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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 2

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

111! A EWMuHT revresentation oi their clothing business, a full dress suit, was awaitUvl to W. il. Hack, who represented a tarn surmounted by fantastic letters. Boston Bails CSlok. marching, nioi tHr exercise and artirwTT" Among those present we TivS PrMl Lieutenant-colonel Hodges t- S' 7.l,la tenant Leaeli, Conin i iv Company Ueuteuant jg 'Hit- prizes will be given out to the lucky winners Thursday evening.

January 31, at the Insti IT WILL BUN FOBETEB, Or, at Least, Until Friction Wears It Out. WITH SUPPLEMENT. BLUE R.BBON BANn Mr. Needhaia's Opinion of the Watertown Affair. Francl.

Mnrphy, I the held their own, while the balance suffered some shrinkage on the twelvemonth's business. Willi low rates for money, a large parf of last year's crops unsold, a moderate improvement in the iron market, the revival of the great shoe and leather trade, and the generally healthy state of the other great trunk lines of trade, of which we have noted the signs, our merchants and manufacturers assuredly have every reason to contemplate the prospect for 1SS4 with pleasure. Croakers to the contrary notwithstanding, it is both satisfying and tute rink. WHAT PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT. Anxious for a Wife.

To the Editor of The tllobe: I am in the same situation that your correspond WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 1881. The series of gospel temnni-nn-. are being heldVcSceffi was continued last wenlng, It 7 vice was At 7-3" PfafM i SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Moses Keiuiev, on Main street.

Entrance was effected by breaking -a pane of glass in lhe outer door. wo; tit of cigars were stolen. A large platc-ghiss window in Campbell's drugstore, on Main sired, was broken about the lime the above robbery took place. No goods are missed. 11 is presumed that burglary was the Intent, but that the burglars were frightened away beforo carrying out their purpose.

HENRY S. POTTER'S WILL, One of Ito IiinL- Create Oi-eat Exc-ile-uciit in ICocbvktcr. ST. Y. Special Oft patch to Tuo Uoston Global N.

29. Considerable of a sensation was caused in social and business circles today by the publication of the wiil of Henry S. Potter oi this city, lately deceased. His estate is Valued at over consisting chielly of real estate located in Rochester and diviileiHl-bearinir stocks. The will was presented today for probate in the surrogate's oliiee.

It directs the executors, who arc a son-iu-law and daughter and a citizen This is Mr. Brown's Moa in Regard to His Invention. ent "28" is. iluvintr been away from civilization so Tb Bank To Be Closed for a Few Days Duriu? Examination. THK DAIIT PLoBE.

Ob ropy. 50 tents month: 6 Dr year. Postage prepaid. To Clabt: FIto or more copies to one address for long. I am very bashful wneu in ladies' society, am anxious to 'find a lady for a wife who possesses the qualifications uieiiikuiea by e.

domestic inclinations am! ho will prove a lovinc ami faithful wire. I am possessed of some property, ami if -US" and invseif e.m ajjree I atn willing to gratify her wishes in regard to matrimony. ST. Boston, January 26. Booths, by wail, $1 15 per ropy.

Delivered Phy read several' mented upon tlieu, offered by liev. jame was tlieo after which Mr. Murphy deLL eWp0rt' M. andstlrrlns address, he elouen as follows: Wle UDiance of which was We have been trylne in -the evil of InteiiipS" remo WrSSbfLUD then Another Who Thinks He Has Discovered Perpetual Motion. gratifying.

Judge Lykch Is so active in Colorado he is frightening the people out there. A Small Eua Soon Stopped-Who Was the Woman? la Eoktoa. at depot or express office, $1 25 per kindred. To newsdealers, bj mail, $1 60 per stop area rltrln- rt and AY HE RE ABE THE MlJf ISTKKSf One of the strangest things in the religious men can't He Will Jump the Wall. To the Editor of The (iloie I bes to tender to sweet "Twenty-eight" my most sincere and genuine expressions of sym kindred.

THE GLOBE 5EWSPAPER CC S3S Washington Street Boston. WHY STTCU FOLLY "I tell you that when I get my new rods made tills machinS'will run and run till it drops down worn out by the friction. All you've got to do is to put on a little oil and start it going, aud it won't who Is not a relative, to keep the estate intact mull the death of two grandchildren, who are Wo manifestations of the times is the dearth which t-irl. i IMMHtt. i.

Last evening all was dark and quiet at the rooms of the Union Market Bank in Watertown. The directors, who had been there all day. the cx-aininur. who was there a short while, had gone, leaving the place in the care of the two keepers, who silently passed the night. Whether the spirit of the lalo cashier hov viiuwimi CI I I III L.Ui.1 JVlieu he was seems to be almost universal of ministers.

The very young. It directs that neither of the two sons, three daughters, nor the widow, shall peranee crowd, and 1 mn a em-wan you to understand tta Wtwim man, I Well. I am not -i biRoted eld en J. Abbott was in the prime of life and ever have more than a one-fifth share of the annual income each. The hole estate is ultimately lessening number of theoloeical students in the United States is a matter of serious concern one; that is to I radical JL! "a tne sim: let drink dad the respect of a large circle of business acquaintances be held an Important position in ered around the vault is uoi iuiohu, as spirits are not visible to mortal eyes, and eeu the Aiie innueitci' nit -uuri-iv." slop." The speaker, Mr.

Charles Brown, gazed affectionately at a model of his invention, the Eureka self-motor, by means of which all modern ideas of dynamics are to be revolutionized If the machine will only work satisfactorily. "1 got my first notion in this line in 1802 from reading a paper wliicn stated that the English Parliament had called for a machine which should work by two forces of gravity. I was a machinist on n.t.c. VIA tl uha among religious leaders. And how to keep up the quality of these to the proper standard has a banking institution his social connections were pleasant; his domestic affairs a type of happiness upon -the -weak who are known all the worw i "ft" rosily, are vol, goingW sU Wt tt goon, and Lave vom- v.

wliit trusty eyes of keepers are mortal. lianK i.x-aminer Needham arrived about 5 o'clock p. m. yesterday, stayed a short time, cou versed with the president and cashier, aud then telegraphed lo in caused a good deal of discussion. But these difficulties are not confiued to this side of the Atlantic It has been but a short time since there were similar complaints from Sweden.

