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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 7

Portsmouth, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A A 23, 19'11 A I I A ROBERT M1NERY AS AN INVENTOR STEEL CO. GETS OPTION ON TWO ACRES OF LAND Busy Days For The Socialists A stock to limim-e ami mi tlii? market nmv invpn- ol' KolWrt-Miuery is a ami may receive consideration 1 LYm-i Hie Uoard of Trfidc. Mr. -MUicry, who is tin N'. rrpuir foreman nt tin? Terminals, lins in- vviitctl a lU-vico eliminates die-king noise caused when i mills pass over rail joints mid' make travel juM-fWtly nnil noiseless.

inven- IMS appealed to ami received I i nn dorse mo nt of some high of- iiriuls of the N. VT. These luivcj finontiniged him -into jroin i land, afternoon Ihc rights and iulercstinrr' the brick nKinufae-tur- feeling positive -sooner i i i district usnmst the It ilcfi'loned Tlmrsdny that the I'orlsmoutli company has secured MI Djitioii of two ncrcs of immediately west of their plnnt. Tlic will lie closed; this week. It was rumored Thursday i a tlio irrounti was to used as site for the long talked at blast furiiaee.

This WHS denied Aha! Suter Has Clew Tin-re will bu lit Joii.K in la- PI 1 ft 11 I A 1 rtr oal Socialist circle A A JJ ui'XL Uu I i a uigl.t Soeinlisl urKHiiiz.itiu:! wiU 1 at Sciolovilks ibv will be chici orgniiitor. evtir intot Join.) Suter, tlie meilioiiic by tli.c officials. The TjclTcvcs lie the will In; used for switching men who committed tlie robberyj" 'at II. T. lonu gffk-u 1 lo few ilnvs Bfjo: Doo says lie saw two well droned boon! lia11 li0 lUt N.

W. northbound freight Speechless rTor- Tlianks "I find CVrdui lo ba Oti Jim Jay nn i u.ition will LM? lu-M at i i louil a ill Gallia Tin' ml Clay Btrm, for the i il rvicjiiiitf mrniiiai the i i i inn i i i to Lt UET, I i i tho or nllcgiid at- i lEulelkecper Steel Company Places Big Order For Repairs lias I I I nn order with il I i i A Company, of 1'ittsburg, alt Uio i rj job-! A l.iiri:t=,tclisl ivill bitig inilU. 0 1VCII Yf Leg ihe lo oc she lo i out on Thursday inor Tim flay bc-, T(lc bousing, rolls, cnsinos it will ncl him a fortune. various southern mails lizard. be TUP is mmle liiuf the mil- train just nliovc Iho depot Tnes- von represent," writes Mrs.

frJiKv and it wns only few Hi in- li. York, ol this city. "I suffered utcs-later when lie learned ol the front nilmontB, for vo'inpry. fur tiie scMniiug ol ihe itexican bonier two years, before I trictl Cnrdui. i hnvo bcc-n so relieved since a i if.

I cimnot enough 113 A Cold, LaGrlppe, Then Pneu monia a a i hccn in.scriiu- too often tho fnial sequence. a i lor I I I I i i i i a It lias ilonc me world of Folry's Iloncy mid Tnr expels al brick men. A comiiiis-! jjuoJ. and 1 i to colJ. chrcks tho I i an.l pn-j i 0 1 apiwillU'd hv i i a noinen." is uvi'r 50 years pneunionin.

It is a i 0 will liave iU, llic deniaiul is greater to- Bn rohnhlo eo.igli i i i a rye rlr i a th.m Carjui is the, stniul- a i no "Folcy If i i men's i is ard, tonic inwliehic. for women llcney nnd Tar 15 Ihc host cousn: i i i a i i yon like to bo the 10 was for the nnd oso of i i i i i i i a i i i the ilexi- a iii5iirrcetiouials ivbv i jrnom thi i i i thoir freedom Oio satni: ook imn.i forefathers i Ho paid thai. 1:10 VERY LOW reiiipily over nsci5 ns[i|)cd a severe cough hud Kn'in, I'rinccton, Xcbr. Just so quickly surely it nets in cfl-i'a of coughs, colds, laprippc: anil trouble. It is as Sfifc for your as yourself, anJ sliouhl t-o in n'l of croup, wlioop- ins; conph and mfasTca Refuse substitutes.

Fisher Sercich, I'ortstpotith, Ohio. iiRli i tl)1 nmcroo a strong The, tnka 1( iall Mr Bond Ordinance Will Be Passed At tho meeting of tlie New lios- II. Were in Ironton. Messrs. Tlinmas MoQnaidc aud John IJickliam were" here from yesterday, on a busi- a Escel- says'Ihc Iron- noss i i i i i i ftior Shoe Ionian.

