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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 6

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

--'n-rn -r -E BIRTH SMITH On February Wth. at onper the wlf of Thoma Smith, of a son. Wcdnesday, xsin. Marion. Infant daughter of Leers' and Sarah Kingsbury Ottawa.

Funeral private. -STANLEY-Thl morning, at Jit Wvlalon Street, In her 6th year. "Hannah Mayiow, beloved wue or John It. Stanley. Funeral will take place from abov address, on Saturday Ird.

at p.m. S. ROGERS 4. SON GO. Undertmken and Embalm, 1 36 Bidean Street EKASONABLE ohargea.

pwoiiaI attention. Upon uiglit and oay. Telephone Wi. H. MAYNARD ROUEBS.

Hunager. (jhO. H. ROUERS. Funeral Dlractor and Zmbalmer.

Cornel bank and -olatur fctrasu, MODERATE priota. Petnonal -attention. Open (U17 aun niliu Tckpboue I0M3J ONE Inaartlon of a 'Want Ad la the Journal, enmrea -tiaamran Into home, which Ihe bl Inflation that can be obtained the money. Thle la a point to be auoncly borne In mind. tXR Ada.

too lata (or elaaellKralton. aee pace aeren. uALX HiLf WANTED. i XVANTJiD Two experienced walt- rem. WC per mouui.

il'otei couiC WANTED Two experienced wax- 'rnaH-a. Vaea Pr mouth. Hotel Cecil. WANTED A ood seneral aervant. jslo waabing.

Apply lee r-lonmce Utreet TANTE1D AT ONCE-oV awod gen- ami aervant. aca e.uu. Ap ply at 1 Second AveJiuc ANTED A good cook. Apply to Mr. T.

Ahearna Uaena Vina, Maria Street. iLWANTBD A good general aervant. Auulr tU Coavn Street WANTED Immediately, a good gen-. oral aervant; uo wahln Apply 7i Nicholas Stnrat. WANTED A good general no washing; must be accustomed tj children.

Apply too Ullmour Street. Reliable girl, as general aervant, one who can wash and lion and do plain cooking. Apply SI. Patrick Street. U'ANTED-HousmmM.

Lyon Street. AppI 41 WANTED A girl or woman to assist Willi light house work and children. Apply befween I and p.m.. No. its Chapel Street.

WANTED An experienced general aervant; good reference prefer- -J. ed. Apply 44 Bweetland flrt. cl Mnln room 2 "ltu-. Apply Dominion House, 'VALE HELP "WANTED, WANTED A couple of good strong -boya willing to work.

Apply 111 Qloucester SUeex, WANTED An Intelligent boy to de- liver parcels. "My Valet." 161 Rank Street WANTED Fifteen good bueib. men, for log and quaking. -Apply The McKee Machinery' and Lumber Limited, Bank Street OA8H for acceptabto Ideas. State If Addrea cord, Baltimore.

Ind. Address The Patent SITUATIONS VACANT. TyANTED Omart girl for confec-1 tlonery department. Apply Wm. Lamb M'f'g Co.

of Ottawa, Limited, cor. Murray and Daihoue.le streets. VANTBD Young Lady Typewriter, Stenographer and General Office Assistant Apply between- and p.m.. No. tie Chapel Street IVANTED Photographlo operator; must -be nrat-olaa.

Apply, atat-. Ins 'experience, etc, to J. Steele, care Steele Co, photographer. CHlmour hotel. LOST.

T.OST On the 17th, between Oovem- triant House and Somerset -street a coachman. black fur cap. ITInder ytcaae return to -MS Somerset Street and be rewarded- 1 TjOST In. viulnlty of Hank Street, -a valuable Block Cocker Spaniel filtoh, answering to -name of "Jessie," brown on face, legs, Name on collar Priesl," "Auburndole." Reward for immediate return to" A. Brodrickt Molson's Bank, Ottawa, OST Tuesday evening, somewhere between Wellington and Kent Streets, cheque on Bank of Montreal, and pay list Finder please return to Department Railway and Canals.

SVOULD the boy who picked op a bluo enamel gold brooch- this cnorning, on corner Metcalfe and -Sparks pisaae, return to Jour- -I From HTRATBD Bank Street' Wednesday, between .4 and 4.1G 1 W.m, Fox Terrier (Dog) Pup. Raward to trader, at above address. -Any one found harboring shi dog will be pro- aeooted. i JjOSTOR. STOLEN Oa Dec.

Mrd. parcel containing dress goods addresaed to Mr. W. P. Lett 41 Sweet- land Avenue.

Waa lost or stolen from 7" Canadian Express Co' aleigh on Sandy Hill. reward for Information or re- I turn oC parcel. Canadian Express Co, 11 Elgin Street City. rf OST Last week, black' and tan bound. Pleas return to Canal Road, first house south ox C.

A. R. traca. Ottawa Kaat EOUND. IptOUND.

A few day ago Fox Tier. Owner can have him on proving MenUty. H. i. RrmtaUU, Journal OfBce.

iTXCNI Largs black, cocker (doc), "A- -with wnlte on breast; followed lady laatnn hock last saxurday at B. 'POUND--A buncti of keys, with chain attached. Owner may have am jr provtna- property and" paying -for Una advertisement At' Journal Mice. Notice) of Birth If arrtages and Death. (Including funeral notice.

If are Inserted at null V- InMrtloo. CLASSIFIED. ADS. 10c. All ronrtennod elamrtfled ailvertievniiutte will be iiiKeriitl at ltto.

