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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Christmas Gods Arriving Dally tee eur wlndew lor the Neweet in Jewel eases. Ink wall. eandle stieke eels. S.U y.ur pmkIi mw and an nav 1 A. McMlUati, tves txAMiNip rntt.

BrVOVAl. HOT1CB-THB OTTAWA rJj.nAI. rAltl-ORg UJ STAKl CHAHUfcR. li SU-ARK oTr, I 4am waat at J. Orsse OSoa'TaL 1141.

A Snap in Thermometers I have five hundred 12 by 3 in. Thermometers well marked and easily read. Price Twenty Cents These are well worth from fifty to seventy-five cents, but I am using them as an adver- -tisement and decided to sell them at the low price of 20 cents. W. G.

CHARLESON 79, 81, 83 RIDEAU ST OTTAWA. Everything in Hardware. Phone 1403. I THE CANADIAN f4 TYPEWRITER I The Empire Price $60.00 M.G.Bristow&Co I SOLE AOlNTt, OTTAWA. MOTORS Wa See ooerrte fee the highest trees ttf liadwatseev Msfrn th wcrte) VVHV msirfoe.jed by Si-ma, Sergei Caw, laden, Swires.

Sea wr itMkt) and fat pHse. Garrioch, Godard Co 1044 Dr. D. H. BAIRD Specialist in CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK On the Busy Corner COAL! Wt are mw rcrHvtn stork of freeh mined Plymouth Red Ah Coal In all ls-th eol which gav.

such nomi saturation the px sat-ans). liMvi tta your order mw and get Um lowest arlcan. He Meal coal Ci.iMiefl. Br ARKS aTTRCBT. TO CARRIAGE BUILDERS Wa hav.

a eampUta stock af Ma CaakiH, Deuastl eV Ca'a high trad VamitHae. Prioet right. EMOND FIRTH COR. tllDBAU AND MCKOLAS. 'Plaens TI.

MEN'S FUR-LINED COATS Xlnde lo OrW. Dark Rat Lined, Persian lmb C.llfir. Prlra; Otiar rUir. IS.M. OAK HALL TAILORING.


Wellingtoa Brass Foundry lyyckamlthA. MochlnteU, Bteoksmllha, Punch and Maivr, BrtM aoi Cop ier wrn. Jas. J. Eorfght, Manager How to Clean Far Jackets, etc "Much rr priry to handl all di 0 only wn trJnu html uliauM It llfM to touh them.

rtfly or hundrM dolLir urtlrl nftu uttrrly ruln) by clumty hand-Hri. Tiv vpy bi wy In our Krnrh Vrcxnn, whr f1en-lliV band ar imoi' vrj. tiM nirrwi wek tiuarantvM. Whit ry or to Uk thf ni anart. ltnlnv ar.

ri p-fe tlr cImiiH. and rrturnsl nadj- 10 pui vn. a iwnrvi protection ac iiint n-vthi bforn p'jttlna; your fura aw.y Trv It All oltfKi of dvfint Hnn.y Tit -13 G14 -i yni and BRITISH AMERICAN OYEIKQ CO Offlrat Ui BANK UTRKKT. TO CITY BUItCRIIERS. rw your ranch jraa laia If ao pl-aa rrpori lha aurh and avarjr lima 4ira't ta lie Journal bu.lnn..

om-. Thona til or drop a poUI card. Tha Joof nal will drn auch a farar. (or corn plalnta mada to tke aarrlrra wakioai rrarh th ottl-. Hubarrlbra ara aakad lo kindly parmlt no Irrrmilarlty or wllkaut notlfylni Uta Joarnai.

inae in ruen, o.rro ana and uf bexse, manieure eete, elation iN keep than far yea and Optician PHONl 1148. IT Or" TO GOLD CROWNS COLO FILLING UP CCMENT EXTRACTION AINLtt EXTRACTION DR BROVVNLBR TrSHINOI designed use Revolver Cartridges la high powsr rules at sasrt aiM.aa a-4; na Tale stakes ehaap shoetlag. McDOUCALL CUZKER HARDWARE. 123 (mesa IrtaklUhaJ SNOW FALL IS IATE THIS YEAR Tha waatkar racorda ara la lha Ftakarlaa Daparuuanl aka that tka anooth of Novaoibar la uauaaally flaa tkla yaar la aompaiiaon vllk wkax kaa bara In othrr raara.