In Comptroller Knox for Instructions. He character bis relatives were among the most respectable in the community; his reputation was unsullied be belonged to a church whose solemn creed and account pathy in her loneliness and solitude up among the lioston Highlands. 1 wish to inform her that I am willing to enter into partnership with her. I am at present a nuriuo In the navy yard. Am only 3 veurs of aire, good-looking and of gentle disposition.

If she accepts me. I will jump the wall some night and liy to her arms and bo her devoted slave, providing she lias a couple of hundred dollars to coiuiueuce life with. Mary Ford. The Meiss Elevated Railroad. To the Editor of The tilobe: I have carefully examined the working models of Captain Meigs with experienced mechanical engineers, and know of what 1 speak, when 1 say that no system of rapid transit untested by a public trial has ever promised so much for safety, speed and oonifort.

For more than four years the inventor has pleaded hi vain for a charter which will allow him, by the permission of any town or CUV, to prove the practical value of his' svste m. The opposition thiou'ii the by agents of the various horse and steam roads, ized the transaction as a downright steal. and then the l.r.'iKi"t to Pl'llt the worst, he said, which had ever happpmied in this State. Usually money was taken in small sums for speculative purposes, but in this tigh obligations demanded honesty, virtue and 'fsaJ-'st thing on Is the tfi lever sold a drop of liquor. of have furnished tliem the France recent statistics show that at least sobriety.

to be divided Iy among ten grandchildren. The clause relating to the older son of iho testator contains extraordinary provisions, which are the cause of much talk here, ll states that $1000 of the income from the estate shall be paid annually to his son, diaries li. Potter, and also that a certain excess, if any, shall be allowed to accumulate until he ceases to live with or maintain hts present wife, when it Is to he paid over to him. The sou mentioned in this cause, Charles It. Potter, bears an excellent reputation In tins city.

He Is a frugal and upright citizen, and his wife stands high in social circles, lioih have incurred the displeasure of their father by not bowing submissively to his stubborn will. Mrs. Charles Potter is a daughter of L'r. caver, formerly of Auburn, iler mother was hrst cousin to dideou Welles, and all the members oi the family are of excellent repute, 'i'he son proposes to contest ibis manliestly unjust and uiipreei dented will. Today, his attorney, Joseph A.

Hull, appeared in the Surrogate's Court and filed ob lections to the will. It is sta id that the severe clause was inserted through the influence of Ills two daughters, who are reported to be jealous of the superior social standing accomplishments of their sister-in-law. The contest will be continued one-tenth of the whole Protestant population is case it was a deliberate act qu.ekly consummated Why should a man such as be count as naught niter careful consideration. 1 oday the examituv without pastors. If the ministers continue to the confidence of a noble woman, the glad wel will again be there ami will take charge of the come and trustful affection of children who ought then In Germany.

I had learned my trade at the Poleteebnic Institute in Karlsruhe and had not only learned the practical work but had studied the theory of the subject. Now, when 1 heard of this oiler of the British government I said at once: We never can get this machine made unless we look, at the big machinery above us. All that big machinery of the solar system is only a system of scales-balances, you know with rods connecting the planets and tiie earth with tho sun, only the rods are not matter, but force. Now, in my machine the connecting rods are of metal, of course, but it is much after the plan of the heavenly bodies. When I first got tiie idea I began to study books on the subject, and I found that, in reality, the books.

An expert will be engaged, probably Mr. Piper, the bank expert of Cambridge, and wife, and.f vou vviini i ge; at j.iisl, i-hiid the wile, and icar. I suppose that some ot vim are a I couraged ami downhearted. lu, is iitMit, and in the end Mr. Murphy is not 0ly ro.t-ii.if.

i,r. stive speaker. He endeavor his falthfu renrescnf pa, decrease in such ratio it will not be many years until the majority of the flock will be wandering withont shepherds. securities of the bank will be closely looked into. Today and possibly for several days the to be dearer than life, the friendship of the respectable, the bonest and the pure, for the sake of dollars which will enable htm to enjoy pleasures ot a questionable character the indulgence In crime Itself and a heritage of has been most persistent.

Scarce a member oi me 1 I am tola, who has not been ap- not hmdiatmV V. of. If an elevated road is needed at all it is required '1 1,1 111,1. Ill 1. II Several stones w.

i i.i u.i.i. necessary bank will be closed. The keepers also will remain at their post until something definite shall have been determined. The directors hope there will be no new checks turn ut aud do not think it e.l liv aireiits of eoi boralions whose Pathos and feel in ir iht i pauios ait' fni el-pot iheir own rattier than the people's. between Boston and Cambridge.

1 1 1 Was hastily put In use. Nine-tenths of the middling classes with whom I have talked want a fair of the Meigs system; and still the Journal styles the application tor a remorse? Why should be become an outcast on In one of the Alabama claim cases Just decided, scarcely nad he finished tils address laevi ing, and before the applause bad sul.n.Si i read the pledge, and ffi.1 voice: "Now, get ready to sign. here and imt 1,1,,.. it.i 'K'U IIP piui tiT "mm of most remarkable pieces oi nil hebi ury 7th, and a bitter le'al liht mav be ex-I ecttd. Popular opinion naturally favors the contestant, ami it is generally believed that he will succeed In breaking the instrument.

the point In dispute was what constituted the luisinon ever nresented to the Legislature." The the face of the earth, despised, hunted, pitied, for the sake of unsatisfying lost? Why should he bring sorrow upon bis father, bis brothers and sis niieutiim before the Legislature is simply this: r. uiur iiuiiii int mil wear them wherever vou i ,..7 Shall the wish of liie people he granted, or that of astronomers aon't tell us all they know about it. We learn in the books now what they knew 300 years ago, and what tltey know now will be told to the public in 100 years or so. It works just like a fusldon, from the highest to the lowest. For instance, the queen lias her clothes cut now after a certain pattern, but how shore of the United States.

The lawyers wrangled over the matter and fired precedents unnumbered eral men Bf'- likely there til be, as the affair has become so widely known as to leave little chance for aiiy cashier's cheeks to remain undiscovered. What the b.iiik accounts will show Is a question. It Is not improbable they will show a series of steps by which lhe uasliier mounted from the humble plane of honest curity into the present bl.i7.lti'; sunlight of notoriety. Or, In other words, a course of petty rte ling may be developed. Abbott lias not been cashier from the organization of the bank, as has been stated.

