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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

very mncn after the order of Sullivan, an rioted THE MANLY ART. will pocket a large sum of money before he WASHINGTON. Boston Mmk '(glafe. reaches Boston. He wants to settle in (Jai-cago, and while Boston is duly proud of bis prowess we think she would offer no special MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1882.

What Sporting Men Say Abou the Recent Battle. Interesting Statements as to American Trade. in this locality iwidk --He is exceedingly anxion to meet Sullivan and expresses the determination to redeem the credit and wipe out the stigma of Ryan's defeat. Balllvaa'a Offer. Chicago, February 12.

The Heavy weight champion. Joba I Sullivan, with hi trainer, departed thi evening for Detroit, where Jie gives an exhibition on Monday evenine. Billy Madden, Pete McCov and John Kilbride accompany biro. Sullivan will offer $100 to any man who will aoe bim in four rounds with aoft gloves. The combination ia under tbe maneemeut of 'Parson 1 Davie.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES. objection to his emigrating to the great Western metropolis. The Gazette "crows" over New York on account of the whipping a Boston boy gare Mr. P. Ryan in Louisiana last Tuesday.

Our wstnetic contemporary says: "It is evident Interviews With Parties Returned physicians say he will not live until morning. Mrs. Stokey aud Ivellie Tart are both in a precarious condition, the chances of recovery In favor of the nrst-named if inflammation can be avoided. Tbe Tart girl suffers much pain and the physicians report-she must die. Thus far the location of the balls in either person lias not been fonnd.

Miss Tart stated last nigt that she belteved she was going to die and tbe coroner took her ante-mortem statement. UNIVERSALIS! AND ORTHODOXY. Key. James E. Smith or Abingtoa Preaches Ills Farewell Sermon.

Special Despatch to The Boston Globe. Abixctox, February 12. This evenine was the night set apart for the ruontn or February for prayers at tne First Congregational Church for its missions and missionaries. Rev. James E.

Smith, the clergyman who vaulted the chasm be DAILY GLOBE. Ou copy, SO cast per month I SO per year. Postage prepaid. To Clans rive or more bum one address for lVIiat is Lacking in the Race for Commercial Prominence. from New Orleans.

3 month, by mall, SI IS per copy. Delivered la Boston, at denwt or express office, per hundred. that while our sister city may surpass us in resi.ect to commerce, dirty streets, railroad monopolies, corrupt legislatures and political The Prize Fights Likely to Come Off Result of the Autopsy on the Body of A. M. Soteldo, Jr.

in the Near Future. xngs, we are their superiors in musical per hundred. SFXDAT GirOBEi SO per Tear. VFEJEKLY GLOBE, SI per Annas. THE GLOBE XETTSPAFEXt S3S Waahlnaten Boston THE MIRRORJF CITY LIFE.

The Creek Play in Court-Riddle's Rival In the Classical Drama. The principal attraction ia court last Saturday was the Greek play of "John Morris Tyrannss," performed by a select company from tbe Hellenic colony. The title-role was assumed by black-haired Greek, who, in spite of bis Yesterday was quite a gala day In this city among lovers of the "manly art" and sporting men, owing to the retnrn from the Sullivan and Ryan "battle grounds" of James Keenan, Andy tween Universal ism and Orthodoxy a short time ago, and who goes to Montana tomorrow to disseminate the Orthodox doctrines under the Home Missionary Society of New York, was allowed to take advantage of the occasion to absolve him Redmond, Richard E. Barry and John Murphy, culture, literary talent, brown bread and prize fighting. The endurauce and skill of our brawn ia superior to theirs.

And, by the crowds that surrounded the bulletin boards which exhibited the first tidings of tbe punching contest, it was made manifest that we were proud of the laurels that had fallen to our share. Sunflowers, lilies and the ethics of decorative art were for a time forgotten in the panting delight we expressed in the presence of the glory that had suddenly settled upon us through the gory nose and the swollen From tbe happy looks of the above-named, when called upon by a Globb reporter, it was very plain to be seen that tbe balmy breezes ot tbe SLEIGHING CAPES, Sooth, coupled with a full purse, bad improved Anglicized name, might have been a retired brigand. The Joeasta of tbe play was Rosa Morris, wife of tbe leading man, and although she has been a frequenter of dance-balls, she appeared to be folly as respectable a person as tbe heroine of tbe popular Harvard their general appoarance. Tbe first man seen by the scribe was Mr. James Keenan, tbe well-known sporting man of Portland street, and one of Sul Ulsters and Overcoats, drama.

At an events, ner nusoann was not mr jowls of the crushed and humiliated Mr. Ryan. livan's backers. In fact, it may be said that Jim Keenan was the strong boy's" backer. In reply We hare hitherto claimed that we led the self from all the broils into which he has entangled himself while in town and shake bis garments free from the contaminating influences which have surrounded lie was greeted with a good sized audience.

He took his text from Paul, 22, and upon this basis showed tbe errors which surround the Uuiversallst faith and the erroneous doctrines which its teachers promulgate. He took the Greek word meaning eternal, everlasting, which occurs in Corintnians, ana from which be maintained the Universal ists by a double superlative adduced their theory ot eternal blis and happiness to show the error of that doctrine and the diametrically opposite meaning of tbe word, which a careful study of it discloses. Upon this word alone, Mr. Smith said, rested the one great tenet of tbe Universalist creed, and from its meaning no such doctrine could be maintained. He pointed out another radical error in tbe teachings of this doctrine on the parable of Dives and Lazarus, which the Universalist commenta to queries, Mr Keenan said: literary taste of tbe country.

This claim has Special Despatch to The Boston Globe.l Washington. February 12. Tbe monthly publication by the State Department of consular Issued, bits some interesting statements by consuls in various parts of the world regarding American trade and its needs. Consul Shaw of Manchester, England, writes: "At present American manufacturers and merchants suffer seriously from the lack of three great aids in the race for commercial prominence in the foreign markets of the world First, direct lines of A mericau ships to foreign ports; second, widoly extended banking facilities in distant trade centres; tbiiM, branch nouses in every great foreign market." Consul Brooks at Cork says: "The only possible way, in rav judgment, to establish a proper equilibrium and readjust matters so tbe Americans can be able to realize the advantages naturally belonging to them is: First, by creating a system of financial exchanges controlled by Americans, hinged upon the coudltion ot the American market; and second, as has been repeatedly suggested, by the revival ot American ocean shipping." Consul PrlnUle at Kan I Brazil, says; "There exists here a large field for the extension of American commerce; but it will be a long time before it can be brought abont unless we shall be represented by a first class American house or houses to exhibit, defend and push our products aim manufactures. Another most powerful factor to very largely iucrease tbe trade between tbe United States and South America would be the establishment of lines ot steam vessels under our flag.