LJt yaar tha Aral ano fall el Oo- tobar 1. and on Nor. It eama a atay. Tha lalter part af Jterambar wai y.ry krokaa and aVaaa-raeabM. Tha tlrat flurry tkla yaar carna on rka Dtk of Ootabar.

lo Wt tka Arat taU waa 00, Oct. ttk. CANADA AT LIVERPOOL. Tha Llrarpool Ezpaaltlon of Colonial Produeta from Jan. 101k to Jan.

lttn, will ba anotnar triumph for Canadian axhlbita. OralDa, frulta, Taratahlat, chaaaa, butter, bacon, bam. Clour, wilt ba a ant from tha Canadian Department of Airlcul tura. Aa an tka coAooiaa.of tha Kntplnat era -la aoanpa- Utlon, lha fJrpartnwnt la nottlnc fortu every effort to ahlne. Mr.

H. Hay. of tka axblbltlon branch of tha Avrl-cultnra Department, la maklnc tha oot I action of matartala for tha azklbiu WILL PROEATEO. At tha lurrocata Court 8aturday tha will of tha lata Sevare Daajardlna, of Ottawa, waa antcrad for probata. The value of tka aetata la M.2O0.

Administration waa aaked for In tha aetata at lha late Rhode Julia Rhaln' enateln, aplnater. of Ottawa, The value of tha eat ate 1- tie.toe. Admlntatratlon waa alaoaaked the eetata of John Brannan. laborer. late of Oeioode.

who died July 10th. UM, the value of which la ttoa. VI4ITEO -OUILPH. TareMa Eehaal Teaehera Ray ally Ra oaivae1 at AarteaHural Callefa. Toronto, Hoy.

H. The aubllo achool taackara of Toronto, ala hundred atraos. returned to Toronto Saturday night, after ependlns Friday In Ouelph. whera they vlalted the Ontario Aaricultttral College, the Maodonald Inatltuta, and Consolidated Rural School. Tka taao ara ware ahown ar the eoflega form and hulldlna, and they learned varloua Intaraatlna thlnga about modern acl.i-tlno arrlculturul education, aaw how the beat of food butter la made, and Inspected tha comploao and arneroua faclMtlea or the carrying an of the Increasingly Important new fea ture of up-to-date edaoatlonal work con nected 4 he tearhtng of oomeetlc ecleno, natural atudy and manual tralalng.

It will be remembered that the Toronto erhoot teaehera vlalted Ottawa on a elm liar errand about thla time laat year. 08QOODE STATION. Mr. Ezra Otto apent Sunday at Smith a Falls. Mr.

James Moeea baa returned from a hunting expedition. Cap, and Mra. Kane left recently on an extended vlalt to Toronto. Mra. Roblneon la 111 again.

Tha aportsmen have returned from the varloua bunting grounds. Mr. Htarkhoua. Ottawa, vlalted here Wednesday. A confirmation will be held In St.

raul'a church Sunday evening. Nov. 20. MAT COI.RT l.I.fB -A meetlnt of tha May Court club will be held thla afternoon at 4 o'clock. In tha club rooms, on the corner Bank and Sonlarsil IMPROMPTU nivrt ai a rlck-a Hill to-morrow night, ther wU ae an.inrormal dann.

given by tht committee In charge of the recent progressiva euchre and danoe under tht anaplcra of the St. Patrlck'e Uterarr and flclentlfle Aeeorlatlon. They Invite then- friends to enioy with them a Pleasant social evening. The commit, tea will meet thla evening to wind up Ihe buslneae connected wlta the euchre and dance. In Ihe report of the event published Friday, the name of Mr.

P. M. Draper waa Inadrertrnlly emlf.ei from the Ifart of wortTii it-- im.ii jwi all to look at our targe and carefully elected, atnrk of furniture, stoves and carpets. We will not even aak you lo bur. All we aak la Investigation.

I.a HHtae mosi. 135, 117, lit Ridenn atrct oppoaHe NIrholas. 'Phone THE OTTAWA EVENING NOVEMBER tl 1904 THE JOURNAL'S SPECIAL LETTERFROM LONDON The London Ladies' Clubs fcdition of Old Hymns. to Earl Grey. The I Military (rrom The Journal'a Special Correa- i pondeut In Louden.) London.

Nor, 1M4. The progress of the general election campaign In Canada waa watched with lively Inlereat by Canadlana toai-poraiily or permanently in London, and It waa only natural that ycaterday'a morning and afternoon papers abould ba eagerly acannod. The Information oontalned waa necessarily mturt but that supplied left no doubt In regard to tha raault aa a whole. Thla morolng'a reports were mora detailed, giving re-eulta aa far aa known, by provlncea. apd showing that, with the exception of Ontario and Prince Kdward Island.

the government had made "a sweep." Surprlae baa been expressed over Mr. Oorden'a defeat In Halifax i but. attar all. electlona are proverbial for aur-prlees. Tha Dally Chronicle thla morning publishes admirable portraits of tha Premier, sir Richard Cart- wright.