Der inaer- tlon fur Ki word ur lwa eitra worde at a half cent per uwertion, NfiTP the above price an nuh IW 1 with order, When thawed 60 per cent will be added to the abore price. XktPLOYIICNT WANTED. VyANTKU Kruscnnent by the day by nrel-cliitfa woman cook. Cbarxca moderate. Addreae Boa Journal BOOKS TO LET.

Hclect Home, larse double room (two bcdn, aleo eintfle; excellent table board; new house'; modern; central. lt Neptan Street. 1)ARTIE8 dealrlns wrh furnlahed rooms, with or without board. In too locality, no children. Apply tallmour atrcet.

BOOMS WANTED. VVANTKr Kor May 1st, an nnfur-'T flat (heated) over etore preforriKl; family of two; no children. A'ldrena, statlnc rent, to iFlat," Journal oflice. ROOMS AND BOARD rpo L.KT Larve front heoStMm. with board.

eulUible for married couple. In comfortable private houae. 293 Llagar Street. 1 rpo LET Rooms with board In flrst-cluse house, eleitrlu light, modern conveniences, locality central. Apply 41-Lyon Ktrret.

corner Vlttorhu TV ANTED Kor gentlemen and wife, room with boanl, on Sandy-Hill, must be well heated and good table. Dinner at Address Box 11 Journal. HOUSES TO LET. TRICK Veneered Cottage on Ollmour street: 4 bod-rooms, aioo 1 In attic; garden, grate, mirror and all renovaiad. per month.

Apply A. K. Journal Office. HOUSES FOR BALE. pOR 8ALE House.

No. 1M Llagar street -deslrabls and central local, lty all modern Apply on 'premises. HOUSES FOR SALE OR TO LET. rpo LET OR FOR SALE Large frame house and stable close to the P.P.J. Railway Station at Kort Coulonge, Apply la the Post Master or to Mrs.

Jos. Laxrance, Fort' Coulonge. Que. DENTISTRY. T)R- J.

B. TAOOa IT, Dentist 451-1 Bank street, corner of Wellington street MARRIAGE LICENSES. T70BT. XTBQI Jaar- v.iagaJicense.-.outner.. of.

Jame street. TIELDINO, lamier of Marriage Licenses. 170 Slater- St'. Ottawa FINANCIAL, fONET TO LEND at lowest current ratee 'of Interest on country and city- property, and on terms to suit borrowers. Bishop A -Smith, Barristers and Solicitors.

Rooms 13 and 14 Trust Building. 4 Sparks street fiTRAIUHT LOANt, or loans repay-ayable by monthly, quarterly, 'or other instalments! lowest rate of Interest W. Lee. 193 Sparks St MONEY TO LOAN on real eetate. Lowest rates ut Interest Mortgages and debenture purchased.

R. A-Bradiey, Barrister. itoom 21, Central Chambers, Elgin Ottawa Ont AROE OR SMALL SUMS Private A-4 funds to lend on Ottawa property, or on -farms in.Carleton. interest at 4 1-1 or 6 per cent. If security- substan tial, 'straight loans, for a period of years.

Lewis ft smellle, sollcltoi-s, etc, 7 Ontario Chamber Ottawa TtfONET TO LE.NL at i per cent, or fund'' to- lend on Ottawa property, or -city- 'or- farm property. Qenunlll May, Barristers, Rooms 11 and 14 Carleton Chambers, Sparks St MONET TO LOAN 150.000 private funds to lend ad-real estate Lowest rates of Interest. Frlpp A mlth. Mi Carleton Chambers, Ottawa. TtroNET TO LOAN Interest 4 1-a per cent.

Loans on first mortgages on. real cstate.ln amounts from S5O0 to Jlo.uot) dcslied. Interest will be charged at tne rate 01 41-1 per cent up to per cent, according to amount of loan and security offered. Perkins, Fraser Burbldge, 4 Spark street. Solicitors.

HONEY TO LEND on real eetate, large or email amount at lowest rates of Interest, special advantages to borrowers. H. A. 1-erelval. Solicitor, Ontario Chambers, Ottawa.

MONEY TO LOAN In large or small amounts, at lowest rates of Interest. McLaurln A Millar. Har-risters. Solicitors, etc, Elgin St. ONEY'TO LEND ity or-coun-try property, on rmi to suit borrowers.

Nrllls, Monk and Mathrson, Barristers, etc, 21 Metcalfe street. MONEY TO LEND In Urge or small sums at lowest rates of Interest, on country or crty property. Code A Burrltf. Barristers snd'Solh-itor. carleton Chambers, 74 Bparks street MONET TO LOAN A Urge amount -of private funds to lend on real estate ccurlty.

In small Loans hf fs.ftco and upward at 6 per, cent. Apply to O'Connor. Hogg Magee. 1-1 Spark street liroNET TO LOAN at ft-l per cent R. W.

Shannon, Banister, etfl. Room' tK enfrat Chambers. Pngtn St AGENTS WANTED. TVANTED Agent to canvas for fir Inmirancek Apply to Bnx XX. tht oflice.

lAOENTS WANTED-To sell flaf --orlng powder; big prortt Price tlat, order forma and sample, S6c. Powder sold, and delivered at the bam tlma, No correspondence Writ Cooper Drawer. Ml, London. ARCHITECTS. ft.

