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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 12

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A 4 T2 TRIAD BACB. Tho Monmeuth bandlCAp; puna. 1000; mm mile end a halt. Banquet 1241 Lamplighter. 116 NEW KAILWAY STATION AT GOES Turns Morristovvns Carry Off the Westchester Cap.

Team ot the Hyopiai Worse Thai Poor. account abnwtnw tbe name ef the vessel and of her master, the number of tons of merchandise, the date of the master a statement and the date of the payment. Receipt for fie amount paid will siren to the payers. VOICE OF CAM ADI AIT PKEBJx. Comments on President! Action Seem to Turn on Party Predilections.

Toronto, An. 22. -The Empire Ottawa special aay of the President proclamation: Tb general feeling la that this is simply ths eulnit-natloa ef a hrM nf nnnrighborly acts on tbs psrt of tbs rntfed Mates towards Canada during tbs past six years, and Mist ths Imaiintnn government onxhl, without delay, to five tbs rvqnlstfe two ysnrg notice for tbs abrogation of nrtlcls 27 of tbs treaty of Whusjrton. Editorially the Empire gays: Tb spirit la which the prraent ntioa is taken to ert(nly anfrttndly one, and will not tend to increase cordiality of feeling between the two countries. Ttie Globe flJWal) nays: It would be folly to dear that the step which to to be taken will hurt an important campaign interest, but to tnaka any further concession in (be fact of thu threat would be too great a sacrifice of our dimity and self raperi.

Tbe Mail (Independent) says: The difficulty in tbe hai has aesnmed te happily not suing to teed to reprisals and to ill feeling The YVorld (Conservative) ay: Thaok od Canada can live without the United States. Thank God we have proved that more than once, andean prove It again. Thank God national honor is a term etiU to he found in the Canadian dictionary. This canal question will settle itself la time, at other questions have brt settled, but one lasting effect of it will he that It played Us share Ip teaching tbe Canadians that they could lire without the Untked PUtos. That ltsa la learned, and we are the equal of any naioii on American continent.

The Montreal Gazette (Conservative ays: The position is a serious one. anadian vessels regularly trading between Sujierior and lower lake Doris, will have their earnings largely lessened, if they are not forced out of the business altogether. I mil the Canadian Sault canal Is completed the United States has the upper hand In the contest which it has prepared for and forced upon na. Tbe Herald of Montreal (Liberal! says: Undoublrilly rstallallou will rexult in a serious lorn and annorsnes to tb, shipping Interests of th apper lake. Those who suffer from this retaliation ran tbank the aggregation that assembles tn conncll at Ottawa and rule! thlx land.

At the head of the stairway, which has been made generous and easy of ascent, and on level with Silsby st. at the northwest corner of the plot, another covered porte-cochere has been provided to accommodate private carriage service from the northwest portion of the city. This carnage space is about 150 feet in width and should prove a great convenience for ladies driving alone or private carnages. All baggage wagons, hacks, will find an entrance and exit from a street between 30 and DO feet in width, extending on the westerly side of the station proper. Passengers coming along Silsby st.

from the east can enter the waiting rooms in tbe mezzanine story at grade from Mt. ernon st. or cross directly over the passenger foot bridge above the tracks on to the west platform and without crossing tracks at grade. Tiie clock tower at Central sq. ha also been made a prominent feature of the general design, which, if carried ont as shown, will certainly make a most substantial and imposing station building, a credit alike to the Boston Maine road and the citizens of Lynn.

A The building has been shown erected of stone on the street facades, while the general superstructure and train shed are designed of iron and steel, the roofs being covered with slate. The estimated cost of this structure, as shown by the sketch and contemplated. Is over 160,000. It has been the intention of the Boston Maine officials to embrace in the general design all modern conveniences for the safety and comfort of the public.and no expense or time has been (spared in the preparation of the general drawings or contemplated design for the completed strnct-ure, so that, when finished, the Lynn station may be a model of its kind and meet the requirement of the city for the next 25 years of possible growth. At present, with a population of 60,000 at Lynn, the Boston Maine road provides about 160 trains daily, handling over lSj-000 passengers and between 600 and 600 pieces of baggage.

This traffic, with a possible increase, has been ample and generously provided for. For several years past this problem has had tbe careful study of the officials of the Boston Maine road, and various plans and schemes have been suggested and requested from various architect and engineers which might help in any way to solve this difficult problem satisfactorily to all concerned. Nearly two years ago Mr. Bradford I Gilbert of New York was asked to take up this problem and suggest what might seem the proper solution of the same. Tho final result.

after careful study of the actual problem on the ground, and after the preparation of various plans which were found incomplete, and many alterations by the railroad officials, who have Deen wide awake to the necessity of carrying out this work expeditiously, and at the same time to meet all requirements, the outcome has resulted in the final preparation of the statidh building now contemplated, as shown by the prospective sketch. The prospective sketch for the Central station at Lynn, as designed to meet the requirements of both the public and tbe Boston Maine railroad, shows a building as it would appear from Exchange st. and Central sq. The general design contemplate a covered passenger train shed 320 feet in length by 80 feet clear in width, the light on both sides extending tbe whole length of the shed, through windows, with ventilating louvres iu the upper portion of the shed for smoke. This train shed has been so arranged that the locomotives will virtually stand outside at either end on their respective tracks.

At the north end of the shed an awning over the west platform- is extended tar enough to protect passengers using the wide stairway from Silsby st. At the south end the shed is set back about 40 feet from the line of the present station, facing Central sq. At the southeast corner a large and generous covered porte-cochere is provided for carriage service, extending 175 feet in length and 70 feet at the southerly end. This also will be utilized for a hack stand. From this porte-cochere and underneath the general waiting rooms in the mezzanine story on the east side of the tracks, a driveway Is extended foi baggage and express wagons for incoming" service.

Passengers going north can enter the waiting rooms shown on the prospective sketch as facing Mt Vernon st, through either a large and generous entrance archway and loggia on the level of the sidewalk at this point or by means of a wide staircase in the tower from Central connected by means of a gallery with the waiting rooms, or, if on the west platform, they can either cross the tracks at grade (if clear) and take a staircase direot to these waiting rooms, or can cross an overhead bridge for passenger traffic carried underneath and sheltered by the main train abed. One of the special features of the general plan has been the provision for traffic to Boston. In tho train shed proper, level with Central platforms extend the entire length of tbe plot as far as Silsby st. bridge. On the west side of tbe tracks (without the necessity of crossing any tracks at grade) passengers will find the general ticket and telegraph offices, as more than three-quarters of tho travel comes from the west and north sides of the city; also private waiting rooms with all room for men, beside accommodations for "outgoing baggage and express service.

