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The Fort Wayne Sentinel from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 6

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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This Is tb kind 'of weather ot South Weyn avenu dish' or con'Ot led trtara and wtoeh that refreshment may1 be nought, for 4 project' so approved the children' there. no question, of a generous pntronag thls when th children under th direction, o( i fitt older ladles will hold lea cream social at ta playground, corner ot Uoimen Clinton streets; The proceeds will go' towards up the playground. Xlghtlng ot' the grounds hasi been donated by the C3m ftral' Elenftrle Cbrrtpeny and the play ground director, Miss Bntvely, has ot hlnga tin general Mr, and Mrs. "Leopold Frelburger hav returned from northern lale trip. Mr.

and Mra, J. A. Shoalf have returned from an outing at Leland, Mich. Miss' May. Sheridan, of Webster street, has returned from visits, at Chicago and Milwaukee.

and Mra. Albert Bowser will leave the' lat, of. this week for Winona laka to spend a few days. Miss Edith Mensch; of Fourth street, nss gone to Jackson and Marshall, Mich, to spend two weeks. Uf.

and Mrs." Herbert Lsng, of Spy Hum avenue, have returned from, a camping trip at northern points. Mrs. F. B. Crockett, of Lafayette, Is expected In the city tomorrow to visit her daughter, Mrs.

a Dunkelberg. KT Tt Mossman: and grandson, WJl gon to northern Michigan and will vUlt th 'Soo' an'd other points. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harretv "Wlldwood.avenuei leave tonight for lake, Mlqh.

for a fortnight's utln. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Orafton have gone to their home In Michigan city after spending ivral. weeks her with friends.

Mrs. Clarence A. Campbell has re turned to Kansas City, Moi, after I three 'weeks' visit, with Gumpper. Misses Laura Ormlston and Emma Schasfer have i returned from a prt Wight's visit with, friends In Detroit and Buffalo. and Mrs, Charles Alexander ar rlVe4 home today after spending two weeks at Niagara end at several points In Canada.

MliS.Badle Fleming, of West Berry street, has returned from visits, In St. Pauland Minneapolis, and Las Crosse. Wis. Mrs. JVlli Paul and Misses Elsie and Luella Paul have returned from an saltern trip to New' York and Canal dlan points.

"Mrs; 8. E. Mulh.ollarid, ot East Ber rv street and eons, have relumed from; L4ke Maxhjkuckee, where they some. tun, Miss Hattl Bless; of Mishawnka, la spending a weekal'tb iiome, pf If: A. Miller, 1234 Wells street; the guest of JMIs, Ethel Miller.

Mlsa'Adah ar Her. r'mah; Breldenstela ere In Laurel visit A'nd Mrs. Schults, former resi dents of, this" tity. pr. Carrie Banning and son, panl? jrren, and.

daughter, Miss Carina Ban ning are' at ik James for fort night's stay at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

VanCamp, of Lakeside, have returned from a two weeks' 'eastern which Included New York and Canadian points. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowser will leave the latter pari sf this week tor Grand Rapids. wteve they will visit Mrs.

Bowser's mother. Mrs. Mitchell. The Misses Ida artd. Bean Brock smith, of Chicago,) and Otra Blckei, Of Indlanapollfl, are vlHltlnif Miss Ella Beverfordcn.

of East DiTald street Harold Hmjih arid of Orand Rapids, who were visiting Mis Gertrude of West Main Street, for a few days, have returned home. Misses Leone and pirnon, Who had been vjsltmaj their cousins. iff. and Mrs, Slrnop, have returned to home In St. Jov Mich, Miss Jlabecker and Hiss Lehman WT tltghrf or a trttr to New Tek City.

Gloversvlllo. N. and Lan cpster, and wiil be away the rest of the month. Mrs Henry Bowerfind and children, Sirs. James qafrerly nt nd MJss Bsther Paul' hnve three weeks' outing In Michigan, near Macatawa beach.

