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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 5

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

$.4 'TIE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE MONDAY, MARCH 2. 1S91. orldt-ra4 myaelt a bottpr roan than Donovan. awl I rePI tday, al 1 a-A in tny younger (14)'pi, that I Clan tlefeat likonovem in al moFI any way he would give too an to do so," BlIAL LEAGUE. 1 I gnoi MITA Mar I.

Crimson and Mile May eters: alio for the host beeets birds, fishes, i tee' ties toortatera.i tor the 1imn-11ot. I tohediat 11 chard 111.. Rieliehen. and 3411et, t. leopatt.r.a tand aey other Cita the 104t-toek intlitari mane 1, stiff the head 4i-eon-tip Ittlarths ifotallontati, and scoops or (j her reormen tai i01.

S. rpeetal pnrs lit be offered for the moet coonmes node from itertalds and Frites will be I 'awarded tor the latruotit end smallest polleft roan, fireman. tivior. soldier and market- matt, tali Ikto for Cid, costume bett repre- I 20.14414g any trade or bucuess. Ilighest offal in Leavening Power.U.

S. Gov't Ite7crt, 17, 33; 4 trt' P' 11 cc -111 i Go It Atc3e. uprorri cf Viinir Harvard Confiticat cf V1111111111 or 4L1 ir--Otw AliSOLYLIOLY i female it is as much true that the influenee which wh-es exert upon husband. is much stronger than that which husbands exert 1 upon wives. i A good husleind may bear tip' patiently with the of a thoughlese or vain 1 I'd (e l'e maY cover forbearipgly her niiitgice.

brit he will never be able to bripg about a thorough change for the better iu her. A good wife. on the other band. exerts such an influence over her hueband that she will prodece the change in him. A i good wife has el ways made a )od husband, and if we find irequently that her effete remain unsuccessful.

we may eately pressure that she either lacks the heroism of self-denial. or that she is not clever enough to select the right methods. A prudent and enthnsiastic, if will (wiener and subdue the most stubborn of buebanda -The earlier maturity of the woman muet i be balanced by the seniority of a few yeers on the partof the man. so that at the time I when tivey consummate their marriage they will etand on an equal fooling. 1 "in order to make nieself still better I understood in such an important point.

let I me direct your attentien to the fact that the girt of Is years is far the superior in ripeness and Intellectuality to the young man of the tialco age. 4 She will be the equal of one who i reached at least hit 24th year. Should she I marry one of her own age. she would stand above him as if she were his senior. and not I being his equal the balance would be dist turbed.

If. however. too large a spare of I years extends between them, both of them 1 beceme unable to comprehend each other. I "The strnggle fcr the supremaey occurs in I wedded life as promptly as the sun reaches I theeenith at noontime. and every careful obsereer will attest the truth of this state-inept.

This eeriod is the most critical in the life of a young couple. They have to fight it out among themselves. "At the per.od when people make their selectiou they know little of their own sonl and less of the soul life of another per, son. The force. however, which inueed i will make them happy in the married state i is no other than the force of habit.

After they have shared with each calmer the joys as well as the troubles of life. after they have accustomed themselves to the ways of each ether, habit becomes so strong lu them that they cannot be without each other for a short time, that they feel restless when they miss each other's company, and that they feel undecided whenever a question turns up unless they can coesult their partner. "After the contest is settled, the next requirement for happiness in life is that both husband and wife work. and work for identical ends and aims. "Husbands must vet consider their wives as toys.

as mere objects of gratification; they must make them their fall partners in life; they must make them their helpmates." 0 CHARACTERS SHOULD BE OPEN. Rev. Brooke Herford on "The Ethics of the Bible." Rev. Brooke Iferford preached yesterday morning at the Arlington Street church on "Time Ethics of the Bible." Speaking of godliness as exemplified in the life and teachings of St. Paul.

he said it had raised the minds of the people who had practised it far beyond What they otherwise would have risen to. It is one of the most hopeful eigns of the times that there is springing up a larger aense of what this life of ours is, that it is a continuous underlying thing, and that there is a very close couuection between this life and the life to come. "The old idea." continued the preacher, "that as soon as a man's life here was ended he passed into the other and became an angel is very fast away. and the best walkers in all churches say that we will take into that future the same life character and being which we had in this. "They say this wonderful undying life of man has ohe continuous being, and so a new dignity and meaning is given to our lives.

'Whatever capacity or ability a man possesses is not injured by godliness, but on the contrary is made mere valuable and better. This is provided that he has godliness in addition to his ability, and not instead of it. Whether in trade, science. art. labor or statesmanship, no man is any the worse because he is a God-feariug and God-loving man, but, on the contrary, he is often a great deal better.

This. of course, means that his godliness should be genuine and not hypocritical, real and not a sham. "A man of this kind becomes conspicuous if he falls from grace, and therefore it is all the more necessary that amen should really be what he vrolesses to be. If a man of this kind goes wrong the newspapers will make b. great deal of talk of it.

will bring him into discredit and bay "Another goist man gone WrOnz." They say 'he has been a Sunday school teacher always opened his business with so on. and this tends to bring religion into discredit. "For that reason it is very necessary that our characters should be Godly in the true and proper sense, and not apparently so. while we are anything else but what we vrofeas to be." WESLEY AND HIS TIMES. Life of Great English Revivalist Pictured by Rev.

Mr. Haven. At Grace church, First Methodist Episcopal, Temple the pastor. Rev. William Ingraham Haven, preached yesterday on "Wesley and His Times." The text was taken from the gospel of St.

John, 12. "John Wesley." said the preacher, was born June 17, 1703. or three years after the lath century begun. and died March 2. 17o1.

or nine years before its close; consequently. be may be said to have come in and went out with the century. lie was a man of many parts, determined. filled with the love of God. "The century in which he lived was one of the most remarkable in the history of England.

It was at this time that she began to spring into commercial importance, having no great internal disturbances. This was the century when the lower people lived in sin and the higher clasees not much better. "This century was remarkable also. insomuch as it was that in which poetry flourished. Pope, Gray.

Burns. Goldsmith. Cowper and others now known to literature flourished in this period. This was also the period of English oratory, never since equalled. the century which brought out Edmund Burke, Pitt.

Fox and Sheridan. It was the period of the organization of missionary work and the distribation vf gospel literature. "The morals of England were at a very low ebb. so low that John Wesley used to be termed a sacramentarian because he partook of it once a week. But lie cared not fer this.

He lived it all down. and though suffering such opposition as man never suffered before triumphed in the end. "Indeed, those who opposed him in the beginningsought him towards the close of his life. He was a man thoroughly imbued with the Fpint of God. earnest aud ever in command of his faculties.

He organized bands of preachers. but at the same time found ample opportunity to write. He had the satisfaction at his death of seeing the religion of his heart the one of England." ATTACITED AND DEFENDED. Reliability of the Bible Discussed et Paine filemoriml Hall- Paine Memorial Hall was well filled yesterday afternoon when the debate between Rev, Mr. Hexie and David Kirkwood on the subject, "That the Bible is not of divine origin and is opposed to human progress," was to hive taken place.

At the last moment it was found that Rev. Mr. Mixes could net attebd. and his place wa-s taken by Rev. Mr.

Sheehy of Maine. The diseussion was teaened by Mr. Kirkwood. He waid. in part.

that the Bible is of an imperfect character, and there are many parts of it which betray the most lamentable weakness, and are entirely unworthy of credence by any civilized or intelligent community. Sir William Jones says that if the first 11 chapters of Genesis are wrong, then the entire structure of our national re.igion is entrely wrong. Now as to the Deity. how did He come lute existerice? The first chapter of the Bible contains an incongruity tit et no science can get over. The speaker then went on to point out how geologists had proved that it would take thousands of years to form the strata of the earth as it is at present.

