to any English government or to Any Rich English Partisan has any member of tbe Irish party ever been indebted to the extent of one penny. At this point Lord Wolmer, now looking frightened, attempted to say something, but Sexton brushed him aside, telling tbe House the noble lord (pointing contemptuously at him) could eoeak when he got through. And then he declared in ringing tones, looking around at the members of the Irish party as if addressing them alone.

Whatever help we may require we shall seek from our own countrymen, and certainly if that help should prove to be insufficient we we will never seek it anvwbere else. Then he moved that the article read from the Times constituted a gross and scandalous breach of the privileges of the The speaker hoped the matter would go no further-he could not say it wav breach of privilege, and he implored the House not to allow it to go farther. But Mr. Sexton knew his ground.

He would not be dictated to bv the speaker, whom lie respectfully informed that the question of privilege was one for the House itlf to decide by vote. Wolmer, with ail bis superciliousness evaporated, now managed to get the floor to say that he apologized for his offence, and then sank back in total collapse. After the extracts from the Times were again read by the clerk of the House. Mr. Nexton renewed his motion for the vote of censure.

The House at this juncture was a study. Balfour, the Tory leader, sprawling in his usual lashion over bis bench could not Conceal ihe Chagrin which bis features expressed at the turn the affair had taken. Chamberlains nallid face seemed to grow paler, if that could be possible, and it was contracted like that ot a man in pain, while the smaller fry of the Tories and Liberal Unionists presented a strange admixture of consternation, perplexity and annoyance. IV lien Mr. Sexton renewed his motion Mr.

Gladstone arose and said if lie was asked whether a charge oi corruption against a body of membersof the House constituted a breach of the privileges of the House, lie was afraid it was possible to give uo answer but one, and that one that it was a breach. Mi. Balfour, in a shilly-shally speech, do- plored the prospect of into a couflict with the ttin dend the article in the Tim htWOal dm sidered would be ind. bat hCon. ore of censure which should lovioally to! Sy.fS.KSSPBiSLSS? motion the last that if the motion wa pressed111 ring mg.

however, which he tiht sary, he would vote for it. ihe motion was pressed to a was carried unanimously House of Commons has a th record regarding the London one fact of the Tiroes artufle i. 'e'atDg tions Irom America' iif sustain Nationalist members, tot of th In view of the splendid anti measure of home rule Gladstone it would be opo84 by A dreat Reproach, a Born In if tbe hands of the who have contributed so sacrifice and devotion to briL LWt within the grasp of Ireland wemB7 up during tbe final strugglo hJ 1 in the United States. The funds to enable them to oerf, duties must come from the present time is puttie for the evicted inland at forth everr qiju iur tne evicted tenant i 1 7 par party regwdroiMbi' of the wounaedoldiers of the la -12 as first mortgage on Irish suptort WS FK1 is 30 in dM vnjiiauiciiiirf party IS 30 in rih Uf the Lmted States for the year 11 ar, whir-h 01 so which will elapse befo ihe latnre assembles in Dublin should to do as well for the Ash pie of Ireland are doing for theWfcted Massachusetts alone in 185 coninhntri 946,000 to the Fenian brother4 the Irish American population of ttaeSmi was small compared with what it f.n Certainly it should be able to tbe present tima One thing in relaffi the contribution of funds for tbe Iriih which should be borne in mind is whatever is done should be done quick' UinonKw tL London Time tbe LibetS raise nfoneywfiicbtoritalue tioeu of eaflets eetlD't, the dlsUl Appealing to Religion Prejudlt. the opDosit'on io home ruls.

i consciou. ness by these gentlemen that the commit sanat of Irish America was again placed at the disposal of the Irish leaders would have a very wholesome influence wiflu the next 60 days. The home rule cause bas been iuiDrorM 2o per cent, since this session of Parliament opened. The few shaky Giadstonianavii gave signs of lestiveness before th op-ina. have fallen into line, and bow sot murmur of dissent can be beard from the compact and orderly column with which Mr.