NEW CONCOBD MONTEEAL PASSENGtEB STATION AT LACONIA, N.H. NINTH WEEK OF THE FIGHT Nothing New Has Developed at Homestead. Leciedf-Oat Sea Say They are Confident of Ultimate Success. Wien Alone Tbej Appear Discouraged at ths Prospect Arrests Yesterday. Pittsbcro, Aug.

22. The beginning of the ninth week of the big wage battle at Homestead, today, developed nothing new save a sprint of three iion-unmns to tbp mill. The trio got off tbe train at'Munhall station in the morning, and a dozen locked-out men who saw them tried to induce them net to go to the mill. The men became frightened and ran up Ileisel st. until Provost Marshal Mechling sent a detail, who escorted them to the mill gate.

The locked-out men. however, disclaimed any intention of offering violence! Fire was started in the new Bessemer mill this morning. Mr. H. M.

Curry says it will now be operated steadily. Tne other departments resumed as usual. Six new men who were working in the Tahington county oil field applied for work today and were hired. The barber shop in the min was opened this morning. It was started because the local barber boycotted mill bosses and non-unionists.

Goods for the companys store are arriving. and it is eaid that J. M. Sterner and Janies Lewis of Mt. Pleasant will nave charge of the store.

About 36 families have occupied company houses near the mill. The men are employed in the plant. Aside from the hundred or more locked-out men who are killing time hy playing cards in the shade of the trees along the sonth side of 8th av the streets are almost holly deserted. Here and there, of course, one encounters a group of strikers quietly discussing the situation. YVhen approached by newspaper reporters, these men declare with great emphasis that their ranks are still unbroken, and that no matter what the officials of the Carnegie steel company may aay to the contrary.

the strike is now more than half won. and that it is only a question of afew weeks until the old employes of the firm are again work. When asked to state the grounds upon which they base their predictions, they say that the class of men now at woikin the mill cannot possibly do satisfactory work; that tne experiment is costing the Carnegie Steel Company thousands of dollars, and that the stockholders will soon tire of the immense outlay of money necessary to keep up The Fight Agxln.t Organized Tabor. They say, also, that the financial assistance rendered by laboring men all over the United States will make it possible for Homesteaders to hold out for an indefinite period, and that if the firm expects to win by starving its former employes into submission. it will get badly left.

The leaders acknowledged that many of the locked-out meu have secured work elsewhere, but in making this acknowledgment they assert that all those who have left Homestead since the inauguration of the strike will return promptly if their presence is needed. It is also argued that the men who hare found employment in other places will be in a position to render the amalgamated men and other idle Iron and steel workers of Homestead material aid. It is also pointed out that bv going to work in other mills the laborers and mechanics make it that much easior for the amalgamated association to carry on its relief work. On the other baud, the Carnegie officials declare that they-have no idea of capitulating. that the new men are performing tlieir duties in a highly satisfactory manner, and that not one of the non-union meu will be removed to make room for former employes.

Superintendent Potter, in discussing this phase of the difficulty, said I know that the history of strikes will show that manufacturers have pursued the policy of employing every Tom, Dick and Harry to take the places of strikers, and retaining them until one side or the other give in, when the new men are thrown out and the strikers given their old places. But we are not pursuing such a policy iu the present case. YY'e are going to stand by the men who have come to our assistance. At the Lawrenceville strikers headquarters today little was being done. The men seem to he rather uninterested and discouraged.

A large number of them were assembled in Eintracht Hall, but it was not a sociable gathering. Discouragement was written upon the face of nearly all the strikers as they sat about the hall in deep meditation. One of the strikers, who formerly held a high salaried position, was overheard saying: This thing is holding on too long. YVe cannot stand it, it will give us a setback from which some of us cau never recover. Our men are losing interest.

They Are Dissatisfied. YYe are poor, most of us, but we have al-way lived well, making it hard for us to aacrifioe as we are now required to no. At the 29th st. mill, the proposed resumption of operations was not effected. The forge and bumper departments were in full operation.

The other departments were idle, but a number of meu were employed about the roll and furnaces, making repairs. Wednesday is the time now set tor tiie starting. More idle men than usual were on the streets in the vicinity of the strikers headquarters. and disorder prevailed during the morning. Officer Palmer was compelled to bring three disorderlies to time.

Tbe first was an unknown man, giving his name as John Murphy, who persisted tn arguing with the locked-out men in such a way as to cause troulde, Timothy Fitzpatrick was tiie next to ride in the patrol wagon. He' wanted to show his fighting qualities, and after being avoided by the locked-out men, took off hi coat and challenged the officer. Michael Author was the next to cause a disturbance, lie had been working as a non-union man, but left and came to the strikers headquarters, asking assistance. Ausher was intoxicated, and the finance committee refused to grant his request. He left the hail angry, and was too vociferous in expressing his indignation.

Alt three were taken to the 12th ward police station and will be arraigned before Magistrate Leslie. At he 1 2th ward police station this morning Magistrate Leslie sent John Kano to the tor no days. Kane was begging money under false pretences, saying it was for the Lawrtncerille strikers, impostdrs are numerous. While the reporter was at Entraclit Hail this morning several harmless looking foreigner came in and said they were beaters and heaters' helpers. They claimed they had had positions offered them in the mill, but alinough hard pressed they tinted to accept the oiler, filer were given positions at SI.

60 rer dav laboring. With few exceptions the non-union men reported for duty at tji 33d st. null this morning. YYith the exception of one of the Plate mills, all The Departments Were in Operation A number of fiat cars were shifted within the enclosure aud the steam crane were busv loading them with the finished iron for shipment to Vho various construction works. The scene within the enclosure was a more active one than usual, and the men seemed to nave improved, doing the work with less a ward cess.

special police officers, strikers, scouts and the unit atchmen are still on duty in the vicinity of the J3d st. p'ant. Tiie rougher and catcher of the Pittsburg iron amt steel mills are still dissatisfied with the Amalgamated scale, aud thus week, it is expected, will see a crisis the situation. Casualty Cases at Hospitals. Andrew Fuller of 220 Bowen South Boston, is at the City hospital with a fractured leg, caused by a bag of sugar falling on It at the Standard Sugar Refinerys wharf yesterday afternoon.

George A. Collier of Quincy was thrown from his boggy at the corner of and nion Park sts. yesterday afternoon, aud received a scalp wound, Citv Heapiiai. James Donohue. 3 Bow Charlestown, was thrown from his wagon yesterday afternoon, lulling on tne curbstone aud rece v-lne an ugly wound over the right eve.

Four siitches were taken in tbe cut at the emergency hosuttal. Joint U. Nicholson. 32 years of age. a braxeman on the southern divisloto of thu Boston Maine road.

lell between two cars at Mvtic Junction yesterday afternoon, the wheels pas over his right leg. At the Geueral Hospital was necessary to amputate tbe Dg iust below the knee. Nicholson i married and lives at 11 Lawrence su, Charlestown. Nine-year old Henry Desmond, whoso home is at 6o Elm Stonehapi. is at the General Hospital suffering from a lacerated left eg and right arm.

received by being run over by a browery team yesterday afternoon. Entre Long Panes. 5 English Lady 5 1 FOURTH RACK. Sweepstakes; pars. 1000; thquoitea mt a mile.

