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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
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Rad FIVE MINUTES A DAY WITH OUR PRESIDENTS by James Morgan on the Editorial Page to-day. Tell your neighbors to be sure to read FIVE MINUTES A DAY WITH OUR PRESIDENTS every day. Read the Uncle Dudley Editorial today. Remember, we cannot guarantee the insertion of Sunday Globe advts unless they are ordered as listed In the paper from day to day. Older your advts for next Sundays Globe as early In the.

week as is possible. r.L vmi I i tl -OIV4 c5 mMpf lha -t of March 3. 10. BOSTON, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 12. 1920 FOURTEEN PAGES corrntr.HT.

m. by THE GLOBE NEWii.lFKK CO. TWO CENTS pnpf kit FIGHT FIR UNDAY Deer Island Ball Games of Scrub Variety Flourish on Playground and Sand Lot No Permits Yet Big Day on Common Worcester Men Return Springfield Help Loyal Boston Switchmen Stick N. Y. In Bad Way Improvement in West STRIKE SITUATION SUMMARY With the exception of New York Central and New Haven lines, which are operating to up-State and New England points on fairly normal basis; Baltimore Ohio, which is handling all traffic, and the West Shore, ether roads entering New York are practically raralyzed.

The Erie is handling milk and mails. New York Passenger Service Lackawanna, handling only through traffic; na commuters train. Erie, local service abandoned, crew deserts Chicago express at Port Jervis; Pennsly vania, handling through traffic subject to delays, limited suburban service; New York Central, handling through traffic, expects to handle! normal commutation traffic; New Haven, same as New York Central; Jersey Central, limited suburban service, half the engineers go out. Baltimore Ohio, handling full traffic; New Jersey trolleymen strike today. Eleven hundred strikers return to work at Columbus; those at Saginaw, Battle Creek Durand, Mich, return.

Seven hundred Milwaukee strikers refuse to return; 500 quit at Peoria; more go out in Pittsburg district; 300 quit at Washington. New Haven cuts down its parlor, sleeping and dining car service between Bos- ton and New York. MfiiiTi avuqh tic uu I Lflif lit UP U. S. MAILS Chicago Express Left, by, strike of railroad employes, which started in the Chicago Terminal Dls- Crew at Port Jervis I nearly two weeks ago.

occurred tonight at Columbus, when 00 Naw 'York Service New Jersey Carmen Strike Today T. jstrike. will return. special Dixpatrh to the Globe Although there no general NEW YORK, April n-Outlaw rail- movement batk to work among the road strikers tonight began tying up the 40 000 men htrike through-united States mails. The Chicago Ex-I cmruugn press, the crack train of the Erie, with out the defections from the mails, milk and passengers, was aban-1 ranks of the insurgents were report-doned by Its crew at Port Jervis.

Y. ed in Chicago, Kansas City In Cali-. miles from this city. Other trans are foruja and BVCIal olher expected to meet a like fate. Atty Oen Falmer, Washington an-1 vrhooj o.

Leers were confident nouncee. will arrive In the capital to- i thzit the peak of the strike movement morrow to take up with his subordi- was past. Leaders of the rebel walk- nates the question of legal proceedings out however maintained that the against the outlaws. In anticipation' lo of the conference Asst Atty Gen C. B.

vvas Saining momentum. Ames, who prosecuted the mine strike suits, has prepared a syllabus of the law i Embargoes Being Lifted and the facts in the existing trouble. jn Chi, agf frHght embargoes have With tho interference with the mails 7 the strike is now similar to the case of ork Central Eugene V. Debs, leader of the A- R. U.

alJd the Chicago. Milaaukee tc St strike of 25 years ago. In ttat case Paul Railroads In a number of iru-Debs and a number of his associates portant rail centers railroad employe went to JaiL have voted not to strike. Large sections of the country still New Jersey Carmen to Strike Hitting the dirt at franklin field END WORCESTER STRIKEJJUICKLY Springfield Yardmen Turn Down Agitators Railroad Switchmen Here Expected to Remain at Work Special Dispatch to the 4. lobe WORCESTER.

April 11 The Insurgent railroad strike reached Worcester today and for a time things looked serious, but tonight it is reported by the heads of the railroad mens unions that the trouble will probably blow over and there will be no cuspenslon of service. The trouble broke about 1 oclock this morning, when switching crews In the B. A. and New Haven yards struck. Company officials say that not more than 20 men left their work, while trainmen say the number was 50.

The B. M. men remained at work. Officials of the unions arranged for a mass meeting of trainmen this afternoon and the company officials consented to allow all the men who cared to attend to be Released from duty between 3 and 7. The meeting was attended by 400.

Martin N. Doyle, president of Worcester Lodge of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, a conductor on the B. presided. For more than four hours the men discussed the strike situation, and it as only after a deal of argument by the union officials that they were prevailed on to remain on their jobs. The officials declared the demands of the men were justified, but that the strike was illegaL It was explained to those who went on strike early this morning that they might return to work tonight and get their days pay.