But we have Chris-tan, reCOOCLers. Where is the need of reconcilers if the Bible is of divine origin? Why the need of rectuellers for God's word? Today. in the public schools of the country. the Blble is the book over which there le great controvemy, and over which there is so much tremble. How can you expect your children tu be brought up in proeer scientifie knowlege when the Bible is contredieted at every point by science? Rev.

Mr. Sheeny replied: He said that if the Bible cannot saami honest criecisni. then he would say let it go down. We want the best "aly kingdom is not of this world. said the Lora.

Alt efforts to attach it to the state have failed. anat it is not Christianity. Aaiun was created of something. not from nothing. This earth.

too, once had a begintang. Genesis. then. is all right, and tee criticism all falls to the around. We don't believe because we want to.

but because we have to. VI are compelled to believe whether we like it or not. The argument touching geology counts for nothing, for geologists themselves ara not agreed as to wba Li rigLt or not in nature. and until they tio agree it is premature to what they say as correct. God is creating even at this moment The Bible is not opposed to lattnan fur EL4 men have eregreseed, rev4 ia.i had to rest on moral enutuatious.

and when fotualatien is taken away. I I TREASURES HEAVI I To Give" the Divine TREASURES Ill HEAVEN. Human Character. DT. mint J.

Same Freaches l'Islonary 011 Rev. Brooke Herford's Discourse on the "Ethics of the Bible." In the clinrch of the 'Unity. yesterday mornIng. J. Savage spoke on the snbject.

"What We leo wieh Our Miesioriarl Mciney. He said: To give: what does it mean? It means the divine in the human character. Those thitigs in the natural world the meet valeable and the most valued are theee things which givesues, moons. planets, tiowere, genie, all are valuable because they all give. God hin-self is God.

because He is the beetower of all things. We are now in midst of our yearly giv- i he ng to our charity work. Before being specific I wish to generalize a little. What he money? In and for itself. it is nothing.

It is Ilene of thole thinge that make up the character of man; it is only the means by which we work for and toward those thing. Who owns it? Money is the property of eociety. 'We advocate individual oe-nership, becanee so far history hoes convinced men. in vette ot social dreame. that society itself is best served by individual ownership.

Now, I am not begging in this sermon; I am only suggesting to you some of the ways in which you can spend your money; not only for the world, but how you can conyert it ineo some of the finest aud grandest thinge in yourselves. First comes the American Unitarian Association work. In this work. today. East or West, the question is never raised as to whether a man is coneervateve or radical.

only as to whether he le doing what work he can. Either Unitarianism is yards giving to other people or it is not worth keeping for ourselves. If it is the trntli. we are under solemn oblization to give it to all mankind. ke some little.

growing town in the West. host of the people there have gene West. as they Fay, to better themsel veg." Many of them have given up the old ways of thinking have grown broader: there may he a nucleus of this sort who would like to or ganize, but doubt and oppoeition on the part of others prevent it. Our part is to give the initial impulse a little help; thee they become strong in themselvee and become a new missionary centre. Tina is a grand work.

for if we are near to the Utah, we are lifting the world. Another phase of our workthat done by the Benevolent Fraternity of Churehes. consisted originally of delegates from nixie of our strongest churches. this being one of It supports a ministry at large, churches for the poor. churches that take hold on the social in a gentle, earn- est sort of way.

latie, as an example. the vverk of Mr. Wirikley of the Bultinch Place Chapel. a man ste or more. If you could see the divine compassion and almost the divine wisdom with which he deals with these people.

you would exclaim that such work should never lack means. Then. there are the appeals constantly coining from the South the educational needs of the negro. Here is one of the great problems that threaten possible danger to the future of the country. At Tuskegee, at Americus, at Hampton Institute, there are hard-working men trying to permeate this mass of ignorance with light, for it is not law, but education.

that can and must solve the problem. Here, then. we should work. Then, in the West. there the Indian problem.

The Unitarians Lave a little school in Montana, end those having It in charge say that in proportion to the work put out the success is marvellous. Noble, self-sacrificing men and women ask of us only the means to help them to continue in this grand work, that is ours no less than theirs. Auother work, the Japan mission. Hero is a people practically without a religion. They have outgrown Buddhism.

Ft-ten the lips of Unitarian representatives they learn of a religion consistent with all the life of modern science and thought. And I believe we could have a Unitarian japan even before a Unitarian America. if we went to work in the rielit way. One of the most important things on our hands is the religious education of our children. We have a Unitarian Sundae' Schbol society to assist the education of our children.

and they are crippled for lack of means. Let me new cpeak of some of the child charities. The children's misssion, which takes the children from the street and finds permanent homes for many of them; the country week, giving these bits of humanity a sight of sky and green fields. the furnishing of playgrounds, and the seaside hospitals for little children. Then there is the Woman's Alliance.

which has raised and given away some S50.000 in all needed directions. There is the distribution of the sermons Preached in this Place; some 40,000 to Mote) copies seut free each year; the Ladies' Benevolent Society helping the very needy. Jesus said: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven." Now friends. we are going out from this lito what we have made ourselves here. Whatever you put Into the helping of other people is the cultivating in yourself of the God-like, the growth of your soul.

TALMED TO YOUNG MEN. Rev. Joseph Cook'Dellvers a Practical Address Before the Y. M. C.

A. Tbe far-famed Rev. Joseph Cook was the all-absorbing attraction at the ball of the Boston Young Meres Christian Association yesterday afternoon. The eminent preacher had been advertised to speak in the series of revival lectures carried on each Sunday, and as a result the ball was completely filled with a representative assemblage of members of the association, students from all over the city and may Boston business men. The services commenced at 4 o'clock with praise singing by a boy choir, assisted by a male chorus.

Prof. Stewart sung a bass solo and also led the singing. Masters George and Roderiek McDonald rendered duets, Sidney Woodward a tenor solo. and George IV. Proctor officiated as pianist.

Tlie musical programme NI' aS an attract- ive elle, besides the treat which was in store for the audience when Dr. Cook gave his lecture. it was one of his eharacteristic addresses to young men. Ike taking as his text Mark and his subject. -Watch and Pray." Dr.

Cook spoke in an off-band without notes, and gave a good. practical business sermon ot great interest to ids hearers. and between bursts of higher eloquence would intersperse a few- humorous remarks, which held the attention of the audience for nearly an hour. After the eermon Dr. Pattison of Erie, gave the benediction.

MARRIAGp A PARTNERST4TP. Eabbi Solomon Schindler Delivers Another of Ms Sunday Lectures. Rabbi Solomon Schindler yesterday delivered at the Temple Adath Israel the sixth in his series of lectures on "From the Cradle to the L'ier," speaking on the subject, -IJusbands and 1Vives." In part a Ilabbi Schindler said: Notwithstanding what novelists may say, marriage does not cud the story of a person's life It the stream of life growsgrander. breaAler. deeper and rolls on more majestically than it ever did before.

"The bulk of the work of humanity is not performed by the young, because they lack both force and experience: it is not perfortned by the aged, because. though they may have experience. they have lost their force; it is performed by the men aud women between the ages of 25 and GO; it periormed by the fathers and mothers of the coining generation; it is performed by the husbands and wives. Ae it is a mistake to presume that the most interesting part of the story of a persona life euils with marriage. so it is as great a mistake to sui-pose teat all education is finished either before or at least with tue nuptials.

Quite to the contrary, education assumes now a gramier aspect. reaches out lucre widely. and draws into, its vorLex all that may be serviceable to the existence of the person as well as of the race "The newly married couple. entering into new relations to each other and to the surreamiteg world. begin a new life.

