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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 16

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

18 quality ti out the very worst to the very best. Io the second place, the cil.tcb of the other papers ost ill orders Tor Xewc paper AdTertisin; ererrwhere rtcflve tht prompt and careful attention. FRANKLIN FlLK'S LUT'flB. ELSIEHOM A STORY: By JULIAN HAWTHORNE. S.

R. MII.ES ADVERTISING AGEMJY, able fellow of tne two. There was a poetical look about him-, he had light chestnut hair waving over a broad white lorehead.and great preoccupied brown eyes.with long eyelashes. Whether he really wrote poetry I know not. and I never asked Elsie but lie was imaginative, and bad a turn of mind at once analytical and synthetical.

He was always pulling things to pieces, and contriving some way of putting them together to bitter advantage. People said he had a mechanical genius, but I should rather call him a natural inventor having a mind that was averse to accepting things as they are, and was prone to introduce simplification and improvements. An inventor and a poet have many qualities in common, but they work in different materials. For the iest. Torn was often in his behavior having an Individual way of doing things, not from affectation, but because his mental processes did not move In the nackneyed grooves, but had a course and action of their own.

He was, as I have said, sweet-tempered and obliging, and singularly in have Included me. Meanwhile we became in tlme-and thanks to her tact-very good friends, as such friendships go; aud if she remembered me a tenth part so long as 1 remembered ber I bad no reason to complain. Alt this seemed very long ago. as I drove along the road to rinefleld, In the buggy which I had hired for ten days at I'lymoutb, New Hampshire. It was a pleasant drive, not only because the yellow and crimson of the autumnal trees were so acceptable to my unaccustomed eyes, but because there was Just enough of agreeable anticipation In the visit that was before me just enough and not too much.

To see again places and people one has not seen for tweutv years what better entertainment can a meditative mind desire? Von see not the place and people merely, but the old life you lived with them, and your own youthful self living it. The joys you felt at that time, which then were so keen, do not wear the same sparkle now; and those poignant sorrows and despairs where are tlieir gloom and blackness? But the picture is all the more mellow and pleasing on that account; It has toned down, It has gained an atmosphere, like the works of the old masters; it is uot crude lite Itself, but the real objects before you are as a medium, through which you Me the softened vision of the life of long ago. As yuu stroll about and gaze and pause and remember, you ore leading two existences at once, aud each bestows upon the other an imaginative charm of unreality. Such were my flections as I drove leisurely along the rai towards Flnetieid, and finally surmounted the gradual, low acclivity from which, as I knew, the village would como into view. Yes, there it was the same cluster of white patches, with tiie broad mala street stretching between them, and the wti to church steeple culminating lu the midst.

Tliere was the elm tree at the entrance of the town, shaped like a overflowing champagne glass one of the old-iashioned, tall kind, such as are not made now. There was tuo hotel, hich has certainly had a new coat of paint since I saw It last; but the same wooden corlnthlan columns as of yore dignify the portico, and the adjoining horse-sheds look neither more nor less tumble-down than ever. There is Moore's larm bouse but tnat lias had an addition built 011 It, aud a covered verandah across the front gives it a modern aspect. 'There is Field-lug's, too; but It looks somewhat dingy; probably Tom bus not got on in the world quite so well as he expected. And there, aye, there Is the dwell-lug of the Reverend Joslali Wlllard; bless me, how natural it looks! Even the window of tne room which used to be half open, as I generally bad It.

Is that old Josh himself on the doorstep? No that is not his brisk gait and bearing; it Is some much older man. And yet. now that I come to think of It, bow old must Josh be by this time? And Elsie, can twenty added to fourteen make thirty-four? Impossible! For if that were so, then Instead or a boy of eighteen, I should be Away with such thoughts! But, alas! Time has a logic with which, every now aud agalu, one is obliged to reckon. It is one thing to note the gentle passage of years uuon the face of nature another, to behold their sad traces upon the countenances of our friends. There are gray hairs in my own beard; and there mm 1 12 2 3 4 4 3 8 14 11 11 12 IS Hi V.

17 IT IS 1 1, 13 -i 24 iiS CS tt 5 2J iJO so 151 si 5 1 2s 7 ts i 7 ss 41 IIS 44 14: 4i l. 4 1 ii to 20 ti iil liJ ti tt U7 ts liS IL'J i Jt 39 71 IU l.S 73 14- 74 IS 7S lit 79 21 1 2 12U SC 27 tt 128 lit 3 5 ion IO mi 11 102 IU 10s 1 s- io 1 10; 17 10s l.S vn 1SI no 113 iu 24: us 2S ne 2t in 2 120 iJO 121 1 1-- 2 123 sr 127 7 123 8 129 it ISO lO 281 "2 134 14 I3i IS 13 1 S37 1 7 138 3 141 21 142 22 143 14S 24 its SI 143 28 us 2J uo i5t ut 31 5 11 12 is4 Hi icS 14M ICS IS 170 171 2 172 21 17S 176 2S 177 2 17S 27 179 28 ISO S2. lss 2 194 3 is 4 is 190 it 11 1 19- 11 1W 12 1M a. 7 1 13 17 199 1 8 1 i Ml 204 23 sot 24 -v 25 so? 2G fe 30 212 31 si a 1 si4 2 fit 2. 2i 7 rco 22, sm a 2t 13 14-7 IS te 1 23 20 S3 2 1 SM 22 23 XX 27 28 i4i 2U 842 HO 2- 3 IO si4 11 its 12 13 ts? 17 Ml IS 142 lit 2C 2 24 24 2M 25 29 2G 870 27 871 g.

8 ss2 IO-mIIsu 5 IS SS 18 2) 1 7 91 1 101 22 2e 23 s7 24 25 02 21 tat 30 tot 31 sot Im sio (i 7 8 si ie 12 13 18 14 IS mo 5" li 824 20 21 22 857 2G i 27 s2 28 ts 2U a 3 3 MS 4 89 MO Ml 44 Mt 1144 12 mt 13 17 ii: IS tii HI in 2)ia 24 t9 25 2G tei 27 se 3 31 3. mm 1 Z97 12 5 2 7 87 8 874 7t 1 871 14 IM 15 ill lt3 1 7 ti 21 7 22 2324o sj 28 84 21 i 30 31 trt IT 4 401 401 4M 4 491 ll4 12W 13 410 14 411 1S4U li 2 417 21 419 25 422 2G 4a 27 424 28 42 5) 256 WASHINGTON N. B. The email figures furnish of days between any two dates in the last as, from Jan. 19 to May ON LAND AND SEA: OR.

CALIFORNIA IS THE YEiKS 1S4S. '44. A5 '43. ltv It 1 I.I. I A .11 II.

