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El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas • 1

El Paso Timesi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DSftta'CUDnriBID) I Oi Jmala IMM torn Male. I fflJOTCOTWriBilD 1 iudi Fourteenth Year No. 7. El Paso, Texas, Tuesday Morning, January 1894. Price Five Cents A BOLD BAND.

860,000 BID. The Silver Plume Athletic Club Wants the Uig Figltt. 1. F. Jotirisor), "Wholesale Liquor Dealer 5 Finest Kentucky Bourbon and Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies.

Sole Agent For All the Prod act of the ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASSOCIATION. OF ST. LOUIS, AND THE JOS. SCBLI'IZ BREWING COMPANY OF 3IILWAUKEE. And Wholesale Dealer in PURE ROCKY MOUNTAIN LAKE ICE, Families Supplied With Soda Sareaparilla, Vichy, Seltzer and All Fotioaof Mineral Water.

TRY OUR FAMOUS BUDWEISER BEER. clared to the last that they had no desire to molest the property of private citizens, but that a military necessity was upon them aud that they were compe led to take provisions, stock and ammunition, for which they were willing tv pay when they were able, which they expected to be within a month. Mr. Pomposo Key arrived at his home at Guadalupe after having had a series of adventures that he will not forget. He refused to be interviewed by the Times representative, bat he had been telling his story to some of his friends and through them it was reached.

He had oome home through such hardships as may be imagined, traveling without horses or other equipment, and without arms or provisions through.that wild country. He admitted that he had never in his life felt quite so thoroughly tamed and dispirited as after having met the eye and the Winchester of the leader of that little band of revolutionists. The country in which the band is now operating lies along the river, almost uninhabited, but fall of cattle. Below, some fifty miles west of Ojinaga, is a colony on the Davis ranch containing some 200 or 300 men. It is undoubted -ly probable that re inforcements will join the revolutionists here, as the country men are always ready for adventure.

By the time Mr. Boyd and his party had reached Fort Hancock a messenger from Mr. Pomposo Key at Goadalape had arrived at Juarez to inform the collector of customs and the jefe politico. At once the chief of police started out and reached Guadalupe Sunday niaht. He left Juarez witn oue man, but when he reached Guadalupe he had been joined by about 20.

He gathered more re lnforcemeute there and moved on in pursuit of the gang It is not considered probable, though, that be will overtake them. J. 0. LACKLAND, Cashier. J.


President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vloe Prtat. STATE NAT'L BAJSTK. ESTABLISHED APRIL. 1 88 1 A legitimate Banking Business transacted In all its branches.

Exchange on all the cities of the United States bougnt at par. Highest price paid for Mexican dollars. E. C. Pew, Dealer in Fine Shoes, EL Paso, Texas.

INSTALLMENT. Commencing this date we will furnish your house from parlor to kitchen on easy payments, or for cash. JUST RECEIVED. One ear load of furniture. One ear load of crockery.

One car load of chairs. And we must fell goods. KNOWN, None can undersell us for cash. T. H.

SPBINGBR, FURNITURE CARPETS AND CROCKERY. X. SUutou and 8t. Louis Streets El l'aso, Texas. Special attention to ont of town trade.

Ktory of the Capture of Luis Acosta by Revolutionists. A MILITARY NECESSITY. 'Major" Ochoa and Hit Follower Declare They Will uotrob-A Military Neceltj Compel Them to Take Autmunitlou aud ProvUloui Complete Story of the Capture of J. 11. Bojd, Lulu Afcoata aud The meagre particulars published in Sunday's Times concerning the op-ture of Mr.

Luis Acosta and others by a band of revolutionists exoited no little surprise and much interest in the twin cities on the Rio Grande. In every party of men or womea it was discussed. There was muoh smiling at "General Oohoa," and bantering of the Times people abou1; "revolution." The Times was in a position to wait; but it was at work while it wait ed. And later developments and fuller details, which the Times has been able to secure by means of mails, wires aud couriers, are now at hand. It now appears that the capture and robbery of Mr, Acosta and his party was not a robbery in the common acceptance of that term.

On the other hand it was the by men believing they were esereisiog regularly constituted military authority. They took horses, provisions, auauni-tioa and men, but did not disturb a purse nr a bit of jewelry. They went through the formality of "pressing" these things and of paying for them in vouchers which are to be sent to a certain specified place on a stated date. This was all performed with such a solemnity as characterized the found ers of the American Kepubho more than a hundred years ago; the found ers of the Republic of Texas in later years, and the founders and organizers of the Kepublio or Mexico under its present leader not half so many years ago. There was no levit there was no bluster; there was no bulldozing; there was no violent language.

