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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts • 1

The Boston Globei
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


t'ons were formed: By Cornpauy A. Frank A. I Aivord, president: Jolsn T. Brnce, vios-preaiden I snd secretary: aod Ldward D. Atberton.

treasurer. uticura wide open snd had a fixed glassy stare. He was unable to speak and was taken to Station 4, aod was afterwards sent to the city hospital. Thomas Kelley of Commetciat street. Dorchester, went to tbe city hospital at rj o'clock last evening, suffering from a severe cut In the right wrist.

He was in an intoxicated condition and said that be bad got into a dispute witn a man in Dorcnester, yesterday, when the fellow drew a kn fe, catting bim in the wrist One of the larje arteries was found to be severed. A PLUMP DENIAL. Strong Statements by the Key. W. II.

II. Murray. end by bearing a team parsing his boue, evidently runoinz at a rapid rate. He arose, dressed himself and, going out into tbe street, fonnd a man lying in tbe street, where be bad been thrown from the team. The man was dead wbeu found.

Tbere wss a large bruise on the back of tbe bead, where be struck the ground in falling. Mefli-rai-Kxaminer Par Iter was sent for, viewed the body aod decided that tbe death was accidental, giving hi opinion that tbe skull was cracked by the full. The mao's name was Anthony Uobertv. fie lived at North f'urcbase and was returning home from Havden Bowe, wneo, from some causa or other, the horse ran away, throwing bitn out wttii tbe a love result. Tbe team was found at home in a soinewnat damaged condition.

An Undertaker (Served Right. BTtooslvx. N. September 2. George F.

'Wiseman, an undertaker, a few days ago, prepared tbe remains of Charles Kliin for tbe grave. After the serces were over and tbe procession ready to proceed to tbe cemetery, Wiseman refused" to move tbe bodv to tbe bearse un ess be wis paid in fall for bis bill. Tbe family was poor and had not the money on band, but uemm was obdurate, and took the bodt from tbe coffin, removing tbe grave clothes. He is arrested by the board of heai ana odqy sent to jail for twenty-live days In default of $50 tine. Criminal Proceeding Contemplated Aicalnat Canadian It nit Directors.

HrTi5Giov. Qnebe September 2. At a largely-attended meeting of tbe creditors of the Mechanics' bank yesterday resolutions were unan-lmouslv passed in favor of throwing the bank into insolvency and a petition adoDted to tne minister of justice asking him to prosecute the directors and officials criminally. A subscription to defray expenses was opened. TbU section was badly Tio THE WONDER I becoming universal as to how such an sale could be created In lor Hv.r' AWPKiiw.

my friend, if you ciuid stand behind our counter a week and bear what those say who are n.f ing It, the rpawm would apjrf-ar as clear a the fiooD-day win. Tbe real curative power of HcxjD's HAiwArARii.LA demonstrates itself In every rate where our tlLrert.umt are failh-f-illy regaded. We would that we might get before the jwiple a rartional part of the confidence that Is expressed to us every day In tli) mrdiriie by those who have carefully noted (without prejudice) its effects upon the Mood and through that upon the whole system, stimulating all the functions of the body to perform the duties nature requires of them. Try IxilUe and satisfy you self. Ccld Hand and reef.

Feb. 3. MrM. C. T.

ii Gentlenie.n. A bout one year ago my daughter commenced taking your ttaraapaiflU. At time she I. ail very little apeuie; could take no lone walUs, and her lace was badly broken out with a humor. Hie waslow-xplrfted: troubled wilji cold ijiid t'-ct; her blood set mi to i pour, and hIic was iu a condition which fwiwil tis great anxlttv.

After taking one bottle of your lila slie began to Improve; and hlic now lias a (rood appetite and ran take much longer walks. Ilcr humor is nothing eouipared with what It. was one year Mi is in better rplrils. Is not troubled with cold haiuls and feet as previously. And I attribute improvement In her condition largely to your KarsapariJla.

She Jins taken six loi tics, and intends continue its tlie. I inclined to oppose the trial of it at first I now h.ive Krcat. faith In it as a blood purifier. Very truly yours, A. HINCKLEY, No.

A Idoadway, Lowell, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla. hold bv all druggist. Trice or six for t'rc'paicd ly C. I.

IIOOli Ajiotli-eearlea, lxiwell, Mass. Company O. A. Battles, preeldem; Hleoard Tncaer, vice-president aod treasurer: J. V- A.

Nuitmg, secretary. Cumpany F. P. H. Babbitt, president; J.

W. Upton, vice-president; J. L. Adams, eecretary. Company Lymau Woodward, preKident;" Cnarles C.

Stearns, view president; J. y. A. Brysnt. secretary; U.

B. Bstes, treasnrer. Company will lorm an orgaoix atiou at their basket picnic at Athol, iviooerlo. The regimental organisation is as rollows: J. W.

Kiirbalt, president: Adolphus Bungs, vlce-orasl dent; H. Partridge, secreiary; D. Edged, treasnrer, and an executitt committee of eight. This regiment will hoid its next reunion September 2, 1830. A DULL DAY For the League end National Basa BaU Clubs The Boston Nine Defeat the Brooktons Miscellaneous Notes and bporting Oossip.

Bbocktox, September 2. Nearly 10OO peoele witnessed a pooriy-plsyed game here today between tbe Bostons and Brocktone. The gr.uio was adverttsed to eomruen -e at 4 o'clock, but it was delayed bsif an hour because tbe home nine refused to play with the league ball, aad weald cot come to terms nntil tbe umpire announced "no game," and the visitors packed tbeir tools to leave, when tbey yieiaed and placed a bad holding game. The game opened weil for toe homo team, but in the second inning Morrill succeeded tn scoring on two wild pitches and a passed ball, he roacotuu bis base on nine called balls. Five hits, tissiaied by eleven errors, yielded the visitor six unearned runs io tbis inning.

The playing of Sbaunessy was simply execrable, and can only be attributed to bis fear of bis opponents. 1'tirrington also played a weak game for htm, and the tact seems to be demonstrated by tnis and a previous game with league clubs that the wholesome fear which a reputation engenders in the Brocktou breast forbids a decently played game. The teatures of tbe game were the floe batting of Jones, wbo got a foui over the extreme left held fence, something never before done on the ground, a tine running-catch by Heuck, and tbe batting of Foley and Cjuion. BOSTONS. ATI.

It. IB. KB. FO. A.

K. 3 3 2 6 Jones. 1. 4 2 2 2 10 0 O'Rourke. c.

4 1 2 2 0 Bnrdock. 2b 4 1 1 1 2 3 0 Morrill. 3b 3 I 0 1 0 Houck.r.f 4 2 2 3 2 0 1 Foiev.p 4 I 3 4 4 0 Hawe.s.c 3 1 1 2 5 2 1 Sutton, a. 3 0 1 I 1 2 Totals 32 12 14 19 18 10 6 BBOCETDSS. ah.

it. in. r.s. ro. Stonghton.l.f 3 0 Donovan, lb 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 McLaughlin, s.