They are forced to exatuino and to investigate, to collect experiences, in order that they may familiarize themselves with the new position in which they have been placed. -Row quickly-the young wife. who go far bed never interested herself in financial affairs, herself. not alone in regard to all that pertains to household alfaire but even in regard to her husband's businese. If he is a laborer.

she will know in a very short time ail the tricks el his occupation; if he is a business man she will acquaint herself rapidly with all the conditions of his trade: if he is a professional. she will pry into the secrets of Lis professlon. The hesitant too. turns page after page in the book of life, collecting experieueea and new lessons fregn every one of them. What has been considereti play to him be-conies work; he begnis now to interest himself in a great many things which formerly lie had lett uunoticed.

"NVillle it is true that the male sex has assumed a vontroileng- power over the Flay flr Sctcxi WiLks. the Divine in Character. -razIortary Rev. Brooke Herford's Discourse on rroyernmants veal crumble. That.

no roan e'en i Pante 11411 can deny. Mr. Kirkwood rerdted. and Mr. Sheehy made a brief rejoinder, hen the disco-salon closed.

"CrrRIST OUR SAVIOUR." Dr. Macdonald Preaches in St. Andrew's Przabyterian Church. Dr McDonald of St. Andrew's church preached yesterday morning on "Christ Our Saviour." finding the text of his remarks in Mat.

And lie Said and when l'eter was come down out of the ship he walked on the waters to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wina boisterous be was afraid, and beginning tO Siuk. he cried. saying. 'Lord.

save After a descripticin of th scene and eirenmsttnces which called forth tlie remarks of the text the preacher calied attenton to the following poi nt among others as helms worthy of special attention. disciples did not recognize their saviour 41 his first, atmesrance because he came in an itnexpected manner. So at the present dsy we fail to recognire our deliveronce becaLso it comes in a way we did not anticipate. has power to save. Let us not oonfonnil God with his works.

Behind all natural laws is power. Behind power is will. Behind wiii is person. and that person is Immanuel. Third.

Christ is determined to save, tenderness waits and watches through all his dealings, and sympathy throbs through all his rule. In the aftenmon the pastor administered the communion.six joining the church. one letter by and live by In the evenmg lie preached to a large ng audience, taki for las theme. "Nearing Our Eternal Home," DEAD I.EADERS HONORED. Praises of Porter and Sherman Sang In East Boston Church.

A memorial SP nice in memory of Admiral Porter and Geri. Sherman was held in the Unitarian church. East Boston. Yesterday at 3 o'clock. Rev.

George M. Bodge. pastor of the church, delivered an address on the lives and deeds of the two great leaders. He was followel by Rev. Elijah Herr, D.

of the Tylaverick Googre-ational church and Rev. L. B. Bates of t17e Meridian Street M. E.

bethel. Mrs. Snow sang solos and the church choir sang patriotic songs. The body the choral was ocenpied by members of John A. Hawes Post.

159; John A. Hawes Woman's Relief Corps. Joseph Hooker Post, 23; Warren H. Cudworth Camp, 95. Sons of Veterins: an4 Theodore Winthrop Post.

35. and Theodore Winthrop 'Camp, Sons of Veterans. of Chelsea. The house was tiled. oki Last for Non-Church-Goers.

The last in the series of religious evervices at the Grand Opera House for the reasm was held last night before a fair-sizeo audience. Rev. Frederick Palmer delivered an address, in which he spoke of the gratifying work which bad been accomplished by this innovation in religions work in this city. and trusted that all who had benefited by teem would amist in keening up the good influences thus created. The Berkeley male quartet and Bennett's orchestra from the navy yard contributed the musical portion of the service.

THEY TAKE PIINCEE'S ADVICE. Stuart Robson and May Waldron Say They Will Not Wed. Stuart Robson and May Waldron both contradicted the story that they are to wed. and Mr. Robson's manager.

'W. IL Hayden. has telegraphed from Memphis the following statement: 'New York papers telegraphed here last night asking for confirmation of a rumor regarding the marriage of Mr. Robson to one of the ladies of his company. The fact of Mr.

Robson's wife having died only a few months ago does rot. it seems. prevent the theatrical gossips from spreading the report that he is about to be married to a young lady of his company who is enough to be his granddaughter. It is unnecessary to say that Mr. Robson indignantly denies the report." Many will be sorely disappointed by this turn of affairs.

for it seemed to them a very appropriate step for the lentliwr, lady in the Marriage a Failure." to take a phinge into the sea of matrimony. I 1 i.t.; i eo I- m- 0, 'q U. "tit 5.. i .4, V.s:to::,: ,.1 qPks.PliV---:1:7-',t. II ii litl-.

'1 1 i MISS MAY WALDRON. Miss Waldron is a native of Minnesota. her father being a well-known newspaper man. formerly connected with the press of Chicago and St. Paul and row identified With New York journallein.

Miss mother, previous to her marriage and for several years following. was a popular stage favorite. Miss Waldron's stage career has been extended for one who is still numbered with the girls. In childhood she accompanied her mother on tours. essayed childish parts.

and as years permitted became quite promment in amateur theatricals in t. Paul and Professionally she made her debut in Ilght opera, her musical education haviez been carefully attended to. at ur elltIOWPCI Miss Waldron v.ith an excellent voice and a line stage presence, which she turned to setisfactory aceount during a long run of "Pinafore" in Chicago. the debutante essaying the role of Buttercup and showing admirable apereciation of the possibilities of the part. In "lolanthe." "Patience." the "Pirates of Peneanee." and other popular comic operas Miss Waldron did remarkably well.

but she abandoned the field for the wider one afforded on the dramatic stage. She accepted an engagement with Aug-nstin Daly in 1885. and having received the benefit of training his "home of comedy" she wag speed' I in demand else here. and in the season of 1883-89. played Lady Mary in Robson and Crane'e production of The Henrietta." When Messrs.

Robson arid Crane dissolved partnership. the former offered Mies Waldron financial inducements to remain in his company. and since then she has played the leading hely in several of Robson's produetionA A Mrs. Cornelia Oodyke. the widow who cleliglitl to take a flyer on the market.

Miss Waldron is favorably remembered by those who saw the last production of "Henrietta" in this city at the Tremont Theatre. BOITTII LOSTON. Patrolman P. P. O'Buan of division 6 arrested Richard O'Leary Sunday charged with assault on his wife.

Bridget O'Leary. O'Leary became enraged at something and threw a goblet at his wile. cutting, a severe gash in her left cheek. bite was removed to the City Hospital. Arthur Criain of 280 Dorchestcr ay.

is locked up at station 6. charged with assaulting Michael Smith. Saturday evening. 'Iwo of Smith's ribs were broken and he is now at the CitY Hospital. The famous Dominicaa inissionaries began the tirst of a serntsof meetings at the church of the Rosary.

West Otso yetiterklay. The will be contormed for two weeks. The rirst will be devoted exclusively to women and girls and the secoud to men and boys. Local Linea liquor ()Meer Ilan ley of division seized 10 gallons of beer from Margaret Casey of 36 Oswego st. yesterday.

An alarm was turned in from Lox 252. at the corner of Dale and NVat4Lington sts- about 10.50 yesterday morning. for a blaze in an ash barrel iu a cellar of the house, No. 114Tee 1.3 St. dalrage.

Young tear an Parks Musty Me. Evangelist Weber spoke on 14anctification" at the NVerren Street1L E. church. yesterday, before a large congregation. Rey.

W. S. Key of Wollaston, formerly of old Loaton Eng, gave an illustrated lecture on "Westm.uster Abbey" at the Young Men's Cnion. it evening. "The Apostle Enot and Ms I'rayrng Indians" wilt be the subject of the oneiting Icture In the tievr course for Mare's.

at the Yount; Men's Christuri Union. tomorrow evening. by Rev. Euward (1. Porter of Lexington.

