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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 9

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EL PASO HERALD Monday, November 27, 1911 9 A CERTAIN CURE FOR CATARRH The mucous membranes of the nose and throat are exposed to the irritating influence of dust, impure air, and for this reason are the places Catarrh usually first manifests itself. But these are simply exciting causes, the inflammation and discharge being really produced by an impure and vitiated condition of the blood. It is well enough to use some local treatment to cleanse these membranes, but any one can readily see that if the inflammatory matter is left in the blood, such treatment cannot possibly have any permanent effect. S. S.

S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impure catarrhal matter and irritating germs and at the same time builds up the system by its fine tonic effects. When S. S. S.

has purified the blood, the mucous surfaces are all nourished and made healthy. There can be no inflammation of the membranes then, because the blood is pure, and every tissue receives nourishment instead of irritating matter. Our book on Catarrh will interest every sufferer of this disease, and it likewise give proper advice as to what is best to use as a local aid while S. S. S.

is purifying the blood. This book is free to all, and we will also be glad to give any special advice you may feel you need. S. S. S.

is sold at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, Go. dventure A ROMANCE OF THE SOUTH SEAS For over 40 years Dr. Family Medicines have kept the lead and still stand in the front rank-as curative agents. They are little advertised now, as compared with many others, resting, as they do for popularity upon their many years of marvelous cures and the grateful friends they have made.

ask your neighbors They must know of many cures of bad cases of Female Weakness and Kindred Ailments of Women due to the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SIGK WOMEN WELL. the only advertised medicine for ills which contains neither alcohol (which to most women is worse than rankest poison) nor habit-forming, or injurious drugs and the makers of which are not afraid to print all its ingredients on its outside wrapper. Is that not significant Dr. Golden Medical Discovery Is equally renowned for its many curcs of Stomach Weakness, Indigestion, Torpid, or Lazy, Liver and kindred derangements, as well as for Blood and Skin affections.

In many ailp ments of women the combined use of these two medicines is advised. only a dishonest dealer, here and there, that will attempt to persuade you to accept a secret nostrum in place of these time-proven remedies of KNOVrN composition Resent the insult to your intelligence and trade elsewhere. Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M- President, Buffalo, N.

Yf By Jack London Copyright. 1910, by Street Smith Copyright, 1911, by the Macmillan Oo, from Saturday) Behind Dr. Medicines stands the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, At Buffalo, tnor- oughly equipped and with a Staff of Shilled Specialists to treat the more difficult cases of Chronic diseases whether requiring Medical or Surgical skill for their cure. Write for free GUIDE BOOK MUCH INTEREST IN IRRIGATION MEETING REEVES COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION FORMED U. S.

Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU WILLIS L. MOORE. Chief. 30 5 Officers Chosen and Plans Made to Build the Fair Grounds Pecos, Nov.

Reeves County Fair association lias been organized here at a largely attended meeting-. Plans for the purchase of 40 acres of land, erection of buildings, grandstand, baseball grandstand and other buildings, including exhibit hall, were planned, and the organization of a $7500 stock company was called for. Will P. Brady was elected president, R. S.

Johnson vice president and Porter A. Whaley secretary. This organization will permanently handle all business of a fair nature in this section and exhibits will be allowed from all parts of west Texas and New Mexico. Talks were made at the meeting by Peter Goodloe Max Krauskofpt. F.

w. Johnson. J. W. H.

V. Link, Prof. J. S. Long, T.

Y. Casey and others. At the meeting Mr. Brady submitted a renort of the fair held here in September and stated that the expense had been met by receipts with the exception of about $175 still due. The fair cost more than $1000.

Rev. Homer L. Magee of the Church of Christ united in marriage Miss Allie Ford of this city and J. W. Piggs of Fort Worth.

The couple left for Fort Worth immediately after the ceremony. At a meeting of the Pecos Commercial club a Good Roads association for eastern Reeves county was organized, and Dr. Jimp Camp of precinct 1 was elected president and H. B. Link, editor of Pecos Times, secretary.

The purpose of the organization is to assist in carrying the $100,000 good roads election to be voted on in this district on January 19, 1912. Secretary Link announced today that a big good roads rally would be held in this city shortly. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases, such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for its cures, of colds.

It contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence. Sold by all dealers. Thirteen El Pasoans Already Have Agreed to Attend El Pasoans are taking a great deal of interest in the National Irrigation congress, which will be held in Chicago December 4 to 9, and a large party will represent the city at the meeting. Already 13 members of the chamber of commerce have signed up to attend the convention and before the party leaves on 2 from this city, it is expected that there will be 18 or 20 representative business men from El Paso in attendance. Ottyfer cities in the southwest are sending large delegations to this congress and especially from east Texas will the cities be well represented.

The El Pasoans who have already signified their intention of attending the congress are J. Happer, C. A. Kinne, R. F.