Gladstone will confront the Housed Lords, when be casses and lavs before i hi: antique assemblage the magnificent Beit ure set forth in tbe Queens address. It is really extraordinary how tbe feel ozof no tory has grown and developed even within the short time nee 1 came over to Londos. In the lobbies of the House of Commons, in the hotels, the omnibuses, wherever von go, you will find the sentiment prevailing that the home role bill will carry the dir despite all opposition. Ibe feeling pervade ttie masses generally without regard to party. The last number of Lioydi, the most popular of the Tory weekly papers speaking of the bill, says: The detire is itself laudable, and tho who do not follow Mr.

Gladstone would onlv too triad if the end could be achieved without disastrous results. Their antipathy to Irish autonomy is not owing to any enmity towardslnsnmen.but to lbeirpatnotis loyalty to the British empire and to generous fidelity to the rights of the weak. If these difficulties could be removed there is no valid reason why they should not be willing to concede home rule to Ire land, even thoueh they do not regard horns rule a a necessity- Mr. Gladstone has dons hi best tu meet them; the question is whether he ha succeeded." It is decidedly a most significant omn at this eariy stage of the season tha; the Unionists practically admit the principle i of home rule, a it is the first step towards I their proposing a scheme of supporting os proposed by tlieir opponent. It is now a foregone conclusion that th second reading of the bill, which i down for March 13.

will be carried by an In- I i creased ma-oritr, and once Parliament adopt ihe principle of a measure of that kind it never fail to carry it out within very short time. P. ONsillLasxi- PASTOR INSTALLED- Rer. TV. IL Pulsford Enters Upon Duties at 'Waltham.

-Waltham. March 2. Ths First Parish church was filled with member thiy mg to witnesa tha installation of Bst- H. Pulsford, the new oastor. The exercises opened at 7.30 witb singing by the church choir, followed by invocation by Rev.

D. Munroe Wilson of Boston. A ver instructive sermon wai tt preached by Rev. John Cuckson of after which Rev. E.

C. Guild r.B5nL offered prayer. Tbe right hand ship was extended the new pastor by 6 Diilbnlav nf B.JI Buikeley of Conroy Rev. livered the charge exercises closed with an add jT Hilary Bygrave of El kof W- H. K.

J. YouDg and benediction Mr. Pulsford comes to Waltham from Montreal, Canada Eaward A. nor the charge to the Ptoh mayoralty ISSUE. HaUowell, Republican Fed Sure of Electing Their Candidate.

Hallowkll. MuUh Republicans are sure lecte4 (or mayor. Albert gmter another year. His Menm anotner year. cessfuh and ths fid tho Democrats as wed, sre with his administration J11 hard to have itim Hrilowe i Major Winter 1 received his Jamo? age schools, and when 18 yearn oi ag sea.

which he o1 1 When the war breHhas been tha 1st Maine Cava w. He i oee wd ho, of the ci tv government seveur San Francisco Mining Stocks Saw Fkakcisco. March tod aya official closing quotations ot an stocks: Bvi-t A BelcPer. CaL A Va. Hale A NorcroM Mexican.

lie fl 50 3 85 loui. j.ij UlenaSer1 105 1.85 For the Bereaved Famihe. Providence, March fAr coj Lippittof this city has thus far $612 to be browned Cui of the families of the drowned HOUSEHOLD rASAf ta" W' Pain Reliever, for internal and Why? only Pearline 1 4 Washing Comp ever imitated. Van Nostrands it is I cheaper than foreign al as duction, and pays no duty. Under the CircmsstM Circumstances control oar ho'I ti1 fniur? retain Hue com'any.

l', J. obtains in our tn ihe world SAT Jjjosto-- Ux. Li'S, State Xo8 Wbat is claimed to be perpetual motion and what bas been recognized as such by the United States patent office, has been discovered, and a Boston man is the solver of this scientific problem. Moreover, be proposes to put the perpetual motion to some use other than as a scientific study and contends that it will be serviceable for transportation purposes. Hosea W.