Mr. Sitton and Mr. Fielding. For particulars of tha conteat In detail, wa shall have to wall for Canadian papera, THE TROUBLE WITH RUStlA. In tha beginning of tha week not a little excitement prevailed over tht dlflVrulty with Russia.

On Tuesday afternoon and evening the most sensational re porta were currant, and competing newsnapera added to tha prevailing uneasiness by the seneatlonal nature of their atreet bulletin board a. All aorta vf rumors were spread abroad, among them one to tha affect that tha Channel fleet, command of Lord Cbarlea Bereaford, had eucceeded In alnklng four batileehlpa of the Russian Jialtlo fleet. vV'heu the actual facta became known on Wednesday morning reasonable men felt relieved, but there were some. I am afraid, who were eorry that a naval conflict bad not taken plaoe. At present the altu-atlon cannot bo described aa aatlsfac- torr for grave apprehensiona are entertained that conipllcatlona may arise which may bring about results, the reverse of reliable.

The government. In tba Brat place, took a position ao strong and so unassailable that It had tha country, to a man. at lie back. That Russia will meet its demands ao far aa apologising and paying an adequate Indemnity for the North Sea outrage la concerned, la not questioned but the difficulty will arise over the punishment of the Russian naval olllcera responsible for the tragedy. An enquiry on thla point will shortly take place.

Progress connected with tha organlaatlon of tha conunuauoa Is alow, and a feeling of Impatience la beginning to manifest Itself but the government having committed itself to a particular lino of action for the aettlemeot oX tha dimcully-ue course la open but to calmly await the -HYMNS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Tha publication of a new edition of -Hymns. Ancient and la general aaa In tha Church of England, haa raised quite a tempest tn a teapot. Many new hymns have been In troduced, many have been left out, and not a fear of those remaining have been altered to an extent that has excited considerable indignation. Column after column of entlclm have appeared In tha newspapers, those in favor of tht change being few In nym-boc oomparad wrlh- the- number agatnet 1L One crltle writes aa follows "I cloaa thla notice of one of the most objectionable hooka which hat ever come before me.

Ita authore will be weir advised to withdraw 11 -bromptry and completely from circulation be fore their bad taste and bad poetry and bad theology become a public LADIES' CLUBS IN LONDON. Ladlea clube ara rapidly multiplying In London. Among the moat promt' nenl already la exlelence may be named the "Alexandra," for "ladlea of position the "Oreen Park. for octal and mualcal purpoeoe; tha "OroaVenor," eoclal: the the -New Victorian. eoclal: "Unlver- auy for Ladlea," for ladlea posseaetng a university education and medical women; the "Ladlea Empire," the "Governor Crecent," social; and the "Lyceutm," Tkla week the announcement la made that the "London County Club." fur ladlea of private mesne who are engaared at commercial or professional occuptlons at Holland Park, will shortly be open for tha use of members, at wboee aervloe there will be luxuriously furnished dlnlng-rooma, reception-room- and a winter garden.

Members, If so they ao de sire, win oa permitted to furnish own bed-rooms. Smoking will not be oer- mltted In any of the public receptlon-rooma. and loungers and membera are "particularly deal red to refrain from placing their feet on the couches and chairs." The telegraphic address of thla rluh will be quite appropriate "Adamleea." and It auggeeta that the opposite eex will not be admitted Into the charmed circle. But thla exclu-stveness la not conftned to the ladles' clube of high standing where It la scarcely necessary to request members not to piece tnelr feet on the couches and Chat re. In the laaue of "Women's Drees." ladlea' cluoa are subjected to a strong attack, which concludes as follows: "In these days daughters and alvet resent the advice and aupervla- ton or inoac wnom rrovtoenco ordained to look after and protect them.

They go to clube, they mix with Inh ere of their own eex. with occasional variations: tney behave with the In dependence of mild young men ahout town: they desecrate home life In Isn't it Just barely possible coffee hurts you? Try POST I'M 10 days In its place AND MAKE SURE. 0t th llttit- bonk. "Th Float, to in a--h pkr, are Attacked New A Dinner to be Given Ignorance of Matty Officers. short thy support ladlea' club.