Uo the other band the leaders of the revolu tionists spoke good Spanish and some of them spoke good English, and all were polite. Mr. J. 11. Bcyd, the manager of the Coiretes; Mr Lais Acosta of the firm of Ketelsen Degetau; and Mr.

Schugt, manager of Ketelsen Degetau's ranch, arvived from Fort Hancock yesterday, but they are all very dumb. They have nothing to say for publication. A reporter called to see Mr. Max Weber, manager for Ketelsen i Degetau, but he had nothing to eay for publication, but the Times has been able to get from its representative at Fort Hancock and couriers from Guadalupe a very full and authenticated account of the affair, which is about as fellows: Mr. Acosta, accompanied by Mr.

J. II. Boyd, of the Corretes ranch in Northwestern Chihuahua, weut into the country below Guadalupe for the purpose of looking at some bodies of cattle they were thinking of buying for shipment. They had completed their business and bad left Kaocno Barracho, going towards the river. They were now accompanied by Mr.

Pomposo Key, brother of the pres. idente of Guadalupe, and Mr. Sohugt and several mosos aud cow boys. The entile party wai moving merrily on when they were suddenly "held up" in a way that would make the heart of a modern highwayman pain with envy. It was done so quickly that no man in the party had time even to think of hi trusty revolver.

It is said that Mr. Schugt it a most facile artiste with Cult's forty five, but be held cp his hands with a meekness that made the revolutionists sal at the lack of tight. They were told by the revolutionist band to consider theme'ves under military anest The different mem bers of Mr. Acosta party were Rationed without the range of voices In conversation, under guard, and ordered not to steak. TLn the Sealers one of whom Victor Ochoa, of Fa Paso, enteral into parley with Accsta ard Itoy J.

Nor there much parleying. The leader wai a powerfully built cioui.taiceer Iu1Un. an 1 as fall of determination and dci-i a a of physical force. 1 1 is name is tint known; cor were there more thtn three hw-sides Oobow who lire in the valley country. The 1 hers, lik their leader, were mountain men.

IX'hn a-1-riressel a "msj an i one of three ewiseellors to whom ietions were referred. At AM the revolutionist were bent on mpreirg the whole party into the rank of the ant I internment forces bat later rhey caolod! to allow the gentlemen to dtptrt. Bat two soct of Mr. Arranle an-l Are cr sit co wheys, including Mr. Schugt tat, went with O-hoa'e band.

The party a then conducted tack to the ranch and left. The tevolutfotlt thea left for the river. fitg to get amracsition wherever they can floi it. Tteyde L. Frendenthal Co ANOTHER BID OF 833,000.

The Thlitr-Flrgt Biennial Sglon of the L'tah Leglalature Speaker Crlup Would not Count a (Juoruui Colouel Craftou and HU Subordinate Will be Ioveeti-Kated-What the Time Hay ot the Bank of England, Dexveh, Jan. 8 The following dispatch was received tonight by the Associated Press; Silver Plcjie, Jan. 8 The Silver Plume Athletic Club and leading business and mining men offer a puree of feisty thousand dollars for the Corbett Mitchell tight. Have notified managers. Will pay in gold or silver.

References Bank of Silver Plume, Nicholas boyle, president, Michael Whalan cashier. Furnish a copy to the Denver papers. Signed, Andrew J. Gann, William Shea, Jno. Shannon, Jno.

Smitherin. Committee. Superintendent Hoescbild. of the Vulofcn Coal Mine, at Newcastle, offers tons of coal to have the Corbett-Mitchell tight iu that town. The ooal is valued at about 13,000.

The tlah Legislature. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 8 The thirty-first biennial sessiou of the Utah legislature convened today and eleoted M. A. Breedeo, present of council, and A.

B. Emery, speaker cf the house. The council is composed of 6even Republican and rive Democrats; house fifteen Republicans and nine Democrats. Governor West's message exults in prospect of speedy statehood, enjoins economy in appropriations and recommends an appropriation of to construct a wing of the proposed oapitol building. Would uotCouuta Ijuorum.

Washington, Jan. S-(tuite a number of Democrats the four days ot last week urged Speaker Crisp to count a quorum aud thus get the house out of the present tangle. To all such suggestion the epeaker turned a deaf ear as he was one of the men in the Fifty-tlrst congress who made a tight on Ueed tor counting a quorum, it was then be quoted Heed against Kted and appealed from Philip Drunk ta Philip Sober. Speaker Crisp would not care to have the quotation revived and turned on himself. Am Investigation.

Cun'Auo, Jan. 8 An investigation of the administration of Colonel Crafton and his subordinates at Fort Sheridan, was begun today under orders from the secre'ary of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Higo Burton, army inspector. Is conducting the eiamination. It is rumored that the investigation is the result of charges made by Mrs.