The bank was organized in 8ii. and for the first four years NARRACAN3ETT PIER PROPERTY. "lattej for tit table in front of the puipii, wnere tin lr.iviiirpi,yu, le. pledges were to be four fj. a few selllsh monopiies? ubini.

A Tabular View. Pbllndelulila WOMEN'S EIGHTS. I MEN EIGHTS. ters? Upon the woman who has borne and reared bis children to pain, and give those children a legacy ot dishonor for the sake of indulgences jut 111 Dllllil, 1 KlVIIlfT' I til An Kxvltine Meeting of ICival Claimant A. Quarter of a Million in lUpute.

I Special I)o natch to The Bontou fltobn.l January 20. This forenoon the at the solemn old party called the "court" without making any impression, until the counsel for the United States produced a decision from the friend come right tip here. Come en. no 7t Uor.rao" f'H'Coin right up here! I'rlZ which can nevw bring bin anything but bitter luniru to iiju jeiL hi. BVA.V OW JiACHEI.OU.

lVin'f ''UlU. long will it be before the kitchen girl cuts her dresses in the same way? It will gradually work down in that way, and just so the knowledge In the possession of astronomers and mathematicians will, after many years, descend to the com British courts, holding that even the mud lnmps ness? Narraganseli Pier Company, which claims to own aud control nearly one half of Narragansett Pier. The right to do pretty Abbott Is bat a type of hundreds who bare a company which has been organized since 1880, much as they please. at the mouth of the Mississippi river were to be taKen for the shore. That settled it, and the Tlie riht to make a fuss when a fellow stiiys when it obtained a charter by special act of the Legislature, met today at the office of Benjamin couri promptly decided in accordance with the he was assistant cashier: since then cashier, lie was tieasiii-ei of the savings bank (or live His salary in the national bank waf 15UO at first, and the past two years has been As treasurer he received i-oO per year, as town clerk for three years or more $cui "per year, making altogether A C'omfortitfcle Income for a prudent man and in accord with his home stylo of living.

His money was sunk in Boston, in fast company and eay renorts. A mortgage of $7000 rests on bis home aud $2ooo ou the mtic, noliil.ui! to a young man in the Bail, iy. right down this aisle and" K-i ril.oon, loin," nodding to a gcationun at thi door. He then left the platrorm and stuiiea through th audience. He had .1 phus.dit Ma and a hearty ftrasp ot the each and every one.

Those weiuiti" a blue ribbon were obliged to satUM with a pleasant "God you," but It i2 so ith the person not showing the hadi'e ot iiieni. bcrslnp. Such found themselves led t.u- W. Case at akefield. out late.

The right to blame gone his ways before mm. And the young men men who lme still retained their probity should learn from this terrible example a lesson Which will make them shudder whenever opinion of the British courts, having profounder When the meeting was called to order Amasa everything on their hus-baud's money-losing or mon people." Mr. Brown then explained A Elaborate Theory of the annual and diurnal movements of the planets which, he thinks, is already grasped by astronomers, although they do not make it public. The earth and the planets revolve in a smaller circlo of their own, not put down on the astronomical diagrams, in the centre of which is matter im M. Eaton, a lawyer of Providence, presented respect for a British precedent than for his own proxies from fifteen parties, each claiming to con the Idea of undue eovetousness enters their brain judgment.

It does seem as though we ought to trol aud hold six shares of the stock. His money-making propensities, just as it Happens. The ripit to luru a house topsy-turvy tor three weeks everv six What Abbott and those like him have lost is be capable of defining our own coast line without claim was not recognized, and lie was or dered to leive, but refused, and for a few more than life. Is more than all that can ever be permeable to heat. The revolution is such that the assistance of our esteemed English friends.

months and call it house-' moments there was an exeiling scene. Such words cottage. This is the full value oi the property. He left no money for the support of his wife aud family, and there has been talk of starting a subscription for their re in winter the earth is behind this matter regained by them. If gentlemen in places of as cneat.

tinei" and iiar." were flung about and thus is cold, but in ihe sum The sixty miles of ice in Chesapeake bay is a loosely, but no one was hurt, and Eaton thereupon entered a lengthy protest against tiie lief. This will not be necessary, Is said, bv arm, and before they were hardly aware uf HiJat thev had done their names were on the pledge Mr. Murpliv was assisted by several KrnUen'ra and ladies, who tried to follow the exmuptcavtW their leader, and while the audience wits slncliiJ one song after another these RssUtantg were peii suading many to put their names on toe pledtJ, Dyspepsia, liver complaint and kindred affee. tions. For treatise giving successful self-treat, ment address World's Disjieiisary Medical Auo elation, Pullalo.

N. Y. trust win look with open eyes upon the picture of What Abbott has lost, they will recoil from temp mer the condition is reversed and the cleaning. The right to make the old man vote any way tney want him to. 'the riK-lit to a home, a husband and a baby.

those most familiar with afl.itrs. as there are rela uecisiou. signed ny the following parties, whom lie serious obstacle to navigation. sun has a fair show. On this principle of centres the Eureka self-motor is constructed.

An axis represented ny proxy: Mary a. Hazard of South Kingston. Sarah C. Mary C. and Fannie K.

Haz tives who are well olf. Including the wife's mother. Mr. J. K.

Stickney is treasurer of the town. occupies the main centre, and about it, at points ard of Newport, C. Hazard, trustee, Row- The House public lands committee has made an ai- iiieenuot perpendicular diameters of a small Sieepinz Uninterruotedly Eighteen Months. 1 he town's money is krpt on deposit at the Na circle concent tic with the nuin axis ar second land William s. aud Herbert Hazard ol New York.

John and Harriet Uoss, Thomas 11. ami Ada II. Crown, 1'h-u M. llobbs. Charles F.

Bartlett lHarper'f Weeitlv.T tation with horror; they will not suffer a thought of dishonesty, or an appearance of dishonesty to linger in their minds for a moment. And so long as they allow the influences of home, and the happiness which morality and virtue ensures to be ever present with them, they are safe. astounding discovery. It has actually discovered that the House aud Senate were bribed witn ary centres. 1 here are four discs at each side ot the machine.

Having their centres one at each of tional D.inK. including appropriated lor the. building of a new puolic library building. The latter 111 be noeded wiiiiin a few weeks to there is In the Glasgow Western Infirmary a ami it. eeKs.