Bzsr remeily for cougla. Adamson's Bal-tam. il-lr-5115 -p 9 i kkt 1 -t V' -e-,!,,te:',,,--- Interstate Polo Schedule. The following interstate polo games will be played this week: A T. rtartforls at Winalow's Milt; Brides.

putut vs. Lavetla. at New Haven. It4D4T IlartPwrde vs. at Meriden; New lisvens vs.

IstuNeporta, aS k.tiligvport. lieri4ens Ilarttotas, at, IttCISDA Y. 'semen vs Whisilnw's Itink; Hartford, vs. ist-idgeporta, at hricitre VEIDAT. BC4tS VII.

NOW IlAverts. ta New Raven. Brice!) vs. Meridens. at Iteriaca; New liarent vs.

Ilartturds, at Scandal in California Club. The scandal ty the LaBlancheMitcheillake fight has been beneficial in one way to the California Athletic Club. It has developed the act that the directors have been betting on the contests. It is known that fonr of the directors who were to act less court of appeal and ratify the decision of the referee in the LuitiancileMitchell tight were heavy hot ters on IA-'The Marine" denies that he had svzreed to throw the fight or was druult. when he entered the ring.

intercollegiate Tug-of-War Contort. Feb. 28.The Colby Athletic Association s-otei today to accept Bovi'doin's challenge to Meet them in a tng-of-war contest to occur in Brunswick. March 24. It i3 now vroported to make tnat event a State Intercollegiate contest for the cliamplonshio.

rind will comprise Idaies and Colby. The Iiiaine state Coile'Te wjil probably not enter. The telim whiell will represent Bowiloin College is a Leavy curl sktiled one and will give the other colleges a bard pall. Lawn Tennie If. A.

Dion left for St. Augustine last night. W. If. Taylor, the PacifIc coast champion, is expected to play at St.

Augustine. The balance now in the treasnry of the r. S. N. L.

T. is 4,400, which is larger than aor previous year. The eastern championship in doubles will be played at Staten Island. and the Western championship in doubles at Chicago. Richard D.

Sears. the ex-champion. will play an exhibition match with O. S. Campbell, the present champion at St.

Augustine fiext week. This week marks the opening of the tennis season of 1891. as the first tournament of the season takes place at Magnolia Springs. today. The National Lawn Tennis Association has grown very rapidly the past few years.

Its mem itertiti now comprises 84 clubs and three minor associations. Harbingers of Spring. Lawrence 3 not for a club this season. harry Putnam is just the man to give Lytin a tine hall team. The local Ft iSoci a ti on team may go to St.

Augustine. after all. Jim Moyle is keeping very quiet. as Walter spalding has 1. ill).

hooked for retease. Is Manager Irwin using good judgment in picking out his pitchers for next season? Neither DalTy nor Farrel) havc signed contracts for tile of '9 l. all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Doc McDonough will be In New York this week to 1AI A. G.

Spalding just how he handled the hostile Sioux without anational gTefilllell L. Editor ilichter in this week's Sporting Lite advises all bail players to encourag-e the American Association in its stand against the league. Pittsburg will have one of the most expensive teams in the country next season. and yet it is even money that they won't get as good as fifth place. Manager McGunnigle.

undoubtedly the equal ot any man in his line, is yet disengaged. Here is the man that Johnson ehould get for Cincinnati. Polo Pointers. The Bostons are weak in their defence work. Wodtke is playing a wonderful game for New Haven.

Loberts and MrPeck should use better judgment in passing. The Boston-Brockton series stands 3-2 in favor of the home team. The Hartfords and Bostons play at Winslow's rink this evening. The Bridgeports are finding it very bard work to get out of last plaee The Pridgenorts and Meridens have played is games against each other this season, each club winning nine. Tim Sullivan's work at half-back for Hartford Bostons, last 'Wednesday night, was the finest ever seen in the Hartford rink.

Manager MeGurinigle's Brockton team can hardly claim the polo championship of aids State. Boston beat them. Friday night at New Bedford, 10 goals to 1. Polo games Saturday night: At Hartford--Hartfords. Bridgeports, 3.

At MeridenMerideus. New Havens, 4. At BrocktonBostons, Brockton 2. Capt. Canavan is a little under the weather.

probably from overwork. No player in the league has worked harder for the success of his teaui than Jimmy Canavan. Sport Miscellany. G. L.

A. ClubThirty-two rounds. F. T. Hugh McCormack.

(2)Roller Slater Skinner. Peter Maher, the Irish champion boxer, is coming to America. A. Verrath has won the chess championship of New Jersey. Jack McAuliffe, the lightweight, has opened a commission pool room George Godfree, who is to fight Kilrain next month, is the favorite in the betting on the Pacific slope.

Cal McCarthy stated last night that he would not accept the offer of the Ajax Club for a light with George Dixon. 1A-Illiam Hawley and James Boyle of Malden have been matched to spar at the Ajax Club, March 31, for a trophy. It is reported that of the sn000 exnected to be raised for the Worcester Base 3all Club has already been secured. Jimmy Kennard. the "St.

Paul Kid." is going to San Francisco to try to'get on some matches witil the bantams in that city. Jiinmy Lynch and Walter Halligan, the rival 122-pound lighters of New York, are to meet in a skin-tight glove battle for $1000 a side. Tommy White. the crack featherwelebt of the West, has been matched to tieht Harry Frazier within six weeks. bear Chicago.

for t2e0 a side. l'atsey Farrell, the Pittsburg pugilist. who is to tight Joe McAuliffe March e0. has resigned from the Pittsburg police force to traln for the battle. Gibbe.

the "Kansee 'City Demon," and Louis Ikeeenah of Kentucky are to light Manch 14 at Dayton. for $200 a side and a 8500 purse. Horave CIuiii of the Olympic Cleb of San Frareeeco hes broken the Pacific coast record fur the one-mile walk. Ile covered the distance in 6m. 63 4-55.

Joe MeAnliffc3 has cabled the Melbourne Atidotie Club that, he will fght Jo ti5rd for the $eooe purse it ceders, Jilt will allow him e00 for expenses. The Audubon Club is trying to make a match between Abe Willie. the Australian bantam. and Tommy Warren for a fi1o00 purse and an outside bet of $2500. Yekeng Mitchell has declined a snatch with Jack Dempsey oe Reddy Gallagher before a New ()rheum club, on the ground tlii he will not liget again for six months.

L. Wetzel Brown writes that he bested Steve 'fravers of Biddeford. Me. in a 10- round -go" at the Lewiston CritibClub. at week.

Brov, is now matched to meet Donovan of Lockland at the same club this month. Tommy Reap. who recently whipped Datinie Needhaln. wee fined $540 and et Crown Point. last week for engaging in a light in that State last December.

Itsan pow lies iu jail, as he was unable to pay the lime In the sealer handicap racket tournament at the It A. A. 11 C. LeAs and L. H.

Morgan were the wInners in the seini-tinal round. owing to the absence of the former the tinals will not be poiyed uutil the latter part of this week. Mr. Dudley's Song Recital. Mr.

G. W. Dudley gave 3 song recital in Chickering Hull Saturday evening which was enjoyed by a large audience, who cordially expressed appreciation of the talented singer's efforts. The programnie was sufficiently called to display his resources as a alist and inclutild selections from the of Handel. Saint-Saens.

