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The Columbus Telegram from Columbus, Nebraska • 7

Columbus, Nebraska
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inert of rrpubikauldng tha south ty rM'LE S1I0UL I) KNOW A rOLICY OF DECEIT the eso of federal patronage, waa deservedly repudiated bj bla own people and no doubt bis po WHAT WAS OUR PURPOSE IN AC QUIRING THE PHILIPPINES? WHY FILIPINOS HAVE NO FAITH IN AMERICANS. I Commoner Comment Cxtrncts from V. J. Bryan's Popcr. lltltul future la ruined: but tlio at-tempt to pay a parly debt ahould take aoiuo other form than by shoving a Are Thousands of Llvee and Millions divgraced man out of tho senate lute a Judicial position.

Ultimata Purpose of the Admlnlitra-tion In Dealing With tha Philippine lilanda Haa Bean Studiously Con cealed What la Needed. of Dollars Being Expended for the Benefit of Selected Intereitif Queitlon Must be Settled. NEW CAMPAIGN EMMAS'. "Keep on letting well enough alone." la Mr. Hanna's new cnmtmlKU louun.

Ing to the request by the Philippine committee that tbo report be strut la for It Information. It was because of his Instrumentality In bringing about this exposure that tho president was on the point of retiring him summarily from tho army, when a strong delegation of senators Intimated to Mm that aueh a proceed-would be strongly resented by gentlemen who could make things uncomfortable for him in executive schhIoiis of the senate. From this rendition of affairs two Important presumptions appear. One Is that the war department la suppressing something of Importance to the pooplo and which they are entitled to know. The other Is that General Miles probably knows all about 1L A democratic houso of representa As on Illustration of thn temper of thn people, attention c.iIWi) to a democratic (invention In Wayne county, Illinois, The committee ported a reries of rrcolutlonn thnt did not mention tho Kaunas City plutform and In the no I ite and confusion usually attendant upon conventions, ninny did not notlee tho omhedon.

However, as soon n'tentlon was rail. (I It the convention Hliowed Itu fe llnrs on the subject und It only required a moment's time to add a resolution Indorsing demoirutlc prlnelplis as ret forth In other words wullo the rull dinner pall, which worklnnuH'ii were piom-I ed Is without meat, tbo worklngmen may be thankful that it la not without bread. While on every hand the people are met with the exactions of the trusts, through which exactions the price of tha necessities of life have undergone a marked Increase, the wages of the people have not been In A Difficult Choice. Congressman Dalzell of Pittsburg, ho Is the congressional hired man of the Pennsylvania railroad, baa Incurred tho displeasure of the steel trust, which proposes to beat htm for re-election. This is a painful state of affairs.

Hitherto no one has ventured to question the supremacy of the Pennsylvania railroad In tho politics of the state. Tho action of the ateel trust will not only disturb Mr. Quay, but it will unsettle the allegiance of the average Pittsburg voter, who will be in doubt whether to stick to his old master, tho railroad, or knock his head against tho ground before the ateel trusL creased. Hut tbo Hanna consolation Is that the people should be thankful tives is nccdud to get at the bottom of this thing. that they enjoy tho privilege of work Ing nt all.

In fnrt, they should be thankful that they are permitted to live and have their being. him every Intelligent man tnuiit recognize that there are ninny things which should From the very first there liaa either been absolute silence or only the most obscure or ambiguous deliverances by the representatives of the party In power both In the whit bouse and in congress aa to their ultimate purpoRoa with respect to tho people of the rhlllpplne Islands. The only clear deliverance has been a demand for unconditional surrender, backed by force not unattended by cruelty. Not even the deliverances of tho supremo court havo Illuminated the prospect cither for the Flllplnoa or for the American people. Every official voice, civil and mill- tary, boa been silenced, save for tho vaguest of Delphic utterances.

Thero has been no Intimation of a purpose, near or remote, to accord to tho pco-plo of tho Philippines American liberty. There baa been no expressed Intention to grant them political liberty self-government with constitutional guaranties such aa we enjoy and such as we have always extended to the people of territories we have heretofore acquired. On the contrary, every act, civil They Insist on Independence. There could bo no moro fatuous Idea than that the Filipinos ever will declare by vote that they wish to remain an American colony rather than an Independent nation. If it was possible to conceive such an outcome in be remedied by tho people.whllo every ono knows that the cople are suffering under many Inexcusable Imposi If the Philippines were not acquired fur the purpose of real Inn American territories and states what was tho purpose? This Is a question to which the American people have a right to demand an am it.