WATTS," R. Architect Valuator, 7 Chambers, opposite. -Fif. KOR BALE Mill wood, enlefiy hard wood. Delivered In oar iota at Union Htailon.

App.y 10 ilit AtaoohMry, and Luihber 'Umlted. to itana aVtreeu. 1IOR8H for sale or trade for AUlch Cow. Apply aCar phi. at itt Rldoau alreuu POH SAXE OH EXCHANGE A youna, rls-nt" drivlns mare.

Apply Archibald btreet. FOR 8 ALB A net of Chamber' Kn- cyolopedla. ten volume, cloth, last adltkin. Price ll.u, James ogllvy. rpwo CANAH1E8 One Htnrer at M-90; one Hen Bird tl-OO.

Address lllrds," Journal Olllce. WINTER SASH- Bash of all kinds. cheap. Get price before ordenun elaewhvr frost R. Woodiaud.

A Me-erer street. rjEMENTS. Hme. brick, fire clay. drain pipe, tiles, plaster.

hair, mortar, eolora, dlmenalon, rubble or ruhed ton. Wrbjht Co, 1 ARTICLES WANTED, WANTED A. Medlum-slsed -FSre-" proof 8afe; also a Cash, Ketrlsrerl, must bo cheap. Addreee IL Bouun Kasubatua, P.Q. TTSBD Canadian stamps of all Issues boug-ht.

Bend Jc s'amp for price list. F. 8.. Box ttt. Ottawa.

BTJ81NE8S CHANCES. rro Rent--in carLeton place. ators suitable for any business, best sianoa in town. Immense farmer trade; one of tha-toest openlnKe Central Canada for several kinds of business, particularly dry goods and clothing. Write for Information.

W. Bea pVDR BALE A good business In paper and Job work In a country Apply to "Advocate." Jour, nal office. REAL ESTATE. TTAVB you a property to sell or rent? Send peat card or call at 184 Le Breton Street Wesley Bick. Heal Eetate Annt.

VOULD like to purchase property, either Sundy Hill or Lower Town, for cash. Apply to Rldeaa Street, Ottawa, Ont WANTED. To rent Comfortable "House, with few ax-res of near city. Address, giving panlcul-arm, to "Pasture." Journal Office. TUITION.

AflSS EDWARDS Successful French teacher, wishes one or two more puplla. Parisian accent and pronunciation, 'Adult or children. 171 Mac-larsa Street Tkf I8S ELIZABETH JULIA McOUAT. pupil of lime. Henrietta Beebe.

0 New York. The art of voice production and singing, LamuerM method. It ui. iv V' ii wrixaiiv street A Rf NEEDLE WORK Mia Hume naa resumea ner Latest design and material In stock. For particulars, apply at Spark Cham ber, 11 "Perns street I -R.

WHITE'S eWhodl ofodernf ff. Methods. Jill Sparks street. Pitman or unon snortnana, a month, wnite a monegrapay, ii-xa: mewhf I Itil Teleravg- Booktsep. OTHER WANT ADS.

ON PACE 7 JEAN TflCflE GO Stock-Brokers. A.A -Fl RIM nTTAXAA i tt tuvaifv Ol, yi I Auftl 'Phono tit, I xratrv nv oatv I 3 Z.7 BAiJS-' i 20 share Western Loan and Trust I Co. .1 II share Ottawa Tniss and Snrgical Co. 200 shares Molly Gibson. 10,000 share Oagne Island Mining Co, of Ottawa! Gold Waterworks Siippli3s NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS, addressed to Donald Chairman of the Wat erworks Committee, will be received I 1 I VICTORIAN NURSES THE BOARD HOLDS ITS ANNUAL MEtTLNG.TO-DAY Some Tact from the Annual Report at the Tear's Work.

The board -of. governor of the Vic-tortaa Order of Nurses Is holding Its annual meeting this afternoon at the-J Victorian Order headquarters. No. Somerset street with Excellency, the Countess of Mlnto, among those, present, and the president, Mr. JusticeUurbldge, In the chair.1 The annual report as read by the secretary.

rr. Thomas Gibson. i Tho secretary begsji his report by at- --luding to the inevitable loss sustained by the society since Its last annual meeting. In the realgnallon of ttstfatw-der and tirat jjresidenl, the Counceas ol Aberdeon, her place In the dent's chair being taken by Mr. Jus- tlce Burbldge.

Anotherchanga nitfi-: tluncd was due to the lamented death of Sir James Edgar, whose place was taken by Mr. j. M. Courtney. The secretary stated that two now local associations had been formed during the year In Hamilton and St.

John, and -work had beenstarted in Truro, -N. under a district committee, while six -srailons had been opened In west- Lern Ontario by means of a general uoiii im vuiariQ ODTriiuiicm. It was hoped that after a year's experience of. the nurses theso stations would become During me year in hoard decided to with. draw Its nurses from ths Klondike.

One of these nurses was Invalided homo and two retired, one to take up hosYltal nursing on her own account In Dawson City, and ths other to take a position In the Poet Olllce there. Mis Powell, the superintendent alone remains at her own urgent request but will be withdrawn unless a local committee undertakes the responsibilities of the work. District nursing apparently cannot be organised In Dawson City at present There are now elgnt local associations In ths order at Montreal, Toronto. -Ottawa, Halifax. Klng-ston, Hamilton, St.

John and Vancouverand ten district committee; six supported by the Ontario Government grant and four receiving grant fro rathe central board. -There are two. training homes, one In Montreal and the other In Toronto. Ottawa and Hal ifax, having been discontinued as such owing to the requirement of only two nurses for the work In thess cities. The number of nurses employed by the order Is twenty-five of those la training aervios.