Libbey. a South End physician. Is the discoverer, and his evolution was the result of six years contemplation. The doctor is rather averse to calling his invention by the term perpetual motion, owing to the great many failures of achieving this end which have brought ridicule upon anything purporting to bo the realization of it, ao he caffs it an automatic aerial railroad. bis appellation gives an idea of what it Is.

a railroad. It is a queer railroad, and one which would give the traveller on It much the sensation of an exceedingly rough day at sea. In the first place, there are two sets of tracks, one above the other, each with abrupt declivities and gentle undulations, each opposite to the other, the highest point of the upper rails being just above the iowet on the lower track. It is proposed to make ihe tracks elevated and the foundations are arches of equal dimensions supported by piliarsof masonry. There is a car shaped like a double wedge upon four tracks which at the start rests upon the lower set of rails.

A Jong shai ed trolley pole is attached to the top of the car which has a wheel on each of its ends, which wheels are to operate npon the upper track at various points. A spring attached to this trolley pole has a tendency to incline the pole constantly forward. The car previous to the start is upon an inclined plane, with tbe trucks upon tne lower set of tracks, and retained in its place bv a wheel brake. At this time the llamra Wheels on the trolley Dole are poised the air, too high to revolve on the upper track, which takes an ascent just forward of the trolley wheels. The brake is released, and the car automatically starts down the slight declivity until the trolley wheels reach a point where they can bear udoo tbe upper set of tracks, and here the lower track takes a correspondingly quick descent.

Ihe support then comes on the trolley wheels, and as the car swings off the lower rails it is carried down an incline upon the trolley truck, but as soon as it gets a fair momentum it reaches a Point where the lower track rises again, and as the under trucks the rails the trolley rises above the then descending upper rails. Then the car is propelled by its momentum up a short Inoiine until it reaches another point where the trolley wheels can bear npon the upper track, and then the lower trucks fail into disuse again as tbe car swings off into space, propelled by the action of the upper set of wheels. Each of tho highest and lowest corresponding points of the two sets of track are the same height as at the start, so when the car reaches the end of a line it is at the high in position were doing thing which, judged by any standard, were wrong. Thev must divorce the saloon from politics; that was the rational way. He had spoken to 60 men of different classes, and they were ail willing to bave tbe Gothenburg svstem tried.

It was absolutely necessary to try something to help purify their political 1 fa and to sweep away the moral rot, which waa undermining the bolv politic. R. H. Tana said that one of the fundamental principles of legislation was that the law should reach the motives of men. The present system left with the liquor dealers the motive to break the law.

and then the law did a little individual shooting at ihese dealers by imposing a hna The Gothenburg svstem changed the motive by eliminating the Element of Iroflt. The liquor dealer may not desire to demoralize tbe people, but he bad to sell and so increase his profits. prof. Francis G. Peabody spoke of tbe persistency of the community in trying to deal with tbe liquor problem iu various ways, but he said it was evident now that they had to couie to close quarters and deal with motives.

The bill before them offered safeguards, by checking the making of money as private uroht. and Joing away witn the political infiueuce of the business. Retailers were in too many cases only the agent of wholesale brewers end disti.lers, aud to make their business pay they bad to resort to all sorts of devices. They set out temptations for men, they employed decoy and they even sprinkled the sidewalks with liquor, thev sent out scouts to bring in customers, and they made slaves of those to whom they sold their liquor. The Gothenburg system did away with all that tremendous mischief.

They would be met with ob ections tn passing the Gothenburg bill. Thev would be told that it would roh the liquor dea er of a chance to make a living, out it required neither capital, brains nor work to sell liquor. Every year liquor dealing became more and more ail uncertain occupation. It would be obiected to that the respectable and responsible part of the commumtv wou not take charge ot the business, as protided for in the bill, but he thought that it was just that heroic quality which summoned men to do their duty, which would impel good citizens to assist in carrying out the work. Representative J.

J. Myers said that it was a fact that the liquor trade did harm, because of the vast amount ot money it made, ent rely out of proportion to tbe capital, brains or work invested in it The bill he thought was the best possible solution for tne liquor problem. The saloon was a tem elation to sober men and the saloon in politics was a baleful evil. Imagine. said he.