Burges, J. I. Hewitt. W. R.

Brown, L. E. Behr, J. A. Smith, J.

J. Mundy, Z. L. Cobb, W. Follett, Dr.

S. T. Turner, J. A. Espy, W.

E. Keller of El Paso, and Oscar Snow of Las Cruces, N. M. Mr. and Mrs.

J. N. Bradt of 3331 Almeda avenue are spending the winter in Florida. VMLR oh 'y Observations taken at 8 a. meridian time.

Ibobahs, or continuous lines, pass through points of rIt (feature. I sotherms or dotted linos, paw through points of equal perature, they will be drawn only for zcrxxf reeling, and 100" ymbols indicate state of weather: clear; partly cloudy; (Q) report missing. fly with the wind. First figure, minimum temperature hours; second, 2t-hour rainfall, if it oquais .01 inrlu third, wind velocity ot lu miles per hoar or more. iiookKeeping, Ish, Spanish and Penmanship.

POSITION GUARANTEED. Business Collega Davis. Manacer. Phones 1444 Paso, Monday, Nov. 27, 1911.

Forecasts. El Paso and tonight and Tuesday; colder tonight. New fair west, snow flurries and colder east portion; Tuesday fair with continued cold West fair and colder; cold wave in southeast portion; temperature will be freezing in south portion and 10 to 16 degrees in north portion; Tuesday fair. Weather Notes. Reduced barometer reading as high as 30.80 inches were reported this morning in connection with the northwestern high pressure area.

A barometric trough reaches from southeastern Texas northeastward to Canada. Precipitation during the past 24 hours was generally light and mainly west of the Mississippi. El Paso RendlnKN. Today Yesterday 6 a. m.

6 p. m. Barometer (sea 29.88 Dry thermometer 35 55 Wet thermometer 26 39 Dew point 6 16 Relative humidity 26 19 Direction of wind NW. W. Velocity of wind 14 State of weather Clear.

Rainfall last 24 0 Highest temp, last 24 60 Lowest temp, last 12 35 he was a living directory of the fever boles of west Africa. Sheldon leaned back in his chair on the vernnda. sipping his coffee and listening. In spite of himself he felt touched by the charm of a man who had led so varied a life. It seemed to him that the man addressed himself particularly to Joan.

Sheldon watched her rapt attention, listened to her spontaneous laughter, quick questions and passing judgments and felt grow within him the dawning consciousness that he loved her. Then as if the scene had been prepared by a clever playwright, Dtami came upon the veranda to report to Joan the capture of a crocodile in the trap they had made for her. face, illuminated by the match with which he was lighting his cigarette, caught eye, and Utami forgot to report to his mistress. Tudor," he said with a familiarity that startled Sheldon. The Polynesian's hand went out.

and Tudor, shaking it. was staring into his face. is he asked. see who the dickens is Utami? Where did I ever meet you. my no forget the Utami chided.

time Huahine Tudor gripped the hand a time and took it with genuine tea rti ness. was only one Kanaka who tame out ot the Huahine that last voyage, and that Kanaka was Joe. The deuce take it, man, glad to see you. though 1 never heard your new name everybody speak me Joe along the Huahine. Utami my name all the time, just the what are you doing Tudor asked, releasing the hand and leaning eagerly forward.

sail along Missle Lackalanna her acbootier Miele. We go Tahiti. PRACTICE MARCH HELD AT THE FORT Western Motor Supply Co. Special attention given to mail orders. 406 San Francisco St.

El Paso, Texas. Fhone Bell 528. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Automobile Supplies and Agents for Goodyear Tires. A practice march of the 23d infantry was held Saturday morning at Fort Bliss to get the men in fighting trim.

Lieut. R. G. Herman, who has been assigned to the 23d infantry from the 28th infantry, is expected to report on December 5, and will be assigned in command of company F. Lieut.

R. G. Herrman, who has been granted a leave of two and one half months, will leave in a few days to spend the time at his home in Pennsylvania. SHEET METAL WORK Tanks, Troughs, Furnaces. Ceilings, Cornices.

Skylights, Etc. Mail orders given prompt attention. H. WELSCH COMPANY Bell 600. Auto.

1600. 311 and 313 West Overland St. Cold Chills Passed Over Her Stanton Lady Has a Disagreeable Experience, but Is Able to Help Herself as Well as Her Daughters. Hand Furniture Phone 3046 Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora-Bora, Manua. Tutuila, Tpia, Savaii and Fiji islands Fiji islauds.

Me stop along Missie Lackalanna in Solomons. Very scton she catch another and 1 were the two survivors of the wreck of the Tudor explained to the others. ail told on board when we sailed from Huapa. and Joe and I were the only two that ever set foot on land again. Hurricane, you know, in the Faumo- tus.