The secretary con-eluded hi report by alluding to Lsdy Mlnto' practical sympathy with he work which has been shown' la many way during the year. Pembroke (Special to The Journal.) --Pembroke. Feb. ta. The Pembroke lovers of the "roaring were neyer more excited than while watching the final match to-plght for President Strickland's set of medals between the teams skipped by Messrs.

Ralph Ross and Thos. R. Horn. In the first fourteen end honor were ven, then- en hum team took a spurt I and at the end of the seventeenth and had lead of aeven points, with only two ends to play. "Hut Mr; Horn set hi Scotch Jaw at determination point and bagged 'A th-rea and fourend'-sueceMivelT.

thus CMagwaae) mtuttli4tr JiSdiUeaat; ia. waicn ma if is team ecoreo one point and. won the game and ti' medsia. Tne teams were J. B.

Teeaan. W. L. inter. 8.

Sutton, R. Roea. skip a. R. M.

Miller, W. D. Cunoeywerth, A. Meehan. T.

R. Horn, skip 31. Word was received In town to-day that Mr. daa White, who lived In Pern- broke toa-nshlp, lust outside the town. nau oeen allien uy a train tins niwru- tnt- about a quarter of a mile from Mackey'si station.

Coroner Dickson was notified of the accident and went up this evening to hold an inquest No pafUouiar are given as to how the accident occurred. xif wm. Tsvlor. for many ear a Uresnected resilient of the Wet enjr, left -with his family last "evening for Prairie Province, where he Intends co-Ins; -Into farming. THE HARMON SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAOIES.

Honor Boll iter, th half yeai ending Feb. 16th. 1900, -The following record shows faith-gulnes and ability on the part of Doth teachers and jKholars. An averajte obtained In to gain a position 1L.U -Mi, AdYanoa Department JSNOLISH AND LATIN Mis Beatrice AdamsyiM "per cent; Mis Lily Stewart, per cent; Mies Beatrice Burbvlge. S4 per cent; Mis Aurella dius-hson, 7 per cent; Miss Marlon May, per cent For the secoml term only, from Nor.

JSVh to Feb. 16th, lnoo, MUs Ethel White 71 per cant Intermediate Department ENGLISH. Mis Oraca Fraser. rar cent: Miss Helena Hoghson, par cent: "Miss Mildred Cox. per oent; Miss Elsie Hume, to I -v Miss Ruth pir-wni Misa Ttosrt WUaon.

7 par cant -For ecood term only, cram Nor, llth, MM. to Feb. Mth, X0, Miss Mary Davie. 81 per cent I'reparatorj' )partAt CLASS III. Miss Annie Macphenon, -it per cent; Miss Catherine Mac-phi raon, per Mlsa Marjorie 111 rent; Miss Grady ner cent: Mlsa Phoetie 7 per cent: Mi Katie Christie.

77 per Miss Maud Borbridc, 7 per cent -CLASS Mia Ottilia Wright, par cent; Mk Natalt Tampman, 71 per cant -Modern Lanroage Departmant TRENCH Mono. 4. -Flattry. Mastsr. CLASS Miss LUy Stewart 10 per cent; Mia Beatrice Burbldge, per cent CLASS Miss Beatrice Adam.

per oent: Musi Katharine Masters, (4 per cant; Miss Margaret Henderson, per cent, CLASS B. Mlsa Glen. BorWdre, ft -per cent; Mis Muriel Benjamin, per cent; Miss Eileen Stewart, -7 per oent; Mla Gtadys Irwin, 74 per cent CLASS A. Ml Orse Frsser, per oent: Mies Mary Fothertnaham. a per Ml Helen Gibson, per cent; atisa atarr mm pmw wukj Miss Marion Hay.

par oent GERMAN err Drenga, Master." Ml Katharte Masters. per ent Mle LUy Stewart, 90 par cant; Miss Palo Pearoa, per esntl -Mia rraanes Pearoa. per cents Miss Oradra lrwl par Batch figured Dress Goods hackee good valo mtut par yarn. Special Vs. a ymrA A.

A. FOURNUW. iLt'ZlJt'JlZSftk "fataarkTfoV the subj.t dled inu.t be fore of Tuesday. 13th March, 1800, noon endorsed "Tender Waterworks specifying oils. lead pipe, brass goods, hardware, hydrant, valves, castings, oast' Iron pipe- and fire alarm supplies, required by Water-work DepartmeDt for the current year.

Specifications, full particular, and form of tender, can be had on application at the City Engineer'1 oflice. City JOHN OAI.T. city Engineer. Ottawa, Feb. It.

19O0. T0RMEY TAEGER REAL ESTATE lAOENTS. AGENTS FOR The Canadian Mutual Loan Co. Mont-y advanced on city property and repaid In monthly Instalments. FOR SALE.

House, and lota In any part of the cttyr from U00 up to tlO.aoo. Also a number of farms close to th city. If you want to buy. Mil or rent property, call on us. Ws can ault you.

T0RMEY TAEGER -K QUEEN STREET. STRATHCONA H0RSE. have word from the "Front" of our Camelbair Blankets i Proving Invaluable. Greatest warmth, least weight -United Garment Underwear, specially adapted foe saddle. BeMa for warmsh and support, Money Belt.