Calvin JohuHou appcni'cd before Mayor Kenrcy Thursilfiy and why he fired a pistol shot nt his home on 1 i Barber Is HI. m'Jjrmn lina iiiSiiincd a very ieiiJi Eire grcntly alarmed. itr. GoodniELii 5n(Tcred severe hemorrhage Wednesday three upon the siigf-'stion treet ami for no i i pose. Oti SaturJa.v, Ai-ril Stli.

an eloquent So a in list pr of New will ti-c-liiri New RoMoru of luck. iigrvotl to drop tho ju promiso hU amount of vl to tak him back ai ,1 him his old Uintfs Hoiiso. The nira Auil the casu wns or hns QIways borno a Clothing Insurance For Women. rfttbor uu'. let a i i i i i I nf liiien, cotton ftii-L u-ool, nnd these fabrica are torn to pieces Hotel i Is Christened 'The Alpha' i i i iiolci 11 a a on! Vul- i fine physicians tire now in nlniost con- by ilic alkalies nnd can si Lei wjiioii it out ilra.

A. S. are (In: a i v.Lmpui!L*ir. piiri uf KIT, a i a Mrs. and must of ibc yellow rosin on three iliko, John Schilder, arrivcrl- from Chilli- cotho Thurstlay morning, and oth- I market.

If honest sonp wh i eleiiiiaiup an-3 you 11 er relatives in Coluni'ous, i a i proiKTticn, yon insure and other cities have i Have life' 10 Court Husk, Imiopt'inlcnt Order the popular first chair man uE barber shop, was off duty Thursday on account of illness. ENGINES ON AIR SHIP WORK FINE n.i Ainiii Sprigs ol' 1-fast KiEflitli nd stn-ct, i iiiuUVll tlireo cd strjis iiiul InT brok- iii i In: i it MMS tiiiH 1 uH'orc she could aronsi 1 i i i i Stic pluck- I ily a the housit mill notiiird tin 1 i i i i pfiysiciau. who rodiu'i'd-llin tViicturo, whieU is not a serious onu. The engines in the York noro- llano tested Thursday morning and they worked smoothly and sntiai'actorily. "Raymond York is in York to got some ningnetoa for tho ciigino.

L'pon his return aeroplane mako its first i a flight. An eiperienoed viator from New York will man the madiino. ton council tonight an ordinance IlitfMaml avenue ihe other i i ho passed to vote upon a said lie had ordered ft prow-; The musical event the SfliNK) honil issue. It will be to on nnd when ho fail-1 son at the Central tr. improve the nnd 1 1 ri fil fj OI1 sh to church, March 23rd.

20-4 Hie village, which arc in -Mayor eould sec slMtx 1 Tt is thought Die issuoi 0 0 i -Tohiison's net mifl ('jirrie Conpur, of Boundary put 1o a vote will curry. Affy. Bannon In Chillicothe I said every cUizcn right to I protect himself and home and 'dismissed tin; euutraetor. is ill i measles, ling unconscious for the pnst four Burned Woman Doing Nicely Mrs. Kobert Johnson, of Frost, Goes To Cincinnati. Forosfcrw, niytit, from pure tallow, cocoamit oil to ciispcnsn with initiation borax, contains no destniciivc nrr Joi 1 ihe Jicxt 30 dnyb to givo factor, li is rt District Organizer Harris of Cow i heap, mast effect LVD in iu! litinbiis, en opportunity to work demising qualities Five conts class. Mr. Harris arouscil cake. i i C'litbiislitstii Ijy liis eloquent An open meeting will 1)0 E. H.

Wishon Lost 50 Pounds E. H. Wisliun, who hns Ijoen ill for several wanks is ablo, bo ont, but he is hardly recognizable. Ho lost TtO in fico weeks, dropping from 220 to 170 pounds, lie in feeling much lict- ter, however. Lungs Declared Soaad-- life Insurance Granted.

I Twhc ileaih you try lo in yo irJnibtr of inroplc, wo cot ConsumpUvea ir.ilucfr to tnlte notlilnff about Jt. for We know ilio incdlcEne. Wo krow thi people curcO of Ihoin. tho of cure of manj--- and Kfllda- from nomo. Wo A (o tell lltofcc tvlio luns cllLcarfl what i by uce I the foHou-jner 1S1B PHlO- JPa. "On HIP i of Alay 13, JS07. I lind live lu Ky wlio painfully biiriifid IK I-rost, kersi-H Al i of tin? N. stur cl'l hj- court next Wednesday fo BKO a i at Kast Portsmouth, to Cincinnati for a daysj lioiling wnter, nicely. Hear the local artift, Wm. H.

i visit. I Burkel, Thursday evening, 20-4 Rock well Out of Danger Lila Rox'kweH, of LuiNisvili' who recently had legs broken in a bail aceidont is now considered out of Klin in tin; dmiRhtqjr of nnd Mrs. I Howard Kloti tlila city, vrhi ve 1619 KUIIIIL-TIUIIIIB wio was cucc'd 1 RUi-lcil to Kjckman'a abouL thr Utter a Ot, 13IT. Improved at tiruo and In about I I started to weight. I itcadtly.