For tho first time In our history tho treaty of Paris extended American sovereignty over new territory without a promise of citizenship for anybody. It Is reasonably clear, thero-foro, that the administration which negotiated that treaty contemplated a new departure In the way of colonization. With blgh-soundlnir declarations of a desire to coufer great benefits upon tho catlvcg of the islands, tho purpoBO to enlist tho American people In a new and dangerous adventure beyond the seas was pretty well concealed. Every annexation preceding that which resulted from tho late war with Spain was followed speedily by action In congress extending the constitution and the laws over the lands thus acquired. This policy made the annexed territory an Inviting fluid for American enterprise.

Americans cf every station In life did not hesitate to follow the constitution and the laws. There was no attempt at monopoly or favoritism. Hoar'a Plea for Humanity. tions, they are told by republican leudera to "keep on letting well enough alone." It was thotte mngnl llelent arguments, "four years more of 183a It Is not possiblo after the revelations which theso three yeara of war havo brought. Then why continue to oliaso that delusion? Why pursue further a plan of antl Imperialism, tho only effect of which Is to strengthen the position of those conscienceless commerclallsts who would keep tbo Philippines for what thero Is In them? the full dinner pall." and "let well enough alone." that won tho victory for tho republicans In MOO; and now the intelligent people of this country are n.skrd to be satisfied with that other mnKiilflcent argument, "keep on Senator Hoar's masterly appeal for humanity In the Philippines debate can only bo answered by his republican asoclatoa with a plea for national selfishness and brutality.

His speech rings with real patriotism as Foraker'a rings with the false. And we believe that tho sentiments expressed by tho eloquent sago from Massachusetts are those of the great majority of the American poople. The republican men on horseback will do well to hoed this warning from one who has devoted his life to that party. In tho Kansas City platform, and having thus net themselves rliiht thn democrats proceeded to tho other buslm-ps before the convention. Ono Malwart and watchful democrat can thwart the schemes of the rcorr.anlr rs In almost any precinct and a few who ara on tho alert can usually prevent the reorganize! from rapturing a county convention.

The nearer you get to the voters the ler.a strength tho tliovv. It Is a pity thnt moro of tho ministers do not follow tho example set by Rev. Dr. W. M.

lllndnmn. of Kenton, Ohio, in the adieus delivered by him on the Inv.t memorial day. After speaking toiiehingly end tenderly of the diad he turned to the future and pointed out the path of national honor and duty. Instead of ccelng the hand of providence In the conquering and dltfiiulliltg of llclp'iriui people, bo declared that nations ob well nu Individuals must be guided by moral prln. clblcs, and Insisted that those morn! principles could not bo violated without bringing punishment upon the nation.

He said that the peoplo aro patiently waiting for tho administration and congress to solve the Philippine question, and that If they discovered that greed Instead of principle was to bo tbo guide, there would go up from an outraged people "a thundering for Justice and rljcht nkln to tho thundering on ML Slnal." letting well enough alone. THE SAME OLD SERPENT. Americana Are Not Free. The democratic party is Justified in demanding that the American pooplo Thn New York Tribune thinks It has made a point when It says that "tho Filipinos are not threatened with and military, formal and from the creation of an tlonal commission to the common application of contemptuous and oppro loss of their Independence been use they have never, nt least for three centuries, had Independence and they cannot well lose tliut which they do be mado freo and Independent before the people of tho Philippines, and no man can consider himself freo who is forced to pay toll to a corporation for every bite he eats and for every stitch he wears. Tho Dingley tariff law has made foreign competition Impossible In this Country.