I quite agree with all our "I left Boston a week ago last Thursday along own long-lot son. The hero. Jobn Morris, recitea bis line in tbe oririta Greek, while the otber spoke in English, and there was a strong chorus of witnesses, policemen and lawyers to explain tbe idav. Tne plot was not quite as Intricate as tbe itory of tEdipu and Joeasta, but it double-discounted that classical and elevating entertainment in point or decency. The eborns explained h.

h. hirn some vears ago married Rosa out of been disputed by New York; but now we have a champion who is prepared to establish our with several gentlemen iroin tnis cur. we arrived in New Orleans on Monday morning at 11 o'clock. 1 was quite surprised to see tbe interest that was taken iu tbe coming tight. As we passed through tbe various towns, you would see some staid old fellows board tbe cars, and after being position by force of fists, and it behooves our detractors to beware how far they venture in aspersing us, in view of tbe fact that Mr.

Sul REPUBLICAN BAKMOXT, Mr. Conkling's orgaD, the Kew York Commercial Advertiser, and other papers of Stalwart proclivities have succeeded in stirring up Thomas M. Xichol and provoking him to fay some very ugly things about the murder of bis frieod, President Garfield. Mr. Nichol was ob Intimate terms with Garfield, and when the principles of the Republican party were disputed as personal perquisites bv the president Nichol managed the Albany fight for his friend, and impressed upon the Stalwarts the fact that resignation really resigns.

Since that time Xicbol has not commanded the admiration and respect of the Stalwarts. He has recently taken an active part in collecting funds for a monument to the late president, and for this be lias been most savagely assailed by Garfield's enemies. In retaliation he now arraigns the Stalwarts for the murder of the president, tells them that Garfield's blood is on their garments, that it was their abuse and denunciation that inspired Guiteau to "remove" the president as a political necessity, calls them acknowledged criminals, and otherwise frees his minVif At "January Prices at Oak HaHl Tbe remnants of our Winter Stock ar rapidly disappearing; before tbe demand whka tbe present fine sleighing has created. The most comfortable bead coverinr tati winter night sleigh ride is a Scotch cap. are selling large quantities this season.

Te bave just looked over tbe stock of csj. tom-made misfits returned by agents, and find as the result of the season's business that bave about twenty suits and forty coats, wh a fewfodd pairs of pantaloons and rests, to dif. pose of. a dance ball with the philanthropic intention of reforming her, but that bis efforts In that direction bad proved futile, as she speedily livan knocked New York completely out of on board a lew minutes, say. 'I wonder How tnis New Orleans fight will come off; who will win?" From their appearance, I should judge they were time in eleren minutes." Astronomy has nerer been a very remuner relapsed into Ber old habits ana persistently frequented tbe free-and-easy establishments at the North En.

The action of tbe play hinged noon John's missionary labors. moral suasion or no mw. he had resorted ative profession, but some of its leading fol lowers are said to hare devised a scheme whereby it can be profitable to them and to to coercion and attempted to convince Kosa of tbe error of ber ways by slapping ber face. Tbe bero explained tne matter in bis native language, but while be perhaps spoke tbe country. It is proposed to divide the heavens into claims and permit telescope Greek wlUi almost ss much nusncy a tors maintain was an old story when Christ repeated it.

Mr. Smith showed that tbe story was lor the first time published 40O years after Christ by Babylonian commentators on tne Gbemmora. lie took advantage of tbe occasion to extricate himself from the charges of the mismanagement of the schools and said that what nad been said concerning him was unkind, unjust and false. In this. connection he used some very abusive language agiiust a whilom teacher here.

He attacked church fairs and dancing, being particularly severe on the people of his old parish in this respect. -Ho deprecated the work which the entire Universalist church was doing and declared that be saw their societies run down everywhere. He referred to tbe trial which tbe change had cost bim and in closing solicited tbe prayers ot all in his new work. consuls who have written on the subject. With Harvard man ne laiiea to manage owners to pre-empt such claims and search them industriously for comets, new planets and shooting stars.

It is argued that hitherto drapery with snfadent dramatic Intensity give the true Biddlesque subtlety of expression to bis feelings. A blouse is not so well adapted to giving classical expression to profound emotion as a sheet tbat tne wearer is obliged to many unpleasant things. Guiteau. wll' rol houtliern planters. Ifwent to see Sullivan, and found him just as I expected, in splendid form for tbe battle.

Wltn bim were Joe Goss and Billy Madden, who were so well satisfied with tbeir man's condition that I looked around for any takers. Sullivan said, 'Jim Keenan, you can bet all vou are worth, I will whip After a sbort rime I left and strolled around tbe city visiting friends, and when I got a chance covered auy bets. At 3 o'clock Sullivan left for the Barnes Hotel. Mississippi City, and at an early hour In tbe morning, accompanied by some friends, I left for there. Of course there was quite a crowd tbere awaiting the fight, but I must say that I bave been at a good many figbta but never in my life did 1 see as orderly a crowd.

Some folks talk about Pistols. Knives, te. being shown at exhibitions of this sort, but that is all bosh so far as this tight was concerned. I never saw or heard ot a man present having a weapon. Why, you could boar a pin droro When botb men entar-ed the riug and stripped, and those present saw the form and appearance of each man, the betting was 100 to 5 in favor of Sullivan, and no takers.

Well, yes; tbere may bave been a few, rut they amounted to nothing. After tbe first roud I was satisfied fully, and so was everyone els.tbat Sullivan would win. Why, These are mostly Touthr sizes, with, only a few large sizes among them. They are winter weights.tnade and trimmed in superior msaaer we have deducted just half from the origin! selling prices, and placed them on the barrais, counter today. In oar custom room we are already exhibiting samples of spring goods.

1" early two ban. dred samples will be on exhibition this week. G. "VT. SIMMONS SOI, Oak Hall, 33 44 Korth street, clutch wltb tbe energy of despair to keep it from falling off; but making allowances for tbts disadvantage.

Jobn did very well. Of course tb ably be pleased to leara that his view U.j case is indorsed by the intimate friend ot the man whom he murdered, insomuch as the LAND LEAGUE. spectators could not understand a word be nttered, but in tbat rexpect they were no wore off than tbe aduienoes tbat attended the performances of source ot his inspiration is concerned. la TVorees- Address ef T. MY Healy.

M. Vilnius, the otber Tvrannas. Tbe onlv marked Guiteau hoped to harmonize the discordant out exception, so far as 1 nave seen, tbey advocate the extension of government aid to certain lines of such vessels. I believe some millions cou be employed with immense advantage to the general interests of tbe American people." Consul Merriam at lquique, Peru, says: "Tbe proportion of American vessels arriving at this port compared with those of other first-class powers is very small. Durluer the last four years oDiy one American vessel arrived direct from ew York with an assorted cargo.

I have persuaded some merchants to send trial orders of goods to be brought by vessels bound, to Valparaiso, wbicb. after discbargingytne bum of the cargo tbere, coine here to load nitrate. This indirect mode of importation, however, has its disadvantages, as a delay ot weeks might be suffered. The remedy needed is moreships, whether sailing vessels or steamers, which come direct to this port." Consul-General Weaver at Vienna writes as follows: 'Concerning the proposed line of steamers from Trieste to New York, January 9, tbe Austrian Lloyd Steamship Company an difference wa taa: the forme? did sot pretend to elements of the Republican party, and announced that such was his purpose when he experience any consoatiMKeiy cultivates ac tr Irftat Evening. Special Despatch to The Boston Globe.