2 112 12 2 Ouinn. r. 3 1 1 1 0 0 Fair. 3b 3 0 I 2 1 Knowles, 2b 3 0 1 6 3 0 Haves, e. t- 3 0 0 0 1 1 Pufnugton, 2 0 114 13 bbauneasy.p 2 0 0 0 6 10 Totals 23 2 4 7 18 13 17 Innirgs I 2 3 4 5 A 0 6 14 1 12 Brocktons 2 0 0 2 A Prominent Canadian Politician Kidnapped, And an Attempt to Carry off an Editor.

Fifteen Miners Killed by an Explosion in France. Serious Havoc Made by an Explosion of Cas. A Long Chapter of Minor Mishaps and Serious Crimes. rrectat rw patch to The Bo.ton O'obe-l TnnosTO, September 2. A case of kid-Dapptnir, unpsrallelled in trie history of Toronto, occurred ou the night of tbe 21st of Ausnst.

The partlenlars bnva onij now come to light, and create considerable Interest, as Robert JafTray, tba gentleman Kidnapped. Is a prominent Youtre street merchant. A tew eveninRB previous to tbe 21st an attempt was also made to kidnap the Hon. George Brown, editor of tbe Toronto (ilotie, and this gentleman being a prominent politician, it is tboupht that tbe scheme was a political one. The facta are these: About 10 o'clock on tbe nteht of the 21si of August three men drove up to Jaffray'B house ou Grosvenor street, and two of them went to tbe door, while the other remaiued outside to watch.

On the door being opened was asked tor, and od of the parties representing bimseif as a detective bad an order from tbe minister of justice to arrest Jaffray and take him before Wilson. Jaffray thought It better to go quietly, and entered the carriage with tbe men. They drove down to tbe River Don flats behind tbe City Necropolis to tbe east of tbe city, where Jaffray was asked to alighv. He refused, when the men told him tbey bad made use of false statements in order to dcoy him into their toilp, and that tbev were ageutior a political societv existing in tbe neighborhood. Tbev said they d'd not intend to injure him, but would curtnl bis lioerty.

One of tb villains attempted to pull Jaffray out of tbe carriage, but was felled by a blow from tbe latter, wbo made his escape to th nearest house, while bis captors drove otf. Jaffray gamed admittance, and having related bis adventure, the hostler drove him home. 1 arly on the morning of the 2-d ot August the men left the city in a sailboat for Ni agara and landed on the siae. i ney are said to be beyond a doubt tbe kidnappers. A few evenings previous totbtg affair an attempt was made by the same parties to entice tbe Hon.

George Brown across the i)on bridee from his residence on Beverly street, but Brown refused, and the men drove oil. Brown gave the matter to tbe police, but as yet they bave failed to throw any light on the case. Bold Attempt at Hi Eh war Bobbery on tbe liriighion Road. Simon Newman, a tailor, doing business at 4 Blossom street in this citv, went to Brighton early last evening to take a suit of clothes to a member of Steamer Shortly after 7 o'clock be started to catch a horse car for tbe city proper. On inquiry, he found the car he wanted had just gouc, and, to while away a ball-hour, be took a walk up the main street.

At a point a short distance this side of tbe Old Cattle rair Hotel be was suddenly accosted by a young man in a busgv, who asked him if be was going to Boston, and, replving in tbe aitirmative, was asked to step in. After some hesitation Newman accepted the offer and tbe young man started to driva toward the city proper. Tbe young man exhibited a strange interest in the business that brought Newman to Brighton, and upon learning tbe facts, suddenly swung bis horse in an opposite directiou toward the suburbs. Newman expostulated, and the rascal ordered bim to give up tbe nioDey ibat he bad got from the fireman tor the suit of clothes. Newman denied that be bad any money, whereupon tbe fellow exclaimed with an onlb: "You won't set ont until you give it up," at ibe same time "rasping Newman by the throat.

The bigbwa pressed Newman's throat with tbe thotnb and of bis right band, while Newman struggled desperately. In a short time Newman managed to grasp the reins, and by a sudden pull, swung the burse to one side, and by a sudden lurch, rolled oat upon tbe ground as tbe robber was tu tbe act of drawing a weapon from a hip pocket. The immediate appearance of a buugy containing a lady and gentleman caused tbe thief to maae a haety flight in the direction ot Boston, whipping his horse into a gallop to get away. Alleged Att' lt to KidDsp Gentleman. Toronto, September 2.

An attempt was made to kidnap tbe Hon. George Brown, proprietor of the Globe, last Friday night. About 8 o'clock the Hon. Air. Brown was informed thut a man was waiting at the door with an important letter, which bad to be delivered to him personally.

Corap ying with this particular request, be went to tbe door, where he com routed a man in livery res and upon asking for tbe letter tbe liveried lnuividual desired that Mr. Brown should come outside the door altogether before he could get it. ilr. Brown, however, refused to go outside, and at the same time tbe strange action of tne letter-bearer aroused his auspicious, and, acting on tbe spur of tbe moment, ue yelled tor assistance. Tbe man In livery beat a retreat, and, entering a carriage close by, was driven off by HDther man in similar livery dress.

Tbe police have now got lm case in hand andaregiving it tbeir energetic atteuiion. It is supposed, had Mr. Brown come outside the door, as was desired by the beater of the important communication, he would Dave been immediately set upon, overpowered and borne away to some remote place, troni whence no doubt would have required no small amount of money to procure his release. A Ternblv Detractive Gas Explosion. Nfw York.

September 2. There was a terrible gas explosion, today, at Cremorne garden, a no-toriou up town dance-bouse. Tbe gag was left leakiug in the cellar under tbe bar-room. The proprietor, Frank Hughes, and the bar-keeper Charles Thompson, weut down to investigate tbe cause of tbe leakage. When the door was opened and the gas reached the burning jet outside an explosion followed instantaneously The bar room floor was lilted up and broken into kindlinc-wood and glassware and furniture generaliv shattered.

Hughes and lbompson were sboc'kinclv bnrned. Hughes' head was gashed in a frightful manner by the big iron grating, wbicli was torn from its hiogea aud fruas- ed down on his bead holding him lo tbe sidewalk, where be was blown by the explosion. Charles Casson, a paper-banker at work on a ladder near by, was thrown from the plaoe, but not seriously injured, and r.y bis presence of mind In extinguishing the tiaming burners a conflagration was prevented. The wounded mn are bow the hospital. Fatal Accident In Somerville.

Harry Eagan. seven years of age, only child of Mu. John Kagaa, residing on Sbehan street, wqs truck by the special train bearing the picnio party of S. Fran de Sales Cburcb of Cbarles-town. at tbe 1'ark stroet crossing, last night at 6.16.

aud received injuries from wuicb be died at 8.50 p. m. apo.ars that the boy was vo the s.ore on an errand, aud. returning, waited foi tbe express train to pass tbe crossing and men ruu over the traca. when be was struck by tbe incoming train, and receivod a fracture at the base of the skull and nutueroua bruises, which resulted as above.

Tne agony of the raciber was heartrending to ebold, and pity is telt tor tbe woman wuo lo her husband ouly two moiitbg since. A Disastrous Shot. rrrrnPtRrt. September 2 About lf o'clock last nifiht Professor Victor De Hesrn, a trnsic teacher in the Pittsburg Female College, wks a roti ad from bis bed at bis borne in Castle Shannon, a suburb of this place, by uu wife, bo told bun that thieves were in the vineyard. 1 be profeaor, his wife, and a hired niHu west out, two 01 ibem armed.

le Hesrn fired his revolver, and then another shot beard, and the professor teil dead. It was first tbought that me thieves had Killed htm. This morning an investigation shows that be was killed rv a shot from the gun of the tared man, Peter J. Bower, wbo has been arretted. Tbe killing is supposed to bave ooen accidental.