A. Sterndale Bennett. Carl Loewe. Brahma. Ninranret Beethoven Lanz.

Peter Cornetins and tieliglitini violoncello a dAgio by Moztrt and a seloetaen from A am te to taskiur ny Bach were playod by 'Mr. Irtz t.iiese.. Mr. Joanna, Pnippen was the ethelent piano accompanist. Norrallo equals Ayers SaNaparills for perlfylmt the blood and a seruaz 00 INTO ACTIVE TRAINING.

Princeton Candidates for Mott Haven Team Itegin Practice. Parvcirrov. N. March candidates for the Mott Haven team will begin to practice out of door, tomorrow. They will go into active trairiinz and be sull.iectad to the strictest training rule.

fullowing are the men training for triff different events: nr-e bundru1 find 22r) yar4 4 '113; P3rtiovieil, 134; 104: 142: '101; ciiry. '103; VreAchhitz, oar run rthddr, 'hit 11101. '92. illme. '94; '94; '94; hilA4, '92; 14; '12.

run If4101y. 171; It 0f '12; 1N10.0140, '103; "0sr 'ie4; rime. 'Ili Iftamoul.ury, '104; '04; ilaiuts d0 sill, Rotta. MeV, '92; Cauu01.410. '92; 1rocie-, 14; 0rton, A W111410111, 1V1, 13; '9'1; '93; ILA'', '103; tifidte0N.

'941 Ilif1010stedual0c00, I l'uruer, 13. fule-hiveltr( 1-00191-1crh' hurdle P.rukair, 1131itelell. '14; Iturt.ett. 14; 1100101win; '141 14101433011100.u, 11001110::0, 't)3; K1rtlat1 143. 6001, 103; Dorelterling.

'pa; 1.3flte7. Ill0tke tifflotit, '04; Itlederwolt, 92; 11rinter 1101. Suutrits, '93. '91; ltrant4011. 194; an, 94 11-tteketi.

'93; AIL144. Ituutiing fugh Jemr, '93: Ituutettle11, '94; '14; 1'010 '94; Hughes, '193; Sill. '104; fdrreuturt, '92; iN.111 101111002 the bhutThurpe. '93; Jefferson, 11.trl,rs, '91; Merl-3y. 103; '91: Adams, '91; lutvis.

'93; flowel. '94; lieverultfe. tie '93; Adantof, '91; thorte, '93i 2lurruy, '93; Davis, '93; 1 tot -ot -Ivor luck. '93; Wurtz, '93; 'Ten4er30n, '12; OAwell, 92. WAITING FOR NASII'S PROMISE.

Unless It is Received Tomorrow a New Deal Will be Made. President Soden will leave for New York at 12 o'clock today to be present at the important meeting to take 'lace at the Fifth Avenue Hotel dining the next throe days. President Prince will also be in New York today. Anil said he would. undoubtedly call on A.

(I. Spalding if he had time while in Gotha in. Mr. Prince (lore rot Clow base ball to interfere with his friendship. and is at present transacting business with the Chicago magnate in regard to a ball ground in St.

Augustine. that Mr. Spalding has leased to the association club. Anson's colts were to share half th ex-Ponies of the grounds and play exbibit'on games there in Al arch, but r. spaiding has written.

salving that sinee the trouble he inust cancel the dates and turn the ground Os er to liostori. if Nash does not give Lis promise to sign with the longue club by tomorrow. no doubt a 1011 be made tor a good third base man. Iw sie York belt onny and Whitney and may give up one of them. They also 'have Paissett.

and as no association club is likely To itirawe Well who went hack on the hrot lierhood. he will Lave to remain in the Poo Smith could play a good third base, but I. hal time is weak. Mr. Sodun will.

no tiouht. bustle for three wen, a pitcher. catcher anti third base. TRIMOUN rs IN TILE 8 WIht Base Ball Club, Cross Country Team and a New Club "louse. A largely attended meeting of the mount Athletic Club was held in Horton Hall.

South Boston. yesterday afternoon. Action was taken on the rejection of their representatives by the board of managers of the New England Association of the A. A. 11..

and a vote of confidence in favor of the gentlemen that represented the club at that meeting lees passed. Tile eel ded to Poter three sperrers. E1110, Sullivan and Snyder. for the River-lode resit Club tournament, which takes phiee on the 17th inst. 'they also voted to organize a junior cross country team to take part in the championship to be held iu New York.

anti 20 names were mentioned from which a team will be Sc oeted. The club bait decided to apnly for a charter and application papers will be made Cu, anti presented tomorrow. Their sparring IllbeLLia will be held next month. Thev else decided to organize a base ball team for tho mining season and several erst-class ball players, among them Campbell. the old 'Harvard player.

have promised to join. Eft Hopkins will captain and manage the team. A movement will soon 'be started to raise by subseription a suilleient stun to erect a clubhouse in lflouth Boston. MITCHELL AND SLAVIN FIGHT. Doughty Charlie Said to nave keen Badly.

Used Up. Charlie Mitchell, the English pugilist. is not so confident now that Frank Slavin. the Australian. would be a mark for him.

The pair have been great friends, and. the other evening. while they were at the Arcade Club in Loudon. Mitchell boasted that he cotild easily best the Australian. Slavin at first treated the matter in a jocular spirit.

but in the end he lost his temper anti pushed Mitchell away with some degree of fere. This seemed to rouse the blood tt Mitchell. who made a rush at Slavin. but failed to hit him. tSlavin replied with a hard one' on his assailant's neck witieli floored hint.

Aliwitell rose and reached for a bottle to strike Slavin. but again the latter was too quick and a second tilLIfI uIlivaua former (It iponeut was floored. A genurai melee then ensued, Alitchell using chalrs and smashing tables in his effort to do up Slain, who practically un the thew tvith him. and finally liew him out the front door. Nv here he was hustled into a cab by friends and driven Lome.

lie is now confined to his bed on account of his injuries. TRIMOUNTS PROTEST. Claim that I Icy Were Ignored at a Recent Meeting. Nrw YoRK, March 1Secretary James 13, Sullivan of the Amateur Athletic Union has received a protest from the Trimount Athletic. Club of itoston against the business transacted at the organization meeting of I he New England Association.

bold at the 1. A. A. host Tuesday evetUng. The Tr-mounts contend that the meeting was not conducted in a parliamentary manner.

The protest also asserts that several of the delegates were not selected by their clubs, unit tinning the boarthof officers such delegntes toP (maid. They niso elaim that their club was vrosNly insulted. Rua after onee being elected was again thrown out of the board or managers. In all there ere about 10 chartren preferred. la (kt aili I considered at the next meeting of the central board of the A.

A. 17. Meriden Heads the List. The struggle for the interstate polo championship is growinir more and more exciting. Hartford is tow on an alutost even footing with 3Ieridett.

They ate tied in the tuniber of games won. but the Kangaroos bav last one more. Ila en played great polo the past vek. aid Sao hut a few behind the leaitrs. and kindgport seem, to be out of IL lhe stamling to date is as follows: I 1 1- 7:1 71 Ei 1 3 1 51 1 tt 1 It I il I 4 77.

1: i I i El I. 71 I to, 10 to 4 41 54'1 HAr-Latta. 74 61 9 11 lu 6 41 HmAtal Is 7 .1.. 11, ('t LS.77 1 olVon 751 th loo ti t)1 Ili; 73 to 9 Ito 0, I :1 I No or ......,.35 i 4: 1 ill! 12143 3 Galore 10,4 33 35 39 40 They Prefer Live Birds. llie pigeon shooting Oa of Lou ISUMI and New Jersey have formed an aamociation to he known as the Interstate Trap t4hooting League." for the ourvoAo of making novitiate the spot of trap shooting at live pigeons.