SPECIAL. NOTICES. inese. secondary centres, lhe motive power of Highland woman from the island of Sky who eas lie then lift toe room, ana tho stockholders make lhe last payment on the structure, now nearly completed. ho town's appropriations run tut; resides in lour oaiis riling on me ends of bars from the main axis, eoual in lemrih slept healthfully for eighteen months witnout 310.000 in bonds and money to pass the Texas Pacific land grant bills.

Who would have thought MINICK'S humors. elected the loiiowing directors, Attmoie itobin-son, the only surviving director of the company. 6AKSAPAK1LLA tboroughlf oxpch) lOt J30 low at this season, as the vear coses Once waking up. She Is 30 years of age. ana the resinning: William A.

Miies, brewer, of New with January. These funds are doubtless aU mother of three children. She lies oa her tteck. and at right angles one with ihe other, so arratmed that tiie ball can revolve on axes. The spheres are of metal, one-third being solid and the rest York; Ldward Fnnett of the New York Fire Extinguisher Company; Samuel A.

liriggs of secure, yet there may be some delay caused if tiie bank closes up. Most of the business men feel it? If the committee does not look out it will stumble across some Credit Mobllier facts and get and never moves a muscle s.ive those which are exercised in the act of breathing. Her pulse is Members. of the New England Cremation Society are not anxious to test the system. noiiow.

vwieume macnine is at rest the balls hang with their heavy downward, and the international ice ftiiiciiine company. New keenly Pie closing of the bank, it has been eigiuy, tier breaming lair, ana she gets food three lork; Daniel Cooiiey. oue of the large ascertained thai At ooil was urtven to Hoston In a iniies a uay by means of tii" stomach-pump ap hack Saturday afternoon between 'J and 3 o'clock. Christian statesmen into such a fix that they will be obliged to lie like impenitent thieves to get apparatus is in equilibrium. By an ingenious device the balls can all be thrown out of as Mr Brown calls it: that Is, thev are so placed that the heavy ends all point in one direction.

On He slopped at the Adams House, and Is supposed Delicate and Feeble Ladies. Those languid, tiresome sensations causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that it drain that is taking from your system all It former elasticity; drlviug the bloom from you! cheeks; that continual strain upon your viUl forces, rendering you irritable and fretful. easily be removed by the use of that marreUom iron manuiaciurors ot apw lnrK; N. llo b-bins of the Albany Iron Worksfind C. H.

Dale-malcr, iron merchant of New York. Attmore Robinson of South Kingston was then elected secre paratus, is beiicveu mat sue win recover, auu that the worst result of her long sleep will be those arising from her unavoidable neglect ot her later to Lave taken the train at the lioston station, as ho was seen going in that direction, it themselves out of it. tary and George II. Kobluson of New lork treas- utuisenoiu li is curious lo iimm nuai would have been the vexation of Napoleon, who is generally felt that he is not alone, but who the woman is is a matter of conjecture. A certain lller.

one side the heavy parts will be removed from the main centre, anil on the other brought near to it. Of course there is a tendency for each to swing about its axis till the heavy end is down, but this tendency is counteracted bv a enintili- It is conceded on aU hands that the business prided himself on his ability to regulate and cur The property in question Is valued at $250,000, Boston woman it is Intimated has cone with tail if, witnout -aming anu in the midst of and the pier company will defend it in an equity outlook is steadily improving. a campaign, ne had been afllicted with a malady sou uroujjui vy iue parties represented oy Mr. ltirn to enjoy the prod net of his Ill-minded scheme and to tuoura lor the 17,000 which he was forced to leave behind. The run on the savings bank was of little consequence aud remedy.

Hop Hitters. Irregularities and obstiu tions ot your system are relieved at once, whils the special causes 'of periodical pain are perm-. cated arrangement of shafts and connecting rods bv Witictl thin rikU'. Ik iih.e iius. Altorether Too Much for Us.

Mr. Johk Joxes of New Hampshire saw pen jiaioii. THE FREETHINKERS' FINISH. John E. ItemtlnirB of Kaunas Para uently removed.

None receive so much benefit and ceased early, only J-'OuO be, tig taken. Parties IV IIIC discs and from them to the central axis, 'i'he principle of four points about a centre runs through it all. Mr. An Elmira poet describing the charms of bis came in. and win told they could have their none are so profoundly grateful and show such aa interest in recommending Hop Ritters as worries.

I money they were thorouchiv surprised. Cine old that, bv the means eriven above, tlm h.iiic sions going rather freely and concluded that he might as well capture one. Having had the good luck to run his thumb against a Dtoz-saw some Eloquent Tribute to Tlhouiaa Paine. on one siae ot uie axis work at creator ad lady came In, and was loid she could Lave the whole II she desired. Father Stack, who was The convention of Freethi nliers which has been I vantage than those at the other, for Iheheavy part rrrnr is greater distance from the centre; but it is Sunday morniug.

to see how this can he. since the balls hang Feels Tain Agsla. "My mother wa afflicted a long time with Ne present, said to her: draw your money; 1 will be responsible for its safety" and she de In session at ame Hall since uce parted. Another concluded she would take hers. ralgla and a dull, heavy, Inactive condition of tin was brought to a close last evening by an address by John H.

Kemsburg of Kansas, who chose as his and men decided she wouldn't. 1 tie bank has COXSILAK WISDOM. Our consular service is a great institution. It accumulates more unique and startling information than any other department, and prints it for the enlightenment of the general public! The December number of that highly sensational serial, the consular reports, contains the results of some profound investigations made by Consular-General Mejlbjtt of London. Mr.

Memutt has been studying the industrial situation in England, and be has reached this siaxUing and novel conclusion: "In a general sense the extreme poverty and distress among the laboring classes is due to the low wages which they receive. The wages are in most cases snch as the employer chooses to to pay, the laborer as a rule being helpless from the fact of bis Inability to change bis residence and to seek other The popular notion that the inordinate poverty of the laboring classes is due to their own criminal folly ia producing more wealth than they ireeiy on axes ot revolution equally distant from the centre axis, and the power which holds them out of central is not connected with the diameters whole system; headache, nervous prostration, uoi SSOtXi on rand to meet tin: present demands, and subject "Paine, the Apostle of Liberty Ha EH 51! ami 31 I i i' V.l ill if .3 IS itil M3 ''I 4 5 I 1 i ri.i 't- ji- i i 1 II -J i 1 I i 4 ill in -S i 11 Of 1. 1 -i1 i. FT J' 1 1 3 '1 iV was almost helpless. No physicians or medicines years before, be applied for a pension upon the ground that be bad lost bit thumb in the service during the war.