Later, very bad Inmentsa dc-i velupcd In my rlfjlil leg onil I comtr.enCfra gel a lump on my h'P- doc loIJ me I was gntJually dlsappcare'l. Have r.ot hid IrouMo of a a ulncc. Since my recovery about year -I tceepteil for Uio ir.suritvce, Kite previously 1 nip. Vlcltman'n nr.d tliose who It faith- haU ranifi a- myself." (SIsncd Artl.lavLl) (J3IAS. SIORQA.S, Aa'thinn, Hny Tliroat (inrt lainr Ask for uoolcli'tor*s«» and i the I bora lory.

1 fornd'Ulinnal For Sale by nil at Thd Fishflrfc Strcicli Pharmiov PortsiFioiith. Ohio. llc-nry T. linnnon in Sit-oibc Thursday tookiiiK nflc W. Ijnsinrss.

Thu roinpany will soon i tlirntigii city, final haviny; been por- To Turn Over Several Streets The council of Now Boston 1 liiT.ingorl tn turn over sovernl new Kti-octs anil alleys to the 1'orts- Timuth -Steel company. Tin? stoe) in return will give tho vil- sufTieiont pronnd to dedicate: fcuvorfil streets find nlleys. Don't fail to hear one of our home boys in a violin recital. 20-4 Affy. Millar Closed Deal Attorney Kcignr F.

Millar lias from Cliicflgo, iv.liorc i closed up tin- v. ln-ivliy Portsmouth ntockholj- ii'- in tlin Jliickeyc t. i i a sell out to Tliomns V'niltlinj; of (lint city. DON'T WANT ANY BODS HANGING AROUND STORE! William nppc.iloil police NVcdiiesdFiy r.iirht to vii'inily of his nml Waller streets follows who make pra-- in' InafinL- I i anil in front of Ms ilispiay Not A Word of Scan da. i 1 Ihf call of ft neighbor on: W.

P. Spongll, of rtr taid: "She toW me New I.ifo Tills Iiiid r-- of kidnej trouble, her fed like new -'7. bat suro remcjy for Btomach.l ntid kidnc.v troubles. a Tr.o Fislier Streich a i I'orbmoutli, Ohio.

Over Roofing Job. C'iirjif-ntor CharK-s cf tin- H. 0. is- riiilii-olfie to tlio roof of th-! fri'iL'lii house. Prancing Swiftly Toward Us Comes Glad Springtime, Demanding That We Buy Bright Attire to Welcome Her Arrival.

OTTE ESTABLISHMENT IS. READY FOR SPRING--READY WITH COUNTLESS NEW FABRICS AND'READY TAILORED GARMENTS. RIGHT AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE SPRING SEASON IS THE TIME TO BUY BECAUSE YOU CAN USE AND ENJOY YOUR CLOTHES THE WHOLE SEASON THROUGH. Mens Tailored Suits For Spring! Sniis are having the cr.ll this spring, and our lin' is particularly strong in popular as well ns the higher priced suits. We have a superb showing at Ladies' New Long Coats The full length coats are very popular.

We showing inanv graceful wraps in the popular wcnvi-s for spring, priml at $7.50, $30.00. $12.50 and up SPECIAL VALUES in 54 inr-h sci-gt- '-nuts ai and $12.50. Xavy aivl Tan. An Exclusive Showing of Corsets Be fittwl with (lie proper corset before having your or gown fitted. If yon let us fit it.

yon will be l)et- New models are in anil on sole. A corset i overv figure. Prices $1.00 to $5.00 1 Dainty Waists to $20, $25 and Up to $45.00 Smart Dresses Tailored lingerie, silk and Middy They're all here awaiting your inspection selection. Prices $1.00 to The New Skirts Are Here Fur early spring and summer or fur any ui-easioii of dress, r'or after noon 'and evening wear there is nothing equal to the little simple gowns silk chiillii- fine Serge. are showing all the good new style- ideas and they are priced very rea-sonahly.

i In Country. i -r. Ifj at Crt.V Furnace. "ik-i i.i lit-ctf-penning'-i, 31 MftM Your FricnJs Our New Handsomely Furnished Waiting Room. SeconJ Floor.

We've received the new style creations for spring and summer wear as regards to skirts. The fabrics, the tailoring and the lit are all in keeping with our high standard. Prices always reasonable. Meet Your Friends, Write Your letters. Our at Our Room.


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