Ttlttl-. Author of "The Gold Hunter i AuAirilia." "The Buth- ranytrt; "i.ije tn tne! tn-tics; BelUuf etc. Tfow Ready. For Sale bj all Sewadraler. The tlnnirr Xnmhi-r or 4ijtll4-i' W.mklT cazin will contain th firit elm put of till? thrill ing luograiiby, el aanttv iiiu-trateil.

Ine tn-m and must Hiiiuiii rk of tlie au-hor. tie sure ho I roul It. Ha'lou'n 1 itazine 1 tlie ht-sr In the world. paet. Illutraii-ms.

try ami stories. Only I 50 per year lb cents oms. Send IO ceuta specimen number. 1 tou. 23 ilmwler street.

wvHl d4 fMittt dill vanderbiltTndorses: "I'm sorry. Mr. but ire really can't do it with out a better endorser Tho scene was a Heavy bankrno; Institution In New Vorlc At the cashier's window stood a well-known merchant with a look of deep anxiety upon his face. Hewn pleading wiih that official to discount a not for a considerable amount. ith an Impatient gesture the cashier repeated his former words: "It's uo use talking.

Mr. ti ls bank is run on luines principles, and your paper falls short of the iu.trk." If you refuse I'm a ruined man. for I mast hare that money today or fail," groaned the poor fellow, looking like a ljuely sailor ou the deck of a sinking ship. "Let me see that note." sabl a prosperous-looklne gentleman wu i bad emerged from the private rooms of the bank just tn time to take In the tltu.tlou. Haviue gl need at the paper he seized a pea and wrote across the back of it the strong name of WILLIAM H.

VAADLKEILT. "There," be aMed handing bacz the Dote, "try It again and ee If it will go now." With a deferential anille the cashier accepted the aroei duieuc aud the money was hauded to the happy mercnant. Whether the great capitalist reallv did this generon. deed or not. it Is certain that ISKNSoX's CACI IM l'OKUl iXASTMtS are end 5 I'liynicMiis.

I harm-trlsta, -ugilsts and Uts throughout, the country, all of Wiioin have sou. Mbsi-us. a JuHJisox. Pharmaceutic! Cuemistii, No York: i l-'or tho Da few TPm wa various brands planters, but pr -f ltenon', CaDclne-riiiatiuf ic ured bv vau I fore i We olisi-ler Ihem one of the worthy househ ld rem-di-s. I her uu-rir 10 .1.

otier pnrou f. tasters or me 'lei ie for extern ,1 Ii, the i tr of tne nu is cut tlie word Cir-dne. l'lease loon carefully it if y.m are in es S3 S3 TT A 1 to JAN. 7 7 8 13 14: 14 IS 20 20 11 li 1:7 8 is liJ XT' 77 T3 ii 13. si 4 IO 41 11 115 17 (J 18 I 124: ts 1:5 tc 12( 5 1 t4iK 6 MAR.

a a 5 es IO to 11 IO 7 17 .77 18 83 1 81 12S 30 SO 1 II ILrlX, (i 97 7 9S 8 1C4 14: 105 IS 5 i 20 111 21 ii2 22 I 27 us 28 119 29 3 TIT A TT I i lfl. A JL 4 125 126 I. 1 1 ,32 12 133 13 18 139 1 140 20 g. 25 no 2(5 147 27 6 UliJLi lc0 lsl lo 2 IS 167 1 lei 17 22 174 2. 176 24 2S isi 30 188 at TTTT XT 1 9 Uli 7 189 8 IS li5 IM 14 9 IS 2 202 21 ao3 22 27 aw 28 sio 2S 2ii a TT 5 a ii.

XX. 3 2i 4 sit 5 sis IO K3 1 1 224 12 fc 17 230 18 231 li 212 24 237 25 ess 2G 31 244 OJliirl. 7 2Si 8252 I 14 243 IS 249 1G 260 21 25 22 266 23 2f7 28 272 2i 27 30 174 OCT. 280 7 ssi 12 266 13 257 14 SSS 5 20 20 24 21 sat 2G oo 27 sot 28 a fJ fT 2 807 3 so 4 loo XWV. io sit 11 1G 821 17 828 18 tt 23 24 29 25 30 835 TT 1 836 2 887 JJSLiKj.

7 Sio 14 349 15 1 8ti a 21 ts 22 S7 23 28 363 2i 8G4 30 tf) qj I Vv 0 AUUU 4 70 871 878 1177 1279 13 879 18ssi IU ms 20 j- M1 27 1 2 899 3 400 a FEB- 8 406 it 406 IO 407 J- 41. Jfi 7 14 22 419 23 420 24 421 a the 7 is are not in the least coinnauiomible among themselves. Several of them are not even speaking acquaintances witn tne rest, and this does not arise from any feeling of aulmosity or rivalry, but from mere chance. That there is ever ihe slightest understanding or arrange ment between them for concerted act iou is tue baldest nonsense. Most of tln-m keep clear of aft entanglements, and esneciallv trom social inter course with managers and actors though there are sad exceptions to this rule.

It may be said of them, as a body, that they are capable aud honest: that, loftier considerations aside, thev are too well paid by their employers to make It worth while to risk the loss of tlieir olaces by corruption that they are as free of whims and prejudices as can be expected of fallible human beings; and that, so far as Ihe journals of established high character are concerned, they are absolutely unhindered by the slightest dictation from their editors. The trouble with actors is a forget fulness of the fact that dramatic criticism is uot written for them, but to make reading matter for the general public. If strong influence, applied with the itast possible offensive-ness of manner, could sensibly affect the pens of these writers, it would have been done this week in behalf oi "An American Wife," at Wallai k's Theatre. The author was a Supreme Court judge, with wealth, worth and social position to commend him lo mercy; but his drama was uninteresting, and only two or three of the critics weie hindered fiuui saying so. All Thinzs Are Not What They Seem.

It won't do to complain of an entire lack of novelty in the show business, even iu a week that brings nothing new to any of the theatres. One of tli many men who are swindled in a manner which effectually prevents tneni, for shame's sake, from appearing publicly us prosecutors of the svvuidlei made a discovery of this fact In New York amusements. und told the police about it. unite confidentially, iu the forlorn hope that they could recover his iiiuiic niinuut l-lioocuy. "I'm a Wall street broker, and no greenhorn," ne is reported lo me a detective to nave saw.

"but 1 was taken in without tln ir half trying. 1 was uriuking rather too carelessly, the otin even- it. ooiu as io amount and Somehow or other, a brisk, well-dressed, gentle manly young lellow got on familiar terms with tne. Along after midnight he leu me to talking about opium oens, aud he asserted that as a lact that ladies of wealth and retirement went to them. 1 didn't believe it.