He is to be tried soon. It would be interesting to know how many more Joilx Joneses there are in the country. on which they arfi fastened, but is Independent of has Slf.o.iX'-j in quick assets lu lioston, casuy convertible iuto cash. He reviewed the early life aud boyhood of did her any good. Three months ago she besau to il thus ail tne power must come from Intended, writes that she is graced "With moutb Uka Cupki't bow." Well, let's see.

Cupid is geticruiiy represented as a child, perhaps 3 feet, or 2 feet 8 inches In height; his bow. to be any gooU at, ail, mint bo as much as 18 inches long, and judging from the effects of his arrows that estimate is lione loo small. Nov. a mouth that measures more than a fool across may set in very beautiful to an Klinira man. but if she has a tongue In any kind of proportion how lie will catch it after his marriage! It would not be surprising if he should see that mouth in another light.

Why It is Cal'eJ Leap Year. i New iUvoa The year whose numeral is exactly divisible by four is not called "Leap" because four will leap use Hop Ritters with such good eff ect that sbs' A Kun Xot to be Expected, The Tendency of the Italia Thomas Paino and his coming to America. The atmosphere of this great country was compatible eeir.s and feels young again, although over 70 1 would be very foolish and would benefit only with his nature. But for Paine's "Common Sense" years old. We think there Is no oilier medicine to fall into their natural position, but as they do not fall it is difficult to see how any work can be those who have their money untouched, as the The government should at once place a whistling the Ix-claratiou of independence would not have been signed on July 4, 1770, and In the war that got out of this.

They are thrown out of centre, lost Interest would be added to their store. Not much National bank stock has changed hands. aud they remain exactly In the same relative nosi- buoy off Devil's Bridge. followed that act Paine helped and assisted One party was offered eighty-hve for bis a Washington's sword was not more potent than tious so that without having any effective motion they cannot give motion to any other body, and Paine's pen. The speaker then followed his life day or two before the tumble, but declined to sell.

He has been "kicking himself" ever since cau no more do work than a weight can which in France and England. his part In the trial of Louis that time. Oue man parted with his four shares the stand that he tooK in the struggle for the for $55 per share, the par value being $loo. A What significance of respect Is there in the unwritten law of Congress which compels it to adjourn over a day whenever one of its members dies? It is about time the honorable body con sim pi rests upon a table and does not change Its position. The principle Is entirely different from that of the the Keel motor, for in this case the force emnloved into it, but for nie very reason that in ancient times it was found that none but the giddy of the weaker sex, and the jumping jacks the ancestors of the dudes of the sterner sex were forming marri tge alliances, lleuoe it was enacted by pub- life of Hie kitig and Lis imprisonment for being a great many people of the town own a small number of harcs, the Welltleet Murine Insurance man and daring to do riht.

He claimed that the Lrijiht and bloody page of I rencli history is that of gravity, while the Keely motor is sun- Company holds loo shares and the bank directors hold ouite a number, Mr. Stickney having forty. might have been brighter and less bloody had the posed to utilize molecular energy. The object, of wise and Humane counsels ol 1 nomas Falne been heeded. Returning to America this apostle of coutse, ts ttie same tit ooui eases, namely, to get ahead of nature and obtain work from natural laws without paying for tt.

The excitement over sidered the matter and decided to act in a common-sense way. It would be a more sensible expression of respect if the members were to make it a point to be all in their places for one day. iineriy, mercy anu truin became in lime a martyr to each. For advocating liberty England declared hlui au outlaw; for his mercy the French gave the Keely motor is well remembered and will lit to use in the family." A lady, In Providence. Bradford, May 8, 1875.

It has cured me of several diseases, such as nervousness, sickness at the stomach, monthly troubles, etc. I have not seen a sick day in a year, since I took Hop Bitter. All my neighbors' uss them. Mrs. Faknik Gkkkh.

$3000 Lost. "A tour of Europe that cost me $3000 done me less good than one bottle of Hop. Ritters they also cured my wife of fifteen years nervous weakness, sleeplessness and dyspepsia." Auburn, N. Y. High Authority.

Hop Ritters is not, in any sense, an alcohnllo beverage or liquor, and could not be sold for use, except to persons desirous of obtaining a medicinal hitlers. Grek.v B. Racm, U. S. Com.

Inter'l Rev. So. BrxOMixavn.LE, May 1, 187U. Sirs I have been suffering ten years and 1 tried your Hop Bitters, and it dolie me more good than, all the doctors. Miss 3.

8. Booxii. Baby Saved! We are so thankful to say that our nursing baby very likely be repeated if Mr. F.rowu succeeds in him a prison, and for truth America gave him for During the close of the bank lis checks, of course, will he idle. Checks drawn upon it may be accepted and cashed by banks where the parties are known, provided they write their names upon the cheeks as Indorsements.

One business man sent a check for $-loo to pav a bill in York. Learning of the disaster he telegraphed on not to have the party present the check at present. Photographs of Abbott and circulars have been serit broadcast by tue detectives lu hope of finding a clew to his whereabouts. Watertown is Intensely worked tip about the defalcation aud it is the subject of talk everywhere. bis latter days a crown of thorns.

In most constructing a working model of his invention and making a satisfactory exhibition of it before the public. "In this machine," said Mr. Brown. "I have tried eloquent lancuatre tho speaker then described his death, and reviewed the traits of his manly "The New England Cremation" Society Is almost ready for business. he statute most cf the nattous of Europe that ail maidens of good reptile shall hereafter, in every fourth year, be empowered aud authorized to propound the interrogatory nuptial without fear or favor of any mau barring the king." A Phenomenal Kicker.

Siftlogs.J "Piease, sir." said the bell boy to a Texas hotel clerk, number forty says there ain't no towel in his room." "Tell him to use one of the window curtains." --lie says, too, there ain't no pil lers." 'Teli him to put his coat and vest under his head. "And he wauts a pitcher of water." "Suffering Cyrus! Hut he's the worst kicker I ever struck my hie. Carry him up the iiorso "He wants to know if ho can have a light." "Here, confound lum: Give mm this lantern, and asK him il he wants the eariu, and if he'll have it fried on only oue siduor turned character, and asked how many of us would have can consume must be abandoned. General Mee-jutt has dealt a severe blow to the over-production theory by showing that laborers are poor because they do not receive enough for their share. Instead of because there is a superabundance of Ihe products of labor.