An Editor Challenged. PtRTSorTM, N. September 2. Lewi W. Brewster, editor of tbe Portsmouth Joorcai, has received a challenge io tght a duel from Lieutenant Nathaniel C.

CofEo. Tbe cause of liis trouble on the part of Coin was a fancied wrong done him id an article wbicn appeared in thst papr. Mr. Brewler made a complaint J2'nM Cotriu. lie was brought before Ue podce court yesterday and was put uuder bonds to keep the peace.

Mi. CefSn received some severe in.iunee aoonl tbe bead during tbe war, which ao doubt oisewbat aflected hi wind. F'atal Rasawsy Accident. About 2 o'clock yeetorday meraisg a srertleman living tne road fron Havden Kowe to Noitu Purchase aueet, MiUoro. waa wa I REMEDIES Have achieved the moat notod -nreess of any Medicines of TUiim.

Messrs. Weeks Potter bave never doubted th sp IH" propert'es of Cl'TH RA. CPTIt'l KA Bli SOLVENT, md CCTICTRA SO At, for the speedy, permanent, and economical cure of Humors of the Pkio.1. Skin and Scalp. They are.

however, astoo-kdied at their nnlvorsal -access; for It was to be expected tbat in tbe bunds of some tbey would fall solely from spasmodic or tguorant use ot tbeni. They -re enabled to say without fe-ar of eoofrdlc-tlon that no remedies ever achieved lo tbe short spat of one year the numbnr of wonderful cures performed by tbe CClTCliRA KEMEDlt.3. SALT RHEUM, Covering: the Bodv for Ten Tears, Permanently Cared. UwOrufi of Cha. noroTo,) Congrera street.

Boetou. Feb 2S. 187S. Messrs. Weeks Potter: Gentlemen 1 teel itadnfy inform vou thr.

una you all who a.e interested to know the fart, Inst a most aud case Kin mo Kcxenia, which h.n onuermy niriontl oiw-rvuhon from Iu tlrm uiiwnr. itnce to tbe pn-eeut time arvmt ten i IO votxa covering the (tn-ater portim of the iarient body n-t limbs wit lt petal sr IrriiAtin am scab, and to which all the kuown meih. da if treating such e-o had been applied without Iwne it. ha completely di-aopeared, leaving a clean and healthy stciu, under a few c.a" of profuse application of li a I can and do heaitilv nflvise all similar afflicted to trv the remedy which has been so edectual in this case. ery truly yout C11A8.

HOUGHTON. LIVER COMPLAINT And Dyspepsia Treated by the Resolvent-Gains 5 1-3 round on One Bottle. flentlemen 1 bave bad Liver Complaint sua 0v-neDBia. with runuiog sor-t on the side of my neck, for teo years. lioctors did me no rood.

I have been speudiue for eight vests and it id no good. Every-thii 1 ate distressed mi. 1 got recuced from 17 to 132 miidg. laat 1 tried tne RESOLVENT and it helped mo right off. and on one bottle I trained five and one-half pounds.

It Is doing the busiuess. ana I am going for It ntroig. Yours truly, JOHN H. ROY. 414 Wabash Chicago, 111., Mov.

15. 18T8. NOTE. CUTICTJRA Is admlrablv assisted in cases of extreme physical weakness, or when the virus of ScrotuU is Known to tvrk in tne sv tern. i (he Internal use of the CUTIl i KA KESOLVEJI withont doubt the most powerful biood purifier aud liver stiuv ulautinthe worid.

CtTTfCCB.A SOAP Is an elegant toilet sod medicinal assistant to In the treatment of all ei-terua; atlmenta. Kor chappei hands, rougo Rkin aua tau. xunbura. and the skin troubles. It ia luoii- nensable a a houd for the toilet, the nursery and bath It ts ibe most elegant, refreshing, and fieahna: before the public.

Thafe great remedies succeed where all others re-tofore in use fail hecauxe tbev possees new and oiig. inal properties never before siieces.nully combined in medicine. The Cuticitra RiMEDtirs are prepared by Weeks Fotter. Chemist a and Druggists. ttanti nufcon liosloa.

aud are sold hj a I drutrlft. 1'ilce of ClTTIi rr: a. rr.all bo es 50 centa; irge boxes villaining two and one-halt time, 'he quantity of small, SI. Kkmolvkm, si ier bottl CUTlGClta SOAf. 25 cents per cake; by inil, 30 cents; 3 cakes, 73 cts.

COLLIVS' In tbe Annihilation of Pain and Irfbtmraatiiin. l.itneVi- YCLTAiC ELECTBtCtaiization of Weak, Paralyzed bi 8n Painful Nervous Parte MSTt-i and Organs, In the Cur ng of Chronic Veaknes of the Lungs, Heatt aod Kidneys. in the Absorption of Poisons from the blood lb ough tbe Pores, and the Prevention of Fever and Ague, Liver Comolatnts, Malarial and Contagious aeaees, they are wonderful. Gel the genuine. 1 SSuW au30 states that be may do the same In 1 hoar and minutes.

At tne conclusion of this some tw-nty-tnree pedestrians will start on their seventy-five hours' tramp, to compete for prize of $500 ia gold and tbe "Eunis gold ma lm." Besides, (IS io gold will be given to tbe trainer whose man makes tbe best appearance as to nna nes and cleanliness, during tne race, lo ail wbo do not win one of the four prizes and wbo cover 2tu miles, entrance lea will be returned. Ten do iars in gold wili be given for every additional three miles over 280 niie. Tbere will he a irrand concert day night, by Higgins' Ninth Regimant Dand. Miscellaneous Notes. A single-scnll working-boat race will take place next Saturday, at Gloucester, lietween James J.

Bagley of Boston aod Tom Lurns of Gloucester, for $50 a side. Edward Garrity of Rockland challenges Henry Ponoghue aud Clifford Nasu of Abiogton to run 150 yards for $oO a side. Mau and money at Temperance Hall, Kockland, next Friday evening. lhe Mystic park meeting commencing pext Tuesday, with a held of ninel)-oue borsea, will be tbe crowning eveot of tbis world-wide celebrated track, where Goldsmith Maid made her record of 2.14. Michael Murphy of this city challenges any pedestrian in New Kngiand to walk from ten te fifty miles for $100 a side, Mr.

Charles I Daniels nre-tered. Arrangements can be made at No. 424 Hanover street. John Mullen of Boston states tbat he will walk Thomas Mclionough, l-nnn W'helan aad George Briar ot East Dednam, fifteen mile for $25, tbey to walk live miles vacb. Tbe walk will take place at Mechanics' Hall, Fast lied ha in, aud the above challenge is to remain open for one week.

The ruuning match in Cambridge between William Lee and Edward Burrows came otf last Tbey were started by Mr. M- F. Curry of the Middlesex Rowing Association. Lee look tbe lend, which be kept to the finish, making 10O yards In 10 seconds. Tbe race was for $25 a side.