1st. Brass. Alraont 96 Ben 5 Moyne .....116 Plebeian. Ill Sunbeam colt FIFTH BACB. Free handicap; purse $1250; mile and a furlong.

Fleknlcker T15LeonaweU 08 alien 108' "rij; Lusle 9MayWtn 7 FaIt FlAy Wj fTXtK SACBe ftweeptukes; pirn $1000; fhre4Urtm of ft mUo The Sheriff 111! Schuylkill ....103 Nomad 103: Slmrook. 97 BordeAUZ. 95 OtriOeevM Joy Hi Skadl tuiv 11? Laura Gould Ill Mareellua. 110 OLD CAHA.AICS LEGAL GLORY. Littlo Mew Hampshire VlUe Tht Produced Many Judges.

Canaan Street, N. Aug. 22. Judge Caleb Blodgett of the Massachusetts Superior bench is passing his vacation here in his native village of Canaan Street. The little village of Canaan Street has produced many learned judges.

Indeed, it is somewhat remarkable, tbe number of judges that have gone out from Old Canaan, and more so that they all have at one time aud another recognized Canaan Street as their home. First, there was Judge Daniel Blaisdell, who lived many years in the house occu. pied by Col. Haggett at the Street, and also lived manv years in the house lately burned on Doten hill. He was the father of a large family of children, who were all prominent men and women in the various walks of life, and early in the present century represented this State in Congress, where he often crossed lances with the redoubtable John Randolph of Roanoke.

Tnen there was his son. Judge Elijah Blaisdell, long prominently connected with the Street, who built the house known afterwards as the Baptist parsonage. He was an Associate or side justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Then there, was Judge Eleazer Martin, who was probate judge of this county aud lived for many years at the north end of the Street, and was for some time engaged In trade here. Then there was Judge Klt-tredge, a prominent lawyer of his dav.

who lived many years on the place now known os the Harney place, and represented Canaan five terms in the Legislature and was chief justice of the Circuit Court when that court was abolished by the Legislature. Then there was Judge Edward Sargent, who was principal of Canaan Union academy two years and hoarded at Mr. Atwells in the house now occupied by Mrs. Henry Martin. He was afterwards chief justice of one of the States and carved out the Northwest territory this side of the Mississippi river.

There was also Judge J. Everett Sargent, who was not long since chief justios of our New Hampshire courts. He was for a number of terms principal of the academy, and read law with the late William P. Weeks, and built the house now occupied by George E. Cobb and lived there a term of years.

All these legal lights have passed over the river, and first of those living mav be mentioned Judge Caleb Blodgett, whose boy-hood snd early manhood were passed onCan-aan Street. It was about one year ago that he was offered a seat on tbe Supreme bench of Massachusetts, which he declined; not that he regarded tbe honors less, but lie loved old Canaan more: for increase I honors meant more duties, which would deprive him of much of his two months vacation, which he enjoys at his re-idence here the old homestead of Mrs. Blodgett. Then there is his brother. Judge Isaac N.

Blodgett, who was to the manor born, and lived to manhood on Canaan Street and read law with the late William P. Weeks, and for a time practiced law with him. when he removed to Franklin. He is at the present time a justice of the Supreme Court oi this State. Then there is Judge YYllliam M.

Chase, also a justice of our Supreme Court. He was born in Canaan, and his parents resided here, and his mother stll) lives heis at the Street. He attended the academv, and afterwards entered a law office at Concord. and was some time attorney lor the Concord railroad. YVe also have a strong claim npon Judge Charles H.

Doe. present chief justice ol this State, who commenced reading law here. He was a brother of the late Mrs. William P. Weeks, with whom he boarded while pursuing his lBw studies.

He was also identified with our educational interests in the north part of the town, having taken a hand in it during the old district system. The large majority of the judges mentioned were graduates of Dartmouth. There are 10 judges that have gone out from Canaan four of whom were chief justices and six justices, as has been mentioned. Now. if there is a village or hamlet in the State of New Hampsnire, or on the continent of America (if we except tbe sites of our colleges), that can produce more judges to the square inch than the little village of Canaan Street, then we will strike our colors and take in our flags, and store them in the upper bureau drawer.

DORCHESTER PERJURY CASE. Court Boom Crowded by Interested Residents of District. The Dorchester District Court was filled all day yesterday with many prominent residents who are interested in the perjury cases on trial. Maj. F.

II. Miller and Charles N. Brackett are the defendants, and Roland Raymond the complainant. Hon. M.

J. Creed represented Miller, aud J. K. Berry the government. Samuel Twombly testified that he did not see Raymond leave the station on the afternoon in question.

Charles N. Brackett, colored, said that on that day he was working in the shop, when he looked out the window and saw Raymond. Mr. Milter had passed probably two minutes before Mr. Raymond.

He saw Maj. Miller looking towards the Fuller house, aud the last time he saw him he was standing between Fullers and Kings bouses. Maj. IL F. H.

Miller said he saw Raymond come hurriedly out of the yard, and, walking briskly up the steps of the Fuller house, throw back the screen door, aud place his hand inside. Mrs. Fuller was away that day. He took it for granted that Mr. Raymond had a perfect right to enter tne Fuller home.

He met Mrs. Fuller Saturday morning while he was going to tbe depot. She sdokb to him, and asked him if he saw anybody enter the house Tuesday. He told her that he did not. and stepped upon the train.

Mrs. Fuller met him agam.and asked him If he Raw anybody go la YY'ednesday. My God. he said. Raymond went in.

but I thought Raymond had a perfect right to go In." Never, never, never!" exclaiuled Mrs. Fuller. He testified to seeing Raymond go into tbe house ou other occasions. Mrs. Jennie Miller said she had seen Raymond enter he Fullers' house many times when the family were away.

J. F. Fuller denied that he or bis wife had given Raymond permission to enter their house. He was corroborated by his wife, who added that sbe had consulted a clairvoyant in regard to her loss of the 50 bill. Mrs.

Mary Christopher said she had seen Raymond open tho door to the Fuller house for a servant girl. Raymond denied that he ever went into the uller house alone. Adjourned to YYeduosday. ROCKLAND, Mt, There Is to be no delay in the construction of the Georges Valley railroad. Friday the railroad commissioners are to meet the directors of the proposed new road, when they will be driven over the route.

Their purpose iu doing this is to decide on a petition of the said company, asking that the gauge be changed from a narrow to a standard gauge, and also that th capital stock of the company be changed from 3000 per mile to a total of 100,000. -Mayor E. A. Butler is in St. John, whither he was called as a witness in a suit.