I'untinunl on the crent Page. ganized participation of sports that will come as the Summer wears on. It was mostly baseball of the scrub sort, in which anyone who cared to do so could take part. This was especially true of the historic playgrounds of Boston Common. While the joungsters had not had an opportunity to try out their arms, nor Ward nent We Hospital in Danger WINTHUOP.

April ll-Alded By more than 50 trusties, who acquitted them-le real heroes, fire companies frtiru botn Winthrop and Boston battled mure than three hours with a threatening on Deer Island this afternoon and manage to confine the damage to tte building where it started. This was burned to the ground, with an estimated loss of 1 That the entire group of hospital buildings. which are located on tfie northwest side of the islan-l. were not destroyed la a lone a tribute to the efforts ol the fit nun. who were badly handicapped oy the inadequate equipment and low water I at the Institution.

Originating from what is behoved to be spontaneous combustion in Ward a wooden building about 250 feet long aud 60 feet wide, and connected with the other Tour buildings which comprise the hospital group, the flames, driven by a brisk easterly wind, swept unchecked through the structure. Fortunately this ward, which is In the women's part of tlie hospital, had been closed up a month ago. A trusty on duty at Shirley Gut discovered tho fire and promptly notified Deputy Master Idward O'Keefe, who was in charge in the absence of Master George Itoldcn. The island alarm was hounded and calls for help were sent to Winthrop and Poston Fire Firemen Ferried to Island Winthrop firemen In command of Chief John B. Tewksbury were the first to I the island.

They made a record run to Shirley Gut and had to be ferried" across in small rowboats propelled by trusties. was Impossible for them to bring their apparatus into a position where it could be of use to fight the fire, but several heavy ladders and lengths of hose were taken over to the i-htnd In the boats. Directed by Deputy Master O'Keefe and Dr Bernard McGafligan, groups of 'UustieV who had been organised into volunteer fire companies had laid sev- end lines of hose. The antiquated fire engine which was used in the Boston Fire Department 30 or 40 years ago was drawn to the hjdrant handy to the fire, 1 ut no one on the island could operate it. and when it was finally operated it 1 proved to be useless.

It was these conditions which Chief Continued on the Fourth Page. Read he Unde Dudley Editorials in today's Globe. Tell your neighbors about the Globe's Editorial Page. the Daily Clobe regularly if rom your newsdealer or netesboy. Fifth Avenue Smartness Western Rtedness TRIANGLE MOTORS CO.

Sure Relief 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief ILL-A NS 'FOR INDIGESTION Uails Lunch IWl fail it tiMt ear Lunch Kaora at 159 Summer St. we tbe bct food at poiblo price. DRINK Ila plraaingly bitter tata will appeal to you. On tap In bottle Everywhere THE ANZAC Makers F-VI Bread In Rands i lT QjQP CI IvUfJujfO I Hitn to IM of 1100 al Collins Cut III New York Parlor Trsin Deserted by crew at Port Jervis CHICAGO, April 11-1 portaut break in the -The first iin-unauthorized were virtually unaffected by the alkout, notably New England, th Continued on (be Second Page. ALLEGED PROFITEER COMMITS SUICIDE ADVERTISERS oc; Hi.

Intil further ntir, advts under the fi.llowinr catnifi-j imi-t in the ollire fdi TSiur-day in order to -ur of appearinff in the fol-Iiiunur Mind.ty (Hutu-. Machinery and Tools Musical Instruments Tours and Travels Yachts, Boats, etc. Furniture, etc. Farm and Garden Refrigerators, etc. Poultry, Pigeons, etc.

Showcases, Desks, etc. Typewriters, etc. Schools, Colleges, etc. Safes, Cash Registers Dressmaking, Millinery, etc. Makf sure of your ropy of tli Daily and Sunday by.

ordering th japer regularly from your iiewsdealr-i or newsboy. UaJ WOODS BOOM STRIKES TROUBLE IN BUNCHES Talk of Dark Horse Heard in Capital Fight Over Southern Seats Next in importance to the interrup- tlon of the mails, and of greater ini- portance In causing suffering and pub- lie inconvenience. Is the decision of employes on the Hudson County troi-1 ley lines of the Public Service Cor- i poration of New Jersey to strike this morning in sympathy with the out- laws. In addition, engineers on the Jersey Central and firemen on the New York Central quit. With the Jersey trolles idle.