Th ltrltar It that aha wanta to amokt, drink, flirt atid bet. a woman haa no na-tnl of a club. But now-a-U a nearly, avory youuc woman b- Ion ga to ona (rathor a awoaplna; and absurdly Hafcerattd atatcm-eut) which la. tha writer botiev-aa. the rcaaoa that horn, aa It uaa-d to bo.

la 'dwindling; into meraly a plmc to sleep and the b'ome-dutlea and the hurne life no lona-ar lntereat the modern woman. Ten years ace a woman's club waa a rarity. To-day thr ere as plentiful as beitligr-otllcea. and hav Just about ss a moral Influence on the cvm munity. Women In amoklnc-rounta, Hitmen In billiard room wonvfti hanf-Inc ovr the tape whK-h rolls out the laat winner" It la nt a very Invltlnc picture, and the writer wonders what rlarhteoua occupation a woman can find Inr a club that she cannot And In her owa home.

A HAKiaPtARI BIILI. A Bible will come Into the market In a few days which bears on the bach of the title paaje of the New Teetament the a Is; nature "William Shakespeare, KM, and on the enU cover. "William Ahakespeare, off S. O. whkh Initial letters are supposed to represent Stratford -on-Avon.

At preseut. 11 ts stated, there are only three genuine auto- raphe kmran te exist, and If the experts decide that theee elinaturaa are authentic there will ba keen compe tition for their poeeeasion. The Bible la a copy of second edition oc me au thoriaed edition of Kin James I. It contains also tha Inscription. 'John Fox.

of Warwick, owner of this Bible, lUl." and tha sajnatures. "Thomas Hall. 1717." and Hall, 17U. Shakespeare's daughter married a John UalL THE NtW QOVtRNO'-OENCRAL. The next dinner of the Canada Club.

to be held at tha Prince's Restaurant, Piccadilly, will hava for I la principal vueet, Karl Grey, recently appointed Governor General of Canada, aa sue ttssor to tha Earl of Mlnto, Lord Htrathcona. Commlaaloner for Canada, wboee eervires are much in demand at such functions, will preelde, snd It may ba taken for (ranted that keSrt Grey wUl make a aveech worthy of hlmeelf and of the occasion. One of the most brilliant speeches ever dell ve red by the lata lamented Lord Dufterln was made at Belfast on tba era of bis departure for Canada (June, 172), to assume the dutlea of tha Governor Oeneralshlp In succession to Iord Unwar. He drew a moat eloquent picture In erorde of tha vaatneas, the resource and tha then unappreciated possibilities of tha Dominion; be spoke enthusiastically of Its aiorloua eoenery. Its lake and noble rivers, and.

In words of atronsest confidence, he predicted for the country a future full of promlae, and destiny areat beyond the anticipation of the most optimis tic of lis public men. After a brilliant allusion to tba older pravlnoes, Lord uunerin continued: "But what Is not av anersJry uwdereteoj re that beyond tha preaenf mhebltatsM -resume of the couatry beyond tba towns, the lakes, the woods there stretches out an en ormous breadth of rich alluvial soil, corapriiinr aa area of thousands of square miles, so level, ao fertile, aw rip for cultivation, ao prefussly wa tered, and intersected by navieasie rivers, with so exceptionally mild a climate, as to ba aeettnet at no dis tant time to ba occupied by millions of our prosperous fellow-subject and la become a central t-a nary for tha adjoining continents. Such a scans a thla. may well firs tha most alucglsh Imagination, nar can thee be oottoelv ed a sjreater privllew than bernr per mitted to watch tha development of aa Industry and clvlMsation fraught with such universal ad van tag to tha human lord Pufferl. baua well to Canada In October.

11 Ti. What a marked change, how etgnlflrant the progress of Canada alnce that dat! And this Is etpeclally true of that wonderful "Greater Canada" In tht West, where proaperoa towns and vll laces have ipntnf up In all directions, and which Is being rapidly occupied by constantly arriving eettltrs from the Old World and the New. Karl Grey la not a stranger to Canada, but even the extent to which he la familiar with the country falls to supply adequate Information regarding tha unparalleled progress of recent years. Following tha example of bis distinguished predecessors, he, no doubt, will take tha earliest opportunltke for tuning all part of th Dominion. That be will re ret to a right hearty welcome go without aaylng.

Tha Canada Club, whoa wueat Karl Orey will on the 21st Is on of lha oldest institutions of tha sort In London over a hundred years, will It ha believed. Mr. J. u. coinnar, u.m.g., late secretary to th High Co mm leader's Office.

Is secretary. IGNORANT OFFICER. The report of the examination of of ficers for promotion In the Army was recently aublitbed- Tha Ignoranea many of the candidate appears to have been amazing, and ftnerally the remits are d-t rlbd aa only Indifferent. Among the prlnclpel defects no- tired by the examiner were tba fit lowln: Failure on 4he part of the candidates to appreciate the situation correctly and to weigh the poi'ibllltles an, probabilities of the enemy's sctfon. The majority of tha examinees lrnorsd the enemy, or gave him little credit for Int-tllgence.