Express) chargwa patd. JABOBD DEPOT Kins Strwst West. Toronto. ECONOMICAL. Mrs.

Csrefui This, Ur ths watch my hosband gave ma. Her FYlrnd Why, It isn't going. la It broken? Careful-Oh. not 'Ton aon-t. wind It a au.

That works from wearing wsasgHB lulls THP .1 Ala Social Round Mrs. J. A. OemmlU'l giving an afternoon tea- to-day. -S- -rr Miss Maud llendrte, "on' ofHamll-ton' meat popular society belle, sail-' ed from New York for England on Thursday evening.

She will visit abroad for some tun. -a Luncheon were given oh Tuesday by Mr. R. Soott Mr. Hamilton and (Jill, th latter 'entertaining la honor of Mrs.

Mr. Edward Feonlngs-TaylorV of Ottawa, la at present stationed at Stanley barracks, Toronto. Mlsa Lockerby leaves on Friday for Montreal. She diss been In Ottawa for sonie time, visiting Mrs. Fred Booth.

ess Mrs. Gillespie Mulr. who has been the guest of Mrs. Lswrenc Drummond at Rldeau Cottage for a tew days, returns to Montreal to-day, a A merry girl, in-" a sister writes a chatty letter to M.A.P. concerning His Excellency Lord Brassey.

She say: "He is really a delightful mart, and when not sngsged In oflicl duties la devoted 4o yachting, golfing, cycling, hunting, riding, dancing, shooting, bathing and walking. These pleasures are snatched during a busy regime between day's programme political, civic, commercial, mining meetings, charitable convention, various deputations, and social functions. His conversation, though not copious, I al-' way ready for the pollUciana, and tne leading members of colonial society who have constituted themselves his friends. Ho ho an ear for muelc. and a test for poetry; geta through a wonderful amount of heavy and light reading; takes an trip to the country with Lady Brassey, and honor some wealthy station-owner with a visit He has always a bon mot for a pretty girl, and the smile never leaves his bland, countenance at a social function.

His capacity for ralllng-off has become a Joke throughout the lenerth and breadth of Victoria. He has fallen oft his- mount In Jhe hunting-field, his bike in a busy thoroughfare, his yacht (to the danger pf bis life) In the bay, the steps of his carriage, an. I goodness knows what not When bis Excellency te late in arriving In the hall room (which he Invariably Is), we say to each other he must be "faliing-OIT' something. Very often he Is simply falling olt to sleep after dinner at Government House, when the baton nf -ThcHHidmaster In the town hell 1 held In readiness to start th National Anthem, and' the feet of the ball-room tripper ache to skim In the laneera Though we groan In spirit when he keeps us waiting a hour and longer, our loyal faces- break Into beaming smiles when, at length, to the stirring strain of the anthem. Ml Excellency and Lady Brassey enter with tbelr suit In great ceremony.

Mrs. MoMullen and Mr. Dickey leave to-day tor Mount Forest Ont The theatricals at CWvarnrnsat House will be repeated tht evening for the benefit of the member of Strathcon' Hot. e- Are flirts FMrfcetta and Miss Jeanne Frechette, of Montreal, are expected in. Ottawa about the 10th of Maroh, I when they will be the guests of lady I Laurier.

e-e Sheet of Kingston will lecture In the May Court room orr flie Relation- ths aSiimnnils' to- taa-S-ocial Ufa" this) wa ins th nreXpUhJ ystw4 CjMJ soohomvv Under the patronage of Their Excellencies the Earl and Counlee of Mlnto will be the Orchestral Society concert- to be given on Thursday evening, th (th of Every one who heard Mia Ruby Cutter, the New York soprano, at tho first concert of the society will be Interested In knowing that she Is ngaln to sing In Ottawa. Mr. J. B. Dubois of Montreal Is also to assist.

Geraldlne writes In the Kingston British Whig Many gooi wishes for a pleasant voyage and-, a bright and prosperous future follow. Miss Msy Carr-Harrls, who left on Thursday for New York, whence to sell for the bid country with Mr. and Mrs Roberts Allen and Mle Bell of Ottawa. "They will proceed directly to after spending eight days there Mlsa Carr-Harrls wllUtake leave of her Ottawa friends and will sail by the Northern German Liner Kaiser Wllhelm for Alexandria, jxjiere she will be married to Mr. J.

A. Gunn. Both young people are highly popular In Kmwston, and congratulations are tendered upon their approaching wedding. A curious coincidence connection with ths wedding Is the repetition of the hameJ 'Alexander and The groom will be James Alexander Gunih-j boil or lexanaer uunn. i ne name oi the bride-elect Is May Alexandria, only three guest will be present at ih ceremony, and they ar former Klngs-tonlans, Mr.

Alexander Macdous-all, Alexander Klrkpatrick and Mrs. Alexander Ktrkpatriek (whose -maiden name waa Margaret Alexandria Mac-dougall); and they are all to meet at the City of Alexandria, In Egypt To complete t-h chain. It I hoped that th officiating clergyman will be the Rev. Alex. Alexander Mr.

Gunn la stationed about miles beyond Cairo." A skl-lng party Was given yesterday afternoon by Mlsa Blackburn. Mra. Bewell of Toronto ha been spending Eoo past tortniant In Ottawa, but Is returning to her home very shortly. Quebec went quite wild over th 1 patriotic entertainment given there last week. The Academy of Muslo waa filled with a most entrrailastla audience and all th seats and boxes were taken.