Worckstjek, February 12 Hon. T. M. Healy the search for these objects has been conducted in a very loose manner. In view of tbe fact that governments pay well for transits of Venus it is believed that Congress might profitably extend operations and pay leading astronomers for fresh and valuable discoveries in the heavens.

The idea is to get Congress to grant an astronomical subsidy, paying attention only to such work in this direction as is done in the United States. This is rather a novel project, but might it not result in the acquisition of invaluable scientific information? An exchange makes tbe reasonable argument that if it is proper for Congress to pay an American citizen enormous sums of money for carrying mails to Europe which British and French citizens are ready to carry tion ana aia not cniiev.tesKi; 01 the four-story words, 'fis wind-up of tbe play fired the fatal shot at the man who stood at also varied slightly from tte Harvard version. the head of one of the factions. The dis- nstead 01 discovering that be hsd muraerea cortnt elements have announced with great bin father and married- bis mother and satisfaction that- Guiteau was entirely sue rushing madly out to tbe woodshed, with bis head wrapped In the ueet to express bis tApolltnaris cesgful, and ia.niony reigns in the party, barring the unimpcttant (rumblings of Blaine, 'icbol and a few other minor malcontents. of course I was, from the first, or I would not bave backed bim; but on seeing both men step into tbe ring I was satisfied before tbe fight began that our boy would win, and so were Ryan's friends.

hen Kyau stepped in he looked as if he bad lost clock. In fact'he bad no confidence in himself, wniie Sullivan was all smiles, and showed that he was onlv too anxious to get There bos indeed been wrought a great great dissatisfaction -with the way his family affairs were mixed up, Jobn Morris Tyrannus learned through tbe interpreter tbat be had been convicted of zssault and battery, and paid bis fine of $3 and cost without anv visible perturbation of mind. This Greek play in court was not so strong in dramatic situation nor so classically intense as tne Greek play at Harvard, but tbe characters were less disreputable and tbe plot not halt as outrageous. chuuge in the affairs of the party ef moral ideas. For twenty years and more the country.

"THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." British Med. joaraaL The OXLY spring which has been exxmirjed bj the Departmert of State and by the Tretsary of the United SUites, and the water of which has been expresslj declared to be a natural Bis. era! water. has beu controlled largely by an association of politicians held together by the cohesive power of plunder, and they have built up a for lesa than half as much, it would be only reasonable and consistent to pay a subsidy to astronomers for discovering comets and other Interesting objects. Ths attitude of the Republican party toward the Readjustee of Virginia, iu view of its past professions of virtue, has awakened a 8TOLEN LACE 8.

system of spoils that challenges the admira tion of the world's scheming statesmen and nounces its intention of senatne out on the 25th a steamer from Trieste to New York. This will be an experiment in order to ascertain if the trade between these ports can be made profitable. It is to be boped it may not be lightly abandoned, but prove successful and tend to the desired development of trade between the United States and Austria aud Hungary. This may, ttrnrefore, be a favorable opportunity for our merchants to Investigate the practicability of extending trade iu this direction." Subsidizing American Steamship The proposition to subsidize American steamship lines, by means of generous pay for carrying tbe mails, will come before Congress with a stronger backing this session than ever before. It was announced some days ago that tbe post office committee of the lions had conceived a plan for securing the support of tbe committee on commerce and naval affairs in relation to the proposition.

This basis was secured yesterday by a meeting of Chairman Bingham and Messrs. Jorgensea and secures the snpport of an immense army of A Large Qaaalitr Kecovereel by the Police at the Stoat EneV Saturday afternoon Inspectors lynch and Watts received information that a quantity of stolen goods were la a bouse oa Pitts street. Tbe spoke to an audience of about 1500 people here tonight, under tbe auspices of the Ladies' Land League. Major M. J.

AlcCafferty presided, and Introducing tbe lecturer took occasion to criticise sharply those who were formerly warm advocates of the Land League cause, but who wen" now rather lukewarm iu their sympathy. The lecture was got up in connection with tbe Ladies' bazaar, which opens bere tomorrow evening, and it is now an open seeret in Worcester that that enterprise doe not meet tbe approval of some ot tbe local Catholic clergymen who formerly gave their support to every movement intended to raise money for the Land League cause. The slimness of the attendance touigbt must be attributed to the opposition alluded to and to the fact that the price of admission was set at fifty cents, instead of the popular price, twenty-five cents. Tbe ball was tastefully decorated, and on the platform were two very handsome cravon portraits of Farnell and Davitt, Along the gallery front were various motto shields, bearing tbe names of the most prominent leaders of the Land League. Mr.

Healy spoke for one hour and forty minutes, and was warmly applauded. He defended the- no-rcnt maoiiesto, and said that the man who would deiend borne rule for Ireland without firt destroying tbe power of landlordism was a political jackuss. Landlord-is in was the prop on whicn BritisQ rule in Ire land rested, and tbe most feasible way to abolish that rule was to knock the prop out from under it. At the conclusion of Mr. Mealy's address a telegram was read from Congressman Ford from Wattiiingten excusing nimst-lf for not being able to attend, wishing the Ladies' Laud League success and stating that tbe land of Ireland belonged to tbe people of Ireland.

Mr. lledly left lor hew York on tne miduigbt train. Meeting or the Transatlantic ISraach of office holders and office seeKers. The desire JExtraet from official Doctattentt of 9m 77. 8.

Govertnmomt. A purely natural mineral water, imprepxted solely with its own eas." to get a share of the public plunder is called in good deal of discussion and caused many futile attempts at explanation by members of the party. But tbe true motive of their indorsement of the repudiation ists is doubtless political parlance "patriotism," and the pro to work. How the fight ended you bave already published." "Well, if it is not an impertinent how much money did ycu get out of tb and are you again willing to back "I guess I made over all expense an even $8000. So far as again backing Sullivan or any otber man I can't say; but 1 will say this: 1 will bet' that Sullivan can whip any man in tbe world, and back up my assertions wi.tb tbe cash.

I went to New Or lea us Purely for the aC oner. I am willing to bet my money where I tee a chance to win, but so far as going to see a fijht I would not cross tbe street to see ene." "How do you like tbe people of New Orleans, Its climate, etc?" "Well that is one tbing I want you to say, that tbey are the finest peope in tbe world. Yes. air: tbey could not do enough for us, and let me say 00 bebalf of all the as tern men that were there that my views express tbeir sentiments. Where the battle was fought is a beautiful place, no plaee like it up bere.

cess of plundering is usually spoken of as 'having the country." The schemes for getting hold of the offices and arguments used to jus the same as that which occasionally animates over-modest young men who overcome their tify them constitute the "principles" of the diffidence -by a process known among them as ltepnblican party. But so much patriotism officers proceeded to' the bouse in question and found a quantity of Imported lace curtains, etc Presuming that the thieve would put in an appearance ana remove tbe goods a strict watch was kept opon tbe premises. The officers were rewarded Snaday morning, wnen a young fellow, giving tbe name of Frank McElroy, pot in an appearance and claimed the goods. He was arrested, and claimed that the goods were givea to bim to take care of by an unknown man. Subsequently be stated tbat they were placed Id bis possession by bi roommate, W.