A good many lieutenants failed to realise the mobility of mounted Infantry. Lack of ability to read the map. Inability to plac troops on the msp so that tha di)poiitina outd be clearly- under stood. Car I'M nets In. reading questions.

Bad Spelling, combined with th of candidates to ex prrts thmeclvfs clearly, Is comment' ei on ss a "regrettable feature" of the examination. It la pointed out. that one of the moot Important dutlea of re glmrntnl office re la the thorough In struction of their ins lone officers and men In rendering reports, both verbal and written, but a perusal of the papers led to the Irrcaletlhl conclusion that many would te unable impart Instruction of any value in this direction owing to their being themselves iiisufllclanlly trained. Lack of knowledge of chenges In Army Orders and Orders la Council and Ignor ance of military law are also remark-ei upon. ABBEY'S CORONATION PAINTINQ.

Ijhad be pleasure of being present ft he prraa view of Mr. Kdwin Ab bey's historic ptiotlag.ust camplMed. effth Coronation of King hVlward U- now on view at ths llsnovcr Gal-lety. Bond atreat. exhibited by Messrs.

Aguew 4 Bona. Having been pereun- ally present la Weatmlnater Abbey on that avcr-to-be-rensembered ojcaeloo. snd having, from I the Bouth Trlfor- tarn, witnessed thai "supreme act" the lata Archbishop of Canterbury placing tha erown upon His Xsjesty's head I felt a particular Interest In studying ths detail of this maanlncriit work of art Of courae. It haa been vubJocUv. to some criticisms by compcteut pens; but on tha whole the verdict la favor ablethat air.

Abbey has succeeded In accomplishing a great and difficult art taak In a manner highly creditable to himself, and worthy the great national vent of which It la tha aubject. CpMlaXG AMUSEMENTS. KIDDLE DBU-DKh! TO-NIGHT. T.ta Grant! anoouncea for to-night nn enttr ha or in tha bill. 4'or Uie next attrav-ttor, the Weber-Tlelil Ufci will lonn tn eni-talutnant.

TU-a will be Interpretad by a mw eumnanv of ftftv thai faevi been In MhMrul fur arima Tjraki Thcra are elevn prlnolpata and a cborus of ihlrty baautlfully coaiumed girte. Tha aaxtat of Blero g.rls ana abow girls is well worm seeing. There will be a special attrac tion in ths person of Mile. Adgit and her liens. THa? GIRL, rROU KAT fl.

Catchr muatc Is said to be ane of th moat, attractive feature of "Th Girt from kiv'i." which ta at the Ruaawll Thatr to-tsght and to-tnnrruw Dig it, and wherever one mar Co after the haa ba given tha juarrr straloa will be aire to be heard. Th "Girl PrjiH Kay a la pronounaed th rrtot tunful of all tha mualcal comedtea which have vvaLnoeq America irera Leorvoon. STORY OF A DUTCHMAN A JiEW YARN A8 TO THE TORPEDO BOATS. On Sajt wai Wara4 oti tj Wlraleu Tlrraph. Amsterdam.

Not. la. The Telegraph publlshaa a letter from Tangier, writ ten by a Dutch engineer named Kooy. who la connected with the wireleaa telegraph system on board ths Russian transport Kamchatka, belonging to Vlce-Admlrst Rojcstvengky 'a division of tha second PaclAo fleet. Tba letter say that shortly after tha Kamchatka anchored at ska gen for coal, a wireless message was received, stating that four torpedo boats, which had been purchased by Japan had kefl tha Dan ish Fjords, When tha Kamchatka left Sksgen aha waa convoyed by two cruisers, but lost them on tha first sight during a fog.

Tha weather cleared oa the second night, and shortly after eight o'clock four vessels were sighted, steaming rapKTl). Ao order wa grren -to man -the gtrmr, and tha Kamchatka fired blank shots aa a warning to tha vessels Co change their course. They continued to approach, however, whereupon -the Kamchatka commenced a furious cannonade. Two torpedo boats crossed tha firing line. This -occurreo- off Blaavaads Huk.

about 11 miles from th coast. Under the searchlights, Kooy says In his later, he clearly aaw two torpedo boats, and he la certain they ware not Russian resells. One of th torpedo boat a he avers, launched a torpedo, hut the Kamchatka changed her position and a dajnag was dohe. Th torpedo boat then slackened speed, and Kooy think ah ws adsmhged by tha fire from ths Kamchatka. It Is at ted he says, thst tha second torpedo boat alflQ.launchrd torpedo but he did not sea this.