Sapretne Court Oprning. rsoeelal nesoa'eb to The Bjwiron oioM.l Nashua, N. 11.. September 2. Tbe September te rm of tbe supreme court opened this morning, Judge Foster presiding.

iravid H. Goodii of Antrim was appoiniei foreman or ths grand Jury, and the conrl gave an able aod finished charge to the grand jury upon the nature aod character of crime and tne duties of tbe jury tn presenting the cases tbat may be brought them. There win be no jury trials this week, petty juries net coming in till Monday. Dedication Committee Appointed, Special Despatch to Tbe Boston MAJfeHKSTKR, N. September 2.

A committee, consisting of ex-Goveruor P. Caeaev, tne Hon. George B. Cb.adler. Judge I.

W. D. B. Varney. and the Hon.

II. K- Slay ton, has beea appointed to bave entire control ot tbe arrangements for the entertainment ef gu-a est dedication day. Carriages cave beea engaced fos? ibe accommodation of 200 guests, aad a bostoa caterer will be procured to fnrnisa taeaa wua dinner. Natloaal Fair Greasvd. Washiwoto.w.

D. C-, September 2. Tbis afternoon rround was formaiiv broken by President Hayes for tbe ta national gronel, about two and a half mllee from this city, oa the lioe ef tbe Baltimore aad Ohio railroad- Tbe site embrace abent loO acies. Folly lOOO perseee were pres-en. woom the Pros.

dent briefly addressed. Tbe Hon. J. C. S.

Blackburn delivered an appropriate oration. Railroad Kreirbt-Had tra oa st Strike. Ctnctfto. I1L, September 2. The strike of the.

railroad freigbt-baadiers ia ossamiDg Kcantio fro Portions. Over 500 ma are bow ena-aired la iu They damaad $1 25 instead of $1 la per day. wnien is on area uy tne companies. Indication. For New England, increasing eloadiaets.

followed by rain, variable winds, anil woj to south-ersterly, stationary er lower temperature and barometer. Washinrtoo Mote. Aa illicit distillery was discovered la this city today wiibia ij blocks of the treasury. It eas promptly raided aod six parsons captured, together with the stltl and nxtnrea. Tbe Star this a Iter noon publishes aa interview with Lr.

K. B. Bradford ef Ohio, well knowa ia eohtieal circles, wae returned bare today rota a su tuner visit to White Seiphor Kpfiupsot Virginia. Or. Bradford met there General Robert I Own, be of Georgia, woo says tbat ia bis state there will be no of tbe Democracy ta l80.

Ibe Independents ef tbat state will ardently snpoort tbe nation I Democratic candidate. Geaer.i Toombs believes that seeator Thermae's nomination woaid be bearuly indorsed by the lJesaoerey ef Georgia. Dr. Bradford also me Geaerat Geary ef South Carolina, wbo beiieve tbat bis state will trtve frate 1 6.00O to 20.OO ipajority for Ut aiuauaee ef the next Lessee raue 1 THE DOMINION. A Political Sead-Iioclc and a Serious Outlook Sugar Trada Between Java and Montreal Pulpit Sensation In-dian Fortitude.

fPDecisi Despatch to The Boston Olebe.1 QrrEBEC, September 2. ThelpolHical deadlock continues with but sligbt prospect of compromise on either side, and a more gloomy state of affairs could not weil exist. Tbe province is being rapidly involved in debt and it is feared that the government will be obliged to abandon all public works, close departmental offices and dismiss employes, large numbers of whom, it is stated, are considerably in arrears, not having received their salaries for some months. The air is full of all sorts of ran ore, and should tbe worst come, an open revolt of the employes is not unlikely. The difficulty in the administration of justice couid of course be overcome by tbe craming of special warraots.

Today Chaplean, leader of tbe opposition, moved tbe unprecedented twenty-second vote of want of confidence, which was defeated by the government with tbeir usual majority of three, ibe result of this vote seems to strengthen the miDistry, who now decline to make any overtures to tbe legislative council for a conference. The bouse is still In session, and it is stated that the eovernment will move an adjournment tor a month; in tue event of which passing, a dissolution will occur, and an anpeal made to the country in interim, tbe result of winch, it is bought, would prove beneficial to the Joly ministry. As foreshadowed in these despatches last night, the Joly government have just carried the motion for an adjournment till October 28 bv a majority of two. It is not improbable that the dissolution of the house will take pi ace and an appeal made to tbe country. In tbe interim, the anxiety which has prevailed throughout the whole province wlli be greatly relieved, and the next political campaign will be exciting.

Montreal, September 2. The Dutch barque Electra arrived here from Java with sugar today, having made tbe passage in 129 days. The captaiu says several more vessels are coming here tbis season from Java, and believes a very advantageous trade con Id be carried on between Montreal and that distant colony, which is famous (or its sugar, rices, coffee, spices, etc. In bis opinion Montreal offered equal advantages with New York as to freigbrs, aod i he voyage would shorter. A steamer from Java direct could reach Montreal in fifty or sixty days if it avoided tbe round passage by coming through Suez canal.

The British warship Tourmalins arrived in port last night. Sbe is a composite screw corvette of 2162 tons and 1972 borse-power, carrying twelve sixtv-four muzzle-loading guns.w tli a complement of 232 officers and men. Among the officers are Captain Deunistown, in command and E. Inglefield, sod of Adniiral Ingieneld; Aubrey Howe Lineal, descendant ot Lord Howe, and K. H.

1 lentnan. son of Chief Justice Denruan of England, the last three midshipmen. The Tourmaline remains here several days. Kfnostos, September 2. A tremendous sensation was created in the Queen street Methodist Church Sunday evening by the minister referring daring his sermon to a member heretofore supposed to be in UicU standing.

Ha said: "He could sing like and angel, pray like a saint and lie like the devil." London, September 2. Doxtater, the Indian wbo committed an assault on a little girl, was puDlicly flogged tooay. receiving twenty-five lashes. He stood punishment without flinching, and at tbe close coolly ejaculated: "Bully for big Injun." Motes, A Halifax despatch says a negro named Mus-grave, confined iu Plctou jail, has committed suicide. The sixth Regiment of Fusileers, of Montreal, are beginning to raise funds tor a trip lo Brook lyn next Decoration day.

Hugh Graham, proprietor of the Montreal Star, and Ualcb, his reporter, were yesterday com ranted for trial at the next session of tbe court of queen's bench, on a criminal action for libel. Henry Outran) ot Sheffield, grand master of the English Odd Fellows, arrived here late last night, and was tendered a grand reception by bis brethren. He says times are not so bad in England as have been reported. FIKE RECORD. Fire at Norwood.

Further details of the loss by Sre at the printers ink manufactory of George H. Morrill at Norwood shows tbe fire to be much more severe than was telegraphed to yesterday's Globe. Tbe building consumed was built of brick, with iron roof, and formed an of the main building used for making inks. A watchman discovered the fire at 5.10 a. m.

yeslerdaj, and souuded the alarm, which was promptly responded to by tbe two local engine companies. The cbief engineer saw that the building could not be saved and directed all efforts to prevent tbe spread of the tire, which proved successful, although there was at one time but little hope as the oil and other materials used in tbe mixing department were ignited aid floated around upon the streams of water poured in from the bose. Efforts to stop the fire in tbe mixmg rooms were suspended, and at 11 o'clock it was stili burning. A Urge amount of materials in the manufacture of printers' ink. together with kettles and other stock were burned.