"politics with the liquor dealer ept out. Copies of the bill now before the Legislature were distributed in large numbers. A hearing on it will take place at the State House this morning. GEORGE WILSON FOUND DEAD. Ga Jet in His Room at Falmouth House Waa Wide Open: A man who registered as George Wilson from Rowley, was found dead in his room at tbe Falmouth House yesterday morning.

He was evidently asphyxiated, for he was found lying on the bed with the valve of the gas turned on at full blast. It is supposed. however, that death was caused by accident. When he applied for a room it wins noticed that he had been drinking, but not enough to be intoxicated. Alter partaking of supper be was seized with a violent nausea and retired to his room.

The deceased was 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighed about 160 pounds, light com-plexioned, and with a smooth face. He was well dressed in dark clothes and overcoat. His hands were those of a workingman. He is thought to have been a shoemaker. In his pocket were found a ban book on the Newbuiyport Institution for Savings with a balance of 8100 and about 975 in cash, also a receipt for S3 from a man named Reubens.

Catholic Church Notea Catholics devote the month of March in an especial manner to St. Joseph. The devotiou of the 40 hours is announced to begin in St. James church. Harrison today and in the following churches on next Sunday St JoseDha, Boston Marys.

Lawrence: the Immaculate Conception, Stoughton: St James'. Haverhill: the Most Holy Redeemer, East Boston; SS. Peter and Pauls, Bosion: St. Oolumbkills, Brighton and SLPeters, Cambridge. On next Sunday evening a magnificent set ot stations of the cross will be consecrated in the church of the Immaculate Conception.

Lowell. The set is a gift of tbe late John O'Hearn. Tbe membersof the Young Mens Catholic Association of Boston College are making active preparations to tender Hon. Coekran a splendid reception when he comes to this city to lecture under their ausoiees. Hon.

Joseph H. ONeil has been invited to preside at the lecture, which will be delivered on Patricks night. Not an Unknown Quantity. (Minneapolis Times. Wonder if Attorney-General Olney Is a relative of tbe man who got up tbe algebras? New Home Sewing 60 Trenton t.

years ago. The doctor is a short, round-faced, jovial man, whose inventions have always been made for the enjoyment he bas gotten out of them, as he never has realized a cent from any of his new ideas, in talking of his latest invention be said I have had this tbipg in mind for six years, thinking and pondering upon it, but somehow or other I could not bring myself to put the idea on paper. "I had the idea well formed In mv mind as to how I could build an automatic rail way, but in all these six years 1 could not draw a plan of it. One night last year I was Bitting in my rtudy and. while my mind was on something eke.

I suddenly felt as though I could put my idea in every oetati on paper. I sat down and worked lor ail I was worth, making a drawing of tbe rails, the car and tne whole thing aa I thought it could be operated. It was after 1 oclock in the morning when I went to bed. pretty well satisfied that I bad got it all worked out. As I iougtit it over before going to sleep the conviction came over me that it would not work as 1 bad planned it Finally 1 arose and taking several of my collars 1 began drawing plans on them and soon had it arranged to my satisfaction.

Then 1 consulted a friend, who is an engineer of great experience and well educated on all scientific matters. He looked at it carefully and said: 'Doc, it will go if you can get enough momentum to drive the car half way ud the inclines. We tried the experiment of starting a roller down an inclined plane opposite an ascent, both similar to the one planned by me. and in every case the rol'er went four-fifths of the way up the rise from the force obtained in the descent. My friend then said, 'But how are you going to stop it? I replied that that was the tbipg that had bothered me.

We thought it over and decided that we could run it on a level until it bad expended its force, and arrange it so it would stop at an inclined plane similar to tbe one from which it starts. It also could be stopped with a brake at anv point desired, and when released would start again without difficulty. I applied for a patent in March. 1892, sending a drawing on to the patent office. They did not ask for a model, but seemed satisfied from the drawing that it would work.