Ths other torpedo boats dl-appeared and hs believe they attack, ed VIce-Admlral Rojestvensky. The Kamchatka sent a wire kaa meesege to Rojeetrensky. Th writer aaya that every on tn Kronstadt knew when and where ths Japanese purchased tha tor pedo boats. CRKSCINT OFFICERS ELECT. The Crescent Horkey Club of Vw Fdlnmirgh have the following ofllcra for the enaulng year: Hon.

Creaa. Hon. Vtee-Prea-Mayor Aid. Oram. AU.

AakwlLh. (iordon Kdward-, R'Hfil Btaokburn, fly. mt and J. Prestos. Knelling.

B. Oodard. 0 Ms-Kiv street. SnUlng, Plant snd C. Walton.

Th foilowlna wu appointed to look after rink aectTimmiaUon Tt. Pae-nt. fioiarj and Hnllins We A 50c. Bottle of Ws want you to know ebout gone, and the psoduct Itself csn tell you more than we, fto sk you to let us buy you a bottle a full-else bottle to try. Ut prove thst It does what medicine csnnot do.

See what a tonic It is. I -earn that It does kill germs. Then you will ue It always, as we doand as millions of others do. This offer Itself Jhould convince you that Llquosone doea as claim. would certainly not buy a bottl snd give It to you If there wa any doubt of result.

Tou want thoe results: you went to be well snd to kfp well. And you can't do nobody can-without Llquosone. We Ptvld $100,000 For th American Hgnt lo Llquosone. We did thl after tenting the product for two years, through physician ami hoapltnle, after proving. In thousands of different caees.

that Ijjquoxnne deatroys the cause of any get dlseate. Lloiioxone ha, for more than SO yeere, been th ronetant auhjert of sclenllflr and chemical resAarch. It la not mad by compounding drug, nor with sleohol. Its virtue a re derived solely from gas largely ovygn gas-by a process requiring 1nainae spps-rnlus snd 14 days result Is a Liquid thst does ahst oxygen does. It Is a nerve food and btood foodthe In a a I Hockey Skates It', anl a mailer af a few dare karally neeeeaary la eay that the nrai skate ef Ihe aeasen la always enjoyed the heat.

Are yey araparee' Wa hav a new la aur aUra Ihe la rear! steak ef Heekey, erln( and Raelnf tkatee aver kraufht Inte Ottawa. GRAVES LAST WORD OF THE MINJOS MARCO NIG RAM FROM FAME POINT. Lord and Lady Mlnto Both Exprtst Their Grief at Leaving. Canada. air Wilfrid Laurler received the (al lowing telegram from lord and Lady Mlnto, dated tllmouskl.

Nov, It: "Can not you how deeply we feel In say ing good-bye to you and to ao many frtenda and to Canada where we have been ao happy. Hope to aend JTou Marconi from Fame Point. "LOKD AND LADY it IN TO." The Maroonlgram whleh the Premier received from ratne Point la aa follows: "Muat avail myseif of Marconi as-tem to express with that, prosperity may attend Dominion and yourself. "td M1NTO." ART STUDENTS' DISPLAY. The enow-afternoon on flaturday nt tlte etirtio vi uti An league- proved popular and aucoeaafal.

Th. esrrark of old and new aiudnia 4'- rangtid upon tha lutrMi- Ina 10 VtaltlQg lAO'ra ajia srniirni-n every point view. 1 iae diawin were Itioae mae unrc wyr--. OrtowT ami enwmtrit. rtu -d of eocournswieni ij an in tula city aa well aa tha praSreaa that cev.11 inauia bv Riutuil aaalatstiio ainouH atu- drnu.

Many of the exhibits called forth conrderable onunenoanun; utey good and varied In tvedJura wf Home tudenta put out rftorta in pencil, some In pastel, otlwa In pen and Ink. and many water rolur. There waa no aameneas in all lha shuw. In the evening the league hld It aeoond nueical even Ins, which wa -joyed bv th large aaamblage. Initniftor Dillon aitJ Mr.

Percy lee. phyalcail tn at rue tor of the T.M.CA.. g4ve an exhlblUon of feneing. Mr. Ilenry OVonnor sang a number of song In eplejidid voloe.

arhW-lt were h.ghiy anpreclated. Other nu rubers on the programme Included inatrumnta aekMtiona T. Orafton and Martin brother. ad reoltatrons by Mr. Harry hproul.

Mr. A. H-ney and others. It I propoead in conllass theee 4JU1 re-unions fort igh ly. MOUNTAIN.