That was wrhen 1 was after you never told me, Utami, that been wrecked in a Joan said reproachfully. The big Tahitian shifted his weight and flashed his teeth in a conciliating smile. no nothing Jt he said. right, Tudor said. see you in the morning and have a saved my life, the Tudor explained, as the Tahitian strode away and with heavy softness of foot went down the steps.

1 never met a better And thereat, solicited by Joan, Tudor narrated the wreck of the Huahine, while Sheldon smoked and pondered and decided that whatever the shortcomings were, he was at least uot a liar. (To Be Continued.) Stanton, felt a says Mrs. Cora Armistead, of Stanton, my left side, and I suffered for months with womanly troubles. Book Cases nnd Office Supplies. ELLIS BROS.

PRINTING CO. Cold chills would pass all over me, and I would get so weak at times that I would have to lie down. I bought a bottle of Cardui, and by the time it was taken. I was feeling better, so I tried another bottle, and by the time that was gone, my troubles had left me entirely. I have been healthier since I took Cardui, than ever before in my life.

There is no medicine, anywhere, better than Cardui. I have not only taken it myself, but both my daughters, who were very delicate, have been helped by Cardui more than anything they ever The way to cure womanly troubles, pains, headache, backache, is to help nature, by taking Cardui. Cardui is a true tonic. It helps to build up the delicate womanly constitution, and brings health and strength to the system. WHO THE DICKENS IS UTAMI sul general, he had been born in Germany, in which country he had received his early education and his accent.

Then, still a boy, he had rejoined his father in Turkey and accompanied him later to Persia, his father having been appointed minister to that country. Tudor had gone through South American revolutions, been a rough rider in Cuba, a scout in South Africa and a war correspondent in the Russo Japanese war. He had mushed dogs in the Klondike, washed gold from the sands of Nome and edited a newspaper in San Francisco. The president ot the Onited States was his friend. He was equally at home in the clubs of London and the continent, the Grand hotel at Yokohama and the shanties in the Never Never country.

He had shot big game in Siam, pearled in the Paumotus, visited Tolstoy, seen the Passion play and crossed the Andes on mule back, while Pimples, eruptions, scales, ulcers, sores, eczema and chronic are caused by -blood, but become other trouble is so easily overcome. Oaacarets are wonder-workers in die any disease caused by bad or impuore blood. They eliminate all buiLd up and enrich tihe blood, enabling to make new, healthy tissue. Pure blood means perfect health, and if you will use Gascarets they will give you good aaud a pure, clean skin, free from pimples and blotches. To "try Gasrcurets is to like them, for never before has there been produced as perfect and as harmless a blood purifier, liver and stomach regulator as Oascarets Candy Cathartic! Be sure to take Gasmreti and you will surely have good, pure, healthy, blood and no moire eruptions or dis- MgT Ifflgk figure.Aien.t8.

A 10-cent box of Gasoarets will truh Am lilli amaze vou. Custom Assay Office CRITCHETT FERGUSON Metallurgists AGENTS 1 OR ORE SHIPPERS 210 San Francisco St. Bell Phone 334 Auto Phone 1334 The Reasonable Way Strong vigorous men, women and children hardly ever catch only when your system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs can get a foothold. Now isn't it reasonable that the right way to cure a cough is, to build up your strength again? Mr. Patrick Wren of N.

Blrming- ham, knows about this. He says, caught a bad cold a year ago and had a bad cough for long time, but Vinol relieved it completely and built up my health. Vinol is the best medi- cine I ever used or heard of for coughs I and This splendid cod liver and iron rem- edy does not smell or taste like cod liver oil, but is so delicious that chil- dren love to take it. Yet it has the strengthening value of cod lfver oil, 1 with tonic, blood-building iron. Chronic Bronchitis yields to Vinol because it builds up the system in all weakened and rundown conditions.

You can get your money back any time if Vinol does not do all we say. Kelly I Pollard, druggists, El Paso, Texas. I Fifty years of succesu, in relieving aches and pains of other weak and ailing women, is proof that Cardui should help you, too. Try it. N.

Write Advisory Chattanooga Medicine Chattanooga, for Special and 64-page book. Treatment for sent in plain wrapper, on request. No Parties--No international Business College Laughter. Laughter is a most healthful exertion. It is one of the greatest helps to digestion with which I am acquainted, and the custom prevalent among our forefathers of exciting It at table by jesters and buffoons was founded on true medical CHICHESTER PILLS TOE DIAMOND A GORDON HAT FACTORY REBULATE STOMACH, LIVER BOWELS XBSTE GOOD-NEVER 6RIPE OR SICKEN.

Ladles! Ask for Sui in Red and Gold sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Bst of your ProffffUt. Ask for CIII-CITES-TER 9 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for Jm vears known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable rlSOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE With John B.

Stetson.) Al! kinds of hats cleaned and blocked by an expert. Stiff hats a and reblocked in uptodate shapes. Mail us your hats. lor, TEXAS ST. I Oo per box Also 2 5c and 60c.

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