The trusts by getting control of the manufacturing plants have mado domestic competition impossible and ore thereby enabled to not possess and they have not possessed." Something like thnt might have been said of the American colonists. The Tribune also says of the Filipinos: "For many generations they Rottenness In Cuba. Thero is evidence In plenty that there was enough rottenness In Cuba to demand a searching investigation by congress, and it la to be hoped that the examination Into the financial affairs of the island during the American military occupation will be prompt and thorough. The accounts show that there are many items demanding explanation and the explanation should bo forthcoming in the interest both of the good name of this country and of the welfare of the bankrupt government of Cuba. There was no despotism to deprive them of equal opportunities and there was a guaranty of self-government and citizenship which gave them no uneasiness as to the future.

In the Philippines no such conditions prevail. Natives and American citizens are alike in the dark as to the government's intentions and they are alike oppressed by an autocracy which, unless appearances are deceitful, is better calculated to promote selfish Interests than it Is to confer advantages and opportunities upon the American people as a whole. It is well known that commerce is In the Courier-Journal. Henry Wat-terson Bnys: "If It bo Insisted that we turn back for a platform, why not wore under Spanish sovereignty without dispute or protest. When finally they did revolt It was not for Independence, but for a redress of grievances." Something very like that might have been said of the American colonists.

The Tribune says: "The Islands are to have the largest practicable degree of self-government." Something very much like that was said of the American colonists by demand what prices tbey will, limited only by the tariff which protects them. Evils of the Spoils System. A president Is elected after a contest Involving some public policy, and the people expect it to be carried out The president finds that he must practically bribe senators and representatives by distributing places as brious epltheta to the people, from the decision of the supreme court that congress may make one tariff law for the United States and another for the Philippines to the employment of military expedients condemned by our own articles of war as well as by the law of nations, has declared by the plainest Implication that it was the intention of the dominant party to treat the people of the islands as conquered subjects possessing only such rights and privileges as the conqueror may be graciously pleased to accord. The policy of Imperious demands and obstinate silence as to ultimate intentions silence save as actions have Implied an intention to treat the conquered people as tho Americans have never before treated any people has been directly calculatd to Implant deadly and undying hatred in the breasts of the Filipinos. What is even worse, it has been directly calculated to discredit the American people as the professed friends of all men and the champions of free government and liberty regulated by law.

to that of 1892 on which we won our last presidential battle?" A king was once congratulated upon a triumph he had won In battle nfter a desperate strucelo In which tho larger portion of his army was annihilated. "Another victory like thnt." said the king, and mv kingdom la gone." it is iruo that In 18112 "we won our last prcsl-dentlnl bnttle." but when tbo demo George III. Tho Tribune says thnt this government does not Intend to oppress tho people of the Philippines. Thnt Is exactly what George III said to the American colonists and It Is exactly what has been said by every other king and emperlor who sought to Impose his authority upon a people. Can Not Feel Sympathy.

Gen. Wood, who drew some $S00 per month from the Cuban treasury for the maintenance of his official dignity and who likewise ran up extensive ine bills for the new republic to pay, is violently opposed to any clemency for Mr. Hanna's friend Rathbone. The circumstances inevitably recalls the case of the husky mendicant who drove off the smaller vagabond with the declaration: "I'm working this side of the street myself." crat recalls the record of the adminis tration elected In '92 be is impressed with tho thought that that was the the most potential of civilizing agencies, yet there is no purpose on the part of the administration to remove the oppressive customs taxes which now vex all Intercourse between the islands and the mainland. If it bad been the Intention of the administration to confer any advantages upon the American people as a whole by this annexation, provision would have been made for the speedy removal of the tariff barrier.

Failure to do so must be accepted as another Indication that territory was acquired in this case with no idea of promoting they may direct. If a president is skillful in this sort of corruption we have a congress which Is In Blavlsh subjection to the president, and if we have a president who is unskillful or revolts at the practice we have collision between the executive and congress, and in the confusion every legitimate public Interest suffers. most expensive victory thnt ever came to a political organization. Mr. Hepburn of Iowa would have us purpose of all trusts Those who Imagine that It la to their interest to defend a particular tniBt because that trust happens, temporarily, to be paying them a large price believe that General Smith's attorney uttered a falsehood when he admitted that General Smith hau issueu uiw ivvutal order.