Tbe buildings are insured in twenty companies and ibe adjusters were upon tbe ground yesterday. The factory has been destroyed several times before. Mr. Howard of Norwood has received orders to rebuild at once. The entire property is insured in tbe following-named companies at the slated risks, but tbe building in which tbe fire occurred is, with contents, insured for 8 :300.

Some of tbe kettles destroyed were worth $2000, so that the entire loss will be about SIOOO in each of the Alliance, Fran Mm, Fanueil Hall and Neptune companies of Boston; also (loOO in each of the Fireman's of Baltimore, First National of Worcester, Rochester German, Northern. JEtna and Trade, all of New York; $2000 in each of the Newark. Citizens of St. Paul and Citizens of Missouri; Western, $3000; People's, 91500; Liverpool, London and Globe offices, 81500 aggregate. A New Hampshire Prison on Fire.

Concord, N. September 2. Tbe state prison caught fire late tbis atternoon in two places, on tbe belfry and the roof of the south wing. It was sneedily subdued, however, by tbe prison department. Toe loss is not heavy, principally from water.

The hook and ladder men wrenched oil the grating of the window in the women's department and rescued two female convicts. FOREIGN NEiWS. Tbe London Times on the Fishery Question. Lonpow. September 2.

Tbe Times, reviewing the fisheries qnestion. says the opinion expressed in the United States that the whole question will be settled between tbe state department, and tbe foreign omee, without tbe Nortn American colonies having a voice in tbe.matter, betokens a misapprehension of the polity of tbe British empire, which accords to its co onies freedom of action, limited only by imperial considerations. Tbe inshore tisueries are the inaiienaole heritage ot Canada and Newfoundland, and these countries must sav whether, and on wbat terms, participation in tn'em should be granted to a foreign country. It is 1 somewhat surprising that the United States, which owe their existence as a nation to the assertion of tbe very principle that a colony must bave a voice in sny negotiations which afiect it interest, snould not understand the same principle when asserted on beiiaif of Canada. The intrinsic value of the pro pert destroyed on the occasion or tbe Fortune Bay fracas i a mere trifle as compared with $103.

()'. and a that sum la tbe American estimate, some two or three boat beinf prevented making a single eaten of fish, tt looks as if the fishing privileges gramed by tbe treaty of Washington were of greater value than the people of tbe Uaited States have hitherto been willing to allow. It is satisfactory to find that tbe government at Washington repudiates all intention of asking any reconsideration of the Halifax award on the grouads or subsequent nl treatment of the fishermen. Were tbe fortune Bay claim the only surviving difficulty in connection witn tbe fisheries question, it would serve to show by its insignificance the dimensions to which a formidable matter has been reduced. Unfortunately the wcoie question will soon eotne up sgaic Auy further arrangement on the Halifax plan, unless preceded by a final and conclusive settlement of the headlands dispute and the rigbts of American fishing vessels in British North American ports, woaid be ansaustactorv.

Seeing that the tisbwnes question is a oid as the warot 1812, and tbat it is happily the only grave question etween the two cocutrie. sure it c.l for diplomatic action to settle it immediately and forever. The foregoing probably em bodies the official view of the question. Cable tea-Advices from Mandalay state that tbe British resident has quilted tbe city and the situation continues serious. A despatch from Warsaw says the czar attended a ball given by Count Kotsebue there.

His reception was moat enthusiastic Cotton operative in the Bomlev district have formed aa migration association, and some of tbe members will snortly start tor the United States. Tbe anniversary of ta capture ot Sedan was celebrated Berlin yeeterdav. and throughout Germany tbere was aaaea rejoteiag and general en tit uai as in. The Indignant Protest of an Injured Man. He Gives the Lie Direct to His Persistent Defamers, Courts the Closest Investigation into His Life, And Announces His Retirement from Public Positions.

Space Is cheerfully accorded to the Rev. W. H. H. Mnrray for tbe following statement from him.

It will be real with intense interest by every friend of the reverend gentleman: To the Prest of Boston Gentlemen, It is the first time, I believe, tbat I have ever intruded upon the press with a personal statement. Tbe fact that my affairs have of late been made the subject of public gossip and press comment is my apology for doing so at the present time. Your courtesy will be extended to me the more reaolly, perhaps, both because it is the first time in my life I have ever asUed it and because, I can assure you, it will be the last. I can cover the few necessary points briefly. It has been said I went away clandestinely.

It is false. I went on business, and my going was known to many. I had property to sell. I went to sell it. I bad money to collect, and I went to try to collect its.

I had losses to adjust, and I went to arrange them. I went openly to my destination. At San Francisco I roomed at a prominent hotel under my own name. I called on many business men. I was tbe guest of prominent citizens.

I visited ranches, factories, mines; I attended churches and public meetings--in short, I worked to do what I went to do, and as any business man would act I acted. Nor is there any doubt I should bave accomnlished all had not tbe unwise and unjust action of a few of my creditors in the east, and the slanderous lies of those, wiiC, lacking virtue themselves, credit all others with a share of their looseness, interrupted me in my plans and labors with tbeir miserable outbreak. Touching Mr Financial I have this to say: My current indebtedness was small, my time notes few. 1 had anticipated no stringency. Bat a failure to receive money from my business tbat I bad relied on, and then a farther failure to effect a temporary loan I had counted on If needed, made it unexpectedly necessary for me to ask a favor of several of my creditors.

I had no doubt, when I left for the west, it would be granted. By all rules of courtesy and justice in business I should bave been, tor my property was large and growing in value constantly. But the parties saw fit to act otherwise, and attached "30,000 worth of property to pay less than $o000 of debt, and hurried to a forced sale. My property is thus essentially out of my bands and beyond my control. My reditors have assumed tbe responsibility.

Verv well. They may go ahead. Tbey are wel come to all I bave earned and Ixid up by years of toil. The estate Is valuable enough If fairly administered to pay all claims against it, and le -ve a large surpius. If it does not, then, when tbe matter is settled I will go to work, if 1 bave health, and pay every man what remains bis due.

But I will not raise my finger to help in such Wicked Dot UK as Has Been Done Aaralnat Me. They may rob and murder me, but I won't offi ciate at my own fnneral. I won't assist them to make injustice respectable. A word about my public life: I retire from it. I utterly decline to remain in a service in which my noblest mo tives are traducd, my views grossly misinterpreted, and my best benevolence made tbe cause and ground of slanderous attacks.

A life In which 1 can have no quiet, no peace, no friends; in whicb I can show no courtesies and do no charities, unless at the risk of oeiag vilely lied about and slandered, is one I refusx longer to live. The world, I bave no doubt can get along well enough witbont me, and lam quite as certain 1 can get along well enough without the world. But thing I say and I take All Who Know Ansht of Mr 1.1 fe for the last fifteen years to witness the truth of it, that no good cause ever came to me tor advocacy and did not get it; no poor person ever came to my study or office in want of food or clothes and was not. according to my means, assisted; and no vile man or intriguing woman ever entered my presence and did not depart bating and threatening me with such evil as they can work. And now, leaving my property wholly to my creditors, and with my health seriously threatened, I turn from a manner of life I have ever disliked to a place and a mode of life I have ever loved.