Mrs. E. C. Rurotln l'ives tonight for Walloon lake. where she will.

spend a daye with Mr. and It C. Mr. Ru radii went to the resort several dys ago. Mrs.

1 Wel has been entertaining her brother. J. Bothsrhlld, of. Terr' I.1ute, who left, today for New York Elrtief: WWl has returned from a three weeks' trip to Mlohlaran points. Mrs.

Edward 8. Taylor, of. New Turk is the guest for a' coupl.i of dnys of ber ilstcr tn taw, Taylor la on way east; from Aah rlllei N.i where She; and Taylor hve been, for several months. Mri Taylor wilt remain south month Miss Nora Kolb, ot 817 Montgomery atrret, will entertain p. this and MrS.

J. Peltier left yesi terday" for Macklnad Island for a week or ten days' Mrs. Clara, Thompson and daughter. Miss Brms, have returned from a two weeks' outing, at Clear lake; Miss, Mabel ot West Wayne street, has gone to West Unity, to visit, relatives for a' few. days.

Lumhard has returned from a visit: In Evanston, I1U with her son, Frank and family. Mrs. William Csm'pbelT, of Wlld wood avenue, haa gone tp Clear lake to visit at the Prrln cottage. Miss Laura Banks, of Indianapolis, Is spending this week with her sister, Miss Katherlne Banks, of 92: Harrison street Mrs. Joseph Trentman gave a plc lc yesterday at Boblson park in honor of her guest Harry Tutly, of Terre Haute.

The Misses: Anna and Pora Panehy have returned from a visit In Mllford. Miss Anna Panehy expects ss her rst in a few days Mrs. Joseph, Farquhar and baby, of But falo. Mr. and Mrs.

T. E. Bailey, of Mas terson avenue, gave a dinner party at their home last evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wanamaker, of Toledo, who are visiting their daughter Mrs.

Harry Flshack. Other guests wars Mr. and Mra. A. Wanamaker and jdMghter, Oladys, also of Toledo, who will return home tomor row, Crouse Family On August 16 was held the third an nual reunion of the Crouse family, the uesceadants of Dr.

J. w. Crouse com posing the greater number of. the. com pany assembled In Grlewold'a grove.

Besides a feast of good things to eat there was program of entertainment that Included recitations, music and speeches. This program was given by Mrs. Edward Renshaw, of Antwerp, Ohio; Burt Crouse, Miss Iris Smith, of Butler; May Swank, Mabel Mellott, Eva Swank, Merle Crouse, Ben Bennett Florence; Swalm, Blanch Renshaw and the Qrlswold Quartet Officers for the Crouse society were elected: President, Crous, Illcksvllle, Ohio; Mrs: Ed Orlswoid. Secretary; Miss Blanche Renshaw, of Antwerp, Ohio, treasurer; entertain rnent and arrangement committee. Charles Preble, Ben; Bennett, May Swank.

Oeorre Orlswoid. Mrs: Ed Renshaw, Mrs. Earl Peepers, Mrs: Oeorje Mrs; Ed Fulkerson and Mrs, T. Swalm. Antwsrp will be Jhe nekt: place of meeting.

There were present Mrv and Mrs. Burt Crouse, of Hicksvme. onroi Mr; una Mrs; ssn peepers, of Hlcksvltle, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Hd RenshaW.Mr;: Earl and Miss Blanche ail or Antwerp, p.

John Crouse 'end Mr. and Mrs. Homer Crouse and, family, of jrirksvllle, Lydla Crouss Bwaysgood and daughters, Clarst E. Bmlth, Cora Hook, Mln nle Wilson, Myrtle, Eskright Guy iris of V. M.

Sweysgood and wife, of Garrett Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Swaysgood, of Mark Center, J.

Crouse, of Butler: J. 0. Brosy, Three Rivers, Mich Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Rlekey, I. L. Crouee, C. M.