The Ingraham family holds its annual reunion at Oakland tomorrow. Frederick YV. Modaell of Bridgeport, has been in the city the past week, the guest ot bis son, Clarence ModdelL Percy Staples of Lewiston, formerly of this city, was In town yesterday. Mr. Staples is member of the Lewiston and Auburn YVheel Club, and rode over on his wheel.

General Secretary George W. Garland of tbe Young Mens Christian Association leaves next Tuesday for Brockton. where he has accepted a hke position. Mr. Garland has spent three year with the Rock land association, and his departure is a source of regret.

Preparations are being made for an extensive lawn party to take place on the spacious grounds in front of ex-Mayor Cases residence, the proceed of which will be added to the public library fund. A large pavilion, lighted by Chinese lanterns and electricity, will be erected for dancing. The exact date has not been decided upon. Rev. Dr.

Rees of Philadelphia preached an able sermon at the First Baptist church Sunday, in the absence of the regular pastor. Last week the electric railway carried iu the neighborhood of 40.000 passengers. Cars will soon be trannmg to the Maine Central wharf, the smitbern limit of the road in bis city. It is understood that the road will be extended io Thomas ton this season. Tioga Gives the Talent a Big Surprise.

lanj Played the Tip en Slander, Bat Crochet Won. Lowlander Won, But He Failed to Lower His Becord at Saratoga Brighton Beach Race Trace, Aog. 22. A very large crowd Journeyed down to the track by the sea to witness the good card given by the Brighton Beach Association. The weather was pleasant and the track in magnificent condition.

The fields originally were very large. The first three races contained the limit, 13 entries, bat numerous scratches reduced the field to a more uniform number. The feature of the programme wa the mile race in which Cynosure, King Crab, India Rubber, John Cavanaugh, Foxford and Milt Young were named as starters. Jack Rose being the only one to retoao tb issue. The seven-furlong race also contained a good field, Kirkover, Harlem.

Jock Rose, Mary Stone and Key West going to the post. A bad lot came to the post In the opening race, of which Centaur was made favorite. Queen of Trumps second choice. Tioga, who the other day could not get out of his own way, surprised the talent oy standing a drive from the turn and winning by a neck from Jay Qu EL Milian was third. Queen of Trumps boots came off at the post, injuring her chances.

A fair lot of 2-year-olds went to the post in tbe second race, of which Seabright was the most fancied, with Ingot and Saladin about equal second chances. There was a long delay at the post. When the flag finally fell the favorite wae in front, and opening np a big gap won in two length. The finish for second place was a hot one between Saladin, Tourmaline colt and Mullet, the three finishing in that order necks apart. Sonora was a hot favorite in the lot of 3-year-olds that went to the post in the third race.

Running Bird and Crotchet being equally in demand for the place. There wes a tremendous tin out on Slander, and she was played heavily. After the favorite had showed the way into the stretch. Crotchet and Mackintosh drew away, and, in a hot finish, the former won by a head. Sonora was third.

Mary Stone and Fidelio were equal favorite in the fourth. Key West had a big following, too. Harlem got away in front, but Key YYest soon took the lead and led all the way, finishing a length before Jack Rose. Mary Stone wa third a length away. Milt Young took the fifth race, with Cynosure second and King Crab third.

English Ladv won the sixth race. The summary: VISIT BACB. Parse, 500; tlx and one-balf furlongs, Tioga, 1 14, Castle ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 Jay Qu Rl, 114. Quantrel 2 Nubian, 114, Lanibley Time 1 24. Adventurer, Etelka, Mnrllage, Centenr, Wheeler Klngabrldge, King Arthur and Queen of Trumpe also ran.

Betting Tioga, 10 to 1. SKCOXD BACB. Purse, S500; live furlongs. Beebrlghr, 1 15. 81ms Saladin.

1 18, Bryant. 2 Tourmaline volt. 118, Walker 3 Time 1.04-14. Mullett. Hi Itan Ladv, Ingot, Once More, Gaiety, Roman.

May Lou Rbett and Pbyllss T. also ran. Betting Seabright, 2 to 1. THIBD BACB, Parse, 700; five furlongs. Crochet, 1 17, Waller Mackintosh.

107. Ballard 2 Sonora, 102, Bergen 3 Time 1.02. Arnica, LaoKhlng Water. Bon Voyage, Rnnnlng Bird. Tammanv Hall.

Emueror Otbo, Billet Donx colt and Slander also ran. Betting Crochet, 3 to 1. VOUBTR BACB. Purse 1000; seven furlongs. Key est, 100, IT.

ldgeley .,,..,..,.,,..1 Jack Rose, 1 10. Bergen Mery Stone. 102, Situs Time 1.29. Fidelio, Kirkover and Harlem also ran. Betting Key West, 5 to 1.

FIFTH BACB. Parse, 800; one mile. Milt Tonng, 106. Sims 1 Cynosure, 104. Lamblev ........2 King Crab, 110, Baylock Time 1.43.

Ad108a coll, India Rubber, Foxford, Larcbmont and John Cavanagb also ran. Belting Cynosure. 6 to 1. SIXTH BACB. Parse, 600; seven furlongs.

Rngllsh Lady. 106, Sima 1 Roquefort, 101. Lambley ...2 Experience, 101, Blake 3 Time 1.294. Sandstone, King Thomas and Marsh Bledoa also ran. Betting English Lady, 2 to 1.

IT WAS A GOOD RACK. Lowlander Won. Rut Failed to Lower His Record. Saratoga Race Track. N.

Y.t Aug. 22. Tbe races were continued here today with five events including two stakes. The weather was superb and the attend-dance one of the largest of the season. The track was fast, and afforded a good opportunity for Lowlander to lower or equal his time the Foster Memorial, as recorded in the Congress Hail Stakes on Saturday.

He did not do it. however. He got the event all right. It was a good race. In the first race Elk Knight was first away, but gave way to Nick, who drew away and won by two lengths.

PatiMalioy, and Elk Knight made a good fight for the place, the latter getting the verdict by a neck. inferno was first away in the second race, Loudon next. Fenelon aud Saunterer took the lead at the far turn, and the latter won by two lengths from Fenelon, who was half a length in front of Loudon. The third race was the Foster Memorial handicap. Lowlander.

Charade. Badge, Tom Rogers and Dundoe were the runners, with Lowlander a big favorite. The latter made the running to the home stretch, where he was challenged by Charade, but shook him off and won half a length. Charade was second and Badge third. Industry got the lead in tne foarth and led to the three-aaorters, and when National challenged him Clajr let his mount run away, and it ended in Industry winning by five lengths from National, who beat Adelina lo lengths for the place.