L. Shannon, who until last Saturday "cultivating cheek." Whenever it occurs to has been -developed and so many of them to do a certain thing which would out rage the conventionalities aud be exactly the the patriots hare become imbued with a wild enthusiasm to save the the country that the principles won't so round Morev of tbe posn office committee, TBomas and Davidson of tbe naval committee, and Messrs. Washoorne and Townsend or Ohio of tbe commerce committee. These gentlemen adopted a resolution In support of tbe plan of promoting the postal and commercial interests of the tbe United States by paying for tbe carriage of ocean mails to foreign ports iu American snips. It ia understood that they also agreed to report thtng that they would otherwise never tbiuk of doing-, tbey immediately do it.

Tbe course of the Republican party, In the eyes of its U. 8. Vice -Consulate, Cologne, Germam, Oct 16, 18W. "Beyond question a natural mineral water." U. S.

Consulate, Cologne, Germaxf, JV'ae. 36, 1978. The Apolllnaris 'Water ss heretofore Imported, is a natural mineral water." U. S. Tsxxscar Depbtxz5t, Washington, D.

Feb. 21, 1S7. "Probably the purest. If not the only pare, effervescent mineral waters shipped to the United States." Gen. Stssbxo, Special European Agtxt U.

Treasury, 1S7. It cannot be an artificial mineral water. Col. TichzOR, Special Eurvpea Ajml U. S.

Treasury, and the cohesive power is sometimes severely strained to hold the party-together. In order leaders, is doubtless very similar, and recog nizing the fact that it will soon have nothing to secure the support of the party tne man woo aspires to the position of chief dispenser of else to rely upon it is assiduously cultivating In a word, bad we stayed tbere anotber twenty-four hours we would have all settled tbere for good. I bave nothing more to say nut that I tnink Billy Madden, Sullivan's trainer, deserves more credit than be baa received. He is the man who bas stuck by the boy, and so baa Joe Goss, whose portly form when stepping so nimbly in the ring made the woods re-echo the Cheers. 1 tell you, old Joe is "The Veteran." After a hunt for Mr.

John Murphy he was found by tbe scribe at Tatsey Sbennard's. sur aicernoon. nas oeea in toe employ 01 itenry A. Turner 29 and 31 West street, and from whom the laces were stolen. Subsequent search of Shannon' room at 1030 Washington street, revealed bid in a trunk a large quautity of velvet, laoe curtains and a pawn ticket for a pair ot laoe curtain.

The goods thus recovered will amount to about 1300. A BUHCLARY PREVENTED. "cheek." South Boston. The Transatlantic branch of the Land League patronage is obliged to scatter prsmises in promiscuous profusion, knowing that the hope The election of superintendent of common of reward which springs eternal in the Republican breast will nerve every man to his ut and public grounds comes before tbe meeting of the Common Council on Thursday evening, the committee of Domination having named most endeavor in behalf of anyone bearing the A. Toaaa Thief Caasbt la taa Act mt lata a Stare 1 conctuue.

merciorc mai. mc isif party label better than any platform of real or imaginary principles that have only an abstract application. The prospects of getting Mr. William Doogue, the present incumbent Mr. Doogue has evinced an unusual enthusi At an early hour yesterday morning Officers Lee ported under tbe name of ApoUinaris Wueryis an article which is produced by nature, and is not of Station 1 and Kesselhuth of Station 2 beard a noise of breaking glass in tbe direc an thee may be nebulous and more than un asm in the duties of his office, and tlfij with his thorough knowledge of floriculture and certain, but a good Republican reasons that it landscape gardening, has resulted in very great is his patriotic duty to keep all the offices in the through the post office committee and advocate in the honite a comprehensive bill Jirovidiog for carrying all American mails to oreign ports in American built ships, and for the creation in the post ofiioe department of an ocean mail bureau similar to the existing railway mail bureau.

Tbe Dill favorably reported the prat olliee committee in tne last Congress provided for an exienditure of one and one-naif million dollars per annum for such service and in ten vears. Tbe bill Introduced at this session by Mr. Elllx. and referred to tbe post office provides for an approori-ation fift of which $2,125,000 is to be aligned to tbe ports between Portland, and Nortolk, 25,000 to pons between Wilmington, X. C-, and Galveston, and to ports-on the Pacifie eoast, tbe contracts to be for ten years, and the pay not to exceed $30 per mile per annum for monthly service.

Tne vessels must be or iron or steel, American built, owned, officered and manned, of tbe latest model and ruoet improved macuiaery. Who Fired the Fatal Sket' An autopsy on tbe body of A. M. Soteldo, who was shot in a melee at tbe Republican office in this city last Thursday night, was performed in the presence of the coroner at the Providence Hospital this Great interest was felt in the result of the autopsy, for contradictory stories were told as to who tired tbe fatal shot. The dead man constantly averred that Barton shot hiin, and A.

C. Soteldo, who did most of tbe shooting, rounded by a crowd of sporting men, who were, owing to Mr. Murphy's knowledge ot the ringana acquaintance with both contestants, eager to hear his story. Mr. Murphy said: "1 left this city with Mr.

Keenan and others on Thursday evening, the 2d New Orleans, arriving toere Monday morning at noon. I went 'to Sullivan's quarters. He was resting after a spin on tne road. We exchanged The Canal 6reetla and he said lie was going-to whip Ryan Inside ot tec minute. He said lie never felt better In Ms life.

I stayed with him until 3 p. when be left for bis quarters at the battle ground. At midnight Joe Goss, Jim Keenan and nivself left for Mississippi City, where we met Arthur Cb ambers, Johnny Moran of Cincinnati, John Kilbride of tbe Highlands and John Colvllle. All of and constant improvement all through tbe possession of the party and take bis chances tion of Hanover street, and found tnat a tbief bad broken the plate glass ia tbe window of Freed in an Myers bat store 115 Hanover street, by means of brass knnckles. After a long chase the would-be burglar was captured in an alleyway off Cross street in an internal contest after election, as some city, while be has practised an economy which might be well emulated in any business, pub thing may turn np to revolutionize trie situa tion within the party In this be shows his thorough acquaintance with the eternal lic or private.

Wnen au official is giving satisfaction those in authority should apply the usual rule of business in regard to bis position. held Its usual weekly meeting yesterday afternoon in Foresters' Hall, South Boston, Mr. Moul-ton in tbe chair. K. K.

O'Lally addressed the meeting upon tbe subject, "The Land Problem as Developed in Ireland not a I Mad but a Lniversul Question." He cited varions tacts, as found iu tbe current news of tbe day, as demou.tratlng the universal nature of the land problem, such as the recent arbitrary seizure of tbe lands iu Russia by the Czar paying the landlords out of the public treasury and allotting thee lands to the tenants free of rent. Tms Mr. O'Lally claimed to bo the effect of Nihilistic agitation, the Czar being forced by tbeir attacks to attract the peasantry to bis interests by special favors. He spoke of the Dune of Sutherland, Lord Dunraven and otber Kogltsb, Scotch, and Irish landlords purchasing lar-e tracts of land in this country, as going to show that tbey looked forward to an entire change of the laud tenure of Great Britain. As flintier showing the universal nature of the problem he enlarged on the relations of land to wortblessuess of land without labor, and tbe helplessness of labor without land.