It is also surprising to learn that in England the wages are such as the employers choose to pay. But we wonder if it ever occurred to this brilliant Investigator to inquire why the wages are fixed by the employers and why the laborers are helpless. If General Mekritt will only deal with this branch of (the subject he can greatly increase the value of his reports. to follow the analogy of the human bod v. When we walk we throw our weight out of ceutre and then accepted a lisou for the sake of trying to save a iniicii loe.

no spokc oi his rencion and crwtt. and asked il it was not possible that some of his We Swing Out one of Our Lee inaugneis had some private grudge. ou have and catch the body before it falls. It is just so been told he died in poverty and was a drunk with my machine; as the weights fall out of centre ard, and that his writings were immoral. All these are Infamous slanders.

But admitting all the charges agaiitst him, we do not then find the true The order to start up the outrage mill has been issued from Eepublican headquarters, and the millers are preparing to grind nut the grist in the old familiar way, making much dust and noise. Boctelle's melancholy fate ought to be a warning to these noisy fellows. these connecting rods caieh the force. The trouble with the rods I have now is that they are rigid, and it's the same thing as if I were trying to walk with stiff legs. My new rods are made with joints.

When I eet this machine reason lor tue slanders, would you nave the true reason? Then read his "Age of Reason" you will lind there the true reason for the hatred of Thomas Falne. Pain Honored New York. running I will exhibit a large model here was permanently cured of a danaerous aud protracted constipation and irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by lis mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength. The Parents, Rochester, N. Y.

lu and when people see they will believe. We ill incorporate a company with a capital of or more, and you can readily see how mid- New Yohk, January 29 The Freethinkers of this city celebrated the 147th anniversary of the The farmers are anxious to drive the dlemen in Boston out of the milk trade. much mouey there is In it. The slock is for sale birth of Thomas Paine this evening at the Ger Hon. E.

L. Bakxey of New Bedford in an interview in the Daily Mercury expresses the opinion that the captain of the City of Columbus did not exercise his skill and do his duty as the occasion demanded. 1'OUiVinrwjna jit now, anu there is conslcerable held by my friends. If people would only Come and -investigate, thev Woman's Way lLowoll Citizen.) A woman doesn't consistently uso profane language, but the way she says "Gracious!" when she slips down is lud of subtle meaning and inherent force. Cross-Eyed Courtship in Dakota.

iBismarck TrlbUDe.l A Dakota man is so cross-eyed that he has to turn his back to his girl when he would gaze into the depths of her dreamy eyes. man Masonic lemple. Ihe attendance was very would be anxious to tret a share in flue company. AN large, many ladles beitig present. The programme I am always at home between the hours of and 1 2 in the moruiug.

and I will be haDDV to explain consisted of speaking by T. 15. Wakeman, S. P. Fifltiam and others.

Interspersed with vocal and instrumental music. At the conclusion of the THE PRICE OF LABOR. Probable Extent of the Cut-Dunn la Fall River AIlIU A waiting- Definite Action. 'Special Despatch to Tho lioston Fall January 19. There is little new in the situation regarding the reduction of wages, and every one is awaiting the action of the Spinners' Union Thursday nlitbt, when the question of a strike will be decided.

Meantime the spinners are awaiting dcflfiile Information regarding the amount of the cut-down, aud tiie new scale of prices. The manufacturers have not yet decided upon the details of the reduction. At a meeting of the manufacturers last week the matter was discussed, without reaching any definite conclusion, and the details were finally left to a committee of three. This committee completed lis work today, and this afternoon the proposed new scale ol prices was sent to every mill treasurer in i he city. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a meeting of mill-treasurers to discuss the list and arrange ilnal details.

As near as can bo learned the list reported is based upon prices paid in Lowell and Lawrence The Ugures are not made public, but, it is understood that the new list gives weavers eighteen cents per cut, instead of twenty-one as at. present of over 12 per cenj. Ttie rate of reduction varies in different departments. It does not look as if the efforts of tho spinners at a compioiiiise would succeed. The prospect of a strike is the general topic of discussion, aud all kinds of business are affected.

exercises an organization to be known as the "Pain" National Historical Association" was to any one who calls." Mr. Brown is evidently a thorough machinist, and his model is a very pretty and complicated piece of workmanship. At present, however, it is not working, but still there seems to be no doubt that When the new connecting rods ar made ami formed, and a fund was started for the purpose of it may be that Congress is waiting for the esteemed Herald and the esteemed Journal to come to an agreement as to what shall be done on the tariff question. in position this machine will at once take first rank among Inventions, revolutionize the methods of the world's work, and bring both fame and fortune to its author it it will only work. It seems strange to read of any telegraph company, except the Western Union, absorbing another company.

Summer Street Firemen's Fund. He Smokes the Other Two at Night. Philadelphia Chronicle. The man who at tiie first of the year resolved to quit smoking lias compromised by usiug ten instead of twelve cigars a day. The New Latin Phrase-Book.

Life. I MiraLitc Acta "The 1 you say." Old Enoush to Know Better. (Philadelphia Mows. Emile Zola is 41. The trustees of the Summer street firemen's fund, Messrs.

Martin Primmer, William Lmlicott, creeling a monument to raine memory. FICHTIIMC RUM. Francis Slurpliy Paya a Tribute to Faxon at the ISeform Club Meeting Yesterday. The State Reform Club of Massachusetts hold Its twenty-eighth quarterly convention at Temple Hall, Cuml.ridgeport, yesterday. An address of welcome was delivered by Rev.

Thomas Biek-lord and responded to by Georgo Califf. The report of the committee on credentials showed 102 delegates present, representing twenty-five different clubs. The meeting then adjourned until 1 o'clock. On the convention coining to order in the afternoon addresses by Dr. and Mrs.

ISolton. John W. Watson, president of the Essex roa RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA. S. D.