Westmoreland started the Beverwvck steeplechase stakes, and Sam Corey cut him out at the first hedge and led all the way, winning by 10 lengths from Hercules, who was five lengths better than Tattler. Westmoreland pulled up lame. The summary; FIBST BACB. Parse. 600; six and a half furlongs.

Kick, til, Snedeker. Elk Knight, 107, French 2 Fat 24fcUoy, Jr. 103, A. Covington 3 lime 1.23. Return colt, Re del Mar, and Emily aUo ran.

Belling Kick, 3 to. I. 0KCOHD BACka fum, 0600; aeren forlonga. Baanterer. 118.

Morrla. Fenelon, 113, X. Carter. ..2 Loudon. 107.

Time 1.274. Infemo'aleo ran. betting Saunterer 8 to 1. to TRIBB BA CL The Poster memorial handicap, guaranteed value 2000; one and one-eighth miles. Lowlander, 108, Snedeker i i luinule, 108, Porter Badge.

106, T. Doane Time 1 68. Copyright, Tom Rogers and Dundee alao ran. Betting Lowlander, 8 to 6. VOUBTH BACK.

Parse, 500; one mil. Adelina, lit, Porter, ,3 Time 1.431. Betting Industry, 3 to 10. FIFTH BACB. Beverwyck steeplechase stakes 1 guaranteed 2000; fall steeplechase coarse: about two and a quarter miles.

Bara Carry. 123. r. Callahan Hercules. 127.

Mt. Lynch IgtUer, 132. Jenkins Time 6 09H And Fnt aIq rti, fteUlng Corey, 7 to ft. Industry, 68, Clay. National, 1 II, Narvlce.

Monmouth Entries Today. Monmouth Park Race Track. Aug. 22. Tb entries for tomorrow's events are as follows; FIRST BACK.

Free handicap sweepstakes; parse (1000; eevex forluuge. Lba. pMiim eel24 Anns ,,,,10 Alntiftfts eel 06 Milt oung L1 Hamilton J05 StaUetn. 08 Fair nv Sentiment oi SZCOVD BACK The private sweepstakes of 1000 each, play or pay, for 2-year-olds; three-quarters of a mile, Jpartan IIS' Annie F. ..118 Shkii: 118 Seeks Foil Information Front the Capital.

Woita It tbs Presifat Will Bo AojtUii More. Collectors of Customs Told to Collect Tolls. Dominion Vessel Owners Like Not Outlook. Expressions of the Press Take on Party Coloring. Washington.

An. 22. The action of the President In iuing the Canadian retaliation proclamation Feeing to hare caused far (rreater excitement in the Dominion than it ha in thle country. Today the correspondent of Canadian papers in this city and other people who were in a position to give any information, received request from Montreal. Ottawa snd Toronto to wire at once the fullest information obtainable regarding the issuance of the proclamation, what further action, if any.

the President was likely to take and any other news on the subject known. Owinsr to the absence from this city oi the President and every member of the cabinet with the exception of Secretary of the Treasury Foster only unsatisfactory answers could he made to these requests. The minor officials of the State Department refused to make any statement, and Secretary of the Treasury Foster, in an answer to an Inquiry, said everythin? was covered in the proclamation and the correspondence winch was made public en Saturday evening. There is some fear on the part of tbe Canadians that in cue the Dominion government still persists in imposing these discriminating tolls on American vessels the President will seek other measures to compel Canada to obse'e her treaty stipulations. This fear Is probably unfounded, at any rate until the reassembling of Congress.

It within tbe power of the Treasury Department to cause the Canadian railroads great inconvenience and pecuniary losses by the rigid enforcement of certain customs regulations which the advocates of a vigorous Canadian policy claim have always existed but have been allowed, during the recent years, to fall into disuse. There is some question in the minds of international lawyers whether the enforcement of these regulations would not be in violation of treaty rights and under the circumstances it is not likely anything further will be done until Congress meets in December. VESSEL OWMKK3 EXCITED. Blame Dominion Government for Bring, lug Trouble on Them. Toronto, Aug.

22. The news of President Harrisons proclamation of retaliation has caused great excitement among Canadian vessel owners all through Ontario. and the Dominion government comes in for considerable blame, it being held that the action of the conservative administration at Ottawa is responsible for the discrimination against Canadian vessels at the Soo. It is pointed out that the barefaced discrimination between Kingston, Ogdensburg and other transshipping points for Montreal was the germ of tiie present trouble, and that this discrimination was dictated by the meanest and pettiest of reasons. Although the effect of tbe retaliation proposed will not be as great as was thought might be directed against Canadian lake tratlio.

it will to a large extent be sufficient to cripple that extensive portion of inland water traffic between Lake Superior ports and Kingston and Montreal. Mr, Van Horne, president of the Canadian Pacino railway, has already given it as Ins opinion that the large eteambbips owned by his company and running west to Lake Superior, will have to look for business elsewhere. Local vessel owners, largely interested in Lake Superior traffic, declare that many vessels will have to he tied up at least for this season. All this will result in serious loss to the wners. ami it is generally admitted the United States holds the most advantageous position in the contest at present.

Tbe probable action of the Canadian government in the matter is being actively canvassed here. Among ministerial supporters the impression seems to be that the Canadian government will for the balance of this season make some arrangement to reimburse Canadian shippers, who have entered Into contracts which this retaliation not will interfere with. Katherthan yield to tbe suggestion contained in the diplomatic correspondence attached to the pioc-lamation that if Canada agrees to abolish the rebate at once the new tolls ou tire Fault Ste. Marie canal will terminate concurrently. supporters of the government here contend that tbe government has gonw as far to make concessions as the stale of public feeling in the Dominion would warrant and would not approve of any further concession to eecure amiable arrangement in the matter.

It has been announced that the Canadian canal at the Fault will be completed in nine months and ready tor vessels, but in the meantime the whole of tbe product from Manitoba to the seaboard will probably have to he taken by American routes. CAJSA.DIA1HS MUST PAY. Collectors of Customs Instructed se to Collecting Tolls. Wabwtnoton. D.

Aug. 22. Acting Secretary Spaulding of the Treasury Department has issued circulars instructing collectors of customs, under the act relating to tolls on Canadian vessels at the St. Mary's canal, which provides that money ehall be collected under regulations to be established by the secretary of the treasury. After reciting the law and the Presidents proclamation Mr.

Spaulding directs the collectors as follows: "On the passage through the canal at St. Marys Falls in your district from and after tlis first proximo, of anv vessel with cargo, yoa will exact tolls as provided for above. "But no tolls will be charged or collected as regards freight or passengers carried to end landed at Ogdensburg or anv port west of Ogdensburg and south of a line drawn from the uorthern botiudarv of trio Stale oi New York through the St Lawrence river, the great lakes and their connecting channels, to the northern boundary of the Mato of M.Bnesola. "The master of everv such vee! will be required to form a sworn tai-uieni, sub-Itant autig the form oi a manifest, -bowing the date, the name of iht, vessel, its destination, tlio name of the owner, the nmulerof passengers, the number of tons ami the kind of merchandise carried. If the desUnatKoi tie such as to exempt the vessel from the tolls vou will make eutrv of the fact a book with columns exhibiting the particulars specified in the masters statement: al-o the amounts chargeable and tbe amount paid.