Everts, E. M. CrafW, AlWIIda Crotiae, of Butler; W. Crous. ft quth.Bond; Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Crlswold "and family, Mr: and Mrs. M. Mellott aiid family. Mr.

and Mrs. Ben. Behnetf and family, Mr, and r. Tnt fi tm an family, r. and Mrs.

C. P. Nlles and family, Mr. und Mrs. W.

Cromlt snd family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Prehle and family, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fulkerson, Mr.

arid Mrs, Swank and family. Miss Grace Bennett, Miss Elsie Wlepert. THE PORT WAYNE SENTINEL. ffEDNESDAV, AUGtST IT, I10. STYLISH MODEL FOR SCHOOL, i Br mrs.

jane jrona Nyboerr Bsrtels. The marriage of Mrs. Allda Bertels and Mr. John Nyboer took place at o'clock this morning et St, Mary's church Mgr. tJ.

H. Ochterlng eele Frateor the hUpf tar'as: and eon of Mr. Nyboer acted as at tendants. Th bride hs rio children, but she has been a life long friend, of Mr. hner and his family.

After th wedding a breakfast was served to the Immediate family relatives' at the Ber ls home at 2Sfl East, Jefferson street Both Mr. and Mrs. Nyboer have a large number of: frlendsi many of whom were prusent at the church this, morning. A Country Psrty. The tome of Henry P.uelllhg, who llvps In the.

country, waa the, OUR CULINARY DEPARTMENT MENUS AND RECIPES FOR HOUSEKEEPER'S DAILY USE 1 688 4 6T0 12YEARS Mothers who are planning school clothes for autumn should consider the adyariced model pictured. It, Is sure to prove becoming to rnost girls and rinay be, developed satlsfactprily hwzV pensive materials. Those who wish the pattern can get It, jn four sires that win lit, girls between the ages of fotlr and years. Goods, sultsble pr its development come twenty seven and thlrty slt Inches, wide. Of the narrower goods it requires about fir yards to make a frock for a'glrt eight years of age, but of the wider about four yard will be eufdclerm For every day wear wssh goods are given preference, and.

among others that? shops are chambrays. percales, cotton 'poplins and linens. Pongee Is also Bked, and launders so nicely that It may be classed with tub materials. A frock made from these' materials can fectlyely trimmed with bias: bands of the; goods; or braid. A patent leather belt and silk tie, will add much to the good appearance of the dress; When making the the pleats, in the waist et Itched snd pressed before the seams are sewed.

Th latter are made with French fells. The material for the skirt either, hemmd or faced before the pleats are basted, sfter which It must be carefully pressed on the wrong The sailor collar Is a feature. of the garment and can be trimmed as pictured or with a little hand work, A delightfully, pretty and useful little dress for a girl of twelve was of white rep, trimmed with delft blue linen. A black silk tie and patent leather belt were, worn with It. A dress of nat ural colored pongee, trimmed with plain brown or green, would ba serviceable.

On such a frock the collar could have a row of heavy torchon or Cluny insertion, placed "near the edge. A band: of the. same could ba placed Just above the hem of the sleeve and used to form the belt bons or lacs. or; better stilt, by: sav In J' the 'bus fare and: benefiting your health, you can' easllf spare more than penny lij. the Then In time you will to look upon the pennies Ssved as part and parcel, 6f your monetary outlay, and they will appear as Important at the week end rent, food of clothing; Trunks, suit cases and traveling bags one flfth off during our great half price sale that gan Thursday: PATTERSON FLETCHER CO.

EVENIMQ SENTINEL PATTERN COUPON. NO. 88 AUGUST 17. Kama Street and City 4 State 6lze Dealred. (Slxe Muit Be Put en.

Coupon. To obtain the pattern above, fill out the coupon and enclose ten cents In stamps or coin. Address Pattern Ds partment Fort Wayne Sentinel. scene of i family gathering on August 14. There waa especially a gathering of cousins and their families who put in the time visiting and In enjoying the line dinner "served, Games and music were a part of the pleasure of the day.