He could convince me, if I would to with him. I went. The place that he took ine to answered the bill, for It was luxurious tmougn; anu, sure as nte, there were tne lames several of them in fashionable attire, wltli gentle ways and handsome laces. They went t.liiou'-'h with all the molio 8 of smoking oi ium. of getting recklessly unc.

nvent onal under the L. Ali enee ot the drug, and filially of opping oil into unconsciousness. 1 am itiiLtv sure that I did. and no deception. When 1 awoke they were aU gone, and so were my wallet aud watcli." All things ar uot what they seem.

WOSURN. The Chief Industry of the Town People Who are Active in Some Branch of the Leather Business. Regular Correspondence of The Sunday Globe.1 December 29. The principal indus try of Woburn, from which the greater part of the people derive support, is the tanning and currying oi leather, the manufacture of stiffening Inner soles and shoes. There are at present twenty- lour leather niauufacloi les iu town, glvmg employment in the aggregate to 13S2 hands, a slight decrease from the number employed last year mis rime, business at present is not as good as desired, but a majority of the manufacturers predict better times in the spring.

The following is a brief sun mary of the names of the lirms, the iiiiniDer ot men employed by each aud the weekly product: Beggs Cobb, Cross street, employ 40 hands on me ui.iuuiaciure oi gram leather ana spins, iney uiMsii eou Maes. L. JS. lilake Fowle street, employ 20 hands, and are now finishing 400 sides of buff and splits and tanning 2oo hides. This shop bas oeeu Mini ciown tor a time ana is lust starting up.

aud win make some Increase on the above state ment willLthe conuiienocin nt of the year. yam Kmc. Conn street, employ ISO hands and linisti muuo ca f-skins. E. G.

Cottle, conn street, employs 30 hands and uuisnes ions oi spins. J. r. crane Main street, near Cross, era- pmy bo men and finish 110U sides of clove grain. Imitation goal and but! leather and 2 toua of splits.

K. ClimmingS Fowle street, rmnlnv 1(V nanus auu nuisu uuu oi gram and imitation goal anu ions oi spins. iney tan ARO hides ween. iir me ua auct? tney rougu leather. Stephen Dow k.

Pleasant strnet- rmnlnv 7R bands, ana tan and fiulsu 1350 sides of ouhsh grain auu spin. warren r. ox son. Kilbv strwt. emnlov KO oitnui, auu nuisu nuu siues ot imitation goat and V2 IOU3 in spins.

James Houston Green trepf pmnlnv "ft nanus, and hnlsh 4u0 sides of burl aud splits. Keuney Muruhv. 311 Main sirwt innlnu S.1 bands, and llntsli 1400 sides ot pebbled, g.ove, Kiaiu a iu unit. McDouald Duncan, nt the old Pollard shon nn Eastern avenu euiuloy 45 hands, ana flnisU 850 smes of gram leather and 3 tons of ho ts. Harris Aluun e.t'onverse Dlace.

emolovs hands auu amies uei siues oi grain lealller. Join) X. MUi doCK. Chestnut sLrenI pmnlnva .13 bands, and iiuihes about 7 toua of spl.ts. F.

Chandler l'arker, Siurgis street, employs 23 u.iiiua, auu UUI5UCS siues oi feraiu reamer ana ivz tons ot spins. J. r. Kauisdell Conn street rmnlnv Sft ii.iuus auu iiiiinu i loiis i KpillHa Miaw co. employ 7o hands and tan and nuisn ibou sides of polish, grain and sulits.

mi-s bklnner Ureen street, emnlnv nanus auu inanuiaciuie ouu learner, imitation glove calf sulits; they finish lGuO sides a week. V. L. White Fowle 9treet. emnlov GO nanus ou giove cram, imuaiiou coal and snlus: they finish "oo sides ami splits.

V. tsoud. jvorth Wouum. manufactures liXlft sides oi glove grain and imitallou goat and some slits, employing 25 hands. J.

ii. camming -Norm Woburn. emnl.rv 22 hands and manufacture 000 sides of grain leather. F. Kimball North Woburn.

emnlov i hands aud manufacture 700 sides of imitation goat and glove gr.nn. U. J. lilshni) Cummmesvli e. emnlov hands, and finish 3l'j dozen calf skins.

lltnmluL'S Cumniini'sville. pmirinv ISO hands on polish, buff and nr iin leather unlit ami calf skins, tanning and bnlsbing 2400 sides ami looo skins. George E. Whittnm. Washington utret Vast Woburn, emplovs So hands and finishes tons of splits.

shoe stock also forms quite an industrv In the town. From a small begluninx it has wrown tn huge dimensions. I'atrtek Calnati Son. Winn street, rmnlnv as bauds and manufacture iuuer soles, heels and stittenings. Ciimmlugs Simonds.

Enstern avenue, rmnlnv 7o bauds iu the various kinds of shoe stock. Hailedav Man -iuatoti. High street, e.imlmr hands In the manufacture of stilfenlngs. Jones (iailavher. High street, employ 22 bands, and mauulacture heels, soles, ami siltieumgs.

jtiei'oaid -Mcliermott. Mam street, emnlov 13 hands in the iiiufactiN-e of sheet soles. J. B. Murray Broad street, emnlnv 2K bands in the manufacture of Inner soles, beels and taps.

c. ii. ttusseii, Heacon street, employs 75 bands tlie manufacture of stiffciiinus. Sullivan Kimouds. Main street, emnlnvt 150 hands in the inauiilaelure of Simonds' nateiit beveled aud molded-heeled stifTcnings.

also beeU and inner soles. This factory turns out aboi 8.000,000 pairs of stiffening a year, and witn im- roved machinery is taxed to tne utmost to sun- ply fie demand. j. u. rage, Aortn woourn, employs nands and nianuiactures heels and stilfenings.

J. 11. Carr. Woburn. emolovs 8 hands In tlie manufacture of inner soles.

hands iu tiie manufacture of inner soles, heeiing ii sheets, tans ami stilt. 'in igs. Mr. Kollina tuu branches in Stnticham aud Lynn. w.

II. Bowman will start in the snoe-stock busi ness Jauu rv 1 at Murphy's shon. ami employ some twelve or lilteeti hands. here has been nut nine change the shoe business the past year. Some eight and fuiiiisb employment to 2151 persons.

male and female, an increase ol twenty-four over tne number repoited last year. Following are the uames of those engaged in tne ousn.ess in detail: r. fc. Bancroft employs twenty-nve hands in the manufacture of men's and boys' band-sewed slippers and drcs pumps. Burke bsm main street.

emDlnv welve bairns, and manufacture misses' and chil dren's boots. Samuel Cook, Main street, employs 103 hands, xty-six male and thirty-six female. Thirty-two of the male hands employed are in adjoining owns. s. A.

Grammar. Main street, employs twenty-five hands, and nianuiactures ladies' slippers for the neral trade. F. W. Flint.