"Ou the next arrtvat of me vessel vou will exact the toil unless on or before that time and wuhin one month from her passage through the canal there shall be furnished to you proof of the actual delivery of the cargo and passengers at some port or place within the limits of the United States as above specified. Such proof will consist of the certificate of the collector of customs at the port of destination, showing the entry of tbe vessel and the landing of the uu-icl andise and pas-angers. "A tortu of cert floats is provtdM for collectors by the department. Should the proscribed ev.deliee no; beturmshed within one te, w.e 1 ol 1 ho i SPai I the v.ssch It will report ti tacts tl.t department to the end Hint ms' bet-ken fig ttie recovet of U.e amounts due. i he toils will be ted a- in 1 1-neous receipts, and milu led in a special account forwarded to ttie first aud'tor, tn which the total amount received each month wilt be credited and the amount deposited debited, end will be entered on a stub book with other collections as Tolls for passage of Canadian vessels through Sk Mary's canal.

"A a abstract Till accompany each Opposing Team Were Fa. Yorites from the Start. Contest Exciting, the Score Being Twice Tied. Another Tonrnament Arranged for This Week. Newport, R.

L. Aug. 2 2. -The finals In the last weeks polo tonrnament for the Westchester club cup was played this afternoon between the Myopias and ths Morristowns, and as a result the cups go to Jersey by a score of 12 to 9. The teams were matched up as follows: UTOPIA rOLO CUB.

A.P.Tirffn.r Haaflcaa R. 8- Rhmw F. B. Fay Q. M.

Appleton Iottl HOBBISTOWS FOLO CLUB. Orrg Lord Day William Brown Lord 2 B.njumln Mcoll L.J. Francke Total Thus the Myopias started off four goals, but this was more than offset by the evident sympathy which was publicly and continuously expressed for the Morristown. It was very evident that the, modern Athens had but a very small representation among the large and enthusiastic audience. The Morristowus were cheered at every turn, whether it was a skilful or a clumsy turn, while the Myopias attracted attention only when something bordering on th marvellous was performed.

Everything was good natured. however, that is, all preference expressed was shown in good form, and apparently passed unnoticed by tbe players. It was at first expected that the Boston team would win, however, and so they would had they played halt the game that they put up last week. Their individual play bore no comparison with last weeks, and their team work was, in sweet parlance, rotten. Shaw, whose published handicap is sli, and whose last weeks piav was np to an eight-goal handicap, didnt show a thro goal cut at any Stage of the game today.

Neither of the team showed any disposition to back up the other any. Almost invariably when they lost a hall the opposing players got with an open On the other hand the Morristown showed exceptionally good team work, and the individual play of Jxrd. Nicoll and Francke was way ahead of their respective handicaps. Lord's game was especiallv pretty; always perfectly cool, however desperate tho, situation, he seldom missed a stroke. Nicoll and Francke did excellent fielding work, the former never taking any chances for his team in the hope of personal distinction.

but almost invariably passing tbe ball to Lord. Franckes masterpiece was during th fight for second goal in tiie second inning. Stealing the hall trinn Fay near the centra field he earned, striking first from one side of his potiy and then from the oilier, clar to tiie mouth ot the enemys goal, but thr lie lost it to hliaw, who really did his first and onlv telling work of the game by taking it back, and after twico losing aud twice regaining it, sending it home. Appletons scoring tho hrst goal In the last inning was an exceptionally tine piece of work, it being a single stroke from near the centre field while riding off his opponent. It was a verv exciting contest down to th middie of the last inning, at which time the score was twice tied.

The lat tie was broken by Lord by a fine back stroke Tne Mornstowns took the next three goals, which closed the inning. During th last inning Lord was struck on the right wrist by a flying ball and it required two and a half miuutes work to get his band so it could hold a mallet, during wmcii time playing was stopped. Following is the summary of the game. Fovhaii Keene acted as referee and tgertou L. YYinUirop, as timekeeper: 11KSI ISTBBVAU Time.

Goal and tam. Mode bv. m. a 1 Morristown Lord 71P 2 orrialowo Lord (0 3 yoa Appleton 600 4 SI orris town Day 00 6 Time called 400 SECOND INTZBVAL. 1 Morristown Lord SOU 2 Myopia Shaw It 00 3 Myopia Gardner SO) 4 Morri-towu Nleoll ISO 6 Morristown Ofi Time called 60 TBIBD 1NTSBVAU 1 Myopia Applet-m 2 00 2 Moiridown Day 0 SO 3 Morristown 00 4 Myopts chaw 0 30 6 Day 2 30 6 Moriiriown Lord.

9 0O 7 Time called 1 Ol Score with handicap Myopia. MorrUtowa, 12. Another tournament has been arranged for this week for ctms to be won outright for teams of three total handicap shall not exceed three goals, and as tbe winners the Westchester cun are excluded from contesting in this contest it required todays game to decide whether ths Mornstowns or tbe Myopias would be shgi- A it terne out, Messrs. A. P.

Gardner, R. M. Appleton and F. B. Fay of the MyopUs will he one of tho teams contesting and it has been hinted tonight that herein lies tbe sequel to the Myopias poor showing in todays contest.

The tournament will be played as follows: Tuesday, Keckaways, Messrs. L. J. Franck. J.

8. 8teyens. J. E. Cowdin, vs.

PndesLross-ings, Messrs. U. Sbaw, George P- Eustis, Thomas Hitchcock. YVednesday, Newport. Messrs.

C. C. Baldwin, V. K. Thorn.

K. L. Agassiz, vs. Country Club. Messrs.

H. P. Whitney, T. A. Haveaierer, E.

C. Potter. Thursday, wmuers of Tuesday v. opt as. Saturday, winners of Wednesday ft- winners of Thursday.

BACKED HEART PICNIC. Outing Club Won th Ball Game, 18 to 0 2000 Present About 2000 people attended the plen' the church ot tho fiacred Heart of Boston, at Downer Landing, yesterday. The ball game was one of the features I the day. The Outing Clubs team beat the Noddles 16 to a The teams were made up as follows! Outlnm Sheridan, Donahue, a P-; MoAriJA DrUeolb lUUigaa, Coakier. McDonald, r.

t. Noddle Hurley, Phlnoey. lb. I 8univfl.Ii Carle ton, Towle, McKenna, aal mlngi. f.i Butler, c- Kelly, r.

f. The one-mile run was won by N- Caj laghan: tbe potato race by J. Coaklor hundred-yard dash by Judge, and th of-war by the single men. German Veteran In Kansas City-Kansas Crrr. Aug.