Mrs. E. Baker and MIsa Ida Baksr spent Thanksgiving Day In Winchester. Mrs. Charles Flyno.

Mrs. Alrar Keys. Mra. Alex. Stewart and Mtso N.

Stewart left Thursday for Calgary to join their husbands, who left about a week ago. Miss Carrie Pelt on, Kemptvllle. spent Saturday in town. Ht. Andrew's Presbyterian church wavs -wtierVte ei mm lag Buntmtr erenlnc laet bear tn fsTCwH! ser mon of Itcv.

Mr. McDonald, their beloved pastor. He haa been among us Iwa years, and during; that time hss made many warm frtenda, and will be greatly missed In the neighborhood. Ha leaves to accept a call In Lanark. and takes with hbn the good wishes of all his congregation.

A alight wreck occurred about a mile bore hers Tuesday night last about ie. p-m. A freight ir containing cattle waa derailed. klUlng three of the cattle. Th wrack waa Immediately cleared and there waa no blocked In traffic.

A large number from her attended the I fa meeting given by tha Metho-dlst church at HallvUle Tuesday night Tea was served In tha hall adjolnfng the church, and after all had don Jus 'lea. to an ample repast they repaired to the church, where a good pro' grsmme wss given. Addresses were delivered by tha Rev. Mr. Tripp.

Ins-ton Corner; Rev. Mr. McDonald. Ray. Mr.

Jukas. South Mountain, and nsv. Mr. Burke. The proceeds amounting to ttt will go towards paying off the debt on tha parsonage.

SAND POINT. The hunters who went to Ca la bag a laat week have returned, having had very successful outing. Mra. Haitian and family of Oaletta are moving to Sand Point and will LOOK IX WINDOW. ft our new aseortnw-nt of Iron and bra beds.

Toy re for a small down; tnattres and aprtnra suit. LaHalbo i.i. 17, 13 hie a a op posits Mcholaa 'PhfrfM ne. Will Buy Liquozone tvnd Give It most helpful thing In the world tn yon. Us effects are eshltsratlng.

vitalising. pu rtfying. Tet It I a germicide o-rtaln that we pttbtlah on very bot tle an oner of fl.eos for a disease grm that It cannot kill. The reason Is thst germs sre vegetable; and Llquosone -like in excess of oxygen is oesoiy to vegrtsl matter. There lies the great vslue of Llouo one.

It Is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killing the tissue, too. Any drug that kills germs Is a poison, and It cannot he taken internally. Kveiy physirlsn know that medicine Is almost el pie a In sny germ I tease. Germ Diseases Thei sre tho known germ dieaae. All that medicine rn do for Iheae troubles I to help Nature overcome the germir'snrl aurn 'result anr tTtf1l rrct and uncertain.

Llquosone attack the germ. wbercvr thfy are. Ana when the germs which cause a dlcae are destroyed, the dl-eae must end, and forever. That la Inevitable. AtthmA A niemla Hronfhltte tfloivt ftrlgltt'e Howl TroubVa II.w Fever In flue rtxs KIdnr Dfiease I.

rtpr Tr lib! lirla Kur a ir Mny Hurt Trotiblea PI )-Pneumonia Juiay UheimatlJ' Coniuiitprlon t'oltr -croup 'fn-tlptton Hvnhinis I iv.enfry- I'Tno'a mtm ran-1riirT-fHOP-y Tronhli tpr'- Throst Trouble -aema a.ryJpts Tuli nuloli new liH akallng will eammenee. It'a COR. UrARKS ang METCALn Btratta occupy Mr. Jn. Brennan'e residence at tha west e4 of the village.

A large ahlptnenl of hoope and atavea haa just been Completed to Keawatln via tha lake and rail route. Tha shipment eonalsted! of about thirty care. Three hundred and ten feet of tht ahecp and ewlne pena on the ground I of the South Renfrew Agricultural Mo-olety ware destroyed by fire a few daya ago. Th" loss ta about tfot and Uie Insurance 1200. OBI'lUARY.

T1IK LATE JiR.KLiy.A MOrrATT. Mia Blixabeth Mofttt. relict of yi late Joan UvttmAt. of tiearhrook. a .4 on Friday, the Win at the rrsioeuce of hmr aoQ.

on tht old homeatal. B-irbrouk. hlie was It I years af and one of tha pioneers of Cumberland township. Hbe ia surrivea by tr dauehtera snd five eon, namel: Ur. H.