North Wobnrn, employs tblrtv-five haiids in the manufacture of misses' and Children's boots and ankle Nichols. Winn North Wohurn. manufac ture ladies', misses' aud children's bouts and shoes and men's slippers for the New England trade, employing eight hands. ciiKe ti. i iiiu.s.iteui street, employs seven hands in the mauui'actureof ladies' One slippers for the Boston trade.

illiam Tot man. Montvale. emolovs five hands in tne mauulacture of ladies', misses' and chil dren's work. Another outgrowth of the leather business In town is tiie harness manufactory of L. F.

Bond at isonn woourn, wnicn employs an average of twenty-three hands the year round In the manufacture oi harness, halters, surcingles, etc. The timely possession of a counie of bottlp. nt Athlophoros enabled Kev. J. K.

Seniinau, St. Paris, Champaign comity, Ohio, to do quite a work as Good Samaritan in his neighborhood. He writes respecting it: "Athlophoros has proved hmhlv satisfacloiy io me. One lady who was confined to her bed with rheumatism was relieved in twenty-four hours after beginning to take it, and lias not had a return of the disease. Numerous inquiries have peeu made of uie for the reuiedu." Grant and McClellan as Heroes and Business Men.

1 Countryman Plays Money Mask on an Amati and Thinks It a First-Class "Fiddle." Marie Prescott and the New York Writers' Criticisms of Vera. Regular Correspondence of The Sandav Globe. Great Men, With Undersized Bodies. Nkw York, December 29. Two men met and passed each other iu lower Broadway.

They were both undersized, and their faces were not such as to save them from commonplace. Into w-hicli tli. Ir lowness of stature ranged Uiem. In a military company tiiey would inevitably be as sisted to the rear rank. One was gray-bearded stoop-shouldered, and plodding; I Is clothes were not exactly fashionable, and were worn carelessly; his eyes were downcast, aud ha ave as little attention to tlie throng as thev bestowed on him.

The other small man was somewhat shapelier, Ills moustache and imperial imparted more-expression to his face, and his movements were brisker; but his shoitness of stature kept hlni out of notice. He seemed engrossed in his own thoughts, too, am paid no heed to the other whom I liave de- serlheu. do not think that they saw each other nor do I know whether they are on speaking terms. Why do I pick out these two Individuals for notice if there was nothing unusual about them, and a Xew York crowd passed them by without a glance? because they were war heroes. One was General Ulysses S.

Grant, and the other wis General George H. McClellan. They had loug ago pursued and over taken glory; now they were in tlie general American chase after wealth. It is hard to get the truth about Grant's fortune. He has been in number of great railroad schemes, some of which have undoubtedly profited him, while others, especially ones, hold possible millions for future realization.

It is said that Grant will be a tlve-miUlonnaire ten years hence, in case Mexican railroading and development turn out as he hopes. 11. present condition of finances 13 a matter upon which few have auy trustworthy information. He has had severe re-v. rses and some right good luck.

1 have heard it said positively, bv a man who professed to kuow that he is worili half a million. McClellan Is also connected with r.illioad construction too, but less speculatively, bis great taientas an engineer being in very remunerative demand. lie lives in good style, when iu town, across a coiner, from Samuel J. Tildcii's beautiful residence iu Grainercy Park lie devotes himself exclusively to business and domestic affairs, aud never takes any part in pub lic doings, ills circle of social acquaintances is small, aud his lreuuent long absences from the cay make him a bait stranger hero. Creat Boditsi With Undersized Man.

Five minutes after seeing those two Incon spicuous celebrities, I came across a couple of men who, as they stopped for a chat with each other, were so sightly that people turned round to stare at them. They were as near to sevcu feet as to six in height, the were uioportionateiy uuriv they were clothed with costlv care, and their faces were liaiidt; mc. They were ward politicians; qualifications for tdatesinanshiu were the possession of prosperous corner liquor stores and striking personalties. iney might appropriately be called political beau ties. Like Lutigtry hi drama, they owe tlieir couspiciiousuess in politics solely to their comeliness.

Of moral or mental worth they nave not a jot. Hut among thoe voters who, for example, would put Sullivan above Kmcrson as a representative of Boston's highest culture, tbelrstat-ure Is conclusive evidence of genius. It the local politicians oi this city could all be mustered for review, they wou.d be found such a bodv of stalwarts for god looks as never were equalled by the most carefully picke military corps that ever guarded a monarch's bodv. But It wouldn't do to go underneath ihe surface indications of grealne iu search of proportionate braius or consciences. Ask the boy in a theatre gallery wnich Instrument in the orchestra is of st consequence, from his point of view, and he will unhesitatingly select tlie bass viol.

Isn't ti bigger than the whole lot of violins taken together? But even to his uneducated ear. a bass viol uldn't singiy be able to compel for music with one of the little violins. Let Grant and McClellan read that fact and take coiniort. A Country Fiddler and the Amatu A collection of old and celebrated violins ts an exhibit in the LarUioldi statue show. To a casual observer, they look ordinal and uninteresting.

There are nine of them, and they are In a glass case that bears no label calculated to arouse enthusiasm. Ninety-nme visitors in a hundred pass them by contemptuously. "And they deserve said a bystander, when this disregard of tlie treasures is commented on. "There is no greater nonsense iu the whole range of humbug in music than the worship of ancieut violins. The very men who go into ra4ures ov.

an old specimen can't tell you why or how it differs trom tlie workmanship of tlie present day iu the Same line." "Ah! but think of the associations," urged an enthusiast, Dr. S. 15. Tuthlil of Brooklyn. "Look at this Aniatl.

a gi-nuine specimen, witti an authenticated history. It is more than 200 years old. Cardinal Oltiboni played ir, along about From the pomp of Pouiisll ceremonial music-making, it was transported to tlie Court of Kiigtand, where Llaudel lnm-elf accompanied its solos with a harpsichord. George III. drew a bow cross it at the end of Its fit century.

Thus it went from the hands of a pope to those of a royal profligate. Afterwards it became tlie property of Ole Lull, who used It a great deal lu bis concerts, and left it to. his widow." A 1 this was pooh-poohed. Even Dr. Tuthill's own exhibit, another Amati, comm.

aided no respect, though politeness protected it from iidl-cule. 1 hree countrymen came along. Two gave only a glance at the violins, but the third stopped them. His remarks disclosed him as a fiddle. but he.

too. was devoid of appreciation. He guessed he'd put his own liddle into a glass box. when lie got home, and charge filly cents to look al it. i lit; doctor was netlied.

'lie is a Pi.ilMiue, like the rest of you." he said, "but I'M let him be a judge whether or not there is any extra merit in my Amati. He shall play it. and decide the question without influence." li was morn ug hour, and the Academy of Design. In which the exhibition is held, had only a score or so ot inmates. The doctor removed bis violin from Ihe case.