There were present Mrs. Andrew uelling ana ramiiy, wrs. Martin Koenemann, Mrff. Henry Hdppe, Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Hoppe and famllyi Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt of New Haven; and Mrs. Oewald St rah and. fa 11 yT.

M.r. and Mrs. Henry Hoppe ana family, Mr. and Mrst John Schueler and fara. Ily.

Mr. arid Mrs. Theodore Ooerz, Mr, Paul Bleke, Mr. and Mrs. Fritg Furlan and family: Mr.

and Mrs. Otto Honeck, Messrs. Adolph Hoppe, Otto Albrecht, Miss Emma Honeck, Mr. and Mrs. Paul and family, of Fort Wayne, and the MlBses Hilda and Olga Baade, ot Jonesvllle.

A GIRL'S SAVINGS. Of course some girls are silly enough fo feelrtB4reaasrtliejr CBrinot save pounds It is not worth while to save at all. But this Is quite a mistake. "A penny Saved is a penny earned," snd any girl acting on that principle be. her possession Willie.

'says Woman's Life. excuse yourself by saying you cannot spare even a penny, becaus "where thcre a wiil there's a. and by denying yourself sweets, of some little frippery In the way of rib Post Toasties WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. Breakfast. Atif'lentB.

f.vrnl. Sitgur rind pickled' Salmon. Biittered. Toast. Coffee.

Lunch, Creamed Shrimps. tjaked Rice Pudding: Stewed' Plums. Cream Sponge Cake. Iced Cocoa. Cutried Mut'tbri.

Rle Stewed Okf a. Radish and Cucumber Salad; Frpseii Watermelon. Coffee; RECIPES, Cram Spong Cl. Select half. large eggs; weif them and tak their; weight.

In pbwdered sugar arid' half th. weight iJn ir'nW. rtre' and aeparat. theijigBS, and. bt tofether th yolks and sugar for flfteen mlnnfes.

Whip the whites to a stlff, dry froth, mix lightly with the sugar and yolks, and then cut in lightly the flour, which has been sift ed twice. Bisso'lvi of i teaspnonfol of baking soda 1n one ta blespoonfui of vinegar, add to the batter and bait In an Inch sheet, on cupful of milk In a double bollef beat together" two eggs, three level tablespoOnfuls of corn starch and three level tablesbobnfuls of' Sugar, tiirn Into th scalded milk and.sttr until It thickens. Tak from the Mr, add the grated rind of a lem nn and two tablespoonfuls. Of the Jules, ond put away until cold. Cut th cake In half, fiirn on piece, bottorii Tipwards on a plate, spread with, the filling and cover with th other half.

Dust ths top powderd sugy or Ice with lemon water Icing. Frtn Watermelon. Cut tiie fine, pink. Tlpe pert of lite waterinelori. freed from seeds, Into small, Irregular shaped pieces.

Put a layer nto, sprlikle with sugar, add a. teaspoonlul of: rum. and continue till tha freser Is full. 'Then pack la ie and salt for four hours. mother.

II WVW Wt.V A ACtMlt a boon to housewife the and A package in the pantry saves labor in hot weather, and the family enjoy this crisp, flavoury food. Order a package and: tell yourself I "The Memory Lingers" Postiifflt Cereal Battle 4 Out of Doors is of Benefit to Properly Arranged. For, the Habit Is Highly Healthful, Even for the Physically Strong. There Is no reason why ny person with a plana large enough to hold a cot should not sleep out of. doors all night, and, properly arranged for; the habit Is highly' beneficial, even' for those who.

are not physically weak. If there Is no roof to protect them from a cover of soma kind must be arranged for the bed; otherwise the: light. bedding will become so damp as perhaps to Induce rheumatism. A plec of canvas stretched between two uprights answers, the purpose admirably. On soma cots, specially made for the purpose, there Is an upright and mosquito, bars which come down.

completely enveloping the ied, A mosquito bar Is by no meane to; be despised when out of doors. I( a plana is so situated as to be exposed to the street, a canvas taln to, act as a Screen will cost little, and. It oue does, not wish to go to, the work of Oiling jone, a portable screen will answer every purpose. A canvas screen Is a simple drop, awning, sliding Into place through rings, which permit of It being drawn In the dayi time. No matter bowt warm the weather may be, a thin blanket must be provided.provided.