Henceforth I shall certainly escape tbe envy, and I trust the malice, of men. It would seem that I have dooe enough of good to bave been treated differently, but it may be I am mistaken, or wbat has been would not have come. But doesn't matter. Very truly, TV. II.

H. Mcekay. NEW YORK REPUBLICANS. Gathering of the Clang for the State Convention Today. Saratooa, N.

September 2, 3.30 p. m. Large numbers of delegates continue to arrive on every train. Among the leading spirits now manipulating tbe wires is ex -Governor Fenton. What be is working at nobody seems exactly to understand.

He has not struck any open blow at tbe Cornell boom, and many think this confirms tbe rumors of a treaty between Messrs. Fenton and Conkling. The Cornell men are still making all the noise and "claim" everythiDg, but the opposition think there is a great deal of bluff in tbis and a plan to carry things with a grand fasilade on tbe first ballot. Starin's friend are coming in great numbers and propose a torchlight procession and otber pyrotechnics, but tbey can bardi nominate their man with brass bands and fireworks in such a convention as this. They are very confident, and base their hopes on Starin's well-known ability and liberality, his integrity and freedom from factions.

Tbere is not much said about otber candidates, though their friends are numerous and working hard. A two-days' session seems inevitable. Senator Conk ling is to be temporary chairman and Vice-President Wheeler permanent chairman. Several big guns are loaded tor speeches and many powerful efforts may be anticipated. ERIE'S TROTJBIjES.

Continaation ot the Legislative Committee's Investigation into tbe A flairs of tbe Erie Railway. Saratoga, N. Y-, September 2. The railroad investigation was resumed this morning. Little's examination was continued.

He remembered Smith as one acting as agent for the Erie Company in London. He was not sure the amounts paid by McHenry to Smith were allowed la McHenry's account witn the Erie Company. He thought if any items therein were for the payment for proxies they were not allowed. Judge Shipmao said these payments for proxies vera now a subject of li ligation in London. Little, resuming, said, as to regulation fees tor stock he did not know whether tbe trie company paid tbis or not.

't he witness was requested to produce tbs Smith sad McHeory accounts at a future meeting. How much of tbe stock aad bonds received from Jay Gould in the F.rie settlement with bim were charged to profit and low A. 1 do not know that any were charged. Noma went to tbe reclamation account, to whicb we charged items we considered wortnless. My recollection is that it now stands b-tween to.OOO.OOO and f6.000.000.

trie owns about stock of tbe Union Steamboat Company, which runs a boat from Buffs ou tbe lake. Little's examination was cere suspended, to be eoouaued at the committee's meetings in New Tor. Mr. JDepew presented the following exhibit, previonslv called for bv thecomm lte: Statement ot tbe freight earnings tor the fiscal year euding September 30, 187f. divided as follows: Through between New York stations and East Buffalo, Bulfalo.

Black Roek aod bridge, nl.O,145,ltf7 3tf, less overcharges, $1.613,03 i)7, equals J3 42; local aad expresses, 11,012,228 85. less overcharges, 56, equals 29; net total, $19,045.82 71; gross receipts. 24; total overcharges, 53; balance. 71. At 11.

SO a. m. the coram It te adjourned. The nb-coTimittee will meet in JKechester. September 10, and Buffalo on Monday or Tuesday following.

I be investigation will be continued hereafter in New York. Keaaloa of the Fifry-Tbtrtt BegtmenU GtiDKn, September 2. The annual renaion ef the Fifty-third Begimeat. M. was held, as Crvstal tase teday.

a very fall attendance baUj yieseat. Xae leUevusg oansBaa erxaaiaa. timizea uy me pans. Shot. Dead Through th Head.

Saw FitANCTuro. September 2. Dndley Haskell shot George Schwartz through the bend this morning, killing him instantly. Tbe parties were en aged in a dispute, and after a short exchange of words Haskell, in retaliation for the use of an opprobrious epithet by Swam, drew a pistol and tiri twice at the latter with fatal results. One report is that Schwartz fired firet, but tbe general belief is that tbe only shots came rom Haskell's pitttol.

An ettempt to lynch iskell was frus-trasted by the timely arrival of the poiice. Injured While Shackling Cars. Frank Handy of Manchester, tbe employ of tbe Concord and Portsmouth railroad as brakesman, was seriously injured yesterday while engaged in shackling cars at tbe Greenland depot. His right leg was broken In two places near tho thigh, and the lower part was badiy cut between the knee aud foot, he was taken to Portsmouth and bv Dr. Hull, who made him as com lortable as possible.

A Ferocious Fnll. Vieia-t. N. September 2. In May last James N'eill, a farmer, was attacked by a bull on bis farm and seriously injured.

He bad just recovered, and yesterday ws attacked by the same bull, when bis left arm was torn from its socket, several ribs broken, and be would have been killed but for his wife, who drove oil the bull with a pitchfork. Krntal Assault on a Sailor. Gloucester, September 2. John Canen-der, skipper of the schooner Alfred "Walen, kicked William Kiley in a brutal manner this evening, bruising bim severely about tbe head, because be would not go on board tbe vessel. It wag a most lubumaD affair, as Riley was helplessly Intoxicated aud unaDie to defend himself.

Nearly Torn to Pieces bv a Lion. Cincinnati, September 2. While the Transatlantic circus is parading the' streets of Mayfield. a boy twisted the tail of tbe lion, which bung outside the cage, causing tbe animal to assail and nearly tenr to pieces his keeper, wbo rode inside witti the beasts. The keeper is alive, but badly torn up.

XJiirgrlurr In Haverhill. Hatt.bhii,l, September 2. This evening, between 7 and 8 o'clock, the grocery store of Ira Hunt, ICO Merri mac street, was entered by a burglar and 840 was taken from tbe monev drawer. Two clerks were in the counting-room back of the store at tbe time, but failed to either see or hear tbe burglar. A Whole Family Poisoned.

Elizabeth, N. September 2 A family named Susick at Linden, consisting of father, mother and four children, were poisoned last night by eating tends too Is for mushrooms. Two children were dead this morning, and tbe other two dying. The parents are sick, but recovering. Fatally Kicked by a Horse.

Faid River, September 2. A six-year-old son of A. M. Kobertson of Tiverton was kicked tbis evening by a neighbor's horse wandering loose on the road, and his skull fractured. Drs.

Terrv and Abbot removed several pieces of bone, but bis injuries are probably fatal. Postponed. Jersey City, N. September 2. Tbe second trial of Jennie R.

Smith and Cove D. Bennett will probably be postponed until tbe October term, as nothing can be done until the return of Judge Kuapp from Northern Colorado. A Contractor Shoots a Laborer. Madisov. September 2.

George Anderson, road contractor, sbot and killed Charles Turner, a laborer, on the turnpike near Carrolton, Ky. Anderson discharged Turner and this led to the quarrel and shooting. Fifteen Miners Killed. fBv Cable to The Boston Globe.l Paris, September 2. A terrible colliery explosion occurred today at Bouchamp.