The new organization Will hold five shoots annually. Thinks tie Can Defeat Donovan. Prot. 'William McClellan. who fonzht Mike 131101'1M several Clues takes tions to Donovans recent stattinients about the4r fight in S311 Franciieo in 1s7lt.

says. "1 bays always con Mati Nel III! Then AVIthtiraw In a Blaze of Glory. Pro Lit Trimount Athletic Club. rilarlie 1tehe11 liatily lione Up ily Frank Slavin. Th at ii.41t,f Atioletio Olt.ii,g.iittp-,11 in New Ycra ots loattirday when the proloossloons if ItAt Vlittl--one that a st 'AA bicycle rave im Introduced into tile olobeio and the (other that 1,1,4 tett lot lofJ.

is gen4.1'311Y r-ittroludi ss furniblaing an Ado, opal reason for ilarVard'a with-sir tveui from ti.4 14r4oCition Rtiel 101111114 444'1 Of 11 rt. tolottistion with Yale, The ititutet a of the 1(314 anti track oth. ti, 4 Ii 1i 4,1,17 obstruction now to a dual with for loy nos it eement male of Ka rosiol's sithlootie teisitis aro to make any definite arrangement for flit tote with Yale until all the h1 hp 4 11411141 awl form a dual leitom for all the uontests, toe tree a have r6wed alolio for many ari, nod year the nine and eleven Nona44A Rh Yale, but, no real dual league WW1 th0 Mott I itiven tttallt 1t34 P. I I IS Itielnlovf of the in 4.141111,10AL. ton; the rams dillieuity is in the way ol Sowit (14,1111116 Ste in regard to Poo4 Gots la the matter.

lout the feel. to.g 11 thy athletic men at Harvard is that Yale S'Mild lii, WIWI tA) MOW Some arrange. toont at any rate 1 faryttrti Poliiil wake her 14'144'114114 Yiiin rind then Yttln could plaY 'slit. St Many other colleges tot alo wished to, A noeloolour of the 'Ho ytte committee t.ald: "'I lie moment Hitt larreteol forms a dual league Yale the rule width forbids the I t4E art tostitot funita plaviott outside New I a Hi it Mira wn, for then there ,11 lao too no eol t.f soots a lisle. "Nhsloy of the fellows seem to think that there is hoo occasion tow a dual league, but conorma vsith the men who have played on the tooritoos.

woull not go hack into the trisolgular league on Itnit consideration. -In dor htst, piece, I lart ard n1 Yale are aro only col lcoes which ere on art gnality with one another. or later they isre Is tool ftrop the other colleges uud ago off IN illoinselves, a hen stet are in a league la which loot or $11,41) collogor aro entered We never know itat Is going' to It minaort to OS, SR W11114 'to at New York ott Saturday. Wiattn tiny owstion ti hith I larvard takes oho kids most tot the colleges 11to other. if wo mere hi a dim! la with Yale we totiould at lewd know tIt a load hat tho votes.

W100' the nit IfaVen tefittli 11rita A10, 41t gliattAti alestro a noel too Is ills Vale is that, tile games hi New wre never Vie go to Now ttl tat all 411 eel lent team, but some mit soRtt titan 1i4111 e00.ryhri winning' an event art hut Lies att. iirst prize tram tie anal tV14 it til Yale, er Princeton or a nen have i better teem. NOLvi her for a duel leboguit that t10 sl .44 tit Ntsv York pro coniparativeiy kollt1441, not', Iti4114041nentty not et-I rttatt the ritetttatatri wilt' It games with Yule wooneo ould chow if it acre announced hot he sprout Harvard tool Yale were to Ittate No athletic, meeting on liohnee held to could toot find looists tor the people who 000 hi Itt sort to awe ti Kanwok he only ra-rtsolt tt hv the athletic cornreCt t. WiiVe L1j. 1t ii3v toaln th4 mit I.

woo. 01 going to New 't ork nest was the graduate committee load not rieeteol Itor 101114 enough time to nistko any It 4 for nitotting and thi4 coolltinittt4t that if we slid not oOlow the team to cohtest in the intereol. 0411144i Ow flirt' Vrotilit loa.V to in4 4 1111vo lior voork. loud that thick Athletics ion putt rel neglected tor 11 ywir. ant that to happen.

low we had tro.ol a Similar co ourse In foot hall with itool retalts. Next year we hope that there III too no loccasion for any detaiion on this etoo-t ion. tor Ity that tine Vt0 expect toisoito ultAto arraweitiont with ale." Atoother man very proonsinetit in athletic said that the tittilote associatmit ovoid Ionia ago have reached some under. ist.anollar his Yale it it load not beim for the Neoutt ork mon Ili Ito are in finht etis irtia These men are natttrally very Ans tons to have IA least 01111 I larvard tenni tote kir In New York. end have opposed koo, steps In I ailsi letiinito for tlii two Allaiiested by Harvard sot I he suesoiloor.

the tii. itt regard to the tows-cos I Act most ottrongly pushod. tat it rot lots olroptied lug.ol.vrarwbotiloor ii ot her have or 1110t. but there Nt-us4 1.t1 ,11011 reason tor propoeung a Jleal, nievo-le raoe. of I larvarols hest riders do work on the safety machine.

and as lI safety, is allowed to go in the reg. oar 1,41,0 it monied Ito more hien fair that a ew rico should be opened, giv ing every lin eti11.11 0 Of DOIttleS front the alset Ileven team, the Harvard men con tittilt of tor ironing first phice too the tooloss tlos ear under the present taloa, wet then they gay they still withdraw sit Loiiiist tit tilers. ADtt Cerattchiatt Manual Training School Not Atirtutted to League. At the meutirg t.t the InOrwholastic Bale C411 at Cat Itteton Athletic lith satartlay afterti(Hon every school In the at tlelegatea were present 'Y hiltata. Ituriler anti R.

1). 'Wrenn tit 11 di Mid Lana olr T. I tarn' Oat ttaI ttitE Irr tt Entilklt IIzi C. it M.111. ettil Chitrio4 Itrower 4 ti.

owl of Brown toit .1, Latin; 114It ova gait C. Preyfus it Itoatou 44i, In. he Cittnt.ri Matitial school to tlitt hut i i.t ir app.icattott AA 14. it Vt. 01 4 'I lie rerottnt for Eto Et 1iii1 tat them wtow iieceitett the aottool did not tit tor col.

1'010 for treatitrer realiltett In a tie on I 0 i rat It.itfl,,t tit on the tweollti J. T. I 1.i 1,4 'halt itt A t'Ittletl. I.EiiIt1 1 ittu aa elected seereo 4rv the crack pitcher. the it.) 4 tttai ativ 4iIf tit halting.

t' net tate iiitotig. eat', likAt it.kNA al cw I t.t1,1 owe PitlY (II to thab fad Leal 1411. TELIII SIXTH kat tt, Clympnut Club 'Will etr at the Ccmine Ccetutne Carnival. 11,10 ytliwan cluv.4 annoitt tna, carnival til he on NVIsinesday ven.nit Is. itt t.4141ing On that the) lovers of rtIler mi iti Voic-in and rioihity iven t''''rlur4t1 t134port ou 'AleJ tluor t.t the rink anti also a Ituwo to Win our, of the "tumorous prIles the iiiitnitgeurent.