When the dew begins to fail, and the ground has'cooled sufflclently not to absorb the molstur all at once; the air becomes chilly snd cold is easily caught. While It Is not always possible to. have the entire cot out. of draught, It should be so placed that the head la away from the current. The cot Is not to bs faced toward the light Injury may.

be don to th eyes by exposing them thus directly to the glare, even though some persons are so unconscious oi light as to ba to sleep In It. Th most comfortable, way will be found to finish tbe morning sleep indoors. By dawn a house Is cool, even though It has been warm during the jitght and If one is not obliged to. rise early, there will he rnor rest within the seclusion of four walls. Cots are now made which fold instantly, so that If under cover they can be caught VP quickly In oase of a.

shower. ACter a night spent sleeping out of doors a bath in salt water will be found. specially Sea salt Is Inexpensive, and a handful, ot it dissolved In a basin xf water makes a tonic application, or the body, wb.ll siiu.wet irom ine usual morning bath, can be. rubhed over with dry salt, which' will adhere slightly. MARGARET MIXTURE' BEFORE THEY GO FISHING GIRLS SHOULD GUARD AGALyST pUJNJjUKiN, Towder and CoM Cream Are.

Necessary and Protection for the Neck Must be' rrovideoi by Tylnn Rig Mlk lUndkerchiet, About the Throat. 280 Will buy the too Porosknlt underwear at our store during our great half price sale that hegan Thursday, PATTERSON FLETCHER CO. FOR RENT 3uite of 4 office rooms, 110. 112 W. Wayne rent $20 per month.

Apply Sentinel of fice. 8 i tf Men's straw hats at halt price. PATTERSON. FLETCHER CO. DAVENPORT TRACY PIANO Best German strings, Best German' hammer felt.

Best Sweetest Lightest action. Best value in America. S. A. KARN MUSIC Oil 710 Clinton Street.

Bradley Bros. CUT RATE imva STORE. "Good delivered to any part ot th city Phone 803," BOc Bention Almond Cream. 7oc Pampelan Massage Cream. BOc Pompefan Massage 8RC 7 do Acme Massage cream EOc Balm of Almond Cream.

2Bc Colgate's, Men nen a Talcum .15 2 Be Colgate's Tooth Powdr, ii. uu uoigatea toi let water. t7Bc 7 lie Colgate's Toilet Water BOc 60c Coigate's Toilet 2Bo Mum destroys the odor of perspiration 2Hc Shaving Sticks 25c Colgate a Rapid Shave Powi der 2tc Tetlow's Face Powder. A. D.

S. Imported Olive Oll Pure per, bottle, .250 arid. 75c Daisy Fly Killers, .2 for 2Bo $1,00 Swamp. Root'. COc Swamp Root.

$1.00 D. D. D. Eczema Cure. $1.00 Root 50c Antlphleglstlne.

SO Doan's Kidney Pillj. Bradley Bros. THE OLD WAGNER ''Prescriptions Filled at 627 CALHOUN ST. IF YntT WANT OR SELL, ask, one of oar agents to 'Seven In our Realtv DepU alone. Monroe W.