It is in aiuiost eonLait use. and needed only a few scrapes aud screw-turns to be ready for the trial. "I believe you play, my friend?" he said to the countryman. on, only nuoie a nine at uome," was the dim- dent reply. A utile urging, nowever, anu ne took uo the valuable liud.e and its comparatively worthless how.

iou cm readily guess what he plaved. 'Money Musk." of course; and with that i eculiar. rythmic swing that sets oue'sfeet to shuttle almost uncontrollably to me mures ot an imaginary reel, no matter what may be the critical oi inion of the execution. I here was no denying it, the rich, full sweet tone was better than the average of the Sounds given out by violins. Well, wnai do you uiuiK ot tnatv" tne doctor isked.

"That's the oest fiddle 1 ever drawed a bow across," was the reply; "what's the price of it?" "1-ive thousand dollars." Tim precious instrument was for a moment In peril, for the tiddler seemed about to drop it in surprise. Critc and Criticised. Speaking of critical opinion, I see that Marie Prescott Is saying, iu Western Interviews, tnat the Jvew York writers delib erately and premeditatediy killed the play era." not oecause they believed bud. but on account of Oscar Wilde being the author. She doubtless tehs she thiuKs Is the trutn, but she Is altogether wrong 'cr husband lost a great deal of nioiiry through il allure, and she, an ambitious and excellent was sorely disappointed.

But -'Vera" was a verbose and witless Piece quite as rood as oscar could reasonably he expected to write, hut much too poor tor the entertainment ot intelligent ainieiiees. There may have been a bias widen it would have bad to overcome in order to achieve success, for il was a melodrama, and Oscar was popularly regarded as farcical. If Dan Hice, or any other clown, should announce drama, something to laugh at would of course be expected: and so it was that Miss Prescott made a mistake in supposing that tlie authorship in tills case was of advertising value. '1 he lirsl nitiht's audience decided adversely on and it would have Tailed event ua ly, though not with so much celerity, if not a limt had been published as lo Us quality. She asserts that James Gordon Bennett ordered by cable tli the Herald should condemn it, iiiyhow.

The fact is represented io me to he that the message from Bennett directed tlie assignment of a descriptive writer to the filling of a coltinm entertainingly about the aud.euee, his sensible idea being that a noteworthy gathering of interesting people might indulge peculiar demonstrations of delight or coiiuenma-tion but til it he did not give anv order as lo the criticism, which was done by another man than the one who devoted the requisite attention to the auditoiiuin. Miss Prescott' s- notion that the dramatic critics or New York follow the lead of the Herald has fun in it for those who km the truth. To begin with, ib.u Herald has no regular critic, nor has had since the elder Bennett abolished the position many years ago. The dramatic woik is assigned to various members of the s'-t and it varies ua CO STKEET, B0ST0X. ready means of finding the number year, by deducting tho first Cram 109 days.

Whv I It tne let 'h in the market tor (be money? Because I xrracTr THUI CuOUaa4 charge onlv vam riTrii'9 risuti 1 warrant tnem iu every way. and 1 dalu that tker are i-eiier than eu bought 4-ft of anv retail house in the l. Sta ei. 1 iatk tnem In N(l (79 widths, sizes fioin VS. and V.

site, tty aeodlnC ixe su.d til 1 send them lo any Mttof the world vU l- 0. 1, or by mail on receipt of ZiSk extra to pay II E. UilAHN, 14 TREMONT ROW, Suly Bssios, a (T. M. A- apSt mm MMLisi Mfinn 1 14 are celebrated throngaoot ta liKCvi world.

At wry te of te 1 1 frsi 1 VJ ifiuT Wor.iDii KxHimrtoss I. M.TK'.X Ik.iIH ln-y hare Iwa avardest tao' H1011K1- no American organs bsvsac been (ound pq 141 to hem at anv. 1 Heir ltst trlaaspa tin. Just bfen aeliieved lSo.t at as Kxitinti io 'i linn issiils The larger -lie from S'-l' toraiQescitare mm ears' rtvrsli r.i. t-nt qnne nmVAUH).

fhui ii ariKiE as as i.t am UT n-TIL HB ha new- t-a Ht.AKU THE-F, Thev are. aO singe tli- vCT a-r isrEirHTisi of operatu- or orchestral as as siered inosue.aa41 tbelr uiaitittd tone kiI mi toe urst posi4e sasworS tn the voice, lonular style axss to i.tJcm, For cash. eay payments, or reined. ti siBe. Irtss.

Vie ufioall have on hand at nnrows warrooii.tvteS not ou catalogue, and ond-umud orgasiS wnica casi b- oUered at very low price. HI A kMl Tins r.nni anv now man fart area I ITS 1 1 pr.ght (itand inn's. Intrwlain i liuuirutit ituproremeuts. ao hx to Hwer beauty of tone and darsbiutv. Will aS require tuning tuioiuarter as much as other idswiwaj Illustrated circulars, with fo.l

tree. Mason Hasnlin Crai Piano Co, l-D-4 'ireino Mreft SaTTbI4t r. nnnrnn "er il bhft tMJL UUIr.f Utt ma. iir.ruit in COCOA. EP S'S EP.ERKFASr.

-Prathoronsh Vi.or.-- n. astnral lis govern ti.e ouera of a aff" by a ai-plnmrloa ot toe pro -ertie ot -1 1 IS OS inaLolles are Mi.nt nr -u M-l'Bt rJ many a fat -I h.ait I keeniuc relnZl KAiR OS TEE i.r.wrsrs niB EEMES. I.adi- can oe It t'rt es- ptHsoa aS FAG .4 illl CI.4-" lv-s fm 'I ist s.a I- I to MVsrsI not cvt K. IstaUsll I. to lonteoalciol trice.

adaicae Sti4lA HUlt. tuiriii. Milt 4re-t. U.ll.a, M'mm let b4 STUTTEE PERASESTi.TrrBcn nr the pcrmansmt mr. of u.l l.i.p,Umeulslu 23 V.

Inter au. boston. A cws tat.uu free, IoT CtttfasAt. "tli IMS WM. se.eriO'l loeua.

i-pps has pri at TiT delioatcl ftavore t--vear Save ua niauv heasv It clou use of si -u of drt may lmi--ra-ldllv lot ui mild ea with btire bin el sndiD-jueriri Made water )' JaFS Lrr A Uoareat-lc au'3 laasWo KstV 00PTKIOHTED.J CHAPTER I. Soma time since I TlHlted. In the Interest of one of our magazine, remote district of New England. It wm early In Cctober, the woikIi had Jimtbeiiun their season of ilendor. My bul-neia I'd me beyond the Ininiedliite region of the railway tor several day, I travelled amidst scenes which the lapue of a generation or two have scarcely altered.