V. Uranser, of Ottawa; Mra. Cole, of Alexandria: Mra, HjM and 1m K. iloffatt, of ilelimount. Mi Mritn.

fUmuel. Thetnaa and uf Hrarbrovk: Oeorg. the and Herbert MolTttt, of Ball mo tint. 1UX Tiif funml took place yeaterday at 3 p.ra. to the Altai loin cemetery at'k.

It araa very largely attended by ralatrvea and WENT SY CANADIAN ROUTE. The feimou automobile of Mr. Ciar thra Mulock waa very nearly shipped to Kngland Hit week via the Americi.i Instead of the Canadian route. In fact. It waa loaded oa a Hat car at Central Depot and th shipping bills made ut via Portland.

Maine, when, lata la 'ha evening, the Postmaster Oeaeral's sec retary phoned to soy thai It was all a mistake, that the aute waa to go by St. aha. N.B. iacge C. P.

it. hex ear had been wired for froia Montreal. Aa effort had bee made la ship the machine from Montreal, but owing to the latensaw of ths season, ao room could be secured a any the vel sailing from that port. Rabin Hood QatheHna. A great Una to pranuard for tha Rubin Hcoda gathering under tha auspice a of Court Pioneer.

A.O.F. next Wednesday evening. The cccnmlttr had about completed arrmement fur th oomMrMX4lon ssnoksr and pragres-slvs auohrs. MARGARET ANOLIN. Margaret Angtln.

"the snmansge-able," says ths New Tork Telegraph, has at last found a eutltabls boa. Thst bos la herself. At the head of her own company she haa started out with The Kternat Feminine, It ta safe to say that Mies Angtln has Just about realised tha dream of her Ufa, for abe never enjoyed being ordered around, and, aa a dosen managera can ratify, ts one of tha most independent and aaaertlve women on the stage. Even Msna field had no terrors for her, and when they clashed Miss Anglln Imperiously walked away. But managerial protests did not mak her subside.

trek. Now. with fr ln tends to" show that alt wag right I and that the managers were wrong. It la not her first venture with a company. Tears ago she went to the tarltlme provlncea on a tour, but It was a profit lea one.

Mis Anglln became an act roes against the ishes of her father, tha lata Hon. Timothy Anglln, wb tn his day was ana af Canada's great parliamentarians, Whlla eetenaibly an a visit to New Tork. aha waa in fact attending a dramatic school, and her appearance later In a Buffalo theatre was a surprlae to her family. Her great socees, how-fver. shows that she knew bar proper racing.

Help th Ovwrwarked Hearts-Is the great angina which pumps life through your system hard pressed, overtaxed, groaning einder Its load beeauee dlaeaae ha clogged Jtf Dr. Agnew's Cur for the liart Is nature's lubrteetor aad cleanser, and daljy to heart sufferers that it Is the safest. aur cat and moar epeedv remedy that medical valence know- SUBSCRIPTION COLLECTORS. I The srjhsrrlptlon prlc th sTvrv. tng Journal delivered te dtp subscriber -worthy I payable In advanos.

or month by month, and bee ribers will much oblig by having tha money ready for tha Journal' cal-atrctni when they call. Th Journal delivered to all partg af th city by th Joarnai Printing Co, and It kt responslbla for all delar. Irreguian Jaa and neglect A postal card with a complaint, or a telephone meeaag Ma. sZL will rctv ienpt attention. Ths Journal will of course ba lad to hava aobarrlbers pay dfrct at In office and save th aeixrss.ty a rail from Ita collector, and aj.a nber rlbers may prefer to pay direct.

Put no money without a recHpt. to You to Try. Pver-ntt Rtone TTomen Dtaessea Ooltre Ooul Tuators-Ulcere Ooserrl.cse-Olt Varicocele All dleeaaes that bagla with fevr-Wii catarrli-aii eonuguus polaoned blood. In nrmou deniiitr Llquosone art a -can dT wihtn drug a SO ct. Dottle Free If you need Llquosone.

and have never tried f. pless send us thl coupon. We will then mall you an or-Jer on a local drurtist for a full-tisa bott and will pay th druggist ourreives for It. Thl Is our Tree gift, made to convince your to hav ou what Ialouosonr Is, and what can do. In justice to yonroeir.

pif accept te to-day. for It places you under no obligation whatever. Wquoxorn roatu and cut outTthis COUPON, for orT-r may not appear agus. Fill out th hlanVs and mall It tn th Llqu'd Ororvt Co. ia-S4 Wabaaa A CUleago.

Mv I rt I he never trird Llquosone. hut If you will aLTppIyi me a ej battle free I will use It, HO O'rs full addre writ- plainly. Anr phy(etan iVp'tal not yt uMg LfqiKriono alii be giadiy supplird a UJt..

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