The to 100. 1 be a lArtled ttonitlien Lt4tIve ottl who tti tio Ac I iLts Club, tho tIt origInal and 4tmttlkli stiaed Laud. tarior pi.4 A rich ttjiier ees 1.1,1 Le to the liatailsotueiy I he ii ttulent 'wearing tlitt ILoat r'icot1 makeup will 1o.selit141 qi 1 bleTtlit tor richness. Lin tiNtlikov. et for the best 4torit.ii.

any ii.0.1,1c.,t1 and denniatio rLy 'rot Scvrcit Thldledy Price el. I. teodle rril 71 enit, 114 bee InaJr1 their ruechasma farlier V. ,16 are at work pet7arille 11414 for tho 4hfrerers1 P.Lateo. it rvi in ab Ty'l wra a arth al.gur.tratal Aftr a -tArttat I te I tech of tile t-tautal to la a lehre.4-Dtate41 Cf trio Lree-Li9, trot isit.rests of that other al aZe4 at I hat are la CAI 1 he ef tresteoet of tItereetter Cone rtsfrr.

at le Ia.t ree ar r-e9-tits9r. fis serifs of le: laws re alored t.v Pr holly fis by tt pane. Ala.x, el the to he pre tot 1, Utast 9-01 that lions too a Lb; cc? Ci lul rem Ilripor-Amoo till ii ettry itrtio-n ot ie country the ahl the of obi tinii 22i trac A 1 71- VW tl tO thtA. Vero 44 Inoue, ir folotged loy Ow beard. pre.

that grheT1 Illea0 et them snoull come np tor roll shareholeler slhould km enfotled too e4.4433 and Ne bhartkolder Should b. Allinson tl east nylre than one vote- Here we hay, the tnent of the shoiet2an under Lich thcre le a reyrefentattTe eakstituency in every Suite and evry mall vote aa anutts es ay east tuana In conneetten with thig rrovis'on is mgt tor takavz the without relthe- tog ttle Yotct to a trip to Neer Vivra eel to any ptt- 1n fanal4.0121 win be u.le state-1 by the prihted and tranvonted by secretary to yak shArenunter for the expreoiton of Ins att4 hen rt tunnel the Totes will be counted by tbo9 truttees si4 lb. nowult de-claret and adotenj. In tilLs way ye evukt get a fair and Itlil expreeilen et the ere of all of the country awl out cost or delay tor sotce annual meehrit that In2y neetir at tunoe cliv. I raa.

not of any plan tuat could bo ae Oat would 149 mote practical. woes ectotownia1. more plow or mote thorougilly national. con 'tit? lido brings tha oreedie era and tile Pic-ether a out any twat is here they on zht to The elfet of this plt.n would vrat the fest of change of 11 terrom No changeeould 13.9 made until the ptthile to-uttlitent aa clestty pronotracel in later of It. and Ilybkai OTIre made It would not le 1,111 aa.

other att was demanded tistt IntrorittrStantiard takes. for intriance sconO1 hot be in July end then ltirlditt 2fl eptember. Indorte'i strongly in i 99-eethoter. thell In 9lsnaary. ti-4 te aancre-, al and rat but it would be certain.

eel when it entue it would be to star. This Is the of iny 41rt stud boles for years past. and. once out. I Itcci sure Nesiatt won Tl lb" keel itoz of 11.11 Ow tiers fur gentrxttonit to irt.rop..

Jolts IL WannstrArrived All SighL E. Crn ee et-ived fro; a Kentucky. its charee of Charle, Mace. tLe .1411 It Alcone.l.y Alzrions. litt Is or3e of the best et tr brouglit icto Nest England tfable runa;) It3Te tea btatrts la IN.L.t1;44; Lmsea 11113 week.

GlAdsts4i.h may Lave FlaulIsmil 1141 tio ft rt. 1S91 E.I.:ontallevItarasZrv:1-p.-1 laa- a 1.121"a elita tts 4' IL Ili VI tai at saa.P1 are 1 EA" Igo 110.1-r.,T.U;e-11 the 1.:414 It ij a 1....06 tii.14 'at; C. f(rtlitt II ti.lizta reit ski. two 7,0,0 t20.0:111 1 '1111" selF -I it 4 AL ILIA -t--atttg Kre.Jt I 1.,4 ot t-2 1ter 14 1 241 avy t4 .1241 4 is bs- r4 114A tt 1.440 2 et try Itx Antre-o. plar, d.

Irut II 11. ILI, di at Ir.e yt-tr Neu- :4 -2 144-4 1,7,4111,6 .4114 Lt17.111' rttok )4- e1 sot Abt-u. 01'; 2.13Iti- 14E.c.,n!zrItnerY I La Orc Let cf A 11.e .47 Ai Cr-4sta I I till le ion atf -ts lel It 'Jew 1 1 (13Urtlit in a L4y.114111 Ntr, tu 111 :814:4.1.. 441.: 41 cu t.r 84484 drautt rr alrerg-18- 4 1441..1, t14: 1- 4-t ,,41 114-teeets Lama at84; 81811j. 1 21.4 tY 11.

441 214 tTI. ii! I iv! 1- 4,71 a.ar8 rat 4.11. -le; at48 011 8.888 -1, 14 18 te 718 I Ilia 'sit 1 4 8. 8" t.L3st Lutato 1442tri' w. i ta It Is 11 1.404.te 31: 4r4t t.

ut- Li ai1 troesloa riro4i84 4- 11 it. kel 4 gA0'. LAI i I PI C.11,,j1.14r 153tip4 111.41 t4o tre fill! at 88 1.1 au a). I I 14 Lkfll 1:1,4.14 a 1 try ito to 11,4 4T au rt KAI 11' I i 1.1; r. 4e 1 14t 44444; after 1-44 A14 1 4 SIr.

4434 7r Th4.1 the 14 N4 10441 Uu 1111.0 V710. 1kt01t Li We 140 loch the ier 4411 't a i- rltr 4fore. 114 aa-41 A011 frsivs 1 tr 11.34 look Lir? ti-4, cm -7 a dALA I ota roritult- int els of it otei. 1 fo rkf. older Ls.

beVs-st that Joan 1,7 In it i 0-tt th c-Axi I 111 WI th.4. xp.rietor-e of al envetr eet fl 4441 keol Itt etere avid taloo, rant. -ghat) lei ntion fro kntotv ir I. iig.troter hit li resfrftus: Li i4 ft ,111. by tiort.

it.a oft ulty I Lag I it, 1.41,1(: tts tiwir gni I he 'we ts irtt.ter tire 44 to.en or g.41 autr I art AL.oti tpt. 11-Ski or a te -La ircela I ot r. 1 i)y one 4144, LA410 must be God's Iseai. 1 be to4tri I- taAtra tire btreamor trorl'iceil littst 4A1 4 itt 1 tts ul Lies Ilia IV 410. latirrti of tiott's avoa.

tbittolf al for me Sztrirptaree peet7 day, every rlicIrt'ry tbrtn. Loy tot: Ti nvr at a boIr of 4Jdri as a beply Lae. Lot y. net. oient said Lapiry." La the Itlin Camp02.6t3taig.

MArrfit seas quite a' little etraternent the caa.pthil arternoott. tCot.nell.,w'th a taaid ber of his w.iociaLs. sivect to the Itallea headIviartA-rs. After beer the va4-ty to tillage snit tliernsenrec A 11et CrCoortill, vitA a LSj JLI kn IL. el neez P-ArtOf c1tirt4 .1,1 tte boce sad tyro tilts in LA ot tale cau, tea se drew a Au at; t-ht expeete.1 14.4 The votust115 MAY ktul 13.1-al.

Eurtel After FALL ILIVEIL. Mouth 1.A siArrlar aad Imost blookirtz eix-urrs4 a Lilo bluzo. 2c2 n-. 1.40.t, even Inst. Thos cot Fru.1-.;e1 11 aire4 ft.