But Mr. Hepburn be for their products, while at the same time they are required to pay tribute We need for the good of the people of the Philippines, and even more for the good of the people of the United spates, a congress which will declare plainly and unequivocally that we tend American liberty, American free to other trimta, are remided by the Pittsburg Post that "the purpose of all trusts, Although they may operate In different ways, is the same, It Is government, under the guaranty of A Frank Policy Demanded. It is Impossible to many good Americans who believe we own and should continue to govern the Philippines to see wherein this government can lose anything by a frank policy with the Filipinos. Indeed, the people are largely of opinion that such frankness would lead to a speedy cessation of opposition upon the part of the Filipinos and to a lasting peace in the interests of American supremacy and Filipino loyauy. A Beginning.

Mr. Roosevelt has decided that there is no legal ground for his Intervention in the miners' strike. The circumstance is encouraging as the first Instance in which the considerations of legality or constitutionality have restrained the president from doing exactly as he pleased. We may venture to hope that, having made a beginning, Mr. Roosevelt will eventually recognize that all the laws of the nation apply to the president as well as to citizens not in to secure and maintain absolute con trol over production and transporta tne general grood, but for the purpose of opening up a new and Inviting region for exploitation by selected Interests.

The Philippines have cost and are costing the American people thousands of valuable lives and hundreds of millions of dollars of money. As matters stand at this time these lives and this money are being expended to no purpose that will make for the general welfare. They are sacrificed in the interest of the tariff-protected tlon. This puts the consumer at their mercy and that mercy is ruled by the size of their dividends. Heir-interest lieves that men can tax themselves rich, that the narrower the financial base the stronger the financial situation, and tho tho Declaration of Independence has not been Ignored by abandoning the principle of concent of the governed.

This will explain Mr. Hepburn's position. Hill and Cleveland are to attend a harmony meeting In New York. Why should it seem necessnry to harmonize Mr. Hill and Mr.

Cleveland? They have always been In harmony whenever the interests of Wall street demanded harmony. Why should Cleveland be Invited to a democratic meft-lng? Until he expresses an intention to return to the democratic party there is no reason why he should be invited and the love of power, part of the In ivmiuua UIJDIIIUUUII, aS milCU for the people of the Philippines as we did for the people of the northwest territory when it was confirmed to them by the ordinance of 1787 and the national constitution. We need a-president whose utterances will bring hope and not despair. We can have neither such a congress nor such a president so long as the Republican party as now led is in power. ner nature of mankind, naturally leads the trust to oppression and wrong-doing.

Sooner or later they must go the How to Increase Wages. Congress could in a single day raise way of all who practice and enforce absolutism." The only way to fight trust system Is to fight all trusts, and while we may fairly believe that the wages or raise the purchasing power of the wages, which is quite as well of every workingman in the United States by lowering the tariff "sooner or later the trusts may go the way of all who practice and enforce absolutism." this end will not A Mockery of Cuba. The senators are actuated wholly by personal and selfish motives in opposing popular election. The claim has been made, and with general approval, that the United States senators find It an easier matter to manipulate the vote of a state, and thus find it to speak before democrats. be reached until the consumers of tho country stand for their rights and ar The Chicago Tribune asserts that wall behind which the beef trust, the sugar trust, the coal trust, the steel trust and the rest make their gains by charging "what the traffic will bear." Fussing with the trusts in the courts is a mere hippodrome.

combines and adventurous carpetbaggers who are already on the ground In great numbers. Subject only to the constitution, the power of congress over the Philippines, as of every other territory of the United States, is supreme. As congress oppresses the American people by laws enacted in the interest of a class it is held that it may lawfully oppress a dependent people also, but how long will Americans sanction the sacrifice of life and treasure in support of such a policy? The question Is no longer Judicial or administrative. It is political. It will have to be settled by the American people through their representatives in congress.

there are too many anthracite eoai mines operated, and says: "If tho surplus laborers were out of the way It would be possible for the operators to give the miners at least 200 days' work in the vear at fair wRces." Of course easier and less expensive to read their titles clear to a seat in the United States senate through the legislature route than through the votes of the electors of a state. The Milk in the Cocoanut. the Tribune knows thnt If the surplus laborers were out of the way the op- In Texas we have an occasional outbreak of savagery provoked by the crimes of negro beasts misled and perverted by past policies and teachings erntnrA would import more. Tbats ray themselves against the rorces which seek to corner the necessities of life. FILIPINOS AND INDEPENDENCE.