22. TodyW4 the first day of the business meetings of German veterans and th first regular see1 of the association was held this momma-The preliminary work of the conventm, occupied the time until noon, when a recess was taken. This afternoon the report the president and secretary were which, with the reports of various co tees, occupied the Umo until an adjournment was taken until toaWu morning. To Decide Worlds Pair Matter. Nashta.

N. IL. Aug. 22. CApt E.

Shaw, State executive officer ot tn op Hampshire Worlds fair commission. 1T Tuesday for Chicago to superin terfi erection of the State building 4l grounds. While there he will decide allotment of space to the different! fit industries which will exhibit there To Bush Work on the Canadian Ottawa, Aog. 22. The Hon.

John Haggert. minister of railways and canals, stated today that he liad issued orders to tbe Contractors of the canal at the Canadian Soo toru-h the work through to completion without a moments delay. An Increased number of men will be engaged and tiie work maintained summer and winter until the job is finished. The impression prevails that the government will not recede from its position, but will continue the rebate system until the end of the season. Government to tbe Rescue.

Ottawa, Ont, Aug. 22. As intimated they would do. the government have decided to pay all tbe losses of the Canadian shippers caused by the imposition of tolls on the St. Marys canal, to put them on equal terms witn American shi opera.

FUNERAL OF MAJ. COOK. Comrades Fay Final Respeets at Bis Bier. Services over the remains of Mai. John Hawkins Cook, auditor in the office of the collector of customs, were held at 71 West Cottage Roxbury, at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon.

There was a large attendance of the business associates and military acquaintances of the deceased soldier. The services were conducted in accordance with the ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic by Rev. Edward A. Horton, chaplain of Post ILL assisted by Past Commanders Wihnon YV. Blackmar, J.

Edward llollis and Thomas R. Mathews. Remarks eulogistic of Maj. Cook were made by Rev. Mr.

Horton and Chaplain Daskiel. late 07th Massachusetts Infantry. Appropriate vocal selections were rendered by tiie Mendelssohn quartette, and Comrade Joseph L. White, who had charge of the music, obedience to a request made by Maj. Cook many years ago, sang "The Vacant Obair.

There were many beautiful floral tributes. From the auditors department of the Custom House came a representation of the U. S. revenue Hag; from Mr. Peyser of New York, a crescent and sickle inscribed "Oujr truest Diend 67th Massachusetts Regiment, a shield bearing the regimental number.

Mrs. Edward V. Kinsley sent two large palm leave. The pall-bearers were Past Commanders W. V.

Black mar, ,1. Edward Hollis, Albert YV. Hersey and George A. Sawin of E. YV.

Kinsley Post. 113, Stephen D. Salmon and George Meade of the custom house, and George A Priest of the 67th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry Yoluuteers. Tho interment wasin Mt. Auburn cemetery, a delegation of the post accompanying the remains to the grave.

FAN GOB, ME. The 22d Maine Infantry Association will hold its fourth annual reunion ati Camp Benson, Newport, tomorrow, where arrangements have been made to secure a large gathering of veterans. Frank B. Dole of Boston is passing a few davs here on a visit Mrs. Ann E.

Bright one of Bangors oldest and most respected residents, is critically ill at her home on 3d st. The gray mare Molly YYitbers, one of last season's discoveries in the line of trotting horses, is said to have gone far into the 20s in the Dexter raceA She is expected to do great work at the Bangor meeting next The engagement of Chief of Police Clarence J. Parker and Miss Eva Dunning has created quite a sensation here and much pleasant comment. Miss Dunning possesses a very comfortable fortune and resides on West Broadway. George is.

Farrington is passing a vacation at Catiline. Frederick YYr. Flowers of Washington. D. is pas-ing a-few weeks in Bangor with his father, Capt.

William Flowers, ou Union st. A. P. Bradford is in Now York for a few davit. Mrs.

Albert Lewis has returned from quite an extended stay at Ketinebunk beach. Frank H. 1-ord of Boston is visiting his brother. Charles V. Lord, on French st.

Miss May Alexander is at Pophatu beach for a few weeks. C. Stvett of Portland and Dana H. Powers of Houlton, the congressional nominee, will address a mass meeting tn Orouo this evening. The Larger and Ellsworth Democrats have exchanged the dates for their mass meetings this week, to be addressed by Hon.

Charles Johnson, candidate for governor, and Harvey N. Shepard of Boston. Ellsworth will have the speakers Thursday evening and Bangor Friday evening. Capt. Woodbury of Philadelphia has bought ttie Centre st.

residence of Dexter Andrews and purposes to live in Bangor in the future. Mrs. E. K. Jones of Son Diego.

visiting her old home Theodore Mavville is to he chief of the park police at the great State fair at Made-wood next week and will nave a large lorce under him. Baker Delegates Elected. Nashua. N. Aug.

favoring Henry M. Baker of Bow for. Congress wou in tiie Republican caucus in ward 4 to-night. Tiie delegates elected to all the conventions were: State. John A.

Spalding. G. Frank Hammond; congressional. W. H.

Reason, Easier F. Tburber: councillor, YV. Badger. Wilder M. Gates; senatorial, W.

1. n.ssev, George E. Panforth: county. J. F.

Gilford. J. J. Haliisev. Two ballots were necessary for a choice in several cases.

Erowo Healey. Mavchfstkr. X. Aag. 22.

Rt. fRev. Bishop I. M. Bradley today united in marriage.

at St. Joseph's cathedral. T. I. Brown of st, Johnsbury.

Y't, and Mis May E. Healey of this city. Deni E. Murphy was ties! man. and Mrs.

Julia Murphy brides-maid. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, after receiving the congratulations of their fneud. left for St.

Johnsbury, where they will reside. Vounx Italians Picnic. The Young Italian Baudien Brothers Society, of the North End. hold a picnic at Spv Fond grave yesterday and in the evening paraded through fhe streets of the North End. The procession was in charge gnor Norm ary Dante.

Mr. Leonard Gae-tatn and Mr. Joseph pniith. Dinner was served at the groi at noon, followed by a programme of dancing, sports and selections from the Roma band. Death of a Frcmiaent Physician.

Lancaster. Aug. ax Dr. J. M.

Dearer, one of tbe most prominent physicians of the State, died this morning, aged 70 years. Laconia. N. Aug. 22.

Three thousand people assembled in Depot in and about the new passenger station of the Concord Montreal railroad, to witness the exercises incident to its dedication and opening np to general use today. The exercises were under the auspices of the board of trade, which, together with invited guests, met at the trade room at 1.30 p. m. Subsequently the invited guests, representatives of the press, participated in a banquet at Eagle Hotel. At 2 oclock a procession was formed, which, led by Chief Quay and squad of police, proceeded to the new passenger station.