This wait all the more agreeable to me, limnmucU as 1 had pnt the greater part of the previous twelve years In Europe, where even the wilder placet have boon so exhaustively handled ami examined as to convey the Inipres-alon of aort of moral pnpulousiiess In their very solitude. But New Lnicland. ancient though he be In the annals of our republic, has yet aome spots almost vlrirln ao far as tourists are concerned. They lie outside of the main lines of travel, but this la probably not the chief cause of their Immunity. it Is rather to be sought In a certain outward sternness and severity of contour.

There are no imposing mountains, no richly picturesque valleys, no mighty c.itaracts or burnished lakes. The grass, save for a month or two In the early summer, Is brown and dry; the bard bones of gran.tce mtrge tbrougn the soil; the low lllls ire densely wooded with pine, birch and oak. save where the woodcutters have left rectangular clearings, diversified with regular piles of corded Umber. Tim farm-huuscs are not the cottages of romance, but square-framed bouses, plain as shingle and clapboards can make them, and either painted white, or wearing the cold, gray livery bestowed by sun and ralu and now. There are no green lanes, winding between hedges through fat pastures; but sandy or clayey Wubways, austy and muddy by turns, stretching bare and barren between fences of unhewn stone or chestnut rails.

There are no mossy milestones, Inscribed with undecipherable figures, but, at the Intersection of the ways, a wooden post with two or more white arini rudiating from Us top, bearing some such legend ns'Tlncllekl 6 "Water-bridge 12 in." In a word, this is the characteristic scenery of bleak and uncompromising New England, possessing the external receive and rudeness reflected In the Inhabitants, but, nevertheless, possessing elements of beauty and charm Which appear when rightly entreated. I have Incidentally meutioued minefield; and, In (act, It was ly seeing that name upon one of the ign-pnsta above described that 1 was reminded of the village to tleslgnuted. for some reason or other, 1 bad uot before realized that I was In Its Vicinity. It Is true, I had nut been there since my college days, some time during the civil war; and though 1 bad become very familiar with it at that i epoch, ad had not luf requetitly recalled It since then, It had become invested In my memory with a certain indistinct, traditionary atmimrliure, such as might be sui poncd in belong to a place one had read of rather than lived in. Now that I found myself wlilcn a few miles of it, however, my recollections became more clear and circumstantial and It was not long before 1 made up my mind to pay It a visit.

It did not lie wlililn the Itinerary marked out for me; but neither was it Inr out of the way and It may as well be confessed that some faint traces of a sentimental reinlnlsccnco were not without their weight in confirming my resolve. Hut 1 perceive the necessity of explaining how It happened that a youth eugaged lu cultivating li'S mind and not allowing It to bo ferocious at Harvard University, should have found himself In a hamlet so far removed from the shadow of his alma nutter as l'lnelieltL lie It known, then, that a desire on my part to investigate other branches of knowledge oi4 experience besides (and occasionally, of) those spectllcd In the colleue catalogue, hud prompted tne president and faculty to suspenda tlie phrase was tur a term or two, my personal reiallous with the college recltatlon-roouis. In order to carry tin Ir decree Into effect, they troubled themselves toasMgnme place of rvsliicnco considerably beyond a walking distaneo from Cauil.rldge; and since the town of I'm i' fie hi possessed, lu addition to this recommendation, a Unitarian minister who was an excellent classical and mathematical scholar, and who was to have chnrge of my Intellectual prosperity, 1 was considered to be very well disposed of. The Kev. Josiah Wlllard was this good gentleman's name.

1 nm nslmmed to remember that be soon familiarized himself to my Inner cousclousuoss as Old Josh, lie was as good, as guileless, mid as absent-minded a little gentleman as ever I have met with, and my affection for hint (desi He my irreverence) was more cordial than ho ever suspeeicd. lie taught me rnueli moro and mucli belter thing's than he ever suspected, too; but, it he imagined that ho taught mcUrceknnd algebra, I fear be flattered both Mniself and me. 1 learned from bun how kind and Simple and kelf-abnegailug and child-like a learned Unitarian minister can be. but when I camo down stairs to recite my lessons (I boarded In bis bouse), and lie had laid nshie, with a friendly smile and reeling, the boon or the nianmtcript ou Whit he was engaged, it is his pupil's custom, by some earofullvdevisod question or remark, to launch htm out upon one or other of the many topics that had a more lutlmato Interest for lilni tli an schoolboys' tasks. Then he would tlx the bright gaze of his pleasant, round oys upon a certain point of the celling, holding his head side-Wise like a bird cross ono foot over his knee, and smooth down his Instep with his hand.

While his discourse rau fluently ami discursively on Until the hour of our collaboration bad almost passed away. Then, with an "Uli! ohl dear me! dear mel" he would ilcii up the text-book, pull out his wntch, and exclaim, "Well, now. 1 suppose, you must know all about tills yes, yes, I see-it's very simple; didn't find any dilUcuIty, old you? Well, uow, you sou our time is about up; supiMise you read up to tins paragraph tomorrow, and then we'll do a bit of bard work together." And so his pupil would take his assured tiiat tomorrow would be twin plater to today. Ho wns a little, brown, beaming man brown eyes, brown hair and beurd, brown clotlies, except on Sundays and wry apt to full Into what I should call brown sttldlts, exi opt that there was never uiiyUiluiinlooiny or morose about them. The Reverend Joslnh was a widower; but he bad a beloved duugliter KMh.

When I knew lier, Klsle could uot have been more tl an 14 years old, but she seemed older to me uot that she was tall; 1 think she was rather smaller tti hi the average, gracefully and neatly formed una tapering delicately off at the tip of her arch areheu) nose, and supple Dimers and brisk, ender feet. If you asked her a question she would throw up Iter head with something of that sldewlso turn that characterized her father, It itlug her laughing, lurlc eyes pa-9 I rom yours to a point Just beyond aud above you, and then she ould draw in her breath between her Parted lips in a deliberative sort of way, and seemed to ponder your inquiry lor a moment, and ihou, with a sudden, bright glance into vour eyes, aud. In nine caves out of ten, a quick, merry laugh, she would toss you a roguish answer and be gone. This was hard enough to wilhsiami; but it was when she Was serious that Klsie was most formidable. Ah, met whut an expression sho could call up In those daik eyes of hers, as, perchance, she walked home with you from church In the even-lug, with her little hand resting Its sensitive ftuger" on vour arm.

Such an Inpeiiuous express) as It was, aud so trusting, so appreciating, so exploring as If she could never sue or bear too much of you! Of course yuu knew that She would be lauxhlug at Von lliu next day or the next minute, but that only Involved matters the more. Mad KMIe been forty Instead of fourteen she could not have been more completely the Superior at nil points or the unbaked college youth-who bumbiHi.led her guileless father and thought liliusclf wiser than the faculty. There was more Strength lu my little tinner than lu rise's whole body, but there was more souse in her littlo linger and what a very little linger it was! than in a dozen such bends as mine. Nevertheless or therefore, of course 1 never was her lover. She bad too much st use to desire It and quite sense euongli to prevent It.