Fitch Sons, Tbe Eirtii nd inaanuici) Men. Fishing. one of the best sports In Which a girl may indulge In In. the summer, bs arranged if neck, face and handcar not to bs sacrificed to of th sun, ffot only ar powder: and cold cream nee esiary, but 'special protection for the neck must be In one the head so. as.

to leave the back of neck exposed to the sum and there will be decided line, of, red Unless one' Is careful. The best way preventing, sunburn of the neck Is by wearing a big silk, handkerchief. Arranged with an to eftectj It can be: made; to look very' well. It should be put on corner Klse, the two ends fled In front In whst fishermen, call a "square knot." Even If a linen collar Is worn, this should be over It, but. with such a bandanna an: Under collar Isj not required.

A face veil would It scorned by any true devotee of Ashing, and SQ the complexion must he iOtherwIs protected. I like a cream made by mixing any cold cream with powdelred msg nesls. forming a thick paste, Magnesia Is cooling. In putting this on, not only la the face to be, treated, but the' ears also, th neck behind them, and under th throat, Thos who object to cream with grease w(ll Ilk one that Is made, by melting an ounce ot best Ttusslan lalnglass In two gills of adding a tablespoonful, of glycerine as soon as the flrst two. Ingredients are, mingled.

This is penetrating to, the pores, and there Is not enough oil to affect a greasy complexion. Hands, 'being mor exposed than any other part of the skin, must be correspondingly tared, for; Nothing, I think, the wearing o( chamois glovis. They will get soaking wet, of course, but even it cream has been put on, there will be neither freckle nof red Cnamois haV the advantage of 'not binding the hands and is not Injured by water. Before puttlrig them on, cold cream Is to be applied thickly to the backs of the hands, and the nails should be filled until the hollow they make has been brought up to a level with the finger tips. much 'cream cannot, be put on.

A grease Is essential for this, constsnt wetting would; dry th cuticle badly, and cream, pro. tecta it. On returning from the all skin which hsS been greased should wiped oft csfefuliy will) lotion mad equal ot Julc nd tincture Don with 'car; this will remove all th cream, snd a. Anal application ot th lotion may be gent! and 7 JIAnOARKT CASTOR I A For Infants and Childxen. nie.Klnd,You Have Always Bcaght Slgnatare of All.

negligee shirts for "white will sold at half prlc, during our great half price sal. PATTERSON FLETCHER Place Th. Sentinel on list bt vacation luxuries. Mailed to. any ad dress In the United States.

Mexico or Canada. Ten cent per weok. tt We are selling $1.00 Sea Island Balbriggan Underwear for BOe a garment or 1.00 a suit. This Just half price. We etlll have about thirty dozen.

They won't last long. PATTERSON FLErCHKH CU. While, on your vacation have The Sentinel mailed to you. Ten cents per week, Either phone 173. have been, selling three pairs, of garters for 50c.

They go for its during our great half price PATTERSON FtETCHER CO. tor RENT Eieht room house located 2802 Fairfield Ave. Inquire within. Because" We have facilities for mixing, kneading and baking that far surpass your own, it is easy, for us to make Perfection Bread ns good as your own home baking. Perfection Bread costs you ten cents a double loaf.

It would cost you far more to bake such bread at home. Perfec tion Biscuit Company, THESE PRICES SDRPRIS 1L People, both, men and women, who know jewelry, people who know values, are surprised at the prices at which we are cleaTing. pyr What is more surprising is the fact that all lines are reduced, and the very finest articles in each line are included. Nothing is held in reserve. Why.

not buy Christmas presents now? Surely the saving yould be worth while. STEELING SILVER SILVER PLATED Toilet Sets Regular prices of Sterling to $22 Regular prices of PJated to $10 Both 20 Per Cent Off BACK COMBS An extensive assortment to choose froml $1.50. value. .50 $2.00 $1.00 Afore i Combs reduced' in similar proportions. BAR PINS.

BROOCHES $1 50c Belt Pins and Buckles $1.25 to $3.00 values, now 75c II W.ll rmr mt I KLIIIXLLI QC SULlDLl II ii --'iii! 1 I.

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