Subsequently the station agent. E. Cook, and employes at the old station were escorted to their new quarters by the band, after which speeches were in order, the orators occupying a platform under the yeranda of the station. President S. B.

Smith of tiie board of trade presided. C. F. Stone was the orator of the day. who delivered an address of about 45 minutes duration.

He was followed by brief addresses by Hon. John 51. Mitchell of Concord. Director C. A.

Euriel of the Concord Montreal railroad. Gov. Tuttle. Judge E. A.

Hibbard. Henry M. Putney of Manchester. Rev. Lewis Malvern, Col.

H. B. Quimby. Judge F. M.

Beckerd. E. Perry Jewell. Col. S.

S. Jewell and President Smith. Hon. Stilsoa Hutchins, ex-Gor. B.

F. Prescott, Hon. S. S. YViggin.

the latter of Spencer. had been invited, but being unable to be present sent letters of regret. Among tbe prominent gentlemen present wereN. S. Clark of Manchester, B.

A. Kimball, Gen. A. D. Ayling.

CoL J. E. Pecker of Concord, the two former directors of the C. M. railroad Capt David 8.

Perkins of Manchester: Col. C. C. Rogers. Col.

W. P. Lang of Tilton, Hon. John C. Moulton.

Col. E. C. Lewis, and others. Cant.

E. Tettley was chief marshal. Rublees band furnished music. The occasion was observed as a general holiday, all places of business being closed. A.

J. Farrar, auctioneer, sold the first ticket at the new station to F. O. YVailace of Laconia for 30. good fora round trip passage at Concord.

The decorations and iliamina-tions were profuse. A band concert In the evening ended the festivities. BATH. ME. Mr.

and Mrs. George Gardiner of Hyde Park, Mass, are visiting friends in this citv. Mrs. B. F.

Savage has gone to Roekport. to pass three weeks. Mora Conley and his daughter Margaret are at Grafton. N. for a two weeks stay.

Mr. and Mrs. I Hutchins of Maldeu, are visiting at Parkers Head. Mrs. Frederick Leonard of Nashua, N.

IL, is visiting lelatives in ool wtch. Mis Lizzie Dearborn of Worcester.Mass., is passing a vacatiou in this city. 1 rank Noble of Lewiston is to conduct the defence for John McDonald, indicted for arson. Tiie case will come np for trial either ednesdav or Thursday of tins wees. The Lkimocratic club of this citv is making arrangements with the Republican club for a senes of debates on State and national Both clubs have excellent material.

sDii should arrangements be perfected the debates will be interesting, tmh the odds in favor of the Democrats. Jamaica Plain Lad Missing. Frank L. McMann, 13 years of age, left bis home. 84 Seaverns Jamaica Plain, Sunday morning, saying that he was going to City Point or Crescent beach.

He has not been seen sin-e. and bis folks fear that lie may liave te-n drowned while bathing, he was 5 feet 8 inches in height. The general style of architecture of the station, as will be seeu by the accompanying cut, is what might be termed modern English with a dash of Romanesque treatment. the whole effect being one of massive elegance and simplicity. The exterior of the building is of Milford dark pink, speckled granite, and the trimmings are of dark red freestone from Long Meadow.

The main features of the building are the porte cochere at the entrance. aud the large general waiting room or rotunda open to the roof, with clear story windows on all sides. The floor of this room is of tile, and the wails to the height of 10 feet are finished in quartered oak, and above that plastered apd tinted iu two hade. The ladies are provided with a good-sized private reception room at the Pleasant st. end of the building, with commodious aud well appointed toilet rooms in connection.

The geutlemens smoking room is at the other side of the rotunda and adjacent to the toilet rooms, the latter being finished entirely in marble. A good sized and convenient baggage room is at the Mam st. end of the station, while the ticket agents quarters are located in the centre and command a view ot approaching trains from both directions. The entire basement is devoted to storage and heating purposes. A wide platform laid in concrete is provided at both ends of the building and between tbe tracks and depot, the entire-wood work of the platform roof being finished in spar varnish.

But if the exterior of the building is handsome, tiie interior is more so, and it is safe to say that nowhere in New England, or out of it. aside from the large cities, can there be found so handsome and convenient passenger station as the one which bears upon its windows the name Laconia todav. The fireplace of massive red nandstone handsomely carved; the large marble clock in the rotunda: theelegant and comfortable furniture all the rooms: the plate glass mirrors, and hundreds of other little details are ail worthy of more extensive mention, but must be seen to be appreciated. The entire building is equipped with both ga aud electric lights and heated bv steam. The plans for the station were made bv Architect Bradford L.

Gilbert ot New York city and the contract for its erection was signed April 28. 1891. ibe expensed the building has. of course, readied a good round figure: the Concord Montreal management is not very free to give figures as to tho cost, but the total cost has been not far from 60,000, It estimated. LHYVISTOir.

ME. The following Intentions of marriage have been recorded attthe city clerks office: Thomas King and Alina Piper of Lewiston; Henry Kldridge of Rochester. N. and Bertha L. Pendexter of Lewiston; Waterman Traf ton and Olive C.

Wright. both of Lewiston Joseph Moran and Mis Abbie LeBlanc. both of Lewiston. Miss N. Meodora Emery of Anborn has gone to Denver, CoL.

to visit her sister. She is accompanied by her niece. Miss Lillian E. Luce. Cards are out for the wedding of Dr.

W. B. Small and Miss Maude H. Ingalls of Lewiston, to take place Sept. 1.

Misa S. Belle Plnkham is visiting In Portland. Charles Greenwood of Lewiston has returned from a visit to Denver, Col. Eugene Gore of Auburn went to Old Or chard yesterday for two weeks. Ex-Mayor Penlay and wife and H.

C. Day of Auburn were among those attending the wedding anniversary of Prof. Charles or Jersey City, formerly of Auburn, at Falmouth Foresioe yesterday. Rev T. YVyman and wife of Lewiston are at Old 'rcliard for a few days.

The prizes for the State shoot to be held Wednesday and Thursday under the auspices of the Androscoggin Gun Club are exhibited in Auburn. Fed Dcwn Elevator WelL Henry Carl.14 years of age. residing at 65 Main Charlestown, fell down an elevator well, 12 feet, deep, at 63 Winter 3 oclock yesterday afternoon. He ins-tained a severe contusion ot the head, and several fingers on one band were broken. He was taken to tbe City Hospital.

vW Gliddea Held in 503 Bond. Horace Glidden.who was arrested on Sat-nrday on a charge of obtaining from the post office a letter addressed to John Grant, was before United States Commissioner Hailett yesterday, and wa held 500 for the September term of the United States DistnctCourt fr J-.

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