The decorations were remarkably handsome. The entertainment -Itself went off with great eclat. Miss aang. wKh Mr. Oaudet playing her accompaniment and Miss Pu-imi in uniform of blue skirt gold- striped and red men Jacket recited "The Union Jack." Thar were several tableaux and th aong.

The Color of na." by th Rev. o. Scott set to anuska by an EoaUsa gentleman waa sung In public for th first time. Mies OrtrBth sane "The Absent-Minded Beggar," and a number of pretty Red Cross ureee sold pro-gramm and took A collection. A GREAT BEND OFF Haay Trlends Honors CoL Xaiohar of Strathcona'a Horsa.

(Special tor The Journal.) Reglna, N.W.T, March Cot Bel-eher. who la to go as second la oora- i-mandl of- Strathoona' Horse, left for Ottawa by 'ast nignt-s train, ne waa given a great send-off at th fceuracks. IbsoMtor McGlbbon. Inspector HnrrU an. Superintendent Constantlna, and a host of friends aocompanlsd Mm th train.

meaara fodaw NO. ISA Order at Oddfellows, test night tnit lated two candidates. Noble Grand F. Van Duasn presided. Tea roenre grant, aa narmlaslon to EmmeHhT lodae.

with headquarters- In Janeville. ta cant Into the crty, and oftereel to aa- this teas its eaon to ELECTORAL CORRUPTION it is Still the tiIeme in THE LEGISLATURE. Oppssluea Makln, th most of th Wt Elln Irregularlilee (Special to Th Journr5 Toronto, March 1. The debate on the address, which still draga Ita way through 'the Ontario legislature, was resumed yesterday by Mr. Lucas ICen i ire Grey).

He considered It rstheaj startling that ths Attorney-General should contend that his department bad no- responsibility in convicting ertin. liials guilty ot election frauds, and at -the same time mourn an amendment congratulating himself on bavins; don so. Instead of commissions to shelvs I questions, detectives -were wanted to gather the criminals together, constables to place them In the dock and for public trial. (Applause.) To Mr. Gibson's query why an en qulry was not Insisted upon at the time when the conduct of officials could be Investlgsted and criminals punished Mr.

Lucas said that drowning men graaited at straws. was prepared to acquit the government of wrongdoing if they do right now by Instituting a full 'enquiry. As to the suggestion thst the parties should unite to put. down corruption, the beat method wss to punish offenders, and he proposed that they should get'together, and prosecute up 4o the The only rearon that the government did not prosecute and investigate rtust be that they were afraid to get to the bottom of the conspiracy, and preferred Opposition attacks to (lis they, knew not of. (Applause.) One coifesslon wits, us much its they emild stand.

(Applause.) If they refused to Investigate these frauda there would be a deluge at the next elections, for the spirit of Independence wua not dead. He advlr-ed the government to titke the chance offered them and ac cept the Conservative amendment. (Applause.) Mr. Pardee. Mr.

V. F. Pardee (Weet Lambton) thought the opposition Were too much attention to West "Elgin 'Ir-i regularities and proceeded to deal with cold storage. New Onf.rfo. ntckel arrd the financial commission, which he defended.

He staled that' it the West Elgin charges were sgainsl frauds of the Opposition they would be the first to cry out If the Attorney-General took action, and declared his Intention of assisting' tomt on the statute book a measure to slop electoral corruption. Dr. Barr. Dr: Barr (Dufferln) contended that la the government scheme for colonising New Ontario, preference should be given to Canadians over, foreigners. I As to electoral corruption in West El gin, he aald "If there le a man ln rhla House, or in th province of Ontario who believes that -those ballots were destroyed accidentally, he ought to be sent to Barnum'e museum a curiosity-Mr.

A. Malcolm (Centre Bruce) ex pressed the somewhat original opinion ..3 I 1 1 "Each Wounded Man was served with a Hot Cnp of BOVRIL" SIR WMrMacCORMAC AND THE FIELD HOSPITALS. Extract from Sir William MacCormac'a report to the VLancat" after the battle of Tugela "Wo walked to the Sold Hospitals of tho 4th. tth and (th Brigades, situated about three miles from Chievelry. tinder the crest of a hillock about 400 yards outai-ls the lira son.

Awaiting their turn, ths wounded were lying outside In row, which were being continually augmented by the civilian bearers coming In from the Held. AS each WOUNDED MAN REACHED THE HOSPITAL HE WAS SERVED WITH A HOT CUP OF BOVItlL. LAK'IK CANS OF WHICH WERE BOILING OUTSIDE THE TENTS. The above report will be found In full in the 'Lancet' of the loth January, and In most of the London papers qf the lth January for the province nd et politic, t.k. a second piece.

He appealed to mem-1 Sunday, In his Mth year. Ha waa a her to throw aside ancient hi.tory and Ireland, lived Ti rar In gat down to business. Both sides were known throughout equslly responsible for electoral cor- part of Ontario as man ot ster-rupUon. 4 lng Integrity, untiring- energy and FUNERAL OF MR. J.

JOHNSTON, leiualii of the late John-John! ton of Hull, who died Tuesdsy, were iiuaiieo jt rot wsrw4s.Miae)a.iM been aonaerted Jot. Hn.a4,i CnexF.h funeral taklnfij aaiea. xrn ana.resiuaace oi pi St Paul Church. Service over the remalna.waa conducted by Rev. Mr.