Warren, Avery Plumer and George Hig-giiisoii. present tho following report of the condition of the fund: CARNIVAL PRIZES, of ilft for Fineit Effect at the Award CEOWDIXtt THE MORMONS. Senator Hoar has reported a bill for the further worriment cf the saints which Is a unique piece of pc.irasaieal persecution. It provides that husband or wife may be compelled to testify against the other In prosecutions for bigamy or polygamy, ana that attachments may be Issued for such witnesses without a previous subptena. Of course this violation of the principles of common law can be defended only on the ground that it is necessary to accomplish the purpose of this special legislation.

The bill provides for the annulment of all laws of the Territory that might Interfere with the persecution of the Mormons, even the election taws coming under the ban of Senator Hoak's virtuous disapproval. His bill annuls laws of the Mormon itself, aud directs the President to appoint fourteen trustees of that church, who shall report to the secretary of the interior. If that is not a union between the Mormon Church and the State, there never was a union of church and State in the orld. It is moreover a flariit violation of the constitutional provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment of religion or restricting the free exercise thereof. r.abmce January 1, 1883 77.S41 40 Interest on iuvuttmouts 3.806 85 C'ontum Party.

The decision in regard to the prizes for the most effective costumes at the Institute carnival was 85 Is a csrtaln and apo'dy cure for the above complalatt. Thousands hav used It. and their exuwrteuce tji best evldeiiea of iv worth. Let the iufferer but qnlre among nls friend and he will beaoretonna some one to s.ek a ttrateful word in behalf ot tnu celebrated remedy. Male Wjr all lriiegUt.

9 WStf a33 Paid sufferers Eummcrstreet flro.S4.110 17 Paid sutl'crern HtiiioTerslrttet tire. miO 00 Other aid siven 150 00 Loss on 81000 bona auuaigsippi lvimoaa roauemoa. iuw 6.259 17 reached last evening and Is appended: R. J. Aginton, the sun-god, gents' gold watch; Mi-s Ida Clapp, Autumn Leaves, ladies' gold watch Charles I.

Pressey, Peck's Bad Boy, Aollo banjo; Mrs. William U. Field, American Roller, jewel case; J. H. Sego, Chief of Madagascar, overcoat; Miss liattie John iS.

aASlM'S tl'RTAH LEtllfcKSL 75,443 18 Invosted as follow! BASHER'S iUtm IECTOR8L Indorsed note 53,000 B. Q. K. 820,000 00 K. 4 per 10,147 60 li.

R. 6 cent, bouaa M. Jt St. P. THE BRIO ST.

JHN. Her Off Cohaxet in Xinety-nine Peraonn Drowned. CBoston Travallar.J The recent loss of the Columbus with so large a proportion of its passengers, writes a correspondent, recalls an avent now almost forgotten which iit the time made a profound impression on the public mind. The British brig St. John, Captain Oliver, from Liverpool bound for P.ostou, struck on the rocks of Cohasset on Sunday morning.

October 8, 18-19, aud in lifty minuies was broken up by the force of the waves, and 00 out of 120 persons on board were lost. The brig struck on what is called the Grampus rocks, and the wind was from the northeast, and the force of the sea terrible to fight against in fact the people on shore were powerless to lielp the drowning emigrants. The captain, second mate and two boys, in getting the "jolly boat" OO per ceut. bonds W801 IS. M.

11. it. 0 per cent. Waitress Mary. Annual.

Hi re is the waitress iry, Serene, and blithe and gay; In manner light and airy She bears tiie breakfast-tray. She always calls me early, When I would early rise; Her hair is brown and curly, And blue her dreamy eyes. She never keeps me waiting, When I would hurry up; But lu a style elating Refills my cofjee cup. She brings me rolls and butter The former never cold And I can ouiy mutter: "She's worth her weight in gold." My brush upon her ringlets She vows she never tries; The steaks and chops and tliinglets She broils, and never fries. 9.004 00 2,261 00 County Total Abstinence Society, Henry il.

F'axcn and Francis Murphy. Murphy congratulated himself on being present, and having the pleasure of meeting so many temperance workers face to face. Speaking of the temperance work in Massachusetts, Uio speaker referred to Henry Faxon, who sat on tho stage, thus: "We will make the drinking men captives of our army of blue; wo will make them light with us in the cause of temperance; we will tike them so they will stand on our side and if they will not surrender to us wo will send for IHother Faxon ami they will have to. (Applause.) God bless liiui. He is a bonny man, that fellow he is a loyal fellow and he spends his money freely fight-iiig for temperance.

Well mav the old rugged Stale of Massachusetts feel proud of him." 't he convention adjourned to the Pilgrim Street Church in the evening, where remarks were made by R. P. I.useomb of lioston, George Califf of Chelsea, ami H. S. Goodspeed and William Kimball of Poston.

J(HS. SUSHKUS (lIiTill.iJEmMS. "Mrs. itaaher'a CnrtMlu f-ectored" the new ous book by tho author of "A Had Bor' Wrj- theimwr Uufrhahle book or the aire, rt illustrations. Lithograph rwpur eoror.

50 cent" ewoui. gold side. Sold bv all dealer. mnilert on receipt of prUie by J. PJLVl JAJj lUMJulier.

81 Koeo New York. Sn4t lt wit ja. I bonds $3200 K. Valley K. It.

Deposited in Nuw England Trust Company lioston, January 20, 1SS4. 4.430 63 18 son, urange oiri, ladies' otter mull bag; b. P. Suits, Jockey, reclining chair; Miss A.M. Haskett.

Bostou Herald, extension skates; John T. Williams. King ot the Cannibal Islands. Barney Perry club skates; MiS3 Ball, Galatea, floral centre-piece; W. H.

Peiree, Lobster, glass centre piece C. A. Jackson, Dutch Wind Mill, institute art album. Institute art albums were won by the following: Mary Harding. Highland lassie; Mrs.

K. L. purple and old; -Miss Gertie Burns, little lio-Fcep; Miss Susie Dai ley, M'lis; Miss Aiig--ll. Gypsy queen; Henry U. irris, burlesque ballet master; Gertie Gould.

Indian princess; Charles Allien, modern society belle; Miss Emma Clark, Spanish peasant. The season ticket prizes were awarded as fol Coasting accidents are getting to be so that the boys must be more careful. aa BANK. 20 Boylston Street De: made on or before February 1 will interest from that date. "Sul3t Tl, Vanenil Hall Clear are acain in stack.