Mio made me believe at tho time I hut It was my own reserve and pihlo that were keeping me uloof, but 1 realized afterwards that tin true icamu of my tackw iidnes was much less soothing to my axil-esteem. Elsie's soliciuea for her future Lever did Include or could genuous and artless, even lor a country oy but he had a great love of beauty, and Inclination towards luxury aud splendor his day-dreams on such subjects had a smack of Haroun Alrasclud them. It was in this direction that Tom's failings were to be sought; be was frail on the side of the senses and emotions; there was no adamant In his composition, and, I fancy, not much constancy. But what is a boy but a bundle of ossibilities? There is no telling (and. so far as bis companions are concerned, no caring), how he may finally turn out.

Bewitching Elsie used to tell him that he was a eoose but she said it In a way that made being a goose seem worth while. Sometimes I used to think she cared for him much more than she pretended; but by and by, came to the conclusion that her common-sensible little heart really preferred Sam, who, no doubt, would make her more by keeping her under better subjection, than Tom could besides which, Sam was quite a match (as beaux went in Ftnelield) from a financial point' of view; whereas Tom's father, formerly a lumber merchant, had lost a fabulous sum of money (ten thousand dollars. I think) In a speculation, and was now a not over-prosperous carpenter, and sometimes got drunk, in a harmless and unobtrusive manner. He was a man of some education, and fond of reading; and he bad copies ofall Fielding's novels, tho contents of which he knew almost I heart; for his own Christian name was Henry, and, when lie was a little mellow, he would demonstrate at great length that be was a lineal descendant of the famous novelist. By this time I bad entered tlie main street of Pinefield, and was within a few roas of tne bote) but bad, as yet.

neither recognized nor been recognized by any one. My plan was to leave my horse aud wagon at the hotel, and to engage a room there, and then to go straight to old Josh's, discover myself to him, receive his embraces, and learn from his amiable garrulity all the news, good and bad. I had no difficulty In carrying out the first part of my programme, except, of course, the initial difficulty of Inducing the landlord to reveal to me which (of the group of and unconciiiatlug gcntlemeu leaning and sitting about In various altitudes in the bar-room) he was. A bard-featured, clissatislied person was this landlord, looking past you as he conversed with you, til st on one side, then ou the other, as if you were standing in the way of all that Interested him In lite; though there might be nothing behind you but a spittoon or a three-legged chair. He was very different from the landlord of my day, old Mr.

Wiper, who used to call everybody "dear boy," and who kept tlie butt-end of a cigar permaneutly in the comer of his mouth, and never, while I knew him, put on a coat. So I asked the present lncu intent none of the questions that were on the end of my tongue; ou the contrary, I made haste to get out of his weary and irritated presence, lest it should come into bis bead to inform me that poor old Wiper was no more. I wished to begin, at least, my revisitation of Piiielield at the cheerfullest end of the story. Accordingly I left the hotel, saying that 1 should return in au hour or two, and turned up the street towards the abode of the Itevereud Josiah. The settine sun shone level across the pleasant vista; the yellow leaves ot the elm trees cast a golden stiadow there was Buttnck's grocery store on the other side of Hie way, with the same old shop sign over the door.

Every tiling wasthe same.even myself for the moment; I ielt as if I were going up to recite my lesson, which I had learned, or neglected to learn was it twenty years ago, or only last night? I recognized the very slopes and hollows of the sidewalk beneath my feet, Aud now. from thistiee, it is just thirty-three paces to Joslab's doorstep; I km.w that, without raising my eyes; and to prove the accuracy ot my wi take thirty paces betore looking up. I did so, and paused almost within reach of tlie door-knob. Then I lifted my bead, pleased to have remembered so well. But my pleasure had a quick revulsion.

Upon the door-knob was fastened a rosette of black crape, with two long streamers hanging down to the threshold. All the blinds of tlie house were closed, except those belonging to tlie room which used to be mine. Some one had died in the house, and the dead body was still within. Some one; but who? While I stood in hesitation, doubting whether to go back, or to proceed, and know the worst, a head appeared at the open window already mentioned. I knew at once to whom Ir belonged, though, perhaps, had I met blin in other circumstances, I should have passed him umecog-nisbig.

was sadly changed, indeed; but he could be no one but old Josh Wiliard. TO EE CONTINUED NEXT SUNDAY. Tho Desoottsm or Doctors. London World. Ail our social arrangements are affected by the medical surveillance under which we live.

Tho day is coming, if it has not come already, when professional diners-out will carry eacu of them his botilo of wine. The host who asks a few friends to dinner must always be prepared to minister to the special of ins guests. One touches nothing in the way of liquids but a ihm acrid Klr.ue "wine, recommended liy his medical adviser, and to I purchased only of a certain firm lu the city. Another neaiiy iroes into a hi when ti.e Puller pours cbampaune into bis glass, and. In accents full of emotion, feebly asks for apol-liuai is water and whiskey.

A thud, as the soup appears, turns up ins eyes to heaven, and cads a little lecture to you niton the monstrosity of such ii dish. A luuriii.svhen lohster sauce accompanies iheturhot. remarks, with a pious einpnasis, ihal "It you of tins you hail surely die." This Is only one illustialioii of lb- valeimiiii irian propensities ot the period. As tlie hist dillicuitv is to know how to nine without daugerof siiuden death, so ttie secoinl is how to select any house, or locality ot holiday sojourn, without the comforting assurance Hi, it one's days are numbered. When lie late Sir Henry Holland was asked by a former Sultan, on the occasion of his visiting Constantinople, whether he knew of any drug so de.tdlv that it would ex.iiDitiii-h existence aud leave no trace be hind, he replied that as a physician be bad suuiled tne unities of saving life rather Ui in destroying it.

But iheiun' Hon ot liie physician of today appears to be to multiply indefinitely the terrors of lile, real aud imaginary. An Acrostic. As we open the book of remembrance wide, Hand in band with retrospection glide, And lou, dark panes view with tears, feiuied as they were with human tears, Perhaps there may, among leaves so dead, Yet one be found in letters red. Now, wiiii purpose grand and wisdom's mirth. P.i.gerly welcome the new year's birth.

Weakness may give rise to strength; Your failures to greater deeds al length. Each moment spent in vain repining Arrests the progress of the soul's refining Bobbing its reward at day's declining. A New Line t's th West. The West Shore Buffalo railway, the announcement ol which appears in another column, will on and after January 1 run Pullman palace! slcepim: and bullet cars ou all their through estei trains. Starting from Boston, the route Is via the Fitcbburg railroad and Hoosac tunn-1 foiiiifciin.r at Rotterdam Junction with ihe West Shore.

The route wesi of Hutf do is via the Great Western railroad. Everything connected with tlie load and Us equipments is lirsi-class iu every detail, and, beiim constructed with all the modern conveniences, it cannot fail to be a Dooular aud Well patronized line. Fashionable Wedding at Midway. Dr. George P.