In addition to the closing of the Hudson, the abandonment of suburban traffic by the Erie and the Lackawanna and a limited service on other roads, not less than aoo.OW commuters will have difficulty tn getting to their plates of business this morning. The decision ofthe Jersey trollc.v men Haberdasher Was Accused of Making 63 Percent NEW H'liK, April 11 Awaiting trial t.i a charge of vitiating the Lever a' and "engineers to abandon their work; I'foliutn-ig. Nichthauser. ifiged 5o. a Brooklyn haberdasher, who I was arrested Saturday, committed suicide at his home today by shooting hiin-.

wif in tin; accord. ng to the polios, Kiththaurer was out on bail. Ho i Is to have averaged a profit of It! percent on articles sold in his store. Ready to swing a bat.

there were several games between sides. They started with the smaller boys and gradually worked up to a point of interest that attracted the young men. There were half-a-dozen games going on on the piece of ground that extends from the center mall to Boylston st. have l.avoc with tho plana of the Wood managers. The oldtimers of the G.

O. P. are sitting back in their easy chairs, grinning at the trials and tribulations of thf Wood boomers. Gen Wood's campaign has slumped. At least.

It has received a serious setback since Hiram Johnson walked awav with the Michigan delegates. The General's managers are informed that his opponents do not propose to allow Coutlnurd on the Third Page. 1 TODAYS GLOBE CONTENTS Page U. Southern New England Methodist Conference at Plymouth. Report read to Council urges that some member of Eeaguc of Nations accept Armenian Bishop B.

H. Hughes addresses Methodist Conference. Sonora ready to return to Union if Carranza guarantee's b'tate's rights. The People's Lawyer. Page 7.

New Issue of Treasury vertificatts to carry 5 and S'i percent interest rate. Amendment to Reserve Bank law to force liquidation of loans on raw materials advocated by Republicans to combat hieh prices. Port of Boston. Financial news. Page S.

A sat Sec of Navy Roosevelt addresses the Radclifl'e Club. Boston Maine Y. M. C. A.

membership drive on this week. Cutter Ossipee standing by disabled steamship Mystic. Steamship Lake Calvenia sinks In Hampton Roaus after collunon. Passenger killed, pilot dying as result of plane falling near Newark. Lord French denies clemency to the Sinn Fein hunger-strikers.

Two hurt in three tjjincy auto accidents. Rev Daniel C. York. 63. South Weymouth.

dies suddenly. Page 9. Raymond B. Fosdick scores attitude of United States toward treaty. in to Bust 'one at Sullivan SQUARE The outfielders encroached, on the players of the other- contests.

There were youngsters of every nationality playing and the greatest harmony prevailed. Slid Bases In Sundays Best There were' no uniforms. Boys and Continued on the Fourth lnjf. BRITAIN FIRM FOR ALLIED SOLIDARITY Reiterates Stand in New! Note Sent to France Opposes Any Independent Action by Member of Alliance LONDON (By A. Dispatches from Faris today are more optimistic regarding hope3 for an amicable settlement of the Anglo-French difficul-j ty over the occupation by French troops of German towo3.

But, according to a statement from an, authoritative quarter tonight, the crisis still bears grave aspects first, be- outinnrd the Third 1age. TODAYS GLOBE CONTENTS Page Rev Dr Clifford Gray Twombly tells Trinity Church congregation that gambling. immorality and indecency are increasing here. tandal wreck East Boston American Legioa headquarters. John's Count tl.

K. of C. holds annual communion breakfast at Thorndike School. Eu'-t Cambridge. Khodt Island tevtile operatives seek siiowdow on demands made to American Woolen Company.

Uniihrian Lav men's League closes its vveekiy meetings wit.q cmwtieu' house. Thomas S. That her makes a rlea for more tercentenary inonsy for Prov-incetown. Delinquent automobile and motor boat owners warned about Federal taxes, Reinald Werrenrath substitutes at the Spalding recital. Page H.

Household Department Dorothy I)ix Talks. Pnge I I. Graves try new dodge to canape tap-ture by a policeman, but spends night Station IS. just the same. Gov Cudidge stored at meeting of National Equal Rights League, called to protest against National Guard reorganization plan.

President Wilson takes his first automobile ride in nearly two weeks. Roundup of alleged lottery promoters begins ia Columbus. O. National Reform Association of Fltts-burg opens Boston campaign against Mormon Church. NEW HAVEN SLEEPER AND PARLOR CAR SERVICE CURTAILED Touiig America was out in force yes-teray.

Ambitious, energetic youth fairly cluttered every available vacant open piece of land In the llub, to signalize their appreciation of the law that permits sports on Sunday afternoons. To be sure, there was not that or SAYS CREEL HANDED BULLETIN TO BABSON Congress Committee Calls for Filing of Suit Charges Connivance1 Both Accuse Smoot of Spite WASHINGTON, April 11 (By A. Legal proceedings by the Government against George Creel, ex-chairman of the Committee on Public Information; Roger W. Babson of Wellesley Hills, Mass, and others concerned in the transfer of the committees war publication, the Official Bulletin, to Babson are recommended Continued on the Eighth lae TODAYS GLOBE CONTENTS le 1. Switchmen's at Worcester ends quickly; men In Boston yards and elsewhere In Now England not likely to quit.