Mr. Congblin spoke at length on tbe relations ot land and labor, and the necessity of nationalizing the land. Ur. J. H.

Swain followed with a tew remarks on tbe main question. He contended that the great advance antong civilized nations in productive capacity and rapidity of exchange irresistibly impelled the masses to a union of interests. Not only tbe land, bat tbe whole question of labor was rapidly becoming universal. The Ladles' Branch of Fall Klrer. Special Despatcu to Tbe Boston Globe.

the handiwork of man mat 11 is a natural ana: not an artificial water." Chaklfj I'olger, See. XT. S. Trttery, The attTe' extnacts sHepwsc. completely or tbe wstrioats stl-' tacks mad! upon APOLLD AB1S WATER bw interested masifiM-turers of aerated watera.

rKEDT SB BABY CO Vew Tork, Sole AgmUfur the U. S. ad Csasa 2 rawst no REAL ESTATE. principles for which he votes. After election the chief of the spoilsmen is WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN.

subjected to great mental strain in the hope Tbe Birthdays of the Two Men Celebrated lets attempt to- reconcile his official perfor by Officer Lee ana locked op in station 1. tie gave tbe nam of Jobn E. Wallace, and upon searching bim a full suit of new underclothing, stolen from Austin S. Estes of 167 Hanover street early Saturday morning, was found. Wallace tben admitted bis connection with tbe latter burglary and stated that Frederick Emerson and William Keller, each about 19 years ot age, were his accomplices, and they were subsequently arrested.

About $30o worth of furnishing goods were stolen from Estes' store and of tbat amount about $100 was found in Kelley and Emerson's rooms. The bat store was not burglarized, owing to tbe prompt arrival of the police. mances with his campaign promises. To sat us remained wnn uim npiou.soa. when be left hi quarters for the liug.feellng confident that be would carry out what be had previously told me of whipping Ryan in ten minutes.

On both men entering tbe ring Ryan won the toss for corners, which changed Sullivan from tbe corner be had selected and placed bim with tbe sun In his face. Just previous to this the bettinir at the Ytunt Men's Christian Union Las Evening-. Last evening tbe Boston Tonne Men's Christian 100 to SO in favor of rvyan, and Union, as Is its practice, held a special service commemorative of tbe birthdays ot George Washington and Abraham Uncoln. Tbe reason for holdintr tbe services last evenine was that affirmed that he did not lire until alter Barton bad shot bis brother. Barton, on tbe other band, said that he pressed bis pistol against A.

M. Soteldo' abdomen, when be A BOVINE MONSTROSITY. February 12 is tbe date of tbe seventy-third puiiea tne ti leger, auu was not sure w.netuer nis pistol exploded or missed fire. As the fatal ball birtbaay anniversary of Abraham Lincoln, and addresses were given open the lessons for the young derived from the lives or great and good must say tnat ilea l.eary was the only man tbat I saw who would bet In Sullivan's favor. But after tne men had stripped matters changed considerably, and tber was no betting against Sullivan.

Wby be licked Ryan in fifteen seconds. Tbe first rouud, after shaking bands, Sullivan opened with, a feint with his right and bit Ryan with hrs lett on tbe nose, following with hi right on the jugular vein, knocking bim face downward lu the ring. Then the cry rang up from all sides Ue Is Licked (alluding to Ryan). On tbe ninth round Tommy Kelly, teeing tnat bis man was beaten, threw up FOR LE lu Chelsea, boose. 8 rooms; 5000 feet of laud: 15 minutes to ferry; good chance a man to keen fowl or cows; has been sold for glSiXi; wiU sell now for the bank' mortgage, S5S5: -chance for man of moderate u.ear.s.

Cat tbts out. MvCANX Si 87 Washington IS to S. et tit IMIKNA I.K In Chelsea, swell-front brick boose. Lip roof, slated. 9 rooms, on first floor; near steam cars; 3 minutes from two lines of borse car: one of the brst locations in tbe cily; for the hank's -mortgsge; S3000.

McCANM 41 27 Washington 1 to 3. 6f tit 1' 70 SALE-Id Chrises, house. 11 rooms; to per-foot order: arranged for two families; neartb square: minutes to ferrr: has beeu soli at anctM for f-'SOO: will lake 1300 if sold at once; ttusa bargain. McCANX A (XX, S47 Washington t-i 12 tog. fll kALE-ln Cbelsra.

on VathiMrter swell-frout brick house. 10 rooms; arrange ne two families: one minnt to steam ear station: sarte en. kov. wasnnurn, D. president of Fall Kites, February 12.

The Ladles' Land League gave an anniversary entertainment tonight in the Academy of Music Mr. Thomas Flatley, national secretary of tne league, delivered an address. Ilobert College, Constantinople, Turkey, spoke in regard to tbe life of Washington, aud Rev. George W. Briggs, I.

of Cambridge, spoke of Lincoln's lite. A Caw Witts at Croaked Sadae and Two sVaas tm Snare. INew Tork Herald. The butchers in Washington market were greatly exercised last Friday about tne presence of a live eow on exhibition in tbeir midst with six legs and a vertebra as crooked as the branch of a sour apple tree. She was brought by a man earned Charles Andre all the way from Colorado, where she was picked out of a herd of cattle grazing on tbe plains hot tb nerd was in oomplete ignor Colonel wittier or Yersinia, a member of tbe State Senate, was then introduced and said that when be accepted the Invitations of President Baldwin be dtd not ezDect to be called opon to address a Boston audience, which he had seen for tbe first time, but be eould say that be could heartily Indorse for tbe people of the South all that bad ance tnat any one 01 us nuuiuer carnea six legs, otherwise a mas meeting might bave been held and the innovation of a eow wearing tlx legs wben otber cow were limited to four vigorously denounced as a moooply.

Tbe cow iu Mass Meetlas of Irish Sympathizer. CSpecial Despatch to Tho lioston Globe. 1 Manchester, N. February 12 Under tbe auspices of the organization, a mass meeting to consider the condition of affairs In Ireland was held at Smyth's Hall this evetur Tbe meeting was addressed by Rv. llenrv is, pastor of tbe Unitarian Church; Rev.

ti. V. Pepper of OtJio and Rev. James K. Applebee of Boston, all of whom denounced the policy of England udH predicted Irish independence.

The speakers were enthusiastically cheered, and escorted to and from the hall liy a large procession conirosed of been said of both of the great patriots. Washington and Lincoln, and that when the enrered tbe back or Soteldo' neck, the general presumption was that the deadly shot was fired by A. C. Soteldo, who is now bere In Jail. Barton's pistol was -of 32-calibre, while young Soteldo' was of 36-culibre.

The ball was found imbedded in the spinal column. It was perfectly intact when removed, not having been flattened or abraded. It weighed eighty-seven grains. General Hoy ton of tbe Cincinnati Gazette this afternoon cinsed to be removed tbe ball from a 32-calibre, ana it weighed exactly eighty-seven grains. It would appear as tbongh tbe fatal shot must have been fired by Barton, gome of Mr.