Cooke of Miltord was married on Thursday at Medway by Kev. Dr. Joseph T. Duryea to Miss Mary Jencks of Medway, a araduate of Wellesley College in the class of 1881 and since her ru nation an Instructor in the in-sutution. The wedding party dined at Parker's In this city, and the bride and groom departed on the oight train lor New York.

Dr. Cooke is a well-known dentist of Milford. and has been for several years an aciive member of the state committee of the Independent Republican party. 'nurance ainst Accidents. The mercantile Mutual Accident Association of Boston, is the oldest and strongest mutual accident association In ti.e Suite; has paid over one hundred claims iu full; cost members for the yeai 1883 only J.

Circulars nd blanks for ap-piicaiion sent ree to any address. Oliice, 18 Post Office square, Boston. fore, the boys and girls whom I hnve been Imagin ing unchanged are grown-up people; the slender giils are plump matrons or bony old maids; the mischievous boys are hnrd-visaged men of business some of them are selectmen one is In the State Legislature; one, perhaps, In jail. More over, those persons who wore middle-aged in my day are now, without exception, white-haired and decrepit those of them, at least, who are uot resting in yo ider burylng-ground, which certainly Is far more populous than when I saw It last; and there tias come Into existence a whole new creation of young people, who can no more remember what happened here twenty years ago than I can remember whether It raiued In London the day Warren Hastings, was acquitted. How hackneyed ail this vein of reflection is; and how strange and pathetic when it comes llvingly home to your own heart! How complacently do we see funerals passing us In the streets; nny, with what fortitude do we, by practice, contrive to attend the funerals of our friends! But wnen It comes to seeing our own wives and children nailed up lu the coffin by the deft undertaker and when It conies to being uatled up lu It ourselves then these i a miliar little ceremonies fiave their revenge upon us.

Those considerations, suddenly obtruding themselves upon me, caused me to Slacken the pace of my not too Impatient steed, and even to ask myself wncther It would uot ne wiser to turn round and go back to that sign-board which bad rineu me that rinefleld was live miles. But there Is a moral vis Inerthe. which inclines us to consummate an enterprise which is already on the verge of completion. It might be disappointing to go ou but, on the other band, the road was downhill; It was an effort to change one's mind, antt I was conscious of a considerable curiosity to know what had become of Elsie, how she had turned out In short, whom she had married and how the union had progressed. Sain Moore and Tom Fielding had been the two most likely suitors, unless my memory deceived me; and it was upon Tom-no, upon second thoughts, I believe it was upon Sam that fottune and Elsie had finally smile'.

Mrs. Samuel Moore! Can I Imagine little Elsie Wlllard as Mrs. Samuel Moore? 1 repeated the name to myself; 1 tried to think of her as a wife, as the mistress of a household, as the mother of a little tribe of Toms aud Elsies. But I could bring no recognizable image of such a person befoie my mind. All I could see was the pretty, bewitoli-lh, 'aligning, mocking, sentimental Elsie Wiliard of twenty years ago, with her roguish nose, ber Innocent lips, her perilous eye, her lightsome figure.

Age could have no effect upon suon a creature she was too much what she was ever to become auy thing dilleretit. As for Sam Mooroiud Tom Fielding, I had uo dilQculty in fancying the changes that had come over them. Sam was now a portly aud prosperous farmer, like his father before him; and Tom well, Tom had a genius for Inventions, and was today, perhaps, an eminent electrician, with an olllcc iu New York and correspondents in Loudon. Sam had a thick red braid Howing over liin chest. Tom had relulorccd those handsome eyes of his with a pair of spectacles, ami was a little bald ou the back of his head.

But Elsie must be Elsie forever. As I trundled down tlie hill, fccllim more and more at home every moment, i recalled my old frieiius Sam and Tom very distluctly. They were about of my own age, and we bad been pretty i on-slaul companions lu those days of rustication. As a member albeit In retirement of the most distinguished seal of learning iu tlie United Slates, suppose 1 may have assumed some airs with these voung fellows; Uiey were country-bred, and 1 dazzled them with the jargon of the college yard, and with my talk of Boston, and Barker's, and Morris Brothers, Bell and Trowbridge's minstrelsy, and MalUt and Bartholomew's pantomime, and the crew, aud tlie nine, and the hazing, imu the foot-bail match. But a boy is, at bottom, only a boy after all, though his technical rank be that of a sophomore, or even oi Junior; and after a while they got accustomed to my bragging, aud I dropped It, and we associated together upon a less artificial and irksome fooling.

We went fishing, shooting aud skating together; I gave llicm some Instruction lu the mamy art of self-defence, and Sam, at least, gave mo evidence that my lessons had uot been In vain. There was a great contrast between tlie two boys. Sam was bold, resolute and acute; but bis inosi obvious trait was a disposition towards practical Jokes, drv humor and general comicality, lie could always make you laugh, and he would 1 lURh but neither bis hi null nor yours was apt to be a purely cooil-naiuicd or mirthful one. it was alwavs al tho expense of somebody or something; though there was ofieu genuine wit lu bis taylngs and doings, too. He so easily maintained superiority over the majority of his fellows by bis tongue and tiLs audacity, that lie seldom had to resort to any more primitive aim direct methods; but he could be tierce enough upon occasion.

When he und I and Tom were out shool iug lu the woods one day, be got into a dispute with Tom about no less a personage than Miss Elsie W. Hard with whom, of course, botli tho boys were lu love, as what available young man was not? Sudoeiily, aiid quite unexpectedly, Sam passed from the urdinarv chaff aud taunts Into a furious rage; he actually levelled ills pun at Tom, and, had I not got bold of the we.iuon in time, I believe would have emptied a charge of tluok shot into Ms body. Ileimr foileit so far, he rushed at him, threw him down, and falling uuon linn, bee i to pummel him in so vicious a manner Unit, had he not been interfered with, poor Xinii would have got some serious luirm. From race, he put on a demeanor of sullen and dumb nm. soseness, and stalked oil homewards by himscll lu a most sinisitr manner, 'the next day, bow-ever, ho appeared much as usual, and never made any allusion to his outbreak and Tom.

who was the soul of good nature, forgot and forgave it, 1 dare say. as soon as his bones stopped aching. Tout ws much the more remarkable aud like COLUiVSQiA BICYCLES Ti.e l'opulnr steem fa, ltuineu or llcu.ure. Pnr Grnrral bv JLaUie. und t.eatleawi,.

ni'itrrated i3 page) Catalogue KKfcK at our Mare-rooms, ur seat lor 3-ceot stamp. Kiuim; Srhml on the premises. Purchasers tauUt free. THE TOPE M'fG .57 Wushincf ou Street, Mm butt ola llSJS.

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