In an address delivered In Boston, J. O. Sehurman, former president of the Philippine commission, said: "The Filipino will never be content until we allow him to govern himself In his own way as we have already allowed the Cubans." Mr. Schurmnn was once pointed to by the republican papers as an authority. He knows something about the situation In the Philippines, and his opinion ought to have somo weight among republicans.

Ohio Republicans on Trusts. The republican politicians of Ohio must suppose that the people never think for themselves or that they have very short memories. The republican convention of that state adopted the following resolution as a part of its platform: "All combinations that stifle competition, control prices, limit production or unduly increase profits or values, and especially when they raise the prices of the necessaries of life, are opposed to public policy and should be repressed with a strong hand." For the last five or six years the republicans of Ohio have exercised almost controlling power in establishing national policies. They have had the president, the most influential member of the senate, who is also chairman of the republican national committee, and tho one way they have of keeping the wages down. Good Cheer From Oregon.

The Oregon election comes as a message of good cheer to Democrats everywhere. Like the town elections rnncressmnn Green of Pennsylvania, of republican crusaders. We deplore the outbreaks and do our utmost to punish and prevent. In the Philippines the soldiers are taught to kill and burn and the president and secre whn visited the Philippine Islands last No Profit In the Philippines. summer, has delivered a speech In the bouse of rcoresentntlvps setting ionn a few months ago, it indicates that tho people are weary of Republican misgovernment and are ready to make a change.

And certainly it is time that they should do so, for never was a country being placed more rap tary of war studiously conceal the facts. the evidence collected by him in support of the proposition that the Fill-ninna ore cnnable of Bclf-sovernment. The New York Tribune, comment Ing upon Senator Dacon's speech says "When Mr. Bacon savs that It la im Our trade with the Philippines for fifty years will not Bhow a commercial profit to offset what we have already paid out for the incomplete subjugation of their inhabitants. We have heard the last of the religious plea the plea that we must subjugate the Filipinos in order to Christianize them.

President Sohnrman, who haa been there, says there are idly in tne control of privileged classes than this one is. nossible that tho Filipinos shoul ever occupy any. other relations True to Its Traditions. The majority of the United States senate committee on privileges and elections has decided to pigeonhole the proposed amendment to the constitution providing for the popular the United States than that of colonists or subjects, he tells the exact truth Embalmed for Future Use. The ship subsidy bill has been put down In presprvaline awaiting tho election of a Republican congress next Republican papers are becoming won derfully frank.

May It not be possible that they have misjudged the temper It Is a convincing document and will appear in The Commoner in full during the campaign. The democrats of Logan county, Ohio, met at Uellefontaine the other dny and not only Indorsed the Kansas City platform, but Instructed their delegates to the state convention "to support no man for state or congressional honors who is not in full sympathy with democratic principles as set forth in said platform." This has the. right ring to It. A reader of The Commoner calls at of the American people? election of United States senators. In this instance the unexpected has not happened.

The senate committee on privileges has always represented tha privileged classes. leading delegation in the lower house of congress. What have they done toward repressing "with a strong hand" the "combinations that stifle competition control prices, limit production or unduly increase profits or values?" What have they done to repress combinations which especially "raise the price of the necessaries of life?" Absolutely nothing! It is all humbug and false pretense. The Chlcngo Record-Herald fiays fall, when It will be taken out and dusted and will be found to be as good aa new. Its promoters will Insist that the re-election of a Republican house Is an indication that the country is in favor of the ship subsidy steal.

6,500,000 Christian Filipinos in the islands already out of a total population of 8,000,00 0. The commercial argument is going the same way. The dollar is the controlling thing in this Philippine affair. But there are no dollars there for American industry, whatever there may be for American speculators in government franchises. "Kill all rivals, rob the republic.

Is the rule of these trusts, and they are making a mock of the cry of prosperity. A prosperity which Is Itself In a large part a monopoly or monopolies Is hardly calculated to arouse popu tention to the fact inai ounnK iu month of May the mints of the United 8426.000 worth in gold It is a fatuous and unprofitable undertaking altogether. Roosevelt's Wisest Course. Hanna's supremacy in Ohio republican councils having been demonstrated, it behooves T. Roosevelt to lar enthusiasm." The Record-Herald will de well to have a care lest It be Knives Out Down in Missouri.