In the department of Saute Saone. Fifteen miners were killed and many others injured. Urowned. ST. John, N.

September 2. Alfred Mundy, the eldest son of Captain Edward Muuiy of the British brig Hellen Marion, was drowned last evening in tbe Riubibucto river. Tlie body has not been recovered yet. Minor A carpenter working on Fowler street. Salem, vesterdsy, tore the flesu from two fingers and badly cut one of his tbumbs with a plane.

George Brown, an employe of the horse railroad in while splitting wood yesterday, was struck over tbe eye by a tlyins billet of wood, out-ting a painful gaso. Somebody broke into the stable of Kueben Lamprey on the Liberty Hill rod, Salem, yesterday, breaking open a tin pedler's wagon and stealing a portion of bis goods. Thomas Shea, master of the schooner J. H. Miller, Wlscasset, attempted suicide by snooting vesierday morning, and his recovery is do ubt-tful." Pecuniary trouble was the cause.

IN THE CITV. Accidents. Arrests and Troubles Generally. Officer Grant of Station 8, yesterday, arrested Cornelius Sheeban for assault aud battery on William McCarthy, on Commercial street. Anoie Riley, twelve years of age, living at 12 "Woodward avenue.

South Boston, fell tbe yard of the Andrews School, yesterday, and fractured her arm. She was taken to the city hospital. lhe schooner Wilds was posing through tbe draw of the Warren bridge yesterday when tbe hawser broke. The schooner drifted against tbe baiu-bouse and damaged the building to the extent of S50. Patrick Monaban, living st 21 Benton street, employed at the Bmckley loeomolive works, was ecHeiitatlv struck in the bead by a trip-oatumer.

He received a scalp wound, which was dressed at tbe city Michael Casbman of 68 street. South Boston, while at work on the Swett street sewer, yesterony morning, was struck on the head by a piece of timber, whicb caused a slight scalp wound. He was taken to the city hospital. William MeCarron, seven years of age, residing at 10 Noyes place, while stealing ride oa Steele's express wagon, on Blacksione street tast evening, fell off and was run over. He was taken to the city hospital wnare it was found that bis left leg was fractured.

James Welch, a fisherman. 27 years of age, living cn I ecatar street, hast Boston, get into a row on Commercial whaif yesterday morning with one James araey. luriu? thj scrimmage that ensued Welch was knocked down and had his right leg badlv fractured. Ha was taken to Station 8, where Dr. Fleminug dressed the limb, and then sent him to tbe city hospital.

Carney was afterwards arrested by Officers Grant and Finn of Station 8. At Oakland garden last evening, a German woman, weighing about 200 pounds, got drunk and created a disturbance. Tbe otScers tried to quiet her, but were at last obliged to take ber to station 9. she refnssd to give her name, but said sbe was forty years of ane, wud lived at 84 Dover street. Wbile sbe was in the station-house she became very boisterous and broke a large pne of glass in one of the doors, sbe was put dowu-stairs, and shortly afterwards tell In a fit.

Lr. Finn was called, and be recommended her removal to the city hospital, which was done at a late hour. A case of suvation in a thickly-settled part of the city was fonnd last evening by tte police. Between 6 and 7 o'clock an omeer of Station 1, found, somewhere in the Cove, a man lying on tbe sidewalk. Ha was insensible and tbe officer at hrst thought be was drunk.

Oa examination, however, it was found from the emaciaLed condition of the man that he ws dying of starvation. He was dressed very Eoorly in a dark bine blouse and cordorov pants, was a ooot thirty vears of age, and, from bis complexion. Indicated tbat be was an lvaUaa. ban tu jcer lust Xouna hi at eras TO-DAY We Offer a Job Lot of Strictly All-Wool GENTLEMEN'S SUITS, of our own manufacture, from all-wool anttlng. 1 hey are worth today, every suit.

H3, but are broken In ie, and being la that coudiiioa we shall close tbsin at SO per Suit. This the most astounding bargain that we have off' r'd tin st ton. a there Is not a suit ID the entire lol tbt ws have sold previous to this due less tbaa 12. Just double the price noir charged. We also Offer Another JOB LOT, Including about a half dozen htylen of GENTLEMEN'S Strictly All Wool Suits, Inelndinn: some strlss that bave been sold by us this Minn at SI4.

1. Tfits lot is also broken In sizes, bnt any one who la fortuuata enough to obtain a Qt out ot this lot will save from fUS to HIS tn tha purchase of a suit, as wo hall close this lot at 8 per Suit. A SMALL LINE OP Strictly Ail-Wool BOYS' SUITS, Are 4 to 10 Tears, $3. Harked down from 85. SO A SMALL LINK OP Strict lv Ail-Wool BOYS' SUITS, At4 to lO Years, $3.50.

Marked down from S(l. WILMOT'S, Old Store, 263 Washington St, Reread Door above Herald OJoVe. SOUTH KM) STORE, 747 to 751 Washington Street, A TERRIBLE GALL Great Damage to and Crop Fifty-three Coal Barges Sunk. rtTTBru, September 2. The eoal men of this city have advice of ibe destructive torsi at Htm Orleans last night, which (unk fifty-three real boats of a total value of $247,010.

Of these iklrty-flve were owned lu this city, ana worth el out 170.000. I he loss will not be total. lil-iHi)iit tbut one-naif can be recovered. pLicronimtiniciietig are interrupted below Memphis, and the owners can get no particular. Ibesionu seem to bare been a Terr bear; and destructite one.

Great Daruase to luidlnct and Crops. XlOBf. 4X City, September 1 Noon. A hurricane i prevailing. The barometer baa fallen 10 siuce 10 a.

new 2H.70, and is still falling, laeitaels tncrcoauij. li 1 impossible to five eeiaiis ot ccilenb to prier I be eteamboala mmn tl Alberia are sunk; a portion of the iron ihl Moraa's wharf iud a portion of the rapine stimt Mown din; also Frwin'i ioa hnue. Some dwellings re blown from their fouBUkliora. Ids lmmg craps along tbe leche must be tiuniene. A saw-mill at Berwick, across tbe bay, is own down.

ilp. m. Ibe Iti. isrim church nl new cnool tionM are bl jn down. A lerntio csle nre-Mi 1 Up re rliHKW.

4 ra. More nut Tech warehouse is blown own and was earned across From street, Injuring U.e stores of IxMtiaaii A. Kitaaa. lhe gale is urnoie this evmiuc NtHr Ibe erapb wire went aowu. So furuier news roi-eived.

C.eneral Butler's Movement. CiirAuo, 111., September Genaral Butler tclrgrspus lie will attend the fair lo be keld Ko. lilord iu this rroiu the ISth to in rompan with hief iu tod Orncrai .1. 11. Mariindale of the vuu-nii! board of tUe national soldiers' beaie.

Sltx oiiacn wi. Central Sbcndao la TieiUait his aed mother in eomrrs-t, O. Twaia arrived in New York yesterday on We iutiir tiama. He ha been abaent in tier-aay over a year. Order were revived at the Portsmouth.

X. yard yeverdav to pit the l'ciiid Stales it.r tor sea as seoo as te-tipurary repa ra bmj made, and sues sue will sail. The suth reunion of the nrst Maine Cavalry Place at Lewistoa yesterdar. 1 be toilowin" sTfr Ter rrei.ienw tnerat t. baa.