Ile a 4.riti by SoM341 moult ICJ tJu Il.e ereT.1ns rand, ow. Lie Luna; rill ere Jul .1.6 ti'l Ulle rt LOlati bUrniei. A El ull.itirs..xer IICIA kit the Luricii. Hut. sraara-11 I rgto! 1-D The laLcbt t.rt ming in ti In sky of Ls, 4.

it toe. TO-11 MOP. N4-11r 1. L. a.

a glataa abasel tug. yr tIrt-d law-n a tsuattaly. ti.oe' I a ii4 t.t.o..,at 'A 114 Lot Larg 1.01 y. at flats 13, tarlard ou'd rf tads 't 'stay ax.1 err Irice bL FuTuREoF RvGsTER. Wallace Tells of the Real' Position of Affairs.

Mitre the Bard of taws Y.P.e Their Dig Errors last Tar. Outlook for the ruture and the Way Business Should be liana led. Probably no question that has come PP in trotting matters in many years has carrett so much of the interest of the breetit-rs of that class of horses as the Standard stakes and the Register. The enermons growth of the businese has made necessary so wetly changes that horsemen are lookirig forward to a solution of the matter. The following advance proof of a letter from the founder of horse records in An.eric wi2.1 be rtokt with interest: To the Turf Editor of The Globe: An effort has been wade in certain (matters and is still teems pitsueO for -all there iI in It" to the disagreetreut tee tweets the National Atetocineon of Trotting Horse Breeders and the Wallace 1rt.tig Register Company.

As "the men with a grievanee" ere the N.k titers on this suteect It is very natural that they should fail to see seme of the vied Sects in this am3. and thus, by leavieg them ont. distort the truth to suit their own purposes. It is of very great impertanee that the breeding public should have a juet conceptien of the actual truth in the matter. and I will.

therefore. from the etandtpoint of my own personality. try to sum the whole wetter up in a few sentences. There is no light, and there can be no gilt. for there is no groend to stasel upen to make a 'the disagreement is not between the Breeden' Aseoriation and John IVailare at all.

but between the Breeders' Association and the IVallare Tretting Register Company. Pers, onally I do no own TIOT control this proiserty. It passe4 completely out of my hands in law, acid in fact. on Oct. 1 lee It is owned be the stockholders.

and le centrolled by the laws of the State and by the recorded action of the board of trustee's duly elected by the stockholders. As one of the trustees Have No More Authority than any other one of the 13, and certainie I have no right to grant any authority whatever to any person or persons to exercise control over the affairs of the Register company. I can go just as tar as the law and the action of the trusteee will permit we to go. and no further. It is a truth.

well known, to everybody. that the control of the aIz1rs of a cerporistime mister the laws ef the State, is in tee corporation itself. The tnisteke filch the board of censers meths in dmensleig peremptory control of the records of the ettice wee in the fact that they I tested give them that control. or teat I hal already given them that control. 1 hey seem to have forgetten th.

property involved bad chenged 11311ds. and that it was n. hntrr my property. They assigned that oe cause I hest given certain supervigory epee. trot over the peslierees in the Iteeister 1 aail.

that. therefere. the IVatlacts Trattitig Reeester Coinpany had given over tile records et the Tear-Beek in Pell. V. have very great r--siseet ler the gentlemen consntuting tile hoard of censers; they are intelligent toPn but in unfortunate beer they ateutned to exercise an atithonte Hese del not toilet and in the nature ef coehl net exist.

It hen I announced the purpese. two three years ago. of puttine toe puteicansons of this nice into the betels of the breeders of the whole country. that there niteht be a truly natioisal oasis of support and te ntree the plan met wait nnivereel at end cousinentletiou. hIIL unfertistieteiy.

Us'! the phrase 1, reedtev et the 11 country." nittessi of the phrase "Netlike-al A.soctation of Lreetiers." and certain gentlemen have leen iia roe We ever since. lit tide remark I have top referent-a to the real breeders who are tessociateou or liAli tattatite COWmIttee. but Oul to That Claes of 'lieu who are waitinz Iursouiethin tituru Allow rne to ay here that I am proud 'at class a number of gentlemen on the exettudee committee of the Breeders' Aesocietion as ray best and woe' trueted frieede. and some of them are the eoard of trustees of lie eee Trotting Reg eter Cem pa y. tit of these gentlemen.

of the executive management of the asseee Viva, there has been a NA" con- stantly manifestiese itself to make 1 hetes just as disaersttable to nie tessehne o-. to throw in my way every hilierstiee in annoyance that weuld fall eliort of celeine all open rupture. But I made a twenties se. myself Lefore I coeinienced th-e reetele rep; to say unpleesant and perested trete For a dozen Years the tett.ost I remenv and good feeling prevailed between tie, beard of censors awl myself. I.e queetioi.

of the exert neture, -Alitsert lees-control" I had greeted to the seciety never was raised. As the not paid a siegle peeler fer teas "centrel." as it had no beret seostencentossi 14 it liev-v asstiliwd YtTIisiity a Sitrese deelar in carryiles frward tee work aril bij. lieSS Of the elit-rprise I con Id not citric-of any kind of control that W34 eeyotel that which was aevieory. The clean fur peremptory contrel sever WAS Ewen Stuesested until after the property had passed out or my bands and into the bands of a cempeey created by the Etate. Let the fact eteud out then in its true C010114 that the (Urn for control cannot be lende inc.

but MUst be made upon the Trotthur titer Cernpante This company is the owner of a very valuable property. it is fully equipped at every point under the law. and it is of takiter care of its own ate airs. It aro hely outeide of the coieeretion is an eke coutrol iL lie mast go to the trustees anti net tit any ludividuel btocialbolatt or onleer ol the company. 1 ien exceediegly grated ani thanhfsil that the questiozi has come up now.

and that It has been settled ferever. I cannet refrain from expreseitig my very beerty triatiks to the treuthenen who have to-en aceve tri tnaking this posetille at this tittle. It is well to irate the horse history of the country neat now the ehsurdity of a little volunetryeociety cleimieg to centre! the rs of a strseie col-pm-et net without ILLIVsliatiow ef a graet trine that orporation. If the Breeders' Aesoeiation has found the Regtster a harden. it will be glee to gs-t rid et it.

and if the Register hati found the Breeders' Astioanoil a burden. a will not be less glad. The witilliteding Of 1 the authority of the Breetters from the Register is lust richt. It could not do lees. and I must stelae my friends that I neat heartily renew.

and I trete the astiociation will be equally gencrikts iu reciproceting thia semeneht toward the Register combat; y. wore. tei VIII. of the ECwistA2T was comeleted befere the organizatem of the Rena-see Compeer. although it was pot reitily publheitel after ard.

As the rerdered atesesteute on that velutue. I thought it but just to ell concern-el that the I line. "Published tamer the of the I Navonal Associaeon of TrntuTi Iltese Breeders." should appear on the etle page se usual. It a iI not uppear ateeu ie any Of te publirations of is e0iiipaii y. Having Reid these Mines the past.

nem what for the Retire? lite busieess of the Register Compauy is 'Rapidly linereasinz All the Time. A year ago we had to seek larzer quarters and I thought our new rooms would 'rive is plenty of apace for four tw rive years at leakr. but they are Area ly overcrowded with workt-rs and we muat took out for ittore room to ac.corarna,tate them. The work has become thoroughly national tot only in 11, methods. hot in the widely sprt-al locations of its cortt1tunitz5.

1tJ3 cootrol and;sment must he ula0e as wide as its arid when this is done I leer that I have redeemed all my plodges to toe breeders of the coari4 ry. A few hundreit erares of the rtock of company be it tr.lintz5t1 nov014: the breeders of ell the prot.omon to the cities'. td the irilrett in tuoobe States. This dtrji. jj 11:441.11 stogie shares.

at their face value. to eIgLtti ve oniy- he s'fares are worth far more coon thel.r value. an I I have advied boloa'ole ti.Je stock beiore the douriluPon. hu: te not a of a selicme. and the, parties si nom 1 ha uvw iti Ait a view LO 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I vi0.

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