Republican harmony In Missouri Is not recognizable without a label. And no sooner does a republican organ affix the label to the alleged article than one of the factlonlsts promptly tears it off and proceeds to make a rough house rougher. This seems like a comedy to the outsider, but it is a heart-sickening tragedy to the Ta-detta party. and $1,873,000 worth In silver and all of this silver was coined at the ratio 1 to 1 without waiting for the aid arraigned on the charge of treason get on the good side of the mighty One Btrlldng difference betreen the or consent of any other nation. Our Duty in the Philippines.

What we did in Cuba was to announce formally by act of congress that we would leave the government and control of the Island to its people so soon as a government should have been established under certain specified conditions. We ought to be equally definite and explicit In tho Indiana democratic platform and the Still Concealing Things. That which will most interest the people in connection with the latest assault on General Miles Is the new proof which It supplies that the war department and the administration. Marcus or there will be a delegation In the next national convention that will not be for the renomlnatlon of the Incumbent of the office McKlnley Tho rhicaco Tribune asserts that Tennessee democratic platform is that republicans have some words of com criminal proceedings were not brought against the trust because the evidence wa3 not strong enough. The Tribune was cnosen to nil.

mendatlon for the former. Democratic platforms that meet with the commendation of republican organs are instead of frankly publishing facts, as they have been pretending to do for some time past, are still trying to con case of the Philippines. The Cubans knew Just what we wanted nf thm always maintains a gooa numuiuuo department. lacking in something. A Practical Agreement.

For once the republicans and the democrats of the senate havo come Officers' Are Learning Discretion. A "general officer" who has Just returned from the Philippines says that the government is going ahead too fast. This "general officer" has learned a lesson and makes his criticism from behind the bulwarks of anonymity. Had he done otherwise a Senator Quay writes to a constituent Mount Peelee erupted and Wiled The Filipinos do not yet know what we want because congress has never told them. Let us give our word to them as we gave it to the Cubans pretty nearly agreeing so near that both are right.

The republicans say that he will "give cheerful consideration" to the resolution providing for the election of senators by the people. 000 people, and America stood aghast More deaths have been the result of an eruption of imperialism and greed in this country, yet thousands of peo that President Roosevelts attack on Poor Material for the Bench. the south in his Memorial day speech was Injudicious, while tho democrats ceal things that have been done and are done In the Philippines. Why all these evidences of wrath in tho war department and the White House? Why is General Miles pr-emtorily ordered back to Washington as fast as steam can carry him? Because some more Philippine secrets have been communicated to senators and through them to the public, and who can have "leaked' If not the lieu ple profess to see the hand of God rebuke, if nothing worse, would have been in order from Washington. it and encourage iunner eruijuuim The report, at first discredited, that i the president intends to appoint Sen say It was unjust.

of the same kind. ator Aici.aurin of South Carolina tn Where Ignorance Is Prized. If democrats who are true to demo the vacant JudgesLip in the court of In view of thp fact that the legislature of Pennsylvania Is on record in favor of the election of senators by the people. Senator Quay ought to be able to speak more definitely. Edward VII.

and J. Plernont Morran dined with Ambassador Choate. We aro now prepared to believe the story that most of the Jewels in the British crown have been removed and imitation stones Inserted. rrooaDiy President Harriman is cratic principles will do their duty the claims is reiterated upon what ap- Small but Vicious Percentage. The percentaga of the wealthy that live fast and make a display of wealth is comparatively small.

But, small as it is. It does a great deal of harm, be- next national democratic convention ponrs io oe renaoie information. To will not need to waste time in pro- right In saying that "railroads should not be governed by men who know nothing about the business." Only i public afairs should be thus adminis roist sucn a man Into a life position on the bench would be to bring to a Idlne th'imb-mark experts to pass on tenant general? It was General Miles who exposed the sacred secret that Major Cardiner had made an Interesting report, lead- CailRe It. flmilBfkfl a si Kf.n.. the loyalty of men who claim to be democrats.

i most unfortunate ending the expert- ness tgainst the rich. tered..

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