Soteldo' relatives are in the city, and they deny the state-meet that they Dave eia ployed lawyers prosecute the case agninst Barton. Tine Tcnera) will take place next Wednesday afternoon. The remains will be placed in a receiving Vault for trie present to tbe Went as soon as tbe family decides as to the final resting place. Prise Money to be Appropriated. The Senate naval affairs committee baa agreed to report favorably a bill appropriating $200,000 as prize money to be distributed among the surviving officers and crew ot tbe United States Monitor, which destroyed tbe rebel ram Merrimac in Hampton Roads during the war.

The report of tbe committee cites about twenty precedents in support of tbe passage ot the bill. Among tbem are acts of Congress granting prize money fi the officers and crew of the old Constitution for destroying tbe British ship Guerriere, to the Wasp for destroying the British ship Frolic, to the Hornet for destroying the British xliip Peacock, to the Vigilante for destroying tbe news came across the wires in tbe South every teart bled and every one In tbe South relt as if be bad lost a friend, fie tben Briefly reviewed tiie lives of both tbe men and thanked the audience for tbeir attention and expressed much isfy a million patriots with his campaign promises. To satisfy a million patriots with a hundred thousand positions of trust and plunder is a mathematical problem that only a man with visionary notions of division can grapple without getting floored. It cannot be solved by rotation in office, as that would volve tbe achievement of perpetual motion. The result is, that while many are called to 'Washington by the hope of reward for political virtue, but few are chosen to serve their country for gold and glory.

Such was the position of affairs when Garfield became president. He had been forced by political necessity to promise more than he could fulfil, and he was obliged to choose between two factions of his party. There was the sentimental element that kept up the popular fictions of disinterested lore of country, devotion to eternal principles, purity in politics, noral ideas, civil service reform, and all the insubstantial gaseous phenomena constituting the aurora boreal is that tie truly good Republicans delight to gush, over while standing upon the solid rock of spoils. Opposed to this was the straight-out what-are-we-here-for element, that made no pretensions to disinterestedness, and bluntly asserted the right of tb victor to take anything be could lay bis bands upon. Tbe Stalwarts claimed that the North should govern the country because it had whipped the South; that the republican party should be considered the North, and that they, the Stalwarts, should have a fair hare of the benefits accruing to tbe party in power.

Garfield was not naturally a Stalwart politician. He belonged to the other school, and when it came to dividing the spoils he ignored the claims of the Conkling crowd, who of course were notslowin expression their vigorous disapproval of such a course. They said in effect: "Do- you suppose we helped elect you for the fun of it, or because we bed an unselfish regard for your In being present. nis wnn oumvsn went Irom bis corner and shook bands wita Ryan. Thi ended the fight The chair on which Sullivan sat I bad, and ia a moment it was snatched from my bands, and alumt every one present caught bold or it, breaking it up, reserving the splinters ss mementos of the best battle ever fought, in the evening Sullivan, Joe Goss, Emmett of Chicago and myself dined in New Orleans, the champion looking just as fresh as a daisy.

My impression is that Sullivan can whip any man that ever stood, and 1 think that it will be many years before he is ever challenged for the championship." Mr. Redmond and Mr. Richard E. Barry who were also at the fight, when interviewed reiterated Mr. Keenan's statements.

The statement that Paddy. Ryan bad his jaw aud note broken is contradicted by parties who know. It i rumored tbat Andy R. li Barry, Jobnny Murpnv and Mika Glea-on covered $1000 apiece. Mr.

Maguire of tbe York Sun, who was at tbe fight, remarked, in a conversation after the grand finale. Sullivan is not a man; be ia a brute." Rumor The question, which was exhibited in a shed at tbe rear or West Washington market, was of average size and covered with a suit of somewhat rough, brown bair. The forehead and breast were white and tbe horns curved forward in crescent sbane. Her keeper said ber was six years, tbat she was gentle and recognized him whenever be placed bi band upon ber. She stood on four leg bke any other cow.

and the two extra leg growing out of the top of the sbonlder blade dropped on either side and in shape were exactly like a pair of hind legs. The leg on tbe right side, terminating in an elongated hoof, measured twenty-six inches and was st least twenty inches from tbe ground. Tbe leg on tbe left tide meas the Sheridan Guards. Ancient Order of Hibemi-aus and other societies. such earnestness has been shown in tho cause of Ireland bere for a long time as was manifested tonight.

A. Little Lrarslai Is a Dsnieroni Talaa Special Bargains in White Goods and H.mbiiri Kdcioss cars pass the door: fCOOO; cost the present en ftiaOO. HcCaSX S7 Washington lit. 6r flt TMR SALE Fair View farm; one of nlacs tou erer saw; of 44 acres as good land in tbe county; deep rich loam; no stone; 15 seres i nice mow tne and tulaee. 5 in good wood, balance cedent pasturing well watered; fenced bv sums: ruts 15 tous 1st quality hay; keeps 6 cows and bone: ample supply fruit; cottage with rooms.

painted aud blinded: windows 4-lightod; in prune repair; telephonic connection with neighbors; barn 54X 3B; rolline door; iu cood repair: the situation drpot in sight. IOO rods distant: pH-ntr first-class neighbors close hr: It mile to as prftry village as in the State; a gentleman residence; moat be sold within one week; price only tS0Of9Cs cash, balance FHH) and interest Yearly; stock ana tools rlU be sold with farm, if wanted, at a low price. Apply at O' ce to S. C. A HuUbardston.

Worcester County, Farm Agency. 8f 10 Fast SA t.E Camoridre. owner oMiired te sell oa acconnt of golmj out of the city. 2-storv house. rooms, in perfect repair; 2285 feet land, corner tot, lanre pear trees price J23O0; terms.

600 cash. B-1 rUTMAM, 84 Tremont row. SM HI TWK A I.E West Newtou, 5 minutes' walk from to be offered at White's popular store on Monday will cause a rush of ladies to that department at an early hour. Lace, striped and also plaid regular 17-cent goods, will be sold at only 2V2 cents per yard; nainsook satin plaids, whir.n Point Pleasajst. N.

February 12. A few weeks ago Garrett lieanett purchased a lot of ured sixteen inches, and was about thirty inches cannot be duplicated at 25 cents, will be offered at 20 cents per yard; real antique lace tidies at 25 cents, just half price; and Hamburg ediin second-hand scboul books in New York. Four members of bis family are now ill with small-pox. One of tbe children of-Walter Bruce is at the point of death with tbe same disease. As the school books undoubtedly caused tbe outbreak and as tbey were used by many children bore tbe j.pople are much frightened.

Precautions are at liivz, nu cbom per yara, wnicu are richly worth from 50 to 75 per cent. more. These are simply indications of wbat sbrewd buvers can find at this large and success! ul establishment. nas it tiiu -iucie loppy- dropped 260 on the Troy giant. OTHER FIOIITS LOOMIXO TJI.