H. lei resiaent. Captain W. S. Howe; Treasurer.

LieaEeoant O. S. r'1- bo ad red and fifiv vnrsn were nd Cv wr- mad4 la Ui9 vaaiac i U4 ocai sh Uaat Umpire John J. Eean of stou. Total bases Bostons, 16 Br cktons.6.

First base on errors Bost Brocktons. 3. Liti on bases Bostonu, Brock-tons, 4. Passed balls Purritigton, I. Bases on called ba ls Cogswell, Morrill, McLaughlin.

Struck on' Stougbtou2: Cogswell, Monlll, Shaunessy. Tbr e-base bits Qniun. Jones. Wild pitches H'-aunassv, 7 Strikes sailed Off Mhtunessv. 16; oft Foley.

11. Bulls called On Sbauiieasy. on Foley, 7d. Time of same 1 hour 40 miuutes. Woroesters.

IO; Holvokes. 5. Wokcisiek, September 2. Tbe Worresters arrived home this morning at 8.30 o'clock, and after reaching tbe Bay State House Captain J. W.

ad-ley, on behalf of tbe police force, presented Charles W. Bennett a beautiful gold-he ded cane, in recognition of bis services on tbe diamond. I bis afternoon tbe Worceslers played an exhibition gums with the Holvokes on tbe Agricultural grounds. Nichols pitcUi-rLup to tbe sixth inning, tbe visitors getting but three hits otf htm. In the sixth inning Kicbmcnd pitched aud the visitors baited him for five hits.

The home nine did not make an error up to tne eighth inning. Owing to tbe tents and the number of spectators perambulating tbe fair grounds the players did not have as mnch scooo as usual. It. will 'be noticed bv, the score, which follows, that tbe Worcesters are credited with nnlv twentv-six put-outs, (Tillespie having been bit with a batted The score: Inninsrs I 234 5 6789 Worcesters 3 4 0 0 2 0 1 010 Holvokes 0 0 0 100040 5 Umpire-J. B.

Richmond. Paused balls Roche, 6. Mrnck out Worcesters. 6: Holyokes, 6. Two base bits Wool, Irwin, Powell.

Sullivan. Three-nase hits Whitney, Winchester. Earned runs Worcesters. Holvokes, 2 Wild pitches Valentine. 2.

Balls called -Valentine. 103; Kichmond, 6o; Nichols, 69. Time of game -3 hours. Base Ball Note. At Cleveland, yesterday, Uop Bitters, Forest Citys, 0.

Tbe picked nine of the East Boston ferries and a picked nine of the Bartlett street conduct oi and drivers ot the Metropolitan railroad will play a mat' game of base ball on Monday next at Strawberry Hill, Nantasket long beach. Tbe Worcesters will play tbe Bostoo on the local grounds on tbe lltn, tbe Cleveland on the 16th. and tne Cnicagos on the Irith. Ou the ltrth and 20tb tbey play two chamuionsnip vamos with the Holyokes in Hotyoke. Tbey started on their southern tnp last evening at 7 o'clock.

IN GENKKAL. This Evening: at A Us ton Sail. The seventy-flve-bour "go-as-you-please race between P. Napoleon Campaoa (Old Sport) and John Hnghes (better known ss "tbe will commence this evening at Alia ton Hall, under the management of Mr. Fred.

J. Engelbardt. Tbe race is for a wager of $200 a side, which amount has been placed in tbe hands ot Mr. Iiau O'Leary, tbe well-known pedestrian champion, wbo bus kindly consented lo act as treasurer and referee. Mr.

Hughes arrived in tbis city yeswrday, aud during tbe day made a practice spin of ten miles In the ball, without an effort, in 1 hour 5 minutes 45 seconds. He says be can do much better, even on this track, twenty-eight laps to tbe mile. He also states tbat be will beat Old Sport. However, haturday night will tell the tale. At 7 o'clock in tbe evening Frank Hart, wbo is one or the contestants in the Anlev belt contest, will run tea miles and try to beat Mr.

Hughes' record of yes-terday. He will be coached by Uan n'lary. At the conclusion of Hart's spin, which will be in the neighborhood of 8 o'clock. Cam nana aod Hughes will start on tbeir seveoty-hve bour race. Brtgntoii Keach Karen.

New Yokk, September 2. The races at Brighton beach continued today. The first race, for a purse of (250, one mile and a furlong, was won by Sunlight; Claudia secood. Time, 2.01. Tbe seeoBd race, for a purse of 200, three-quarters of a mile, was won by I'irate; Mecco second.

Time, 1.18. The third race, for a purse of 350, one mile and three quarters, was won by Willie IX; Viceroy second, ime, 3.101. Tbe fourth race, for a purse of t3(iO, two miles, over eight hurdles, was won by Kelso; Katie F. second. Time.

3.66. The Khamrocks Challenged, Chablestowjt, September 3. We. the under signed, do hereoy challenge tbe Shamrock crew of Manchester, N. to row a three or fnur-iuile race in four-oared working-boats, to be rowed on the gunwale, for 100 a tbe race to take place within ten days from time of sitting articles.

Yours, Bow Charles J. McCarthy, Thomas Mootr, Chablkk Stroke Tho O'Roukki. St. Mary's erew, Cnarlestown, Mass. Tbe Caaev Brothers AaiVMsd.

In answer to tbe challenge in last Sunday's Globk, issued by the Casey brothers to us, we resoeetiullv s.ate we will meet the at tbe time and place iht tbey named and complete arrange -cents tor two sinxle-scnil races. M. F. MrtPET. J.

Caret. Of the Blacksmith erew. The Beachmont rifle elnb yesterday had a shoot at their range. Following are the scores made at 20O yards range: G. E.

Kverett 4 44574445 544 He-entry 3 45446445 443 E. Bnnoett 4466445 4 fee-entry 6 4444644 4 C. M. Uueth 3 44444454 4 t'l I Re-entry 4 4 4 6 4 4 5 4 4-41 How.rda ryer 4 44445342 8 37 Ke-entry 4 4.taa i The Best Shootiatc on Kecord. Jersey City.

N. September 2. Tbe best shooting en record was made at tbe West End yeeterday. Inera were eleven competitors, GoO varus, any ririe. HalmDe made lH'J out o' a possible sou, ana scorea tnir.y-seven consecutive bull's eyes.

Another gentleman did nearly aa well. Eeverlr Yacht Clnb. At the request of the Nahasset Tacbt Clnb. tlie regatta announced for Saturday. September 6th, off Nahaot, will be postponed nulii Saturday, September 13th, at same time aad place.

I program -e ta a.t otoer respects will remain us. cuanged. The John Earns Race. Tbe John Enais seventy-Sve-bonrs ato-as-you-pleave rae wui begin in Music Kail this eveuijg. All the arrangeieenta for the race have been completed, the track laid and most of the eonteetaata arrived.

Tbey at, oeecpy tbe eomfnrtasue quarters Utat have been allotted to them by tbe management, At 7 o'clock Mr. Eaaia mil give a tea-miie exhibition la a -e-a-yoo-lae." which he calcaiatea to do 1 bear aad 10 aiiaatea, as.

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