Snowden of this city. A number of people were presentvat the obsequies. Among 'the floral tribute was-a handsome wreath from the late Mr. Johnston's Immediate ORANTLEY. -X -Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Beckstead were the guests of Mr. and Mr. Hugh Rob inson on Thursday last Mr. and Mrs.

James auace were the guest of Mr. and Mra Jame ack on Thursday evening last. Mr. and lra -John McMllllan are attending ck friend at Cenlrer- Mr. Hugh Robinson wa the guest of Mrs.

Philip Frosts on Friday -last. Mr, James A. Robinson was visiting at Williamsburg on Friday last Miss Bella Carr Is very Mr. James, Robinson. and Mr.

Frank Carr 'were la Morrntburg on Friday lat' Police Court I John -Jeanrle's record went against him at pollen court this morning. address fot'jme time has been either county jail of. central piison. Small sentences nave-had Htuo-efleot upon him and he seems to be unable to; break away from petty- larcenies. He waa arrested on Tuesday as he left Jalt, and was charged with ateallng a plan and a numnor-ot onunris, tne pro- urt.

ErnMl- Rmwn. of I'ummtnnT Bridge. The tools dlaappmred from, nouses wnere Brown was worainc. ana Jeanrle disposed of them at I'roulx's h.i Proulv nottfled the nullce. Jtatmte aald I i i Carleton Place.

(Special to The Journal.) Carleton Place, March 1. Miss Marlon Hamilton and Mr. Thos. Hamilton, ot Huntley, Intend to leave in a few days for Pilot Mound, Man. Miss Gladys Cliff, of Lake avenue, entertained a'nuinber of young frlen-is to-a pleasant drtv on Saturday afternoon, after which th party assemblwd at Mine Cliffs home, where tea was very prettily served and a social evening was agreeably and profitably -rewnt.

Mr. Wm. McLaren, tinsmith, who nas been down from Minneapolis tor the past two months on a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mr.

John McLar en. Tenth IJne, of Drummond, returned to the' west this mornlnc. Renfrew Hockey Club's protest, nleoH after the recent game In that -town, against Carleton Place, has been withdrawn. The Choral Society will give an "old oiks concert at an early date. Mr.

Tj Ci. Magulre has In the window of his harness alwwroom a saddle ructa ss Is to' be used by the Strathoona Horse In Africa. It Is a una piece of work. Mr. John Broom.

fir man. and Mlas Mary Gleason, were united ln matrimony laat Monday. After the marriage ceremony they received the congratulations of a large number of friends at their new home, near the Junction, where a few hours were plea santly casssd. There Is general sympathy for our townsman. Mr.

Albert -Low, whose fatberr-Mr. Wm. Lowe, an old and highly respected resident of Cedar Hill. Mr. Wm.

Smith died at the home of her son, Joseph, In Ramsay, last Fridays- In- her Tth- Fn rilfr nt rAelnti "Wlae. ua iiia tt nlaiioav daaiimant 'Ar'theT Toronto Matt and Empire, he wHh. eoess In the' Id aottere of Canadian territory that -a well deserved recognition haa been conferred upon him by the company. In a. promotion to the work of a large area in the United States.

Mr. Cliff friends here are pleased to hear ot his advancement. Under the auspice of th Ladles' Altar Society of St Mary's Church, a successful social was held In Mr. ball on Tuesday evening. Tea was served to th large audience which passed th Intermissions be tween the musical number In game, etc Among those who took, part In nrananinM ware IIIhm Maori.

Corneu mnd Fulton, piano solos: Miss McDlarmld, violin solo: Mr. E. A. Beach, song: Misses X- TralnOr and Teas Nagle, vocal duet; Messrs. w.

O. McDlarmld and K. D. Oliver, duet: Messrs. PW.

Murphy. C. H. Magulre, Oliver McDlarmld, vocal quartette. 'High Court nicer Dickinson' and Herald will receive a publlo reception In Foresters' Hall on Friday evenlug from the members qf Court Mississippi, I.

O. F. T' The friends, ot Mr. Ed. Blbbltt will be.

glad to learn that hi condition I improved. "This morning's re-S uiucn iiusinviuiui a reports show that he is out of ail dan- liar. Mr; Jan. Steele, who suffered a stroke at Sttttsvllie, some day oxo, alfior recovcrlnk. Mr.

Luke Wedge, of th A. It hop. Ottawa, ana Miss Minnie. daughter-of -The late John- Davis. U.

Carleton Place, were united In mar- riage' on February list the taking place at the residence of-Jhe hrldg'auncl. Mr. John WlUls, Charles street u- I U.Tn.n,), h.i turned this morning from where he had been In attendance this wx as th town' ollcltor In th i Mmc w. mi Interim eertlAcate of ths official rfnr and second findings of Master. On remaining questions report was referred back to referee.

Costs In causa. Small City Items FELL THROUGH A WINDOW. E. Had, a Wellington Street eonfectlonv, reported to trie police to-day that somebody fell through- hi window lajit night A police court case Is threatened unless damage kt settled. A SCHOOL CELEBRATION.

The ryuolls of th Wellington street school topped work hsaf an hour earlier than 71 J'm ,7, -T. t- T. Maria 171 t''mVr ISwSSinJ i'Ji. 7,11 TZ! it-T ZeT vlrw.V fc i ms'lwsa by aaiuag imsusssi i mm awaoiana, Mra. A.