Foa Still Wllllac to Hack. JSyaa-A Traiaa a. oepot, rooa neiguoornooa. S-sto-v nease, 1 1 suitable for two families, in good" repair, 00 feet land. IS fruit trees: mice S3500.

half cash. The dratlsa Centennial. tM fl.l fVTSAM, S4 Tremont row. uritian privateer uari, etc to commodore rerry and the members of bis squadron for their captures on Lake trie, Congress voted Admiral Worden was commander of the Monitor at tbe time of her engagement with tbe Merrimac. While the Merrimac was not destroyed in this engagement, she was so badly disabled that tbe rebel authorities were finally compelled to blow ber to pieces.

A meetipg of delegates from the different from tbe ground and evidently undeveloped. Looking from the tail of the animal toward tbe bead tbe spine assumed a zigzag line, aud tbe iut-tocRS were widely separated, while the hip were unusually prominent. She eats bran and bay like nny otber cow and drinks a pail of water a day. She bas fine bright eyes, and the white bair curling over her forehead give her quite a fashionable appearance. Oa the Bllle-eraand Yesterday.

The mile-ground was lined with sleighs four deep yesterday afternoon, and it was an impossibility the majorpart of tbe time to proceed faster than a walk. Every description ot vehicle on runners tbat eould be pressed into service was brought out. and, a a result, tbe style of the last ueing taken to prevent the disease spreading. Perished la tho flames. MAoe, February 22.

-John Morland's bouse, near Prihgle's mills, was burned this morning. His wife and stepdaughter and three children perished in tbe flames. Two young men living in the house were so badly burned that they are not expected to recover. branches of the Lantt League, to take some action in regard to tbe Grattan centennial, was held Who Is to be Matched Against Sullivan The letter's Offer. ISpecial Despatch to The Boston Glob.

New York, February 12. Another contingent of sporting men arrived early this morning from tbe South. During a discussion that tnulc nlnrA A t.E rleston square, near horse cars, schools, churches, new nark, etc: cottage hoe. 10 rooms. 4O00 feet land, corner lot, 2200.

bouse, very desirable. Terrace avenne. sad hna avenue. Jamaica Plain. giSOO, 3000.

Apury ilANUX SKAYfcRNS. 76 Berkeley street-. SnMWT fj. WASTE IK By an American family (no ehfldreeW a flat or small house, a or 8 rooms: Sooth last evening at Sbawmut Hall, 176 Tremont street. It was voted not to celebrate Orattan's anniversary, owing to lack of time, but to observe the anniversary or iimmet on tbe 4th or March, when W.

E. Robinson of New York will deliver a lect ure in Music Hall on Robert Km met. The or suburb preferred; state full particuia' 1 price, which must be reasonable. Address -v at Harry Hill's thi afternoon Richard K. Fox ot the Police Gazette renewed his offer to back the Trojan again for 5000 or 10.0O0, it be Mold leel in condition to fight Sullivan.

In case Xtarnnm Refuses nn Offer for the Baby. I Philadelphia Times. James E. Cooper, who was formerly connected with the Cooper-Bailey allied shows and was part KENT." tilobe office. delegates recommend that Grattan's centennial be observed by the local branches of tbe Land League iu some manner.

WANTED. Cteaeral Porter and the President. General Fitz John Forter was In tbe city last week and on Friday afternoon he had a long interview with the President. They discussed together tbe Pope campaign and General Porter explained to tbe President how be had been, as be believed, misjudged for so long. He invited the President to as careful a perusal of the records as General Great made before recently declaring his belief in Porter's innocence.

General Porter will return In a few days to press the passage of a bill through Congress restoring him to his former rauk in the army. Texas Flooded. Dallas, February 12 Incessant rain has prevailed throughout northern Texas for a week. It is the greatest storm for years. The entire A 9f TED Agents for "Trial of Guiteau nnl nffiMal rt.nitfnnhla reDOlt PUD- "Kht again.

Mr. Fox will communicate with G. W. Atkinson of tbe London Sporting Ufe to arrange AU GreenfieW, tbe English cbam-S nvln andn'i'l match bim against Sullivan, f-honld Greenfield refuse to come to America, efforts will be made to get a match be-tw-eDT. ce' now Australia, and Sullivan; 1 0.000.

William Emmett, formerly of New fifty years, ana even a more rouioio periou, were to be seen. Tbe road was one mass of slush, and, of course, with such a crowd speeding" waa utterly impossible, and tbe drivers of the rast ones were obliged to hie away to tbe Broukline or Reservoir roads tor a friendly brush. Among those noticed in tbe throng, all driving good teams, were General A. P. Martin, Hon.

M. J. Flatley, Hon. Tilly Haynes, Ebon D. Jordan.

Messrs. Hall and Whipple of Young' Hotel, J. K. Maynard, Lieutenant W. W.

Kellett, F. E. Maguiilon, Adjuiant Charles W. Wilder, James Golden, George E. Tarbell, Charles D.

White. E. I. Wiggin, Police Commissioners Walker and Gargan, Quartermaster S. B.

Newton, General C. A. Wbittier. John Saepard, S. B.

tiniip-es. Coionel J. A. Ingalls. Tbe sleiehinr will owner of the original baby elephant, bas received from Barnum, Bailey A Hutchinson a letter declining his offer of $100,000 for the elephant Queen and her baby, born at Brldgewater on February 2.

The happy owners of the infantile bonanza assure Mr. Cooper tbat they value their treasure at $300,000, and remind him that as part owner of the baby elephant born March 2, 1880, which is reported to have cleared in twenty-six weeks, he should be a good judge of tbe value of the youthful mammoth. They nave Insured its life for one year for unon bshed; splendldlv Illustrated; SOO pages; 23 fuU-rape plates: the best book of reference eatant: extra UJ-eral terms to experienced aeents; ouUH aOr- w. A. aAr FORD A 10 Federal St 113 TAS TED-Younr men lu the country, who de-1 sire a position or work in Boston, should send aire, references, kind of work preferred, to li A.

Office. 1 Winter street. Bostoa. No uotice will be taken of application unless tne applicant encloses a three-cent stamp. tendtt S4 country is flooded.

Ou the east fork of Trinity river tli bridge of tne Texas Pacific railroad was washed away. East Texas is a vast sea. In many places the railroad track is lassoed to trees and stumps for safety. An immense amount of tJ. mcaK.

who has engaged a of telegraphed 'i9 cltT th willing to r.nn a.alr- man in the world for S10.000. He will probably be accommouated be- ePcted within six months. Harry Hill said today that he will give up the stakes Thursday afternoon. The money rWn s-Uff JneKee.n"ft2 Billy Madden, $1000: Sullivan ilO0O-the Crib Club of Boston. Sim u.

personal Not much. We have earned a portion of the' spoils and we want 'em." Tbey did not get them, and there was trouble in the party. Garfield was an obstacle in- tae Stalwart path to plunder, and "a Stalwart of the Stalwarts" removed him. The leaders of the faction would not hare taken that course, but they had no scruples about seizing the adrantage opened to, them by the act of a half-crazy fool. They administered upon tbe political estate of Garfield and divided his effects among themselves.