"But fer sake don't av 1 told you." J. IL Cood Fortune of a Motel Pronnetor. II. W. Cottle, proprietor of the Merchants' Hotel, Change avenue, was one of the ln uiv purchasers who found valuable articles in those cans of tea and coflee at the Importers' Tea Company, 170 Tremoiit stieer, yesterday.

He purchased a can of tea for jl, anil found an elc-int solid gold hunling-ease watch imbedded In 'the tea. In order to close out the balance of stock remaining on hand, the Importers Tea Company will continue the sale of those cans of ten and coffee widen contain watches, eeimhm ,11,11,1,1,1.10 Troubla Among Northern Lumbermen. tSpecial Despatch to The Boston Olobo.l Toronto, Junuaiy 29. The failure of the British Canadian Lumber Company here caused sonic surprise today in commercial circles, especially as it was not expected, and only a few months ago it was known that four wcaUhy city lirnis had, when it had become somewhat shaky, bolstered it. up with each, so that it might keep up its winter operations and tide over the next dull six months, till tho opening of spring created a demand for lumber.

A withdrawal of this backing by the firms in question caused the trouble. The failure has a depressing effect on stocks here, and those who will be the heaviest losers the Bank of Commerce. Quebec Bank and Bank of Toronto took a downward turn. Mr. Lockie, tho manager, is aiso niauager of the American Lumber Company, near Marquette.

and he says that the American Company made an assignment in Scotland, January 21. The trouble arose through a dispute about sonic Michigan timber limits. Tho liabilities of the American company are over 1,000,000, but fully covered by assets. 5t Jailtf 00 Mate llontim. 2 Wim'LE A.

BKIOlIT OITLOOU. LBojton The business horizon of lsa brightens with the close of January. From many points in this broad land of curs, with its diversified Industrial pursuits aud business occupations, the indications come of a more than ordinarily prosperous year. Along with encouraging indications ia trade comes a partial recovery in legitimate stocks, with every reason for believing that the market will ere long fully recover its tone. There is a visible access of hopefulness on the street, and a bracing up all around.

A careful survey ot the field makes it tolerably certain that for at Jeast 25 per cent, of the merchants and manufac lows: Miss Ella Stetson, Eclipse; Will Kinsman, King Charles U.K. Runnell, Highland lad; Prank Lawrence, bite Knight; L. K. Lcnsier, 1 e. barrel i mug; Lawrenco J.

Pitman, Snow Prince; Edward A. Page, itobiusou Crusoe; B. li. Tracy. Night C.

M. Mosher, Morning; Ida Pitman. Snow Flake; Hattie Gassett. Buttercup; Miss G- Smith, sheaf of wheal; T. F.

Doian aud chum. Ionium's wiute elephant; Mrs. K.W.Walsh. Onirics B. Booth, Topsv; J.

F. Kelley, female African dude; G. W. Elliot, Prince Frederick; Alfred Kinsman, old lady; Mrs. Stardigle, August.

The billowing received monthly tickets: I'nion Athletic delegates, ground and lofty tumblers; iiiss Julia Cunningham, Gypsy queen; Dick Alden. Lone Fisherman; B. Height, Mexican; Miss Kmma Becker, Daisy. a i air of Uaymond roller skates were received by F. il.

Folsom, who very cleverly impersonated a candy man. he special Institute urize of a season ticket 10 receive passengers, were swamped bv crowding the boats, and twenty-one passenger, the second mate and two bovs were drowiied' The captain wis hauled on board by -i rope thrown him. The long boat wis launched and the captain, first mate and two passengers succeeded in reaching the shore. Eleven others, four men and seven women came ashore on a portion of the deck. The Orb' only seven first-class passengers, three betnS nieces of the owner ot the vessel.

The remainder were Irish emigrants, lleelng from the famine at home. The bodies of the dead came ashore on what is now called Cunningham's Island, and If remember correctly funeral services were held In the Old South, aud the remains carried to tiie cemetery. Hundreds or strangers flocked into the tow and the sad event was the topic of the hour Many of the Cohasset men were honorably mentioned in the press of that day for their heroic efforts to save the helpless emigrants. Marlboro's Cans of Burglar Again at Work. ISpecIal Despatch to The Boston Globe.l Marluoiio, January 20.

The burglarizing gang Pas again been hoard from, the latest exploit, beuic the breaking and of the. Herself she ne'er amuses With alcoholic drains My razor ne'er she uses When she would open clams. Not long with us she'll tarry. Next month she's got to stop, r.ecause she's going to marry Sir Romeo, the cop. A Tu5 Sunk by a Ferry-boat.

Nkw YoRK.January 2J. The ferry-boat Moona-cheer ran into and sunk the tugboat Charles F. Starin in the North river today. The crew of the Stariu had barely time to climb on board the ferryboat before the tug disappeared. Preparation cannot be surpMsed.

rtre. Jf.1 or bottle, and none can ue. without being 214 West Springfield at. hufltt "PORTRAITS Painted in OIL.or CRAYON. A correct likftnos guanSfteed.

A. T. li A RKKTT, studio 810 WaeUingtim street. at jags "THE HOLIDAYS are over, and ladies can now Kim more attention to their linirer-uallsaiid cormlexiou. Hutitf JaU ss.OO.

HORSE CLIPPKB until Saturday, February 23, after which date the cans will contain no souvenirs, but the tea and eoliet; will be sold on its merits at the same price, ft per can. free instruction at the Hall Writer Institute, studio building, no 'Fremont street, is proving a decided success. The ladies especially have been quick to appreciate the value of so useful, pleasant and genteel an accomplishment. Call for Everett Spring Water, telephone 0313. litil Tv'ji fi-jtm-iint hath.

I ntuiuiiiMiiiut irritation. Inflammation, all kidney eoinplHiuu cured by "Ruehu- Company Inspected. rSpectal Despatch to Tho Boston Globe.l Fall Ritkr, January 2',) Major Jackson inspected Company tonignt. The programme iiudnded luriuorv inanection. drill manual aud fcfor the most effective advertising design was I awarded to James Ward.

Craig Kidnev Cure. J. a. Baiuaby special prize, for the best Stinoin'o, and urinaiy Paiba." turers cf the country ibSi; was a profitable year, iid that auoUitr fraction oi i ier ceut. of them lu the bet manner at APKIt HALL'S audJSala.

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