Hed-berg, widow of the captain who was hot at Fort Sheridan by Lieu'enant Macey, tome time ago. What the Timet s)t. Loxix.s, Jan. 8-The Times today publishes a long letter which is attracting much attention in the city this af-rnocn. The atticle rtferred to with critlctm on the Bank of Kng-land's position and says that it i true that serious irregularities have lately come ti light in the management of the bank, but the Times add that nothing ha caponed to jastify the language u-ed daring the last two months.

A Smeller Kelrf. Li tntiLit, Jan. 8 The Holden Smelting and KetinineCo'a. plant here put up at sheriff's sale today. It a a bought in by George V.

Trimble forriUlH The attachment against the concern amounted Pure A ere Am of tartar lakicg powder Highest cf ail In lewventcg etreeg'h. LaleM Unite! Stales C-overhtaect FcKfcl lUpert. Kojal Biking Powder loo xtu i bl, jr. t. JOBBEIS OP and dry goodC G1 roceries EL PASO, Saddles and Harness.

Io the three jeers that we have ten in business we hare sold over 200 Stock Baddies and have yet to hear the first complaint. What better recommendation could we askf J. R. MONTFORT Cor. Overland Oregon.

Collector Charles Davis left day afternoon for Presidio to yester inspect customs matters there and along the Hue. He was accompanied by Deputy Marshal Scarborough and will lend any assistance asked by (he Mexican authorities in the capture of the party of revolutionists. Tae Reading Hallway. Philadelphia Jan. 8 At the meet ing today of the Philadelphia and Keading railway company.

President Joseph S. Harris aud the present managers were re eleoted. Mrs. Hartshorn, a stock broker. 6aid: "I believe a great crime has been committed in the management of this company and that the receivers are trying to cover up that crime, if they believe that they can put up the income bonds of the company as collateral to margin their stock transactions, then I want to get out, and my brothers aud myself own a million of those bonds." Mr.

Hartshorn asked President Harris why the company was tUced in the hands of a receiver for $2,700,000 while on the 6ame day it put up aa margins in stock transactions. President Harris replUd: "1 don't know, 1 was not president at that time." "But," said Mr. Hartshorn, "you have been president for sis months." "If I had been president for that length of time I would know something abont it." Wtter lleoarre. Washington. Jan.

The investigation cf water resource undertaken ty the geological surrey ha been prao-tical completed. Work was com menced Uct. IHH'J with the object of determining the quantity cf water available for irrigatio cf arid land in the wess or for use as water power. Sclent devoted a large part of the time examinirg the "run olfV of the Mlsftouri, Arkansas, kio Grande and Snike river. I', doe not appear probable that even a high as ten p' cent of the land now oeried by the government can ever irrigated.

In fact there is Co a supi at water lo brlrg unier caltivaMoa an atea equal that w'neb ha pd into the haU'-U of individuals and corporation. Hoaetor, there are localities where housand of ca proritaiilj irrigated ty the construction of dam ae 1 irrigatii to nrple rk. Demer. Jan. S-President John son, cf the Florence an 1 Cripple Creek railway, ha jast complete! a contrtct with the Western I'dIjh telegraph company Ijr a Our wire una irom Frence to Cripple Creek.

Nearly TOO mn have been empiojed on the construction of the road. It is ex pevted that by the last cf the week fully 1 OV men will in the work. The last of this groubd will broken for the erection of the mill and aamplicg works at Florence. A Marker Caee. St.

Lort. Jan- -The effort to fasten the marier of Lecr Uecjtmtn McCoS loch open. George Ki.ty, a convict, fell to the groan 1 today when a statement by him that te was in the work bouse at the time of the murder. U. was crovea ty lie efiknel iecor-1 tj be correct.

Kri1er.ce, however, is to liLt which rota isee ta connect the il arrays, who tried to place the crime ca Kirty, tie murder. JLT0. BBTJNNEE. TEXAS, Tailoring. Mount Vernon ltye, Cincktnbelmer By', Finches Clolden Wedding Bje, Monojrrara Bje, Taylor Kje.


J.Lemp Itrewtcj: Company, The Appolinaria Co. Limited, Iabt Hrewlng Onipany. London Joe. bcblltx lire wins Company, Nissan beltzcr Co, Ober Setter, (icruiAnj. Georre Gonlet, Helm, White Kwk Mineral Water, Co Fricdricn Kroete, Coblentz, Wankeili Wis.

CaMilLlorj A ilelme, Kfaristc, Dapont Jfc llordeaui. Theso Arc Some of Our Special Brands of Fine lTliiskics, thePurityof Which Wc Guarantee. Itelle of Kelson Bourbon. T. J.

Monarch Bourbon, tViuAder llonrbon, Iw llonrbon, Ilicb Hill Bourbon..

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