While cherishing the most profound regard for the memory of the murdered president, tbey do not hesitate to remove all his friends from office. Harmony has been secured in the party by giving tbe entire coutrol to tbe turbulent clement Tbe Stalwarts hare secured all the epoils and propose (o preserve the peace and the plunder at all hazards. Nicbol says they abuse him on account of his-relatione to Garfield, whose memory tbey dure not longer abuse, knowing that the country would not i stand it, and be proposes to give them a better excuse for future assaults. Tho harmony of i tbe Republican party at present is as full of 'Interest to outsiders as a free fight, and Nkbol's remarks to the Stalwarts will probably strengthen the cordial feeling that exists between the harmonious elements. 111 inner, corawood, small buildings, household goods, farm Implements and dead animals are floating down the principal rivers.

The body of whicn tjiey nay a weekly premium of 10O0, and say tbat tney bavo already heen offered 2KK) a week lor the privilege or taking and disposing of its pictures during the coming season. A West End Coon Hunt. Officers E. SI. Bates, Palmer and W.

T. Maguire of Division raided the gambling establishment at 8 Adams place at 4 o'clock yesterday morning and arrested Thomas Carberry, George Williams, George Harris. Robert Stuart and James H. Chit-Chat. The best way of disposing of Christmas and New Year's cards Is to make screens of them.

It Is said that half the artistic celebrities in Paris are engaged upon work which is to contribute in some way to the embellishment of Mr. Vanaerbilt palatial New York residence. The editorial atari of the Philadelphia Press have been out in search of fashion itom and now eome out with tbe statement, tbe tone of wbicb is greatly at variance with the caution usually displayed by that sober sheet, that front bair is still worn en train, but that tbere is a disposition to insert more gores on tbe crown. Joe Jefferson's Southern borne, to which he has retired for the winter, is a beautiful plantation of several thousand acres on an island in the river Teehe, about 100 miles from Jiew Orleans. It bus been in charge of his eldest son, Mr.

Charles Jefferson. A marked feature of the place is the abundance of flowers which bave been brought from every climate and bloom In tbe greatest profusion, Mrs. Charles Jefferson having devoted her especial attention to them in deference to tbe well-known extravagant admiration of her father-in-law for tbem. There has long been a suspicion abroad that Clara BeliP, the racy New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, belongs to the other sex, but she or be has inadvertently given the evidence that proves the suspicion to lie correct. For in describing a pretty bonnet be admits that it caught bis eyes because it was on a pretty bead.

A woman would never have seen tbe head. Her vision would have lighted on ton ostrich feather, followed it to the tip, and tnen slid down the strings, but as to tbe head which is grand, she would bave known nothing about that. Undoubtedly Clara Belle is a man. u.u ivctB luurni urowneu. sent Troy all the necessary ex peu'scs to brini to New ork Egan, the stonecutter, who has lt 7 una Death ot Willy Wallaeh.

I Special Despatch to The Boston Globe. 'IVAKTEn-A first-class lithoirraphie printer fa line cliromo color work first-class caroms transferrer: also transferrer for commercial work Address A Hi. GAST A St. Louis, Mo. nM til iyAKTEU-AccnU for the best invention of to TV century: all the people want it; sale immediate and universal.

proOt large. Call on or write Bostoa Lamp 507 Washington Boston. tf JeS WASTED Youdr man of ability and education to grow uo in office of ary goods jobbing boas. Address 106. Globe office.

dSutt dS WASTED Cash boys, bundle bo? and bori learn tbe business. JORDAN, MAKt-H A CO Washington and A vou st. 3t 11 WASTED Experienced stitchers nn gsamer Clothing. Apply at MYSTIC RUBBER 1V. 48 Avon si.

Boston. fcudU JS MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED. standft ton. 1 1 lengeu Miiuvau. Vokk, February 12.

Willy Wallacb, pro welgbs 245 pounds, and is generally looked on as a terror. He will spar with Steve Tavkir Thursday, and if he show any science he will be at once backed heavily against sniii. V.r bold but a few day more unless a cold snap should et In and freeze up tbe numerou crdleholes. A Hon and a Plate-Glass Window. A borse attached to a sleigh, botb owned by Mr.

Porter, 09 Green street, became frightened by the overturning of tbe sleigh at the corner or Stafford and Green streets at G.SO o'clock last evening, and started on a run for the stable. It collided, however, with a plate-glass window In tbe fancy good store corner of Green and Leveratt streets, demolishing the glass and severely cut-ting the horse. The driver, William O'Hearo, escaped uninjured. A Horse and Sleigh Stolen. Two young men hired a team from a Charles town stable-keeper yesterday afternoon, and after a drive called upon some friends on Lyman street.

While within tbe house some unknown parties stole tbe borse and sleign. Tbe sleigh was found last evening, in a most dilapidated condition, on Boylston street, and tbe borse and a portion of the harness on Prospect street. iompkins ror gambling. One of tne party has just completed a Ave years' sentence in the State prison, and two others in their endeavors to elude the officers jumped from the second story windows, one of tbem landing on the ground and the other upon a policeman who was in waiting. All of the arrested parties are "een'lman of color." announced to his friends that the money is ready to be put up.

and that within two weeks he will issue a challenge to Sullivan to fight him- forThe championship of America. Egan states that when Sullivan made a standing offer of S50 to any man who would face him for two rounds with hard gloves, intimating that be would be knocked out of time, that be (Egan) was anxious to accept and be refrained lrom doing so onlv because Ryan, who was a Trojan, was already matched for tbe prize tight with bim. Egan has been considered in Trov as remarkably expert with the gloves and has had several en- prietor 01 ins stationery store in the old World building which was destroyed by fire recently, died today, at his residence in this city, from peritonitis. Mr. Wallaeh was a oativeof Germany, and 2 yers of age.

He was one of the founders of the Lelilerkranz Society, and was president of the Germania Society, and from 1871 to 1873 was president ot the Emigration Commission ot this city. That flyracase Shooter. I Special Despatch to Tbe Boston Globe. Sybaccse, February 12. William Lerdoe, who attempted a double murder at a bagnio kept by Lib bey Stokey last night, and afterwards put two bails into bis owa bead, is linking rapidly, and MOSEY TO I.O AS On furniture, pUcos.etc whicb can remain with owners) alsn on raent of wages; rates moderate and easiness eoun-deutial.

No. 29 Femberton room L. WFaaMtl Jjr Lowell, reside Mr. P. H.

Short, proprietor ot the Belmont Hotel, who suffered with rheumatism for seventeen years without Unalng relief from any of tbe numerous remedies employed until be applied St. Jacobs Oil. "I never found any medicine tbat produced such remarkable and instantaneous effect as it did." says Mr. Short, TO LET. Mr.

J. L. Sullivan, tbe "bruiser," is making triumphal tour through tbe country, and A oouoh will never attempt tbe struggle if you keen Dr. Bull's Cough ay rim near you. Fibst a cold, tben bronchitis.

Check tne first with Hale's Honey of Horebound and Tar. HOUSE TO LET Desirable none. In rood location at Sooth End, unexpectedly vacant. low at ones to a good tenant, for iniernuraea apwl I st store Snavmut at. eaU at iKwmx wioitribiBa, every one of whom he bas whipped in an astonishingly short time.

He is a heATier sam than. Ryan, built ievtuacue jjxqdi cue la one minute..

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