D. PlUar, of Flora street leave to-day for Almonte to see her mother, Mrs, Wa Carry, wtwgot badly hurt tusntly. i that be must have been drunk, as he 'ee In th case" of Ryan va. Carleton had no memory oO tire piace. The appeal wa presented on Th maglMrwte Saiil the arnall een- Tue day.

before Justice Street Wat-tefieen evidently had no effect upon and Allan, Perth: with he wa sentenced to six jnlotb, fqr defendants, Carleton Place, months In central prison. nA Aylesworth. Q. C. and Lavelle, Dame) Mullln.

-of-Turrrer street, sd-' 8mllB'i Fallafor plaintiffs: Ryan, con-mltted falling, tlirmigh the. window of Judgment waa resened on first Charles Kim, a Chinese laundrymatt. un ln his section. He was given until Monday to repair -the damage, which Wa two dollars' worth. CLAYTON Mr.

Jan. Hogan visited 'last with her slater, Mrs. O. Montgomery, of Carleton Place. Mr.

M. origan has returned from the woods. Mas. PolHck la visiting hex. sister, Mrs.

A Barnett. Mlsa, Mr McNeil has returned to Al monte after spending, a week at her i home here, Mrs. of Carleton Place, spent laat Sunday; with Mr. Bellamy of tola plac A number of people from here at tended the funeral of the late Wm. usual oa Tuesday afternoon, and de- Lows, of Cedar Hill, which took voted the time to patriotic singing and plac on Tuesday laat.

I recitation In honor of Cronje' sur-Th angel ot death ha again vialt-' render. ed our village, and carried to his last reatmg place an aged and respected on Tuesday. Feb. 30. Medical aid wa.

at one called In but peaee-( fully away on Friday evening. I Bel ton leaves te mourn his leas a wl-1 dowy lour seas and- ihree daughters: Jiaal of Wsadasr MUls. Que and George, of MaaRoba; Walter and RWev wm. -m. bmiu ad Atmowts, and Mlnmo andl pony.

All that was mortal'! waa laid at rest In the Methodist church oemetery. Ths large number of people was -attenden. showed how the deceased was held In ths sstsssr am a pmrw 1 aa su Nelson D. Porter INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, HOUSE AQENT, Motioy to Lend. Special attention given to the collection of rents and management of estates.

Phone 1(14 79 Sparks SL Ottawa SMITH-PREMIER -TYPEWRITER Is built to last Is almost silent Is the best value. Edward R. McNeill Sole Aent, SS OUBBN STRBEX. Repairing and copying; ofllca 3 I.W!W'.iU.'-l,.'-. TUP MCD.UAklTe' Bank of Halifax.

T. E. KENNY, THOS. RITCHIE. President i'lee- President E.

L. PEASE. General Manager, Montreal. AUTHORIZED 'CAPITAL 12.000.000 PAID UP CAPITAL REST I.TOO.IW -Ottawa Branch -CORNER A SVSUX STS. Snvlnga Bank Department.

Interest allowed on Ueposita Sterling exchange -purchased. Letters of credit issued. General Banking business transacted. rVJSRNON. Mr.

Hope Intends leaving Watertown the first of April. Nearly. all of Vernon's slater villages hnk.t nf thai, Nn, h.Hntf rinks mii.I grand carnivals. Well, Verm, hih boast of many rinks for many or tne fields are covered with ice, and at any time boys and girls may be seen enjoying themselves on vMla L. McIMarmid of Dulmeny Is visiting her suiter, Mrs.

E. iirown, and her aunt. Mlsx McLarens -Mr, George whltvlaw is honored by a visit from bis father, of Richmond. Mr. H.

Sheldrake and Mlsa Pearl Montgomery were guests at Mlsa Sheldrake's wedding at South Indian last Mr. J. Campbell Bad an auction fame slock and Impitnioiits on tne Mrs. McLousjhlln and daughter a convalescent after an attack of bron- -hltls Mr. G.

La Barge purposes building a dwelling house in the spring. Messrs. Gilbert Acres and sons- aif preparing1 to build a Mr. Cei.ri;e Acres Is preiiarlug to build a kitchen and woodshed. Mr.

C. Stewart brought home his bride -from Athens on the 27th Inst. Miss Eva Acres and her mother. Mrs. Geo.

Acres, visited Manotlck. March-burst and Haseldesn last week. Mies Gladys Wilson of Manotlck haa gone home after an extended visit here among her cnusius. Mr. John Wallace of Orinond visited her aged father, Mr.

Sheldrake, last week. Mrs. Comery and children were the guests of Mr. John S. Campbell oh the Mth Inst.

Mrs. John Laura and children have return edl after vlsltig friends at 'Osgoode Station. Mlas Georgia Whltelaw and daughter are vtsltlng relatives In Professor Workmsn, owing to mill business at Bristol, did not appear for slrminE school hist Friday. Elm logs ar pouring Into tho mill yard notwithstanding the lack of snow. Miss Bell Campbell Is home from Ot tawa, where he was visiting.

She ln- tends retiiminx again. for A number of the boys bf Vernon and Jatrlotle cltlxen here hoisted his ag Immediately after he heard Kim- beriey was relieved, Mr. Dan McMartln Is again hauling logs to be sawn by B. Mcae for ox- oortation. Master Dan Campbell has an attack aisirsruan vampueu naa i inflammation of the lunge VI lea Small of Amprlor Is visiting Mrs.

and Mr. C. Sortven. Little Ml Iran Oeoa I Indisposed. On Xtb Inst; th O.

Y. B. gave "at home" In the Orang Hail, which Waa Salts SMtamiul..

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