Outlaw" railroad strikers begin tjing up United States mail; Chicago Express abandoned by crew at Iort Jar-v is. T. Prisoners ami firemen In fighting I ieer Island lue. Voung America out in force for first day of legalized Sunday sports. Gen Woods Presidential boom believed.

in Washington, to be in trouble. Great Britain notifies France of op-iosition to independent action against Germany by any Ally. Congressional Printing Committee demands suit against George Creel and Roger W. Babson as result of transfer of Official Bulletin to latter. Brooklyn haberdasher charged with profiteering commits suicide.

Whisky still discovered at a small fire in Cambridge. Page 2. Chelsea baby not bruised by three- store tumble. Mrs Sarah Siopper of Everett dies after falling from piazza. aniuel Gompers will aid brotherhoods jn getting the switchmen back to work.

Funeral s-erv ices hold for b.vbin D. Rankin. Pane 3. Organized labor outlines views to Republican advisory committee. Boston freight handlers to demand speedy increase in wages.

German troops begin withdrawal from Ruhr district. The New York. New Haven Hartford. vvha is seriously iripided on the New York end, announced that beginning today no parlor tars would be carried on any trains on the Boston-New York run except on the Knu kerbo.ker Limited, leaving at 1 m. and the Merchants Limited, leaving at 5.

It wat also announced that the night trains between New York and Boston would have but nine sleepers and a comsnodations for nine cars only would be sold. This plan, which goes lno effect tonight, is subject to lhange. Local passenger service Is not affected on any of the roads here. freight and express from distant poinis has- been di-laved in some insti.n -es. 1 On the New Haven eight American Ex-, press trains have been canceled.

M. HES.VESSY WASHINGTON. April II Vertlv the political pot is boiling and the capital cooks are stirring away with unusual vim and dexterity. Things are ing to the Wood presidential boom which are disturbing the General's man-jtgers. The soldier candidate ia covering that running a political cam- paicn Ia more difficult than commanding an Army or running a training omp.

The political wise men of the West TODAYS GLOBE CONTENTS Pnae 3. Belgian troops leave Arlon for May- nee. I Pane I. Routs tins week; Boston to stage three meetings. New England to have a notable harness racing season.

Harvard preparing for its race with the Nary crew at Annapolis on April 24. School baseball outlook: 2s games scheduled for this week in Boston and vicinity. Page S. Red Sox take the final in series with the Giants, winning 2-0. Braves defeat Jersey City International League team, 12 to I.

Managers Stallings and Jennings issue statement, declaring that the trip of the Braves and Tigers has been of great btnefit to the clubs, the players and Itarrv Hooper banished for the first lime in his major league caieer. Yankees-Dodgers game in Brooklyn is broken up in a great demonstration for Babe Ruth. Amateur and semlprofessional base-tall teams seek dates. New mast of the Resolute built with a view to greatest strength possible. Standing of teams and players in the bowlirg competitions.

Page i. The strike, by Uncle Dudiev. Five Minutes a Lay With Our Presidents, by James Morgan. Secrets of the movies revealed. More Truth Than Poetry, by Jamee J.

Montague. DISCOVER STILL AT I CAMBRIDGE FIRE; I Police Seize 10. Gallons cfh Whisky, Mash, Etc I A small, oil stove fire in the home of juhn Barros. 27 Winter t. Cambridge.

Uy Monday night and on xutsday; about 7 SO last evening, led to the dls- somewhat warmer. very of a still by tne police, while! f0- Northern New England Ciouly making an investigation of the blaze. ith probably rain Monday and Tues-The fire started when no one was in the not much change in tnrjVrature. k0Upe I The Globe Forecast Probably rain Vrat Kelle and patrolmen Dan -el I Tuesday, with moderate emperaturc: Regan. Timolhv Toomey and David 1 Wednesday generally fair and cooler; ab the mode rate southerly b-coming searched the hou-e.

In the tower part tl officers found what they ear Is a westerly. modern, well-equipped whisky still of That temperature yesterday at an1 K11011 ot son Spa3 a 6 a ru. W. a m. ffn an attic the officers found several 41: 12 m.

44; in. 47; 6 pm. 46. m. jwgallon kegs of mash in process of fer- i 49; mid.

46. Average temperature mentation. 15 empty ktgs. winch -P- e-terday. parent ly had coutained mash; 52 empty Temperature at 8 42: barrels, wh ch looked as if they bad Nantucket, 3s- New York, 45: Pyrt'and.

contained bi-carbonate of soda, and a tft Louis, 6: Washington, J2; WilUs-number of yeast takes. ton. Zi. I 're clp Ration, o. THE WEATHER CLOUDY.

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