1 got the patent after seven months delay. THAT HOME RULE BILL Irish Citizens to Hold a Meeting Before the Bill is Read Again. There was an enthusiastic meeting of the members of the Central Branch of the Irish National Federation at Montgomery Hail last night, presided over by Hon. T. B.

Fit. The meeting was called for tbe express purpose of making the necessary arrangements for calling a mass meeting of the citizens of Boston to give an expression of I opinion on Mr. Gladstone's home rule bill, now before the British Parliament. There was a large gathering of representative Irish men. and after fully discussing the question it was decided to hold such meeting before the bill was read a second time in the House of Commons, and the following were appointed a committee to make aii the necessary arrangements: William J.

Burke, John F. Nla terv, M. A. Toland, Dominick Toy. D.

F. J. Timmins, Hou. William S. McNary.

James Riley. Hon. John Reed. D. P.

Daniel J. Hayes. T. B. Fitzpatrick.

Peter Daly. Charles Lougne and John McSorley. It was also decided to invite Dr. William B. Wallace and Maj.

John Burns of New ork and ether prominent men to address the meeting. UP TO USUAL HIGH STANDARD. How the New Bedford Evening Journal Scooped the Town. Tbe New Bedford Evening Jonrnal is receiving deserved congratulations for its enterprise iu reporting tbe drowning of the brave Cuttyhunk life savers last Friday. The news of tbe accident did not reach New Bedford until Saturday, and representatives of the paper were soon on the island.

With remarkable quickness the particulars were learned, and an extra was issued shortly before 5 oclock, containing a oMumn account of the affair, the names of the drowned and other lamentable facta connected with the terrible accident. he Journal was the only paper in New Bedford that published a line about tbe accident that day. CHARGES FOR INDORSEMENTS. Insurance Men Said to Contemplate Such Action. It is understood by tbe insurance agency that the New England insurance exchange will be asked to pass a law making a charge of 25 cents for indorsing a policy.

Oftentimes an insurance company has to make at different times three or four indorsements on a policy where the premium is not more than 93. This entails considerable clerical work and alterations in the books for whioh no compensation is received. Some of the insurance offices in Boston make over indorsements in a year, and the charge of 25 cent for each indorsment would aud not a littie to tbe premium income. Three-Masted Schooner Launched. Rockland, March 2.

At high tide this morning there was launched from the yard of Snow the three-masted schooner Lavinia M. Snow. Tne vessel registers 364 tons. I. Snow Co.

are the owners. G. H. Jones, Sah. Galveston News.) Glory Hallelujah Jones is the imposing name of a Mississippi negro.

Local Lines. The next Lenten lecture in the Chan-ning Hall free course on "Devotional Leaders and Writers will ibe given binar-dav, at 3 p. by Rev. Lewis G. Wilson, on The Spirit of German Mysticism.

The lectures will be held each week until and including April 1. "The sources of Bostons water supply; its reservoirs, basins, machinery, fully illustrated by the atereopticon, will be the subject of the practical talk1 at the Young Mens Christian Union. Saturday evening this week, by Desmond Fitz Gerald of Brookline. Masa, retident engineer in charge Additional Supply, Boston water worn. to Lich tbe public are invited.

Bishop Courtney preached a visitation sermon last night before a large audience In St. Stephens church, Florence st. At the meeting of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society for discussion on Saturday. Prof. William P.

Brooks of the Mas-achusetts Agricultural College. Amherst, will read a paper on Poisonous plants. The meeting will be in Horticultural Hall, at 11 oclock a. m. The California stars.

Joseph R. Grismer and Phoebe Davies.are duplicating their success other cities at tbe Boston, and their play. The New South, is being received with a high degree of Tavor. it is a dramatic picture of life and events in the South of todav and is thoroughly interesting. It is admirably plaved by the stars and their excellent supporting company.

A matinee will be given on Saturday. Next week will be the last of the engagement. When going East you can purchase the famous Cutter whiskey at W. A. Holmes 91 Causeway Boston.

I -1.

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